INIAN.r THE- WESTERN - TIfXT0WE1T1)ttEOTKD T(TTHXT?KIl KD STATES BV TUB CONSTITUTION, HOB rBOHIBITBO IT IT TO THB STATBefc ABB. IlinvW TO THB 1 A TBS ElfScTIVELI, OK TO tH8 P8oVl. Acnrf'Bc- 0 CoiUifuriiMI, Articlf X.- n AUSTIN & C. F. rliSIli NO. -.XX VII. OF VOL. (Whole A o., 1017.) XX. J. 4 v - Editor and Proprietor. SALISBURY, N. C,. DECEMBER 20,1839. SaVisWn Vcmac Academy : dr-dv. VS.. ev -' VNV "N , . Tm Truvtei oj me aautoury t tmuic jicaaemy I NFORM the public, that thia lntitutiotf"wiU" be A OpCnUU OU ,"", tw ..... v.... .- thttr intention m pliicethia Seminary on permanent tBjrespectalk bair; atul no care will be wanting oo tlirprt, to render it, in every rented, worthy of the ennftdce of the ftilan.lit of cductwn, morality and re. liewn, ho seek for their daughters place where in lellecttwkand moral culture combined, will prepare tliein to ochnpy with usefulness and dignity, the sphere to which they may be called. 'IVy are ium milking all suitable eflint to secure for Teachers, a and Lady of high qnaliBce Meanwntle. 'hey have cneaped Mies Emma J. tUita, a young Lady, in whose literary qualifications and capacity tor audi a eiiualion, they have perfect confidence ; and who hat hitherto taught muaic in this, lad other Summaries,' with entire sHtifcfaction. Aasoon aa the other Teachers f re obtained, aim, uabcb will j again devote herself exclusively to tho musical depart i -cot - ' " ' ' 1 TERMS OR TUITION. - "for beginner per session of5 month, 00 , pity inu iitviury, , , , TV tlxwe, with the higher bratichct iu Li- leinry Uepartnieut, iliwc ou the Piano or Guitar ' ' 00 i--- A ' Or.n iiental Noedle-work, and lhemaking of wax . r. will be alao Uiught, if demrcu, t aju each., Uy yrdei of tlie Truateea. &.t:sbnrv. SpdL '27. 1K5U. U. -r - IllLLSBoilOUGH. BrpilE Sprinir Sc-naion of Mr. . end Mr.. BUR WELL'S choid fr Youna Ladiea, will nifn on Mmxlay, the 6th of Jtmonry. TUe touree of atudy em brace oil the (tranche of a education, the Latin and French l'arenta and Guardians are referred for tmrticu- Inra to either of .the Wlowinj gentlemen : , Hon. F. NASIl, ) ; . Dr. J AS. WEUB, Hillaborough. JNO. W. KOKWOtlU J i m -if yood hiigliith education, V-r i and Guardians Hon. Rev. Rev. Orange. Raleigh. Lincoln. Wostern .Stage. the week W. P. MANGUM, D. LACY, F. NASH, J V Rnard can be had in the most respectable fomi lies, and parents wikhing to ptaoe their daughters at school, can hear of boarding houses on applica tion lo us. Muaic, Drawing and Painting will be taught by a well qualified and experienced teacher. Terms a heretofore. , - English studies, t!7 Latin, " French, ; ; Mtiaie, -"" Drawing and Painting, 4 FINR GOI,D WATCH, valued at il?5. the pro- petty of the Hubecriber, and ts- Sn torn John ilina' Hotel, the town of Concord, Cabar- rua enunt. n Saliintiv. lht) . ' . I , TKJrfl ol N ov ember, out ot the room n Brt in the ranin of offi ces south of the iluteL Dt- trriptinn Cold face, entirely Bcured, with unusually small Kold hands, near the points f which there are small round hides, opens and wilia on the back. At tached t-whiVwbrn tent; was -fmnr0ilara.CtIhT made of braid, with a Cold Key with steel pipe, ten extra jewels ttie number not Venllectcd. Any per-1 son finding said Watch, and lodfioffvit at Concord. tialitibury, Charlotte, Lincolnton, or, any of the neigh-1 coring villages, win oe iineranr rewsroeo lor ine nine. u. ai. r.uit.i. TmnCot Vou Sec A. A small quantity of the above 8 RED. raised by Mr illiaro Thmnas, fiumerly of Uividnon County, to left for Sale at this Office, st 0U par hundred. November 1. KtO. v - tf. LAM . ) TRAINED AND SOILS, For Sale by - CrBrk-erK.rW HEELEI Salisbury, Dec. 80, 1M39. . tf. pointed