tai l! RTul,,K'?n cn',i'1 ,,B ha lccn vk'cl" '' . ir auj handsome (u.ij'-nty. Tint result wilt lyaru m new lessons in ;,.uh'ii. u.illl ft to indulge o fre;y ik? time the pleasures of aiilictimiioii. IV thtled ox bli-njid odly bo lam'afier ihc. icUry,-ior !! now ee ilbmrated, "thorn is trinny a 'twut lb cup -J tiio lip" f ,,a ' priUlpd on until nwlrl by oir C-.teu fr le.ids to celebrate ( poliuc it victory, ho will g U-iluwing ovtr Lit native hills fur m.my a dy yet to coma. u I: t no uncommon occurrence, in the present day. to read article 'on Sue Sovereignty aod v ute fig'' '" the columns of political journal which, to yers ago, were devoted to the ropa. ffatiao and support of principles diametrically op posite, and the Editors of which, with Martin Van Burtn, Henry Clay, aod Daniel Wtbster, wrre i prepared to, trample the rights of a sitter, State ia- to A dWi to iiim her territory with the hired Mry -ihtMtitwam.andM. .wihultfc. Jker , mttriot ie peopleYfti 'defence of a meawire that, tike a vampyre, was sucking the very heart' i blood of the South ! "-Georgia Journal. - The let uncommon these occurrence are the Utter,. Right gladly So we eee it. May every day add to the numbers of duch ; and more gladly would we aea even Martin1 Van Dure, Henry J-CJflj, and ZJunici We MfTJneiiiselve coruiig fur. ward in defence of the good caase of State Right, " TlipJ SfcM t5d8i1gMy;7 Far be-it from ua to j. Ject the aid of any who turn froiohe error of their former way, and .advocate theaa cardinal princi ples of our fmth. Tim State-Rigtj(i division of ; the Republican parly ought not 10, and will hot ex dude from an alliance any who desire" to enter ' their ranks. Why should they t Because there have been tome honestly differing in opinion here tofore oo these points and have therefore opposed us, is this reason why we should forever close the door of fellowship on them, aud refuse a recoocitia- tipnwheu tbi-yoine back from their wanderings, t and enter the list to do battle on our aide io the . same cause t ' Nor we stand aloof from the war ""fare and resentment oft mere partisan -content between nied. Tliff unfurled standard of tbe K v publican, jiarty is planted on the ramparts of the Constitution, inscribed upon its broad fold, now ' every day iWiiiig more trmmphantjy, w read tlie BKKto of pur band, every thing for principle, hoiking for men. vr, rT$tiiIiug 'yojfer tuni banoer, we greet With car. Teyyinw1ffwlirfia strike for this Coutitu- tioo, whether they are those wto filled the brrach , in' the hour of paspflI,"or whetlieT Oiey "liow come, eeckiug alliance and amity. We greatly prefer, most assuredly, (o have their friendship and - aid, rather than their hotility.r0ur priflcitdea are clearly defined; so far as they act o there, so long wt continue together : the moment they deri ate, oar courses are apart. But if they will, in ffeavea'a'nanie, let them come on. It is our duty " to stand firm to the letter of our principle, if oth ersno matter who will join us ; well aod good. ' We reject no man's aid they are all welcome to v"7 the held. And again, we say, may every oua find the number of enliKreastng f ' . - v ELECTIONS IN TENNESSEE. The rOMilt of the kte Elcctiuo in Tonne aavs j of a character altogether unexpected and astonish- iWgxfhowwg the occurrence of a wonderful revolo J. tbo itlllii State, within a short