t '.I ' 1L J-L -THS rowr.HS Wtt DELEGATED TO .THE I'.N'H F.tl iTATE B THR (0?ISTITl"T10?t, 50R I'tOHIKITVD T IT TO THK STATES, KtK CSEBVED TO THE 1fE BESPElTtVEUf, TO HI 'KOFII!. .Air4ierU faife Ckmlfm, AfticU X. 1) AUSTIN & C F. FlSllXI ' Editor ami" Ytrttiot-; 't- SALISBURY, N CV AUGUST la NO. Ml, OF VOL. XX. OK CAROliXIAN. n Western Carolinian is publibhcd every Fai- nil t Two Dullars per annum it paid in advance, or Two Dollar tod Fifty tcnts if no1 P"1 bee tlie e" miration of three month. , vv " p N paper will be discontinued until all arrearages - ire taw, utile at the discretion of the Editor; and a failure to notify the Editor of a wish to discontinue f the end of a year, will bo eoiwidercd as a new en- jjXertwemerit wjll bo eontpienmndy and cij'rrectly inserted, at one dullrt per square tor the first insertion, tmi cu"1 fur each vmtiimanc-Court and Judicial -Jlvertisenieiit will be chirked 25 per cent more tiian the tbc-v price A deduction ot fftj per cent from Hie regular price will bo made to yearly advethra. . Adortiaenienl aent in for publication, must have ilia - ytuubo of tww worked on them, f thfywiflt t ttttcr- ' led till loruta, ana cnr ror ccoruiugij. -4 iMitn addressed to the EdkWou business muU bel :, ptt faid, or they will not be attyndwA ta ' j - from tie; Chmbett't Edinburg JowImI.. ' v MONSIEUR J)URANCE. i - . V TBI MAM Of Tlli tWO ADVEMTtlRtiS, ' IieiW destined early for a mercantile proftanioh, win sent whenHrtrrtrtif fiftecTtXfednTro' ' iiuurdoaux,' in order to acquire tlio know ledge re- quiJite forny proposed pursuits, in tho counting. i . . kous of oneol the urst eatttblisluuents in that n Vientcity, llie head of this firm, -which was an extremely wettlthy one, was M. Durance, a geii: tleman who, frohi an old friendship for fuiher, " took me Idto hit own house, and whs niosl parent ally kind to iiie.',xJJI. Durance was well up in vears. round and ruddy in an;t. social in" bis habits, and possessed f one of the; Very best of " - s t a 11 ; liearts 110 naa one loioie, noweycrvnicn .made the good soul almnt intolerable to mankind. Not i withstanding the great extent of the btwinCs he had conducted, ha had seldom bt-en out of Hour. deaux. H had only onco been nt Pahs,' but ihat 'omt) was enough. . On that occasion h had niet TVitfi' lwi a dtcntitt't. Oh; Ihbste twq irrfvwitiires T Tongue cauuot tell, nor brain conceive, the delight wbiub the worthy man took in narrating these in. - tidqits, llljs frieud jver le llierly in a rtnte of perpelunl alarm.. They never hearH tho words, uid you ever bear m tell" or een, "Fhd ; ' i jo internal ebvoMer, and an instant ret reMt if p,: . fil.le. M D'd, youliself wasnotijib to bring out. I cool perspiration. 'Forlf ttte'gond old merchant once began, panne or rest was-out of the nejtion jifjlie succeeding couple of hours. . I low often - havj I buett' compelled, after (hiiner, to listen to tliwtwe eternal advetituresr It was not that they , verMDioteretmg in themeelves, On the contra , rj, ihry wro4 a very remarkable order, and ' idil uiOie remarkable havigg occurred at one cand tl saena (ime.- Hot who can hstEn "even to feood thin? forever !'"NeHrtlK'Ioj w it htu ;iUTilleJ'r-uoef'cii ever have sullered froej M. Durance's perpetuities,' we shall repeat Ibtnn once more,'with a little rUore breVityMham.il utl honest man's oraches to emnloy ' M. Durance had occasion to go to Paris upon 'teineasr Ile tiad i"carriage:6r' dh'ariOT iii which he proposed to travel j but at the tune when he t'ound it convenient to el out, tins vehicle required a slight repair, and the merchant, thon compara tively V0UI12 and active, dioituht it bent to ride - slowly forward on hursuBack iUr a coui4of stagr, 1 ..ii.nl I., n r 1 1 1 ' I ha aim n.u a ua I liini. .at. uuranco mus iiujwu iu enjoy, lor some patLot . lney , a- taw - lomurely -yrevr-trf thi .c.otuilr..tucA-mJiaai-eMy'e r i 'seiin'Tjcyiinc a tew oules1 distance Irom -hu 4wft 4KMattaei -Ac -.rordtiicly. aiJFtr.:gvinS IJl instiuctioiis to the ser ?.ttut?itt.