r' y 't i 1L iiii IlLj y.7' -J1' VMj1 I ) ni t-wgifr wt Ri.B4Typ to THejnmTi3CP' rr THr tmrTmsau.... , -wrWTO-TH;mwsrxwriraRBVtB Torn Of jEf WTCTTWTfSTf '8 iTFtJirinErrS iilrilliiif fa ike CWttiititfit, rtith.-X.. S AtSTIN & C... F. FISIlEJtV Ifirra and Froprieter. " ( t NO. XIV, OF VOL. XX. I (Whole o. loot.)' SALISBURY. N. CV SEPTEMBER 20, 1839. mo 1 TTiUUli OF CAROLINIAN y, Wtirtcm. Cmiinua. w publss-lid every Fsi r' Dollars per annum it paid m advance, or fIWWW riliT i.uqib ik. nui imiaut.ilfc uie t'i- I ,-nutuB..'iiirnHiHiij .- I ." .mw iff he discontinued until all nrrwira-s I J'imiMM,.! tii.drwiua (if tiieEditom;' and a I '. mam '1 "y"'y- th" Rl'ltnf ,lg J isft. to.djcwit!ni n -: rtmJ ijj'. year,, wttf be amwtdbred w new co- . ...4 .l .A . .tertusmeroe win tw conspicuously anji correctly 1jwtHi..liC imti dollar per square fur the first insertion. t J5 uMUts- tor mtm cimtinuance- Court and.Juuicial ,i IIMIf&.UHlll pnee; iHductn ol 3.1 per cent troo, rtar-rsrtBicB will D. njiuitr to yearly advertuwm &iB(MiuaMitiBturputillclHn,tuUtheltiej niMirii''iiHrnriieii oa them, or they will be iuat- w 'id ibrou,. Mil aiiarnd ttir accordingly . ItUidUrfnsHt: ro.tbe Editora on business must be j, imut, ir cttfj will out be atttinded to. '-.v TnE iut M-.onof the Female achiwl of Mins S aj .1 Stbah-- Willcumuience on tlie li of k itjvr -mxC Ptr ur Sia advanced pupils would , W tu -TrS. -i 1 ' lit ma !t stlwuU. and hwrd ead be had la renpecta it r". If . ili'SrJiwaiw irfitW - ."" rrt r.isr untUHWL'nod. can conridentiy recommend this L xsuut, io lavomlmt notice, brlievmir that flie qualifies I :iuftii ai STitjbftna are uf a mmrur ordw, (n tew-h ' te i.-'iiwii w woiL is lHgiw4rierqi hniBohf (- iiw .nTuliiia- and mode of inatruciioa diffirs very ' .roHrUurt uMBlenfortHdsnd prrtid in our; iuiiirn rhiMilf - antr npinir-nr milil anil mrmiti I wsHwwffl" iSme eiiewbai issw d wdlrwr r uaawta pnminata ubjecta.' An expenenec now I wn wwnaU9ttito place full confidence in herj jc:iuif a a ttwi:!ierftn correctoeiM of hot dejxirt-! "CitetrtiB-dfflaijiief ef-sywemT"""4 W. IL HOLT, Ri8T. F MSTER, HK.NRY tL DUSKXBEK.BV H)HX P. iLVBitY. tMitcmn, Davidann Cmintyr Pt. C, AjpuiuW ai,,isii). , ... I 4. JCEtELL AN EOUS. 4t : If mm (iff nw Y'trk Mirntr. zm. cr WHIPPED- SCHOOL Bt)Y. ftiurtnuuNi i the urder of tliw day ; and amiMtg a laauiiiildi samfern- improvements Mc Strap, notr maitterBttd niaw. E iffirtnicr aaitt Mr. Stmp, mj anentirty wmlMS. . ' - - B itnsaid Strap' oracularly Skuas Su.MiH taeid Mrs. Gaalingr " aud-jn,r aant r. dtrap, tba w?rk is six 'tiuMMuid' year old.' 1-l!''!aud" Mrs. (I.ntiing, admiringly. .jMei IC na otmn all that hiaw wnnig on the ."SUieuB 'tfe ttittcjrtittfi: ni youth lifv tto-Miiinr mmoed her avm and ears. She I aiWi !V:...5mi wi ihm uflhe wisetf'nftm'iiVl II '" I f'J-n.1. ... I.on k.in K. I It mn.l ltd M.iil I n' mu Q;e'i. tu 'icnr Kim rnlk- and he went on. j"T"Hia1' said fin,- (i.ndiiig,1 iterrjiUJyT j aid ih. ..ifuity Iwik i't I J5invvnry-day of lu hie, once, al leat, on an wrtfltgib. u aver Me. nail omitted one any, I mm iUtHir,f, illness,, or any other accident, the made iM !t ileneieticy-ol tfiiguig him twice the day Alters Utirwa-m. year old. 'Ten times three huwiiT-tt iudf awry-five makes three thousand sivj 'frum-i-l lml riiTv. Tin, jei-in. prelly nn tuif I -mmmiiv. laslieva- the calrilarin to he within the Tnihv 8 iltnuly believe Juinen 'ilin2 had re I 'Vhwwi itir nut ar leant that numlier of tirtie-.---ir "wi-in ymemllv maik? these inflictions with 'w-'Hwii hand i mm looked therefore ralher coo-1 S-nated' it rhia opimon of Mr. Strap, who w her ; Jtatlft, itd; wint, tmoeltow of1 othor, slie had ima ' jraad-Ny bis-nwme, hait hr view on the sublet. 