i r i ii 1LALA12A POWERS HOT DEIMATED TO THI CNnPI) STATE BT THB COWITPTIOlf, KOt PROHIBITED Bit IT TO THIS ST ATI'S, ASS BESKRVEI) tp THI IfEt RBSI'ECTlVRLy, 0 TO THK PKOpLH. 4'XI t ConrtfWtoa, Xrftre X- B. AUSTIN & C. F. FISHER NO XV, OF VOL." XX. (Whole io. 1003.) ' . A SALISBURY, N. C, SEPTE3IFJER 27 1839. ' Editors anil rropriclort. jr- . TERMS OF CAROLINIAN. Tli Westers Carolinian Ut published evory Far. twv.stTwo Dollars per snnmn if paid in advance, of I ''wo Dollars and Fifty Cents if dot paid before j!ie ex ' . Btrataoa f h months. .,- No paper will be discontinued wytil all srrcarajfes (re paid, unless at the discretion of Die Editor and a failure to notify the Editors of a to discontinue ,i the and of a .year, will bo considered as a new en- ' mgement- ' . " ' ' ' ' A JLAilkerUaRinCflla will bacanpkuaualjr .and carried j , Inserted, at one dollar per qnre for the first insertion, and ' ci'iita for ench continuance. Court and Judicial ' advertisement will be chsrgcd 25 per cent more than the above prices, A deduction ut 3!J per cent from the regular prices will be made to yearly advertisers. . Advertisement! sent in for publication, most have the jitiinber of times marked on them, or they will be insef M till forbid, and charged fiir accordingly. - Letters addressed to the Editors on buiuess must be ' foil faii, fit they will not be altimdoi to.- Ji ' MISCELLANEOUS RIGHT-A.N D WRONG AT SEA. ( ' " , fov tiiomas noon. ( The rights of man, whether abstract or real, , divine or vulgar, vested or contested, civil or un- civil, common or uncommon, have been so frequent ' ' ly tliscnssed, that one would suppose there was . nothing new to be felt or expresxed on the subject. 1 was agreeably surprised, therefore, during a late 1 pswsge front li eland, to .hear the rights of an in dividual asserted in so very oovel a manner as to seem worthy of record. The injured party was an involuntary fellow-passenger, and the first glance at him as he leisurely ascended the cabin stair bespoke him an original. , tlia face, figure, gait and gestures, were all more or less eccentric, yet without any apparent affectation ofaingularity. ilia manner was perfectly earnest and business , like, though quaint, On reaching the deck,, his first movement was toward the gangway, but a mo ment sufficed to acquaint him with the elate of the . case The letter-bags having been detained an r bour beyocd the usual time of departure, the steam .had been put on at a gallop, and her majesty's road ,. packet, the Guebre, had already accomplished some hundred fathoms on her course. .. This unto- ward event, however, seemed rather to surprise than annoy our original, who quietly stepped up to the captain with the air of demanding what was tqierely a matter of course: ' -- --- Ilalldskipper ! Off she goes oht but yoti must turn about my boy, and let me get out." "Let you get out V' echoed the astonished skip per, and again repeating it with the musicians call a stuccato, "Let youget out 1" - ' I "Exactly so.' I'm ging ashore." " I'm rather afraid von are iiol, r,M said the skipper, looking decidedly serious " unless, you . allude teethe oihor s'mIo." ' - " "The otter side j" exclaimed the oddity.; invol- . untanly turning to England... . Poo.!. poQl noa sense man J.I only came to look at your accommo--dutioos, I'm not going across with you I'm not, upon my word I ,;. ... . . " I must beg your pardon, air," aaid the captain quite solemnly, " but it is my firm opinion, that you art going acrose !" , r. " Foo ! poo I all gammon ; I tell you I am go ing back to Dublin." " Upon my word, then," said the skipper rather briskly, " you must swim back, like a grampus, or borrow a pair of wings from the gulls." The munat ttie helm griuned tii broailost, at . . what he thought a good joke of his officer's, while the original turned round, parosVtf fhyeoa's laugh at tit follow, and then returned to tho charge.