,1'ijln r, IhO Wtrhmsn, lias been greatly hot,- Our i .r I uinishfld il our rojoicinj in tlic election j '' yf ghejwrd, t State-Rights Republican, It sees : ' ' jir), omens and dire portents, in this muiple ex- i ' L r of Nullification, which used to alarm it so. ' .;.'rh well cleaned to know, when we ever "fwd any Vvinpalhy of kind feeling fbf tl prind. Y. of the reuoraiwi, mai mey diw iiiwi i iw bits - y . . . r . ' .:1 t onr trra'tncauon wr-uie success 01 niaiu s rht Republican, although he may differ from ua in point. Mr. Shepard expressed in the Circular heiaddressed to his constituents last Spring, sen Hinents becoming a freeman, and a' Republican; we ,t that time our approbation of tliem, and his in- jcpeuJcntfour !,' e una unce, inai,noiwnnsianu. ihe condemnation of time-serving politicians, his -tfituentsepproved them too, and have sustained him. A, for the charge of the Watchman that we have herniated of late, or before, to speak our opinion foehf-'A of no force. We are perfectly content to i-. course answer for haelf. We made at the atari r'nliin and clear exposition of bur political opinions . j .1 . '.l ... tod-doctrine! we have since maintained them without jijye, and unifbimly, and at no time more fully. than during the late canvass in Wis Uistrict, when the party .XTKinrfrT R agiiiiy, ii cuniuaam winced a$ being opposed to the Whig, because Uiej aitiofltl pledges of allegiance to Heory Clay, and their compromising hostility to Van Buren, and all his metM "K1'1 ? wronkV ,l lime for l,,e OpP08 a, oow that the election is over to drop the arts aug jested by the Caucus, and practised with so little uc ,. the easiest way ol getting out of the difficulty no, u to acknowledge their failure honestly, and with---p-t tfyiog tu-auttotkiLflverbyjContinued inisrepresen-iiu-n! and above all tilings, la keep cool aud not get m i passion, and say harsh, and unseemly things as the Viichman did last week ; let' that pass however. We mike charitable allowance for the natural bad humor IB) irritation of the occasion, but hope as Uiey have did time to get over it, that our neighbors will not suf fer their emiatiiinity to be1 seriously disturbed any more. It does bo good whatever, and only makes bad worse. TmnrtMe Stnalori. We noticed a letter of Mr. Filter's, pue of tie Tennessee Senators, published sev eral weeks before the elections in that State, in which It expresses his intention pf resigning bis place in the II, S. Senate, in the event of the Administration party laving a majority ill the Legislature. From the state skdU of Tennessee papers, both Whig: and Administra TgSTit teems that Uie Administration party hat gained the oiajority in both branches of Die Legislature, and eHweucutiy -we may look, for Air, Foster's resignation, it bat been conjectured that Judge White will act on t&eiame principles. If so, two Administration Kena- Wkiie and Foster. -TB9iNME&. - fttt iwnaft-iwt yeljiv'.ed from Uie Governor's election, though there are sufficient to decide the elec tion ot Polk by between two and four thousand major ity This astonishing result indicates a Whig lues in the State of more than 20,(KR votes within two years, since the last Governor's election, when Cannon's ma jority ni between 19 and iJU.OUO totcsX Tiw Teaneasee papers say, that there is also a Van Burri majority In bvth branches of the Legislature. Seven- Whig, and six Administration member of Congress, have been elected, being a gain of three members fur the Administration : The delegation now flindVr It-iUCsrirr.. JUJyMiam, M. P. mfr, Mi Veil, Y. B. CampMl, J, W. Crockett,' tVE iUianu. 