time past.yThere isjo doubt, from the accounts which we have, of the election of Col. folk, by a majority of at lean Z.tHKJ fQteaCniereltrnBriiot eonirlete,.bot sufficient Jodeci3e- the resuTtT Wnlg" anos admroiatra-' 'fiooniemtef The administration party, it is stated br a Knotn viile," W hig "paperTna TimeW''f$bMHlaWt a majority on joint ballot in tbe Legirlature. We have oow no roontj bot will giveoett i 'MrVextefideS atalcnieiii, wlieb" we have ill tbe returna. - . ' When we get full returns from all the Districts in this State, we will give the decision of the couo ties 00 the School law. I.NDurt Wit. The Siou "and Chippewu of the North Weal have had several fights lately, and ah excitement is eaid to' exist, which threateoa to bring on a general war bet wee a the tribe. Tbe difficulty originated in tbe murder ot a Sioux war rior by the Chippewa. T,-A- ;. - - The steamer liarnsH Qtriccx, cost three hun dred and $eventy frt thousand dollars.T. Tbe aew steam ship," President 2,400 tons, Is now finish ing aud will be launched soon. It is coaaideraUv " r Urier"th"aTtRo BrKT!ueenJrr jXllE FLORIDA TREATV. "t " Aa Extra from the Charlestoa Mercury, foroish-1 ts fljeTolTowing accouiii"of '"bToouyaT wtto? tuolutioa of Ueu. Macomb a artatj with Jb Seminole. This show the folly of placmg any reliance on its observance by the Indians. Gov. Call of Florida baa appoiutod. iTdepuiation of gen. tlemuo to proceed jbrtbwith to Washington City, nd awlie to the Prei'lrnt a reprenenlatiao of lb : suteof arlairs in tbe Territory . prsvine bin to 'lake immediate steps for the renewal, and rigour prose tuttoa-of tho'-warv i- OrrlciorTBsNrws, I -St Auyusiiim. AnguatH. ( . A , THE WAR RENEWED. Th followlno trnscheroo account of the ur prine of CoL Harney's command, readied here this morning by express, Col. Gales, commanding East of St. John'a, haa transmitted order for the imme- iliate defence of the post South. ? w : '; Ass't. Aw't Genk4l's Ornc, I f ArmjoftheSogta. - '.FORT TJROOK, HE. F.) July 29, Sii ; It becomes mv nainful dutr to inform iou It ""' of the greater pirt of IX Col. Harney' dvtatch metit bv the Indians, on the mom- mgofthr 83d inst. on'the Coleowdiatchie river, - w wro tbey had gone in accordance with the Tree , .y at hurt king, toeslabliab. a trading hoone. . Tbe v I. "ou oi aoout is men, armra witn von s iae j they were rncsiiiped on tlie nvef, bot un rrotecteo by defcncee of any bird, and it is aaid hout ontiifc The Indians in kre " force mo inacit oeiore the dawn ol dav, and be- ; reville. ani it h supposed that 1 -1 U llrt men were kii'rd, a ; wtf-w ,r '.larjc.: Itartrtry ecaji ; ! of tJtta -ntr It was a ewr.;Vte t-u 1 be Co:i.!i.ud-r U- 's. ir.l' oc tv&.-y at . l,nr t tt. m. uKurA uliould one be nanV.' t -S fmm wfjsar fcuraBmiu;' will to fixture, be nuiiis & - ;ur m.h: t nepl utQ?t a roi. eort. 1 be e-tactmunf; u: Fort Mdalattd, wi!t be i-nm-Jiit'v antUuJrww u. nouid Fort MoUao' jrwt "uattewhrn:, smti Im-1 Oareeoa 1C0MI1MM SI jkstswm. Wm.UI' BU. : thonsed to trar the parrtsun, a-d suiS)roe I'-a.witliMww to be enabiwi tu .pletiw ail wb will oar eft be ot"ihton3 lixumjmtmtxa hmu, Laiu W. E. llaooCot..fFj:aisluitu' !; ",t" 1 : "- - s " , -r : - ; s riHIJllOAT , UOCHH. It roar ast not Texas.. Eattu mmnu'; Tf ihieriber hwwij purcliised this IxDlAXl New OriewM psprn of a Ulr Omh: ; f -.HTj fihliiium-tii4 ottetl it in style Kn. tk- i-.ii .J- : ;- i i J r !hr 00nB'M" rf Tnwelleiw d tweeu the.Teiiaa troops wder Ck iMMawand jiarji'tasK iliat ILSJUC dl always be htaMLl ,. " Cberokeea, aod dler Indians 'cwwumiinf ib; j'Ha tStt Beat t&e markfit call aflbrd; Bowles. Toe laAu arete deicoKd io. aboth h Ett.1 wilt a rl sunply uf dwice Liqinvrs; his staoce, the last Unse wiia a less it es stated,. of ui. .'