THE POWERS NOT DELEGATED TO THE UNITED STATES UY. IHX corJSTITUTiow ...... , " ' ' - : ; 'Z " ' r' E .- -- JjiAiujuiu i.o.iwiTi.iie!,, mn rtomarrro bttt TO.THl nvmrm ftfcstwvED to the si trn BBsrecfivKtv, os to thb i-eople. Amendment fu tie Conttituriom, Article X. - IV AUSTIN ;&a F. FISHER, Editor and Proprif fort. .... i SALISBURY, N. C., DECEMBER 0, 1839. NO. XXV. OF VOL. XX. (Whole 4. 1013.) 'V. I.) - .'., llA si- " i.if -1 lU Cf I,.J.; : ltrt. " ; fnj 1 'i d ; r . UH lie V HIT eu-; i ill wa- i in- !W , ii M i E- w a Mai itha " I Ul iU. i tlv ls S frft . ioa si ' tiiiioa dona- ' it) G n aori i . . - . i x'-e US'. Of. IS"') ryo I inilf' Van).: !! rllin'f ' ,Cm in iJ Hf w 'HlfM Of Ri'.' , trnrl r cik j llllff-, CYf ' TERMS OP CAROLINIAN. The" Western Carolinian i published every FBI pit, at. Two Dollars per annum if paid in advance, or Two Dollars and Fifty Cent if not paid before the e pintion of three months. No pair will be discontinued until all arrearages are patili unless at the discretion of the Editor.; and a .failure, to notify the Editors of a wish to. discontinue at the end of a year, will be considered sat oewen- gagemenUi ' ' -. Advertisements will bo conspicuously and correctly inserted, at one dollar per square fin- the first insertion, afMl Owem.iui ii ijii,iuuaiii.c wuii nu umi:ra the above iiricea, ices. A deduction ol 'Ml per eent from fiM will be made to yearly advertiser. ilia reeufar prices will be made to yearly Advertisement aent in for publication, must have the number o( timea marked on tlwm, or they will be iuser-. (inl till forbid, and chargvl for accordingly." - Lotlera adilrfHucd to the Editors on buameaa must be fim paid, bf they will Hot be attonded to. , MISCELLANEOUS WHO'S THE LAD V 1 All jvas bustle and confusion among the fashion, ebht of quietloti town in ono of tlm-Weitteffr tier of counties of. our State, on the day preceding the evening for a Select Rail. The ladiet became grent e!nlrifin, and were on ft for hour to- filler, whiUi liustiauili) and mthera were at home waning, in aliil auspenae, lor their return with the shop kwpeia' bill. Thealiop-keeper -were luore polite than usiml, inasmuch aa gauze, lace, and rihanda were the only articles in demand, and were bought without tho irritatinquery, "can't von uke less 1" and not a milliner Could complain at night of a want of c.Uiitoni and a full puree.- hvLiiinj advanced-. and -the butlo BeaiiK just I'roui the band-box might be'feen with iJjjll'I'-bM'j and gourage in the other, lap, ping at the door of the wealthy, and tipping and towing aa if made ol vibratory materiui, With an ill", and more brass in Iheir face than either.' One of these mushroom gentry who hud the fu colty of talking nonsense, hud traptivatcolbo char hi tog Vlcbiuible Clarissa Adelina Bacon, third daugh ter of the wealthy Captain Jacobja Bacon, of the wlleo - j" bare-loot,'1 whor whh remnrkahkrvalor, affected a bloodta (not a mudless) retreat through l swamp two miles wide with the enemy in expec tation at their heels. At the appointed hour and according to promise, this sprig of the btaLtMrde alluded to, pulled the bell at the door of (he redoubt- servant, who, among the rest was preparing for the IwlL.Mfi in (Mr-U-hmt-bth and tucker." irmilff a no I bwmA hwitjfth tbtrstama fojfcmub iu:"Tt. Hgkl deceived his already dt-tecttve vtaiou, (defec tive, for it ta sometimes said that love, like wiue, Hikes men see double, especially il they run against t lump post) and be mistook the servant for his .Mclnulile. Dolling bis hat, and describing with his My all the (inures of Euclid, such a circles, Kjuures, and triangles, he at last wwiplelod his W a la' mod:, anil lisped" IbeTdclthaf he1nid'"1he Atlmmbly aW. - - - " I am eneaited