I, t - ! f U V I .1 . t : s I': , -A '. ti it a rtrcrt with a 50" fire in it. -Ti tin aavJ8LM '' hour ifc-rrvW-.' tr rrii tiwn whieh Lb UiJ waa to --w-r?a: -Sr frw't xr- prmwo-i, whit-h hr denwred ' v ft. weter, showing strong p &! wliwiiiu"',' - 1- r.-jm tfi S.m Orleans Bri. Tii i j.toUKa f piautrrs in raw their own tWaasCtsi a &ofbe ukJicui fur the South. LiiKi Ia nua that it 1 extremely hurtful fc rotieir l. be dt-pendeitr n ethwr Sutes fur eawe-rfwry fktiii supplies, aud should the south asm sfescfsfaeraili iopt lb practice uf raising at. wiwt.iMt improvement in the CooditioJiW will oog be regretted by their friend and ct i&e tmmrf w jMia tc place. Ky oevoting a t . . fut-m f it aoj to the production of grain fori ' reported that the' Imted State Dragoons awe cBiutltk, there would U a m-c.-s.ary di-1 ,wv called to the scene U rtwrder. - - ' a--i w ibjr atti f atapW prwJ.iced, which I inteKOurafl with the white, and Cherokee . i rmeot tU market from being glutted ; and P'g f'. h" D0 Xet be'D ";ruPlecl 1 -.-,wl ,p m nr,l,ir. U'erioii bavinc bumriesa tn the nation and at the a t-uM n ih erica of luTeii:TKfWltr ... i i. t r F -u :. i ! VamblriuaMot to the vbulttl.y tref ttniaa brawn)! by thia meaua, would aell fof m mmit a a Uirr crop, with as over aupplied aui4. aa4 alt thai iba plauter would tare in pro- Akx earn, twld ta ao much clear gam. . Itauabeoa anl, tfl mora truth, tnan would , atiti a Miy tttt:ul Sib-r mt th,tt a eouLtry th.it bm t aJ me, nod mii all it raise, cau never grz rxi. Il aruua certainly a great want 'of fmmgi&; 1 arfAbcf'iar W ofpunatnr ofr ottteTa, ttt actCMirtira a cat ke prodded uptm bi fTrJrjft. ;" .. "' . - i m hit tkit Kan walth ia in proportion to tint MfU tt pnufuca tent to market, ia a too ' ' aikAu u:tacy. Ia' rural eeooomy, wealth, may - " aaareM.'! Us anui to be, an iuilependeiice' of ei - trrai pv,i Thti punter will attain wealth, . ! km t t purehana ia conducting hia aHiiira. - TEtw muty be cciHtal eatoi when the land &xti tt rMeuft were va-'J tr.li ;( aiunev Ibp euruvaied in alaplea, than th gram would lmt, . , , ,1..- mMrJ icm wemm n twrptioas to. the general t-ti5ri5rn-MW - f I 1 k9 br-a ft the babtt of growing Ihetr own MJ-Ji-?,Jt,ir owi Bieat, very te of tutta Imi btnett ractwettbt the- recerit" rn-' bvrrMSitnmi, hiUi mnf o(her who shipped a ft f rtmrut anKiunt of stapfea to market, have Un-i i&-4 t want. The imtneiute yield of the r.'4 mufis wouul intiuctt a DeUef that cotton taHKcbat on earth. -Such, vrt, B'j the Cvci. The wtileri) farnitr7 wa mti rwwxiratint'ly little to market, a a clana, r Tyifr ina ifc euM'..alm. reiiua.,iilal.. trx-,. .j7; , ,' ,7 " j r ;.r; ttua nj Ihk. prcfiu of a pLuiter : (t his supplies as t curt fci ar-i than the return of his crop ' 'T ' ! t tw loiirira f cootuutaUy fluctaaluu in , ilt elanver has the rsdt of his own erop to . .. c4MaM,'sju4 tHa aUo of tbe western pmducer. -J It wmdd aw aMtrd h ay that the. Southern fuwsrjnaul taWra fut tewa wony than it can - ftp Vwj-at KltlW M 6r, ami boated to the giMjtb, a4 wtnri l tW plisoiatiuii.' Beside, the w?s- , - Ufi st" witiWT7Rorf, and 'ilwgfimi trrsrwkiy siiiis Befurti tt reaihe il deiMiim- tKMk. rasscxwiiiaaaVHl ipsuw would be avwird bj grawiog grii4 ihi h pluntations. te- am, V auc tnw planter Myitis to grow hi it. ail 6iia4 iit otMt axpnnei mu-A be : It is a ijtapt'Xrt of economy, ' -, waeu otM (V taksa a good bold on the . EiMkm arvl.-t, wilt base a uiagia t fleet in re- cjj-fr?s kt fi-wiwrn. ' ; ." .'j Geicta TluUWigenee." TtfS fJttEKOKEB-WAR.- - TW f&4 tetter publiabect in the St. Lovu K"ya.-ira is.-Hnhur, ilMfc.jiMKjs) r tieuTa'r jicoount sraioiry ft tHW1 rottswa wati-atw settled m Issfssask etAbmMimti' .