Ills aa, J .' H; W ot a,' nri. Uk l ; ' niiU, !!&, tflS, on, w Sulfa .nef hi doo tela U ItUW,; fl, iwt it ad etfc SOSft ia' U j Lieu- apt i:f j.f.-.Y.t' e-tf'itrltm ft urn i'e f5.iti.-ih en-1 i 1"rfui ii nn 'f o.m give the rtaih-r c-wiphrle u r'.i i ' i ill' k-i'I"" of elTur in fcen-ral at th'; l t(-i iM'r. I -We lo licm tut kw extract; amongst tbero ill be f the oflkml arc ouut ot j (ha uccre bich h.v attended the Briiiob arm 8ml, Sih.ihl r 1 r-J i.;v (, wriieh ;j tjr la Ic m tV Tin ul l t ll; I). Ill'mlliS. l Mil ; i . i.; ;m k. The m -..!i,itrnns f,,f a recognition hv Eii,!.iri. of the iiiiWj)(-iii.-,i.-e ..nV!M h;tv,v f,ii!.' i..r tlm present, in consequence ot the uwlnlity uf Col. II. n In J,. I )H V i 4oLiJia.Pxih.l,',c!,,"r rcv,'J fr'"n ti-.Ji:r3im io.suf ll' frwnit tm tha 'tpirsiiiiii ion," smut-w hat later date than tttat which m of eUves, which .Mr. O'Coam-l and Mi-n. !!iirv reached witd f,M l-' I """l feobl have bca . the Brili"! were avaiimg lliemles ol lhf inter vetitmn of Americans, to carry n commercial ope ratl'MiH, from which we presume thai wmte tf our country metr bad returned, rc at any r.ite thai a -luiiubcr l.aJ remained sufficient to continue the tra''- .. . "" s ' Uorretpmiinu ef ihe Gritrirt f rsirer. ' Xovemhrr I, lltX ignoramly imsliiliii wiiii ."TV British Qieeo, steam-ship, having aunclual lv kft (Ihs 'l'hjDP at 8 ihi mornio;, wilt be at ( I'ortsuwuth l noon lo-m -rrtiw, tuul cmw quutly ! your latent hiti'llipence Irom imdiiit, man m ( the latent hoar of thu afternoon, ,- , . The atate tf. raooetarj and njTcntile ffiirg, liat not altered fir' the better, aince joor preceding accuunta by the Great IVeatera, weant-ahip uor U ollif r Juad, haa Ultra btuwijiiNi Mhfpnirniifi and wain of coufi fence . id lha pronpect of . nr aome time past. Mr. Kennedy, a ceuilmuaii who h travAlled in Tox is, h explaciiti, with thq ' , greatest ability, in the M.iriim t'liroiucle, the true j state of the ne country in ail it a relsnon j and the wriiirtji tf t!iw .enliiihiciied EciitleniHii, v!i , """i rBinoe me em cis ot tH) violent an'l vula railing ttf OUoimel, and Ilia good nuiiirod, lu contracted and I wns-lcs lecture and loiters of Mi-esra. ScoUle and yturgi' il I'tKlliljf, 1)11 (,'Ki J,r vitmn, Mr. JH1.' l ilAt.l i: i. SilKA. U.uighWi ul Hie loin i. , Wt in una i (iiiniy.ou in.:- ii Cm ."..! .out,l.,i1t,CllAK4.4.i ttZ i!i 1' io SAiiAIl L KlU.y, iljii-lil-.-r uf Auiire Ln-rlj, lu j , lu liuuwil L.'whit, on lite S!T u't., V t ,e IT 7j. M. II. A.lm. Mr kUlii.KT KNuX,i4 U,C ! lo l .t I ll.iti.Mi i;.-v. I t Is I 4 "f ;. '-'it- at ha: ."-I i.i i1, . lruu Irwm ttit- liiug' .' . lR(JNCOMm"Y...-, r 'jTIIRSuUritH'riliV.iiadearrBjrTmujiti iLe ,t ; - above Co,iiwny, imt Via repvhr tufi-ty U EUPEKIOJl IRON, IH". (.'nr. "is i nn . Iwr'oue year hru in lh- . . r .ii . . ... . pl- t. i !. . noun n cu mi iim hi ikcxili-ii urmzC nut.. government. ..earner, In, ,lh aiUmt,s, i., wUcli wTil Um4 1 rorfmiiK-e of the Cvutier and Enqnmf, ' ' f'r p !. o .1 il l hv I 'iui.. n, Tai wtCK.LV niilHin oi tt ptr. etiu.tia all la rending nwilf r o( the An'y, tr U i the vrry ), prM e of Tiihkk D pe ao.4jn, n.diUd to order, 'pie triv el art anoiHav W CMMk "... ' . lt:va,'fniMrwt.) ' ' ' ' ;"" . ..rSKfDttTER AMI M'tniS," . ' " . WM!nolim ciiy. X. B. NnrVr f the paper b mail will i awH tn, wiiV. aceootpuiMl Uj lite cah,'r H -l-HHr-AfrK- Y . Siflisbury, Oocerolier urn. .V- STU.1Y aum geMiaV trade; prevails o-rt in ljondon alotte, but ever Ifie' wb.ile ol lite inaiiofclun.igdislrictl of the North o( KnUnd and Ib'mh the payment of the October dividend ha bad Inn etTrtct of rendering mmiey roora; plentirul on the Slock Exchange, yet the capitali are touily oiil!jiv to parl'w.ih their reainireefc unload on the nxt anexeepttnmi ble of aecuritieV, tad tut very"ihort periods of time. ;;'".