1 1. ChiirtrBnJ said Mr- Stnp, should never be ! "- "v-kml TTm. (ilir5. f vwv -Mid Mr. Strap. ( '-.liw would you. govern them, tlien, asked , "jv. lindlni WNltl !Hlll)ll('l(y. " -LmineN, iiiuJam, said Mr. Strap." j " 3f when, sUndness wout answer t" - Hausv mad.-im," rejoined Mr. Strap, with a I 1 -nt'"rn4 wawm i ne ih-hh-. I lliiumtt, mavt -dti wwtl fir eotne," said Mr. I J. I a . L I 1 ttisiiitir -diaiuntx her head doubtfully. -it m)V da 'h sit; rrwdmrt, if prurly antifi-d- t ,7 .' W: linwik 4t.jBaiioiv-n e ai uujl unues. j v nv-mi are that is." ' ""Idiall WmiAer ennihict ray school on an ea aiy nw (dwuwirf Mr. Strn6t" I shan't ha a iT E thiilf make my hoys love mr ; respect "if Bind; inumUuitsr ho tu my reason-, and obey j -rsr.c iiu.,, a,r- V '.KUi du. ymt chary a year T asked Mrs. j Ei hundred dollars, and aack boy to bring a auncwMma twn unaf Cntliesv and two atur af iW -iJ l?wr litm'arTtlMiaUflg'taBM' aMbrmatsiHtXuniaaototd enouch, to be put f tatfw 1. I w(jarukliitagwf asked Strap. j ""Eswla-aJJiiisv' Cwtmuiy said Mr- Strap, TU take Lira aiwamrvh -'-. s- 1- ' . 2im u!l IranklV Aid Mrs, GwJimr.1 j- hat ;tav had ttouhle wiih- huo." - . j n taita barn. madam,. said Strip. - -j I !fc'kvry WHldeaid Mrs. GosJine I matter madanv" reiterated ' Mr. Strap,! I 'h twnils iaf self ennfidene, w FTI take him." ' ICrar)iy of gond partH said Mrs. Gosding.i I ar !" bHvon(finy manae'nentJ' , . ! i trunk. E imihinianit ha case, madam," said ; I 1R- :,- I rttn amilin atriii. 1-e mmLiiuv v hen shall be come Tr '',l'Vvnwp,.aB." S'iid hnu to-inorriiO1 '' . ' . .! wdiemd'MivHilisiini. The next day MuimiTilnnn Gujiiinjj wiili, two nit or -clothes ; nilvirr wmi;; uuli um pair of amwnfl a itis. ttwc tiMHniiiijr; Suiuml, in ie country , not Tor trmii uwi, witym' h hud' intin eru reniei Ih wu , limit' nadi Hnwletfi hutf. with ahiirt mly harr etmuliiifiltntitKnutt Hktrsi shim bnih, and din Tuntiiitttl ttnil! m imi!tiliii;h littin pug ttifcte ;'an Hhifrmiiufcintittilhr.'Hi'WWtirnws -Hml - ftair lf anmll vs Uuili HiitmirgrtjW: in, iit'a raiirmn? and Ted m .uiiiliL. 3 nur nt' u, fWmr imiti w i : - . .--.. i L...I l-mtj I ..l.-.i 1!" i-i- .1 . , . , ,,,, . . 1 ; 7; . ,.w.,s ........uiuj mr wimu, uiiiih., utr. nuinunr tti wiihuiiiiji. imt noui mcenMHt mut hae ilud '.bill -' t ilite ulT in. ftsafifiiMir-, however, ttwt he had uncmmi4iutiHi:h'imelf tt hi sitaaurtn, and liiia :t,:inrell ainnU linnunltit'ari(m flitgIIliot)i ulmwit uiiliirn, Hita: m saliimnnilerr on : Hie fire. He'lutri Wnilitilijgwijjtiroii MUfai aff araiiwiiimataiHitita itvwMU.nmt umfy. as a comcTa kiwe amttuitiwimidiiiiidlthiiuca hVr (-.rrumod unil ktriketl ifriim mtfrrr huiiitv. ymi might ' ne lum twh iiimutwi rihirr'rtw ulTdiifia aiin-miyuig' operaUumi, with.a atnilt iiffumiiliminil amnfiirt on bin fuce, ofxarHs. niwth.'mttitip pwce ofi brwad ( arid birtter, or plm iiiganHlilorr mumbling a pg with the first acuramiiuiH ) men. Hir Hml' been ' enured pom foliotno1iH'iuiliitn.Tiid;wnetteflr sp-lKTiififipt .it -tfua 'tBiifflirB:fti pi. thr amviaurad of itasncceaa. u , ....... now adiatmalHr wi!titr;rajimwaithtji tturrmur now a anmrt mp -mi li thraaUini and: now- a., cutTand now a ikii.t- TtiM1 wnr mew- ehild's! play to (how fniuTfTifeijiniin wniutti winW; tije iiiiMu4my ornvwrytttrrw uirttmir iliq-i, wiitm ciwi and -vm iifi";1atHiHnwuiTT.