-. v a J . Ml a- ir-'iv; -V- a V "-V a Heath Tract. r fill IK HKA'III TKM'T, coi.taliiiiuT :x A-JjjiutijiAtm J.Jjiit'Lu'urt'-'.?'?-'" V t SiX Ulilfc Eti llf ly i:.L'tl'", llUll!-!l "ll .r "" the-"! kadiiiif, Jfwu.Li luitf'.nu .it Fv-i.-knlB is now ofi ' i! fif '.-'i'.e. Tln-re are about MO acic improved, ami Mi m Wood ar.d Timber. " : , ,, 'i'ho Tract w l.sU-d in i very . Man f"fl' V" HtoriataMa M -. t and is ponilur'.y tt'!ptd tt firming. It has on it 1 . f- an ro!.-r,if and it f.iJ Meadow, Ami inde- frt pendent ul tl.-e iwrniupi, u.e prirw w uiKMtkiuuJ!i'.i ) r I L.L ; vi;iv t.ste alWy twn i-m-J, 4-l ' .'Jiff rif'. w ? Wi'.UA Uum tl.etn. , " . Toe f .l.-t.fin- ii f "'.' " f '"'' '5?'"r-,h -"",i"' fe J1 t.i , i : ;il arc ifdl'l" tu um t.n w lin t of i r id M..M', tii-y inu t iioceaNiriiy ' wim Hiriiij.fi J1" i "i l-ui Tint. 1 , A' y Krw n v- ' ite v"'w ,!"r i'",l"""' w 1 'more limine; w i;;-iut, vu!) call rm K.gdon Wad A -v (a lMMfiun.w .Tntf.j;:? ,' ii-rtw4 mI,,r . in' I .uii , 6r soy p"rci wnlini.; f contract for the wine, J - til 1 1 1 m Or. A-iMiii, Sf,H-'-i.ry : or ii'dr. . Loiter to V ii Sj'- .rvwr. Tii-mon Foil ' :l.rf, -. jWriW-r havirif xtld " " Omasafiilal and Sign 1'aialvr. 1 in HstUTR hu'.t trt'tl !i huf:-yi-tw in the nixvif L'tikiiifMk ri tii v cn.i. ot worn no ni (mu in 1.. iii... or.'l ' siiflif mif ri-coinmi:iwti. . ' . lie will i atuidd I I imv mlt iinul on ttiiu i tii 'ivIIOUn TMXTTKO I3TJINEE3f ' m and w cin8-cut U cnitjivu utfficiiui loali wliortny 'i. employ (mil. : - .it' i . The I'n'ihr In rtw.rf-ctftlMl' fi-fllK'SliW t' " 1 n toutiiiM film, w !cinrniii-.l to exf-cuie U worK eirtniuillwl to him in ih b-i paiiil msnniT. " s (XT Altu, rmnii'it: n-l 'lVi,irtiini; ill ki"'' t ; - j,.. vv UAXMiYi ("oroord, f. C UarcL '.'1, H$. , IJVIK Httimrnhrr, trt eimf.rntiiy lofefrtl inatructioiM 1. t)ivtd from Kit- Norlii t'iroliiia'lwld SiitotJwtt- " uany, t.ki tin method to inJorui li:re lniereil, that hrfiff nil p.-rj(ii.fiiuiid troit'ltg upon lb- Rillow ' inj Trutu of Ijiftd, b -lirfitfinf to aaw tA.i.miny, aiina '.mJl m UttiUatai Qjuu!yw.U-be piosui:ul':d awiordipg to tliB atnel leltof'uf Viv IjiW.' JtjIl.N WARD, A. nu iMfid-rmj Ait'H KVX ...-.:-.--..."!....- U : ,' ' LANDS; -' -. --v-''- .olio eraiitn. ; . u .. . 4" cinita.Niiin Kit acr, lying on uie t-1 lr i.l llv lv; l Ut Hatnp. ' t "n.-M.ntI,lnir7:i.-ll acrua, Iviu-' Oil Ijck e refit, nil pwamp, aim iauHm ivi.cit, . . .7 . .. . it. 11.:- (:.... 1 ... ' V'V -cttiiwi4iiitit l.-f'1', iii'ii 4 Y ' " 8-c.tl.Uiu.ni H;", tying .01 Ltvk laiowninp k cm-tt. tVitrilpi WeejUaioiH tiiw,-lynijn UtK cto" 41 nmij.iitiiiii (till, tvmj on Lit creck.- V U-CoitUiiiliiK l,eJ7 arrea, lymB' on Lick ' , creek and Flat Hwanlp. M v'.'-eomt.ning, I,'WJ,liTon,IJek twk. ... l-w l-J-citfitam'tij l,;il7, t'iritMi on hair in lie brantii u:i Jncih erw k, adimning ibe Ud inii. 3Tl:fie SnWnicr kvepa Coualanijy oa hand, t genur L tl artortim'iil of j " ' RILIUV MAP2 CLOTHING, f..r fli".il!i"in'n' wear, tuc) aa I Wa, I'antultMii, Iii. of 4 joJ - I wen iTiaiii, Hill riMMni'Swie. 1 it? iv nivo irrpai-ii in mi . .. 1 m t i l., tl. J , J nd mWi.ill'.lr lil l'te it.wf fithtoaiA ami turnLlt ..... j-'tfo Aiii tkAuud-iu. hi. ..iln. )". ViiMKa.'JoJ tar. W m a .oualili 1'. selected by Uim-'lt in the Me Yolk Market p Ll .'i nun 1 uwi m ,11 wi'tt .... .w.i... , .. ' ' N. ll Ha atol (1i.iui 4 10 tench the a it of Cutfinc girnimilimn lue in..lLi1if"iid plsluio the biVTa.l'iie in New York and Philadelphia,. . ; -1! . l..l. I.m .11 ..ll l.Mtf if l'ali ' . :' ny ru'.ii!) ' f .r eu.-'jiinen .lone on tho J,orut uo- -rir.TOdnrtrt. Wt dvwUMULto.atki UcJ r.lh.-ll-r U t hp w.ll h- emrnl m Mr. CmMi'' ."" tciiin.; " um. noun Minus, . '.,ra.,-kk,!,:- - . LK.i. F. 'K.Ii-V. ;o0llvluccou..o.rn; faJ lbs. Turkey Red ; Jk ttainLury, My S, 1 M. - .. m:v justaiiusii.iiilnt. I'liii - ' m, t 'UManisaf JN MnrK.sVILI.F., DAVIF. roi'MY. . thomas"foster I X FOR'. 