X i bU '. ' ' A f Vr-- tripod , and, indeed, every day' occurrence pre sent ilium rations of ths anecdote end half the ac cidefcts of which we receive intelligence by land and sea, by fire and hIh,iW(!p. ateamboiit, car,. "TinrSut f'MW. Tr.Tnc from stMwl-ting to iue a ' second of lintf, by e"u '-i t,:on.-r the horse's dwli to put on lit ciouper. " r --. "'tsfW 11," 4i) the motto of a )f rent man of ol) bt the h"stlr4 probably, had forgntum all - about bis great fiii'ixl 'itf-Jtr, aud be and other rarely think how profiivibia it would be to "make hasto slowly." I'. S, Gmttle. ' TUB USE OF bfKCTCLK.S.' ; The lat number ofth B'Wtnn Medical and Sui gical Journal hat the folio vi reotarks, in refer ettco 10 the w of jSKc:ic,i. They are, " im portant, if true," end lUera iaoo reason I J dubt their ac curacy, : " : ';' '- It is one ol the gross iiiiiUkes of approaching 29. thai people at such time imugiue a wce-tsitv for aitcctach:, h n iri del, in' eighty eiwea out of hundred, the eye-sigh t positively injured by - hw. . li,Mii-Uuipar with. outiy:,M WtJTf.'r glasses between tbe crnea aim toe object, a te. iinKiifirniH.it aod re-adiusttwul of tbe part within ttacea:ily follow and whei.ihia new arrange-.called mwnt hua onca been established, it it no easy tnau ter to re-iiore the organs to their firmer primitive condition. Ago bring with it a relaxation of the tension of all the liu, and tha rye ullr fern- ikirarJu m.ik flu fenfiri. ai'Mlnm latif anin r.act. I'-'i... wi 1 - - " havin; itliin its own cmtituiioti aprinriptr of) ilMpmiiofi, aeeorditig to Hie cireumstaittM, hafHisi ni aotidilion of ihe indiidual From hirty fie fifty, a-period wheo Iaies are errooeuti-ly sup- ed indmix-uoabl, where they are resorted to at all, BlttM)Uh tbare b a drfreiire ii.m at tbe for- '-. rrw local distance, in riding, fur einmple, tho ':--Z iiVjitikl auoa) hKm to wipro:, and finally, lo jI !ntH(ts and purpuitJjs, a mnty l inrtattcs ' would bXre e.-taoiished. It is a Uw, and tranoe ... iti th,at iH indicaijons re n-d irrlsrvfdt tbaf the ey, at awry penou oi in, win aecomimxiate hself to the wants and nriCHwiiit of the individual ," provided it "tKhot anifiuiMlly dTengod. Imppr- fx;t vision; the exits' oTricnr.stijhietliii'Ki. aiid the .. -mtsforturie of n)l s.'ting distinct) ii in old ajje, were never hard i d f as U iHc univerxaPull oi Mticuni had; OfHrome wiim'roua. w uo mn oeny ine uumy oi i. . .j , .. rct.Vcles i after n.ey 1iaiVTra once resorted To ; ! but we -perfectly aree wittier. Wallsre jit s tlmi liioy era rarnly iwcsiryr"?i!ar"S!ill"i(l sajinjj ary, AyairSijM'ia cT.il- dron are oftn k'pt hi that state thnsilx.ble by bftins early 'foriiisbed with eonrare spmttwcies. ...Withhold them alto-thr, and tMKee.auld,' in YwC 'oJi1T.;d4" Mrmr "ISW -of iltBISMIlilt," ailapt ttwlf lu the lubor ropnred, iutwhen the DlatMos are once put oo, lliey must f-i,after be i "'InfslcuIaMe injury has bron tie result otbe failiionnble folly of wiring quitting gla-ates. Uh " jjeollmm-n and idn-s, in the Stig twle of yuulli'yj wti ?y ar witliout a eingie aetect, poep lUrouU tlitese Usi'lmJJI'I'dagfsijdlaiipiHised Len. tility, till a permanent and incurabte dilfieulty en ' 8'ien, winch lima has no power to correct, which ' consuls in a want of egreement in th locus of llie : lwu firgtnswJJjilrsa lbo aurlucft on hich Jhe. iuu ieiiuiiigton tJio.reti pirfi'Ctly4 agree in Ixrth ' rye fhtsrH will be disitnriedand indistinct vision auch as tliia kind of ohjecl or prosp6ot glassca pro Alices." 'v,.','- . .. .: " -' ' oa tub wcsTsas t-nun-uiiAS. ' Mgssaa, FBivoaaj, Knchrted J send yAu twa articles -SToulTui u'ycl ol' liie'psriiicusis coiiMiiiSiiEaf6T tool anil euixjooua tsnlit-n wanr "on b t't whi'cK'l h'U" w4vMTitr untrj ETch you .will oblige "nro Uisn one of your siibsenbtirs bpuuliililiigTh 0.4 . cnirolMiian. '.:'' A Fsaai.it. :.Z.. -A'.i;li9:- '..v ".