!JE3ik.araWBya-b kept m Hub unler;,and buSis- their baggage, d 6 or booiBwi, tt,.?" .n."?!85 "i "f Tff 0 , . . Hj'nviHBier -rf thw tin, quality, and attended by eood ooaGbwctaCiuiiedU Toe lo oa tbeisior o!;; 4n,iuj touur . t . the Tetiaa was tacuauaderayc ta bol un-ij Skiknaes,liw strict attention to the busimws, in prr - sneut j " 'fc.ttt-'jpra isamtKuimu to all' who nwy laiwJjiut wjiii ' Late account ewe lUt the Te3u "fewer !ta1 i" 1 . . L . tt violence. Tbe Ctlizea aod orabera were 'lea ing the city. ' to tes wawTsam cskouxua liwu. EorroM : It ww s&iersW lut tar aT-;', rl tV'aitot liiulafy awd sm frcti .aw?tsni.iaiw';, tu a rrtiJlirtmK, eciewle xbbt Caukiate far Canfrrm. w as awae awe sb eral says troiic of a. at at aua. 1 aqpw mm, tur. ; wiU put off the cekrfwalasa to wasBe km vsae fcu; i - tbe mm tuac. wawt 94U om$ Ou ub iae MaMicd tei! selected iur toe wecwana 1 Aa tat mswati wmv gam? loo old. aod bMt. anHwe Omj rniit aane aam at tua u. . . celearate vkutt, 1 avwaja adnse tana to aaaa taia wet tq Ue iCtyarWmaa Wky far muttiiv am. 3 Uite. r 1 - fifiM .ii 1 1 r . ,f kiwo Oweere -- Wa.e.ib. Ite. ,n.a a Jfc (f .-iVii. . ; r,. .. .... - n . - - tbe ceretBeo'an fmJjkmiy I. Vn T: A. Fjtnn fni fULnlr , .. wv VTHEubKjibCT.at ayae tx lien feng,' Lf I Sewn, awd Hsrt ok, who .w tend am m to taw Veaa.a&fs ftwwmr tnr L Tcls of laaa : "TilZLri tmimm ii5mik iiil nmiiiin if tin late JotaSesa.artaateww autre few ti.MCMm.Hse the aaaia iwrftertaaXCaaisjB eis1''"' twf roca. Mth. Ha steal. MiuuJiciiy, OUf, kod and waiwabie liaaiow, onto a lxr?r - m-( "' tity- U must aertatHiy lata, a eismnwna. diooad weliaoV feawn. a ie awa. cnw. artuiMsaai.' VU T P" other oat aow-e-alt aa t4,resaw wtta a feast of l" noUnng- in it ronmng pmw nn. V -- aswraew 'hat ttmcfltw: ir i0pmlat entirely Iur 11 . 6ifm&YS2?r&Zl .wr.ipr.a ttitirttir-yifm tgivct.t aW aw MceCaanwAkHw; w4ia "a-aua. pivot auaw.aud a attsft ouoneeUmf these Mill awd 7a acres cteared ; aod a ae Ateaao. n tar v!lnr; mi titer nuaene ataw entt beiow the be4 of the aond. i!," iaaas by ita-owa. weight, and the oa aheve brtj As a'Tflk'staayarinviiTBiBan SosaT or pH-at BraBer, the milf stone eiiVTirr ii rt 1 ft 1 ai nti'r f 'nn ' mmmnia-tixotLUjjiit to Ui spimlle, iimuediaU-ly uiuitu A mezntm ffl Ir taaea ac aaw.: ':niiwnnaar pivo and. the spindle Ught to Uw abatt mrtA. A rooiu; aegvw rot at aumLirwiicti au: "til ttwoed,, mid; the wheel just aoove the lower oet'sfaiWfism'-' " V , iUJsnaUt wall. tnuned-tu the siwtC Now miagiiie W WJ- Tb 1 tan l.fa vtu be Venice ar tia mil, e aai 3ury S6, !. " I KK'j reeenf aad maar Hs euoow at Ja TJI aWw.'Tlt. I klM.MyWrh. . . OaRce, fa, whica.aOiM U tamr krawrreuck e naav 5Cf :ia: 0. make Uew anleat tmim. I fi wit v that: thi newly invented Patent Mill is die - Tbrj aoa have e ia Unr anaer tc aasair aC ananr aun ant bent Deiouerat now to be (bund in me coun frmn ifcycaaa, Mevchaxta, Paater, aVc UmmiHr . pavievlbrsh .tot oalr gnmls lbr tew pmrUcu tbe umandme eoontry. a kw as em