.:,. i . i . .:i 3- r I ". 4 - - i" if b . r m , . I. - V -. v it - ".sjt . 4"t ! 4 "- tiii e 't"; b "f i : I ... .. r i i : r . r X t l ft;, :'ftp "tF - , . ,m :&' ' " iraai aces tww 7 - - wr Jt?,Jj jft5.arWj , j ' ..' r j at. .ft' ta - -'.t -J 17 t - - a rc uni t $-' iiit-A'f: -i re ir5-S !ia r ana.!:. mum.1 CKOHsaacv rja aattr av n w w .t . y ': .iar Hum rtarj ItruaMT avm t af-j5 "" f k-r.s.i 'ini't. t:it' rfaaVonML ear4. a j(R, f3Matr5(l aai ha Vt ae; ami tit ' -wf r..r Cte?wJaa"' wru'w j. aywl k-" t. Lm tVi.: f ra'art. . ' - rar St I wywy Mas, wt J . tV .! a au.aa Vvtv - la- -I .v , f Srt ).ar. t. IS (fcannr sraji s cAiWwr weeVax r aa air i'a as4,ay 4 if t S t Crxn :e wf Vm mrrt, mm fmr vtr i a !- X ifs-ratf Itawe ak-c ft.) tl w jl - r - c5-- ai w-wl fcaeaei. T 2m me? u , f"''.,r' : " usrr. tire ' catv. sc3 U aw- a waH,tf,raaagr.i'iBi' ary TwfjW!rtrr CTa,aTS4!l - ? -' 4rWe ajd a"iaia -m aWa a m.4 nr.t arjBK!, ! A K-r r . t -,. bea ae rr4, fc eW gm.fwt m"ti.t t kwfir cv-ai ia m eww!, . V auirttftai-. Ciauta-K. Fmrmtr.' "'. . I1 - .... "m j. - f-T.'.-i r ...a. i.. a4'a wa " yajy itm j si " Kiaraaw mC I JJETriii ,igt.SWi.iJt.itki.i. J. 1 . . 1- - r -: - - - . ; Tf v?s-eat7-Aasf-w;ic- ifZ a.! iV&par. " -laTffjts ba3rrat7 trc baa "'. iva a&i--a!l.. Sr. . aaTff awr aa a?;5 - . a Jt . - - M - . t 1 It - iu at a as. inm wa snwr, sHli, m H'aj aa-,-, m , twaeajMnaai -- - MWM! fatt arwc V5b V iSiSrJljaaj at ""WTP "TWallP''"fr,?,,'"'r,l,W' "(all 11 aawajila.a.-j. . u TV 1 ? a tr ancrtelni a Vaari? f C JL5tiA.s8 t' t tal -r T rrAes- ami a- H ie-,'t. -a Ins 1-4 t tt rt , , ,-. t t, tww,-;1 b&e,tut&--S-jr-.;r'itMttod.tim TbeatrMtitaaaivni.rif aud --.-a jim etntb4.tj titw. 1 be atr w t;te aanmmf aua ."'.3yC Tl.-rrattfja4r4-a af t1 atmy&ere h6 1t Qk atel attli rwaai.iaiaawlfiartk.tawlliawr ti-KT , aV '"s r ?e, J jse 'rnjet aaitt. ma mvm bnmtk .' '."at a .- not nt aj"ii.c avr ai- t yrai U a-r. w4, W : aviKsi." 12 1 1-. r-i fcja te-lsrr, tar-f Va a ti irfae mtwrHrt, idKiwwj rt tr: tje kntat t-r 'x-m t, 3 .i .iw . ilsrr ; t XVf ahutkit ttwreSiea tavanobly close tWrr rn- lA':"..''-.rs"'"' feW, afak&tsitVy testra4'' rest. A taw all, flray ' ' ' t-iJ v . " ata'aaUl aatt east ajaetiaaaj) fW tfcey bel the ifira V " Atfl'ae wej 'j,.a fr-wrwJ tVk j rmm tI tht-f obtata the Bse tif a jpraai ., tf.unt t fx'a-rJu 1-.-&3iaa-i'd tiWramaamav There w ata mesa tir ajipreWmwtttti ' t-.r)-r,-.. t'e iasrv rS ai ' - itsuM t (tubna iafttae A".it Lonuaa. - S it, a.J; ie S iIlkr i - 'v " 1 . 't - 'v.... . U- -7 tT ki.ar.it t rrT!;rHr ,5.a a'ft,K' ? -.t-f sf iW be fkfr)t a ax rt-ftra f? .lataWfUWtV-ri T at fc.nr w Vr t - - S !M"i ; w a rtjrMn ti.fl 'TifgiuieT lUrt O.1 1. tt i -Jk I. IV; "f r.-ar f r. frm the Firnrh fiH ; ai piii-w. .T 8 r1 ---' -ti, t--c wrv-r ti-f.nsu fT..ua. Alt.a .wita. .texi..lUrk,. , uasa'i w-jlr X a, $aiY era. sw!sa at atsjebed. ,J , ' - - ' V W. f. f - y titSArre erre-. - . , , ,. ," ' -. " , " . " " " "T aee--- " TV T '-"f i r"rfaatiy a wortdWiil ,1hi. 2( .. r.t-l C-l l'-iirf. .is sri iw";5i! : n- rNnt in M"f2 bJ W e-!rrrrT th I''-- swr-je I rv v. f t avuiii ie itte liar aioti iw U Jt ii- ' ' (r-m F1" :...