fly V.' p. toeticV J RECESS - . .THE EARLY DEAD. ." They go, l freh end beautiful band, To the sunny ky of the "spirit land; To the music toll of tn tngel choir, They hymn their joy on I g Men lyre; Gladly, all gladly, they ir away, . At bird1 uncage J, or t child at play. They go while the rainbow of hope m fuir, -Ita arch oobroken by sin or ear, , While the roy iifctuf their lifc'e young glow, t J It ai bright aa a tunbeato on beda of mo j ' And thry pane is gently, a ant'tly on, A the ww flake melting, tul all are gone. They go alii' untouched ly the opening blast, VVbich withering time on the old hath cant; Vhile ftney pamteth the amethyst hue, j witu tiie dminona guttering ana weiwing tnrougn, A the nightly boat ia their mildest beamj Or th' impassioned trust of the lover'a dream. ' They go when the tendrilaof love entwine Round the heart, untouch'd by the wintry wind While tli Hpring bath sought id ita early bloom, For it lovely ooe, of despair or gloom ; W-bilo each balmy urn on the flowerir.g at rand, Bend forth rich odori through all the land. They go ere the lattice on which they clung, Of ita fairest tnd dearest hath loat not one, Till lout to the bark ta ita guide and a lay, Toaawg about oo the trackleat way; They go while are mirrored their cherished fbrmav Which the stream of youth ou H. bosom warm. ; They go and why should they linger here, Outliving all gift Uiat ire tweet and dear, -Xill the eryatal drop of the morning lltea, i And iiita'i fair tr4m at the fountain drieel ; Aht mourn for the things that to earth are wed, ...... But not, ah! mourn not the early dead. VAltlEY. EDUCATION, A friend, who wat passenger on board the beautiful little eteamboat William. Caldwell, on r Lake GeorgeaTfew ndaya iincewu-parricularly ttruek wiih a notice placed ou the door of the room of the luggage man of the boat; several gentle, nieh tonka copy of (lie bill, which waain inane wrinX. but our friend so struck with the ehirogra frytyHf w iW-orjhography f t hat he porch, j ted the roper and brought it home with him. We ttao-oui hie to di ieadtr a. as fktfliweJtflriJauLiLAi im- ItOSS q justice to the penmanship. , Sum livin nUe Jive ratot-snaiks to be seen in a tncks for the emuSement of laJeos and gentelmun kcclil on tung ittouniing sum on black mounting, ' bees a tatler no mistaik. Admitens tickpunts or nothtn just at yew pleat 1 but the snail cost nmnny-Hleeee to caul tnd eck- ' zamen Tor yewerwelves befour yew purchet els-1 wliare at the man aez in the nusepaper when be 1 wants to sel hit trumpery. this carry van of live sarpeuU dont eta nothin 1 ! caw I on old dick he tendt the eierbrshun. . Sqme Frenchmep.whfji bad Jandedon the eoast of Guinea, found a negro prince sealed under a -"treeyon a Week ktt wood for "bis throne, and fhree- t ai'trwae, md wiiawxxto fc-hf . . . guards. Hit sable majesty anxiously inquired, no tney taia mucn oi mo in r ranee i . An exchange paper tayt that " sometimes neb- t .i . it- l . tl plo atop' their paper without paying the arrears- ffcu V We think we have a taint memory of hav ing heard the tike before. . The first consideration with a knave it to help himjielfllie aecoml, how"to do it with an apiiear- a i ice of helping you. ' r e." - ' one of the plewantest mwnt in Ply mouth county, a7v,rB V .Ii . L T, 7 . ' .. . .. j , "ivahds who have visited them, can bear testimony to Massachusetts, wat a stone cutter, and withal given , 0lB1. hkaI.1 H-RK3TOR1NG QUALITIES. . to hard jokes. One morning, aa he wit busily tt ' work, iurrouiiJcd ss unuat by a number of tomb- stunex, carved out with the usual inscription" In " '"Tfie ifioryor, teWir greeted" tyDoctor F;wh(r was riding by, on a viait to me of hit patients. " (jood inoruiiig, Mr. W.," said the Doctor, " hard at work, I see; you finish your grave stones at far n In memory of," and then wait, 1 tnppoee, to see who wants a monument next 7" W hy , yes," reotred iheDtiT roilrirreiimg a moment oa biamal- lot, " uuleat aoatebudy is sick, and you are doctor, ing him; and then lkeep right oof" . , 1'he boy at the head of the claw will stale