y iUT,rS YMiLTAbXK LIFE Tltl-S AND ' i.v.rUK.MX IHT.TKRS. The unumtat estimation in which lue celebrated tA'e I'M and I'knax VMiti are held, ) ttia(uclorily ueiuom-tniUil by jroj iiicri n- 7TWB8rronM'IineururFvKVy awi nt t" Union, mid IjJ the voluntary testimonial to their r.' Ii4rkitU3u Vflic4cy w'uicii are eery where nli red. It I not lea from a deeply gratifying cunii jcim.; that tlit-y are the mean ol extensive ami uiestiuialile good among tiia til .tied lellow-crMiturea, titan from irilt-real-ed considerations, tint the I'luprictur of these pr-eini-DCDtty successful medicines is ileum wis ol keeping them Constantly belbrd Uie public 17. The sale of every ad ditional buX and buttle is a guarariU-e ttit mju.- persons will be relieved jroin arrester of Itss decree ol sui.'or ing, and be improved in general health; lor in 110 cm , ot suffering from utease tau they be taken 111 vain. The Proprietor h never known or been informed ul in instance 111 wlncti ttn-y nave fiiiled tu do good. In the inosl obstinate case'lp ot chrome disease, such a chronic dyspepsia, torpid liver, rheumatism, istlimx, nervous nd bilious head-ache, cubtivtnesa, piles, general debili ty, scrofulous wellni and ulcere, 'scurvy, nil rlieuin nd ill other, chrome atfecluma of Ihe organs and mem braae, they effect corya with 1 rapidity and perinaneii cy which lew persons Would theoretically believe, but to Inch toutisaiWs hatta testified from happy expert- ence.,.,, la c)!J and chvhicb,.if.lglctcd.uf,Hir iimIucc ilia :ik1 taut diMtaaos.ot the lungs, su4 indued the viscera in general, fnesa medicines, if taken but for three or tour days, never fail. Taken it night, they . ao promote I ho inHcnaibli) pertpiration, ami an relieve , the system of (etirilo ad 1011 aim feculent obstruction, to produce 1 imwt delightful tunae of Convalescence in the morning; and though' the nrual symptoms (if a cold should partially return during the day, Iho repeti tion of a suiUhla d'Wj at the nest huurol bed-tune will almost invariably ellect permanent teUt f. without fur theraid." Their eliecl upon teversof a mure acute and - violent kind is not les aure and speedy if taken in pro pnrtiunable quantity ;-and poison retiring to bed with inflammatory aytnpuimiof the nv alarming kind, will . awike with tho jfrstit'yinjf coiuuioiiaiierU that trie fierce enemy ha been overthrown, and can oanily beiblM4. " In the Mine wy, tificcral turgtwerlctk ihnngh long ea - tubluilivd, and viacerat inflamiiiatiuiiii, however tntical, will yield the former to auiall and the. latter t arjjo doeca of tho Life fill; and ao aJ hy -rtericn I uH'ec tkme Jjiypocondriociurn, remlemneax, am very many other varieties ot trie Neurotieal clanof dWaHe, yield . to the clticacy of the I'hrrux tidier: KuH directioaa 11 ir ine uae 01 iinne mwncinei, ana nirawuijj uieir aia tinctive applicability todillerentcomplaintmaoeoinpnnT - thewand tliey cm tw obtained, window k and- -r eta aH, at 375 Broadway, where nuuieroua cirtiticaten i( their unparalleled aucceaa are alwavn op;n to mapectiou. v For additional parlicularsof the above medicine, ki MorTat'a " Goon S.mxnrThii" a copy of which acevni. pniea the meHteinesr a tppy can alm flODbtainnd of the different Ajfttni who have ho uadktnet fur aalft, i rench, Gernun, and Spanish dircctiona can bo ob' taine-l on application at the olfiee, 375 Bfnadwliy. . A)U$nsl tJ letlera.B'U) receive iiiiirjc!V!e'titi.oritip9; 'rrejMrel'ab:raldTbTv''ifli4uf It Moitat, Ufa Broad way, IN. Y. A liberal deduction made to Umw wIm parchae to aell a'ain. ' . 1 principnl ilmgri;ii m every town thronjhrJtit. the Uni ted Stale anil the Canada. Aak for Moti'al'a Life I'll! and I'lienix Uiltem ; and be aure that a fae auntie ohn flroffit'rnfalOTirit wprni thelaWf f eacti tot tie of bitters, of box of Pillau 1 - -t : : 1 ,'EVKK A.ND AiUE.