7 Whigs. A. McLeUan, J. IV. Blackwrll, II. L. Turner, C. Jokiuon, A. V. Brown, II. M. alrr$on.H Administration. - KENTUCKY. A warm contest has taken place in. this State, the result not fully ascertained; the accounts indicate the election ot the following members to Congress: 1 ttawic& ' ticlWl'iiIllilW) "vice KuiiMey,'(W)"dfr " ' " clined. " "-"" "ad " ''-- 7. R. Underwood, (W re-elected. 5th " S- IL Anderson (V) without opposition -vice J. Harlan, (WJ 6th " W. Ureen, (W)vice J. CalliouniW.) 7th " John I'opcCW) re-elected, wih M Wm. J. Grave, (W) re-elected. Uio " Jolin White, (W) re-elected withoat op position. 10th " Richard Hswev, (W) re elected. Titu' " " " CareYi DavisT OV) VieeJ.-Chattrbcrs (W) declined. I3;h " W. Butler, (Ad:n.) vice W. W. South-. pte,(W.) American Steam Shipt that are to be. Meetings have lately been held by the capitalists in Bo&ton and New Ynrk, to take into eohsideratioa tlia immediate establisliment of tlie'conteuiplsted linos of steam-ships from this eouutry to Europe. The attempt has been so successfully and profitably made by the English Win pamcs, that it appeals too strongly to the entcrprize ot tin Yankees, to be disregarded. The proposals made at Boston were to have four vessels as large as the Great Western, to run once in a fortnight, by way of Halifax, the shortest route to England, which it is said would be a shorter passage by 24 hours, than the trips now made to New York. The meeting u New York determined to commence Mhkng-early i4be Alk Theyi.inUwd, tft. buiJA .?!?). hosts in a style different from the English steamers and -..flawt aftet the manner of tha boat on our Western atcrs, except that they, of course, wilt be adapted to tHrcan navigation. : When all these lines are established and in full ope tioii, we shall have an arrival from England every week. The Damage across the broad Atlantic will become a' mere, ordinary pleasure trip. In the Mobile District, DiUet, (Whig,) has been elected over hie oppoocut. Murphy, (adut) Thi i Whig gain.- . ' ': : ' " ' " "-tirrtHi Womotiwrj" lhstrrct Dixon IL Iajus i tdlht. .out doubt re-elected. ' No farther returns, - " " I, . ' FARMERS' REGISTER. The August number of thi Agricultural periodical has come to hand ; the table of contents, given id an other column, present the usual interesting, and valua ble variety. : .. . ' -..a, .jJfr.'r -... V FaaiaiiwTo!!, Davie Co, Aug. 13, 133a Messrs. Aimi &. Firuer : I have just received the certain news (Uat our Republican candidate Charles - Fisher is elected. Thi glorious triumph over the . most outrageou means I ever knew to be used in any election in mr whole life, but thank God, the good cause i ahead, and long, bog may it continue so. Tlie just and manly course of your paper in thi con-ghjs-ro'y rntirB-approbation. RtuLi wytLJoajojcon 'ne ending n to me entd I direct otiicrwue. ; - Respectfully yours, ; V TABLE OF CONTENTS oK F A K ME US' lllkilS-' TER, SO: VII, Yul, VII. ORIGINAL COMMUNICATIONS. Remarks on the Vegetable Kinydmiv cuncriidd).) Kemiiliocencis of Jamestou. Bacon's Rebellion. Tiie editor to Ilia, readers. I'romisicuous. The chinch-bus in Surry. Comparative value of different kinds of mul- orrry trees, tnr-ttnrtr ferdmg-jmiduct- ifrrecs toit rerrea Dy tlie C diversity of Virgima, July 4th, 151). Degrees conferred by the College of William and Mary, Jul4tli, 139, Essay on Vegetable PI lysiolo- gy, cnap. xv Lhap. xvi., Chap. xm. Advantages of riiiuarsiiig uie uue-marsiies ot Alaryland. Advanta"o ot late sowing of bearded wheat. Experiments of leeanig sux-worms on wet leaves. To-fccep sweet-potatoes. Product of mulberry leaves. Elleols. of Kming. First trials of silk-culture. Theory and fact Two crop silk-worms. Progress of silk-culture, and new improvements in the middle Stales. Season, chinch