what were tho dark agtt of the World." , Boy bes-itatrt- "Next !. Ma.ter Smith, can't you tell ua what the dark ages were F "I guest they were the age jut before the invention of spoclacUe." Ga to your acata." ; - ,i ' , . : ,. Finine a Uovtrnpr.k good joke i told of Go vernor Ugg4. By the ordinance of the city of JITersoo, discharging a pial'd within the City Inn. ita w punmhable by fine. The Governor broke , thie law and waa hauled up b) t ha Mayor, and . fined fire dollars- Tha Governor protestedcon tending that be had the power to remit the fine ;:TW XajAi-doiMl 4hi4-4ct r," aud rtjebo preparing a mittimui to lodge the Governor in Jltli wheq some of his frietuis forked over and re. teased the, dignitary fidm "durance vile." As there it no precedent in the books, we commend Mua cw to Uiea'uwU juriU.., Xtjj tup. A Frotidenc Dandg. correspondent of Providence (K. l.)Juurnul has given ihe tttur an accoUnt"VftU H atirring up " of of those 41 hau , ima'ti" Tarii lillir, fnniB ittim tmv, of them, whose trja pretty considerably shaded with dark, grizzly -lookm; hair, in their travels up YVetminter atreett . . " What's tliAtl" aJted the younger lad. . . . Tbat,Tq)t(e3-the JrtHrrwiiy iuvu , .1 d-iut know, what they cull it, but it belongs to the caravan." 4 ' - "To the caravan! why I wonder how it got loose perhapa it will " No, I guest not ; poke a wick at it and "see," Nut at ail afraid, the younger did run after it. and coolly poked a sink at tU , - You impertinent little rascalj" exclaimed the exnuinte, turniui quickly rotiml, " de7isT, or I'll cbaatiae ye dent me, if i will not." Hey I " Cnod the astoiudied urchin. . H-a.y ! yea, you low, vulgar, ill born, illite rate scamp, I'll abwpiatalize you in an instant I" and raising hit loot too tuiklenly to eliect lua pur pwe, u ill-luck would btve it, a team gave way, and one log ol pantaloons wat entirely ripped aprt. " Burst hit boiler! burst hit boiler 1." screamed theldnTeway iliey scampered.' The best of the joke was three ladiet stepped by the' wty tnd witnessed (lie wbole affair, apparently "WUhj flMCA gnWB6ajl-cr.-i-v:.vwsJ.-: Virtue, fike a dowerlcse beauty , hat mora adm rerv thanfMlwer r--" - - Deitiny.Vi t retneti.W a lVnwtfil IIc;;-.ry il lustrating the power of fule. King Solomon M walking in liiagiirilen, with an attendant; when au appallir.g figure was t.n approaching liiui. "The attendant evlairoed in' alarm: " Solntnon, the sight of that being aRVihta nie I know not why send me 1 pray thee, to the furthermost mountain of India." The king in his capacity of magician, complied the attendant vanished. The stranger came op and said, ' Solomon, what was that tnsm doing here 1 My errand was to seek him on t!.e furthest niouiitaitl of India." " Anti of Death" replied Solomon, " thou vilt find lum there ! " Why," said a physician to hii intemperate neighbor, " don't you take a regular quantity eve ry day set down a Make, that you Will gu no far . and no further! " " I do," replied the other, " but I always set it down so far oil, that gti drunk be- fore I get to it. A Yankee and n Irishman riding together, paased by gallows. Pat," said the Yankee, a give'thaT gallowTlfai duP, and where would yow bet" u Faitb that's easily known," replied Pat, " I'd be riding to town by myself all alone." March of Intelligence. u Jim, how doe the thermometer atand to-day V "Our elands on the mantel-piece, right agin the planteriuV . . Funng. Some Yankee editor aevi " he like to a died larfin " to ace a drunken chap trying io - pocket the shadow of t twinging sign which he mistook for a pocket-handkerchivf. . It is enough to make a man laugh. patent hat been secured in France for sewing boots and shoes with bras wire. It it raid that they do not admit rhoiature or dust, nor do they rip when tewed in thia manner. The tewing i done with at much ease at with a was thread, nor it it more expensive. y , - "' Religion. The celebrated Lord Durleigh it re- corded to have aaid, " never trust any body not of sound religion, for be iftat it false to God can nev er be true to man." Guilt. Guilt, though