-. : ; r . v " !t.fcvFH')M Co'WjtFKD ON DISTMXERY . ! , ' ; ''; SWII.L. . ' 'An aniuiatr.f discussion, is now g'd'ig on in the ; -r quality .of Jlio.milk which forms ids principal part .-' .-,1 of the supply of limt city, iVe copy 1i ltw7 one ' J . . ' of the arm h f ilii f.ul;uiia. Thi M Commit. "V .' : toe tf Milkmen whohsvo aoswsrud al -great 5 -; , - length to prrtvittos piocra, pruswil but a wy-uusdi- ' isr.ictnryjdd'me. al a very poor rccommendutuio . of the CuuiiiKdiy tu whicii t iiiyTial-C 1 a-. ., . ' ; 1'iem tV Jiurnnl of oitsierrf. -' ''" " -I..,: M.I L K . V-vT"-.-.: ' 1 " - - The Joonml csnmit eHifr a greater bksjitig on . I- 1. this Community l!au by iirodiieiiig a thorouch re- . formstion in tije imlk .department. It is a subjecK in which Die boalih and lives of tnoussmia are tn volved. . I have jfiven some attcutioa to it Irom t!i circaiutanc of having tlte constitution of a fine boy, lbo delioewy of wtvwe nxHher comllod i :.Jjof to iiurM from the bottUjt entirulv undtrmim-d, . and acarrrd wuh blotches lo this iky $ while my -h, , l--o7..sMlar hilifawa,ssdfsfiJ.-sUJki. PVPlMlfcQ -Iw'slllw- tucitriaio.uf the c ol my toy s tuning and drooping, it at length uoamrred to me to analyze , ' lha ruilklwbicn I found lo be tbe mera drega ot a iWi diiUtryaCirclPncjariitiilar i( nutrinieut to a pint. J toiind pint of warm slur, a Ivasptiun full of Hour, and U graius of inagiMM, tn contain more nuimneut than a pint 4" a ill. called nulk. , On discovering this gral aecrrt in t.ia milk trade, 7; I imuiedialcly scnttoOmnjo ty and pruvuM -.' . y"2, LeitiSy, ffl; f'TtrvVd row, whirh I ' have bnd fur four years, furnisiiing abuudauco ol 7 " 7 gornl nd wholesome milk. -, -7 i , .'"' ' L II ha often occurred to in) as surprising, that .1... while we have municipal laws to rgulste the ijonl " 1 fly of h(ad tytrthe cnrnainm sIhhjU be per- -.'Ltkrirt Ipctly reckle of what wa adiniuirtcr" to the deli. T - Mt)'toinoh 6rour''Childrw-;Thet;-tw-iio'-)-7 more sure and certain poison than this wiH nulk. -' ' LciiJos its deleterious pr''llits, a pint d.w not . ' - ' Conlsfn siiilicieut nutriment t supjstrt a child.' I'id ; yoti ever niako an eslimald of lha prollu nf the nulknifn t If not, I will do it lor yon having had j r - mxasion lo investigaia tha inst'er,. U is bated 1 0Km fading lt cos 4 011 awill niereiy, from .the distillery, which bjrely k-oj the coiv alivfl. -7 Tow swill is given Ibem warm, aud :4 tUr.iugh , , them with the same rapidity a thioiili tint stills, . and is all converted into what is called uiilk.7 They are milked thre time ea.-h -day, and funusli at each milking from S to Id quarts. ' , 1 One birrel of il cn CJ cent, and wi'f keep two cw a day, which will 3 ield on Ihe aver-tge 7 . V4 qnaru of jmllu ..Tliia.jt.fdV JN't.fl'in.rt, iJ v SO eta. tycry cow P d on swill yield a pet pro. fit to the milkman, o!repi. '-f d.-llviry, Ac., ; of II 2" p-r head yfr iuy. Th'ro ii i. brancii of buiii'!H 'no profitable, an I noun i li.'! i til to a coinniiilniy of children. , l'r my-!!', i Vfuold aoooer p:JL.-- .,l,Mrt P" !k from graxs-ffJ cown, ttwo take liie swill at any rj!u. V.miys.,.,,, . ; ; . v. A c.iii!irmn wiio was formerly 8 diii!!;r mcn (ioneij lo us yetprd iy, that it wn ihn Ins rus'om , lu feed cows o the slops, and thtt the q-i.tntity of iniik, wh0 be pot th n on that fced, wat iomie d:.itely just ebotit doubled, 'but t!m quality ru.'id. M says such mt!k will mt (n.lin btittnr at all. Q'hiirning wily wrought it into froth. El- Jovr, Commnrce, ,. '".. J, , . . I'OUt A$D lOlSO.NOUS A.RTI1EN WAttE." Ma. Koitor. Is'ie ; Will you prioit toe to ac ' quaiut the public,' llitough your vsluabUt journal, that there is a kind of crockery wara, mamilac. turmf io almit ery city in Ihe Unioa, which is dangoroua to useand which the public will undorstand by the term, common rJ pottery. This wa'rew madeiif eCthmoiTtfciyt frwhsBl - Vard. and when formed, is coated with liquid glaze, which ta tiothuig 'ess than coat mj