1.4 tl'e 1 iit.lic 'l t !.' has nrinnw-d from W fl.ruii r s'4'i l, to !' ' n,i Id'Pjs on the public 'reiisre, in lb j Town o'' M t m iHe, i-er he will r-on-j.nne to kt-vp HOl'Si: t)F N TOITAIYMLNT. ids Huioe ni roomy snd ctimuiudiii ; atlached te -uhich ate leu roiii!'nrtte tiilica Ca Vi Ollemefl of thi" liar, all tinveniiiit lo tlu Court lln'idri. 1 he auWrk fi,-f ji'r-' tlliriwlt' til I ho liliaH dllijfi'llt OSisrlK.Ii. In "jr.vt) r.i ', !i M full tj Liny talton htmr-il.s Ti -um, Harand Hililw kio onn uii-d in the bot usaii.-it't . that Hi.' Country will afion;, and hm aeivaois 110 r'tilti- .ljilaliJ jirja-pw ik.lU';''. !4 U : To Travellers. ..: . u ft!!r!ltiivi.;:,e.r.'1. i.ij(,:'y a.ii ip';' e'fu!'. iufirm leet fmni Raliiu'i ''.V y of Pibauro anil Ah'ilnW lo v! . -n .r,-, in tji.ii.ll .V.filn m it i.l in (Vmv'I" oi Ui" Iirl '''. r: It ., .1 ' h ! .'li ':i Vi!t:.-tt an.1 Thitrliiva at 1 J X .'d., in..!'.; 1.1"' Ixuv.i-i Nniiurv 011 1 . y ii.-: r-'fji n ,ckivs aim 1 ri..nvBl i.' A. rruu'g i.j. II I--ifc,'t ii".tlai t l-i P. i hit mfwt. mitt- tf -i. it 1.4 tir.wv.rf i.i:.t,.in W fl.j l.d afcuiniii..'1"' ii,,,. F.ti, J'J. I -.:.i. ' ' IS. U. IS -His .iir(' 1 M JVI.L. .1.CI l..1.. ll . ' M-ni-'on Ilo'el. . I. .1 .1 i. . v T IE i.lwrii.tr will j,n; ftei 'y einiijiym 'UI lolwn ,,..ul li .iir,..il!ilti I Irl,. w in If urn urt... itt fi well ifcmii nriult .1 t.r !i:il:iH ol' .br lely snj unluntry. ! I liUirmmiueM Will Ik 1 1 mu ie lilil n 1 i,r l in, I.-. A.i fiTVil.ii.il, :f litty i'I li : ui!l p.ir I m-nl u-en. JhH.V P. MAtiliY.' Leslnijliin, O'.tir 11, KiJ. , - . . . y- - Dlt. 0. Ii. DOUjiLAS, HAVING loitied It tit-U In Sslwhary, "-pectful'y tenders hntprntS-ioiisI US P"I7 n. sii.i i'w: ii tn LS-'froiiutuiijCoun. SXV. ' t ; ' Y. 1 n uiiice is si uu.' rixHM i T'.neriy utcupnai ay In. IL M. Bxut'iellu, where be mij kmnd tt til iimo t,uelw!i"nari-nonnrifi'siswisIdijtK ftjffir:i-, S's 't, 1rtV"!f; TAILORING BUSIMISS. at rmi ll Iriciirfii aiu! ciiftfiiiM-M jn l'u !.! !- '! ' miiy, !t,iit hi1 "tilt TDiiliiitifff la t'itt mi'tli'1 ii' . ' lint' Hu.-iML'Mt t hif il! nml hi Ciiin i.nl, .v "i'i. .! il. m ou.ut i,i M J. . & C. I'lnlt r, wucre I.D t; found t til ttiwt, Mtily lo ' ;, Cut, tuLc or i:ri-Hlf, any work in li in tin';, Ifnpk;H iu'.,i .! in tl.e Ituwi ncw, tiie p'uiin rm i n,i Ukinf t r" ' u I (? tarlimt fathurv rmn 'l.l'!:l'ili!ii l.d Nt;w V'k, r'HiMm- (mo to m), tli'it tlin worii ui'na at th dull t)" th '. W HVj ;!'!.' Will COiV:i -Bf?t Workmanship. N. B. llo ill Ih ti iicli fs A 'cuO ilie nmch ip- pi.v-d rybtftn of T. Oliwr ut J'hiUili'!lni. tonny one wl'ii wiblw iiiriirwc'.Kiii m lti f j icm ot cutting. lii, , ii ,i, t- r ' 1 ' " Summor " Goods, -j tTUING.S $; ."1IANKLK HAVE jitrt rocivj mm A'eir Vrk end Pltilwle!-; pint, an "Xttrunu imurluitot of ' , : . , SPUING SUMMER GOODS ; --'0!fllHT1SfJ OF". Dry frvl, flrfrdware, 1'ittware, ('rock . . trj.iROCEiF.S,l)riigttIMe- . . -dicing, Dye-Stufla, I'ltintu uiid Oil, Uoota nd SIoi( , ' '. SucldltTy, A.c, Aci In short, tfmlr Btm-k coni,fii' alnif vcry artirlo (tdd by tlifl Farvrr, Mn:liini( or tlie t'ahionttiile$ ' f th U D or country, ' ' " ' N, Ii vTlii'y i!l (tell low fur casli, or to punctual daleri oil tiuw; or in exchange tor euuritry Frwiuw, Omcnd, May 21th, W,h f U , TOHN C. PALMER, hM'inntlier J new aupply of ifrld and ailver Lever Watches, , . .h and French, da, gold ' tnd Kit1; HfttHr nna, ' . i r uifjfr Kinffi, iifyer Butter Knivui - out: i PfrUrF.vh t.liairi. RnK-UK.in tnd " Thimblei, Htwl end Gilt Fob Cham and Key. , Ajv a very fuio mt targfl Hfrtiniit of Rawira,. . ixx'ktlaml pcnkHivcalby diflt-reiit ilanuf4ctiirers,with otlierarticltMutiually kpt byJi.'vck'rir,nllofwiiirh will '' b! auld very low tor cusA.or olily nt montlw credit, at- tr wliH-h time, inlwat will.bt chirgtid. wotr oorit! t&itTifuiiy and punctually. . SalisdMiry, May 2, 14ft.. ,., - . tf."..