Ml fc '. k '. 'a tt' wata, ft "r'-wt Ml, wit. lljMi: chv. dbstj tretf 1 P"p beet lhat ftiii. pat up, icaiiaZ Edit, ire M le-tri iiiin' ibsfcM t'n" Cm1 ' well r, f,r t! "ff "ff " :ttl'".-' , gimtlemiu from N'irtli droliiu, whft in Jack ion, during the '"Session of llie Lt'ginUluie luM winter, ami at the lime Mr. Clay' Idler was eceiveJ. , Extract of a UlUrfrom Jailnmt, Mist., lust IFia- iu.iriphe io of iht tA-gulaturtl bg a gentleman of tfurth t'ur., Mr in Juckn'o. , - " It would stem from report here that Mr. Clay dipping back a little from tbe grouud lie for merly occupied. He ho lately written a letter to Colo, .Mitchell who lives near this place, iu which he give his views on several important political lopics. Colo. Mitchell ha shown thit letter to a good many gentlemen, and it is (lie subject of a good deal of tulk. I have-out teen it, but hate re ceired the same version of it from several who fend it. lit the rtteri Mrr Clay drnici being an Abulitiutitdt. On the subject of Internal Improve '-went by the Federal government, he saye, that e. perience has shown the Slatc$ to be competent to the work,auJ therefote he is bow opposed to the Government hsiving ony thing to !d with it. On lieves that it is constitutional for Congress to es tablish one, but inn-much?s many think otherwise, he is in favor of having the Coiinitution so amend ed a to give the power expressly. lie also says, that in bis own opinion, a (J. S. Sank ia desirable, Tint he believea that the country is opposed to the ' mousuro, and thorofore he upYor the pres 1 etit. Bnd will not urge it. On the whole, ths im . pressing made by this letter, ii, that Mr. Clay has ,. given up-all idea of a U. 8. Bank and many of the -viowi and Yneauurei that have made him so obuox. kw to the Republicans of the South." . ' If the Editor- of the little Federal paper in Mississippi, which, is but an echo of some that re could name if this Ldttor, who disputes the facts iu our statement, is animus lo know all about lite matter, and make it kttown, let him get the letter fioto Col. Mitchell, who ' Jives five or six nules frotaIackson, and publish it ., . V PERIODICALS. " - -The Sovthtrjii lAltary Meat tiger, for Nv.t is on our ..table m presenKiif umwI; 'aa.mttractiv table of contents.-Nkmong other tht", we notice another article on theMeckleuWg Ucclitnttiou of! -V ; Tke Journal of the Amerirtui Silk Saeirtj, fiif "-fcb6r; 6tti1o . ty ofiuformaUoa. valuable to-those-ioverexted in the Bilk Culture, 7'- we unnerataiMl, that the Urancta ol the Uape Fear Bank in this place has beeo directed bro iBother Bnnk;Tiorto teceivi lhetntf "oTlbe 5 C Banks in payment of debts, for the present . ! S--t t 4 . f 01 T1IR WBSTEBH CAK0LIM AH. .tioOr Wbkb was beU i" Sdliibu'y duriug last uk, ought not to be passed over without a proper do ' ; rice, It was composed of a bttdy of tneu, who . , would' do honor to any cause civil, religious, or Klitical. tiiid this body met in INew irlt or Ja dadlohiahaara wo haeir wjj coiuplimeiitary notices of their proceedingtt.-Tley ' would have been lauded to the skies for their dis interested philanihrupy their intelligence, and .. talents! but here, in North Carolina, the Coavea. ,"lion has passed od almost without a notice. I will Venture the opinion that the Addresses delivered in'tho course of this Convention have been as aide, "and ef interesting, aa (hose of any Temper-titce 4 Convention ever held to America. When we see . .. .., it. .n .irt.rl, ...I I- il.i. ..i.l.. m5l'WaWaOOWWiaa:aOK4BUCteia4B to 7 ... . . 