-lranc;f6 and well armed, lor be carried a larje sum tu bill and wwieyt 'f JtHft jotUj.bW-sloiit suiru anu a uur inaro m courni:s , yei uoi niucn J,of either was required to travel alone at that peri od, owirig to the admiiable deirree of etficieiicy in- -1-which the famous Foucnw had brought the po lice of the country.' -.,, M. Durance's urt day's travel was unprinluc tire of any wonderful event, lie mopped before Dighifll at a vilhige inn, rested comfortably, and , Ml morning pursued bis route. While riding .'slowly along the border of a large .wood, in the CiretwiA of the second day, lie observed a party of - men oo horseback, t short way before him. He Continued his courno, aud tliey did (he same ; but tbe merchant was uncomfortably surprised in the end to observe, them frequoutty turniii" round, one after another, apparently to look at him. M. Du-, ranee tliought of bis pistols, and bgan to be very uueacy. Tbe road now struck into the wood a -, ready mentioned, and when in the middle of it, Pour Durance waa shocked to see the men hull. audiuiu round to observe him, as if simultaneous ly- The nierchaut wus at this time but a short cutanea from them, and could not help drawing up his borne also for a moment. While be was in t'M wntion, QiiQ-.ofJha. men, aHer an apparent wBWWUaiou wuh U K-4e4V thetw and dvan- ce4 to our friend. "Now is the time,? thought Durance ; here come the demand folj my purse! What is to be JdAodOhft worthysjoul'a hart-ankwrtlim nun, as he thought of tbe heavy sum w hich he bure. ' ii-. . . " nen the man came on, however, there was no demand of this kind made. Tbe stranger's first ."rdlln Hurnnce werei "What w yuui )uiMWc heret" The merchant hesitated, and at length "smmered out, I am come upon an hmiest er nnd, I.hope like yourselvea." " Ah, i thouchl replied the etranirer. - Then, after a moment' - paiis, he crmtinued, "Well, wbat will you take y 8.,wy " Will you take one hundred louis , jystifiea' thorooglilv, Durance, almost by accident, bolted out a "aSi!1 The man again spoke, and .aid, H cannot oiler you more without epeaking o ny companione." W ith which words. be turned y, and rejoined bis baud. , .r M. Durance never was so much puzzled in hi tile, but his spiiita rose a he saw no intention oo part of the men -to- injure him, and he waited .qwetfy till tbe stranger' return. That personage .' not kmg away, and when he tetorned to the "fchantj a bag of money was in hit hand. This ""g he held out to Durance, saying,. We bave ..ornate the resolution of just tiering you three hundred louis at once here they re if you . choose to go away. - Now, do take them," contin , wed he: "opoo my word we cinnot oIRr more." , Durance eat more bewildered than evef, and wa about to speak, when the bag waa thrust info hi band by ilia Granger, wbo at Im same time aaid, ' Now, do take it without another word. It will be as well for you, perhaps, a you are alone , and ( can tell you there r nonie 1 determined fellows yonder, who would think it nothing to drive you ' oil, . Uul 1 whs for a compiomise, and, upon my honour, we cunool give more." With this the y ami turned to move away, Part of hie lust sjiuech hud omdea powerful impression "on Durante, Who, though utterly unable to tell tkeii,eai.tug of all tins, tiioutit it Wise to pocket the bag, and rule onward. , lleodid, ao, and soon lost sight of the Ifdfinnlu Klaa..! Mf4 I.. ,k.l 'M.na . - strangely liberal party he had met i'U'etveeeontmaedtrsTrjW ' fligh'ilall, pondering all the way on what bud pas. ; ed, yet incspablu of coniins to any conclusion' on , the aubject.- iht reaching the tillage whero he j prou lu row au Bigm, no was joiuea oy in ' - jseaiiit, Joseph Demway, with the charioi.and on! vurowg oj ovjr puiwcu iirair jouruoy ill lull - vcliu lp.