- a - W!anW sMt 1! r "s ' vSJ upmi the S'imi.Hl of t) I-J.,'e. She ;i tin: miun; , trruijj ipMtf Ub k!h-.I .hi iuiiiJIi-iI bug lit mil in rfeat ructi'ih- principle ' if lift, Vhiih w"iV"en by it mighty autliontv to illuminate awl iwpir the im mortal ami which, like I Inn, is ihn snme "yes terday, to-day-anJ forever." Whoa the moi.lil ' 1ia long heaped on all the (Tide .f wealth and talent, kunli"l' and authority vho i-irili ikI heaven ifSeir shall 1ive,-Kir'"r3yf TlUtt- upon the dm of Nature' foiir.-rilpy remand ascend (ii hit source, bar heaven and her hom-i the b m of the ll.jly und eternal God ! CiENE ft A L 1 N T i: LL l fi N C K, Lmtrit account from the Vhrrukcet. Tlie Oz ark, Miiwouri, Standard, rtHitaina account from J'ayetteville to tha lUtli Uetuher, from which A appear that tha commaoding ofTicera at Fort Gib aoa and Fort VVayne have- iweied order upon the "keeper of the military atore at Fayettevilte for an i additinnal aupply of arma and ammunition, viz. for Fort Gibson. 133 ratukeiai Fort Wayne. 100 inualiel and bayonet; 100 cartridge boaea and j bells, 100 bayonet acabbardi and belt, 10,000 ; inunrici eatridjfe. iu.o.hi niie cairui)e., ana out have aeen even, the w IK pre. to rew or . i -rmtaherflwtr-rl htrtmtdard obaervsj., we wi.trrfailtmgthP Krenhig &aTf,irlmmjthat-drt to create na wtvxefrj atcitenieut, frit c iiifuriD'ttion at we ri-vmve it. The maiii-r maybe fttlled wiihoot any aeriuua difficulty, but we are .compelled to , I lilt all the inforinatiuti we have received favor tho contrary opinion" There ae 2t,0(?0 Iiaa wjrrhirjiipo lha frontier, and it i tinpfiwhle to forelidl wTmt will be the effect of the 6m Wow which may be airuck. - I the event of M-iioa anwif the trthea, the Iowa t.f tha .'i- vernrtmot np.xi the frontier would ho totally tuadar 'iiio to the proleutioi) of I ho citut-n, and the - iniliiia ntuat be tiokuU to a the ationjj aria of defence.--- .-- . - , Muturul IfjiU FurtaiiuSr. 8ialJin, an American mivsKi iar, writing from Fort Vanc'tu ver, beyond the R cky ' M'Mintaina drmcri'ie thia plienomemai. which h? pasted three dt ya' journey ( from Fort If ill. The fountain hit several open in;', miiu vf which is about K)leoo fret in diameter, wr.h nn diwrnvered bottom, Aliout twi lve feet be la the turf ice are two fare globe, on either ide . of thi ojwoinj, whence Ihi eirerveacei!e aeenii to rie. A tone cant in, after a few minute vio- " JiHitty agitata thawhole fountaiir. - Awrttter of the . op'Mhtiv's uhout.finr l.iche in diatn''ter, i through an elevated rock, from which the water aptiut at ail it properiic, i eu'ial to any artificial fountain, :.. i a ..i.iri, r .1. ,.:,. nd uoitH'imtly foaming ind nirkling. h itfta t ted to be very aluhnou. " v , ' S ' t . --... . "CaatJa jtMKmp'ifla. The b-jiikaf UppejCaH-,-,'adi have rosiJind tiiecie payniniii under an act ' . out lvigliah ailver at rate compared with our :iirrewy of one ahillin for twenty-five cent. Thia ainimnt to a db laomimt of Canada curren: fey tTlhejie Htfift" ofHii ir Iwiirvirriefialte incaiure wa adnptel, we are (old, for the purpoae -r- " of J mcnriirg tho bank from Deirtj c.tlleii on for 7 ,f apecie.'t'id an to Vfip ilia Sour at home, f "IT may luw) that effect fc a time, but ultimately it will i hw all that lmiJen.:y, aid apeoie will kwve Caiia fi jwst a frly a if mi debjwmeui Jjjd jik'Ju . jilac.?.Y'y."J ia. of Vauerce. w" " " . l.-tei ' ' , i'dlli'nwi Jer,' mi Taelay, waa at lu plantation, at he Ibjrh Hh'wta-stf-the ietawba,-he txttteed a ne- (i "f.,liivr Bii a hor," itdirritnifTiPu "vter wetMHMt -M r-isitleM w4ir wasenaied amwthir wrong, and on liindin queathmejl him, and from ' r. In hesitation, ami othtif app,!arance, immediately , urnvtied him, and b'uht him to Linc dntofi J ml. ' We h ive aiuce heard lb at Mr. Jbt A.' Foiyth, ' a respectable eitiaou of Iredell County, wa paaa- " """"" tii throuah'the cttiry m tli way" UPAfalmma ', with thia and teveral othu iiegrna, ami on Sunday i ' tii jlit hist win hmliillv inunlured while in his tern asleep, hitviuit ln brain d'ashnd out with an ato -.