-";' .. . .;; , .; The freira exchanj exmiinu onfavorahle and an uiice.isrti2 exporyiton ofiIver n weakly ftoma (.irwsnj 0 ilamboih, St. Ptrfertburgh, ami Am terdaiu; and the bDk of England at the aame time ha exhausted the credit fir 2,000,000 with the Bunk of France. Ohe of the directors ia m in f'arii for the parpWs of wg-jtiating a renewal &L ibisxredit,jwd u uevu p-ofo4eiieod the amouut uf credit la 4tQlH),thH; tlut however largo may be the bus to the It yi k of E igland, by theae tranaactiona, rt ia clear tiia the director are determined at leant to keep open vlieir doorn, and pay it jiecie--.whilt it remain iitheir power io procure any where the meant of ovWcomiiij the dilTkiiltie in which the eatablif hment s i deeply involved.- .That the Bank can kmg continue -tagr rtn in thia manner, ia ot, however, ga'tieWlIy --be- - --lieved -Se iwrirc,aii, Tices can witiislmid the consequence of liiecfi ciency of the Iwrye ihe.prcarnt .mr-aw! a ilia i'wrTnler 1 appriHche,ih dmnwt in theatabiltWi which now ply between Great Britain,' and the I'nited fitalea. Thin ia a treat blemish on Ihe French character. They conceive i he project they fcotnmence but, that done, all- their enr r gV depart from thcin,and thny become the dopee -Tjj.lpi ilprlin j perh a", "wrioTrniiiVapaciiy, or arer Aum-ee Itiisdirect or mislead them.- Inntead lTof fair, open, tradeamaiilike, mnuly tipKwition,"we . nave, for example, in the. Siottwul of yesteiday, which I forward to yoq Jitsre; with one of j he ' moet violenl tttaeks iih llntiiih, Qurtn ond. wponi Briliisfi uteanliii in general, that qveremana ' led from a jeatou riviil either in matter of trade or of tiflntry.' " The. 6bj(-cl'"of tlie writer ia to 1 prove thtl ilie ocroiii!i)oiationa on buaid ilia Hrit-1' -uh 0rrn;rrrwtieh the" Phormou iiin of 1 1 00 ioc "JffiOJ is ctuirgorlj are nof inertTy indi ywyai-at)utty'wnmtnwtth flm Irtnf tiiiilitj bo m;uiiiin..0r .iiaemnfiirtiibia than the m lM r" t-aP erut Id mT ioyage from England in New York, In that veaael crease. t ne onnero joi atock oanscra are -.nd that here ia the pi ichtt HVtllJ CtllfB uue:i Jwcnlt iwnMt tcaJ id iivji -."tOJM. .lei.. wwniit, stlin( for lb Bank o bugUnd to a ataudatili, by paying m a greater amount of ot-, than the bullion which appear io the official publication of the aaaeu fir a distinct propnaI for a c raliniion, f"r an :.'.rat.'. .!hw...,e"r,,w fc circotafeJ .... -jjkjj j,,.", banker ; btil 4hia i op- P?,,-"0 Mlfl tw 'ha' Diough it would i very ' easy to drain the whole of the bullion from the " - BmiImiT Engl", yet that thi would create io - raat a paaic in the country, ianl would ao itraiijjc ne W noie male nl eominmiil atmnv aa In invii The quarter whence thn movement aj;sin-tttic Bank of England, i praicipally lrredby thw t?i I rector, ia the Bank of Manchester: a loini ttocV v bank of great wealik, and betwefi which and the Bank of England A mvt violent IbeSiny of aniinol. tr has prevailed for a lm time pfc.