bug and cheat. The chinch-bug. Importance of prop er selection of (iHeworms -eggf, Difference between northern and southern stock. Ch inch-bug. ' Monthly commercial report " Season and crops. . ' IILII'TIOM, , Raleigh and- G ielon Rail-road. Pennsylvania (node of getting out clover.seed. Character and qualities of herds, timothy, and oilier, grasses. Reclaimed mead ows. Labor the great want of the tide-water coun try., fo destroy yellow buss. Benefit of birds on Dried and brick-making. On the husbanding of farm yrd manure, and on other rural luhjecU, Mowing. Steam-plough. Prospects of the uiuiticaulis crops. Large cocoons. Selection of male animals in the breeding of cattle aud sheep. Chinch-bugs. Spaying heifers. Silk-culture in Turkey. To stop a leaky cak. EarthWorm. Mould. Silk-culture commenced in Upper Canada, by a lady. The newest and greatest humbug yet announced. Usefulness of birds in agri culture and gardening. On the Jalap plant of com merce. On the culture of the mushroom. Emigration to the west - ernirtnt and agriculture, in Mas.--chusettsi Mud Tor manure. ' UNITED IN WEDLOCK, i In this County, on the 15th instant, by the Rev. Jainos D. Hall, Mr. JOHN R. LOWRANCE to Miss ELIZABETH DIXSO.N. In Montgomery County, on the 4:h instant, by Eld ridge Parker, tti., Mr. FRANW.LN BILES to Miss HARRIET MOODY. ;v DEPARTED THIS I'JFE, In the- neighborholid of this place, on the 17th inst , SAMUEL C. BROWN, aged i years and tj months. The deceased was a most worthy citizen, aud is great ly regretted by bis friends and acquaintances. In CabarruCa,on the 11th inst, Dr. R. C. IRWIN of lypus fever, aged about 21 yeafC "" ' - D. rwm had very recently located himself at the Jifluec of Mi.-William Cjibson, in this county, where he had commenced the practice of Medicine. He loft this county on the morning of the 7th, for his father's, and H i mpptwed.-fiur exposure tathe'hearot the- stin, greatly excited his disease. It is but just to the de ceased to say, he bid fair to become a useful mail, and skilful physician. His moral character was good, and lie" w as hiiic'h beloved by all who knew hiffl; CWntn. " Also, inCabarrus,onthe 8tli inst, Mrs. WALLACE, aged "4 years. ' . . STILL LATER THAN-EVEIL Medicines, Dye- Snuffs, Tobacco, 'Sp. Starch, Soah, Per Stuf&, Taints, Oils, tigsr!",Gandles,Kieei fumes, Brushes, In- TRl'MSNTa, f ASTC and Wrapping Paper, Paper ami Paiatsv-Ma lags, Port, Kherry, ItoAaM, Fine Letter Quills, Ink, Drawing dcira, 1 eneriHe, Ma Chsmpaipi)," MtWWt and Claret Wmot, Frehokv Peach JQd Apple. J5randy, Gin, Mooongahala and old Whiskey, Jamaica and N. E. Rum, Loaf Sugar, Varnishes, Sand Paper, Glass Ware, Bottles, Lemon and Ginger Syrup, Lime Juice, Tamarinds, Jugs, Casks, Pocket Books and Maps, Pipes, Iron snd ComuosHion Mortars, and Pestle, Caudle Wick, Blscktngv Leer -DeaaX DyatlV, Anderson', Hooper's, Scott', Cook's, Shop, Beckwith's, Peters', Modst's. Evans. Braudrein's, I'helps' Pills, Houck's and Swaiin's Panacea, Moore and Anderson' Cough Diops, Siiufl ff Boxes, Spices, Pepper Sauce, Rowand s Tonic Mixture. Back Gamon Boardu, Matches, Balm of -CMumnalbr. 1 Vermifuge, nd thousand ottierarticlee j'tstrece.ycd nd foT-sale- rtew at the Apotoecaxy vza, ay ---..-.--..v : o. B. C rT Salisbury. June 7, lSlO. tf fl'ST RECEIVED AND FOR SALE, J 20 prs. Elliptic Spfng". 'i,n 5 8mj fi leaves, k 1(H) lbs. Malleable Iron?, 4 hhds. Sugar, 20 sacks Salt. ALSO, IX STORK. 