-Tstaj-nagrsr l'etli tnf tha h'rsvf anil -made Ii n!id. r ru n all ttiv circunnlancrs unj tn con- , ' ' ' j v Micved to be tho murderer. , : . ' y ' t '. M ieh crfdit is dM to Mr. Fa'lenwnler for hia -' 5t' . . spirited conducU Werttrn Whig Banner. J,, ' ' ' ' " ' . ' '' ' '"' ' -alessss f - 'Electricity in tic Djloureus.M. Migendie . . lias obtained lite huppieat n-sult from tb a noli " cation of electricity, in auctions uf the senses, p ir- tiuuliirly in that 'acute diseite turmcd the lie dol- " oiireu. Ha cnusiti tho electric .current to piss over the nerve. by moan of nnedlea lfp)Htma, pldcodat grca'ar or laaa interval, In wune in. atancea a atngla appltcaiioQ is said Inhav3 btien auf. fjoieni( and, tu una case of dna lful auflaring, in - which tho patient had long bon (nrcod, JYoih the w. pun of jioaktv to express Ins dsir by writing, ail auhcalious to lli'f nnrv entirely rennWi'd .a '-. milady ol';hreo vourstinriU Mi,-, ci'r Xw Era. ' " '" jr '- . - - Tha S amese Twins have bjHht a Ctrio iu Wiiko county, N. CV anJ are goinj to farming. There are. time branches in the farming line iu which they eamtut hut excel. Hietii corn and - potatoes, ir instance, those who koavr anything n'jfut tne business will rosily perceive, can be done ! J'y JL f0 lrtra v''''i,vJ'ha'U ,t;ii,.aiaie,ue biJe ot the lull wjiLt Coz is making the other: aiJ a Y.Wio a iff 'Tit" rtVf eh iiiii Hi ha uifsr fi oni vrigtii to lufi uod Itft to rlgni, any oim can under- aiaiHi inaLiuomnBiuu oy Miwra ta-tnai nmmeiv- jill he-sj4HK4-tfl witr r-i,ritH Tho tirat Molhodist Churcli in America was erected in 1771), iu John si wet. New York, and is eiill iM-ciipiedJiy iiat bKly.'. At Jhat 'period there 'wereaWmil 1,K' Mrth.vls- the .United i''--. At the present swnineni lluiy number U,ward f srwa hnndred thiiMmnd meiubera, , The number ' A . . . ...... . . ot minister exceeds, vvw, , onJ local oriuch. j era 5,000.. -TheTJewjjia Journal stya-" llie triM tif fjeit- , -. ry Jon"s, who, it will be rectdW-ied, was demanded - by ! Governor of tha 8ute-l'r0in8.i(h tlarolina.i ana wno was supposr i t, t, engaged iu the nur- dor uf Jew pouter, named Elias Isaacs, whit was ' " found murdered and concealed in a hollow lot near J Cliuton,l.ist Noveuibor, came on at Junes tfape-f- ,- tior Court last wek, and alb-r an inveatigHtion of tutee days, wa luinul guilty, but reconiMieuded to ,s the mercy of the court. The evidonra being en tirely circumstantial, ho waa sentenced to impruon. nwnt in the Siaja IVuitetitiary for and during thp t terra of hi natuiul lihV . ' , ,,,. A TmnHtrrnt Wulch. watch haa been pre eftiied Iu ihe ''Academy .f Seienea nt Pnri. cua, srtroeted" oTvery cuni.os ntaterinls,ihe puU being principally formed id" tsk crystal. U was insdp by M. RuUllier, and is s.unil in. size.' Tim ii't--mil wurks are viiildo ; ! IcitLeil wIilvU winch tarry Tti "ti.ih.fji lire ri;:k crystal, ihe other--wheel of metal, to prevent sKci-Jcuts from lh brciikihg of the springs.. All tiie, screws ar fixed in eryslulaud all the api turn mi ih rubies. The escapement i of MtppWc, the balance wheel of r-xr!; Crystal, and itsaprinffsd" golJ. The reg DtaiTf "of ThhTwatch at a TTmeV)rri attfUiuteiL. hv the maker to the feeble exiahiiin of lh rock crista! on ihe LIjiir.7Ii.-('f,"A;t:,Th5l')fei:titl''n of the whole shews to what a perfection the art of en it in 2 tirccloiia stuue ha beeo curried ou iu mo dern time. Double TongucingTh defence of him who when sued for cracking a borrowed kettle, y . that the kettle was cracked before he got condla; IhnX it wa whole when he returned it, ei thirdtu. that ha never had it at all. 1 oo bur lewne illualnition, bur prccily naraltef loth defence aet op through ita pranea by tha Great Regulator. We hive .lately given the irwtatice ftf a lit)i paper, (we torp;t wnicn iiwi now; u v- v contradiction ttaelf from day to day but on the face of one and