-,. "Come, come, skipper, it's quite as far out as 1 care for t if you want to treat me t a sail P ' Treat you to a sail H roared the indignaot. offi cer. " Zounds, sir. I am in earnest much in earnest at crer 1 w;is in my liie." So much the better," answered "the original ; M Tm oi joking myself, and have no right W be joked upon." c. ' Jke or no ioke." said the contain, "all I know is this, the mail bags are on board, and it's . more than mv Dost la worth to nut back. "Eh I what t how T exclaimed the oddity, with a sort of nervous dance i " you a-tonieh me 1 Di Do you really mean to say I'm obliged to go wiH-tner I ve a riant or not r M I do, mdeed, air ; I'm sorry forjt, but it can't be helped J mv orders are positive. "The moment i (he mail is on board I must cast off." . ... ' - "Indent well but you knowwhy wby, tliat's your duty, not win. I base oo right to be ' cast od j I have oo right to be here at all I I have . no right, to be aeon any where, except in Merrion . 8quare I" , .'- " -' ' -: - , '' The captain was bothered, lie shrugged up his , shoulders, thee Five a low whistle, then plunged us hands in his pockets, then gave a louo oraer to - mekudr,-so,Bethi.ia, smnewhrre or others "sU tlieii begsii jo. walk sliort turns on . the deck.f His rsptive, in the mean time, made basty strides towards the stern. s if intending. jto leap over- ? ' board j but be suddenly stooped short, and took bewildered liok at the receding coast. The ori ginal wrong was visibly increasing in length. breadth, and. drutli everv minute; and he again c'fnlun the fni-'airt Well, akiiioer.' you've thourrht better of it: I've w right Jn the worldhave I ! You will turn her . .round ? .; - , : . .. Vi Tiinlly1 imposMible, ait j. quite out . nf ,my " Very well, very well, very welt, indeed !" ' ' ' " h original's temper was getting up as well as ' -. "Oal mind, sir, I protest t I. protest against Jfo,C and agiios the sliip, and the noun, sir, t od every thing ! I'm getting farther and farther nd farther" out j Iwt reinenilier, I have no right ! ' foe will take tho consequences. ,1 1 hsve no right . to he It Snipped : ask the crown lawyers, tf you ! - AinS fit " ' ' .. '. ;, i - - ' .;.:! .'!.. AJier'this denounwini n'., the speaker bennn to '.V pace up and il.n, ltkf toe, c-iptain, but at the op ' P"iie kide of iliV dock. Ue was on the boil, how. ever, as w.H n the en"!-, I mery time that be passed near the man that I con-idered as his Sir hiHi. jjnve nt to lti inward feeling In a jerk nf the head, saoinjmnied with a short 7H"t'ff hke (rrunr. Nw-snd then, it broke out-in V W.irds, b it ahvayalbe four mono-ry llubles, ' J This ; ;Ms t'K)l,,id" with a most emphatic fall of the -J.',.to each, At. las! it occurred IQ a stout, pomp , " o looking personage to interpose as a mediator. ' . - , - j. -;.r- . He began by dilating on the immense commercial iinportaiico of , a punctual dulivery of letters; thooce he insisted on the heavy responsibility of the ciiiuiu, vVith the proinwe.of an early return packet from' I My bead and he was entering into a congratulation on the fineness of the weather, when the original thought it time to cut him short. "My dear air, you'll excuse me, The case is no body 'a but my own. To are a regular passenger. You have a right to be m lhis packet. Vou haei j -right 18 gtrtifllnlyhead, er Liverpoole4oGb-' rulter, or to the world's end, if- yw Met. ' But choose to be in Dublin. ... What right have I to ; be here ttiwlrNot-one-aiom I've do right to . bo in this vessel ; and the captain, there, knows it. I've no right (stamping) to be on this deck! I have uo inore right to be tossing at aea, (waving . bis arras up aiid dowu,) than the pigeoit house." - " It is a veiy uupleasant situation, 1 allow, sir," said the captain to the stout passenger j " but as I have told the gentleman, my hands are lied. I cau do nothing, thougli nobouy is more sorry tor bis inconvenience." . t v ; . " lncouveuience be hanged I" exclaimed the od dity in a pans ion at last, M It is no utcouveiueuce, air I not the smallesl ! but that inakes no ditler ence as to my being here. li's that, and that alone, I dispute all right to!