. idt. ; in ert i i re to ert hK ;r- ths rtl eb old ios thf lb I our f fib- j i of'; a i,ut you ounlt to do so fin tlmt a it mny, we ,11 behove that both yon, and the old King are dead and ," and, knowing your old failing when nrthia world, t assure -yxnr that nothing bin your u personal aparancecm mukejis believe other ie- -Sir, your most obedient, BOB SHORT. P. S. Should your friend wish to procure (uitahle person to deliver your funeral diacourae, J recommend Paraoo L - t of Rowan, he wu a great admirer of yours in your life time, and like you, w a little- touched with Abolitionism. J M casus Editors : , One of the Caucus-men showed me Ben Swaim'a last paper, and I was sur- triaed to see that he still follows up, his old trade n giving the result of the election in this district ha makes Fishers wuy'oritf ouly 83, when he knows that it was 183. What ft strange pro pensity that man has for lying, but I suppose he is keeping iu practice for tut nest time. By the weyf 1 wonder if h Csowt have nra der DD his ikreETT- ?' "ANTI-BEN. I roft THl WESTERN CAHOUMA. ' Muses. Editors ! 1 see that some malignant scribbler in the last Watchman," over the signa ture of M. Dougal, has made ft most scurrilous at tack on " KTMurchison," who came within ft few vote of beating old Mr. Lewis Williams for Con. grew. Such attacks are shameful, and must have been wntieu either by some detainer or Federal Pettifogger, that haunts the County Court bar in Surry. I do not intend so far to imitate the er ample of this malign scribbler, as to retort on eld Mr. Williams, unlett 1 am forced to do so, but while be was blackguarding Mr. Murchison,' why did be not say something about the qualification of the worn-out member ; or tell us something he had ever done ? Mr. Williams ha spent 24 years in Congress, and like pewter dish, though a little , bright at first, he has been getting more and more dim ever since, until now he is worn out by doing - nothings and has the Bick- name of-" Father of the House." Since he first went to Congress, . be has fingered more than forty thousand dollars of the public money for wages, and how many cart -loads of books he ha carried away, it is hard 4o tell. And I ask, baa he ever done the county for ty cents worth of good f I was one of those who thought it was time to make a change, and 1 think so yet. I suppose the old gentleman has been so long in Congress, that he believes he has ft fee iie rigta. . mad at being opposed; and bis follower, thiuk they can stop opposition in future, by now blackguard ing Mr. Murchwon, and i.trymgjo jnake jymjf4ijji. MTindl rtiiayeT tut take care that they are not mistaken. " '. " r The fact is, the people are tired, tited of the old song, and aa sur as another election cornea about, either Mr. Murchison, or some vther man will re lieva the District of this od Federal gentleman. - -JOHN ANDERSON ARRIVAL OF THE STEAM-SHIP LIVERPOOL . Tot aleauvship Lierpaol, arrived at New - York ou Koito) mornmg, at 2 o clock. x iors ooea nut seetu to be any material alteration in the ttate of the London money market, tnough toe link of tsgla'ud is eVkluutiy utf ai at n w al ifged tlwt tne plan ot selling btt Uie dead Weight tuu -r-ftet ssceeeued, tmr bant not navmg twerr idio-ur con- tioue to obtain uie price it deoiauueu. 1 rial lustituuon bad entered juto a uegociatwu wttn the lkuk ol t rance for a supply of two uiiitious ol dollars, winch was not, however, vet tducluded. ilie ui ul Wis weather, as the harvest lime ap proached, was a subject of intense aim ty. 1 lie e counuare Conlruticiury, but, we are sorry to say, the last are decidedly bad. 