it may attain temporal splendor, can never confer hsppiness. The evil consequences of our crimes long survive their commission, and like the ghostt of the murdered, lorever haunt the steps of the malefactor. - The paths of virtue, though seldom those of worldly g'reatnessv are alwaye those , of pleasantness and nA&M-.Vif WalipT Ridt. ... .. ' If an individual of the lowest rank, or without any rank at all, takes tiff his bat to you, you should du itTetaliiTn7eTurn. A bowTiayrLt Fontatnej i a note tlra wnat wghh-" If ywr acknow ledger tti you mud pay the full amount. Gentlemen are never above speaking to their inferiors. Contentment makes us more happy in desiring nothing, than the greatest monarchs upon earth in ' -M. . .1 - . tlL : 1 I ,. - possessing all; it it the true Philosopher' etone, that turns til it touches into gold ; in it we have all the treasure the world contain. fHo WeaVmg Springs. . . i INFORMS his -frrrnds ta the tmbM, di h-Hwi JL enlarging hia Establiement at the . IIEALlIMCi SPRIJVCS, in Davidson county, and making various Improvements for the bettor accommodation ot all who may call on him. He has now opened hit house and la ready to re ceive all tliose who may favor bun with their cuatom, and he aaauiet them that no Mint will be spared to ren der their stay easy and comfortable. He will btve more roouia than during the last Bummer, they will bo - better fitted up, and his table shall be abundantly sup- ar koowo. la be . a fi. Ct.nuuT-watw-aa. ever ftuwed out.of-Xb a . ... feartBr"TIiiff bare Torfgftxeeiii elbrated fbTUi baatitnf l'hese Springs are. situate Inus miles East of the Yadkin River, iu the midst of Uit mountaint where the a.r m cool, pure.aod refreshing. They trediatant from Halnrtrary abom W mtteaad from Lmgtoboo niiles : guud roads leading from eacn place. The Subscriber Halter himself that those who may honor bun with their company when they leave shall have no cause to be dun Untied either with the waters, or with hiuiaelt. His charges shall, in all Cases, be "illy 19, 1839. WHJJAM HARRI. Wa have always esteemed the "Healing Spring" of David duo to be very fine Calybeate water. They have beea celebrated lor many years for their strength ening, and invigorating qualities. These Springs are located in the midst ot a rang of considerable moon tains, where the air m port tnd pleasuant. We are glad to see that Air. Harris is fitting up the Establishment for Uhi accommodation of visilorn, aod we bope be will receive tht ertcouragmcnt which the waters, aod hit tttcniHHit so well deoerve. : . CHU riSHEK, JXO. L. HENDERSON, , JAS. K, DOlHiE, R. MACNAAIARA, K. W. LONG, . JUMUS S.NEED, - SAM'ikJIAKliRAYE. . . : .. April 18, IS39. - I WILL offer for Sale on Turtay ol our next Sdpe--ror Jourt the teHotrntg real Estate T" - No. I One bo- and kx in the great North-wet ' square of Satiahury, known as the tavern bouse. tt -flml M Ikmm ad juuuug, iepi aa a grocery. -j, a a new awciiing-nouiw, with all nccensary out. bouses, adjoining Uie same. 4 A house and lot, on Main street, opposite Win. - it j.- i i. i . 1 uunaiu a, wna uaca loi. AHe bii leTes ut hind idj'iintrrj thetuwfl of Slitbtifj," under a bih state of cultivation. All the abovt will be aold on good terms privately ; if not disposed of sooner, they will be told oo the day above mentioned. JOHN JONES. i.lmtmry.-N. fJ Aunut2TI:W. " la -v-;:-: : jYcw I'oundry. 1HAYE lately completed and put in operation l larje Iron foundrj at my mill on the txjutli-V'ailkin river (brmorly Pearnons) in Davie county; wlicre wcare prepare-i to make til kinds ol canting, such a the running worka of coUon or w.olkm lactnritu, cotton gina, griat and a mills, tlirtniig machine, wind anlK pldiner blocks, gmleona, iron sharts. pu!!ie, drum, driving wheel, and, in abort, everv thing eise that M usually made at iron foundries. VV art also prepared h Taraui alwlt, 4c; aod for fi.iwlmig and fitting up all kinds ol machinery in this line of business. I have employed Jama Wavwcratao, fbrmeity of Daltimere, a very akiltul Machimat, to superintend and manage my sUblmhmenL