1 -'.' . r A iam-i;fcM-., IT - T 1. A r I . , : : i; :::iCML:J:-& d : : ' . I1HK travelling community tie r'.p".""'jr. "'"!: ed that the titiln-cnuer is now running ins line ui- ...rt f,. n.Uih l. wav o iMMKiro sou Aiiwtn! w Ifis horses are gxnl, und driver particttlafly careUit end accommodating". JOEL McLKA.N. Feb. 12. ISO. It N. II. Sot secured at the Mansion HoM. To Journrymeit Coach-Mikr-- milE Subscriber will aive steady employment toiwo gal Journeymen Coach-maker, u can come wpM recommended for liabila of sobriety id mdm-iry. Tl.i.ir tiiliotiei! wilt be. to make and repair Coaches, &c, for which, (if tbey suit) he P", ', ,, , tbwy hum) ha Will p liberal wnpea. JUll.N P. MABRV. Iz-xlnui'Mi. OctJer 11, 1. tf m;v i:staiiij:sii31i:t. " IN M0tK6VILLl I) VV!K rOUXT TilOMASFOSTEU INFORMS the public that he h removed from hi former W, to bia new binlilui',' on the publii; 4iiiare. m the Town of Miwkavill-!, where lie will o.n ii.... to keep a HOUSli t)K K.N I rJKr.MXA.KNT Ilia ll i'im i roomy and 'eomiiK-ilioua attached tq t ... It. 4.IT!M1. A.tf nri.it if fill! L r p. "l e" hurU'lf w the moat .1.1-.1 ,IM,N fo. ' r....'.-....;..,. ... .,h .. rail on him. II.Ta Me, Kir and Wtabl"a are iirovidtirtnxtiO't" niiinitr?rl thai the country will alUird, and m aetvama are wim- Jul and proiniil. Feb. 11, 1-SW. 71 tf Cnitlm Bulernbfr kerjia cnntMiiily on hand, a gener fcl al attainment of ; :'. '- s ' " READY MADE CLOTHING, Gefitleinen'a wear, aucb a Cual$, raiitutvift, a in? --r"-: Goods, welt iira.Je and flitinable. He is alao preparej to rut. and m chit lung in Ihemoal fkunnM mddarMv ityte, and warra'uteO to "fit, J mfKW aortmenl ol Cl-Hlia, Ceaaiinerea and Vetinj?a ol the brat Hualitiw.eiilecled bfSiimmiir in the NVw York Market, all of which he will a;ll kW hi Caali. V . K. U. " lltiUntitM ti WeW'lW-trCiiittiig Carineiitai the moet approved plain of tho be'l'ailijrt in Nw Vork and I'hiladclphia. ' ' ' (t2r faittinff hir cmtoniHia Jone on the atioriert no- tH?, toAnUvf tout: Me AyUMSQ AUfiufairM mlkrAtd-.? Ffiath; far Ala Ihl Will be MMU Mr.loaraua Urije hru:k biiildinif. IJE.NJ.. F. f RAlJiY. 8ahbury, May 2, l.4-" , ,'tt Hoatli rlfc'ract. iaaUK HCATII TltACT, eorrtaininjf aii r; J " TH'onifM- Acres iff lntf.irifimrtrbnot i.toile.l,a of lexiH()'toii, UauJHMMo. "0 tiin.ioad Irn'lii'K Iroui . leauujloa l J ,fire are about tHl acre improved, and &()y in V ood and Tlmhttr, " , '' . : ' , , 'luu 'liact 14 bn-ated in ur .. ' "i - " ' i; T imlMataai 4aa"av4n .- , ' j .j i. ..li..!-. .. sMinir. U marm it a an tlrclwrd, and a ((kJ .uoailoiv, J. (ruinJiiiit of iliena adraotavtii, the prucgiecl tur lii.W, la utHiileMIKImnie. one i.r iwo r . tv already been oiieneil, And noilie very tick ore tx- trirti ii from them. . .. -"- : v' 1 . , . . ; 'I'be celebrated Omrad Gtild Mint,U aitualcd a few .' tun.lxiil yapla tamth of tt , and !CMrlitif to the diree- lion oKtlie Vein of. thut Mine, they muat nccetlarily a paa ttirHii;h a part ot tin Tract. - . .s, ' v . . . Any pWiti Hihlime to view the premiaea or. get! nifire miimto dcxctiption, wilt Cull on Ktjjdoit Wmls - -'- ww tbj m- 4,iirtaitr W-wMl -ibe-ii.irxil..iutui.. in .11(111 ; or ally perNu wishing locmitiact for tin Mine, W.M, !l. IIKATH. ." : if 1 j!:l.,.ei.l(jmm'f in .the J'.'Wn of Cmirvrd, wHihl low ittlur bi vcrvice to the I nolle, aa an . Ornamental a. f . . ralsiifr. 4 ri , flaiiaimry, intiiwii '?r'"'";::.,:";:;""i 1urdr j leaving Raleigh " Monday and 1 hurniaya at r HI A. M ,rm stiff in Slburj. next oav at 10 P. M. Jvin Salisbury 'o I uewleya sod r rulnysal V! A. 31., j ferrivinir in Kali-urn uextdavsat WP. M. 1 mid Mzn lie flatter lii.naelf that ln bxiS luenence in ihu above ' . itumne, and the apecniV'ne ofjvnrk he hag executed ill hia lm, will be a an;Bcamt rvVomuieniJatMMi. -t - ' " - . : will l.nr attei)il fu any calKinade on him in the V ' ' ilOU.'C rAINTINQ Wsiness, ' ' ' and i Cvnriiteiil he can gi aniuractibu to all wliv Liay ' tmiplcy Ifiin - y Tiie 1'iib'ic la respectfully