-' Nothing of interest occurred ibroughoct i-lheir further progreajn. riotil they reached the very f'flie of Pna. . But juxt ne the vehicle was pa.-- i'ng the barriera gcutietuanly-lookirig person came ruucej " tut, vou will nave toe goodness to go with me." " What J" eaid the merchant, whitb er must I go? and why lua lew lone of voice, and with the utmost civility, tue gentleman replied, " Vou will permit rue to have the honour, sir, ot i -conduct ing you to M. Fouche " M. Foucbe !w J ''ejaculated M Durance, in no small alarm at the UiouglU Vt' what the famous head of the police . could want With him ; M 1 have committed no of fence, I have broken no law, and 1 cannot under, fctand why 1 should be sent for by," The stranut short this speech by saying, Hl have .been waiting for some time upon you, sir, being instructed that you would arrive in a carriage like this J and, Jour person, portmanteau, and every ' thing alwut ou, answer the descr.jdioo given to Jiie. t cannot tneretore bd miilukenjn lite party, and you w ill bave the goodness to attend me jo M, k I'ouelie, who will himself explain his business with you, which is mora than I cao do.'' f hrre was uo reiwtllig thin pereuipturily avij request. Uy the. stranger s directions, M. Durance sent on bis and, seeing no aiternauve, followed um inessengex Vi 41m ottieethenead vt the pic r""-; M. Fouclie received our here wub tlte utmost politeness, altd, after reqnesiiug him to be sewted, -entered immediitcly du a denurot certain Bwiters, , which made die eves of M. Durance rrow as round asfuU' eWms, and Ud the good man ta the conclusion that Fuoche and the gi-ntlemao to black here tbibgs synonymous. H You ara 'M. Do- raqce, ot UordoajuUii-newrfot tbe iteosive mer. caiilile "bouse that bears your name: you have in youiN irporlioauteau the suw-ef, (aaniing the Tin siiecie, and tho sum of ut bills; you are,aoout to roaidx at the hotel It., near tbe lloiilevards; and it is your custom to retire to rest - about tievei o'ekeka". These are but aria rf'itv . particulars regarding M. lrailCe'sTituatloonHir T poscit. and , habit. wlucU -4h puli3tiiereery- seemed to be aware ot. 1 tie merchant sat iu - nnrteestoinnliii M. Fouche evidently enjoyed his visiter's won der, and bulbre any reply could be made, the police functionary - coiuUiued- 4he rather" startliiiff words : - S r, are youaXman of couraaeI!: We -rhave iiKsnlioned already that M. Durance had a good ueai of spirit about tain,- nrt be" "was now I TTWf1toTI1l hi. cor.- and K m-A ,n l,u, h cuuho ot" "flie. quetun.- 8irX- answered; M. iiignt. " Kuooea ana m jruerea i ecinned itie tliuiiderstru,jnJaA T' ciou beuveu! cau this be true I" It is true," re turned M. Fouche. M V on have seen btwXmuch of tbe truth, relative to your allairs, 1 am acquain ted with, aud this also is the truth. Mv reason for putting a queUou to you, atk-cting your courv age, u tins, ii you nave enougn ol mat quality, you will g to your hotel, aud retire to rest at the usual hour, placing your purtmaineau, as usual, by your bedside, aud betraying do suspicion to those around you. Only lake care not to fall asleep auJ leave the rest to me. It will be unnecessary, and, indeed, improper for you to look into tbe clo sets or beneath the bed. ' " Iu sliurt, do notinng, but go to rest as you would do at home, aud leave the rest to me. Have you resolution to do Ibis?" M. Durance meditated a little, as was not uuua- tuuul, before giving an answer, on w'hicli the head of the police addressed him. " If you do' not fcel inclined tu go through with tins atluir, I will pro cure ctac to persouale you. This would render I lie allair more, dillicolt, aud its success hrss certain, but it might be done." " So, no," exclaimed our friend, " 1 will do it myself. 