-iidi ttni birohs waa igne. . At theav timHulin uuitmiw wi; wnme to. be Imitted only dty lllie miuttiti oiT Uia; breattt. and1, tlte pwur ol ln lun:; niil: ttlu uiiliiriiiiiutn boy wnold shrM'k and Tnwr3ill!t'inntthllr-,,diirtiirt)eil, WIHij BtiBkeH,err -hfluik fihiiHWhttn,, audi mil each J(bf.r h .h WIlCiidli,elutti,,g.,wp J,,nir .... ' . . . HJtrfHnwtm the hid -win ttlM nwitwiimtwf trmfhert in Mr. Htthb not 'nw .ifitit-initii mum tw luhL to get. rid nf 'heavy rrnulitn, rfhmi lirtim aiirnisitvr,, to nee what Jim would docinimHili wilMra dutv.kuti- tin arriving tit eiwiii,.iiimwuf the Unise among the mil n the tinv tii!iilii,t. ait jit! intu gnme of nmrblm, but bw HiinrmiHnkuHiii.neroHiwml: thai he chmtnd and .liiTmiil :iiim miu. Ifif rtiiw t? Milt tti t he tfn, but the ft Hnwn" tfoutdi itmt! Itit-him bmmht' -trrraeartniii'a tWir little top to pmnr. 3umadtiit that but ev er been a hnvmwdlDiW-mHU rtiiu: tiii play mn skis In aim slop 3mc -aniiu itii tflitt uircle, whilst' the rod ere apnn down Ht ill. -nonuiiiiies. splitting the niarkmtwo. . Jimninwtttitlicmirnttraim split two ur 4hre, nun ittie ttrfwn nrritBstedi agninst Mich 001-01181 dhaimnt. tOtitt-'iff Mlemi nt! it waa like the- timw a.'pying "nwnfg him- thrr Himvrlf I'HWtnll rrmiilfnee- hen tie dartre d umn 'tiiennirtiwim. BVi aiitt by TTwa TOeinuTiTlIiiilti- Tfftffinrttairltl flvr TO1U. such iolenre at mteitflie.miilJ UuyyK.iBf-tti knock 1u m d im tind rrrftrm a wnvrii levied it I mMtukn. Hit SSro))! rwiminetl Willi htm. He begil puiilun jiiiH n thrsiwRiu. The next nuiniiiy; the rriin-riir,'tl -HviTi'" broke while a perwin, wtiii-niiiniio lLIfctui lim im. tntnettt danger of iliih. H wn liouidi rtniti it bud hetn mi two thiriiw 'iijTiiiirjtiunri tlitt- uitimimin the "piiir riffw'weTr'i!rilTiHrPfni'tTR niilT or-kJnifc,.jtin.i.l. whvftiutitiiitn:.vvitaianiiui lrlLw- tr tefc -thar arf Rmwer-" tii iie fuii ud. a xiihiii ui ainmmmiiiiiimil, nwiUmmw took the bov ulio hi irivuu minii.. James. "Sir." " Ihd you rtTHUtli r' w No. "sit." " Io yi pive m your -wnrr nui iiomir Jt-lesC-fliL.!. ". In ynu kniMS- wiiut in isitt. is- "' "Yes. siT." Kiiould you Ik wilimrjn wmih- " Te, ir." "Mr. Strap tlmn ami!:: M mi, to he icaidhll. 0 dioi'tt Iktliewt V-oil. t knrMV-vwjtn he the tnltmrr-w timm miiinpinmiie-'' Jarm looked u in tti- Qhih iiiTin nc-lrnctor with !tfoiiHlinmt. If -von wil! .conffsw 'tlH- tfillti 0 will, flirgivfl you. Are ymi nm guitw . i'ea, a-" ' 3 JiniUL'ia nu. 5m yiu. liawi imagined voiiTilf imn., lioitiilimp,. tnnnug r-im 1 wiiti to slnw ynu ttiitt vnu irrt miB wi.. We are -all your friends. Si'vnu'llnwimiiii;, wiu-drr-wrong, you do so eailhil tlirnc wIIuj iliwi win., fir that rihtf" -Ssit." V Well, tlteii, 3 am wiling; ttn IW-Iievw dint you have done 'thr tiling iTinm thuli hiiints-; from want of rcnVittion,; .fronnuriuiTiiiir-i ut' ttlfl etiarac " terbrftir ifHrnwrn-.'tlI W-flmrvniX t3iiifowh among vrnir romnaiiioni uTe tiirtiirrihiy lir the future. J shall nrrr ihovjg qmimt tu (juiiipluui ol you ajam, irtioll 3 T " No, SIT ' t5, than, una 'nWamtlfi. Lnnetiilier '.hut the way to be hnntw ' 'tu :ke mtmmtiT - "Yfim" ' '. - -! Jijhi it vou .imeiuili) W rrrn:tnil in society v; somewhere else yesterday morning, inmhf have ym tnust begin 1km line lloHomhle conduct I been aaeo at Mr. Recorder Baldwin's office of bu which vnu memn fnminr v nrnii. I emild I smess a, professed fullower of the great Faust, vul have Brniituafl ryj fitr 'ttir "itnitt jmi had commit. J gnrty known ea a "jour printer." lie. waa a cose ted bad 1 an pleuwrt. I wmIi win. Itirr my Inend. H'nr'irt jrawrnf piuniraim-mryn.