$ CotHTf.'Mn., June aJ, 19C. Vf,m- lioir ji: A tdoudy tragedy has just V sk4 &rt i stile hue in the Lhcrokee na bru-.4y,aWa.be4iara dtupclil Jllt dL,,,ay.hicb Irssa a kast ... ..'-' Ow i"t ?Xi issttanl about xty half and full biond CVr.jiws I fcJ.au can to lha bmnci of John tlj a JwiNig'juihcl Cherokee,' and jnsi j.t f iht entered the chart, br of Mr." Ridge i'j-nl i sty of the faioily, and borted a is Ui hf which awoke him, who then saw ai i 'X bis impe-Wu.g fcie, no d"u't, ami called c.i k- aailuli f.r merry. Findmi th mat ni- fc ttf of aVwis wbtcis thev bud prssaoled failed in its fttat pirise, thr j tok him out of his bed from Iww&r sit wi, esrrmd bnw into the yard, and " l!ft !.. I lunv u a nvwt ravage, brutal man kvr, H thlHf btia ia ttui tdy some twenty. . wivo itrohs. I uy thea thw him up in the air - a Ut a t.'fj cm! J, snj wln his dying body iv-Ktii tn 'jfmifsl achus stamped npon the ;t";y MthTriiwrid of a m swijlo. file, uutil IV kstt of tV-tn bid prforin-d his fiendish pu.-posr. Tbk tr iply wat executcdiinht pre Tlie ' sae ( ai if.; hi; trr.i, an servanta. SniiXy-rO R wi-iwir lhaw -w aiwiUUwna tnajiwiically with some sail set. - : , T frryafier l.Hinj Mr. Jolm RLIge took up "tWtasrtsf m'trel -pf-of Mjiir KHlgfylhe U:mt f J. Ekl, who bad the day before started wit! H.H Mraot t- vi-t simim fruMwf in n Ud- .'. eu, Af,t'iWk. Rpi)rt reaches us that the pirtv - ' awifSt, Mi. Riff m t!ia evening of the 2'2.i, . v .vt km ww. W hutM bv shoot ui j him. The tryrt m diubV trtMs tt is also rep-rl-d ihui j m t ie wU krwa E'lrt Boudinot and Col. Belt, sndj ""- V Vt proV'IpttTnwnf tha- Rtdyj party, bnre '"' ',r'1 w'w Va f the uohmuiMla) John ' - Kjpawl hi fjilwr. I nti'riin aoma duubls ss 1 ' t ilk sVwthis nf tri.e list named persons ; but it h 1 -jftwtbrf peobabl''. "-rr rtTf- """T ' ' Ts cwi whtcl M tV this nwliioelioly fvent . - Ltri gnwn out of th JisatI.N'ai:tioa of prrhsps a ' mxty of tb old CVrwk nation, in oppositinn Mit ireafv fei:i!iar!jr called the Ridge Tres- it ajuJ t?s) ether persons said to lie killed are ' Meof tit rn pfoininsmt men, who with the Rfv and sHhrs enncSuJod the trvatr with Mr, 1 Stharosef bora at Governor Carroll, a f-w year sntce.th Biatorr f whicb 1 well knowa to our T-' rreftit tirgtiia of tha whole nalim, , : kia ensd.ed alivsh thew old feuds, ind they fc.- fiw cucisuianntad th threaia of killing Ki';-, C mm time past and. " v Tb IV afsda of Majo Riitga and hi n John ' ' "-'R'f, ta' I am mSwm"d sworn etetmsl ven r.e ;? in of lh hend wo of ll na. to of tb otlyr pnrtvV"Whera thoow tragcdii wilrd tiM atmie can enfold and def rmii'e. -' J-jDtt Ujiije lias, a gi-'ritleihan of Kia hlv "culti'vated f wmd, kjvu-f received a liberal education at one of t c<'-zrw in I onnecticul, where n rnarricd. 1 most respectable lady, i Mis, Northrop oflbat Siate. Major Ridjje and his wm cn both con sidered weailhv. ami were cstciiiivtlv e!ii;d in mercantile buswess- " - " Major Ridge was formerly one f ih? principal cUxrfu i.f the nation, and cooiiiia:w!eil a battalion of ln countrymen under General J.wkio against ih Creek during tl, Ju4 war ; and although un lettered was altogether 11 mill of at rung and dis- , criminating amid. Hi intercourse with the intol- , ligent and weallliy gave him tho. .appearance of a nalthyotillierrifcr. lie wax kind and hospitable was about sixty-five, years of ago. . v .' John Ridge was about 37 year tf sge-r he left wile and HI children. I he death tlie 10 at ureneiit maiiireaten. we, 1 will again write you; lour irimiu. I P. 8. I mw a gentleman to-day who confirma the rrort of the death of Major Kidife." H waa killed' near the reiduce of Mrr-Evana, at the loot of Buaton Mountain, about 33 miles from Van Itu ren. Arkuona. Ho wa way laid, and shot from Bi florae. No further account aa to JJouditKit and -4 Col. Uell. ,; - rr: " ' j r A foktcript. ia the. l)zaik Staadard;jf tba. Jlh ayi: v . We have mat learned by a gentleman Irotn r ay etteville, ArkT il.i Ii.b tti.le mul Rtm nartinssra iiKretiiig, and that already each party Dumber " - . 