1 will act precisely as you direct, leaving my life in your hands." " You may du so, sir," replied Ma-Fouchej- with .jwejijijdjenj. Alter a repetition of his instructiims, and receiv ii.ij some further particulars relative to the intend ed attack on bun, the worthy merchant U ft M. Fuucue, uh1 hatiug prAWured s, street vitete, ;w - driven tu the hotel whither he had sent his servant and carriage. The evening was now pretty well advanced, and ere M. Durance had rested himself and taken some refreshment, it wanted little more tllH I"-"' Ii.i.ira l.ml liiam T tie ine iiitiJtiir himself incapable of going out, and lie therefore aoucht a book aud sat still. Put, w ith his usual kindness of heart, he did not wish to conQne oth er on his account. Hi wmntlVniuj'avho "wa a TariwaiiTasVed to gov out and call uon bis friends. " Uy all means, Josepb," said .M. Lhi ranee ; go to se yourXtiends, txil rccllct tube here again by eleven." After this, M. Durance attempted to read, but finding himself incapable of following the meaning of two lines together, be laid down the book, and thought Joseph returned punctually at eleven, and light. cd hia matter to bed. On beiug left alone, tbe courage of the merchant almost gave way. He looked around 'biin. As M. Fouche bad said, there were too largo closets iu the room. Tbe thought that, al that instant, his intended murderers might be there, came aero tlie mind of M. Durance, and he wa strongly tempted to satisfy hirrrself-he- fore be lay down. l!u he recolfectcd his promise he remembered how accurate the intelligence M. Fouche had been on other point aud ho solved to confide in what (id been stated to him, and to obey every direction.; Having oome firmly to this conclusion, he put, out the light! and lay down on the bed. lite counsel M uot to sleep " proved mom superilououa in the case of the honest merchant. II. a miud and ton were too much on the alert to permit him to slumber. Sometime, within the first hour after he Jay down, bo thought he heard tit!ud omits, but l!Vcy were oot contiuu out, and led to nothing. ' ,4t length, however, about haif-paM twelve, tlie tl,Ar of hi bedchuiuber was 0eiied, and a glimmer cf light fell on the op posite wall. Having purposely arranged the bed 'clothes about his bead in -aucta way as to enable ill - ..J 1 . - . f. M 1 X '.i ihim to ae without being se.onJvLJjuriuiceTihfti - ft i tr-.r ' "T": ' . i men enter, beainr a dark lantern. and each armed with a friZrct and pistol. One of them advanced to the" Wiide. and seized the portmanteau. In this perrjA bee, to his horror, me merctiant Deneia toe. luieameiits ol Uts own servant, Jow-ph Drmaray 1 Ifbe first act of the men waa to rip, up andyle the portmanteau ; but while they were doing au together, each being un able, seemingly, to tm-J tjompnuions, M, Du ranee heard il.efu agree ui s;tUe necessity of his own irmuediat 4ieath. ' Ignorant of the means 4rerjai:ed-hy M. Fouclst I'ox ranee telt the perspiration ! urst upon his body ; but he waa not kept long m litis suite, for, ere the rillin-j of the portmanteau ctuld bo completed, the closet dodrs burst ojien, five or six men rushed out, and in an mutant the surprised rubbers were in tho hands of justice. Oo ,th C'lTia-rs comini; out, tho bedroom door at the Kama, tin was opened, and lights brought in, showing that all tad been indeed thoroughly prepared tor the relief of tbe merchant and capture of the offenders. " Aha 1 M. Durance would here say, when nar rating die story himself, H wbat think you ot my sccoud adveotursj t Alore wonderful still than the first, was it not f ! Whatever may berthought: on this point, there 'is obviously tene of tnjxUry in the last incident, than in the precedint-Tt6 elraordinryjici;ree of information displayed by-M.. Fouche, resulted simply from the circumstance of the villain Dema- ray having written from iiuurdoaux te I'aris, an- Bouncing to but associates the prize which was cominr m