-i FRUIT- TREES;- &Cr. rpiiE Bulntcnlwr iiitorma UiC public, that be hsa for p Jf. mUi, at hikiNorMirir 4.111 I)vilson (.ounty, 10,1 KAI trrea 01 tiie fllorus Alultiwulis, (and alee t large uunv her of rooo-d layera or ciituuga tit the tame, of the cor- rent year'agrmvtl) :) llieae arc ftiperior 10 euuiiiga wttlw-r out root U or.t!ft r.wi. ilie pnci rtwll be -tlm" mr rVet pf of the article m tl Nfili,ttd rlsewherei, no 11. "i nas utrge mouk 01 1 iuii 1 icvn, kuimusuii w Jlpphs, Pears,1 f" Peaches, . .Plums,. -Vr-Cherries,' r., ( being aeleciiona of the btal, American and European norcwor ttmen-tw griitu-rr:nncT)rBt, na-wr- healthy, growing Condition. . t . I will deliver Treea in good condition, it any reaaoi idle dmtnuce from LMineton, aa 7uof HX) oiilea, (if. amount ot ordert will iiutify it,) t.r which I will charca Uie umjal price of .hauling. U will be well tor thote who wih ui obtain treen, to get the Catalogue of the ! Numeric, which rout in price, tod will be wmt grntiit to all ipidicanUi the postage bmug paiiL XoMinuuica I.: ..IL. ! 1 b,i l.ul t.. 1 ; I Will IK IHUIIII'tlY lU.-UIIUU W 1 liirrrr la l.ejchtzlnn, N. V. I ni.ll.li.il wui.m . UmnUo, N. C, Sep fl. li). Om. n.WE'oii Iwnu and offer for, "aale the following arti- , cltMehonp Kircanh or oa umu to punctual dealers; " Fine inviaible grrcn.'blue tnd blauk Cloth ; . SUu vosimgv, Hiurot, very liMulaoine ; -: Sltck and drab Uute for rjumhier wear '', , - Tl'TP" tV'.uray jeans; ..Jtaruo. mon iwiiiric.i l " "T". - 4 genuiiui UMxi-liole Auvillen J ,- 2 amilhrf Bellows ; . - 1 doc (Vllin Axes ; H Qnislied Rillo oairttls ; 3 dux. Weaving Reedd, philadclphit make; Stcb tnd .Mac Cubi Knell ; 1 box beat civerwlifh Tuticco ; IS or 0 Del Anker Bulling CkiUis, from No. 5 to 9; tssurtmonl ororeao aire, ' . 1 " wAlU "" . " , . Kngar, CoTC-e, Molassee, French tnd Clisniptign Bran dy, Wmtoi ot' ditlurent kinds ; Holland Urn, 4c, 4t July an, 1-CJ. . - U" S DOLTiN CLOTIIS.,1 HAVE on IuimI, and micnd keepmi t supply of tbe Author Etamp Bolting Clotha, lcinirtHirt" all the various No. 0ed it tni rvcioii ot . . ft..-i . . it ..1 .. : . .1 1. ,.,- rocniry. ,t nt:r an wjhi win uiv pint iu ev u plied lu tjiatiUiie4 to uit purchaMore, and on reasonable tenti au ' '' . Vv me Wire rW Strm..ci'ltrn, Wm kept e mwtantt ., lyonlund. -n. HALL A. JOHNSON, , . - - fiaf or vart'!T-, rtyeiK-ville, May 17. H19. . tf T!ic Ilralli Tract. i J'nilEaWe TRACT of LANDtdvertwed 111 another iii . iLti-wii a'.ui. r,. : z.z.': ro n sali:, an.! av 11.1 .u; U pu" h'1-.e can, by pij mg two or ; c rlJl1Jvi d. ll,r5 m n, fvio tie einm-e py me hnluiicn 00 anv reasonable tune. t V B. AUSTIN, Acent. . . . tf . 1 - K;tlib'v. JiW 5, 1-;M. I ' I -v j j ' Wrapping Papery &c. llIE tiilncriber liAa ju.il rot i-int! a l"".' asirt- meirttif bMwn and colored AK.n ! wx; V-t liter with lar-re qimntlly id 1AM I. HIMMI, iiivl. they efl'i-f at v,h.n..f.e if re'.ail. .. ... ' . 11 .. f k- 1 K. wm i:i.i;ii. I Jtim7, ISi'l. tf ' - (&" Apply tt this tJilirc. , . , ' , , : "S.-"p'wiTr CO, 151."'" . wt-aWU t;aVc .ctc. lni:a i : ::::otii i ' i,.-in,, jf a r i'm or a UirtKKt, i in I in- 'r-ii'-slf iniil I" d.tinrin it i" I.' vfftrulUUid in tl HiMiry oi rva. y'r'';' tu ll.i; simmnt liave licmr bfti-re uwno-ll-ril lo tii puMic. ll u troe there are mny blaiikf. but on l!i uiln'f l.aod, the cKln-mtly low cliarj.'B ut .yill ... ii. lii.t iii,- vnlm, n,l N'mnbor of llif Ctioilals, and Hip fkviviiI of t:: ulii ruftiiiri of UHTfanling tlutl twty prut fhl t ,ltt n 'iHi V" r" ur!!' jfiyp niun-M) wt.rtn tiun, ana fHppcmiiy, iu iw kunrlred priie hitlilwx., ' .fc... n . 1 .1 ; it . ,T...-..t,,r ma ritnttnmnnii i IIHI.W U.-('VU IU nuvvmim rarta apilicalum ln-mff limit' to o for 'J'u'kclii h"D too frm-airo all sow, b,UK oniy v:uwn "' boyrr liv tlm b-t liaoc. VV tlrefi; mibnli. cally aay Iiku hot ! but al onco rni ami (r)i mit to u your order, wliitli sfiall tlwava ft'wiive our iirmieiitato adPiitiuii. Lctlera to be adiircsased and ap uhtatuiui mule to ' " ' . ' . , SYI.VI-STER & CO. ' . ' 1 1M II 4AiwY, Ni;w York. JtT OhufM the Number VM. ' - - rT70o7(H)0 ! ! jOOO ! ! : $25,000!!