. i . - ' - , . ' JI i . 1 .4 i t, 1' "y, tT ' l- l- .j t ter r xfra. l t The laborer w rre'r rwiy 1 ; J. ',.t -: T : -- , I v a urc'ifw ittff f I--r 1 rUsoed much on rr'u il of t tmi. T.'-c - f lad eostonra you cm prrj a j -.r !, i v Their place ' mili be fey .asc; tvc, if f " ' ' ' 9 ; ra t!."u s.l. cl, t.l Et tit J 10 tomer. Ie pnfciul its r it-: . . T" n. - 1 t.i.i r are i?al!y i:mna lo u!in tt:'!!! t tfWprrxatnri mor rxra:' iV.ir U" af ''', " l-ntrral .4j.Uj.ci r vmiUe, u.l if T'U i!J S- j c K'f'ftfeBf, Twl h IUf.1 f Tmbm. tha bik! m8n,RHtie t f.t !- tt ;ur i B.r.h, tr . rtintir r!,lj, lli IV" " ,Ith ,ufb pr-w o4 t i VniU Bu.k f Mf ti .Lis, tnd l! oilr n.i(ri tht-y UnM toc iti J j-j r g war , "m Tenr-.MH, u! all la braf:che, are tetri r ' ' ' ' -; r t - ir -n '" ' .EM:iUL I N T L L L 1 0 K X C K . ; " Tlt". 'v PTSrIl " - - ." . ar.f'jt, PntHbJ, Tfaal !. ! of I enue Aa-'Urr A-icd i-.e '- la ! nnttd to im"f. I-" 9v-cT-krrcvivist2;i of. M i ot a i3 r-r el ty m(fa a Hi am time. Aop, , ' CditiK. qu .r, Fraui -tti.tekwf-rtswt"' ? t-"1 ly duccterril Wt t!ie f-r k4 j. 'Hi J' 6f!, i.. - lU ptrirt. -IV apatiiaMl by fi Ff TraJrtj; 1 ' 19 have w tl coia mmi nfwasiw co ; Tf ikrnr 3 mrrrai tcyr-'Tl AiHhWjJe (!tgni!ifi, which, Ud it wwny, : wauM lt J ratv. i bctr-r than The ramnn ttwept rane f t! ort atul j 'Jlwrjdaj tvefftn rff Ffiuay tnonung, "era war dwcliWij btwti.t areti!1 k-ft l.Utrf-!vf-i. tor h;bcr. TVy are to raw s aoJ city, tt wind ai t!i Un lrm- tn f?.t ali iL li ippiitsilir pi IcJa iwve bmj cota-. ' luunnrlh. Many airk pfTt te,m t5e itnae nlrf ft if f. IflEw ora rr nrfvi ib-Jf riltl, clMe ticmity, t, .iJ liSiouhr, cU if lwi;ii of jre ou)J mrresBe in prui"rti', - - jc4 from ilia ftiaafa.-JMj!feglfj!t S tjLJ tb . tna I k fcitf of ci-al.Jr."4:li.Il'rL.. w rv.h"iUiy the k c-f en 4 t wvnt kmc, , rhm ! f ep.navtwaot .feswJtf -j; &! .' n.rrre tre t wt! eirftoa jafd, li.)1 and climbed npoa l!e rf (Ml k-atr-a, bick were accCMiiile lra tit poie!. t , Mr. ScrUr, 4 Ifja JWF.-rr HaM, aara, ; M.nl . ..Lnff. (S;h ntanL. lb JraHWiiir ftp-prtaWe onaiMiim, a 1 uewJay eteomif lr ibo pitch, bme, d toeiiar tna'dbe wiiai bick lb fire was kiod!r4. r r" Xit'n.ltf ArtUfr and jnrantrniicrpr. lJ of LJ ea irp-t I4 ebawter aej -"'One J t mrmnil'mi bTaouwt mfraculwiM tfcit ktw eeer: fietr ?'e and prreeiied tbe C"05Ja- - t.'xrf .-i,i rr.'rd. -r,nc Mienbf n P-t- aplMxIi J! filled ui bux-qwtinj - turnms Wmie fr-w. awwins' woik, lo ier,; ...L V.Lnl. rk.i4a , -itir 'ed-aaii4 en weikie trt il a-fe:-iwi !J" it tve ir own. ,f aarrwdtxl tbe Ho,'m. -HVitU'w ortHmaotal, f their tUae4 'utwier 8 tbe 4el ! ail tref ay) rwe.Ja with emlraU iwinu lio tniifi e tbe tf tie k:x.i ei : 4 tbe mio. - - v . oiu.m. Tbere were, kowwer, no cannon, tli cb.U "a ran the. tid awd w fcAMi fotf. i tki the right of the "lord mayor at ll.e II , tW iofrw ifM, t'ae j;relt enthuaiasm and Thwi-Kibf eaJiibnma wib tiifsi taW ktn. til iidHi 4e ! tbe kame. f keiek kneiaj etiree f -oriea ki(h) wbi1t be wtm m tfce iwrf t eth, e of S Scotte. Amongst tbe company wv yoor pny. lie bad b-it lt ebiSJ b5il a ao.JoVeMf aeeeraf mercttanfs and bankers, tie tlcj- ! ot? w ben it bl Ulaoc-, r.k eiM-.'eJ Ct-1 "T commoo counttl of tbe ward of CatU-bay- rlu5 from the wai jfiiriyiiai 'a te te" r amw ef me nttaDttaim mmtm inwt V4ww! -'IV tViirir mum-wt thwtetbe corporoiiua,' eeverol eL-rmca and otUr 4wwiii.iUiiii1mi4uWI ir!,e. imn t on'y aVe,l-it ai'fc aai tbe frarre4e bw. i -aWe- ni i'iiPfi bJi"t 1 iiirsw." s XI waa !ijl.t!y brut-J. bat tU iwonufts w . j , Wr('u4r aJ, wwreailr. id a sood be-Ji aa er . tr, pAiHruUrir ai brakijtM tiaaejwbrw t'iaiJ 'Tiir. rvTvnt. M. I.