s - T ;; .A K:T , E r- m sot umo to the rniTF.o itatm bt the coxstitutioji, nor ihohii,itfi bv in t.cirjf r -. i l rtentt to the Gtstitutiam., Artu Jr T.- I). AUSTIN C. F. I ISIIEI Salisbury, n. a, ;;ov NO. XX, OF VOL. XX. (Vs'Lale 'S I tit.) r r....! IV. , tit torn. ! i-t- K H K Jt tt Mil ue I e -im if" 4. - n. Of TL.IVM K CAROLINIAN. The Wwa-n C.-..s published every FI- f jtTwo l !!"" pnr sar.nm tl paid in advance, or Two Dollar t01 d m Py befof - -ntuwof three months. , .. ... . . NJlP,t will b discontinued amil all arrearage ,rr paid, unless at the d scrrtioa of lite Editors; Snd failure to notify the Editors of wis to ducootutue tt the end of yew, will be conid.:red m new eo- Aertiseme:iU will be conspnottsly end correctly rtl at ooe dollar per Mi'iare 6-c the Brut irwertion. iftd "& t (" rtt ooaLuuancc .Xlourt ind Judicial ... ill 1. k.r,-.l ). n Mill n limn the abure price A deduction nt per tent from .k. Nrulr nrices mil be made la vearlv edverltsem Advertuemeut sent la for publication, must have the . aaoiWr of times marked oo them, er the? wdl be inser ted nil turbid, end euargi fcireccorainriy. JjrUers aMressed lo Ue tailors oa ihmiimm nua se post avui, or Uh-J ill But be sUundvd la MISCELLANEOUS,, ; IDA ROSENHEIM. 4 ikLX or the mnomu cbolu v. The petileoc wu spreading- Widely at Berlin, and huarir went new victim die red up al the ai tar of despair; but ia the palace nf Rciiheira ill wai ml! lbs nam Hntuterropted fe(ijr GitnA disappeared from (be banquet and leveilrra fni-a the aiMail board ; bat lleraian of Raae beim blanched not at their abxense, and the laugh, and the wioe-King arete heard echoing through the lonely iqoare Iwij alter the midnight chime. Ida, tlie bwuiiful Ja, waa ever t apleruTid miittreaa off the Mutatt I'" (he revel begM to grow warmer and wilder, aJ ahe find Away to ber chamber, and x ctstinf au!e W cUUxing robea end braided t pearln, wept kxig and cadly tit the coming ruin nf bur bue. tverv fcilal excumatioa of ber Win er etrack hsrmlilj upon ber, for abe knew that the Demon of Gaming wa ia bia heart, and ia every lauh there aeemed to ber a tuoe that aounded like the echo of its nendiafi mockery. Yet the wlent !)! .t"re. I,h? kwt of the ayeatryeyrof hTaee though fhe'knew the diamooda anl aapphirea, the opal and jacinths, which had adorned the departed -4eaunet, IkmnteiaKXXft M&ltesMXPJJa, her lather ai lightly aa ber own fair band wouiJ ahakooflttbe dew dropa from a roae bud. One string of pearla (a roaary of the Virgin) alone re mained to deck the la daughter of the house of . Raaibeirn,heaaUe presided at her faitiet'aiable; W many there tlwucht "lh neb gleam of ber ruws, p. Airing Uka a veil ol golden atlifver ber krwr and boaom, and the violet light of her mooVat yew1ovfcr in tfe Oi(tnel hemrty, than aea ine pearla were gatneied ner tiair .liae aoow'amid "whbi, amdrilaspte robe from ancle, to bnencn. Ida bad remarked 'Jhak Qua DiLiVal&teio, to.Ij.JJie.jnast,diagfee, able of her father's assaciates, bad lately become ' ppcnliar In hitrattentioeje, and distressing in his siduities and saw Mr miner amite as ner wnue band trembled ia the eager grasp of Otto's, as he led her 16 ter letter knelt before berasshe louche ed bor lute, with aa air of romantic gallantry. JLove, the lust Elysium of the soul, the true Par adise which Bud our first parent aa they shrunk beneath the primal corse, bad never yet touched the pure heart of Mat it was tSe theme of all around her, the burthen of the songs her own sweet sighing voice poured forth to the response of ber