-.,This Bank fWt outf refmiini Io arrjn; for the exclusive managers of it reaMi agniat the wwolw cmtairwr. tion of die Bank of K-igtaad, and the inoimpily ol the circulatioa, which lba eatabtwh-Reat wt enjwvt ivenjiiy "wot" aTrov Jieg""t- ttsuae genrleewi, - Mik-rs. Oyer & Smith, bi a! avi muchaboaed. ' The poaitiew f the Uuk of E inland, m therefor nt thia period, one of a very precaiimd.Meriptioo; - auapeowoe ef c wi wvmrmv tri?! t?Bar cer lain -under anv circa jiij'ia'L an J 144 capiiU !3.0Jaiow preaiHiaaii Ibsi.lha osiaraTMia of laia-' -irx sajt-ai..V,'Writ,"'"' iKh the ted oar uitiier ertf"" ling d raa;in e ipurila lillio afW a,'!! ,t f -S the- ... .i. ,aJ , hi lt daf- Tb9 lendi'ficy to iinuiovemeut observable in, -C itnuirrcial nTmrs at the ditto of my letiera by" the j Gnat Wester, nitd the inclination towurda a de- cune, appmil about that time, in the . jnrc of G ul A x Elor tW Eta;oifr$iif3fa.ii mnca been multiplied in an alarming extunt and I the ax;taal stiite of the corn und flour markets, eon I 1 .. .. ! riWT. the f . 1 w a t rii aa Hi-irrM auain mmtim m m s ia a. . Kiai . o...rr..r,.Mwull DlliCC 1 1 aUSUM I tU IU U1 ' . . . - - j syWJifa ,. WtUrfc ifBIHUi I.. . ha la IK --that the harvoat had been at t!W utmost, , bare. J 2 T T.T irAere-ing .dVo,. jy aufRci l one, and that before the arr,va of that I d b-v ,bf. J'ff! u" Wk "V : irrt well enrem-rie. and .rw.w taoort rifiin -.(,....'.11...;- - i...i:.: . . i.. . oie inre wmiefDot in u a lort-ncad hM rivi.i . ' .. - ' .a ...u.m n iu vMiuiuoij m - ii!ni m . . . . . -v M nt Kn4iw: as aim to auihrat ih nim. mi, nis mane neatly trunroed, aiiJ a IvtertWe luwl . " . , , - , , ' tolj . . ... ; y "'"on w a truly iu!tprtuttmt piper, orH'r the txi. ' i j. . . - . I ii,i,.i..j.i'M..: r... .t . 1. . - e w utrmtms. aw etwvr, t r ottaUiaUndMlogo. e, t.V .1,. nji... has 1 -I or Mten iron Vit aVr INDIAN PON EVA U NPA R A I LE L M 0 1 ' A TEI-W EEKLT TAPER FttOH WASII !GTO C1TT. FOL'R MONTHS' FOK OXE INILLISI! - V- TLe pih'i. rt mC thav a. Rtmit a4 Hnit Y Ditf Ommib? w Wasliirighm eitv, dewinnw nf J Kg t ifao peoj!e ot" lart. an opixHiii'iilv tf remniig aWingt the appeoechuig arj of Con 0: is tu, we aiiouid be in a much Io In dt plored at at th eve uf thut t 1 .....- : n aw, . MT hear'm more' of the d eD ateWri of !,vi!sl '0. P"1' 1 ,500 or 2,000 tons each," which the Government '? or Clw b,w"u8 4 " ! , mvor uv eiTiiia iiiionnatiun ov etteror Mawiae. n to have contrui ted (slumld jmhlie compHtiies not undertake llie inatler tognnipnla"' t ilTitTiim- directed a ahivo. ISA AC G. BARKETT. Fotts Dim, Dhu1mi couoiv, N. C- Dvremberfl, 1P59.", Abawts aa iwwce4 tWwf a i!h. nyy itc w g lb w!Hw wsiiw, wbxh f ev ejo cnaaMMne enrV w dim mi oil a 1 ami In wtll a Ims- ix "tm 4urtiis t'w . . . - ... w -and that here ia the piotipe notlim can, nn Wre&uTra fyVbe" ' WoWi' JreeaDlwifTiiMewa,t!aV riictory, than a trip in any of "ih suiting Piirkets berween Il ivre and New Voik. Tbene complaint y be-wel ftmnded-, :but -wbettllrey prove -to have oen mmiced uy nua leennj, or iniereteu inniivri, .the nbjcc4 4 ntvef attaineBV.--.-.;. w : 'V 'i-; - Yen-will 'here natornlly, expect that I epeak isf the late afUir between the Bunk, of the Hutted Staiea and tHe'honwi .pf flotttn'em it Cxt. but n' oewi itci hjis i'rinfi'iretf.'- fha bills drawn on Hot- fingeiK.&-.CAM.,hWe-f5,aJ;ce 1. : Tr-fj fr-rt ' IllIK tMitweuber Usoa UU, 1 CJX'lt a sod iJT iahs at III KOop, ia uluJxiiy, ttine nnt rate Ttvad Wtgvni. . . htJaEOA iitCUCK. 1 Dccemtier fl, 1S39. . ? ' : ) i , yVa JIiwiiVm b trcutted br mti.V r if ( grem,ov brV"'!, (imlng pi EJlf )ii 1ER AND tKMBCS."