II - I ' . m r-1 f -- t . we r t ,r t-- ut t v. V. -X t;.'BWi'lvviaX- M ,. ... i' - I1IIK NEATH TR CT. c.'... " ? u hundred Acre of Lnd,i''n"-1 I . , 7 mt ,m the l"a H--3 irota Miir u. J itriU'tiiie W IHJW olT'Trtl f Nil. " there', are about IihJ im.'iu.cl, a .1 "J W VI and Timber. The Tract if kcrd in t vrry , MtM.i . M .ft W and is peculiarly adapt id ti faming. I.'. no it i0, ,;, -4 tit Orchard, and I g'.id Mindo. '! u.e ' (at . . Jim. piliUenl f ad v. !: '."". U.a pt, -," 1 I. j to 6'U, i unquexiionable. at one or two , ticLD vri.xs have alrealy be'H tjpcucl, and some very tkh era ei tw'id from them. Tli eelcbraied (imrad fff .11 ine, i ;tuid few lina.li'Ml yr! eolith of it j ed ateoriJmz to dee tin:i T Die Veiua of lint M me, l!ipy muA eecrfi!j plan tnnx'h prt ot lliia Tract. . " Any pi-rwin wintunaf toviow the pr'-mii" t . ri'oru iiiimiie description, will call on higdc. ! Vnrth, in lx:n,'K.i, who Will f U if'd '" r" ni lioi ; or any (HT.m wishing tocwi'.tact 6r tw mne, will call mi Dr. Ali, haluiUury ; r a ..r a i 7 1 , IB Ml CWI1W. I VvwH v i " "ill " ,v Vi M. it. II.. J II fplIB rtuWriW hins VcaJed Jiluiwlf in lJt U.. I of Omeord, wuuW o.rr ii vice Ui tlif Public, Mu Ornniurnt.il nnd Mjii Taintrr. Ila flatwr bioijlf liat hi infig :x j riturt in tlj a! CiMiiioaa, and llm (Himw ot w k he U -cu! M hi hrut, will t a aulFwifnt nconjun turfti-tfi-v He will alw tteod W any call wado bu ii HOUSE PAEiTLNa DUINI3, v nd MContideat becaa give Mtktfacliou to all Wtn employ him. ' The I'uMic i renpeclfully fW)iMaif i to i-all a;l -eurC9 hint, aa t dvtcruiinvd to xfttn U.ira commuted to him in tbe bwrt ponaible nsif. , 1 03" A lao, Painting and Trimming all kioda o Cat liairca, dooe with mUM ind dwnairh. ' J. W. RAINET. Omcord, N. C, March 31, Vu)VcTNoUtc,: T "HE Hobarriber.ln confiinmty; tw rwrnt rnarroctioM icceired fiua U Hotih LaruliM Uuid Mine Com- , winy, take tUw method to wturtn tlnme mlervaUxl, thai ' hin-illvr ail pwrauna fuund irpwiiif upuo th lUiww ing Trocui ot Land, bclonsiiC aaia Owurnnr. l loa in Davidwii Ouoty, will be pruaecuud txcordiog loUwatrtcl kttorirf U. b. . , JOHN WARD, Agent j)id-iti, Apni i l-zrzzz;M z:Z yr-i-fjTjar ' "T Tract, No 1 containing HSSJ er lying oa the , 2 oooUming aerea, lying oa tbe a- tar uf tu r Ut Hwamp. ' -3 eontaiqinir 8.HO0 acrw, Irtng u I k creek. Fiat Hwarhn, and V,1kio River, 4 onUimng l,fVi1yingoa FlatSwama . d-rciUming UU7. lg on Lk crert. 7 eoolnining 1.41iJjyiigon Flat Swrnas. : B-conratiiing w w, lynf oa ijot, crrem. . IV coaiaininif WI. !vut2 oo Ijck creek. l()ictnm?-4iir"f aoraa, ffkif ea:'Licl. rri'ek and Flat Hwaino. 1iTiiiHitig, , JtVl, lrig oa LmJi raL ' li -euOUinmg 117, kcated ea linraiiM . aramib and Jaoidi tr-:k, adniing Mm Lead aauto, j Crpthe 8ubrribrr keep cooatarrlly oa band, gceer- 4i at aiwortmrnt of . , " 7."" r- - READY MADE CLOTHING, fiir Guntiionen't wear, aucb aa Coalt, Pantaloons, uA Vtlll, of pid Goods, well made, and faahmnabla. He i alao prepared to cut and wire ckithini in tbe moat futkiaaaltU and darabtt i.,.) r. and warranted to At. He. aran. kern a tl turlineut ol CloUus OtuH-re and oattn ot i'f f qualitie. aeltxted by him-elf ia Ibe New' lurk Market, all 'iif wliic'i M w ill avll tw h.Vm N B. He attU "otinoe to toacb the rt of CuUing garrmtniann Ibe imait approved planaol the bc4 Tailor io.Nw,.Xok a4 PUilaJflp!),,,,., ...,.. itT CuUin tor cuiliMKe! done no Ui horret ao- tic ', and order trom a diHlanoa allrnded to aith de path. Hi abiip will