1 JL. fi F, N B R A !. 1 N T K 1. 1 I f N C I. , - -. : - tit wUni'4 r-f:isr-'f' i BMJ "I "-. . , Jli.Ti il.lt ri't'MM" 'i i.'.; ', i(,f Vi-, 'M 'it'"-;'' I !;':!" t It bV!rv!l, t!iat ' The tnwn'iif A iMi'n, lb! i.cw i ..( of (;'.' H1 iaij '! Ci.-:-?i r" -! t. n J, will ment, advance wtih gr"--.t ri''i'r. I if I ', f- !' v t-iyt !;i U o t-i miw 'j -ml- howfpf,ditiirU thn'itw.ttM"'-! m 1 '!.'? ?r: .iM - ft H.'y-i '.l fiundl -M.iiu-; nimim of various depredation Hid outng' s cum-: ft ! I .' p a:w,ini 10 soumi MWftWld 4y lliefH Mfr H!tl t' 'iVa-aV-- " -" J I &hfcMJ- -- Captain Rum, a Teturo '.Ticer, .! ba4 I! is"ir' j faw. Vtwa .Nhi" R.ver despatched to the frontier' to net ajsinst ti j ."! Orf Jyami. tVs t r.-rv-t of Iron 6-r t ges, ha gne ovrr to the I'el-rl party m !fiic hl.C'S .. mi & r-..!.'y rirwied mm In conjunction with general t 'ana Irs, he li! tJuVajt'ir wWn ' utr1-;-vnat m 'I'lthiy from the force of the Government tltet.. it kSf I! - At wwf Tjrrf i 1 other nun- . Mier without resistance, although it wwr gar nttr4 ' , inVjt luwt ant jet been mai, but it , bf 300 men. It in rumonxl that try .tiediUbid , mi b-W. itiat ( l;ie tnni ir iareprible tn attack upon Tainjiico am! Maianttirva. ' ' iWim in df Sru ;if u.ltj eukialion- '. :t Gahxml'oman my it fnjHrt4 ! V Himmetm temmwm. iom-t Kviira bad pntwd fiver ffca bmiwttiry l;.n'-5 ' ' " mid joiiirj (ho Feilf-rulitti.; it wa Mid timt h ( Hm. r:k I5Vrf TW hi.' tu piwt afawin o bia march to MonfldKB, in direct enitrvd!ri! ion ; ww'ti! tfi tr-rtwr-.tiiaB of.bia brdiY. Tlie Odlw-totiian aailtt- j cv, ttis ! i mfonf aottcr on Kie Dant at t!)ia abanddiimf lit of duty byVl aa Trtas j rrwu itrirt ;nst -iuri toe hml f prone . rflicraaiid bttptt the Goverimer.t (JC tlie KrpuW h." "JUe.tfaisaJ S wMa ariutra berit lie odot atrrrnz mf-iir, to d'U Vbir::ii Mtiertttiv' iSirl y wlk ,aiairjj wiy," and ' imilatiiig ilaroijf ail eari.j)kv , iipf ' (rciiu lU Kf5sSi,'flMi, jwj;' . annujl hara . !JJ Wt!?!l I'iaUJiia jpjjaa:oLaa.iit,(if at Vi ro. Iittr 1 d . r. -.low Lia Ytt 6a rha '"""ten'fmnmiTfnl wn1i thirirjmitminttrfiW'--ia airitert!nrar aatftif awtasrmi waoMatwrn- , ernmant how tlien, Mr. EIit aaJ V 4ae ifcH iv s irw iaaiiiatrtntr.-.' Miaao. little (IwTCtTirairTT.T ullMrEaWe-C71 IwlAijwajri, cf Noetrulitr 19. In mirfJca of PariM(ra to tbr. l.'nii t.f Or- ttler, juat' received, wa fiiHf an vtpnniiM aa" ibr fnliry f tha Cruiah Gwerotneiit rrgardific Hue v Turkili q'fvtion, uikw the erticaile a!)rtir of which, dcpi'iida the jmce of Ivw;. it ie xtraa tern a tiotoMilrr'HedJUiilA -Aidtriao fa rt by Lnrd W-auvale, the Bntnrti Ambaviadtir 1 Viroita. '1'hia nobleman, latfly Sir Fadwtck Ijlinh, ia :li brotl.cr of lljo rrtxmrr,. Ird Mcl-I Tiourne." Tha folkming la tl c.Miiimmrti'mj-'' H t declare, in the tianie 'if my Court, that tVta rr potved lii ma'iHfiilirttielu'trgri'y atil'idr'p?3wf f th-f Otiarrmii Kroptre uudrr the rti;imig "fly nee- ty, and, at imce?wry cwaK-qneiice of thtaWJa- ration, Ltiviaml-aviU not art-It to derive any dih btge fromihe preawit atate of HtHiga, eiUwr ttyin taiuinjt ftny '.acquisition o territory; or any trive iiiduew'e. My iJovertmr-nt cmifidcnrtf t- p-cta that tli i ai dcclaraliim will be adofrfed by the ihrr (Sburla tH 13urope, her friend and a '!", have already ori t his ocrtaion given proof fif .the wiadom and dif ihterrgtedneea ef their vir. rd w. uora.iHUiuieM(. bi I lii aKd XfnJ Totical Majealir; In fbiSin ia dit8 tba 1iuV id tbrt Bimilar aworaneei, it ta aaid, have, beon ivt by the Cxirta f France aod, Austria, and a lorjuaJ ciimniunicnlifKi ff th'-m iaa trn maiie) to. the ' M, ronttHa, iih! receuiiy arniuiiiied rrenrit Aiav ir . at - , .t aa l tmamdor to Ilia Porta, aa at Maraeillea m the lthb.vy lUtnf mmn faapaataaaaatt Tlie tTimaw ef the f kti)hBr, ready to embark for tiierHidirfta. acrrcK - if Ke b the bewrW f th erMa, le fw .maM owejawii ta Jaasiail;Viid abai bxw uf of hit GouernsiteinV Mh'Hnmed All will pevitaM Hade eia peeaaad ia fieaaa IVeanir; W thnH pninta '' be compelled to abate fii preteneiona and a-bver le iueeaiaiUi ! X-thujjXea be awre --- ' mo the-tiultarr'a fleet. - Hewrlkrrtrever, trirrarwt irripam&ftaajiiitpbt, aueva. af better tbaa -a)f to have aaidT 4bat ,il aucJ.ea-aNayi Jm..h2 4Mr',aiial a laU aot -taww&iet iaa pawi ea upon him, be would nrdft Ibrata'm Pacha, tiia vavl prriei rWraTraiivaitiV;aiay bcon vroulu Immeiliewiy be met bt a K.na arm) nt . .' intrrvwittun, t-r tbe protoclian of tlie-Jsuitaa ud -. Ka Capitals .Tb U tefer Vefit hi . w ailf lie Vtr.oad . by tlie othiA tKJW-r if Europe, atid by thn jjbt rtf tbiaettemljwtfigmtiit, he venuid withdrew, la L J . J . ..... ...... . I pnrie tna own jmliry. ; . - '-r- j "I he view a hich tiorernnr Caa take ri rhe Turco-Ei?yiimn tjitesiioflare embodied in birt , aince. Ilia lute x r)nl viit to the theatre M theae eveots, givca great weight to hi remark . Ihiay: ... . . .. "j iM,thinrhet1 AG nrnr be waitinir tl.a fiicor eonauhdaUon uf lii poer, and the bual artttttne,- nf the qnuationa Ivtwoen htm and hit aondtuj -r4 rriew but attual riw,the Hjltm. Htre-n - tory near AaVprto (at Nib) and tbo death nf U "Mirn-fi-reJrf fe-trt;-arrfe- 3irn Hie great ooj"CT m aiw afnmi'rm, rna a n.iatt- meat of an iu'lepcmkmt and hereditary joicranufmi tn nn lami.y. " A I'tai MlneiU a et.t'ed in tte ft. Ltdis . Republtrau, on, the autborit of a geHtlman, a gaad kilt ii buaj Ual " Y ",u,,ul" "rm 'r twio ore nave recent ry ieti !; 0Ter' i of jfwititrT, ab-iut five mile ia u'; eiteiit, lying i ()iga rrver, Miawmri, andtiivi-lrti 9. ' y the line Iwl weeu t!) cajrtre oi Cole aod Md- Ivr. Two Inrgt vein have h-edy been nl "iZZ. -- V'hich yield, UjKQ aq jvnragtit ab iut muida , ( aunernl pi-r (lay, and aeveral othra ate ojtmi;j " g -vhich vie!J ah-ot 1,000 pouod. - The imperleta "!: if'lhe rinerl alrenjy made, )rove rt taf t ".' ""'totdtnart rirbney. A quantity taken b'rfi , "flecii-in from t'i8 hap yu-'lded eighty-five piv ent. ol pure leal. I ho vcina are moated abw 'Se mile frona tha 0age river, and mhmn fif-t ' - inilea nbuvh ta mouth, from which fi'-ere the lite mineral can easily be brought to mark. . STATS LAXD3. ' . It u well known, bnwat of our rea.ler. tfwt I r.f '1? .,.1 U ..I ...J -k a n n - "00 of aefea of the ttate Laod. Jiaoer th r:tlJ f the Rdard of the Literary Frmd. Aa ibe rrt - 'ibi nm fr-wrt the-fa!eaf theae frniV.-vrelrl r devrrted M ITiriiaa'f rg C(lii0.ilt io. a o f-rLttsli any informa'ion 00 the uljc, will be itarticular- tu iu (c Hi wpj'. . mw a-inwa. as'fia( ia.: oe ine average t4enure, theretore, that wa lay b"tre our rea4er wami jjaiS! ai -fc aftuv ti term being ' she fullowing facta, which have foea p 4.ly far. . f.,aw is yvcF, aval cawt-jt enfy thw number of " tihedt,by on whose fituatioa affiria l..ji ti nfmiiCrl Jursiarf aei.itt ir thta corp must '7pwrlrnntT-vf wpeakmii ci)ii'idi'tii!y;vA , '. rjTIi alw.airrl.il Slr twlwiirVstf fiiwiiart "" i lie landiT placeo umtcr llift Control of tW I.ii irarv Kuard, aliieiU' in b ai "k State, and afe Wtly Swamp Lands watcti m n.ifj be DCceaaary to drain, tMfore ibey c. W wrought iiitjiilnvinn, Wlien dratad, Wa-ea. hejr ew wiTrtclv e!eva;e - i w ia the wvtteat aeawi. 