-T MY KRlrJ.NUS IN TUB vVKdT, and iwrticulnny Uiuae who have - wwlltw Ut'K MKItlLlAEU in treatment of ;. It la but a very abort tune since theao Medici net have .bpi'yfintnxlucjiU intottie tyotnipt Aoe Uiiitricu atid the prop'rieuir iiouers ui dittclr tliat ourniff that ocTki. tioiia, thwy hvnt.xtv more towana TXturroinating tn'e diaeaae, man all other remudiea ami prescription com bined, it u a coiuiiKin excuao aiiKing u regular prao titMmers wden ptoiriu ara mlriui:ed, llwl Uiey eA Tiot'trotD tfirJMia-wincii ;)wptfarwtrrofrtbttrTf cofl- aidennir incurable. Medical experience is coutiouallf doing away a part ot' tliu lut ol llio incurable diMMSCa,! "iiuvr6rnrtaadnappiiitor nouuetuj; thai J-tvrr ana A.n a t now to be auuod lo the iiuiiioer of couiplaiiit wliictt imxtcru ekjll hua wu uiiered. - - . In Fever and Ague the Lift MtUiciutt nut wily five quicker relict tsn any oilier remedy, mil, it peravvefuu 111, ellect a pti'hia-H tt cure; ao uM if Uie patient ia ouly urdiuariiy carvlul, aua iimimu uirecuy 10 lu uiedi tliiO upon Tlie lirel Jiuptoiu ol louduiicy 10 a new at luca, H way alwaya Oa Wiirdedott lovvcape one chiU " ffonRftne-orillhiimly unite uunmwi'ieme n-tH9 iiltfTt vi Uwn tltevaiueut tut? rurucdy-'lo ruKjvi Uieuiauaae permanently wwri;onrcT I . licatrtrtTimttirrivtliCtt .".'i"Tr.iiuis.iuji ' tiie 'MoUic'uwi "will, i tfocl lii la Here Claimed lot tlHjin, Um froprietui Ou lira leMHwaiy uf all aciUaitit. -ed- wittr mew ami iHoir appltcaUou aud una in intrt'e verami Aue; ami jhiaiojt'el 111 now audreaairig In ineutia at Hie H t u, 10 request tlioiu ilut Uiay pre no pniim in comtnunicatiitg tneir experience, aud dia-M.-iii.iialiiig Una mgiiiy mteruating inloriuaiioit, now that t.Hi a:aaoii lor r oer and Ague luta arrived. iriajiuLJiitJiitiuiLiui:voi ttl upwugof .AjftAVVaVieapee psoflt of sno beyond- Iiu.idrud pjckiigea ot lu Lda ileiicuits, llwl iiie pru- pnulor make Una appeal. 1 ha deinuDd tor 01 Jdetl eiHi-a 1. already greater ld.111 iw dtil conveiieiiliy aup piy; and even weie it luaullicieul to atfoid hint buai-U-ms tie would eotKotv tiiin:tf aopreuiely ai lri.-tn, U liia uuiaMira waa uut. grcalct at Uw beuehl cuulierred upon LUi) auttctuig part uf (e coutiuumty by an increase 111 iu a4le, Iimii at hwowu DTCUillury ulollU Tha Lilii Aiouiciiies, if projicrly used and persevered in, roeomiiieiM Uieuiaelvea i all it il M ueceawtry tliat Ui pu 111c aoould (now liwUuuh mediciiHiaexiat, and beove Uio propriety ot' aJveituin Ulenu . It is hoped, Ui-ie- turu, tbat tlM propriutuf w.lt Uol be aocUiM ol kguliaiu wuuil huauya tiiat Uiere la oo medicine or aiode ot treat' meiitexUnl.luf lever ud ague, aoappn.ptnle, thon tun and positive in us tisppy euecta aa Mffm't Lift i'uu and i'luuu itilltrt. . , For further particular' of the above medicine ee MotlU'at Gooo SaaiT4!i, a copy ot which accompa nies tne (iiedicine. A copy rta ,y aiuubaolKairted ol uie different Agent who hav tue uimncine tor sale. t'witWi, .mitis, aiat sipitwaMiaUMttMa aa-be obuined on application at the .office, 31'i.Ufoadwaiv. 03" All pol JmmI luttvra wiil receive unua-uiale attention. ' .'..' --'Has wh-jieia'iMiirTrfM'nmTi,''it-apr. FA T, 375 Broadwar, N. Y. A liberal deduction luauit to those whs purciiaan to veil again. - ( Agrnl$. i't e Life Medicines may also be had of the principal druggists m every loB tUriMiytiout tno United Matwand tire Canada. -rt kir Alotlat's Life-fifis and Pbenix, Bitters ; and be aure that a he aonile ot John .MuHjt'a alalia Inre 1 upou llio label of each aultU - nf hirttra, nr h.v nf ptllg- ' li'EVEtt AND AGUE POSITIVELY CUKF.o! JL Fever and Ague m a uiuat otaumate disease, and in warm an j humid climates, frequeudy rosista every or- "oTffirryiffotfrotlfmxwwirre dmtresaing to the person, and by titer extreme debility which the disease uiduces, it oiien gives rise t'tlier chronic cixj oUiiils. . Aiarsh niiasuiala, of Uie efilcvta arising tiotn atagnaut water, ia tlio most frequent eieiting cause of thi disease ; and one of its great pecuiiatitMsa is lis sus ceptibility ot a tenowal from very