J,,,', Tbe clay being of the commonest kind, , eai;uot be subjected to any heat iu the buwingNhat J j make tberq aula for family ute-rbttng porous aw ji n very ooaafo to deposit any art wte otv i Tf,....;i., I, tt.u.n tih'AM tfiitu. liuller. r in I1CI x IHIIIIIJ U"V f watr, as t portion oi th gl"wn) will b ericiwi, ami the article will, in coiuM quonce, bs- Somw danirotia to wm. I bae ooticod no fewer (,an tti instam within the but twolve months," of fnmili'-a austainiiia injury by tlte useof uch ware. , ( m'xUni the'articlu of crockery that is suit. ,abl for family use, it is only wccimry to ascertain Uhm the body of the ware the clay hsa been - harrd bnrntrwhicb atiy pefsoxan-jiiideftnnl by . . the sound of it if well burnt, it will havn a clear . aotw'd.-Th. jxioreat kind will ftot.ing at all, and ftherefur can be easily dctectedv An article oi this kind w ill, in the course of mouth a uw, be. come very foul. Lot any one wh doubt this break Ihe vessel, and they will acertaiQ the fact, There is a kind of ware, however, that is tnanufic- .ureJ in almost everv cit V id ihe union, called stone ( ,re. wbu-h l ncrlectly stood tor family wm.. l iiis '. . . . .. ..... wa're w fxrroed of a' rong aiid superior claysi and uiMleriroe a great heal in the burning, and more. over, the gTazmg is-not aJhick Coat oTTt'i but ii accomplished by throwing salt into tbe kiln,. All kinds of Li'verpoo) ware are adapted lo all purposes of (aniily use, being made of sound clays and wnll uuriirr ih'Kild be llio means of preventing any. person sut- faring from the use of th poisoiKtua article lead iTiis a3veiTisCtJBTVllInBeT' i-des-r sign. c. s. L,G E N K II A L INTELLIGENCE. Ffomth CtutrUtton Courier of.Avguil 28. FROM FLORIDA.. - Tha atoamer Siintee, arrived hero yesterday, , from ftu Augustine., by- which vessel we received the News of thai place of Ihe 17th inst. . We Wrn twsi more Indiana, who had conie -in at New Sinynia for provisions, were captured, put en board the Saulee, and (alien to St. Augti. tine.where they were pul in confinemotit. .It is stated thai Bant Jones, ihe Seminole Chichi . I nai.l widii tn I .i.iiffnnl TiiiititliirM at NttS Iti. t r I :--- i J . , ,i r on tne l no mat. Me evmceo strong iiiuigua- ill!lt'.llH CCBlduct of the lmliiisj ju wiiirderiij. l. ine soldiers ot Col. Hartley a coim;naii(l. jJIu hjslalk he said that he had found the whita mnn was bis friend, and that he wouhfHjever again raise his hand against them, lie has senVa runner to find Mit lha case of the horrid murder of Col.' Iliirnry'a men and a aoon as he returns h' de termined io punish Ihe murderers. Ho say'li hss no mnn with him at preseut, but has sont theih. along the coast, and in the. interior to collect the straplrrs, and lot thorn unite tlieir strength, that he nmy imiiit easily overtake tltunv. That wa must not for a moment think that he will give over npaiusn lmiiaiui. no iiuiiks mere arn some wouo m connocttid' wiTlifimrnharttitrrttTnntw interpreter, excited them, or told them some lie, lie says that he ha known Sandy sines he waa hoy, and that h is a treacherous rascal,, that he r.. not the sense of a white . man, he baa not Ihe -sense ol ati Indian, be has not the sense of a negro. Thai he has been eating white bread -with Ihe. lulo..uabtoLlhALif I' . will make bint ral turtle yet." Wt igrewithther-editorof th-Nws, wlien he says: ".This is all fine, and looks capital on paper. - Hut if our officer are wheedled tutu a re liance upou auch itatements, and abate their vigi- 'nice, they will find, hen too late, that tha Indian s sT'ie7aur naTiss iViirtwtn, ra treachemtrrtascal, only waiting for tha first fnor.iMo niomeM to' strike a blow. - M It is again said (continue the editor) thai Sam Jones has oilercd bu son aa hostage that he will perform his promt"1. ; " "Sam is loo much a man of lha world, though hi move mei.ta -have been li mi led to Florida, not to know that even were bis own arm dctocled tn ptunKing the knife into white man' heart within the arena of the pickets, his own on would be as -ale aa tbmi(h he were in a catement al Fortrcsa "p Monroe. - The rising filling of indignation would be f heckH bv the influence! of opinion, and no WIUUVL Ifct .... , i 1 . , . ... ... 