1 Irom two to three, thouaaud warrior. Tim Kidie party are represented as the most nunru, and a determined to revenue tle death of their chief. , We learn, also, that Gen, Arhuckle had sent " l" d8'w,' nn who was murdered with.., the li.n.ta ol Ih.s Slate. , Alw that he had onlered home the Creeks t!"" b.b4iie4 the two hostile parv . .i... - .:. a.. L... .J.aiai1 hid ttntf. tlis hour yeJteruay, ai which i wa ainiounceu , tliat 'tlie inti.h Stoatn Ships would leave their moorings at the wharf, on their return voyage, our parUv4ilxleiiiieiujdlbB.bre.CJJflJPiLha ot 1 ia river were hlera v iwarniinir WttD Itiemu - tilude. Oil the New York side, the vessels at the jmsirves were crowded frotiv. their dec Ihetr iiiaiu'tiips,' every spot froin ythich a' sight of Ihe" ' J' y ' 1 1 J...(ti..w, t,. mn d and the Battery in particular, tne great resource on ocli occasions aeemed teeming with human beings. .Nur was the Urooklyu shor less a place ot resort. f roiu Ute vy lard to Ued llook, - the Heights were linen with spectators, all auxlous, . if Jiot to gratily their curiosity, at leat to be able to say thai ihey bad seen the steam ahips depart. -iVhup si) expectation thai there would be somo (lung like a trial of speed between the jtwo com iitiuirs forrheli'aiors of Attanttcrttavigation, tuk. ded to lbs general curiosity exhibited. ' If it were ' o, SliiMiiuiutnieiil in this respect could not be inure complete, lor we are happy to say that the commanders ol each vessel, and all concerned in ttieu,. repudiate tbe, j4H of Utaiwng any advaidi-J.c go to public umaiiou, by tho uungeruus expedi. mil of tailing to their, aid, more than (he usual quantum of the mighty power which impels them. .... . I . .1 . . .. I . L. .1 I.- . II ... wii rrjjaroing me scene, wincn ine r.aaiiviver nd its sIioks yesterday presented, the thought that wuuld probably . lirst suggest iisotf to-a-reflecting mind would be, How tusigmdcant are the objects iwWit-b--&UiuCl L'hpinon Aghl boat of two oars, I . .MM.jJl.-. ,T 'HT.If ..M. . 11U..J --IJ.1I the'ne objects aronlw work of huumu iu'xlligejice. 111 one ot its highest ellurts compared wall tho imiiosiiiif itiiectscle of such a concetttratioo of hu Jdm;iKWgSpuft.iu 4hnwtvaf otaattttetbattd aeea m thirwid paof.aaiefjiijii'bicli cquipeS; slongfts shores even wiion liie steam shit Iheinselves, entered ontfMhe trwl.-ln a fcwHiuiies!rfd iiia 1 ' I ...1 , .... :. I u 1 ... , 1 .... i 11 ie ene we involuntarily called to mind a pas sage ia one of Waller Scott'a novels where he ttrg'e- wiwWy-awyiaile", iiitttt-'ntgSriiMa 'vlti Scot land. ; But a truce to philosophising. Our task is to lell of th departure of the Steam Ships. At about twenty uiiniitcsust one, tho firing of a gun from the 6'rriil WeiUrm announced her departure Irom Iho wharf tnd sh procinnle.l, occasionally nriug as shw went, along the usttai chauuel lo sea. The British (Jure lell her moorings at ten minutes past two, made a slight cuive up to the Navy Yard,. and then stood on her eouraev - As sha passed the V. H. Ship North lrolma, the Band paid her the same compliment lheyhad 011 her arrival, of of playing "Uod save the tineen," She too oc- castiMislly saluted