be Cund ia Mr. loaa' latire brick voildiuir. ItbJ. r. t Saliabury, May i, 150. , tf SEW TalllLMlHIiraTT IS MOCrtSVILLE, DAVIF. tXrNTT. r THOMAS FOSTER INFORMS the public that lie baa renoved fnn Lsvatx auod, to bat new buildinfa aa tbe imiUi iiiare, in the Town of MvilK h-r b will tn. linue to keep IIOUSK OK HNTKlt TAI.N i T..T. Ilia Hjim ia rmxny end emnmod oiw ; attached It which are n romS'rtfble ttfic gcni'inra f ti . Bf, all convenient to the Court Mwie - 1 lie mtw , br vlMtna hliaaeif to lh DVMt di.'ii7',"t eorU.nvie five tu!ction to auch aa may call on hurt. II . . ' , bla. Bat and Stabltv ara piovWi-d m ll U'M, -v'that Ui country will lllUrd, and hi actranU are fa.Ui- - hil and pmmnt 7 , , " PA It Kill 71 U -J "'' , .. 1: ...... . r - a-I'lTI Il'l'lJI"f:. MMIR &ibrriber wiuIib to inf'-rm hi eueiotner 1 and tlie puhlid gentrally, that lie hi! C TtW mm Moae C'iitU:i5 IJtulncs . ' ' bud i ever ready to esncuin, in a vry .ijeru r tmiitHir; "al decripionaTa,i'rk in Iii lui. t Uold-Urindera,JdM-Slont,YiidtnttiitdPiH'r. mUt. Pw arjuaial Tital f' -f ..vw. t vory ri atyK iua gtrt tor Mul-btoooataverj good. Mr. Philip at ho beg to inpm iba put: thai ha can execute Euitravuia of tarUi kunl II will Engrave marldo-aUba ocaUy, aud erar.aa "loiiitiTofTail Can 5 wrfl rTCrmrd tf rwrr-,l- !!t I . I II I .. - I. . . I. Irt MWI . . n.. . K cnargea nu aiwara w n.-.i -.v.ni nmduling a poawble. ,, Purwxui wiahiiii to hve woik dne ia tbe Wt line, will do well to call l the re-idouce of Mr. I'biliint acvea nulce eouih of SatiHfcurf. ENOCH J PHILLIPS. August 24, i3 WauVcCas I or 200 Head of Sheep, for wbirh law pricw dike e" y Apply at tbe " Uow llnrru- "Kegroca anVcA., -1 AIReb p"c illJie:uu;alNq!rtuMAf.p'f I1 at Col K W. Lon5,v H.ei K'nu7, N. C r. it is. pi. . m i.i L. , ' a.f. I?, f i4 1'; ; I:, f 0 W . AVC j 'JK n-i f , Ne York aod I'l . a."f tsc lit SilllaG & SODJKil GOODS rosJTi50 ' ; Inr Ji.', If uJir(f, Tinware, Crock- - erj. iUX LiUErf, Drug and Ma- . .:: tMiart, Ije-tt.li, Poiuta aixl . - Oil,- amd .6bcav la aiKjrt, I'xfJT Ftock cnmriaee lriM every irturk ttf-Vd fcy I.'.e 't, .Vioaiic, or jA wnaWta uf U) or cooiitry. .V U. 1 (yy will ;i low (jr cub, qr to pQttciaai dVr tm Dim; or ia eteiwnj i country I'rwluce. CWrd. Hay tttb, lTa - U JOH.V C. PALMER, kaaenother ew ewppl f otd and tilrcr Lerer Watches, plana Eaflisa and French, da, gold Pew Ch-iR and Keya; Breaal Pum, PinirM Kuiga,4l Butler KnWa I'raclia, (pairat ana plain,) lomn Piraa, I'oa Cbataa, Hpeetaciea and TbnBaWav HwJ aad GUI Tub Chaioe and Key. A'ao, ry to and Jarg aaj1aeal el Raaon, prcirt and a-krt,bj d.3-ritlwirclnrM, with ntherartJcScaaaaally k-j ay Jeaelensallof akwa will, he arid aery few Sir wi, or only au atMiUia credit, at U wkvai tioM, ialm( wJI W dmrfrd. a Vork 4am autkftitiy and aaactaally. Salaaaaart. My X MormJIIidlicaultSf 'ptlE Subaerik wferaa the public, that ba baa (' !, at a iaracrw m Mvaoaoa umaty, l-vaiu tmaof the Mora JdtilUcaalai, (and alao. a brg aun berof nxr4 layef or catimfa of the aame, ol the cur- rewt year' grwwtb:) tbea arc anpervov locoiunjf wi lb ant root to t fausa. 