tha aame hecU Pince then we give IheirMitritrated to Hie independent course ot me new . York Hankethouffh ei evorviuce the Philadelphia atMiiemioa the Star had been urinnir them to fot. low the lead of the Regnlatur, aeeking ! rule them Into bankruptcy. Again in the Star received two day ago there if a jittapoiUon of two edito-, riala cutting each other' throata, but it ia con tradiction which ij party brethren will be carfu ot to etpose. The k'mling article charjrei the nleutHon and all it coiM-ouiiiant evil aolely to. our want of a National Bank and tha very neat ed. itorial aay thai it ii likely before the teaiit pack, rt irache England, the Bank of Knjrlahd will have adipended too. Now if o, will the Bunk of Eng land, itnelf the national Bank, be forced to aunpend becauM there ia no National R ink in E iulaixl, or because trt have no National Bank t The crack iu (he kettle will never be tinkered thia way. -Charleston Mercury. Death of a tall character. The beautiful ti radii, imported from Africa by Mr. ' WcUh, " Wcckt tk Co., at an iinmenao expenee, tome two year aince, and which wa for a lima on eihibi Im.hi "in thia crty7neJ ir ewarkliirriJay laat. it waa probably the tfj'-ct of the mM weather which cauwl tho aiiimar death. JV.J', Courier Fuurtreit Hundred Ruehelt to the AerrMr. Joseph I). Coe, of thi city, ha raised thia aeaion, tram we- quarter -aeej-aw- nonan -potatoea, weighing 18 -pouiwl, which he tella u, after an accurate ineaaurament of the ground oc ftfptedv t M itiwtatr rf l"a40-fniehela t therWi- IH cut hi aeed into bve tubera. and the pnaiuce i ennui to 2'M bushel of pot it toe i to one buxhel tiLiH!od,l lie-Jar geat .pitnloo pruduced.weMjaa. uixhii two-, piainii. 1 ue vine grew eieyan teei three inche.--jreflr' Dotty Adcertittr. - . - - j- Moatta Nov I. ' Since our laat there have been a numlafr 4 ar rivals, from Northern porta, mot of Ihera bring- iui( i fn how.of ppnjen. Among' Miem we outice a irmtrber of tarpelersj ajidaihex ttruzib- fbrooghf "hare,''prfbhly(- witii jIjipetatHinla; employnienf in bnildinir u the burnt dislncU. Judiins from what we aee and hoar of prvpura ihoiiffhwthont detractmr from their xfiTn,- preluranco is ot valueto men or equal Kill who have been domesticated among us, and borne their share uf the limit, burden, peril and sufferings of ' i no lam, uisioiii aummor. I ncre m, we uenon room for more then out resident Inboreraj but we cannot forbear putting in this word to ask for the hrst attention to the wants and merits of .our own in.)hanic,to ,Um awa Gtable emiiloyment ia more miceasary- now than it Teaitwtrtr lprBnhtw-tnroatirOTirirm7njm?.: nate ceinrtemity The-tMyacrewirm to mtr abroad, by tea and bud, would make us much more cbNrful, wero we not afraid that the season i not yet su.Ticiouily advanced to make It safe for abaontw to -rut urn -certaiBly not. 4r wiacclinm. 1 ted strangers to come in for the first time,. ,,1 he yelldW fovor ia Jnr frnrnbeing extinct nav, id-' some recent cases it ha shown uncoiinnop ;tiru.' Icnce. " OUT citizeus Unig acclimated who had Into hut temporarily away, have been seixed wiih the epidemic on a short visit to the city, and one or two of thia ekisa have- died within a few days past. ' Strangers should wail f surer intelligence of tha restoration "of health. - A change in the weather; which haa been Jor some time uncom monly dry and sultry at noonday, with chilly night and culd morning,, might .enable ii in a week or two confidetiily to invito our friends buck, and cheerfully welcome them when here. .But"' until we have rain with float, we shall be obliged to continue thoso cautious, , v ... , , The annexed stalemcnt will .exhibit tho inter., mriils in (lie Cvrreuooding imailhsuf ihis aud tha two previous year. The seaaoa of l(J37r it will be remembered, was one in which the yellow fe ver prevnihsl with. much iualignaiH-y, e.speoially4n the months of October, when the city had become more aVnDljf 'ephl, and larBf Teeesjiisiw t Wr" hiimteri were mailiT' byTarrival "or'ii'ranirs.