VVETK'Y' ' "' RECESS Frim ihe Knu htborkMr. ' TRUST IN IIEAVB.V, Thi world walla ft ting show, For mail' ill union's given ; Tim smile of joy, Ihe tears of wo, Jh-Ceilllll slillie, dec. tiu'A ' There'siiothiog liitu but hen Vmirt, Tru-;t in Il-avcn ! w-n or thy path, (."Iti'jijij and tempests come in Wrath ; Worn thy grief (yjirciMlh (lit, When ,!cured thy prospect be. When around thee wmIk aie driven, Heed them not but Iroot in Heaven 1 Trut in Heaven ! when morning lift X'j h'-r. h'-nd i!dr.y linf gilt - ).igl4iid dew, upon liiti earth"; '.' '' '"' V lien she bruits the biowsom forth, Tilt fcliifi' the stars of even, ; For nah-guard, trust m HuMinii I Tro; m Heaven ! when thrro l'r V Ituriicilt many a glorious star; (Wsl tlmu dooU V, hen Uiui her light !,a,n unshadowed through the night Tint prol'ciioit may be given; . 'J'o ihy pillow f Irud lu Heaven ! Trust in lieu yon ! when one by one HaiIi the wave of hope glide o.i, leaving Uioe a wreck at Issf ' '' "V" OiMne shore whence they have paH-d ; 'i'(iX liiy heart tic wrung and riven, Snii ('uiavi-r iruit in Heaven ! TriKl Vi IJfaven !Kticn trom ita wy Ttk ttmu Invent to untidy ; ., iStill, eu atrivu to knij; them talk To ita airtM'tit and tli'tnilt ss track ) - And titut Cm :h may noon h' jrmert To llicir MiViW, iriMt'tn llovn ! ' Tmrt in MrnVeo ! it nfialt not fail, , Wbdu tde darki-st grihi prevail ; And vtl.cn death at lenji'i film II 0(110, H hell aronhd Uive Kyiw', Uin gloom, Fray tluij nii;ff be JbrgivM i FIucu thy dfiitft rurt m Heaven ! YAJtii;r - .Emerald. iJe, bt-in brouyhl ''k-lure Court in Miit!Mu;Iiueii fr aHH.mll hiitniutli;fy,"w'ai,ailieu' j if he waa ijtiil'y or not jruilty ? . "Uuiliybe t!ie puwera !" exclaimed he, rua- King Uemuur.Miii.H 01 mure uuiii niu i.aim a j iijnii 01 right in a if -U c'ltiuiry, to kiwi uui any body ho plu'it' iih iut lx;ni guilty ot jaoJu aiiti LtUhura, l'J a ve?" . , "' The t'tiurt aiworiu tliiain tt.fS-'iK'gu'tiv; Tat ' w a little at a 1'S-twhnt to aav. Ilo did hut like 0 , the woii Kutjiy, ii gloried t much in his char acter ofa hftt to wmIi lo ilcny thu clinrgf . , U'hili) hn wo hrHitiiiiu hut. to anyra 'liilo , inn 11 of the bar whij'x-reil to bun to I Hit in a plea of ' Ao.'o ( WiWrnf.' , - K' 11 . 1 ' . . IH . I .1 . t 1 . I W ioiinr,yT leiwer ye i aniu inn 1 riHiitnin, wnu wn bitr acquainted wiliilM"Kin.iWi iIumi with Laim, ' whm'a thu Hiiintn iv ihut?" - , "' Ths meaning ia, that you will not" contend with lh country," anid tho lawyer. - , m ' fiolli'iigra ti'inl-T y1 1' .iui. jho ac'iiltlurn- . to iu biuichj .w thai. JaJ'Jjwt.i il.iiut.mteud with the whole couiUry ; hut bo Iho iKiwnrf !" apit tmg on hi limiiU, 'l can whip suyjhrce.iv, ye ut ilia aaino lime !" ' ; . . . . " Suiapilng Jachttt, or Yankee tat Yankee. Tho writer w aurvi-yin Lmduii IVoui thu ciijxi. lit ot Hi. Paul. Il waa a gluomy day; thu ig rolled up 11a heavy curiaina 111 a limiifd wdiuoiw flint tho ihuiiiMiiid aiuiri the tnetrouuha wero ahlit from tin) cm;uiiirTtlJLL,!i3r '."UtfJl'SJk6" Aa lia hniked around, I. a waaware of iinuihcr iijh'C; 1 v tutor !aitdiiij uy hi anin, who accimicu nun:' ' from whtti lciijuif? rt)ar tourmt-l'iuk iuio ttt . onco for a fiillowVminiiy imui. u Yi'," he re r... tylwii, wttli cljixjcd iftuuj-aucc.; .jouLnliahiiicu '. ought to bo prmit! id it.", "Oh," aaui ho in r '. , turn, ' I jut'M I tiiul aa J' ilulnnen ; 1 nuh'r e.x ' I ttt I'm jiriiifiMilly from ine t'..iuiw." "So tun I," waa thu rfj'iimlur. "Wo aro looking lhuUp-a.U4iuamtu,;iJii''.r.'XVAj,X'u .'!L" . , muted ; bill we do not wo ita iinmtMmity to tlay. It tired a dm a light m ptmitMc,' fir tho wide ami gciierul viww." " Well, yen, I expect it doc. Alter all,jt mint b a dvajieraio izi'ahlo place, in rhnhusr the ouiskirta aiil witter privilrua, fur it . '' . Ltoka V 00. diuadful tliick-Mtllcd just aioii heio, : '.found-' the. mindiiij; hoiiael" Tina qiiuiatmn ia from hUMay ami memnrr, hut anbtairtiatlj Pitth.