aitgtit caui, such aa from Ih prevalence of an easti.ly windmi;ji wilh uut the repetition of tiia original cxeitmg .cause. In this. Fever and Ague differ irom must other Mere; a it n well known, that alter an ordinary lever naaouca occurred, and buen removed, the peiaoo affected m not an Utile lo a Iruaa attack aa ooe w bo was not ao affect ed. Tiieae circuuwuoce render it extreniely difficult 10 effect a jNTSMiitenf cr of Fever and Ague, though to reacre the paUciit for Uie time being ia v-ry eary taak. . ' ' MOFFAT'S IJFE PILUS AND PIIEMX BIT TERS have been tborHighly levied, and proved to be yosiis and radical curt of Fever and Aue. Hun sdreds of hi fellow-crtis-oe m the Weat, hava soUinta iilr emnriljfwjritoawure N.rM L'lpit that the Li JWerfiene are Uie only Bicdicine Uwt will lAirouy fleet a removal of true moat tedwu and disagreeable '(Hrae. --- . (!:,"! '!.) Invo ? 1 1 1 . - 'i ;. 1 f . 1 illS poftinn ot li'ir furln," i en hnj'ie, and tin;, e,it t i.--.i a 1 -i 1 , 1 . - liiiuriaiiLC vt t .'.,..,1 i t. (if Olir Pfltlt'mefl"! t.:r II '. ... rmnr.o n.n in ti"' 11: p? Slatea, l.avu ciimt r i turns a.id deprej d , 1 r : 1-i v lifnif', drni-iritij out ii w ny din ; 1 1 I . 1 -.' 1 der nm ill WISH III Vtl: II lh.j a: 1 I 1 i .1. terror of Vw VwsMiii Jir wJ A I !. .1 are hlakteil their biwiiie. ener: .. il " -ir El Dorado hecome a d- rt, 11; i ue. wnr.1, to t .0 ear, ia broken to tue li'ipc. " To thene itulividunlr, Mr. MoJT.t w-nM hv-"Try the Life MrdU i, end. you will yet ent.-cinata yir imt aannuino pKM'etatbnt, lor ibey ni.l ccitaitily nv atnr ynn to health." " '. v Fever and Ajjne it a complaint wti ch reqnirca In he ni"t at its Brut apnrnaeh, and eMiitiltei at every a'niie. Seldom fatal of itself, it reduce the ttictisth, and im naira the functions of the organs, no that opon t!ie innni fartstion of diHeane, Nature ia nimble, utiaiHted, to re- . int the inroad. The I jfe . Medicine, w her) taken strict- ly arcofdinf to direction will cure it, and pive to the weak and trembling vkttm of disease, new hcullh, life," andatrenortli. - ' ' v ; ; ' : Z-Tot full- rmrViettiw n? thu ini?p of trctilmciif, the i reader ia referred fo the (j(Kio Paharit!, a copy of," which acromrmniea Ihe medicine.- A copy may be tib tained of the ditlerent ajenta ho have the tneilu-ino ' for ale. tj. : .. '-., i . French, German, and Spanish Jirecttnna can bo ob- . tained on application at the office, 875 Broadway, ' All punt mid letter will receive immediate attention. . Sold wholesale and retail by William & Moffat, 375 Brmdway, N. Y. A liberal deduction made to those who purchase fo aell ajaio." ' ' '' " , A4r?f The Life Medicinea may alao be bail ' the , principnl Drurrinta in every town throo(fhout the Uni ted HfatP and the Canadaa. A"k tor MotTat'a Ufa Pill and Phenix Bitter; and bo aure that a be ainnleof . John MotTat'a signature ia upon the label of each bottle '' of Bitter, or box of Pilla -v 1 - The above Medicinei may be bad of Meiers. Cress tV Boger, In this Town, who are Agents for the same. "' falwfy. C- July gq 1839. V : : - 1 NEAV PROSPECTUS ,;,TttH UVaP13TiliICJL?i. MTaa Ktpvinicaa" ha been published in Waahinj thn, iNorth Carolina, foir ; aix month, and will be contin-" Ded to long aa authcient patronage i received to defray " the expenaea of it publication. It ha now upward of four hundred autwcribers, and it ia believed that if thoee friend to whom tin Proypeclua ia sent will make iU' fleedrtrorivlhettamberTO port of our paper; we. are compelled to rely a I moat en- lirely upiai our aabacriptina lint, aa the mdvertuing palnmaga-4-alnt axeluaivaly ia the haod ol lh H'Aji ; and they cheruh towanla our prea the better bosttli'y. " ; '' It ia important that Republican pree ehoulil be uauta4ji"tnia plaoe, Jt- i peeultariy wwwrtant tee the Republican party of thi Contrreaaional District Tbia town ia about the centre of the District. The im portance of the presa may aafely be inferred