ooawaraisav- ora tan tor nvviry bmt. -This mill a not only a Deioo aarot ta the Slate. .oao. u.rjw i wmum in the taith, (ur site m not hahle SaliaOurj, Jm T. "tf o uif. dvuiTinri It w true, ah may get dull and - t m muD will mtarrnmiinif an inrerportioa uf (raw, but V jAuaAc YHIi3L . . '"- Jwai by Uia psteot spindle, tor it pre- THE Aihatriawiw waauav is atC the miu&t ,TMt is-'XTiiinwt. tow wneilawC maeet anowo to the ere eaaoot tote, take tfcw mnini tt mformmr Piava- taai Bb 'tunmjh autttont bMiiy koucked Ui pmca. and Us tST wow o tiw sale taai aaiaaaie owet af mad. am- Jn,mummmil van Urn mill aiune oaliuot, or ought IU Io tawim 3H0 scrvw, lya as t-e CaaBy af JanaMai ac rutata. E'ut dit&NHtce batWBen tbeae null ia Iheu tbe Vadkia Knwr, and aa ti aana Ttaui laauiaplwoE toa uuinir Ht alinuat a th swirteat rnnnuif LramataFaltuaaad at Kia &t wiea-"laaaarui UriauwB oaw ttiaLwaIas,anat tbt toruierawi. '-- 1 .. aavaajasx-audaitaraeidu out. of order. one SWY AD CaXIT BILL? ;mmunj tOa ather waibini ;'Ui one doiag hu wotk 2. ,, . ... . , . . . 'vaiins jrxmc iaoour,. dmo and cnae to tbe wor, tbe A L'".KI aoTpl-ure Io its ewuer, and at itTt 112 fl,ra- withi Uttlae or an coaVter the firwt eo aod te4 tbe ta!t af i ru mim. the imHwal.uf winch they are made can 1.1: - "'T..,Woafwa Ir-, .ulTn JT.L S,a. h.-. ia prewiwa., . -a Davidw Cowatr. X.CI nxm DR. LEAADr.C KIIXX1 (lining located bisudf ta Ealiaibcry ! r I ESPECTFCLLT cSert b srraw in the rmw. 'tmdaw'wf fcw- tTwa,44-a aaawataar; Vi. Je, 1M r-.m-n-frz iirif.-r. v wmm rnaa" Ju aa-rifwi sa4ent.no" aitewow. tij h a"-"' """i""" -"T""1; - "i-"" in r,'ea.To.0' t ie k. nwa siiwauna -Htuintfinirni.-u oiitraud: plkceirBpnir-lDe--BTOinilJ' lLsorErewst My W. JAidawssor bwm: '' n-f wgtirj in penderon wlwels,ajM) small he ssst be fmnd at 3 tamm, wa-e a, aawwi ac rr.: wMnd mill WnwbuUi great and wnall now placed :ffitaaiTt diit na -' rtaW'aaak'.ajBrthenaBa- attarnateiy eontaeaplau tbe aew jj,t7 'grj ' - nT j' tnlt? iu ewupanaea with ttieobli ami ee the wipwrmr t . TCC ftilT5Cni2II 1 PI nn recemnr at thee- wis atwiai fiiuwwaT I. J1..1, i CabaxTO. a aew mid frmb mm; of rrin; and umvtT CwiK The LStwrmr (rtjcwa are ataong list aueat anv ' ' - l,.0"lfa eftwirar, . .. ' ' 1h79 4l, Cififf, .- . " -.- S Vh.t S.liBB. " "" " 50 bukU Si.Jt,' - - . Wines, Cnwae t-vav. TWr iurWrter.la:,.it.; hir wn millr w suiaioinuaiiy anrreet. I held Uie .allot whs h wiUJae rii tMb. r-tu aimstuu. wwch mvawif nd a . th and mill grind one bmbeJ drleioaT4wa, -JACOB ;iA1r 1 1 lt if ui ZIZ:ZZ.: My 1st. 1 . - , 4 r"'v I-!' . TTDFjrr.ai Wrisht . cci: CHIS.ER I TtTjnOH m flirnwh ilut Cust-a ui S2,,4iurr and semiv- nmti. in Tujdavs, TUurwisvs and ; iuuniivfl.ur itfwitr if rwiiirn(i, g mnin a hVewa ',. .j lu..nitlaM hi.tli..,t ......... iiuiw mmmK. mm riw nniv a can ami urmi. SpTicEZ-m REWARD. tiT'JLiSn trwn lbs SubarTucrToo i-T Momlav mirht the lt mninL a 1 1. 1. 