- fill, 111 f.ict and aoeiKi. Uwiy Letter $ from Lan f ' don. ' '. . - l'errrertr. We hurd tli) othr r dy a very j;.hl tiin'ci'iln of a ii'rtj.u 1 1'l.ciiiric prcnrlmr in a ' ' .iit'iditrviuij StaiOt ilitawr.il (iilvntcd man withal, and ut' uubuuiidi'd uifliiriicr anmn hi ponplo. On ., Jonjj warm iiimncr aliernw.iii his conrrtttiou, a alt tDngrrgitiunt wilt on auminer alteriKxim, frot (Irowxy, aud not lew want ofl into a regular . .. doze Iho orator WouL-UU appareiuly iudiaturlrd hy the apathy and Anixlifid hw tiacur, he pnuwi'it the iteK'S oftea the case, aflrt. the htiu- " drum of a not wy aninmredrpltwr-a-Touvd up .,j,4.U wrajttoim 1 nmw.aolliw4 JWirtom-ij. aod U jti atarnl for ihtreatoiJ jhe.orioat :roociin luind, he watted till he e.tw ilienwall fairly . awake, and ' then very crnil amd " .Vly fiictid thia nr'rimin , rH rue it al dal of u!ar, rather more llinn imojat vni do not Kieut to have txtid it quite aa ,'.. 1 ,.,'. 1 ..' mocn uiirniimi aa it uravrvra 1 mum 1 win go over it apoin, nun ho waa giiod aa hie word, liom 1' " wat U aaliMiUiiuu. .Vai Ymi Em. ' ' " 1'lui luJy of marine! about lo tail on a ilis lant vnyngti aunt a note lo thu r.lorgvmau of the lrih epre'ungtlto fyllowiog nwamng ' - A nutoiiiui g'iug Ik sun, Ins wTiu ihwires I lie "" praver oT lIitt"togr'k'airo!H1,"'"Liinrtuit.telv the . ood utal'in ws not -ki!!J in iuiiclu,ition, hor h.nl ilio riuiiiMer quick vision. . He reed ifie ikhb us it w.ii written i -.."' ; ;.'..,. ' ' " A boshand goinij to his wife, desires the frayt'ri'iif lliicongrrgation." v ' . Aneedoie 'Founded on Pact. .i a n inn 11 vil lage in tho 8lii(o of (iertrgia, a quarrel recetitly look ptaco between two Fr iichinen ; one a no ,igi little physiumn who lmiked us if he lived on hi ' owu drog the other, a sturdy grorrr, who aa a . cfltiuilwil, coolj have tnkt ii iho hula M. I), at a meat. In the progress of tho dispute', tho doctor wrought up to the slicking point, and as warm aa cntitiliim, citetiiiuied, " will le dmn if I no kill you "to which t'to grocer replied with mm chnluico of i he uiie'l luhefoii r.imtra-t. ";No j)ctir, I'll bi tfnrryctnhTT f rrt5Tiati luTTiui." jdoy you." i j r rrintin z uratrj- -exrcntrt! a I i r "v vu mvt . 1 l'NXAMI'l,i:i) MAMMOTH SCIltoE: '1HE Sillovniiif detail of a S'tHKME tt a lrntK, 1. tut;'! drawn lit Ih-cemU-T next, wanau's u in dl' lrin:7 it lu be wipaeulii ll 'd III ihe fu-lory of IUe- . n h. I'n& u the amount hav never bt'dre been ol fered l tlic public, ll n true, there are many bhtnks, but mi the other ha n1, the extremely low charge of'.'!) pep lif tdo value and NiiuuVr of the Cnpiials, and Irit revival of tlift g'md old cu--)(m of tc"rrantnia that twiy prite tlmll he drawn and rtiJJ, will, we ari- Mire, cive niiivTaI ml.n'aetion, and Piptvially, to tue hundttd jmz httldur, " .OtT 'ii'W Hikpfj" 1 tr .nlvfitur', we rexominrnJ f ry applitalum rif-niff rudis ii u f.,r TirkcU wlifn t'tu rriiei: are all sii!m, H!nk only r Mam-the lirrt buyfr hiivo the b"t tlmiicc, Wc iImti (on firnphnti cilly any ukiy hot! hut at oirp rwif and Irani mil to iji your ordirt, which ahull atwsya reoeit-e mir immediate attt'iitinn. 1'ttfrs Jo b tddrptofd arid ap plicatmna mndo to : SYLVESTER. A- CIX- J50 Buoadwav, New Vokb. $700,000!!! $500,000 $25,000!! ; ' G Prizes' of- U Prizes of $20,000 ! ! -15,000!! 10,000 !!: A 1 J Prizes of fraiid Keal ltalc and Hank Mot k t )K FROl'KRTV SITL'ATKII l.V NEW ORLKANH, The fu heqt and mint Magnificent Scheme erer t ,: pretetted to (he Public in V Thin or any other Country. . Tickets only 20. Authorized by $n act of the Legialntive Amwmhly nf flurnh, and under the ditoctiona of the Cointniwion era acting under the aaine. "To WuVawa at juckaoiiviilo, I'foriila, Dec, 1, l-s'll. SCHMIDT &, HAMILTON. Managcru. ." uwiwaj, ftew ton, 7 -KulcAgcuU. - Xo eomhimlion JumJirrt III M)JOiia Tickela, fr.n Nu. liipward, in aycciwion ' The Deed of the l'rnucrlv and IheJSlock trarisfmri'd ut. Utwl.loUiti i. MiiwiwiMHiora apiKiiuUtd by the atd act ot the i,j.'ilaluro of Florida, tor the security of tue lViM'tw!dw"r.::"r-ri ": siLi:xii sin:3im ; 1 Prize The Arcade, 284 foet, 5 inches, 4 lines, nn . . Majpumj. frrt?l ; llll fret, otehea oh - ' . iVatchCE