20 hhds. Molasses, - 20 bags Coffee, 2000 lbs. Cotton Yarn, 7"i kefs White liead, 31 kegs Nails, " 12 Blacksmilh's Bellows, It) do. Anvils, 20 do. Vices, - -- - - by J. Si W. MURPHY. Salisbury, May 31, 110. GRANDSIRED BY TUB AMERICAN Tlit Cliamptoii-t-A ttwek'.i,- ' WINNER OF THE GREAT MATCH RACE, The North against the South, - f 2(itn(Mjkwiu'Z. .. X fflHE tliorouffb-breil horse, LATH, bred by Col. JL 1 w.dn lUmntno'. of Riuth Carotina. witl stand the Fall scaoon at Worganlon, uurxe gumy, mencing on the 20th insuot, and ending on the 25th of November.'. '"' " ", ,.,, for further particulars, c hand-biU. fr Salisbury, N. C, Aug. 23. im ' - r .. .. ... M ...... Three Hickory Siritchcs liacard. R ANA WAY from me, on the 8th August, n,i indented appprenticci by the name of J O 8 fc r H C 11 A M B E R 8 . This is to forwarn all persons from Irsdinif with, tiartnrinir. or eoncealinir Raid apprentice. under the severe penalty of Uie Law. He i about 16 or 17 year of L-e. No mark recollected except tlie big toe oo his right foot is severely scared. "' No ttlinkrwitt he given for hi appralu nsioiu RtN. CRAlGE. Rowan CountyV AJ. 23, 1W. - U. m i.J lull II m& fll.XKEM UP and committed to tho . I Jail of Roh an County, on the -ith who. calls hinimll' ion, about :r7 longs to llobt. strict, R C li fillip r irLt.it ni prove properly, piy chargca and lake him away, or he will be dealt with as the Law directs. JOHN II. ilARDIE, 8l. tr. Salisbury, August 23, 1HJ9. , tf. rpAKEN up and committed to the JL Jail of Rowan county, on Uie 15th instant, negro man who calls himself TOM, about 60 years of age. He says the sight of his left eye is injured, and that he belongs to George Vuipcr, of Fairfield District, S. C. he owner is requested to come forward, prove property, pay charges and take hnn away, or he will be dealt with as the law directs. . JOHN II, I1ARD1K, Sh'f, Saliabury, June 21, l3tf. . if To Travellers. rpHE travelling community-are respectfully inform- -R- gA tlint ttta Siitwrrihor i now rnnninir hi tin fli. rect from Raleigh by way of Pitsboro' and Asliboro' to Salisbury, in small Northern made Coaches of the lira order leaving Raleigh on Mondays and Thursdays at 1U A. M., arriving in SMliobury next bays at It) P. M. Leaving Salisbury en Tuesdays and Kridaysat2 A.M., arriving in Raleigh next days at W P. M. Ilia horses are good, and drivers particularly carelul und accommodating. , " ( JOEL McLHAN Feb. 12, IMH. . . U N. B. Seaj(recurod at the Mansion Hotel. Blow v Tin: Goods. i'iiciuiu:it i RE now receiving at their old Stand, at Stircwall's l. Mill, in Cabarrus, a new and fresh supply of Spring and Summer Good. The following articles are among the latent arrivals : 1,700 , lbs. of Sugar, V I, COOL, do. Coileo, ' 3( hhtleTMolaweet " 50 burials Salt, : Wines, Coeniac Brandy. l)ye Stufrs, Powder, ic, 4c, &1L ot jJiich. will iienuljil. low. for cwh.ucJhi. puuetual dealers on Time. JACOB WLNECOFF Si CO. May 1st. 1431). ' SRfcly (Haying located himself lit Salisbury,) UESPECTFU LLYoflers his aervicea in lb virions branches of his profession, to the citizens of the Village, and the surrounding coiiniry. Jle hooea from hia experience and" untiring attention totho duties of hm nrnfuMinn. U be nlft to render renentl'vaal ulaclion. Ilia office is at. Maj. Wm. D. Crawlord's itotcl, whore ho may be found at all times, when not absent on pro fessional duties. i . '"T-7 May 17, ' " --A; A- : , Laml -for" Sale, ,0 7 . j .imiaut, a nryro man j V I BILLi, of uurk comiilex -C"ii I . yearsol ae; hehaysheU I (J . I Jrickj of Oungeburg Di --I'm fJ.. The ow ner is renueitlrJ I, v. flMIRSubecriber, as sent for Hetty &"''"n'TraciroTliln tlonrrrnXbnnbi-.'t VI J.roe ScoXeuaiary: tend moving to the West, oiler for sale Uw following Tracla of Land : una l rsct conUminff 41.1 acres, the residence of tho late John Scott, situated five mile from Salisbury, on the main road to Charlotte, N. C, having much cleared laud and valuable Meadows, With