Mr. Waynesburg bat worked ill bit life in establishments of Una kind, and i dutinguwbed for bit skill ts t Machinist, and Mill Wright lie will also make calculations for water wheel, mill-gearinj, 4tj tod wlien the machinery ia obtained from as be will attend tn puttiug it np. Ou prieea are those of similar eubiihmcnts st the North. :.AftCr ..tNer 4dKD4 tJthef Ux Jcuh Wayneaborf or myself, at Saiubory, wdl be pmmptlv attendad to. CHARLES riSHER. - Salisborr, May 21, 1. - - " um:xahl!;d ;iA'i::oiii .: f..,..,.r w-. , w J ... ill fpUS C.:;..if:? dvta.: of a Sviikms or lomat, I ... k. ,-..,. i 1 1. iu.r n. ri. warrants us in detlarinj H o he unfarulUUi d in the history of Lotte ries. 'n;! to the amount have never before been ol feicd to the public. It is true there are many blank, but on the oilier hand, the extremely low charge of g:JO per ticket the value and Number of the Capitals, and the revival of the grxxl old cuatom of warranting tkal twiy prize thall be drawn and told, will, we are sure, give universal satisfaction, tnd especially, to the i hundred prhe hidden. $y To tliose digpoaed to adventure, we recommend early application being made to us for Tickets when the Prizes are all sold, Blanks only remain the first buyera have the bftst chance. We therefore emphati cally any delay mot t but at once remit and trans mit to us your orders, which shall alwayt .receive our immediate attention. Lettert to be tddressed and ap plications made U " 1 SYLVESTER A CO.... , .. :,, 150 BttoDwv, New YotK. (Cr Oiaerte the. A'bnitcr 150. . ' J -cr- - r .$700,000!!! $500,000!!! $25,000. ; C Prizes of - - $20,000 !! 2 Prizes of . - $ 15,000!! 3 Prizes of - - $10,000!! rand Iteal Estate and Bank Ktock OF PROPERTY SITUATED IN NEW ORLEANS, The richest and most Magnificent Schemt ever presented to th Public M Thl or any other Country. X V Tickets only $20. Authorized by in let of the Legialative Assembly of t loruia, aua uuuer uie uiivmuiis ui.ura vl"","",,"",v era acting lender the same. v- To be drawn at Jacksonville, Florida, Dec. 1, BCHMIDT Sl HAMILTON, Managers. SvijTErrKa Sl Co., 156 Broad wty, iNew. York, Dole Agents. JVa xombinaiioAJCumbtrt X Xl 100.000 Tickets, from No. 1. upwards, in tucceesion. The Deeds of the Property and the Stock transferred ia-Uust la kh?J;!9mrniasioners appointed by the said act of the. JLjaUluM.aO'landa Prize-boldera. . ' SPLENDID SCHEME I 1 Prize The Arcade, 286 feet, ft inches, 4 lines, on Magazine street; 101 feet, 11 inches on Natcbea street ; l'& feet, 8 inches, on Grsvierstreet Rented a t about $37,000 pr. annum, and valued at- - $700,000 1 Prize City ilotel lC2 ft. on (kimmon ttt ': 1 ft 6 in. on Camp street Rented at iVKW valued at 00,000 1 Prize Dwelling House, (adjoining the Ar cade.) No. Id, 24 ft 7 in, front :, : on Hie Natchea atr. Rented at l,200-valucd at 20,000 1 Prite Ditto, (adjoining tha Arcade,) No. :. IH, 23 ft front eo Natcbax sUv ---v 'Hented at ll.aOtt-Vtluetf "20,000 IrPrrge 'Ditto, adjoining -theAfeiade,) Ni w 20, 23 ft froht on Natchez atr. Rented at 1,200 valued at 20,000 1 Prize Ditto, No. 23, North-east comer of Basin and Cuatom-bouaestr. 40 -ft front on Basin, and 40 ft oa Franklin ktr. by 127 ft. deep ui Curtom-house str. Rented at 1,500 valued at 20,000 I Prize Ditto, No, 2 k, BouuVwest corner of Baam t nd Custom -boose str.; 33 ; ' ft. 7 in. oo Basin, 32 ft 7 in. oo - '"--ifiSTrtirmfc . frontof C'udom-houiae tlreek- fited It 150(&valued armD00 l ri rrrze Ditto; Na, 4 rt 8 ron Royarr- . ttr. by IZi n. 11 in. doep ' Rented at fl. 000 valued at 15,000 1 Prize 250 sharetCtnal Bank Stock $100 v each, . . 25.000 1 j" 200 ditto, Commercial ditto, $100 each 20,000 1 lOOditto, Mechanic' tTradera' 100 -etctr. iSiflOO 1 H 100 ditto, City Bank. $100 each, 10,000 1 ltaj ditto, ditto, $100 etch, 10,(K)0 1 - 100 ditto, ditto, $100 each, 10,(K)0 1 " 60 ditto, Exchange Bank, $100 each 5,000 1 " 60 ditto, ditto, ditto, $100 each, 5,000 1 " 25 dittortiar Light Bnrtrr$100 etch; 200 1 "25 ditto, ditto, ditto,-$10O each, ' 200 1 - 26 ditto, ditto, ditto, $100 each, 2,500 1 15 ditto, Mechanic & Tradera. $100 ' each, ' 15 ditto, ditto, ditto,-$100 each. " 1,500 1 20 - 10 200- 1&0 2fl,000 2,000 ' - -t 20,000 each 10 shares Loo una na State Bank, $100 each, each Pnxe $1,000, each 2 share of $100 each, each Prix $410, of the Gaa Light Bank, each 1 share of $100, ot the Bank of i lionunant, 200 each 1 har of $10a of the New Or-.