atruet; l'.'C tect, 0 indies on j ra v icr rce t Ken ted a t a bout ssJ7,l K KJ ft. auuuiii, and valued at f7iH),IIOU l.itel, Witt on liiumion atr; " T1TTIU 0 111. on Camp Btrcet-i""" KinU-dal'iVM) vnhreitat ."jOO.fHK) 1 I'rVo IhvelJinff Hoiib, (iiljoiuinff Uie Ar- cade,) No. 10, ft 7 ill. front- .. ,. o tho A'aU.l.'atr.iJUtiitidtt - X-, -jHua-ralucdaL OjUW t I'rize ljittu, (a(!oimng the Arcade,) No. V lMt 31 M trout on Natchez stii ' r ' Rented at l,"vtK-valued at Vt,KK) 1 Prize Dituii, adjDiiung tho Arcade,)' No. Vi, Zl tl trout on Natchez atr. itYtited at fcUIKI-aXaluud at I Pri Ditto, No,. -:i, Nortlcraat corner of ao,w0 llrtninandl'nli)iii-lH)ueir. 40 " IL fronton Dooiu, aud 4d IL oii- . Franklin atr. by 127 ft. deep in . . I iiNtjiindioUKr Ktr Kunled at ft. 7 n. on Bsstttj 9t 7 m: en--' -'-' .''; " - - rrsolilti117(l.''li4in.dwpin front of (.'imlmo-housv street ,.Kiiito!.ail..'itit--valufldat. 'JOM 1 1 'riio--liitto, No. lli'll), ;4 ll. w in. ou lloyal . srr. by li!7 tL 11 in. desj Kenied at (il.tXKI--valued at lo.lHKI 1 Prize-'.'.Vlphurt'sConol Itank Stock jiHRI vseii, SiNKKi aut) jlmiU-ommercial dttt'i 1W each tti,(KiO 1 " l.lditUi, Mechanic' &, Traders' UK each. l.VtKMJ " UK) ditto. City Rank $1(K) each, 10,tH!0 " UHI ditto, ditto, -UKi each, 1IMNK), ItHI ditto, ditto, lll t each, ltl.tlUO . Tm iluiis Hxeliiuige Ilink, HHI each 0,lW " .'XI ditto, Oitlo, ditto, al(IU ech, 5.1HKI " !ij (httij, (iaa l.iglil BanMi sjiKIO each, U,.r)(K dtlto, ditto, dillo, iltHI t-ach, 2.MHJ dittiCetittn, ditto, iltiU each, a,50 " 1") ditto, Mcchanie's ii Traders', I00 enc.h, xs. - 1..VKI l"ilttlo,difio.dil'.v-U(eh, , - - Ll'd HI '.11 " racli Hi Kliaros Lioisiana,.S:alR Bank, S.KW each, each I'riae fl.tHJO, '20,001) 10" each shares of 100 each, each Prize $M, of tho ti Light Bank, ' 2,IXH) 200 each 1 share or tlO,oi the Bank of v Lwuikiaua, ' , 20,000 200 each 1 share orill)0, of the New Or- X leant Bank, ' 20,000 x I-'jO" each 1 share of $100, of the I'nion Dank of Florid, 1000 .,UjUl,UiU:.. - - " Tkkrt C20;!:::Mj:tr-e. - The whole of the Ticket's, with their Number, as also those containing the Prkea, will la exaiouiod aud sealed hy the tommmsi'iners appomled mi.h r iho Act," previous lo their being put into the wheels. Ono wheel will coiitaib the whole ot Ihe numbers, the other will eontain Hit Ht'Krwrn I'sizrx, ;nd the first rMH) Nimt- Uirs Hist ! km iirmw dt bw fn'ilied in inth Pain as may he drnwn to it numbers, and the form, naie bolder of such Pru will have such property transferred to them immediately alter the Drawing, wwiHewWirrfff. nntl le'fif h( nndt duettnn t Juiiu 7, Isli). " 6 in BOLTING CLOTHS; - - HaVaVaiaBH- " ' ' ' S"v - yiti fitf.tjiiUiUDjjmy RAVK on ham), and intend krsping a supply of the h' t Auchor Stamp Boltinz Cloth. comprt5inj all the various fstnt. osvd in tins region of country. nr all who wish th article can bo sup plied in quantities to suit purchasers, and on reastaiable terms. ' alho - : Wove Wire f;r Screens, Siltera, A-c, kept constant' lyoohanJ. HALL & JOUNSOX, . -, I--. ' : JtKrT or l.iwoVNT. - rayettevilK May 17.KI0. " , tf ... Wrapping Pnper, fcc. Trttllf SBbsTTibofaT t Ve Jitit 'roerlvrf aTsrsfrassofir" - ment of brown and oolored WRAPPINt! pnpoi; together with a large ijuantity oi PASTE BOARD, which they offer at wholesale or rs'sil. " , " T C. B. 4 T. k.'WIjeeler:"" " June 7. IS.":.'). '. -t ' if KluVS5l ... .3JI'!' I lack, it mav alwava'ba warded oft To escape one chill i tur ln" u- t eomer o t wou,j WoTTiilin.ray moie Wiiiori-iehce UTtBa sullt-f: 1 KaiiiBBdt-ust..m hoiiaestr.; J. a lh Mmar Uiu remedv-lu reuiuva Ihe diaease . 31t'itut j. i ii.iu.-'j'-..n'"'"'"",,!,urt ,il rtii' U tiieit-itUti ilk t '.' and t'tuntX uuitrt are hi ll, w afi-i ictu !y Ucn'v,'!.- t- icri"- sii? l.u.iid t.r li..ni .ii fc.try Suto ai.il tiuii o' i" L'utuu, and hy iliu vulm.ury u.-uiiijinal Uiiusir r u,aradu.e clLcaLy wincn arn'1-very u lit-ru oii' red. U . - lb... I I hull id uut liuina lie.