J. i : i I ' 4. I). AUSTIN -& C.(l FISHEIt, Editor and Proprietors.', ; i. NO. XIU. OF VOL. XX. (Whole .a. 1003.) i SALISBURY, IV. C, SEPTE3IBCII-13, 183a - TERMS OF CAROLINIAN. ;' :, The H'cJipn Carolinian w peblihhed every Fai ayst Tw Hollars pt-riunuia liLpaid in sdvauee, or ' Duller and Fitly Cent if not paid before the ex- ..ration of three awntb : ; ' . .-. ' No paper wll b discontinued utiiil all arrearage . re JM'J. unlet at the discretion of tlje Ljilors; and a ' : failure t notify lite Editor of wish to dmcuntinue at the end of yoar, will be considwcJ a a ue en- 4 .YJiertiseraenl 'll 60 eoiinpieumis-ly and Correctly iutnd, at one dutlir pet square fur the first nigrum, , and iciii tor each continuance.-. Court and Judicial gifrrf iwwmwli is will as dtargid 20 .pta.'ceutJUUB4taa, . (he aUe price. A deduction ut per cent trow the regular prices will U made to yearly advertiser 114171111 ot timoimarkeil no tinm, or they will be iuaor-j AJertieiuenis nt in lor puuticaurm, must Due we led till forbid, and c!irt for aeOKiiiui'lt. . .. 1.1 J V . k............. ..., tia Jki paid, or they will not ue altundfxl to M ISCKLLA NEOUS , - . THE, POMSH ;vOFFICER. ' ' , 'a rat u!i tilc or afuLEok'a naaa. . V The oibt was keen and bitter. Tbe report waa - rua that General Maiaon had concentrate, hia dt .viaiona uear to Court ray, and win dtspotfvJ tu give uo battle : o that a warm day inii'hc be fi'xpected j.- after thia oo4 ightt "1 wonder" aai-I one of my l cotorade ,' " if Ibe white flying lanctr Khali ahow brn!!"" S. ' . ,' ' . . ' - "Can you doubt lit replied another ;V why man, lie ia here and there, anJ every wbere.'V x " Ay, HKleed rl verjr -flvioif - draiBt, wjniae ( aie naa l.itieoea in Hie beari a blood ot our braye coairadea our ball refiwe to enter hia carcsej-i a d by T bocauae aoroe aa'y thai he haa aold bim. elf to the OU Ox i but if ever i meet bim hand ' . to bawl-! M,:-":- 'c":r'VT' : In aiutwer to unve iuquirica, I waa informed that a our Prushiun daily came in contact wrth Napo- tam'e troops, a Pilih oflker bad, by liia daring , , doeiH rerwlered biuiadf the l!-ar and wonder of all. It every akirmiah waa ho to bo aceo, aitd ever '8uaar'm" 1ittlESSrtt'rwito""l(t "yL''tiSI!tjf' "teartottkvwiiiibm4Htntr?m& hiio' -4 .. pert hurler of the d-'adly .i:ic j there waa not a b-tter boraoiuan, at kA in the French ri'iikn. t( Like tbe rapid lightning waa lie aeeti here and -, tlture, darling among our lruMiana ujhici- a flt ' white atood whirhog hia lance, and striking with ' nernng ina-e'xtw unlbint breaat then dmihiii( J- ,tray aiiigii2 his Polish war song, aa if in derision f hia wondenng Jbea. Ignve an attentive ear to these account of the wai4 lancer, which a at antler by observing, aiil - " A3 true u goajiet, comrade ; il ha pricks' thee with its Uncc, thou wilt hare uo need of troubling lbs iaech fojr aome tiaie after, for ha bleeds freely 'enough." ' . - .. .-; ' ... " Ay, ay, the KerPi lance is sharp," said anoth V er, u and be dail a iretla us to a pistol shot, a sharp -aub, ar aabaxex.w jrd.H . l) j you. kuowartiJ i you Know, Sriiu a iniru, - innTTnn-Tx at ha J a narrow escape from him to day, as be was recoonoileriug ' go the General ! but an adjutant ia above a . match furthU lance; lei biin catch, ihe adjutant LJtteepinj. with bot ei ut The white lancer root the adjutant ia Brror waV ;' well, " what waa to be done! escape was impoaiible ) but then the adjutant' wit waa keener for onee than UjjeJPjJiah lance. Well, op comes the living Ian '-eery awl Hnrng- wpytihuVatrar'rtrr aiijulant. nra noreouca no wiiy anjuiani iiBtixajlLattbbiIdM and rnurl j an.i there ha lav as iiior0id.