sir" said tho kitchen belle, Engnged;" exclaimed the youth, chopfallon, Mith Bacon engaged 1" . H0a I it's Mis Bacon you wish to see then," .lie I the girl. Why yeth am Iistakeafaulh thedevill Iwwing and talking to a thorvaut girl I Wuerth rem- mtttrnrw T jHVaHtinteciHifc rotted jrirt; I wtff caH ner."7 ---- -r -ReartePWOTWtrjW might be, of whom we have been chatting 7 W ell. listen and I will tell thee. Didst ever thou near oi William K , once a verv wealthy shipping merchant ol New York, who through multiplied 11 w.M e ukd rpt consequently, fusiuon, and for many years dwelt ot acurely in a country village wiiii the only remnant of a once large family, a charming daughter., . Hi is was the very child. At the ageot ten alie became an orphan, but not friendless. The gen tlemanly character ot her father, even in poverty, h d won the esteem of all,, and this last survivor of his accumulated misfortunes found a home and a friend with a country genilernaiiiT" She grew up lo womanhood beautiful and accomplished, aud be loved by all the fatniiya a sister and a chile. I!jt death crjuntid her adopt ad mother as his, and her prospects changed. The woman who supplied her place a few month afterwards was her ami H. nd Aminda K , stepped forth into the side world dependent upon physical strength alone lor subsistence, hut the uood wishes ol her opted fumilv went with her, and a situation in the lamily of Capt. Bacon was secured lo her, at winch place the reader wilt recollect he or she iwind ber. Hut I will resume my story. At an early hour the ball room was filled with a truly brilliant assembliiae. There were red cheek -prriinmi6pTte3 n UrtghJ. eyes a abundauce jqm? spatKltng vim intelligence others with joyous excitement, ann iamg the rougher wx mmiy with wino. Mirth (ml hilarity bore regal sway, until a discovery was made- discovoy, considered by that Assembly pial importanceto Herechell IjUrmr observe tines. 'The dance was suspended, not withstand' fciwlw vtill mtwed Imtat ii, and a wbipr ran throuch the crowd. Thc nurse proud vinegar- Isom!, Mrs. Z , had the honor of making the ii-everya discovery in which was involved the JlUVL y ttscuuLIU. Jrtu.. Jtothing4n ilia lb lamentable fact, that Amanda K , the a raant crrl of Captr Bacon, had Impertinently in truded herself into the companyof her betters, d actually danced two cotillions with them be fore the degraded truth was known. " Did you ever see such impudence?" aays one. What a biumn thing I" said another. " Why see how she's dressed P said a third. "Such a character!" whispertd a fourth. ! 1 bey say but never tnind now !" - " A pot slewer in ear company J the wench ! chimed in Mr. Z with that tlcganct oi expres sion which faarorfr-nid her, and .turning up her advised the ladies to leave the room and no ""2r be insulted with her presence. This ad tee wa assented t6 by the intelligent company, M the poor, but infinitely superior girl was left l';me--j-.jij4,e4f eoofuaed, and almost overcome 'ih' emotion. e mho invited her thither was the son of her adopted father, who united with in telligence a graceful and gentlemanly deportment and the command of extensive poenossiooa in one of the most fertile portion of our Slate, lie was alisent when the revolution in the ball room took placfl4.bttt returned just a it was evacuated by'tliS liiilies. Astonished at the change, and perceiving Amanda standing with her face su'Rised with blush es, he hastily inquired the cause. A friend drew him axido, and communicated the facts as I have penned them, the young man was enraged and with an emphasis adequate to his iust erciiioneoi. i,,., f,.; .,,u Ji r'.W'r,n orlh. ho scorn v.r. iub, wviiuse ii is cnupieu wnn povenv I , y j "Ten thousand dollars," answered