'l inn is sIho Uie caae in Fiance where the price of breed liad risen. 'i'l Cnei tr tt-wnl' be" w;etlwlUi "pleasure, has impiuved. ' An advauce in tlie rale of interest on the pari of the Jban) eonuuiied. to ti a niatlcr ut diw:uwnint bul, no; $zL us seeotMite that vnoney was as ners ttftCS'TK J11ie weilhcr "Iff EuglJnd bad been wet and windy, aa u to ereate so-ue aUr.a br the growing crops, and uuse same advance in the price ot wuuat. In Luglisb politics nothing of greet interest, but im portant luieiligeuce has beeu received Iroin Cotisunli nople. bultau iialiinoud is dead, and his army totally routed by the Egyptians under Ibrahim. The Captain Pasha had treacherously delivered up Uie whole 1 ark-j jjjji flsettaJlchiiioa Aiw Tbe son of Uie fciuluu bad ascended the Uirone of his fiitlier II had appointed bis Ministers, and negolia tiooi were goiug ou lor an adjustment ot in difficulties with Egypt, uuuer me auspices of Uie great Luropeau Vera,iV. Courier y ijuirtr. Tomalori. At Ibis seuson of plenty, for " ooe of the besLlVittg!1 iitJhiajKQrloVi-iuidjrbeulhey are to be had in the market at lorty cents bush el, we dot good work in advising ouf reader ot the various uses that may be made of Uie Tomato. One use, to which it may be applied, we cupy as below, trom an exchange paper. Tomato Omelet. Peel a quart of ripe tomatoea coop and put them down to simmer tor about twen ty minute, with as much water a will cover them; cbop a few ouions very fine, and throw there in villi crumbled bread and a lump of butter ami hen nearly done, beat up four eggs, and si tbem 10 for a few minutes, and servo the omelet ud. r'"w. rumorr. Lost ON the 22nd instaot, wa cut from Uie Subscriber's CsmsitA in lhA nifrhK(krlutfvt n Ss llflhlirv. on th "am road leading to Concord and Charlotte, a email bllrtrank enntaininfr anrulrv srtilM of elolhinff. snd a PACKET MHf, vihwi, mas llu tnllnmihg psM.r. 'lb a number nf nlhnrs not recollected accurately. AH persona ar for warned trading lor any of said pa- Pral wai giv a liberal reward for their recovery, v miormation so that I may gel Uiem. " Ob Court order from K. P. Harris, on John Rogers, 30ns Koto Ebeneoer H. Roger for also, oo to asm lor Ui lis of wilb a credit en- i lor about $im m No on Junes Cochran for t0. On on Jsrma II (Whtin t I ha rise a 410. Ou on Wslur F. Fan for about ftU, with a credit One ea J. W. MMn. Cv ota On on Sm'L C Harris for 19 90, together with sundry others of smaller amounts, with 2 bills of bale. execul to we by Ca pt. John Russet for two negroes. On iodtrment of avno. snd severs 1 of a smaller eajjiat, oa Charles Townsend ; besides other not defl- recollected. Wx. F. MUlOLOUl. CoMord, CaUrru Co., N. C, Aug. 30, 1839. ''b Co-pannership bcretofor existing between tlie subscribers, hss been Una day dissolved by mutual w w parties. Wll.UAM WUJUS, ' 1 JAS. AL WOODS. atranVt for sae Aere. UNITED IN WEDLOCK, In this Town, on the 27th instsnt, by Rub'L Mums ' "MtLSAS PEARCE'io Jli. ELIZA ' In Itili County; 6o Hie i 22iid" TnsUnt, by" tii Re v. 8. lUbrock, Mr. MOSES TREXLER to Mm MAR GARET CAUBLE. . Also, in this County, on the same day, by J. a Myers, 'u,,Mr. PLEASAM MAY to Mu. NANCY AIRE Y. DEPARTED THIS LIFE, In this Couuty, on the 9th instant, Mrs. ELIZA KlLPATRICK, wife of Rufus 1L Kilpatrick, Esq, of Third Creek, in the 32nd year of her age j leaving an infant