- 1 he - recovered .Wlaoce ahliolt" it titriti Woody penoon flitlere?, and. Continued hia niad career; ttien tbe adj itant crawled ouUahiiok hi ear, and for that timrt cheated tbe dea4 list of hi naaie." Aliny thet aioadrMMiale .were.reiateiLuf .lhe . wild Polish lancer how he eomelirnoa tickled the nba, and at oilier the inidriS, with the point of his uiiferriog lance, s ,' ... . , It was midnight many were calmly reposing near the bivouac-fire; I al stretched myself in tlie most comfortable spot 1 could fiml, and drew mr me a femnle'a mantle,- which a CoJr'a bad liartered with ma from' his hud of plunder' fir a - rua of nodka. An upreared door, wrenched ' prJwbly from wme chatnaa, sheltered me i little from the -bitter wind. My ready - saddled horse, futened to the pimiet, was !uriiboring upon three legs. It waa a bVautnoua, clear,, starlight night. arid the crescent axion sallied majestically through Ibe Uux ethereaL vault ol heaven. All waa calm and still, save the mim hinz of a bongry guard jut relieved from a distant post ; (bey were diligently plunging ibir awards into the great cauldron, and cramming themselves With the still plcuteous frsgmonla of fowl and geene,id waihing thenidowa with cups t4 potent acAuapM.j0"' h ul.alie only a few hour before brought to tw At a short distance miht be smn si o-irty df IfiT- .m tamUejaaeatalupuulua into, gXiu.?JJ.a. knaf ack serving to throw dice upon. Another group I were huddled together over 'some-ft uk of wine, L allien doubtless they Jiad fallen in with in some of fa"-atlrif saa-wtfdirhX prrtk:fc'.1ria to the fire set one; aihr in band.acraping together the scattered re t . aviirtt of-the dimming lire another, fall of strong !nik to the point. of mischief, waa amusing him 'eh with throwmg gunpowder nut of hi flmk into - - - tie tire.- H-re tisirn an ! imMH om, amt eth- era lay srattered. anonn! awv mtwt inharmom. ' eusly. The eotpost conlmued his silent melan choly mirch, backwtird and forwards, occsnona!. , . . - buinmiog a tmtjHMz, Io keep bittnelf inapinta,. r72??J,n!,l'n2"W .t?w"c7ajijin of bit. prj sabre. ' In i the rar ol th bivouac huddled togwJmrUy lha carnp Mlowcrs readt to sell their potent fire-wx- '?r P'rchane from the marauders their plun t ' eet a one-third us value. 1 would fain hive t, , but to sloep w.h iitijUitHible; lliii snr'n, and tmiu, pel-la of my envied comrades kept tny weary .' from closing. " 0(1 would our Jngers fancy w, themselves in pursuit, or purs'ied by the while bin- cf, hoJ image met them in their art-am v and w aaiye wa upo their sleeping li(. ' At this moment a bulk-t came whntlii)g bv the outpoat, and atruck the ground not far from one of the sleepers, ho merely raiswl.hi hen I, rubbed V by eyes and drojiped into a deeper sleep. The bs snorted anJ prick d their ears. " Let them Gre awty " mattered oim near !o -Tie " that at1" wyeUy to ns j-and agniri he laid hit weary oe3 uao his kaapyaciu Tuea whizz-d Ifinollt" ? fand aiKMber bullet. " Olio !" cried the otitposr, vWanirt ni,t there is a storm at b:ind, if one v ..- - . ' .may judge from these heavy drops." Thea the careful sentinel listoned attentively, and be heard a jrM'ing sound annroachjiyj, and afterwards the j lianty hoofs of horses, and tbe clang of sabres. ; "Halt! who 'goes there" cried ilia alarmed sentinel, ' , . . I The General and hta suite,'' was the answer." Hall,. Uoneral! forward, one of the .awtes!" said the well instructed sentinel, who now de mand-" ed be parole before be would let even tlie Geo era! pass. '. .- ' , ?- . , , f' "o the mean time the distant firmi bad rwenme Btoehfitre Kre4y , and afproieh twnrerand nnr t yr , invroar oi iuo cauijon waa naro, ana tbe , iron ball rattled through the air, uluncei! Into (be earth, or acallered tbe bare branchy of Ihe tre-e! as il in ncoru ol tlieir fcehlw opposition. 