- The summer of lSUSwaa on of general good hoolllul'iJir jWjcriod of n'mpl V-davaou.4 S37-the oeatna averaged e traction river rsjr per diem, while in tho some period jn lSH they wen tea than. one and three-fourths. The daily average ihut year for the aame time, is abotil seven' and one lonlh. ' The interment in the moiilh of JjIv were 4t.;", ' ; I :'. . I .,. tym'ARATlVl' RCI'OUl' yi'1 imUMKNTit , Intlie moothaif , iM!). 1133. 1937. August, r ". i" -' 41 - v 414 ' . Hepiemhff, r;U 8JU 93 October, . - t?nw 07 2:)1 Totaf, 63!1 10 pf,4 Gigantic Ubrtljt. Ah umbrella of extraor dinary dimaiwioiia 01 feet ineircumfoence, gaily fringed, and standing 11 f,-et high, has. been ex hibiled at Briatol. England. It was made for one of the African Kings, and ia to bo sent out by the first ship.. It is said thit this mouslrous umbrella -ia for !ho,purp.ii of acroenin( th King from the uo, when in consultation with his Ministers. American Oficerg Ahroad. Among thedistin. guished foreigners now in France, are three caval. ry IJeytenaiU oTour aruiy whu have effli. In Ua. ropo t aitifdy their pndession.The ParirTiHTra. pondmit of (he Courier and F.nqnircr asvs; Tin-y pcre iinruuucea to inus rpirippe hy ijnjj. (.ass; - C. were courteously a iJ kindly received were iw e.Jl.tlie',!iUri;uiid J.t,.-1 with the kin". l'",,'n and royal family j and were moreover dunn; their uliiy, accoinul'UU:d with horses (root the royal stables, which enabled them to witness all ll " spcctiiros, maiia-tmcs and review. They are at present at the cavalry school of Sawnus", prosccu ling their inquiries! , j ii i u vox v r: s t i o WHIG HTAT8 CONVENTION. Thia body aMembted in Kateit'h, on Tuewiay the 12th inM., and waa'iiraiiized by the aipoiul. meii! of Guv. Jabu Oweu, uf Bladen county, Pre aident.and ilea. S. P. I'attoraon, of VVilkea, and Henry Watkina M.Her, Esq., of Wake, Secretaries. We extract from the Raleigh Register, the kd- TueiJay, JVw. 12.TS33. The Preaideiit havlnir announced that tin Con vention waa duly organized, on moli n ul Col. Long, of Hahl'ux, the Couniie of the Slate were called, for the ournoae of ascertaining what coun liea were,repreetiied, and the irkuie of ,the Dele .VVj wkijiadaidlu!ai, Tr W T -"7T-M Th .. A . . ,7 " us. Waddiil.JiW M. Waddill. ator.rWilli!n Elliaon JWdtifc Thornaa C. Smith. ; . Chatham liiah Burnett, Baxter Clog Choican. KobVt I. l'aine. nooi i.iame. i. , ' iTmT. R,ibert C. Belden, John C. Pear, rd W. harge, Duncan Bute, J,,' C. CWofra- cm. tidward fttMLi.... - - A. Oatwell. Warner IV. Lewie, Jamea Mebnnfl. II. Lewis, Jamea Me Dunlin. C. J. liill.Vu. IV Urady, John t. ). Hill,B. T. Grady, J( tiarlea Brurijmcll, Cha. L. Rh,idea. , Da mdton. Cha rle Brummcll, Chaa. L. Paine. Davie. Caawell Harbin. Mgeeamb. Rich'd. W. Batllo, Jnn. F, Hughe. Fraidt tn .Nalh. K. 1 uuataU, Joa. A. nna. ker. Buni. Punier. lUvid Tltomaai tr'arei Willie t. Keddick, W. JL. Baacr, Jeaee . . . ........ WjgiiM, B. Goodman, Rufu K. Spaed' Granville R. B. Gilliam, Wm. M'. Sneed, Ja. A. Ruaaell, II. W. Jonet, Jrey Harna. Wm. T. Hargrove, Wm. A. Johnaon. .V-". " J Guilford. ao. C MemleuhaH, Jaa. MvNatry, Rlph Gorrell, Peter Adama, Wm. 11 Bnttshi. Halifatr Wmf Lr bonjpy- Y " Hertford Keimlh Kay oer, John Lv 1 ay lor. Iredell. Joaeph P. Grid welt. v ; " V JiecKltnourg:!ntMm rr manner, .Wonowiere.-rrrancia lxce ureen uavia. Sam'l. H. Chriatmn. V Moore. Charlea Chalmera, . C. Bruce, Uon-J aid Street. .?'.V- : iVwtnBpfortiAbaloffli B. thrToiaJ." Tucker, 8. B. Spruifl. ; - , tuW.-Daniel L. RuHsell, Qwen Hngein. tf ranges w ttr. ibme&ximitmpit mrtr.' Carrigan. - s - , - " Randolph John B.'Tmyi-- tTT Richmond, Jhn y.lnwhmiV'tiii. bcrtmi. - . ,. ;' 1 Rowan. Juntua Sneed. " ' w JSoca-ingaum. Robert U. Watt, John M. Raa. Stokei. Albert F. Nelson, Isaac L'.'Gibaon, Caleb 11. Matthew. ' . , Smrp: Columbu B. Fianklin. -' .; Wake. John II. BryaiCJuhu Uhmsmi, Uoffh ,McUumi. ltaif 8. 