, 'c i. II. ! . . 1 J "'iiui "! fts, ' r I" j,. KLrti ' dor. j,e pencil of Wt, Copy, Smart, and AlKton ' - y he chisel of Grecnauiih by the wonder work-j jntr 'genius uf Fraiikliii'Whitiiey, and Fulton. ' j -'""""" 'Am! now(!itl''i)i,ni,.fi';r.tliC .4ilu.-C- uf.aU! - - - - their ainistor irreuielions, we are si ill told that tieTtj ft An virtu tn I'emoeraiie hisittufimts ; that r , : .n ; . ...i...n ...j .1.... Ifffl MUHia'i IS iu nj "in: , ami nun i 8 ft. years more will demonstrate tlio fulilily of j all our theories. Lt our future history f.irm.h ; (he answer. I will venture, m my turn, to predict 'that our cuure horeufler Will be, not lens prosper-: 0111 limn tt hai heretofore, hccti; llial I lie situation; of our country "two centuries hence will firm a u brilliant a contrast lo tit present otto, as (hi dooa in it Inf int ci'dilirt.tU-cu-Murit' ago. Let but Ihe present and each succeeding generation lie (rue! f to the principles nod example of our noble f.itlier J-rallyligi a they aid, willi unflinching eoar2j, '."to the irtniijard of 'DEMOCRATIC TRUTH tad thoro is no assignable limit to your national Till AVI-STKHN CAROLINIAN rrldajr Morning, Notember 8, 1839. Tht Public Landi.8onH of the papers in the Country are urging the, policy, that Congress jpi'.lll;. T!i8 Fevnr h is i.i a ,j!,;.it ur.Y. 1:5 f.om N. Oc'c i',. . U eill cwnii..ii.- iiliiit any nlntrrrrr.t of it. niaginty, in siy ihc p:'.per " thf VJril October, i McDonald the Van KurenCiiiniii'uio in Georgia, was ttuctud by a m:ijn'riiy tf hUhji ioo 0!es. .COM DIN ED AT.ri ACTION'!!- The official riKurna of the Timnc Election give (In. Polk a majority of 2 )0(1. The Hon. Jo: M. llliV, Cnnerly a member of Courrrcss from Florid, diud in Su- LouiiJ, Mis 4.... i(,L ..t.: 1 - .. . uuii on uni wm uiiiuiii. - 4. ., . , . , "vf tonal "W'jftli tliia tioe Vrfof fl, Julionted, our ap. - .- 1 u em. oWrnmem isiaiih half 1 rw fin'S; 'A cJ,5h.1i' eiiniv m !i mV a of pi! ibed kj a , emuiwt;., pIvlW iiod inii ly cLakn, ,wlir(t jmlniwuiii inspqiiptf'j imc rep hi Aatrw t 1 thii ionn-1 icy re tW 1 wfiatcw It Miir,Z. uldiiljto., ur pftuwit anew IKK" lttioTW . . ; lUefrinti', lur.coowrf bat wt t ndwoUkt. ' ofibtDft 1, a (bo II . of political a nee. Tt ion, wt f Ind'irni-, I culivre- a, is 1 jiT " Kt Our qp imptinj ii did rewlt yinf ,!ht ivemmenl. ir jtrmmd",-"' r asiumi -pirgetling arodel fhr phjw- ; r fiirfxJ rt belierft, ; ! which mdiiifin a4 -country-, limnlo and j Ihfl Pcrnc vcrimif xt- , osa per 'hkb.iiluC&.v rtwlf nj4 firluM iVa fcdi ' ch difliw;! . em arealih,-'' iibefofll I, the wiii rjU ret(f , acfijllii" ill - ' ; ntcrtiMC V )emnrrtli : , projn'f." ' pmhcltp-.' WBceinri'i ; lia.'e tipkK. Icnica, V(' preceJij lent of lti , into '. Jewl Co"-, ' no aanikM., . he' .?ul!y r ' in, ajI e verv uJf 1 tVt rr; fur iim"(i-; mJ nf "r v fnre. V and wi''. itnccrii'.-'" f iV i'i''' ' . l ,m,gre. i our ,nun? tommunih.-a ai.all grw ,,ua , , Uvr l d.iJ8 th e public land ainonx u tnto.ni nepuiuicaa einpiroa; your Uiuooi ,l. .i a. , ... ; j 111 mbr..ce thi comment Y.Jr fiu.e. rii.tt:'. lh T1 S'Th.r would exceedingly bo numbered by hundred, ind.vuui: populati. 4vi?w:, inef ,cry .good pwjww Cf nnndreda of niilliwiaV' ,Joutriainlo4auf--''w c a,wM4themsoiTewply'i Should you,.Drt the other deem tmusi shall relorm me worUI. Hhoula y .'hand, or votif aucceaaora, which I 11. .l. C.Ij. i Ik. .1..