4 i ". M 'Ti. ' r. en. fud ' . ifee f 7 av -a - j ut - lit ii H iika tot irel 3t ' ivl iW . rfik. tiatd ned haS" sail; . tar I'm: ' Je . sabd' I nfla ' r'itt'" j i , ; 4 Or j d rt j -' C ?. St a4. i Mefll It5 a pacta. aiflM, r a ieiC sJ urr.- rfa jt.t:S, ! reauV JW- mistaa B.-e Uja) lamsT Itof't IfcVw. aa TrtiW iaf t 4, J. & , Ens aacii 14 aS Eft SW d ft iat I 'Tie U.I ii WBW ii M aXfci C-a erU ? J - rj..t t Viii-i e ( eoIy to J. file t!,ro ;, tJ to participate eilbusiu our uicipitnt. 0 lrttf,iijji ml d-l ibe rational Are ae itrt4 ufaui e-'y il '' uM loiply T yj l wd fruit uf fraud and Villi!!) U'H tw f t-alucd .id reaped, but acM.illy eatt:n, "art ruiff rpije air etfectuaf veto to the r iic'kja jti pniciaiin of it 1 He would ro ir' rr-H-J p ta Hnl-ily ruunmr, of ctrtirfte, ! o fcus'iiy, I' ert icb'coo'qufrict: ; im tV) invuive tf giiantntee, that (he po . Icls xni" tn m.i)-iriiy o the overeli'B pea. Ctr fc i! J cnwnf wct upon eaie of rrt efc-ct bSf the eiertiwn of PpcaUer ajrf "e wEbXitMMi if tha f InM, in th cinnin , attea'i o trtr, wa ,rthir qnetion. But e owi'i. tat tr n, act fxr euooh to enable us H Mtaunr tSihi otie or the tither e1 of gen iif re etrct ,' at all event , hether tin-re ' mibi imbl na ibe aubject as that il mild be eiaeai tkt kxb should aland bark until a tb'iwa ami a Committee of Election iieL A la itiene tweta of creJenlinU, the irjl ap1 uM 6rat enter was a trial of lVmW,i( hi erser to Ihm, nothtiiff but an in nrrtna cd tfee rtcarii r;w aecewarv. n The W of itm Jersey eWtr "that the persons who hae - xswjEaaor eo.vTSST.. Tin Uu l Xm-awalifiwjppHrnrrieJ ! M,n- WwberW totes fromThe llo1frr k"Pd, fur tlw faumwTf tbw itatinnrTbai Tt'"T "T luiiv T iMiSTSaii wouw not uu:r so Krw.n outrage tu l wrrtr-. nwBiia-n. ifc. rT."fe Ir;a and led on lire nchta of the imnitk. . . , Much had been mii by glnll. i, in the W ! Wt'tl' iU,! W to 4t iitiott tbmM the Itbertiea of the peopk, c(iiW:nu.,j.wrem'tta,M r tional rights," Ate He had us high m epnrd Jbr j wunffiii.iai -ft- grgynVty itpmi btoMe, J the libertmairf the people as any man on Hint fliwir ; k iincna- awnw tin bw wrtiid, wnt th per-! and it was to prercnt Guveroor Penmrton aiUl Uts j-ninMim-ui-tMt Xnm. pan ibr ail. turfii tbej . clique from destroying tlioxe liberties that be now LuJ m lU 9aoim mtlt aildressed them. , ,L .,4 . , . . . t o. ..; is r i ,. , ' 1WWMW thai gnassi, W , m tbiL Uu,8ir. (wj Mr. W.iweare to d Hint t itS"? ' f - - r- - . - - - I.ai.T frwa- :"videice4iMlt tlie ) "" are ta aertoe ebowea) by the aent le of New Jer an-" Mawt sir, tb ta emphatic the great " & awatW c tettt frtm tt whale Slatt" not from prl of IS Mat, oaMttfnj; tbw jnmd old pemoCTWic imh of M.UtiHe an4 Sooih AmSoy. The com - ami of lb Governor, apoa which Mr. Yockr ti k a,iwieawa retjr, aasumu tha fnct that they rermed ta " rfatst nomber of totea from the aie SUtft." Tor M at least implied, if not rx- Ta uatantor theav base, bia comiai - ) Ktara f ote from the whole 8late a jrrori, attrportinff to show that (be een- i wkwa k rwrnnuwonrd received the e rent ed s.