----' . ' Washington ciiy. " DeeewVvt, IVJft, J- . FeVanew genrvalty will emifrr a favor which o) b t'-'l ieetfrVatI, and la enliilrd ii an 'lftfiukZ llf fit f ntt ffTT-f:MPfM IPf W above a few cwapwoaiw IM.UI UO . 0 UUUH.UU11& iaitwa. wal ibi immhw. M(i; S.ilrr.if f.r,jl t:.a !..-.. v. valuaulo in Lincitlu t'.uly : ' ONE TRACT cmilaiciiiig 302 acre, lying rt, the CaeU R: er aix n.ilf U u, !', miif'. FirJ. . A Tract i.f 132 tr adMirmj tV .. A Tract of 4 acrea at'wustg'the lasu A Tract known as tii ," t C AT A AY It SVUlMitv contaimnK 7(l3 aerei, wlntli will be -M w par. Ct'ls t! awt purchaner. '.,.,' .'j Tho Sjltocnber having ?'tfr iwirie to t X tlicie luiida may be bad . very UH ral Icrnwtili credit of one, two, and three1 xear. 1 - Any tne desiring to puri'luuMartd etching tx anmie any uf the I nut-., be ahowe llifut by piy nig iu ur, . J.iHXr WUV rrr.i m iif lUWWiiaa Wil srft thefBeS fHwr particulars in r. xo terms. v . , , ' .-ShZ , .';-.-.' . H.:'W. CUNSOR. . ' F-tihwry , N..C, Knv.Kl J8.'' y if . : ' ; LooT';; Uctc .v , . . ' t LL those who are indt-bted to sue, are rnjuel. td io iimko jaymeut by" the 1st tJouary next, as no longr-r indulgence ean be jneo ; tSe wIkj fail ti settle by thai m:e,nuif ttvi to fi4 their notes and accounts plaued in tha haodii tf $ 1 Oibcer for colhttioa. : --v " I am slstt dial rwia ofjniQMi'g to Jli wet, cfli-r . -. TOT- flfiOUSE & LOT- ' ' - - if ' - ., " ''' for yl $ good payment will bo givew. Here m a chance f r. a good atod io ll ( part nf tb town. Also, on the prems, saiiiaL'e luiVirgi fur a merchant and mecUauic 3 Sorb aa itpo iwwt. - v tt purchaee. do out nrecent therewtv evrrr " day- . v ..: HENRY SMlilL " ..libnry,N.CXov.S2,l39. St ; 1 IHAVt fr Hue, x krtte- au.i.b ot fwfeaaJcs-t-7Vees, of a Urge size, aod well matured, bavu ' won -iir-niT-prwiKion i iirvs j mr, ata. aa uce -' ..:::i-t;i ... a- ... .... . . - J..WI..IUU.U hi itiMinvra wctci, aa ue-y are icciiauico, ; snd wsrrankd genuine. . I will st-il kv tit tree baa!, as vtiU it yrenrfa- rStwW- iwu-itef tiesrasttee a oetgtiliorhuuU, su sa to warrant liie bOauie, 1 w ul er liver tneiu, it th dwUnce m out lue great - j .. fernona wianu.g la rawe trees, or u wwter iol the ilk !wjjx-suimtMk lo - a, L eall, ur wriUen order wulToctiVa prompt atenua. - 3L - .oca. --, aaca . WA ; Ecxioglou, Decombet 0, 1SW. ...r T-.1UEN LP AM) COMMITTED,; vl HE SVcr.W taliiW tha bhkIW o iiiforminf the ' fstnt&vt iestsa cf4na;iBiws-t ewrry ui tua trn- cuTTiNd-STOn: , a!, KUJUs.OreaJftaw Wija- Sih wf twnisacry. svrat ta .Hd tturimhia naut. wbr he ia a- m&f all stikr k iULL-fc lO.NM f tlie beat rrX. aact sa tile tikurtt arH.i.. .. Jail of - Da y id soa- Connt r,- "i ON the 30" h November laCa acgw men, wkocsJkj his name ;. i - - - . ... ? OSaXatthe WwM "' '. .. . nnmv s;tx& uub. hills, noon ROUGH rXlLWXG Rt rKS, TOM 9 8TON t, J j rv r :oi vrtH-rf 0li iSajNfrtS; 4e.-J;7 Se: J. HOCLSHOESER, Sume-Cuuer. SUILAary.Otl. 2ota, 1-vTJL . . ,;: : r . HKlMt 'ill lLwC -mMM..l,L Altl- ; j rs dstcttal U tK : StJaJwy.wiU bs punctual!? tu Jim: Mrt4MKW4Wnunro. inn iupjw ihb iiiauer rti8t i l .... . . .... ..... ..j, - t--- i. ."ri,ti't..vcj,.-' ,7v:i i ;i - - r -.j- jw vi-'7rr.r'eTnrff :iarw.