'rnT."nirilTaiiiim'ilir Htiii noruti.r wiiii a.f.T(Tf pb3aaffir6piaT the iiiteniperate, oof the soeers of the demagogue, but continue your warfare against the destroyer, awl the time will coiiie when thousands will rise up, and speak forth your prawes. - " ". A FRttXrt TO TuXPEEiXCB. CAIOUXIAX. FOR THE WESTERS -- r Mcsans. Editors t Some one aeni oie from Newbern, a few days ago, newspaper printed in :hat place, by the name of tbe M Newbern Specta tor," which paper contains one of tbe most uttpro- voked and ungenllemanly attacks on the State . Rights Republicans, that any sensebt ass ever . committed to paper. If Voq bars noticed the ar. . ticle, I hope you will publish it entire, that the Republicans in this part of the State may see the lyle and spirit in which they are assailed by that FedoruTTory Editor." , Tbe writer of (hat article, be be who he rnaylrfurins!ies conclusive evidence that ha has a malicious heart, and silly head. No man with tenerons feelinirt, or with a emind head, would use such Inngimgn towards any p.rty that may exist in this free country, much less to wards a partv lo whose purity and patriotism . ; thousands, htflh of titef Whigs andDunHrathavt oorne testimony t a parly, w&.so prtnciples are I , eo-eval with the Govcrnment.Tndijjj, ..lti.b;jj. .ufciCV haw because men oilier in ftninioa li this political Inquisitor, must, they ha branded as traitors Because we are anwiltiug to submit to an unjijHt and unconstitutional system of taxntion eo the country, a tnv that was robbing the poo of tbxir harti earnings mutt we be abrscd by we who has so little sympathy Ibr the mth as to witre to see ltr nxe pr5el)lttr1 pretenders to ratriolisiul . Jl is clear that t generous ot noble Ming can sweif in the bo . pm of such a man.-. So much for hit frelings. Ai ta his Xeail. whatever alsa.U way .contain, k S.1 Jho ..receplacle .-4-HKh -eisa W tint Whig of sense would, at this crisis at least, pur a a course so cahniluied to drive ell" JVom them, V1. ..y 'om aid Ihey berelofnre gained a few ktories in North Carolina t Doea the man think hf the Federal Whigs of North Carolina ran In. H tnph wilhntu tha assistance f the State Righiw t If he does, it only proves that ha is defi int in brams, however prolifio he may be in enn 't and irapiulLmie. Or, does the iruotcnt Tiy ,hink thatthe Stntd Riglitb RrrHiblicens are anch Pirilrem beings, that thev will snlnit to be abn. d nd vrilhM bv tho Federal Whig, imI4iII cl wuh lUmf I 1.;,,. t .!..;... cause, ougal it not to arrast w autwo 4hrtmrrjn. -rfTOrrttw:. a f, max (tiijj t"t hvvvkw , s 11 liver ia T w,fl orl"w lh' "' 'rriloo wrrtlbler! 0 great mist ol thn Whig paily onnht not to be altfige;iwr ro-p.Mwihle fr the totts of iirk pretetiders as this .Newjj'-rnru 'T Ilaia wc ol t-ptss who mittako vnk-nee fr sirmrini'.sand , arty Ctiit.. it ;,,t( V) flir ut ,Hlltv yderato brelhrr-n n ' ;i they; ..: r, c,- u umtt liana g4. t.:-;r irx Uli a. 101 TUC ITLl;X rULt!l, AcCiiXiLnj to mthms ir w VV B tfe TOX'T- ii g of th Ut-a,ra,k r(i ,',i iK ' o! Csliarros, wwrJ-'crTTiMTirW 1hiu cf John IL IVjw, l"., uq lllt Rer. ih miAum d l)ud 51. V.Yier, i: ., Smiiei C. KSut'.ji, Ej., was c?mA u rU c.r, aol oo m turn of Jieoh CwsHsrt, lirl E-a pl Danirl M. WaJker, Eqrs., were a-vn;teJ &-cre-taries. IS ie j.te.