1 iter a;w lftA S-UV -fOdaereain Hyde tt4-Trrr,w-hic1-f'tJ' '-ujSiiiiitnii the "oVhya inv drained by toe am e two c.tnak, Ti nw.df tlie baYid"i"aLM4 r'leevperrWof ju. from Pungi Lake, to Pangn ri ver t tb kev, frv riyavamlf J It Uavev jratfw frvna the -At'IgatoT Lake, to Punro ri-cr. The firat if chiiilerjucgahW, tWtmwiad atuliara a 0) mile long, and will be oocthird fxiiatxl - vmit. yft m-vinM BJivt .'anuary. . Tbe aewwd i ttout fl miW lang, hot little prorew hac iti made on it. The eft 'Tae aiaa rar af tirae, anauM be rarenty of conntructi" these ctna'a will be, bv cuO'rKi. er ihntv wra "tt Gfr Strveoa, io hia . Itlimn 900,000. , -'.. .Vwr$tirttB-ar na fcfat tare the law to 'To recluttw bete tjtiil fa immediate rwhk'rit'wwwmimfvrT'v!itbat bard mar-'. , t.ftn, it will bo ncccwary to cat caosUat eomirvM lev j a-r-ej mnit aal ffnimat m n-rlrr! qimtilt ''satattcc, tributary ts !e main cnK evd.thi t.ra, K-t c-'',-nr'y km.mrnmut eniichievous," 'aU wel !h- at of draining to tfiO.fWhl wr, .mlia a rvwn: ' We hit ttfm the prtnt ahopa, ' er f 150,000 for the 0,000 aeres. , a car-w vtrr a?rrjrv ef G-tirge S;eveo' . - A part of Ihia tract i heavily timbered wi:a trn .-rV, wt rfn-Mrrf gemit-maa ga . ' Cypres, Poplar and other growth cot? to ike Ug 1 iW mt m jrf racgevi akektton oi a .. rich f tramp lnrda..jh the watcnwjCT-n 1 - W laas tt feav. 1. -.T f r ' '2-i;er jir"porin of it cnait f prgine f d," Ke art ty ar awaaa Lae4 P? tjh'me the . V...... ..-'' ' '(, ,;- (-g i3i Hi-.d, r.l h Iwn, aJ Waiaonmri,, ka rseeivt a Jatpe ttim n-m tixrwrsi." OUh but frw jr mtfwtwc Tea, is e tbe atJtrttnjr point f ac'tTt iv tiif Wast "TB tTpwr Mww-p (a m Jwr'aSwr sfawt fy ef rft tr en(ti;ftnri irrrrj- wn'wtiRa ejewi Mi c a'ut urturr U'pfi, ami lt Ti lr"fa-firai "Hi ''-aaieUmjt .'' er wa van r K ir n.ui)iini, an CoHwnfti ill h V.t4. anil h&i n"a lb A??frijjLtli5 TiiipiJyakliie haaSmf ef lh VTtra world. Oin V'irf limit " 5"r. T&tf' "toe" wlwtitutioa " Kurt ij enw a j necfmo til the eouiv 2a:ia'a4'iirwfttBiw of the tiU aeeavm taawVecftnra fatf.aml a6dlyt aoatained l.y yhmt wm aMl i afcieiraatuMUitW. Jt I"" tt-m t,fii-ukzt M ; aa l w fceaa niea r ' Jaf y"'v",,i. '" ajwitmna oi ie4 cnati yeywiaa teJl'wa aecewwrf w order;;. mttoi Tu antbjia &a beea taken. f Irr awe aw tar nJUwe ewyr aef av,by tliw Nr fLk liraruc. H rSrltalvna .ial t,ianer -i j kmmi mier aaenrA mfvntvig; the annhenetoit. w nui wniwtf fc-y TtoMttyKr'Trr.Byortf l. T'je arfttweja neftn ttnH diaenntinue rle or ftHB wsfiiiurlRi4,r'1rf er- retiry, waa'uw l aa M mawaTW i ia no bmtrer 1 j . u v laaaai tiaraanaaiaail. atnvaai atawy Waa ever ,Kr i if-.rT: - j ..rit riiaj a.eri2 daJy.briB!fiiofn ) twrty rty nMMif a'ttfttr irt Cbb belly a -doultt, thaJ ai ciuiiiai aa the State amok, of a, lHr1i Jirne anew-'iafif voerie aynMfnt.' . New Ttrk, at ftauaiav rrtatet wuant rf awai'aa atV fcmJt rhw eouthweet f tW a4y (Haifaf3ii TWt ft awes awewtaoV -a.' rt.-M-tiir'inictiaai amay-rh wnwixnt-xtw. Xe "Vawlt; Sx CMa enwvena wwtld! have been rlei 4 wi a-ndl ifotau.-ul eare4 at home- I'ie aairoiaiia f maw t tbne etwlr, ami the Souib m 4rataai(i..t mp.f- iW dwaawwl ae th rHv , HelfAMnrr rrjt. . - ' - "- - - aaaWN? 5jar- A Xnrtk Caienstanvnova Uving . JSn. KowavH. b.i writer a. aerie of botiHliih, (. (...) tWrWlaVaVa)a(ai TjjB3a ; - It w ew rciast fifv fa an mnr. wlw i 4. n; vtifl n Vut) Cithukl. t g- we4 fa rhe pur m tihtffrwsxg ; cuwbrtMta kt ennnot dV ilw Ii" ke Jiaa ta3' h e prirfwbry ( tnd it h ear AnMtJ jet faaaethiMir ty E"ia' went.' but Vtua tt wrB w-.I,re))r nrroing Tiiia; n taior bvu: Vnvra of ail kinJa tlian therw if eari' aj-me-jt wv"! rV reuti perhapa of aiwie frm Jw.