-rfwp... .. . j.a. .aa.. ' ' ,. - " . - ... . . - ' issw .1 h,ll only add, (hut the iprtWrnJ -Ihl&UWZMiiU. k T-Zt BUICK 'ItlAhOU a owl aad,panta. sod crKbrn setvet : oav be era' tn'M 1"RtC!10! liviii i wnsr Lexington. Havid. ptirciiaace m rmnklin tHinty, X. ey IK Ue ft. ' wCnay,UssUiiBMiWta mfbrm the Fob V ancy, and on bis wsy &utli, prrsuiJni ta it aw l Uwt bv e;c mU o afrad a itii any itruo, or ihuiv,.i.j -m. nn7 tixn, wiw a:uT Jiase oay ar. . oanUitle lAwk, Kwamor CaoarraaLoun- ia hre, eonxiih-red Jo have extricated himself and bis principals friim the NlifTiculty in which llicy were involved, in nn xceetljriTy clever ay, . Tr The ftif atwrrir thrltlrvpt th KHigf i)hW WWnj ' Qhhi of Spairt, but they have nor struggled ii to light." . . . . . . ',.. -. -. " -a ,. -- . . a,.....,.- : '. Yoor LVKi'Ion Idlers will ncfdiiuhf "Convey to .you thefiiliire of Grmrul Henderson, toXinduce ihe BrHmh Government to reortgnizi Texas an ludiniendent Sl.le, .ILjeteaki!ui(F f-4hel. gocialion. which he opened with Lord l'Hluiec. TlieKmQwm,- and Rovl Fsmily-are Wem14 ? trvrOjthTem direetm rai i.l M wa a . accuinar any ether Inutof ere are some underhand acbemes ab-mt marr 1 TT.. . '177 " . 7 ' . .- c.,-T,m aeueap,a Reapectii.g the of Mr. Jaodoo, of which the usual fljod of asiarepreseoiaiioae and fibricaUoos will be round in vmr tiles of the journals, the following is the correct ac- , ceent. Many months since it was proposed by icon secnntiejiiat io order to rriiev tb Lendim market Wn the inundaUaa of American sccari. r. trajisfer of Ihe anxunt ofS0tl.0y0 lej," lained by these Vealihy baiikera, was about to be " completed at the of th unfortunate occur rence ot the refu-cif yf H ittiiifeur rX Pris, to ax;, eept ihe bills f the Brik of the U oiled Srat-s. That occurretire bad tbeeiFyi of breaking off the ' tvgocialion brtsreeo Mr.'iaudoo and the .Mewrs. , H'; but after tlie Uhuii vf mankind in gener al, no sooner had Mr. JiuJunsoeceedi d in otirsm S ing the recent soWnptmo totNtlie bun of 00, : 00(1, in Lctodim and cowq'jently rHX indmpenHably wanlirfg the asflstanc. trait AmsieJam, fiaa Jh Messrs. nope oth-red to nnptn tn oeciatkio and ttirs bi-mg oVairable, but not absniutely requi. . site baa been r-soooded toby Mr. Jsudott, who Ms bee over to ll.iiiand, and ttnda the general pfctetf aicceed.i3. -'1 Ilelolt' Parrs'nn'"FrHav TSiif "f f lymdon, to inirry a fair dnughter oHhe. t'nited Siajes, and will probably niLin the stemrt (the Bnimb Qocen.) by which, I Irust, tula letter will f-ach you. A colleague of his is engaged io rai sing a loan for Texas, and wii!, it is believed, suc ceed. -1 . ' .' - " " - " ; ( .; . : . ' " '- ' ""T'nnVrselDuniticrii "iTy6urTtt'wuTs"or"ilie United Stales eontimie to arrive here most of them on their way to Iialr. Among the most dia ls your eelnbratod ahwilil ha rturl. Ia th tinnac f If. ma At f tinsuwtiea ot our Kite arrivals Aroaterdam, and thai having b-cn fdvorahty enter I ')er rfilator, Daniel Webster.' He w in excellent liesllli. . , r - BpKDiT Evrrxc, Nov. t4." The nnxtmnly expecteo arrial of Ihe British v Queen, has brought us n.itliing very important, ci Iher in rejard to the financial or commerciiil poe- ition of alfiir m Eurpe. Intelligenee of Ihe son . piiei'n in cilte south of os, had wot lieen receiv ' ed, al we must watt Ihe arrival of the Lierpon steam ship which left Liverpool on the 15ih inst '"to know the eflect of event. We do not anli ciaata anything very S'fi iu (Mm it. Rime con tternntion in those qusrtrrs nvmt intifretod, it will frobably produce, but it will b but leniorary n nay event, and hsppeo what may we do not be xnt"r thaM itirarll WToTiinrr?w ciuwfimfier diatf ei he tr" x e have Ihe loan. 