1 i . ii 1 - iff 3 ".f 4- nt baiuia biifh, lull eye out. 3 white iw;mii .m ailkret The above iwward wiil be giv ti rbir tu;' aifmiiisiMun uf said home, at Jackaua tlitU iftiMtawr CMiityv3k C t '. JEHEMLVIt ADDERTON. JJiiwiH,BiJ!Ji. tt JJiaCiumnieUMU aiMi now in lull opuraUon at our wi. nurm Uw 4uuti tulkio River, id Oavie eounty. a 'nmuiue ar Ui nltm. of TWO iiU.MUREl A.i r SiHi)JMleaBmeai.jnJiHtl IjHu dill ODOiuinn-witnio itaetf tooie auvaulaai, unJ 'num&zmk mm inventions thao no ba ibund aUaclteti Q-uw 'tnr mux in Ui bouuv tins auu uuureiy tasaiaUa4.flaai top to bouom; bavmg a narewmiBJes TKentbnh, patent m wttich lets Uie ...aaaiorvKUi imm. an uu Uie wlwet ; a patent dress to. lt"'J 'w walatiMaMJ PlHll IIIMMI im lill IMIHIIMIIII UI wlIu mi .Minw ia pMHrisi tnmiijj! we wlMfl MUkMO losesir wasto. msiunt; bet oiuve with a power Baanmilast anw unnvalled Or tomwr inveuUona. . t bis !, uniimvement by David B, Napier, of Ko jlitaatauit uurnuucml into Una State on oar nulls by 'fc -wofcHamumt A Thus linekor,rt'Tennawee, wik are nro-rf Seiner Vatem. ftir Una and many other ruawwtwr appneatioa, 1 aw admirably coo- l.aimetea! aastte psssludw til asasawy ot ausa tureign, -"' aiwueouwatd,as gnartiiL' to give nuUa "ni tttwraill simm. .ilo one seeing the wurk. .?''"' uiac rar mmwr is uguv taom nwuic wueci UStC Satlbwt bulb to the abati, Uie wheel and tbe runner mb laauOLMrtaeUy tiuntoiitai ana IBVeyTtmrtm!-tsH ; .omienuiiirtiiBtMio toipithrr, audnOmdiiig pertectiy erect --J!aJLbujJir toW atrfhinir eiftit or osn buckets at ,i,riHtru uiuttvGeauen Jfoo ilouot out uiatmia mtu ; Bfr , tliar (ha now in exnaencet aod will prove verv i aanm iae 1 lina Hmmtt oWaaU-aluaua luhagaiasl, : iaubimr aianw but xlar sraio, and. Uia wheel auikes auttauar babnw but the- waters how caa. UW be! a.waUiia'ait.anmild ba.dwaule! As Un Usru, in wtbi, i i suioewnat doubUul import; aud. its Uue .insmuuirsswwwiiai '.'Ipai ih Uia i (Bia of-poimeafwtfrte Jama, row mill auweo ever mucin nr, ana aimouira a u" 'r-n."ligM w.terruu, . i -.j i,.w ...t-n. it jt a.-.- pawineaaa audr-a a-iuavta. Mitasta., JtaoiasaUHe lVTmmm mrmm-m.iw, iw uaairt' waterman. reel and uiward.s and pi uia li.MFawrf ituc unprrmiiiMUiU. Uur mill ba only Ove ; m ;iitun. wasarr ia in penatock. AU U117 wwa a a ! aul iiauw fore bay,. pair of mill stones, and trom ten MaaMpiSkvn Willi a trw hand SB perfect th work, j: Tuk mim mills now jr-mdmp they ay to th States I, tf.'imrc'av.J.0Uain, and Tenneawm, troes eae to three llillti,' HiBlfia pi us v. u Uia aa aw nil www It1 Uniie be awv nil .'taalatw wrataan tant Uiwibiaaf gnmiin, bit the uosha-tmUiiix up Uieir guared milk which t s Uimramurfaiit Ijuuiicsa to.pull down and demolish. J'Lt lawiShuoiTrrar'VW'Wg'iiili Mfrnww-w ",w i ai urn - 4 " ",, I iiar.'Biu.ixmiplujaUon of the oe,aiid Uie simplicity aud Gm ' I ir! ii'i(iin irt mtnns tueoosof tUe irtiier, we sre 00 CL3w ! uwnw? nwiiiiided of what the aliajuenl IViclor Ruber I' w mra wrid fipun a fnr?ner uccsmoO, "Ttuit tlie wbolc ' -Shwa-rit ttllinatl m lllla tm IflmKlmiv in(i nilh. mnA Ikill I jat nuthiny bebind but tlie mumoriea of Ha Crimea ttt t Aitaiee of its aternal deatroctmn." . JOSEPH ILLU NEWJJERttr r. HALL, a . I - Tuouato certify 'hat haw read Urn above "e- ..imf. aaf hma iisa wea ina mminnl tin a:,l Milk i ,i!t rr.uti .-urn. Sllll (111 BUI'' hi Ihil hnuf c,f mw tnna.L Pt!j wid rwiiet' ttnrt.!! tiist he been aid in lwhlf of! M-Oik.i.5 las nittii. amjiUtt-iiiCin.'Xtarlti fci .otarfing bin Luii.i!wmutt i Uw la IwvidWn ciNi!i',eiui iihimUi; unm iuimiwuuiith f La tin; belief auuuiiuoiniiuii M uli .uu" cuul uu ' buo. ite Oaa u.m awn: u iuiuxtiiiit. !i-iw to iu- eeue sil tiioat ami uitij tivitr:nmi wuti :iimr ounim, ! auu ue auie Uiuiu Una iui ;uu .wii'lta nima u nu dor Uicir sin ewuy aiui ituiiiiiUiUiu, Uu will iiuo, UKJie rwuim tlmo Outinj; tin luil. iu:iiniitr,.Utny will Im UsUut tilted jii)i,.nuii Lit. huilc lMti t autukuuill "Ui-! piitiil with tlie JMt liH .cjiuiuy uitiimik. j The tiuoUilfiiiitiiij,!) Uttiviltaiifcjin iiiuwn to be a fine LJAi.vuiTtt wmitr uvvtir .Jinmni mil ut" iin ! earth. 