-"' '- ' ' ' ' ' W ell; but nay dear, good sir," expostulated the pompous man, "admitting the justice of your pre- ; unses, the barddhip is coulessedly without remedy." "To be sure it is I" aaid the captain, "every inch' oi it. All 1 can say is, that ttie gentleman's passage shall be no expelae to hint." v ' . " lliankee, of course null" said the original, . with a suoer. '' M 1're no'rigbt to put my hand io my pocket 1 Not that 1 mind expense 1 but it's my right I atand up lor, and 1 dety you both to prove that I have any right, or any shadow of a right, to ' be in your compauy I I'll tell you what skipper," but belore be could fcuish the asnteece, be turned suddenly paJe, made a most grotesque wry face, and rushed .forward to the bow of the vessel. The cap- -taio exchanged significant amtle wttlt the stout gentleinau but belore they hoi quite spoken their uuuds of the abseut cbaractox, he cauie scrambling back to the pinnacle, upon wbich be rested with both hands, .while he thrust his working visage within a toot or two ot the akipper's face. ' " There skipper 1 now, Mistsr What d'ye call 1 what do you bold say to lAol! What right have I to be sick as sicj as a dog t I've no right to be 'ojieaimsti i I'm uot 'a passtnieer. I've no right to go tumbling over ropes and pails, and what not, to the ship a head 1 ; But, toy good sir," began the pompous man. ' V Don I sir ute. sir l it took your own pas- I aige. ou nave a rigni w ne eica , you nave a right to go to the side every bve minutes ; you re a right to die of it, but it'a the reverse with me, I've oo right ot the sort." u( enriHiolv not. sir." said the nomrjositv. of- funded wi bia turn. ." X ou are uidubitaWy " the best judge of your own privileges. I only be to be al lowed to remark; that whoreJl fck jUmmL WjiuJe right, I should hesitate to intrude myself.'!, So saying, be bowed very formally, and eommenced his retreat to the eabtn, while the skipper pretend ed to examine the compass very minutely. In fact our original bad met with a choke pear. The fat man'e answer, was too much tor him, being framed od a principle clean contrary to hia own peculiar .system of logic. . The more he tried to unravel its meaning, the more it got entangled. lie did'nt - like it, without knowing why ; and be quite disa greed with it, though ignorant of its purport. ' He looked up at the tunnel, and at the deck, and down the coinpaniod stairs, and then wound up all by a long shake of the bend, aa mysterious as Lord Bur leigh's, at the astonished men at '.be wheel. His mind seemed -made up. lis bultooed hia coat up to the very chin, as if to secure kimsell to bimsclt, and never opened bis lips again tilt the vessel touched the quay at Holyhead. The captain then attempted a final apology, but tt waa interrupted io the middle. . Enough aaid, air,'quite enough. If you've on ly done your duty, you've no right to beg pardon, and I've do rieht to ask it. All I memo to say is, here am 1, in llolyhedd instead of Dublin. I don't care what that fiit Mlow says, who don't understand bis own rights. I stick to all I said before. I have no right to be up in the moon, have I T Of course not, and I've do more right to atand oo this quay than 1 have to be up ia the moon ! " - ; ;' tlXCLEDON AND THE QUAKER. - One night, when Matthewe and Inctedon joined the Leicester company in passing through, they agreed to perform in the musical piece