'The eowent of ll.e Kin of llollmdi. ci-s, whstevcr mav be the lato of olhrr countries l.Firr.M'to is requeaied to come fiirwarJ, pmve pttjpeny. pay chtrus, aud take bim awsy. .. - v. WOMACK. JV. ' . " Lexington, N. C, Decembet 0, lTO. tt. wa sw t wytssas any wnriman in W lit wJ alcav aeou'ii sow bom th Brick, if WintiL lie IrwiU tawl Su bof MMneoee to liOULWX-A?iI"LAi'tJitt BRICK,"" i3 esaUje b sovoaabareel pttbli pstronsso. - - . I II wi'J rr uUmew wwhing work done ia hi 1-ae U EiMe he F enftt Ae(nny ami the new I V.ra anas tllak'a a&g tt aWluipv. aa am.inn. 1 1aIX1' '1-'VJ "4v'il-'-'Ua"j lft' S.Mwfllt-:.;B.ui UJ4IJa:lwsXaacWawsws) oSewwhef , ljapr - -w k M .,w( U I I if II I I I 'J . Ill b MMllUltllrcM Iu " . .t- a vaM l scIumU V uurvf LtdtM. wUI okh no Monday, I be 6 b U Jarmary. - - - -T'1 or ff sXo-ly envj brice Sri the brsucht f a ' .1 T I- L V I .' .l - T..- . r- gooo i.ngnan euiicaiioii, ine iann woo fQ-nca Paretiis and Guardian are ret-rred fr partica lars to cither of the following g'.-wlcmra : Moo. I . IN ASH. -. Or. JAS. 'WF.CItV :.-ISO, W. NORM OOD, 1 " j Hon. W. P. MAXCEM, Oraoe. I - itev. d. lacy, Raw-gh.- i' " ; Rev. F. NASH.": X Linxo. '.) Davwassx. AprJ H. l-3!x. "EaJJERTx-OXr tf Board can be had in the most ritpc-'jte Crmi lies, and parents wiching In plrfee th'.c stij'iH ia? at school, can bear of boarding bouavs io a; ,"'-f tion to wa.: ;. .. " ' , , - . " . V - j Music, Drawing and Painting, will be taught by, a whII ijuahhed and experienced leecfier. Terms as hi retofnro. ' . 1' . 1 English atudu-a, '- . ' ' 817 Sfl r ; Latin, ' 10 00- French, '.. .: ' . ; bfl yttMt.iSz.C . s oo .: Drawing and lanyng, 15 (0 -ctaihpr 4, ,L-W.. Scw Fasluons, for Synng &, . - 'J i-.llOtt A Cl. Uwtt li AUls UlftL r 1 1 LLT hJ.rrina bis frieno and the rjir, ikaf a stiit carne an the TAILOR ING El tlNES at baa tM aland on mainstn. .JUko-..; W lav ta Apothecary Siorc. He sever reo4y to execute toe otur of his custHners in a Syle asaf wsn r not aorpassno! by any workman io live trw part of lh Siwfe. lie io in the re- guUr rrettx cf t!i Ultra LooJ s an.! New Ybrk FASillU.N'?, M prepartrt to areomovdaie the la U 'stm (hauoaUe at alt limes. ' - tO" CVu gtnnrala of ail kind attended to px mpdy ; an4 tie htest Is asbmas fjrninhed si all bawes hicoauarj tailors, and utruct oo given in eattsag.' - ISwIwhory, Jan. I, 130. iiuixiiiij unburn j MILLScil at iW'tniirilluiMS m Sa'iahnry, on ta lt stay at Jaatury next, two Lkely ue- -GUACslw - hrre f fpeiaf pur(t CtfaiiW1' rnriien'' jl8B. dbyiK JU STEt I 1 i-"""- reUdy ohlam"d.,ao4 the Mensr. ll w wrote on the 2Sih tf Clciober Io invite Mr. Janrt si lo return to Auisvrdam. in onbtr to comoloie Ihe arranse- -went of thenerms-otstaiaraairtlca'rT:t fwsrof-ntrighbcnng emiMrieir, x be eVpos.ted with the lnMHe at Amiterdaw.-. -J'"?afl II 1ft lal in,nn!l,nfl.1.XgiiiIiars, al OS. V ir. It is Iho misfiiituna of two short crops of Grain in Efylsnd, a caUmity increased by a duiiciency whifh is the eresY eane of tho enibnrrnwmui't liicre. - It is i4!en the'extrrm's to ftttrib;!'ettee;n m rl-f-c's in .. tun - - f REPORTER AND MORNING DAILY O-XJEl'S-l Tt m tv Bntfi VtRw.ii U4iV8,"2c"X' 4 TwisvsjsCXiAaowa osl the. da v uf SmL. , - .r- - ACS TINKSTON',---: . x ' ,. " ComuMwMOiier -5S. IrSX -- ' - t I." IVotica probahls to be fir five tears : but the life, term. "a all other nartfeutara, rcmaia oaettled. - 2.'' V . . -:- io : -There ia iivipnrtant roreilioee front the Eft vodreratid JEhmr tMrdiTghf y rwrdiy-iirxrrt- vwr- the mooftarvevateip, or to-ahuses which have pre vailed under rt. No ewimry or system, can