lute; but to ber it was as yet the ideal of the rTajei6ip4r wnnrof nrtammetrrrtitTrm -Caant Otto had Jacfl ao4 tofm caKutatedjiMlie kit murtlv uUraaa and mit nilv. aeemed aa if thvy ought win him the world ; but a careful on- j server nf hie faultless race could see that all was not bright bears th, and bia large and singularly radiant eye, bad aa indescribable meaning in Ibeir gfaricera! limes from wn"ch1be"gMr srunl, and knew aot why. IIis addresses soon became loo pointed to be mistaken even by the simplicity of ids ; but love, the angel of Eden, came not to bnhtea ber heart wiib bis celestial visiting. Sbe was silling alone one aigbt, listening, with lo evil divining spirit, to the frantic mirth ot the roup in the Uuq netting room, wheo horned steps were beard to the corrtder, and ber father sudoVn ly eutep'd the chamber, and ckissng the door look a t upon her in silence ; he was pale, and lua high and haughty features bad a strange ateronese u them ; the thick bcary curls were shaken back from his lofty forehead, aud Ida trembled as she met his filed and fearful glance. Pushing amile her embroidery frame, abe rose 10 meet him, but with a rapid step he approached, and seizing her kinds exclaimed, r , "Ids! my daughter, tremWe-not;lbou art my only chdd, thy beauty is tny price! My idol! Wn to preserve thy father, should I Dot triumph . .shea J luuk pwa,thtri, -, I'bou art, oiy Site, father," murmured Ida ; I ttnderstal the not thy looks are strangely " Lot$, girl ! I tell I bee my destiny is changed. Ta, lord ot Rosenheim is a beggar ! and thou and lire outcasts; to-night wa must go forth alone is" Boat tended ; thou bast oo longer a home, Ida, kut ma fatheiV heart i - Shrink not, maiden, thou fc lalen pearla from thy bair, and rubies from DJ sKn at my bidding, knowest Ihoq for what purpose t They were odenng to ruin, to that eeatmctioa which has reached a both ; to-night 1 have lost all. Mine, fame, home sod honor I I . M ny W poMcMua fall iroui me, and when ! ed ana) the face of my destrover, the fiend wnk in my heart. "Wruit VM ha the gambler taHarT he can hear that of lis own heart, and bow could the malice of a demon invent a subtler turtuiet I sought by fraud, Day eiuk not, girl Ihy father Herman Rosenheim, sought by fraud U ma a-n VOl)t h had W was detected -and Jhe lues! As he sp4.e thus, bo cat sside the dark (olJ of " cioak and drew a pistol sudlenly Irom bis belt. mis daughter shrunk with a taint shriek upon her , wad, catching his arm, looked ap into his ce with the wild helplessness of terror : her fur ir, breaking froro its silken fillet, streamed over r watte garments to the very fljor of the chain. f aad as the clear liht of the silver lamp J" "r l! leniruTpTuTkrliMaty-of convulsed features oTher father, "" bLa the impersonation of Pity and i her waa a moment pause, and Rosenheim, throwing aside hia pistol, suddonly raised his daughter from the ground, chutped her pa-tsionate. ly to hia heart, burying his face in the profusion of tier trauma, aa he wept upon her shoulder. " Ida ! Ida H he whUjered, my daughter, wilt thou nol save ihy father? my fate'ia in thy hands Otto, of Wolfsiein he atone knows my guilt he alone is the powwisKor of mine inheritance, and he asks but thy hand, Ida thy love, Ida ! answer me. u What, am I the murderer of ray child T he ei claimnd, aa her head fell powerless on his arm, and - hur cold. white hands elaaad their elas;mg hohi. Calling aloud fat help, he laid her on a ortich near him, and pouring curs on himself be knelt by ber 'side till, by