-4 14" Ute tlutr, Ta as & Ilea. : . dermin, Ej., tmea epJiJ tin? .J j-ict f th tuei ini tu a kluxi and eKraomte lft. Mr. 11 oersua i&ea prNtuird ue muih rreinJtU: and jJCesuitttiuna, h wefe.snaccaueafj dfpte2 ; Wiiuu,TitniaifcetStif. and energy of the grr U mot par.ieu5.rly "'7 ai-l or ?nwJ ' ,i,c l"' rf P-r. IVy, daiming n rwer tt th di4 from the pe ....... . '" zrrau ptu- cal charter of Ucty lUt ite rP -,e a nght to 'bjeecd C6a.t ft ibe CMfKaoti r-od ad general fare . tb-rtfc re, t IM esrei of Ibis our prt. ,Vge as til a, r 4-t. hr, Med l exp oar sa reil la ib Cie measures which bare aJ cur eKjtmtM astute .. thsj CasMcik of KirX; i&erc&ee, .:;- -. 3 t gesoJWi. Tfcjt we Uteri at-wt csn&Vaea ia tltff td mm iifrinismn ri ir'vr r ti inant St Ium;tral4ua of & lijrul U.ranit, ia ttrrrwr ( out Umx greet aviatscscf Ikrawrtaey hirb autt ritthers U ot'iem p.-n. sU sacnacea a mc to i cataaliah,' ' . . ..?''-:,,....,. . fyJt, Tint the eMnecfwsr prewat Ctf AliCwu!. Misns rp&YuuUreeKSMtothela-r d'pecxlmt Trmsf t tt&evwc?uiiis) to tt t'nitNl States iUt.k avti a ta cwr aeariy ajruotatjow t ' .and Uist bis wtra, nUMxt a:r catttle hua Jaaur enraita! jjhsWH Pwiw'-wtit fcfwtim. - 3. tfVi-, Twt J. as lAsarcnt are enqusea1 to i WirUDoo, but maalA lie Uja. Jaca E. ' I 'oi.a, of niMawNr, so Ust sum sT ca fc;iu-crtunv ia the neat Vtee rnJti!j! Cuaa,as4 sftaulsl ael a .rusjatCJaesiaafjasT-aa as artvi. suftMrt U tV ortfer, tad ttntsam aa4 a 4s&r.2iistai sun of Ajt-b Ct?2te. .- . . ' bve oottced fu m.uU Caaiirfate furl 'lw Msubttion tsfirud Mjt mi a sxyte men rett- .ttovwrnarsT ie--KorsJi Carjfan, w 'IttsraVrf-jc :''sjWrior"'lS" 'aJ'tWtig of lhe'lid ia''tha atticea ftooe aa auurr fWatiw. a- abnet Uiewu, 'ewa.try. Every eicrtiua tii be saadeoo t5e part abilUK-iat miraKmrswiUr Tiah'y titers ibo Eq.wraws aa wHI as t Mr to VJ. ? ' pTt vmarWms ami wetb- it. li tvwtMse, K.aimS. ' 5. tUmthetd, f ami w bcarlv asprate of the ewt pumtea tw DiHt t-e.Utn.. Repeat. nusl UltS'lluatlkMua twti MS kMsCatM vw(j vurivuisMfj wa f'.iawvs war"a vs sikVW aaafTT f wfH ta the caaJal W . r-r .. - viwitcaiiua aaa tf.jrM UtLoi m.iuI ,ni . !! , . . L . . w""v"-, nri vui, Mxwgar we coauW ti'iwi a VsVaauanta ta bas eotracijoos JfcsHfe,!! ti peii35s orict aaarbse kit iw t ., bj w. .t w. ';-wsr4 toU'liiUs'of. WWta Ci wH!i cratsp inpt s th '- mJM cpj Its eiuw, ditoU fhrtia. S-Tror-or swiji. ttliefiiHJldtci,.rt;ri. , ; ' " " ' - CX1TE1) l. IVtDLOCK. In Iredell Coaotr, aa tS Knit aH- ir the Rt. R. Arev. Xr rrHTa HXI.Y COOK to it M.1RG - Kirr kiTr.iiir. k. .. o . .u 2iM ntu ky Ue eras. Mr. AXD&EW B 2RLGCa lo a IXCIAOA PUJT. tr. fatbf3lt aWtotrevae.'Xr AXDRnV3IATl?X?7l, BeaToaie M tiure, 4 Dre. to Mw DKIJL.H UOODUAX of Irwfcri ! 3b7 ' 30 Urga Caaiag tlidea, ! " VJ''J mr 1 1. p.,w iia t . Jir. - tiamsyTr, . m.. jtrTMwwr-:::- I 1 M a " . ' . i k o- aariEji iiHrfE OVrnnYTav .a , la Moeksvtlle. Datie rmtrft. X. C oa lb 7t b 1 -in., of Tvpbus Feter, Dr.J AUES 1. CIXU- MOXS, aged $ year. 7 miihs, aad 2o dsvs. 7'' At tbe rrwrfrnca rd 11. lVUarbsn, Fmu at tbe vc.iMly of Ilayorvinc A tabs M, 1LIJAM P. UUIE, km of J'wftb Iljie of Aoaee rtmn'v. Ala., in tbe 11th tear fh. .IJe jras t'jheX."