1 ' riiau coinmxj Tonmt srr- nmT-ss w nmttasii.!.m,v:,.m.r,vam. court the ope-rAtion of aenttment, which woukl ir retrievably stamp bun with disgrace, lueoUof of his Von thcreftiro aotounl to nothing. ' ; " 8s in Is oseribcd. by a gentlemnn whnht!; interview with him, thut; of slight elastic frame, sit fet hiyh, a mild benevolent countenance, very mall fijet, long bony liaiuH; hair nearly all grey, occasionly inlersjencd With a few black ones,' ' with the exception of a dark tuft on tha back of hang down in front of hi ears, with a beamifil : wave, amounting almost tW a curl. ' lie haa a luole -on tire top of hi right sr, ihe uiqx-r part of which has the appearance of itaviug bwasi kmi . Cuniplas. ion light and wear muotachios. The lip project , WWht,i,fetl!i: stnj.-'bui aiiiall aiul wnrj mjhe lower jaw; ixwo long; rye amall, tid Will nt" bar tho tateof any ono. Hi vuica is fine and vrfv distinct J drese plain.", k t Tha citizens a St. Avtanstinn viowing the sotMluct of LuMit.AV. K. IUnsm, 7th Infantry, in . lbs rapture f Indians encainM'd it ihe neighbor- , .li's'sf if Fort Mollivt, on learning the sacrifice of Col. Harney. Command, as an inwnc of prompt cfli ieiit, anl soldier like bearing, and entertaining "' the ''ighntit repocl for services eminently directed ' to a ciMif ihe'war, hold a ntwtitig on Frnl y ' last, a'td p wd a resolution tcmlering him a sof, as an. aporcciation of their high estimate of hi . condiicl.' j ; ' . Ttejrn$ Ike Monrif Y. The ik of treading on ao'iicbstvVcorn-t, rf ,iklh7 a .flcl mT t6-" upon 'lit-A -".k"Ei of water craft, oy ny m'ihin .rfl-.o lcHrri.-, ,eiely lio' v-r m . prob!.-.r...t.cal wav, not t:w ( iX ..wcheta !' the war. ftipssi then a Wo' and four h..r.a oiP-red for sale to tJoverw a lor $1 HW,sad.rtfii d; but liken into service at 81 1 a day ('!' f"",,f) f"r 1 ' '' 'i"f 8'mI ,,"! f".,r,' c-lmd at Ihe prn Bk'4, which f lakes with .l i.... ..nvtiut over rJlKK), or a tolerable ad- wie iniw, ----- vame on capital; M-lmrinrnartie" ol'wa2n, and snnioKe binM.ar i common nrcurrcitce The sienm boat employed during the war are am.d in Georgia, South Carolina, Alabama, and New Orleans. Ihe schooner, along ine coasi, from the Chesapeake to Connecticut. The pork and bacon come from Ohio, and Kentucky; the fl.Mir from Ohio, New York and Maryland; the horsea from Kentucky and Tennessee; Ihe wagon er from Virginia; the clothing come from New England, or roonsvlvani the arm and accoutre nfoni from ariouiarert; and tlie profits of lha trade are carried In those variou Stales. The I'covh of Florida, have nolhinc to sell, or to make a profit " upon, for, working like the Jewa, at the . .. - m I Ii' ... I". . U.:L rv.buildmg m Jorusaium one nan aisnniii wimi 4rWf1 tit j,, arhite ifcUteulsSwutytl cannot produce enttogn lor themtalvr-a; and while tbev sue Government brmcinff money into the eoun- trv to be eai rned away ajain oy moae io wmn is'naid. they arc under the necessity of pavinjr a war price for the necessaries ol life imported from abroad, and being unable to plant or in any way to Merive a revenue from their propr-rty can.in no iiiannnr oe tnnctra oy ins wirr. no- nmmt b rowers in Middle Fbrida may do a fair business, but thfc rxprnse of ihe ciop is increased by the war. Willie intvwar nor inn nu.iircis 'niu it uit' ket. SUAuguttine (Fa.) midY THE WAE KMBED. "The Major Gcu;ral commanding. in-chief, ha the satisfaction of annWtneina toihe army in Hor ida. lo the authorities of the Territory, and lo the citizens irenerallv. that he has thi rinf 'f ""l ted the Wia wrfi'lho Semluolo InVlinhs, bu m agreement enfired into with C'littn-Ttistenuggee : Principal Chief of the Seminole,, arid, successor to A r pi-eke, comnwnly, eallcd Sara Jooe." Ma-, comb's general Orders. . '. X, Si uec Gen. Macomb came into the country, and "lerminakd anr," o have recorded the following Indian murder and depredations, . 