his friend. -f Ten lhousand doVaril oh. Well, Amanda is worth that sum and (he haughty fool in the bar 7gniii. ;Ten thousand dollars! and that forsooth, balanced against virtuous respectability. : Uere, Aininda, my girl," said he, taking her by the hand and. bowing respectfully to the gontlemch present, let us leave this place where haughty pride, pampered and fed with crumbs of wealth, cxerehies an influence superior iojliejittaiet of good sense, when virtue is endangered." So saying, they loft the place and returned homo. The very next morning after the ball, Amanda K , the poor, the slighted, the abused girl, wbo was denied the boon of mixing in socio, ty because ahe wore the russet mantle of poverty, received from the hands of the indignant young man, an instrument of writing, accusing' to her, possessions to the full and undivided amount often thousand dollars. This gift, and the motive which prompted it, were soon made known to tha haugh. yMr , ana eJBvyniore rankling and pain lul than disdain, supplied the place of the latter. Nor was the cup of bitterness yet full. Wh,H Ihe solicitude of a mother, slie had laid snare to entrap tho young man in question, as a husband for L ...... f 1 I . I II ner own cnHrmin? prey-eyeo naugnier, ina lonmy finagriiolf'niaK thYt she had caught him in' her meshes.. Hut alas! - how-soorr do -tTre-rnost 'ttweritig-Ttprfctatioos"'fa1tT Iroin high stations, bre two month had elapsed, . the bumble. Amanda became the wife of '-wealthy Edgar N -. -- the - Tiiuo trolled on in 'its silent course, bearing upon iij tide sweet flowers and beaming sunshine, and every ingredient of happiness fur tTia, yuthfurpair7 end those v. ho lurrrod tlioir backs upon Capt. Ba - cortYwrvant girl, became the courtiers, the fawn ing sychnphants of Mrs. N , who in her new station, jvai i no more amiable, no more jvorthy of ei'.oein, no more beloved by tlie truly good. -I wenty eummer nave since scatlefed their bio che$of the frost of aim are gathering upon the temples of her fond, liusbahd Yet love, pure and "holy, still wanna the doinestio circle wherein the altar pftroe benevolence is reared. ; The good "things of life are poured into her lap io Abundance, while she distributes, with a prodigal hand their Jilcssings among the children of cheerless poverty lnd it mare truly Mid," that her thitdrea rise -r.: 'I-::-Xr, i.: , What an instruciiveTnoral may be cleaned from incident of this kind incidents which occur al most daily in the great mas of society. The sim ple tale 1 have told is not the fjllagree work of fan cy, wrought up from the tinsel material of fiction, but baaed upon facLAlaw oft tip. are such (acta exhibited to our view", to theg Tea discredit of in lerterr-wttrt .mojraijrartjh fceraature,' are often rorcevtto tow before the gilded snrme or i-rnrntnoiij" .iiose oiara "rcum;!! ouiu ui "aimd tlie mouldorlng ruins of Genius, and whose sacrificial rites consist in the utter prostration and destruction of all that i great and noble in nature, all that is bright and lovely in humanity. . THE OLD CHURCH AT QULXCr, MASS. The 200th anniversary- oflhe gathering of this Church was eelchjated a few days since, and appears to have bctrtn occasion of great interoat, though, as Ui U on the Sabbath, few ceremonies were ob ' served. A discourse was delivered by Ihe Rev. Mr. - Luui, Jr., pastor of tbe Society, a hymn furnished by the lion. J- Q. Adams, one of the members, ecc. The exercises were, in fact, on the simple plan of those observed one century before, when the Rev. John Hancock, father of the illustrioj patriot of the Revolution, was the sole pastor of tins venera ble church. This gentleman's ministry lasted from 1720 to 1745. Tbe present senior incumbent, Mr. Whitney, has