s - Hi ' POETIC S V N SET. " Tboo art wuik fl bnu'ir er laaaat-a I, Aridtl red!"". :r d '"i?'r tu(rMit, . Li toe Ustitilji ''- H Urf-1 10 y!i-Ui';4. When thy tarrir ! i t aa'tf r.ie n"h ja. ei..r."i 1 n-.a fa-eiii'st like tft- h'-r.i of r- k. f J ; Thou h"d4e-, e u. e fit cf e tvi L.a.' . Xiiuu 8rl !-i,kii U 1 2 '-t ' d;res! ' to Tne exile, fr trmn l U'4 it I ts , Vv liUmjcr to bk en to t of .tW Wej 1. I (Vf d f jWiS f f n bei "d fears 'iu Lit bcwrt erf Ij.'wi j 111 a . -Tie Ir.fl.to. a" f". em i'f iUk ir-t .4, . 'I i.c k rar'.'i I "r nc j't.r f (he t, air ul t'i d'sui fa Ihe . jl Jf g d A .a' fitf.m tins pt.i.jf ,;h tLe trraxa J ,J. y 1 S?nnct of Sjr&wf oh, tlnne t raor I "lz-nrini'Vit heaved f eart't twee, ant Ik. .1 kg i U Cure o 4 u'-a g;i .j 1 3 ttaee. rMe-. VAUIKY. ' tte of a!uwi fisiitic eicitemeM ; her eje dsn-1 T!i a.inaf of (unteer eorp, dw!ify Si ' '. ' '. foM ti,e'r etketa, and bar fc;-lleeti24aed , aihe.- fca fcad dutrtfioted fliuskoK to all the inert, -' "' " ' flIJ f'1,''s " Vwr Wf iJ teie;rieij Wjt thaiaw wiihuot oral, will , iJw fiMginirata, iu Voice lif clanked p. i to hU up your laat."- " J.e d i to iiw T 4d m mmiutnt.- IS k:f ? - A - dwgyma, . preaching m a jwe, and ahueed roe, aud TreiteJ' m -rc Bui a e! ,1,e vmtm of d-ij reoJied t!9 .ma. Cn )-m iinr to r trtwU fcam ycceyfed a mttUttoo to dine :. . s thai l aked tia mgiatrate. . ft' 1 titat ua aad 1 K ' habanH, after eihortmg his i ,v r plitd nV, .ihsiiientlv. J!r p4 a I ta the Mmnjrt. manner atraioAbewg e- iii ." id tas m .pi', 'ywi are at tiua ta pfrwUng aicaa of the a. teid, I " . 1 ixkiA too mock awted Ve aa aaiWT. kjdU! fwed 3Ww W-. 0WH '. Utci gf bxne and h"re J Moaadet, eel 1 ? kf ld ao ofp.irtiimty,if judjtnj to kflwt . ' ' - ivi!I thedifar-jaur eaMu'iat." taiiead, b-'fe " ..V ' .J. -,f twkgtkwSaaaaatdoaaaaar rA:cBotrtrT-iwekat,i adertieineat W aX i -fi, aia on crj hw uwj ..... cked a daoaalvf jaaaicv -Afa.iM Waai JT-TaiidinfxfweitfVKl - , te!tiig ber tbrt te'f. comfi1ait wad le' aawrafijp ' r . heard at Mtd.iy. " AUr; h "and, ni m ' . a tuna af' voice nuw W4 m rt a ' ti:w mittatw brfire f cUiaeat, tf I aio5 g tMaata la,u affrttafUakewat--Hay-. j . "- fc - - ' J ""'-- "V ' p. I liiicywPutw,-r,L!M4 "S u :CjLj&i-iu - ilM iiuib(Mr,tuii HtbAMqaihr m M.. ,'" ''" ! tlio lirxM et-rtuiM MiaCtt?. "lira taraMfvlMl IfMra McMiday I li hw up ub tiiai aul f .f;ife . Lan,. mud tiuai, uf ctu e,. I'li aetr cacaaj -.. ktc mu." ,. , ' ' . ; . '- ,S ' We!!, taid llie gefitaWnsi, !f Si, lake an i:i!vico arid j" I, "ii, and dMt ie tt eii afiaad of i.akitij tip t joor hal(iBJ.".fc....-.-;; '- - to SHy, lteti- i tfitlv"i.r, My ke afier aO it' tlte lt way, t-iJ I fi tkke ?-jr a-?v aid g-i h: use." ; Atd tits fury of t'je mom hei.re ilVtciTavt uf ih (Tioa, etsk tr lturv t.T- ii:m as 11 irj CTtn-J DI 4 " '1 ISiJ en r aim .... , ft' ; "-, ...V ' f.' , " ' r m i " ' ; ' 0W Taari--"VjitNl y word," amid a Udf, hrrwtt ad -rtb -a-rtyrxKX3mzri&Z&i2i - opua my wui-l, 1 auu t ku.ar nm la gt l trwi ..- i -: - ! nil tf Mr. V bead." " I'ut a4r a uiiu in, id) d'r, replied a uitk Je4 Aief, " and th atWrdniei aiq'ii5itrii7 aRjcli rkc? , .., Tui eiivice m ckvff ttkit ui I'r. Abcruarffa :c'--ataiaatafaaftaatg-)i.iaT '4. -and a Lm: r u. , td lo t) luUicaute t U.rrue cutucnit, t'.4 bi . &uxiimi iitttitiil Has aa aasily to tas refiiani." ,- ijr taomo inuaiit a it-iief iauiM lue drao t jof! V J' uf tUo tfne acciJetal aiie had CMUMaiied ialua , ' ' alxaui j tien, at but, looking ru-jud op-jo ti m&, -- hf-l -ap .lii aan4 a4 fl w -T. . V Ma !ui," suid Le, " !' J 4 re.iar.iy Jii- 1 i . X - I'l"" )"ur o'itti and, a as 1 bant ft lhi fly lino it, shut it ciua atin ; aud toe oi Uae a"n.