1 be ene-! my wa making a geueril attack npoo our uutpoifl and our trumpet sounded the oh rill alarm, ' Up sprung our sleeping men like a swarm of an "pry wasps disturbed in thoir wsts, and flew to sad dle. One coold t)0l find bi horse ; another limped upon one leg, the other being cramped or not tet awake,' a third snatched a roasted putatoe out of the ashes ; a fourth hurried to fill his faiche with Khnopp from the busy camp-flower. One , aleepy dog, who, contrary to orders, bad unsaddled hie steed, had now in his but ry girthed in the pro. jecting bough of a tree under hia saddle, and set This horse kicking mad ; another, only half awake, at nodding Ukii his horse, but could not move for ; wards, because his steed still remained fast bound to tbe piquet stake. Here, one stumbled over the . w camp-line; there another floundered. into a bole hich had been dug into the irround Irt crookery ,' purposes. Many wandered hitlicr Hiid hilhef, and rlid, not stem quite certain, whether they were i aboui to meet friend or foe., A strange and ruri- oits night-piece ia an alarmed bivouac, particularly 'when illuminated by the enemy'a fires. . " ' A our men mounted, they were instantly formed into, a line ; and already, our advanced party waa perlotming io a piece where the sabre played the oriiicirial Dart. " Take care ' take care, mr tad.' - lor the rrenclHwgue, and then slash away," said ouTpruoeiiTcolnnianTd D'Hilitleis, from our resistance, the French judg ed that we were io much 'stronger force; but as the day began io du wo, they were astoninlud that ours was a inerttcavalry post, and iiwiaiiily order ed fresh ineu to at lack us. ' The tardy aua at last arost!, and the cry iour commander was 'For.! warusl forwards, volunteets V and a gallant crowd sprung out of our ranks and joined the front. ' "There he is" exciaimed a dozen voices; and , at this moment' was seen, io the dim distance, rap idly advancing upon while hone, in front of tire - chatwairs, a alightly.formad lancer, hui sky-blue uniform waa faced with cnrrWn, and from bis scar let hat, like a comet's tail, streamed the milk-white - horse hair hia irlaterina lane a, from which flut- tered the red and yellow bandrol, sparkled io tbe Polisllarrr:TbuTPore"war tbat gallant band, the flower of -cavalry, which had helped Jo gain lor the French mauy a glorious victory, Doubt 'ess he hud been induced to nght against the Pruwian, who he wa led to believe -wa the enemy of his country,- but ottr people see '.' Tug bim approach witliiii he.iriiiirrcalleil out to him "Aowaie tu un, Kameradf veil kinttr ear leigkt ichon dein VaterUtnd." ., (M Coma over to aiawmrduIidBjurCTt1. To which h Ibe lancer aitawered "ica D..i.J i ...V -ri. " Hichieelnrei" (M Poland is not yet lost. ) Tlien 'W'JlredrliiiJtWl it'ivxi tficomm . Tlio chasseurs followed fast upon the Hying hoofs of Ihe lancer' while lued. , Forwards! " cried ouf commander. ' "Strike bard, my sons, for the hiMior of your tut her land- ' I he wore waa again 'thuriuerWibrIn "Fofird1ThTO ; dread shock then throbbed many hearts, as are firmly clutched our swords spurred our willing steeds, and with aloud hurrah I rushed upon the foe. But what pen can portray, or tongue describe, the mixed sensation of that awful moment? Tbe rusb waa made there was no longer time (or - thought. . -' - . , . I was that day mojnted on a wild anbrken . mare and when she heard the trumpet soond the charge, the skiUish jade broke from the ranks and hurried me onward directly towards where the tan " cer was wheeling and careering on hia well oiana , ged milk white ateed. .