occupied his situation about fortj tfur. " - , Many circumstances correspond to give interest - to this commemoration. Mount Wallaston, as Quincy was first called, was settled a early as 1620, five years only after Plymouth, and five be fore Boston; and it la supposed lo have been1 the first permantnt settlement in the Massachusetts .TCjiljnj -JJRKat. flames . Iqft.are.coQPceJed with this. "humble" insTitutionr" we areoltf by W Boston 1Rfifii.lH Ihat Anionglhev'y-haptiMnaJ recoils of Ihe century, now riosea, is wnuen ine name oi " John, son of John Adams," " . . a name which has been since deeper written in the history of our nation and in the hearts of men. v The chdrcb count him among her sons hii father waited at her lable ; and he .was at bis death Jter oldesl member.V Ka.'ely was lie 8 service of the Sabbath, and he now lies beneath the stone Temple which his munificence endowed. and which but lately has riseu, a connecting link for hours up jh hill-side, watching th$ flying, -bet wrav the Tenturicsirhich tiave-gone and the 1urTcTouda' UiaTcohie over " the soft blue sky, like a (tire. I nscribed on the same records, and from the pen of the eamo postbr, is the oume of u Jofn llan; rnrk- ma MOli " Again, it Sppears that from this ancient church, in July, 1767, John Quincy Adams received the mirn ol Lantism. and on the list of her communi- ' .,.i hm iioms is enrolled., Thus hath (hi little Sneinv. founded in feebleness, nurtured in i bo- om two of the Presidents of this Union, and the PreainW of that clorious body which issued the '. Declaration of American Independence. To these names may be added that of Quincy also, hardly less distinguished. T hdmund, the progenitor oi sii that race, wa one of. the earliest members and founder ot thi church. :. TlKwe of our readers familiar with the accus tomed observances of our Now England brethren e thoaa occasion will be prepared, to. hear tnat the psalms-were sung from the Collection published I at Cambridge in 1040, by Messrs. Weld and Flint, minister of Roxbury, and Manlier, of Dorches. ler the first book printed in America, and used by the early church. The psalms at the close of the afternoon service was after the ancient manner, line by line, alternately read and sung by the minis, ler and choir. ' - ' ' The following is tlie hymn written for the occa sion by too Hon-John Q. Adams: T II E' HOUR GLASS. . , Alas! how swift the moments flv V " Sea roe here, yet gone already by; mo uuiurii ui m sung.. See childliood, youth, and manhood past, And age with furrowed brow i Time wasTune shall bedrain Jli glass But where in .Time is note!, Time is tlie measure but of change : IS o present hour is found, ) Tbe past, tha future, fill tbe range Of Tune's unceasing rouudT . Where then is now I In realms above, ' ' With Uod'a atoning Lamb, - In regions of eternal love Where stta enthroned I AM. '-' Then, Pi'grim, let thy joy nd tears On Time no longer lean t But henceforth all thy hope and fear From earth's affections wean, " To God let votive accenta rise; , ' With troth; with virtue live A f -fr So all the bliss tliat time denies, . Eternity shall givo. , We observe that the second centennial celebra tion of the town of Quincy occurs in May next. It was common in the first settlements for the Church to be-gathered before the civil system was matured. " EDUCATION. The calling of a teacher should become the first in respectability. In it the mol able men should I s'pen'd Bieir iMVwth-sldb educated ac-1 cording to their capacity, and advanced steadily Jn V ii uiu usciui hcioiiccs. jvewarus in commenaaiion, standing, and privilege, should be held forth ; but I penalties invariably and effectually tpfticted for do- JJinqueoc ViwJbe. teacUer.houltLhaie supreoMjiu- tnortty over hi a puprt so far as salutary correction is required. 