-r iiera lw t)y euttH ii, hj a'a c-jj-, jiiujiaf n o cue pt tha'tn tft!t nt tyet5?r. 2 d;,i44!...'4;if . A cLuracWaWtlC tttt (i Cuka- l. I aajcf, a lnwJ uvcr wi lj Ut. Iu)ar i. lot !' v'.iJ by IUjm; ;. - iksJ a.ia Uae arwy m t!io UecJatv: At Va at--a of Oaaiiiiair, ta Lad guu bad ocBa ditrrtea lo tae nsnri'tf-j ay fciM to an nijrtirH point, anJ its trn3Jnwari r t.Vj iiiosi rujjai iuu itaia a 1x5 b-u i ti i"at t-'Ht tiio arUUivy o.iker, t,! a:eoui:ii.ajuaui f tt it be drjM,r, rt-p-irei tb silU a. CU'Uinai'd C'i Jori M t'.'rt, aha bJ aU his hie tuautUiuvd tne i.t ri-u aj f-t la t.tedii fiCe ij(U.'iii.V7'''Wraia"-''tIIiT!icB ,i,aJi.iiJw.Aiii-WJiu4;ti lavav-kct, ao 1 bavuig read tliem, aaal. -.Oa. au. a,4 tuipjibio f the lafua-C as (a-atili re, . "I rr rcxt el..Cc.d Ul Cl.l-.iev of f! oikf, ar.J as.J ajtded an .thrr f.-jif i;-at laij.l.cit 4jfwsoa,Nal.a ! j miAti, .n-fanng. C4 and wbea tb aiacbiiim at bei aiJUicod to puttiag It m- tuuie aaory o.fiicuitj. , . ';'y . i aa? at thoae of aimiUr earfjblishnaents at tli North. ' . . ' . , . CCT Orders areajsed eitbr to Jacob Wayneajbar A errrona rrirtarVc-':.-.-Ti argw-Io. .jWf, tl Itabarr, will ba Mnsnptt atteraM to. tive aaaaeutbly M lliat pfrvaf !ie'tVet IadiaK.. ' ' ' CllARUiJ FISHER. -Idanda know a aa the li .haanea sK at iaaaa X. 1 x.SalidWr3Iay Ct, IStSflL ': , 11 - --- -rr- i e t'Hiki t'.r ig r ;" e;"j r:v;'-'t;j ' 1 ' " : tlie whr.et in rcirl tt ciiawijk. At liae co- j 'T', Mcijcciiient of ot ttir,r U;'ii:ite s-fcaua, a t f Mjl. T('!drd giwleiiian jrf- 7: fci,-;; it 'f, ! ard" - ; ' J ' nWwaa'iTtaneri,-:.-;y; r"T: T.a,'-S,ieai iiive Via a..y bJscw, here ! aifd aa bwrt. b!e mtiiiior. ir, I a nt one of the 1Ljc . fcr.it fccre, air, to . Ue2d l2iid,sr.- . air, rvjtaned tbe tnUr, ywi aiU eieuat toy S . ?-7i-' 7 E h gf4 i..ia of tuo J-..H jfJ w . fcra to raptcteut. . . ! "C-tca 'li.-Tha wllu..f .'Li is prSV ! ably aot jr.liy lasa.i t t - a ika ; t-orertta the b-nd. Is, ao-a a p-rHt 3 ter- LaarJ, tie h.vJ t'.m areei;ca if oi i to intao'.f : take o3 his hat, n.J mil Tie br.io of jt t j bis cbia ' o that the hliy would be upward, rt wuuld Wp! him above water as lung aa h evuSJ ta.a it. I to ; t is been jrn d, and aciu',!y pwteJ cornet. t'.'j mte:it I "U-r wuvb. . rf " A La H " con .a;i 1 h.Uerly Mt t'l.e New urk (ia I'eii I he i;rf -rtii.'---.f 4 ' eV art., in ffm of Churches oh Sin(tiy, W i RM'k Jim jf.-r ' " fily R-ali:f," l'"' IM fHii f-tt a t ' ' 1 1 i !''" p-'r-5v- ."?' I'fcurrfi.-f. Ho- are fct-!j it, tf h . if-'k n!--tit!y Ua.iiA ? It w.iikt-ly I ;a if'. per4i M t", I juut .k-al eulltjr -'i at a muat Leif-litriff laJv vtatcf-'ut, u f Chiircii, v i mw COil'! 1 lHp k$ ? t e- 'A t-i r.:i. !raw mv eyes ; i.'!r f-uit cttf: h HW4 :ir liry cloak to rover fcet j?;re .! to hide lier Cce, Ttfk- . Ifciit 4 nrkter 'wuilar rireomitaficfi. H-v ( n w wi ht'f nttkh to t!aiM u tiie i)i( ; : 't".7 ir .l !.! .nrrft pl,to to'make liHm.Ur cwre us'v, bi I wilt Thf a fart. . -:v j ., -:; 'cEiunu!f tfineit. .. i ( t'fla 0 KVwi''iJv. Kn'i!efir i the true j IthmT 'Ut lariH every thing it louche into gold. 1 It g.ie im iiimmtoa over nature, unlock the (ttctv-Vjaw 1 creatiiia, tixi opens la u the trea- m- tKe ei"ffe. ' .'' J- A Jiu!e bfv ho hJ ever ea!!?i linwlf a detn. ' ?rt, . rtwtlwr dy what fcer politic er : O t, mi dear,' nai l he, I'm ort much of y tfur.j. ti, 1 'wo y re a wliiij, 31a,' aa . "tertil to Ltt fcUo. ' 5 tm$dre.u Are yoa thn n an rf