requeateirla call and en- v courjjrr hi'ii.af he la determined to eiie all v'ork roniouited In Vjin Ut the beat paible roanber. - - - yr Alias I'a'immg and Trnnminj all kiWiuf Ca. tiai-t, dune with 'noauieaa and despatch. - , , - : J. W. KAIEY i;ortmril, pi. U., March VI, ISPJ. . T PUK iuWriber, m conftirinity to icctnl iiwtructiol leceived Ifom Die IVortU t,arulni bold MinCom kia l pany. lakea Una oietlnal to mtotin thoae niteruaed, that iierealter allw-raoiia liiuml trojiiviin) tijaiti tlte foiluw ' I injj Traeta of IjihI, Mor.tfiiij: to mhi roinpiny, aitua '" 'bvilnim KJiny, will be priWfulrd acCiirJinjj . ... ""iollie atricl letter of tliu lw. ' T. J . -r' ; LANDSi". V Tract, No I eontaiiiieji Hi acrea, lying the hnjr ,;- ' ' . '. - - mile branth. . , . . . -.V .... 1 , 3eoutamiuj UWi. aerca, ly ino ia a. . .; U-raof tin Fl,t Swamp. , , : '- - 3 conlainiinf ;t.SK arren, yiri Ugt, 'a 1. L .. a - . .1 t a n . - . aai u mi aaj aaaan ajijaj y TTTjftn TtiTPT. 4-cootniims J.fl !, lymj, a 'Bt , u-in!aiiiin;f lit,, lyniw on Lick cn-ek um'aHiw l.4'i lymifon Flat Sw.naa ' . H Hitaniiiig lit a i, tym on l.irk crotk ' . " , ' llcoiiuiiiin (51, Iviii! on Li. ik trwk. 'i?.TK'',?!!,',?!!f1 ' .'"''.'it1 ?a t aiai w.'-j, . " lJcilainiiii,', J,U."hI, Iyinf on Lick creek " 'IJ-cottUmin l aaled w four nub liranth and Jacob cre k, a.ljiurii:;j tlm Lead mum. ' DII. I.i; i.M)l l( lilLM.lA, I CSrECTI'LLLY fli'rahta profesniiHialtervleesi tn ii tho eituena of M lii'mry, and the rfiirr.unduij; country. IJia otfr:o i in Mr. Wet's new brkk-builu-tn', nearly ppnoaite J. it W. Murphy's aturo. , ' . ahsbnrr, N. C., Aujn4 H ), ""'). ' if SummcrGcci, 1 1 AVE TuM rrTv',3 fibui Now Yik and lliitud".-!- II plua, ad extensive Minuii rit of SPUING & SUMMER GOODS .roNSlJiTINO or . ' lry ii"i, HirrlwnrrTmwaT(f, 'rnpk.- cry.GROthlUr.S, Drugs iind Me. ' dicinci, llye-fitijIN, Paint ami tll, Hoots and Shoe, . SuiWIcry, AcT, Ax. : I lil abort, their Slock) comrisee almost every article rcdt:d by the r'arnf, Mechanic, or the FahwnuliU$ of the town or Country. ' . N. B. They will aell low for cash, or to punctual ! A...(j.ri Ad llinu t in MyL.nitA Ci.iK.mdru trVu-1 i Ui TAILORiN(BUSlNESS. RF-SPECTFL'LLY .ukea thia metliod to inform bl triemla and cuoltrtnttra io CVmcord arid U vicinity, j that lie Mill eoutiiiuM to tarry on tlte ibov branch ul j i Kumei at hit old stand in Ctnicord, fJouth of the ature ol Mera. J. F. &. C. flitter, where ho will be touna - al all times, naily to V Cut, makrtir Cicmlrf any wiwk in fits line. llibojrepeNence i the Bui new, tfie pairw he w now takinf to receive the tarlint fathumi trwo Philadelphia and New X0- 'nableti him to Kir, that the. work dune at bia Khop, aball be ol the lira woa-jf sABiri owj3 . Dct Workmanship. . n. n. Ho will also tmcli (aa Aent) the much ap. who . ahr. marnjctioo ,n l. tya.e.n ol CuU.ng. s Cmcord, !W. r?J, H.H J new supply of iruld and silver Lever Watches, t plain Kiil'IikIi an Frcnrh, da, W Fob Chm and Ke), rea-t I'm, Finger Rinfa.aiUur Putter Kniven, IVncit, (patent and plain.) Tootu.. Pn k Fob Cham, KHtclca and ... ' 4 ?. er. mams.; Thimble, Steel and (Jill Fob Cliaui and Keyit " -AWo, a very atne ami lar.; aaaiKiiueutot Rnzorf, . pjckciain! pjui.kjhveaby. different Miiiiufietnrura, with other articleHoaually kept by Jewulern.all of which will best-Id rery low forc;ft,or onlysix tnontla credit, al ter which time, iiiTore wilJ be charii.Tj. - ?- Work dmio faithfully and punctually. , , V '''Saliliir: Mutf E t-SKT. r'bz. F11U1T TREES. &C . 