of a few days, an interesting family of small children, and a loving husband. She wu a devoted wife, au affectionate mother, good neighbor, and a worthy and consistent member of the Presbyterian Church j modest and retiring in her habits, she was most esteemed, by those who knew her best Truly in the language of Scripture, She rose while H was yet , oigbt, and gave meat to her household, and a portion to her maidens." " tier husband wss known in lb gates, when he sat among the elders of the land ; and her e.;iildren. .rose -up and called -her -b'eseerf -ItiThitf -tieatri a cbttiH Is Tnadeln the family, and nefglborhood,' wuico cannoi o miea ; ut (blessed be Uud,) we be lieve our loss; to be ber icfioitegein ; and that she shall be restored to us (if we prove faithful) in the re surrection morn, thousand limes mure , lovely, and more glorious. This 'death was" unexpected till a few hours before, and says with tremendous power, " Be ye also ready." KvnwnMKWCa. In this County, on the 22nd instant.. Mri ELlAS RUMPLE, in the&J year of his age. Hewasameuv her of the Presbyterian Church, and his relatives and friends should not sorrow as those without hope, ss be died perfectly resigned, and in hope ot a blessed immor tality. ; ,, ; ., i , " Then' let our mournful tears be dry, Ur in a gentle measure flow; . We hail bun happy in the sky, ; And joyful wail our call to ga"-f Comm. DIl. LEAINDLIt KILLLO, T ESPECTFULLY offers bis professional services to hii citizens ot Bilnburv. and the surround in? -counvryi llisoftioe is in Mr; West's new brick-build- mg, nearly opposite J. tt W. Murphy's store. Salisbury, N. C August 30, iBa9. tf. v Caution. iy, k LL peraons are. hereby iorwvued trote trading with C1l wyoung man, about l years ot' age, named iOH N SiiUAP, Jr., tor a mare which be carried off It is ' probable be may change bis name; he 1 about 5 feel 'Ji. jncbw tughwkjured nauvbiussaW apJ with a double tooth on the rignt side of Uie upper jaw. ' He had on a red surtout, flax pantaloons, and a black fur hat The mare is a bay, well made, with one white bind foot, and a spul in her forehead. The bridle is nearly new, with yellow reins. I he saddle baa bad a new ' seat lately put on it. The above mare was taken off by the young man without my consent and he will probably try to sell ber. He will aim, perhaps, lor Indiana. He was seen near Locke's bridge, on the 23tb instant. Any poison imr the said wan and mare, will confer a Javor by sum. ping Uie mtjf, (letting the man peas,) and sending word to me, directed to Lexington, Davidson County, rt. U. JOHN DtlUAr, Hen. tJsvidson Co., August Sff, 18U9. , .-. U f , OrpiIE Rowan County Temperance Society will bold ii a meeting in the Presbyterian Church, in Salis bury, on Friday evening the 13lh Sept., al 7 o'clock. ' Aduresse ouy be expected. SAM'L LE&1LY, Presd'L August 30, 1839, 'A Temperance NoticeT Remitted, That Uie Temperance Society of Rockv River unite with those of Sugar Creek, and Mallard Creek, in presenting a cordial invitation to all the -ICaroJiui- to siwuuit jone or nwr Deiemte to meet in tsalMtmry, en Die 2ud VVeduesUay uf beptember next, to consider th expediency of calling a Temperance Convention, embracing au Uta counties in the estcrn psrt ol the Male. Rerolvti, That Messrs. Ssm'L Morrison, snd Joo. Phifer, with A. Alexander, and W. W. Pbarr alter nates, be the Delegation from this Society. By order of the Society. -JUMrr,-fclRKPATRK!K,""SeratBrnr" Concord, N. C, August 80, 183. 