--TceYilfi' Htib-aaWsr Aawm V4 t-e Wut tu thy fo!t ii5 Ti awr 'Tb; le'i'ni la t&w.W ieifttws 4 ik the world, w hicb artM to ti u.r j .i ..! u u.....-a f j t..-.f j - I ailu h tirtba KMimaj, AnKai-ae. IVei al. Aaeui-aca. lek of, k r PW tfedi and cufMie hao a tVarfid acco.r.l to -ttte w.th lbeijr.0! Mor4- -,-! V af. I e,towe4hkaWn, it wee disrtotay wkoJu.wttertrT5?a-ife cooperation rtWfirlbej tm'aMThiaiiia;ii.5a ci'M.wwwe. --ybeA-a jAaaeewmaev ibwy-Vbwea theiwaeUea pee- tinm hne jftown ttri wwtiorl , - .i. .i..,, .k- k4 l-J iw, AiiiM-i. : -brir eatorol ktn. ad wale kweka.S 4iitaV.ay lflr4ja-jawejiiJi iat JCT ,:i;i.itl.ct of g-wwtkj aJtbeetfceta it'P" .-. .u-c - o Id or cufliiowe to advauoe wab cxiieta i - lv i -lacsa ai 41roo.-e.im4 n eaai &J l-rily al2 a !ih to bch lb tela a eye "iiWJ r4 term. Tne..Aevcei r25ra ruM 4 li natural oMar It a.chf ?oae kiaij beaie-J -r wrnnr ef the esawos-sre- wwwr v r lata tba wild. raessaadsava .. ... : .,. .1. i.vr4.Ir. nil k lk - " :' ,!lm,ghhr ; ih- W -We wetkw w-W.-f-" 1wm rrar : " ' Tha Anj-lw Aaarrica. reW ans aetesMl mrB.',W yor.8nd that he fch I htghT horwrH to aecomp'na hn. e,l.. a re iie ih- -f .aeeilatM be bad receieH fror- b, lonWup x "un-qiJei exertw. a4 e-mmm rf te cin :4uJ "5i'a H hnuka '. a tbe Reweaa eetere, aS laea-benre rfmn-t1 8" fc? ,nsna?r ia wbarb t . j .a a a...;e are. ; tbe j.. ttr f lr 1 are aod reepeeta. - , fJcriaJC;..;a,..-l'Jli?.wa. tv-e. Their" y f"1 -( , - 'mr!,M a.rA ts li-r.t a l -r rr are r') " heeo soaMi Uojw m Ligtaod, and t- ; H ecb f i w l t WaarbH I ' rf -hw cb" ' " e wto.-wj ut by the ;3 ot liw . Ue w f5 ae laiartd with tbe ca.wns Of L.Am ' ' haJtbe .be." lira city tb world. The more be baa . "., ;v 1 i,,, - v ' i of ioawUi f tb cowolry, tie .jcwic A l-ireislape8jtar-tbW be feU livu he baj hd aa ojiawty count ! a drtia. J ert;-;aXa tbe ei-',f wtfeeesmj tne rmRtfireM ef apiM J; t of Aa w i-tre o to- Jltecw tad. ty.'4 the h wfutaW f the grand mideiKe 'A fief eor.e pnitmi-Mf fuucmtf lb arcaa),n''X . kM esatwte-a)p?jM.)---IIe largsedl ' ',,r(K.j.. , i ..... . '. iifat ! b aitoi totrepes with a-fcw rTiVweMit we-walfafi'-'ii h civaiMh aud Starrs, fru ea M twfwsj fen . .... . . . .. . rse A-K.r.a VJT -.vr i:; ,ri : i ait:', - t.r 'Jo, the oUca aroa4 ewtwl ate ww4 emrt - tin , aJ".,.l.iiroc- siurii. liar rH eart-wt ot the rguJ.riwa: ko.gd. ea t4 France aai tbat. al- Irrawaadi was err. frtrrtrj at tbe tt-a U -aejtgb sepantM by the.AthiM-. owaiH thnmgb -Khork. ana'mm-H riwJt.ei TW U .jeiUs et acieoce aooUJ to tUeie old citiea ft Ava and iwil wna tWir w-t- ! lb"? wre wow o- more than 11 3m b. tluerd la heaps ef root, and toer wa" sSarrfeJ t dewwst, f jrrr-i titling and liberty, and kiivl and thrown duan. . Tt-e towes ad tiiU-s aarac! red itarfHuraw, wttich enJrsee.1 toe American nf and bcluW the cajtul hare lil-ie soivrrrt. -J r ip Ffc.-! p--br those whw miprd tNw liod lis reponed th it J,e Tiaee W orl -on.. -wtt nn, anil Mhia dlrnyee fcv ... .1. . i a nnmber 'ef aersrwa that rwrntwe were, a- tn iwtkwe to --a ; tot tt tnHit alverr toine m.e7 -wrHiun-hne tow aa4 iiU-. aT t- be - wia.Jaii i kk my W mm t- ..frfU la aa-al'l a rfvi .r.. fr3 aiwr' dlutflaeea.'