--d! ar.ta. TVvw are more tawyvrs, d-ar. ara.' Wat warvrn tl find! t' mean cf aitnaawt wa maa anne; ; aO t tVw are alio mna " jwits' .. tttWif wut.1'! t- eaiat m the w a'-t I rc-e. A 9a Lrmtaii. it aiav be made artoie aa Tmi t f a tvmtrsiVt make at at Caeaatna. ftar am a weU- aVasiwr 4t doing v a the wa at fa epna r, enm wWt jmw " USiajr? airbf in i at as Lttbr ,it will any We W T if frvirB-a koaaetf aheie tie 1 at Woe. ami fewrs what neceiaMty ia -tiet aoa a.'ail! Let every turn pnnder up. 09 iWcjtv Serine &otrinatu:: t irsake a a-xtitwf iuiaiaaaMttoutw; . , t t- .- - ' ,W ' "" - -.LMTTIXS AXO FARSES. "T"jV't!WijIi3aa rtre aJuat ban a i aluram and eiurwellora mat4l ar brwar at tr arnrof the Aine 'aee ip )ftf m! jrar mrt ; h"ai f Py y branch , tit jii iinut'.ty msji tf f 1 tr "z wr Hie aeulili,' ji g4 ; tit'Wr.iam.l1 enfoywetifa ttrrirft. Tie anwi haebythi ef anciety T efr Bn'feion. 5 fcirvvJt'r if Strr mi tort tw-r af five ; and wui ! -a, raraj.;- aa fan a amf, k tt to A.. i i f wr.e-r an tr,itra'-iu tisr la Uwc bel ait4aaenrix1airV.tfttIiieMmdH4wyeiN Mjj:X f'liV.i.'-O ' fiw thoa croft.linj to tl.' ,,.!.. ..film law, fi -r l'i.n hii'J f..rtuin i"fv r it. 0MyJ;i.iM-itt the fit.iity' whirh.. iiiijit-la iIk-hi. . r.vn the cro.il nvtiit in oll'tce. I ra!ll, t. tin ....,.,, 1,. i...l,.r, i,i noriuixMi roiisoiit. and the f..n I mistaken (mreula are generally naidime in llwir uhticiMifiiira nflioufiC on I ihf ttfict a the lawvera. vfil and irtby. .wmliera f i-ty. ami there are a gr'at many who are ther- ur. lvitf want rather than tin ir triAf, h ad litiL'aiinii : hut wh ! mi'ht have h-n tixeful nieiMlr l the CMnmnn J wealtb. had thi y rkwm a dilbreiit and ni..re auit ' niili" H'llirre of fiction. X,iw if ttwuln,r lu-ld the rank which lejjiit ...-.ilw tuttiuiuM ii in tlie encud acale it It hd aehiKi'ta of instruction CCMiiliiiiniI the uarful with the asreeaWn, it w Hot immihle that owe half rf rhiwt wlin ate annually crowding and burthening tl IrjHf prolRiaHoo, wiiuldJbee'Hiie uirlul culnvalora ifthw ai'uf.. VVhat M improvr merit thlt would effiict.in fe aenra. in the cmt litiua tf our S'ate in ita aurirul'ure, the baai of ita wealth, in tbe intellectual nmditum of it tiiUabiianta,'aial art Ihwr mm-aland economiral habita Sui b r.lKKda.tboul'i they .eter he fabjielieJatwoiig we, etther tqi the. iadujifxFin"eaIat".tfwth wTrectrfeP firta of individual wn'triotiaiii. wwild exai nmially tHe giale. hundred of vounii nwaaaJ ItiMtMalied al.ko fur alreitjjth of mmd, vigor i4 lirirtiim, and exmuplarv bahiia. 'I besie wmld ear rvwHh them a pradteal knowledge of the beu modranf fartitiuir. the bcl .i'mplenimla, the be breeda of anmuiia ; and each ill bw future aj.lw reid" action, would become a livm proof tw Ihrnv Artyud hi ,"f the practicability tr-?rvirf!irac'' tre. and an etamp! t lb-' ?f mrt mam jemettt.'. W heiever we wd a g'id hr- " . . .. , . .e, iwr. wa ve the benehla iH i'i eait ta ewmn m , thTTieamd him, m l.ich diniiei-W-a aa recede. tiMir the lomieTWt tne auMequeut proceeninga Were the fond finnera murtiulrd at fat titf&M both ll'iuaeaof Conareaa." " . pnnqrea a year, inry nu n wo ,u. .i Hoeiiceif:KHUofprctiral and aci.ot.fic ri. .uholhe advance, to the State would be l calcukblv srenf. - We are no agrarian wour oj4uiooa. Wa coti aUler all prtdeaaiuna open to free compel it itm, and aa uaeful, when limited in llfiraptiere and number. If there ia a privileged ebma to wr eomrrittttrty, it ia the intelli-nt tillera cllte mA; not that they are privileged, by law, or by p-fiilar favor but that they are privileged