-. " Be not so rashly valorous, my young comrade," f cried the veteran nmjnrv '- - . Would to heaven that my mar had understood the warning words! (or it wa this skittish beast, and nut exactly my hot Courage, which was bur. ryinr; me into the Inms jaw. Ia the aame mao- ftanliK:ky French Chatwur, and delivered him into our hands, and now it appeared very probable Thrrf terrrhrna'would- agaia back law ajaraiy brute. N' . The white raoeer witnessed my forced ignoble caraejui4 JaughjM n4 fTirir.""".." ter jests, he twirled his fatal lance and stabVd me slightly. ..' at this verymoinent, and before be . conld repeat hi blow the enemy (most fortunately for me) was drivan back. .Though probably, tlie proud, hnughty french, merely intended to ahow The white lancer was by this beautifnl manccuv . re of Ihe French the rearmost of the. rear.JI coolly dismounted to give breath to hia smoking . . ateed, od'ffioTi'ie4tertTnn,o"pw'B titt stone, l and as if in disdain af our flanking fire, hegan to eat bis breakl'at, as if he were upon the psrade grtiuiid of hi father-land, aiJ bad heard the order M Stand at eae.1,...'...." - ' ; "' ' ' koij tt that impudent rascal P arid several of our irritaftd men datshi d at htm, but, like light nin?, the lancer sprane upon his home, aod flew lauzhinz upon hi fleet steed light and left, seeking for t prey for hisalnrp lanco, and miracuouly e , caned from a crowd ol enemies, and regained tlie ranks of out. foo, who strongly reinforced, advao-; ced again, and then came our turn to retreat. Tho lancer uiort his white grey hound, gallop ed lightly over the field, fluttering hia lance as a liak high in tbe nir quivers its wings ere it a:inp over il oV-nitied" victim ; then he langluid exoltmg- lv." 1 Ha, ho!" cried he in tones f demiou, wlilEK 6fyrJuVinTi5 lire again1 my lanco Coinc on, Come Oil, 1 rUS - ' . u nana." - Many of oar bravos, aba Lai aWL'y eat tiaa kneer eil hm borar- um tmMiamd aot to hear this challenge,. . Eat Hit fwratj 'ifia: a y;tmng igtt was uf.tid lie tarsrnum4 k cotHjorr or the nuny ol" OMnradt bmr tc-'f- fully, and said Ay, ar, awty jmm, vtdU; S the 'taucrniritl ptiie Uk juAtr trt r-L .-,'.. Tbe. brave jug JBau'&AiMrii Suf sabre i:iirtfg to tu risa W if&wMe. ' Tul latxxr perceivaa a-Jriuc, jtt.vnei k Sua ! ul tb middle ;oe tw it wimwi-'CHnaa-l Uiu, tbey unit, Mui wwim;'? Aid juril jcu i. . tbf r rufcr feH tlMMTrtrf bp ' siiSTdii jfaT each oilier ajraiu animt and ikrw s ajttc: and main- Tba firatf aeumi afl iiW ' ail watch tbe nme t ibe cLasowsnt rae.- Kowl 1 etreamed from ?be mng Jacrr , aW5:4 8' i feturaed a htaj.Uuv, mA Mf uil ft4 " IliT lia! tt.oa art a fcrevr PraMua,''' crwd i tbe Pole; "such aa eoeswy &eve I mwi aat,a- fore. - Come briber, commj. laaa auaa Ami ma of tny fax-kef" -' v " '' " 1 letrl awiird now that tW as s4inrcul iss lliee, aaid lite Jage sad I iS j-f tte! and in full confidence Ue abeaoltei Ins iiWfy sri k aod approached tb Pole, aba liaa Wa1 tii-wm u. n L,.I1, V. -I, , The Ple h-4d W the aadkr V? mm-iJ surveyed each other with car nr. ami tte; boraca laid lieu beads fc-itber aw af CteTaa1' would make aquajutaaea. N , ' r Drink, comrade! amk socoeas U 6 inl a bether frajad iur Cue. aud lbc Pie la Ei- a.ut . t-" -r iltfiaa t your IteaJth, ooneade re tfur young Jager; and as be lo4 vte jEcarJar, aiif "though at Ibis saometit er bary aaiev ai.T fer-' haps have endanger! iL I " hTfiyej the abre--SRS awry--!KHE2!,j' but Dm aod thiue have ea tbe aw f u : 1 1 . - J lwu imiw. mutt mu wi w ,rv vw m - , . i . . l - boar long aV, yoa tbiuk at J Ut at a j 4 creaking lock, ana " TT""- ,"-""".....', '- r " " " . anwHttti what aeemed to be aXiKHiderous dour. : " Comraoe, this a auaRrr w jwi ai Kx;xr.