-1 A I." ,' 1 TwiiiSV iKiwjaV rf t cK.ris, tof la ft A may l tb tmkg fwr. Turn ktte raised shout ' s !', aj IlitdeetO full tt.u:k In a wTiw it. W? -riiirtiHiT . . JM4. iiAl .it . &?' . ari me," l...t In !! tun!!. - tlrrr, wa 4- : I bat euilt . the. tuu.'.e rrf rf tie ."-r. :w ! i tbe Ujr ei.!,wr rg to catch Htsr &, but wot very well pleased at tar'.(f slsmd by th rustic, who hid thu protfd kia:-f to fee ih cleserer tmrnjnnrtt of tSe 19. $mfr4 Mrrmry. . , ' G EN C II A L 1 N T i; L L I (J V. N C C . M Fs, VomrieT tf y(trr. '. tn T.IS EASTiaX MAIL . TU Cw.o.v.-....- of' I-Virtd Uve M44 f.;.3 r ..s kiic, I cirn.hf to k't the mcur twMV.ed t.' -.s rf ifc.it t re, '' t wj the sua- Im. rf. -. f it'v ti ii-i-v f V- in- Stlta'?. "I "4- (''!' ; ' 1 it :,n'- I'i'i l.li.kl, t WVtf ff -""J t.W-l-:i'w I X'eu- .It t.f their I lal'K-s, ' J frw ii:,-T-i:ii; ifl'.i.' fK-f.'.e Ux "'iyv"f fwwssa .- tb, re!err-pt".a. rf. their ", t!iIr fcnsfTfwi'iir!- lUfl tr tvf'rit;n Cm t! rf,.lhe'.Iu fc.!t, ai-d a I i-s ti.. ru 1 j yj M mlll ieruHiiiiu'.l'iii if e)iii. 1j tauk r hS 4.iJ, hi Il tliir Unr. tko j fcnif 14 f a early f aintimi if ieie . fnywesM, trA l i BuUtu lUt p- rit '' ! S.- T rr!rj a iipmeiWiT le tJf Tarik p Ifr.t'i to prttf BciS'.irtiit'jr m it ttnv, ii t reccM IM k!i a rrw--ru-iit bo en tri it!. ty tVn &mh (fnrally, ifl (irovid fit mtyni k ! Bck, ttf ! fci.t ff'm witi femA voriifr oi ftftewr, am) ,r' f ti piy aiMbt itVc r! cf ttrn on l! tKtiancs Tte Vv.Vk ar fc4iri t Wjiotl itiiB.eriaiely I tit XViMf t PrtjV!'-w utatrmwit f Jitr e.itftiift iIm tl- baif Ilium n 13 BU,,iit ittilf' :ipifl I rj'iiri! f tte Ji mt. JWnn the wmmum numili ! iwpnt tt b nvlf, diBnrio with til dm " lit U Nobr. IV liji wn kun thil wwiiw of Dele- at wUk'SI fit of (! eify twk r nprf wrtfrj, I' t!ukg rwaiutuxi, ef W bf C. W. in-kt, U., n4 iwl by Kl j.hiti Wil Imm.4' m imW ntflid. , ?- wti'iif ! ftrni -Vh p"iViB4iiioA- Urfi Bjm &. x fiC akiwtiit titat ttv7 r asA mh4.Uc a4 a lb atawmti t4 tn 43i2 ivwt ml ni (Ml itVl h ror- tl ttl MUM IKU tOOtr. rll KM(lltIJ 1ft- ow, iteif Ita ei ' , Td Ask U TtMj mfin m I hut tt-e V'otfc, taccMCtl vita ;nrt M'i:ff fli kcra. J lhr oBebt l a better frwuAjr ititai (4, &M i M llV pl4. Th CUtHiVMlO uf I be I tHl a pretn euMoa lur OKMiey on priui w4-faar,- ansa at-enr.-.aich rncr. -TheV f1 r i? B-ioi ix.in?.U'rrtTi u U 1'iirjiJrai U the Uerciat' Ktui of Bt-nlmi; 5fT Xvum, (Vftifrr 1, 1939; Fiisvux Uf , i Owe Bit t Mr. Wk "vhrwrrvkltei'm' me tin ninrerng ra hchatf of yor U'.k, tomiir if I wmild aoib.ri lite bank to draw a UnKi. Briii,T. Bruthvr ii Co. if it Vy hi crMi to dj u. la reply, 1 beg to ur, imI I tiA'I b in D-too oa and will hat tSe rVt l r j ou tUe Mhjeci ; bat I con. ciw wtfrrtA-m tv7 mMcaa-Mr. "QlT"ciirinf nr B-aw w Ma.ra:. ILrum. aaJ thie bu-k Wet bu aauurf lock, (or a targe aadwaodM'r 1a l; auI I think B4S sat the liiiiutfiit, v Ta bsu.k r.ni!'.y are in a potion of fcee! reri!, and.los'ir engageiaenl w reduced tUit .1 r etn trb them witfiout their ovn con Titsod they may ouij c otinoe, Uit iocreas wnU f-r iWm lo keep; as I 111. leriikJ the p Ik-o of itbe B-roa bank, tifj ar en-i!Iy trong and a gJ anlerstaoding Urlsreeo litem ttviy rise ifce ai ary rfief to the CouituiiiIv. ' K-w- torn, too, i rVttteg in bs a creditor city, and need UA sJ.-r Da appreaeaston whatever nulling ran ajtjca aer. tw aur4 tai 1 J win not on ly cKkiouM la pay spec to, but that there will be a grad-ttl nimtt to lbs ewoef aaai k. - , Itear r, ry truly and resrciRiliy ir, V T. W. WARD. E&S.lVaTMCCaVE.VCY.x Ma. X. BIDDLE. Tb Cirrory of lb Vtfed Sute conitts of cms, and at back aoirs pfoaiiuf to piv evtn. A tonga ti Uolscsa aia py tu cta ihry rroaws. tbey a fc caa., m a"eonti;r ..wktrt ..lat ..w.santd cyi.fl w dirj"-iKi4 ?" Ibe saeea f f W m uti t, ru tut-wtujlioo of . ereJt: fn ra eQcble lb tnlioa to snak it x .:k fc eo, o3 uf eouix ive tk fy?a oftS.it cia- Ej th. dniji k by it. tfftf f'Jfrtt 4Uiie?."