tho city, hieh was answered from the guns at CsMle Uarden At the Narrows she wssuetaiiied half an hour, impiitttngm board tho sieaia packet Neptune, a boat load of (he triends of the passcngcra, and then pursued her- war. hen last aeeu at about IS mites distant frvn the city, the Great Western w about 15 mlea ahead of the Queen, the latter then C"iu2 coles, and Arhiw accompanied the British steam era to set. - They were crowded wi.h pasonirurs. bodocked with. Uas and provided .with band of music, ' . '..'' ." ' - ,. ' .. .The packet ship Ontari? frf Lonilnn, Orpheus, for Liverpool, aud Baltimore ft Hvre, and the -transient ship Adromedta for Liverpool, also went to sea at alkMit the same time. f he British Um liooJrs J 1 and three passengers, exclusive of children and servants, aad..iUe..fi reaj,WfisJgraitbout sixy. Amongst-the passnmra nre (tan. Hsnnlioa of Sonth Carolina, Mr. Vmcmt -Nolle of New Or 1 leans, Mr Papineauand family of Lower Canada : aoil btst, notloastTlia ILxwiJtCauibiekoirw-. .vt w lark Lourter and Lnquirer, ' ' fWsi the Houston (Texas) Telegraph. TEXAS-DERIVATION OF THE NAME." "' W have seen a couplet from some wsg jn the United Slates, which gtyos rather a ludicrous ety mology of the name of our republic, by deriving it from Taket w." Ho introduce the Jbllowing lines : , . . ' , . ;'.. ; . , , , '. -i " When every other land rejwta us, ' u . IIer'i a had which freely take ," . v It is 1 very od hiu and if all who attempt to ridicule our country which would show a much wit, we should never be otlooJod at ihtuu. Cut it- reminds US of a legend of the Cdlninariches, reta- led by Isowscany, the principal chief of that na (ion, when 00 a visit lo San Antonia, last winmior, .The I'-offltimnches claim to lie the lineal descen- dannrt tbe-eiuptra-of Montetums, and thetmly-1 not be swprised indeed ifime fifih of what Virgin legitimate owners pf tho wholo Mexican country. ,7 i has creilit for, were the products of this State. uw iu-.-i -an., mil whim v.utv iqiiuca IO MCXI. co, he found lite country torn to piece by 'internal factious, and wu enabled, by employing til" d'.if fccted chielu, t raise a force to iifr? i" '-.rtrtl. . ThlW l l-,ll.i4 lu-IieVO.I. if lilt could itrovtbe ouwerol' Motittztima. they Could easily ; ii.;.,paicli the Si,niiard, and have the control ol iho I couiitry in their own hands. Uul loo luto'th) an- certained lliai they had introduced a hnfuer mau ler, and that uucondtioiiai acrvitude waa all thev hail to tXM;ct. They were rr-jired to change iheir ancient rt-ligiou, and thousand of them were ;tit off 10 work in the mine, from which' they rarely made ihetr eacaj. A great proportion of them bound their neck to the conqueror, and be came aerui and, alavea to the .Spaniards : but a few, the bei and uobleal' part, preferred exile to aervi tude, aud et out pn a pilgrimage to the North, in hojtea to find a land where they could enjoy their ancieiit iimiitutiona ia peace. ' ' " ' 'I bey travelled for many weeks, and at last came to the great river of the North, (the Rio Grande,) where thev encamped, and sent out twenty choseu a4oiiuiuuetw crossed ll great river and ascended one of the nigliebl peak 01 tne mountain wuicu ucnuu adjoiuing plain. The prairie was-eovered with butlalo, deer, and antelopes, and they'thoughl Ihey had reached the happy hunting ground, and the woniTeha! Telia! Thal burst fratn every tongue. It was decided unaniuioubly that it should be their futuie home, and that the country should go by4heuanie apparently furoisM theitf by the great spirit.