'J'Ouy nave bwij; lmmuiuuiun(uu.'tir lm !imitmr aud uivijoiaiiug etiecu, a; tut- wauac Uuiuitnuaa iu. 1 aiida who ba.e oawad timw. cnu (asm tuaMnmim u.' 'staeir AiO.L'riJ-Jiiasa'tUafctt ai-WKCliti. I YtMwnatmuy me oiumi flaw . milt , KaXi .aCAbwi 'auwcuul.pum.aiidrerfealiiim. 11'Ip wuaMHaiu irmo aiwuurj auuui i- oiiit.aiiK,rti)Ui Ujoanniii UBut Ui; allien: "laal rauit iaujnir train TittuHi. . lot Boaseriaer laujeifcaiitawuH itwuttnaT wiw-may beaur ana- with -aiiwiauisr mu tUuyiiiawattaU J.- hkve no awe to lieiiiaiMttauiUiUuowiu Oiu watwj! or witli tiifuflL-lU ibis cburiifc Jrtnii, ii att) iui, ne wutlerauu U-v;ivu. tt? : Ue have alwny aataBOMk! unr JiMiuiic ihrrimi if DviUaiu to be miry iiutj tttljAuau.' wil-n. 'limy have been eetetMwteii wt jubhj rfB- br ttiuirtSTony'ti. tininc, and uiviomtuig uuaiuu. tl:ieatr .tiiiiiil-i are lucaled in the uihMI a iMiigr ul ntNuomutu inonii tmliM, u-lmw uiimr 1. imih-mm. iiliiimiiL W.wntu ''ml j to see ttiat ilt. tlpm m hmu ttie' iiiiuuiieUiuuMl Hn ixuuiuiwuui iu uuuq,au wr- '!! " ' reiAUeuiiaimuiaiduu . - ...i.-i. -..1 1 .11. ill taA. mt Mull iImiri. cirk risuuu. ' jsjui. a. inL52Kaaji, '3 AS. 1L 4M.MIUC, ';. Hi. JBlWAlf.il-lk.Ik, 43! 'i. liiUlUHiVVX . April IS, l"). . Town' fettTlyfffi I WILL othir tor Suu.- ac'tl uooik jjjuueami. .1 rrar-Loorl, Ihe luiliMiMuujTiw innr- anuan: i 2 The iuhmk adtuiiKiiS.nuawairriearK K 3 A acw OweUiugtMuaa. xx1U.1l. minwmrv uun ; tioin, itimnmrtnr iwt. 4 A buine aud UK, mi !wlauuitmrtt,upiEHtli Win. - tiowaid'.wiUn awsk X Alan, 53 acres of iaiui aujiuiinigttitttUHrtiiol! iaJiabury, All the ahove -wiliae.auul oai Jraoll Rimiwpnvataly ; if not Owpuaed ef aumn,!tiu5'.llvir aailioni Uie day atW(ejw;,utJiied,.. jt'JlH JlifWflfc naiiiDiiTV, . 't.auiuI'iL U"3u. tar rpAEES tnT-taiumiiiraau1J;rftnnr h:neb in uiw tAMintv, a ot a oara onv -cuttic, juitn !tu w tMi m three- warn old, and appresud aeetmittur ! Uaw Uw- Stuarteinp . belt, Utho iitltespta, aim 3Mmudl liiuuiV.tu be worrti 0 be worth .Raiilfnn ' --amy outiia., - , SaLabory, AiipuafS. taa. , nATTNG leomveSf a nmw aumiiy ufttaRCEHItHiJ takiM jilwmurr in artymp Ht rbwiili. uml ilm public, that thrv ran niwi- pu Jsrrmu- inunni; ibr oatat Ue hss all kiudu ofbunit) jmvuiiiMBis,urti ae tnipar mud Coflut, Sharp aiur Candles,, Oranges, ' Cntirallj, ' RauiiiMi, fliurtUtTTil;, Aliiiwiilii, tweet Dfarikers, JLndMKHnnav !ClHr3!oii',7 iiewjrrl ftTtc&rr. JLemou3yiuii Wimw intf- "iLntiifiiwk' 0 the hrtt giiaUtif, anff 'fi'tti lUtfHfi (nvpwraft(a SaiwhuTv, June 2n, il-CU trT . fTTT:: ;TLT0r.. llrl'ECTJI ULT iiiurinna. rtie-rhiHHiaiid the It public, Hint. be wiil.iairTH,iiiit(iie T IILOIL ING CCI3$ at h illbuiiLWmuiirnrwit, next door So the JLndttettafliratriiE. Blr wererl ready to twecoieJbe-ttTuww'rtf tttw? witetimmro irr a Tyte and jnannrrr mm wariaaaaiti (twanyr wrrrimnn in tho wmoiHTwrttr Uiwilmm. iu iaiu.tttwrat- eulur roceiit af itit Uitodt Loniba.aim1; Sow-lurk FASHIONS, and ijrrrirwrmil ttn mrmnniniMUitrt' the j tantea of tlie tualuonobur iU -ill: Uine. ' (ty nwig fwrmmita -ni mi fttiHHwoitwwilMi- ht promptly i and tun httnift 8 nifliimfItniiWiid at ull time to country lailora, ami uibtrrurtimi iniwii iu M.... n cattinj;. J&laoar. iW B b-t:t'J. -fTUIE-fiobsailsaJHiviiBr trnwUbimwrVia Uiwiowoa r. auperl; IIUIIlRI. 