'CrriaHv;"l,linatin Bubee, Adaiw GlUnka lJUV Miller, Stephen Mephen- Warren John B. William, Richnrd Davison. XoUiit'SlKuiiitniu7'U.iroIIior. 'th-Mut iiaaussMU f- a atutraotv..". From tke 30tA Seaurorwl District tf JT C. John,Owen. . .' ;. Mr. SriwI, of CTrnnville, with a view of expe diting the business of the Convention, moved that a Committee of 13 Delegates, one from each Con greaamnal District in the Stale be appointed by the Chair, to take into Consideration, tlie purpoaea for I which the Convention had assembled, and la report to the Convention, at it silling T(V.'ffiortowV"5UCtr Wfwted,' ., .MrJcfi'ircfl lieartilv: apnroveiu'f Jtjfao wopoaj-. hut tnought that a larger Committee, two from each Congreswionnl District, would better ac comphsh the puqioso desired. Unanimity and concert of action was alUrrrportant, and a Report trum Lirga .Committee, which, without being.ioo cumbrous, would present a miniature picture-of (he Convention, would, hs tuouirbt, be nioeived with more iiniri!ssive Circe, and would more accurate ly embody Ihe public seutimeiit. He Imped, there tore, the gentleman would accept hit suggestion a a modification) the motion. Nt. Sneed had no great choice about the mat ter, but rather preferred the number first nwuiliuii. ed, unless the Convention thought differently, Mr. Mebane aud Mr. Daoiton hoped tho motion for a larger ComtoitteeX would not be pressi'd, as a smaller one would more certainly expedite busi ness and produce less embarrassment of action. , Mr. McQueen aaid, be wiiUd not pre the mo lion, his object being simplyx to secure,; a he thought, for the recommendations of tho Commit tee, greater respect. , The question now recurring on Mr. Sooed'a mo tion, it waa unanimously earned. .' The President elated that he-wouIdhe greatly relieved W-Wigl, if he-HMegntei vfrom Ihe several District would Confer amonjf themselves. vyommiues. . - -On motion of Col. Long, the Convention tma I rarraa of 15 niimilcs fyrthw-Bstrwiae t ! :he-ex- pi rat ion of winch, th Convention having' beenlv again called to order, the Presi Junl announced the following. V t,. v ' :t ' GENERAL COM3HTTKU .First District, i Rufus K. Stsed. c I , 11. 1- ' . " "T " . i i L.. 'J''''ifli I nirii do. -do.' In. - -ds 'do.-" illiam Ellison. FJtth' Fifth Rixth fVventh 'N.' Washington,- ' Richard B. Hill, J Wilham MSueed,. r,-.Jlv..Wuistiir- "KigVK . . t .Huch McQmsrn, ' - V f ll l ii .Ninth r Tehlh ' " Eleventh ' Twelfth . da. do. d.i. do. v.. .qrnueuiian, . . Cha. Briimmellu" M. W. Alexander, Saml. F. Palleraon, , -C. B. Frankliii. . Thirteenth do. , Mr. J. It. Brian rose and remarked, rtat he noticed in Ihe Hail with great pleasure, a distjm guished Citiien, and a Maunch Whig he alluded to Col. Anubkw Joy wb, of Halriax, Speaker of the State 8oont v, He movtij that he be snvited to tako a wot in the Convention, not, of course, as a Delegate, but as a"ff7etfll of the Council, knowing what great advaut ,ge Wta to be derived from hi exjierience and palriotiam. ' " ' ', t ,t, The nwrtion was carried by acclamation, and the Prrsidcm In Jlfit C6ri.y&!riWnk; Vntytr Mr. Jfiae aaid, in all deliberate lashc. cer tain RuN wrre eronttal for tho prettrrstion of ri ' . . I at....; f.rft Ir.l.l tn nn.fMT iltfPfirJ'Il. 1.0 KI0VUJV i iv.w.v, I!.. I. .",.f M, '. r f.r' ll.P iF.il'lTlllllC'll nt IU'! ll.liM- f Cillllili iliS be a I .j.li-1 by Hie 4 f ri'Cil Ira. Uoiivenniiu. - On nu.tion of Mr. Ddviiwi.,' of Wifrreu, the Ciuvf-iitii.o adj Mirned until to narrow morning, half pant tiiuo u'elo k.' I. ' IIV lmiiJiiytJop. The I'reaident having called tlie CuoVCfilion to Mr Suerd. from the General Committee, roae, and atated that he ape:ired on its behalf to wy, it would be impractMyiblo for them to report muore half pait 12 o'clock, . lie asked jKirmwion theri fore for tha Committeu to remuiu in aeton until then.