ihcir way-.. It y he thought that a bwucidahuiil.aiid htgrsi iaeW-i)orH was adojitea I for. the. soiiujre of tbe oifcoutirs, and this may be in earl true. Dt it is to be remem bered that the slightest ryuvtom of preparation would have awakened the suspicions of Deinaray, and would thus have prevec ted, iii ill probability , tbe capture ot bw. associafwbo, though obi of. feeders, bad Ions' escatwd" uruectKm bv the ' rjoliee. aw - 4 w At t other poiuta, M- Foocj.ej, doubtless, had been afraid lest lHirance, if wiotit d jtfeviously of the treachery of hi servant, oiher particulars, might bare prenulurvly i! iha srhenip. ' .-. ;tL- i!'lhin to betray I ifV;:., ' - - - . -T-. V V i"'- The wretch of a servant and his associates were punished as they well meriled...M. Duranee, f ratelui lor hie escape, blessed the wonderful do nee of-his eowiitry, settled his busiuess ta hiasaxis.. Itnroam nriludllTdue lime letumMt to Kmr. dciiv. tt waswot tilf after h!'Teturfi,"'hrtith'. standing many enquiries, that he could gel any ra tional eiptarmtioo. "of The li rsf of bis twii' adven tures. Finally, however, by dint of local investi gation, the mystery was solved. And what doe the--reader think wee the cause of the three bun dred louis being given lu him,' jrilh such strange and apparently causeless liberality! 1 he explana lion ts stmpte. In that woxJ, onj fhe.tulfitiiouaia querirontTnere was to be a great sale ol cut wood, which (he party p( men bad come Iroih a distance to Iwy 1n cwMrt wjfh" WW aiiotherr for lar great wramVuttving reason to h pe that no body would appiJaf3MstMm seeing M.' Durance in their ttack, they at once eoiiiluded thai ho was on (lie snme errand " as 11 w -. . . A . . lulAat.rm.f.' themselves. n consuttatioiu they thought it worth their while to endeavor buy up his oppo sition, by the onVr of a uood nnd sum. M..Dur ranee's Cfst"'"fc6Ydiv'wiiiieia mistake as to his purpose. Tke is..uo is known io the reader. it is not exactly in our power to say to wlmt extent M. Durance carried his enquiries, with tlie view of restnrinz the tbree hundred louis. We believe he ollerud publicly to gt it up on call, but that it wa never claimed from lim. Perhaps the parties werexahamed of their txtraordmary and simple-wit led sell-deception. HOW TO ROUS! Tllli WATCU-O.N DECK, The follow ui vervNamusiug siettn is from the Sea Sketches iu tlie Ihtston .Mircaidile Journal, from which sketches we have befire made extracts, .V. 1'. Dttpairh " lou know shipmates" said lack, "that some of our Wet India traders belonghg down east, sre very apt to ueglect keepinir a lk out ahead du, ring the night lime, j once belcigedto the brig AoitHoch, Captfttn iseagul, and wesailcdTtom Tort- -4kd'howiid DwiMwwm-with aeirgrrcmisTstiTig' ofj' - 1 umbr aud Yankee notions, and.we had the simp lest men on board that I ever met with, and I bave fallen in with some pretty perse taring sleeper 4 my day. But I verily believe itat some of those long limbed, yawning yankees frm "down east" would sleep with their heads in abuckrt of water, especially if it was their watch deck, Hue inijht, atut ten flays attcrJi:aniig port, rr were crowing the pleasant latituie of the trade winds, with II sail set closely huled, when the captain took it into his head to ro on dock. It was about four bells in the tniddlt watch, be found trre ow bng, under Hie jufluence ( a tight breezn comfortably ploughing her way song towards the south at thexale of two or three note, and erery man oa deck ro fan atlrrp. r Tbe mate, and he was a (mat fellow enough too, when he wa awake, wa enjoing a right roy al nap on the weather hencoop, te "man at tlie belin" desirous of following such 'laudable exam ple, had oippered tbe tiller with arope yarn, end stretched himself comfortably unn the quarter deck; the other two men of the wtch had deposi. ted their carcasoes on a couple otsofl white pine