-'lu "''"O directed bk mcif ff-r.a ana borrow too a-ucbVcr by. pan paiae per.w anxwu ' ta incwan) tia, prints, "wtftwBt wgt'-petttwiairy' ttitwi' wml-'fe'-spoM&tl.tf ia the diniKratn. Tbsi constant tetkJrvy of baak. tberef , i to lend tea eweb, and It put tjomaay aotea in o;cuUtioK Now, lae JJitr.i uf oy ao(9, t h,ls tny ar a jTiiid a cai, t-y b-mx always eichsoiMhle ftr AJ w ti j'.iriijtn, BeciLW H'.iitTfJiu9 ol the M-itrd ni rf oey genrrs.ly oerasioc a rts 111 the price rf sM eommoJits. Tm coo-nenc k, t-s t i high prtra of (Lrtii proiiuctitins ' ipt tiVt ta send a targe tmoont M tint cvi-Ki!(e, whil the kigh price of dome. "ticprndTKiipsi pieveu' their irtlii'l,rS'"Troiii'fa" " kin; ia exchange a bj- amwrrt rt'w mrnmrdi lie. vTbea. tberrlore. yow bov frotw f ieigrr smt lHaa tb-y bay Jr y'-ithey cannot Uk the psr part rf y-rr ewrraney ihey most take lb cia parU If this) t done lo a coosi.lnrsble jtfxj, tie rfsn-er is thM the bunk will be obliged to sy sa BWJC3 of tbesr Coin f th-ir o lies, as lo lrav tSea tA a w detect q wntity to answer Ihe -mfti t at ; in which coe l!i btnkt In), and tm c-saakontty kt aVfrzudnl. To' prevent ihis, a pru-kst bank, the asoeiit it prrieise a uusu-il . ' derii f jt U aMe. od has reason fo ftrar a dra in a lit m?s should imrnrdiately diminish th ameint of H am atht cat! in a part ot It debt. J atlioil ol their peti-iti an.i property nmn'r t! 11 1 f en a 'yt sc!e, h-o the bunks of a eountr '. cootntlled authority of a fw of i5ntr f.-Il-iw c.n pfirrtfs sore a demand for e.ii.i ft rtpnrtntio reo, in whom Ihey have coi.fi.it'nre. Tl.is 'i.Ti- -'siiatiiwbsjfa aWsell Ibt .stock rf ww.-twry.. doc w tnt--niw.,UceJ tlo gei.th-mrn sr. p.u. f-r their b-bkieg porpiees, Ihey should stop the dent, cistl, jo.lieious and firm, and ail lln' j luttk r (fwiityM. Tkst Ihey can el, n if their af- lln-ir orders, arc pMceedie. hariii.ti.i. !.! y;e rf.ir IkisebrVa well uutua ';J; ad I'T I'm the' reiterite the a'i:."il t!i..l a fow"dis u.'l 1 .id Jtot rf b-ok nytRjeaeTit. ' afTiir lo thir usual course. We c.'"0Tat uur ..J ii -t I"'- iii i- C.., u I pacity f diwiiiiUiii t f ' r Jin ie emwi'.i iu i' i'- ' i'y ii Icrr.ai miuis;oi u 1 c.'.ti.u im to rtf Ihf cmitinuHiiy j and, aIkti ii I iv. h h lorii'f c'iiitiini within ii--. 'i I' cr i i i.l- i tin ili'i',i!i 1,1- ..V!1 of ! it oo dtfciicfi, ami b full -(' 1.... inl. In tfuTh, Uh i iwril of ha'tk i fi' fir'y i'l r . t nr I'i Ibe i( -"rce i,f tlii CtiiJiUlHy l it Hi'.'ai.i. il' -' I uii it iiMnry t-u iiiif!;f, "ii Dtnt'K, lur i-jhh lernrH, and to prift crt-lt-H of prutists, it iticum i !n eh at rifk . ISihI. nil th one limul, i' ii"t- r f f iyahlo mi '(Jfirwiiil, ahiUs on tt.e othor, i's debt itaiimit buCiill'-J in i!!i(ul jtrc-at d:lav a delay Ifitiil to it tKt'A hik! clmmcter. Thu i the 'tfter.il errof of tmiik. a lid do nt !' j criminate ltwff;i ! linn;?, t-Tially diwtiiK't j in brtn'.mg, a ultimately e'iirc, and a del.t. ' rrt-in!v mih!.!i.. lint w 1 1 iitanaued bink b"i i'l J.iv.'i tin'y in h..rt i,aj ) i-r a ,,i )!. fmilt of biKiifM tiiiactwii fMiya 1 ! on dnv named, whi;ll th jwrtie at "blu to fy, atid will ?y at any nacniic, in order lo caj inereHUiil dishonor. Kuch a bank ha ita tuitds, tlic-mliirr, cftinit'y repaid itdo it, and aWe to my whether it or a ill out kud thom aut agaiih.'. '.:.."' i " . H ' ' - A hai.k o maria,r-d, if it find tno much demand tx it jfoin to ;rt brmd, he'nn by riot landing rrwn than it 'receive ry y i nd fton gom fiiriliefrby sot leiidiiix aa much a it income, dec-lining In renew fhu outa of it debtor a, and obli. sirifl ttiBiii to riav a Dart ur the wlmle, making it " . .''