'PHESubacnber iiitm the public, that be haa U : M. i... v ... ru.ut,- r... imhu-i xr.iTti-1S: frili;.Tr5eiim.iH Ireee her of rooted layers or cuitmi; ul the same, ot the cur rent yeer'a growth ;) the) are tiierior to euttinpe with-, out raa lo- pfopagste frrnn. His prices shall be the , market price of Ibe article in the North, ami elaew hero, -Ire alfi ha a laree suick of Fruit Treua, consisting of VtfWiV- berns? aclection of the best American nd Eorbpt!an.' ffuiii", all of-which are grafted oj-moculated, audui healthy, growing condition. . ,'" I wi'll deliver Tree in good condition, at any rean able diafance from Li'xington, aay 75 r KM) miles, (if ( snvmni or order will j'wtily rt,)Tnf w hich 1 will thnrue toe usual price ot tiauiliig. it win oe w-it fct wImi wiah to ttiriin Ifees, lo-(yt Uiu-CsUltaua of Uio N4;-(m,kx-biuUili.aild..BJ4.twjlU.grt:j to all applrcaut'i t'e Poatogo being paid,,., Cuuiuiuuica-; lions will be promptly attanded to. . : . . ' ' .-. ' ;Dired to Ltsiugtun, X G ,:""r' i - ..- ' - CHARLES MOCK." - . Ilngton, N. U., Sept. fl, KV, . fim. . "; T-y Cress & Bogcr ' UAVE on hand and offer tur sale the following arti ea.cliidip.lt,rf,iipi.6r on tlitta lo punctual dealer: i ma invisible greeu, blua and black Lluim p HDipees Kentnrkv JrnnyrKKlffii: brown llmnr'stir IU do lfcd-'i'ick1niir 2,tXKSp'uu"CotViir, dlrii'trrW'tcHtofl'1f-fmJV"lb ' r 1.1 keg nail, sawifted ; - - . ": Tf " 4 genumn mouse-hole Auville;' ' ' -' 1 ; - U amitha' lh llow ; I da,CollioiAi.r-l!j AttiJuMJililiJiiBIll!; JLdi. WtwvuiK Reels I'bilaiielplua make; Mnttcb and Mi caubo r'Mull'i 1 boa best cavendiaii Tot-aecot Irt ur itl . UiH Ankef Bolting Cloth, hum tu. 3 to v asaortoieiil of screan wire, 4. " "" . . . -... --AUSI -4 : - - . Suar, Cvffu'i, Molaaaes, French and Champaign Bran dy, Wine of didurcut kind ; Holland G;ii, 4.c , &.c, : July fj, l-ssa . ; ;: ; tf -" " D 0 L T 1 N G " JC L 0 T US. ; I I AVE en hand, and intend keeping supply of the - II beat Anchor Stamp Dolting Cloths, comprii.inj all Uie vanou Nun. ii.oif in tin region ot country. Whew all who wili article cm biiaiip- , plied in uusiilitie to suit purcl. w i a, and on reasonable ' term. - ' -' aisw . ' " . " Wove Wire for Screens, Sifieri, Ac, kepi eoiidtant ly ou hand. ; - HALL & JOHNSON, ; . . , . . rour ur tut vousr. -Fayfttevnio, May l7,lWr":"" -"A--', tf '7!Tr7 i Vl IK aboii TR A6:lQ ItAN "lVadv"ettiea m aitother1' - part t' tin, papi-r. is sttl) c s' . . t ;;-:vV;f o it J- s a i;u... '.-;; v arnlny oort wisiimg to purchase can, iiy paying two or three l.uuilretfdollaradown.navo llit) ctiauce to pay llie Ualai.au on any reasonable tune. ' ' ....: J fij.Tv Jw 5, W tf P ' Paper, Sic. fHHik-aubictibcrt iue.iul..:ceiieil a.latrc. aasortw. nstf bniwn M entnretl VVKAt'l'lM pa)Kt togellior wilh a large unantiiy ot FASI E BOARfl, ; which they ofler al wholesale or reistl. - A B. 4. C. K. WHEEI Ell June ., '.'.; ' - . '' ' 'f (.''ROM :3,00( to 1D0.UXI cl tiie (fcT-AMy at tin OIIut. ' rViieiiilr 20, lSMl . ; .Y' tf. WntrnwU- tor VaV Aw :, 5Wlw ..eN. H-Ik ekXUJfJ -.... - ''"'-'''. :. fs The Urath Tract, f f "f Sr -:-rr-, -'- W IJt- INKXAMPU:!) MAMMOTH I f -1 - - 1 " 1 f 1 HF. ( ?.! ins ilctHiis (if a irK or a l.'t . r if Jit, warrants " tr .! h. itrii'Aii lit t)i-i'ii! iar.i.jj it tt t! unpurullrUxl ill the hi-ty '"' '" rscf. toli.e aimmtil lmv rwvi-r l-fore tinot- f,:red tu Hie public. It i true Hmtp aie mmy bliii'. tiOTMitfiemtmr twnd.thi'V'ttwmt'ly etauaiuitiW rr nclc.A-to" l,i. .i.l .-uitH.r or urn the reuval of t!m ifw.l otit cumi nt rr(i( tsrtf prne " w drawn mm" '. '" wc , yive unitrral aat lieHoii, and e-uecwllv, to- llm'x huiinrtd przf liiili-r$. v ... Ij- To Uurnn d.xis;J to adventurn, we recommend tarty iijiltculwn beinjr made to u for 1'u;lie(t when the I'riU'aare aRaoln, Biinkaonly rt'inam the hrat buyera have the bt chance. Wc therefore emphati callv aai--Diit. rr ! tmt at once r'mtt and Irani- mU t a your order, wlncn anail always rn-cic iunneilialB sttentioik letter to be addrcabcd and ap. pUcalion uindo to ' .T-.. - " ,, il I!odwv, Ntw Yors; Cr, Observe the Xumlxr ldi $700,000!!! ; $500,000.!!! ' - 25000!! 0 Prizes' of . $20,000!! 