- (J ranted. ' The President desired any additional Meg Oe, who might be iu attendance aince the last sitting, to make it known i whereupon Mr- C. C. Slowe, of New Hanover, appeared and took hiaaeat, Mr MacRae rose for information. No provi ion bad been made, he aaid, preacribing the man.;; ner in which the Convention ahall vottf, in the eveul of tiie ilye and Soet being demanded on any qiwwtioiu He thought the moat .couvenient, jut and enuitahle mode, wa lo Vive to each county the saTne-rrutirbenif ymra trwa Tirrtled-to-Membera in llieTI.iuie or CoiiiVnM the following Resolution : y Retained, That each C.mnty, repreaented in thi Conveulioo, shall, be entitled to the aame num. her of otea,"in the event of the Jye and iVora being demanded, aa it ia entitled to Member in the llouae of Common. , Mr. Daeiton waa oppoaed to the Resolution. The member of the Convention, he said, were all a portion of the Whig -family, and -ought to vote on all questinos, ha thought, per capita. The Re solution would neither bo au equitable or suitable ono, becaune many counties were not represented at all. If every county in the Slate ware rcjire eented, the caae would be dilTerent. ' -' The Resolution was not adopted. -' Mr. 8pruU moved that the Convention take recea until 12 o'clock. Agreed to. . lSoVroe.'" The Convention ' re aiwemhled,' when Isaiah Spencer, of Orange, and T. R. Dabnam, of Wake, appeared and took their acaia. Mr. Mtliueen, Jrom the -Uencral-Comni itteev made a detailed Report on the matters referred to them- Jt conclude will the-' following Reo-- liuttunai. 1 i.. tu, v...,...,. t..v.n wifk n !Nlt-ep and lively sense of the eminent pract'cal vi Ijrvur, sound KepuDiicnn principle,' unuieniianeu iiuUIic and private virtues, ardent palnotim, and iectded ahilitie of - . JOHN M. MOREIIEAD, of the County 'lJi;''lf,l'm..OT... we do accordingly recommend him to our fellow cititona, ai a fit succewwr to our present eulighteu- eij C hu'f-MapstrateV Governor .DudlkIt. Rtio7ici,Thai in consideration, of the pure patriotism, distinguished public services, and aplou dui abilities of . : HENRTCHY, 67 Kenlucky,":" ' " t!ii Convention yiekls to him a decided preference for the next Prenidvntial .Term of'lhe United j State. ; trod shculdhjrjfe;)'aiifeteaV'riy 3!i lLu-ri. II...... a r....1 S' rr.KA.,r ' UUI .VUIITC1I,UV,;11 ,IIUUJ(7 ,U1H fVIIVIUIIiMUUI. the nominaljon a cordial and undivided support. ' 3. Retained, further, "thai whilst ihi Conven- lion is willinif to c" to any Vssonable extent in - sancfioningf such "t nomination For the Presidency' h tha uuton, aa may . uereaiiere(uanae iroux me Naliimal CvuviUiu4t.w riaburg, yet we deem it due to the object fur which thia Convention baa assembled, to recoio. mend to our Delogate in thai Convention to adopt all honorable means which mav serve to secure the nomination of Mr. Clay by that body. 4. Retolted, That in consequence of the supe. -rior talents of , - . ' - NATHANIEL P. TALLMADGE, .4-A.m . -h-n.it-ijir,.;.ir;.r; -i,.-..ii;r.rr." r"iu' uu Hum iii. uigu vn.iiiin.iuii w 1 1 i mi i i . iiiv 1 lutiemd and ettmuMi eervtcaw-WrUrh ha bsacotKrv-r buted to the important principle fur which we are contending, we pledge ourselves, in the event of hia being nominated by the Harritburg Conven tion, to yield to the recommendation a cordial and auijnated sopporj. , ' 5. Redoed, That and - be annointrd Delegates to represent the State at large in the Hirrisl)irg Cimi vent ion; and, in case of their ina bility, or fi'ilure, 10 attend aud be ap pointed alternate. 6. Resolved, That it be recommended to Ihe Whigs of thn several Counties composing the E lectoral Districts id this State, to meet in their res pective Counties, to confer with the Delegates from the other Counties eomposing said Districts, in relation to .the appointment of an Elector for snid District ; and that the name of such person aa they majf agree upon, be forwarded to Ihe Central Committee, tu be placed on tha Whig Electoral Ticket, . - - ----- 7. - Resolved, "Dial it be recommended by the Convention, to the Wfaigs of the ditTwrent Counties in this State, la tncol at soma convenient period, for the pnrpue of spp iiming Coinuiitliej,figil--aivce lor the said CouuUe. .. . - ., . 