. ... ... Tl. rule w Keep tt aniuuui wunio it incmiw. nparatino prucncdii llnmt by uwuing do lie note, but recitnriiig auniething from your a Wonf you .6hfi them fo return tu )oa Um bank wil you b-ut to ni, at tlwir euiva!ent. -Tbi owkea th bunk wite ncarcer ihm omkea tin more talunblethi make the good for which tbey are 8trally exchanged ww luabl ; tbe debtor, in J Dm anJiety to get your note, wing wining iu cii Ju-goodta wcrific. Tb4a-briPg-ilawiL.lhft. prittm of gnod, 4nd mhke every thing cbt aper. Then th remedy begin ; the foreigner, find lt hi gmid rrr'JM U sold to low, eeod no mure j the American importer, finding that be canmrt make atonoy by tiriportiug llx-m, import 00 more.. ;.Th iwflMiRtijer the coin, of coome, i 4 ent out fter arw importatioa, but tV at home, where it find belter employment in purchw.ng tbee cheap article; and when the foreigner bear of thia state of thing, he vend back the cofn he took ayc lie took il a way "iaewly bjujo jronfwtj; d.miie production were eo high that be could not make anr urofit in hi country by taking them. JBitr hen-4bf .jDewircicJie,. iim. tht, hi ,Jrodiif;: lion are very cheep ii our country, he will a ho kern that our ornduction are cheap too ; and he eeod Uck the coin to buy these cheap produc iioo4 of out. We, Iherehire, get back our e in iky iltkhg o pir,'aiid al, will. aty anliK-. driven away by enther iineraoundiMic.oi jwper,. cU tbexi!e which fmixed currency, ia . AZ... wereVeelMn:tSVe'thfr.6f weam, it. 'it'n eminently useful in prud!bt hands, but ol tremend eoBtrolUdj-aod lhe practical wisdoiall managing jj jie jn seirng the proper J moml .KUM2!t&. nd cootrsct ju tting care, working with such rtplotve material, wnenever there is doubt, to incline to th aide of safety, these ililipte ebmntr explain - the-presetit -situation of iba country.. It disorder i over- trangY'4ngfcrw dy wtu Uuk lea and to trade less. M It is lb order of nature, that if moo or nation live extrtvagantly, they must first ofler till they repair losses by priKionce, and that neither mco or bank should impose on the community by proujuiet to pay what they cannot pay. : s CiNCiititiT! Oct. 15 aTkiaJIa, ...l.. .,- .1 a.. : rtu-e4lrr-.ratrT 1 .SJt .k.. ... l coin in a very hort lime, by that process. 'And,' in Ohio, suspenaioo 1 attended with (till worse con. scone nee. ,lh bniiJiinglaf lart 10,1m provision!, made, that it any bank ol the State, ospend ponio payment lor a longer lerm than thirty dsys, in any on year, the pre- nt judge of th court of W. r. Circuit, to which the bdiik i situate shall issue a writ, for the se. rj'jetniten ot'aucb bnk, snd, through the lerifr, deliver all the etfocts, to one or more ol the oank eommissionen. I ne commisaioner m reqnireu 10 proceed immediately to collect the debt due the bank, and dispose of it property and apply the proceeds to the payment of it debts, tor which purpose special commissioner may be eppniuted by th principal board. ' ' . W tarn ibst tb provision of ihia law are pe remptory, l'h bank commissioner must apply to the jidxe, who must order the sequestration. It i thns (hit the Ohio bank are exposed to utter ruin either way. If they continue to pay specie till their las d'lllnr i gone, then the afxpieatralKw most come. If they wrrender at once, the eotn miMHioner must nav out the siiucie to the fitst thai make demand m lht all th specie in onr bank wspnsedto-dissrmirrirtn, trtayrry xTiort thneiTinf all thmr debtor are liahlo to lurcod pay rocut, with- nul delays r;- - . " ' I - ' . ,.'-... N ithing cin rtve thi fc.Milis" sn. biofc debtor but an inability to cootnuie ;cie payment by the hank. From this devastating rum their neetns to be no oilier rs-sre. None but one it practicable, a peci.il call of tbe Le.is'aiure, aithm thirty1 d.o tn modify this lw. This wnle sjirf"! I destrvciinn c-f b-tij ne 1 n -d pr ffry t h s m 1 m l w rm 1 t 'rk ID triiio, particul irty, it ;i:;u-ieni i vitiiii'-nie mis. call, notwithstanding lit opmiot-.s rmerniwd by- the Governor and the ru'i-'g p r", en i.int iii j"ct of bank. . J nsi;in'itii'n nn ' it c -v tlie w-tst thnt at m'ne lnt hnt to a f - 1 mur. k4rlhMUirfiMffly nii't-s;rT t') pryoor K-.lf Aalii Mtn I rtPiwIiuM in .11,.: like it wis ever h-rd of in ihe en -.V. 1. Courier if' V.'iquirrr li.m of , Ouf d'-'j.