-jj'.y 'Mt.lv c jhiiuo:" ui. arc ine munia ot txiximive aim iin.anui- b aiuuiii hiatll.cu-d tj:ly-cn-laiw,liMO Iron Uitcreat ed cjiituJt;iMliyii.', thai the I'mpneiui ui uibm: j";-i."-DLhMy aurccaalul iiiedifiiinjnilcairuuaol'kwpiiifr U"--iu c.rtu.iiliy tHur ih public cyu.- Tiie sale ot every ad . 1 1.., 1 1 1 it.) inui k.itii. ikk iiiraiitfe l!itoni permute uiil he rehevwJ rroia a fHaler or Ifrt degree ul suilor ing, and he improvul hi general hualih;.l;r m no cusp ot"iiutteriiig (rum iltteaM ran Uicy ho Ukrt in am. I'uo troprieiur hn nver known oi been inltinned ol n iiiiMme in wtiich Uiev have tailed to do good, in the moht ohhtiiiaw cat ol chronic dwe-ane, auch aa chronic , dysspcoiia, torpid Irter, rheumatiwn.vajithuia, nervoae and biliiiu head-aclt;, cobtiveueen, plti gt'lieral duUili ty, acrululoua weiiinga aud ulcer scurvy, aait rheum .and all oiher tlirouit; affectiona of the ort'i and iiieii- iiriiivii i''"y ''''"' "i-j '-vy-iuftut'--i-. cy wuicii le persons would Uiftirelicaliy oeneve, uui to which ilKibaanda have ietihd frwn happy expori enca. lu cjldi and ciughn, which, if neglected, aitr. induce tfto most lata! diseasea ot the louga, and indeed lha viiccra )U gvneraj, tueso nieuicmea, if taken but ror thrcu or (our daya, never fait,- Taken ilmght, they m proicute Hie iiuwumule perepiraihjii, and ao live Hie ayatein of leofilo action arm H-culeitt ohttfuciKJim, aa to im-duce a moat doliL'liU'ul of couvalfscerice in the tuprniifi and tnougli Uio uaual symptom ut t amiily returrt during the day, the repou- j cold ahould pj V of a suitdblede at the uexi Uourot bed-time wiit w..o po....,io aK..... aVmt mvarmbiy tfiect pennauept relief, w ithout fur-! Aenls-Tifc Life Medicines may also be had or the mar aid. Their eri'-ct uixmi levers of a more acute and 1 principal Druggfet m every town throoghoiit the L 111 ... X... 1..... 1 I..., ... .Mla ifiakmi in nro. f led Ktatea ami ih&Canadaa. Auk for Molliit s Lite I Mis porn'ouuhle Quantity : and peims retiring lo bed wilb i mtl. .'at$e'ilh Uiu fraiilying coiwciouie Oat Uie berce j i. i. .....i.ri.M.a. and ran Msawlttf las MrllMillHti I aw eiit iiiv been overllirowti, and can easily be subdued. in the same y, visceral turgvsente, though long es- will yield-the fonwr to smsll and tho latter to large . doeaot theie rait; and w also hyiericui adoc-i lions ,hyiocoriorioCiMii, rosileaauesa, and very many oiling Lair .-tt V.t thai iWnmiifjir. rAHtmiii uistabLti. vitiul la ,.4t:.'..., .k iiu lfv Itttim- sS'ull Hirta-lutrisi LU 11JH Ciiiunt, Ullltc si iaa,.aa am..r a -w.-..- ...A , i..i1 uluiuriin, liiPlr At. I rji tutj ubq ui ttiimj iuiiwihvihi""'"",j i imcllve applicabilttr to ddtcieui complaints, accompany i" them; ami ttiey can obtamed, wrwlwate and rail,-(--at 375 llroadway, wtiaru nuiiieroua cerliticalea ot their unparalleled icci arv always open to uioptctuo. 1 . vt miuiwuui ji.iwvww.-i - , Alotlira " Ooi assKir.i," a copy ot winch acconi pui!HitheoMitlicmf a copy tail' Jiliffl' be' ubuuuiiut the (iiilereiil Agenu. wbo hte tho moilicines lor wlo. tmcu,4HwtnTu4at:iHli Hirm:niMicaauooit- tamel on apilication at toe othfte, a ?a Hroadway. j AH-)rtpllettr-wiUreceiv.aiM!iheJiat auenlion. rreparrd anu aoiu oy vvuiuiu i .uouavoto uiuau- way, -Si. V. A liberal doducUua ituuiu to lU who p'orcbaafc Hi sell lgalftJ-rv"""" -r""-":- ' ' Agents-"- I'he IjIo Medicines maj also he had of the principal droggista in every Uiwn turou'glioiil tiie lint led Stale alio tho Canauaa. Ask tor iVloliat'a Lite 4'ille and l'heiux itiitera and be sure that, UcsjuiUe of ionn Moffat's sigmttore wnporr tnelabetof eachboN tie ot bitters, or box of I'd Is. , ."EVER AND AGt'E.