- C Prizes of ? '-2 Prizes of -; 3 PrizcM of $20,000!! $15,0001! $10,0001! ;rnuil Keal Listalc and Itauk Stock - .t LOTTERY -r' - - , - OP PROPERTY SITUATED IX NEW ORLEANS, lie rirAfri r MagHifuvnt Scheme tcer pretexted to the 1'ublie in ' . Thli or any other Couatry. ' Tickets only $20. Antlinriiit'i by an act of the Legislative AttemMy of J'kirula, and under ttie diroctioim of tlie Comniiaauin. era tclmff tiodor the aame. ,''' To e drawn at Jaclaooville, Florida, Dee. It lBl'U. WftyiwrKit & C,i i50 Broad way ,-Nw- Vttrk, , - '-Sole'Acrifa. ; ... -. .Vi combination Humbert -t .'-. 100,000 Tickets, "from No. 1, upwards, in eucceesion. 'The Deeds ol the Properly tnd the Block Usurer red in trust to the 1 ommiaaumcrs appointed by the said act rf the- ltrwlaturr of Florida, tiwthe- aeennty of the rriuMiOidens. . . 4 t , .'.v 1 PrieTlie' Arcade, IteO feet, 0 inches, 4 lines, on - ' Magazine street; 101 feet, 11 inches on "rf-tctai utrm ; I'M- it? tt mehf ; nrr u. - (iravittfetreet'!-Ruitedttabuuliti:i7,000 .. ." pr. annum, and' valued at . f700,0tX) 1 Prizeuty Hotel, 1(1 It., on tvoimnon sir. . - r . .. 1 tti tL (i hi. od Camp struct.- 7 " . Rented tt JW."),000 valued at 500,000 X Jri'e U .veiling House, (udjommg ttie Ar , , - Vfc.V. -.cade,) No; ltt.'21 ft. 7 ja. front -.vw't.-' .'eutl)sti-heasU' Rentedat " v flX vjilui-d at ' " 20,000 1 Prize Ditto, (adjoiiiiiiir Uie Arcade,) No. S Ll XI C ... l. .1 .. .. xr, 4. ii. mint uu naicuex mr, - - " ' ' Rented a 1U0 -valued tt , SW.000 I Priie Piilo, adjoining the Arcade,) No. : . ' ' ft), &) A. trout on Natchel sir. -" Rented tt rl,200 valued it 1 20,000 ( Prize Ditto, No. Vi, Northeast corner of. Cjuj0 ilnsUii-li0uie;tf.41)'''Jai' ; . . , .ft, front on Basin, and 40 ft. on. , . . Frsokhnalr. by Vfi tt deep in ' . ' Cusioin-bouse str.- Rented tl ' ttlaXI v.lued at ' 20,00(l 1 Prize Ditto, Nu. 'JA, South-west corner of . , lhunnandCuoUxn-houistr.;32 :,ft.7 m. on Basin, 'ii ft. 7 m.oo ' ' Franklin, 127 It 10) ra. deep in - front ol C'uslout-lKiuiH) elreet- 11 Rented t H,5tl0 vklued at 20,000 I I'rre--DiUo, Na 39, !4 It 8 iiCoa Royal1 atr. br 17 fa- 11 in. deep KenUid at 1. 000 valued at 15,000 rjJzcOTaWtoCaual JukuVkr-iJoO,'.. J ' !' -- -H.irti. '' . -- 2,l.0l)lf wen, 1 21x1 dilto,(Aimniercial ditto, till each 1 " idOJiltu, Mecliamc' ii Tradura' 100 1 each, . . " ' v ' ;. i : t 100 ditto, City Bank, 100 each, ,." t M 100 ditto, dilio,-UlO cch, ' ' l.?.lWJdilti)idiiw,-l(WMchl ' I .'- 50 ditto, Exchange Bunk, 100 each". I M 50 ditto, ditto, ditto, 100 each, -I " 25 ditto, Gas Light Bank, 100 each, 1 M 25 ditto, diltu, ditto, ifclOO each, 1 " ' 25 ditto, ditto, dittis 1100 each, 1 " 13 ditto, iechanic'& Trmlers. 100 . . . each, ' . . ... I 15 ditto, ditto, ditto, filOO each, -20 " each 1U sliares Loutsisna Suie Baukj , alUO each, each Priae 1.000. ' " 10 eah2sbarcof ItMl each, each Prita ' f.W, of the Gas Light Bank, 2ta)M each 1 si tare of fliiO, 01 the Bank ol Louuuaneji ' -JO0" each 1 share of $100, of the New Or. - lea lis Bank, UiO" each 1 share of 100, of the Union Bank of Floruit, : ao,ooo ' 15,000 10,taaJ 10,000 10,000 "3,000 5,1100 2,0(10 2xj 2,500 . ifim 100 20,000 '2,000 20,000 20,000 15,000 WWPrixe,. - ,- -",' - 1,500,000 ;;TicLcta $J0:::::o Sharts. ; -The xMe of the Tickets, with tlieir Numbera, u tlo those coniamilig the Prizet, will be examined and sealed by the Commissioners app'Mnled umlrr tho Act, previous tatiicir behig puUntotlie wIibcI, Oue toccJ will coniain the wliole ot the numbers, the other will eoohtin iix Hesom.Ti Ptnnas,tnd the Brst (Wtf Num bers that aluil be drawn out, will be entitled lo such I'uixt aa limy be drawn lo its numbers, tnd the fortu nate holders of micll Prize will have such property iransferrc'i tn them imiuediaU'ly alter the liiawing, untnt'iimArrrif, end KiifAoul any deduction t " .Juno 7, lSl'J. ' ' 8m .... .1 ... . . ... -11 1. 1 - . 1. 1. 1 ,. -'S'o-tlio-Pablicr 'fHR SuTwribor takiw this mfthml of informing the ...public that ho still continue to carrr on the bu siuessot 1 -- '.i. i-: - t . . 1 . CUTTINGrSTO.NC s utmnt, at his (iranitu Q'lary, seven miles Booth of Sulislidry, lienr tlie .id Cburlunlon road, where he is able to supply ail orders (or Mil.L-itl'ONKri of the be.n grit, aid on the soorloti-' c. . -.. ? a, for Sale, at the lowe-t pricey . WINDOW SI MA DOOIl SILLS, D(H)R STEl'M, tvOl'CIl P-ni l'IMi ROCKS. TOMB STONES, ' COLD MllNDniS, 4o. Jlc. Le. J. HOULSiioUfx:!!, Stone-Cutter. SaU'iur), Oct. -ritli, KtU tr. N. B. Orib-M f -r any or the above wronlil Hi tins, dirix'tvd to 1.1.' 