f 4 .. , J w "A If , if'. ."Cff'jV To Traveller. II T 1 11 f. tniv cIITni -wmimfry re -repe fiu y C m A H that the h i tti.cn br r t How tu:oiiit; In into di rect from JU'ieijfh br wvy of Pindo' and Axbboro' to Sal bury, in sirtalt Nortliern mn !o Coaches of lb litd order; having Italeiji on Motidny and Thursday at 10 A. Al.. arriving iu SiMmjij next (Invest 10 I. M. Leafing alixbur on Tuesdays and Friday at ' A. M., arrivinir Rateijrii ti'.'Xt day at VI I'. M. lite burw r jr.!, unri tlriv.:ri- parhf uiiirly earelul ""ml iemwliiiig, r t JOEL AULEANV ( Feb. 11, l . ' ,1' ,. X B. HistUficuN'u t fhc Mansion llw. ' To Joiiroc) ine I ontii-jlakri . ,f PIIK HnlM:r:btv-ill give steady employment tot wo pond JiitiriW'ywuAwcli-inikcni, who tan come well reeommenilf d for habit of sobriety and initiintry. IVir bustii will beto niiiknand repair OsicV. &.c.f for t c!i, ( I' they uit) be . P" l'bl "(P v . , 1 txmr. OcUmst It, J?). - ' ' if" j.v M0CKsviLLii,D.yiir nn;x n THOMAS; FOSTER I NT0Mi the putrtie tint h hn rRmrrtfd fmm lt tirirtT wl," tn ht,r rww :WMtnr Ml' the !tfiir M'ire, in the Tow, of AlockviU, wlxw tie will on Vnw, m Ikh'b II; us;i ojf M'ERTA(MAiK.T. 115 llwm m l'lBTd e'mmittmfiu4d icl ' .iich Sr ftomfi-rttblH Ofliv for jjontldri-n ol Hie Bar, ill cnuvMiuit Ui the Cwt H'i". The wilo-crir , lr pU"li' hi'nself W !H4t ditiifrnt xntnni b ' (fire ntuiiiiRiitin Wncii my call on liim.. Hirf 'tV b(( Bur and HaiU" arte rovld'd In lim bt inatintir ))! thP country M ajsurdjjrid hi HetyatiU are f.iilh. lui ami pnMnpu. . , , - . v?v j, IVaUorm iiusincss. . . .... -r .,, nr. , . ' -- r- - 1 j '. 7U1m? Pi Jworllwi :'kc( j tihttintly oilLsuJ, t (enoT 44 . al ifWHr'nwU of -- k-.;; -; h w. k,H,;, .YTbimbh tel ..Ml Gill Fob Chiuw tad KeyV rtd niVe iull ij In tho raoirt fAwfii mml ilur'ibl ,i!i(od ww'!'';;l to IIS ls kefa rI "-; -rtej if Ckaii7VSw;'el.iriwTmC IMrBtSr iitijlttit, f'rcW by hoilf in iIip'Nbw VQik Murktt, 1lof w bis'i rw will !l k'W 'or QiMi: ' " - rmcnt nn lieiiintpmit'?Ni pT.-mmn the b'-'l lailort i AVw Ytk nd PftdmWplW!'. V(KrCuiUnZflcm0Mlne . the ht an- . . tic and ordif I mm a dwtam- ltendn4 to wit di. aaath. JCT II' ! ill be fonnd in Mr. (wnn' Ir?e brick iiitildmf. i " 1X17 T-TRAtXYi-ri HatUbury,' May 2 la10. w"w 2L -u .:... -jTm?. 'rUB HEATJI TRACT. 8ontinin: ut 1 Imtvlrd Acrtn.d Iiml,ituated hont jBJt:,twrihw-,fmo readme troi Ujeiiiglu o Fiveiunli iMw l.ir.ririKlo. ' . IVrt r alwu( 1"0 atro j.nptovcd, and S0 ,I Wi.an.lTiM.Wr. " - .,- "'TBI' TltWWU'L'H in wrf -rniI"l p"Charljr ilnptil to fnrminif. It baarm It Jiii. pendent of then advnujff. the prn dt tor UtUi, w uiiqucrtiunablp. a ono or lw 4 : . . ; aiM Yi:i.Ji, ; hm already be;n opened, aud oma jrer rici r ex- 'traded from theip. . ' . L,:...:. ""Tirc-ffffh'hnr? rrtt riwrnnf f Mrf flfwr,-iwr' few- TKfiTKTygrTr-mnniMt-, i:4'cwittwyH ajp.i of Uie Vein of Ui it Mine, they mut necanwnly t ' .. .. .1... i 4 . . . .. i i ' fz-mrri ia aarfMHK' af I JtA.thwuTjiUT. ... .V 1 ; ! " Any per-un wuiiij tivww "UiV preriiTiT c j "XT' r""rV,re"1 mmutb 'aVriptilC r,t calltio Kir don a. set 1 ail. irTlrrtn beTtTrptmrwIw- w-iH--;h-irtr iiftr- mmmr-mmmAmM.L-mt mu larf-ul W.lllU tt) C0lll'U( t (df thw "line, h will call m Dr. Autin, S tliMiry ; ddr'4 T tier - .- 4d Um aJuliiUiiijiiUwu Pgt 0inc,1:mo IV N...C. . - - - Wil. il. HEATH. ' . ' V 1 tk si. ia ; " .. : " f - Iir ?uWi5r haiu2 brated biiwlfin tU tows of Cnmrii, wuuirt ugw tuitl Bmj iriw lu Uie ...... 