- lean Bank, 20,000 150" each 1 ahare of $100, the Union ' ; Bank of Florida, 15,000 600 Prize. ' $100,000 Tickets $90:::u.o Kharra. m of ft? TicIeisTwlK'iirei N aim those containing the Pnxe, will be examined and ecaled by th Corauiteiouer Bipointed under the Act, previous to tbeir being put into the wheels. One wheel will contain the whole ot the numbers, the other will contain Six ilimoiro Pause, and the first 600 Num ber that ahall b drawn out. will WnuUed u uk Paiza aa may be drawn to ita number, and the fortu nate bolder of such Pnxe will have such property transferred to them immediately after Uie Drawing, mncwmorrra, ne aWAOM aay afeatucuoa Jirne t, vmu. BOLTING X LOT II S 1 1 A v E on band, and intend keeping a supply of the 1 1 best Anchor BUmp Bolting Cloths, compruin; all th viriou Nua. used in thi region ot cnimtry. Where all who wid the article can be up plied in quantities to suit purchasers, and on reasonable term. taa - Wove Wire for Screen, Sifter, c, kept const nt ly on hand. , HALL dt JOHNSON, ' ' """'' ' root or batmocvt. Fayetteville, May 17, 1939. if Wrapping Paper, &c ffviIE SnbucriW have just rereivrd a Urge assort x meet of brow a and colored WRAPPING paper; tepether with a large quantity of PASTE BOARD, which they offer tt wholesale or retail v. rt a, r k tttirrrro - Jnae 7, K. tf - "Negroes WaulciV. J. IAIR eea prieewin be given for Neproe. - Ahpfy . it Major Win. O. Cravrford"! Hotel, Saliriiury, May "17, lew"" ":' V ' ". 1 Of FATS VEGETABLE LIFE WLIJS AND ill P11E.MX L1TTERH. The univertal estimation, in which the celebrated Life Ptlls and Fheni Kilter are held, w atttoriIy. demnniit rated, by ttl increa sin? demand lor them in every State and section ol the Union, and by the voUwiary testimonials to their re markable efficacy which are every where omrd. It it not lees from a deeply gratifying connueme ui mrr are tlie meant of extensive tod inestimable goul among hi afflicted fellow-creatures,thao from interest ed considerations, that the Proprietor of these pre-eminently successful medkinet is desirous of keeping tfiera constantly before the public eye. - The sale of every ad- ditionai boa and bottle laa guaranuw """" r""" will be relieved from a greater or less degree of tuBer ing, tnd be improved ia general health; for in no case of suffering from disease rea they be taken in The Proprietor hat never known or been informed ol an instance in wbicn mey ntve miea u -moat obstinate cases of chronie disease, such ta cbronto dyspepsia, torpid liver, rheumatism, asthma, nervous tnd bilious bead-ache, coetiveneaa, piles, general debili ty, scrofuloue twellingt and nicer, ecurvy, ssiirneuro and all other chronic affections of the organs and mem tl.n ffect cure with a raoiditv and permanen cy which lew perwin would tfeUcanr JteliMiutrt to wnicn tnouRinua nave leninen 'yvi "-k enee. In coldi tnd cough, which, if neglected, toper- induce the roost fatal diseases ol the lungs, ana inoeea the viscera in general, these medicmet, if laker but for three or. four days, never fail. Taken atmght, they so promote the inaeneible perspiration, and so relieve the system or febrile action ana lecuiem iwuvcuwi as to produce a moat delightful tenee of convalescence in1 the morning; and though tha usual aymptome of a cold should partially return during tha day, the repetj t too of a suitable dose at the peal hour of bed-time will almost invariably effect permanent relief, without fur ther aid. Tbeir effect upon feveraof a more acute and violent kind is not leu sure and speedy if taken in pro portionable quantity; and persons retiring io oeu wnu Uimmiinrf vmntinmaof the most alarming kind, will awake with the gratifying consciousness that the fierce enemy bat been overthrown, and can easily