--. Iler;erse( tlr "j f'f fnlnni'is will be found pnrtisi!ar of tl.e rts.i' .-m'iou with which' we have In-en visited ti. is n k. To ' nig'lts have pap.1 willuMit another; and a spirit i prevalent among rmr cni."Ds fnnn wt.ii !i it is hpd a tew d.ijs will tuii'i.-e to rtM..re p. .-e on I order. ,' We r neither ileMtiili!iu or !,piri'el. The titijulsr cireiim.siatices h:is Im-.-h extl.iie.t, 'of . a people delilerately end ral.uly ! i. in the i'O "T!cl. f a t ;.. r 1' .t lif-n, ii . I tti tin I'iiuiitry," lli'j itii,,.. 1 t. ..I t' 4 :.:?.!. U V,'e I, ,t I ,i-li i.f ':klie , ', nvery b'fly !.a l-en too ( .,.k of hi" h'-iilih. Although i.: iniHt iu a nVurf.e have pu rf, piiil tlie epiJt'inio ha not v : dl-uso -is still prevalent i.ii.t fii.;iidi e would mv re- tii ! uu;j!i n;' I th' Hi IV H'lMl. 1 ' ill turn not, until v,f have wvern fronts. To thiwc titi.' in in t!" iiinn. iluitB ncighlKirli'KHl, we wouia, any, j i " ye ! by re imvir into town at once, you ui,j.-c! yourtclve to the pr ImtMlity of being taken tick (but i thai more nk than "thosohave in curred who hfive remained and tyiled for th'e pro teeii.)n urn) uteiy ol your property ) wnerean, wi the other hind your prene will ervo to restore order. If nothing niore, the (act of your dwelling hiMite being occupied, carne ne prutection-. In tune like t4arwrl a wall a jihyakaiia O jence, ruunt aet lb. - From the Journal of Me Aimtct Silk Society. KEEPING OP MULTICAULI3 OVER WINTER. A sreat number of tnulticauli tree will be la ken up thi full and keirf out of the ground all win tor, for purpoe of ale, and by many under an appreherwion that tbey will be injured by the in clemencie of the.eaiun, il i detuned proper to devote a portion uf the present ouniber, lo the beat mode of preserving them. Let u be underatuoa, however; if the tieee are growing on high and dry lituation. (the more atony end gravelly the better,) and th tree are not wanted tor any pur pine till the opening of spring, the beet and moat certain method of prenervtog thm, it i to leave thtiR where they .araw. laauch ituatii we have never known tree, or a limb or even a bud, to be injured by winter. Thi i ourowd pr-ltce inva riably. W norr even Uke off the cutting we iutoiid to nlaiit in the apring till we have got the ground rejidyJor theny in March or AprtLBut where early fro), and late apella ol warm weatti cr between them, late planting, dtc. have caiued a eoneidorable quantity of unripened- wood at the entremitie to remain at th Uill of th leaf, all thi.unripne4. w.oiod.abou.!d. be fiutoflbej!ire the never cold appruache ay iinioodiately after the k-aves have fallen ; and buried 10 toe ground a follow: select the hiuheif aud drloat situation in the field or garden, if potble on the north side of i hiMMe, barn, or high board fence, (but not under LtreefvT be the au nacarahioea in wiutcr..JUs the cutting on the top ol th ground, aide by ae, neai together but not touching, cover the first lay. rr with A tut lit. km mrlh mie iiirh. Then la on another lnyer of cutting, aide by aide, a before, 'and o on till yu have laid ll the cutting down, taking care lo pre the earth hrnily; I ben . throw on earth, covering the whole about one foot Amy, aad pitkiny h .nHlacav.firojy ard forming , tae lop of ne pile into the npe ot tne root ot lhtt that rwrdfibr have one thouW brsnche you wish to preserve. lay down one huudred in each layer, and thus you ill have ten Jaycr-Tbe earth which .you use should be taken from a ditch which you will dig ariMmd the pile; and tins uitcti will