tellers, and he main question was ordered to be put .ayes 110, noes 48. , Mr. Wor'.htngtoo staled that three of the Sen Jersey neinber had voted on this Yfuentmn. lr. Dmean now appM-an-d in the llnuae. " Mr. Smith, of ;Mniiie, roee and stated, that tin; geiitleniMniroin Ohio Mr. Duncan wa now in hi eat, hi idhe asked wlwllier he should out now be pt'rniilted to proceed. ' ' ( LoOd cries of order I" crder P' " order !" Mr Duncan. I put a question of order lo the Chair. - - .... Y . I)ecemler 6t1839, w r I SOU 10 w 15 00 t5 00 ia oo : 4t. UF.RPECTFULLY otTershis professiooalcervices lo the citizens of Siliabury, and the aurroundintf country, ilia olhce is in Mr. West s new brick-butid- ing, nesrly opposite J. & W. Murphy's store. daliabury, IN. U., Aognst 3U, lWoU. tf. TUP SIIR i. 1 I1U uuu Doota,&Shoe SCRIBERS U'OULl) i..fim the publie, that they soli carry, on the TanutHe Jlunna; and in connection with intllK Subscribers take pleastire in announcing to ' I lublie.UiaiJUieUl!UiAT.-WESTEttNlrUws h duH JUna tm SaUUur via Ute Cuwk un, IiMoloton. Uotfefordtn.ta AshvilJe, N.Cwill cooir kMi ninnintr oif the Urd inRtant kMoay, 8 o clock, V w. - Uaiea Ashville for Halmbury, at 5 o'clock, A M., M&arlaya, T.uowlaja, am! ThursUaya, arrive at Suite Vie text day, B oVIoek,' P. M. . Tbia Litis U W1ED,WD DIUVERS. TEAMS, rrul COACHES caonol be aurnaiwd by any line ip the h.i. Ii Mneets the DAll.Y LINE at Sal ry r the Noh."Atwtll'it1t-ihtf titte to If ItflWHI III i Uvi R.leiifh. N. C. for the WeH will fiud Hum Him nearmt Route by M iniles, and decidedly the cheapest And tor fine road, romsnlic scenery, Birtioularly the Cap over the Blue Riilge, it ia not ex- celled by any other in IS. C i R. V. LONG iO.lLju.rv Km. 1, VX if iw n 'Thi. Line, intersects the Line at Lincoln -mu 1rrOrwivrHer2vI ""Lirirewonw-Hprtngsr 'T. ,T r 1- : TTTrNorth Canilitia Sutidiird. Aiul-Kma . . f I I C J U... accounts to this Oifice. it the BOOT and SHOE MAKING at their lan Yard, on the 2nd hquare, East ot the .Court-House j where they have on hand a quantity of excellent SolLeether snd Blurting, llarnes nriuie, anu vpper iiwr.wii' ..n.i Uii,... r. fi h.inknM iiut llorye Collars. Also a ii r ire suodiv or ouoidi " quality; Gentlemen's, Ladies', and Cbildren'a SHOES, of i superior qUalilJr ; iod large atock of ousrse Shoes, nf a auuerior uualitv. -A weWve prowniWrtlsWOfS hesitstion in wsrranting our work to be as well done ss , any in the Bute, which we will sell low for Cask, or on time to punctual dealers. -Onlm Imm distance nunctiiallv attended to. Also, a first rate nair ot toot Wee, and a seU of second banded Lailt .(or sale. ...i T.Ktmft Si' Ctt A M W.RS. B.' Hides will be ''uEei'ia' :eicl'iaBS''tor'i'W6rli done in the above business. a & c. TWENTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. ' FIRST SESSION. , December 13, 1839. lilt. LGANDEK KILLI 839. IX SENATE, ' Tvttday. Dectmber 10, 1 Mr. Allen, from the committee appointed to wait unon the President, reported that they Jiad performed that duty ; and the President informed them lltat he bad communications of an Executive character lo make. Mr. Linn gave notice thai, at the earlieal day in which it would be in order to do so, ha would ask leave lo bring in a bill for the occupation of il Orairon Torrit.irv. .. A message was received from the Pieeident of the United Slatea. v The Senate went into Executive business, A ad then adjourned. ' x HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, At 13 o'clock, by the House clock, the Chair L calied the tiouse to orUer, ami slalea tlial tire que OrnilE Subscriber having locatTiff himself in the town il of Voneord. would no offer hie services to the