-v-""- '-':s'-J-; . r. Telia ts the Comrnanche name for the residence of tho haiiny spirit in the other world, where they hall enjoy an eternal felicity) and have plenty, of lilfrr ndJluHalo always at hand. By taking the . : 1 - .feM Mi..... souiiu as iney pronounce h.uiri giving 11 me upan mh orthoirraBtiv. it civeu the word rexos, which is the " Happy Hunting Ground? or the " Elysium," of the Comrnanche. This is a true hiotury of the uame, ai derived from Isowacany himself. - . ": "v- ' PfilllLOUS. ADVET1URK AT NIAGARA. A a occurrence of most thrilling interest took places! Niagara Fail yesterday alternoon, attond ed with immiiwirt peril to the livea'or two individ ual, but resulting 111 a iiiout happy and providen tial deliverance'. Jl rwwvroruIgelrisslaTitt isrpiairiftfl m a j -' ' frighlul rapid where the current is Irom ol) to M miles an hour, and is only ubout 1UU to 10U yards above the great precipice or-perpendicular fall. carpenter Dy ti.e narne ot vtBp.i. was engaged " '""" ' vu'Mjt . ""-s-t """ worU upon a staging about one hundred, feet from Iris inland, accid .ntly lost, bi looting and was pre ijrtted Hrtotrapidndri tiietwrakliBggweD; away toward the greatxaUiract. Bieedy aud m eTTiauTeiSnicTToii'se un fortunately we was uninjured by the full, and even in the most bofrttless condition, retained the most perfect self possession Turning bis eye towards the only point or hope above the fearful precipice he succeedd by great dexterity hr swimming," in trteeiiiig a lauding upou a small island some twen ty icet in width and length, the outermost of the group of little cedar islands situated some thirty or forty yards above the falls, and about equally dis tant Irom Uoat Islantlaud the Aiiiefwan shore. . There he stood tor an hour, lookiuir calmly and beseechingly back upon tbe numerous spectators who lined the bridge and sjiores but with whom he could bold id conversation on , account of tbe dis tance and the rottr of the raptdsT There is a man at the Falls by tlie name of Rob inson, of extraordinary muscular powers, great iu trepididy, bnd withal an admirable boatmau and he was probably the only one that could have been lound within hlty miles who generously voluu- leered hts services, to attempt reaching tlie island KilimirnnnOTstroctron-tneW boats, was sion procured, and eftibarked He proceeded with great deliberation and con- suinate skill, darting his little boat across the ra- piaiUiajintaatiaaUhetiiifryirtgHW up Id suivejf.ma ' Jttu'a'UpD. aiHT.HWITll- 8irengtntiu:be. named iheiir.l aiid; wWfiwv en isiaiiu, mil a rapiu enanupi sun iiiienoueu, sweep ing close lu the island, and rendering the attempt to laud vert difficult. Ho paused lor a moment, awl jhen-. with all. his. a'f"gth. darted., acrusa .aud sprang Irom his boat his toot slipped, and he lell backwards into the rapid cureut. With the spec tators it waif a moment of thrilling interest and breathless silence; hi bout seemed inevitably lost, anil niiuseil 111 ivariui pniparuy. tietuiuing now ev er, his grap on the boat he sprang in, and again siexitig his oars brought up under the lee ol the hill island. All again Kit a momentary relief, but still the great labor aiid hazard of the enter pAe remained to be overcome. A cool head and stouK arnr could only elii-cl it Robinsou proved equal to Ihe tank. Taking his companion 011 hlard the same careful and deliberate manner, though at infinitely greater hazard and labor, they eliected a sale landing on Cost island. 