-afce U sotea. Their opponents enme in a4 y I bra k oo meb record. You, Mr. Go. feraor, Urnei year certificate upon only part of the record. Vow remembered ta ferget that there mm two swea to as, named Millvill and South Aar. ra l be Stat ; for you dul not compute the " tbes- tnwnav Tbey adduce the actual rer. ib csirdewr of the actual return, as filed io tbe rx p.rtawnf of S'are from whkb. iLappears lialtfcg tttvni apea wb4ek- thtioerimr barbased k cerrifirwte, or msMtmuon, is partial and defee- M ifHr true, and itatnnt rtcoriL-. WoetM tbo BcJ rebut tb prim ucir evidence of ceniarsuie r r"naif un, sir I What was the - aua uhinrut rta art etfire T It - rr'n o f,r f. ,r:i !.-..-,;. ., -r ' t .; -. pie, liad U -til r (' ,: , ,v !:,? i :, !;.,', ... .,, , : U..U llo ('he I'i. ikj man t ;d Ui. irr'iiu: ..., Uitw'S of his'onlh l m!a ibi-u, b,r,r u nu-in.:. . j i.hlo to dci.lo wliii were fiiutkfl i tc w hin. I Let both aets stand back until the )UM. m ,,, -..,1. ! j ... . . . . f -w.eo, wneo a fun and -rarr ltwinsiim: .nrrnu'.d 1 I had. Mr. W . wid he was uiiwilhi to tl. h al(-ni'ide tf tltooe m fur fnnu coioi.i? endorsed by the people, come here wuli a jn-nrnt on their backs. lie was unwilling that Okm inuilil oe potimuoa to rote on any qui;um, unul tlmrr right to seats here wus determined. viul it had bn said thul tliey could not pu lm "hind the certificate" of Sovernor fi-nrntu'iuu, given undpr tlie " fcroa J seal " of the Siute ! tinn lleiiH.'n appeared to attach some iieeutittrnuiiiUiiMn teoht Were they not aware thut there m st. otticial document in the hand of the Orlc, imiltr the " great aeul" of the Secretary id" State, stmwini; that the l)iiiiicratic claimatiti recttived n nmj.rri'i, of the people's vote, as it apiear iy the renurd in bis ollke ? If tliey were igimruut of thut Jurt, it vi their own Ciutt, fr llwy liad 'refused to liear the ppera read. , Shall we. he .aikntt, aiinuT ti reroor Ptmninfton, with his erent enL" itv-nts nufocture memlicru for lhtj)C(ii!e in' d;rflnt ojijiiait tion to their etpreKsed wuhmi T ' ' i' n- rrir-ui r.i. he Mthn-ri V. bf. r.a w .;. -:.: ti li;e tJ'li ot XlriliT 3rtia Etcemter i"V 1333. ti" n- mtimwrat- to Mmmnre C4. Kk: wrs VT ILiim. a. Catabu! &r th oiike of r .: ..;;!, ; ! tr .sn celoij;, w wf lni n ri . 't-f i -.l in iiiitHirijj ,u tf f.irwitrd. by ;'( -i.-i l'f II n. J .hti Q. A urn, Chairman; ih 'xil r, b it C'l.a.r.imn ; unlil Itii d uie, tlte ii ' eiu!J aoCuwite it aUT'ai tlf're"'a no iiF"T3FiT J'." V .t.tt:j, i. . . . .,v,ium uiitTiijj . qiiririuii, a.ui alt they d4 fr dais, wa.ln ! V-,.-tJ T?T"..i.i'ri 'h.M''lv.tier.ieee.t sewche. Ti..s ob-lrurti.i id the pr gra t.- '' e " '" ''- s'"1"1" ti' "f, H.i!,"4. cc4t.aied wholly by the Sew Jrr, j F ' -Wt.lW, f A. 7. electioua .Tb RelutMia of ajp.MnU!i Mr. T iV friit alMMirw 'w tif ia the above Adams CbfurmaiH ;rat contained the mu lne'ww .atoiay' im the.citiamw of Itotk. Lw Wilha.nn.twt t!mt!citle.aa lirfiiseJl J 8-fcasprwiii.fin,, rnwntrjJwWrthe Fast to act. Tin d.-li.iM-e" . uki4 h.m. ir Awt. J ' 2"" HWrpilv " W ftSriit from the Ctcl of hu b'iu the ilj d vua.hr .1. It . m t 4if wt-S a r ait u tu nrv.-cnt the We rf Si ineed4;nr .f th BH'atmg, brrt . ouV eountrv. that tl H.iu. hv lh tjo. it ktl. 'l CJ-i tiutt sJis wk wOt e must Ti TfUsKt "Ei.;t.; iwsJ ibeChpe Fr, Lave fl on. oriuiiifiL and readv (ur bu-mie. i , , " .i watt rvme Kayto b tuittbid, anil they en 1 7 MlaUi'pi.