from the nialijji.anl and, bitter persecution we have received from the Whig for our effort to establish it It ia un (Kira'ffl"t3"Tfie" "wb6l6 RepubfiMrT pirtf of : Niirtjj CaroT" lina, that this preaa should be tiiatained. "There i no other Republican pane? publiahed ia a circuit of 00 - tHte;J vl' i aajicept tha. larboto! .'rrenn,' .triers J.. none within 7a miles, vlhere w no Kepublican paper pnbiiehed in the;.Nerfbi!r Diatneti-VVV are-thenktuf to our friend in that District for the aid we have aj- roady received in extend our circulation! and hope they will help u still farther. . --The name of wot --paper indicates-rta character. h is a warm advocate ol the old Jenersoiiien doctrines aa t kiriti in tlie Virginia and Kentucky Resolution ..ol tTiWrrrrtfte mnjurrtng-fbtDf Jnmitfpoty.1rwa?ei; no hall-way opnoaition, but " war 10 the knife a.ni the knife to tho hilt." We will not compromise on Una point: infertsf may be compromised, but principlci reer-in -th contOBtnow "going on between the- mmry potrcr and popular Ubrrly, it will' be found aa licretolore a aealouvand we hope, an efficient advo cate of the right of tlie people It Will advocate free trade aud the rigarf f labor, and oppoeo tlie union ol ffon mid Slate, aa not less corrupting than the union ut .t'Aurrk and Stair. It ai in noi la loe nreaeiit Arlinin istration, and will continue to do so as long as tnejo- " rr.-... . , vemmmt m admmielered on- sound KepuoiMjan and SiilB-KigliU uocrrine ( All sectarian and irreligioiia matter will oe careimiy excluded Iniin t ie eolumna oT a Tliel&yuliTicaSw Our paper ia publiahed in the midst of constant per sonal danger: in fact we are almost weekly the subject of personal iu(. V hope those to whom this is ent will make some effort to procure subscriber. Our term arc Three Dollar per annunk the Mipport of tbe presa. . v , GEORGE HOUSTON. Sen. Editor and Proprietor. September 2ft, lSSk ft t4 Boots, 6a Shoes. the m SCRIBEttS- U'ttl'LD iotoroi Uie public, that they still carry on the 7'aanmf Rurnwtt, and in connection with it, the IHfOr and bllOK MAKKN'U at their Tan Yard, on the 2nd rquare, Eat ct the Con rt-l louse; where tbef have on baad a qir mity of excellent Sole-Leather and Skirting, Harness, Dridle, tnd Upper Leather, Cov ering Leather for Coach-maker, and Horse Collar. Aim a large supply of COO TS, of first and second quality; Geiitlemen's, ladies', and Child ren'a SHOES, of a superior quality ; and a large slock of coarse Shoes, of a superior quality. " "Afe W pTatureif nwrttfivbTifrrierr, We"hiei5 hesitation m wsrranttnour work to te as welt done s ' any lo the State, which we will sell low for Cast, or on tune to punctual (Ml . Drders liutn a iii.-iance punctually attended to. Also, a riot mte pair ol UmA Tree, and a sett of soooud ha ruled Las' for hi I e. " ' ' ' ; - ; DROWN & CHAMBERS, N. B. IMeawillbe t&keq in 'exchange tor work done in til above basinex , 11. Jl C. .Salisbury, Sept. 6, l?:i'J. ' , . - . 15t .. 3cii37aQoncoIio; 1 1 AVIN0 received a new supply of GROCElUESt- ti, takea pleasure 10 saying lo his friends and the. pubJiCtlrmf thy.C"n now Iwrtains indeed fir eh lie lias all kinds of rauiily uroviMoiiaVtuci) a. . ' Sugar and Colli e, "Jbnrp-a, "' , Lemons, . JJ v ' Raisin, ' .-. " . . , Alini)nI, ; ' Sweet I'racker, , Newark Cider, -r ' I virion Syrup, H'inea and - Froip ani CximIIch, C.hI F.i. . ' ' llrrioi, " Miclieri:!," f 'riliiie'', A.rI.,-: s I.101" Juice, .Albinv Ah-, Lioimr of the brat qahtte,nwf nf Utc larf importations. Falisbnrf, June 2 tWL i ., tr Moffat's Pills and Bitter;:. fllHE LIFE GIVING TILLS AND PIKKMX X BITTEKS, u eelebrali d, aid so much n.