the assistance of her maidens, the blue eyes of the devoted girl once more opened con ttuMjstiese, and bursting Into tears, alie threw her self fondly into bis trembling arms. . Some days paased away, and Ida, whose sweet and lovely nature could not resist ber father's pleadings, faintly gave her consent to receive Otto as ' her future husliand. liut she soon found there must be do delay. The ardent lover himself fixed the day ; and to Ida, whose nameless apprehensions of ber tulur lord increased every moment, it came xtoo soon. C On the eve of the bridal, as ahe sat attired for ' the banquet, awaiting her father' summons, the death twit struck upon her ear, and from ber at tendant she beard that it was lor the Baroness . Theresa, the eousia of the Count Otto, who had that day sunk, in the freshness of her youth, be. Death the destroying pestilence. Ida felt a cold chill ai her heart at she listened to jhese Words, and id tM, splendor of the festival they were not forgotten. Osunt Otto presented her to the as sembled guests as his intended bride ; and with courtly grace, as ahe entered, he knelt at hnr feet, and clasping a diamood bracelet on hor white arm, murmured " Ida I may this bridul gill be with thee even in death, uochanging as the love of Ot to I" She smiled, and the accompanying blush gave to ber innocent beauty a radiance with which it seldom aparktedr --Aa soon as she 'reached her irhamber whe nelasped-we bracelet o eaa mine 4s gorgeMM, yet delicate workmanship, and amid the rieh fillasreed gold of Ha enamelled clasp, read the ,-f ""naine'ef-Thereea Wtfseiii'i""-'""''""j" Morning came, bright and glorious, and early waa the hour when Ida of Rosenheim was to plight ber faith to the gallant Otto, and her attire maidens entered ber chamber with smiles and eagor steps, bearing the bridal garments, and aerial veil ; the lady sat upon a low conch, seemingly asleep, her kM4fmUnt ooJief arm ;shs UiU wore -the .white satin robe in which she had been attired the pre- fulland graceful iUd were miu'h disordered, the jewelled clasp of her boddice tero..tP!wpd(!iod,il.,dwc shielded her fair neck seemed as if rout from it in a eoatvuUive at niggle. Her hair bad fallen from tT3 eontlnernentrand Wd hef fhcfl" TaylTieY favorite maiden gathered up her long, curls, and looking dowHUTtered one shritting shriuk.'and Tellt senseless on the ground. Ilecay and death were on the features then disclosed, and the angel of the pestilence had poured forth the vial of its wrath on the last descendant of the House of Rosenheim. EARTH'S CHILDREN CLEAVE TO EARTH. st wa. colli say a nt. UVshiUrsaxlaanato atrlh harAail .JDtatingjcWWrenjirciA.djsaj Yorr yrreath of npst that 1erre the vale, Dd If BSena ht IbeaasraiBS' tsv f: Look bow by mountsin rivulet, It lintrcrs ss it opward creeps, And cliogs lo fern snd copsewood set Along the green snd dewy steeps : -Clings lo the flagrsnt kslmis, clings To precipice fringed with gnat, DirfrTwpterwIvere Tire W'uiiJthr'uaa'sirigs, And bowers of fragrant saasafrss. Yet all in vain it parses still From hold to hold, it cannot stay And in the very beams that fill Tbe world with glory wsstes sway. Till, parting from the mouutsin's brow, It vsn mites from hutnaa eye, And'iat which sprung of earth ia now A portion of tbe glorious sky. MAX SOMETIMES VEGETABLE. The arrowing " Georgia Lawyer," (no less per snoage than the Hon. Judge Charlton, Mayor of Savannah,) in the last Knickerbocker, gives the fol lowing anecdote, in proof of hia position, that man is sometimes nothing more