-mL.m-MUt-.iA abcrJt." irplcd tbe lancer. " lint &luk aaaw mte r out of my JLatr ;'we aieXrwuZa "i'K1 A v, but ouce we kua our tawks a are tut I t Ttien their quklly turned Isrsna, saal at twenty Daces. ou3" ncfl anaa dirt tufts if mae!i ' fZW$ raoea. . , The rattle of enene" thirty avail ra's ra'a et where Preeuaa fuaibers lay sa aaauMOi ws -beard aod the' brave taaoer aae Las n fanes i were seen to roll apua .be grmmtt inft&rr." taa ; snoineut the advanced giuu-i tf te tnsiay wm bmkea and took lo flight, fcvotig tae arat kimewr I . in our bands; be was out yet cskia imt, kuC taa-1 siug himself with a vhij cnSurf, l rtrfmsmwl '. f Puiaod WerrtIaga2bcaniaW like words be uttered. : : . brave while taacer, aad are launral lasa aa a .-o ura, iur of his bravery; Lis laace aaa wkt btaa we! buried with auaw . . - . , I J J l.: .1 m . z K. Hope tni DtMiMr Tbew w ww Sawrftf t iaaaage ia the " Gerilleaiao tfiW QJ paasaire full of poe'JT aad likiWenrr. Wrsrata t '." , ' ' ' '. "" ' tiaiiw a sul ifta ' I . ' .1 ji : ; i lind'a mtricaciea lie aoidetwr airairawniiat 'WwnierwwmaBasaafw,. wide the dacmi ttms iaf tlwse 3yfc Vytwrn m which 'long paasee etetrta hnm Wa sW su Car year. That mtial, be ft a m, a ausr, aa wr, a single aetrteace, as the cakbssasc waasl af tbe Ar- btaa tale, at the patent aaefic ef alara) aWaa t denly wide, and a!! tbe treasures (bat 1st kui cuav cratfd a ixplayed. . This also: - - ' - " ' . From the cottage te tbe waWe, InMS tW caa tle to the bevel, tbreegh aS Car aaeatesya shades and grades of lite aad sDsSmwj AmC. atfevwrne betweea greatneaa Bo hitksea; frerra tlie wjt aa I tie idiot, from the conqqerar as tbe. rs, iter, aa darkness and ia sJeace, with awaimns tint mm sebiijta see and sever ajijceciut is sguiauifg HWt small, fit but bmdiag tueeai slid wianaa thetr cmotnon aesuoy otto eoe sissKtiacsaae wkv IS t nut alone tbat tbe axxne diiccai!e ic aua Srm ' the toils; it rs act aluoe tal t)e rim sate r 1 destroys tbe weaker; fcaiat sa lial ry awwafasl every step ejects the acsuuea T arCwas f aUlstf.i preeeol and to come, aad carries tat Brwa f ' cause and evecd tbat is gou)g arasa eaersify a ' eternity. , . . . " The flVpeadear of the g"eai wjwi tut mm? and the continual reteroo-ie td mm few jwcra cj- I aimtance,wa coanacrauwa we-jvy aterU, OJOST TOET. piiHaBjbetji Moot real Traavcrifii. 5ii lii rira 'iwail' to tbe vat the last pangrnph aui 4riir Cie aonuat. Se wonder tbe poor saaa oma fit sac sjawrXy aa lis grave, after fying aiiaam&k f aca a swa. - - Last Tweaday, lurraut, ra. (a Safy af ? ritertrr taetf.tji wu'.ltm tti.f sVj vmm in i ber drawing room ; tlie dock tU auacpiiec struck twelve; as the ba trsi wweruinf through thy .anna?f. vj . w J;J& open, la the art ttf jziMtj tier tod i gins i theiotrumoa (narsfiF f.ei f tit serrate, fww v i rested oo ihe form ef ber kte WTvauj ; arrwa-rv ed and O aeoseleas oa r ea7t- Taw imjt ap such avembfa of the feuw'y as kiwi cot yet re-! tired to rest ; re4ora'o rcre aauiaecse4 whea Mrs. ' had rejttifej ajwseaio as ker -auspended facuhiea, aui Wmg a awaatw ef strqr mind and Lighly eulurtd siTftwt, srW 5 fit a' posed to consider tbe a bole f Mt W-sa aha had f undergone as Hie result ef certasa awarmisia a tween tUa mlaacboly tale 4 lial lava fxrarot j and her lute lass, orratm aa a yarUvTs aWrsavii ' nervrtus ryiem. Si, bowna-ej'. 4"tuBt iM ai'aa- Ue that ber maid etrrt Wi'! ewwe ira acr, chart btr, H any resurs Viat l ktai deter- mtrtrd lo cid-r a aervou aSccftMa mu-il i . . ir . . j i -i. r. v v ... K tre--- tu4li rl vpv?ithaa)i irerw iif:nw-i mm in. muk f- an . s. 1 sh aJ enjea nei onu wr, an. i I jJisjnied with the rescace ' ts aamenMat-' nn aLjoa to hr ehamher, an4 wia to bod a little Bbr lea 'clua. Exactly as the clock atruck aha awikemsd from her sleep, and dt titcil bebeli the apparition site hai befiue ae a,i.wiinf ti ) u tjie talilt! (o which stood her uight bwjuj im 10 oer, and nrrw asue k a t . J ... -ta. .! Mflw aViirwtf her tof all power t arrra..n .ab'ut Sflia diwcribr W very Uoud retreating ' misX icjchilliM.