3 Prizes ot $10,000,!! diraiid Ue.tl r.Ltlc aikJ ISanl Slock LOTTERY t)Y TROPERTY SITUATED IN NEW ORLBANSr Tlte ruhett and mint xMtigtiiJ!cent' Scheme ever ; . prcieitril to the Vuhhe i -This or any other Country. ' . , . - Tickets only $20. j Authorized by an act of the IVjUlative Aeml.ly of Flotilla, and under the direction of the Cmnmiiamn. era acting under the auiiie. - . ' ' ... " To be drawn at Jacksonville, Ilomla, Dec. 1, l'i). r SCHMIDT & HAMILTON,' Managers, SvueaTta Si Co., VM Urondway, New York,' " ''.; :, . , , ' Kile Asjtint. . JV" CQwbiiinlion Humbert !i ' KHMXiO Tickets, fiomv No. 1, upward, m ueceHion. 'I lie OiMNiaot the l'roperty ami theSuick traii-terred in trust to the oimnisaioriur appointed by the said act ol the i egialHore of- Fhtftda, lor .ti,s.4erfy W lbay-N--Y A -liberal dtfdiHilMMT.iui iWt-rav c . - '. , pnfchaA; lo sil again. frize-ho; -4l Pier-TW Arcade, SJ feetj a inches, 4 line?, oft Magauue streel; 101 teei, 11 uichta ml ' Graviuralreet Rented at about jiinlOli . ''' , ; - Pf- TT! .ua M'"ta n " . 'W,UUU I I'riite v,ht u.iei, io it un iiumoa sir. - l-Wth rrirr -r Rented at .IKitJtaruwt st60ltf Wt 1 1'rizo Dwelling I lout,(,i)joiuiiig Hie Ar- , - " . -j cad,) Na Iti, 21 tt. 7 in. fron, ? '"t ' onlheNaUhitatr. Reuledatv ' . i valued at .' . V'O.OtK) 1 Triad Ditto, (adjoining the Arcade,) No-X-. - H, Zi II trout on Natchei str. Rented at-i;i0tr"'-vhred-t- .ftOtH 1 rrisc Ditto, adjoining the Arcane,) INo. r ...... . ... ZA jj. (roii jfrfufof i Kf.- A ?Z:. . Ji''H l,W?JTiiJei ?t-r2tf,tX)3 1 1'rize Duuv-N". f-i, rorttHHi corner of ' - Y"7" ' . v . . itasiii aad CiMiuiit-huustf tr.4U . ' . i-pj. (t mton Uiam,iMf4Uit.,oir?'- ' h. V ';' i'raukiintn ey W7 It. deep in - f ' . " . '-'1 ', Ciwtoin-lHMiim air."Reuled at ' V ' ' " ' :- : fleVmraluedat . 20,000 t IVize Ditto, iNo. 21, tSotiili-wcst .corner of . , " " T. .1 ,'.. """'n tm "m"""! itimwitr.; oi" '- : . t "7TT."'Z 11.1'in.eii tl ibi'u.'3-i li. 5 in. on 7?ZT''T . . -y .' , .: iani."iJ.l.lfc aotii.ueeu ill . 3 front ot L'ualomlioue sireet t - Routed "t 100 valued al ,; '20,000 I friar- -Ditto, ft M It. 8 in. ou Royal . V, . sir. by lil It. II iu. deep' . Ruined at W 1.0(10 -valued at 15,000, 25.000 1 rrize 250iwreCul Ikiuk block s 100 - eich, ' ' ' .' ' ' l--" atttl dttto,Cmmercial ti., f 11X1 each -I l.'jOuitto,ileclidiiic' A. Irtder' 100 , !iO,tKH each. 15,000 I"',' ItKl diUu, diU-.liiO aulv . 4u,m4 T-itwrmna. diHo.-yn)o cadi. 'jq.wq I4!.ao duio. JuAix.Rjiik..lUOi,ieh.ri. 5,mnr 4--fitrttcliiuj,iiiiio,-i10eachf 5,tilit 1 " r V ditto, Ua Light Bank, 10U each, 2,;'jOO I " ! tlitto, ditto, ilaiu, lt0 each, j . a,00t I . l!o ditto, ditto, eilUi. $100 each, 2j(aj 1 u 15 dillo, Jaechamc's ii Traders', itl00 -' . ach,-"---'- -r---'l,ntJ(T 1 " 1 ) ilitto, ditto, ditto, 100 each. M " eaflli lit stoarw Louisutua tilale B-ink,. t100rach, t.h Frlxu atl,0iM). 20,000 10 JUJ- 150" eachtliiresof 100 vacli, each Prize , If .liU, ot lha In Llglit Bink, each 1 aliaru of L.I, o. the Bank of Louisiana, .-.--- - ,- - , each 1 aiiars of ijlOO, ol' lii New Or leans Ualik, - each 1 share of 10fl, of the Union Jiiuk of tluiiU; ' r- 2,000 Vl0,000 20,000 KJ0W flOO'Priies. 4 ' ' TitLfts ypiO ' I' ' 11(1,500,000 :.a Sh.ir. ... '' T'.e whole of the Tickets, with their Cumber, a alw tlasie containing the l'riaes, will bs't aamined and ealed by Ihe Coinunioiiera a. nnted under Uhj Act, preview to tlieii being put into the wheels. One whtfcl will contain the whole id Ihe number, the other will contain Si Hixokkd Pains, and lbs lust (UK) Num burathat stvill be drawn out, will be entitle lo such Phizk aa Toav ho 'drawn i.t it. ni,.lu.M. . n ,v...c...... nats holder of such Prize will have such ImsperivT th,",e ,0,,B ,tt ?tel.-:-,-Maitfiorrei to them iiiiuiuduU'ly afUr-the Diawiuir, ! ''- l ie Life Medicine tu.iyal aimwi0eri, aad wiaoal any JtJuclum I . iune I,- ' - -ni- To tlio"Ptil)iic: . ' aiaaBBsaMaM ' pilF. Suls-cnbor take this method of inforrtiing the I s uJu,,!'ct ' m.l coul inues.ii) carry Millie bu-j silless ol flTTfG-sfoK aaumial,at In Uranue ti'isry, aVCti mile South of V.ll.l.nr. ...... ,K. .1.1 d I. ..1... . sblo to supply all orders ti.r MILL-S ,'ONr.S uf thpf "S",nl tta,er w ,l,e H'0- 'rtipieul xciting cause ot bwl grit, and 00 Ilia siwrUM o-Hice. - - .