serve a Osm tiirsw tWT lh Vster' friiiii lh pile of cut tint's. Cam must be taken that no interstioe bs h ft nmmij the wtingw; es-tiie eonfmed sir m them I will eauwn mildew, end of course the loss bf the fctittiiTgir; -The ifnnt'roo hritild be protected fiom j the sou a much as possible, that the pile may re ' mam frozen all winter, aa it i occasional freezing nd tAairiitf that injure unripened wood. It , should not b eiixwd to the dripping from the J,eave of the house, or fro i trees, a that wlurate Ltbe pile with water. This unripeued wood, thus preserved, if taken from tne pile in, the spring and rTmoWdtftToly phwrfd;"wttrnmt unnac ssry aiposureltua ouy pyiam Jiejs by no mean singular in his 1 iTKlllSS W niniurrtu wiitm rmcwttniy 1?S?ri VP :!!?. ..urn ,ij, 1 mode of preserving them, 1 to bury their roots in the ground in an erect position, in some situation perfectly protected from the sun. Whore a large iiumoer are .10 De protected, a long sneu tnai win . ffonled fr the air, The situation should be the highest and driet at command, and the more open to a northern exposure; the better. Once for all, let it be saiJ, that the mora mul ticauli is never injured by ColdT however Intense it may be, that they are only injured in winter by the sudden application of beat while in a frozen slate ; and that the only prwtoctioa they require during too wiuter, is to b protected from heat, at all time. Supposing that a hed, a above mentioned, haa been erected for the purpose, the trees may betel 1 close a possible, merely throwing a little earth betwoeo I he roots, and when all are set, the tree left standing a if they had grown there. If any part of the root appear above ground, they should be covered by the application ot a shovel full ol carlb. If the soil be of a sandy quality, it is the bent. Clay il should bs avoided, a it cannot be placed about tho root without leaving cavities, whteb wtH efwe- mtMew.-""-""'"' ,- Cellars, open at the north and couth (idea, wi answer a good purpose, prnvidod they are on high sHtiations, but it at the font of hills, they will not do, unless on the north side of the hill, as they ire apt to be too. damp, and thu in warm spell of weiilUer, to engender mildew. ' The next best plan frr th pretemtioft rf tws, is (hit tnid down for the preservation of unripe 1 woodt t the b'ginmng of tht piper.- Itj a, very laborious plan where a large number of tree are 10 be preserved, but i worthy ot all ihe labour re quired in the present Hate of thing wher the trt-e i so valuable,..:,, . ... . ".. W hen I tree h s ve bj-n presej-rcd by. bury ing, as in me eae 01 uurijie wissl, Ihey a re tn o delicate i roml'tiifi in the spring at to be tncapablarfbaar . in? imich exposure to the diy atmosphere without it jury, n rut ttiereinre, stKHild be plsnted aa won is potssti'e alter ln'ing taken out of Ihe pile. When trei are preserved ia cl.sw cellars, in sand, tiM-y are apt to become mihlcwnd, and of cour-e killf.1. 11 ihey are entirely buried in sand in a cl.e cellar, Ihey are often preserved in per fect condition, hot are liable to grow,' from the warmth of the cellar, and thus become injured, In uch ctw tho isdy remedy ia to ventilate the celkr by opening window on the mirth sod south sines, and keeping ice in the cellarand thu cool, ing it. Tuke it f..r granted, that you cannot hurt the trees i.y c..M in any situation where Ihe un cannot shine on them. . To careful of the "KwU of the trees, when taken tip from the ground where they grow, the . roots v'.onl I nol be exposed lo the son, nor tn frt in f!,e open ir. "For if tTie root be injured by dry. ing or by frost, the whole tree may be lost. .The ',.te nt of t'..s tree, Btilalrn . i,..s t:' i iii'iixot certain V r.i ,i ' 'fi. .