be ex pected to stand v'nhnrrnrdv a imnck jo'unexyected j.or so'nt, as that produm-d by a vfK'huicy in liUaJtfatppta-wquuQ ...w m -w-ssiasoi uxjrisftn jraxriwuT tiff m-CT" f ' " T w-, .'tit 1 . a w. I T . t I ...UJlt aa a-. , mi aln 'ft V m t M ff fBY II fl taland pnrtiruiarly a ci uoiry aoswarmmg with 'people a the Bnlis'i Empn the history' uml the , inminil i her sist'iwn nn-t nl)l'"t p-ililifal a'on oimsts besrtfsnmoiij Io Hlii h cnu-i-s en extra ' ordmarvand rmwiHiit drain on hi-r resource, al ..... .. -i. . ... . - - ..c... i. .rgru,,Ha EmrUmf,! W ahsoro..'a by IM oruinary cm.r-, a wbick .u i J ...-.i i - L which imut be met at everv sacrilice . U if ret c v in i unrr ir- i.- ' ana 1 t Mahomet has be-u oVt hrtxied with only a s ight bis to iho Each tro-nw- - At Cantoo tlie trade continued suspended, aaCapl. Eitwt theEng lrsh ru-n.-rinteor!ent, had very abauidh rvf.aapd to allow any of tho British vw I to reenter thi ' . FROM andaAer the 1st of Drcember Mtni.two. will bo iililii.lied in WaJiKi'i.Mi rn, s fa- re m. . . r.... 1? iui-r the aluneliiTe; irm lot Or FtOfej' 'X rr . Cucass if .are bervbv Otitified atssBsaVapi I u Jiie opinion in Eigtsnd is beinmu j t-i be touch .... J fior of the L1iine, who ar ent lerwl to , "nave vfij put down die importation f a n ii"i- oos draj, wi bo j,- t!ie rii" nr;M. ai any . other Datum to caose the reverloe Laws to-l ola-v td. - t oere M ome proll'iiy ihxf fj-ien Wforia - . p ' -en,T,f opon her wtytu ihe h"o.r of. a king. 7 fuKS-Al-Mt,of Suva CiiMOrg.,-ia lie ganhM)en . - IM'tmn; b;n ii i5 ik exp.-cieJ lo be a pojatlar s!,',,vftona is not perlectlr ppular fwr, Pi:a, iimk-r the almie lilie ; loiae I -",c ' at large, tins first 'opportunity tiflered nf ekaiautg . from VViaiiinjiton a complete report ef Xti wey j' fainciii doing iraiiaaeietit're, andt the cntr-f tni'iii'ves, a wr-fail.iiiultifujfjjrtd The rhiirauter of lh puptr sloill 1 ret Jy Wr" ' prnihaf, (n4 rTklcw,) in the m' i txinV-a sraws;, of I lie trm : Ihe eHior bams convince tiwat H t ' , indepniHietice alme which ran area re to the Bw paper pies the proud station H afiowd tvt occo-; f.y, eiKthat witliout H, can ceer sutwerve u.j useful end. i ' ' 4 ' A a Ciithful " RroaTr.I, pilar, and the movements of puhtieal iiuu,. wtU be tmSs ...( . t uied t and 10 point if v .ri-rty, burner, and prwof- that an la-Ulaiitsf-ToenfJ D ltar per share, will be fult4 b Ike fc:ktu -tJ, ou th '.'Oil day of U . UUa .if..u Dirtcljrx i-C ll&Caropaay.. M. H. HORxll. TE, . . C. aSclY.'St. , Id9w- -. 3t i miiviM ii aiich a time a thi-. a wsnV of . har-" mony a;n'Mig tlie'iuTtitcd iutituti.m of the conn try. which, whcii all ought td pui ilrir ahiuhlera to ihe wheel, miiHt b4 prorlnctivu of ailditimiai.oia-) w m news iniiens the - Osxisis. . trssand deprive her of tlm expedieiils, in which 'jUipsed by any othf-r paper of ewn-1 i?ieo- relief mihl be found. iV. V. Voir, d)- fnquirrr, W.H1(I . J;,r , IS he nor pride lo nxvrJ oi.b . -I. tu-. - - - - T7 iiutcli. anq in a pi'-a-mg wytc, , . - The lic quaiuti and sui1 ever oew, . VVANTED TO HIiiC, I C OME able, wit N-gr mon. f if the Siiasing year, ; riJ U wm.VTil.-raI wsiTwiir W'. - - "t Apply u ' " w. Ea!Rbury,D'.mlr(,ieaa MURPHY. with aocli swift variety iHliuscvu-cU-riiri".!!,. and wutidcrful wctU. -, t- - . i . n. a. Rortsti.'A.xt vmhekils, " FoT kflT-YED A.NU 11) R Al, r ' . n i w tViUwi Ri im, 4 i fa 4 1 tacrww, ,; ? co B Kov. ' . ' . . : l lege Sd -. ... : ' '-'' U awn C&e. '"''-. 