11 2iilu!ur; , will bo ptinctiiallr at tended tu. ' J. ii. .Allt r-h priec Will U civen li fi';rrnc. Apply a at t. of. R. W Li!';'i Hotel, Sa'isbury, N, C. ..May.l7a.b'':- i : i u i: riU-s a.M) I'i ' ui.il I'l.tHix liuttrn .. by Hie morca- y Uill- ai d N cUnii ot tli 1 1 Ul Kt'lllCh tilt! Ctlt'lii Hit li'-i'l. I '-''"' ; ' ' i,j (',.i..ni.it trir li" hi m ''( Lii; hi, and by V.iP v.lun"iry tr-tilHiliia u UlL'll inarkablo flii. acy l.n-li ' twry wlnio nlTi ri a. ii CDttir-lflll I""' " I hud in.l unable g'H.l r inn iikh ta oi hkii . li i . .1 i it..... ,.,.i.iruu th,,n IViiirt inU.-rt.'ol" awoni! mm aiuitu u :wuw-vi-.'--v,--.- Cd cuul.:rnliolia, U.at the JMiri..Uf ol ibc) .re-uil-licntly aui-ct's-tut mediein.ta d.:i.rmib of kw-iiii.' tlieui rmihuinii btfiire tne Cublic cyo. Tim mio ol evry ad- diixfiitl box and b.lllo ut gii.ranlee tli-.tao.e (wrN.na aill , mlii'Vi'd hum i!u a ervati'f or uw at-grcaw auuui in", and be ummnid in goutral health; lor in Do ca .Ttmiilfr.njr from ditae can tlicy be laken in vitin. I he I'mpneuir haa nevor tmowno' ikiu tii.i..... ntance in wlncli Uit y naa raiicu " BJU"' - niuit oOKtiiiatfl tine ot thronte im-aoe, uch aa chronic dy.wpia, torpid liver, fheu.iialwui, MhU, nervoiia mid bilioua bead-ache, eoetivene, pUt, geoeffl bili- ty, ttcrolulooa awellmga and ulcer, scurvy, aan iowi slid all other chronic afibciioim o the organs tud meiii branea, they eflisct curea whh a rapidity and penutiien ey which lew peraona would theoretically believe, but to which Uiouaanda have testified from happy eipcrt ence. In colda and eongbt, which, U ncBlocted.auper iiiduii tiie'uoat iataidiiioieii"olllie 1ungT and 'Indeed the viaccrt in general, totae medicines, if taken, but for three or toiir days, never tail. Taken almght, they ao promote, the inaenaible perepin lion, tnd ao relieve tlie system of febrile action tnd feculent obstructioria, aa to produce t tnoat delightful aenae of convalescence in the morning; and though the uaual aymptonwof t cold ahould partially return during Uie day, the repel, lion of t miuble dune at tlie iieai hour of bed-time will iluioat invariably efleet permanent relief, without fur ther tid. ' Their effect upon feveraof t more acute and violent bind i not lea aure and apeedy if Uken in proi portionable quantity; and peraons retiring to bed with infltmniatorr avmotomaof the moat aknuing kind, will awake with tlie gratifying conacwoaneAa thai the fierce eueiny baa been overthrown, and can easily oeauMiueti. In the aame way, visceral turgeaenee, though long ee tabliuhod, tod viaoclttl infUunmatiuius tiowevyr critical, will yield ibe former to email arid the latter vto large dottwof tiie Life J'tlte; tnd ae ajao hyaterical tneo- tioiuf,hypocondriocism, reailesanesa, "tnd ery nany other vanetieaoi tlie Neurotica! taaaofdiaeaaea,yiuid to the etDcucy of the Phemx BUter$.t full directiona for tho uae of theae medicinea, tnd allowing their di. tinctive tpplicabiluy todiflerentcomplaiiita, accompany them! tnd tho can be obtained, wholesale tnd retail, at 375 Broadway ,w here numeroua eertihcatea ot their wiBMa44ie4uceaavtr4wA.yj.iinejLUmi For additional nartieulaniof the above medicinea, see- Moriitt't'Mwea tUnfttivaJs" a eopy of which tccoov Dun tea tbiiwSMti&Tlfti 4t'WJobtitd ol tlie dilierent Agent who have tbe niedicine for tehf. t rench, Meriuan, tnd spamsb (iirectiona can De on- tamed on application tt the ollice, 373 Urotdway. , All poet paid letter will receive immediate attention. Prepared and sold by William B. Mollat,370 Broad wa y, N. Y. .. A 4iberal deduction mode to lliose who purchase to aell again. ' Airenf Tlid Life Medicines may also be Ltd of the jinticipal druggwts in every town throughout the Uk led State jual Uia Utnadaa. Ask lor aiotiau xiie PilU tnd Pheni Bitter : and be aure that t fee simile