1 MayBrThree-cilliieii killed who wts fotikmgt for .heir cattle near Newnansville, and a l.ou,. of Col. Sanchez, burned. 16. Three volunteers riding along an old trail 9 fmtoiVataIUMrJfifti4 killed. ... 7 . ' SO. Lieut. Hurlbul, and a private of ihe nth 4n-Il4jnan.VBuy. kfkX: geaul hol near Fort King, and 10, inon, women and children at btetuuulgee west ol llie Apalachi- cola. '.''' '". ' "''.': . June 0. George Brockenbcrrv murdered at Vic. loria, and two men near Fort Fanning, James Os teon killed,"Mis Cniorr, and Mn Dell wounded at the. Aliijator aeillumunl. ' - . . .-.30.' Two o(.lizen niurdered near Fitrt Cross, with the extra precaution of xvXlag bul Iheir tonrun I - July 23. Mr. Chairca, aud two children mur. dered tieaK Tallahassee bouse and pj-operty des troyed, valued at $10,Ut)0. Two of an escort lo a public wagon near, Fort Frank Brook inurderod. Aijg; ,8. .Eighteen, citizen and soldier massn- creed at Cnrloona-hatchiu. " Thus lft'lhl abort ;asoti -of 44 peace.-we have rocurdod the iinproyokecl iuiirderol-irrv-'.r t ii xeis antT Suhiieriund "iiuTntMrs"wouli(ft;oJ aftif S destruction of property, (without noticing rumors, which7hiiiy nave beTtrtro'r.)--wtitle-therlinlisu were universally protected, aud in no instance had sutfered in life or limb ! Wbile we were giving theiie weekly details, the " war ended,' has sound ed fiom llie northern prom, which disregarding our expositions, hut in many cjses, preferred to mstuuate that wo. were only endeavoring Jo excite tiew warnHiatnr lreaturq! Had but a tithe 1 -b-mmUUsdiiigJuudJKhAteyej ' uf the Slates, millinim expewlod in etifurc- yania owe a deal of 'more than 27 millions of dollars, in am ttlg ttort& wwld.. -Florida i'jnwderiid-oMltMiio7iIvto y too sickly for troops to live tn ; but when we consider the t'ejchition of men who enlist in the regular army, the reverse may be proved by the evidence of a four yearV trial. Chills and fevers, incident to all new couiitvies; 'unfit some men for duty this season in particular locations; but Ihe WrFW.isUah.w.lh.iuitttV lv small 1 and them are sevcrnnstance of both officers end men renovainir 0 khiHfrred ennttitu- lion by service iu tint ali:hriou c Cherokee Indians. Kouuml Jlidge Parties. From C'at. Strtmnsoo, of-the alr.itnliont Cliioeel la, now lying at the wharf, we learn that the t'lisr. nkee chiefs, with the exception of Gen. Ro, werd still in council, at Fort Gibson, on Ihe first of Au gust, the day he lell Arkansas." It waa thought ttmt nothing would be octermined on in council, but that aeveral of tlx) chitus, 00 Iho first opportu nity, would murder Roes, and thus put an end to the at rife which ha o long existed. It appear that tho white population are in favor of tha Ridge party, w-ho have many prominent chiefs, while Rss is the sole dictator of hia portion of the na. lion. Hi death, therefore, would settle hia ad herents. Cincinnati .Vrir, August 15. Removal of Indians. The ncrs published at St. JtHii mention the arrival al that place, on the liid instant, of one hundred and fifty Indians, the remnant oft the Ottawa tribe, "oh" their" way Troi'n iheir uld homes in Ohio lo the head waters of the 0c river. Amjog this band are two chiefs of the Ottawa tribe, Auto-kee, tha head chief, and Pe lonnquotte, a much younger man. Auto-kee ia a soa-tj ilia ccluhraled chiclTuahqu-iquier, who waa looked upou by Hid OllaaAs'B) (ho falliff of llie tribe. Peton(Hinct ia half French, sou of Louissau, distinguished chief, who w.i killed when Putono. uuelto was a child. " Both ara represitiled a well dixposed nen,:c4rrying with them manv of thd ha. bit and tatc of ctviliz-d life. .Yew Fork Post. h . JAMAICA. , - ' v Fitea ff the Jamaica Gazette as late asthe 1st of Augnst have b-wn tet-ived, but they contain very lint new of inlrret. : ; s ... .Tim )Ji;site lietwten tha l.ihorera and their fnv Hovers in ri:ard lo tht wajf of the firnr tniii.irt. Sjieakiog ol tlie condition dthe lhor vr., lbo Janiatca l.liri.iiicli', a print violently op. pd (o ibe tiuvcrnmrnt, savs : '. . There is, in short, no r,.ubt whatever as lo ihe very superior advantj"e ihe work this Iland iiosarw, in every point pndene, over the Ultntinij inr 1 who can barely secure, by the hardest toil, a auf- j ficiei f;ith encv o food and clothinj, whilst tha black potm- ,ttt.nr htrrptanlftdghjw in Ihe hixTrrrnrnf But diesa 1 nits lb, and j"-1 i.t. i .! fced.ng, be-i.le v.w nbio to. ntl'oid IiIrtiiI cisiir;lMiti)ns to the bfi'-tfly pa'-oni ho aif.iii! and mi?li:ad lliem. Tiny are induM i veil oll'tiiat l It-V Can wl their employer at de I'wncw, and conti.icr it rather A lavfif' 'If; art" other- wish When they coodt-nceiil to purmrui any inoj Iik'e adrmate labor forthe weekly waes recrtveti ,A severe shot k f nn earthquake was felt in Ja maica on Monday lbo 29th July. The despatch of the nent day says : " The atmosphere hnd been for a few day pre. vious extrecm-ly close and ultry, mid apiieared to forbode aomethrcatehed convulsion of nature. We have not yet beard whether any-acrious damage to buildinga ha been done by thi awful trembling of the earth ; and we trust a seasonable lall of rain, which is much required, will cool ilia air, and that we may be pared the return of these-fearful ele metitary convuUiona-" ( , 7 7 V Loco Foco .Vdtrac. Too mucli carecanuot be taken of these dancerou malche. Me aaw a box of tljcnt on firo on Sunday .-Uwt .'which wa ignited aimply by lulling lrom a counter not-ittreej f.e.t hich. It waa accidciftally knocked do-n, Itut J"TnmjtrTntgh1- tha-aama--thig -at,llje Jt'al, of night, and who could calculate Jliepusirfulo ks. BvU Chronicle. , o ;.-"VT 7 THE WESTERN CAROLINIAN Friday "MorniDg, Septiember, 6, 1 839. I,'.; EXT CONGRESS, ' - Is Political Complex ioa.-So far a it i possible to judjje by the election already beld, it would appear Uut partie will be nearly equally1 balanced in thenet ltouwof ReuresenUlive." The Administration papera claim, frrte eletiona which have taken place, 117, . :' ' Z'o,I 1 .1 'k 11l tl. nnn.l.An n.. Th run Pistes, Kliode Island, Maryland and Mississippi, . have yot (6 bold elootion. in Kliode Islsnd it ha just tbree send I'i members, in all probability these State will decide the qufeatkw, which party Is lo have vlhe majority in the 1 louse 'bfjlepf iitali ves. TEerTir"" no less thao t contested seats, and, of course, something inusi depend on their decision;-. In lha Senate, the Administration party will have the majority. As Tennessee has gilie tor the Admin istration, it is believed that the two Senators from that -Stat will resign their seals, and in that event, they will be succcudtxLby Aduiuiinlrstion men, a that party,, has a decided insjonty io the Legislalure7 " : - STATU DEBTS. .- The Table given below shows' tha amount of tho public debts, ot those ot the State that' have cohltacU ed Itsin lor prosecuting works of internal Improve ment of different kinds, and for banking. We are well satisfied tint the name ol North Carolina doe not ap- " ipoV.SB lha hat:.-;Tliro armanjj jn tjiOBlate who censure the Legislsture for not following the example uf some othor dlatca in borrowing million to mako rail-roads and othor improvements; they accuse North Carolina of pursuing a narrow minded and illiberal pol icy in thus keeping out of debt, and call it a lack of en lurprizo. For ourselves, at the isk of being set down ' amongjhe iUiberals, we ara pleased that North Caro lina baauul followed their extmptes, and involved her self in debt as aoins of .the Stales j ire, for purpuse uf tlian a Mf mUlims inlcrclt. lighten oHhe W 1traWent nesrty 471-mUnand piy.atLaauualjntcrcatot tcl: miUiom, and all thia too, to Foreigners! "The loans wera contracted abroad. Il is "difficult t6 foresee what tin 'indebtedness will lead to, but it is certainly a matter that should begin to attract the attention'of the people. Already some of tho ablest men in the Country 'begin to regard tlie Well, old North Carolina is yet clear ot it; ami we trust will continue, aa . , OF THE -SEVERAL STATES, os (As Report of A. C, FUm, Comptroller of the State of Mrw York. NewToik, "''."T" . 