-r t this discsae; and one of its great pocnUrities is iissu. j, .i un ui o n union roan, wiiers lie i - r-- iuH,-'- ' for Site, at iheJjwfctJrice. VVV.ltVVIUA 4HXIR SILLS, rw 'tO.T STTTS, ROUGH BL'ILDIXG R(X'Kf.TOMBSroNES, GOLD GRINDERS, 4c. &d &rf ' . . " 1- IKK. USllOUSER.Stunc-Cutter. ' Salisbury, Oct. Siih, IsS'J. . 1 . - if. ; N..B Orili r fir any of tlio bove wroiiotii irt cles, dieected W me al Saii.'.ury, wUI be Punctual! at- AlKleilto. - ... , J jj .j .'-.WaultA- ' .... , 1 vr?.00 Head of Sheep, I1 JJ '"b Pf,c",e dl be tven. HoTru" ,!Lbnry, nit, t, lv,o. ... tf tuiTU-s vo-ktmii i: un: i-ilus and t 1 .'.iv i.i i' i'l ;(S The ui,itfr(.'i''i"l"" in liii h the ci-iobruti irsrlii I.!, la -Us-: ii iiiriK ! im,!itniH..t ty H"; Hiit;; ili-iiiuml l..r turm m every Jininiiuil to 1 1 . i r r- is hoc le tro..i iKH-(ly ifMtdy c.n.ud.m..e t y ; r IM m.-iiMi rf txi.Mi.iivu uoJ im'tnnaUlu mnotia bil!ltcU:.l ll.jw-criituri-,ttian from inli-reit-etl connit;ra'toi., that tho I'p.pn.'toi ot'tlxf; r.M'iiil- ... : i i ,!.. ,f li.ii'mn r them .....Htiv before tl' public cyo. (,;Ul,!lJll atl,t hjttie ni jfiiirnl.'o tlwtoui m-.hm ...ii te .,.iievu ruiii g eronh or U' dfjrrwui auuw ITrvane rjc tittproven in goie-nrr mui... , .. ... . of'fculll'riiiS from diaea- ran they be tnken HI vain. . i ... .1 lm..lili Ii in no eUbA Fhe I'mprieior haa never known or oeen.mio. IU, u .... imrtiitte in wlncn tliey have failed.tu do Rood. In tho uioel obtmate case of chrome uioenfie. aucu aa curuint Jy.a-p-ia, torpid liver, rheumatism, asthma, nervous and' bilious head-ache, coetiveness, pile, general debili ty, acrofulou awwilinca and ulcer, scurvy, salt rheum and all other chronic sffectioiw of Ibe organs and luein braiies, they eri'.-cl cure with a rapidity and permanen cy which tew H'roii would theoretically believe, but to which thousand have wtfifiuf from happy cxpen coca." In colda and c.Migrus which, if neglected, super indue the moat futal diaeaae ot the luntfs. and indeed ; the viatera in general, tiieae medicine, if taken but for three or four day never foil. Taken U oiglit, they an oromota the inaenaible pcrapiratioii, and so relieve the i all-in of febrile act am and feculent obstructions, r - " . . . ., r... . I . m the muriiiiiL' : andlTioii'h "OieTiftl'rt syniptorn trr rT cold should partially retaru during the day, trie repeli- . .. . - - . - .1 . i lion ol a auitable done at tiie next hour ol bed-time will . almost invariably irlect permanent relief, without fur- iher aid.- .Their effect upim feversof a more acute and , eioient kind is not lea sure and apeedj if takea in pro portionable quantity ; and person retiring to bed with inflammatory symptom of the ont ulumiin kind, will ; awake with the gratifying conaciouaneiaiiliaUUe liei.ee.' enemy has been overthrown, and can eaaily be subdued, -fn the same way, visceral lurgeacuce, though long es- ' tiihlisbed. and yiaceral inttainmation, however critical, willyieldthe former to small and the latter, Jo large , doaesof the JJfe VilU) and so aluo hysterical aflec- , TjonTyT6&uTi(TrloW very, many other varieties id the Neurotical class of diseww!s,yit'lil to the efficacy of the Phmtx Uitlert. Full direction ' lor the use of there medicines, and showing their dn-'1 ttnetive applicability to different complaint, accomiw nv thein; and they can be pbtainedHwh'jleale and retail, t at a75 Broadway,'Vvbere numerous certificates: of their unparalleled' suecea are always open lo inspection. . For additional pnrticularsot the above inedieiii'M, e .Motfat'a " Oooo Samaritan," a cpy of which arcom- p-mies the medicine: a copy can lo bo obtained of nea oi . t he different. Agent wbo.have the medicine fur Frencli. Ueruian, and pa'iih direclioh' can UineiJ no applicutiun at the ntlice, U73 Rroadwaiy. AH post paid letters wtfl receive immediate attention. Trepured and sold by William B.,Mo!litt, Uroail.;, uiauc ta.Uuae. .u!io , Agtni The Life Medicine may aIo be had of the principal oriiifi;isia iu every town iiirougiiuiit me uni- y Im1 Mate aiet the Canada.