1 here th spectators assembled to give then, a cordial greeting. A scene of great excitement en suedthe boat was drawn up tho bank, and it was moved and tarried by acclamation that a collec tion be taken up on the spot forChspin and his no- bio hearted deiiveier Kobinson. It was a gener ous one and was llisukl'utlv received : but ihe re- BcWinnyf Robinson that m hs rescued a rellotr1 being uo3eTsucGirM'ins erous heart a much richer one. After the collec tion, Robinson and Crispin took their seats in the boat, aud were carried in triumph oh the shoulders of their neighbors to the vilUgn. Ihe intense interest of the wholo scene was heightened by th presence of Crispin's wife Md children, who stood on the shore watching with unsvanitig nwror ano agonv whal seemrd his n. avitable.and fearful fate, ith what devout and heartlelt gratitude must ihryjiava thanked God. wheO the hrptrrmrandpsroiit once inuie stod4y4 toeir sine aie w.jmm.mw XhsJtohaccp .crop of the United Statw, will smount this year it is estimated to 115,000 II iids. Lost year it only reached 7,000 Hhds., i; In Vireinia 2il,000 27,1 KK) 3.1KW Ksniiicky Msryl&ud ' Ohio 72,(100 CROP Virginia Kentucky Marylsnd . OF 1S39. In 45.0110 10,0tK) . 4.WI0 Ohio hfm The fports to foreign countries is usually about four fifths of the entire crop. Wc tea no mention of Ihe Toliacco prcuced in North Carolina, which is very considersble. .Much of it, we ara aware, goes to swell the r.xport of V irjinia. Wa should IHimitglOH IJirOHiClt. . EDITORIAL PHILOSOPHY. ' Well, Lew iaSieeorod, Mborougli-going sttpport er of tlie Aduiinisiratioii, has been eleru-d toCoii- gr.ess.froJB.thi3 tJiitrict. "And many a tonkin1 will now le'bu-iy in accouufiiij for so unliiked (ot and utihojiej for an eveuti -' JSoouj will My his opponent was Liot I ne right mail Iid did not do hi duty in fectioiierit) was not well enough known oth ers that all the Whig party did not Tote, or that they did not manage right, or the newspapers were too bitter in their denunciations, or that they were not excited enough, or that they were too confi. dent or not tuflieiently o, or that the moba is cheese, or come to some, other equally sage con clusion. We, however, difler from all of theiti in our estimate of the cauae of this defeat, we lie- Iteve the principal reason to have been that Steen rod had the most votes, and the Whig party are, aa they have been for some years, about eight hundred less in number than, their opponents, in this District. We are impelled to this wise con. elusion by the force of circumstances, and the sol They have raised one story on as, about this oktter that js not true. We lave heard it was currently reported that we went to bed on Saturday, as aoon as we beard the news. . This is not a fact. We did feel a little sick fur the balance of tho day, bad a very bad headache, and a pressure of the chest, and during the night an incubus or night mare troubled us exceedingly, but we attributed it to the fact of bavins eaten a slice of excellent beef for dinnef. We have no idea We have no idea that it was citttsed by, the liuastroua. news of. the election ud . neither our friends or our enemies cau say it was. Vestcrday we peruned " Fox' Book of MarUm" about two hours, derived a great consolation (here Iron), ana uui equanimity nas not sine oecn pis. turbed except by the barber, who charged us two bit fur a siiave in consequence of , an elongation of phiz, and thought he did not get paid for his labor. We have finally come to tbe conclusion, that as the election is over, and, Othello's political occupation -one, we will turn our attention to poetry and raising Morus Multicaulis, until next spring 1 year, when perhaps we will take the field ourself as the Whig candidate for Cong ress. tr hetlwg It in said that the Postmaster General has sent an' rvnntTIi lnrluril b sii-At rn tltA triaA (twlailsa tai BVin viii;',,a im boiuu ass i iw twiin rate of poStaVelaTely adopled npled there,"Tvftb t-iit to its introduction here. - We hope something of the kind may be effected. 