-l t y the afflicted 111 every part of the conntry, is now re ceived and for sale by the S'llsTril-era , Measr. Spaiisoa 4. Sn?ikLE, in ConcurJ, N, Cnar lan Agents fi the same. ...p. S... See drertMctaeiiUa.Api A 4, ".". tf J 1 . f , . .. v. : COODS 1 V 1 1 ITS, . , 'l'i:n.:i,e, Crock- Iriij and Me ii,;;, I'iinita and (;;:;h i:.;t mil s, l Oil, I'.otita n'iii Mmjcsi, h'adi'Sery, iVc, &c. In abort, l. ir Mock comprises aimn every aria-ie needed by the l rmr, Michamc, or the t uhunublrt pf the tovv 11 or country. - ' - V- ,N. I!. They will w ll low for caah, or to punctual dealers mi time; or in exchange for country Produce. L'oni 011I, May 2 lib, l-iid. Un . V TAILOIUNGBUSINESS. :,;'v b. it. ??,:s3 ''' ' II ESPCTFUIAY, take thie method to inform bia 1 friends and customer in Concord and its vicinity, that he still continue to carry on the above branch of Business at hi old stand in Concord, South of the atore ol Measra. J. F. Sl C. Pliiler, where be will be found at all titnea, ready to V- Cut, make or Eicculc, any work in bis line. Ilia long experience in the Busi ness, the Mine he ia now taking to receive the surliest fashioni lram Philadelphia and New York, enablee him to aay, that the work done at bia Shop, shall be oi Uie ' , ' AND " ' ' ' ' ' . Dest Workmanship. N. B. He will also teach (a A'ent) the much ap- proved system of T. Olive of Philadelphia, to any one who wishes instruction in hi, tystera 01 cutting. Concord, 0. 2U, 18U& - JOHN C. PALMER, haatnother new supply of ifold and ailver Lerer Watches, . plain English md frenchi da,- gol Fob Cboina and Key, Breast Pins, Finger Ring, silver Butur Knives, , 5r rencus, (.paieoij auu iiaiu,; 4 wu- -3 Picks, Fob Chains, Bpectacle and Thiiiiblea, Steel and Gilt Fob Chain and Keys- -r--Also, a very fine and large assortment ol Ramra, pocket and pen-knives, by different Manufacturer, with nmallv kent bv Jeweler, all of which will be Sild very low for ea, "or only wV'niobtJw clediX-i ter which time, interest will oe charged. - j Work done faithfully nd punctually. "8alilmrt.-Myft1oW.',B::3 Mortis Multicaulis. r"UIE Sobacfiber inform the public, that be baa for L sale, at hia Nurseries in Davidson County, 13,000 tree of the Morus Muiticaulis, (and also a large num ber jq( iQoH.Iyemor,CU Wings of the same, ol the cur rent year' growth;) these are superior to cutting with out root to propagate from, ilia price shall be the market price of the article in the North, and elsewhere. He h-4iaj :f kfge-atock uf iVuitTraea,Mnaieting of Vih Peaches, Plums, Lr ShitBZhl fat. being selection of the beat American and European fruits, alt of which are grallcd or Utoculaled, and in J1reahhfrTwrng;ectrJrtiw. I will deliver Tree in good condition, at any reason able distance from Lexington, say 75 or 10Q miles, (if amount ot orders will justify it,) for which I will charge the usual pneo of hauling. It will be well for those who wish to obtaiu trees, to get the Catalogue of the Nurseries, whicb contains prices, and will be sent gratia to all applicants, the postage being paid. Communica tion will be promptly attended to, : - three! lo lxingron, v. V. CHARLES MOCK. 1 1 . ... r n c a ioki j iwmpi,,f.. Bra , UAVE on barrrxand offer for sale the following arti cles cheap tor caah or on time to punctual dealer: Fine invisible green, blue and black Cloths; Sstin vesting, figured, very handsome; Blaek and drab Date for Summer wear; 8 pieces Kentucky Jeana; . 100 do. brown Domestics ; 10 do Bed-Tickings; 2,000 lba. Spun Cotton, S.F. .10 lbs, blue cotton Yarn ; 00 lba. Turkey tted ; ".""15 letraiianiTasaiirted'; ' 4 genuine mouse-bole Anvillea; ' 2 smith' Bellows ; 1 dot. Cull ine' Ale: I finished Rifle barrel: 3 dot. Weaving Reeds, Philadelphia make ; Scotch and Mao caubo t'nuff ; 1 box best-cavendish Tobacco ; 18 or 20 Uut Anker Bolting Cloths, from No. 6 to ; assortment or screen wire, &.C. AWO Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, French and Champaign Bran dy, W'inea of different kinds; Holland Gin, &c., 4c. July 26, 180U v tf BOLTING CLOTHS. sua sirj33jJiioia3 1 1 AVE on band, and intend keeping a supply of the 1 1 best Anchor Stamp' Bolting Cloths, comprising all the varioua No, used m thia region of country. V here all who wiab the article can be up - ... y . plied nvetttttoJH-fjvehwrB, w terms. ateo Wove Wire for Screens, Sifters, &&, kept constant- Iv 00 hand.. a, jouio.