ot the Una ' ker,' Incledoo to play 8leady." It waa not un . til his name was in the play-bills, that he discov red the liarenness ol the wardrobe. Itdidaotcoo tain a Fragmetit ot tne uuaaer cosiume. iocumjoo, : -wa eacitable was do -retched; n attempt to .i n i . I J patch up a areea maae mm morw mucrsuw mih. , At last, as he and Matthews were lounging up the principal street, Incleoon caugnt wgni w a poruy ' Quaker, standing at the door of a en vmist's shop. "Chsrlea, my dear boy, tsaia incieoon, winaing hiseyes, his habit when peculiarly pleased.) "do .. ynn that Unaker mere i " ni vm un nns " Lf i,.Mi mv size. I've a T5atntfrt,tirtesrtff .l K,m io t.mnit toineforlo niiihu" Absurd !" aid Matthews, "you could not think of such i ihinn." " Mv desr bov," said Iiickdon, M only con :srdnr what a comfort it woutd be to me, instead of that trumpery suit from the wardrobe. ' I'll go in and ask bira ; ha looks like a good natured creature." Accordingly, in he walked, inquired of Obadiah for some quack medicines, "n"11 purchase, be bi(an in his blandest manner, to ad dress the Quaker on the real object which ha had in view. - My dear and respected sir," the man started, ' allow me to explain to you how I am situated, and grant me a patint hfrin8- Th Quaker looked patience iteC; and Matthews curi ous to hear the result, took his seat in tho shop. f . Hnr ir." continued Iclcdon, I am one of a 'clasof men. of whom, of course, your peculisr '. tenets csnoot allow you to know much. In fart. ?:?Sna:. fir,, bsllad' , .t ... . i...r r-tioflwi Inrledon. ... "''V'T;" '' T ' ,.nLV. r'"B : ::l- . iu..:. .nJ Til yinW.: ""A1 i u-i.' il- .i Mu,.l, doling the sanity of the person sddre.ing him. Incledon rfamol : " Pray sir, I srn in. ac 2 tor." ' I am this nisht advertised at vour uo. a at yodr theatre at t'io theatre of Loicester, ,f r Steady, the Quaker,' and it so hapjieus that there is not a dross tr the character which is highly complimentary to your people. Independent ot I ho want of ellect, from a bad dress,. I am truly morti fied to do discredit to so respectable a body as yours. In tact part of my own family were origi nally of your profession, my dear airt and thie is an additional reason why I am anxious to do all Oaestbie honor to-the revsrvd eocuAy u cieads. In short, my worthy air, without your assists nee, I shall come belore alUhe gentry ol Leicester in a diess very degrading to the proverbial neatness of your sect.-; Will you lend me one of your suite ? You and I are of a size. . And in so doing you will at oik enow the liberality of your character, and keep up tbe respectability of the admirable body of people, so deservedly esteemed by all the world, and by none more than Charles locledon." - Sam Slick himself, with his " soft sawder " and M human natur," could not have done it better, and the eflect was proportionate. The ehymiet to the surprise of Matthews, melted by the eloquent ap peal to the honor of bis sect, not only lent suit of clothes, but yielded to the persuasions of the singer, to be put in a private corner! to be an un seen witness of the manner in which the stage up held bis persuasions. Thai he was charmed with Steady, there is oo doubt, fur be readily confessed tbia to Incledon on bis returning the suit of clothes. Life of MtiUhetrt. - - - a From (As Democratic Review. , ' , . . THE BATTLE FIELD L 4 . "St WIU.Ua CULLS BBYANT. .Once this soft turf, this rivulet's sands, . . ' Were trampled b a Lurrying crowd, And fiery hearts sad armed hands - - - - facountered in the battle cloud. - Ahr aever shall tb land fbrct- . How gushed the lifs-biood of her bray -...L-Uwheil, warm 'with, bopa and. valor .yet, '. Upon the soil they fought to asve. - . ; - Now all is ealm, snd fresh and still, - ' "" Alons'tlie cMfp of Bitting bird, Acd talk of ohildrea oo Uie