Public, as an ; , i.,i;.. and Mrii Painter. He flatters himself that his long experience in the above Business, and the apecimens ot work be has executed n his line, will be a sufficient recommendation. He will also attend to any call made on bin in (b? HOUSE PAINTING BUSINESS, aiaut im sVnftrisnt hsU stl cHvas bUbi imfuni Zntt tit aU fetlaA mftV employ him.. - r. - I wa eutiued to tne wjofjipon The Pewiew twowriiuitfTeqawtea To enoa en I tisving cmiciihhhi uis rrnwras ua a wmi eouraire him. as he is detettrined to execut all ork 1 M r. Duncan not anoaring itt hia seat, comiiutled' fo him in the best possible msnner. I f,T, Wise rose and said, if the geutleman from CO- Also, fainting snd rniiumng all kinds of Cat -1 nt.. f Vtr. I), .n1 was in the House, be w.hjIo riagwA wthwtmwtnddrtch. 1 not bo wht he was about to do : but if the gen- lei'SB was not rnilw-Houar'benvouM the previiius duestton. lion peudiiig was upon the appeal takeu by Mi. Vsiiderpoel from the decision ol 'Do luatr, w tuci deciiHou wasvbai Measra. Aycrigg, HuhMed, act of New Jersejh, were eiitttled to Vwle. Tlie Chair announced that Mr. liuncan unio, ' J. W. RAINEY. STILL LATER THAN EVER. 3. & o. s. Traaaisxt. Cotton Ficldng. Moffat's Pills and Bitters. THE . UFE G1VINO PILLS AND PHOENIX BITTERS, so celebrated, and so tnuco used by the stHicti-d m every part of lb country, is now re oiwnt aud fur salo hv Ibe Subscribers. CRESSJSt BOGEV Agenlii. Tilesrrs. SraiiMia &. baxMaLB, id toncord, . V., are also Agents for tbe saw-. i. S. See advertisement April 4, 39. ti Medicines, Dye. Snutb, Tobacco, Sp. ;X &tatvh foatsv- Pee ;daj0;:.34aTat snd W rapping Paper, I 'a per and faints, wa laea. Port Sherry, and Claret Wines, French, ra La Stuff, Paints, Otis, Clga rs,Cs ndlea,Rice, bmfi JVnbeai--ta' Quills, Ink, Drawing deira, Teoeriffe, Ma- Chsmpsiim, Mueektl Peach and Apple Brandy, I LiMid and rencated cries of " order I" " order 1" orders - - - - ' V TU. ...tlftM titan Ms.a..u,kM tt,A nn uuwiium anon WUI I VU fll 1110 lliaiH lUann ie The Chair then stated the main Question in sub- stance ta followa t Upon a motion to lay the reso lution of the gentleman from Virginia on the Isblo, the vote waa about being taken by tellers. One of the tellers inquired who were entitled jo vote from . New Jeraey, and the Chair had decided that those members holding the Governor's certificate were entitled to vote. From this deciaioo an appeal to the House bad been taken by the gentleman from New fork. 1 he question now was, " Shall the decision of the Chair aland as the judgment of the House I The House then devidedi Messrs. Worthing- ton and Taliaferro acting as tellers; and-rtie vote waa ayes 108, noes 114. ..: So the decision of the Chair was reversed. Mr. Worthington stated that there were four Y members voting who hold tlie Governor's certifi cate. '..', A number of peraone called out, How tonnr- were voting who hold the cerlifViatss of the Sec retary of State and Mr. Curtis auaweied M four " M r. Smith of Maine. It is oo matter. Itdou't change the result. The Chair then stated that it would be fbr the meeting lo decide who should be called as oiettbers from Ihe State of New Jersey... . Mr. Rtien inquired ol the Chair if the ques- rliit mit iuii..hiiui. K.; T;n'.T-i'rt'r ...T. .vww. w. . v. i iwt I J VJI I ,IWUU 41, UI to lay 1m eswlttt gima on the table T .