be subdued. la the tame way, visceral lurgesence, uhwbu wig w tablished, and visceral inflammation, however critical, will yield tha former to small and the litter to large dose of the We Pills; and so alto hysterical affec tion! .hypocondrweunn, remleasnesa, and very many other varieties ot the Neurotica! class of diseases, yield to the efficacy of the Pktntx Buters. full directions for the me of these inediciiiet, and abowtng theif dis tinctive applicability to diffident complaints, accompany . them; and they can be obtained, wholesale and retail, at 375 Broadway, where numerous certificates of their unparalleled success are always open to inspection. , For additional particulars of the above medicines, see Moffat'a Uooo 8iiTm" a copy of which accom piateathe medicines ; trcopy cat also be obtained ol the different Agent who have the medicine for sain. . French, German, and Spanish directions can be ob tained on aTvpticatron at effieev 455 Bread wayw. All post paid letters will receive immediate attention. Prepared and sold by William B. Moffat, 875 Broad way, N. Y. A liberal deduction made to those who pweliaae-JoeeU agaav - - Agents The Lift Medicmet may alsrte had of the principal druggists in every town throughout the Uni ted State and the Canadta. Aak for Moflat't Life Pills tnd Phenix Bitten ; tnd be sure that a fee simile of John Moffat's signature it upon the label of each bot tle of bittera, or boa of Pilla.J I?EVFJl AND AGUE. TO MY FRIENDS Itf THE WEST, and particularly those who have med the LIFE MED1UE3 in treatment of FE VER AND AGVE. It it but a very abort time since these Medicine have been introduced into the Fever tnd Ague Districts, aod the proprietor flatters himself that during that period, wherevr r they have been used tccording to the direc tion, tbev have done more towarda exterminatme the fdimaaey tixa ell -etber tented ie and prescription com-.- bined. It is common excuse among " regniar prae - uitonera, wnen specinc,art wiroaucea, uwiuiey can not cure dieeises wbich people are ia the habit of con sidering incurable. Medical experience it continually doing away a part of the list of the incurable disease, and Mr. Moftat baa the bappineaaof confidently an nouncing that fttrr mnd Agma ie now to be added to the number of complaint which modern skill bat con quered. - "r In Fever and Ague the Life Medicines not only give quicker relief than any other remedy, hot, if persevered in .UmiI iirw..nil mi., mn ll.a t if lid natlnt im anlyocducjeJuU. erne upoe the first tvmptora ot tendencv to a nW uc, u wi ainrajaraiiittm40aMiitcuuira., i. :. , 1 1 I . CP m . tin would be of 'infinitely more consequence to the sufler er than the value of the remedy to remove tlie d utease"' permanently would 'confer a benefit opon him which . cannot be estimated by ariy earthly standard. That these Medicine will effect what i here claimed for them, the Proprietor bat the testimony of all icqutint-"' ed with them tnd their tpplication and ns in the Fe- ve.r ; and. iu.ohject. tLtodreteing Jik frienda at the West it to request them that they spare no paina in communicating tbeir experience, and dis seminating thia highly interesting information, now that th season for Fever and Ague baa arrived. it is nut lor Uie mere purpose oi (Imposing of a few j-.- - - ----- - c--r- -1 -m """ ft-rm mww r' " -f'- ..mM mi Mi- pinp cine i already greater than he can conveniently sup ply; and even were it insufficient to afford bun bosi nest, he would conceive himself supremely selfish, it bi plea sere wi not gretter it the benefit conferred upon Uie suflering part of the comrouaity by aa increase ia bi sale, tha a at hi owe pecuniary profit. The Life Medicine, if properly used and persevered in, recommend themselves ; Mill it ia aecesstry that the public aoold know that such medicines exist, and bence the propriety of advertiving them. It it hoped, there fbre, that tbe proprietor will not be accused of egotiam when he say that there i no medicine or and of treat ment extant, for fever and tgtoippropriate, thoroogh and positive in it happy