1 he rates are too high. A largo reduction would, we have no doubt, in c"raw tfiPece -rjr uniform rate that is bat one charge for any dis tance, however great and payment in advance. a.ino.il justified in;J)?rding an,opinion, ; though the operation in hnubtnd ha been accord- irig to'tfie Tdlesr wctitnns burg Arena. - Riite of Interest in Ila!land.tq the reicn of i. In Henry VJII, the rate was fixed by ict of Parlia- ment at iu per cent. In too J, an act.wss passetl prohibiting the taking of any interest abatevrr, , but it was soon after repealed. In 1625, "the rate was reduced to 8 per cent. In 1751, to 8 per cent., and in 1?I4, to5 per cent. Since that time, the Bank of England has been allowed to charge & peF cent., until within a lew years it has been allowed, under certain circumstances, to charge 6 per cent.. It will thus be seen that the Bank of England js now charging a.higher rale than at any lime for tlie jast l25 years. 'jyii'iriiMdfV' "1f VttBWftjsT.7' Appointment by the Prendtnt. II. L Houses, ei- North Garolm 4o- be- Attorney -of the- Uited Mates for the District or North Carolina, in the place of Thomas P. Dcvereux, resigned. Globe. . Hri'Jran-rfJIKe is jTated " Hi a hitter from. iudunuLJhlN e woraTXJuv" mercial, that tlie Great Western steam shin Com pany "'te preparing tdbuild en iron steamer, to wes of one ikaiuaiul korte power. Halt. Patript. , TAf Springs. The Saratoga Sentinel any: "The number of strangers now in the village ia not loss-Th'arr25Kf of 9imf Every bousVia and were it not for tho couslant departure, it would be impossible to find lodging for the hundreds who am vo-daily. More accommodation must be pro vided against another season-" A Caution The Richmond WJiig contain the following caution from James M. Garnett, Esq., to his "fellow aorTerer in the Moru Multicauli speculation." Writing under date of. the lbtb Ju'y 'r- Csrnett says : If it be not too late, I 1 caution all such against diguing up those parts of their grounds wherein they have supposed their cuttings lo be dead. Thts caution 1 take the lib erty to otttr, because, so Isle as yesterday, while " some of my n-gror-s were hissing tbe plant alrea dy growing, I lound my cutting just gulling oat' uoin rwis ana ouo aunoogh, to joUe by the surface i4 the land, all were dead that did But an- IM pear bdotb grouno. -' THE MORUS MULT1CAU LVS I N NORTH CA- ROUiVA -MORfi THAN M YEARS AGO, A letter from flfT U6rrftsTl; NpirbeTit,"1o- A John S. Skinner, of Baltimore, contradict the assertion that the Multicaulis waa introduced into America after it discovery, by M. 8. Perrottrt, at Manilla, in 1821, and it introduction by him into r ranee at that period. : MrvWll0 sy: - 11 r.-nsnce can ue placed on iho positive awer. lions of two or three credible witnesses, the mong uiwhn, miirr lain JI'S rorf Since ! A man named Fonrielte soma fitly or sixty year ago,v ewtgrated-f from- Franea ?) tnto CtaveoaouMyV ial this Stale, and brought with him mulbcrrieai and : , tnerggs ot 1110 bnmbu, m onler In make sulk. -11a aooo-aJier thia Jied From- 4ve rematna of thoso mulberries, Daw'd Lfiri. of this place, baa' one mot, and a number of the cuttings, growing of the moras multicaulis. About this matter there 1 is no mistake." I have seen and examined those ; cutting, and so hate many others, where tbey are oowjjrowrng. , . : v. ;- - ... ..... ir,' t Wafffr Aorf. A German undertook to awim the Potomac the other dny, says the Alleghanian, on a bet of two dollars, which he lost, just as he ' was making the opposite shore, by losing bis life. -He sank and was drowned. r Respect and Sympathy." I .hould be very " happy," says OA. Pee, the Teiiao Envoy to Mex ico, in his letter to the Mexican Minister," if ou would have thn kindness to make known Wlw jlw Lxecllewy (Santa Anns) Ihe President of the Re- public,' the fact of my arrival here, awarinz him of the titgh tyHisideratiori m which. I bold bm, and " of the pairt, I kare fdl at harnirrgthe 10 of hit l-g. lynch.