a large and commo dious dwelling bouse, a double bain, cribs, kitthensand 0oer out houses all in good repair with the best of wtter. , m One other Tract of 41') acres, adjoining tne above, RuioaJptli, sides ol Cram creek, having on it a Grittt Miir a fld 30 acrffl clea redTW aueraieauQW aw wt. tsioLlJMMHiiiL. : . A publte stand ii-i weU tnowu i as a jpfiyiWW, sidence it is a desireablr place. A waggon, horse and negroes will be Uken in pay mciiL A young negro girl is wanted, tor which a fiiir price will be given, ' OCT The above Ijinds will.be rented or leased, if not sold, this Fall by me. A. W. BRANDON. July 20, lWJO. am or u- Wilmimitoji, llelaware, ) June' 22, 1-0. fpilE unlersigned Adminiotratrix of the Estatcof the X late Hftekiah Niles, former Editor ol the Register, begs leave to inform the public, that there are yet to be disposed ot, un reasonable Urme, a few full sets of Niles Register, from the commencement to volume fif ty, inclusive, with all the supplements, and general In dex all complete, comprising a period of twenty-five yar$, with a number of sets including the second and third, and fourth series, from Sept. Ibl7, to Sept. li, with sundry odd volumu to complete the sets of those who have been, oj are now subscribers to the work. She would also beg leave to state, that yielding to the imperious neeettitw which exists for so doing, she has placed all claima due to tlie said deceased, in the hands of Phillip Rrigart, of the City of Baltimore, with a view of having the same collected snd closed by him aH tlie Books ol Uie concern being in bis possession, and to whom application can be made for sets or parts of sets of the aforesaid work. ""The 'under fig" ned'Hopeelhersbe-ie wm peNOjuaff. too. much in asking Uie kind and liberal public press ot the United States, to etve the foregoing fc insertion?. U M 1 1 CJ tlMUn, nn-jvmjp". ' , ' with the' lew otRnhng-her-to dnspoiiot-Uifl iurplMS I copies of the Register, and to realise the sums due from uSose for whose benefit the labor of her late husband were tealously given, to enable her to sustain thirteen children; eight of whom are under twelve yeara ol aje. SALLY ANN NILES, Adm'ix. SpTing Vasuo8. JUST RECEIVED FROM NEW YORK, PHIL ADELPHIA, LONDON AND PARIS, the Spring Fakkions for 1839, - by the Subscriber," wteU prepared" ro-irtrt and meVe cuthing ID tho moil fathwhable and urs(e tly'e, and warranted to fit. He, also, keep a good assortment of Cloths, Cassimcro and Veslinw ot the first qualities, selected by himself in the Now ork Market, ill of which he will sell low for Cash. N. B, He till continues to teach the rtof CutUng garments on the most approved plans of Uie best Tailors in New York and Miiladelphie. gp Cutting for customer don on the shortest no lice, nd order from a distance attended to with de spath. (W Hi bop will be found in Mrf Cowan's large brick building. BENJ. F. FRALEY. Salisbu, May 2, 1. .; . - tf . ,SlU. AlelillVS HCUOOIj. rpiIE Summer Session will close on Friday, the Oth . inst, and Uie School witl be re-ojiencd on Mon day, the Oth September next, U- TrfHHPfcVAMJ?Nr- Salisbury, An?. 9,1909 ' . tf. timxner Good Js UA'E juat received froni Xew York and. Philadel phia, an extensive amotiiuent of. SPUING & SWIMEIl GOODS, ro.HHTl OF - Diy Vtocnh, Hurdwnre, Tinwaro, Crock ery.UROCKlUES, Dnigignil Mc dicines, Dye-Ptulls, Ptiiuts and ; ; Oil, Hoots and Shoes, . ": Suihlli rv, Ac, Ac. ; In short, their Stock com,riHes almost every article needed by Uie t'wnrr, Meckanic, or the fnnf,imwtiU$ of the town or country. , N. B. They will sell low for cash, or to punctual dealers on time j or in exchange for. country Produce, Concord, May '.Mth, 11!). it 'Yrcsyj,cry