- WltM L'Oli.'ilrJ I V I ' I I PI4K'. vV lLS f ami lurtir.iilariv tlinsa wlio usro ine IJrft .Tir.''l,l.r.i nt-treauneut-w- rty VEH AMJ AUVtl. It is beta very short Uuieaiuce these Medicines have been introduced into the Fever and Aguu Districts, and the proprietor tlulters iiiinself Utat during Uiat period, whoreVi r tlmy have beeu uscd'accordiog lo Iho direc tion, ttiey have done more towards exterminating tne diseae, Uiau all otttef reuiodius aod proscriptions coiu- binoti. it is a common excuse among "regular pne-j.,, aidctu.g-iiicurable. Medical exerieiiee w continually d,Hog .way apart of the totrf tne tlfCUedi-s, , and Mr. Muliui has tlie happiness ot confidently an iiouocmg that t.evtr a ltd Ague is now to be added to the number of complaint wtnch modern skill has coo quered. ' m f ever and Ague the iie .ijnitcnur not only give quicker ruiutl-tMm anyothor lowody, boVU pufavvored rn, chVct a vermanrnt cure,- so thai H the patient is only ordiuariiy caretul, and resorts, directly to lua medi- rcinedyi lu pcruuiucnlly rtouTDTifoinier'I bcaenVepon Him" whuJhT caiiiJot-- CsTimaTCd,-b3r-any--earjhly -standard. That I these Medicines wilWenect what is here claimed lor; ttiemrihe Prvprtetfir has Hie testimony of all acquaint- f ed with lliein and their application aud use in the Fc er anil Ague; and his object in now audressmg his friends at the Went is lo, request them ihut they spare no paintnn communicating tneir experience, and dis-; semmatmg this highly iiiterenling intormauoii, now that i 4tlo Mauu. lur inter iul aaue .haa .arnvt'd ll is not tor the mere purpose of diMxvnig of a few i hundred packages of the Life Medicines, that the pro priulor mskes tins aoiHl. l ie) domand tor his Mti-, ernes u alrendy greater Own he can conveniently sup- i'ln.i iiiwwi thu llrtl aitiiiiivliil ol tatt.ilonrV 111 si niUr R I- ? Vniy; and even were it insiilhoent to nliortl Mm bni-; ' sun i .onmy, witoii una meinon to iniorm mo 1'uo i ihM-N ho would emicerve hiiiisi If supremely sellih, it ''0 will enter mh contract with any Person, or hi ploasura wis niA greater at the femeht conferred persniK either in Dsvidaon, Rowan, or Cabarrus Coun )mHhe sudering part of th OMomunily by an increase ' llPS ho wt.h housixi, fkctories,or any other kind of m tu Hales, man at his own pocninary pio'nt. j buildings erected ol" Brick, to build them as cheap, as Tho Lro Medicine, it properly u--d and ppraevcred ' durable, and in as gixsi style as any workman in this in, recommend themsr'lv-s ; stni u is neceswry that the country. public t4ioii(d know iron such iiuhIiciih exist, aud hem e - wl" al, mould and burn the Brick, if wantcd.-1-llio pririety of adveitisinj them. It is hoped, lh'rt- '"e lru-t. that his hng experience in " ' " Hire, that the proprietor will not be accused ot egotttm! MOULDING AND LAVlMi 11R1CK, when hesays thai there is no medicine or mode ot treat-'; entitle htm to a share ot public patronage. ment extant, tor feverandBgiic,soaproptiate,ihornu:h I would refer gentlemen wishing work done in hi anoJVsitive in us happy etlect an MoffaCi ttfe 1'ilh j f Business, lu the Female Academy and tlie new and I'ltenix tfitfera. . x . . j fire proof Clerk's oflice in Salisbury, as specimen of For further particulars of the above medicine see1 bi work. - 1 Motliit's Uooo SaVARif an, a copy of which acenmpa-1 N. B. Thuae wishing work done, will plocse leavev niea the medicine. A copy miy alaobeobiamed of the ' ditlerent AgenU who have the inedicint't lor sale. Ojr. Ftench, tlermam; and- SrwmThrertimia-rn-hri ."bu.'P,V)J 5 j:i'l'.ciaia. .i U. uU'ic ea Xik 41wd.w,i y.,. All )ol fiKid tetters wilt receive iimii4otaif 'attention. - - ' Sold wbolc-alo atid retail by WILLIAM B. MOF FAT, 375 Broadway ,stL V. A liberal deducts made lo those wha purchase toNsc,ll again. v., - Agms. Tl-e Life Mcdichiqs may also be had of the principal dmggits in every tnwnlhroof hnut tlie Uni'tin Stales and the Canada. Auk iorotlal's Life Pills .auJ.rfliti.lii'.ii'ra; aiu w, .s.i.v i:irs, r, John Moilal's signature is upon tho label ot cadi ootlle of bitters, or box of pills.. N IUVER AND AGUElwiTIYELY FuREDX .t'ct'T tnthytntwrpt e,!rrrnrc-l;ciyr and in i-ttarui aud humid c!iuialea,irequi.'iuly reusta vry -wv uiiiary mcwe oi cure, so as w oeco.ue vury dutresKing to the person, and by the extreme debility which the disease muWs, it uiten gives rise to other chronic coin- pUiHt. Maish uuamuaia, or tlie ctlkvia arising from stagnant water, ia me most trequciil exciting cause of this disease ; and ot.o of its great peculiarities