-: V;. l. .v f-e." 3 ir? ft.mi (Viia Jiiru, aputa fr:Mti f;:niiiurr., i .- r en iI t r ' ,",,a -. am - amf i..u . rrBj nf tn a rf jt jt ! of arneo. -' t'T i'. t.Vr,r v at' fr ..' wen' 1 1 m.inis muiiirauiia in a. t V" ' afc a.i I i r-'n ' 1 - le I I. . rr s ?. J at j" a. t., .y- Raaaitt . : r.a Lraava V'.l a jr r ,.: - 1 -t.j at ,t if ' t j at . r it .- . , a. - t. -. ti' t --.. I 4 1 t a - ' -' '--r J-fiTrV I.; wnt of cl,-.. ra the a-reete, '.T? '. M j kw 7 V V "! u V ? W ,h U,e , - ', th( n'tilTT ...,t,.i .,'f.n.1,.ltS,(p(1flak1lp)1r, i,..l..ll, ...u. ; - ' .. - A - reaw. ArTa.it r-ed ee tha fir- trul war.., w,y .p,rta,i, to, the' , ch "Jt" t' CT K,""-V f r.nS rf L!n T pf','T? y 1'V""V"i' " k ' - : . vi' , - v - -.m -, -...larf.----;, ur ,j . w - ' ' .-'- , . .,-. 5,,ch I'iconsi.steacy, L fiope- the Rrrrarrrtt rtn " ''n,n? 'H belt, nxpeetabb pnrum of ci" t-sts i.f e-i-r -. itrr l'f'j.J1t.. .Cuit.r tuta. WWnm Camimwa, whicti he, the, keep clear of it. l ef alsrhirryf- rambled! at the XarHk.ii n t- . . - v ',:' Asl .'L A: -Ai , . , v f wt....y;:- ; . V" - - " !?'coin7Uc2Glb ,'1"-,or porpow ofsd.i(' . a.i t.. S .r Li "i a f ' IK. I -TJ,; IMt WHO T Wr .' vina m mw rati of Ifw ra-, r Hni V lill't. si a : aa.a.nyaCT w yU. una a rtw VI Id. ClX"HK lif t. t yum rr-w.' tr- iiw .... i it-i .if w ... ii. . . w t. i I I taeria erwMal ir.rj.treo .in rec -) ( - nwawJrfwj 4. Jj'or I frora C.taai ,. Iwaui, aror sswet fr YUuii.Ji k. had to tblgb ' r a- asaf h t4 h'n.w-ij ; a ii R imfd ptt i'trk carw B Iwwiktawo, iwjetirtal worm brM. r a4 tcuovnif autre ba t anena i i r. rr7.-.T. TW mmNHt r n.ur and tt irat -hrfil frTMa the Erne Canai ourffij t SriMiubrr ax tU uUteet Jumted Ikh S'.ia. Finer. IJIKS. " SiJah. U iieal. KM fbiinrd f I stad aiHl li!-tin. ti W tt JWt Say. , aaOunj J t Am 9 I S S : 1 l J 17 at )an a a4ce ''. J jt ; ; . " ara 3,f,iitWnwiaiftaW air.UofC.y, f!l 1 a,Uft cife-ST&tTTtie"-!!. Jkas T- RuttaiM fcf peatfat;-e 4ram the CViienf,. eriUr 'Iwjl'aotreT.liaa e:c'ad y mmt aarldWJtB, and that amta uT .W:tw J! a-i-f4 1 a the aacanry. jraarWl-rw Ury' C tw cwcttMud, bulb, T'-vt - ,t n- r', ,ji-it, wr itia" r- jtr ut to ef ! i ; MvA a u ir ! w.ww i-1 l. x .rv. J -ft ""yVmB3r o wate a bank . , mtn nilj-cu iq Siaoc u'f aorne eauae or ra i t;Jf H'r" i'?T"'Mn!Z . Jmm3iiimmHiw ti.Uam,'wdecuJedly' 'M W?": nrrriSMr.tW 9umw-Tr HJhaWs-W. haw, w.th. 'K.1M - uva a-artjaMiraw m aLira uraj ar 1 1 laaai i ii Trwrrma t-lil WtViU .ai.kifcMk rXk ... t.l mI. Ik mA bv irum in im iin. 4.ii'i'i'.ii iifbil tn Miaam .mil :-aa4-aiMBiiiik e lusaw WliltaJI MaVeeW' Sue . . ' a .i. . , a re a iaarar aaia-it tua.ri.uNii w. niWii ft Jf mm Bittrfo Swoe m m tarn iu4 t V -.1 l 1. - w- v-Eil JLa f .WdMmtftB .LirV tMbaek Iwri tofee iiwaoei wbe'renu I ; iVW frawk toethe Sew 1 'M- eweaHiMUe Wi4n. mk Woks n"? fie t?a ai aU.r4a ttf tlte easnier at tbe aly B.lh!L cJ m Or. '4, ih wnU Jtcct rtunrz . . . tmi wtnms ia tltc iau&r ' rafailb', aahw,. i ' (i . n a S ,r!rteag-rt-arfv ,inrrtcr.r;r'K:x,z iajffiak, tbew wR M. .tarait Tiy lF.fii.rr badv kaa hmnii tff wii ,i i.wj .ww m mc ! W jkee ifcSri Vfcre'-irii!!