1 he idle, the mirthful, the thought less, and wilful, will, whenever this is not the case. disturb the order of the school, double Ihe labor, and disappoint the best intentions of Ihe teacher.- T . . t I i , ti' . . . um pupu oe ciassinea ana nave lasns accoruing .tojhoir. ciipacity i.and make lbem, without one aol- itary cxception. perform them. Let them'. be ad vanced intellectually, the judgment (tretigthened, dened as little si possible. "A judicious instructor or the languago (and without these we cannot know our owe language, will throw no unnecessary bur then upon the memory. - . . V ) v . .. la this way, one half the time that la spent in academic and college' might give us an almost liberally -educated population.. Our language would receive nerve and vigor, beauty and aIomuco, In- .46ad JuatOv4nMi 4Jturwh are toeuceeed ( and civil and political liberty, in such a population, would, through s fertile soil, strike their roots in to solid earth. Such a system as this, would make us one of the first scientific nations in the world. Out of ibe millions thus thoroughly educated, there would arise stars of the first magnitude." We "are DOW lAiii-hfwl ttf. nnd - rAf-jir(4irl fanhiRtiriil in zTneTias within its pages more solid materia for in formation and. the Uutied SlafesxiJVq;iiakWbedeclaratin fear-t less.ol contradiction Iromojon -of judgement: and literary taste, snd for the rest we care not straw. Let the wise think of these things. There can be no change titl vou make the calling of teacher as J respectable as that of any other calling, however elevated. Give him this authority snd superinduce "thTs sysTem." And this will do it-M and What a change!1 Botton Incrttigator. - J6iti tht Rural Repo$ilory. AUTUMN. "The melancholy day are come, the saddest of tlie year j :.).. - - Of iailing winds, and nakoa woods, snd meadows brown and sere." . Oh how swiftly time passes away I and how each succeeding year of life seem lo depart on a fleeter pinion, a our hearts become impressed with s better sense of its exceeding value. But a little while ago and it was summer ; the earth wore her green velvet mantle with grace ; the birds warbled 'beir melodies iu the draperied trees, and the rills and rivers danced joyfully on iheir sunny course. And now, it is autumn ! Already has the earth donned her robe of russet, the skies assumed t deejier, colder blue, and the mournfully sighing wind tell of the lust coming winter. , 1 he leave like the dying dolphin, put on Ihe varying colors which, precede oecay, and Jhen .lie dried and are bent and broken by the blast, and their wan, discolored petal strew the garden -walkv How sadly now does Ihe thought come o er u that the bright and Ihe boautilul must thus ever fadeaway. Ws con do more wsnder forth to inhale the per fumed breath of the dewy morning, when every flower-Cup holds its flirts, and every apear of grau is sparkling, with a diamond i we can no ffttonger stroll in the quiet be Ids and shady lanes, hearing no sound, but Ihe bum of insects, the song of birds, and the music of watera; or sit musing shade of sorrow o'er the face of laughing child hood,"and as quickly pas away alas! how unlike tbose leaden masses that now spread their broad folds o'er the azure beavon, like tho grief of ago, to end in settled gloom snd tears. Bui a few more summers tow few, none can tell and we too shall sleep the wintry sleep ; and may we go to our resting place like tho flowers, with the perfume of virtue around us, rejoicing in the hope, that as will again open 'heir itala to the sunshine, so shall re awake in the light of our heavenly rather s smiles. ,. Bleeding at the