ot jCowcouV , r'riJIE Presbytery of Concord will mwt in this Town M- on Wednesday. September 1 1th, at 1 1 o'clock, A.M. The membera of Presbytery are requested to stop si the house of the Subscriber, as they enter the Town, to bo directed to their places of lodgm. --mwijjsoiQNm HibtrrTt-Nrnt-AugftsHV4W)r- .".tp, ,. . TAILORIXGBUSIESS. ,,; - 0. IT. FlralvZ! ' UESPKCTFULLY takes this method to inform his friends and customers in Concord and ita vicinity, that he still continues to carry on the above branch of llu.iness at his old stand in Concord, South of the store ot Messrs. J. F. &. C. Pluler, where he will be found at all times, ready to .... , , .4. . Cut innke or F.xeculr, any work in his line. His long experience in the Busi ness, the pains he is now taking to receive the rurlit$t f'ah ions lrom Philadelphia and New York, enables him to say, that the work done at his Shop, shall be ol the .... - AMI , ' Dest Workmanship. N. B. Ho will also teach (as A,'eutjho much ap proved system of T. Oliver ol Philadelphia, to any one who wishes instruction in his nystein'ot cutting. Concord, No. tfU, 1W. " SCUUTUU1NC3.7 7 - rlIIE Subscrilior w ishes to inform bis customers Aland the pubjic genafully, that he still carries on the 1 '..jji.. ..-.. l .-iioirv-a niiiss( iHimiirwi, and is ever read o.ejccutC4.aa.a. iery uierior irmiiner, all descriptions of work in hi line. x Uold-Grindtrt, Mill-Stone, Windav and Door, till, Door-ttept and TVm6-(onet, are executeoV in - e very rare irtvle. Hi e"t fiir MUl-Stone is very T Mr. 1 hiTiiN rTho leTnr6nrrniiS"6'utirie that he can execute Engravings of various kinds ..M.1 L" .Mf'S niarhle-iilnlii neatly, and granite tomn-Mione can be well executed it acsirro. - rug charge shall alwuy be reasonable, and as accoin tnodatrng as possible.- . . Persons wishing to have work done in the alxivo, line, will do well to call at tho residence of Mr. Philip, eeven mile south of Sulishury . , ENOCH E. PHILLIPS. August 24, IMS - If r11HE Subscriber, in conformity to recent instructions JL tcceived from the North Carolina Gold Mine Cotn rmjr, wivo w aiiw. Uu intiirestml, thst jerenllor sll persons found tresiWHsing iiimiii thefiilloW' to the strict letter of the Law. JOHN WARD, Agent. Davidson, April 13, 1831).' it LANDS : v Tract, No 1 containing ftS acres, lying on the four mile branclL " 2 containing 002 acres, lying on tho wa- ters of the Flat Swamp. " 3 containing 3,HIH) acres, lying on Lick A " creek, Flat Swamp, and Yadkin River. ' ' 4 containing l,WiO, lying on Flat Swamp s!aaJtiH7it,.. W Jyjpg,",-1 Jcfc-ereeh. tj.: 7M-coutHininre J,4 liJiIyiiig bn'FTavt'Swmapt --; eonwnwif tk iying oar Ltck;creTk -i-contiimmg BOlvlymg on-Lfck-eree. " . 10 containing 1,K)7 acres, lying on Lick ereck ami Flat Kwamp-v-" 12 containing, l,ilr)3, lying on Lick creek. " 14 bonUtimng 1,317, located on tour mile .branch and Jacob creek, adjoining tho Lead mine. Rnuncriber having purchased this R- bstablMnnent and fitted it in a slylu for the, accommodation of Travellers and Boarders, is how prepared for their recep tion. His TABLE wll always be furnished With the best the market can afford; his BAR with a good supply ef choice Liquors; his BEDS shall always be kept ih fine order j and his Sta bles (which are very extensive) are well supplied with Provender of the first quality, Rnd attended by good and faithful hostler, . He hopes, by strict attention to the businnss, in per son, to give satisfaction to all who may favor turn with their patronage. And he only ank a call and trial. ANDREW CALDCLEUGH. Islington. N. C, Feb. 21, ISiO.V" 12 Heath Tract. O r pilK HEATH TRACT, onta ining ix 4 hundred Acres of Ind, silunted about vsyr.,pjjlci4'iist of Lexington, I)vidw)n t'n. on the toad: leading :1ru'rn ti'tSettrf . ,1... ..U .Tii-?