--JriJ,i.V. ... . -a- f , - . I'iUrtaing CoTew-sr. Tbe ts-v lsrev! tuvtmar.ee of the Crsl L'wjU! Oierea ia iui cttf.l .T.nl the ol It Jt in A orrira, was rle,f!ed y,'-.r t!r, in a higltyn!rcstug aaaaa. Ta-e riiwa ing, were wnu ajm..rt(e tooa taste, taea Uwsti fie viait old itiVtfit. , J t a t'4n,nrtny praiar as by the vent rat '.a oatnartb, -r, Coiv Wat- t! eolk-t l.atulr.Mutir 4" Maf&acietts prt'rr a i tf li ,.-. .tine hi t;v- .,t I tie I lull ,.n', art-1 . r i 'inursl lie lr (.'lurch : I 'i. .-- !. i re t!i f.rt "fi;ji. a.f :t t . 4 C-"fill ' l.t, Ulii! l:li- e f.ei !Upf4 ts.-ii -'. r i;i ' , r I . ti IS nr.. r, . ' ! i..4 Ljt -l ; h' li..- re ni' oe ti. it tint c.i-1 kjuj le j . TKSNfe'KL Tb!.,er H-AMfaTDicTtiMo legislature ttfuier cn-utt?rtno i.lutiia hich r..fihilh. ()i;e a fc-a ol . lA JuJw M'tnimg Ih rali. B-VNtiCTET AT TIIE JIANSiO.X HOUSE, j Tie lord fcyJni4 tiily mayoress anio fjwwd j eaieifiient of thr fellow. rii, a4 to i?rvta ewal fieri o iMiBctiB. J9 . ihe cmKitrt," ! idea of ifce manner iu bic'b the j, were ad ied t . ttw owal display cl pi'- T wV)teth CtTT Dt.lte. M well M I'lC fcrd Hat plate, rotered rt raw, wtrn ere a,jrnd wi;t iUerac'riii'W,ip!4i swr!i 1 aI W rUter, tentber of the Serafe of .tW V. tar , a'aaeajtl r of the hse ot legbJi-.f zutmtA. , .t:,.. " 'A8 the aal Jjf and paTriMtW'toMU wrre . a)5tf!'hf Mr. Vibrtrer,'' a learned aftd-dunagat 1 mniNrr if tli Se-tmle of a country in whoae St re tbe ;raf city ef L'i"i, and iuilcod. tie w?,j nf the flntiJi emwr, were at. tbat aramcnt wt-t etfBie?y iijieriti. Adtrd u tbe two etui- ""' wt.e. hi a mercantile x.uil of rice.tuere was I a a , ?xc,wj. cauiMr-tjr xror!.iiv.w naaasaa alwMttkat tbwe twee lfwa ttaoii.' r7 crrUil -N'.:ry wu. more er aswet o niVr - iVl, brar I U heo cotio!;i t were ial- ir -.. a. . ' a . ff -t. ext tw f Sue tics of all cnuteiit.'s btbe wortd, should t la- Wwir wiffer diOkwitwa of a pecuniary luiire, ccr i .1 il'fj .rin . aakprtf im HVnffl. nl n,ir tlun " l-ru.r.-j. r-' Z e ' T' . . " J" 4 ... -.. a.i3 ... - f f "v Kmpru i see lu such ba extesii as, 6 time. f VtpUWSe.l wrpew-be-trTtwTCe ef the torj waywr ansf - j i t imij viaa iu no coaccviru 10 ninivu wrt it m t - - - e - "L. x .; JL.. i DemocntK ci!i-o 4t IMtsfieM, with . tar ccrrwrawancs. no au wnu.-u -WW loror. r - e-Wa. X . r r. . . . . ! .. I I, In. itrini .mi hrv ifl kmotfa tm. I to tWa tie I i .i 'I I r, -i. I ; aw I "M Cfliliw, inn inni liw l. I - " 7 V . 1. I of h no lath mm g.tfej V litter, eit- KMm , ij... : few boera. Thos'hi. fallen, m the eigori his : I JMKaWf Sfr fll ? 1 fs aFWM t - r---- J J A 1 a aw . . . . . i . . " e at I 'ft. 1.' ..! .1 . .1 f v t V - - o,ottoi lac m-.fcti eiraiDic oi ine vuhMui iev i w wdw circular Hiaiet mai, -owe iAmfA w-e,;ae crtamt of lxm. I to was reiaoe4 tb( . 1. 1 - -r ... . . 1 . 1 . .r.i. . , ... - !e Between i-rfutbimi ae4 the Vud Siatca..- .wr twef.iy.fold grwrter than wh the eowerM ."-.......t-. .... . . . - ii--rrii"i.