-Tn Whi candidates C G.f. jwan rji ajwfiaat aieat,! eommesfe the work, erixir, and for Cong rena is Miwiwippi, ranae uti li'.jrf4'r as-wiifcilli lb aiaiiat already tw Uitry Clay tor President, and fir a lItcd ' wWrsWd. w enr aMMMtl thut ta work Airlh States CmkTbe battle was Ciuglu a the wiiSbir sut ami' cwattact, ami th giounil " "tiS2mWF&iW fr!Ui cut. " 'lo'tfie'alo ByfLV li-W"iy paper, w stated that the 1 Slate' baa gone fer lb Vc " biilt lutes I' IfeeMcratic candidates by a iare majirity. We ft mmaA km mar da 1 Have we bo , now ti-am ihallte Governor was elected by i,iW fwt hwj " t FayettUle baa, , ami the candidates fi Cofiwas, by npwards'li b actei Kherel prf, " f.S.lM)0.-.Tht was tu have been eipocted, far C ; m4 J;nat it In euwpaey, Duncan Gv m beyond dispute, thai weir ber llenry Oay, r te, l, w inng waiting our plea.- -lhf Bank, wilt be suatsincd in tbe Bouta. Tbe ' j, : , , " thing m too pbii to be deiue-l, and it is vrnrtm u t- 5.,.il ia iun ! T ji after all . esd publac pledge,1 A . 1 niMlmid nlhrraiwi ... Ha inina m hliil tin i,mm Vomr I ' imi I' .c. itr i.. . y . , . .. t;'.r .ni :nir jin"winTwri aaaurMiuor sikims i r j : " Pot ,.njaoc.mlid?wbdeme.rt. iW s-.-.! tW of rb. Cape VluilllfallaB at I E diiiiihtii an 1. np awMfiaa. M lini lajrnal llisi - r v aAJ uafw. 1 " denied. It wai prima facie eridenr, but that ei-' Ui-itiimit eihtcuigr' t -39dtar r orpaatia the deoce might be rebutted and destrnved b r-vuiMBe ilw.. ifw 1,iUI M. ri tK.,J,. oi a Dinner cnaracter. Here. sir. we hud umic tin- table o( our Clerk, proof that tliosesertificates mill been given to men who received i ndnarttg of Hit popular vote. Tliat evidence was biHdatn jiiuI cwicluHive. ; Let any iimui whose -mind m mitt bin der the complete dominion of firrjudioti, wnamiw' it, and tell htm whether there1 mas ftflt ritlenoe auflkietit to warrant the VMik of the ti.iuiie tii pla- : ciug tlieae men in this Hull jia nieoiWiiw lour wiaiiiip,in miiuet .tuawAie 'ieoale anas gag 9m rf p"oin, aatfti mcitmmi', wMnM.it aad wmmmtktm. iiotmli(ii be cuIh' 3omnoWs Haat icnt wi f rest abtiity, and rtf jircnumwij iir Um enattSka On, the ewetuag ' tbiniuMiSa.ji ajwiter mlbe Prteraburgh IttttdityflBwrtwrTv r acanr of e tuMMt arnee, layjuai 'nrtM,.,wd"if (tie draenpttoa " urinut facie" evidtrnee is n-hnttd tir 1 hn nimn ifm(rMvtetjrWif laliie.y I ou majr succeed, he id, in aopprewinuj J mx' m "?ul"u,i that evidence here, but the people if ihta cmiiitnt mirt. 4a ii awe ! Fr th bonoer ef Eawan, antf r . FLO HI DA WAR. ' -:- jsjwwctei XaavJb tbutas "'mU wop' oof. . The. ladiaue eominue to commit the W terri-jtVwBe fnwaxi tVta, ckaanw of Eowan, and by We awancrea in FWida-Tbey bars, as lie Jmt Artl suJawnyta, seo tu yoai friead in " awr m uetherrr'PMpvr7 hir1jr;f rtif EmK jmmw-m-wpmi-rwUi)H-roacbei within a km miles of St. Angutne, mi i yar awnoav a.H nfy the Ctt ot the Cap sMtdered several .fmm-U rt en, that ' Fee RaJ K.mi,hm. Am cmenl Mpraemeiit f ' moment, with alt ito'fireea, esw tfwTait,. atioy afcwJiuiuiredmtaLTTjtTB aau b bad W Jfrir ef t. Bwosgwient, or betBcieBcy, at tba bead wf tsifc ti caomuBwer uim frU org a will have it, and they wiil do justice to th 'A btj: uovenior arjii nis Friry C-iajiiril. . -Let the citizens of this Ri-jmblicoiieeuiiihiMtduti mo m its nafHre. here prima fa- " ,ne ,uc, ' ci, and bis wmA lur t miej BcTiiuTCl'al mi nisn.iianoea outrage upon their trmms. He said it whs emphatically a coniost bntwetiu OaCii- . tkat it Mixidsaod, Mitil rebutted by other and bifer e-4ror; but, aceordm to the'dictrine of prew, at was bus -jrw;- let -umfmyf: ! U eeerUae rebuttal wntit alter the mischief was W ; afle tb primttfteie members had tnted jp(ftW'bTik'iB ysr maMMites the eyes mid organs of IS llmm. Primm fmtie ttUenee was, indeed, tVai m4 wai mew and enheiird of clmrac Ii ws aal ly soot, tbat we could not open the -;eW, a( jr into he-whd ease- bef.r-i Syler aras cbueew. IL-re m the diHtjnctiml, saiaistatV ll, hat would indicate bow far be uvrbt v awW p in thi oar embry state.