- Wmrrv my ; dear boy- Ih T.rcg Uin fM b: wrflngandtliai'voiiVwiimit4wirii1 Uo jour bear' roe r t. ' lea. sir; aaio Jimauiiii mie oiouiu. emmmeu full of cake, r - Ga then, reny tiiWrr I Uiwr wnu amf tmst to- ?nwr gennnwity tlmt w)lI!!nhinTSBrtarmfrinB; anyf thatuiea. .imi niTiioi3,m dwr mmJ' J rGid miimmg.'arCd!'En mitting; into hiaj mnoth tlte last bit of tmU. ... -- Two dnvs aliur tin itrmiirtwmtraiMt of the utm. I ; era found a pin cry uiigmiiHud plncedj ini his J Imiw, to the rrent diminronmiti rrT hi owa ideas' and tue imunfUMmuHs mwm inwnr on an.wiin tne.uer. - i uiooji 1 ."" raw, uny nodVaiifwiTiiT' OT cre'vittniifhnif no ornnaf ewes t get loli4np anywhere- one of the little Ttoya ww 'riilioied icloully into fits lie a ghost fmriiwi. t:;rc litV witiL the head of pumpkin, mid eyes as large at tea cuns. . The culprit was detected in Jiimea Uiwting and : lie confined to bread and water diet fur three day, which did not prevent several of (he boy's stock- ;inH being fillud, before they trow in the morning, with pnckly pears, and the iwlir-r, who slept in tha room with the lads, on waking in the morning tumid his toe tied together by a long Hiring com inuntcatin with the toe of six, boys wlio were also thn tied, the whole being linked' together. Mr. Strap looked grave at thin, and Jumes Gosling migni uiaiiH m stars mat ne wasjm inmate ol an uiim m.w mui a mm iiu was ail Hiiiiaic ui ... . i .. . . i i ti 1 1 , ' 7".: " " . .,! ,u jv, imju, .hh nir ol jacii amen cars auacneu io me top, dui one 01 ma little tioys near nira being.unablo to repruaa hia laiiehter, Jamea gave him blfw oo the eye hich fihndud him for a uiontlj. -That very tve'oing Mr. Strap'gcrt caught in a string laid aeross the top of the stain in such a way aa nearly to break hia tnlltiMl to him an hour. The argument, which he awd would be quite too long for. the limit? of this articlw. Socrntea could not have spoken more wiuely At the end he gave him another piece of cake, and" aent bim into the achoolroora with a kindne. more than paternal. Jamea was at this time melted. . He wiped his eyes and blew his mm, anl Mr. Strap went on bis argunvmls, till at lejigth the worthy disciple of the ayntem felt as- lid la miner said he to liimwell, with rather a benevolent smile He fuels his error. lie will do witMic no more. How much better thus to. overcome errors thniTwith the. brutish use of tA" and he regarded a small bamboo cane, which he usunlly carried with him in his wulki. hHTWnrfiTiaorax amTtliis was the day aptHiMited ftw thi vimt of Mrs. Gosling. In. the attermmn Mr. Strap went into his library whore he had Kent James on some errand. : I lie boy not re- turning he followed him. He had been detained by a curious attraction. A beautiful little canary bird, accustomed to fill the house with music, had been hangin" in its cae airainst the wall Mho re pentant boy hniT taken it down an3.pucaeTll)fli K feathers, and waa amusing himself by regarding . its contortiona and diatreaa with a erin of aelicht. "MKmap'mrgiitliissyste and doubtless correct impulse ot his soul, aiezed the young reprobate by the collar, and having ac cidentally in hia hand his bamboo cane gave him wlmt peoil in the' every day world term a regit. -nr trovneing. Mm troshng entered whiW he - revealed - the- storv. " I ought to apologise," said Mr. Strap, taking ' brenth. Vj-- - .i. For licking my Jim 1" asked Mrs. Gosling surprised. ' " -No, madam, but for having ever been such a RmiI aa to suppose mvself wiser than Solomon. I wsresMi and hereaAar lake the" mi irlil n il im I9 nd poor J(m, after his brief re. pTtevfr,rc?iJ! nttmr w iTpihjrty-air ever. Frm Blackwomti Mag nine. HOPE. Tf Hope be dead why seek to live I For what besides, has life In give T , Life. Youth, sod Love, and Beauty, too, . tf ttopr be deadaty r what are yottT , .ic without iiope : tin. mat it not .ToJ.ive.!.. hukdajr. bjr dJ, ill r5k-.- :'.njjff.rllllgl!.!g9.?.i 'M.PW?1!?."?1!! l o wsntter o sr uie World, and tread U tmnjts, beau t igtyaadii) gnai, '. "Ail vacant, o'er its flowery maze. Oh ! think if this be life I then asy, Who lives wben-iiope hss Hod away V" "'lumA without Hopel An endless nijrhf, Trees whicli have felt the cold springs blight. The lightning's flash, and the thunders strife, Yet pine sway s weary life, Wbiub iiifr.