--I, fcrul u.Meiily ex , t!ii tret; U inevitably deMroyed. ,-, ., -prr ,..i,tria- lillU WitlV ! -t. If i.,-t,i.l hi tii :v.i tn ()..ki'ii .!;., til b.ln WIUUJ hut on etwnnuiig llio rwt v.o umuii toet" ' fll.'il, or nildeod, in npotr the bark rotten and en-iily removed. Theee would generally be taken ior good trees for cutting, and have seen many inch sold for props tit ion. Cut on cutting, up these treea into cuttings there will appear a dark coloured ring around the wood under the bark, allowing that decay ha commenced. The bud f the cutting will generally grow an inch or two, but tlien, not being capable of making root, they wither and die. We have een millions of cut ting fail from thi caue, and in thi way the part season. The cause of the injury. wa, probaWy, the freezing of the root and their exposure to sun or air while so from ; or the root may have be-' come shrivelled nd dry from exposure, and thu lost their vital circulation. The multicauli may be kept in perfect condi tion from the fall of -the-leaf in Ihfl fe,"tili-1aw- planting time in" the priiig,liiay" be- transported -from country, and rmiHfd Irom hand to hand, with proper care. From the lime it ceae growing in the (all, till, the proper season for its commencing growth again in the spring, it may with proper at tention be uted a an article ol mercnanaiso, wun perfect safety. But il cannot - ttand ettrw thing.' Th root-must never be allowed to become dry, nor will it do to keep them moist by the applica tion of water. They must be able to uke up from the surrounding medium, whether thai be earth, mew, or sand, that peculiar moisture, (or water tn an extremely minute division ot it pani cle,) adapted to the extremely small absorbent vessel of its root. ; jfou will drown a tree ty a long continued immersion in water, a well an animal, whereas, if the root had boeo surrounded by moist earth, or irios, it eould have imbibed a sufficient degree of moisture to preserve iu Kep the roots from becoming dry by exposure to the air, or the sun, and from, being frozen, or, ifjrozen, from exposure to the air, light. r aunaajoe, and you roay roly upon Hie ireeabemg preserved. Purchaser of tree are cautioned against re ceiving, either in the fall or winter, or prtng,any tree as sound, the berk ot which has become rt. elled. It is at much a aigo of death in vegetation. a i the recession of the blood from the surface of aniinal I"Kgri i bf doath" trt IrieraIt i"tnie';thBt' the multiciulis i o tonaciou of life that we can ometime resuscitate tree after the bark has be come shrivelled and dry ; but it i dilficult; and not oAen eccomplihed. . At all events, purchaser boo id nerer receive tree m that eonditwaw Wh Ur'ilwte' eason, to the bad condition of the cutting planted. We saw many trees sold, and planted too, the bark loTwriicliTittd becorhf prfiIyinf'e1l6d1lllla"Tn and was greatly mirprisnd at the lingular delunoa of both seller and buyer. Let purchaser also ex amine the ruottyof the tree tbey purchase. . If the are shrivelled and very dry. or if the hark is rotten to any extent, reject them ; for; though the - will hsrve ejended to hi whole topjinocMne oera, though it cannot be seen. A above remarked, on cutting the body oHhe tree, a dark color will be, observed around the aurfuc of the wood under tlie'." bark-, and the cutting will not TtwIteTt""""!; r-rrr"'fzzr. r-W--V-.