-..: ..J f r ulv. Li lira aiiu cawiiijiii; 111 uur j ance.ftor, ahould you ever, in at evil hour, dtieri ihe hinnet of Democracy and permit the antajro. ; i t& principle to plant il hateful ed in our soil, the oure of our pruwpcriiy would be atonc etiKckcd, our Union would fall into fragtnenta, and i our State aink like those of ancient npd modern ' Europ8! thwjilL queries of hloody revoluiiona, into the unit of uutioimi ruin. . ," ; -.' . ; It n f.r thea rmmmt, gcntlemrn, that we -ain thai Democratic principlea and the DemoCradc Adminisiration of th9 General Government j :hat e reViir in themccfMea of the Domocratio par" f. Wg feci no prido In party (riumpbe, merely aairch j we have no pleawre in achieving victo. Ties over peighhorn, frionda and brotherifc We J' hjve nivdcsire to exclude our opponent, who poa o lnr a (hare i.f the wealth, talent nd 1 tndividuul worth of.lhe community, fron llie eon. - pioaoua station (o which their personal qualities would entitle tliem. -. Jct them only be true lo the rmciplc nhnrr tham only lay aide their dintruut of the people, ailniK with 01 the noble creed of litierty and equal .jifthtjTrmlJ-e'4e4b Uauly cfour common country. America will Jficn know but'ono party and will iroscRt to ber i tnemica abroad, and to an admiring world, the ! ipectaole of a, Completely united, aa h now doea, that of a froe, prdfoeroua, and happy people. J .t ion nifesWRwa CARoitMvt, Mfissdir. Ettmui r l'feaini"arro n,..rr"P..,T: and oow find it difficult lo pnv even the mtereat of al nopSer.' tho Caiolina Wichman ' a few dava their iinnn-nje kbt.bui it would be altoirether lXi notice that those prrniere, and m of : - - , " r.i.. i.". , 1 . '1 1 1 . v . . ' unwiae f,r .of th Carolina to aanctiwi any aach ,,lB,r re"er01 acrmoiera, aaoime toHiemelve great I (aw.-The proceed, of ,U Public Land, are now mrnrdB you, and the other; Puhlw.n. .L ' :. 1 of thia part of the country." .A atranwr rniitht j.jMru.. piiv inc rpwises 01 inn venerat ,w veroment. take St away from that object, and it fillowa;, aaa matter trf eimr that tho ayMem of direc( tauion wilt have to be InereMwd, in order to Hiet'l Uteae eipcnsitairrrot1etter for North Carolina, and the oilier Sititea who owe no debt, i'(W the proceed of aaloa 'of. the Public Lands ahould go to the iupport of the Government, than " thai new taxet ahouhl be imposed on tho people for hey w'Ml u to fnlluw the dictation of their Chu. thai purp-ise f-Thoae Siatca that have contracted cusen (hat they are pung to hold in Raleiffb, and VThe Ifon. Wm. IF. Putter, a niomhef of Con gress From Pcnnaylvaaia, died a ftw day airico. auppose front their uw ftnd langnajte, thatwo all neiong to ttieio, and are rwinontrhle to tlicm for our conduct, Xuw, fur oie, I wih these aolf con ceiled FedernliHl (o know, ; tlint if tlmv belons to Nick Diddle, and Henry Clays wo are free men, ami are not arcountabU to them, for our poliiie.nl opinion, nr action.