- I f f,, noit atteaaa ba iiwhuauti.M! M Ma Ouly thiiJi uf a vou'h ;, ang andl . thai 40 fuitwamig tu r " . - J ne Irara bam a w-aev- i MdC Lit a utn of IThl. V ' w i T a , c. rt- . K,,,, w "l s e tE.ajtf - irth StjW'(-'it JjfcW wa the funumrte . . . ,.. ... TTtSKl,TWrTKl"'" mtkatm ha m abatt4 Waa aaalumi F ar frwwpea-J. allhwe'S the ittlrit . . . . I l L ' l - . . ' i reenvdnd '.llw i f w gr a it was ttVV ...v Tin wetther t arreae, aoihhakid BlttitauruV i fhmf who arr haMe m the rfuVwuc . are M acrHaaaitnd, wil aVwtll Je W tur(A W tiiry aaptast ttarnaat htea tu liar uflu ,0,, th.'J tun. .' X fettle wctaMwna (rmb& wtlrj r ta keaiews! Vi beediamd, - rar&es ttta ran fhe rikof ketrtgeuk: before dtn 4ictru ' Fiwasm rtaiw'MWflk'tW if . J . E.i Irl . . " . i - 8 swaa artu-aiuort At kfai& 4td he 4m biHa 1 aaaneawet . . , :i: ..t j -VaI IJl,r'a'. a ttl-a.-. n Watat.iio tif HUliStt inr.hiaiii.amt aiaMtietllwilJBf.W. jwipeeig:; eana. w AaWJ ft v. K'lVifsaUiteatt.llllur'" f laSea4re ia i ucr hr atmtl Vi.t S.mtb- mri - !' da CMsurrvguir i" 'kfl trta the - fw f OT CMtrar a.'i mr j ...r tVi ataer al rm P-", hecape, and aU ii " r- i.t twitif"Ti Ht a ra tvra have brmi Wirt m dfmfiia iu Hurt e.-s i.- r prii-e-s at-i1 t tr im the auh- f 1 -el 11.it wViV in vj-i- N , tr-HMrTv t tua Bs-arva.!.: cmf.rvr, i .i l !iijf!fiint t;imlt-il-tf w',u' w-arn-ig-ne l th jeire nf tlie a..in L' kt k..U. we" trih .4 tits en-wtea. "Tj ctor ,arl yuc 14 iu TiiimK wf uitro- J tilt, riw n i4'j ii(. ith a fe'h. Jr'ti") .'ni b d ho." rt ttav. r'tsr r.!.ajr f tt, f. irf Vsn LtT an rt. k- t ..... JW 4 IlHE'HESTEllX CAROLINIAN rnatSsesSag!. September 27Jg3 33. ! Tnw i mii:V if 5rc and truth in mt nf tli ! ftmairlw'iff trirwrsndwiH. aijpted 14 Na Ciucua ' nuuirl bt ul,l really. eoip, j tintt oidfitntj; tin rum fiw accoinpliahed without a rImrrttim-W tiimrstimtttJUv, tiiia-DMKM W comm " TiwnR.aiuCy.lMMMl pf -wm dm, f.- jsatf jiana,at'-i jirratBiit duf We thinh how Vw'ttitf fir wwirOtwdtrftt huanot Kiatlt a jubi oia- nrinmiuwi ttwwrfcLdtlBiWit kinda of Coneiu' .im.taii,1tii-i.idiHifttu nature, uroughi$ogelb 'nrim'H fmauiif nm-tmudtf aea. thctrt to inmience 'toc:1irar- anrimlg agrwi wttb. him, r cr- ' iuni',-atli WiwuiTtlii haniBtBri.whnaaaim,,i tr (HimUunintHit, tu cuttrut frea aiereiaa 'thr atMRim fancliia-,. hm hitatil to tha apirit uT niiir lL))iililka Imwinitioiuv aiitf . at fori- -aime a"t Hi-inrw-TU p'P1" ,h"X regard T.Jt (aiimwtfirHe Canvauiimui are ot a diffurenC cliii7H!!ttm,rwd! iiltimf b-injf deKned to cftntml or IwiBuHitae lkiiiHi rw mramleiT merely to pro- h m :' 2"" If" "-wna Gmwriitort. held 'iiia fl 5.itith aitilutf Stulherm Comtnereml CW tiuiuu'' tfi 'aQjmifi-! f hictk wa W tmprt5e flat iudiiiii f di eiMintry by anxainf a apirit tiw gtwinlit; ita BMrarof Southern, trade Cinwimtiiiiia Iturt mr wiliticaf biaa, nothing to &nwtfa iitmniiBai - rrw (rry natmt wr aprrtt-m 1 imiiwv,sritard meef A apprwbatwajer ee iRiiianaM. sjr Rv mint ajMHi Conven- ? -1 j. i.:. I fHimmm.1 , , . 