noae, if it be ever so violent and protracted, may be permanently stopped by the individual using some sailed beef, which has been grated fine with a grater, io the same wsy he would use snufH Two ot -three. piucUu- ar-aid to be sufficient to stop any fit of bleeding. t , LAUGH, LADY, LAUGH. " ONO. , Iligh, lady, lnuVh; Thore's no avail in wreping ; Grief waa bever made To be in beauty's keeping ; , Tears are of a stream Where pleasure lies decaying , Smiles like ravt of light, O'er sunny waters playing. ' . Laugh, lady, laugh. -Sieg, kdrtg There is a charm in singing, When melody it spells ' Upon the air is flinging) Sweet sounds have often won t. , More than the fairest faces ; - And harps have always been , The plaything of the graces. ; . . Sing, lady, sing. . Luve, lady, love ) - i Tliore' always joy in loving ;. But sigh not when you find Tht man is fond of roving; rnr wnen ine summer oco rTafcc wmTtlfro' beauty' bowers, lie know not which to choose -Among so many flowers. Love, lady, love. 1 STANZA& , SV WILLI A si IEOOBTT. ' , It yon bright stars, which gem the night, Be each a blissful dwelling sphero, Where kindred spirit re-unite, Whom death hath torn asunder here; - How iweet it were at one to die, t , And leave tin blighted orb aftr, ' Mixt soul and soul to cleave the sky, .... And soar away from star to star. But oh, how dark, bow drear snd lone, Would seem tbe brightest world oi bliss, - "if We ftil to find the loved oi this: 11 .there aanwra tlo Uh shall-twin, ; 1 hat death' cold band alone could sever ; And then Uiese star tn mockery shine, . More hateful ai Lhey shine forever. - iTelinnot be, each bops, each fear, ' N That light the eye or clouds the brow, Proclaims there is happier sphere, . " XTban this bleak world that holds us now, There is a voico which snrww hears, : When hoavTest weigh lie' galling chain, Ti heaven that whisper dry Uiy tears, Tbe pure.. in Jiesycja jhalianeeL gain. .. . ; fVom the JjyiihtMphj "''mJwmpA'r THE COUNTER. i oung men, whose duty it- ia to attend io stores and offioes, should endeavor 10 sludy ease and ur banity, both of manner and speech, if they would cultivate Ihe goutt opinion and secure the patron age of ihe public. Avoid abrupt speech J tid short 'answers in which. there may be uo harm, but it ia lit manner of giving lham lliat ciuot tbe oilenc, . and ivef rise toill-ualurod retorU had feelings. and finally terminates in pecuniary loss. A cross, sour look, coupled with a rough speech, will drive more from the counter lhan -the ill reputation of your goods, leaving an unannable impression, which will always stand in the way of your future good. . --:-v"i, ; Lnderstanding human nature, and the character that man, if he j:an so subject his spirit, who, for Mhia,o penaont n oiMmoeoours wnnms paironsr; iino, i( f fitwrntij Mtrm'hi"h doing us iiJivof by giving u bis patronage, we would sooner strengthen lhan weaken the impression, so long a he is not overbearing and impertinent. A jrreat ' many think that their patronage is not lo be light ed : and when thev find thai we court it. thev. out of elf-esteem, ' wllf be pTcaaod IS' continue" it. Au-T oilier jxirtion, among winch are tne. ladies,, are, bought and actually bound by a fair speech and kind looks ; and the article which they purchase, however good it proves, will not outlast the favor able impression made by tho kind attention and gentle behaviour of tbe young man lit the cen ter, -r -"v4-': J': .R. D." ' Age'of Early Riwrj. The following ( a alngue of above twenty early- risers. Their cat- age ' has been mentioned, when it was known. The av erage age, as far aa ascertained, is about 70. ' : Franklin wa an early riser. ' Ho died at Ihe age of 84 years. - - - .