11 nricea abell ba the anrirtjpnce of tbe rt!cbf ia the N"nb, and .ebiewfcere. Hramka iargcatock d fnitt I ree, eonaiav Cherries, &xn being Vlectiont of tbe beat American and European frwta, all at wbaJi are graftad or moculaled, aud..w kll1irnarcJila.'"" iiLdllv.er.TrctMXdfUirrkJIDI ItUOO-.l Ma diaaaaca fruM. ilwgtoa, ay ! or tUU aailea, (T anvnmt ot order will jnauty it.) for which I will tnarre the awaaJ price td beoiiiif. it will ba well ft thorn fwha auk tr oauia trw, to gct'Bfe'Calafcgue of the Narwnea, wback eaattuaa pneeavand will ke aeot gratia to ail aped icaala, lb aoatog bemf pud. Uoaimuoica Ikmm witl be proaaptly aOeaded to. Daracf 4a bunt tan, 4V, CHARLES MOCK. LeiiazVja, N- O, Sept R, 6m. I AVE oa band andsaW. In- aia.iu adlowiog . Jtttkvi. 1 1 rteaTfaeaplorianh-araa tmiatonrnnBtletonir Fuao Mtnaaid green, Mae and black Uoth; NOa vmiar, nxarod, very baadaoaM; - mmrm ana aaa .anua- nar. aanaaanaweaar fanmw aiecea Keatackr Jea: IIMaVv keuwa jKnvrvtic; iw:.jfraw.-fl.a Ifed-Tickioc; Iba. Hoa Uoltoo, S. F. oO fc. eia culioa Vara; 50 Iba. Turkey Rod U keg aaiia, aanrtea ; 4 geaaiaa mnmm bule Aaville; 3 aaMtar tititow ; I do. Coiltaa Axe. 11 tanbad RiAa karrel ; 3 doa. Wearwts Reed, Ftoiadetobni nake; Scotch and Mao raubo rtiatrf bu beat caveadkh TofaccoJ 14 ot 20 I M Abkrt Bull g Outna, troni Na. O la 9; aaaoHoiont uf acreaa ir. vc Sugr. CoSea, kl daaae, French aad Champa iga Bran. dj, VVraaaof d A-real kiada; Uuliaud Gut, vk, f Jul V u - , p BOLTING CLOTHS. - nAVE oa muni, and mud kevoinf a oupply of the Anchor EUap f3olting Clotha, can(xMO I ! taraio Nua, aed ia till region ot cx.ctry . U here all a ho :ab the aruel can ba aup- P d q imUUc to uil porcaaaera, ana aa re oaaoio lutmm. , . - , Vt-eV.'fxwnS ftcrsdelencnqUot. 'iyuO. HALL Jt doHNSOX, I - r t or avvaorsrT. , ilt'IKt ;J m arwihet A p-;vr, itt.J - .... it! ty on "J 'rJ P "r' Mire beadead d.'nd-a,bvv I,. t o r -. tt) , baJwwa o any rr-..e 1 -FtT-A:.H;T7-s; irr.. - - X'. it- 1 . anrol bf-, : UveO wkN a 1 U.cb UrfJ "' r r t- x c. , 1-'. 1 1 I ' .0 ti 1 Moris'MvAi'.T.uV- ' Apply al C Cl'.lv. JtpteVrm!-v'. "SVauawU tor suUln.ic." in ii i - y :ia;i:iotii of , 'iu'aof a BdiEsiE of Lorrse. . ,. ,,. ihrMlxr next. warranU ua to : u:ir,Ui.Ud in the UiBUry or U)tie- . , , . i., ti. aiimuiit hate never beture been ol- 'f. ,i t,. (,,.. .,t.i,r it n true there are many blank. b ,t ,i U.u Mi nor baud, the Mtrtmjly low charge uf 63) p, r tji k t tiie value and Number of the CapuaJa, and die revival ol the good old custom of wmanimg thai nny prize tuiU t drawn mnd told, will, we are euro, giv uiiittTiial aatj-factioii, and especially, to tb km OCT '1 o tlke diapiMied to adventure, racooimrndj tar If ajrpticatum being made to ua lor 1 itaeia wik iho l'rixea ir iirld,1lUnti only TeuiaitH-tbe firot buyer have the b-t chance. W e therefore emphati cally vkyanLAi hot I but at once rwnii end lrt- Alao a quality mU to us your (truer, wnicn anaii aiway rw -. biiiudiM aUeutioa Letter to be addreawd tod ap piicatKwa wade to , ' BVLV tSlt.n, oi xsj. "" im BaoABwaY, Nw YoaiC $J Oljsurit tit y'umUr 13& $700,000!!!- $500,000!!! 23,000!! C Prizes of - r $20,000!! 2 Prizes of - - 15,000!! 3 Prizes of - - $10,000!! f'rnmf Itcal ttlale and Hank Mock LOTTERY OF PROPERTY SITUATED IN NEW ORLEANS, Tkt rickttt mnd watt Magnijictnt Sckem tvtr prtunted to the Public in ' Tbi or any other Country. rtr- -Tickets oulyr$20v t Aathurixed by an act of Uia Igiidativa Aenilly ol Florida, and under the dirociioua of lit touunnauoo era acting under lb aarae. To be drawn at Jacksonville, Florida, Dec 1, l&tt. .SaiAUDT A .HAMILTON,. .Maaafera.- SvxvEma at CX, ISO Broadway, New York, ' Mole A sent. JW tombination .Yuvibert I ! lOO.lHK) Ticket, ftoro No. 1, upward, mi aucceaaion. Tbe Deed of the Property and U10 Stock trauslorred in truat to the ' oinuiuwioner ippuuited b tlie naid act or the Lcirulalure of tjurnia, lor tlie security of the Piislwioer.''