4 1 IPitt Wiui niutiHL.i.T upMtnrt. &Iilicinii a four iiiiiu.)nmhmt! aslle tftenk,. get ap Convention tja ;liiiib tftesi ',ut ftoitt Ihtf repreeiit.ttieaan(f (he AriaaBia whicflthw people have lutle or no ; uunli,an iUuiiHluka itUnugh. ttv'to control an elec ; urn H5 dlufltftian. aw faJI btnoiha airiiiaf it; ami , ahull auB itctair dwuwaca ami axuose it true ;f ,ihB-Bi!tn: J1 ?, ' H We Uantiij wna nmtfmt at aee application 5 tftm fu party, apt it. beibf f fCtitiitJ' Sirtjtriih oftlie ctiwleoi i1 in) ilalitioai. tiaoutaiiuiv it turned to-per- anaTBrawf JH (CttUjmef.Awae , liuaVatmaiiitpanaeaii wilnesa, that an to that i timn, mmiif iDir"iiiai ailuaion to tii Ed"itnra of ' site W ttinuuuiti. B duhqwiitiiraiiad been aatiafted with ' iuiHHC naimpiinliai onXpoRtioat ubi;Cli,"eitherio Bumum- tui ouna, hit Burv thty might have gone on fumliiuiil mt mrwl; tu. die and. of time; but if the -ErmW'TrT'TflaW'tretirm "tB ituamaiiuitth, amt m. tuutr raapvnaihTIity to make Wi.airaTOamTltra - rtnjr i muth Cim i wift a ma gwea ftHl tit jtuuegsttaarS-A-aeiBaiutr mmr, ao la'tvae we are . n i BlfUUUTIllXU. I x '"W" " " " , ... d A"-fc at mo ntmardinanr act-f iinmiumiK fcurliiuitav in, the EJUuraof tha Weatern i:i.niliiHHii,ai li mittaiw e inwnuulion Hint we im imc titte mamm t our Ediuirinl i If e chose i in wmt niTTamMtam. mmiuiii auvmuayia wniei-wq W"4'' "" lh,1,, "Uo on limit, tttti small ni be snail with, m At icroacoie, by aq"aMa rfUiasa? Uawilav Lttrttitaa H-tena. Txb.il dttua-'l F w. ! for tea miHfol of an 8V.ii.,riiu!: f Here ia in . fdir..pe, oa any othe. asvo. w other sort of. iitss. iar saOMsat. Well, one improvement in oatHifesa im tfltr aibiaav which. i encouraging, and towatttuit mur ttn hintw has been entirely ''firmaui eaaaj andtar Wjtuhman j we ailviaud it in ,1a Irmullf matmee tta pruitit-a prnphecyiw? . more HuQip., uliii sHMHti tiir axfTTttticattim of blunder ' wig 1LalliaeRBV.ihntlbuC kiaae Bauinera m-alTarta': B liioc it'.tuniiij the gotae atut now arordingly, iwrwrm mirm yv mucn an, mar wo are etim- ia.Wtttt..tih..m 1 .1 aJvaVifiigei - Itl truidt st uilimuliimorauneriorlpaneia everv where. atiKid -in ararm im. .,,.; .iiSMirr a-aMkMT.l autfeiiou W bee.-i made to ua . ,8mht ii eorrectnesa -thaf beinV'iq, ism tti thrwtf ia uitemktl bi "signify tb -". :; ' Jfc,n( wlttn,w ! ' J; ' . T" -m F"ool - -mm .K- ,y .,,Mr,, . , ttnM Dur sainatinw. or somehow, bv the astutt, uiTniiiHiiifdtefwabuvetneiitumed iatnakint eaaibtumiaaiiinavandi tiaaJaiei Jiaeiiasirii'. arqwlit.l miTWinWrSe awful disirrosure rei!u:e : a-.-".-ti 1. ...... 11 u,i.-. ,.,,., mvuiamzB. M 1 , flit.. . r' 'rantnii.r-H-i-, sp,! ami nor ue seen. . M etUtUr HiiajVatffianoni ta espresa eur due appreci-j , aiiiiB ilTttiiiichearuxcwiif ilia tatc!iiniin, foiTTie! niHilw-irr :P!rrnitwnitt retain miri. mwKnm f' - . w jmirniTiiinav foe ems? weefc knijjrr. Tliis was kmCMrsjLiMi!f sxk.' ... '' t kssTOHi,ifindothiasoBj rrralter is worth a airaiajiiue.tha iiwufwitrniJieWdhe above jr,m:mut fmucianrw emialltid; by ita ritlicul st sil iuesa. nr! an io utOHient tiler!, wu have on k w sre --Tlal lie it known U a!l whom tise pre mtva nr eonetjrnv Ha we herehy give, and grant n.3uc warWrnnaatuuMiinl, jiilU, frwe, ami enUre ,f,.r ii. I " " may at auvuiiiio liave aicertinnod, !0, or