?..!!? bg-gfJ-KMiCHa any pUr4a--gatl4je, oa the tiu of his eestk, and had bera for ab-i-jt a year previous tiereto, a umb-r ef tbe Aetdeiay at Ilsyueviilo. Ebirieg thts time hi ianpnnvsneiii aa the d,3urct brauebca of ata!y Ut wtticb h attrw lion had bpen'.eJ. n-HriiU ,-n kiaa aWrtt-d honor, and those who were anfiaiotel with ki rogreas, ncited a corrprajdin xtfrest awl asv: L lV Cir bis wrfare, etfusyerity aad lucf bit. Hit kind aud gTxruus beart, bis rbmd,riit, CnMUt eanl and firivir; d:srm(hn,ewdrre4 bias to kia asaecrates and friend's wb.!e kit aaubitMMi U etcel and his ardent desire ta riHte taw anfea f kia pa renta and nUtiw, altred aa rumple hih!v romnenrlahle and worthy of iraifatM. B-itaUs! death, wnkh waiM -t fr l!ie U-mhs i- riprn, baa clou d furever erery chewing aH eyratog prs pect. 7 -7., . . ' -.1'. .-, Thou'rt goo" as a dewdpsji swejra!! the kesgh. - ;Ohl fuir tha vrmid wbere thy a Mil? OttXJLXX HAlai:.- II t Virtue of aa'(Me ef tbe Cuaaur Crt of Rowan, I shall ar J at tbe rrstdew the late t Jitmes Dtoww, 24 rtathef Sn!tirasrT, r. Wednatat and ThurvlaT, the 4ih aJ S;h ot next . I sraTX 1 . - cojrsiVnaa or . . . TEX . rnxiEOlS, . : : - . -r . -cv 'V" y - r- ar j ',s-iav- Faw ifa.'s nWa bnttworn the ajreof I and SU ; tVe Wwa tween 11 and 15; threw gid-(ta:? a!l bkely. - Abo, the Crop of litis year, roenhfin af grain r of errrv ktnd, and a cruf at CotKW. jfcjootuj 3 or 4,(100 ,bs. ' 7 ALSO." .7--, - . - - . , . w . , A IlomscltoU i ICifrttra Inrnitarr.; & taiirurn iiirniiurr, ( vlsutvr Turtfj 1 . FARMING TOOLS, tkcAe. , A cretlit of M montbs wi'l be gTweaj c alwjinv mer two du!!iw, the puKbsan gK. tl and ai'iufia pcvaiKj. TiAaJLJCSDVti. Rowan Cr.wi!y, N.CX. v. I-1??X7 W i It W -tS A . . . . I' COM lJLi:i) ATTil ACTION ! CIRCUS AN I) GIIlA FFi: IJjftibUi(fi I'i'.iit !. 1 IX) be Exhibttedat S Lli:i RV. -i Thu vrrfv mbcr. t- ;j.(UTVU HAYS ONLY ;Uirs ot Eih.b.- iwn fn. ) past li n t P. M. AdnudanM. 50 t "ent, ChiUffo sot tTV?-i Iwif ' The proprietors of the G irail.- Yofk Cirrus aa4 Arena Coenpary, sp:tfui; &m he Public that Jhry ! rtrJ .! arrange. ee4s to and citutbtt zr'Mr. at same tii uJ place, aoder a paviUi Ur" cwh '"' tASi exhtattiooi, ai4 accaijil 3,000 spKtatwa..;.' l.-.' - The ar.iflV. cr CamrlcopartL iaowb dd to be the snJer of tt LWIMll kmgu I, w!j (h. laiM of ,a w. e;.a, but tb re mo -tla. character, , It bas be. tto Krr J devMiersmni secuuesi ' Ua t,,r im L.4 , 1 .. I. j WM knowa to the Peman, aVwt jars as j Laving Urea bropht as a prrot to Ihaw j fo, of lu, , rentl entaries twtw the . Cbrtstwo era, Sv Ah t,, , V, brought u from ; tlrf ihtrr Afr(ca, i.e u Us ever Jbee, (mud. ' , .., ' , ' r- Tjj1 JHj 1 j ' CHSlCrlTS i ShMssiSfassi " 'r W a (arar ami interest iee tratsof H.irvosbanbts and 'JJ! TS!.?f.J.'liWil Eqsaastriaa rtwsfls, wbseh wilt eooattlntathe mnat drUrHtral f "l", tJ9 i"" "d drews i EihibifWia." r f-- I . 1 t ,f : tit . " - , r . J jiimwikm CCOlIt" Twrum in inns soteouM nbibttuw fnua. ih bwi.L .J" i!.. fir. -.. tC - -- -" , ' :'i v'Vj" ' : .V-. -- -"j - r r -Tae abovsj will be eilabfed at AJtSorwl on ;5Itty IWvat PreatJr E.4's rfor,'tMi TwMtf , cl 1 areuJ-r, 1 530. fi-tUlU. ROflSO. AXD.UJtULERlZX, TST RECEIVED AXl FUR 8ALE.1 4 :, , i" 9' coiia BsleSia, at iertiv . 