effect at Mo fat's Life Ptlls and Phenix Bitters. For further particolar of the above medicine see Moffat' Gooa 8a habit, a copy of which accompa-nterthe-fnedieme --ATopy ittiy ahnbeobtviHed of tht' different Agent who havt the medicines for tale. French, German, and Spanish direction can be obtained c application at Oie office, 875 Broadway. OCT All post paid letter will receive immediate attention. ' - , Sold wholesale and retail by WILLIAM B. MOP FAT.TS Broadway, N. Y. A liberal deduction made " to those who purchase to el) (gain. Agenl."n. Life Medicine may abobe bad of th principal druggiata ia every town throughout the United . titeiee ana in Cendi Ash fur Mufftt't Life t'lllt and f benix Bitters; and be sure that a fae aimile of John Moffat'a signature it npon the label of each bottle of brttere, or box of pilla. .. . . rfEVEIt NDAGUE KWITI VELY" CURED. 7 A. Fever and Ague it a most obstinate disease, and in warm and humid climates, frequently reaiata every or dinary mode of cure, ao aa to become very distressing to Ut person, and by th extreme debility which the disease induce, it often give rise to other chronic com plaint. Marsh miasmata, or tha effluvia arising from stagnant water, ia the meat frequent exciting causa of this disease ; and one of it great peculiarities m iu sus ceptibility of a tenewal from very alight eaueea, aocb as from the prevalence of an easterly wind even with out the repetition of the original exciting cause. Jo thia, F ever and Ago differ from most other fever; a it m well known, that after aa ordinary fever ba once occurred, aod beea removed, the aersoo a fleeted i not r) babl. Io a fresh attack as ooe who was not so affect ti. The circumstance render it extremely difficult U effect a permanent cure of Fever and Ague, though tojWiee tne patient U tht tun beiog it a vereaty fc$?J? AT L1TBWLLS-AND rilENIXW" bt teen inoroughlt tested, and proved to be a ponttte and radical rare of Fever and Ague. Hon. dredt oT bw feltowitiWs in the Wet, have eolunu. . rtiy come farwar to aasure. Mr. Moffat ihat th Life AWtcoerlh only medicine that will thonugklf effect a rcnwvitef thia.most tedioot tnd dtss!rrcMhle diseire, ' . Others whobsv emiijrai,..! to iUt fj, ' . , sing portion of our country nien ho wem oui i hope, and conliJent 01 v inning a couioeleiict li luxuriance ct tlie ao.l ; or who carried to th , of our aetllemeota tlie mercantile or mectun r i 4 rience won in" the crowded cities sitd lowni 0 u,t ; erStatee, have either returned with shattered tiona and depressed spirits, or tliey remain in then!? homes, dragging out a weary lite ; at last, to imkf dor some dmeaae to which they areVedtopowd b,,r terror of tlie West, Uie f crv and Agua. Tbcit L " ' are blasted their busmen energies destroyed'" U JAiraao eecome a nesen, ana uit word, nu il ear, it broken to the hope. To these individuals, Mr. Moffat would aa-t the Life Medicines, and you will yet anuci(iu, jj most sanguine expectations, tor they will ceiumii . store vou to bealOi." ' ' Fever and Ague is a complaint winch require i,l met at ita first approach, artd combatted it evr (l, I Heldom tatai oi itseit, tt reduces uie strength, and 1 ptirt the functions of the organs, so that epoo the tm, feaution of disease, Nature ia unable, tinam(!j,tgx list tht inroad. The Life Medicmet, when token4. ly according to direction will cur H, tnd givt k weak and trembling victim of disease, new health 14 ind itrengthv 1 j:1.;;:. 1 For full ptrticulir ol the mode ot treatment, ik. reader ia referred to the tiooo Baiuarr, 1 cop, 4 WUIcn accompanie uie RieuKiira. A copy any 4 lained of the difletent agent who have lb awUo for sale. French: German, and Spanish directions eta W i. tained on applicatiooat tne office, 875 Broadwt), All post pM letter win receive unmeutatettteotka Bold wholesale and retail by William B. Mufatn Brotdway, N. Y. A liberal deduction madt kj tlu, wlio purchase to sell again. Agents The Life Medicines may also b M J u principal Druggiata in every town throughout tha U ted Stales tnd the Canada. Ask for Mutlat'i bit Pii and Phenis