-. What bnnioei ia it of thcie impudent fllue-lights, who the Republicana go for a next 1 resiileitt, or nel Governor T I aupMM '' . " UNITED iN WEDLOCK. ., "-wnmnin-VCTimT.on moilli alt., oy Acne Kioelm, -ItrMffAftAM tiARTMAX to (TATOARDJE , JiAKKKir.ol Cibirroa.. r ? ; In Cibarrua Countv, on the 17ih hit., by Chririonher .Milnr. Mr. WIUJE MORGAN of Rawan, to ilw riUSA.WH ICEUOUR, o( Gabarrua. - , , -1 - -1 ... -' V ' DEPARTED THIS UFE- " v . s tliia Town, on Ihe- 1st lnlartt,'JUr, TlfOMAS BENSON, aped about ! year. ; , V -1 .,. s In thia Coontv, on the, 4th inai, Air. WILLIAM ; ft)fc)TO:.on uf Benjaoiio Poaloo, lln., aired Ibool v In Stoke Countr. on the 2nd instant, BYRON X. "ONRAr only ann of Jaeob-ConrtilCBq., ajH thre "irtlr. AIri, o lha 4lh indUnT, Sir. JAWiTV-UiV-RAD, aijed 67. year. Th" father and son were bnricd 'JiatheMine irrave. f Comm. -.' ; - llhiaUiuQitooiiie L7UiulthraXixif limJty w Mr. JyHJJ KWjlctJ. aMut 7U ycara.-:i-.- Valuable Eaand FOR-SALE. tPHE Subscriber nflcra for aal the following f A valuable land tn Lincoln County 1 frocttiniriz 302 acre, lying on the Catawba Riv j-gTTO imlryfaelor,BattiV Frl-. A Tract of132 acre adjoining the ato've,' y. A Tract known aa (he ; - - f c Awii v; puics, containing 709 acrea, which will be"ld in pafi : trlito-auit puxchaer8.;r ',; '' - 7 - . , The Subscrilier having aeermined to sell, thnse tarda may be bai on very liberal terms, with a credilof orre, two, and three yeHre.. , j Any' one dvalrinit lo pvrchaae arid wishing to et ttnine any hf .lh land, will be shown them by a p. . JilTing to Dr. B. X. JonS-ao who" reNidt"in the atighhorbood, and who will inform their) of further Muructilair in relutlon to term. - A ' I. , .,- H. W. CONNOR. litiUryN.C., Nov. 8, 1939.; (fv- ' millimia of dcbt,timat not expect tj relieve therrf ; afclve"at the ctpense of Nor'.h Carolina and Ihe I other utes that we few we enough to keep oui of debt. Tite Public Linda were ccdej.lo the United Slatea fur Ae purpose" iif paying the -Nations dji).iVrrolihi!:SiaJb(a, od, tho NatiimaTifcU - being diachargwl, they 'should now l. sjplied lo , the auHrt jhe ex Harrinburg, but we, the, Uopublicnn of the couu try, will bo 10 no Caucua, but go Tor whom wt think best. If these Federal gentry chose to go for the TarifFite, Ilenry Clay,-r th abolitiomat (lanaon, or even lor their friend old Nick- him aelf, lot them do ao, but they must not think :hny ens force tht People ( do a" ther ple.aae. Ws are free men f our forcliithera refuaed to weor the yoke of. Aioje Grorgr, and we do not intend to ' " That notod deinagogiM O'Connel h (occntly published a letter lo ono J wph Sivrgo which fir flsehood and inwilrtice i eq'ial to jiny of hi for. mer aaeaults on this couotry. (Id say ho intends 4o h'injr jwrwition Jb zing the Indtptiultnc of Tttai, without the con-l seat of. Mexico first obtained. lie abu Texas moat imraoiterately.aiid ropbiir a plan Tor prnicu. ring the consent of Mexico So eatabluh a free tie gro Colony "btw?cr "Texas and the aca." lie teemi (d be Ignorant 6T the fuel that Texaa bor'. dera on ths " sea. lo passing along, ho, as .usual, jieaps bis aboae.on the Southern States with a most sif phring hand, j What a bUKini thiug it would J,beif this agitatin)t4oterBellef,with7a few trmrf f ? of h.hil36thrTpcmdj ptilila peace on both ardea of the Atlantic, was 6 nally located in some free nerro colon v " wliera MeLhJ. Einroiiit I hsrewlih send yowjLnrw parte m which ttm wHI find tin adrtnM of Govcrfli or Everett of Maamrhimetts! which I must ask. uf . ' . . ...T..M..ii i iww.J-, 1 1 .lw--'-vrv-y-'-' itiT-7r7Zn iiei fiah'cir colored brethren, he balance of their -yhore tnsy be tome expression is H, thai do days. - II is a great pity that this demagogue doea Mtake.