-r- 'i'H JLPWIL LIS. -. We have omitted to notice a very severe crit ique in the last Mesaouger frwtt ao legnt pen, upon the " Jotting down in London " of Mr. N. V, Willi. I he pre far and wide are copying it with high commendation, and with full concurrence in the condemnation expressed of the coxcombry displayed by our young noble-man in England. Mr- W. i one of a elate and although be hat selected England a the theatre for the exibitioa of who are emulous of hi fame-- If Ihe general dtc wnum uu conuuci ja cjiciuug 10 yi ooaom in ;nnrmihunity7"ian have the efToct of repressing the spirit in other. he will have been the unwitting cause rf more good than he ever gave promise of. We make the following extract from the article tn-tbo" Messenger Rtthi vratgv' "The in of egotism i too glaring throughout these London Jottings, to escape the most careless observer. Without a superabundance rf chanty, a person might well suppose thai the end aud aim of the author wis to celebrate hit own achievmmtt and illustrate his own importance in, the circle rf high life. Indeed Mr. M'lllis ' personal vanity o constantly throw him iulo the foreground of hi own picture, that it 1 often unpleasant, if not painful, lo contemplate (hen. In representing the great difficulty of procuring admission lo "Al mack," (the Macfam MaWoraai rf London fash ion,) he rail not to inform u that the Lady Patro nesses, (who wo shrewdly suspect are a very illy ' set of beldnms,) had favored him with ticket ; nor does he conceal the boast, that in that tnvsteriuua inner temple of exclusiveitm, he, Mr. N. P. Willi felt quite at home in familiar Utt a lete with dow agers of rank and maid of honor, conversing about Ihe busts of English and French Venus', and the (retty anklet ipf American w6qifn.M) js gmte.. amiliarwiih'tiM highest politicnl dignitaries; with the most splendid in title or wealth, and the most beautiful in Ihe empire of fashion. IU siu in the I .-ts-sl nam, riac outrun the " heautilul " Count D'Or. y (ry bad company we ahould think,) preatn. bulatil with Bulwer; it invited tn Lady Stnmev's and Lady Morgan, along with the Peraiaa Am- baMador and hi rnyBi highness the Duke rf Cam hrelgsn sit by s. Ro-," -V th dinner nf Urri.1f which 1 presided over by another royal Duke. t 1 - a nine one osy witn a wnig iiarouet, and the next with three lory lords; and 10 fine, neither eats nor drink, ride nor walk, without comiu- ia close. - Cotji.acL.wut-. ll " lrmihttff -pimr polished anciety. But one of tb beat rf IM joke remains to be uU-- Our eotmtryman Web-" ster, it i known, 1 now on a visit to Locdoa, and hi great reputation hat won for him, there, inde pendently of the usual attention paid todistinguMbed stranger, the particular aourtesy ard kirvlnea rf ucb men at Brougham, Ilallam, Mil.nak, dtc.; and yet c, we are told, i indebted to Mr. Willi tbe great favor rf Mtisfying the higher circle that th American Statesman, orator, lawyer Webster it nol Mr. iVoak ircftrfer rke rrofe'iie dicfioo. rj. Tlus most interesting feet it communicated by Mr. Willi himself in Nu, II. rf the - Juiio-, down in London," and the natural inference will be, let who will imagine to the contrary, that Mr. tllia is a much greater man in London, than Mr. v eoster it or can ever posniuly be. John Seatt, late aolicitor on the 4thV Judicial President of r A., Julge rf the axond Judicial Uistrtcl u tka! K-rriic. j Vi 'i , j i , : ,v,t .: .V.f' in. 1 1 . ,. i ere n l 1 .f i I - l j hr'f d"jr;i': ."a . weiglied wi:h Imt. 1 i . ftisrniifu. ' i . . of tti wty, i d i- kr '.J t i; body a Ug lA ':.e t tin occai'i' At all events, e sre I t -j :" married, C oc at tn V '!?- . , down and bs e3." lis ti i tealing, beea wh'' J at tt p-4 fut L,- - T among the ftls?, b ba i-Mj1, Lrw ' ! tarred and feathered, niS-m a a rail, ctf. j , the Legislature cse-wrsj Sates, aanjeii-aiki 4. owed, eoevtctd rf topm?, arena, r?e nd toTTjiclweir 14aJ, afeiscVd,' imi! f ,,, ' ' Turk a( Btlgri&s, ssiirnfrd a T(f jlm vum, 1,4 done almoat every laej ; bjt irwi k Ilesna " there ia aw to be an ead to kin. lit ku rtuj. ried a girlof 14 X T. Giittic f 1 L: ' . . Tie Pritid, Ryttl XJ F rom Pvi n. Bosy." TV rug!" of tbe Weaase re ef ilua aew line are aow reipaated accnrnlnt to the projected ia Eogtaad oor Uaae a V 4 , m kaow at st iiMs baa beea fttedl e tor l&e irz.a mng of operstkMa. aVrlapa tls rrp&u sbimur will not eomavww asaul ta fwatg. W nam of tbe motes Wh fHaaa aaorc sartkuarty to comnJoraealKst anth tla V. Sakca: From Havana a attaaer d iwwceed to ULV Havana to M' - ii) a Mobile toTaaimra, ty BiMn (mouth of ibe Msws;pi) t9 3 Tamptr) ta Vera Crax . I Stop at Vrra Cnn 'r 1 Vera Una to UaraM. ' ' fl4 4 Tot 1? At MiKHie or usiua taaj ia acKsrara, urr. an. Coin! aad Nartti Asaeviraa aaaue; and m TmpC'i iid.yesVfax take isj tb iersrav ai.:i from tbeae pteoca, iut Litnec, rJ. JLoaenca ad tbe04owe, "' ' Aaoiher stoadter wi3 praeeej .