4 ttbi ic, An , ' . v ; ; UniaiMcutul and Mgn Taiatcr. ' Ilsfilitunihiiitailt thithiUifi:ci'tinccin ilictoe -j- Jli ""' tml the ;ici:oeiMi ut murk he hn executed I' in In liiif.'wul U.' a miMkiiciiI rtcomnieiiilntioft. ' " lie will 1k attend to ny call yd ti Aim ui the IIOUiE pAMLa EUEIJiiEES, - nl f f nn.k-nt he give Mtuactiott lo all v!ki may cmidxy hun. , ' i . ' ' -. ' " , 'J i) Public i respectfully renne;J to eall ami 60- " CtHirim htm, he w lUterinmed to et ui all work i .1 . ... .1 l . . ikttfvdoiii Willi myiaiii n4 U.-p ", "-. - " ..i l . j. .... ... i. . .. . U.h. W. OAlXKY. . ll ..v...- . " C .fieonf, N. C Marcli '21, lW. ""." ' fMltl?'iiriTirMir cmiiunntty tn rivnit Mwrruelinn. Tt " ' L i veh t from ttie Nttrre4uM. Gold &Mn Cotiv 'itiy, Ultt ibis method lo ialiinrt iboiw iitw rwtiil, thai jleattor all pMinMMd trepiiiiHpiin llm folio. - , I"" TrteH of liaad, b lofteiiHT l w Cmnpsiiy, iliv led in lnvinh (irtiitiy, will be prosccutitd toorilki(r lo the tnet lettor ot' low Law. ' . . , - JOHN WARD, AcentV : , DjAlJ.i i!, April tH; i..-- 1 -tl -L. Tract, X I conUniW g S acrt s, lying on km imoi brihch. . . " - ! " k- -...... v .2-cuuta.num WrJ ere, lyii-g oq tbe wa- ,-,- 'iith itt'jit:i.t.ftA"'! " , ' mm u . 3roiiUiniiiS 5t,"tw crN !v'ii'u.i Lk creek.- Fll Swamp, nd HitSm Hiver. 4-coiit'iuih; I.rt,mg tv Wf wsmp li-eor.taitiina (iU7. Iym? vn L'.ck irit k. 7-ennt.min-t L4UIjim rl 8v..p ll-.cMjtaimi7 IM'I, lying ut! LfeK t reeif, ciattniiiing acres, l)iu im L oreeK and r mi ?wamp. l-emrfainii. 1XO. Uios on I.k ercek. li-eonttiinmL' 1.317. loeatvd on t. .r im! f .fjileh and J icob treuk, djniiiir tha l-od tume. ; pi:. i.i:..Mri iu;,li t v : ) Ji'CCIFL'LLY uraliif. profiwmnjijwficM tn it. tbe j-iiinens of Siliphury, and tfio iurro iiMTuig' rfjumrv. lltaolTiea is in .Mr. Wwt new brick-build- iff Gnmmor GccJn. PPRIXGS .SlIANKLE .WE jut fecM?d from New Yrk iwl Phiiubuj..-.. pliu. n f xtenme oriuietii i SPRING & SUMMER GOODS - i ."'' COMHKTI5U Of - Dry (ffxJn, Hardware, Tinware, Crk erv.GKOCKHIW, Dhj hihI M- dicines, Dye-StufI, Paints ul Oil, Buuta and Moe, Saddlery, cVo, Ve. In hort, their Stock combine !u.t every trlwle tiredi.it by lite t'orner, Mtchunir, or ihe f 'ini6lr of the town of etiuiiiry. ,-' N. U. They will scil low for eh.or io p-iocuti do iler on 1 im : nr io exchange Sir country Produce. Concord, My Z4HI, 1131 -iT-v- TAILORING , DUSLN'ESS. mt -mm- -mm, tjESI'iariTULLtx iriiiLijli imi cuKUiinern in Ctmcord t-a it tf 'a"?' Hint lie nidi Hiimue lo carry (riTWt,wMiQ.,hiiftrtwt- Ittiiitwn' at hnoldtiid in Concord, !4ih Ui j 1 k. ilraaa in IVcnuber ao-xt, warrant ua iq ,4 Mvimn. J. F. & C. l'lidw, lf le wiU be. l"3O0v ...11.....,. I . '. ' ' 'I niii.ii ni f'irrlllC , j pb.p.,. w . t , work in Ui HO IliaMprnrBc, -. I fathinm trom rnnaueiuuta ii.a ,ww to iy, tliit tlie work done at" hi Hhp, nhail be 4 tie Best W'orkinir.slii?. NrB.-!Ia will 'HVcb (aaAJ-Et) tii proved flem of T. (Hirer d Philad. Ipln. Uoy cat wlio wummh iiiKtruclinn in hi vrera ut cutunf. ,;. Cncrii. Xov g). hm. X rrryr-r 10HN C. PALV'Ea,'t!Bo5-r J new aupply of void ad elver Lever Watchei, xin Ent'!ih nd French, dC tU ..ji-' ft fj.:j . v. . ... . , . .. ' t- , t I halfM UU K1M7S- MI DBL FinpT Rinc, wlwr Batirt kimwa, -IWucil. fpatrot a;d plain.) Tb l'ick Fo Chain, Spectacle aod i nnckdland Heu-kite.bT dtuVrnrt JUmifeiuw,wiUi tmb'r afticl'uwally kTit hy Jw)er,14d"W! will ! ha add wrv low 6 rmnK. i iwnntii eredn- . Vv mk done fuitlifuUy and witttuaUy. Jloiw MulUcauUsm t i I : !.:' FRUITTREESriS J ' I "l"'Jl77 ,"K"' TJTSr 7 Tr I M i. .1 hu nliirwnu in IkvidttfM ( jMHitr I.Sfll trrw of th