---i wrm-mn "ip .. jiw . uJu.sUiusk oi ian rowuTrr do rwiu ira una iiuw of of lieiw ba-swriwitiiwccbrsj i tufa kEims. . aiiirai tim eiat tad mm. t-r. and exist ao rwr iIk wont Ufr!.n.i U ib eb-treii tbal bad il o"4 bet-a tor tbo lady i rtMvorewiV twrnce, he hhl bate bejF-d prf. i n.i- ia, br4r be sat .Wn, to hve girew a sen- ti as a toast aod it s!muU bote km Fro. parity to the City of Lm)kn,v for be fc ll lliat lr waiur .aweaVa ter Avwkabwn,s it j was toots own: tit at t..e fre-t.t irtre:4 ! wowU wamc.it for owe, to. u be tltwvd to tiii"wof pvoeosiaf lo the ci'mkmiit, and in J be kit cor.tycol of aurvtma' with a repnai ' i-j " Tne liealih ot the LtIv Mayofp?. 4 i!) i 1 !.' l'.e ! id .ltlil ' S', lW.wt, fcae ffrivt-i dsiri M ll. J -'.I ui-4. fa-B GaW-j m,uJ to lUe 4h from li'Mi. Ti.s Trlki IWr ha-1 c?ni tl fnylitlul "ii4't4 ia"tti twif ttwe menti'wwd In cuitoe- BiW CllijWiHP hai IW into th I c4nrT. 1 icuriwl ou ibe Oib m-rtanl. Jo " I""'54 du- .rnw Ihire tVt Jw .!t R'el ' dre bre i'J liw .! in port, iuclu.luig ihret; ataam tt. Entrant rre puring imo Tex i Urj- iwikT.? Arnnli Oalvefaoo, from N 1 of k mcatS-. k.xJ kmohl upsrJ of ' kmiird UwUf Gern.M aettler. who i fcjtaie. in cxlnay here in tin er euuittrv. A :U Wjr eimjfratiutt in expected !r.-(n ltuki tl etivtux wmicranil tpring. , A dinner o lvf rasidei.l,Ijiuar oo hi arri ni at Ara, the Be aeat of gocroraeitt. Ilia (Wpiia tlsere i,""ira of aa (tnt flittering. A otw lt ht fmof!r lieea Uid out on Arkamne Bj. wieJ rro: . The Tetiw iscnUuet w me rb.e U-nf h rt tin. , A company of no were recently ,ilniptchd from Gahcfiw to Aiwtm, to be ikoel at auiwe reroute Ou'p"'s oa the Indian border aud awraore were iu prgre to aecure an eiwjmte k fence for a!I tbe exjwaed pomia 00 Ibe frontier. y . ' " - V cmse from the Ffca('5-i3ffcj2ranh I lie Cl- !o.. juteEijsaee, wkwk may be eotwidered of . IXTD'XSTIXG rROJI THE WCST, lr m put Se urn who left the vnnnp of the frdural tirce, ih:i ty Btlea beyond the Noece river aboiil the 26ih 1101. we fcero tbat CaniF," the com mi4r of tbe Mexlcn federalwt oow in the Geld, baa concentrated thirteen btindred of hi followers, od w to the next day for the It 10 Orande. (.aptaio ILwVj rrruittd a company ot eonie eighty men in thu eity, few week aince, and wotcb ws de2ted ' protectHxt ol the Que ers f(etier aei) the wippremow of the driving of cattle aod brwn (r-xn beymid tbal river, which for eon ticaw kt btce eernrd on, , bad also joined Ciwb with, eVior tar fciiidrt Aiftertcaiw." to tbie aub'r, were about eoe nuiidred l.khaas betaR4Mf to e nhe 11 f on Uie Km Mwub att,T'ief-Me'wriiwwwrei to be a race of aavagra, and rtKHi.krliy akilled ! ia tbe acMMK of Menem war&re. According to jn- Ca3t4 " bwi tta.Ier w Wrnmand einteen tnd eighteen buoJreJ opo cmliz xl, half cmtiarti, and auvase hanwKe weeaiM ' Ihrottabaut thie tMrtreeeneoue I tker-4ewnta adteafare fcr the re.IuetMm.of.the bU Uh GmU country to the standard of ,(prra!isw,etRmlk be impreeied aprto the mind jf cn.ry ooe. Tbe first prnia of attack wa lo be nht ttiKajtt tTXttf, where mere tome two norrfred .CntcUat trwopi tbcuce dowo taiilatanvtra. I AU--the Aferwt- alacew- wbereV w.eje-taiioned .rernajeot l'rfs r whicb adhered to the Ceo. -Jtino,-. If tV-y eV e retire a repui-w in tbeiir TrdnnMivni i-i.lav-mt in rmitmo In mulr :iha jticnuoritt I re if, we amy expect aooa to j bear of ftping litwe awo!g tbe Centrahsts in Shii Jj-t of jifxm." . -. ; - xN Hicse f draU eor under Can alee, are the . . . . . m i .il-xtoa, and KvA ref i;e in wimts this aid.?, not tafia Went "wirtWiently nptHl with arms and j aoaumnitioa to baiard a batitet they tlieref.ra ' t---l!w iwiV 1-t ir I.W"!r ti h.? nurrpiwfijl ! c.w ar-iua iril oa.w. .1 rt - ..