- Fayetteville, May 17, 18!)9. . tf Q The Heath Tract 2tVlE above TRACT of LAND advertised in anoiher ii pan ,sf tins papal, as atiU FOR SALE, and any one wishing to purchase can, by paying two or three Luudred dollaira down, have the chance to pay the aatec on any rCTStmi'M.vtme.. .. - - . , B. AUSTIN, AgenU Salibury,.JuIy S, l3!. : tf ';. T Wrapping i'apcr, &lc riIIE Surwcriber bave just received a larre easorV I nier.t of brown and Cidored WRAPPING paper; !n-.!i r with a largn quantity ol f ASTE BOARD, wIm h they idl'.'r at wholesale or retail. . C. R& C K. WHEELER. June 7. 1-3V 'If i j;!U)M 75,( m to 1W.000 ol the - ' l,e T- a C7 Ajr'y t tins t;::.ce. em!. r, a. ; - ) a miiMuMJifim niB'isL I r i;;:.TH TRvrr, cMitainim? huu,:.. ,1 AcreifX IjiuJ; situated bmit h X n; !H f t id h'i efmi, IMvurwin Co. ' 'on Uio load luil.i'g'liom LfXilijjtott W Faveltevillo ia now ollered for ule. There arr about lDt) acre improved, and 500 in Wood and Timber. Tho Tract ia located in a very -a ' m1 mmtmm and is peculiarly adapted to farming. It haaon it t nan Orchard, and a good Meadow. And inde- pendent of these advantages, tf.a proajiect tor j Hold, is unquestionable, aa one or two GOLD VM.VS bave already been opened, and some very rich ore ex tracted from them. r , . The celebrated Conrad Gold Mine, i situated a few hundred yard south of it J and according to the direc tion of the Veina of that Mine, they must necessarily pas through a part of thi Tract. . Any person wishing lo view the premise or get a more miuuto description, will call on Rigdoa VVada worth, in Lexington, who will give, the Jteaireii iotor- , muttony or sny person wrshmg tororrmrct for tlie-same, will call on Dr. Austin, Salisbury ; or address Letter to the Subscriber, Trenton Post Office, June Co. M. C. ' VVM. xL HEATU. Feb. 81, 183i). tf rpiIE Subscriber having located himself in the town JL of Oncorrf, would now otfer bia service to the Public, as an. '. Ornaiuenlal and Sign Painter. He flatters himself hat bia long experience in the above Business, and the specimen ol work be baa executed in bia line, will be ajwrricieirt recommendation. ,lle will also sttend to any call made on him in the HOUSE PAINTING BUSINESS, and is confident be can give satisfaction to all wlto may eoiploy him. , The Public is rcspeetfullf requested to call and en. courage htm, as he ia determined to execute all Work committed to him in the beat possible manner. . Kj Also, Fainting and I riinruing all kinds of vV riagea, done with ncatnea and despatch. - 5 SrWrRAlNEY. V Ooneord, N. C, March 21, 1839. tf VubWc ISoUte. WE Subacriber,in eoofurmity to recent instruction . teceived from the North Carolina Gold .Mine Com pany, take thi method to inform those interested, that , hereafter all persona found trespassing nponthe (oUpw-., ihg" Tra'cla of Lnd, belongmg to 'aMr'tpany,,eltlt' ted in Davidson County, will be prosecuted according to the strict letter of the Law. .JOHN WARD,-Agent-N- Davidsonj April 18, 183a U . V .LANDS: Tract, No 1- containmg rj acreF, lying on ifce fcor . . mile branch. ' yv 2 coouining 902 acrea, lyipg on the wa J tow tbe Flat Swamp. 1 '3 containing 3,800 acres, Ivingon Lick creek. Flat Swamp, and Yadkin River. ' apireontaining 1,850, lying on Flat Swamp ' - fieontaiomg W7, lying on ijck creek. ' 7 containing 1,412, lying on Flat Swmap. 1 8 coouming 600, lying on Lick creek. IMeefltainiBg Wl, lymir-oii'-Lick creelu . J1 10--eonUmmg -107 orea, lymg on lack crueB auu rial nwauip. " 12 containing', l,:ir3, lying on Lick creek. " 12 containma; 1,317. located on tour mile branch and Jacob creek, adjoining the Lead unjie. ITtilhe Subscriber keep constantly en band, a gener al tl assortment of SI READY MADE CLOTHING, for Gentlemen's wear, aucb aa Oats, Pantaloon, tip rest, or good Goods, -V- v well hade, and fashionable. "He ia also prepared lo rut and mare clothing in the mo fathimahh mn4 iurabt tJ j miyr, auu ii raoLou ui 111. im, aisn. Beep a good as sortmtnt'of Clrhva1rncYiriJ YcsliK ijoaliticsi aerected'by binwelif 111 Hie New fori Market:-"' au or wnicn no wiuauu. 