-.' 1 sveoetale is duw offorefl Jur IMJC ? .. .... , There re bout 100 rctc improved, nd 500 in Wood and Tiiiiberf ' . V.7 V Tlie Tract la located in a very ZSAITH? P.2aXC2T,. , and is peculiarly adapted to arming. It ha on it a Man Orchard, and a good Meadow. And inde- pendent of these advantages, the frospect for . Void, i unquestionable. one or two ' ' ' , i.olh vi:ix. have already been opened, and ome yery ric or ex ' tracted from Uiem. - The celebrated Conrad Gold Mint, ia ajtuatcd a few hundred yards south of it ; and according to the direc- J)a of the Veins of that Mine, they must necewertly .Li'.T-i; j At it. ;rt . pan mruujju .i.ww - - . Any. person wishing to view the premise or get more minuto description, will call on Rigdon uads worth, in Lexington, who will give Uie desired infor mation ; or any person wishing to contract for Uie same, will call on Dr. Austin, Salisbury ; or address a Letter to Uie Subscriber, Trenton Post Office, Jones Ot. N. C. , WM. rf. IIEATIL Feb. 21, 119. , v v ' tf Wanted immediately, A GOOD Workman to make Dsgon Ploughs, to whom liberal wage will be given by Uie Subscri ber, living seven mile NorUt-wem of Solisbury. ' ' . - ROBT. N. CRAIG B. Rowan Co., N, August 9, 110. tf fJJl,,,,,,T,,l", X IX ' lit r NPtHlrfS his friends and thfl public, that he is nnui enlarging his RttaWisment nt the II svki a a Mi .- in Davidmm county, and making various iinprovementi . ' for the belter secommndaiion ot all who tnsy call-on him. Ho has uow opened, hn house and is ready to re ceive all Ihoso who may tavor hnn with their custom, . and he assures them that no pains will bo upared to ren dr their slay easy and comfortable. He will havo morn room than during the last Summer, they will bo l)'lier lilted up, and hia table shall be abundantly sup- pluvl willi the best tho county allbrds. . - , 'I he llenluijr Kpnngaof Davidson, are known to be as line CAtyeKATR water as ever flowed nut of the -earth. They have long been celebrated for tho healing and invigorating i-llccts of the water, . Hundredsot In- "' valids who have visited them, can bear testimony to , their HEALTH-RESTORING QUALITIES. - These Springs are situate lour miles Kast-of the . . Yadkin River, in the midst of tne mountain where the , air is ctxil,pure,aud refreshing, They arc distant from Salisbury about W miles, and from Lexington about 15 f. miles: good roads loading from each place. - -Th-eser irteffc hiiiim li mi wiili ilisii iiiiiii,iiny. Kph thi:y lt'av-g sliall . . have no cause to be dissatisfied sillier with tho waturs, ,. or with himself. His charge shall, in all nasi-, be -nunlerate. . WILLIAM HARRIS. July 10, 1839. : 1 X ft W have always 'esteemed the" Healing Sprint," of Duvidton to be' very fine Calybeate water. They have been celebrated for niany years for their strength., ening, and invigorating qualities. These Mpriiigs are located in the midst of a range of considerable inouu. tains, where the air is pure and plfimtnnt. We are glad to see that Mr. Harris is Citing up the Establishment for llil accommodation of visitors, and we hope be will receive the encouragement which the water, and hi attention so well deserve. ' A ' CJl'S, FISHER, JNO. L HENDERSON, JAS. K, DOIXiE, R. MACNAMAKA, R. W. IaJNU, v JUNIUS 8NEEI), BAM'L. HAIIURAVE. April IS, K19. y..?y : ' v ' 'Town Yropcrty tor Sac. ' I WILL oiler for Sale on Tuesday of our next Supc- , -riot Courvihe hilliiwing xeaj llstate ! . - No. 1 One house and lot in the irreat North-west r iiare of Salisbury, known as the tavern botise. N " 2 Tho house adjoining, kopt as grocery. . M "h. new dwclling-hotrse, withll necessary oat-- houses, adjoining Uie same.