tlie tioue ! . qntt4 ftraarw of a jieatw of tn city, the Imjer tby, " N H-btit siy a," was tle uU- 'w- Aatftira, kUea. atwUeta. tomperafica fefc-psJm fcamig, iHa,fa auaay iU, cfceaa ta casli.r',," -i. . . , ;f . "'- -.. -. " : . J.lktU!? A twrthem editor nyi that , " rt Ivipca U-M'8 1! lhl.w oweJ kf k obrikera, r . ; 7. ; ; : j ; - iWroi-Extraa lroia ariort f- : wrerer rwrt? ptlMa6fTfiiMXAwe Cmx!.!mx o( bealih of the girt Uterc , etn-vwL ;r- ' 1 m f j we!I," 4 j lookt healthy , 2; ery ; thtft," 2 ; pale," 4. ; "1 . X' XCW aKWClattV, &Ca Se5 JOHN C. PALMER, Ki noh : new. fapply of iruld and eilver LeTer Watches, ta a a Li . . Jr'ob t'bin and Key, lireaiat Vim, r inger Kings, silver tiutter Kniven, Pencils, (naliTrt trxt plain.) Tooth rn-ta r'uo Lliui,rp:ta:ie and" rwi, SteW (i;!t Fol Chain aiid JCvys. yek( ta aea-kaives, bv dubtrent Manufacturers, with 4 -etft.eieaia-!;j k0 by JeeIem,aU nf which will V AI tery Mt Jr. eaawimlx m montha hriidit, at..' -t w!.la luate. ifrtoraat will be etan f end. . Wwk inae Ctithfully and punctual'r. Sa!aaairv,liiy2.isn. ' ' tf DR. G. B. DOUGLAS; HAVING, located JknraKjHn JfafaeurT,. 'Kti.;cffully TentSera hi'pirofSsoiiataer-. ' otf i ia citfieOiV and thoaae 9f the tnrrournlinf toon- -1 li.llatv-t,al Ja ikaiy.eaasajptartDT.lar--- kVL .&. U 1. . tkixtit be cua)jK,Juund,XaU tintea h-a absent 00 tanAjaaioisU dutie -S ' ITaacni'iiW'Tratt TIIEaVwa TR.CT of LAND advertised in another -- iLia. aanecaaaldl . " FOR saive; a ad a am wisbtag to purchase caa, by paying two or Viree Uadred aultameVawa, have tbe chance to pay the taaaats a aay reaaooaia too. - ;-- , - BrAte i 15 Ajfi MiiskorT.J'i'y1' tf JStc" Foundry. I II AVE kf?y eomiIeted and put ia operation a large Ira f'-mmiry at any mill ea tlte boulh-Yadkin rtver ;jrwrT Pitv aa Iktaie county ; whare we are yrtonf la nal all kmds t Mp'iotrs suck as the nasas!? weak af cotri at wuollea tactone Cotton rin, eTt'ansjaaw mill thrashing machine' Irmd oh'.'ia, plainer block gwiffoo troo abaft pullie drwna drmeg wkeei and, m short, every thing els Caat as waily aaal at inm tmndrie. i We ai also urlarfd Iu Tanaiaar aavtrtas&c;and f finishing and ain't" ap all kinds of saac.'utwry ta this hneet buiunoa I ba fmplved Jr k avstsracto, Sirmeily of f aa-aay say raiaoiM. sir. syaeworg naa j a-kd a'l bta life nt estahtwhmenta of this kind, and ' i ia Cia&offucti- fit aikiU as a Machinist, and Mill- ll -.Ll .! miiJi wtraihiryv,. t LooV al TUs. SCil.UIIIL.UL.W!..ii(ilit kcUe .lop sad Your boasc are aut yet painted; - MiHauwal fcf - . nt Ua-vt lwl. .irrvrwa n4 hi Tin i tbaak tia cuoea of ttw oioe. and the sttfraonaiinr ' e cmr the venr liNnl wtrnonsre they bare here- 1"x' acoeJ oa me, and by a strwt atlrntioo to bu- niifc knpatoaawat a ajniinusfaca af the same - I will r to all who deir to have paint m? done. e'vt a wil ea me, that rt Atllbeeaeeutfiil to the most fcajawvea .tvl. aad that a asm. shall b. aartd 00 at part ta gtre atnaam. . - r -. . . Asy ee Amf to have puintiatr doae wiJl alwaya .- J. x R .A3 ariScra ftu a diatance. directed is maitt '.rj Wlil be ponctaaily atteoded la. Jacoary 'IX, K.K - 1 t( ' " ."' ' .,,. . : CelickC! MltChljSI S&natif e. ' 4 QUANTITY of tli aboYo vahiable Mediciue 00 kad. aad aa!e at the Pgst-OtBce at Count ' Line. Ih Coantv. X. C, r: By JOHN LUNN. AjC.iT-" . , ;! inwiin. - - . r 'SaSPJBla4" "-iaaianaiaw 4a -IN-.MOCilsMLIX,- IHY:..CCOrT. TII03IAS FOSTER t p-..ji 1 .ire. in the 1 '- rf Kn... '' " - " 1 which a- .4 euoiAjruUe 't"" a Iir, ill cijnvi-niut lo tiie dun li - tAi her Ii:3-f.i)tlf tinew I.e. tkr