2t TO TUB VVIIislC. Wilmihotos, Delaware, I June ti, lbSi. i rpilE bn'lersigned Administratrix of Uie Estateof the X at llezekiah Miles, former Editor el th Register, bees lesve to inform Ue public, that there are yet to be disposed of, on reasonable terms, a tew full set of Nile Register, from the oummenceiiient to volume fif ty, inclusive, with all the supplements, and general Li dox all complete, comprising a period of Iweary-jfiw years, with a number of seta including tb second and third, and fourth series, from Sept. I '517, to bept 1836, wiu sundry odd volumes to complete the sets of those who have been, w are now subscribers to th work.. Sh would also bee leave to stale, that yieldine to th imperious necessity which exists for so doing, h has placed all claims due to the said deceased, in the hands of I'UUiif Ketgmrt, of ine wrty ot Baltimore, wim a view of baving Uie asms collected and closed by aim- ell the Books of the concern being in bis possession, -and to-wwem- pplicrren "btTnailr fcf HCUfot" parti . of sets of IboatoraoaW work. The undeisigned hopes that ah m not presuming too much in asking Uie kind and liberal public press ot lbs Allwled.8UU, to (five the. foregoing a. Jew insertion, with till view of aiding ber to dispose of th surplus copies of the Register, and to realise the soma due from Uiose for whose benefit th labors of ber lato husband were zealously given, to enable ber to eustaia thirteen children; eight of whom ar under twelve years of iger wnxTTsnrrTmxsriwm ix. 'New asnois, for Spfmg hi Ti ESPECTFULLY inform his friends and the public, that ha atill carne oa the TAILOR ING BUSINESS ht hi old stand on main street, next door to lb Apothecary Store, lie is ever ' ready to execute the orders of hi customers in a style and manner not surpassed by any workman in the western part of the Slate, lie i in tb re gular receipt of the latest London and New-York FASHIONS, and prepared to accommodate the tastes of the fashionable at all time. 03" Cutting garment of all kind attended to promptly ; and the latest Fashion furnished at all time to country tailors, and instruction given in cutting. - (Salisbury, Jan. I, 1839. G. B. DOUGLAS. AVING located himself in Baliehury, respectfully tenders bis professionsl ser vices to its citizens, and moss of th surrounding Soan- try. Hi office is si tli room tornierly occupied by Ur. R. M. Dnuchelle, where h may be found it ll time except when sbsent on profesvionil duties, fealiahury, SJiy lift --t - - .'ri j r. AA, pins, aa exutiwre iwti!" j . SPRING fc SUM!IEI1 goods, -coNui.ri.'w tf Pry Good, Hrt!w, Tamir,Crx"4 ery , G R0CER1 ES, lku soi Me- -dicines, Dy e-StuSs, Ptu asl 1 1 : t)il. Boots kod Smcs,' : SadJIrry, cc, Ac , In short, their Stock coNijft-taee aJatM ejery artit needed by the farmer, Afecaaasc, ur lb fwumki of the town or country. v " N. & They will sell tow for easb, sr is eeectuaJ dealers on time ; or ia exchange for Cooasry lraace uwcora, May ztu, is3 u Ytesblcty ot ConcctA. piIE Presbytery f CswbokI snS sm m Urn Tsww -a- on Wedneday,SepteiDir Ud,at llo'ctok,A-M. Tue member o rrestHrters ars recamed to stua at the house of the Subscriber, a tfcry ccler m Tewa, be directed to their places of twJjmj. Salisbury, N.C, August 2, 1S3X ' tjk j TAILORING BUSINESS. o. :t. rr.:33 UESrECT FULLY take tte ssstaoi to aJkws kk friends and ceetoasen ta Coacatd sad (Uncart v. that be still continues to cam ea the asnsw branch el Bntunesi at hii old stand n CoBcurd, Sgsjta f tb auir ol Messrs. 