-VL'iild liavauaL,. and-diod Beueatb the strokes, their you (A defied Hut, curst with lenirth of days, are left To rail at Youth of Hope bereft. Lim without Hnpe ! It cannot be, There is a ve-e on yon e " Becalmed and sail-leva as dospair, And know -this helpless Love floats there. And Bt auly too when Hope is gone ' Has lost the rsv in which it ahone! And seen without this borrowed liffht, Has kt the beam which made it bright Now what avail the silken hair, The angel smile, and gentle air. The beaming eye, and glance refined Faint semblance ot the purer mind As gold-dust, sparkling in the tun. Points where'the richer strats run, Alas ! they now jurt seem to be Bvstowed to mock at misery. Tin y apeak of days, long, long gone by, Then pwnt to-eold Reality, - And with a death-like smile, they say. S'l Thus Lire, I'naf A, tdvr, aos" Brau'y too, When wen without Hope's brigbtning hue, AH ih in misery's saddest tone, Why seek to live, if Hope be gone ? " A MODERN FAUST. Among those individuals who should have boon (ail sorf ol a case a walking edition ol the sin- ped prgt r m-ether wotda-an uiteorrtetrd ropy of ; ha tporisof mfemperance mnced up, tud bound by no tee-total rule ol entire abstinence He looked I i , ' t :... - , t ! . e 1'. murrwi, or im uuu impressioa. ui.a suni out, odcut of our American eagle, or of a runaway nccm. Too wera lonnd sleeping out last night, aaid the Recorder. w Wbo and what are youf ad- dressing uie oauiy setup bill ol Humanity in the dock. - X..'. -.''"' . ' ' . " W I'm P001"- n poor gnecimen of the art preservatives, of all Brts vulgnriy called jnur printer, or typo, said the prisoner. And need correcfuwi," said the aiTahle Recor' were you not at your hJdging last night r - Because I lott my plnct got out of tort-" else:, in fact, out of cash, which is the eopy of "i atrr our ttisti-nce. An r sir, 1 ti felt the pressure of the times at well at oilier folks nave had an imprrmon, and a heavy one. of iIms dinVultv t tiuttifyiitg my ejitioos by tba right atca," IJut a correct man of your Mfcaioo, said the Recorder, " would have bwn at his c t ting vp, at the lime the watchman (uund jou ot ting down." , ... -1 " Vet, but I was a gone or, and even if I were setting rfoica instead of setting , I dVaiH see what alteration you should mka iu tiie ropy ot your verdict.,' ' ...... u l ou were lying downer. Ye I UaiTeiJrnTfs l 'yff,tYirCigTriff the watchman made a partntktxit ot his arms to raise me up, and a aate xf admiralio of my body, head dowowai'ds, while bringing me to this new fangled prtu to have a pro taken," rejoined tlte "jour." ;, M The watchman ckargea you' with being iipsyr sir."':";". "' s. . " 1 matter too much last nichl liuit'a a tact." -"VVV ": '. ;T: ' " When the w atchtpto phcej you on ycur feel you did not stand straight leaned in every direo tiim.'and staggered about in every directma a tnougn you were working oa tlte first sheet of the t ' j i... ut:i . . .a a . - B..u luowuo,ia. .-''. " I thought, air, that I was on nltW fsrt irorir : but Lhtrley anon gave me a rap with some, - . - - - - thing more than a tkerp t if, which in a manner truigktemd me," He lt nigh dinbki the matter af mv vnnrr no aif ikr.iKr-d mv .rin I into pi. . - . : ri " I shall have lo eeod you to the catabooao, sir : lock you up for thirty davs ' Thirty days! What I fork mtorm $r Vn . you uont mean llrai, sirl txi have no rule fordoing it Why, air, you might aa welf send to lie on the gtiBitt in xhe swainp at once. 1 lurty davs in the calaboose I That would indeed be laying on the imposing Heme. -Let me go this time, Mr. Rnrderi I will see and cor rect all trrort, avoid