(. I. Fl L . IlatPiliaAlJlhineUl ' a. sx Iff Tt1fjilittl t Wtrw --iwahpr tb,iwe-4l-rTllEOlX)UEtfEUa. Mr. Sedgwick, meeting of great power attatati to the Cfi-i which be had so much at heart. At the Coi'al, who bad lo oi;j ived tlie respect and coabJence of his f .tm-c;la-ns, who bail received iv. .1. tl .1 J ...i ..r . ..1 1:- ilUHl MTW .U WfV l.fl imilllUUI,!, M l1 i I. jrtvor, an! who seenieti to be oVsjgxated, by the general apprecuti-m of his t.ilenis and worth, at im Oi,:aii( J iv, turlae bignest stations wiibin tbe jul of tbo peY!e of his native 6a'. iiibstin fcenian from a di-tinuihed lather, the- late J SvJwirk, was a vioiwis constitution of mild.wf.icb h- niaturx-J ly ditigetit self cultivation, iin rtetfwi era rariy directed lo the study of !.t, mttch iA' be practiced (or many yars, i'b repwU'j-iM al socef as, al Albany, N. Y. AboHt tumayraias'eoe, he mired ibis patrimo nial ete te' lbe lwa S'.ockbrirfge, where he has er since- resided. Tbe cessation of proles- 1 wooal Ubr was not sBenli'.l by a life of inactive tMnff ef his miad lurLade Uaod be was cooHtaatty nceopicj with subjects of the ... . .m.ii .-M.' iTfy vriA Mb r.t. a. ... puiweT.. own nn uKiaiesw a .T TOnr1 a,ar- ,aa lhe bj.mcfioo of X men," and 10 ; g ! d ti-es to prriraote tbe greatest goid ' tbe ,wo..Vr wirSin his lanse.rvf.beins o- i lie ea.!,raced, with tbe heart of a true lover those j;. (at tl tnwL'-ctual, moral, aod social in-procement of the peop'A whtcb are the sijja and mo gbry i" cur ti-iww. IU e!ornnt mn iortMijX Out mxtdmt djfmtt 4oMrra-ettiiM uuiV. o:ir f? i.nl,',.M f. m.f f !......M-I . . ,1 .. i ..MiMii,iMwiiinii. uuuji ' r": - w ine onngets oi . we coury. m aoaworo.- me aimp., nulustrious, ,"t Ir:i MWsof oor anctstors, and troin the Hole H" bixnry, a-rWu.aey,andextraa2ance,wbich ;,e"'.e-S ? "i especially in our great cities, erJieg the be M-wntnf our life and -riiy a a jeori3. It is hardly nectm to I9 Cltri!tal and hosoitable sociels , i"" hiclt be was wtrwinJcd, he carried into le'ice. the wrrBnpte whtcli .he .torwlcated, and tVk K. of s&.:kbii.?e.a?ed 5S. . ; .k . . . . m .. . . i . .i :.--.. ..j .. .. I Fnnt.tl. I t.i .-... . i - : tof fi.wlor II .. !... S.ed. ' be the J "iirwi: uo rKXI ei j.ie iteHHMiC. a" ,l uarings, wno tiave ' ,, , , i, ' r -v ' i I i- 1 1 wWi, T, fU tf Ihe best th,wh...e- Mr. JWickwro' l""g.heen, and vet are, 'Agents for ll.e Crite.1 i 1 '- 1 H3,,r.Vd" "hioh' ! ' ." ji-a-orkplhcdby bnwonPubllStateslJank in London, ba.e recently eon tJ.!li " ,h" M"S "'me of- ward, and iiat thai no more men, be loaned tj ' ' N ,Cn-r ' i in a nUte- of '.H-irali..i f.-r the ifl'lt. ! int-nt iiml Itfrifitrti Id . 'in ' ,rk, tin; l..uii-iJln an- fili-.r Im piv.ii the teiu!ls of i.u:h o!irvinnii Wrvlttlttll UliU A,i.r,c. f.i-f W lU t.-..i4 UJ-Uclicai9. M r A.,! ,a.L'. ru.l.M.