--- The Chair stated that it would be the question V there waa no oilier question in the way ; but tbe qfMrtun.asrxVroHMilbe rented IrouTtlie State of New Jersey, Ihe deciiion of the Oisir having been reveraod. " -- - - - - Mr. Rhett aaked if the question was not prt- cisely this: A motion had been made by himsolf to lay the resolution or the gentleman from V ir. ' ginia on the table. Upon a division on thnt ages-' woj 4h Cbalfbad decided that the members from New Jersey having the Governor's jeenikaia , From that decmioa an sp- TaWofma omth al amortment of business. the Subscriber keeps constantly on band, a gener- mortment of READY MADE CLOTHING, for Gentlemen s wear, sucl Fii"6mi, Paptalooru, and Mr. Dromaroole elated that there wai a differ nee in Ihe time between the House clock and the gentle men's limopieeee, and lie bo.wd bis col knnuea would wail a lew minutes to see if the Mr-Wine thought perhaps Inat the absence ol the ffentlemaa from Ohio wai intern ionsl, "with a t were to' be counted, view of nermlttiojr .the oueslion to be Ukeni .but I pealbad,been liiken t Abfl.flousei and tbe Un- -it nr'jrentlemen wouMiurorm him fhat ltta i .,..'J.H .1 11 L I I I . r . L. II II . l l . .. . tleman Iron Uino wisnou 10 anurnaa ia nousv, ns mu h ma iiihik wuuiu iioi come oaca to ine would wait with pleasure. In order that the gen. original motion to lay on IheJable. tleman might have aa opportunity to come in, he Mr. 'Wise asked if, whenjhe House bad exefu- simm i. mva, ioiiuh, - . --rr- . nnnea io ituat w ,u. ,u no i ueu oue set oi eemiemen irora niv jersev irom Gin, Mooongahsla sad old Whiskey, i and JN. M f niinulee, or. if gentlemen requested it, otiiii. it bad not excluded all Irom that State from fcrkJE TO-TC Ju hewooWwithdr.wjhm. Taihirflrtdi :Jug,Ci8ks;rbcM Books ntfMaps:ripe,l'"ove 11 anerwarda. mg the Uovernor a eertilicale from voting. Now A a ar a . s t I M V am ,Caa ihhiii bjblj4I aT I nsa sastk n 1 1 A fTa as ft 1 tsAJVa a I B. I hi a a S aL m .ai a . . . I Iron ind Cocnpnim Alortare, ana reie-s vinaie r. mii hi' -..-.wMII iua iuicwiwu in annenirn io pcrmii move Wick, Blackiiiffi Lee a, Ucen't, uyoivf. adootbooa fima, u n wma un iuiwhuu w hwt wwwifmTmnm ooiainf ine eeninctte 01 tne aecretary ol IIunn..- Uls. I "..-m Khnn HsMatfaIIh'sV t I !" I a a swkmsal ia Wf AllaP IIUI aVaWIMIllain IIAm I Mtailaa In Mnla T uuvjaatiawji iiuureuiaivi j ws.-vs . ssw sv vwm Ohio had finished hu apeech, so thai there might Ji0,n no," ao," from several AdmioUra be do opportunity to reply to htm ; first to permit ttoo members. the gentleman lo make a speech, and then move ill ' Mr. Droomgoole said ell dimculty might now lo prevent its being answered 1 . J be avoided, by going on as the Clerk had proposed Mr. Wise. I tell the honorable gentleman that I in tna nret instance, without counting any of th I fater4!6.moviUewe v that I ret the chance. : l Mf. Wise. Thif Wl theeciaioo of lbaCJerk Mr;' JelSileVTto t" ifc.lWBinM.'Siar Good3, Hoooer'a. Scott's. Cook's. Bbon, Bechwith's, Peters', Monal a, Evans', Brand rem s, rnetps ruia, nooca s and Swaim's Panacea, Moore and Anderson s Cough I Uroos. Soutf Boxes. Spices. Pepper Sauce, Rowand a Tome Mixtore. Back Gamon Boards, Matches, Balm ot Columbia fbr bald heeds. Elixir of Opium, Swaim's Vermifujre, and a thousand other articles tuat rece.ved and fbr sale eheam al the Apothecary sign, ey S, Xk Of. V. Salisbury, June 7kl19v "well made and fashionable. He is also prepsred to cut sud mVe clothing in Ihe mo' fiuhiimubl end iurmblt iiyle, and warrai.le.1 to nt tie, also, Beeps a gooo as sortment of Cloths, Csssiinerea and Veslinffs of the first qualities, selected by himself in the New Aork Market II of which lie will sell low for Cssh. N. B. He still continues to teach the art of Culling etrmentaon the nxwt approved plana of the beat Tailors --in- New er-en r Orteaeipma.- .... as l . 