than a vegetable. "Two friends, and brother lawyers of mine, were travelling, some years since, on the circuit. Their route led them across the sandy hill that form the northern boundary of the Allamaha, one of the noble rivers of oiir beautiful Stale. These brlhvnr ridge buweirvaTa astaajrenand deaolat aa Arabia Pet re. You might plant a Yankee there, and he would not grow ! Perhapa after the asner- " tionj it wbtiTd"besirg1iissde to'snythatno effort of industry or ingenuity could coax a blade of gats to rear its head above the etenle aoiL It waa a rainy, gloomy day, and after travelling for some lime, without encouraging any signs of human life, their hearts were cheered by the sighl of the 'smoke that so gracefully curled,' and tbey knew, forthwith, that a cottage waa near. And our enough, there it was. A clumsy, ill ehapen log hut, with interstices, or to speak more classically, chinks, wide enough to throw a sizeable bear Ihioilgh... . . ,. ....:.r..,;. .i.T,.;,. r-,i . My trienJs dismounted and entered. A fire of pine wood, ot light wood, as it is technically called, in Ihe clay chimney. In one corner of the fire place were huddled a bakcr'asloren of yellow com plected brats. A tall gaunl foroale, with long an combed tresses, or bone bet of coarse red hair, wa aeated upon the floorwhite in front of the fire, and occupying tbe only stool in tbe hovel, sat the lord of th khI,' shivering under the malign influence of a tertian ague. " Good rnominff. my friend," aaid one of the vis iters, who is celebrated for hi politeness and or bsmlv. - ".Morning!" waa the laconic and echo-like re ply. (I believe Ihnt it ia an incorrect expression. -fcho Uke a woman. giTi'l l last word.; M Fine silustion you bar here," resumed my brother attorney, Fine d Uv jre4pon4d..lbe host i i. wbal'g. il fin Prr v .. . t A t- " Why, I should s sport here, in bum inj. ; u Then you suppose a great 1 1. Yt excepting you got something lo hur t at, km j t T " No that's a Very cl:ar c ; I tV- v'.t It w ever that so near the river, th"re w-: j nty (, deer. Still if A is aot a good huntm rro-u,.!, it ta a fine place for raising cattle.; . r It is, n itt S'poseo' the cattte gM in t'e swamp, and the river risn 'poo Vni, and t'ic don't get out of the wayt but get drowned ! 1 1 iw you gwine to raise em then, eh t "That certainly is very bad, Cvmiinoed tuy in defatigable friend ; but there is one cotHfjrt left you. If you bare not the beat hunting ground, nor the greenest pasturage, yoa have what ts brt t r thao the monarch's diadem, or tbe highest ascb in the temple of Fame; yoa kav beaUh." , . " Have, have I, stranger ! Don't yoo sea thesa yaller-complected critters ia the eaiaer tbere) Them's got health, ain't they t Tbe old woman there ha got it, ain't she ! And look at ana, with this cursed ager shaking my be to a Jelly ! You call that health don't y oaT ' . H Look ber my frieod," exclaimed any brother chip, M answer me this question, and 1 won't ask C another. If yoa can't get asythmg to grew , and nothing lo bunt,- if alt your caul drown. and your family are all to while sick ; why ta tbe nam of common sense, do yea aot np sticks and baeffl Why do yoa stay her 1" r Oh, cause th light-wood knots are so 'mazin handy T . j'-' . v Gentle reaJer-look me steadfastly ia the fac Upon your honor, as a gentlemao, ( lady,) oa you believe that wa an animal I I)o yoa think that a real genuine man, or brute, would kav re trained his whole life, under the etrcomatancea, in 1 such a apot f No, you don't. Now that ia what I' call