bill, - - . , 4 A ad bell of wanderiiig kine, are beard. No solemo host goes trailing by The black-mouthed gun and ataggeriog wain, ' .... Alen start not at tbe battle cry, . . . . - Oh, as it never bssrd sgam t 1 .. ' 8oon rested those who fooght but thou, " Who mihglest in the herds strife ' For truths which men receive not now, " : - Thy warfhre only ends with lifts. ' .: . A friendless warfare I .lingering kg Through weary day and weary year; . K wild and manv-weaponed ttirong : ' - llaog oq ihv front aod flank and rsss. ' - -1 Yet nerve thy spirit to the proof, Tr And UeMb-MS et thy efi ea fetj . -'- - Tbs timid good way slsad aloof, " "" ; " ins ssge may frown yet faint thou not ! . euutaui- Nor heed the shaft too surely cast. -- The hisMing, stingins bolt of scorn ; -For with thy side sbsll dwell, at last, ' ' Tbe victory of endurance born. Truth, crushed to earth, shall rise again ; The sternal years of Cod are berTs ; But error, wounded, writhes with psio, AM dies among UJ worshippers. Yea, tbougb thou lie opon the dust, Whea Uwee ho bepeiihefl.fJee jtear Die full of hope and msnly trust,' , . T Like those who fell id battle here, Another hand thy sword shall wield," ' ! , Another hand tbe standard wave. Til) from the trumpet's mouth is scaled " ' Tbe blast of triumph o'er thy grstel , ' ' BEAUTIFUL EXTRACT. -The Boston Mercantile Journal selects the (it- lowing from the Foreign Review for April, 1839, aa one of the finest passages ia the whole range of F.ngliih literature. The subject treated of, is the benefit of printing - - - v - "Wboa Tamerlane bad finished building bis pyramids of seventy thousand human skulls, and waa aceo standing at the gate of Damascus, glit tering with steel, with bis battle-axe on hie shoul der, till fierce hosts filed to new victories and car nage, that a pah) on-looker might have fancied that nature was in , her death-throes for havoc and despair had taken possession of the earth, and the sun of manhood eeemed sotting ia seas of blood, Yet it might be on that very gala day of Tamer lane, a little boy was playing nine pins in the streets of Menrz, whose history was more iti por ta nt to them than twenty TamerlanesT The Tar tar Khan, with hie shaggy demons of the wilder oess passed away like the whirlwind, to be forgot ten forever and that German artisan has wrought a benefits wbich is Jet immeasurably expanding itself, and will - continue to expand through" all countries and all time.; What are the conquests and expeditions of the whole corporations of cap tains from Walter the Pennylees Io Napoleon Bo naparte, compared with the moveable types of Jo hannes Faust !" ; J. ANECDOTE. Cant. Marryat gives the following account of a scene which waa enacted by a man who appears to have been a good deal " Worse for liquor at tbe ta ble ef a public house in lJper Canada. He sat down opposite to me, at the same table It appeared as if his vision va$ tntertfd by the Quantity of liquor he had tuken, every thing cloe to him on the table he considered out of his reach, whiN every thing at a distance he attempted to lav hold of. He tat up as erect i he could, balan etnz himself so as not to appear corned, and fixing his eyss upon me said, M Sir, I'll trouble you for some fried ham. .Now the bain was in the dish next (6 him, and altogether out of my reach, I told him so. " Sir," said he again, " as a gentleman, I ask you to give me some of that fried ham. Amuwd with the curious demand, I rose from my 1 1 ctuir, went round to him, and helped him. Shall j t -1 .... ... ; A r i. .... v. . , UB 1 Ele s """" ""'K ' end of th. table, and not wishing to rise agaim- SNo sir." replied he, "I can help myself to ihem." He made a dash at them, but did not rh-.then and anther, t;l. he lost bis balance, and lay down upon hia plulo, , th ,me 1 he gs. the . be.d him. If - iann r".r,r.".: .