is iUsus cepuhility of a icnewat from very alight causes, such as from the prevalence of an easterly wind even with out Uie repetition of Ue original exciting canna. In this, Feci and Ague duTert from most other fevers; as it is well known, toat alter an ordinary fever baa once occirrreih and been removed, the person afUcted is not so liable to a fiesii attack as on w ho was not so atlect Cd. These circumstance render it extremely difficult to ofFeci a feraionrnf curr of Fever and Ague, thouiih to relieve the patient tor the time being ia a very caw task. ... i MOFFAT'S LIFE PILLS AND PIlEXlX BIT TERS hav been thoroughly tested, and proved to boa ;miJuc oJ raJu-ul enit of fwer aod Ague. Hun dreds of hi fctlow-cittaeii in the Vwt, have volunta rily eome fijrward to aure Mr. M dtit that the Le M diew the only mediaue that will fiuruua eiftxt a removat'of'thia most tedious and dimgrcblc d ?. Oil.er I,af rrnvrnuj to llrtl W'll "J Pru""' sinj pi.'rtmu d our colour V m n who Vfenl out full ol hoiw, and tW'H'ieut uf winning a coiii(x;tence Irixn tno luxuriance el ttieao.l; or who earned to tlie ouipoiU ol' our aciucui' iiii tiifi iii"rinti!e or inichaini'jl i .p'; rielice won m the cm.ia' d cities and towns o'" the ( id cr SiAles, hove either returned with shattered ciuihIiIU tinqaand deprtwd fpiritu, or they remain 111 their nrvv hnie, draL''.n out a weary lite ; at last, to nnk un der borne di'3! Ui whieh they aro predinpnwl by thill ternirof the West, the t'ner and Aifue.. Their liopoa are Masted their buMiie-s energies destroyed their El Dorailo bocome a desert, and Hie word, ruadu to the ear, ia broken to tha hope. . To them individnala. Mr. MotTat would say" I ry the I?e Medirinrt, and you will yet anticipate your most aanijuine expectations, for ihcy will, caitaimy ro atoM yot to health" - Fever and Ague ia a complainl-which. requires to be mj. it itj first annroach. and Coliibatted at every it'ge. ! Seldom fatal of lUelt, it reduces the atrength, and un pairs the functions of the oratin, fo that tipuii tne maui feaution ol diacaw, Nature is unable, miaifiiisied,.to re oit the inroad. The Life Medicines, when taken Aria ly according todirectiona will cure it, and r'Ve to the vveak and trenlbiinif victim ot .disease, new neuuu, uio, t'or full particulars ol the imide of treatment, the reader u rcterrea to me uooo oamkit, b vj i whit'ii accompaniea the medicine." A copy may be ob tained., ot the diflerenl agents who have the medicine" forsalo, v French, German, and Snish directions can be ob tained oi. application at mo oflice, 375 Hroadway. . All poBl iiaid Idlers win receive nnmcuiBiu aiwu-nni. Sold wbojesale and retail by William B. Motfat, 375 Broadway. K V. A liberal det A liberal deduction maue lo.inuee and Fhenix Hitter; and bo sure that a hie stniilo ot of IMters, or box of rill - '.'. ' - " 1 . The above Medicines may be had of MeBSrfl. CreSS & Boger, 1Q thU TOWfl, Who are' AgenU fokthe name. Ks,ilib N r juiy ofj, ll9. tf " 1 1 , . IfOI AND FOR SALE, doz. Uerman tiraag Sythea, !ij kegs Nails, assorted sizea, - ItKJ kegs Whito Lead, - bars Tire Iron, 1, 1J & ljtochca wulo. yiK bottles SnufT, T pieces Het Anclior fiollmg Ckitbe,- - ;i,(KH) bar u-ad, , V 50 boxes 81iy 10 Window Glass. . ...aywxj in. ariiRE. '. 7" lail'a Coflee, !M hlida. Sutrar, hllii...MuUjcji...,..i)U aucLa.Salt,.. 0 casks Rice. by J. & W.-ilURrilV. Salisbury, May 31, 1&)9. 'tt OyfiVcw.ol MVWs. IIE Suo!riber has an imprvved patent fipindleht Mills, bv which, a null will do much boiler than Willi UIO UffUgt lUllJI Wl fct,,i,u;n, a. .0 w vunnu mi-ivii tk .1 ..r u..,..,ll l n. iuw ,,11 as to keep from heating ut killing the meal in any mun- ... n,i. . .. e.l l. ,!. vJ,.,JI., .1 lltn. j 11c iuiiiiui 10 mj bvuiiuyu vj uiv .l,IUIU u i w ays h) prewrve its' balance, and of Course there is no ' ruWnrgj of tho stones. l think, by this improved Spindle, tlir. same water, will do at least omvtltird more bosineeei and the meal - of superior qualit,vv-- Any pcrtum wioliiiig to use one of thert Spindles, ' may obtain one or more, by making application, (with- 1 - .1 ... U..l..l...l'A .. l. ' v f, , ! . , . . , , , ... L'ntjo Uted t4ft wlpruvj Stiii , o j w - L M. GILBERT. Fcbruary , lSIlft. tf - Commission. . and fonvarding rajmiriiAte, " WlLMllTON, N. C. Refer fo . Messrs-1 L.. &. -w-w instow, -j ' " John lluke ct Son, Yarbroiiffh Ai Ray," ' r."T. Ifaigfi; "' K. W. Wilkings, C. J. Orrell, Joseph Baker, Curiia At My cover, June SI, 1 -31). FayettecUlc. 