-" trie, perbays ktiort to tmrye tlie rfw.isitWirtfHac . wen gives, by dmpatltried persuo ; tx such an ia ry aMawid aove tee eiaiMMaiioii of vtilumiHou, and, aw dtmbt. confiictiBa; Ueatiniony ; and thia cootd K4c3b aVia without ft eummittee f but we "re covfetea a kok at l4e record, to look at tiprtwisJVliinf' ewrd as tSnl fw wktcb the Governor baxes hi crrtaVaae. IVm anasial was our erW after the rnfl was ca'fcd. it mm went only to the extent that Ljs matirfcjs wowfd enwtmit wa; and thia would be s all ibat m merrmmrj he ibe ("irp.ieof thia cane. Tint wae ca.e mi gtnerit.The distinction be- tweeajibas aaJ the ordinary caee of contented N4tctMa, wbrb wra ait entertained till alter our rMkSet orr 2SIoTtF T; "re" Rie"qoi''iMiq' ar9se ia tke rttim, rmt nana tlie merits, ia the rive txt-i gattg.KJBft-zmm J.:Tu&. a&diunJ. we, seiner a aajuntT was produced.ly tj) of dr!i5ed voiere, but whether th wh.de , Mid.um i. Win '.aLtm a wa arrimlrryrrerr rTd"n'. lnrd to W Governor bad beeu, returned tn us aad tW beittg wxot of easy asoertrtinment, no "ft wmm eitt be-3rtwd wty-wtf-fhrmlit- tiw earertaia tae eJrvtion, at "east so tar a to set mere rrtveadrrs ftsaie bit the Uoaae was cumpletfly or nired. ' ' , TVc (aJ Mr.T) were Ms iew and answers ! tae leckascaJ eomtthe mere questiotw of form rtd Sere, to prrclafie bs from looking at the real Mi and jee ef lb ese ; hut b was free c3Mw tkal a was impelled to, and fiirtihVd in, tkc CMra b took, by a her ml higher euvisidera. t than arry t wkicb he badv yet adverted.- It wts,tai hes enarse fcrnred popular liberty; that tVr nzkl aod truth aad Mtice and conscience ot lie case wwte ail ftgawwl th pretenders who canawd ertta here, merely " Btcarta. or THriB !. He implored tb iiuutie not W ackuowl- e!e wjew so iwpateot, or ao my:inedby ibrm, ft as be bweded I swbnfcuic ; wot M pmmttlgate te t wnrU tbat tb puteat vntc and will of the pen- fe vmreign Stated eonstitutHKmlly eiprewd, nj brrw be bractmny frentrated and drowned, T!if .JTbjJLElV1"'' stoeaking Botes vf rnMT.Nw..JawyadiuaTrCnuia JiWfWiwaiuti tt'Hr tuxvomir wttitai SFodiUK" &r Utt iimlUnmt jfuvm ! til- W.mg- fLtwiiittee the mmikmie. tMm!tast. But hi tae eud, k turned ud titiC ttur etuis- uiT imw oT tbw etrctu precuict iMMi iina.it'i-lliiirliwand. wr ftwamrd,. and, which 'Htaiuuiiit,aud gt the? DnawrriMtc Caodt. iitfttis a awyirtr .tf'mtin5 ima tbaa oa bow T'l' 4IMMU4S, lha wttdrr drUita, ' one side, and the people mrthe it.liet.'' ?tiut1 the ' people elect their Representatiws, orhutl Gorn- or i enningtim do it lorinetnl I bat we ttie qmm . tuui siibimtled to their onmiloratioib - - - Supiiose, said Mr. W. thore was prmd" -ihat 4tie certini;ates were false jj.jie would ak whethnrtliry were now in a condition to pa-w uprm ,lhifl juea tion I No: Tor the question, who -was virtnlnd u vote, would immediately arise, if a nntottMitioa 1h i ' i. . i.-:..:.. :. ",r..-..ij rrflwim. . . Mr. W, said he would ask that srere tlir pr. 'imm'rU- mapusf i :b. watstMi ia ifcaM- tlemen deluding upmu to five ihem twms ? 