1 . Iilh Kb wno wwh to have their twioa 'icxre sou Pvkr4 in thr bt it '"possible niannor, and on the awriet notice, will do well to call on the Subscriber, if.n.wl iM-ninallv to the businuM. liw i; i t antnated on the Wdkenboro road, (Howard's Plant Uw.i 4 imlea mirth weal of Salwborv, and ia in ex-eetlt-nt order, for receiving, V1CK1SU and PACA' I.VO ( Ol'I'O.V. ... . . tM.n.r. i,il Merrhanta who will entrust their Cot- L. b, h,. .nw-i.l rhariFr. ahalt not m)SWBV duMtU-ried. , fc-, - ,-.., It N. November 29, 1SH9. CRAIGE, tf fpHK Subscriber having purtnasee this I Eaisblialiment and Blted it in a style Va mm fv-r- Culling for customers done on the sborieet no- .ml nnirr from a distance attended to witti ce- .r-th rrr- Hia six will be found in Mr. Cowan's Urge brick building. ' BENJ. F. FRALEr. Salh.bury, May a, im - H Heath Tract. C3 "V 'PHK HEATH THAU, coouming six 1. hundred Acres of Land, situated about is miles East of Lexington, Davidson Co. .. ih inad leadios from Lexiogton to Faveueviiie is now offered fbr Sale. Th are about 1110 acres unproved, and 500 in C the accommodstion of Travellers and i P.roeiMiieworeHied fU tbeirrecep. -wt- His TABLE -will always be fbrnistied- WUh the best the market can afford; -KlrS shiitrirTiy"belepi-TnTineorer , iw W (which re.very.fjileu-rfi:).sre well supplied ith rrovea ler ot lliu iiral quality, sou i e ad faithful hoktlert. . ' lie bopea, by strict attention to the business, in per VU give sattsfcetion to all who may favor htm with their patmoage. Aitd be only aaki a call and trial. ANDREW -CALJWJi.tA'""'- Wood and Timber. Tbe Tract is located in a very . ' P.3SIC2T, and is peculiarly adapted to farming. It haa on it -m. . wliint. and a eoud Meadow. And inde- ,Syfeiid4hevaowgea, (he erospect-for THE Sobserrber.Tn coiifm iniiy to TecwnTtnitrfletloni 1 leceived from the North Carolina Gold Mine Com pany, tikes this method to inform those interested, that hereafter all persons found trespaasing upon the follow- ns- Tracts of Land, belonffinff to sbm company, siius- led in Dsvidsoa County, wilt be prosecuted according to the strict letter of the Law. JOtllM waku, Agent. Davidson, April 19, 1830. It. J5 LA'ND'31 Tract, No 1 conuining Sc acres, lying oo th four mile branch. 2 containing 993 acres, lying oo tbe we ters of tbe Flat Swamp. u t n(ir.uiir 9 Hi Ml um. Ivins ea Lick creek. Flat Swamp, and Vadkin River. Ov 4 containing 1 ArA lying oa Flat Swamp 6 conuining rtB7, lying on Lick creek. 7 containing 1.4l'2,iyingon Flat Swmap. - . 8 conUioing B, lying oo Likb ereaa 0 nintaininff 601. Ivins on Lick creek. - 10 containing 1397 acres, lying oa Lick creek and Flat Swamp. ' ' 12. enntainmir. IXA Wmg OB Lick creek. ! 1J eontainine 1-317. located oa frmr mile branch snd Jacob creek, adjoining tbe UM Bine. . .qOostioa, for, if tbe etrtletminta allowed to make I tempt to prog re as we may, tbia ghost of diaor a sowhjjlhopporlni before us, and we will then "ply to il. " . 1 have lo decide who shall vole. y Mr. Wise hoped the Chair would pause a few! The Chair would here remark to therentlemau momenta until gentlemen's watchea come up to tbe I Irom South Carolina, Mr. Rhett, that it would la it in order to move a call House time, Mr. Drooigoole of the House Mr. Wise. There ia ao House lo call Deemgeelet iMhereie nrrttowrgenTte-' mea ought to be solemnly called upon to be here to form a House. - -twtniflon, N. C, Feb. 41, 1SWDT O'oW, is unquesiionable. aa one or two cold vi:i.5,. Jisse already- baMaw'openaaVaaA-aanta vary it ere e- traded from them. . . .. , , ,-mn -5" tu ...i..k..i.l Conrad GM iUM, is situated a fe Kuhdml vards south of it ; slid sccording to the direc tion of the Veins of that, they must necessarily . ,k.,rh nail of lliie Trsct t7 " . .... ths nremim or eet a in I niiis-'"! ""' lrtn SKW liSTAULISIWIKXTt wTTCV ... IN MOCKSVILLE, ITAVIF. COUNTY. more To JoararrinMi C'each-.TlaLera. . a . . I rpiIE Subscriber will give steady employment to iwo a. muid Joornevmen Uoach-mUera, wbe csa come .u MMflMnMutad fbr habits of sobriety and industry. I Their business will be to ma ke and rope ir Coaches, lie., fbr which, (if they soil) b iwiu pJ Lexwgtc,-October It. 1839.