all oafj, such as the watch man discovered, in future, and present a clean re n'md proof aWsd my- oede 4iafter." IT! tell yocr honor what it ii; that watchman who handles the book so often dWi always follow copy. Why bft swore tWsv aswiam -ma d bat ( ttcreotyped, and as if be knew me like a book." The Recorder told this modem Faust that he was fully impressed with the aincerity of hi de terrriinstion to reform, but that unlesa be got some person other than himself to vouch (or it, be must give him a situation, say Uurty daya tu the calabooae.iV'; O. Pirmyumt. MULTUM IN PARVOr OR, SQUEEZING A '.LARGE INDIAN INTO A KM ALL SHIRT. ' Ine I'awneea seem to be as prone to turn to rneir own good account the aecessiiies of a at ran ger, as the shrewilrst and moat wnconackmbk of, their white brethren. M'hon Mr. Murray waa ibout to (cava the fawnea country, ha waa iav want of ttva r three burses iot huasetf aid aerranu ttui Ihe cunning Indiana, itMiwing that ha must have tbctn, demanded twice or thrice as much as their tMxiies wore worth. Mr.- M. sraa finally advised, by tba chief in whose wig-wam he had dwelt, to expose hi goods for sale, and then notify the jock ies of the village that he waa ready to trade -although he could not ofkr a "kmgdum for a ti6rse. "The plan worked admiraUr.kod. amon those-wttd-ca me to dicksrsva aj-Ud-fat -cbief.ll with whom our I lighlander Iiad jfi .,eo)qg.h..t? e'wipensate bim one would suppose, most amply fof bis previous vexations. The fiiHowiniis bis ... . I wtiggigbjstrlplSon oTtlio sceoe s ," Sooq aler this, while I was still sitting near ray packs ot goods, like aa Israelite tu Monmouth street, an elderly chief approached, and signified his wish to trade. Out squaws placed some bear meat belore him, tiler which I rave bin the nine; and in Ihe meantime had desired my servant to Search saddle bagi, aod t add la tb be-ef saleable" articles, every Hung of every kind beyond what was absolutely necessary tor my covering oa my return. ' A spare shirt, handkerchief, and a waistcoat, were thus drafted and, aaaong-ether things, was a kind of elastic flannel waistcoat, made for wearing next to tbe akin, and to be drawa over the bead, as it was without button or any opening in front. Il was too small for n, and al together so tight and uncorulortabJe, Sllhoogh elas tic, that I had determined to part with it. To this last article my near customer look a treat fancy ; and he made me describe to him tbe method of putting it on, and the warmth and comfort of il when on. Be it remembered that he waa a very large, corpulent roan, probably weighing aiiteeo stone ; I knew him to be very good natured, at I had hunted once with his son ; and, on returning lo his lodge, tba father had feasted me, chatted with me by signs, and taught ne some of tbat most extraordinary lndan Method of communtca. HoC He aaid he sheuld like to try on the jacket; and. Vila threw tti. Ba&b' : fcba -'c6 tie "frige shoulders, 1 could scarcely keep my gravity, when I compared their dimensions with tbe garment into which we were about to attempt their introduction. However, by dint of great industry and care, we contrived to gel him into it. In the body it sraa a foot too short, and fitted him so dose that eery thread wil stretched to the uttermost ; the sletres he Ii ked upon hia arms and person with mat complacency, and elicited many smiles Iron tbe squaws at tbe drollery of cut attire but a the weather was very hot, ha soon begun to Cod bim. wIF Wat rift atf4 Confuted) fcifr Mlia4 4o tvtt$ it of! again, - lie moved his arms he pulled lite sleeves he twisted and turned himself in every direction but in vain.' Tba woollen jacket waa aa admirable illustration of tbe Inferno of