ot- John- WoiliitVigfltHruiepoa the WW! ot'-etveh hou tie ol bitters, or box or I'llla. . ' ffEVER AND AGUE. TO MY FRIENDS IN THE WKST, and particularly ttioae who have used tlie Llt E MHUICIEV la treatment of - J VAIi AAVJiULH. , It ia hula Very shoil'lluie 'eTucellicae Medicines have been introduced into the' Fever and Ague District, tud. uie proprietor uuitvia uiuiacu tnov nuiuiy iu, jci iuu, wherevrr they have been used according to the diec- uoua, they have done more towtnla exteriuinating tlie disease, than all other remodiea ind prescriptions com bined, it is a eommofl exeuse imong regutnr prae. titionere," hea speciticj are introduced, that they can not cure diseases which oeople are in Uie habit of con sidering incurable. Medical experience ia continuajly dolflj twiyVrrof1fa and Mr, Moflal l the happine of confidently u nouueing that tetter and Ague 1 now to be tdded to the niimber of coinplainta which modern skill baa con quered. , ,t '- J ' , ' . t ... ... ar. . I . in r ever ana Ague uie xi ouuscimmm naioniy giv quicker relief than any other remedy, but, if persevered in, ettect Mrnuracnt cure: ao that if the uaueot w only ordinarily urviututudJtBMirU diroctly tu tiumeiU: ! cine upon the nrst symptom 01 tendency 10 t new at- lack, it may alway be warded utt . teesctpe ooe chill wowht bo wmwery' more oiw sequence t trreenft'erl"j er tlian the value ot the remedy 10 retnov the diatwse pennanentl would cooler a benefit noon him which caunui m. esiunaien oy toy t'a,rujiy .DtanuarcL 1 titt, uieae Aieuicinct wui cueci wnai s tere cistmw lw them, the Proprietor baa the testimony of all acquaint ed with them tod their application tnd use in the Fe ver tnd Ague; tnd hi object in now addressing hi friend tt Uie West ia to request tlieui that Uiey apart no pains in communicating thoir 'experience, tnd dis seminating tins highly interesting inknmtiion, now that thtfUCason fjf rcver and Ague haaamvtd Il is not for the there purpose of disnosiiis nf t few hundred package of Uie Life Medicinea, that the pro prietor makes Una appeal ' The demand for hie MeCi- -cinet is tlready greaUtr Uian be can conveniently sup. ' ply; tnd even were it insufficient to afford him buf ueaav, be would conceive himself supremely eelfiah, if -hi pleasure waa.not greater it the benefit conferred . upon the suflermg part of Uie community by to increase in hi sales, than at his own pecuniary pioiit. The Lire Medicine, if properly used and persevered in, recommend Uiemselvea; aid) tl ia necessary that Ui public thoutd know thatauch medicines exist, and hence Uie propriety of advertising them. It i hoped, there lore, that the proprietor will not be accused ot egotism when he ny that there ia no medicine or mode of treat ment extant, for fever tnd tgue,soppropriate, thorough tud positive in ita happy effect tt MoffaCt Life I'Ult end i'kenix Bitter. , . ' For further particultrt of the tbove medicine tee Mol&t'e Uooo taxHxtiTAN, t copy of which tccompa me the medicine. "A copy may also be obtained of the., different Agents who have the medicines for ile. 03 Freucb, German, tnd Spanish directions can be : obUined on application tt Uie office, 375 Broadway. ' tfy Alt pvt' tun 4ttf willroeiv ttnmeditte aitentKHl. .WJUu- -- bold- wholesale and retail by WILLIAM K MOF. FAT, 375 Broadway, N. Y., A liberal deduction mude . to those) whe purchase to sell again. ; ' v Agenf . The Life Med icinet may tlso be had of the principal druggist in every town thruuglioul tlie United -Mute tnd tho Canadaa. Ask for Muda'a Life I'M and Phemr Bitters; tod be aure lhart Tac sumlc or John Moria's signature is upon Uie labeTol each hotile of bittern, nr box nf pii! - " NEVER AND AGUE POSITIVELY CUBED.-' . tf'cvcr tnd Ague w t most obstinate disease, tnd in warm tnd humid climates, frequently nsisU every Or dinary mode of cure, so tt tw beeome' very dunrvtising to tbe person, and by Uia cxUettte debility which tiie di.