- s t be impossible for him to put Ihe question upon lav ing the resolution of the gentleman from Virginia 00 the table, until it waa determined by the House who should vote (W 4he-loose-tn- decide for themselves who should be called t but. - raid be, Mc Stat 0 Arts Vrrsra rdnitot bt it. prtvea or a reBrearatUaos) oa Mis Moor, and it Mr. Mercer said bis own impression waa mat tkall not be, as lone as da4 t thit chair. no injustice would be done to the gentleman frtmil Hera there waa some little applause from Ihe Ohio by moving tne previous question, aa mere 1 galleries.! would be a doaen other queslnms lo come up upon Mr. W isa. I move lae previous question on' v which lb gentleman couki nmsn nis epeecD. 1 tne oecimon 01 the unair. The Chair staled the course f proceeding on a I Mr. 1 homas of Maryland eugtostee; a mode of call ol the House, namelv 1 The., roll was called proceeding without dimculty. Wa bueht to en over, and the absenteeo noted j and in the present I deavor to get along without dimculty, antil il could ease, if tbe roll waa to be called," the original be no longer avoided, and then it would be liau auestioo of difhcultv would arise aa lo who should enough to decide upon this question. Let the vote . ' It. .l .1. : 1 " -l . . 1 . be called. I oe laaeo on ine reoiion 10 isy on ine isoie, ny wt Mr. Dromgoole. Then this will bring the I lera j and il the Ucl of any portion of the rrmnihsrs llou to the question, which Ihe House itself must from New Jersey voting should not change the re eventually decide, as lo who are ita members. Mr. Chian then rose, and, walking tnwarda Ihe Clerk's table, said there bad been a great deal difficulty in determining who were really members of this House, whicl had determined mm as 10 me bWj$lWb"ftoied7: " wr, JsbhiM r. : - Mnn wiahinv loconuact iot uwiwh on Dr.Atin. Sal.sourj y i ajdr. a UUvr to the 8-b.riber, Trenton Peat foMjX. -TA ;im tSJ - tf THOMAS FOSTER INTllRMS the public that ho has removed from his former stand, to his new buildings on the public ware, in thu Town nf Mne ksvillf. where he Will Con- to keep a HOUSE OF ENTERTAINMENT Mw Uouae is roomy sod commodious i attached is j -"".h rs aia eomioruuie vm sVM'"-""-" ' "tall convenient to the Court House. . The subscriM W pledges hiimwlf 10 the most diligent exertions, to! five aatwfaction to auch aa may call on him. His Ta-j K Bar and Stable are rmivided in the beet manner. the country will anord, ami his setvantsare fkith-l hd and sronipu , , ' I ot S A . . . j f 104ft at WILL be sold, on me i 7 Tl the Store ol Tboraaa V Jaa. Cowan, Wood Grove, Rowan ooonty, three negroes, one old MAN AND WOMAN, one By shoot sixteen years old,bclonging to the heira r W.lLm Youmr. dee'd, aold for distrmetioa among said heirs. . , , ., , ftr Terme mane krmwn on the day or oa,. w mattukw 1 STEELE. Goardmn. JVt'M) Foundry. Ill AVE lately eompleted and put iaoperatioa a large Iron riniaaVv al my mill oa tlie BouuVYsdkn river formerly Pearsons) in Davie county ; where we are nr.n.nJ tn make alf kinds oTcaslmga, suck ss the gins, grwt ana saw milts, uirssmng macumt-s w m,lla, plumer blocks, gudgeons, troa ahafta, pulliea, .Imm. drivins wheels, and. in abort, every thing elss that is usually made at iron rouooneo. " prepared tor Taretnff stun, ax; ana r nntsmng m m 1 in nna.11 sinasai nravtunvrr hi win i. - 4 have employed