Storii ltiltkulis ('! l lr r- 4 muv-d lnj-ttaoriuUliis .eilti.emrofj.rt thyrn imL vrsr prowl b :) Iikm arc tiwrw 4tcuti3v4V out Mot to pnpgta fn.n. Il' priv halt b the tnarlN'tjirice of the tKicIe in theitb.ad Itpewbcw. Seine aelKtiooaofThe bet Amencaw aod Eenyn rVHirX all f which' re Walled or w.clte d a I will aelivr 1 ree in el eoniirtnn,i an ablirditftsiicB from LetnKnin, y7?5nrtW miW (tf ammtnt ot order will mtil'y it,) I cubic b 1 will chirr lb tisuul price of haulm". It will be well ft Wax who wih to iwUiia tree, to get Um VMalniet li .VnmciicM, which contains pnoa, and will be wot r1"- to ail tpplirantu, the aorlae bi paid. Cowimtitiaca- Ikmi will be proinpMy aueniina tn. . ;. 1 bkid-ltJjtAmt'PKJfiJf-.'. : -..1!" ! -if n i ig lt CXit. A-fcCX. mJm. o HAVE on hand and oiTor r eaW tli CJlowln; trti cTe cheap tor caid) or on tiioc to poncloal Otmhti: roliu ve.-lini,'r, nurcd, tery haitdvoane; Bhck and drub Ihle b tiuiitrmr wr: ' 4 p:ece Kn'urky Jeaa.; ltKld-i bfna !Vne1ir; 111 do. BiiH ickiniji"; S,UtiulbiaCoka,&t. Oil lb, bhrs cotton Yarn ; M lb. Tarkt Krd ; - trjril nMlm. tirrlii ; .. 4 goniii inorMbole Auviiiaa; 'i amitW Bellow; Co!linf A.-; l- (Snohed Kifle barrel; ado. Wravina; iieed, Puilulclphi Uiake; t'cutcb acd se cauboT'nutf ; 1 box bert cardrt ToNeen; It w a t let AtikerlhVdtiiiK Clt tha, trtua N i tu m; mm iwrtii.t ut ecreao wire, 4c ....... Sn;'fir, CoiTce, M. Fit rich ai d Qiayipalga Sna dy, Wine ot dntercat kind ; Holland Gia, 4e, Ac . JiiWitl, 1KH. . - tf 'BOLTIXC; CLOTHS. . v iuituwr omiu j uuuuu vwiii. euniwuinff U the rarioai Nu. uvd m U.i reu ot country. Whcrr til w bo it-ti the art el can Iw cp plied in qiwlitilie Wi uit purchawra, ad oItoju term.: . ' 'u . . Wmmp Vire-ftr4kiw'KitiefivA-.v4wfl 1y 1iUV.'H , . . wot c.-iamrf, Fetteville,Uay JT,1?.'D. 7 " " tf 7 Tlie Hcaih Tract. 5i' iHE above TltACTof LAND aJtctie m mmr p.irtid lli!. ptiper, iKti!l ii . ; FOR SALE, nJ ny one wishinj to putcbase by yy 'vi tow ilire luindrtst dJtUra(!un.hitre the cham-r tv JBJ tb ' tiaftfU'g'PB anyfywiart tw,.-. ..i: , U. ACdTl., Afeat. - -Ivslwry. J1y , ltQ. - - - - - v. - - . - M. - . - - ' - . ! I . 1 . - .ss - ' rapl)UI - I rtpCH aXC. J'HE KubwiSer liv Jt reevfif! btrjr aswt- luentwf brown and Colored WR.IT1M rape t o?tf wkii a mg qusmity t i-.m c liU.lii.V - 1 v'"t" "- w v-u. It X (X K. WHECLLR. tf 0A1L3. j JKO.M tim to loOARSO i the MoVus MwWvcauWs CwVVin OT Apply at tl.is Oilier.' September 20. KW. tt VaiTaiw (or ctv. rp;;n ftVrr.w.,i.;. r '"'""s XtnLXGzSTOXEjv cui. ; : U t'T, ten oii" rv",nl Stk-iflirt, -t : U Cerrtoo rw?. wfc I frit, d tm te iwiH TTTc5r ; vjv;k)iv mim !)or kills, nooa steps, COUGH BJILDIXG ROCKS, TU. i shm GOIJJ GRINDERS. &c ic. ie. J. lltL LStlOCSKit, Stoot-Cutter. ': fi.lAn,Oct.SSJ.Ja ; : .. ' . X. B ' MriJ. t the thwe . wmosfM nt. to qc ( Sajjxify, will lw pant mail t. J. II. UNEXAMPLED MAMMOTH , ; SCHEME:. jwrjli, j, to mrmihlUd m tte ha.wy of LotteJ : . .1 I - Uel rtl-I". i.. tHm, HSisr. It m fru tber ar msnr binnk. " r . ' rf . . ' M, nreivr,f the Camtali and ' n-itrtl rJ t- f tA o-'d ewrtooj of warrmltng ' ttn rie .a 4 V oiV will, we ire ur, i fnm' Miml t5rtiu, d especially, to the $ii krwirt4 fris htUn.----- , r-"" v T tfcw dwprajwl to idtentnrw, w recommend j rmrlfjjUmtin keinjr ' to w 6 Ticketi-wbrtB ' the PraM are ail toi. BUnk ixily remain 'he hnrt f mnyn taw w b-H einae, We lhrte empiati I eailr wi n.T soi t tmt at one remit ml rreiffc Jjwtl to if!l,i:rt Hdii !wy receive our i MintMir f,rB.!ia. , Letters to be Uiresed and p . I .! twi to i,: T :,:-' SVLTC5TF.ll 4 CO. ; v - i ' . - 1 l1 Bot, Nr Yo. - $TCO,0C0 ! ! $300,000 1 1 1 2 Prizes of r l- v 8 15,000 .! Prizes of - SI 0,000 H :. ; (iraut! Ileal l;alr untl ISank Mock f- ' LOTTEaY - ' wi'vi i Tkt rtVlrjf m-d nit XarnSrtrU Scktikt ner This or izjothzr Country. i - v ' ' 1 .