- Ask for MofritV Life -I'UU and l'beiiix Ritiers ; and be sure that a fac simile WJohn MouaX'lfgiisture Is Upvm meiabeTof ea'Cutiot-" Ue of bitters, or ts of 1'ilk . , . .''EVER AND AtJt!li-TO MY FR1EN1W IN 'I'll!.' u l'.;T ... I ... ...I... i, , 4ted-Uis47i''.VM!;'i&A VER AM) AULli. ; . It is but a very siiort time since these Modiciric have , been introduced into tiie Fever sud Ague District, and ' the proprietor fjatiera liioiw-if that during that period, ' wrjurt vir they have been used according to the duec- tiou, they have done more towaru exteriiiiiiatiug the - vlHiesajervttaitall - etlKT roiiiedHo atW pfeaertptf tfia-cutn- ' umeu.. it u a common excuse among " regular nrac- ttstouera, when specthet sre Hitrodttced, that they con rare ilifiwfeiefjhpe aioering mcnrauie. uivuicui eapcrience is cuminuaiiy -doing away a part of the list of the incurable diseases, and Mr. Alollttt tiaa the happinuas uf cuHlnJeiiuy n ituuftcuig that'vrr end Ai'ne ni now to be a.'uY j to . the uhiuuer of CQuiplamt wiiiclj luoderii. sktii.hag eaO cjuereu.y5 -v ;;-:-. ' .-.-, " , ,- lu Fetter and Ague the Life MtJiciure not only give juicker relief than an; other remedy, but, jf pesevefe( ; i , . -. -" jr-. v.. . .... ' rMWffrtiTit.--ttirroMim mwtty-trj ttitmedir- cine upon ihtr tirsl symptom ol, tendency lo a new at- ; mck, it may alwayabo Wardodorl; To escape one chill in, siiocl a. iitrmiuiSMi. cure,- ao llial-il llio piUiotit I would be of iiirldileiy more comtcutieuce to llio suiter- er than the valuctif the remedy -to remove lhedi:se permauenlly wuulu) cooler a -benefit upon uitn which caiinut be etimte by auy earthly standard. Thai these Medicines will epecl 'what is here claimed tbr lUeln, the FroprieUM ha Hie testimony of all acnuttiut r ed with llieiii and iheiapplicaiion and use in the Fe- : ci ami aju"! wi" ma iu now suureasing nis 1 oo piiis.iu-tiimiiitaliiig lUoir expewnciv anil- dis- ,S"'!.4i uijiijj p.i.1iylui( IMfWIUrtlMHIslllHI liH Ux scuju lof'tVverstwl -A jn Ims tmwt. K-ro... . It is' not I'or.lhe liYure 'puiTkaAi" hundred packages of tiie Lite Meoiemes, that the pro prietor make tin appeal. - The Hemaud tur hi iiwii-. . cinea is already greater than he can conveniently sup- ' ply; and even were it iusutiicienl allied him blui nevTiaBuru"TAfc'eirc"'lTi'iisc his pleasure wa not ga-ater at Ilia bvnelil conferred -upi Hie wlferutg part o ine community by aa mcrtasii in his sales, Ilia ii al his own pecuniary prylit .; The Lite Medicines, if properly u.ieii au(( peracvered in, reciNiimend thCiuselves ; still it u uocessey thai Ilia po'jlic should kDuwtli4lsuchiiieuicmceAit,nd hence the propriety ot adretttsmg-TJiem. ; it la hopt'il, thue- lore, tliat the proprietor will noi be accused ot egotism wlien he say that tl.ere I no medicine or iimkJoo! rtal mentuikiiiLfor li-veraud aiiue, saoir..iiiii.te. ilHirraieh . and pusiUve m IU bopuy cilccts as Mofful'g Lift Fitu oar runu oweri. - For further particulars of the above niwlirino me Moflal's Good tAsAaiTA, a copy of which accompa nies the medicine. A cops m . also be obtained ol ii.a diUereiit Agents ho have tiie medieine lor sale, . v UCT French, German ami ftpauish diret tmu can be obtained ou application at the otiice, 3to liroadwar. ' (jZT All put paid letter will receive iuimeoiate - atleiition. . , - - . , i, - . .. . , . . ; --Sold wholesale and rcbiil by WILLIAM B. MOP.' ' FAT, 37.5 Uroadwarv N. Y. A liberal deduction made also be hail nf I ha princip.il druggists in every town tluwii'liout the Cniud aiidPlmmx Hitler; and bj sure that a lac sumle-of' Jiihtt Mj4s7Stiuatire "upiu Ike; Wtsf ijl t?cJi ttiie t bitters, or bui of bills. . . - . , . -7" ' V - -i lEVER AND AGUE' POSITIVELY CURED-M- Fever and Ague is a urner obstinate di-easn. ami in WMman4 huuiid clMBU trpiemlTeisV every nr.' dmary mode of cqre,'so aa to become very dislrenam d til ,.. , T ,-A,rviiie tieaimy 'ifri I III u mease