Jaeea WjiisiaBiJBa,' fbrmetly of Baltimore, a very annul Hacninas, 10 superimena and manage my esublishtnent. Mr. Wsynsaborg has worked all hsi lira in esumisnmenia. a um i"u,ir -t-t.n-ru abed for his skill as a Nachimsi, ana miii- He win akn snake ealceiationa w waier- wheels, mill-gearingr&e; aad when the wchitvery ia obUined from us, he will attend to putting It up. Our iwMi ara those of similar establisnmeniB si ws nwio. fgj- Orders addressed either to Jacob Waynesborg or myself '.t Salisbury, will be prompt W - VIlAaViKaV luiaassas Bslirbory, Msy 2. laift. ' 1AI beddria mT"band th "authority "by which I eome hero lo represent be'people of iny State. That authority I now present to the Chair, and de mand lo be enrolled as a member from the State of Louisiana and I further propose, in ihe dis charge of mv dutv aa a Representative, to give in me vole for Speaker of the tlmiM. If the tote U . i ,aa.a j nrv he lat)nt, tnew ii my Daunt. naimma aiiiit'-v; suit, let the decision of the question be atioounccd without raising this question ; but if, by their votes, Ihe result is changed, then it will be time enough to bring up this question as lo who ahnll vote. lie inrew this out as a 'gj'f 'I'.'B. 1.(1 J he Iimta. ...-jinatH jnt. vi caiteiJotiraftrmr warr oToroceeil- Tngs. The Chair had made his docwioo, and be . December W, la39. at.- ticket Ttf ria (1 I vote for John Bell of Ten- w - No, air. I understood the Chair lo nr mn. I m decision aa lo who should vote, and upon thai decision I moved the previous question. . .The C1!" then. again .sJated the que ion (Mr. W.)had moved the previous question upon iU Then ha demanded lh4t tbe. regular order of pro. ceedtnge might be observed. --. t , Mr. Biiggs. ()n what question does the gentle man move Ihe previous question T The Chair said the gontleman had moved Ibe hy un Ilia Ukbl'.r j WANTED TO IITHE, . t OME sole, stout Negro, mea, for the onsoing year. "J for whom liberal-wages win so givea. Applyto " 1 w- WCRTUY.. Salisbury, DeeempewO. VO. , , . 4t ; -;V-- :'.":'3 Mr J)romgoole. Has not the gentleman's name beeq enrolled before! , "'"Mr. Chinn." No: if baa neither been enrolled . noralle4 by the Clerk. ""-r1' " Mr. Wiee. It ia bow past twelve o'clock by the Administration time, and that must be right, , I, Itheroforevnow move the previous question. A eall of the House waa demanded by several 1 - N ..... . Mntlemctl. ' The Chair stated that the roll of members bad not been completed ; therefore, a mil nf the Hoaie could ant be made, 'Tellers were then called for, and Mesars. Car ter of Tennesvee, and Griffin, were appointed tell era by the Chair. . . The ILiuae then divided, and the previous ques tion wee seconded ayea 1 10, noea 72. se nt) had stated it before, and coneleded hy swing that the llooeo bed reversed his decision f bnr ft"" had not determined who ahould be counted from New Jersey, and be could not put the question rrr lay oa the table until Ihe question aa to who .!nm?d vote from New Jersey should first be decided. - Messrs. Rriggs, Tillinghasl, and Wise, all roan and addressed Ihe Chair. Half the members t)f the House ware standing un. - - - Mr. Sergeant rose and said there were ao many members on the floor, and so much rmie in I ho hall, that it waa impossible fbr gentlemen to lell what waa dmng. He hoped members would laker their seats. " '. - M. ftriAM I k.n MM M rut mtmttmA Ui imnUninn. The question then recurred on the question, .as to the question oetore tna House. A motion " fihail tbe main que si 190 be bow pat T" - had been made to lay the resolution of the gentle. V Meavr. Wortbington an4 Taliaferro were ap-lman front Virginia oa the table. . Oa tbet question