Dame and Virgil, and of matrimony, as described by many rxiels it wss eny ewsig h to get into it, rf rere- cart grttdiim was a di fitful t matter indeed. The old man exerted himeslf till the drops of perspira tion fell from bis lorehcad ; but had I nut been there, he must either have made some peraoo cut it up, of have aat in it until this minute. For sometime I enjoyed'tbis scene with maliaous and demure gravity, and then I showed him that be must try and pull it over his baL, A tad who stood .by them drew if till jit enveloped hia nose, eyes, month and esrst bit arms were raised above his hsad, and for soms minuios ha assssUnadtu tlaal 1 melancholy plight, blinded, choked, and smother ed, with bit bauds rendered useless for the time. He rolled arjout, sow.uig, ' siwttering, and strug. ghng, until all around were convulsed with lau"h wr; aivl our snoawa ahneked in their uii(foverna Me mirth in a manner that 1 had never before.wit. nesed. At length I alit a piece of the edge, and ' release! the old felkiw from his straight-waistcoaat CMiliiiemeut ; he turned it round often in his hands, and maa a kind of cortiie-gravo address to it, of which I couU only gather a few words. I believe the 'import of them was, that it would be a " good creature in tne ice mootn af the village," f waa so pleased wuli iu guul luuwr'T thai ,i gana.il.io - J'rtofaHiwr t warm W aw-w tli4o DUELLING At SEA. , J'-cotomical -VrtAi. Among the passengers oo board slip bound from New Orleana, to one of northern citiea, there waa a young lady, the only (einale passenger, and two gentlemen, one a young -butkokia of eighteen, and theothoraparent(v fur. ty-fue; both of whom became very much enam ored with tbia lone paaenger. For some tint thry wwra both entirely icnor.nl of the passion of , ine otner lor the young lady ; at length Mr. Chucka ativ wireri hh hiiv itiui v iinv z hi pniTTn rtiF. i niuirst . T .k . i l-, r.i,. ; j m" r . wo oldest of lbt wo, doairinis of learning the ned. i-rae and eir.ni.i.nr .k "j-.k'-.u r her toairbei t i u I i . termuna with Mr. i:Mn tk. i... i . . i ----- vuavr 4 W I-fJ . a mutual coofcasion ensued respecting the recard I they hotK entertained for the unknown yountr ladv ' r-' and their intention, if possible to aecure a claim to " her attcctiuna if they were Dot already bound in ho. ly ties to another. This eoufesston instead of pal. .. hitin- the case of either, threw a new oUtnr.U in ' other, both becama very determined and avowed their intention invsoljcit . her ittenlkm and regard. -They were sooq f .openlbostility M 1 1 Chucks re." ceived a cbtiienge from Mr. Green he accepted it Mr. Green chose hnrse pistols for bis weapons, wmcn were procured irom ,tlie mate or the abip ' tbe day and hour were appoiuted they agreed 10 siauu ei ten yarua owunce Oiagonally upon tba deck) tfcat there eould bciwharm done to tnyjut" themselves. However, before the Jtour arrived, Chucka who was a, stout corpulent mall, concluded that W adneitNal chwBce-wfth-nit wntaym-' U'. oo wasoi swan stature and very elim, and - unlike tbe Irish Barrister, was unwilling that Green I should shoot at his own bigness marked out upon , himself, probably fearing if ha did not hit tha heart, -' he might injure the pap. . However, aftor much ' parleying and tome rough words, it wat proposed,, thai each should ahoot at aUrget just the bigness " " of the other. Green' readily coiwented to ibis ; 12 but Chucks still contended that .Green had tha ad. 4 vantage of him, but aa life was not at stake, ho fi. - ' nally eousented. The targets were prepared, and ... - ".. . ' after shunting three times apiece, to the great sur prise of Cm other paasengers, Chucts proved the " best marksman. . Green Stepped