4. F. & C. Pbaer, where be wiS be at all times, ready to Cat, make or Cieoile- any work in bis line. His long expmnwe sstbeBasi- ness, lb pam be m now Uktsg I reccrtw law esjrfcesl fatkvmt trom Philadelphia and Stm Verk, maairs kim to nr. that the work dot at bit Ska stall beet lite ..-', ,-. Dert Workmaaahlpw ' H. IL He wiu aia teaclj fas Avati use aswes) ssk proved system of T. Oliver el nnutdelpbia, bs aay one who wishes instruct a bis rysle tt cvtUag. Voncoro, xa, ism, 'PIIE Subscriber wishes saibraj kis owieera 0IWIIV VU.IUfl SWIUSuSy and is ever ready to ciecwie, sa a eery open mainier,. all derurtii Ot wort bis Gold Orxnden, Mdl-Sumrx, UlasW awd W rill i, Door-tUp and Tassb jrcsws, aV eteewted a a very rare etyte. ; lit rnt far XiO-Stoa m vry good. Mr. I'hilipsalso beg to esJormilBj) swUst that be can execute LArr Tiers f ran lie will Engrave aaarUe-siaba aveauly. assl graatie tooib-stoues cm be sreU esecwied f 4rstrr4. H charge ahall always be rvasrssiUe , a4 as access modal ing as possible. Persona wishing to lutte work 4am im list above line, will do well to call at tit rdeje af Mr. Philips, aeveo mtks sowtb. at SaJttsWrf . I ENOCH E. PlilLUPSL AagiMl , 188. tf rTMlZ Subscriber, ib eoaitewiitf to iweewt L leeeived rraca Um Sank Ctal Goal Vac Csssv pany, takes this aseOnd to anions Ums ssuiustod, that heresfter all Mrsooa fcasd trespaaang ayasi the IjsW ing Trscu of Land, bekiiging to sua C pea j, ows ted in Daviuaooj County, will a fs 4 aceerdsa; to th stria tetter of tb Law. DavMlson, Aprd 19,133a. tt ixsmi Tract, No 1 -can timing acres, lysag ibe bar muebraacb. aoisimna 932. acre. lynx sw.U i Xm-mom, rrser sjal'XktV .: ; Ctwek, Flat Smmf,uM Vodkas aUvccJ 4 conuisssg rysg list Snssp tt containing te7, lyssg Ijsrk cne. 7 coo timing 1.4 12, lyag oa Fia Svassa. B copmnmg CMl, lyasg Lact creek. ft containing 6(tjUlyiag oa Lark aee. 10 conuiamg U897 sere. Ivssg Lirk rMh oasj (VtSsmsei.-- "' 12 oonUiaiBg, V3SS, lysag oo Lvtk crerk. 13 containing 1.317. lacwted oo towr ik branch and Jacob creek, adjosssag the Lead i THE Subscrrber hsvmg aaxbor1 rj , m. EMUsmoseat and itr4 at aa a style for the scconunodaboa of TmveQecs aad Bnardera, is aow seared far ttstsr rscrw- lio it. in i axiu, wiu ajwaya a noaiane Wltlt the best the market can aCbrd; hi BAR with a food senvpry of canst Lsasjors; hi BEDS shiU alway be kept n 6orr: aad bat 8av ble (wbicb are eery erteaMve) sre well sapalswl wak Provender of Use a rst coaliiy, aad artewdnl b n and fkithful bosUers. He hopes, "by strict attewtioi to th bs itas. ia ana, to give salisftctino to all wh ssay favar baa aaik their patronage. Ana be only asks a can sad tnaL AAl'iitW CAUJClilUlI.. Lejtingtoo, N. C, Feb. tl, ISrSL li HcatlrTrwiCli: riniK HE ATI! TRACT, sauo VI baadrad Acres af Uaa.astaatrtf' kMt li i miraa East of Lrrwc . Uatal Cm .Otox oo lb road leading Iresa Ixngtosj to Psyellsviil aow effaced for Sale. There are about 1UU seres m proved, aasj SCO ai Wood d Timber. Tb Tract h loeatH m a vrry and i peculiarly adaptod to ftrmg. k base it a w aa urcnare, aa a goo jeaoar. ilea bj L i .3 y psadeal af ibaso ajfaotsgea, the project O . GOLD TEIAS, hstt arresdy bew eeeeed, anrf aorxe very tkkmri ea- tracted rrom tnem. Tb oetobratod CWW CeU Jftar, as wUw ;rl a f hundred yard aootb of It; nasi oecardj:; to ti ree. Uon of Ui Vera f that Viae, Utey avest txstr:'j pass urougb a part of this Tract. Any persoa wssbiaf to view tb ar rt nwr miooto deacriplioa, will call oa fc :Va . s i, worth, ia