3J.it 3m bmitw mm tt bmidi their the votes of the-people, but fhe mere lechmrailitie !, M, J- - ... P , , .', . , - , . . - j -psMrhinmiwi warir'wwwketrwiit oaeitrtetf, aou ta of the la, a.id Hm broad weal of tlm Aete, liwuo - - - uleutly made uae of by Gov. reiinintim. Thw .. u-ninwte saaiiilaia tneir fta.laitaeawdT-aiii 'vernor and the people nfIew Jersey ; and em-irwili fa ttta; naaiitu ; gentlemen willing to saenfioe the doareel TichtuMlT Ehw ilbe wtil terminate it not in eur the people, and sustain the Gm-ern-n; iu in usurps- wmttmm, mme-,, whethrr will end at twos?. The people had as much rujbt to hove a't" .. . . . . vote in eloctiliR a S,aker o( this fl.HMe asl-.mrte f1 w"0"- in the enactment of a law, md it was thmr nmmii il !rrts ef till greater duty to dt-cide ahetm-r the pensile nr the Cirmmrmir HUiit- A bki'utt, hnrnvvrr, jadgnsg tmm the should be repieseoted in the elwlion trf thai ifH jrwHtnil ienum-tsTUar uttbaieC. Utat tbi ouesciu LiW. prn if apim.Aba.nnii "'wrawm Itarai ajiunud wan MUhi as wwewuwuieut; Uf .. si... il . ii . . : x" i i -i . tuw, ...oi mo n.rurrwmaiivei in iuo twu ok m: J.1J,,i ,, . e . ,l m tarn mcm.tvium , - " . i i ..1M--iL ' tr 1- War Drpartment-Wouid tit aut have Wea rB ;was lliirt. wtimol vrjleoea Wy.iit weallli of sueMiMX the aummei at the Lakes, and at l!e 4 eowjTtj, Wfc, ajttiKai,ui onve irom . f watenng place at iheNnnW, tu have ade w re-'-y- Ins-Atrs ts wuhliinst.Bjni moat talented fin. cevcry uf FUwiduVor at least, , to h-ve siaited lb 1 arm laay yw t josj dWpeoiut them in thety - -sale place there, aod dev Ued tome acbem te fet ltm tW lb af hberaUty f t;shof t, for . IO , inai vl wouia aave itevn won mi. wuo . - una his duty The coat tS I lie Fioruia Warfcas aJ-iwwd Jw th fot ct fik Patnota 'vwady'raftthed a'yaVad. 3ftiiiiiaWaiaUv &i.ml)ti.w lhaf Jli. If ihi. t au. it h.a taeen the' mnst etnrwrter " f W irattta ul lbw wb are desirous of - 1 3 Jk a m w mm mrbrtid tbw nature f lh' dHjnih a iianMaaai ta: tti debate M ia ia sub- ' JCf tb ie Jury efee. .unwt'i W liii jnuj itauarMa-aa aaxh, a panat tkket. 3'lie tnsstiri a .tm mticUMi. ww 'eery ckarv but- f : Vr. MTe!i tfiT 'ration presented te the cxkwVra.aiai wf that a-mhlv, (fi it could not Vrt '- - am 1 H m iJl.m nt lha I lrk "iti3 t raS the Whiz claimants from New "ay becw impngwed, and he had aaked their .. fr jiwajQ t jtnte the facte ia the case, as shown. J IW Bayers Bed m thu oCjcp, and the teotn - WH Iw hrA i"d. - !! wv a'triy a-n - ex a and man tiwt nior deavins this privi . f I lha Orrk, lie wwnld ask the gentlemen u Oynmtn wh it wtw that they were on bete all th &e'f .Were they afraid to M imCWw s tar vhe.tiw. the fiietupo k k W tw-auboHi thie (juealioa f right Ik lUmet D they'aVar tliat fall jod &ir '"trWrWreT tte" evidence'" "wid show that these . crrttcie pell men are ant entitled to tlieir For his wrnm purt, b wished to tea th enlace as r rase Uid be(re thia assembly, and befcee twe roaatrv Let the people ae how the farwj aa lw Oppnxrinri kid anoht rw trample ' ? thr ri?h bow Govemnr Pemiinetoa and t ka Pnvy Cdorrd hd attempted to plw men m H2 wham the haj. rejected, lie said he k nttoi thM tWr was evidence on th Clerk's ! by, Wwj hevotid a rmsiwable doubt that the ""wcTre ctjimanta rseeived I majority of the . l"B94t" tet, aod that t he. Governor and his Coon d koi ewtrped iht narhta iif the people by eonv "'mjr other. Whit was the duty of the - - ph, tV, wnVr