-.'' 'sj'.x; '" . ", 7.; . LPii Th ArcatU, iW8 Je tnche 4 Jutevoa Mjiziiio alrtet; iul feol, 11 uiUie 00 " '----tt ktctieOlfiVt iiiU .fctVCauciiiai, m Gravier aUcetHenUid at about i71UU pr. aniiuili, and valued al ' i7vlil,UU(l t Priate City Hotel, UU It. on t.oiunioo atr. -.JAUJaJI .Hi. w UauipauooUi Kented al ii,lH) valued at SOO.NIO 1 Pxiie Dneiliiuj Housu.Cadjoiuingibji.Afc, cade,; no. 10, t n. in. irurtt on Uie Natchei atr. Rented at IWyaluedat -20JUOO i Prize Ditto, (adjoining Uie Arcade,) No. IH, 'i tt trout ua NaWuea atr. Rented at fl,-JH0 -valued at 1 Prize Dittu, adjoining tbe Arcade,) No. ai,aa.aaruolooNatoUetr Kented al l,JUO valued al t Prize Ditto, Nu. Nortn-oaat corner of Basin and Custooi-boujeair. 40 ao,otio 2d,0Otl ft. Iruut on Bmin, and V) It on Franklin air. by Ui ft deep 111 --iflj6r valued at "- Srl.tWU 1 Prize Ditto, No. JX South-west corner of flasin a nd C uatoni -buue tr. ; Si A I, ti. i . . ..... mmqm jrmw w. w.-a aawaa BaiyA ia.- mKm' r rantnn, ui it iuin.aoepin front ot Ciwloiii-bouiie lreel Rented l 1M)0 vaiuod at 20.U00 1 Prize-.Ditto, iU8 in. oa Royal ' atr. by 17 ft 11 in. deep Rented at ft.tM-vmtaed T ISlOOt I Prize 2jOliaroCanal Hank Slock 100 each, "JOO dilto,Cornmorcialditto,l(H each M loO.fittiv, Mechanic' dt 1 radera' ItK) each, " Ilk) ditto, TJity Bank $100 each, v KM diito, duto, ltU each, M 1UU ditlu, ditto, aUUU each, . 25.0WI A,iaai 1 15,000 LUiOU M,fim UMnai 5,tio I 511 ditto, Exchange Sank, 100 each 1 " 50 ditto, ditto, dilto, aiUtieacbo 5,IMI 2)011 iaou 1 - 25 dilto, Gaa Light Buk, 10U each, 1 23 ditto, ditto, diito, aliX) each, '2d dilto, ditto, ditto, flW each, 15 ditto, biechanic' at I'radcra', 100 each, 15 ditto, ditto, ditto, 100 each, each IU anaroa Louuiau Slato Bank, allW each, each i'nze al.OUU, each 'd (bare of flOU each, each Proa -.tX), of tire G Light Bank, eacb 1 abareof aiUU,oi the Bank of 1,-iOO l,H) I 20 "7 ao.ooo 10 " e...-..'.v 2,000 LMiunana, 204100 J0OM each 1 abare of ftlOO, of tbe New Or- Inan Hank. 150- 'each 1 aiiare 'of fl Bank of Florida, X), of the I moo 15,000 fjfM Prize." --.--itj0oO . Tickets $20.o Shares, Tbe whole of the Ticket, with Uiuir Number, aa alao thoee containn g the Prizea, will be rxaiuioed and a-aled by tbe Comniuxuoocr atp inld under lb Act, . wcvioua. tn.laiUf PCUlg pill UlUl iiifl a Inml Una heel i will contain th whole ot the numher. the other will contain Sit Hvhdbkd Faiaca, ami the rtrt 000 Num ber that ahull be ditwa out, will be winded to ik.' I'aiC a uiay be drawa to it nmubaw, ami Uie torta- ruiie bolder or vuca rrize Will nave aucb pmuertv tranr.-rre4 tohwwjmiMndiali'ly alW -UveWwtag-, anturuiWrr ,1, 'irtT a MOW any acCucrion L June 7, lSiilt . t - - 6 nt . I Goods. -I w HZ'.: MUHKinERS vs. vi rrcf , in V i(, in? at their old SUnd. at Stirewalt i' ;irni-s a new and fresh aopply of ; mul Summer CSoois. i' j art iclc are among tbe latent arrival 1 .1 uu u. ot eujrsr, 1 ,'.' d. CoILhi, 0 bu-itiel Suit, . c. ir Brandy, Dye Sluta, Powder, lc, Lt, 1 w 1:1 m p,w It'W f!r rui-h. ot Ui i. ii.ui. , ISM JACOU W INECOFF & CO. y- i,t , V..f (.:: i,, j. i tr--r..! ait i ,.;:!,!, illnl f.t C8J l , . 