4ow jot-uah, : N. R - He atill continue to teacb the art of Ciittinrr garments on tbe most approved plana of the best Tailors in new lora and Philadelphia. tET- Mining lor customers done on the shortest no tice, snd orders from a distance attended to with dt apath. (KT Hia ahop will be found in Mr. piwan' arire brick building. DENJ. F. FRALEY. lTstmTy,-MaT-2nm tf N W I sSTAULISlOIEA'T, 1 IN MOCKSVILLE. pAVIE COUNTY thomas"foster INFORMS th public that he haa former aland, In bia new buildi removed from hia buildinp on tha n,il.!, square, in the Town of Mocksville, where he will eon tmue to keep a HOUSE OF ENTERTAINMENT. tiia uouse is roomy ami commodious ; attached lo which are aix eomforUble Offices for gentleinen of tbe Bar, all convenient to the Court House. Thai fjfkaaH ber pledge himwlf 10 the most diligent-exertion, to rive antisfaction to auch aa m rail nn him 1 1 nr. v. j MMim a 1 ble. Bar and Stables are provided in the fmi ful and prompt. Feb. 14, 1830. n. u . - - ht'ULl-l'UUING. 7 - rpiIE Subacribr wishes lo inform hia customer and tbe public generally, that ho iil carriee wine . . .. . 1 and ia ever ready to execute, in a very eupennr ""'"""i uooviipuuiMuj wura ui nia line, Void tMnderi,MUl.Slontu VimAmanJi n lill; Door.$trpt and r-x.onirt, ar executed in a very tare alyle. Hi grit for Millstone ia wirv good.-- Mr. Phitipe alao beg t0 inform the public that he can eiocute Engraving of various kind-. tlrwitt EDftfaVe marMn.'aTBl- Fi.-if- Ii -HIV. tomb-torma can bo well executed if "desired. Hi cnargee ahall always be reasonable, and a accom mnslajliBiai aksa, auu.ILt- " i-uuiiii mm puoniuit) Persons wishing to have work done in (he above line, will do well to call al the residence of Mr. I niiipa, seven miles tmith of Saliahurv. AUgilSt 4, tf ' ' NVawVciA lor200HeadofShfep, for which lair price will be given, vr APP1 ,l e "Rowaa iiwrau Salisbury, Sept 6, ISMi ti" ' Negroes rWanlcdr IJAIR eaah price will be gi at CoL R W. Lnng'sfk ven for Nerroea. Anl STILL : LATC'U THAN i;v; mm i..W ,.-... ., !eclic!nes, Pve- r ' Suulfs Tolwccn, p. j Starch, Soaps, Per t rinuiiMi, PaaTB ; and Wrapping; Paper, Pajier and i'suiti!, Ma , t : ii.Ti.. I'o. i. d-ii. !a'a, Purt, lu rrv, and Claret Wine, Frem.h, Pesth and A, Gin, Mommgabala and old Whij-M-t, J4ia'iu ' E. Rum, Ijmf Snar, Vanoflies, KmJ i'th.r ", 1 Ware, Bottles, LeiiHio and Gifipev Syni, l,,.ie' j Tamarinds, Jus.', Casks, Pk!t ttks and .Map, "' Iron and Composition Mortars, anj I'tstle, -Wick, Blacking, Lee's, Dean', DyottV, Anifn 1 Hooper's, Scott's, Cook's, Shop, Beckwttir, p, Moffat'a, Evann'. C.-andretb'a, l'lieli IM1. 11 . and Swaim'e Psnacea, Moore and Anderson's (',K' I hops. Snuff Boxea, Spirea, Pepper Sauce. R,-,, ' Tianc Mixture, Back Gamnn Hoards Matches, J Columbia for bald heads. Elixir of Opiuu Sui;. Tcxniifui.'c. and Uiuuafljul ulhet inklea iusttK,'! and for aale caeajr at the Apothecary aijn, by C & C. K. v Salisbury, June 7, 1S3JK 1 HaaaaaaaaHHaajsMH To Traulkn. f HUE travelling community are respectfully rnS J- ed (hat the Subscriber i now runiiing hia lm reel from Raleigh bv way of PiUboro' and Asfitmro' Is Salisbury, in amall Northern made Coaches of the lira: order ; leaving Raleigh on Mondaya and Thuradayi 10 A. M., arriving iu Salisbury next days at It) P. Ji, Leaving Salisbury on Tursdaya and Fridsysit 4. V arriving in Raleigh next day at 10 P. M. Hia horse are good, and driver particularly careful and accommodnting. " JOEL McIiXY Feb. 12, 1839. ; tf N. R Seaia secured at the Mansion !LbL - Teachers Wanted. T ANTED uiimedialcfv. ia Main ami Fim.VT.i er, to take cbarse of the Academies at u- place. Tha Gentleman to be well nullified tn nni ( - dent fbr tbe University of this Slate, and Uie L.,, teacb ,'Mie.,..'