-if:JUU -bis- ba4 t viat-Texwi-oir pvbh Vicliburjt. xVe have no djmbt that he would meet wilu a warm reception at either place, or 10 deed in any of thV Southern States. vT ." - - ' Next Vice Prr'Jcnt.Tlie Tennesve LeasU -Nl-TRACTTlw recommending James iv. ( oik, uovernor.m insietaie, aa a proper per. craflC MeWn Jij ;aft oi same thing. 1 ecumst-h wilt prooably decline a re-election. , ' ' v ; fc. BENT Ala OVKUATIONS m; h: wwiiitingto i IfAVlXtt located himself in the Torn of Sulh bury, hi prolcssional se vices to the ' titizn of Rowan, sod the sdjoinin( countic. '. i W "lajJw fwnd at 0L.Lor)'t.IIiKwbc Tie is prepared to perform any and every "ki. B." Exammationa made wlthrHjt "charge-- Houae. . '"" '" ftatcriitlii ntt wnrli minted in all esses.', . . -1 " "' "" stcrisls and work wsrranted in all cases.', ' Salisbury, No. 8, 1839. ' if.'. persons indobtod lo the estate of Joseph T. j lHHno, dee'd.; are hereby ri qned itreome wsrdand make, payment, and all persnri who tlaiota aiminat l is eatata to Dreamt luem du- f atrtlil'lllialc-il ril.ia f!m ii:iie nreicriU-il llV IttW. twwiss (his notice will lie plead io bar of their 4 TtlOS. DAREER, Executor 1 I'cachci's J f anted WANTED imnitely, s M.lt; and Femals Tescb. erto take qlurjfe of the Acadcmiea at tl .iea, -' , - ;' t v.;-''' -' ' 5 Tf (fentiemsrr to b"rell qnalifiei tn prepni Sto "wt U Uie L'niveojit of tbi Sute, and the LJy io taibe " - s vujaxcucs.:.. jJ1'ucht in Faina'e Instiruliiw in tliic State. KA mhrritHi (HMiiIernsa wlione lady would hike ti Ci Fe'aslc AcsdcBif would be piefcrred. - ; ' . ; CARTER. ' ; v'V,.?, ;; -:- Lemuel wxcham. l'.ksvjr.e,'Ocr 1ft, 1J9. if. '.-Tbs Sank -of Charleston, tho Punk of ihe State of South Carolina, and tj Commercial (tank nf - Columbia, have refused to j-Mn Ihe others id sus pending specie payments. -They redeem sll their notes promptly to gold and silver when demanded. " ;ieir QrUani ?alri.-rThe Bank of,Ne Or lean., and all in Louisiana, il is probable, have ' suacoded s)ccie payment " uutil tl Northern Banks ahull bava reoewed thci pay meals m specie." '" "' ' -' . '. . . . " . . ,1 i. Pennsyleania Eltetioiu.the late Stat) Ele t'rqn in Pennsylvania lestilted in the choice of 80 Administration men, and 47 Whigs in the Lcgi latureV The pemocrstic majority, 39. - 0)ki- Jfrftionr. The "tarerStt Tilijcriiiii in" -." Ohio, resulted in Tavor of the Administration, giv- 1 ,balk)i--of .-the ' The tock of ths United State D ink were, aMhe . last accounts, down io 07, Jo NewWk City. ZlWhaTa fin trmnreatn5 Many of the paper . - assert thi the Institution 1 bankrupt, and it ccr f : tainly doe look very much that way j its bills pro tested abroad for oon payment.anditinotea depreci- atuil at The truth is that these If coiKeU'edFetlornliiiu seem to ttiink lliat iho people are not capable of acting for themselves, and stand 111 need of such suardians sa iArv are : the cluim to nosaeaa all the learning, sod intelligence in Ihe country and that the Republican are all foolsTTJow if they could sea iheniaclve. asjithcr pfiopls am- tbem they. ouUliUd luany sapskuhd lmibics4tt.