-rtt on nioim I hiRlrnleU nm iiKi-pt:D(leiu:i and werliiy iiiU-j;rit)v ' LJucatod Hi ....... v - , a t!tm .l .1iiim c..K)-(J to Ine pruicipn w o A .iLj,! a.llll M aUiCe iiuiin auu I"- !""" " - - . . , k..ik .T Awtiuv aiul iiilnret to Lm COVlcll)U 01 LTltf " rl 'tit and duty : and devoted hunselt, with ta-us- lomcd energy, lo the gritaf cau of popular o ;e. reignty and equal rights. Mm unamioieu muccniy and transparent honesty endrared him lo the De mocracy of his Slate. iv man uener.unocrsH-w the principle of the Democratic party in ourcnun-; try, or was mure truly convinced of their vital im portance to the national prosperity and to ihe pet petuation of our Republican institution. In the jreal null licit I struci'le now E"i"K 0,1 ,0''c "n ective part, especially in aupputt of that most im portant of all measures, t ne aeparnuon pi nana nu State.'snd the independent afe-kwpiiig of the pb- lie money for public urn. Iu tne service oi me people he paid the tribute of bis life bod death. It is the moral character of Mr. Sedgwick which united him so closely to the syinpathiei of tliose taken awav. Xci all his inlerwairse with his Srllow men he was fratik,' confiding, affable and generous. He carried hi heart in hi hand. There was nothing for him to conceal. He waa a bigh-loned man, of singular purity of mind and bfe. He had no compromises f honor end integrity. Expediotwy was not in his voeabulary. He scorned the thought of doing that for the good of a party which was not also just and honorable in ilst-IC VVhe.e he wk best known, he was moat loved. We may not invade the sanctity of a home, now made desolate, to speak of him a a husband, a fatfior aiul a '6jTrt7iria'TWeTnonriaiii the beart of his friend. He rest in peace. THE WESTERN CAROLINIAN Friday Morning, November 29," 1839, . OUR NEXT GOVERNOR.' A correspondent who signs himself, an Old Rrpnbheim,n end -wne-we-kiww-te- be- eocb, -haa . nominated JuJgt Saunders Cor our next Governor. We cannot say that we are displeased with the nomination. , Judge Saunders ia an old citizen of . ito.eao. lod is advantagcoiiMly known by our ipeoV pie. Ho has always been a Republican, and ia trjjeJa bis. priuctplas yet. - For eoune. .years.. bo has taken but little part in politics; this, ti us, is a decided wmamtrndulitK, and we 4hiAk'-Jiaf"tie . . will be, on this account, Ihe more acceptable to . tie peopier"'" VX . Whether ho will consent to run, or not, we are ' unadvised, nor cao we say whether Ihe Democrat ic Jojiljiake himuptor not. If fhe report , which wehnve beard, be true, that Mr- Haywood decline running in cMiseqience.Jof..flr heaHbfc,eWv might suppose that Judge Saunders would be ac- ; cept Able to all parties. . i '. , . StdUrBuui - Ai iTie'Edi-. ' fr . f L , V T. f -WJi JKbhor lha irucAmuappeajnLlobe too much engaged in fiis new vocation of prophecy-- ing. to take any notice of the actings and doings ol liie yreai " Kt'giu.iior. u oecoim-s usio give - evee-Hre wtlenliHi to (twt- mallsf -thawe-olht-4 Srse'alioTiTd'ojC TJvenTilav. ni?'w"Iai'1Ts"'l,r ifcvel t ' 0 " Irh'tcH'onght To-nrease the pfegiiwtlte"np porters of such another Bank. " - - : ' - In Ihe late circular of the JLondon Bankers, the fact is staled, that thft U. States Bank has been v saved from utter insolvency "parcs on account of part 0 Ae wknle tock of the Bank of the United Statct, is held by fire English tubjeettr . -Thii would ba the . case with a new United State Bunk, if another "should be incorporated it would soot) be owned by Engtuhmrn, aabobs, and nobles. - ; , - - v.'