-i; 'Z . . . 2 again fixed his eyes upon me. "Sir, I'll trouble you for the pickles," repeated he, nfter a tune. "Well, there they are," replied I, winding to ma what he would do." Sir, are you a gentleman isa gentleman I ask Jou as a gentleman, for theht 'ere pickles." It was impossible to resist tnis amienl. so I rose and heloed him. I was now convinced that his vision was somehow .or oilier invWted, aiid. to prove it, when he asked me for the Volt, which-was within his reach, I removed it -iattb?iLufl.-lV over the table after H..V The circumstance, absorb as it was, was really a subject for the investigation of Dr. Brewster. ' An American told nw one day, that a company . had been working at a coal nino in an eastern - State, which proved.ta be of aiery bad quality j they bad sent some to an influential, person as a present, requesting him to give his Opinion of .it, as that would be important to them. Aftrr a cer tain time he forwarded to them a certificate couched ' in such terms as these " I do hereby certifhal 1 have tried the coal sent to me by the company at -, and it is my decided opinion, that wheif the general conflagration of the world shall lake place, any man who will take his position on that . eoil mint wilt certainty be the lusf man who will be burnt. r .... .--r VERIFICATION OF as ANCIENT PROPHECY. Tbe following prophecy is anid to have been de livered by a British bard, in the time of. William the Norman, and preserved by soino ol the monk ish annalists, viz That no more than three moft- - archs, in direct succession, should ever again rtfign over these kingdoms, without tome Violent inter Eruption: . . ; .. ' ; . -r - - j William the Norman,-7 . , -2 William Rufus, -- r v - 8 Henry the firsWr -" '"i ' Interrupted by the usurpation of Stephen 1 Henry the second, - q Kdwerd the first, -' " - 3 reward the second. Interrupted by the abdication and murder of - Edward the socouL. mw, ' 1 Edward the third, f - S Richard the second, ' . Interrupted by tbe deposition of that monarch - 1 Henry tlfa fourth, , - ' . ,8 Henry the fifth, , , . ' - 3 Henry the aixth, , . ' TJl Interrupted by the restoration of the house of "York.' -1 V; i . 1 Edward the fourth. ; , ' 2 Edward the fifth, .K -" 3 Richard the third, V A: V Interrupted by the usurpation of Henry Tlich- mono. . " . . .. . N 1 f r " 1 Henry thb seventh, ... 9 HBnr I lie eichlh. - A J . ' 3 Edward the aStb,t.it , .: - Interrupted by the election of Lady Jane Jrey. 1 Mary,' . ..-...-..,.....2- Elusbeth, .Jkwwr ". tt-w , A foreign king, (James of Scotland,) called in to assume the crown. 1 J ' '. 1 James the first,' : -, .'.2 Charles the first, i Interrupted by the deposition of that monarch, aud the establishment of another form of govern ment in tbe person of Oliver Cromwell. " - I".- t ChaTtes-thie6nd, ' : '.rr-8 James the second,1-". ..-;rr Interrupted by the. Abdication ufjb?t aVtngnl the election of a foreigner.' --- -. Vt , " .IA,.; r I William tbe third, ' "', - 2 Anne,; . ."".-;"' .-. Interrupted by the parliamentary appointment oi. a loreignnr. ; . . . . . . . 1 George the first, ." ,. . ' ' ; ' ' George the second,. - , : ; r, : 8 George the third, T t . Interrupted by the unfortunate incapacity of that sovereign, and parliamentary appointment for ex ercising the sovereignty in the person of the Prince '. Regent. - - 1 , ,:! '...f-v. . 1 George ihe fourth, ' T , i " " x, 2 Wilhsra the fourth, ' " - 3 Victoria the first, i f , - . , Whom may God bless, but whsl is to be the next interruption I Liverpool Covrter, ASIATIC PROVERBS, y . That which a mnn suiters for this world, fills his heart with darkness, but that which he suffers for the other, fills it with light. v . 5f .'