a man of tbe ttgtUible species. I can't sell whether vegetables think or not, but if tt does, 1 will bat my spectacles against th prettiest lady's eyes in the country, that the man's idea of besve) wa that k. consisted n Inrg maa banea srbetw th light wood knots were mazia bandy, and where be could shiver tbe whole day 'with a car d geryaw a largatWV lha aforesnid JsgksV. wood knot, kept io perpetual ftama by the 'uiidis- a- . -a a an icnng agent ot id place. THE MIDX1GUT WXSO. sy-- Monraratly t ok, aaoontrulty : This nndatgat wind doth sish, -Like sum sweet plaintive aaelody Of sges feogfooe by: cr K speaks a Ule T ifAherear." ? ,Z Whops that bioomcd is das -Of sunny smiles that set ia teara,-' Atid toves that mouldering teT ; ilonrnfully I oh, nwonifully Thia midnight wind doth aiaiai,,, n stirs some chord of memory " ' ' In each dull, heavy tnos: --Tbo-swieesef the sseeMved dead Seem floating therespno ; All, si my fond heart cherished Era death bad made it Ipte. Mournfully t oh, moornfully - Thia midnight wind doth swell. With its quaint, peokive minstrelsy, Hope's passionate are well : To the dreamy joys of other yean, Ere yet gnet or canker fell Jn.tha. haart'ahkwmati I , wall may-team .. ntart at trie nartinr tne l THE HERMIT A FABLE. A piou hermit, who lived ia the solitude of the forest, fir from th noise of men, wa one wan dering through the wood io search of a few wild fruits and berne to make up kw ft ant meal. beard Y tnoanTngnii lhegras7 W looking 'down saw a tox, both or whose lore-legs were broken, writhing like a snake on tbe ground, and spoareat ly starving. The good hermit was about la see some food for the helpless creature when aa eagle appeared soaring big over head, and anddcatv let a fowl fall from bia talons directly at the feel of ! the lot. 1 ha starving animal seised greedily an the precious prise, and oooa ssade a hearty ateal on it. w Ah," exclaimed tbe piou smtbasMst. " this is tbe finger of God. Why did I distrwat bts providential care, and wander aver kiQ and dale to seek for my daily food t He who brongbt food to the mouth of this belplesa animal, will sorely never forget hw servant. Henceforth I wiU uka no more thought for my body's sosteoaace, bat trust to bia gwdness, and- devote alt any tims to meditation. Trv to hi resolotwei, be returned to bia cell, and neither plucked the fruits that bear oa the tree aroand him, nor went down t tbe brook lo quench hi thirst.' Three whole days be lived thus, and wasting away lo a shadow, ts the vaia bone ot a airect mtr rlt rence from On tbe evening of th third day, jnat a be into a deep slumber, (bonder rolled throe rk tbe eavej ri-aaw a form of Angelic beauTT, and beard a sweet but tolema voice that spoke fbn-' tat, bow feeble is thy eoderstaiKiing ! eealdat tboa thus misinterpret th tesstoa contested in Iba cav gle't conduct f Tboa art aot bma and betplea a wa th tox, but art atrone and active bka the ea- gl that gareliira ruooTIIim thou wert ta ssaluie in going about and doing good to other ; for knew that idleness, even if accompanied by constant prayer, is odious in the eight of th Almi-tity. X I. Mirror. t " I am glad," ssid a missionary to aa Ind-.aa chief," that yoa do not drink " wh"i4.ey ; V.;t it grieves ma to God that your people am so much U it. Ah I ye, said the red ma,and he fm-d an impressive eye open tbe preacher, which comma oicated the reproof before be altered R, we la disn use a gteat deal of whiskey ; bat we do c nun it. A celebrated physician used to y, "wnr a be could not discover the caos