.,'r -'V1." - Now are our penplo willing to create sjch a Bank to rule and regul ue our trade aud currency, and all for the benefit oi ihe rich money holders of Eurojia I - That the Federalists desire it, we cer tainly know, and who in this District docs not recollect that the main ground of oppositi -n tu Mr. Fisher, was bis hostility to such a Bunk. , j t Farorititm was one of the things to be com I Uinm ef inHlie Wiled State BaoaVTtr-ilrea. pi ration of jts CbailerxIt loanod to oiio-eoneern--- eluuey in .FbtlauVlpliiav-.eelejioo of N icholas (hd-yr die. a Million and a half of money j and i is sta-' ted timl it loaned to one man tn Alabama, I lie late Judge Hitchcock, right hundred thousand dollars - These are feel to show- the truecharacter of lb Uniiod Siat- B ink now, and before it late Charter expired. The people ought to know them, and they ought to boar in mind, who are, aud wIhi are not, the advocates of such an IaU. tution.- . - - -A new wir-stf . tn Bimtlier article.'we "refer to tlie fact, that ihe Tarilfitea at the North are be ginning t. ""ove again, but this is not all. A new acheii e I now iu agitation, lo put. another j oke of taxation on the necks of the people. Wo must not be sururix-d if a imni should be made in Congees, in make Ibo General Gorrmmrnt k.. come responeible for the debts of all the Stale I that have borrowed monpv in Pnnt.wl .ti ' noelnr. I am n..w a rli,,... a Smu in eel' '"1" ' lU- ground. "w uim wtiti'ii tj.? n , ,, iiiini )l iitt-'?-ialci iimt artf tl 'x i'.Ha-uaajr na-- . " "' Uflrt, m.J .1. , . . . i become respMiMble fur th di;htenf IVn. i New York, and ot'ic r Stutca that liave b, " . .. . - , r ' ft I tiiiiiinniiiroin iiiropc t it we U-co , tiitic. u.e urxi lliili!! ui I he. i Ui I . . .. - ' debt t pay, and to do I bin, we iimjm be tgX,7 In this way new tuxes foliow.This Uu'! , bly be pleasing lo the Federalists, for ii, "J "'" of their great fjunder,' A.'tx. ILmit(Un that a Yiilioi.al ik4n, is a .VationaJ Uew,,,,, .." but, the -Repiililicaitg have tlnTerent ii. V T iniuur, anu K.ueiiooves mem to kern PP 'lir ? opi'ii to ihewi muvenicnla. Mr. John I.ce, Joshua Dt;cr, Ceort't) aud a colored man ol Mr Lee, were taken t week in Dnvulson County, and tried before tbtf, MagUtrales, on snspici'tn of having ,1, Lynching Nathan Limlieth, an account ot the we published in our taut paper. . " ' - - 1 Ther werewwemhee Of witrtrrr "t vi,",; oo the lm), but there was nothing stated by iiK to juify tbe Maifistrate ia commiuiiig either the persona imidieated f they were therefore iL charged. ' :. -- . IXVoi OCT JUR MORE MURREL XIC.N ' j A far d,e since, two tpnllepen in a carria-m ' eatwe ir'e lh neighliorhood of iiwepR 8, V.i tn 1' avUltoQ (Wity, and sold a Xegrq to Jacob Yiely, U ' - Mtv lokeiy paid 4brftt-j two hisrwet ai) ilAs eamh tfter which they It A ihe neighlHirhuod, Tl negro seemed well pleased, with his or, home until Saturday night hurt, wheu he dectmp. ed, and has not been heard of sincev , .... ... . . Tbe presomptiw is, from circumstance, the whole was designed by the negro and am, swindle Mr Yokely out of bis property. Afierda men left, he wu seen to have a tlOO bill, 1 some specie. "' " ; i . " . . -4 "Mr. YokeTjriaaaid to be an hone, nird-aoit ing man, but not so well qualified to jiK.geTr:Ti well for some of our honest farmers and truWi' to be more on tbe alert towards strangentnff. ing through the country t in negroes and Mbar Vn property. . ... roi thb wesTca.i ca,olisuit, i Mwas Editobs s J a jhese days w.hemlw & . ' era of parties, wish lo take out of the handi of ; people the right of electing their own officers,!, as one oi the People: am determined" to stand a for our rights.