1 i t- p hiii! CaiuSIca, Cud l'ih, ' - " Herring, M;tck'rf!, Surd.w, Anchwu, Lime Juice, AlUauyAle, Liritiura .t ii IJCWt !. - . , iA I-..,, t-'.ij ir u i'l C.J..c, Raisins, ' Alinili4, -Sweet Crarker, Newark Cilcr, Lemon Syrup, W ine and the bed qvalitU, and the talt importations. iUbury, Juoe ' irn- if THE SUB SCUllifcttS r0ULD kJbna the puKic, tfiat uiey auu carry tbe Tanning Bonn, end euinectwa with the BOOT and SHOE MAKING at their I itro, on the 2nd hqoaw, EaM ot tbe tourv-l louae; wtiera ii b.M m UiJ auaniit of txcellewt :fcte-Lwer aad JikirUog, iUra, BnaK aad Upoar LaalWr.Coa.i enng LeaUier for Uctt-maera, aoa 11 j J Urge eupply of BOtJIU, of first and aecood - (;.fliw.n'. Ladka. and ChiUrea'a SHOES, of a auperior quality ; and a large atoek of eoara Sooea, of a aupenor quality. '- 1 Aa we b procured firrt rate workmen, w hare do hwiutioo ra iTat4ig our work to be al well done aa any ia the State, wbich we will atU low r or oa time to punctual dealer. Order I rum a d ounce punctually iwnoi Ako.a 6rt rata pairot Boat fma, and a aetl of aecuud hanOed Lmlt k !. . ; . BROWN CHAMBtKS. X E Uidea will be takes m eichanje tor work done ia the above buwaeiav B. . U 8laury, Sept. 8,151 ... . ..IX. aioffat's Pills and Bitters. rHE LIFE GIVING PlLLS AND PlKENlX BlTl'LRS, aa caWbrated. aad ao aiuca uatw by the afflicted la every part of tbe eooelry, H Dow re ceived and fc sale by tbe Stibacriber. tKEsa tt tvuur-tv, Agtm. IIer. Sratawadt Baaxut, ;Conejrd,N.Cra- y 1 ! alao AgeoU (or tint aaote, ,. Y. M bee adveruaeaieaL Apru t. sj. u NEW PROSPECTUS. OF inn UliVllalLlCJlN. "Tl Rcrcaucaa" baa been publiahed in Wadiing- ton, NorUi Carolina, tor montna,nd will be conlui- . ned to long aa aumcient pairtrajre rtwv 10 detray lltfl eXlUm'of''ltopulCU Vlm'imM'ma)VaU tour buodred ubacnbera.ana it m beiievea huh 11 tooee tricadt.lo. whua thwtd'iaipecl u .1 Jfeol. uU mate ht. tle exeruoo, the number may be doubted. For the eup port ot our paper, we are coinpelled to rely alinuat eu- Urely upon our autocnptioo Ul, aa ine aMaeriuing patronage at kluvw exclua vely in ine nauo ol Uie H aw ; and Ihey cIkioo ion ant our pre uie oeuer huttiiity. ,. It m important tbal a Republican prcat ahoald be " utanted al thai piaca. It m peculiarly nnpurtanl to the He publican party ot Uii Cvngreatmnal UwricL tfaatw featmitttve teoire v t-jnauici. . to tin- u boriance of Uie proa nuv anfely be interred Irotn the OMlijjuaiii. aad.4uUr ovraacutoaa wa iiaaa -ruenmoo-. trout Uie V hif tor our eSurl to eUblaui it It i un- purnt to lh wbui Kepublacaa parly of Nurib Caro lina, tbal Una pre auould be auataioeu. 1 acre 00 other epwen- pper pnrrmeriB a circuit of 00 nine 2 and il we except the rarburo' irei mere a - aaera-nvaw HeeMnMn eauel tNibiuhod in Ibe Newborn District We are Uiaukiul- to our friend in that Dwtrict for iba aid w hate al ready reeet4 exleodinjf orr circutatioo, tud hope " they wilt nelp u mil toilner. , Tbe natne of our paper indicate it character. It i a warm advocate ul Ibe old Jetferaoama ouclnoea aa ettorlb in Uie Wjrini and Kentucky Keaolulwn 171K-tl ta the friJig fat of aaonepoe. It wa : no hall-way oppoauiua, not " war to Um kuite aad Uie kmte to the lulu v e tr ill nut coroprouiMa on Hit point: inlmtta nay be compruiuaKd, but frimiylta money power and popular liberty, a will be fouud a tovar4mt3t, cale ot the rigbl of Uie people. II will advocate fret tradt and Uie rig kit of tabor, and oppose the onion ot Itank and State, UJU.km corruptow iivaa lb vaawftfJ ial lrr very-vl W dauwu jTVaarck and Siatt. It niiHuu toe preeot Ammo- latration. and will cooUnue to do ao a long aa tlie Go- verniueot a admiuialered on auund Republican aud Sute-Kigbu doctrine. All necurmn and trreligioo matter will be