-x3a lis vara It Vera Cruz, dec -;- z 1-tarx. . XJtf, iiiTMat te Tamjsjeei Vy V. Cs lMS"'!' 1 1" Stop at V.Crw, asad aitosia-ta ' ' . . ., Taromost ILtrsssa,try tLtm 1 ahd Miitsla i..u,-,.,..1ITJ "vrT-tf-:- a n Tne !famra Vera Crwx aad Taaxpka ml land tbe -wtwarl tsrrea. North Aaseneait H Colonial gUs ; a & at fsinW iatSUk wi wT dims- a si kxti ajxtaaus stitso, ''.''' ' IXjtrmr. , Havana lo Jew ;;Ts-i." if Sa'.,,.....-.'--.. vtaw-aw Owarla-aai -1200 -', esr Vork to Hasste'----:.-.::-.i.-.aVaV'-' - Ualiiax to llaraaia. br Sm Itut. dfC. a4 1 J7 il. If, 23 8ippag4a'al 3i)r Yark aad ";' .1 Uh-u Total . ", Tbase sttsinsera, twice Mrb saauk, w3 bt m regulated taat tbey nl reacb ILavaaa trosm N. V. befure tb saisiH steasarrarnns fj-txa Jaauia, and will kavw lUvawa tor Near Vocfc, etc, mum. dialely siW ker arnvaL TW t-pigF nib" 4 Uahfai a Ne Vstt e m kowataar. ciu-e if rLe cr fniuru Taa work frots tr lisssrn to tbe timtat mTwirbhjfcyiy't!i-r wi"'ftlM aaerf tbe arnv at.'aad'aWlirtnre ,! '' lne nvna,'rf if pwact witk saais to and tn tvarope an taw , uiiawea. 1 ey can take in tat7 coal tor tbe royi at UalUkx. All these Lae riaw.ai.ito wftk the great 6. front Jaasaica to EsMxaew Tbsj a-ercostne ss- 4twentasd sjrsjrid aad t asrsr. mnfl than aeeeaar till aaore mue. Tb SWoser rf re H-d Mail Packet C-apy, k bsalt aB af tb ta'ra Mf and expresMiy kw tksa ertixrtttnUrj IdtUigtAttr. a tact woara a tikjcsa.td TnsccaL Te those wba cwvwr I hat a ttiooaI tmk would nreod - arksj-r af eftabfisbrf ' hereafter, Mgb b a reeavdV ft tbf rr.t wat wbick the cooaury SB&ra, Maead tr W ing abort extract, wkick, ai-b ikiee Laee rfcsav nrmtl, sre cut troca tbe last RieimmJ Eifdrtr. From tit XtUmml ttttlLfrmctr, Sep 1 4. 1 ?li - Stork are eWa, wkle tbe nte rf esckaegt are -dvaactng l a rasrf aad vptaKdrelrsJ ra Tbe curreaey is ta cWmi rjia and baoknpt 7 J k TU iomntte x ctiai'ge aever-aveta wont, mai -sxarW'avr can be. Tb Sowbera k3s are sksost wofte at tb nk,4u4 West a a arartr aa tad nil-tin-, . ,M"t a to W sssr;".ww kacae-WBtl-" I be U. butea Bsk caa aft a rdirf.sfvs it ehall be abto ta - aw!T Tx- t n.u m J quoted at lU cue UucLumt b -w Tack kit I I. U 1 V ian)B--.4anltaBn1M J -New Yark Cary, h,9 W. Ceantry JaT; Pennsx lvMV a ; Um. 7 a 12; New Bp hire. 4 a S; CeMenv,g , 5; Yerm, tt t; Maasacboseiia, I a iMawrc, 4af; Marjk. 7 a It; VirgswU, 10: KewfoekT. 29 a 23; land, 4 a 1$; , Jtnrx. 9 a 7." And abere kae tka kest fkrw breke at! I lbs aaw Baak, jwot rs sew Lam rf the F ft tie niiiiXixrafyC. -- jniLJELAYE.T2A. The Q je rf Porta-,!, Dsm ILm. St- rJ libbed S SM-Jr-fclO l- ta jmram.mlj of Cjt ; in rv ktia to ibe atnre pr J to be a J 1 by threat Briiaia f r t!ie suprsMua rf t:-- trad. It i asi!wibej r us D- tne rf Lt-4, 1 tb 26 h rf Aagast. TS Aetvra rrynmrJ to be d.fJ fcr I- Brhisk G.rrmestf oaM h be tii irf sen-: eoosdert:ija key IS tjsnj ecat rf IS ' world. It s 8 grtal ti,ui rf t U emtio, as rt ts dimrj kiuck sr rhe tnm;1 and iiqirescnpttUe rigkto rf 'rmy iodVpco xem-rchv. j - Her M-ije-tr. rss !t- a ber and tbe digarty rf ksV cam a, Im iks:y ta eruty to sdJrU rmmwmtk fswd f treaty rfVieassa a lb nrs ssrpporter rf tb f ret-aa btkoc rf pxer, and a Ik gtsaraotee" a decUraion, aatie at'ttT' 'Cbagreis, "bat filing rf tbe prsj wbrw tb aiav trade hiJ wae,nTal!j,ksd b tb srrt rf aer

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