-ease induce, it oiteij gives rno ti-itlierchruuic com. plaiuls. Marsh miawuau, or Ui elliuvit trising Irom stagnant water, m the most fruenl exciting cause of this dwesse ; and one of Us great peculiarities m its sua. eeptiuiltty ol t renewal from very slight cause, such, as from tlie prevalence of an easterly wind even Willi nut the repetition of the original excitimr causa. In Una, Fever and Ague diners Iron most oilier lever;. a it w well known, Wat after an ordinarv finer has our occurred, and btxm removed, the peraoa affected is not o moie w a noli atlacft as one who wis n4 so allecl cd. . Tlie..e circtiinolam-ea rentier it extremely dHlicult 10 ellect a riontl dire of Fever ami Aijue, lhoo"h to tt tuw inc patient fcr the Uute being u a v.ry ettv ttsk. N . ' , ; .JTArii lAFE FILES' AND PlIENIX BIT., I l.itS have been tlior.igli!y tested, aad nroved to be istr,e and rmlunl cure of Fever and Ague. lino, orcds or his IvIiowitizKiM ,t, ti,B We.t, h.na volunw. ri y cuujb fornard to-aiir Ai fr, lnrt tjlJy, MeUican sre the only medicines that will Ihtnuuahlu eth-ct t removal of this nior-t U-Jious tnd diJ"f.tb1ev Oiln-rn lni litvo i'uii';rtti i lo lint ndi nri ino'r virl mil nf imr C'liinnv in. ii vtiio vii i , j ll. anil t'n!t.:oul ill Kinni-i-.' H Cimioi ft i I lnxin urn r ! tlm mil I ; or w In i rarr.t i to II,,. ,, , f jut (KittletmmU tlie mercauiiln or mw-htmcsl i'i " rit-niv v, "ii i" prottiii-.i fiiu-a 8"(l tniMijuf ( Ipr noiica. ni" fiimr ii;iurr,iu viillliallurtM enrn.1 . ma ami iji-jir- s J rniri, or tlny rtini'iiri in il,,,., . Iimiifs, dmriii!! out a weary life ; it I.dml to l , if vuirit; me diM nse to which they are prwln.i(od hu ol the W'nht.llie i Vier ami Ague. Their 1. . .. .j . ... ,.. ...i.:.. i. .1.-.. , . iv terror re blunted their bunnce Vjnerjna dilnived.i' El Dorailo heroine dinerl, tnd tlie .word, nmdn u.,i ear, i broken tu the hope. To tlieae individuals, Mr. Moffit wuM tlie Life MeJieinn, and you will yet anticinte y.i-, moat sancuine expectutlous, for il y il c, ,t-,.., J '' itoreyoiiWhealili." ' ' r ever and Auo is a complaint wiiu.n r- 'pin.t i. met tt ita first npprwirh, and comhaited a ever sd, , Seldom tatal or ilnslt, ll reiluces the strength, nd pain the functions of the orirain, .o that um (lie ba... fosiation ol diaeaHf, Nnt'iire ia unable, untaoated, tn i t the inroad. The Life Medicines, when token si, t ' ly accoruing luiureeuomi win Ktir n, nwx give lo il,, weak tnd trembling victim of dweasc, new health, !,' , nd Irtrengih.-,. f .. . , . ' ' Fiir,full.parliculara ui. the. ruode f trpetmm e,,1 reader i referred to the Hood SiJtaiTi,, 1 c,w j, Which accompanies the medicine. A Copy may be ri. tained ot the ditlurCut agents who have the mcdicic, for sale, - ' ' French, German, tnd Spanish directions can W nk1 tained on application tt the office, 275 Broadway. : am pun paiu leiieis win receive uimieuinie tttent'AR, Stild wholesale tnd retail by William B. MofVt 9-. Broadway, N. Y. A liberal deduction made to thou' who purcltase to tell again. . . 'Aewti The Life Mcdic.net may aUbehsdnf'ti,. principal DragarisU n every town throosbout tbe I'm. ted State and the Canadaa, . Aak for MoRkt'a If p,i,'' and phenix Bitter; and be aure that t fac iruilt J John MoflU'a aignaiure ia upon the label of each aoitlt of Bittora, or box of PilU. " , The above Medlclnei may bo heiof Messrs. Cresa & Doger, in this Town, who are Agenia ior tne aame. Salisbury, N. July 20, lfCW. , , . " ; NEW PKQSPECTUS , . , ' . v . -or. .-''',,1 - Ttffl Racuclkl,, has been published in Wk torr, Northi'arotma, MnmjhMi;tnd Tpilt be Usmt' UetfWIohf't the expense of its publication. , It hat now upwuii lour huddred subscribers, end it ia believed thstifiUt . friends toXwbom tins Prospectus is tent Will oiakei Uvl tl exertion, the number may tw doubled. For tlie n port of our paper, we tre compelled to rely almost Urtly . poa tSyrjawrtBtiriii' Wf at th jrW(n patronage ia d(most exclusively in the hands of J4 M'Aies ; tnd Uiey cherish towtrda our press the tri tlOHtllltV. - 1., - 4 it is imporUnt tfit t Republican press shouU be subUiued at Uiis plado. It is peculiarly imnorttm In 4 the KepuWieen ff ty Vii)s'gretwo(tal VtHKt . 