14i!a-s. . r' . . I Itw. Lcl da. is'ltTvSHjmw Steel. , -. . M pr. I'.'. p tt.ivin-s, art ft B "Su-!, ' .' , 1(1 Bttt?t X O' .M.xtore, ' - 31 Wrge Covering IMcsr' " &) law. fiiiM lieaHfr, ' - -""'. i-jrj i s win u v if - WUATAL, OlHUlATlOSe 1 1 .VYiNU located famwu' itrtr.e Tir a of s-" V fcwy, nfllira h proleasjimj TVrra to- two Citiseua of Rowan,' and the ai'jorrtiwr. couwiieo.. tie may on ncimoat vAit.-utrws nvrsv,mwe he is prepared to perform any and every H? KtlftyriTlsl'sus cbargw--maierisls and work warranted ia all ear.v . ialiabaryt No. 8, lt39. - , tC ' ' - , ' lJlt' S3il DR. GB; DOUGLAS,. UAVl.N'O ItiriUil bimwut -wo Nuboy, reepecttully to-oder bwjiniMinaj on-,. -yio.a to its cuiania, and tliose of the sormebdiaa; eneo-- ry. , iiisouios is st lb Tm runoeriy etcapios ay ur. R. ii. Buuchelle, where a any be aod al all ussea except wheahento pr ftsMonel dutie. t , ; altshury, My -.l-sa M , y. Hi. .. , ... . . , ill ii, ll T ' n i 'P II mbcrVr Lmig seven mile wssth'ss Mw -fL fcurr, HrtfoJf kneprng ewiaily os Uad, iln- tile and Orasluj his eiprradj S . j , : TO Mil" STUNI-S, so-tfnrt hessr inrewms xir tirter a Uut Lbe, ea tot auuciwi ooiice.. . . .. i . , - . . s lie ta resdv to execute sny rk whirs maf be t.ed . b o hlX'LP4i;R4Mi, roNJtiTrLNl. L.W--' i- GRAVI.NU, Vt and be aore A e b but rtaor " him with IlK'ir Work, thai ulut w eU oua aoeotdiog , - to contract, he lias no pay. . . .i , - "A TOmfrtfte large iVtry Troe,f tr aisck,.v.. W1weTltle.,"-"""', To oyiict8 ot MiUs: rplIE Holwcribrr Lasaa irfwrr4 lrmt KpUJIt Mills, by which, a mill will e wum-Ii bc-iMt t SkJfc.teafc.JO r . tSae with the usual form uf ISinndlea. ll la aa cuRdrwrtad as to keep (rmn k' atitte ur It i J ling t. aowl in as i7i. 1 14 runnrr m w ennbnH t'f the hwiacle as to preserve it Balance. Snd of Oourae tMra is ml rutMjiir of tlie atisiea. !'..- f think, by this improved Fp nuie, thi. sxsl siUiV-' will Hu t iet4 one-Uitrd more bitMiieaa. ao tie awwl " of siiprrtoraealHy. . '-. ' Anv perasi wnhir.g -we me fter Pvixr, ' my oUtain one or mote, ay mailing aty!w-iwn, fwoV - in a ahort time) to tlie iihm-nwv at Juurktrruie, mw Co. N. C I Hunk Umi iin.taib'.e ems w!) mA eaorol $ Inr Die Patent and Kptnaie reedy far , m I lie olHiaini perMMi hat my 1'a'ent ii M hrMe ia ueccBfiil nfcrslHio: t'J. W. V. H"f, Tt. Iw- t r, Joei-ph Hall and hanil Fm'et tf fse CotMr; (Jilti U) l)if1i 0" and Ihv.i J. iUa-wcr ut Oiom Oisrh GfiflilS of fla ; A U. a '.reot Mie. t" smi, and William taws of Surrv. ail of w !a sr ie k- ' y pleased Willi iu porforrtic. - ; -i - I M. UtLEIiT. October 85, 1S3D. -e , 'tf Kciv Barcaina! XtSons.-Houc clio MeVl!t'.t.-1,"tMif; 'IAKES treat pleasure, to inform bis fiictvli . Ml.:"-Uiia,o4 the puthsi tec"ai,lwat"- --"- be ha received direct fna CliarVstuo, S. CV a" - resA tupplf of Fiun aod Grooencs, ? . . . trcit as' ' FRESH CRACKERS, ' . ORANGFJ, ' - l'F.MO. RAI5IN3, OYSTERS, -FIGS, . ' . SARDINES, " F R ES!1 HONEY, HERRING. - . - CORDIALS, r rJ. Ea ja.rr, &sj 1 27, KX V W. MURTIIY. WINES, LIQUORS m &EGAR'a3 tW best qimlitiuN and of the latest i.iiuiaikm. e N. B. The above article can be ould rery Vnf lor im.- v- . . ; . fSwlislwry, Nov. S9, H.;fl. . . if. , , Coi " FyrmJ.0i'- ion Seed. Vamsll qusstity of th a tSEHD, rxid k-y Ir Williaos Thomas, (brmerlv f IVviii"?! t-j&-, w fett for Sale at tliia OtTioe, at fl OX) per bourfii. Noveuib-r 1st, - iC Negroes Wanlci. TAIR cafi prices waThe Viveo ti'X'Z' Ml atCoLR W.Ifl,Mlii!fl,.Vli;).N.C. May 17, IS X V "-'xi t J