Lsxingtoo, b will g?tv awW ictr matioa ; or any peraoa walling Iombki tie msv will call oa Dr. Aostia, baliwmrr ; ar s'.i'ivw a Ijv to th Subscriber, Treotoo Prat ) tV X. C V ti. LilATIL rcb,2L18m tf laSTiuy. rpAKEX op by SoSowai 113, In kg a 44 Creel X ia tbi CeV, a - T? QSAI mH2Zl of a dark hay color, yndfd to b two or tbrsw ywar old, snd sppcaiaed. accoriiirg to law by gtaart C- bcll, Oth UUlespi, ana auei mmj, to a wtt forty dollar. r : . JOHX I. SUATDL staler. Ssl fborv, ApraA 1 "& --- . strings 4; ITAVE just receivd f.ua '. tv i in i 3 STILL LATER THAN EVER. V u. V ' '.it, the. f;urc''i, Sum. I'er STxtaTX Pasta Fluff, Paints, Oiln, C i'ii rs,C ud i es, R ice, f"iiii, BrustiM, 1 rao. Fine Letter Cluilln, Ink, Drawing doira, Tenenff Ma thamtniun. Muscat .S'-t M n iltg Pajwr, ; 1 l"4,t Sf!U 14 Panita, Ma ; 1 rt- iUrrv. v . n n4,Ctrel Wines, Vrench, Peach and Apple Brandy, t; a, Monorihala and old Whiskey, Jamaica end N. '.. ktTB. Lf Sjgtr, Varnimhes, Sand Paper, Glass Vre. Biii;!1!, Lemon and .Ginfr Syrup, Lime Juice, Taonnnti-s, Juv Casks, Pocket lluuka and Maps, Pipes, Irns anil ConipositiKW Mortars, and Pestlej, Camlle Wwk, B!ack:n-r, Lms's, Dean's, Dyott'a, Anderson's, Hoot's. Scott's, Cook's, Shop, lfejckwith's, Peters'. r n , ! I I Evans. Brandreth's, 1'heljts' Pills, llouck's rTTtus) tfi:mf Panacea, Moor aT Andersou's Cough Dtopa, Seuff Boies, Spices, Pepper Sauce, Kowaod s Took Mature, Back Canon Board, Matches, Balm ot Cotumbi fur bald heads, Elixir of Opium, Swaim'a Vermifuge, sad a thousand other article jiml received aad I as. ckf at tiir Apothecary sin, by v JV V. . Salisbury, Jan 7, lS3a -J- tr , .rsrr e,T TVia V 111 saw , uaa, ! IqCMMER will be coming before long, , - i d sod your bouse are not yet painted; MiuuauUotl ar cheap, aad labor costs aluxM nothine. 1 thank the citizens of this place, and lb surrounding cewntry tor the very liberal patronage the have here tofore bestowed oat me, and by a strict attention to bu- aiaess bop to aver it a continuance of the same. 1 will say to all who desire to have psinting dona, aad nay eail oa me, that it shall be executed in the most aaprvveii style, and that so pam shall be spared on my en to riv aatisfcetion, .- " - Aay so w wrung to bav painting done, will alwaya ftps at aa Ssitabury, oolesa aecessarily sbsent on busi ness, n. tt. KAuvfis. - S. BU AH order from a distance, directed to m.e in Kitwhttry will be pooctuatty attended to. January 34. la tf Q The neath Tract fftllE abova TRACT of LAND advertised id another - part of this paper, m still FO R AIrET and anv ea wtshtnf to purchase can, by paying two or Hue band red sol Lsr down, bav lb chance tu pay the baiasjcw oo aay reasonable tune. iw.-A--A08TIN,-Agrtr Snbary,JuIyim tf Wanted immediately, VGOOD Workmaa to make Da goo Ploughs, to waova bbsral wages will be given by the Bubacrt- ber, hvia; seven miles Nortb-wet or Haliebury. 1 "'-' ." ROBT. N. CRAIGE." RaCa-N.C,Augus9,18:ta . tf UPW JllWExUUY, lC TOHN C PALMER, bssanothn e aew supply or gold and silver Lever Wetchee,; siia ETUs aad Fru;h," iixioH l oo kBauw aao cays, Breast fin, Finger Ring, silver Butler Knff, Pencils, (patent and plain,) Tooth Pick. Fob Chain, Spectacle and Thimbles, Steel aos) Gilt Fob Chain and Keys, Aha, -a very fino nrl large. snrtrnnt ot Raaors, pocket aad pea-kaivea, by difierent Manufacturers, with other article asaally kept by Jeweler, all of which will be sold very low for easA, or only six mouth credit, al ter wbsck tiasr, totereat