boards, and were snoring away, lie good follows, (a if deeping for a wager. - Tbe Captain saw with a glonc the lay of the j land, and being a funny dog weal, resolved to 1 have some sport, lie went quiet to work, and ofj unrove the Idler mpe and uasAtped the tiller, re - 'and quietly placed it itt the small tat at the stern. lie then took from Ihi comtanioo-way bis large speaking trumpet, which was ud wily on very extraordinary occasions, and passed out to the fly ing -jib boom, and hailed the brig with tUe wboW strength of bis lungs, and his voice was none uf , the iiiallest. MBrig ahoy I Hard op your helot, hard up, bard up, or I shall run yon down!'.' ; His horrible bawling awakened the waick and the men, who" were enjoying iheiuselvt-a on the soft pine boards when they should hate be-.aer ing an eye ahead and under the- lalf fngtii ened out of their senses, and thought of course it came from on board a stranger vessel, about con ing down upon them, repeated the order, llturi f uourhtiurf The mate jumped off the hen-coop, and without stoppinc to rutt his peepers, screamed gut fake a mad-man, " 7urd up your helm." " By this time the man at helm himself had re covered his wandering senses, and had raised hiio selfiiKin his legs. ' lie loudly responded to j!e geneta! cry of " Hard up your belui !" and sprung with unwonted energy tu execute the order; but his astonishment may be more easily imagined than described, when he found that the "helm" had di$apjrtd! ..' . . , Uplaifl was in me meanwila bawling out from the end of the flyiiig-jib boom until be was black in the face, " W by don't you put your beta hard up, Hard aport at once, or 1 shaM cut you down tttlhe waters edge.1 " " The nien in tbe waste repeated the order 44 Hard up," and ran forward to see wbat was te 'pay. The mate turned to assist the helmsman, shouting out, Hard up your helm, you sleety headed lubber! Hard Up your helm at ouoe ! " but he was thunder struck when be found that' the til ler wa nunng7nd floundered about file a Mrecli dolphin. -V By tbis-time the watch below of which I wat one cam funning on dock to se what was tbe matter, and E eoen of alarm and eonftis.ua eiieA.tlmd " 'mnehml uJ)ttnal which went a leetle beyond any thing I ever before er since. It wa at hut put afftnd 14 by t 'nnlnih Si'jitriil who rsme in fri.nB llwi iiUltMwn u an.gony of hwghterwA waeaWe te speak, be eouiidly rated the watch (or their aerlecl of ..duty, and he never had occtsioQTd cocnpLua Hatia et " Anffdote. A friend of mine, Captain VT. Aug. Thomson, K. N.y. residing near Kdiuburgh, ha a dog, both the parent ot which were native of New Foundland." At the time I refer to (lttii be wa 1 believe, only two years old, but eufaMed all .' the indication "of great muaculsr power, aad atagu. , lar sagacity, lie wa considerably larger at last tune than many full grown aniiita's of the alia " breed, aud I always imagined hi eye poeetaaed V("T" iculiar deireeof intellienaoe.- Due dayaay Hfiiuud walked dneatoila sua bjach toiibstrv the military, w,hoe barrack are M hi neighborhood. Eertwrming tneir evutulioo, ana took tue flog witt i in- All went on very well till the cavJry coat- , ..iueucud frugj but-even a sound was toe mock fur tueiartoiiisiieq jJ,uiKea xna aug u3UiCA. r U " ing Ml pupfiy , ime umuj Mkw f ; Imi m not very witling to stand fire, and he therefore coa sideied ihe best "thing be could do to enwud a iw treat. Accordingly without casting a tingle glance toward bis master, be a Meed away houwward at full gallop, with his tail depressed, aad is evt dent terror. Hi master' resulence t about a mile from the beach, and it appeared tbe eW raa ..tiia.uola-wy at fall speod-, hut- tr the boase tt id . a gardnn, and urroniided by" lofty wall, having a &Ue,.HliicJU alway nuu jtna; wfitqijcommuia. iirobtem to our canine,reaspujL,Jkjr. ..ta-eet Mtrm'tr,,,,"",r' 11V wall