id tub e wr t!i-t the oimtry wul ufuia, s4 Lm aim t MOFFITif V D iETaEI-E UJX HLIS A"0ai.aiiaofujrclMmtrT--men who went out tnll or lHFI V Hi I'TLflS. m-,m ! a t. tod cimli !t of winning a competence trom the . w wbaletid aWi f-aSa-M rfcat. ISaahiamat tiietscJ; or who carriei to the ouiposttv br-uActorJ, vab, a- UasettJemealbemercaat,Ieor au'Chanical expe. S . dZnui lU ltaea w wrj ui ensum the wnca woa m the crowded eif.es and towns of the old- r '' . aa r . aaefc L in iikwif rt-1 martabSe efbeacy arbiaai .are every eeVtaal, H" 1 nn ess Ironia oerpiy rntajiacesawaeB .una j . -1 . (, E are toe oi.'ns -.iea,e jws. "7 -- " ' V. 'tu;. amone bis afflicted f:lr1ar.ta ftm 1 ed cooioderaUona, UM urn twipnni ss raw neutly tucceabtol oaedicue a oesewitaaf Hvwr"' llj,s coniitanUjr befijfe tbe puj!x eye. Tie atvae 4 ry aat- dittooal bua and botUe at a j-uana5 UuH awt will b rcliered frow a gwater or lea Asrieeal sauSe- jna, afKl ke improved aa fjeueral kaaak; lua aa aa esa of aajferHiar fro.a diseene raa Calf tae Ui-ra sa The Propraetor hue never kP.a car saw :J:tnl at aa instance to which they ttav tarW a 4 gitsat. i lliae encaa obsunale casra S cbrotuc tiapwar. saacik a ceawm dvsuf-Dsia. torn id liver, rheaenai ana, atclaeia. awraaai a fad bilifKai beai-acbe, coaa. ce, ttni aieatLe tv. (crutulius twelJinifi aod tt'.orrr, arany, aa raaaasi and a'4 oilier cbrowc affi.ln taf Hi araantaaai mxta branea. tliev ef.ict cores Bit a Tuf-em e wrataaajaa- ey which tr pnui au!3 l&enretJsa-T aetattf, aos msku-tt thru..." ha hi iii.ed Cnta kj,2r.t eauera-l coca, la ciakkand cjaga, aasck. if ir'tiak,auje'.ta'fer va rererred to the tlooa HAMaarras, a copy of induce the most fatal daseasta et tiae La. ami isited wkicb accompanies the medicine. A copy may be ob- tlie tweera in acraj, lies saedaeaBBs, Sf UVs aut for three or M.r days, aceer aa.iL Ttvktdavt.taary so pionaOte toe itsraaitaie- fawie-nai, aaJ a .aabara the system of totaile ant ana and icoit&etA abaanactaataa, aa to'pr adoce a tnovt aalrgtf J eeateesaf csravaiawiica 10 the tuornm?; and Uaottrh the atwm avazyaisaaaa a told ahould na rl iaitt ftAura t Jrmr tlrf aay. Cae nraawa. tino of a amiahS dose at U aaew iwaarrfaaHB will tpnoot TnTarrau y fucci faettnuBPui ijh mm-1 tiior awl: Their tlirrt vrpcie lefrt-a a aw antfe aatt'j vioieot kind a not tear eure aot a atta aa pew-1 portionable etnntiir: and nnumtteuimt aa aani !) inflammatory symptom r4 UaeBaoet imnumg t :, wut awakt with tM ?ralRricCsaaKaEisiawia enemy has taewi owrthfoe'-a.aaaitaaeaMijf bWWnif., :l-th.ft.y, atad t-gaaaaam.taltaart ill yield the fiaritwr ta eaaall ftat:lti!B aa.btgc- flaWXtf,.lJjvJWaWa Urns 4'rpocuadrucisin, featkssoesa, asi teer ataay other vanetaes t tlie NeaeeUea. caiaaaaf dsMa. jiatli to tbe efficacy of the Ph T- .. a"" .";l,0 ' forUie uaeot Ui' aaaijittMaiaai tiii-1 tirrtiye applicability toarfffnt-fiftirnnUaaHtasiaTaTOsF litem; ana they caa ac tta:aeav V haaoait aal secaj,! it 975 Bruatiwtr, where euascacae rvroaas at aVeia unparailelod suocCss are always atea to awfMKkiav For adtlitKifM faanaeikwf Uae laswi aaaaiamaas, a Moffkt'a-Oajea &tULJTL, a csipft 4jt aooao-1 ar. la runner w soeouhued by the Spindle as al pNDieatbemcdjciiaesi a W ca a aotijaoj el t preaeria iu balance, and of course there is no toe erftfeot Ageata aba) ttaae tiae. twa&aaee iaa aakav' 'f tabawgef the atooeav , I'rtnch, tk-ruuis, aad &mimt caa' a aav i I thiik,by thai unproved Spindle, Iho aame water tamed 00 apptaeauoa t Soe, T.i aVaaiaarv fi'da. at m one-third more business, and the meal All pant patd fetuaa wt'J iwcwe tiiaimrf s Tnriawa. dl superior snaliy. ' . -:-'--..