beard in the im-.t.irjrnwf-n anJ rf);A. Vi in llie future ; alli.ting to any all of tho ' ,);. I. Jiir.. lha time, nlace. mi J circuihr-tHHce of l he occurrence ; to the end that if we are to le reduced to invisibility, it may U diie" dily,arid Amebic." Rail-Roao Jo aij ': . We hate received JN'tft l and 2 of Volume 9, a new Stirafl of tliii work. We have more than once tailed ' the attention of our rcitlera to the luble character .if thia acientific and useful Journal. The Content of 'the present oumbera wa copy below, they ik for s tlifmuelve:' ; Rad-road Statistic. Meteorological Record kept in Lnaiaiana., J. E. RRail-roade. . Canala. Cotrec-. finnKitmctof a letter from Imlon, Rail road ia the Kinplotna of Beltjium compared with those of the United Htateby Cbe. de Oerataer. History coat, and length of Uie Delgisn Rail-hada Radway Fare. Alleyany Munntaina the lowest deprewiou. A new Patfot. Trntlaniic titeaui Shine, - Syracuse and ' Uttca R. Road Celebration. Steamboat expbaior.i, on . ...boat Expl.iona. Comnartti. ba ard of Stearn ayijtJon. Supposed aarutj of Eii(rlish steam eelM, Accident and extraordinary hazard to Eneliah ttcain boilcfa and teaMfla. SpeciCcation of a patent for caat iroa wheeie for ttail-roail More rail way miaeriea, Specification of a, patent for-an im provement in-the mode of makin(j cart iroq wbeela.. An Eaaay on Uade, iu reference to the worka ol Inter nal Improvement-m the United tfVttee,-hy Charlea.. Ellet, Jr. Qn the true expreatioo of the bowcn,cIoc- ,i4ity, 4c. of Lncomotive Lntfinea, by W, McUeilen nfPKuabinan. Rail war taroa (continued.) Central and other (Uil-ioada. . vveaiera ana Aiianuc n.au.ruau. ijiperimeota ia blurting. AJaxiu' pateut Railway car riage aniina Hail-road Sutialica. On Steamboat exphiiha (eMitimied.) Atbniatl, and Forfar Kailwiy. ljrrantVnd Memphia It. R Jluport. Dry KoU The Iron Trade. Xrruta. , - . roa tu waeTEaa caaouNUa. : - I TAe Parting of Summer. Tlioo irt parting hance, O Summer ! . . With thy jloriouu aplendor bright; In the aunalime of thy iovelinesa . - : Fast tiding from our alght f. v The calm of Autumn' coldness . ' It chili hind, and icy breatji, -" - ' om u'erlhy no, receding form, 1 r--.-, - With liie withering blaat of deajh. Thou rt leaving u, O Siim'mer! X . Like the hopes ot' Life that bloom . j u r.. ' s - X naa gnu esiaicucv lur a uuw, . ..Ttuia darken tat ghm. . Tha glory of tby auuaet hour, - Thaww ot tby weei- Are emblems fit, to symbolise A- tjlniwaa iUaa'a.auututetaaUiktwa. . ,.Thoo art teaching us, 0 8umnier,. In the look of thy tarewell, ' ' tensoti, Ihot the bright thing " ' . Of. the e arlli, iiiaysever tell. Ilov the fairest, and the loveliest . Of all tiat hero may seem, ..... To dwell in beauty live in light . .iluat periah itke a dream. . Thoa art calling back, O Summer ! By the-wttneaaof thr throea, -The mtHirotulIy recollection " .Of dark, unforotten woea. ; .' That by the thrall ol memory, . , . . . Are bound upon the heart, ' And troin the vwta of the past. , Back into life will (tart. ' . Tlou-t4 anuogiia.OlJtMnniai ! With a lingering look of love,. rrrxn the piianvni or this eartti