4)UtaCCie, . .HtakSMfti, UU lbs. Lai sow &l lb. tnnnj fterl, , 53 pr. Elitptie 8,iria ... la Blister Meet, - ia ST i. Ia ner, IU I I I 7 1 ' 'v saviLL saitsu auarvar'a. a ttt.-wt?Its" - iv w fttmrH fcj I ... .y f PlIE Soaserttee tivro serew aaiies snatb of ftslta A bory. iateads keepvitT ewMtaaiy oa btad. Mar- si ana ureerta 2labs exprearly tor TOMB STONES, l"'" aotvta. ' ALSO He ia read ta exwnte any work abidk'anr be called it aaMLMCRIXG, MTOXB-t.TrtXU. HX GiLAVLXU, sW. aad be aurns Unsa wla aa.y fsrar bint with tneir work, that swiesa well dtma according to CDntnct, be has ao pay. ' xocr '5, FiiiturA. Xevember 1st, K'a - tt CatoUc Vcinac .taAcmy. 'IMJIS wij be ??ewd kx tba rcceMO of I poutia oa tbe Sad ilfKiy (!l:S IMabcr.) wsder Um arawMtsie aaprnnlenesc? ot lira. S. IL Xva lUrriUnwo, whose birbsjisii:att hrwrtnn sre already s fctvovabiy baoaa tbe patic, as aa render ewurn!at utaecawiry,. Bmt Cm smal Literary Crajcb of Femle Lm ewraiw. the cuvrse will embrace Umc, Xenila Work east ftratrar. - -it Trnn ofTnitios Will be for 2Wawa. ewna..aacav4ii.s?e;s f.9n Emeo i HLtury, t;er-);riil atal atet aaa's "LI fart at Antbaietie, 1030 llttj. St. Phtbcoiibv, Alda-a. Cbaow'i : try, ButaayV dj;lii Urammir, rtrker'a , Rjiftrises ia Uoropr:ti,(ieupriphy at tbe - llcenra, Vavratl Geurapby, lntr',irt tut! fa&ihapby. iUtetone. Liwc Willi oa ttiS Mtai, aud Cddeocrs of tinsUtSity, Mine . .-...- . ttttaK "v" . - ... 1 - . - , - . CT Batd can be bid to tbe Vi'.Ua aa ssodrnte - Itera. . . . ' . 7 Jr;.i !t IL WII.XJ.V WM. (MVIIsSOV; - JOtlM lilt, .. - .... VU. J. AUSANOOl, jTacrrssa. J'INMlA l wnu, " II. R WLUAJd. v 1-KUOY H'SIXtiS, BS1.V OATES, , J Xuere.ber L K3l ;' 7 ' . -3t - fc3r ' ' rrctnaos rpjctfa!y tafitftra her friewds fa, w outad a strx, ; af rwsrd s-aol ful pat l-rns id wmk jut Srom i'.rt. r V 7 " - I 4 LL perwitts tpiftb'ri estate tfj.-jseph T. A , i : forward and saakft wtvm Ht, and all prntw who ayiinst the esJstt to pnw nt theaa da Iv a jtrnttcatH within the time prescnV.i be law. cVnrWTtrrT"rjrwwrn Wf'if nr.'f irtrr I T -. ' TIKB.; B A K E r , It, E t S?As)ut3 VcmaVc .Acatci. ; 7 3 y 7' ' "?7" ; 71r TrKir a M Suij4ary Ajfw? Atadnny INIMRM'ttie ptibl, t!t tlii Instituitoo will be ... epmted ea iUwtay, the lid, of Octuber ntXK. It la tbeir Ktenitoa ta pUee this tvmiiimry un a pt'tnisnent and rcrcub;e bts; tud no rare will be wttniiiff 00 their part, to reader it. io every rvect. aorthy of the cqcok of the nJsof euuvjtioo, nwahty and t hgvm, waosees k tliir daui'hters a place whore in tellectual and mornl culture conibined, will prepore tbwii to orrnpy with owfiilticss and dignity, tlie suiiete -"TSiij stsfaowwtaktag tH -snitiibhrrffiiTtr ta"efre fcr Tescbera, a Geatlemaa aud Lady of high oiialihre Imml Alsaawkile, ibey aave enpjred &iia Kmm f., a yooi Latly, id wboee .hterry qualificatkrtis . aad capacity fcr such a situation, they have perfect I eua&teac ; aad who baa hitherto taught muste in tins, aad Matt Siminartes, with entire ratiffaction. As soon as the etaer IWaers sre obuiiiett, iMias Baea will agu eemAa beraelf eacluaively to ll.s musical depart- .--; V- TERMS OF tCITIOX. - j " - F b-gtfftwTs psrswpton ef -ft awnthiir- 00 For tbe Kaduants With Gnmiroar, Ueogra t pfif and llsrtory, ;,. Q qq Tbe with the higher braaches n U- ' , trfy Dupsrtmeut,' -, . , 1 .' 