-; Prpparf aa aata hy Ur Oiia at )acafl,3 BnM An? ae80 """hing ta ese on bf theee Spindles, way, A. V. A i.M-iJ cutaobua ia fc ua skaeiaaey cotaia anc or more, by maluug application, (with- piMehaM to aetJ iajain, J. t J, efiaii-Tbe'Lirc E"icaifa Waa" iTD'Oa rae proouoie com will not exceed pnnc.pal droits ia every to.attov-ahai the la ted hutea and the Caitaus .Vst 1 M:Si,f. Lfc I I'HkiaM Pherrm tfrttrrr; aa be awe'ttial "a b "afiisiXait of John Morkt's anatw tacpaaaU 1 af waaa- t !. hltLwM n . Hal la I arvro ivn irrr 1 rrt ur nirvivt iv ... ... . 1 . . . . oibiiv da a laiiMiuu -. .TllJa -AtXST, od naruotiiar linan-ataav bats iMPd tbe UtE XEMUL aa ueataa af t C- ll latiut a very snort time ataee (tie IjoaDCiawa kane htwa utUuaiaMwai ante tiae Fer r4 Ars liitncfeaB Qie-prfttMrW -f ui .i . i 1 m'i iavi wda ana awnuif a 1 inr Uon tht-y Lave dmae auor tarMaa aarravaiast to d'laea'iae, Ui'aBTH ot&ar ''iioBiiiia "'jiieaatiji' tuiiia-' bincd. It is a comuoa eacaae aaaaug " vg-vfaa ptaa W!aW(i.peWf- "- not cure dwraes a tocb aeaaile see a tiae itkitatal ttoia- aiderinr tiaouratile. Iteaiicsd eaatTJeaf as rawainaly 4oingaway a eartctf toe laat tf Uae auotaralWVe attHwaaa, ana Jtr. muih as uae trmaeai wamatatzy a-v otouucuui UuiLjjatT . Ja;t.it,ai.a.a. the natnuer ui coaiplamta atuck autaVra aajai bats csas- qii'tea. - . to (ever and An the JUfe JUfaV-saaas asawr rv quicker tciii f tbaa any other rntaaty,,eatit. af swereaasett in, enect a y rvtaiaeX rterr ; as thai at li aaucstl at. only oTdmsriiycetftul. tui natirta tTtf.f fc jut angary cine efaua Uie brst n jopLcM U teuOnnry ka a a- aV tack, it may alawya ae ard4dt Taea?eauie4la wool b a tnhMtay man imi'VL-tiit ta cue mf- er thaa the value f ttitratr-itiw talaHan p-ruwueuuj eui toiiht a wtrtm vjnm aa witffa : f tutrav erectea of BricR, lo build them as cheap, aa cannot he attiatad ty y eay scaaaatjai. Tsatmracleaad ut aa good style aa any workman ia thie thaa. Met'acma will eftaat wtial a lare c5m aw j tHOotry. . . s- - - Ibem, the Praapnet bas ttae teatMesry it 1 aeartoii. He will also, saraittd and burn the Brick, if wanted. ad with tbera aad abar ataialicatiin awt tae aa ta F Ke trwte that hm bang experience in - er and Are; aod bis trjt ta sww inanf k JiOL LD1.SG ANli LAVLXU BRICK, fhitvls at tiae WearkTtwerana fieis tWy yiit f H tBUtl bun to a share of public patronage. aa pains. a Btitorticating tbe ea;aar aaat abv. It would refer gentlemen wiahnij work done in hi setDuittmg ton hitbly mitmf mammonm. taatt Laaeef Biistaesti, to the Female Academe and tlie" new the seeaoa f FraW aad Ago tuts wmvi. - f Sre arw4f Clerk a olfice io SatUbury, aa' aiaeciuieoa ol - It iaK firtiie mere aaija auaa,. af C- t bisaaarL. - . Widred packarraef tbeLde Jtwfiaaa JrR'ir'J1litiiK!tia ja'f airu gnaiwv uaa aae ca eiuavw6if ary and erea wer- f sriaiiJioM a aaCtra btaa laaa ne, he Wrul. ennerawa baimara' tmjn-wxir mttSt-h. at ua pitasure waa aut greater at tie l-ari tm&etv piiauue-rtaiartaftleitariiT1tei acj-nat . c h, Mmnnaa, pmpny nuns t ferrwtaetwt j ia, recooauacaad tbeaaclvt ; jj a at tarressuy thaa t!br TL. I ,f. tl .r " . ' r " rr aB.a-iw uio pnipnety at a-CTttaiuf them. It aa trn-L tw- fortCciU tb. prnur-atur mJl M a J-liS ai.m ur,)r- i.r.i u-re a lia UKvj.uuert SM treaat- atrntextabt, he arvetaad sniKa,-ra-rT: ap i pKHiva ia e.s aappy encB as At-frf asrf I'ktuix Riitrn. - Far iui tlutr inntKxuats i lit M.iBkt'a Urana fiarr,it, a tiq m ;4ajtwi.aa..... dufr.Ultaartl lrR,fle barrel,; 3 dot, OCT FreU Caa. ani K?rA M?T . raViwwl ,.,......;.. .v.i... - , - GO AU ymt txud imera - T - , ( etioti. a,jaatek.ai au'mina. FAV- n , v v - lUJ 0F. SuTtr.CotPn Mofasae Fruch aadChmpaigd Bran FAT,37o Braadaay..". I . Ai4-,Jaafo Bikb d. Kuv. f d.uVent kuaJa Holland gT&c ic ' to thus who pure!,: i5 aja, . j Jl(:y fj " ... ' ,j? -- Ajr-aa. Tie Life i!x,.tcTOraijt a'sbr W ft'. ! ' - ' raiivciH droits PJllij m ti? ' "I sa '"'- and Plieaix B Iters; a aad U mm ttaat a tae k-.