-s t' b-r hmirt from every, veiiw Taa euuulimanc of ber U luveJ in life wore ot Bnfil aspect tb eyea, "oca boamuij with ' Jtrt, www now Us irr atem Wgtrrrl -wi 1nH pniiljf, halt aolveit.baine, who, with the crair. af itepratr tliu adjured bim t"barlra ! " ' "J j - s." a(w!y sud s.demnly reajHred tbe shadowy fm, wavui aa hi hand a email roll of written ' aofera, " Jesai, pamy fwwssnper accouula, and ktBteM.'c.'' ;.. A . -; -- '- ' - v - A TiLE OF GRENADA. ! v waaHrwiTOs litiw, Titer wts eoce a poor mai or bricklayer in tlnfrfiAitfr. aiK. kpfvt ftli t!u. 5iitit it;ivniMt Kfilv . ew-aa SL M.Mwlaf in the Urffaiuend el be ! griwi poorer and eourar, and could scarcely earaj k Mewiex fcrnily.. () nigbhe wa. - r "J " "T""" ' beh,iU M"n eaduvrou.ootiug priest. - ' " Jr V 'J l 1 " abserved that you are a g.xal (-bnstwn, aruJ -xie tu be iru.'neJ ; will you uudertike a tea'wy Bijhtr h . " - Wrtrr a!t my hert, Seaer Padre, oh orndtttoii tut I aa auid aorUinglv." ' j. . " ... " Tbiii yoa ahall te, but yoa nwst sutler your jelf am Mmlfirfilf jJ - ; w. me :iu we.g . tmidwmimL be was led oy the prjest through va- - . A mhiiM an. - wmnm wnvuiw N... w wnfu,s y m nm 11 . Wtat, ao.1 the tnaaoo wa condlcled Ihroogh ao xaoiaSuTsp r part of the building. Here theNbandae wns leuaoscd frum hta eyes, and he Caina himiif rn a parfMsn at court, dimly lighted wila a aingte Uinp. fianrvm, wmkrr whh the arwaa reeVed bias I the centre vu the dry basin of an'ld S wr-1 aa fura a small yauluhricki aul mortar hems at httatt, fce that purpose, lie accordingly iofVed all mii. but without finishing tbe vault. Just be- 6ie y break, the. priest pot a pieca of goU nto atarJUHki, ami having agaia Uimltolded Uita, Cta kjgfeoj kira back lo bis dwelung. V Are yoa wdling to retura and complete yourJ wnrat Gl!lyt Snor PaiJrev pmvided I am well paid.' l- .J;; -i..;,.!., I -in'n - -?Tow,aa the priest, "yew must help ma to bmur forth the bodies that are to be buried ia this J. s -v. . i. tf.TT- j ...... . a boot nuii . wis iuk vn iiw hcvu iimv aeJa-f aa fiitkwswj the priest with. trembling slept! r Sito a retinal chamber of the marwton. eiaectmf e behold soma ghastly spectacle of death, hut waa toCtcvaJ ea seawr three or Kmr aortlv iara atand- r"m'"Umwamt JKif were ev'ideiiiTy rulfof' Zrmr Jrl-. ik.t h, .. ' . .... thwjpnest carried them to the tomb. . Tbe vaujt ' TBra''brl!s,we'eWtte Thai aaaaoti waa again hoodwinked and led (irth 6y a route different from that by which be bad cocnev After they ha! wandered for a tuwg tin t&roair a sarnieaea maze of lanee ami alleya, Ihey aafeaaV-Tba prwaf thaa put two piecaa ot gofal iota Bi4 band. " T ait here, said be. " entil yasa kasar the cathedral bell loll (or malioa. If yoa iaiwiwa f acover year eyea before that time, evil will befall yaw." So aayutg, be departed. - Tb bmsoo) waited faithfiilly, amusing himself ay weighing taa gold pieces m his band and cltuk ar then again each other, w Tbe moment Ibe bell rueg its audio peal, he uncovered his eyea, and faifttl ktarwlf on 4he bank of the IVfiil, from waeaca be awade the best ot hia way home, auJ revelled with hi family for a whole fortnight on l&a seuats of ha auhu work, afler which be was aa por as ever, lie ennhnuaa to work a Iittl; aaJ any a good deal, to keep Sainta days and bo fy aay from JtfM year ! while hit !aro;!r grew ao aa gaunt anil ragged aa a crew ot gipnes. Aa be waa seated one meroing at the door of his koael, ha waa accoaied by a rich old man. who was awtael (be swomg emny bou-ea aod being a griping .' iaaviffTrrt' - The bms af money eyed him for a momeot from 'aeiwath i pair' ef shaggy eyebrows. I acaluUw&Kad. UmU thou.art yert oocjr," J .; There m no ekeym the fact, Seoor, tt speaks I presnrne then, yea will be glad of a job, and Bwark 1wNipt,"'i ..r . ... li cheap, my master, a any man in Grrsda. Tbat what I want. I have and old bous gw ir ta decay, that eeeta me more tbac As worth to aeep it ks, repair lor nolody will live in it to "bjuhi aiiniri'aa in su ii U l kern il, Ltarttiff,. at as small ait evpenxa as possible. - - . 