bj ""their Creator, in the enj iyroetft if a preateraliareof n-mpiral Weiwinja, th natcral reault of aober, indualrioua and content, ed habit, than perhapa any other clam in the Com- ! . I C : ... .1.. I f. - W . J. r.nm flKnn, fM, V : - ' lelumve public encouragement or bounty ; but mere ly aome of the crumlia which fall from the public table, and winch hive heretoiore, at teaat in anme mrmnriwtaryra" dered, upon Cir lea worthy .object. e wiah to m Afrru'titf nr., Ki-iuiirhi fi,riirl frnoi the ahade. ' r-. . k . lv . t. 1 HikjMMft tl 1. n hAAM tltfk InHfl obxeured and degraded by ignorance and aervile apathy 5 and Bee the puWiCooUilty.like ttiewrt ana the raintfwhich. fructify the earth and cause it to being lortlt food fa flr 'twpwwed abke-1 H cIwmm 'tbe.cotniwiimty. ' '-'' V var. ar, Capt. Gilbert J . t raocia, furmerly oTTirgm - part of the Uniiai to dHplore hii loaa. ; Caprrin F. had pa fixed through many' surprising ndventurea, IO, CVlflg WMB-IIUI IIMJIfrriirvv.. r,aMn,iu.nwi and haa lella memoir of them for publication tie waa in vury early, lite attached to the INavy, then to thetas;ehad travelled overtbe four quar rer of 'lhdeliiiie wni r Kr two year a priaouei ia IfaTfvf-'Araw M-aitterw-ffda-' "faw-' the Bashaw brnarty in Sim in, and master of a Dutch lugger ..a.i a .a trailing to the Malncce tit) waa aunaetpieiuiy J-crverm-crof a anjar ertate in" Jamaica rhnreti fiyif cnltina owood in the firretaof Campea chy wfafir throe miHilh a primmer among ban. dtrta in .rnVsico tbea a captive among the t-uinno- e?$SJWZ!TJlJlrJP? I ui JJ""' oe r ' rm t ne waaXra'Vl4h'TV6natlV Sraie aiid marfiejIoTta'Wa 4 Tev,an operntionaV hen death nrrwted him, atill in Ibe prime of life. Yhoogb a man of defective ed ucation, bia great endfgy of character ami exlen- aive travel nmde hi rmt entertaining of componioiia, and hi be lung Iclt by many. Mixtmtrt Frtf. T The Connecticut IIitoricaRociety hat deter mined to celebrate the anniversary of the adoption of the first Civil Cotistittttion of tlia Colony of ('on necticut. The venerable Noah Hahater, of New Iljven, and a native of Hartford, h consented to nVftver an- addresa on the orcaion, hi health permit. Mr. Webster ia now mure trKiri eightv veara of e.- Acrt of Ojictrt of our Nary. The following !Ut will how to what age our olden naval ouVer huve lived to arrive at the higheat rank in our na-M vj thai of Commodore: Commodore Barron, 73; Stewatf fi6j Hull, 0s); Chancey,?U Jonea,72; Morri, 62: W'arringttm, ; Crane, 60; Biddle, S9f Ridgefey, M ; lkiwnea. 59) l'Jli(.ti,53j(W i, 6i i - Retwha w, 60 ; Wadnworth, S8 : Reed, 57t Ballard. 60 1 Ktmfiedy, 6; Dallaa,- ; iNicholaun, 64 ; toiiulirtck, 01); Claxton, 60. - Mr.- Howartf, who had .heeo aeftt hr tire Snitenf KUiJttlMAdtur.ucM'fci;pjej, id" cvWio record relatiog to the earlv history of Georx-ja; haa returned, and haa placed, nay the tyrage. nineteen ma. volumes, the result ol u kuora, in ibe. Executive OiHce.-. -p' i Ton Cunnraaa f T 4h -pea 44 iaw grant' ing 2,02 acres i)f g'oi)d lai.d loeierv wonnn, who will marrvdtffifig llie present year, a r.itien of lliat Repu1tlnviah wasaurh at tli time tf the Pe foremri Tfrauriinar, Pucre U n man liv. ing in 1 1 j ron, Ohio, who hn twrnty-f air clnldr?r by imic wifo,! butt and li-arly,Vigiiieenif whom I - 1.1 t k . am mir, i.iwiutr in uranng arm., In pracaJ prepare lir war, i a gKd n oxim. The truly wiae who have acquired .much khol. edge,, doubt oflen, an-l are miHleat in omiiiou whilat the very ignoranU who have, not obtained JknnTledpe enough to .firm a h-wk to h ing a doultt o:i, are nasiy ana