12 60 Mrf.c aa the Fiaib or tiuitar , , T! . aj (KJ l'atatia- - . . . . ' ,. 7; : 7 lo 00 - Ontlat)tiI Ncctlle-worit, and Uie making of wa fijwert will be al taught, if destted, at acli. K; order of tlia Trustee ' ' " THOMAS U COWAN, ChsirmsiwV gjawbary. Sept it, lg!a tf. iTtirESCKi?CCIBEK Bi'mg niiTISg7TVid.j 7-Coea'y , Ukos this mtH to inform the I'ub-I wc uui ne wui enter mte cuntract ith any fvrwnor artiS eitber ia lftiiUn, Kowan, or Cabarrus Coun .rtf wtaa wiath feotwrti, taqtonM, or any ethrff- iim1 e ' Bwutfinga erected of Brick, to build tliem St cliwi, as curabe, sud in a juad ty!e ( any workmaq in Una WMitry7 , . v ... .'. .- J , He win a!vm.(tii4iind bura'tba Bfkk, if wtnted. 4a treats taeHwa terry l-jjWWJtWi1j-.-'-'- 7; , JiOUUMXG AXD LAYINU CR1CE, Li .wtS-ewtttiebtm tea stttfa tit atiMie "WWShaffCT""" - Ha aenU itftUr gentlnica wwhmg work (tone in his line of BcMnaaa, to lb Fmutle Acadvait and the nrw ae prwa' Cferit's etnea ia tialwbtrryi t siwcMofens o) i ' M wwl.,;7 , ' , m;....,,,., X. E. . Tbtw wisnin work done, will pUtse ee w;wd si the affit-e of the Western CaruluiiaiHaod it suau ac aitnctuatiy aitendea 10. - . ....-:..:..- .ROBRBT-COy.,: Nfft MUE Sabtcnber fasvmg purchased tins 'il.i liihiiient and fitted It ill a Mvle f - I o . u . . . .. . .r t' ?t . . . 1 oinnrrrs, woow prepaieu tor me ir ret r IV us t.voir wwaiwayaaa.tufuiknea With tle best the market can nXTord; 1 BAR With gntxl supply of choice tiqtatrs j hit Bi'-tW shall always be kept ia Cns onWr ; and hm btv L!f ( which Sre trt 'ilvn.itrl ara atall annnluul iirl. I TrvMeuJur df ihe first qotiuv. and attended bv road aad aMtMU anauVri. --' 7": ; Ha bepta, by strict aUeatioa to die bodneps, in per. sna, to five aHuXclba to ail who aiay fcvar hurt with tbetr pa!rtagr. And be eply asks a call ami trwl. . AXDRKW CALDCLEUGll. Lex'iBglomiN. C, Feb. 21. ItCO. U Westcra Stago - -1 . . 4 v r 3 '--;sC-k. (TRW! Ilutsai itms Hba at. awii w sweewwrinrtotba U. PuNic, that tbe URKAT WESTERN tri-week. ly ce Lioe Ims (btwbtfry via tbe Catawba Springs, idKwww, luiintrroniion, w Asnvitie, IS. tj. will com- . -ssrnce lunniag on ute nrd instant " -Ortairts front .tlaary, en Kontltya,' Wedilemltrt, sad Fndsrsst 5 e'ehtek, A- Ht arrives at Ashvillo on ; yjj o!, j. m laea AWttille foe Kal.burytat S o'clock, A. M., oa itoaaaya, 1 wesosys, sad 1 btirwisya, arrive at Salis bury aett day, 8 aVUk, P. M. Taw line f-e PPID, GOOD DRIVERS. TEAMS, ewd COACHES cannot be turpuMmJ by any line in ths Mate " tt emoects itr DAll.Y U.G at Nil is awry fcr ibe North.iod si Artliville with the line to luioziUU,TeatMe. -Pa-teagrs leavia Raleigh, ft. C Ibe West will C d this Uta sjearrat Route by 2 miltta, tint decidedly v tta clteaposL Aad be- Ane rnuits, rmnitntie scenery, Wtrtirvhrfy the (hp arr the Blue Ridge, it is not ex- csiatw ty any otlter m li. t. - - : . , v. i. A.- BILNCI.VI, . xo " - ' R. W. LO.i - Wb.rt, Jtoe. 1. Ktt .7 tf 7 K. R Yb I jaw, bttvrsrets the Line at Lincoln lew fcr Gneraville, . C, via SjiarUiiburpr, snd the , Uarestuoe Sptuga. " . A. B. &. R. W. l.( " Tha .North Carolina Siandard, aial Knox ti!U (Tettf.) Arga, will inacrt the above ttilvrr. tisrnwol weekly tor (t.or weeks, and forward their ,.. ifjcrHia's to this Otlic. Z, 7- 6WtCv IN chedtenea ta an order of tba llorb!o Court of A taw and lmty,of UayMtwo County Ft!l Term, 1"CJ3; i will sell oa Ibe premtsec, no credit uf twelve aawil:-. aw WtunUy tbe 3tb -ot' N'noeniber ntt, a trT'.