. He who ia worthy of being called a awn, It un ahakeo in adversity, humble in prosperity, active and bold in danger; and if ho be not learned, has at least a love for learning. ,J ' ... . "u : Men often give themselvts much trouble to sue. ceed in an affair from which they derive only vex ation in the end. - ; He is a freemen who desires nothing and be ts slave,, who expects that which he wishes. ; . -' The advice of a wise man is to be considered is a prediction . , A A i The man who is governed by his pas'ans, it in a worse stale than the most miserable slave. -lUwjjoUaxrcdiUmd y aiUhalLltyg iUi brjyj. When the soul is ready io depart, what avails it whether a man dio on a throne, or in the dust T ; : .; F.nvy has no rest. '.. . ,( , , . w. lie who has least wisdom, has most vanity. Life Is a sort of sloop from which we awake not, but to death. v , . The lira of man it a path that leads to death Tbe heart of the fool is in his mouth, and the tongue of the w ise mnn is in bis heart. ' Un who rune with a slack rein, guided only hv Jlopf, encounters tin; lnnt moment of lifo, and falls. The roost perfect pleasures in this world are at waya mingled with some bitterness. . y .. ; 31 lie who considers conspquencet with loo much attention,-is ordinarily a man of no courage. . Two things are inseparable from lying, many ' ; promises, and many excuses, , . You cannot keep y-Hir own secret, what cause thn have you to complain, if another towhom you have declared it should reveal it. " A rich man who it not liberal, resembles a tree ' without fruit. . i..' A-- i FALSE DELICACY. One of Uie nioirt RmiarkabUi traits in the chsr. acter of the Aurkau women, i their extreme and aliiM excessive inodesiy. It has been no-' ticod by Captain Mary utt, and almost all foreigner who have truvellod aiiiong u- Mrs. 'Trollojie, whose book cannot be so destitute of truth and ' ' justice, as some have pretended, tmce it has reach-' ed ttio fourth Amertcai) edition, often allude to 1 this point m i tie character of our countrv women :' ) Ij-uU illt..M,a ilW.tl.Aii..i;:..-.' f-.r:: -.T r.f: -.S" , ....... .iui aniiin viji luunaoie eA- iim, Uo Buiiversttiion uciween a geiilloinun v aim a lady about a Ar,i which she gives us, in one of her chapters' m which the gentleman trus " all Ins skill to make the lady confess wlmt sort of , a guruieut she is making j and tho lady on her ' piiit. doublns every way, uses all her ingenuity and resorts at last to duwririyhl hilHelid to avoid 1 pronouncing so indecent a word aa shirt, is very ' . amusiiig.aiiU is contiraiod by almost daily expri.'- , 1 ence., - . ' '. -'' --.-,- --, .'.' -. ' Tliii excessive prudery, thouuh certainly alto. - gather loss blaiiwwoilhy aud lens dangerous than . 4,110 opposite extreme, is still ridiculous euuiigh, ax atHi olteu interrupts, Without any sullicitut rt)ii, ' ii the"asy Dow of coiiveraauon. . It ia not howeier, " peculiar to tho Americans, as tho following story -W)ll show. . - t '; "'-., ; - ' , When the; young Queen of Philip IV, of Spain, " was on her way to Madrid, there tor the first time "v '.of" to behold a has baud whom she had married v.uu..' f f -out ever huving seen In in, siie pumed ttirooh . 4 little town in Spsinamous fr its manufacture of - gtovet 1 tockiiigsV The magistrates ot tho ' uloce. thought Ihey could not better x4irs thtnr--i- Soy, on (he arrival, ol their, new Quueo, than by ' f presenting uer wuu ssiiiproi inose limnuiuc - , lurosfu' which their lowu was so celebrated.. , ;t .'' ' The Major Domo who conducted the Princess "' received the gimxs very gruciouly i but when tho , $tociing$ were presented, be flung Hjiein away with great inuignauou, aim severely reprimanuud v , . flio magilrales .tor having been guilty of thuegie. '"; ; atons wdcumod. Jndifcenc, otlt!jiig n,hjc.. . i - . i .. ... . .- .. ... resent " aow,- saio no,- oi a Mce a y pm ' understood tho opauisu language but imjicrli.