-- . I A at r- F of tt WtrT;A-efihIy Fwrrf. ad anuWr toe direclMa of the Cuwmiiuoa- e Xij ak ls aa. , . e fTobi r4rawa ft JaebtmilV, fbrUIa, Dec; 1, liU aivior fc Hamilton, -aaaagtr, iwrsi't'CaQT'jfj Ecoady. New York, , TlHr1wtfitfJfHVl i n., . wetra t l.0 ' P(-td by the mid kct r-'''"" ".' , wltMiHJ ! Ill, Pi.te-fcsyr. 1 1 Prae Tim ArcadV. "J & mchs 4 lute, on it jaxu atrm ; 1UI (eel. 1 1 niches on i N-Ucacs dvet; 1A feet, It incbea, oa j . Gra-rUcU-lUiUdtauuitv:S7,tKIU i pr. auuuut, and (aiiM-d at 7.X),lJ ! I Priie Ci-r 1li I oummw ttt.f W C i tt!fc frwttlmUV!t---"i if iuiiarr i&g&wsttsiM-aT-.tf rTTTy,I'-,Jtt,i'w,H'jBat(,jiiiiiajU An ewe.) .No. lo, ft. ui fruit C "tl heretofore a aealotia, and we hope, an emoehraJvo inat jfejf u. ;T- int jtftmiif the ;fefhv-k w4tdaet-Vw 2 lla at . 30,0110 1 trade and the rigliioTlmllthi'vffm uiiiofi of j 1 Pr:ce Ditn, uyMtiin lh AreadeNV ! R. boat ua'XatUM-z sir. -. .. ,.uavaw.t4vai -aaimul at.. ; 1 PriM axjutuia. liar ArcatleJ No. 1 a, mi tm, lnxl oa ."valcwi str. I kcalr al al,iM islowi t ; I Prtse Ditt.s .V. 1, Aucta cast cusurr ol' I Basra aaal CuaiikavaMue tr. 40 imn Buiia, ami 4 w. r- Fraaklra sir. ay Vd7 h. aeep m Caviwa tout air. aWaUai al . l,J valutJ at I Pr.w D tis .W 34. Suulb-et corner of S " tun mi C"a4tot bouse str Xt ' ft. 7 m. oa Hin, XI ti. 7'vn. on FbJU,1'.1A. ttia-deepm j . trout ul lUuot-buuse street., I IU-jW il mlJM Mei at I I'r.rc- -Urtto, Aa SJU. 24 K. S m. ou Royal tr. by 1.7 n. II deep i KrainJ ! atljaij. valued at 20,000 15,000 2-VWO LM.IKXJ j 1 Pnne jOjoaroCaaul dank Stuck-$1(10 1 " -JUI 4tUV,Cooerrw:diEtijl jj.100 each it IjO-JilKvileciisaic-. IraUcrs'-mx) 1MW0 10,(itl0 KMWU o.utm O.IKHI tftai- i - li '. v.kt iiiti v I 1 lib) iIUUa SttUn, ll eb. " 1M it.tio, iillo. 1J exch, ." M fccwaeg B.uk. .liX) etch " tiu.Jniiikiauuj,iJliA)en, ""wKtai iim ijmm ftaaa; syt'itt ,m. a "X il U Ml iiuciia. i Traders', itCtT i - eca. . ",- . 1IH l)UI ao,oyo ti - 1 ' l i CJ.U3, ditto, d;Ko,-alQ0 each. ex j iw saare Loa.Mua Male ttmlt, lll eci,ecb Pfiit jl,0!ll, . - . . aci aarci' li)0 nunt, each Pino. ?S fJ. t Ue Uw Ligtif Oank, . -& I ian?V il,"oi tlw FmeTal. ' itsl ; ijsil'siu, 1 mi erne 1 ansre of a;0H,of lh New Or .' ' : lwa tl-ik. - z?,wn ; iyt- ea.a 1 iivre af $KXK of tha Uuioa . - t If rp r' , inin r-- .' - - . - i afxi0,00t) wefif turn Tickrs. with thir V iimtua ' a. , mm um-r qwani f rrixt-s, k b exivminetf and , axVoi ay u Crvruvnftkax-s wi MtHt,i tlie Act, prvTkn b Uw Ueinf pot mte th wbwla. One tth.-el u! CMitiiai V rt It Btfuibria, the iiier ttxAim hit tlivMrs raiitfl.,,,! tbe nrt' ClH) N will sr. usi h-u sr era a wi, tu b,. entitled t0 snob ! lau as mj br draw a ta its na-obsj'anJ the ftirto. iww ntMHr4 suta tr: will ht such ntotHrtv,! rt UAtt Vt.il! will h4 such 71 , uaWw to tiieia nn .iedUtWy .fx.f U,r li, BMjrtwsirt td. ai, R rffrfna f Ihawing, m , ' ,f . Tr's .ii RTHMl ii ii ii v . . m m ,t. . . . . . . . f Vv : . 