-TR.CT OF LAMV bt btntfinat to 4be -b.n of J. If. ptH'blrs, dwi'dn. coii'aintng teedrng from S.lwbary to Malum, H miles rruta ibr timer. Sad I7nnli fn in the latttir nitre i l-t bas be-a losg known as a pltce of Entertainment. Tbe t;uato it Wealthy. and tits ud well - .Li i. a eaHtrrw ' -toftnn, tnd M tfie 'vtriitii-s of - grant cwnoaioly ntsed m ttiii rnuntry f"T)itre is stmul . I.'iO senp ia etiluvation, with a good DWELLING IKOEi aad all eccewory ont nooars, it ta a!to a Itamfeaawa stnatfeia a m f'-htnt, with a rod wilt. Ttasa-wTtt pnrcbswr will be rtquind to' give isl w.:h approved Wfcunty. . tr- . . -uuubt fui:hles.' . oeab,rlttl-v'L ji, , DR. -lllit WilltlXGTOM H AVING treated hi iQtt'lf tit the Toica of Sulit atrry, (JIt his prolr-wional wrvices to the ei,:-e of Btfwwn, and the adjiiiiog counties.. lie may be Omird at C.d.'s Hotel, where PPn pr,K, auy ...u a,ti y - . g' ryy i?r-Q P. T 11 .( Ot'qi V v 1. ,- ' , ,i 1. - N. R. matewfibdul chargr - maertafs ami work warrantfd in all ce a,- . 7 1 at TA . ' !-f -a.aasat . ' ' Valuable Ziaad 'I 'HI'. ubsRriher off-ri t t sale the tfttvan- ' -tatrottd-luwTsTri I.-.da CtatJij j . ONE TUACT jontatning 302 acres, li,iR 0 Catawba Rtv. ir six It'.ilcs N l.i lb tin-a Ford, v ' A 'Tract t.f 132 acies aHiuliung !. atinvn. A Tract of .t!w aeri'S m:j.sriii,g il,e tntj A Tract, liiioau as the ; iiWAWUi Hvui?a., ' containing 709 acres, which will be sJI m rr- " ct-U to suit inijv-hascrs. ... - , , S( " The Subscriber having determined tr cl!, tl,r-se luntlsmay be hnd 011 very liV-ral tertus, aitb a" . crrdil of win, (wo, and three )-ars. . . , Any me desiring to purchass uid wadongt i et, a'hiine any uf the Und. wtTTbe tdowa tlxu tiv'ap. i'!Jig UlXatX.AtJiiii-iii3 .ana reuLr-a l.V- ittighhorWl, ami w4n-wtlLnfurn thnn of funhr r partieullrs in rclirtiurt to terms,- ' - . ''SahelwrjrfJSr; C, N . 8. tf ' Taichcrs Wanted. . .-1-. , . , a WANTED iiTWieditttty, a MIe and Feote Teae or, to taktt charts ef tiie Acideanes at ibta - place..- 7 '-7" ' ..Y Tbe Gentleman to'be wall ijuJificd to prnre St'i dents for the Cuiversity of tlus Sute, and the Lady ta teach the - w . ' ... :f nuiTicuiaH 4 usnally tsurfht in Femxte IntUiuiitsia ia tins Stale!- ' N. a A married lii-atltwiao w buss lady wou'rj ttLa cnargc m U19 t Viulio Acadtrny. wwt4d be arafcrrei, v . A. It. 4'AKTKK, l.K.MCEL i:iNt;i!A.M. . UncksvilK Oct. 19. t IAIR cash prices will be fiiro fir Hv, T at Cob R. W. Jong's Hotel, tia Wn erors. Annfw 4-jry, X, fl. - Taiay 17, vssk . ; IT'..". In - ft IXMKfT Will .1 .VAm A i..-, L'r ..t "iilfl r ,wa,a aj-t-v at a a-S imum Hlli (I tVJIal MlHl IQ9 - public, that bo stitl carries 00 tba TAILOR.. ; I . U U U bIJN 1-33 at his UJ atnnd oa main streM,' nesj uoor to the Apirthecary 8tore. lie ia ever ready to execute the orders of his customers ia - . ' sr style ami maiwer nut aurpawd. by any workman ; 4 i4hae4nrwart -of 'the tatW r I'ia'U'lo Ojl gular receipt of the latest London and New-Yorfc ' ; . ' FASHIONS, and prepared tt aecorutnodate lbs ' ,sj tastes of the lanbinnnbln at all timee. 7 ; 4 7 ; CrtJuttinff gurmomi of air hinds attende! 