...:' .-: ' :T:"r':r;r'--. uauslly taugliUtt FetnaW Iiiatuutione b thiatu ' N. R A 'married Gentleman whoa) ladt amnUhL. charge of the Female Academy would be preferrei .y ' - John clement. ' Mocksville, Oct 1 183a t icyt TasVnows, tor Spt'mg t uon acii ii.nrafv ,tn.M,p,i-i'iii v ' - - ' ' ' . , Ucar nv i riibiii tuorma his Irienni arul 1! DllbllC that hft atlll rarnea rul ila Tltli ING BL'SlNl-3 at hi. old stand 00 maioitr. ml. iofif.. Jq thfl .A Wn,rX,?lrW.li itjttsf ady l execute the oniena of bir customs ia 1 style ind "manner not BurpaMrd; by kny nirlmu" in the weatern part o( the State. He iu'wibe. gulnr -receipt of lb la teat Lowbm and HnoH . r ASfllONS,' andprcparwl "Ut-tecatMbdiat'tSM tastes of the fashionable at all times. ...-. frCuuingBrenU-of eU-kiuda attended t promptly ; and the lateat raahioii farnisbed at iS times to country tailor, and instructions given it culling. Salisbury, Jan. 1, 1939. ' To Owners ot MVWs. IHE Subscriber baa an improved patent SpinSt -- Mills, by which, a mill will do much bviM S With the Usual form of SnimlUa - I, - I - - ' UAIWKV a to keep from heating or killing the meal in ant au. ... ,J , runner " connneu py tlie npindltna. A, rL . ' ,-Tr'j.""M,.y.i.jcur!w.tjerrn rutbihff Bf the' alonei ' A '- J- ' ' fird'IryRt -irnprov'gndWthr; wne'i wtu aa ajLjeasi. otie-iinrd more Iwanaesjai and Uiewai of niperior quality. Any person wishir.g Uj use one of theae 8M rosy obtain one or more, by making application, (atta in a abort lime) to tbe Subscriber at Mocksvilje, Ui Co. N. C I think the Drobahl Kit ..11 lor the Filant and Spindle reedy for one. The filllnfaVilltT nOraaVana kaa avaa t..a if. II O .JI. B r.-7"" HIT eiiriu ill 111 OLKIXiW nnTe1uT8Iriiin ter. Jaarnh Hall and S.m'1 P..-.. n f -.- - - " ut ei, WW-, tiilbreth Dickson and David J. Rauis.,ur of Liocula; narie urinith of Knwan j Addi.no Mooraof DJ son. and William fVa tJ H.,rrm .11 .j-,k fy pleaaed with its perfurmance. . . , . X1- GILBERT. October 25, 19.10. tf To Journrj nten Coaca.TIaktr. fPHE Subscriber will give steady emplrvmenttoiaa, food Journeymen Coach makers, who caa euiai wen recommended tor ItabiU of anbriely and Nslusw Their business will be to make and repair Caches, ti, tm H.V. .V. i.r .1 ..:. l - it . . tvi wiini, yi, uicy auu; ne w,n pay iineril wajri 4Wl. v, hahki. Lexington, October IL, I8a. If DR. G, B. DOUGLAS, A VINO located bimsell is Salisbtrf, lejrMettnllvtenmr vicea to its citiiens, and those of the surrounding en try. Hia office ia at the room formerly vtcapieii J I R. M. Bouchelle, where be may be found al all Us exeept when absent on profeastonaf dot tea. : : ratisDury, stay a, twj. If 'JYew Foundry. XIIAVE lately completed and put ieoueratioa sbv Irou foundry t my mill on the South-Yadiie nf (formerly Pearaons) in Davie county; where " prepared La niaka alt kinds el sa.t.mra. ansk aai-Itf mnoinr work ot cottin nr a.-,n... -inrwa. eutua (in, grist and saw mills, thrashing machine. mills, plumer blocks, gudgeon, iron ehsfls, sul., drums, driving wheels and, jn short, every llim that is usually made at iron foundries. VVa art prepared- hr- 'rrwTnffTrft,oic.;Btid f x fimsbiflf fiUmg opaJl ktofeaMrW th lineal .. 1 bave employed Jacoa Wavanaiao, forniy Baltimore, a Very skilful Mtcninist, to uorris'' and manage my esubliaiiment. Mr. .vVeynesborf W Worked all bia lite in establishments of thinrJ m durtinpuiahed for his skill as a Machinist, s -'' Wright, lie will also make calculations fcx wbcela, mill-gearing, aVc; and when tlsi maclnwn; obtained fmrn un, be will attend tu pu'trng H u ' price are those of similar riiblummeuts st Ui fcr Order addreswd either to Jacob Waji' t or myself, at Salisbury, will be pmmntlv stti-m! . CUARLri risHtK- Salisbury, May 24, 18JJ9. B ?oeryooaiiL.:wtlJC f Jon nti .Ti .cf Xtatly and Expeditiously eitentrd 0 (ait tf - Brwwaeaiwxtesll