-- - President Cbauncy of Harvard College, made it ' his constant practice to rise at 4 o'clock. He died at 81. . - - y; . : .. ,r v Fuseli, the painter, rose with or before the sun. He died at 81. . : . , ,. ' , . .i 'Wesley rose aUhree or fiur o'clock, and" alept but six hour. He.died at 88.' 7 , ' ' , Buflbn, lha celebrated naturalist, says he was in-1 gcicaj!i.uieji!iuLioi eaiij riauigiui uuniaauiuwi: edge, and thecompoitionofel his works.:Jle atwlied iurteea htmtii day 'f jiAsi. aiMWCTgr. " Frederick the Great rose at three or fouro'clock. Samuel Bard, M. D. of Hyito Park, lose at day. light in summer, and an hour before in winter, say about 5. Died at 70. : 7. .. Dr. Prlcitly was anesrly riser. He died af 71. Parkhmt roe at & in the summer and 6 in tlie winter. Hied st 74- ,. . . Bishop Jewell rose al four o'clock. - Bishop Burnett commenced rising at four while , atxollegeandxuftlioucA. ilut pt acltee. Uirough, . long life. Died at 72. . Sir JWatthew Hale rossat 4or6 .J),eii., ' " " DrAdam roVf at o, and for a part ol the year, at 4. Died at 7.- ... - I'aley, though naturally indolent, began early to rise at 6, and continued tbe practice through life. Died at 03. ' Bishop Horn was sn early riser Died aT 62. Walter Scott was an early riser. Died at 52. Brougham ia saidjo rise at 4 j he is now about Stanislaus I. of Poland, always retired at 0, and . rose al three. Died at 89. Alfred the Great, it is believed, rote at four. Died at 62. ) Sir Thomas Moore, in his Utopia, represent the Utopians as attending public lectures every mcrn ins before daybreak. He himself rose' at four- 4U wss bohoadod at the age of bb. Library of Health. rS-JL1'. :. afj In Ihe St. Limiis, (Wo.) pebee rpoti M iv 2!th lt., wj jjMjjluilolWirig rHuamtc ur) of Mexiciiu f uik1 houst-l, and lc-p ia tbe sireeu at night : , . ' ' ; AntMiw Retariar, a 'Mexican, had Wj ia lU srnty of Urn a. i and at the storming if Sn Junm d'l'Hoa. He had bw;o an Uherf of jmnm cawiie. rablo imortanc(t, but U ing sM.ptclei U irmmm by tlie government, was thrown who prinuu, Ur bo suffered the most excruciamg lortwres, lis, ing g.H gliinpw through the lo.,,, Ivol' in the tr of Ue- g.iwrouf's dughwrTiiffiforgMMii.V maiden, of alssit aixtren, be eureerded io todrnr her to furnish him with pea, ink sod paper. Be, ing an excellent scholar, he wrote ao cnovang atal pathetic an acfount of bis suile rings, and the m&. miration he had for the fair girl, that be tn melted in pity . She w as induced to vmm law ssr bis soliUrj -ll. Ho protevted sod caaAe Imw t her ia thq old Spanish Usliiuo, and after mmek esv treaty, she was persuaded lo conceal a large ejus, lily of jewels about, ber person lo bribe Uae srtiti ncl upon her kver's prison door, etid fir atnli. him beyond the UaMt of her father' Their mules failed thela, as Ihey sserw js as tbe i point of ensuring their escape, aud they I exas hunt, tamn4iel and prrrahtng. Here tbry were rvlieved by tbe litlay of aa Aamra emigrant, who nursed lbea4-a (artbfuny astd tenderly, until she died lb victias f a violrsjl fever, which she had citrcted duriag'ber ymt. ney. The poor Bexariar, dwtracied wnh grt oubt only to die. He Ml the cab of l sw lector, and took bis lonely way ibrougb the ariUrf. noss, unknowing and tnrahigr whilber be steal' He was beset by a bund of brans-a, and yearly murdered. For everal daya be by e the gnmd wiihout subsistence of snv kiod. except tbe waVrs of a hille brook.-to' wliose Lai k rn.W. The seemed to possess some nirdtcuJ firopHiy, for they healed hia wound and re)trwited ha at Galveston; where be embarked ar finraaaa boardvlhe Cubawaarer.kM asaal tkems Hftr by a wave unconscious and apeareatly desi. IW fortune was not yet done tormeating boaw tie re covered, and waa Uken to .New Orlraas a steamboat. ilertr he"imipjwrI"!iIUii''J -arrived at St. Louia without friends, or snourt, sW ciiiireiy i(iiunini oi our manners ana lanma II .... ft A . J . . ... 