-ttoir ranks, whose heads have more cosccif, than brains. Hut still, wa Repubtusatovar wilfing to let' these bonhio and all, go fur whom , they pleaM, and .all we 1 akf tlwra is to mind thmrDwn businesf, fchd let the Repuldicooi have their choice likewise. When Jheproperlime comes, th Republicans will make choice of some otm fir Prc-tridont. and if it even should lie the " Dutchman, Martin Van Bu ren, the Federalist ill hav no riaht to com. plain. lor i( is nono of their business.. We live in 1 Freo couatry, and muwJ to act a'a Jmutoiimu rree-mcn. -7 , """I.,,:iuxwi '-feT:Ch?& r'.;l . !: aQrrr: - .sj r ""- sm 1' il,fs - ' ' CHI CUS AND afflFK 'HO le Inhibited st S.VLIIsniiRV.onTliursJay i '"aNt, and Fri,biy tlie a.'addavs f Nvem!f-r, 193!, lor TWO DAYS ONLY hour, Eh.Hi. turn from J put 1? k 4 P. M. AdmitUw i) (,'euts, Childiea sod S.-rvnts half (trice, Tho proprietors of the GirnlKj and New Yrh Circus and Arena Company, rewcttiilly n.r.rm tho Public ht jtiey liae entered into rrart). nicuis to iravel ami exhibit together.' at lha same time and place, under a pavih.io large rnonch' to hnlit both exhibitiona, add acconiuiutuie 8,000 apcciatora. . ' . !.'" .' .-, The CsiralTiv or f amelfcpnrd. This sluiiendou. mnjstic, sot) beautiful aoin.nl Is acknowledged to b?' ihe. 'greatest woniW'of Um "animal kiufidoiiu It is not onlv the talks! of aR kiiOwdcrciUiirei"Iut the rarest aud rrxi.it smoUr character., it ha been the createst dcsidHratura of naturalists io all ages, and but low specirorns have been seen for the last thousand voarn. It was known to the Persian about 2,0(0 vrsrs ns Imving been brought aa a present to Ilvtsjea, c. . 1 .. 11,.:... I 1 . : 1 . 'c . .1 w.orr v, i-arrav'i "" . eMiBoeSCS- j d fs W ( awjlit. mn h ffi' Chnslmn era, by .AbyMinisiis.-wIt brought H frwn 4 andm, mem mciiU- a. m " Ihe interior ot Alma, where alone il has ver M tlrf? ; hc Tipacwar an jw.h been found. . . . . , . asi ci-ee srsnB tiu sr'i a asiuMai 4 usv" llV tiwnrs ft mmom nf i tum?u i Uw i.adiweiRs si e Uiewniau, t ' I ' .'.. Ml m-rji l:..lt. . ' ITtiu unrv It it ,W Srir!lrfi kk L. - j - - SorSTf tnn-. . - OmuienttJ A-srils-ana:-!, sail li in-i;; s st fl.nnrrs miii a ,) teata, ," tr, ai . .. Ry W 1im Tww-w, :. ...,. Tie Tewsts nf tlr -ScljaVj' AaM.V -Atem;. 1F- l& 4 1 -wtrlllrr. HnM. tlm llMUutMH i8 W t ' tlejr n.l' n w is 1 ni 3;t fvmmiurf m m p-nii.i .it ; . 4 Sesperisi.le awi ! aBJ i sw- wbiiii-; os St.. ttar trt. 1 . jut tv-i .-vi.wsr-l.it f: tHe-i T awttdRMw fiH t ii tt !!,, k., vis. iwn ji sjut am liL'iim, b SM'i It Wrnsr 4i irj.ivn t r-n- vt-.x-'t ; j , r!iert.nt n4 in-Skl k-L';V j,auuii;iV ui Bnrn,, , li4atrift wswta,"ii!Bit.:.jt 11 1 M urb tf bj he nucL . - t .' Tuey airs mv oikiusjr H etta& r!T:rr ti wrnr , im Teachrfst, a fesfclisiiasi sj4 laW'i r a. ' yi:.a,'. "' ' twas. Aiit ii.V, "isn, uipt t..t "v.'f Bsata, s ymtPf Vtis. j 4iar atxrary i4,u!iir:aUws; and tapat-itf J. saw S atMUKima, Wf auv arrSret,' UCtJ as witt "y ' ! , v- 1! vV . : S ( it- u . S'.Lbirt7, m. 1-sW. . mucik uasomiv. . fpni.xi-siet uimuri"Uix.--tis aoa Cuonr. Itfcnt ntuauutkiasl as atrtiras im ' This exhibition is fated up in a style which rcit- PeT' mUM ? 