tbee cireumstances! Bhould frwieyj o enraf, members cf tH Il'iuirc, Wat ever waged ia airmnt, or mooVra lmX"&l S Cap Fear Rail, i, urn for Congre to ImJi sermmdy tm thiR-d iWuway.ww wamVl seal, that Bka arts Btter aod daeMnzie brmg rye '' h ' pre the peopkof FVida to unaWstsni that eao-po kjwger took to th G-irrmmcnt tW fwatec- ' " " '-"' v k tWrn. aifamst the massacre, and murders of ami! ' IJY.W'2-r.'f :frti--i;i;fNr;':tC:i'i '.avi. --4- Jaw- T- "T n7"56? f J t " M... ' - " f .Vw. i-J etslutk. A. 41. Oa .V"? ha, ta S3t h mat the Mail wagnrr, , UNITED IN WEDLOCK. riy tuitirt. Br4r-wwviarwjr ar-jarf- '"fjsuILIcSj to rrrmt tf C-!irrempaarf)rml ktr&vrti pi. r'bv- ihetr i tmttken-. v, ;a;t,w.R4j,tjw-. theoerves. " "T " r rlBbm vttmsmm, -wee t JTW3Wr ttwrf r. Wf.-:iT I-ai ii-,'! iHwfir.l n v-iprrw as v a art a he baa don sinr he last visited this faiace. jMtniea am- wirm WMicJit alike- ia, ibe eatreatew to I' r.. ." .-. .i fti.L. .. -... T! . i l a-w.uraa-oum. tw-ui-y ..aauw -mlwtg,tHmr w Grulib. E , Mr. AM) HE V FU1TZ to Maa UH UIK; 7 . , ., T MICHAEL.. . . L. , ' '. In Davidmm County, on the 5th iiwt -by the 8ev.;j Camaawiaii JaaaaawMaf-v' learafioa B-nininin lnier. Mr. WELTOS Kl)EN to Was; ... BAK'IARY YARBR(CGH. Ak on the srar fls. ' " ; by Samuel Flarprive. Kaa Mr JACOB ilEUlUHSlo iaiiiVHrwil -ftm wawiMiMai iur aet Prraairnt . Miss CATHARINE MICHAEL Alan, on tliraame !,u KM- ltlwnalairijti CraNMai "-mwv- eaewlmw day, by Goorje Riley. l) . Mt ALEX. ICtTH j .h.., ...,,.,..,. - to M tm CH it IS TIN A HEIKU'K, t-l.H, t Cei. ,-"'5 tt-r--miimma. mwhy what majy " Htidip Hednck. Alsn, on the ens ftav, ty Hie ev. Jty HiimrtMt airlrdiled lha h uwh, -Henry Goednwn, Mr. JOHN COXRAft W- ;ith--hti- araia MW-fnan - - RY ANN DARK. . - : I. ,," ' " - ' gut Tmuswi; vsxa).aa and hasri q xcrairiv-' o loa thk paEsiDENCY. -&sre ,tulit Ra-K(f trie Hamstwrgn Coavrn. turn haw- muxnrii Tfrw-fc?aa aaww, and Ubea up uid CeHtmiSIISliniT-aaaa (w IfSfwhdale Sht rh nrtt Sfrfwdwtl. W ir. wnl r F'-dt-miiXa d the South llTlLLhe sold, on the lat d of January, 3-411. at . jW W? w wa-wisawai urn- eamrry no r f T the Htore ot Ttomas At J Cowan, Wiak 'ill ttlr eswiTImm- !tf ifti arem; their NTorthera : .. l. -ai ... . - r .1 if . - .. 1 -tt " - ' " r there caa eaaodoutit he witt txroroe a aarceeiai-) U, r-ir. VTcaJaat. 1-- atcouiwinusl hv hi eumperilor with aim oi the best artista cflhe ae.1ua, a ywwch ahMat Iwtrea yvars'sf age, to an iJi j''lra'rWtfr". flT;truW,"TBa"': aihar:att,rft ti iww f tiamnj hut turmer - Grove, Rowan county, three neirraft, one old M AX-A?D JVOiUS.. Portruit with a'o ufportumly !' --" Mr. Bogle, wm w now id thia place. ' . aaa rtwHa,Mk karwat ttecu.k, wih Curt, .V Ha has takra the hktue of se viral iod.rJual. j Swaufa. Aiwnrkal Umuif SUioet of tba Army, a .ta .w..a mm ara aenuaiiUad- and if we B..V br !. joung g-atiaatt named ...t, -.- Jfr.-. .. -. t, p,aiaiarrty,'i-SHiwHr'-or- titwcfteetT fa --t a---'" e-rttwe4 tu pass our opiuitin as-tuAha-aaaat , . . -f' V vh. we saw, we would say, that they add f ready ' kftwmt M lirf , -. lh. lnliPr , In the bra of the gewleman, as fienerjlly Jtiwl aaa wwhfcl ahtlai at Jh same liriie, . kiiwtedged wherever he goes. " - - J Cau. aa-5e ,txt4 fcullpaseinj m the apme. - The likeness of our fclkrw townsman, MaiweSa I i-'??d ap. h borara, aud the Pulan. , " rb-na." r i. one ol the ear. strikm? rae aWJ a soaareWMce, am I II from ev- ' , er saw. wf iKafr s-trftrtfpa. kat 1 fJ-ifc- nurib aVtll lha aifWVCr. Mil UbWf. (awl l .Jr'." ,elV,' CW".