1 L a CVwiewrd, wuuul aiov, .iliat iiiw ri Uilfiet?'Tzr ,.i!'1.nrT tkm? !mUl.tw,fH Twmti aw ..-.v....i-..-. Orsiitmt&l xnZ ir riiatirr. j JJuameas, and ttiepeciminw o wnrtt fla; haw executed- in ma Imu, will ara anDuinnc rriioimmiM iuair . ' lie will alD attend tom oatl: mauu a; Hint ia tire HOUSE and ia confident broon grsrualuttutt: to.alt who may emnljy him. w , Tlia J'ublic kTesjiecrTuliv rfTitMioil fo eslfwd en- enuBite mm. w if imuM'niium'ii i iib ail' wiia eannaitled to biai ai tir 'JMii ataaoita laantawv . fxy A In, J'ainunp and B'Tinimntfil !l:iw it Cir 'ramaint ailtt Miwuam.aiieiitawaicm. - - ' Crmrnrrl. K. C. Warrtr. iU. JHaii. tf rjTXiTE piblwaw nihrrwmtl sitan ithr'iiwua Htahiih- B menl will he cit Jirwattlio-.-fciiBriBklur c c . cumnufctaunn of uivuiiuk am ml wixi m:; Uuaire a planl humiiwr -rt'tniaL ArrtiH itftiafnliuus .'leva bwn made, and rmowacl inffiiiM.viil 'w j'wn ui rro der fill I sal minium. 'STrnm 1 UUutriimr. mrj -nMvjt. . Tlwiikfiil rurtlrt libfmi; nuinnni 'l!iiuvnl linn tlie but Mwiin,t)m-lSurriilr-iiinia 1 inrrriw trai id hi EatabiadwHtiiu;. ". i.:.Z, W Blt.fl271, Catawba Srmljifiii;sOJK ff;rV juw-jma'ji, I ' . ; fT The ryflttevilleiCtajrs jndttie Swlh Cam. linian, will 'wbi.it 'tiie 4ihrw iln ha wimrmiiI of :!. each, and wend tucir accnmita an '4te lf'uVJiluirvt.'4tBvba jSinmps, 6m-pnvuMjnt. X. VK. It- rTtllE RtibarTthfrr havitir momtimii au tewif o sell I . tl wknve Bnilinimt.iuJ auaw,oia lauiraue.. now. o!I(!rs U tor aale at tlit wtnutt ;rrnw 'r - . - - - - " - - rtr.tl?r - , rulton, Wtrt5S.4J . , , . ctr CI A Ilcsliuenl. : t d i - IU-sd-Qiiartera, ) J?li.hury, Aiijn-t l, Hia , J are conimandiNi tb piraJe st the Coutt-lIoH.ie, wi the Itiwn of SjJirbnry, en Ssturday tlie I7th of ,?". 111 u'clock, A. M . with moKkcts for drill. R. W. LONG, Col. t'omd't. UTra,imlanL,i AuataISoJjrJZ , lAi7a 7 VlllliJlj. , PTHE Suuimir Seivioa will elrwe on Fr ilty, tbs Olb 1 a. int.,iHi the School will be re-opeucd on Mon aar.tlw SHuitsiiuuiber Mxt. ' !,, ; " , . T; PUILLU'S ALLEN. Z SuluiburyAii?. 0, IS:?!). . . , . v C . . Police. TAKEN op and committed to the . Jstl of Rowan county, on the l.Vb inxtant, a UPirm man wlio ctb bimsoit'? TUM, about M vears of age. Ho my the mi;lit of his ift eye is injured, and thr he bekinga to Urorge, L'flpr, tif Fsirbeld District, B. (X The owner is rmnratod to crone fiirwan). nniv tmnirtv. nav rbnt-fp MIU ISKS tlllD away, Ot tie Will be lie .lit Wlttl aSWe law JOHN 1L HAkUIE. Sh'IT. -. .. . . SaliJiury, June 21, l-SJUt if atftmlf-m - Wanted: immediately, ' V'--' GIJOD Workman to nuke Daon PUiehs, to " .a. wJmhii Uberal wagoe will be given by the IdubacrW -dar,.brnig seraa uiloa NorthweNt of Halisbury. k r-r ' KOHIYN. CKAl(.l" . Rowan Co., N. C, August 0, ISJltf. . .f tf I - . , ... '. .. 4- . Negroes VaiictI. v Jtlll eavb pno wUi b given for Negraes. . Apply . '.- .Tir1ttinr Winr OrrawfiirdV4ltiH-l, tSahH- n. c. r'. . :V '-'v- -,;71.,...:-.;., .-war I., IM.;. tf iiAc Police. TtD! Subscriber, jo. conformity to leci-nt jiwtruction , :-:Jfc:Jwried t'rora therNnruj Jarelmaiid Wte4,wn -j' uatiy, takea this mrtlwd to inform those interested, that ' 4 " nuiVadcr all persons Ibund tretpaiinir upon tlie follow inzTtnctsof Land, belonirini: to saw Compear, ettua . - '7afI&"Cbantyrwilt be tproKcjdcd -aooordiiMrr to tbeVstncl tetter or the Law. - , ' . - JOHN WARD, A gene - i , DavMlsao, April 1S3U.