-cily, ? and who had often been frightened with tlortos of V; -Spanish jealousy, imagined that whuu she arrived" v. at Madrid lliey would immediately cut her lega ' , of! j just as the Chinese render their women crip. . . . pies, to keep Ihem at home, and preserve them : . from Wing xpod to temptatiun; ' - "! ; " " ' -T t'fA . At the young Queen was altogether too fond of ' . motino, to be willing to part with her legs, she ft 11 acryipg.and begged the Major Domo to conduct her back to Germany,, protesting, mnsi surwuniy, - ' that she never'1 could endure the - operation. It wst not without gr'it dilhculty, and suor many , tedious explanations that ber attendants could op' ' ' ' " pease ber. I biiip v. is saia never in nis mo io. , : have, hiuirhed heartily but once ; and that waa ' when this story of bis wew wifa was fissl Iwld litis. - Uodon Atlas. . - ." ; . 4 .3 K'otatronf" Crtntt:--'TB following "wineiplet ', are laid down by Chaptal for a rotation of crops : v I. All plants exhbust (he soil. - l hey are par- tiallyaunpoiiedby the earth, Ihe juices from which, constitute an important part of tboir nourishment. . 2. All plants do not exhaust the soil equally. . . Air and water help to nourish them i ditluronl kinds of plants require tho same nourishment in Jiffurcut degrees.'.. '."'"' AA'l-.r-" "-".j ' ". - 3. Plants of different kinds do not exhaust Ilia - toil jo the seme maimer. Hants with ejiiudloU or , . lap roots, draw nourishment I'r.iin layers of soil lit VJ. contact with the lowor part of the rout ; while those - whose roots ire spread near the surlace, exhaunt only that part of the soil. - ' 4. All plants do not restore to the soil either (he . . ... . same qusntity or the ssme quality of manure: - - The grains exliaust a soil the most, and repair (he injury the least. While some leguminous plants restore to the toil a great portion of the juictt they receive from it. " . . - ft. All uluntt do .hot fo'il the soil eqtmlly. ' v Plants are said to foul when they promote or per mil the growth of weeds. Plants which have not targe leaves fitted to cover the ground, foul thd soil. ' - -1 ' . . - From the above principles the following conclu-k siont hsve been drawn. , , I . --Ir-Tlml however welt prepared a soil nmy be, . . , it cannot nourish a long succeswon-of -crops wh- out becoming exhauslod. ,. . , j f 2. Each harvest jmpoveri'.lica the soil to a cer tain extent, defending upou the degree of nourish. f ment which it reVores to the earth. The cultiva-s lion of spindle or VP foots, ought to succeed that of running and auQerficial route. - - " -J. It is necesiry lo-svowt ixMomwig UM4wou4s the cultivalnn of tho same, or analogous kinds of vegntsldes, in the same nil. ... . ..' - "4. It is unwise to allow two kinds of plants," which admit of ' .reedy-gmwlh-of weed among-- them, to 1 raised in succession. . . . , 5. riioe plants that derive their priiKipal tup. port from he soil should not he eown, excepting " when the soil issutriciontly provided wilh manure, - 6. When the soil exhibits symptoms of exhaus. t ion, from enrceiye harvest, tho cultivation of those plants which restore most to the soil should . bo resorted to. The Yankee Farmtr. " ,; The Twin or Okra Cotton.- Some intoreattng particulars resisting this new epoiues or cotton, as is detailed in a letier from a planter, is pjUish- 1 ed in the Savannah Georgian. The discovery of it appears to havi been entirely accidental. A gentleman of Auguxla, Alabama, a few years ari bought some Petit Gulf, seed., In a field sown with this toed a single stulk was observed without limbs, and having great .numbers of bdls aJliu- ring immediately to the stock or in clusters on ve ry short limbs. From those seeds the variety has been propagated. Jn JW theecd told as htth i !

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