818,202.108 27,31)6,790 : 4,21MI,(H)0 654.978 U,4!W,9eO 8,0o'. 180 T75;tft(T 5,101,000 , 7,369,000' 11,000,000 . 11,890,000 7,143,175 71 0.800 ,000 I'etinsylvania, Mi'issachusetts, Maine,- larvland. ViVaitua, S.hiiIj-A7ai oliua, Ohio, . - . - Kentucky in - Illinois, ' Indiana, Tennessee, "Alabama, Missouri.. 'm .'".--l'J'Vil .Mississippi, Louisiana, .Arkansas, . 8,S0O,0O0 ,23,735,000 3.000.00Q Mwhtgaa, -vS;r ' iW,-t.4. Jaj . b- -;r. Total, Add, due by the Slate to tins Uuitcd Stales, ' " 170,806,I77 23,101,644 v " Thn Slate debt bavc been incurred fur the fol. ' lowing objects : -" . ' , For Bunking, Fur Canals, - 872,640,000' ' 30,201,551 Fur Rail Roadv,.' 49,871,084 7 -For 'i'urmsk aod M'AiUm .. Roads, 6,619,951 8,474,61 ' ror .niscfltianeou objects, Norfe. Jaifga Duel, of Albnnv. (who, k. 1830. reivsd.llm entire vote of the W tug party, for (he " otlice of t nvernor,) hat rerently isiblished an able ' artielc aaauist the State Ooot Svatnm.-ahnwimr - 4ht !) k'giklaliva office hot inrs nf eighteen isf lha Mates have run their coiistmicnia in debt fj lha anWnt of 8170,806,177 ; and that the people are now paying trn milhon annuallv a interest. not ; orkiug neroe of j W membera of our national family but to foreign nt of ter"iml inde.ir, who aro at least alien to our country if not r of Great Britain,'! secretly hostile to its institution and prosperity.' "ihe rapid accumulation of debt, within tha hvS few year, cannot but stn'U ih ..x- j astminhmciit rand if it Ii considered that JheStau of New York is already (dod-d lo the arnou- i J twenty or thirty million, bey ond her present di U. to c.liiipli to interiml iioprovem.-m, sir,. jy ,uliu ized j and that aume of these iiiiprMV(.u:iU are t j hkoly for a long lime lo come, if ever, to pUy (; repairs, aitennanci:, ohu mo iniemsi oil. tlie tM-tl4 bjd o say, when these tnatlers a.-o duly r--sidorud; it will require no argument of ours to ." that we are hnstenmg to a dungarou crnis,"' ; FaAM s AM) Texas. A New York paper slate, the aulhorily of a letter from 1'ans, that France hi, agreed to rwogmae the Independence ol Tcxa 7 it . ri... . u.. . a l.:l viulkst hah. UIUKM- i nan storm occurred jy, Ihe Western pan of vt&wn.County, on Tuesday tij, i20th ult, ol auch violunce. aj to destroy in oiany pUe-t ; the standing crop, and entirely strip tlie leaves ftoaf ' the trots. The hail stones were so larg a to continue ia ntnrjitt nn lbs (mtuiuL iLrJi Jjivb. Uil iLit . ., la ' parts of this County on tlie same day, pu.t ihs ltortJ- , wa les violent. ; '1 , . , 4 7, Tna esublishmept or the " Lincoln Transcript k been purchased y Mr. . IV. tVuion, and' tli mm. changed to theJ Whig Unnner, which is tu!H.r aoon ott an enlarged torm, and improved appearance.,' 7 The Yellow Fever is raging in New Orleans, aj waa on the in'erewe at the last accounts," -' . , ; ; . , : - VOTE ON SClfOOL LAW. N Foil' 1 - 1Q5 . 507' - 1012" 352 - cm 872 ' 847 " 854 " f)5 AeAixrr, 1H73 ' 370 ' 60 374 60 . t 4U2 ' - 512 ,"ia9 - 7 73, ; Edgecombe, Pitt, Beaufort, Wayno, Frankliiii Chatham, -Randolph, Craven, , RichnnrtKl, . Roboson, " New Hanover, Onslow, Rowan, Rutherford, "' Mecklenburg, ? Calwrrus Guilford, .111 Rbkingliamj Orange, 107 majority. 469 ' 341 403 709 ' ' 950 - - 003 ' 1550 927 J357 371 135 200 T 39 92" 717' G50 ' ' ' 57 -370 ' 211 455 7 141 21) . I 40 No&hwl. - -TC5e" ' ' 091 10 , 290 .7188"' 2 374 333 .Duplin, Brunswick, Bladen, 'TJf'ohimbus, - Wake, ' ' Davidson, -r-'Htthfa!i,- Warren, Lenoir, Pasqu()tank Montgomery, - Wilkes, ?"8W 452 CH- 250 . 