carefully xcludad troMKt-ie euluwn ad -I'ar RrpnbiicaiL" Our paper av pvbliabed in the sud ut cunatant per- aona,l danger : in tact we are aliuuat aeekly Die aubject id frrtotud aMauti. V a Dope tbwe to whan Uii m sent will make aooie efiurt to procure ubrtaer. Our term re Three HolUr per aunttui. OCT We do nut expect a proSt of ooe dollar bcTond ibe support uf Uie proa. ULOtiUE iiousra,Sen, fxliioc and fropnetor. Soplenn 20, lS3a - IOFFATS VFXJETABLE LIFE P1LL8 AND XllpHEMX BtrilX 7V .terra nmjio in which the celebrated Ufa t'uu mnd fntnu buirrt are held, a eatialactorUy eeiiionsUai! by Uie' ucrea. mg demand tor them ta every Stale nui section at Uie tn wo, and by the voluntary tesuiuuuiai w their re imrkable eftcacy which are every abere odered. It i not lea from a deeply gratify mg eonOoence tbal tbev are Uie mean of ttamii ana ineal unable good among biaabctad Nkw-cretuiea,tba fruta ialereat- ed eooaiderationa, that Ibe fMprietot of Ibesc pre-etni- ecarUy am eaasfal wntwrMtomii of keeping tlwiua" couniBouy oeiore ine puwie eye. i e sale of every ad diMuaal bus aud butUe aa gwarantoe Ibalamu r-fsuna wut asratBwa bob a greater OT lea OegToe id sutler Ing, and be unproved la general beaiUi: tor a ao caaa ut auflenn; froui disease ran they be taken ia vain. ine rroprtetor ba never known or bee nJoriued of an instance-ut w bicb they nave tailed to do good. In the most obUiutowe ot chronic daeaae. web aa chronic SlfxT?, ''refi ,rt'w?'T);il.-n, lithna, ewsisa Ikl Ml MMte iMWil arlM.-rilW.Wi. Mat I t t ud btlMMs hea-le, cwtireors. pile, reaeral iI.Uil. ty, (crututooa weliiiignd ukera, curvv. aalt rhenia aod ail other chronic atJectmoa wf lb or .ran ami mri. urcj mm sure wun a rapidity and pnrmanen- J ey wbvca tew peraon woo id tbeoreUcallv believe, but ' I w..oru.voou Jixa.-w.po,ii mduca the amat fetal disease of the luoira, and indeed the vwter ta. feneral, tbeae aediciuea, if takes but tor three or tour day, never 14 Taken tt night, they ao promote tbe inaeuaibte perapiratioa, and ao relieve uie ijniri. ca reoriie acuuo and leculcnt ohsuuctioiis. a to produce moat delightful teoae uf convateaceoca m the mornings aad vhougtt the Bsual ayuiptixnaot a cold tbould Partially letwa during Uie day, the repett. Uonof a aoiUbl duoe at iue oexi hour of aed-tinw will almcwt aavaraMy eflect peraiaaeni relief, without fur. titer aid. Their eflrcl npoa faireraof a nor acute and violeiH kind a BU lea aare aud apeedy if lake ir pf0. portiunabieeuaBtity; and pcrwsw retiring to bed with inflammatory trmptomaof lBmt aUrniog kind, will awake with ibe gralifymg wiaciooanwB that toe berc enemy baa beea everuirowa, and caa easily be subdued. Ll'1'!.'"''7, TT"i uHfo, laoufc, kx,r e bs-iil ... ...... sswii aiai uia laUer to Urea doaeaof tbe Uf IVhr; and to also kyvteriwl .fieV lion ,hpocvolnoCB4ii, rwJestuo, and very many tii(ri; and t ' at a; !i"' !y ..n ie w U;r r I'm a re ;.. artrK, mu-i 1- r at lll'lliul I HI , " ' t.,n.o .., .' ,-i IliliiCilK M ; a t r , , .V.i.aa Dulllt" 11 Uie d.lit-reiit A?fot mi fr-n..U, (iriu in.asul r,ji - , . taiiMrd on ,i'i"-:;!ii'n at tin-1 . ., . All poet paid lfti.-ri i..r- .