'tauec in way, studying .over hia phrase The sneM was aceordmslv conducted to a httge rreairr dd gewe than ever. . - - - to ruin. f a- l rrry eeverai' empty bails and chambers, be ; ntevod an inner court, where bit eye. was caught by ao aid Moorish kwoUiftv . '- ' It veeme to me," said'he, as rf Itad been in thw plac befvre ; but it is like a dream. Pray whifi oeeupieii tuia on frmerly I A peat np.)n him! c -J the kninonf. . "It w afl old saie rty priest, wbo cared for nobody ho bianelt He was ;ml to be immonaely rich; and kaviog no retatioru, U wa supposed he would ksave all bra treiiures to the church. He lied isHiIimlj and tbe anrt and. friars thrrmged in to rake anMeaston of hi money; but nothing could tV iod but a few dtical in a k'ntlier purse. The worst tuck has Ctllen upon roe, for since hia death tlie -lk continue to occupy my house without paying rent, and I find there's ao taking tbe be of a dead man. The people pretend to bear -'th cfmkmgr ef gU all night ln in the chamber awn iim nu prww siojh, a u o w tJouiin , hs rannry and aometirBea grcanuij'anJ nwanioj! about the court. Wbetbrr tnaa or rW, tbe ato tw Uve brtmht a bad Boe poa my bouse, ajutl sot a" tenant mil reania aitMa h. " - " dough," Kitod tb,e ma4, afunli'y u let me lire fw b, rnrt V. MtKil oow I iter pre. .al. . . eeM, and 1 i!J ewf h pat U i repair,, and jpo4 christan ul a pjur mau, aoJ iwt to la dairrv ted."-.. ... ,.. ,,4 ; . f. ".. : . Tfca cCur tfrf poor man wa tnr rrti-ldy ae-erpu-d, he moed arnii bU Ctanlv Mttn the boose androlffiltd b eijawTuta. ;.. Uy Utile and little n-mar4 tl'Idrt'.Vlbttti-r'llatC'r'iVra 'waa "ua" longer beard tbe cIuiVwb of at nittt an the chamber, but rt bejaa to be beanl by -uy in the " iitisr; smjo. ia a wont, t,e in.' crra - rd ra,d!y io wealth, to eb adrr.iftu of all hi ibUr, aoi became owe of the, nclieHt men m GreriNwU. He gar lar mm to the ef.urrh, by way oo douM ot suVyu Iw cooscmee, and; pw wteaJed lheccHf bia veatds aatd a Ine'- dtati It J, to has soo aod Uir. ' "a DCTACHED THOL'GIITA , - ; Many a reaa ha tetaerity ettoueb to d rnfi cmini" it. . - : - - - - a Waoso deapiseth k:i ttioa will never attra no 1 ""i'- - J I; ewmSwea, t take pJea.re ia the mis drlHisfaUrfr, to have au Krurt f dvvottia a beat m prwMwrrty, aad ta regard ma waa attain- ait aa ettraordiaary, are I mr atf at of a CorrujH Van, 'Uch caaaol be aurfaien. , , .. .. So eaaa ts lua eVatVUd r ter regretied any act ": seU'-tkuMal bntarvvirata pracuaed by htatatlf. TV re is ta t&e y UGl aa materuil d.nVr- ' mtcm brtam tM eWal cbra'cter at'ihe cwvetooa aad tbat of a aws4.ijjrr ot'tLe sun, or a follower iiif,iiiii?iiiinii.'-f-. -.- ,1. ,.-'..- -" 4:ie treat airanfse of lruth aver f! hooi is, that the farmer ssats a short saeasury. , .' t:e eflbe best :Je "if frvetkiihip ia'Jr" reni rjrproui, rigvij a-Imtaitered. Tbe best method fw'J vf half the slan- dera .tiie in as Iw say lltoaa-ttM atlealwia. . Jlba . other Lajf aay be Used dowu. IVarrlaua cftkt . . . wi a reriv fleMar. Aa mc'rm brought agakat the owner vlfa aagjoa abch by the care lea snes . of tbe slriver NUad cruSeJ tiv unlucky donkey a gauMttbe sraiVaad kCVJ it- A Icaroed acreant ,. well kauaa for rooSno of eiQlamatioo, was . ptrpiexriig one of the