-cbt1 (W rei at ika 1 1 miie anst, garrisoned" least, as bave any ta l r mo noe annri I te tm fcr med.ct assistance. &mmt sJm tlba MjU. a,roe biut kt this rily. Nrw Pm OJut. We are pleased to infdrm as Jersey ty-ttlentent reader, that the Cotloa Grove baa been rertaUi Wajetiiaii, Eaq appHoird Postmaster. Yft k-ara, that the PuatmaateT General rat re the aant rdnVe at 1 rflir M sum moot ha be hae iiut ..bed, aod Jawevi ? '"I ,firefr f ,eMv Oa mraur at tb eamiBri.Teiueiii nf Lwtj; aniy about tour miles from i s and oi awl k.ileu, bavm- re. cetrmg the petttma from the citizens ef the taMlt- Cn ! In hO k.s hrvoat, and bis littre borhood, and having the atfrnrf-..i of forts laid be- rmnxxm a boj ia tk brad, baring tha brain, tore ba, did a.4 beeitte a smw. te reuW.A3, Wr" ky ft trnb. "At the wilier. - This post ofiVe, (Cuttw Grove, 4i , 5. . ,, . a . 1 v - apssaard aa mgvt, aod tUa iixhans ft-d. Mr, hearrat cunvenrcnee to nany t tmr Tcadera, , G,a last j n aMVauceat to time, eseniwd . j Toe nrs1twd jart was brougfit ta towilt wuf and they caa now call there fir their jrajav. - . . i in - v &m'k Cttrolit BdU. M s are amhria'd to tb raautkiul k MS ktcursd uUhar. I A Sabers BMII ItrftM.rTllir tiV Mr. Prvnr. an I 9 u state that the Cape Fear Braach Baok mth, jdace,) " --. . as-a atnl tbat , 1 ' . , . . . j, . 1 va.etisg aa aBsthaca, with ft btd bo.e tn take b . r-enve. m pay mem,0d oa Vp-,u the luHsafftl - M ,b(. j,. na wua, v.i.,..u r a, i ulma by tu soemy. Tbe one B7 shoot sixteen years old, belonging 1 u hana a( aaaii 'f WittioiYrRrrtp, doc'o,-rW for "h,r"Pin'fcT; brettmm.auf f 1. Vart' and haad f'.r another mh- Uam !lie;lnnu, .wat aywitw;itivarf ..t.-. -Jl, W. wttt mt crwnmem any further 1. ''pTLJ y.um'i.,. 1 naif: amir M irquuu Town. fact st aw thart tucirmsd by youo Weadmaa'a RAIL ROAD MELTING. . ltmm una n civ hu unrsv "3 aaca r a "vfcsrt eSvaara kia whereth mer rlerouT t. Puraiiunt to a notice pob!iitMjit m oar pfwr j ar d ta kiu-slt. aad purtut. iaaul Hairs ,.. ..... tVf "TeTHrs awiaiwas amii wsv al Jaaram-'wi MATTHEW U STEELE, Gn-mlam. ajmerfstiie jantita. eramur bri Dccemlmr 13, ISiM. - : " v horses roa sale. .aaaa7ajaarwTthr fWbeSdar? nTh:VX: Ca.oerVaac wln TTKliaherr .. a Chair, 1! Exeelleaey Edward B. Oa.'WU 1 P. MR " YOI'yrt- ItroUe .TtW, CWfc. - faaaaig -.1 m wwks pTr, ttmcro apm1ilai ' of rOT T Tiiat iit 'awri ce"lujuJJ US "place wilti-' r to1 WHT ojft1 ewrretf triTij'rarw.-." ija aa n sf siaieea aiues, we ha4 upasrJ ft. A ? I ' .L . . - 1 lift t-nair.iiii r.iix tmc, i . . ii. n. f a. ' u.. . aurip. aiftmnmi aio wa van m int. i.rvu'rt tinfl Hi F-itturrd' arrwajema. onanswd Mf.f rj r.a,alt. J.a- aiut P. M.il-. 1- - ia". .r. ,, C. .K. ....,. .... " - 1 " " .... 1 - w - - ajifr't J aj a ava- pa lire a, a .r v ra.- UC Tjaiiofaw avamsu, a fuw jprat&la uit ha wouldj etmrtitirh.ig thearJ of Intrmal w.prta eweu fawa a "" gvt w atirimty and pnxeftion. nC4-iintr laraid. jii oiiaae-.f aJaii laid to j for tiie Matr, were present, and ,rom tti Ks,i if a aVa U acwjrtwij ba.I been viidautly - I a raiKirt was mafe by tiovermir Dudlrv, khms imtt ars.at kaa beaa inuaMmhla e ihn . 