- Tirghian ' ' p iiP' THE WESTERN CAROLINIAN FiiDaT MoKxixa,-' AtccsT 18, 1839 , ELECTION RETURNS. FIRST DISTRICT. Returns received from only two Counties. Tlieelir tioa of lUynef-n cnhsiaeredture. SECOND DISTRICT. : Bv.mm. ' "- r Lojsj." Halifax,' . Northsmplon, Bertie, 4 , Martin, . 121 maj. ; . yj - 4'Jl IN) 'Mb Bynum's tusjorUy. THIRD DISTRICT. Staslt. T . 1H ' fSiigecoaib, Pitt, IVsufort, ' ' Wntnnrlun, llj'de. t " OOt CtlO SVJO 3l!)9 151 Stanly's present majority, Tyrrell yet to beheard from. IX)L'RTH DISTRICT. Siimm. - : ni ' pa UlItDLC. lol - M4 r Wsyne, JuhnUM, Jones, Crven, mi " 609 Fheparii's nisjority." SIXTH DISTRICT T tl llAWKlm. Illl.LIUtB. . 3"l7L 471) .Nasli, . !fJi Warren. til Stjl - bill Granville, 5W7 , loJt Ihwkins mtjwity 4 both AJwioistrilioo. -' SEVEN Til DISTRICT. ? Wc base no otbcial, oor say aslufctocy yetnra U the vote in tins DsrtricL Ttiere I no doubt of the t- two of Dttberry by a Urge majonty. ElUHTlf DISTRICT.. 1 ,2 ' , MowrooMxaT. OraBjf," Peraoo -Wake, nomijorny. . ij9 uj. 70 BWjnfitjT. ,439- 21 - ' 863 MootrjooierT -majority NINTH Ds rRicT-rr. : Rockinfhimrr- -.- KW j)07 Stokes, v .- . - tasT.tirTrTr Gutltbrd,- - - 47Z msjotity. . r-47-Tnsj:- 119 II ill elected by k okijurn of 47r TENTH DISTRICT. .- Fisau. Raw-an, . . . tr4 4ate- - -.-..-4JU-1.?i Davulaon, a . . , 877 Kandolpti. . . . . (M ChaUitui, ..,&) llsxnaaaos, s-' .' X3J - 741) t b " Fisher's majority 1"S3. , . ELEVENTH DISTRICT. Co.oa. 1853 lUtL) am Z5u4 East el 4 ' ' 250i Lincoln, Meckleuburg. Cabarrus. , 5d5 maj'ori'y for Connor. v Lewi WiUiama has been re-elected ui tii district by a soajority as we learn verbally, of l1, Mr. iljrvhuoo. ,"., ' Jimes Graham, baa been re-elected wiLhoot ff tion, ia tlie OMMUitsios it '.,.,-' A .THE. RESL'LT OF THE CONQRESSlONAt t r-aSLOJTlONS-WOR'-ra-CAlJA.., in this Sute oavere ted in the election, of the following gen! ,iur rentlemea: ... 1L WGioiiM.J.IldL WAIonUfomery. M- kins, Jaasee Bynum, aDd Jas. McKsy,-0. Vso men., y . - .'7 - - . .-, i JaGhflUwiaW4hflistiJleber rr.-4 Feaml Whi. Kenneth Rayaer,'a professed State-Rights tuss, W fmtiKthj, a Feswi Vet f-, i. v-i .j ... 1 r' 1... Ki.rikR '' w.miii oiR-piu, aim vusriu A 3 R .-public ns, trr'f"rm, retrencimcat,sDd con .' s JctmKX'TT Tt:-:'' lTir.ELFCT10NJTJISlth:rtC ! , ; KION At DISTRICT I . Wa bar tbj gratification1" ta anoonnce w friends abroad, tbe full accomplishment ol publican Victory, which we anticipated ia our h-v Notwithstanding the boastful confidence en by the Federal Caucusites arid the extraor? , toeana, and desperate exertions employed ; care it. . Tby have been gnemisly disspi"1" ' " ; and defeated. - r- . - - - A So v er'ecrtain wertr they of success thai A ' chief organ, " the dirty sheet" of Ashboro re claimed that tliey would elect their cswh'!'" ' more than a thousand" t oie majority I ( Editor of the Watchman", in bis farewell broke out in hysterical rapture on ihe P'iA before thero. " Dattn, beaten, beaten,'-' the triumphant snnf , with which he he.',''1 -calculation to show wbat a terrible fcfcM lUtj. i m - 1 " 571 - - 37 - V7 the Republica.... R.it the thing hJ