will be chsrgedT7 VH ask oa bxthfully and poaetoafty; SalsAary, Htj lo39. tf To Travellers. ' fTttJC travelliiqr oommooity are respectfully inform. od that lb tfuboenbar h bow ranoing hi line di rect frasa Ratobjb by way af Pitsboro' sod Aahboro' to Sabsbary, m small Nortbera mad Coachrs of Uis, fixat ( tosvavg RatotgU W Uoodsy's sod Thursdsysat 10 A. ami ug mi Salisbury next bays at 10 P. M. Leavtag Salwbary oa Toeadays and Fridaysat 'i A. Id., arvrvaag as Raloigb next day at 10 P. M. Hi kisses ar goad, aad driver particularly careful aad accaaasndating. . JOEL JdcLEAN. Feb. j,m t X R. Seat secured at the Maaaion Hotel. "' catawba ernniG3.2x rWVIE pabl ar informed tost the above Establish JL aseo wUl bo kept epea tbi Season, for th so- eeiaaiodatioa of ia valid and all vrha may deairo a abssasot Soauner retreat. Ample prepareuwii bav kaiaa aadsd HOawsd si ert xw a w.ll be given w reo r fall sausiscuoo. Ttraw a Boarding rtry cAra. Tbsokfol for the liberal patronage bestowed upna bun tb laat 8 amn, Um Subscriber solicits further trial of ha Uilisbawl. J. W. HAMPTON. Cattwba Sprmgs, Lincoln co, N. H . , UaySLim ( " OS" TV rsyettevCJ ObsevveT, aad th South Caro liojaa, will aabla tb abov to tb amount of fA each. mI end rW. .iecaiitto lJba.PosMateCtwU4 '"SofiegaVpayiaeot, . ' .,. J. W. IL I WWWWlwwwWrMW I II 1 1' i ml t.yHr-,,,.,..,,-,-.-, THE Subscriber having located himself ia th town af Caarard, would aew ner bi services to Uie Pub!ic,aaa Ornamental and $i;n ralnlf t.r !m mm.'t ?i 'u,nj f,rtifi ii s ia Ui sUs Bastaesa, and tt specimens ol work h ha executed as kw luw, wul b a suiScient recommendation. 11 wiU alao attend to any call mad on him in th aad i eocimt b ea giv satisfaclMMi to all who msy Lwlrr-irn. The PuUic" is rwpectfuny requested to call and an rtTin.' h;m. he m determined to execute all work ciim..., :1 to k.ia in Uie t puasibl manner. (T A Pa nun j and Trimming all kinds of Ct ra:a,4jne w.th ecaucss and despatch. J. W. XAINEY. Ck-oH, N. C March 21, 1S-T9. ' if a i "'"""h aW HAriNG received a aew aupply of GROCERIr, bike pleasur to saying to his friends Slid the ' public, that ibey can now get bsrgsin indeed for cash. lit ka all kind f hmily provision, such as Sugar and Coffee), Sosp and Candles, Oranges, t Leeaows, RiiaiM, Almoade, Sweet Crackere, Newark Cider, . ; Le'moo Syrup, ' Codfish, Herring, "Mackerel, Sardine, ; Anchesians, Lima Juice, Albany AU, " Liouor , wne and of l ie bof fwu!w, ad of the la'est importation. . ..." - - . Salabnrn June 1?S jmj- , iTmtiisfaW"''"-'1tiiM "1'"sTI I A I . u-al fci.ii.. -a- , ,UJ (bwal . fcl CRANPSIRED BY THE AMERICAN The Champion of America, W'LNNER OP THE GREAT MATCH RACE. The North oatast the Booth, f 20,000' Astnit.. milR thormijrh-bred horse, ITIL by Col. Wade Hampton, of South Carolina, will stand lb Fall season at Uorzaoton, Burke Countv, N. C- cb mencing on the 2Uib tiwUDt, and endins m tb 2-"uh of November. For further particulars, see bsad-bilU s. w. Loxa Salisbury, N. C, Aug. 23,183a i Thrct Hickory Switches Rcuard. V.. 1 RAN AWAY from me, oo th cfth Aogast, ieaUot, ea indented apnprenticw. by ths oaeae of J OS E 9 11 CHAMBERS. Tins is to bmn ell sersom fraia trading with, harboring, or concealing and appresyucev under Uie severest penalty of the Law. it abuat 10 or 17 years ot a;e. IMo marU recoUectH except Ui big to oa hi right foot is severely stared. Via uianas wiu be given tor bis atiereheststua. IL N. CRAIGH Rowan County, Aug. 23, 183X' 1 tt EAttttt Spruits, . Vut. JtTST RECEIVED AND FOR SALE, ' - i 20 pre. Elliptic Spr ngs, wiUi 8, 4, 5 and S. - 100 lbs. Malleabl Iron, 4 blnls. Sagaft. 