- I have aa much right, to unle t nomination aa any cxv&j that ever met ia ci 11111m. ami 1 mereiore 00 nominate lur a-n uovernor ot iona uiroima, Judge Konciw X savudeks. win give yon my reasons for kxsk natiitg Judge.Saunders; 1st., lie has alir-vibp-i i RfcrrBUCA and holds ;Torih TaiIti yei.; SI When ia Congress, he was the friend of rrform and rttrenclmtht, low salaries', and low fire U Wbeo the West was canine for a Convem(,n4 for equal rights, he was one of our most activsvi efficient friends. ' 4th. Since he has been Jur the able and efficient imanoer io which he hai ds- eharend ihe duties, has dona oreiil rrmlil to him. em.aiMt gLtteu geoarai ealist action taiiia peopia 6th. He has little, or nothing to do with poliiict of late years, but has been discharging his civil mi' judicial duties, therefore on this score, he will be unacceptable toJlbe.Jlepulilitoa iVhigs,ss:. aa Ihe Democrats. j There are- many -ot her. reason, whr. it bit opinion, Judge Saunders oughf to be run, and vhr ne wilt oe acceptable to all Ihe Republican! o( U West. A to Ihe Federalists, we know that tket didate. I thetefrre womina aa Ca.17JitfiRo;7 former' 1 cTilzen of Rowan, and nowTiving at Ihe w i jh5Tetwneot;';-'"v-- t)tBr R crmltrw. ' FOB TUB W'.ESTCH CiHOUMl. S; ' ;. '. :. ' , , " Mrssss. Eorroas : I wish to ak you, .and yir feeders, one serious. Qtteatiun.jind J bunexivert ax of you fill consider it dispaesiooaiely, and siuvcr tf to your on conscience. My quealion ia this. Is it right for Whigs to do things, wl.kk.tke; themsolvo have comk-mned in ihe DemoeralaJ-- Il il is not, then I wiah to know on what rmwda can the Whig justify a Caucus at IIarnbofg wuen they have most loudly condemned a atww one, lield al lUliiinore T Look back, and vna l we, thai the Whigs in almost every county ia ii State held meetings, at which, Ihey deneunceJ (he atronges. Lingiiago. Ibe Convention or Cj'" hold in Baltimore, Who then woul ! have poed that inJoailban four year a.Vrwardi,? would turn about, and be guilty of exuetl; ' same thing I Hut this is not ail who doci recollect ine hard thing that were ud Phtlo While, and Ned Rocker for going Ju ' Caucus, and reirewnting the people, he people had no hand in seiolmg them I , IVfcy.lV--names were iMiutMri'dXrojaJXin to Beerslieba, puduut usurper of tbe fo-We-righlS lbJ ,ff jdvetliai'd, aui.abu4rao4 aiga iwriiiiadi;!" ejtn4U..,qw.J, 2 i of 1 he w a uie men w boa bn-d vVmte'aeah 1 " er so much, get togeihwr iu'tbe CHirl:Hu-"f point duUgate U a Ruh'igli Coventia M ' Doctor Isaac Utrn$, all ihe w iy to Pcnuio lr"'i. to renre-aHit-ihe oetide-of ihe lOih tia-i "Ia: f)i-tricl, wheti not am in: IJiXiO of .the.it,.i"J anyhuitf til the buMue.-., , . Now, what better right, I alxaild like to alp has Diclor lasac Burns to speak for th f! than - Doctor, RurkrV ! Orhat nhlkd aim Snred tJiro In RaltiL'h.ird oletljf & Y piarr I 1 doubt vry much, if the pwl " conMultcd, if ih.jy would Alei;t eiilier of the to a low county otrii-e, aud yet ihey unJertak' make a iVesidout and Governor, for Ihe " But why is it 1'iai bear no I"Ui censure ili'imm-iationi or wig -nin-st lheo osurp"-- ' I A chose who or lu'relyre pr-JieC 1 ' wordi !'!iin-4l ilm l.,U in io re ' i have .wt Mieir powers. I intend to try ml '