1 or 200 Head f Shrcn.' . . I 1 Vrr. Seot. t T aTrcUa.r frlni tu a,- givTnT7ionhy1)ucJ.ihlti.ci.Uw.IfiSj ti,ry ',.nvf ' ' . m If Icr tim e of t!i(w miHiirim .r..i i. ii,.. j I HAVINti received ft new i!y of GROChUU.s, tnlir nleiwire in twvinif lo lu ft tend id (be pilb!lCi ,h'tUey CII1 0oW g(), -bllr8t lwi, ft ch tioHp aiifl Cundle, Jrtg Alimmdti, Seei Cracker, Newark Cider, . : Icion Syrup, (d rish, Herring," Mncktrrt, Sard men, . Anchtwinna, Lime Juice, . AlUny Alt,',:'; Liquor ' '"" V incs and of the fcifal qvalitiet, and of tit lattti importation. Moffat1 Fills and Bitters. fpflE I.IFR GIVIXO HLL3 AND PIKENIX X BITTKHS. oo clclrated. and w nich uod by the ttHicied in wery nhrt of cosntry, m now re- cciied tud for aale by Hie Bniwrinera , A. BOGER, Ajenta. Mrw!x"SMia fit SHiititK, in Concm'd, N. al"i A ')a for the aame. ' "' ' P. ML See adrertiiscftjeDt. tAprili, '30, tf 3ATS3?., Boot, tV Shoes. THE SUB SCRIBEUS. IVOULD iiifomi the puWic, that they till carry on 1 1 theNTaanra; liutinet. nd in connection with it, the BCXJf and SHOE MAKING at their Tan Yard, on the 2nd r-'quire, Kaat ot the ConrUlloose; where tl.p have on hand a auantil of cettent otfIthfT- and SkirtingrlUrnw, Bridle, and Upper leather, Gov. erioif Leather S Coach-maker. and Horse Collar. Also larwe wipply 6N50OTS, of firrt and aecond quality; Geutleroen', Ladie', and Children' SHOES, of a uperior quality ; nd a large atock of coarse Shoe, of t ioperior quality. " K " '. . ' -A we have orocured find rate workmen, wa have no hesitation in warrantiuj; our work tote well done any io the HtaW, which we will at 11 low for Cash, or oq time to punctual dealer. . Order rrotn a diwance ptinrtually altcniei to. Aim. a first rate pair of Boot 7'rc, and cU of ecood twndwd Latit fur le. ' ' ' '" - ' BROWN & CHAMBER N. B. Hilw will be taken in exchan? Uit work dime in the almre bumes E. 5r C Haluibury., St-pt. 6, 1. . 5t. ; ; NEW PROSPECTUS T nrimtwn" liialimi ntibliVied in W4iiner ,(. AorthtaotiHa,lur4US nmniuanp wiii q coimn- nod o lone nuflicient batrowrt m received to defray Cior hundrwl tubiicribeni, and it l"belieedUt Tf ttfSs ift nd to Jiwttilm Prvspcctui i sent will tntke a ltt- 1 lie ertion, tit number niay b doubled. For the on -UimI. mv.H mir nhuriiil inn I yd. th miorrlL3mir ; tirely upon our mimcripiioa .. i 1. .ln.Mil ...ItiJIBulu M tlial ItMluia fli llA oft.., tnA iautwuto our arm the better boatili'r. It r important that a Republican pros diooid bo TOjrtained at tliia place. Tt M peculiarly tifiptsrtantW the Republican party of tnia Lonfrewional uintrtcL Th tuwn ia about the centre of the District The im bortance of the pre mar mfelr be inferred from tha inalijrnanb and bitter pemeculioo w have received frnm the W hir lor wir eflort to a!aMan H. it m int.. portant to the wliole Republican party of North Cro Mfti.prMhwM no other Jl'piibhcan pajier pobimhed in a eireiiit.of ar mile ; and if w except tli 1 r Dofo" mm,' tnere t nor within 73 mile. There t no Republican paper piibludied in the Newbero Diatrict AVa are Uianklol tsw'S'AKiS tir'Wfrisfww' w. ? tf ready reeeired wi extending our circulation, and hope they will help us still hutber. The name of our paper indicate it character. It ia wtrtn advuente of lb old Jettenionian doctrine wH turth in tha Virf inia ami Kentucky Resolution ot 171K It ia tho upmparing foe nf monopoly. It wipe, no half-way oppnmiinn, but " war to the knife and the knito to the hilt," We will not comproiqwe on thte pomlL iiicrf may be cooiproniiaed, but principlei tUtnn wnn e-, ot lemiirrnptie)r4AUiewiw - "of CTircS Binf Slatf " It ciippiiita Uie present Adinin- lisUjn41tiU,,ci()tiiJue ..lo.plojp aa, km frcp,, rerument I iliniiiilered on sound Republican and ' State-Kij;hta daclrine. All aectarian and irreligious 'matter will be carefully deluded frotn fie colnmna ot " The Republican.'' Our