of a man's nrkness, WU try this, and wsll try that. Wea tloot into the tree, and if acy thing fills, well and g'cd. Ay," replied a wtg, 1 fear thia is to com monly tlie case and in yoor shooting into tbe tree, tbe first thing that generally faSs ie tl.a pttient." A man in N. Orieane whose physician directed I rigid. ecfrtoM diet, asked if mint olire came withia th restriction. . - -. y ' I'-wa l Lm&m tlsei' E.ipmtc. , COU9 B I E." ; fcnio'iii (" -s,J I mmb 4as iJm rf t'm m m ; T a c4 wie "t a 4 u.t ori, ' " U-A A nu?.jm tut &m Ci iwart. , .-, it mi mm im itf urni tjj h-r, I a saiag 'mmat a sawtuu- s ay , 4 ' 2l4 fl t am tsm ' a r r ' 1 ft bumnt. " irjft AS'Pt;; ftt! say jt tfs 'v---"-.-i lit f Sum mi ofkttut 'f , B W'taai awlMiias; tf...-,- ; 'Cm SHt wl Uir s.-sa, lst.i.i .- TsmSaCr SHT jps! Ci &4s t test '' . v k e waoMS tete a.(tr s , TMSZMatat tfmmi) Swi4 S id e' Is lift stans, bLk str j "Vmai c ? ' t . . ' . . .TV,lW,srs ijii( bur &-U. .,--! waw was cukm aa mfj, ' kVafcUtf set' ar r. sat swJta a-id:r, far us kwlsati Uu Ltt. XaeuU sskt,a Bwi',tes) " , Haasa ass casa WBf sta; . - IW tswaceysialsoaat adWkgrias ' UasliMnaslUjuaatf QtnUk iWtaJcaatl dra easv' ' ' -. Wacn la snw w ca ss Das satrua abioe, ' j2: ' AtaesmaswasrtgaVsnsBX . Aa the iatsat an, . its a law aas4 The asaesf aw caassg sje, Tssas nasaCasSasM 'saiaatsaarstaCaML .' A ka-a bat -Usual sja." , . a. a. ' '. Ftm.A. mmk .jW!?JPfa. A.VQDOTQ OF MmCAL UEX. Dr. rWjr. sTaw -ei44radsxl 0r Ferdvc i dined ernry stay, isr .aawsw tan) twenty yean, at ,luiy. jLcfss - Itss'reseaw be n compara tisw aanlussy bad lesl bans as sjsssclaafc, that asan thrwagh rwsfasa,tnrs ittwrr I sen antiarn rqaea, bm asssd a sky ksashg asScarnt far Una owes aaa. aaal,ta laosv. At taanr n'essck. has neewstsmssj Ikoaraf 4aasrtWlVtsrxay saaAkassa at an takte niwaya rtasraant sW kens, ess wbatb aa Jsoedsa5er IssaVarw id af strsog aia, a bottle af part wssas, and a asiisfi cnntianag a quauter -" fast T wnasaV " Tsar nursirhi rAe-waiter nuuooed bus the csaak paat a puad and a half sf raaap asrnk on in grs&swa, aaat an ik labte soata s)essca trsfte, as a nanac Udi, lo mtv wnul am sseak was rtawry. TVat aaa msnrttmra half waded tekm, snaaeuaaeo a otat asT (U; whea 1st nan acn tnaa.be as an gto a brmifvand tbea srocerded to drswor hss sudk. : Waen b had fcssstw taassoi.ijo aavk lb re.saawdny of bia Wandy, basg sWatg as it-mrrr dr.tfea. tna unk- nrd sd saW, saaaf sstitaasaV n ImIiIo mf swt- Hs t-' t...." t: w r- mm wmtij ; mm am mm m m,i wa auf HUM, aUanVnN gisn nss ssa ncsock atcsawo an cbi niiirr. IJ I MsWocteAtswsstudn." Dr. MmL-f . Mead aUwM rwosajmhly as tna Blecan. On way, prsar a baa isrtig bat BMAeatfl, no ismsmssJ aassswaca that! tbe stuck bad snstdeawy ta&rn. At tkas mosasnt to was sent tor, in a basri, a ran awry wbn wn reprtaun ted I b wtsy s3L llavwag rsasndsiaUa areeerry as the fiiii, th aewa aaasot sa aTreng an iwpraav aaaa open nss sssad, tkat whale he wao feelmg the sntsnsi aajase, kerirhnmsd -Marsnr apoa ma, sot flat lloww! lanatrfbwerr Tbe lady f ta gsast alas, aW tbe kAinni awl. tm .,.ttfWsvea tawtslsssai nanh lanentt ksnJ,: Ti. are dreamssg asssaaa." rrawd taw snyaacmn. rust- ang fraaa baa - Tins satis VTV mod aaa at aaaa tbe Suscka I naa talking f Dr. CsWIWasse Ik. Cbeeo . of , tnsegb rs tarty beast e pkywc end rgery, was tor a snaart ferasd m bat early hie aa r on tne LA stag, enrang waoclt tune be an asasvy asttaone sa a stare of agl by secser and timely truiasrsa aw rastisii te society. Tbe atuctor naa so Biasnilriif SB Is Sfansnai kmt w3 