so a to be in aalety. l b gat be could ... J"t ojkmu the wall was too high to ieep ; hosrlhca could he enter f lie perceived at ooce bit predica ment, and no doubt thought of the bell he bad so often seen his master pull, and the sounds at which were M olW fid lowed by the epeninr of the gate. Crosiiiig lii'a Uboriog snaa who wa pasting, and with all tbe jreatleoeas be could assume, eixed him by tlie wrist and held him, at the same time wagging hi tail, aad ea deavoring to direct the man' attention to hi situa tion. The man was at first, naturally enough, much terrified but the perfectly senile appear ance of the animal prevented hi fear from in creasing. He, therefore, accompanied tha dog acoss the road, and wat led close up to the bell, which he at once perceived the animal required him to pull ; thta having done, he era do tonger detained a prisoner, and the gate being opened, be relntnd in astonishment to the servant the tinguUr Conduct "ol the dog. This little story is entitled to tbe highest credit, not only oa account of the sou res I derived it from, hut bee tune I myself have area the dog, when desirous of leaving the room, take his master by tbe wrist and lead rum to the door ia order to open it. All this I bave been Mured ts solely the result of the dogf insuacvor ret hereto-' deed, re swmi, asheMijeyejpcciedaay. in.truotinai " T trust that, although this anecdote baa little direct reference to humanity in animals, 1 may he e cuiwd taking tin opportunity of mrntiouiug jt -rwser Ktghti r l-uflart ;w ' THFa LIGHT.. OF NATfRE. The celebrated Mr. Hume, wrote aa eeatr ew -the wirKMiniCT of KilUre, tud the no less celebra- led Dr. llnbertMn, wrote oo the necessity of Rey laiioo, and the insulliciency of tbe light of nature. Hume came one evening to visit Robertson, and - tlie evening wa spent on the iwhjoct." . Tlie friend of both wert present, and it ia taid that Robertsoa re tanned with accustomed clearness and power. Whether Hume was convinced by hie reasoning er not we cannot tell ; but at any rale, he did oot ac- knowledge his conviction Hume was very much of a gentleman, and, a be rose to depart, bowed politely to those in the room, while, a he retired tlirougn tne auor, nooertson t..K., the light to show him tbe way O, sir," be continued, 1 find the light ol nature always au Ok tent," as he bowi-d on. Tlie si reel door waa bpoo, and pre sently, as be bowed along the rsvtry, be stumbled ever something concealed, and pitched dowa stair into the atreet. liooertson ran after bint with a candle, and ts be held it over him, whispered soft- y and cunningly You had better have a little light from above, friend Hume," and raising him up, be bade him good night, and retaroed to his fnonus An JfrMt J-Ar- la ta hrpankis of kiat " amrih. Harm W Kluasitbtrg, a stinhnt aa the riurerwy T Prrje, Weg w kwway te Vstaoa, arrwed at the h'.rie tosra cs" JEradt, rb Boheteia- aod srr" eW the aagte at the CUch Eagle luo. " iMwig rwjuiir to Hum l sa- ta U travellers egim,fiMTt!t a Wa a correct accouotof ' aisaself. last ea ctmmx to tho cotasa. er snutive esTthe yaw jtt." veatarrsJ t&e 4e, U btom-K Irtiir ss.- " TVe imm Lersrr w cemplt. "'. ance vita lie swice ityM, traasnntbrd the wyvses- te the Ur unaaitse at eight ia the evemng. Attea,wUlroaasalW.apoh8otJKr entrred his toaa, drew In oviL asl ut iLa W . " hat year .hsmr ssouwd the astoo. tidied haeeaw 1 " ' -- , - V " I'm ooeae to !ch wweuT mtlf-4 th atrnn ' -labaa he est eVj tw Un j, at adaighl, a 7 eonrade rtB reiart ssr, aad he will be inrceed. fid by ethers old tea to sasrreer aancemg, vbett yea -will he tnastVirrd to Jjag Coutxaw, th chief false of this hatrict." - W by aaa I eVaJt wa as aa effraiey f Booms ya kaie aiyrwisij tbe Bteotioo cf iiiimg ywtmJSi a arwreeeW whsth the harew. uwstei via tMraarr, maStt aay tetbrnca whatey. M.de Kosftherg irj to he takm ; ionhwiik