Ta luro, and iirf uhooe abova By the treahnea of the Spring4ime . That with floetmg beauty tied :- -r By thy glory, so traiiNcendent .. ...Nuw repotting with the dead. : : " The Spring will beam in youth again The Summer's fulness come, Ami N.lnrn unit. rugiMiarattt.l Burnt eladly rmm the tomb. Then ahalj the flower, bloom afresh, nau4j r-".Auf alt Usartww JitiMiBif With llie blush of beauty glow. jJ ' But to the worn, and weary here, ' t. i. v bobs oartnr tour amoa as gone,- - Wtv te Summer had no brightness In ita aunset, or Ks dawn The hopes of future day are dim ,i glad'mng light ia ahed. The bloom wa blighted in tho bud, i-UajtiLUarad mnnx ta octuL uduad ! And waa ii but to strive Vth axpiratioiis vain And hhpea tliit perish while wu live. And hrhor to attain That man 'teas formed by power divine. With k)fyill endued, . To 'ml, and drink, at lat, the cup v no bitleroea iiibued I No, tjuestioner. rvaa not tor this, But a far nobler end. The thing, of Time must Pcrieh, And the woe of Time may rl-nd ' I The heart, but when the brief , " ... . ' And fleeting play of Life w o'elv , The spirit the a may find a rest, wnen " 1 ime iiiall be no more Salisbtny, Sept 2rd, WA " - FOB TUB WBSTBBS CABOLnUAX . rememoer ao-wi uiree, or , liMir imn aiin thul.jlta .il mi,... I? . 1 -w-ww va.Ubl.ll., .1 , iri'HVtl. and I mxv aav all ilia Wk,. t:t'.. - . . -a-"" ha Baltimore Cooventinn, or as they called it, the Baltixobb Circta. I also remember of attend-' '""i " '!,e Free,TM,n Rwan county' ! includi.iR Duvie. then held ia Vogler a grove , . hoot (mr years ago, where- Rlu.i.H,, wT ai tl .f, j.-..,,,.,-,.- tin Caltiinnre Con vent ion. Nn. whi I miU t., bn,.. How enmes ' it, that aomoof tha papers that then came out moat lntly: against the Raltiinore Convention. araL ; m,w uvoc"n8 noiiimg ot the eame aorr of T,; viHivrniion, or caucus at tismut , vimvrniion, or caucus al liarnabure..'nimaL , . - . . . . ; - " w Huiiw, nni, 11 is, mat Some ol the Ax ;'i.t.:..jL.n.. . . .:: - . C iltunore Caucus, are now warm for ih. 11 burg Caucus! If the Baltimore Caucus was wrong, ",hal nkes the U.irrUburg Caucus right I Or) '!' t.1 cooteided tbat it ia right for the Wmoa 1 In K..I.I u. -.f .: 1 t - v""'-'iii i vuiiitiiiiimi, wu wrong lor the .-.. . i niai in several boun ties, the Wbios have forgotten their oppoeitioq in " llie Baltimore aflliir, and have appointed Delegates to the Hurrisburg Convention. , Whit ought the'v honest Farmers of the Country to think of such irK -consistency m any set of monT - To profess one thing to day, and practice another to-morrow, look, too bad to be justified. For one. I ihmk ,k n .i. . ij0mAaim ia .... r . . . : . . . n . . . more Convention wa. wron. and for the a,m ' !""" ' ,h",l 'h Uarrinburg' Conventi. ios tub wuvtk.i iMtouxjA1,. M.s-R. Editoks : Why is it tlmt in tll(! n;! year ol our uovermnfin, we t.eard rmihi,,, ' ( uunifm, or jhiIiIhniI C unriHttimg to cmitrol regulate i-feetiotn, whiti,now" acan:.-l 1 if any thiujr H-mT Almost every day, e Wit to Convention, Dkhockatic t'onrriiian. fwn"c Conventions, aod A6oiio Confirm, The DixTORa likewwe, not long ago hr;ld k d ' vention at W.