wi'.unswra, a bo Awid uo rtth-'- ' ee rneaos of enncaimg kiaatelf than by. giving a - jrajihic dncnpwt of rbe snatter in q'lestiiio. Well, ry rord j-aiga, tbe befitadng Clown, . a 111 te'J bow it ku-ppeaed aa near aa I can. My ' lord, cupoe 1 am the wag.j, here I aaa. Now my lara judgeyuw are the wU.w- The descnVr now paused a ti naig to ree41rct bt third pi-, turn' "Coma iiiow," rtctaixed the- sersaiit, X asij ai;ii tbe jgarr aLora-e. J.oa. hua. -jwl-tcli. brtatUaI?,JJt,Wi?gflfctcs!fliJOTJ. ea me wane, with a suJe, apart t ia hi rye, " hia ttoaor the eouead n th as t Of cour ibe court was ia a roar. -L--r- - . .... . '. ,.' ; ' TRAXUEa AiiaVGTSTRAXCERS. ' There are R w poIiioas more akard or Mi-; - '- . crous tbaa those una which atianger are often ','.- lhf.if in iHear fir r. i,, m k" l!nmw li t - Muerstoui ia a atraaga touue. We were ao -aawcw amused 5stet4ay U tbaecitaLof aume edd.f evaaiaia the exeneuce iiC a anulleauu ; ho bat liej"viiw 'tjf ilie'seir'y vj;.. ii w f.moi-T.t I Auicrica. tlat'ae avtiii'Viii a ? h of ofte' "--":;- or two incideots which hjiea-d sooo af.er hi ar-' rival ta Loodiai from ta c iutmeut. Uo wa not much acquaMitrd with the language, ai,i Catod it iJLcalt to nui hia 'f Birratool, aod -waaeftm ptfr d to draw ea tVienJW phra sa which to eiprese some if ijj siuiplcr wants and Wit!). , ' ' . ,Oa eoe orcavi.m, te fcJ wrtten several letter to hisfnead oa tbeeoutiomt, tit r' know ins the eiact aituatioa of the Post U.H. e, ; plte'l to Lia'"' friejd fW iotarwrtioes ho to pnctrX ' lit gave . him tLe phras, I dd c4 k-w where tLe Post T OtScc I," and directed him la rpe,it it l i some pern a'-r te bad procoVJ t tff un duUnce, aad be w tS, t be aaa.rd m hi warch. A c.i,jis U avMd eavUke, Le stirt.d a ith bs let. ters conouruly rrweatmg to himself "I da cot know, where the Put OZc is" but so'treit was bis seal to be ri -hi, that beiora lor g be haj drooped a -stitch, or raiKfr ttWUlhe Wvh cf. J.uir-, which be still repealed wish the utovM putience, until lie fell ia with t peram to whom he thought be wuoid impart tie mrrt sf hM netive acipiire men ia, ia rewcu to ti.c lutal.ty of the P . wt O Jke, aod with NMch pohteoe nrcmn4 kirn , . I do kaow where tbe Poet Ouice ' " " At) : - : :. . ." I.da.kw aV-rrf,the. fe- 05r b f Tbe etraacer surai a swocat and blaw-d away Mtha devil yoa. do a bat ia that to met miud jTOOr PU" IITfaW v-Jt'Yktt tinKymavt the reply- wvi aporrewl forth" ' too batiy for toe pxr .reigrn.r to retain the words, b-4 " antaaJ year bouite-M," made a distinct "'. impreaMo ; aod he fcA the efii!cmao with many thanks, aupposirig ha bad ofcuioed ihe aarue of the vitb "rrTy oe den-SH la nrtake another attempt ' toVuSai-j aaace, ar arewte J a fulf fe3 pe'rm'. age, w ith hi ruiJy fice b.4lf eowred with a bnn- danna , the : " I do kaow w bre the Poet Oilice, : w ind your bosmew"" - Thiadirtca:'ed(rrh a vofJey ef ahtrse which perfectly atKred iSn i .icrriiy, aikl be did not wait for further cfntoi!carin, but pursued hi search "jVr. aoi 6.ia"v fund the office. ' The cuia in l'r x-e wa kr an.inJivid'iaJ J-p-wdirig a lettrr t give it immediately- into the hand U the p- master clerk, and our fnend arcordiagy aiarchrj ap for this pur pox -and delivered bu lettera, tmt the clerk auprnaing" be wlhj to pay lb p,'-"r teceivej them with iwve baad ai etie!d the other f r the money. Taking this as a dcre j rrt J(jtnu, the warm hearted franker seijed the extended band with a hearty gwwdl, aed pre it a resroLir pump hn- , j die ahake, wbici alaoat brought toe clerk through uk afioitarv k.i in uriiivrj ey teller. : The (naaYf liters fW at cere into a rsge, gnd V 4 - , . aa- K 1 A- .;ai :y."-tirt' '.Ui..J i. A- - ' 'v

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