- 'T - . . 4 A howseiml Un, oo Mam street, opposite Wm.-hi-i:: ......Jiuvkatd's, wiLU back lot. Also, M acre of laud adjoining the town of Salisbury, under a high state of cultivation, " V All the above will be sold on good- term privately ; if. not disposed of sooner, tliey will be sold on the day atwve mentKmed.---- - JUIUX JUAfcJ. - Salisbury, N. U.r Augtuil'2nS3ir","u-,,tfr' S3rr'''.'LjajirTWi-..,.tt..fjie rpAKEN up by Solomon Hall, livinfon 4tli Creek . JL in thi County, r of k dark bay color, judged, to be' two or three year i ' old, and apprsised'aceording -to law by Stuart Camp- bell, Otho Gillespie, and Samuel Lucky', to be worth forty dollar. - V -' - - JOIIN t SHAVER. Bangor. , SaLsbury, August 2yla0. : if I, , i ui ,.... . 5?" ' -" ' L" KZons. Roucclic, ; UAVINU received new ii-ply of fittOCEIUES. . taJkefl.Dleaguro. in payihir to W hem! and tho.! public, that they can nowgetaurgaiu indeed for cbsIl. tie au.Riui-ot JauiUy 4irevuiunn4UGll IV-s. Sugar and Coffee, HiiHp ana Candles, Orangee, . LemoiiR, Ruisins, Almonds, Sweet Crackers,' Newark Cider, Lemon Syrup, Wine ami . Cod Fish, llorring, MacRrrl, Sanlnres, AnttiChHiiis, Lime Juice, - Albany Ale, Liqimrt of the beit quaHtic, anil of lhtjattd importations. . uoiuci; n. nvuw, I ESPECi'FULLY- iiiform Iiii friend and tho V public, thai he still carries on Ihe TAILOR-' rNCf; BUSI NESS "at lili bid tnii3 in' tiiiiiu street, next door to the Apothecary Sioro. Ho is ever ready to execute the order of hi customers in a style and maonor not surwsod by any workman in tho western part of the Slate. He i in tho re gular roee'ipt of tho latest London and New-York rASHIO.NS, and prepared to accommodate the lasto of the lashioiiahlo at all iimcs." r"' "' " " OCT Cutting garments of all kinds attended (o promptly j unu the latost Fashions famished at all limes to country tailor, and instruction given tia - culling. . lSlM'Hhuyi Jan. 1,1839. iparaircrj rpiIE Subscriber having located himself in the town , L of Concord, would now offer bi services to Uio ' Public, rs sn 'i- - - - Oriiaiarntnl and fcign raintrr. nc flatter himself thul his I'oiig experiencoTirtlia ib6VB Uutiociw, and the specimen ol work he lias executed . in hm line, will be a adlTicient recommendation. VlIOUSEPADiTING BUSINESS,-"- T ". ind is Cofifident he carr give satisfaction to all whom , 1... emiiKiy oyn. . . , Th Public is respectfully requested to call snd en. courairn him, at he is determined to execute ill work committed to "him In Uie best possible msnner. (O- Also, fainting and I rimming all kinds ol Lat riages, done with neatness and despatch. - i t mivrv ' 'r....,i yr-r M.,.t. m ti - - - .f - CATAWBA SPRINGS. ' flUE public are informrtl liiat the above Eslablikli- , Jmcnt will be 1iepibpen this Season, fbr these- ; cotiTmorTalloB of invalirfr and eH-wheiey dmu a'plestil Wummer-retroat. Ample preparations. hve been made, and renewed exertion w.u no given to ren dor full Wtifaclion. " 7Vrme Boarding tery cheap. Thankful for the liberal paliona're bcslowed upon him " the last Season, the Subscriber solicit a further trial ot hi Establishment. 4 J.W.HAMPTON. Catawba Springs, Lincoln eo., N.C., , lf V . . - May 31, ISM. ' " Kr The Favctteville Observer, and the South Garth timan, will publish the above to Uie amount of f t, each, ind send their accouul to Uie PoU-Master, Cataw ba ' Springs for payment. ' J. W. II. lioelicke'a Sanative. MIIE Subscriber having received an Agency to sell JL tho above Medicine, ind also, the Medicine, now offers il for sale at the stutod price. '' ,., JOSEPH HAINES. . r-TnWmWwb trxw?. ' : - i

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