3m Brick Masonry. rPHE SUD.SCRIUER living near Iicxington, David- Wl,,a 1110 oiticeol the western Carolinian, and it sliall be punctually attended to. ROBHUT. COX...... if "pa vi iWnAprTnri The Ileal h Tract. riMIE above TRACT of LAND advertised in another pan 4 this paper, u still . . FOR-SHR and any one wishing to purchase ran, hy paying two or three hundred doliars down, have the chance lo'pay the balance on any reasonable timo. '-.. R I'iTIV ..-.. '- Kiuly, July liT;rC."lZ' Tz ' Crcss & Bogct " :" " HAVE on band and offer for sale the f lUowiri" arti clcs cheap fotcish or on time to punctual dealers: Fine iuvisible green, blue and black Cloths; Satin vesttngs, figitrcd, very handsome; ' , Black and drab Date fir Summer wear; 8 pieces Kentucky Jeans; 100 do. brftwn, IXimestice- 1 10 do lW-Tlckiniis; 2,000 lbs, Sp.iu Cotton, S F. 50 lbs. blue cotton Yarn ; fit) lbs, Turkey Red ; ..'.- IS kega nails, a-worted ; X 4 gennino mouse-hole AnvillesfXV 'i smiths' Bellows ; Xs " 1 dot. Collins' Axes; H finished Ritle barrels; 3 dot. Weaving Reeds, Philadelphia make; Scotch and Mao- caubo KnulT; 1 box best cavendish Tobacco ; IS or M llet Anker Bolting Clotha, from No. ft to y ; assortment of screen wire, 4c. 1 .". ' ato . -" -'- ;' Sugar, Co!Tim, Molasses, French nd ChampaifTi Bran, dy, Wines of different kinds; Holland 5m, ie . At July ,.,6 1S. ' ' . w ' jyartawU lot 6ioctc. To Tracilar. ' .... rilllr, traveilmif cuinmuiiity. are, respectfully i(1-. "ej (hat l'-P e'nTilK:r im now runnmrr inrl" reel from Kal.-i'h hy wv of Pitboro' ami AJiuitu' Z Salifbury, in small Northern md Cuiehe of ihP order; h-aving Kaleiiih on Monday-, and ThurM'sv.. lit A tl .... .linn in il, .,,,w, -'' l7 ' i-',, oiii-i.ij, , ,. 'i i ,-VM i j ll,; A L Uii V n St ll J U Leaving' Salishnry.onTuesilaya and Fnd'avat2 a , arrinntr in Raleigh next days at lit P. M. " His horst;s aro good, and drivers pnrticularlr .( , and accommoilnlmg. , JuEL AIcl.KA" rS- 1-', !"):'. ' tf N. U. Seat Hfcurcd at the Mansion Hotel. NEW ESTAW.I.SIIMllYr, Ijft ' WE', ui jn.aisi f -iN-MOCKiSVlLLKrOAVIli-CvrrrYr-. tiiomas"foster TNF'ORMS the public that he has removed from ! loiiuei viaii'i, tu inn new wuuuiiis oil uie pub square, in tho Town of Mocksvill", where ho will Cnn. tinue to Keep a JlUUEsr. )t r.! rr.rll'AI.NMKXT . ins nouse is roomy snu couimiKiious ; attached Ui which are six cotnlbrtuble Otliccs for gentlemen of tl, Bar, all convenient lo ihe Couit House. The subtcri. ber pledges himself w the most diligent exertions to give satitdhction to audi as may call on him.-, H -p,. ble, Bur and Stables are providod in the best manner that ihe country will all'urd, and his servants ate faith ful and prompt. .- " ; Feb. 11, 1)U. XiVW JllWKliUY, cC. JOHN C. PALMER, t.asarwtb.r new sofiply of irold and siltef Lever Watches, . plain English and French, do, (fold Fob Chains and Keys, Breast I'm, Fiiurer Rimes, silver Hiitler K lis llfliiMlfl r,ki,tnnt mil nlmn VP . WXOtSSllSUJiii PirU. F,,li TFmlnn !!-!.- .j ' Tlurnblea, Steel and Gill Fob Chums aud Keys. - i Also, a very fine and lure a.wrtoient oi PiBVtf poekct and pen-knives, by di'jereut Maniiftctnrers, t other articles usually kept by Jeweler, all of wliicb be nuld.very low Cif eak, only montiis eredh, t - -er which tune, interest will be charged.. " i ' " Work done failhuillyanil puneLimlly. Salisbury, May 2, KW. tf . il)R ; Gt Br D0U (J LASr n'.WING hs-ati-d himMiH'ih'&lisTmry". rnimni-lhiMu lumtnri, Utu nrv.r,i-i..al .... vices to its citizens, and those ol the surrounding coua try.Ifi ofTice is at Ihe room formerly occupied by Dr.. ill M. Bouthelle, where he-may h.dMUid-t 1) itm -except when absent on profeswonal dutiea, ; .i .alinburyMay M, H'll). ' "tl Heath Tract. : OflMIK T1EATII TRACT,-corrtamm(rra-. hundred Acres of Land,8ituntediUnjl aix miles East of I-exingUin', Davidrioa (X trt "ln0 t"ioluadtnjt from Lexington lo Fsveiieville-ieww oftprtV4tir Sal.