--i 1 . prepsrfd ami (" J ty way, N. V. A liU-ral d- iwi 1 n , purchaae to f it i'ain. A"U-Tho i-.lii .M-lir'nw 11 1 y n' . ! . ; principal drujfioU in every tuvvn in: r. ted State au,l the Can&l,t(. Ak ! ( Pill and Phenix Billera ; and he cure tLit a i , . of John Mortal' aigiiature ia ojkio tlie Uiiul ol t tie of bitter, of "uox of Pills. . IEVER AND AGL'tl-TOMrmUtoH I? THE WES I', and oarticulariy tlnee wi, t,!, uaod the LIt L MEDIVIMX 10 tituuutnt a ' VEIt A.l AUlti. " It la but a very alwrt tune aince thm Mcilicinut l' baaaiiitrodiiccd into Uie r e"ei tud Ague l.ui.',4 the proprteiorjliiiiera nnnneii uiaiuunn Uliit ji-flu . wberevtr Uiey Have o0 uawl accordiug to Uie'a.r Una, they have done more towarua exieruunaui.jr llie diacaae, Uiaa alt oilier roinedio aud prescription btned. It hi couuiwo texcuee auioug rt-uiar pros, trtwuer," wueo apocihcj are itiUoduced, tUiuirj Ws. not cure dweaae wliicb people are iu Uie habit 01 anlenng incurable. Medical experience 1 conunui. doing away a pert of the Ml of Uie HtcuraUe ui " and ilr. ilulkl ba the happiue ol couNaeutly ai) nouncmg Uiat fever ana Agua ia now 10 oe tutiea l the numuer of couipiaiuU waicb Uiodeta nkill uu co quered. n ' In Fever and Ague the Li Mtdicinei not only gin Quicker reliel tuau any oilier ruHiody, but, d peraewita I iu, edect perwaneat cure," o that U the paueat a only onlinaruy careful, auu reaorl Sir eel ly to ha aoodi. ciue upon the brat lyinnioui ut Utuuwucy to a new iv tack, it may alwaya be wtrdouod. Tococapeooetliiu j would be ol lanuitely more cuuaequeoo to the tuH. i er Uiaa the value ot Uie reuniUy r-uireuiovi Ui (jiam ': perutaoen'.ly would confer a oeuetit opiiu tuin winch jcauoot be eatiutatod by any earUily auiuiard. 'J mt j tbeae blttdicinea will edect what w here Claimnl kt them, the fropritU ba lb teaiiuiotiy of ail cJ,iiU(. ed with them and their applicattoii auu Ota m uu r'o eer ana- Agw, ano -w optcct to uow ouiuii,g frienda al the Wau at to rvqueat tlmi Uta tlKj apr no pain hi coinuittiucaiiug their oxperionc-, au 0 1 aeuuiMliiig U11 biglily uitoroaung lubuiuauou, uo Lit tbe aeaaou (ir Fever and Ague ha arrived." It at nut lor the mere purpune of disponing 0; i:: , buodred package ot U10 ialv AlouicintHi, Uiat u prietor uiakea lint appuaL i he demand tor bi cinea m already ureaier than be can conveuieuilj . I ply; dnd even were it ineutricient to allbrd bna eua i no, be would ouoceU o bmuwif nuprcuit ly aelhav,( but plea sure waa nut greater at the Oeuent .xootwid. upuo thcauSenAg partul Um couunuuity byautocfsii : in hi aalea, tbau at hi own pceuuutry pi out. The Lite ilevlvcino, it properly uaoU and pom v.ini in, rucouiilniid tlirnninlvvai will it m ii wiibmii ry lint u puic toould know tlialaucO uii)OiciiioeXu,auUii.,xe tins propriety ot adveitwiug Ihein. it i bopeu, ui t lore, that Ine proprietor ill not be accooed ut tgAm when heaay Uial there la no uieduiine or nuxie 01 Uc , mentaiitaul, tor fever aud agu,uppripiito,Uiuru,i . and poaitive in iu happy euecl a Mufful't Lift Ju .and J'wWtf tfilier. """-'"T:. v;' . For lurUir particular of Uie tbove saedicuie mt ' Motikl'a Goon SAauaJTaM, a copy ul which acccu,; . i.eih oicine.. 'A 1 Bo,y a different Agent who have Uie uicdiciooe tor auu , . -rvj'-l'iottoa, tnfaaadtad Wpaimai diractana cui obtained ou ipplicalioo at Uie othce,U? Bruadatr. 