1 - l(p tau-i.. dor it superior to anv II11112 of iho k nd atbeT TTf TTT ' . . ! ' ' ,T, . . v 1 imiwincs mmaHei '. ta.ul Whims wnwaw ; country. . Lvery exertton will be rnadeoaijsartLj M i,, ,,rii,mV m lias I liUf nana M m warsall ik U,,uMi ' . IlLLlsV ..vAitU - IliAflAail iit i 4safs(a ft' -4 trtrsi n.nttun fti M'zA ".; ;v;T', ; ' . J . - . r " . "".I r .""r i-WM .VVJ UliAsi CXaLiV, exercises whicli will coiwtiiuta tho rwtsl delistrtfitl J . I - . r. . . .. . , sun pruirei co.i'riaiiiiueni Pyer.piK'JTQ 1J1 UUt WSCC t MR. NELL13, ths ceh'braled youth, birs witb ' out anna, will give an exhibition wHh hit 1ie at ", tho same time and place of tins Giralfo and Circus r Exhibition.- -, t, " . ? , ' r - , ' JFoFpvliotslartAf porfiTrtnance see hand bi". Admission 5J3 cent, ulrsnce to ihissplenHUl ' exhibition from tho inside of the Giraffe and Cir JUHtwwy l wit. at rreatty Ray aiortt, on TaewUy lie wtmtbfrfat rcrfjrwwai ra aone at Si ' Ltiwof BuraoddL U. O rjM .4aCim ami (Im !, are artuS" ttetif oa aa wiW-. m:cniiw 4 " tiiswmt - - - - . : " ' . ' , t Kl" Tlwa SMr 4ua. 3? sfvss 'ti ' WflN at Tbs ifuu St Jh Wntwts CacuuuaA, iuJ 4 'i ' Miu aa fuu.iujy aiLkftwofit aa. . IsiriAiiIlf:C' y-- "Tni &hmr:K smishf b.k),W this C "j. ' L IB h. anil nlJj!in fun no UeilnM.!a, 9ili I. .t. 1 S " . . . . .. j 7ji. r"i ;r- - J'-t ' - a ) aosww wf rrwT;7r wr not exactly suit ymt, but yuu must snknowledge, uJ?!he,w.b.oIetJmi view or the principles of parties. I boon every candid reader of your paper will meditate soriotislv sod dispassionately ,on Ihe views therein presented. The Farmer of the "country particularly , ought Jo read, and ponder it welh. . , . Atr old rasnioisED r'rrBirriix. I TOT RECEIVED AND FOR SALE, TflliedtGSsrirv'red to by-oorCorretpon. dent, see the preceding page, ..".,' - '' i UOU ACEIl 1111 AUBt; UEijT'ECTFULLV informs bis friend and the public, that he still carries on the TAI LUR ING BUSINESS at his old Hand on main stroe. next door (a the A pot been ry Store. lie i ever ready lo execute (he orders of his customers in a style and manner not surpassed by any workman i4 tins western part of tie Htate. iJIe is In the re. euW receipt of llie atot London nnd New-Tork FASHIONS, and prepared to accommodate the taatos nf the fashionable at all times. - (fcT" Cutting garments of all kinds attended to prcmptly and Ihe latest fashions furnished at all tjme to country tailors, and instructions given" in cutting. . ; ,V - Salisbury, Jan. 1 , 1 39. 1 RE now receiving at thtnrold Sund.at PtirewsH'i IX Mill, in Cabarrus, new and fresh supply of tSprIns AuJ buuiiurr iiowln : ' The followinr articles ar among Uis latest arrivals: .; . ."' 1,100 Ibi'of Sugar, , V ' ''"J:'ylfioo do. G)flc, ."; 'vi.r - '- -. 3 hhdav Molasses,""- " , -r " ' " 50 bushelaSalt, . ' , , Wins. Cojniae Hrnndy, f)ye Stuha. Powder, ike, 4 c, all ot wbich wdl be S..IJ low for csxh, or to puiu lual deslersonTime. JACOB WIXEtJOKFA. COc 4 - Way 1st. IKUI. ; , 20.Jw STILU LATER THAN KVEIt? ,...ji-i,. ' Av i)iJl"ot.00 Head of diitlar.-oWe think, towever, that by hard exertion, and th aid of hears capitaluds, it mil v be alio to live throngh'ii dilHViiliie and,ajt.riua. ,1 A Ci.tfT- fl. ' .. i I uiuiir, i niurii iiiiij, lgfs,'mi!uisltic?, liiea, lirnrliw, J i llosRiM, i-'ine Jitter ' IIiiiIL Ik........ -.. .on, i " . iii( dirs. Teneriire, Ma- :hsmpsiL'n, Muscat and Clsrct Wlhea, French, I'escli and Apple Bisndv, t iin. Monongahsla and old Wbiiflie)',' Jamaica nd N. . 'Airis Jirtrv.