8 KcJoDetl.That the Whig Central Commit- fox G iverpor. Retdeed fvriher, That the said Cimmittoe ! I . . . ... oe aiso reqiiestea to pre paie and publish a - proper Address to tlie oeoille. ntl 11m all imnirlant aiili..t of the next Presidenlisl KUwtinn at ilia IT. Ki.i i loSResalved, That our present pure, patriotic ainl I sjnli;htened I Exeeulivo, finv. piiHIey; by the ahiliiv, puritv. impartiality and Reouhlican aimoli city of hia Adininist ration, haa growe extensively in the affections and cntifiileocoof the Whig party, since bis appointment lo his present elevated trukT." and. t hat -lbi.CvveHn-, 4n belmlf iif-ihe-Vhigr- JbrtNtghout the-State tf; North Xrotina;; liercby mnuer 10 mm tne nomage ot ttiuir warmest ret pect tnd gratitude. N ;t -J The question bemij stated by the Chair to be on the adoption of the Repjrti $ , . ' . . - ' . Several gentlemen ruse andm vle their ol section to certain Resolutiiaiacrsilainedinthe Repirt, and after some debate, and tme or tw amendment be. ing offered and eeepted, tha Re was utrnnj mously adopted, and tho C a vem ion adj sarned un til 4 o'clock. " - -. "t" ". :,.'-:" i.;'? :i 'V.: ".: "'.v Fouro'cUk.pM. Joseph W. Scott, a Delegate from Caharrui.W nred and tonk his . rnrA"lt(M.Js hiiie n motion of. Mr. Caldarll, a Committee of' fiva persons were annotated by the Ch lir, to com. rnmiieatcjo Mf. Morebead his nouiiuation by the teffV renncsiel to jirrjlnr and jinhljalr wnahteaiToii njed and sei.t up, h..errr, and nt ddfeasTir 'iis'r.Ml4onaulout', the asJipliT of'lhe Slate, on the subiect of the aiiuroacIu'nV Eiecii.m. The bock and bead atava. In the oeaa auaftts! If. .f.V, ,iii"ii a j : Ui a. ii:niu ; H.I IH 1 iTi r ' i i ;l. j wwn in ii'-ui ii, ii itjn of W - -,.. .. t.. ii- 1 1 1 Iitt. m.i "f rfi -Va .H L "" 'iliL. m 1 ul II r Mr. Kavner. froiii the II m : . ' ' ' , ro.ci icu uic viii uniiiuiiiMl, rep-MlcJ ( ft to rill the blank in the saute, wm, ,t(1 Go. Owex ami Jail Mraisc, "' solution wa read and sdojited. t i 3 On iiwtiun tfrTT4Ufa CeVtrJr I uuttea were auih iruid l fiU any tclv -mav (x-ciir bv kii kiii' ml,...: ''"V ..p. i .I,. I,....! i... . . "'"I", 7 -, j - .iiii:,Wfl; . ; Delegat'-s to the National Coovemiun.' Mr. I'uie ni ived a ra iM,kraii.iorffv. It.utolulion. and called f,.r tin, ...!. . . haviuir b-ri done by the Clerk, a fiii.i,. which Messri, Pume, Bryant, I)avi M' anJ Miller look part. Mr. Rivner alludl to the reroTii. the Ceutr tral Comtiuttw, tb.it thu Coflvenirr Uelgte to, it ..i. 11 I L.l.......u ll sf? from those UislnctaXin which Drn,2i n- urvarwiflf, hna ini,i. a n w ... . mg what vacancies ensted, be moved Clerk call over the Districts, Thi, .f;l. i..m .A .. r. j .i . ft. i aa uiiiiv imit, '. warn I.MIUSJ mat had been nrtdo Sa ell tlie I.rict4, Um v Vt"Whihs-lrKt i3orrvTOl.j i PPaa(aa V. aasemble h thsjporpMe. ( rba, Wluwio, U. names of tho D-ie-ate : W( Fir'tt Diitru U Charlea R.- Kiii,i ' William Cherry. Third.--jjj Fourth. noappointmeiit flrta. IV p 10, Sixth Win. 11. Battle. Scttnthi htw. Eighth. H-snry ' W. Mdler Ximh-j N. M, K-iano. . leatk, Dr. Isaac Bams. enth ul. Fbo. A. Allisnn. 'TwelfiLm k v n.-..i.. ia.-. .t . !vws. ther.- 1 , r , f Haii. Ptifrrmnn p.ia anil ..'ifl .1... r. .1- ing state ot Ihiug; there wa a keary oUiikh due from the W bys of North Caruhaa, Mk Whigs and Cooervativea of New York, aWfc gallant stand they had taken in the causa afar common country. He themfiire pmeusbd litkl tion of the following Reaolulioo. - . Retolted, as the opinior isf thsj Coareabs that whether or not the Whigvand Casama&e of New York have gained a victory ia rka rtc election w that Stale, tbey are eauue4vtiaa IlirUnT lk.1 kMlltn.. . .. . . .. I ... .. . ' " - . - Mm. lun m IIm- H.UI vl nr.... viM4,fl SMtVUgUVUl IQB laHes the noble aud firm aland 'tbey have takea,.