7 rw ? ; promptly and the latest tashKns Ciruisbedat a? ? - 4 Y tuntsta country tailors, Tand in&lructmtM girea ia fcS enrttng.- "r?, -7 fSnlisbofy, Jaa.-1," J3Tm-,r"r:' Tin: su.M i:ntr.:.s --" ' ml- ifcirtrrrtj! . rr i RR oow reeoivingsl thcirj!.i Kitnd. si KtirewalVa . nprlnx and Summer ;xhIm.. Tha Sdlowing articles are snsig tbe latest srnnU: .' ' , J! V ' 1JO0 lbs. of euir,x . ; C . , v . ' v : " .;; 1,600 do, ; dike, ,,; : 7.'; 7 3 bluls. Alolasws. 7, 30 bushels Salt. . J ' . Win", Cortvfue Brtndr. DveSttihs.Pawirw. ij. . . allot Vtliuli will be stiU Lw fur cii, r u puactuftl . dt alurs on Time. - JACOB WlMAiirit i.i.ti, 1 . Medicine t)ye- Hnuftk, Tobacco, io. FtufS, Oilsf VrN'-sndlesRtre, , ' --.- ... g, . , j sreewstrrs, Past I T lud. Wrapuiiig rfw, I . - n i Paerandl'aiiii, Ma r ' J den laga, Fort, riherry, W flu Btarch, fnoAHt. Vr Coakm, fuie loiter 'tiH tntr; lrx-T; rs, Tcncrifii", JJs. Uttmpnign, Miitcat awl Clsrel Winns, French, IWh and Arpla Brandy, " . Oin, Monongshsla, and old Wbilrv, Jnunca aad N. tl Rum, Loaf Bugtr, Vmi.dnts d l'por. Ciafw 1. ' i are, itoities, ltnton and Uiiifrp' ryrtip, Ij.i.b Juice, -.,. Tamarinds. Jut's. Cstks. Potkct Buoktand Man. I'ina. - 7 7 iron ana onipoitin ".lnrtitm, tnl PetU-j, Ctotiii. Wick, Olacktiiar, lc's, U ta', lyttV, Auu-rwas. Hoitper's, Scott's, Cn.k's. tiliors B-'.-ckwiUi's, Peier, Molfitt's, EtrsnV, Brsndinth's, Phri;' Pilis. Ilmcks and Swaim's Panicrt, Miwe sud A iidoraun's t'wi!i Dions, SiimiT lloxt, Suices, Pernor Kaaee. R.KMi"s LTnaic Alixture, Uck tit noon Hoard. Matches, Ciut of lolumbia tot be Id heads, Liixtr of Opium, SwauaV Vcrnlifll and a tlswauid otiier articles hut rece.ved and for sale eaeat at, ilia Apothecary, by ' - ti. IL . fj, K. W. : RtfUibtiry, June l.TO. tf BYdirectkmsof the Brood of jS O. the Cbnrcbr of Concord tVefhrterv wrli bwaibdaA ia ihc kJ. ' lowing order, for omitrtbuium n Fureija Miwiiio", if tbe fktamfVtiXt Cetatoi- IbaAd i;;rv-',"iV 'si'-'' Friday. .lAovlid.1 Steal Crwabr-t I I. A. M.- 1 - Sstardty, dl .Prut id nee. - v ix - - ' a ." ' Ssbhtth, ard Rorky Rivur," ? do -do. Monday, ' " Tuwlsy, Wednrwlav, Thursday,' Fridsy, Hnturday, tjStibTff, ' m 1.. ' ; 4tb PhiMl(.his, . filh Puplar Tt4, , -. (Ub '.Concord Town, 7th IW-tlip-c, . , Hlh Ksmah, -' da ,d' 01. Oiit AUIUrd rH . nht' ilujir CfWit, - ttK - . , do." Clisrlotte, ' " Carhlle-lij-hti-j. lllh 1'swCr. rk 1 1 o'clock, A. M. Monday? "a- 1 iltitsv, . l i'h 11 fx-wvl!. r . : do. . .. UVdii. Jay, l;ltlj4 .Ua-J,. ,.r.j ; 1 'o. " Tbnrsday; 7 Friday, ,7. Sslutday, tin, Dnvi.l ui) Cine'". litn!',e-lii;'ti Uih (ei,irr. - lUMtxk, A. AJ .V"ih l'rucp t, - dn. 10lh ISltlesrillr'. . ' - " do. ' 17(h,Cor.coil.(lrcdt!Udo. S-bbth, Abindny,''. Tucalay, , " Wcilncmltr. Thursday, Frtdny, Hatiirddj-, . Hsbbttai, ..' 14 Mmiday, a TueUy, ' - , (!.V n," " l"fth Salent, ,d.s da dr' do. "do,, do, '. !.. .libit fkiltsny, ahli .Tth.-r, . 2U. Mocksiiile, t'lltl I'flttv. -.'Klfd- TliirU Crert; ' 2lih lU-k Crmak, 7 V5:bO'h;atira, , ttiih Franklin, in. Salifury, . Caw.lightinf . - ! f DU. C. B. DOUGLAS IIAVINfi ratrd bim!l in Ksiisbory, g g wpeWr p,,,) ata.wnn.oettiaeast and tnnaeed Die suimnw;--citiTr- Itty. ' IrsoltioetaattMB rnmn hrinerlriwi!, be Iff. V wtlHrf M msy k;M .i.j, lmV e.reot whtm th-.,t on nr. f, ,!,!,.. 1 a r1 t- s" ww - --tmf-.' Mtat 4'9 "t-srb 1 ... i . - . - -v- r. ss tr 'iin- H"..,t T3 as