255 762 "675 .S5I'' roH THE WKSTEB.1 CABOLIMIA't.J TRIBUTE OF '-RESPECT TO THE LATE.GEX , WILLIAM LE.011l. STATE OF XOnTIl CAlioU' WILKES COUNTY. , . . . Court xtif Pleas an!l Quarter . Sessions; Augut - - 7. Term, iea9.- 7Ti Robert Mastin, E-q , prnied to tlte Ciairl, t!XJ . low 111 if preamble (u resoluliona, which were real and - ' ananinoosly-adopted e 1 " ' i' -mn r .i hiV.-t. nereas, since the hist term ot this fjourt, it MAA pleased Divine Providence tn remove from thitUsrsdl existence, Uen'l. WILLIAM- LENOIR, Chsinnaa of this lourl the oldest member thereof, and most proba bly the oldest Mamtrate in the State of North Can lina; and whereas a proper rerpect tor the clnncttr of the deceased, and a gratelul recollclk-n of lU many diatinguislicd public services performed by kin throughout a long and eventful life, require that mist (urinal notice should be taken of hisdeath by tbe Coat it is therefore - . "X f Rrmlvrd, Ttmt-the memlwrs-thy-imrr-rhtlfsp-' preciaiing 'lie irreproscimuie public and private cw- ..)., it. . .aoi.;;i.ns 1.. 11. 1. .1.1, gara lor, and admiration ot the same wbimjivinf. m regret Ind sorrow for theTuss which they hsre nWn- ea oy 01 aesin. Rrsotved further, That the member of thia Cut , deeply sympathize not only with the friends and rtJ lions of the deceased, but with the community ia p eral lor the bereavement tiny have met -with rep" ing in truth the death of auch a man a a subi. Icalaaiitjr. ., ... Knotted further, That the foregoing preamble ini resolutions be entered at Urge on the Muuitesof tiit Ciairt, and that a eopy thereof be forwarded by te Clerk to the Salisbury Ptpers for publication, , A Copy Test; . . .."..,' , ', N'M. MASTLX, c..c. c, w, , TOM TUB tSTtiBN C4BOU.VIAt.7-Cl 7 , ; : Mkssb. Editor : 1 discover that the " Wikk man " seem to be exceedingly annoyed al tlx word, " Federal Whig;" and appear to tk an explanation. I will viva it according to bell am? truth. ""And flrsfof tillwhat ia the inesmij"" of the word Wriq t - Two parties have existed io England for sf past, one called Whig, the other Tory. Sis time one of these partie i in power in England, and sometime tha nihor. s At the commeneeas!! of our Revolutionary War, ihe Tories were lice in KiiL'land. and were the aolhors nf all thai. ha'iiTm-asure wlii'cli declare their Independence. Tho of our fc fathera who wera-fur Imlofiemlenca ok lb of Wmmjs while thosw who r ofiposad tiis.;''-. pendence, were called Toatts. Thus cats t name of - Whig, and Tory in thia country. Ti Whigs aucceeded in achieving our !iidcpeodcat and hence the namo boenme popular, whil la name' Tory, became otlims. When Ihe Revo!-; Ii.tu, wns u.yL.l, .'mr. u,. riJ..i;i.,t;f,n fr-el. ' ihcse. name were dropSHlrand were never j except in reffcfeiico Jo Ihe past. , T0 new part snrung up, and look tha name of Repvilira Federalist, but as 10 Whig, we Jinan! ou mors the name except in reference to the 'i w " j England, Until in 1935 or 191)0 ; alout llurt W ' nuiiir 3uf M. soii"!' 1 1 i?n.Ka ndbd ' p7ici!tid1ng a atrong idling iq the country, arid th- PVW ': in Congress aumnit lha name of U uius- ' name Whig at that tunc only memU oriwiTit"1 " Jjckon'a adininir.triiUoo,id waa not intenJd t define any particular, set of political prjnctp'r; fir il is well known that ihe ormr-mo then j inft up of men of the sn "clissimil.r principle ; men who agr.ed in liothuig. etv onnaMilinn in tiixL.... ' m..,A .1 ii niW. I example, St aok, U A kk is.'i?r, tbe p.litN Liberator, Abtmi-b Tappah, and nine teW the Abolitiotiitt at the Njtrth, all call IFAt'. John Q.-Adama, who is not only r j litionist, but an ultra Federalist, is also a , ! Odthe oter hand,.Jpdge White, Mr.Lf& j fit ltfwl r-,.K,Wi tv 1 iv sjiio 1111, 1 miiitrtt tmv

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