--. iiiv uuwaiBiunuM iiucricrsiucw H reRejuai and iiifljCTrCc, bold! v aiid.Daiblushuigiy The Qiiestiua oo th adjnioo of thn lukx waa decided iu the affirmative by accla.wa ' Mr. Mac de presented the (olios teg 1 tion, which was uniti(Bvusly adored : Rctoleed. That thia Cotiveaition le&W .11 ... . f .... .1 , ir'iiii in iiw vuuitiHKn mw use ot mum during jUMjk Mr, Mae Roe presented' the f lowing ttas tion, which was unaihioouolr carried i i , ' rjsWsvThatllM ThaoJu uf (his "vtk uJ are hereby teudcred to Ibeir SccreUrau the ablo sod faithful manner in which iIkt a discharged the djtic ul their app-aatineaL ; - -Ott motinnof Mr. SpruitU - - ' Rented Thai, 1he WW pipers ef ris ha be requested to give Hiilicily thruu tVires I W7"jus Trac proixiMkiias mm ssiaientH). ; ,, Jia .iither fcumiesj rapUoingta k vwunttH Geii PattRrsootrose and .aid, that at tat Uraf the Convention 4iad draws to s ckaa, Va wsski read a Rauution which hnd been bsi eaiUa- ble by a meoiher of the oodr s'MrvTJa-bes.V ! jvas at follaas: ,.--.-.,l 1 Resolved. That the thank of thia Coaveifcl atr dae-and are uereby ttmidereti te the Hob. ix I Uwen lor tlie able, dignified aad impartial saatai I in which be baa disc barged the duties of the CW f J he question having been put upisi Ms Lfx , it wa uuauimouMly ouctdeJ in tbe amrnuum The motion having beeo made, that this Ca vention adjourn ae fia, tho Pre4ieat, t Owen arose, addressed the Cooventioa inaaw but-armfHat-mTwrl.-anrl arrhnJ th.C (IPplpTtel IOH.ldj;!Ui ViHiliuu aritiuriuut aiilK..i r- . ' J Extracta fnvi a Letter to tbe EJitenai V Western t.r., dated Nobfoiji, (Va.) Nov. 1 Itk, 1 "The United States Ship' TaaiaZia ad here hiit evtming, in ti days I root Petjaacusa, at I ing aatled thence oa the moroui of l. ' ultimo. -V : - 1 u Havina taken a westerly breea after kW tha. Port, the ship ran down aud auda rat Li of Cubs, nearly abreast of Havana, ea the otf day out. But toe wind having I haa taaatcst tf eastward, it bec'ue necessary toahswLai lata tentii w of touching at Maiamusi awfthtaaf sa kept away for the cha nod kuowa as ike -F Gulf," between tbe Bahama Bank tod tWr da Reel, that being ike usual track ex taatfe bound uorthward from Havana, &. ' ' ? " The wind continuing adverse, and a! Lass creasing to a gale; the Vatvdaliaaras tit V M bealmg " through ibis chaiavl aa eVfiaik, at liines so dangerous to navigate. ' Ahheax old craft rides tiut a storm aa gracefutl.i aa budV yt w himpcatuoaa was the wrathfr.U earned away her main topaad yard, aasi faasf maat beck and bead staya. '- A spare yard etopiiets - clapjied .oau lheaa f! aa ihatti M did n4 long1 remaiu cripptVsJ io her saihnf F " hen it is constdered that the VaaiU" condemned ship aesit home to be rraailit been prunoutsoetl ronVa-aiisj wuemtortht, kf ? rieuced oOiuer and amp wrighta, altac a IB1 i survey at Peualcvla ) it iimmI bs ruasxdiJ j rs.Ll'T 'I 1 '1 i ' . .s- ievy, nis otucurs aud erew, are e-.. -much credit for ihe nautical skill, the i- a-id patient etidurancestf expire eoJUiifsei played in working the ship throagh Iht 1 channel, uodtr such adwise titreiiJiaBW- jMilmtreTirmorj nf-lxwirvvr hiving aboard tioiif ike " asck biy " of lb aa- eU of the West Isdia Squadron, and froaj ra vy Hospital t IVuawaola, the great ksri working the alilp d.-v.4red up a compiv small number of ab'-e-b.Jied and tflWuve ' These perfbrmef their all y with aa alacnrj etliotency deaervuig uf great pri- VsssW tnig the advantage uf eammee aveans over V vlianctM. even wiih iL.r theuseaf lheSe even of the "coH," haueg eekkua bra j necessary onlaaird tlie Yaudala iw Caj- r baa had command ef her. c i . lEveu after gettmg ch tr of the Bahama ' thv ship experienced a succession of tq'rJ ' and Contrary wnd4,'..mtributilig u'l'f "' lengthen her p ias-igef- Indvd, vhe had s - fair wind after l.rsinjj nht 'sf Cutm. . "The Vanalu ha been tu rl '. 4 J " of (hi Purt, crumg u the West a i ty- i sj. Pnr t4 h.t ' 1& ivr'1i .stt ""Sl 1 . Jl " - I ' - : a " - -

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