- - ' There are about UK) acres improved, and 500 ia Wood an Timber. ' . ,1, The Tract is Iocs ted in a vcrj . . arid la'pocuharlyaduptod to farming' It has on ii a" an uremtrtu anu.a cow pieaqow. jtwu time. a pendent of thejie advantages, the prospect fut , Hold, ia unquestionable, as one or two V ... C.OLII Yl'.n, have already been opened, and eome very rtcft tofi traded from them. " " ' , The. celebrated Conrad. Goid Jfuu,4 aiUwtcdfc-- hundred yards south of it ; and according to the dirc- lion of the Veins of that Mine, they must necessarily pass through a part Of tlua Tract. .Xr.Hr.r")!!' i0h tn if to ' viewth e- frpmitmwm t -' more miiiuto' tlescrrptioit," Will" card on1 Rtgdon'-Watte-" "" worth, to Ixir.gtonj.y.ho.wiU give, the desired idLfe mation ; or any person wishing to contract for the same, . will call on Dr. Austin, Salisbury ; or address a letter ' ' to tlie Suhscriber,'Tiutoa Post Office, jorfrartrN.-C"- VVM. ii. HEATH. ' Feb. 21, IKK). tf Saving -YasVuons.-; 7 JUST RECEIVED' FR().U NEW YPllK, PIUL- ' AbELPIHA, LONtlON AND PARIS, the J Spriiis raMliiotiii lor 1839, P. by the Subscriber, who is prepared to cut aod niae clothing in theTno.il fiuhmnable and durable tlyle,ti warranted to fit. Jle, also, kecjis a gixsi assortment oi Cloths, Cassi meres and Vestinni of the first qualities, selected hy himself in Ihe New York Market, all of wbiti -he will sell low fxr Cauu.y . , : . . iN. R Ho etill continue o teach the art of Cuttiaj . garmentson the most approved plansoi the best Tailors -in New York and Philadelphia., ,, ; , . . 4 CO" Cutting fur customers done on the rhoricet tice, and orders from a distanne attended to with " spath. OCT H' hnp will be found hi Mr. 0i' , latge brick building. BENJ. F. FRALEV. r Salisbury. May 2, lfttt). . . tt - JYciti Foundry. H.i III AVE latn'y completed and put in operation t lf? ! Iron foundry my mill on the Souili-Yadkin rmr (jrmcr)y Pearsons) In Dane county'; ' where we are prepared -tn-mtttcitt iifnds tlfta S' Wg' snefl' t-i 'Z funning works' of" cotton or woollen factories, eotti , gins,' grist and saw mills, thrashing machines, wma . mills, plumer blocks, gudgeons, iron shafts, pulhev drums, driving wheels, and, in short, every thing ', that ia usually made at iron foundries. We r1' prepared lor Turning shall, &.; and for finishwf fitting op all kinds of machinery iq this line n bintiies - I have employed td Jacob WT.iEseeKot lormeny fll' and nmnngo my entahlmliinent, Mr, Waynesburg h aunir maemuewi worked all his lifo in establishments of Uus Una, an is distinguished for. his skill aa a Machinist, and Me. Wright. Itewill also make calculations f"T.,h-', wheels, mill-granne, &e.j and when the maclimcfy Is, o1iuimed"tTom t, ho will attend to putting it p. Oi't prices are those of similar estaUlihmcnu at the N'11" CO" Orders addressed either to Jacob Waynesburj or mysoii, at Sulmbury, will l nr.Miiotlv atteBdrd to. t , . - - : CHARLES FISliM.!- . Salisbury, May 2t, 1S.'J9. . '.,', rZS l )jool at TUis. V I II I 15 QUMMER will bo coming before W- Al J,ihSiipir'ii I pints and oil are cheap, and labor cost almost aowtr, 1 thank ths citiaiein of this place, and the surrosiw . country hr the very liberal patronige they have. tidore bestowed on me, and by a strict alieniioo to siiiona, hope to nient a continuance of the am- ' 1 will say to all who desire to have psmtuut J artd may call on me, that it shall be executed in the " improved style, and lliM no ms shall be rfrt d on r.y . . part tei eaMaeiion. - - , - t Any one wishing to have paintinfr done, " ' j, find me in Salisbury, unless necerily alwi't o" w? nen. , A - H. H. RAIN'-'" - IV." B."V "All orders from a' Jihiarice, directed" " rt "" Salisbury will be pyncluail attended to. January vl, IbM. '