- . tl i : V I.AXI i... ' - - . i... . Tract, So I containing' fcwJ acre, lying on the lour , milo branch. 8 obntaimng WI aerr, lying on the wa V. tare of tbe Flat Swamp. . . v sVcontainini; acre. Iving on Lick creek, i'lat Swamp, and Vsdkm ftivor - fcmlaining 1,0.'0, lying oo Flat Hwamp - 6 saUinuif IU7, lying on lick creek, 7 containing Ll$4yuigoii Flat Swmip. coouiiiinj; wni, lying oo iick creek awwrilllMR. At) luin. ff 4 " 111 conUnmig T,M)7 seres, lying oo'Lick" creer-atm rial nwamp; ' K-eomamiBg, ,XC, lying ot L'ck creekt" . Uoontatniirir L317, located on lour mile . brankh and Jacob creek, adjoining Uia Lead mine.- - - " v StLLlTUHLXG. - IffE subscfibef wiahe to; inforai hir custrmcrs" ulTio" in . . ... i n ...I.. i ..,. ,u. Stone Catting tSusinrsi. M4ljyer"m"Jy to jei-Vy--TOterior ------ umiunri; atr viimjiipienieot wwirw mi line. - ' CoWGrinderirt Min-Stimef, innrfrwr and JprV--- mlLJJ.uue-Ups awl Tomb-ttonei, araetccutod in a, vwry rare style. Jiis grit &r Mill-Stones i eery good.- Mr. hilip'ilo beg to inform tbe public that he can execute Engravings of various kinds ' tie will Engrave marblo-slube ninlly, and gniiiiro tmnbhMMweait aw-wwl) eseculad if dcsirovr. JIi aharge shall always be reasonable, and aa accom modattt!! a poxaibie. , " ' - - I'onwMis willing to have worWone in the abnro tine, will do- well to call at tho restoWe of Mr. Philips, seven mile south of Sulisburr . . ENOCH EkFlllLLlPS, L Jtajpiat 2 1939. tf TAILORING 1 BUSINESS. 1 1 RSI'ECTFL'LLY Ukes this metliod to liikmn Lie j il rneml and awtomeni in Concord ami it vfeinity, : 'hat he still eoutmues to carry on tho above branch of . t .. k.. LI I ... i' 1 o ....i. .r .i i Uoaima at hi old atand in Concord, Sooth of the store MiKwr J. F. 4. C. Fhiler, where he will be found at all time, ready to Cntv make or ICircitte, nT wor ,n B "M- tiisiongeipenence in in Uusi- funhnmi tmmj'hiladelphia and"Niw Tork, enable htnr a ay, tliai th worbLue at hla Hliop, shslf be nf the Best Workmanship. - N. B. Ho will also teach (as Aent the much ip. provml fffWin of T. Oliver ol Itiilidplphia, to any one who w:Wib tnsrruetinn ia bit system ol euiling. v Concorde No. a,lS;W.- , r "springs d siUNkLnj ' f f V5 jot reeeid from -New York. and rUilidei,.., . phi, an extewwv aaaorlinent of SPWXtr tSrSllIMERT.00DS7 eO!ttTI!IO OF . ' - " Dry (JimmIs, Hardware, Tinware, Crock- 11 ery.tJ ROCKUIES, Drug ond Me; ,. dicinea, Dyo-Slulls, Faint and L .'I Bl and Shoes, V ' 1 '--7-SaiUlorydktv, &cv. '-JtizJz.:: In abort; thoi'r Stock eomises aluxvo. every erliclo nredMl By the fwwr, Mrchanie, or the f ojaionotih-f of the town or coantry. " , j,.' N. H. They will wIl low for ca-h, or to pinctiul dolT en tim ; or io exchsnge for country Produce. ; Concord, Jlsy 2 tUi, lSllt, , ti .. tt . VtcsUr CoiicotA. THE Presbytery of. Concord will meet in this Town en Wcdnwadar. September 1 1th, at 1 1 o'clock, A.M. ' The aiembere of Prosbylery are requested to Hup t i th hnaaeof tbe ciubactibcr, aa tbey cittevthe Town, to I be directed tojheir plsces of tmlyini?. r" - - - --- --- -STtty FRONTI . .gatirbnry, N. CU Angnat IS3D.. . . tp. , ... . V ". -W" A........

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