17 All puat said teller will lectira rnxwa.' SoU wooleaale and retail by WILLI AJU & JduF- FA P. Jt7 i Breadwar, N. V. A liberal aeductioa uu.a tflTfiObl bO"burtliW-OMnalrLr' -' 7'n" . . jtjrmrt.v- it Lite Mcdicinunmat alao be bad of the tn'nl.dW.;itL3yr.totYa tlltinlglMffl itr V'mud -State and tue Cauadaa,' Aak tor ilodat'a Lite k'ui ' and Pbenis Bilter ; aud be aura that- a be aunle 4 Joba Modat'a aignatura 1 upon the label ot eacb hutut of outer, or boa of pule. ' IEVEft AN D AGUE POSITIVELY LUKtU. M. Fever and Ague la a moat obatinaln iliwiam. aau a - - warm and bumul cliinalea, trequtuily reautl every ay dioary ntude ot cure, ao aa to bepoaie vary lialrMO( jue rawianniiexireine UeoiMlv wuica um , uikuu UHiucua, 11 oueu give, rise loollior ciuoum: cuw uuaui .iri, ia uie nioH' Trprnr irvrmng oaiaaa uii uiaeaae auu oue 01 iu great pecuilariUea a nana. ; troui Uie pruvaleuce ol aa eatcny wiod au ua out We repelilion ot Uie origiual exciung cauaa. la , Ull ''vver "d Ague differ irmn luoaioUiui ivverai m 1 t well known, uiat after au ordiuaiy lever iiuimm i , ,"T ' ' 'Mt ,necW " ed. Tbeae circumstance render it eiirtnuHv fliukj.il I w fiimKiH 01 fever auu iigue, fejvua I to recacM tue pauont tor the tiinu beiug a a twr rtaa. .v - j JiOFFArS LIFE PILLS AND P1UJN1X Sir. I TLiLa have been Utorouiiluv tesii.4. auu orutMiiuM pawaliw end raxHcat car ol Fever awl Ago, tin dreus ut hi feiiow-eiiauii m me VV est, uav volurna nly couie forward to assure Mi. itottal thai los .liedicwr are Uie ouly uiediciue Uut wiU llurvuk-f ertoct a ruuwval of U11 most umIiuus aud diotun is Other who have ermirrated to Uiat fich and prua euig purtiou of our country wen alio Wuul out iuu d bupo, aim UHillUuul ui wiuuiug a Cuuipeleuce Uoui U luxuriance til Uie.so.1; or wbo earned to toe ouiius of our aetueineuu Uie wercantik or wiwihmiwiI sxpv nonce woo in uio crowded citajs aud town ut Uie er States, bavs eituer retutued aiUiatatleredconsUt Uma and depressed spirit, ur Uiey rouiaui in ineir aee bomes, dragging out a weary hie j al bun, to siuk e dor auuie disease to which Uiey are'prodispuaed by Ul terror ol lh West, Uie er and Anna, f 'lwir buee iajiiojo oecoiue uesert, and Uie word, lunde w urn ear, a broken to the hope. . . . To these udjvidliahv Jifc, .laiakvlVananl iHf isxIlaW the Ufa Mtdtctma, aud you wui yul tuiticipal jt . al aanguioe expecutious, for Uiey will coitaim) rv (tor you to boalUk" - " 1 Fever and AtUo a a cotnoUint which reouire to kf met at its Drt approach, and OombaUed al every ijc, Seldom talal ot iiselt, it reduce Uie aUehgUi, aud we " 1 is lh luueiiuu ul tlie UIIMIU. k. Uml uUHniieliiBiF I . . .. . . . .. 1 ' testation ol disease, Aaiure a ana uie. ausnusted, Ut let Ihe mroad. Tin, Life Aieaiciuea. wtb-n unutu Ua ly according todirectiuu will euro 4, auu giv to u weak and truuibliug vU.Uiud divssu,iMa .MauUt,hl4 sua urengin. orliia.,iicuWot-:ibe hsU of irtet, which accum ih- , ,- .... . . 4h,. J which (ccocnpauHM the mediente. A copy may uuneeoi um dtfletent a-'wil who have th 11.1VH .1 , fcvaale. French, Gcrinaa, and Spanish directious can be i Uind on applicaUoo al li e ulliie, a7o tirusdim). AH piadpaid letter will receive iiHiuwiuiie am . , Soto wbotoaale and reuil by S liiiam tt M-r-' Broadway, N. Y. A liberal deducUott made to U' who purchase to aell again. AgtMt Toe Lit itledicine may alao be had m ti principai Druggau ut every town lurouijhoui Ui t '' tod butes aou tue Caunlu. Ask lor itoJat' Li t'i and Phvnii Bitter; and be wire that tad sKmi Jolm Alotidl'a alalia lure a npoa Uie libel ot each aM ot Biiiera, or bu ot pis, . ' The abore Mediciacalmay be had of Mesi-a, Cresa cV Uoger,ia thla 1 o wno are Ageuta for the aame. . Salisbury, N.cJolyim 1 ' Tl 4V. Two are 1 fei!u atU " hm adr tbe th A ted 1 ami tar all Gu fru bet am k "tii. ti ni C er De fciu ths the 0? 4ie be tb Hi EV E rt b . W Id 10 ab K ( bi fa ed ad be n bf b v-i- -5' -V-

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