paper i published in the Inidi4 of ennstant per- wmaf ehnrjerr-m-ftct we are alMost weekly ITiaiuhjec't ot pmrionul mttuull. We bope thnee to whom this i aeni will make me effort to procure rubscribc-r. Our term re Tljree Dollar per annum. (t7 We do not expect a profit of one dollar beyond the support f ihe pre. ' GEORGE IIOUSTON, Sen. ' ' ... r . , Editor and Proprietor. . . September 20, 1539. . ToFFAT8VEGETABl E LIFE PILLS AND iTl PHEMX Bl lTEKii. iVaMret.iawiioi to which Die celebrated Life Villi and Phtnix Miter ar held, i aaticfaclonly dutrtuiwlrated by Uie ukixw sing demand tor thein in ery Slat aiid aection ol tb Uutoo, aud by tb voluntary tettinionial to their ra inarkab! ejheacy which are ctery where oucred. U i Mof lea Irom deeply gratify mjconlidente that they ar tli moan ot extensive and local iwabl goul among hia afflicted telloWM:reUiro,tlian from mter. ed cuiwiidiifaijooa, that lb PropneU of these preeut- nently stu'cesstal meiltcme wdcatmoaof ktepin litem Jconsbiuity bcfiirctlie pulitit rt tllie wile ot every ad.'"" Wt H &t 'bo'' ainT Dbaie"T1 1 uiriilitw OiSt wi8pcro wilt be relieved from gruaier or lea degree ol uiler- Iri, end be improved in general health flot t no ce' ot su(ler;nj trout dta.e ran they be lake in vain. Tli Pnqirieu ba never knuwnur been Uitbrmed ot an inMnce in wbicn they have failed ta du guud. In tha HHt ofaxtiiiiile cuoi ot chronic disease, such as chronic dyspepvia, torpid liver, rheumatism, asthma, setvou iKi biltotH bcacl-acbi'.coBtivi neas piles, gcnaral debili l. acrotuluti awullinss and nlccra. seurcriatlt rUun I , ocr enmnie tgi-mMu rt tag organjiaauic branea, tlu-y etft cure with rapidity and permauea- " ey which lew persiKK would tneurelically. believe, bat ta which tiwuMtnds have testiKwl from iiapjiy cxperv mnc. In ooUU and tjucli. which, if ue? I ut led. suuo. . Tird'iice rric rTMajni irir'Siiw w'thetuiriis;" tu m Aea4 iiio viscera in general, titese aiedicine, 11 taken but for Ibree or Imu uuy tcCer fsil. Taken .it qigUL Um so promote the insensible persptratina, and so relieve the system of febrtl action and feculent ohstructKai, as to produce most delightful serse of couvaleacenc . ia the morning; and though lh uual sjiuptooisof a cold should pir'rally return during the day, the re pen- ' lion of a uitbi)d at tiie next ln-of of bed-time will al nost invariably eflect permanent tctielJ'Wiihout fur. tbr aid. Their cfiifi Optm fevers in a more acute and violent kind t not lees sure ailil speedy if taken in x- Portionah!iiTantilvS and neismui rviirmo i.. tA -,n. j tiithniminry syaiptnmof the mwt tlaraitug kind, will we wtiu uie grauiytng con. etousns that Uie fierce ; euomy lias been ovenbrown,ntf cs easily besubdood.- " ' I n till, inm wnv. I .i..........r. i k U I . ( - -.- M.jr- tM, tlMIJu 1"- ... I. l. . .. lawiwiea. ana tircerai maamaiatviiaM. however oiIkwL . will vield the Ciniirr tn iul ih. l.n.. i . Arfiu i.;r. i.,t.": a "", "7.r::.w'V"'' ' -' J - - mia.i rv aiiaj ill "til "-J Ji.iri,; " "i r; - ,iiwi am-iim i inr. .eurotieat cwssnt nisi . yield M tirctjvc j;ih-jibil.tj tod.Hi rtnteuu!i:siii?, cc iticrn;"'! tl.i-y n be '6ltitMdt k)UIe and r:,j at 7. Broily, where nunteroua c hiti t;e ot l uiipanlllrd fucceai are.alwaya upuii iu ULfuxu Vt ai!Ii(Kmal parUulaniof the above trwyhciD.