mice, it oliea give riaa liHiilisr chronic com- -plaitils. ilarsh miasuista, or Ihe i tfluna sriainr fnsn ceptioiuiy m renewal from sr-rr n-ht ransna Lm fwui-JJiC-prejadiAW oui.uiejrejJtiyon .of.JJia original. aucuiii cuv..in ... this. Fever and Ague dulera Imin mostolher levers; aa il is well known, that alter an ordinary fever has once occurred, and been reimived, the persou aflected ia not - iaiile W fresh attack as one who was not soalhti. " ed. The circiiUiUnci-s render it 'exiicmejy dilhcult lo effeci a prrmuntnt rure of Frver and Ague, Ihouah to rri'ievs u.u patient f die timu beiiiT t a "ry eas J)?J!KTL AND PHEN1.Y BIT. I Litis hv DiM-n llnj;hl Uvul, and nmved i tu. riiir? radical eurr of Fever and Aeue. 11,,, diedsof hn lellow-cititeng j tie v,.,r have'voluuta. ' rtly comefiH-watd lo assure Mr. ..Mofflu thai Uie Lfg ' AiVirW are the only ni.tlteine tint will Morm.'s etrectaromovilol tlm 1,11 uiJmu and Ji-rcoibie UiscaC - , - . . 1 1 !ier- iv'io Ii ive einn'MO-il i , , Hiii; ii.ifiion ut' our emiiiirv oirii ,vi, ' ' rr,"tw Iiuim", tin I uiiili.ii ut of VMiimiiir a coiutii.t,..'.' , iiikiiriancn el .l or whuraiMt-U lo u ( "!'e of our ttteiiient the men atititc or i,,,,.,,,' ''!l,i"'t ro'ore won 'in liic CIOWm:l eiln. .....I ' ' if iMrtnsrtMivw pilhet-Temrrrn . .hi uiw " 'i tl... . -1 --'-'"-Vttf. ,c"IWit.i. lionii am! dc'ireMioil mm ila, r (.B -,,,., ' , homu, dragSina "Ut a wear lite : i l.., ." 1,1 der some diaeaae U, wind, ihey are predu-mwd terror of the W ffi-t, the Ft r ami Aftug ' 'i'l ? ri'lK,.Vl-,l'..b,'-!l'''ien 1,1 OoraJobicoioe a .esert, a.,,1 the word, ,?M: tar, js broken to th.. Iioim. the Tothwiii.l.vnloa!, Mr. Mutlat WniiM m. ' ur iiKBJt sanguine, txpeclalioiu, lor li.ey will reiu i'"" store Jtrn to beattl," . . 7 cuu'l) nv fever anil A'tie i a complaint which reimiri..' . " met at it flirt spjroaeh, uud comliaited si ever i Seldom fatal of itelt, it reduce the strrnctb liairs the functions of the oreaijH, ki tiiat uiKlft J j1 """ fbatation of disease, Nature la unable, u.rmitned' t sil the inroad.. The Life Medicines, w hen taken i ?t' Iv aceordiiitr In ilireclinit. wi!l weak and trembling viitnu of diaeaae.new hualiL , and at leng' ii. ) ". . ?TX?H . Fo r full particular of the mode of I mm. ; render is fcb terred to the Good Si,asit . . ' '-. which accnm)nies the medicine. !,..!.. a . ' ""Py it. l.iiowt i. thi itin..r..i,l I u ,l, k '. ' "" A n. ... . . ' ' forsalo. . French, Gerinsn, and Spaninh direrttons tan be 'v innW mi nni)li.i.f i.,u itl It... o-T i, . , Al, . . .,,-,, ..... . ... ,. 9wy. , . .,11. ,i4'L ivu. iikii:WM,4 imnqwil f ' post paid lelUrr will receive, immediate ali.m i " r""" rM w Ml ,l-co loimeuuiij ni:.. Sold wliolemile and retail by William R Moflat r Broedwty. N. Y. A liberal deduction mads to tC'tl who purcltare to sell again. . - - . . , i4irpn-.Thc Life Medicines may also be lj principal Drtipgials in every tuwu thrmmbout l,e i'l led States and the Canada. Ak for Motfat'a 1 pj and I'benm Hitter ; and be wire 'that a fac aiinil,!- John MnfntV sigiisture is iip..n the lubel of each ' of JJittei,orU.iof I'ils. ; - .. . , , f - eS The aboTC Wedicines inay be huri r Mef srs,. Crcua 6t-JQogerr iu this Towa, nuu sic xigvutai iut iiiv same. .Salisbury, At. C, July 2(1. 18.K). ' "f ' i ' . OF " .J . I Tiny iuvuniaicTs, j'f iit; Ri.pfKi.icAm" bn been published in WaJil,,. ton. North Carolina, for aix iihuiiIhl and mill k i 1 ,r - 7 ! vmnt. ued ruloug as siillieient pairoimgc is received io difni. ,he ex,wl1f,- onhltcalitm. It has now oplrirf :' m htmilred aubsenbenr, aorl it in bi.lieved (hat if tm friends t whom tin Pronpeclu irsent will imht hw tie enertion, tiie number piny be doubled. For li . port of our paper, we are compelled u, rely aliint Z ,i . .itij uj.ni urn .il.lftr IH1III M, a 1116 Oil rhli-l p-ilronage- i almost wtelusively ii the baixli t S ifeiJjyw.wardi our presi thebrtw , hostility. 7, : " -. y . .. ' ' -'..; J'J.