prwumjnuouj. The alitdv of literature nmifinhea vmit!i? entr- tain oi l age, adonia pronperity, tol iee adversi ty ia dnlightrul at home, unobtrusive ebraid wrmKTxm rrw iwi , ,rav iph iiv iii j ii. ill nnirnei'inn' Jtwr ia retirement. . . . ... - ' ? ..' , j ?i,Jl'rn.lr'. ..f.TKiATTrjy mthe i o.nill f V '. v, - " THE WESTERN CAROLINIAN Friday Morniug. Decemlyr 61839. ; ; CO.NGttE.sa , : , We left open our o1umna unlit late fast evetiinjf, in luiea of receiving the freaidcnl'a Meaaagi'.and the fir day'a phding of Congreas,; but the mad bad not yet arrived when our 'paperWent to pre, : " ' V- . . ' -: , '.' : l'hia iatbe more to be regretted, ath orgatii SAttonofthe Houae, the eleetioo of apftaker1 the contested arata from New Jereey, are pointa winch. artract tirmrlitenTtoifcAtt other ftibjece . rem to toae tbetr intereat when compared with theae end notwnhmandinj our own pomtion as fe-V tarda political, jmrtieal tanwH but feel derply intefwutd when we .et othera eicited around m -Ib-oot weal, we hope ! eompoosate our readera v iti iU'tr ilifeinnAtrttmAn K tnvinrr lirfiire them. tllO pfc Meaeapi ent.re.and .1) other important ... , , . . shirk fcmlt rilue durinff the orvaniza i r - r . - . , . , . lfXardr Goena and.Wro. . llolbrook, the In t week' pa per, aa having eacaped from Jail, in Anaon Coun ty, were puuued.and taken ift. a awamp, in Rich mond County, and are again hxwed in Jail. Fire jiaeeinitm. We learrffrom the We . tern Whig Banner, that a very .destructive fire broke out in the town of Lincolnton, othe morn tng of the 21th ultimo, and before it cAulJ be ar. rested, it destroyed the lare and cocnriioHious IIo- J oMravhewHrrth-arnrt femwbt and aeveral other valuable buildinsa. It origina ted in a work-abop of B. ctton '& Son. -V The Drincipal an He re r a are Mr. Rameour, Mr. Sclienck, Gen. fieanle, ahd the M Je',nJ3,.. tl eMt $25,000; and though, thi sum might acem email to capitalist in .in N large commercial towna, yet in a yowng and thnv. ing village, like ibat of Lincolnton, jejiendent oioatly "on ttielnduwfjT Monfr in -emerprlwr of ii citizen, the loa, no doubt, will be acriously MISSISSIPPI. ) mwmmmmmn .j nr ,h I j.wIh greaamen, rewlted in the complete triumph of the Damocrafie Party, Govemor IJIcNult j elected, by aeveral , thouraml majority over Judge Turner, the Whig ' Candidate" f and the Cbngrraamcn,"Messr. Brown and Thompami are alao e1ecfed,"by large' jnajnrir !i.cjTAt.tJ?Jw on the 15th of November, and alarted forthwith ' for Waabington city. ; -'f 7 - TENNESSEE BENATOft r: Ft'lii Grundy, the Attorney General, wa elech ed United Slate Senator, on the 2fih of Novem ber, by the Legislature of Tennesiee, in the place ; For drundy, . - . .- . 14 , For Foaiet, . . J f" Grundy majority, ' . 3 ' In (he House of Rppreai rilative : . '.: .-, For Grundy, ; 42 - For Foster, . 33 Grundy ' majority in uoth'ifoiiaci 12- - Judgt IFiite. From tha Cdluwing extract of a private letter from thi gentleman, read ia the House. of Representative of Tennessee, and judg ' tng of the character ol the mttruction of the Leg. mlature of that State, we may a. on look for hit resignation a!, aa Senator ia Congrea. . - The Judge in bia letter under date of 5th Sep. ember, 1 :!), in answer to an interrogatory pro oounded bv Mr. Jncoba. aava it V . . :r. ; 1 1 . ' .. . 