Bitten; and be aure that fac amil John Moffat's signature ia upon the label of eacbbottk of Bittera, or boa of Pilla. The above Medlclnei maw be had of Mesara. Creii V Doger, In this Town, who are Agents for the same, v Saliabury, IN. uq July M, IrwU. ff NEW ESTABLI)SII31I1T, ill IN MOCKSVILLE, DAVIE COUSTl THOxMAapFOSTER INFORMS tbe public that be baa removed Eroak former aland, to bi new building oa tin Kb jsquare, jo the Town of, MocktviJIe, where J wiil liuue to aeep a uousc or iu rc.11 l Aianui Hit House ts roomy and commodious j tttactau ' wbich are six comfortable Office for gentleman nfh ; BarAillcortyenient to ajrt Hout !' ib ! bar pledge himself to ihe hioit ' difigorireMiiiim,i ?ive satisfaction to tuch as may call on him. Hi ft Ie, Bar and table are provided in tha peat mim that the country will afford, and hi servant arekt iul and prompt Feb. U, 1SW. 74 tf - To Oyrncw ot-Mk - ' HE Subtcriber hat an improved patent Spin&k Mill, by which, a mill will do mach beuertba with the nsuil form of fSpindlea. It i to eonatrocw at to keep from healing or killing the meal ii an j tu ner. Tba runner ia so i confined by the iHpiadlta ways to preserve it balance, and of course Lmfi ilr rubbing of tbe atone. :" 1 think, by this improved Spindle, the aanrnif will do at- least ooeUiiriT more buaiDe,.04 1 of superior quality. - , Auv person Wishltirts osa one of tW ftraxlie may obtain ooe or more, by making appucavioa.itt . ... ....... . .1 ..L...l. in a snort umej to tne ouuscnoer ai uwmuiiiwii Co. N. C. ' 1 Uunk tbe probable cost mil Ht tuett $.10 lor the Patent and Spindle ready r us. CoL Wm. F. Kelly and Thos. Fust, in tat tic of Mockaville, have recently tried Uie tmprovadSf. die, and re hightg pleased with it L, M. GI1I1CI1T. February 7, 1839. , tf I TIIOWS HWIFOIlD r ' CnTrtTntartnn -KTiri -brwirdliir I WiuiiitTOJtN. C Refer to' " '.' . Meaar. E. L. 6t W. Wuulow, John Hueke d Son, . Yarbrougb d Ray, VY. W ilking. C. J. Orrell, Joseph Baker, A. at 'fyrffmfti I , isuru a njy rover, 4 JUDW 21r 1839; V -Snv Brick Masonry. rTTIIE BUBdCKlBER living near Lexington, Du sou County, take lius method to inform tbt ! lie that be will enter into contract with any PetvM persona, either in Davidson, Rowan, or CabarriaU lies, who wish bouses, factories, or any other idi building erected of Brick, to build them cho?' durable, aod in a good style aa any workman' country. . ...' . y; Ha will also, mould and burn th Brick, if wwta Ha trust that his long experience in MOULDING AND LAYING BRICK, will entitle him to a ahare of public patronage, j. He would refer gentlemen wishing work do ail Line of Business, to Uie Female Academy and lk bi work. N. Bw Those wishing work done, will plea)) word at tba office of tbe Western Caroliniu, ui hall be punctually attended to. ROBERT COX f Davidson, April 13, 1839. Cress & Boner HAVE on hand and offer for aale the (dlowiaf VJ clee cheap for cash or on time to punctual r itve invitible rieen. blue tnd brtek Htin vesting, figured, very bandsom; Black and drab Date for Bummer wear; 8 piece Kentucky Jean; 100 do. browa Doei. 10 do. Bed-Tickings; 2,000 lbs. Spun Cott W 60 lb, blue cotton Yarn; - AO-lb, Turkey UMi . 15 keg nail, assorted ; ' 4 genuine mouse-hole AnvUlet; - 3 milbsr Bellows ; . i 1 dot. Collin' Axe j IS finished Rifle brrlt; I i Weaving Reeds, Philadelphia make j Scotch sna ! caubo Fnuff ; 1 box beet cavendish Tohscco; IS i Het Anker Bolting Cloths, from No. 0 to 9; w11 I of screen wire,i.c. in ' Sugar, Coffee, Mnlaanes, French tnd Cktmpiifii Br dy, Wines of different kinds; Uolland Gw, i& July 20, im. . - - tf iMofiat's Pills and Bitter THE UFB GIVING PILLS AND PIUT' BITTERS, to celebrated, tnd so much u th afflicted m every part of tlie country, is n ceived and for sal bv the Bnbscribert, . CRES & IHXJRR, Afa F.See dvVrtiemeoL-April 4, 'tt9- g. 4-oclirke1 Kanatirf. , THE Subsrfiber bavuig. received , Ageof the above Medicine, and also, the MedieiiA v offer it tkt aai at tli atated price. .-v.- ' JOSEPH IIAIJC Fulton, March 2S, 10, - - r

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