1 no was onea e-i , lor sieepmg a toe steewl. ; A Fact in cxmfirmntio ef Pkrei&iff.TR have seen it stntd in some hrenulogKJ jtetk. (perhaps, M r, txHiibe ,) that tbe organ of tKHisness is generally mors) targel oVrlopfsI j-r ---- 7 -f offer that clearly establishes the pbrtwologicaJ can- Y. C "T " elusion.' - .-- ..(1., . ." ; .-..,,,.,... ber of Heaven last best gifis.lo man," m4 wit, scarcely an exception, they have notaul ftl p l the present, but hav wi tfct-ff sssta m aaia the future for l He Recorder. Tbia fact Ijean mt " piirenutogy triumphantly ia' asnfiuD . sruuai a head a superior organ of cneK,tW miess,. to say noiuing ui oenevoience ( and a ctimcttng. too Ke. corder, we alwaya dti a lovely esautua as ikt-r name uro iroic our pen, lor it linfering, baont the seeaeat ant Cofwas&M (Oaie) Reorder. LJlieJLiiMrkAjAdieajusit the people are sovereign, and tbey are lb daa-b ters-of tlie-ppof le,----: ; r.-T-r - -'- 1111111 - j - ITJl3i "W. "Papa, says one tat lis boys to tbe deacon, M I had a fuony dreass last night." '.-. ... , Well, Tommy, what wa roar fissarf dreasaT' M Why dreamed that the devd eoa lata ravr '! torr. : .- .... " . " Yes Pa, the devil, thai be found voa atrawtti ' a glass of gia for poor Arobo- James wbo Was fiti and whq broke a little baby's arm the tW day, : because shs cried when he came borne drank. Ad I thousht tlie devil came up to the counter and hud. the end of hi long tail on the chair, and lea wo1 over towards tbe barrel where you wrrastoorwngte " dmwirbut, snd sskrdif youaasn'tadracoa. Aod I thought, you didut took up, but said voa wa. aol then be grinned and shook his tail like a cat that ' haa a mouse, and soys be to me "That rre' tbe deacon for me! "and ran out of the bup UuW ing so loud that I put my fingers ia my cars aud woke up, - .-. .' . This dream was more than tbe fattier could staadi it put an end tn hi d!usion and to hi trade ia ar- dnnt spirits. Of course tbe pig had ttot euurt 'j eaten up his conscience. Striped Pig? , - ; Here are beautiful sentences from the ta f Coteridg. Nothing caa be more tloourajt- aota- . jmore . uite, VfwttfCkildrrn CM not that snstr srretrir d, whiiv whatever vdse he SuflVrs a Id paiaitSic- ted.-leewire demed, has a rhrtd f ir whrtm be lopes and on whom be doats. roverty tnay grta4 Imsb to the dust, obscurity may cast it darkest ssaotk ' over bim, the song of the gay may be far frma Iw owa d welling, his face may be ankaosAi to bis as-rgw. bora, and his voice may be tmbeeded by tboauag . irimni iib BsriisBviin naia ssay rsca liar and aleep may fWf-ooi kia pillow j but gem, with which Tie would not part for r be kaa a fying computation, for lame filling a snsrkf for the luxury ot ha highest- IwIiIm or k tww sweetest sleep that ever sat upoa a caoruTa eye. uprv Rrtdy A pwUogue in BerksLire wot " . long since euquired of a boy, " what part W aswerii i tk 7 and A Ihe knight of the red atteapte lo illustrate by again asking, " What wacdd ya y if a man suimmJ yon violently by tbe arte Jr . -Why, I should tell him to let sne alone, darua- tioa quick P ) ' , Preventive of Jcmlow.K beautiful Toon " lady having called out an ugly gentlomaa lo daace with her, he wss satooished at the exwlracssaaaiasi. and believing that she waa ia love w.lii Vim, n t . very pressing manner desired lo know why sbe had selected bim from Ihe rest ol tbe commav. Because, sir," replied the lady, my boabaod commanded ma to aelact sura IflMMll HfM M 4ssMr4lMaf MM ' sistw w s 1 sii uivi sasav lor jeaJousy. f . not give him causa V: ,.A. ii - - r" :rjr.-f.-T?e -, v.' ..T-'-ii vi. Ml-,