-,, MoiLt'i " Good 8H4aiT,'' a tapy of whicn aetwa. pumet the wedicioea; a copy can aim be oluinrd ' tbe difltnt AfenU who hate' the m3licuie for Frnch, ;pfn, and Sjmiish dirrctumi cia lain4 on appticauun i uic uuice, ou oritay... AH post paw letter i.I reccne imiiKlme attmtifl Prejarwt and o!d by W ilium a UoiUl, 373 Broaj." way, . i, A liberal deduction auwie to th j purcha to eell again. la ArmIm The life Medicine may aim be bid of tL principal dnijfurU in ey town throu;hot Uie L:n. ted State and I be Canada." Ask ft MuSa'a Lift IM! and Pheni Bitter ; and be ure tlial Ue smutl) of John Moltil tigttatnre I opoo the label of tm, h tie of bitten, or bui of Pill. . : . I ffXZt AND A.UE.-TO Mf FttlENOS H Tllfc wjvsr, and mnicuiariy tttows w!w bau. oaed the LltE MEDICl.9 in treiUnem of r, . " YER ASD AQVE. . , v.t it but a eery hort lima aiocc tlicse lUcdkiaeala V . been introduced into the FeM and Ague incta,aua tbe proprietor tUtter biomelf Ut during that Beraxt, ' wherever they hae been used according to the directi i tioas, they bare, dobaaiore. toward exietounating .i. dteie, twit H other remedwmnd peaaripuoaa ow - bined. (. It ia a conwnoo eicuae mong " regular prac. tmoncr," when specific! are introduced, that they raa. not cure disease which jjo.ple are in the habit of coo- -stdertng incurable. Medical experience m eontiauaily doing awsr a part of the lit of tbe incurable disease, . nd Air. MolTat ha the bapphteasof corhdenlly as ' . DOiiDCtng Uial rener ana Agmt i4Kiw io Be allied to the number of cooiplainl which mmkrn skill bu coo- - . ucd. -......,,.1.,,r.,,i..., In rcverno Ague me w .Mctftcutr not only gi , quicker rcikf than any other remedy, but, tf persevered in, cttect a jtermmmem cure ; to mat u Uie piHent m . only ordinarily careful, and retort directly to hi oedi cine opoo tha first ymptoai oi tendency to new VT Uck, it may a I way he nariKJoa. l o escape one dull X would be ot infinitely mora conaeq'ienca to the mittr. , V erthaa tlie value of tliereuvcdy lo reinovr Hiedweaa penmnenlly wo-iw cooler a beaent opmi turn wbek cannot be estimated by an earthly cutukrd. That these MedKiDC will eflect what i here claitned tur them, tb r roprielor ba tha Icstimony of all acquaint, j ed wilh Ibem and thetr application and us ia lb F- ret sad Ague; and Iu object iu now aadressng bis friend at the V eat it lo request Uieia lhat they tpn, bo pan in enmmnnieatiB thetr experiemee, and da. eni mating this highly tatereaUng ihlontMiloo, do Um Ibe eam fit t eaet ad Ague ua amvec. : , It k nut (or the merr Torpr dtpoehnjrt a rn .:i btiodred packagea of the Lite Medicines, that the a. . , prielt utake this appeal. The demand ft hi kUo, cine far already greater than becaa conveuieuily y-T p!vr and even were it inutbcieat lo atibrd bua bj 1 awpiaawr wia firirr,v um nniii eootrmt . Upon the saSeting awl uftlw cxwrntonity by an litem ' in . bis ,les, . than t hi own pecaaiar ptoiit. . .. i Tbe Life Melicine,'tl pneTly aJ acJ perwrverai " ia, raaniiaend ircnvsele; ;trH it i pecessary that lh puMi afmoid kowUiai8ucnatedxiaeexit,aBdrteiKe pvwprvtf.dhwi thaaa. II iaAofdjibTyv lore, that tha proprietor will not be accused al efotwa when be say Uit ibere is no otcdictae or mode ol treat- ' nnafxtanl. i fever aad agaeao jprefnatg, tboroGfo 1 and potitiva i iu happy adecu aa Mof t'$ Lift ful. muI Pknut Hitfars. : 1 " . '" For further particuiira eiftaa abor nedicine m Mooat' Good 8auarraa, i copy of which tcccatpv- 4 aw the medicine. A copy nay aiaobeobuioed at tte t diUereut Agetit who bare th awdieinaa ft !