20 sacks bail J siao, ta SToaa, " bagsCtiiSr,'' . ' .. "2t)no lb.txiujfi XifST" 73 ega White Lead, . 35 krgaKailv " 1 . do. .. Jtevus, SO , do. - Vices, by J. at W. IICRPIIY. Salisbury, Msy 31, 1R09. ttprmg YasVwons. JUST RECETfED FROM NEW YORK, PHIL ADELPHIA, LONDON AND PARIS, lb Sprint Faahione for 1639, by the Subscriber, who i prepared to cut aad maro' clothing in the aaosf askssaaU m4 iurmbU faJr.aod warranted to 6V 11a, alas, keeps a road saaurlotrat - Cloths, Cssauwere and Vestuigs ot .Ue iUat oualaUaaV selected by bim?lf j the New k'ars; aisrsaijawaab--be will wll low for Caab. N. B. II Mill continue to teach lb art of Culuav garment on tb most approved pUaaof th beat Tailor ia new, lort and nuiadeipbia. ' (cy Cuttinr for customera doo oo th shonaat ao- tiee, and order from a duancf anesJed triiaic'- path. 03r His shop wOl bs found m Mr. Coma's ' . isrge brick.building. BliXJ. r. t RALET. - Salisbury, Msy 5, IV. '; "-'","' tf " TT Land for Sale. aMlErkbscriber,Ms-lbrHySeo. ( V i 1 tend Movih'to the W tar atto mi. ij.i";"" - t I " 't.tiAa;n.VU.,:'JT:-j.- ..,.. -: Uim I rset Oaataining 4 1 scras, tli reaiCnace of tb 1st Job Scott, situated fir mile from Salisbury, ea Um ma i a road to Charlotte, N. C baring aiacb clears) land and valuabls Meadows, with a targe aad cosbsbb diou dwelling house, a double beta, cribs, kilcbaassad other out bouse ail ia good repair with the. beat of. isfcs,r One other Tract of 415 acre. adioiaini tb above. and oa both ido of Crsia creek, baring aa it a (inat miii sim 7U sere cleared ; and a bu HvUom at tb head of the pond, ' i A a public stand it i well kaowa ; a a arivto re sidence it is a denresble place. A waggon, horse and wegrese will be tokeo s pay ment. A young negro girl w wsated, for which a fair price will be given. KT The above lands will lie reatedotUaasd. tfaot old, tbi Fail by me. : - A. W. DRAMKiX. July 28, IKI9. , toartf. Goods. THE KIIISCRIBER IRE aow receiving at their eld Sued, at Sure wall' l Mill, ia Cabarrus, a aew aad freab aapply of Spring and Summer tid. . Tb following article ar smorg th Ulast arriral : 1,600 do. Coflee,- a hhd MMaase. 50 Umbel Salt, -Wine,Cojrnie Brandy. Dy Stuna. Powder. 4Yc all af wbaib wOl baaoid W for cash, w to nmctnal oeaicrson lime. JACOB WIXECOFT ft. CU Way lscisaa. JS).ly TAKEN op and ersaditod to the Jsd of Rowaa oeuniy, oa ta lVb Inatsnt, a negro Bias mho calls k.ut!f TOM, sbout 60 year of ago. He eayi " the Kght of hi left eye m iniared, ad that ba baloof.to.t.'ar-.oCT, ".- FauUid Dtstnct, a C. Tb owoer ia requested to com forward, pmv properly, pay rrgv and uk him away, or b will bs dealt with as the law direct. JOHN IL HAKH1E. Sff. Salisbury, Jud 21, ISaa. tf Police. . mAKEN UP and ewmnirtod to the X Jail of Rowaa County, on the 19tb Ine aut, a negro soaa who calk bwnerlf lill.LV, of dark complex mo, about X7 years of sge; be ay be belmfi ta Roto. Irick, of Orangeburg Diatrct, H. C Th owoer i reoaasted tooneae forward. prove property, pay charges and take him away, or b will be dealt with ss the Law direct. , JON lL iiaRDIE, SiTC Salisbury, Angost 23, im . a 11U. AljlAHi'fc. SCIlOOl. fpHK Summer tWnorrwilJ doe oa Friday, the P:iT A in., and Ui School will b ro-opened a alna day, "th 9th September neat ' T. PUILUP;! Af ir.N ""Salisbury, Aug. 8, 1S39, 'T.' pi .1 ': t -

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