fUsnded, that be bad Uad a aragts" b a hrotbrr Msnehaa tliat the best mtwsarsur srw was esecwteaj be w.jald asanare te Ue. Tbe bat was accepted; and a few way aAer the skctnr Lad aa sfMrtantty af pro vsog thai he ems rig wn ta apsury dead sJf a aaaa www waa kesy-d fb mtbery. He was kowever, ralner soSrtaonee ia tie ca)te cf but eabject; Bar tb tJSmm sky Ibe 6-Uow Ittmg disuse sssal tbe Ascasra hd&3 aad betn tatro sWcsd ssBo tbe BiMtawuisi wber be was strung, the fesasrttatesl crvasatl. acrraffg ti creaerier of susU by Ike UmJi-At ajTeCauon of Fatoer," saud,tbat ae be bad reatijsed bi at n exi.ft-r.ee, a sra bts Vy ba sarnrt bnssa as ti et, srj k ssl4 eiyed sssa t V. TS gi'.ynty e( ihe lasss snn mm irwma mm F-mr vxxnv.j to eaayefcteTHi r mrmit f : rV fn... NoUg ti t; a rrt-?Mm ke. viaaed the tbeatr tist es , - r. ai kuaKtJ tLe ajihenc . frasa tbe gt"'t, i"-t ri duuor waa adu-g W bewsrr tue ? 4 want, Le resuscitated fiiend iwjawi fc.-wrtinf.rg a serrfement for Y. At Tn. . !v t m ia m.-..'nl, in wJt 1 to ret tiJ ' "'.' t!r, i tnjet lit a.. t: a l i W-i'J leave th kinff- biai a S.: i " ti .J Cm t :est LI, th. I Coe."T-"" ...... . ,..ty. JitiUlfw Cmrrm, - . - I s !i-aQir.ybe,f- . , , . , . tr"jrH " see-er-r'--TLi-"l!"Wiririw-:ir::. rr Dr. Ia'-h H 4 - as as I t tr- I was be,.,;' , MirtB, m , -t , r. 't-l 1 . l.r r nil ti a t . a it aainDia. of a w s-vi eirn naa ner- As I l'..e j r ti t our c 'i t- r f - a v t r ir.i .n . c l. n. uwserial cpi'.A k P. t. -y . Irai. a "f . iuui. tiling U-rsc tve ti'.i'rati anr. .. . . v . "M mf I Ck t? t Lri(fter thw termination of f ''S a; to S s-f'.) cUhud in a W1." , W; f 4 c r. errj u n aly bead a lit-i by the lawyer, (who was tbmkin" wnHinpa atf rtke Vel i ;,i lv..Slt)HSf8,j w ow'.IwMftnanycheotefiebimBBtrimdlMtimOtoWlBi. ts'.. ;atl. :-5t .ja;Lnh.rd street,' ger lathe fUhee tn.th by mt mmr t rc ni a f j . ml m Ibis sew wr'J!" ' ' a frn ahruptlf inter. ti' J i v r Vy art la-ie aot from Tort-..'. V '- - I aa t U to sr thee, wilt tvn t i i p ' ' tVl-.' a'l my heart, "f 1 1.3 l- - " A (Jsji ajMOciat. I d not kuosr by what fatuli'v Lord 11-h... ;,. ireewtej rne, and tm,k me ;ui hw .Ut.n, , eret'itj -a He wime i;r'!i, (..I t i i'l u ,'nci' . i ' I 'Lnfi, nl,j t.i Af'nt I 1. iii.i ie lip 111 t" l-ir- U . Il 11:11 ii." e i i i (. 'ii .''h'k. r 1 I' i..-r m.r, a he iilUi-5J up tpni-itr '.. i;. ,! i.i L..j lr.m K'.nmmg Mm i,m 'J J oit. "la',. and genllmen , ... K i "t'e ', iiir m.uiMuimit ' t i i i ev.r rr-ii - "" imi, aim iirrnimc ymt. iSi"r i.f three varda e(iilalrniy hum lm vmlns vi rn.it,.. m." .- ' v 1'ne Rult i Tiuwoa Strong JiniiL--"0 th c.jt-d Co.k, s,hdind soute ysura agw m 3m tonyille, many aisecdotes have Ism sti.tti Uf pliu -!' hart iracii,,! iM'amitiir -ri,. : medical nxMi iiito gratuiuwa arlvme, lt, .,? t. modes was to ature niiisnilf m auul mb - t pt.r. a.Kaer was ie jw-cure a MiUm nia ""i, auw m aiiotui !bm, m m-t tar aw esc lor several wet as bnlure he 4wi.utuii,mtl to be a nma of imasense i triune. -On soma occaasrm; bem iliiuiiB Hum. self obliged to aetrk advice ia nmmtm smiumh w even then be went apun a mg Mhn'i3 w time, kavmg a compUmt ia hiiiie iiueiiai a surgeon id the nwghborbn.ML ffi Tm, wig how lung it wuid take to nwbe a mum. Tim surgeon answered a mouth. Taw siikrmi!ti mixnt ab anliowaly inquired wban wiuild tbriin eseUteal oVeaand ; and on keiiic uld Iw tfl mm. me f4" pl4a ginmsT. . ,t -w , w una a guiiMia aa an iimnniMw sum ta money ana arnna a agwe nm sum ,.tT such SB.gnitnki, I go npia tlie w'tt.ru uf,j.r4ijr . . . . . . . .i . PI J .J.w,! H the rituuMia .id' Ibe ajHtnthv 1 ant tenev nothmr P - - - -- Mr. Pigeon neerptHd the imitm-. anil IU diliince and snrsicaj skill, wildJuve 4-l.anu itlir wound eomplenily some deya swifhiu ill ilimttnii pac ; Which the jmmn nlassrsiiie. and tnniintiiir- fcr is pdd, was dttetmiued-tu piwerii riiiu " . araarw aa trrnating tfUnshrav'tiuik be put so so as tn eatimd Ine nnriud of neaurnuitc, wntcb waatbea- irwnwHiesm4nrr thus enabled, en the last diry nf the Sudani anvm, lo show to tbe surgeon thai the wnmial asaa suill anhealed. The eubappy wrh;h, jmnirJ uf iliaunwn Mutiny aaa ine nsrdinoudin .fcissfljn'jidiaMaraai sairter tne eant phraae of-" jitiu j-u M pigaim." l.tt.d. mm tmwim aeo Tne VHiinj Mm,,, -sf rocg upon him ; for Laving W hir nrwral s4 ' cal aaen, one only would juirmti and diovjmr afortkyes;senMnHrfa ,. at WgtUrtea4l Wtssnr W"roiTtTmm - fee might U.wTb i "cnndid'stpntiitrirs; 'mrawaiw' '7 perbana. five mt n,st,atnitHCk rrrfU kctmg aU his etrengt h f.a- Im tnomeio, ifl etun 9X VMJm M JtcisuanuL v. I'isasnlnon aasn kwoes man, a rogue, and a anuiknv ttu sa3Ruvv -me ssv The aputhacary, in own sonrr isn. niu- ran, mquired bow be desnrvad tthnse wpttlmta U.is, swt" faintly ottered (he dvmg nnsmL mlh. yon are m better than a pH;kn!krA.H.. nsB .nf y r y seooing nt iwa draujriiin uinv, tin m sea I bat all amtr tabvaic will m. tmutir. sWjal Utgsn fenaa taw boase, and amror amwr Jlesf Hoir.k tinpermy your otmt,iirilr : istm-. or ks Ireland, lo rVuirlimiw nil. t: a.i . ... ej3Wf at a stniiS1! wti'aa as'n-uie h1'.u.ii,J. ln ii. ,ntn renv yer bonor, or a pewn , or bnihsw.w -wdf be Sent tneawnUe, the krrjnsrnlmrafi tii asaw, aad aasi, wiU ytr huuor pis-- B Jtni mmm. lack af yer bear to light my ip said. - i, .... imw Eaemrk. - n't,-, a.m vmt m-r Ax. T" inqmred a frii.fi t i K.. m t . . - . ae was ruling ny. " By mmm i Iheeyiitu. repfy ; wasn't thai cieoa nw") ' TWe ia a yownchidv mWiiTtri tkat the beaea when tbey tn, are inilij? luf a olume of WebMter's qosna Junnmun., tsmtW each arm, aad a - library mt gnsmrni nikrW-; at each pocket. y-, f ' r ; . MSaM ; ' k cnnjtjrer, klJy amwunoed ihe tullnwingms Smsness nt Lr.rlnd r J will Artve eufifl miipHm" m;!s mto t.V s.imll of airy gmitionmn'a Udk, tilntw hwn m a tWe.Mtr chair, and draw nut aiuIL and b abull feel no pam. " A can -ras,eccni1y lend 4(J rhilaarihihi, ff.ff stealing a geoae. He pot ofl in emasr,,,, mf ctoney swear.ng that be futnenibrrend Utie -rynm ever arace at was a rnalmc a. l.i..-.. was arre-ted fi stealing a guu,himM. j asu anowa tbe gua r since ft wsa jinuft. m ktwlandl Uhm tf Vcting The erne , -tl dWlixa twa of Jamea 1L and iim levatioa ad l ,iUmm and J.ary to the throne of Gr i r.. . ! ried bv . majoritytd two!! Lmth- ae.uircwns. . - r an iu au t two. eer Imve to reproach wawnwi; ttlatte i adoT'ted. thntufh iw c u j. I..." w"Hrn m " snnwnrrn TT.." .1 ""Tm ''"T"""" . "Sa"" we nnrty trine, wa tiiruwing itiwiliun .. ,k- i. tar.ji. ... i .. : V . ""miorn, wtien tie ilioi,itti at to r h. t. l,l -.i t.. " ri. re" U Z. ' ".""T t . . iiwinii umu : u.,1. .k . C.I UlOl iiiiw I . . on ine nana. .i i Ilodg expeeaawd hw wnoaVrment t riU j ws nd sharp teeth of M a. Tike, atld wa, iWil! aoa, saia lliKla. -bot tiemov uSfti.- r w.y dog'a tan, tl be bka. fiuitmg -mesar- twn to the word, be tnanrted tne lip ssfai i.tfV Ud between tbe jawa of the pika, avtiich wreiss or st,nUy. lod. Away went the og, end anwif ,. went the wh danglutj at bia tail, la the tiftyrnv'''' ..-,,..(. .... - V A---

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