-' (ty French, German, end Spanish direetinas mm' obUined oo applicaiioa at tb office, 375 Brosdsar. " ' tTT All fo( fmd jettera .will recetrn. iaeautst 5 i Sold wbatcsalaand reuil by WILLIAM B. WOT . FAT, 375 Broadway, N. Y. A liberal deductjoa sade ; to loose who purchase to sell again. " principal druggMta taasery town ibrwrgnatii tb Cat ted Suiea and rim Canada. Ask ft Modal' We Vik and Piieoia Baten; aad ba Mr that a da smile af Joha Ho&at igniara a npua to label ot each aottla of btttrra, or boa of ptlk. . - IEVER AND AGUE POSITIVELY . CURED.. ' . Fever and Ago mrwt ootute disease, ani a 4 warn and humid cliioates, frequenilf rensta everr m-t I dinarj mode of cure, as aa lo beaxne eery dartre; 1 ftb the pernVMa'y '!'" gttetw UUilcer, it oneu give in tnumu cliiuu. um fUmlt Mrh inaijii tht f Hluvia araway km '-. stagnkiff watef, is tW -mnitr' frrvet oilg awg tin disu) taad Mia U Us grf 1 prcvilaarilm is lUam- ceplibilily ut a li'iiewal I rum very slight causes, wd". mm Jjr. ,0 im ":rrta out the repetition of Uie onjioal exciting came, k thi. Feer and Ague differ trura qhm( oioer ftven, M it is well kouwa, that aJter aa ordinary frvcr ameara occurred, and bee removed, the peiaua atlccted a m . o lable to a fresh tUcM aj.m jaba waaaot && -ed. Tcse'icircuiuiUuces render a exuetarlv dicatt : to eflect a prrwmnrml cure rt Fever and Ague, jomk io relieve toe patieni mr tae tin being at a rsry easy , ut " ., .-..''. JIOFFATS LIFE PILLS AND PIIENIX ET TEKS bare been thorooghty Ietc4,nd proved to b . posiiise d radtrrt car of Fete and Aga Ha, dred of hi lellow-ciUa!ti tu toe Wert, aava oiai nly cooye forward to assure Mr. U-At ibal th Lft MrJtcmr are the oiy asedaciae that w Jl tkmms if . efllxt a removal of thai aiurt teduu itid 6unKa ' .. (- v? i . Other who hit e.-nljntrw to that rich and f aaig portiaa of aw osMMry me wba areotiat ft hlfa, Md oandet rt wmaMag a eumpaUm tnmta llxpnance ef the oJ; a whscarrsrw t tbe Kp of oar setUaraeaM tb amrvaatikt . cvcaaoicai rW m IM crmdai ru. art la ' ar Status, ha e.Uwr m na.; vsm stwilrrrt tmn and depreaaed lirvt ar they revasm m tha atft botne. diacgtag ut a weary like; at kasa. to auk as der snow duxs to wtnea Vj atw aiecwsd y ih terror rt the W est, the; f,ir mu4 1 hew El IXirado hecwue a deaert, aad lu word, amJ to 6f , ar, to the heye . ,',, , v v: ... Te these iwl.riJaala. Mr. Moffit wsaJJ aty' 'T? the Lift Mmuimt, 6J yna'aul ytt irtMiite yvaf atort magnin expectauoaa, tor ihey will cnuut'f a store yo toiiejlu. , . . Ft'Vrirt A,; ia erapUmtwhicireqnitWw", met at ru fiM pprrirb, aud on lst:cd al errrj !;. neidom tatal rt iuR, rt n-viuce IM atrmfta, i ;mr ll r,in.-tt.n. .1 f-. r ' J?hpri t?TeW I edition oi arsr, .NaUrv) as anable, anamd, to u the inroad. . TV I Jt Medicioe. war fcka ly according Wuireclmns will rura H. and girt wttsk sod IrwuiWiiij vvitia rt atese,iiw health, .and.lrtiytlL:-' -" '.rS"'.Z." ''""" For full prileolrol tl mode rt lreWe"'r&" ' trTrh rverred-iaTha fJw-tama f f - which aerommnic tha mcdicioa. A mry uJ Uined oi Ut d.ttereat ageata who baa tua ml' ft uie. ...'". '.' Fnoch, German, and Spai4 direct wb c tnd ut) a;ifHicatKi it ti rjice, 3J Brosdaay . r All fl naid letter wdl rwwtvC iuMiiediiei,ji Sold h.'Mr and ru.l br Willi & JIoCjUW Br.dw. N. Y. A liberal aVduciicsi wde t " j who purchsfe jo mil again." , f " '; j - Ac f-Tiie Lift Medteinw ntay ! be uf.r prinetfwl Dmpc'iris )n every h ihwehnet ihe L ted Sut'ndil Canad. . A t trtiVIj!'-1 , 1 nd P Riitert; and 6j trr But fc-"f'.e-.-Ji An MofT-4 's mnue- ta up di kbcl J " ' f BiUer. or bo of Fill. , " J 1 TV f.j:nin..'nthi b:.i r ,UUt, liUIlUV . J - Ucsfiis; Crcoa & Boger.la thl Tc who are Agent for the same. ,. . ... , ",

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