- Vis some tune since stated l that the doetion tut roemliers of the Legislature RTcdIc!nc Dye- f' St - in this Stat.,' Ui rcul-ed in favor of th. higa. ft . 1 2 It now siipears mat toe n Bija nave a mnj inty ot ! Tttl!MErn, ptats the meoibf rs of ihe Ir'tslnttin, but tho Demo. ' !id Wrapping Pp.'r, era., have a majotfy'of about 2M k the popular I '''Crrl sote ot me smbio. , v" CoL S. . Butltr, h lcen elected toJ grcs in the Col'imbi,?. C- District, sacanry occa"i med by the resignation more. ' " tt'"-'!'. Ku'ii, Ixwf iSiijsr, Varniuhe, y-ind Piiper, tils to Soi'ilv the i Ware, Initios, i'inoo ml (linger iSyrnp, Lime Juice, mT M I'l ' aiii'i""".'''!. v .h n iwiw "no iiinjm, 'ipe, Ol Mti U- t)() (jomuiwiiim M'lrUrs, anl I'eali'j, ("smile W Itar. Cotton Bieginf, 42 to 41 uiciies, icons Hi lo Kopo, .) Mlg ins Us, . ' 40 b0-s ColToe, ', W lilids. Sugar, 1 - - f yifiMt lbs. Last do. ' , 60(1 lbs. Koring Kteel, ,pWJiipuev ampy- Willi lia Lilt tie xcjur&ct cia eTcrd;- ; bis tAtt itb a Jsa4 twrmi'ir as jW Uaii;' Kit ahaft awys dr trj at Taa aplnr ; aaj: lr&. im (ak tea n a-y imbi-j 4 !,! ipt a Prw-ehdit (f tW? t. jb:'J", ai asasmimi by mmi and &;Uii3 IsasrHa. ' ' lie bww, M 1 1 Si i&a liwuunaa, in- pet. V - , 144 IViUlos Tonic Mixture, BO larje Covcriiui.Iiules,-. ana, to ii sitafarswsi aail am tiswr Sua J Ibcir aatArtiae. Ana t '-i st-it a !7 amf trm t . u.j.,, 1., ....... .... i . LC-tftJi' L.iagioavXC,rd.4i.-s:a. i-r r ' A ' Jlfltt'Jwga Wllits) LeadV -" Saliabofy, Repl 27, lSl!. by j. & w. wuRrnr. t(fl ;V.nnfwfkvr-r a v aasjasssB.t f pHE Suhscribor living seves miles sooth of Salis bury, bitwida keeping oomMsntly oa fasni, tlsr ble and Crsnlu tSltbs eaprcwly lur ' . - -rOMB STONES, : Mtlmt hort execute any order ia that IJne. oa the ; fhnrtest noticov - - - .. , ALg0w- ; He is readv lo execute any work which mat he called R.r in SCULPTURING, HT(lXX;UTTlX(i, f;. (iRAVINU, Su., and hi assures tlviee who may kvur ! him with their Work, that unlets well dune auconling to contract, be has no pay. i - - - - - ENOCH E. PllfU-irS. November 1st, 1SS3. .. h tf. CatoUc V craalc il cadcuiy . 11113 Inatituiion will be opened lor Cie rwrcptioa of -. popilaon tbe VJud aIondty(l4m Octotter,) niuW ho iiimieilixe.aupiTioteodencf of Mra. H,JI,.Nt "IlnTciiiiiua, whose high qushUcstioniias so Jnilructrta are already Su fivoraOly kuoa to the iailic, u, wndercoinnwnjilatiiin.laine s. Jjjiklia paoJ lU-'inry iiisiieliesol I'ewilef'lo cstion, the con r so will embrace Jlu.ic, Needle Work and Painting. . " " - Terms of Tuition will he lor Ppelling, Reaiiing, Dt'finmg Words; Aci" - 5(t blouwrils of IliHorv, lieoprapliy and r.;nei " son's 'id irt of Arithmetic, - - History, Nst Philosophy, Alj.'c'jra, Chrnii) try, uoUny, hnglislr inniimr, rsrker s ". Exercises in (oiuuia:tion, (enirsiiliv t Umi I lea ven VJ I 'niver ..yepjra iuUSl. r-' f" a S) - aat flUKt 1.1 .vi a, PstsctUt iWf.WLtr nx-it't.1 ua-wwb., ' ly Str team SUkSibtj ija sm, fiMtw&ai SprrSTS Lmcolntun. Rtiiairf,iiv a u..:,X.C an tuw , tueaoe ruinn mi t iri aMtm. s - sfiti fruaa Ka'uAiey, aw Siml.tjx WVfjws?, . d Frulart M i m&ml. X. J4, wik AJi-iiU -sextdav, f.lJ(,P Ji. . . ... , . . . - ! AhI.I (ts Ski:ft.wy.aj & "i. A. q JHimJap. Toeanjs.atiC Twunaanx arm SiLs- bury anrt dav, V aV.l r. V. ' : Tins Lnc f "uzxuix,oCi:yia..TE c:.