11.1 l ..I .'IJ I .... .J .... . - 1 m , - r ' I' y W aiL-J auu a xtiori suurevi, . juuuiiciii( the apnnattg vsaeaty sa a taEvt apiia to t utaioia ruail, and . at trie Doom ot Siinacrtpt ir stark in' the tae 1 taaatMriria m auinra , A scout wa scot aut oo that ia hi nptntoa. .Mllll 111.11.1 ll'li'lT. " l.i,i.1.mita'.i!nlll-ni vlr ftUBJHUi fcwriTCt.aaud:ura. ivaa, ' : Ttlt lor naie nv . , j , . , . 1 ., . .t aw r jiw wiws i.fa . . iivfm uiat tT.;.Cu mi:l' aut: 3b tlte Oat!Iita.''IT; oppa. a"iii a. fni o!!twr-.v ;f t'i Mt. Cay, .ul aa. L NOTICE." '- " Wi ailafavnii.i tin ;(i mn. t''1ItUTiTre; at the Court TImh In flie '7 VT .' 'u, tnT,.,' . of aulisWiry, . the f r, the term of on year, from 15 to 2U egrr, a. - v ' !in., in lha E-ate of W. C- Love, deoeasec. vraTa?n-adi tam wwh a-w aaparttf. -""M,"ss I w Terms msde knou tue wv w r .. . Ii. V. LQN G, G uhrdian.. Hi ' Hlt! wmiUm imns audi v. thpattehattt tb SUmiry,Dec.l3,li3. ZL. tw e toav T.im i tt t j- ilrtMP . 01 HHHia. i. m nea a a awwt Imixr .wt i UJUFFALO AND BEAR CREEK TErXANTX tu itm-awana -a-j-rria, in thraewtntry ; aad .' ( - SOTIETY. 1,1 'd1V(!"r .aariaay -aa ta a&oar, win haabeeai MEETlN0 of the above tWwty aill e 'bukl at -t-mmtr a ji tta mvw arurd,--ir. L Moont I'ieosant, Olarma Diiinty. on Fnilat.lU tlbnaa- Fftaral' Waie pa para tiaat' have ..'27ih d.y nf this month, " wba are M. Il s rfmietwt that tb" awniue a ill n siuwwawi , , kv tlie RefMa. Mesara! Pemck, Schack,- HuT.;k.,j Utiimatti. r 4; - wht X.,rthefn.' Johnann, ana ettwr, , ; - v: jjv:itt!'f 'L. r 'tor aiuttera ;. r By Or.!rr of Hie 5-ifty. tilrrJsC(J,N.t.,;h;c.nf -a fterille tad Westere ftail Riaid Cotnna'i v. ami ft "the daf d arasarreuaa, ard raturtied ut ft Vchick apptautment of tha Rev. Piineim Cottnn as arm tha. asa aar Fvery swa who knew arj aa tha part of Cm) IWrd to procara ub-riiitiia.lLrx " ladaaa "eharatt knew th;il the ea? f We trtrfiPirmed by as agrrrnf th- onr.paj T "y-wwaial aat miaa a laa afwt af amrdur, ajlV TrjTiaT rtie amuunf tf t-k ob5rtrx'dJ.ts e;:4V., rww.J tlie sum of l-ItlO.IKH). . .. laaa, ww4 aa ly mertxsrHig him et hi return. 'L Uyilfcrs from ahr-ad, reiet-l H cor- iTaua as fua .uwu?.f fcy that energetic cllj. raspmid with tha Rev. Stmron, l e u. if tan r raw ! mni captures were made pUce, on tha auljeri of taking stork in t'ait wak-'1y atWt s;aaHra. Iw thia Braitf, t verily Every effirt will be made to get the atork tekea tmimv tW to tUc naTnaoauig tha Post at 1 1. in. ami we saor the public that the pr-rcta at at-, ana. Vj a:d Wradmaa " ara ftaiply aufiicient ant, render it almost certain that t!ia woik-aJ kars twr Kiry a.KUa cf aM, pruKW4 they per b eomtiwitced at no rfiMtarit day. ; fcarsa Carat ify aa it iAouil be done. ,Tbpe cheers f old Cross Creek! C'wi Taa fawn, mt thr bmrrfed Mr. W'eadmaa t'i Went, raise up frum your iud 3. renea ai4 traaV i.ar ra TuKxlay hut. . It was attended by evl an your mnei Fayeitevilla adl dx ltrf part? ml af ar (wbsm, suubuiajt th deepest regret On th suhject of the Rail Ruad aa are awl bo- far Its aaaaaSy ear!, aad sympathy fur bis very riand mrthor lo any tha Committee have dee- taaarua faauiy. patched a special ngftit, appomtod br the G-aa-ra- Oa Iusftf tZm notouia of Mr. Puawiiautx'.y or, to Salixmiry, Lexington, Greenoborough, aud wtim la-.iaii4aiii.toaa and kurted aoJerllie fonnft oiltee towns in the emmtie Wat f this piece, ta " IlikeaW C&awh, sf ftSieh ht was a me 4ictl icflOMrJiaM aid ia tba OffMractiUa f tlis .wta'. r

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