7. . '"" 7V" -"iai wr teel it my duty topuraoe.tti caaethe itneral AmldyehldarelutUtnWth" Senatora to vote for the Il.ll. nVn.aorT.,... .h. Tn...,.e. R.ll or .!..!nn. -t...nl, ... .... - mm- -. JL - " "i" t WstructiiiKLini. uptuoiLtbat. who, I Senator receives HiairuClion from lhe LeiilJaiu ... ki. w, vj... WIICU 1M1 VtHlSlllU- tional question is invved, he ougbf lo conform bia conduct, and vole to th itntructiiais, or resiim. sod I have never been aWe to see auy good reason why the exproiaioo of anipiniim by the Le-iisla.' tura tiiouM not be cniiilerd aa iiiatruciiona Thougli nocxpreui-itruciiiai!i ftocominy auch ex preasion of opinion, in les theNJJe2tsUiure siiy they do not intend an expression tif their opinion, to Control the conduct, or vote ol thar t3 ontor,. . .!! I Itavec.avaidiHW'd-av -i-tW-nil-iir' IrpstW-of lucJVpfU f hta State, ad, that-tie -ouhj to carry into clfect so fir as in bitpower, tho sentiments of the people ho repreaenlN4ip. all subject when be cun d.i w without vndahiig the Constitution." He ought loaun-wam the Leoi. ; tature, ho are his immediate constituents, expre no optni .as, or give no instruction which do not accord wntj the seitim-nia of a mnj inly of the people and if he'dore not conHirm bis conduct t the cxirewed opinion of ibe- pi.le through the agency of !!) L-gisliiture he is guilty ;r.f "a breach '', of trusi, and d. a not hii'lifully tepreact J,i$ s,aIp Tlie Sub-Treasory bill so f.,r 8s l am ndvised, does not iov.dve any Cwistitutionnl qitim, there lore if the General Assembly d-c;n it ompcr t'i instruct their Setk,l,Wlo virfe f its r l"",u" " exprea tha omnum. that it (y i . i- ""'vca.- i giionlil con- 1 nirvnr Tn naaj in r;r ..r 11... . t x w jarlcr myself botioj either to give it the eupport of opi.on,n, !ch billg'b, to w,th,a,T,y ZmFwT!i trprtMiMtumrfo the Senator to v.rte furJLilZH.- inv v,H or t rr'-n ; f.i,J a,.-,nJd ... , '! ksltiT biiii'ch id llii iili-ru,iiif;." dmnrul llcu.lroo, tlw.-Teaiaii.-MiiiiHte, j Lady, arrived in New York, on the a3j trember. jmMenjrera in the Brin-h.QiM t.n; Thii til.: . h- " iiijii in una tltit fe: tale elected theirCovejtior, arid both bra k- aiK hra tif p . JHASSAC11USETTS. ' . i The election return from all tfio Towna in ii ot.iio oat7 uru ittitt-vj, miu ine Dottftin M o.... i..... I....- i i.i... i . "'a Pot, .f Not. 19th, Kivra the rcaull a ftJow, 1 For Morion, (V. B.) . 6l,m For Everett, (Wbig , . . oo' ortona niHiorilv. 71 If the foregoing statoment be true, Morto. ' elected the Governor by the people, for in nor, will the acatlering votea amount j Morton't jority." The Boston Atlas, of a Inter 3ate, . : . I. . -1 . .TV . L r ' gie eJ iwiuiub iiuiu an ina WOUntH I arrives ni a ouiurcni rt-nuii. . The ata'rment of the Atlas, ia compared W that 4if the Poat, and it makeiJHit tlietnajoriiyfg,, Vloiton, to be only 248 ; and Oie acatterin 23, in 40 Towna. If the estimation of the Poat be eorrecL'tl. there will bo no eVction of (iovernor, by tin ne j ant, it) tnnt event, me ounce mutt Beceaarj. iy devolve on the Senate, which being VVhiktb presumption la very 'a'rong, that the g,, ll I ' :ll IITL- ' r ' aiaaacuuwniK, win iiavv t uijf uovernor n wellaa Whig' igislaiurev- r. - '', Weive place to the following very aeniiUi remarka. of the Editor of the Farmura Gizatt, appendeato the account given in (hi paper, of th LyiichingW Naihan Lambet ia Davidaorj, 1 abort time aiiice 1 .