to the sngtrMe, Vat list soUer deela. ; red that hn erJers ww te ! stnst watch over bias ta lus nme. Xnt ssuraatg at lea aelbc, a smo-oossssuisiumi csSbra'aatl mA hmxtr anad .. in awn ta easrwa ewaveted ki a carnage lathe fassto twetor. There hew wHjectest to the ertsswatsssi f twaA, wbea. ' oa thetr irforiiiig tVat tNy euaU eVtoct to him ' Mtoptdoss of tonnr, aai as henp ef aarde -stmcuoa U exported ka Mtslbse reetoruMa Lbertv. Nat say aaatut; Che Uratoae trasetUf - wa banded, te the )tar ef thr Duuctrml arwm. S- hmg tnSesJ wa ti weasxatsya owe to Rsags. tratoa, hy TTt3f a ssaaast tVarg to a pula re-" gttaer, t,aaniasitfy t,a nxj. be wa sent j4 oTaW JUd; . j to Wf: Hiii 1 1 f hiiig hire r 1" imhjuj aasa ss jms ImmsUIxw; I . Mi .1 aa -a, ... .-.-J , inajj)ii mitj., aaai8sae.,,ata aaiwsi-aTt'Piritam to iJI husMeif even ftfLt a to Hmrmi as uk-j Mr. f. ., Never f at i til to to-dav, p- v, what yet east ;"- er "x"1 J9 eyee. rNevtr apebd jm y-n hT it. Newt! viatl .i We mrrv ir7tM tdJh.K aatca to bttto. Notluag r tmVtni thssi aaa enflisigtwt - Taie thang alwap by a taaaeth has.n., YThea titrj cwatt km arfore yjaa ; if veri ngry, bttodrcd. i , . gticulura. vlsxtvsq two 'worn Lxa - The Wlwwj is nirartoi Jbmsa thai aatuau puUscatMa, the CUrkmUr The baac ef (to eseawrv. Snare, mid iaaW. ef liatu respihwl wrt poor ftrr hmlm awfwr. BHSBRBBSel of America is kana' to saadk Uwd : ibrr ra aver ' r" - ' ' sore rreuMl rhaa they eaa cwftnata, aad croe the - - . Wai so eveirJy" that lVr fast it ea. A hn, -x portka ef the lassf ia Asarnca ha beta yaa eat 1 J V 1 hy repeated rraoa erom : awl wbea yea add tial." i , to bod xvituraEy to fnar to bear graia, er toa S" . ?. . ; hrukea fcr rtttrvatisa. yea sj ftoJ tbia great . , country ta a fair way to be mm I. The State al " " ' t rrenotit ha Mittoa 11 tha rtjtnt anrd to - - . j have i aad a fdager sght f ywosxr HA com dowa to Bak to bare eat as beiae.' Tha twa Carolina aad Vtrtiaa are cwnrrtd wt aiiee that have bora raws a, aad say atbet Suae, Wa hav'et the araia ef arbeat assi mat we asaj la have ia the I arte SUta. aad it aeeer wvB be to ' pieatyagaja. 1 feat ta reasrst yea bear ef folk y. ' ' clearm' toad, aakaa a tareaaal seC'oc! agam, aad gW tonbe iW bash. They1 exUaua-V" -..'"-'-'--' Mtt,tJtdftadltato(WMtoBdriUB - etore- the eM."'A, ?Mieaff 4tal of "Xasa ScJuTm'na - . - nut ; and T i aaraY fra lih hew aatrib aaaf era weed,' eaad aad what aot. tbrV rw here ia.,--. ;i,r,'.v atth eassrfiiwsiTWwVween cifte - - good faraaag to beep aa ayriad laeattoa st ardat I tell yea, aad aake it safsia stoeSl It W ttsack a bra two lUi'i bad tbe pzxmri ktkea out of it thaa a ewta. It artauS Cnrharaa aaa ffhrn f Thuih toar gsWautast Bnaa U brnr" grcB aad tbe bad better tM cry day.ahtJa itHvasaads apoa tfcaaiwlt f acre antb ea an turned iota kuim. X traveOcr as fH mad ha auiiced this, aa4 ear iatka are st aware ihe'- " sltr of tha axteat f tbe mi. Swatre, yea and I won't bs to saa at ; bat if lbs awfhl rebhtaof posterity gosa ea tor aanLber ceaeary, aa it bu - prttgrrsMrd tor the tea baalw I year, weTf ba uatraa ef paapera. Tary btu toad ia Aaienea, . even of the best, sril carry seat thaa ea crop of wheal artrr vt as ckaiee aforaH waota taaaar , a-hea it cleared tut, abera'a tbe BMffiire to come froat it pazd ast ! (aad 4 waaY rare say heck ea ear aa ta tbe faraaat baa) tha Lord know, tor I eVsaY; bat sf tbsra aay thtag that -scarce ew it is thsa. . a. Yea, to eaach bad is the rasa af at ea this side e the water. Afore I wee to EogUad I saed ta , thial that taeaneaW d.ioa af fwwperty there, aad the yfM of Ucword aad ttaaot waa a carat s to tbe cntaUf aad that der area aor dtgniry and fieedoet to tha sadbiatoal, aad toore'heoeQt to the aattoa for erery aaaa la sat tha bad te caltt. , rated al with at. Het IN chaed ary aucd ; I "A"1 . t 1 ? -.... uA :

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