1 hi town is stKMit the centre of Uie DnftncU - Tin. portaiic 0 tlie pre inky aafely be inferred from malignant tnd bitter persecution we have rccci from the Whig for our eHoi to establisii iL It 1, , portant to tlie whole Republican tarty of Norih C.: tmtf that, thw pre srwhi be xmittJjtt -. There te & .l D.".t.l.- ..i.l: . 1 .I....." ,. . ' uloim. Jittrnwuiiii powt puuiuiiitu m a irmt tt m 1 nine ; ana 11 we except the Tarhoro' ' Pres, u , none within 75 mile. Tnre is no Republicsn piper published in tbe Newbera Iistricu. We tre tiuni'liil" to our friend in lliat Distriot for the-a id w ' 1" ready received in extending our circilaiiea, and hope they will help us (till hut her. .. . ..; m- The name of our paper indicates it characler." It it 1 warm advocate of the Old Jefcenoaian thelnnos tt set forth in the Virginia and Kentucky KtMmVilinn 4 iW tt is yie Kap4fna; Jot 0. menupoly. Itwafi,' no halt-way opposition, .but " war to the knife tad Uie - khiie lo the hilt" We will not compromise on' Bis c point:, interim may be compromised, but pruin never. In the contest now conn? on between M 1 mime power tnd yopuW liberty, rt will be found k ' heretofore sealoua, and we hope, an efficient tdv. etie of the right of the people. It will tdvoctl ft '' trmtt ana ifte rtftl lubar, and oppoaa the emit I i Bank and Mute, aa not lest corrupting thin tbe vm of CAurrA and Slat. It so poor U the nrescut Aimi. Mntiowt!nTco1itih'tti' iodowti long u ti b , fernment ia administered on sound Reoubhcan ui itMle-Righto doctrine r" " " . " r excluded from the" column of " The Republicaa.'' Our paper ia publbmed ia the midst of eonsuutt tunal danger: in tact we tro tlmosl, weekly the ujfdi of perwuai tutauk. W e hope those to whom this i tent will mitssM effort to procure subscriber. Our term trt Tin Dollars pertuaum. .... r..ii.....lrr..:.. (fcj- We do not expect t profit of one dollar heyood the auppurt of Uie pre. ( ; t UI.OKUK HOUiSTON, See, : Editor and Pruprirlor. September 20, 110. . - . - 1 . . i...-. .1 --a 1 LZATHir., tw Boot, & Eli or. ' TIIE SUB : SCIUBERS IVOULD uifbrtn the public, tliat they si ill earn j I f the Tanning Buninee; and in connection tit it, the BOOT tnd SHOE MAKING tl their Taa VA , en tlie 2nd Square, East et Uie Court-Houtw; mbm ', uiey nave on band t quantity of excellent Sole-Lei!!n-tnd Skirting, Ilarneas, Bridle, tnd Uppor Lealhrr.CfW ering leather for Cotcli-makprs, tnd Horse Collira-' Also a large tupply of BOirrS, of first and r quality; Gentlemen's, Ltdie', tnd Children's SllOf-V of t superior qmlny ; md t large stock of coarse S:ai of 1 superior quality, , '" "V " -' A we btve procured first rate workmen, wt kartw hesitation ip warranting our work to be as well 1 any ia the taty.hic.h we will el, low for 't'sik on time la puncimu duaWrs. .' Order from a dmance punctually ttiended to. Also, t first rate pair ot Hot 7Vri, and 1 second banded Latti for aa te. - V- '. BROWN L CHAMBERS r N. B. Hide will he taken.it exclianse fnr f dona in the above businese. . - B.' AlUbury, Sept. 6, ;". . ... 1 ' UAVING recoivtxl t new supply of GROCERiE-V takea pleasure m awyjng; to.hisrieiiH and" buStic; Hal tlipycuu how gct'liirsius'iiidaod ('' tie has all kinds of funilv truvisions. sucb a, a ) Sugar tnd Uoflue, -- - Stmp ni(J C"''i OrangeM,' ' Cod FishJ" . . . Licmiint, , t , Raisin, ' Almonds, " Kwect Crncknra,' Ncvark Cidoj Jmon Syrup, W'iupu and lierriitgnr , - , M.i(knrrl, I'Sariluiea, 1 Anthi'wnfi,- ' li ' Lime Juipp, ., Alluny Al.,, v Liiiiior a. " : 1 of (lie bent qualities and of ie latest !"?';' . Salisbury, June 2S, l'.V.K ' " ' tf Moflat's'Pills-aml-Bi" LIFE GIVI.VG FILLS AND P M L i'y ..... .1 .. 1 a.. ...iii'ta UH 1 1 ti.iv,?, mi ri. it att.11. unu in. Uie allla-ti-d 111 rv. ry jmrt of the counlry, Celved and for jiu l v I'n' SuImtiIwi- . . ' t,:cr:.-.i "ttoGi:iii Mepr. Spaimis k Stiaakl-e, in Concrd, llwi Afjenls thr the name.' ' ' w ( ". P. S, S5ce Idv'brtifccment, An) 4, JW. - " w . : '!li t-'i, i" -'- ' . . i . . S 1. " . Kill

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