-whingtiin, mid ret assured the L,V yera will not ho long hehiiid. I ak, what nie?' all these ' CiMivention- Thirty yeara aj;i n AOirrirau yniyta Kn uh.ii wimoui 80 many fon, Pentium, nod 1 must think there ia no use 4n now. The truth of The-matter i thin, a. can,' clas of men have sprung up in our Coutitrt e.ti'i politicians, who Jmve. taken it in their heada tint" people nave not understanding enough to themselvee, and they hold these CtmtvJiJ tH tell the people how to vote. If thia wysteai bf Caucuxft, or Conrraioaa is carried on much fur ' ther, the people iiiay aava themnelvea the troubfe. " of going to election at all ; for even now, jt" amount to little more than merely ratifying Jy' the (rnfentioflrdeore.-The"tTuth la; ft w;n " vert tne tnteninn oi me oomuuiion, and ren4f fhe elective franchise a mere furce; the Conve0. lion will taktt the nuhstanccj and give the ahadot to the people. ri It ia high time lor the people to begin to their eyea lo theao anaumption of power, on ' part ol thu upstart politician. It i (im. )h . They ahmi Id put down all Iheae attempt t itl ; lion. tne lum wongreiionai uistrict, and pf, . ticularly llie Republicana of old Kowan, and Daii aon, act an example on thia aubject worthy of imitev-' tiou. The Ashboro' Caucus act itself up todictatet them, but the Kepuhlican spirit of the 10th Oi. trict, put it down. so snouiu u tie aerved all the Uuinn, and the liberties of the people Dever"'1 will be aale until all eucn political combination in' put a atop to, or. brought into disgrace. . -. , -, no Lattcrji Mas. T FOB TUB WtTERrt CAROLIXIAX. M Kisju. Editor s It UwoiHlerful what a tliMt. - has taken place in the la ate and omnioiu of cartaia of our "Federal-Whigs." For week, before (Jie . election they jviirt the primer of the "dirty sheet" to publish the. most scandalous lulsenuoue agtimf the Republican c&ndida'e ; they read it, .doiuajji ' a chaste wit, and circulated it extensively. La. ' too at the course id the other federal orpn, the Watchman during thnt times I ben it wan) ' rlghf,"fiddeeeii1,'ahd fi! for Profesot to circuUte and retail out. But now, when some of jour jw. J ieponoenia 111 mngtinge respecnui and decent ems. X nared to that employed bvtheae nrgnna, think sra. per toexpoHO some 01 the art nice and lalsehood, mit'dfl of i we hear thn cry Uh shocking I ,! rngeijvs ! had as the dirty sheet dte. ; . liut 'tnarli .thttit. hy perieytilHrrther.fc()iit,5 Inst weekhe rtrty sheet " came out and iti!r duced the irtunes of n yoiing lady and gentjemaaof this place, wfto never had' offended himtherebj . wounding the serhiihitiiiea ofa l.trge circle of triendi and outraging the agencies of anciefy. Thikt., everla passed over Hv the advocafea of "deeencv" in siUrnCa, not a word denunciation of reproof;' j but when Bo.b Short, or lny othcrevrrespounsofrf . I vour, paper tuuenea oU 'Miaslied-hapoerisy, r - ninm a iiitin al s " FA,.rl VVt.,. " iu. Ak ur. - j - ,...... vi, . iiiiri, fcf k-jip ; blel ternblof howulgar, and bad. 8ime,aTjl,' on such one-stJed mofajita and idatwoi Jii, a.; like the etoreof the Faroier-wiiaTrBT-ir