-k.: et , qMS LIFE GlYLViJ PILLS AND PIRFVIY Jo! M.dT.ra eiqwtBra at ta i& lWa bat J KTTE, ltd, so celebrated, and ao muca ud h. of bitter arkaaf., iA atltetar m ever, part of the CMjnUy, uW ' " i. ! tentHl and a sate by the Suhacribere PFVER AND AGfE RXTTIVF-LV CXSnX-j CRESS & BOGER, Aent f a F ever and Aji a a toa ws dw' 4 wa. a! at ; P. S. See advertisemenL Aprd 4 tf warm and humsd t!mwe. hnWi n.n r dinry tu ide'uf tuft, aau a to b- 3 awy aViastsatrfr ( to the prrsyn, and by - a-- 6 ' - t- .". ' S; ni.aMi.au. or Ihe :U& autn s f" m r, is tue nnt tf.Mjui.t excit.r caune 01 tts.il .ie.f its jHTillmritl'-S II it''"' U : . . s'.e -,..;,', ,,,-eut in m.-K t!y witid t-iiu atth t r:-i:'.,.n ( w-irmal e.M-.itit'S ouse. Ill ) ...r j ,i . ,.. ,!..'' ', ir -i.i 1.1 .:ti'!hT t'.-er!i; ss a" r n ori-i fi-u;r. h'" onre ,f-..J, t-. r-'.inivwi, the fwijoti lli-cted i nut Ui a Ci"sil tuc In Dim !o notwatTi-cl- TVnt ftrearoatanein reinliT it entremely ditiieuii 1 ffKcjMrnumenr f-i of Fevpr and Ague, itiouL'h i) ff tue patient ine time oemg w very wjr VUFFATS LIFE PILLS AND PIIENIX WT. Tl&d bate been Unnoghly laiated, and proved Ui be a wmh wU TUu-ul curi uf Fevr aud Ague. Hun-.4-.;,)., at km 6tiiuw-eit.2-na in the West, have tolurita rtif enme forward tu aaaure Mr. M-,llat that the Lift MvJurm are the only medicines that will thoroughly etket a removal of Una most tedious and disagreeable M iuawaoe. - ' , . - ' . . , 1 . : . . I 1 . .1.1 and jn.rwniM I maef wnn n armignu m v i - ae XMraU BSUSal BlXZliU rm lit""" 11 11 mai i.-a t-ii LUuniUU' aatouas luaa attbar returned . i.lh ilipttcreu CuDUl.M. depreed spiritft of they rein wea ae-W- " ' " "r- " " t. hi.-K 1 her ara nrnduniiaed bv that Ca aS5STailTOroI in nes,UIC rtair mn nya. iiren iiv).. are hiaetett their boaiuess energiea destroyed their t Dirado becoma a desert, and (he word, made to tlte cut, ja broken to the hope. ' . ,.; T these todividuala, Mr. Moffat Iwould aay " Try & Lift .WfTcftemes, and you wilLyet anticipate your ai aangaine expecUtkias, for they will ceitainly re &uf yoa to beaUo."" ' .J , . f-,;- -f . Fever ami Ague b a complaint which. require lo he met at its first approach, and com batted at every stage. t Settlors fatal of Uselt, it reduces Die strength, and im pairs the function of the organs, so thai upon the mam fcttstioa et disesfeNature is unable, nnaawisied, to re tut the inroad. The Life Medicine when taken strict tf aceordmg to directions wilt cure it, and give to the weak aod trembling ictim of disease, new healthife, " aaistrenfth. ',' ,. " r Foa hu Miticularaot tha modeot treatment, the cunedai the different agent "who have the medicine Jus-atlas. T" r'.". ' French, GertiMiK and Spanish directioiia can be ob Cainrd aa apolieetioa at tie office, 3?5 Broad way.--, Ait post oaid lettera will receive imihediate attention, whileiatl and reUi! by WilliaaJ fi. Moflat, 375 f Bwavaay- IV.-1. - A liberal aeduetion- ode to those - I wbojiihcIis! to aell again.,:;,.. '. i-.