-;, and (.XJAdiCSmMH wm-s lu ,.. , NUt. Il aawwrtl arrt I'l"! I " : ! : hory f .stV.i4 aa Xt&- but ',. rf fc i KiniiiiUa, Tn.nnw . j Paasespxera vn; Li V C fnf w-f od ttis ttve wear U .'e tviMStaiut dti;iJ'y the dies pesL Aril . psm'jt, aaanrc aumi.x-i, PPlifi.ii ' I 0 i, !i icled to arr aUji'a X.C . Sati-ibiiry. !?ot. 1, 1 .l. . a if ; " . . 'i9 fir Cr.M.,",, C, a f ,-rr . vni aij1 ti' ' Liiueaume iSpniifs. . -V K & EL ". L fcCr Tie XrTsj Cf-" .a Ft,a'a.nt, Bt Knit, vitle (Teoh.) Areut,J ma-nit iv ai'iiori- nwmut -fw-L1y ( Lmx tut,, toil (4 tr-t t',,r acciiHuis K tin (). Tine. .cuc. v.. Wick, Ulsfkin?, Je's. Desn's, Dyott, Anderson's. Hooper's, Scott's, Oslk's, tHii-jt, I'.- ' k Willi's, Peters', Succp, ir wlncli lsr prices will le ctvn. - (Kr Ain 'v at '.hs Ro'wa ' . . The Clii l.ij Tclnrccp svs that Geol. Ham- J Uutfat's, Evans. BrandrciV. Pin.:,' IMls. Hmick's llton did sor W d in cegfucialroVs Inn for Texas, f " Swaiin Panacea. M.sm snu .Au.ler.Ws Cwi-h ' v 1 '4 f ikio (1.11 u ' . -. . Diona, Snuff Boies, Fu ce, Pepja r Kmre.' n.iwuj.i's j&hZ. a. ''x.A n cl.-tuiCft4U-j1 iti!c MuTtlfC( i.u.k Uaionn-RsndHTWatclM,, i-xlmU CCp,j, y ". "V" " " ' 1 . '. ",' t. 'dilnmWa fcr ba'd heaito. Elixir of Opium,, riwai'ii' .. tuai i-liilusopliy, Kiielortc. l-yic, V jiu on tli Mind, and Evidence of Cairiottauity , Music - . .. .. . French, .- ;; , , -- 4 ' ' VZT, Bj'iu 0 W '''d t1"3 i!iS0 on midat 1 terms. ' ' ' ' 'JOSEPH H. AVI I, SON, , - try M. DA VI Dt ) V, - - - ; - x .DAN. ALEXANDER, '';.' , '' Jul I.N IK WIN. : ', W M. . A A lira;, . Tsi r.SSS. ' . . n- . JU.SIJUA It. 1JUVI), , II. It. WILLIAMS. r' I.KROY hP'.tlMiS,! .; 1;'i-''-' JJILVH: 0.Tfi5,' ; J Ndvciaber 1, 1-vJ'J., i ";. . " . 3j .- - - (hT Ma Hitchihos respectfully infiirms her'riendei - Uial h Imsotiisiiied a sopgdy of nt'w and twsutifitl j N sterns ol work jnt from l'an. J - t ,' r tib, f n r.W.-'e 1 " it r-i "-.- ....:- T Ij ana i."u-iiii 1 . ; .-i. I ..- s' ISi'.l il a ti' w. ii a ttaf jesuwHe. a .! t nf tmftrr mop'1 is. ua ei-'ir.i t f,- 1 , vif nf a I " te J. tt. r,-" i ,.i. c ...4 . ; a4 -- -i U I f u m ' iwt a.a t r-- ieaiaif tisin.it.w4o-'' &Nt4oL, t" a. ;.a frtaati Oar ITn.",;-! t .3 tf4 Si'Va p'-i-;? ! tieea bi-g 1'i-aa sal s-lt-I Ll-!a.tit,ii Ti . MSI SM ';.. 4 ' ' 4 SB.; tii?!.;, xa.a. lath.' u'' nrf of C r i 4 i .... a. m-.r, j ("mil fim:..-.'ii nas-lt 4, ..,. - ; .' .- as awxat . sV ? l) sees ia i ' .ii'.-j:. j. t Htl'J.,n. 'id ', 'Vwt 1 !iai!. :i' a.'iuti.ii Ld a Ti taa.! 1. f aaofcaw a j tajoii wok apnn SttrTTy- I ; i. a'. .11. , x r: k'oreul-r.r 3 A. Kll LLI-Wi .m a . gtt St'.' .3 fe mvt-mii t fxj . A imHi! ia'ilily oLilnj jiituva-KEUVMiawd W4St r i AS liliaiu Thomas, lorinerly is"' lhvitlsna (imniy, w lull lor ftjie si tins i i'inT, at it: m per hundred .... .. S ..' i y .- ' : , ; . i ; a iiiiTuma nir iii -" i. ia.i , ')',. r warn a lull Mir Qj.e ai mis a nin'c, SI f i W pef nuiulrwl, , I a t--l iA i t 1 a-4-I Ti-f" Jr ( ,. ten f 4 Advice from T'ta, state that llie Yc!'o Fe Vc'rniifiijre, and a tlipman! ottier artiGh ju received ftiovsmtir 1st, Kiit. ,: . tf. . 1 t imi J " .;. m sutjs i .beredtisht jctt.da.Jy . m,--.-,i; 'tWury, June 7, ,0. '. ,,."'' ' V: tf V T VTTr)" rV'f UirtJ, . J. .x C Jasgtst I- . - v..-;'''.'' , -".'-., ' -vT-i-r-w ':. ; ,' -'' . "' , ' :-. ' ;w? ft fk..". .- -.' s i