riif " spelling 000K1 jT T' "rrt rry-r": . lam not one who annroves or adtoeaW ni!wJ TpnpeTwara alrFpWNialilteiiiuVl riiust siy, that the course t the federal organ, .nd many olytbs reaerai w luge towards the KepublicanJUandidaft, ' toward you and other Ropehlieanv weeld justiiyV you in going mucn tanner than you have gone. , . .There are aoine men in llie commonitv. ahs i have beea. paltniag. themselve. oft -.a-ptrior kbit if, i iiaioua men, wno 00 not seem to know that Titm li I.dJSuchJyite-rirrg1rrTo-W cipoWT"-" commanaiiiems read"TiwraliaIt nit U-ar hie wilnes. against thy neighbor," even if he i a It- ' roa THB ESTEaa CAaoumAta. . Messrb. EniniBs : Id tho'lart Watchman m i piece signed ' C ILirbin " makinir Mutasniie I'eonung ijty. At the Grst glaoct, t I thoughlthe aignature was fictitious, nni ,m,,' " any man of wnse would be silly enough to liga . hi reil name to'iach a thini; : but beholi ii turna out that there is, sure enough, one C. Hr- .1., ,i, am, iifjui .Tux-Ksvnie, an( tll( n,urt V man. Well I am rather thinking tout my itrot bit j iu a tender place by the aigns " we see, Tb, ' cp I threw out, I suppoi too, fit nicely soon- . body's noddle, and if so, let him wear it. But b wearl that no NoComposition Pedlar " is 1 lur, ', and that he can prov3 it. Well now ,f you en t prove it, let me adviao vou to do an. and not da- . 1 pend on your say so, for the proof will be soother sort of a thing to your AssciTioxi' But what is it yon say is a " fie T" Wa. not the" Countable fined j jo, and the ShenfTpnly 10f and were not bub of them chargeable with similar offences f fiup-' poee the Constable's offence was a ahada the awst aggravated. I ask you Sir Oracle " on wliidt of; ? ,lhe ,tft.reaU the moat wpotwibitrtt W leeb ' " neacfrl --" ' ' XoiMsPow, Sir, snil say, do yon think tlial aur -: Ulge m any Sujierior court in N. Carolina, aoufi f , have given judgment like this? ;.Biit I have .00 tune at present afrtmay to discus this mstler' If however you VUh to go into tttl I ajr,.l'Ii fhnttf hv?f.hl "'' 1 the iherifTe too,- wiH he Consider ibly tnlargtd fa) (ro aneat t aay again, if you- choose. , Btrt Sir Judtmuf the Quorum, whv do vmt fly '1SWcTpisaW insn,yne dnt wrtte wTii - inn m. u... rtf, .n a .... I . . l c... Uinnar., 1 K... I.....". . : . "ej-.T:., 1 If tr,.ii aiHi uiguiiv oecomitif a niga n-. j I ' "T""" n, i ihhhhioi iii ia' 1 ..4 . .' : r .. . j grounds jrsf, you might hap,n to -kill me, there wmrld be no amusement in 'thi for pie, I sM" ' sure you, md secondly, might kill you, and the what would thn Federalists do for a Candidate tJt ( summer? It ia understood thit they have picked you out. to beat the R.mWicans with. So lalishail- . ther way, and you see there arewrious objec!i"e tonghtingqnd iTyouTnmt Jiave bloodypu bisfW-" ter keep to yoar oM hntut if shooting frog eroui" your 'mill-pomf, as ttvy s y tm doj after you g"t tired of this if you are not iitisfi,,!, and there ' other alternative, if y(n ienjt, J uuj.pose'you w bave a chance at the S V " . , .;"' 4 "No CoMTOsmo. Pbow , t m n wrom! t .. . -" ss..-

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