- Agent 1 0 uie jituicincs may aiso oe naa 01 me priaatipai Dni;ists m every town throughout the Uni-, (en states a ad the Canada Ask tor flloUut a Ule filla !rai Ptveoia Bitter: and be eure that a fac simile of t Juh JtUkt't signature m upon the laws; of each bottle. ' - ';.- ' "JTIlZZZZZl.A t MeST.jCTjeaS tV.iJ.0geriathlfaV.T0Wflr-t . , . ...., - ', ,.w. - ' ' Salatbary.-X. t July 2G, 1831). - . tf . " rr r" . a 0Vtlf!TS"6l'" WlllVs"""' -- - .. KBSunscriberbaaaa improtedpoeaf Spindlf for,' ' oa ky which, a mill will do much butter than wit tnaawtol foim of Bparidle"" It to an constructed. , aaay 01 auimg we meaj 10 any man-1. w onrt tame) to the Ptibneniacr at Aluckuville, ysvi "r'",,aaa j""' le reaoy lor use. . , Taliy and Tbo Foster, in thetrcinity J!; receiitty trit-th ffiiproved Spirt- ,w Wy Pw 'V " ' . ' " i - u.. rbmar 7, im tf , Commission and forwarding ' a jf l"V,. ' John lluake dc Sou, -.Varbasaatgb da Rayu IT. T. Haigh, , E. W. Wiikiuga, ' C J. Orrell. ioseph Baker, 1 uf fta'aywyrover. . June 2f, 139. 3 m lirick 3IasonrVa rpESStSJJMing. DearLtjiingtoDivkk. -- so County, takes this method to inliirm tlie Pub uc that be will enter into contract with any Peiaun, or parsro miner in isjvuison, Kowan.or Uauarrus txMin- t-f wtto aiaab booee lactone or any other kind of .aaa.tk-.aaaWarf-4it jjarMtnwr, and' rr T ti aa punctually aueruled to. ROBERT COX. Dfn, April l 1S.TDL ' - if '( ! f. T Cres .1 - H AVE bond aad offer flw aale tbe following ari a chacbeap tut caudt or ea time tfl punctual dealers : . iw m.,.lhu vrMn ... ., hi..k ri,,i... . -- --- '!"S'..".:. T handsome; nirfee Kenmck Jirw; liktH.i hn.u iv..... rllCrala.W'vat. ia ' ' - VVfts - - ' Fayetteville. - ;.tfurtto . ftTrkme,. . 2,1X10 lbs. Spun CUan,S.F. :a itaeotto Yarn;, 50 lb Turkey lied; 4 sajnttiia! nMNiBR-bite Anvilles: .i snir.ua B.'ilows ; :?"."" - -r-t waroutso torareo; naat ttt Aa4 &tt,n j Cloth frmn N.a. 5 to 9; assortuicut 'aacfeaawKe.o.e, -- " . awna , WartanU tot sacctc. BOLTING CLOT II II AVE on hand, and inland k- imhj 1 tu.,.. best Anchor Etamp Doltin-r a- j comprising all the vaimua iNus. u d in cAiimrf.-Vv'h all h wn-aha-amcta c,tn plied in quamiucs ui tun purcnaira, and 00 terms.'. . ' ta - '; Wove VV ire fur bcrwns, Siltcru, Ac, ki , y cm hand. HALL Sl JOH.N.SON foot or au, Fayetteville, May 17, IWX UNEXAMPLED MAMMOTH y -S0UBMB:'.;-; fpHE following details of a niai or 4 1,0 L 'to be dmwa in Ui-ceuiber aext, warrant. declaring 4 to be utiparatldled io the hiftarj eft,, nee. i'rtsrs to the amount have sever befc, ttired to the public. Jt is true tLere are martr k,. but on the other hand, the extremely lo chtt'tui ' per t,icket-rt!ie value and Nunjber of the (ipu:a w the mivsLof the good old cuMf-m of tr-frronW ewty-pTtee-erWfaiawvwsf siWj. wiii, give ootversal saltaclion, ana especially, (9 nunartu erne ninarr. - , ; - 1 fJOr.'Jd-tboae dinposcd to adventure, ae recfun early appltctum being mao'e to- ns for Tttketu the Prizes are atl ao!i, Ciauka only remain tu l. buy era have the bst clance. V tlierefiire tmpuv cally aay deli(ot ! b"tU one rranii tai mif to us your order. wLich shall alwaya rreem immediate atlentioa. . : Lcuera to be adureaed ua plications made to r -at Lyi.Mt.lt Sl CIX ' 13U hKoiowav, Naw Yoai 1 tfij Obtcrve the Humhr ldtt ' -i $700,000!! . S500000!!!. i . $23,000!! V ' G Prizes of -. - $20,000;! $15,000; - $10,000!! 