directly to Chucks . . L L . . and look him by tbe band, acknowledging at the , ! ' me UoeJ)isd:'6)ataod giving Jumbis word tbat he jid.ieittttiht,jUl.filaitfigjg.4beW sye nose 01 sad recollection, tbe matter being deci ded, the veteran lover proceeded lo pay hit ret. f ec:s to his silent charmer, who find boert kept in. ' entire ignorance of the high regard in whir.lt aha ' ' was held, and Ihe cause of the duel. - To the as. 4 looUhment and mortification of Chucks, ths in.' -firmed bim that shjs had been married twice, and aa then the mother of severs I cbi1dren-4haf be- ingprJisBoaed.toxotmpliveec !..?rr,..lnAn.S ?n".hj8 spend Ahwintor ana wa now returning with improved health to re rievwner&naTwho wi'i 1,1m 1 mtmm 11 ' 1 ST 1 1 111 1 ' 1 ' J ii,n --. - -.ijiTW. ic, 01 loose domestic duties which her absence in curred. Tbe sage lover seeing hia cake was all dough, concluded to enjoy, a while longer, that gl bitsxliu, of which he bad already, scon not httle. , ."" Tb Hdlowibg is ou of ihe huppiest hits that ws' Ja i av long -trmw wet- with;--Therei avimd-"'' thing so very imploring in the perplexity of the eorreaponJdnt, and ao hard in hia case and so common U that it is lo'be hoped he may fully aucceed in hia new, though somewhat dwpmto in- -tenUvio. fiiiu. tVearfter - " - , tot M I .XATtOSAl f1TUt6IMlll. McsaiCi'Bt! lain von fraiicaia hoo coin frame ' armeng in dis capitate des Ktats Unis, in de inlen. tion d eoaeigner to speeke de lancoe francaisn. . I' ' av depease al moo argenl. I not can pay (br von averliswcment. r.h bien 1 I go lo de jemtelman 5 be keeoa vat de peenell col Von Aeadenn'M " Vellc,' I say, " Monsieur, je suis prufosseur do -langue franeaisa." Vat you aay I" he aay. 1 say, Je desireraia emcigner le francait dans W tre ecole." He anaair, at You sav aibout colfli ' Parbleul 1 mus speeke ingliah. -"Bare," I. say u I am von teechait of de frensh. He repliquej Vare Telle 1 siy You are onni ienielmau. S' desire t apprendrer de frensh T-s anaair. -- Muaaweiywati aat tangtge ant eeite " J votis ' demarsJe pardon." I maik von vairi lo bo. I pass . to von, too, tree.foure, fife, seeks, morblou I oil saw ' dey teesh de frensh damneelvee Me voici dans von grand poouile. Vat I can dot ' Je suis nauvrn romine ua rat tregliae." I must ave ov rat to eet. lou jentetmaa ave de reputation to be vairee lir-n.. al. You vill put von avertissement in your pai." pare, dat I am trritn, and Li I sill i8h )ofjq , pecpell u dia chee to specks de IXGLISII cor. rectemcnt, an vit von tsiry poor accent. - J'ai flWhneur eTetre, Messieurs lea Ediloura, utt de toe plus bumbles aervtleurs. - - . aamafliojulA-cttusTa. 1S3X r '.trw Ihtt. If iu the winter we are the gay. at people uti jhis eoulineut, with more varietr of I.C I . I ' ... ' . un iunm timu uy uuier city presents, in the sufaMawr w are the dullest. 1 he monotony of etirff ac raosr ' Sy the very general absenteeism . a oerfy- eatrssd f ihe fever, and the evening scenes it createa. ' VY? pruceed to avmtiun ime, tlie rtla. lion of which, eaused a chill through our hearts -and elrurk the eUtctrie chain" by which we'ard strongly bound. It eurely must hare thrilled the . heart of Ihe b holder with sudden horror ' . - .7 r, Lmhfrt, an eacellent and eminent Fretich phyaician in thie eiiy, relates that, durimr his If. queot rvles through the diflerent Btreeta, hit atten lioa has almost klwaya been attracted as he passed a hews where peof amily-ltfedi The famifr consisted of a man and his wife, both rather young, and the tatter good looking, sill a little iulaot ami. :4a- usub.Wv-..-sLif f.,,vi'vj.i'to..'a, .tV.W .1skjutUi,-n..t..u, 5 .a-'irvv : - Mf , .... ' 1, K

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