-y-'ii-l-v.;; a' v.i , ' " North Carolina will . prove recrennf to da character which she bear aminig thoae tyhaknta' her beat, tor regard (o law and good order, alio.aliall fiiililufly put sue the author m 0,4 rtoua an ouvrage anu ngiaiy entorce tier bin againat them, if t hey can be apptehended iidcuv victed. " Every maiisin the Suite ta intemteJ. iruigiag tbein tp justice. W hoee life i mk, t he unliMiOe Je rc tj ahaperia tobe indulged and gratified tn tBii Vn ed individual . may have been, fii exectii were not the proper judge of hta cae. Letaack men be allowed to judge and txce.uit, and II h rr.embera-tf odety-TOaytnri"tfte"lr" viclilw." ' . i ue era vj unuury. j ne Mlisentol .etft. Sana are preparing to celebrate the tb of Uimi inNgoud varneat, Theyheld a meeting, wiiit nr-i , o.i . f mi , . . . diatiction of patty, in the Kotunttaof the St L Eichauge, on Saturday . evening, tlie JJ W' dnd November, lor the purpuao of making 'ii!aWt raftgemerh,-t vrhtch tien. Jotir -.fi.- flaucbe fti aided a PrMtdent and addressed the ateetm. h sr3dV4CSd4rj: 4aiSl taciSCts h QLziZ. and J. JlcHcnrv. " ... . . ,.: '.. . : Gen. Plaucbe explained the object ot tbtaw. ing in a brief addrcea, aa foltnwtr : -- --e- Frtwiw CiTiaaatTbe purpoas for wfiich W have met i to adujit (ih;h rueasureM this rctffct- aide Btneinbly aha II ileetd tniMt proper, for invitut Hire Tene wbto-O eoewel1 Awl rew -bsv wut-iar city, and, to participate with all bit lellow ctni-a lin celebrating the aiitiivertarKof the gloriuuifci ol January, iio. I will o4 a(teuit to Owtna to you tlnnmiiowol rvct-g whtcb thi vemrrjMt citizen rendered to bia country al tJie ehticaJ W memorable epoch whtcb I have jiis tneatmwi: his deed are inscribed m the bn -bia! trmi .. kr.. W -. - -'t- TaTniaf myself Jo' you, fellow ciiixn,t0 been ever readyifli echo ttifi Words eiuntrj,i?i, grerrfiretV Let oa throw-aside all jiotil ical enoca, lot u unite ia bedowmg a worthy toi vx orable welcome upon the aavioir of our cnani't, and in rendering due honuge to tlie greatest li patriot of the American Republic The Committee who bad been appointed for ik were unanimously adopied. . - Retoletd, I'hal a Americana and LuiwiM, e rememher.'with prtdc.'lhiit day, on awci tin patiiotiSiO a:; J vjor of our country men, sited am city from pillage, our wive, aistera, and daiig'oKn, from desecration, and repelled theutblMrtuvua from our anil.' "iR'taitcd, That, to ibe here-, whose inielieft t ceived, and wh'ise energy o eOcciually exon the measure of dcleiice. vie entertain feelou1 aflw'tino and griitude,io yrbich no words can Ji adi-qiijie expression. v" ; r. TlemletJ, That, to nnite with him, once e. tin celebrating the annivtraary of that meir dnv.nmmihew.enj.nlh;. .J.,- .n,il iKa ummMI V- ' f ju l"1' d V? crrT,f 1 ' -.- e ... u a aourceot unnnur...rw pr 1 j, : j, . .... .j - .iwitu, i mil a m.ninrc . 7 "I'ZO J" Zl ilaolctd, furikttTtA Committee of & citizuQcbe appunted by tlie Chairuiaa, to make neci ry arrangement! for- hi reception, aa i,e lertuitiinecii, and lit conjunction with sorb com tee.a tlie Siatu Legislature may appoint, V, meavire for the proper celebration of tji d5 n rTi'rtnm oi jjaiia pit's u ironi fin.! n i,p,w imnu.ilv Rnotcfd.fnally, That a Committee of thf iaemt shall be appointed by the Coruuuttrenf p'r,r' e'moiort nnJJeneral Jackson, tnrthe pari"1 of riaiiTm to bun, thVtivaaTmnTn'wnnnWF' ficlfai i in tbecehbraiMai (f ilie'Pib J J l?40,'and that it shall 5a the duty of aaid Cf: te, to-accompaitv the Genernl, ditririg the - hi journey to Near Orleans, in case he n a we Ihipe will, to accept the ab-ive iovitatiaa. Tl,e (omiDHtoes were then eppoiu'od J iJwsident, and tho meeting adjoutnd. - r FmiUkii Nm fori Courier f nuqiirr.4 -HATuOnoM:i:uoFE. . ARIUVAtUP THE BRITISH Ql'EEN STC arterm . , , Dim-. Thie Vessel arrived 00 Saturday ewirc. . j . i .t.. ,j '"mo-ring, niirmg ine voy.ip , . weather. iho left lVrtsioonih on Ibe h '' and britiitua London jugrnal to fie.cr!i" 2d the 3rd waa on a Sodny , .

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