2 Prizes of 3 Prizes of Ornntl Ileal Latate and Cank Moxl ' LOTTERY; OF PROPERTY RITUATLU IN XEVV OgLtjAjj I'Ae'rtrJifaf and jM-MagaifictiU Scktmttm presented to ike Public in ' , : Thi or any other Country. : t Tickets only $20- Aulliorized by ta act of the Legislative AaacuSfi t tdrida,' and nader'9ie directiona of the Comni ' .. era abiiiig ouaer ue'aauav - .. To be drawn at Jacksonville, Florida, Dec t, 1 SCHMIDT & HAMILTON, Manager Svivehtib &. Co., 158 Broadway, New yrk, ' ..JST' SutoAgeakt ' . No cow Una! ion Vumtrrt ! ! t 100,0110 Ticket from No. I, Upwards, ta aucceia . The Deeds of the Properly aod the block tranrnef in trust to the wiiaiiaaionera appoihtod by tu a' art of tlie Legislature of Florida, for toe iaiirita' Pnro-lioMera. V- r Sl'LJNDlD .s( iiii?iz;i ITrlie The Aicado, 25 feat, o uicnea, 4 luc, ot '' " AUgaxiue alreet; lvl KA,11 mciieaoa Natcbci street , l.io lect,b lucta-isv tJiaVHirstreet tietnedatataaf:i;rtii pr. annuio, and valued at ' ' f7udjuj 1 Prix City Hotel, 1IU ft. oh Ixmikuoo str. " , 14U It. 0 in. oa Carop street. -' ' . , 1 keutod at a.j,00tK-valut-d at 1 Prise Dwelling iluuscadyuumg toe Ar.r : " cade, No. lti, Hli 7 to. trout . , - - -.pnAhtSakfatuuU -l -valued at "- n r.XW . io, Zi n. front on AatcLe tr, . . . . Rfcaj (t flaiuadiU-.-XTt 1 Pruee -Ditto. arJjointng theATrarie,) fo." ' . . "' 4 S?J, K hiui"oiT?saiciit "itr. V, . . JteitUd at lil'.Kl valued at Jl'dk I Prtee-titto,-Nor TRJj"Ntfrttt fast Wrhtif 6f:""'' . . - JJauatu andCustijiQ-butiieitr. 40 ' " ' r ft. trout on baatn, and 40 ft. oa ., Fcauklin atr. by ISI ft. deep in " .' '. '. " ' CuslooiJiouae str. KiuU at ' ' - "- J U-)(lU valued at ,0t J Pru Diiuv woi "Buoto-a'cai Coru Sf ," llawnanilCui-Ujaii houiatflr.;y.' , a .''. ft. 7 in. on Biiii, aj U. 7 iu. oa franklin, 17 tL lUi io. tittpm "r 1r. ' route Cu$totn-itouse struet . . RtoUxl ulSlVal Vaiutat aUOOt I VrixeDilto, Ko. Mk ki IL S m. ua RojaTT atr. by 1 .7 tL 11 in. doep K-nfeJ at S.1.1HHJ . valued at 15 1 Prize 250 shares Canal bank Stock fUW each, . . 1 - 200 ditto,Commercial ditto, $100 each 1 - loOdttto, Mevbamca' Sl 1 raOera' 1( each, . N I 100 ditto, City Bank $100 each, V iw aava, onto, $UX each, . v -100 ditto, ditto, $IUU each, lii.i a . ou ditto, fuchange Ban, 1UU each ' 60 ditto, ditto, ditto, $IIA each, " 25 ditto, laas Light Bautat, $100 each, , ; 25 ditto, diltouUU)ltW eactu. . 5. dilla, ditto, dittos alUU esxlv. ""-"-loaiaMMj MeBBOic VA: '4nrdvra y&Qfaw .. . each, : : -.. . ... ' --' I J5 ditto, ditto, ditto, 1000 each, 20 H , each 10 eharea Louuiaoa fttstt Bank, ' ' . ' . , 100 each, escb Priae ayloti, Weacb SLabar of 1U0 each, capb.l'rae. --J iM), of tbe Gas Light Bank, . . f 200" fcl( 1 share of aitx), oi toe Bank of . "I Louisiana, . - . - - . 2D. 200 -each 1 share jof 100, eaT tlie IS'ew Or- . - kaaa Bank, ; . .1. .. IM". aaaiia 1 adiure'ef irltrO, pfthe l;aww Bank of Florida, - - .. ; " l'K C00 Prize Tickets (aoss.o Share. . TU whole of the Ticket with tlmir Number, tj ho those ConUiruiif the Prixe will be eaaioioed f sealed by Ihe Commisshsiers afuoted ond.-r the Art previuus to their being put inUa the wheel thw? will conUio Ihe wlmleot the number llae trtlacl ' Coutaiu Siix IhM.Bi o Prizes, and the hiat tkA Iwrt that shall be drawn out, will be entitled U Paiaa aa may be drawn to its nunbera, and the nate holders of such Pri will lisve audi pmp'f'f IraiiattWrftl to litem iiiniie-lia tely after the. Dtta-mf. aiiiaciamaertf, and ie.'Aoel aay iltJnt ttoa ! , A . June 7, l-;;. .... v.. .. - . , C-m ' ,;:;Wrappinga;lipcr, fPHE Robscribera bave jnst r-i(d a lr"" "' "'' x niont of brows and colored VK.AP1'LG p topetl.er with a large quantity ed I'ASI'E 1'1 which they oflor at ahJtunie or retail. , ' C.a JL C. K. WIILT-I- June 7, !S:tO. . . tf t

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