- j, . It is important that a Remibliesn nm u iw!iMd.attbAs pUoav -Jt- i. peeuliarty rnmoma .ue i.fn.i i-irij 01 uiis congressional JUIistrict -: This town is about the centre of the District- Th. portance of the presa may safely be inferred friar, ih amligmt.Bjid..liiuttatiw,- from the Whigs foMturt:irt to es'abliahlt. It It im portant to the whole Republican party of NoriGr lina, thnt this pre should be sustained. Tlcre m other Republican paper published in a circuit of miles and il we except the Tarboro' Press,' then i nor within 75 mllea. Tlwre is no Republican r published in the Newbem Diatne.i. W . n,. ,; . i 4tetfied3m-thst4rtTrcr.1b . reauy ree.mt in fikUnding our circulation, lod ilwy will help na stilt farther. ' ' - fW-tfitat pber1nmeatr4lte:V3;, a warm advocate of the old JefTertionisn dortnw m ert forth in the Virginia and Kentucky Resolute nf IW. It it Ihe uvkpming foe of mmttpolt. U ?, " no half-way opposition, but war to the knife au Via) ' kiiiie to tlm hilu." ' We will not compromise oa u. point :,.in((T sis msy be compromised, tmt priripl never. In the contest now going on between tl it rrmnr.y pvwir and oouuU LLmim u anil u c.ii a.''. hciciihuiq a ztniioii. h nn un hoiis 'OTortl.e7Tgu1sonhr irmk end the riria gf Urn. and ; A'rofe, as not less Corrupt heretolure a rloim. and wrf h,,i. an eflii-ient Sitvn. wdTa'ilvocale fret '' oppose tlut anion wl ' cor runt inff than the iiiiii of CAurcA and State. It supports the preaent Adoiin- .., sou win continue io do so aa long the ernment is administered on sound Republican tai f State-Rtghta doctnnca, ' ; v . r i "eiarmil and irreligious matter will be carefailr excluded from the columne ot The Republican." . ' A... l' ...LI: i i .. . . - iper " puuiunee in ine mtdat or consttnt r aaidewjwi 1 rn fttet WgirtflfuVoaf wCiy'ti.! t,''"; tr!'?!M,E i Uoiiirrpof aiiiiuiii. . , v. . v. ( Ve do riot exnncl a nrofit of one Jitu L rml the support cf Ihe pre, .. , . . . ' . - GEOIIGE HOUSTON. Sen. ' . '; ivlitor en tJJVrirje tof . .--- - I -t Soots, Ci Shoe 'pTenmffmRiD: fmfsuii I.JVIII Uiill - 1 y . 'vi.ii inrorni the public, that they still carry oa r - the Tmnning Hnnntt, srid fn connection si'N it, the BOOT and sill OK MAKI.VC .1 it...., I'.a Van!.;' Vlll'l .a on the 2nd llare, lrt ot .the Conrt-Hoeae; wla-re-they have on Ik. .d a tpmnlily of excellent Sole-LtiUirr and Skirting, Harnes, Bridle, and Upper Uathcr.Cm criiiif Leather tiir Coach-uiakeiv, and Horse t'ollar. Alen a large supply nf PtlOfS, of first sud sishI qtialitv; GBiitleinen'is LaduV, and Chilitren't S1IOK.1, of a superior uualiis 1 and a I .-trim ul.rf-ti ftl'f.dr.a S'w. of a suiierior qualny. . - , VA. U'A Ikk.x, ..m.... 1 tt . 1 . L. . j,,,, ,llru ,lnn ra, workmen, wa-tnwiw bes'Uation in warranting our work to re a well me i any In the.Stntc. whlcii wa will nolllow for fast or on time to punctual deolofv,." ; , ' Order from a diaianco-oonetiiull atiemted tu. v - iJAIrtf. ifirct rete tTr of W TrVtt. and a V second nrided.-,o for sale,-. ' V, BIUHVN St CHAMBntlS.' V niiwrtlTDS iiliiijc oiiiiineiv , - v II, L C. I1AVINU r.!iviyfa new supply of GROCL'UI!. 1 1 lakes ph-nsiiro irr'iying to- hi trK-mia aisl Mi I'l'ehig !;'fM-!"'l? yf'f ""ij' 'r"1,,''l Tel mil Collee, Cl'p 'a' . Sogur ami Moep and (,'iiiiiHi! 4. : Orange. al fisji, ' " , Lemium,. IIeill(, . ", lUwekerelr r '"SiriliTii'rt, f . .Air liUhUIIUVi. '1 ...... Lime, Juice,. ' AlbanyV Ale, , : A Imiitnfs;" smXVaiAcw - r: Newark t'nlor, . IJ-iimiu Sj run, -- ' ' Winra aiul Liquors - of the htst quu.Utifs,antl of the latest riimirfj'K""-.. M.l.l.... f ....w' -. 3Lflat,s Pills anil Hitln;N fpllR IIFB GIVING PfLLS AND PilfF.N - RI ITERS, so c-h biited, and so mut a 'T the alllicied m every rvirt nf ihe-coiintry, w - r- ct'ived and Sir sals by ihe Siib-eriherx. -. Mes-ira .FpRiMia 1. Siiawi.h in t'mc ,nl. N. C 1"' all Aiieula lor Ihe k.1,1 I 1 t J b rer 01 li I V it L c K Ol b tl h 0 a b k 1! h b J. i Wou advertiTinuiit. Awil It'oV" , V t , 31 -

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