y teiWra were spooled; and when lUa II use w tide qU.ua acfording t ,ne rule ol prd.r, rt about dividing, oim ol Ihe tellers inquired who he would lie utterly impossible to do any .lig. . should count Irom ihe Klate .if New JrW-y. The ; Mr.-J.ihiMon -ai l he offered his resolutions Ch8irdeculuJtb.it the teller should count the (substitute for the motion-of the gentleman from member, from mat State who had the Governor'; SortU Carolina. Mr, J'ji K-'Jli'J"" then read "tertificatec; rroiH'Ihir iltTiwrwi -iti-nnpraHwd - Wn Inken-. and the House had reversed the doiis- ion of the Chair, flieu, be apprehended, tliy stood precisely where tftey did when llua appeal wa taken ; and the question now would be upiu the motion to lay on the mole; and be thought the proper course now would be IV ihe teller to count all who paaxed IhroHgh, and ifajiy (if the disputed inembera should vote, let litem report that fict to the House, lie hoped that the Cimir would di rect the teller to count all who patted through. Mr. Saltoualall hoped that no u6b direction wouia oe given. - hat : docision ha.l been reversed ;aiTil would nW be Representatives of the United States can only look - ..... i. a ....It ..1 u -i . 1. a ...J i . J. rS th. wlAjlmn. Ir the House to decide who stiouii repreerniiie "Stale of New Jersey. , Mr. Tillinghast thought the Uhnir ought not to put the qiiention on tbe motion to lay on the table until tbe House had decided who should vole from the 5tate of New Jersey. Tlie appeal front the ducwion had been aimtBined, ami it bud been eu- "faiiMiuVTT we" TooteJ Snf3rBenrpNWfKBK two ground. One wa that the mutter wna pro per aubject for the lloune to determine, and the other waa that the decision wa incorrect, wheth er by the Chair or the Houee. M r. Turney roue to a point of order.. The qne tion, o he undentood it, wa to lay the rewduiion of the gentleman from Virginia on the table; and the qucatiou to lay on the table, according to the rule, wa not dubatable. . ' The Cb-iir nid that the question to who were to represent the State of New Jerney must firt be decided, befure the question to lay on the table eomn up. . Mr. timilh of Maine nid thnt the Clmir had di rected lira! the jpnilnineu from New Jersey were entitled to vote. An appeal had been taken from thut dncivion, and it had been reverted, and the gentleman from Rhode Inland Mr. Tillinghatt had attempted to give the reaxona lot thi vote oi the I Inline hut he would tell the gentleman that the etrongetit reaaon which oierat(f upon him, waa the 34iu rule of the llouae. lie thmiuhl the House had a right to decide under that rule, wlibn gentlemen were direcly, personally, and iminmli ately inleremed, that they should not vote. . He bolieveJ thnt many other gon(loinn betides him self had voted sganiKl the decision of the Chair in consequcuce of this rule Mr. McKay moved thnt none of the dinputed memlwri from New Jrcybe pernl(loJ to vote utitii the question wan ueciued. Mr; Urtrvci rwse toa' qtivton of orilerr" His point wa tliii: there was a question bofore the House, and tbe previuu quentiun hud beon moved unn.itilhf!tffuxe nugtmtluuiaa.huu.lhe jriht to! liNng Up a separate and independent pioposiitun un til that qiienlion wa disposed of. The Chnir said the previous nnfntion routd not - be rmt iirttrl thifjtittMi s to who shiHild repre-i seni ine oiaio oi tew jursey snouia nrst Dejicci ded. -- ----- -- - - Mr. M-Kav -tlie' nmveJ that neillier set of -TOflmberi from NeW" Jerwy"sTmir"v6le""unlir the question irio ihall tot from At- Slate of New : . Jertey 1 shall bo first decided by the House. He contended that thi wa the proper enurse to be pur Wmf anil ... I it 1 1 n ..If ft T.nn. Il.ilnull In J . Mritwii rariiAiiieui, wnen seat were contested, . . , that both part es should withdraw unj.il their ease wasoeciui-u uv mose wuo were not personally in- aweedinlhu jjutla..Tbis4hei4vrc4 and proper courte to be pursued, and he hoped hi f rnpofitjori would be agreed to by the flouse. le alto referred tothu case of Howell and Everett ," of Rhode bland, in the continental Congress, which had been cited by the Chairman, and allowed that the Rhode1 Inland memhers did not vote on iheir own case in the first instance.' Bubspqnently, how ever, they did vote upuu such questiou as wore presented. , , 'Mr. Projfit rose In appeal from th.edwision of h C'hur.- I W h"jdoMsioiir; from diffrent ljrTs'itjirwii ;:.i.'..M XV-, J4mmmh 7hP ntMslee'tKirftiritnTd " in Tis hahJ a aurinsrof' resolution tor offerT'Wtlicli would briiif rtiirtlm'WrecTry-toai-Tnrw- w question at tsue. Cnea of "order, order, or- uor.l" - ' - . r Mr. Pctrikin rone la a point of order. Ha wished to know whuilior it wu compqieui for the v Chair to entertain I hive or four proposition at one Mr. Johnson. Let the gentleman reduce hi point of order to wridng. Tlie Chair requested that the gentleman from 1 Pennsylvania should reduce hi point of order to wnttnir Mr, V. C. J hnon would any what he had to aay upon bis resolution, while the gentlemon wa preparing hia point of order. Mr. J. held that the II ;usf had not tbe right to vote out the Reprn. sent alive of an entire Suite. The Houso mux) conform to tin Constitution and the laws, and they expressly inhibited the House from taking such course, unless the member were sworn in, He contended that they cuuld not adopt tbe proposi tion of the gcntloman from North Carolina, be cause, by the law of apportioning Representative,' New Jersey wa entitled to six Rflreiitiitive, j and it wn not in the power of this House to do- pnva.her.or. J haJLrepretfnitioo, fmMmet - The Chair decido J against it, because the que. nioflr toljiywlhe fnbte eoirtd tk Vr pendm white the preliminary question was undocided. Mr, Pelrikin raised an additional piinl of order, aa to whether any other motion could be made, -which would nl asidtf -thnt motiwt. -If -audi-ws the decision of tlie Chair, ho wouIJ appeal from that decision. r.Tha Clnlf wiJ th ti jfteteter. Qiieitlfta miglii arise, the moment the II kiss came lo vote upon it, the question would arie as to who should vote up on it i and Ihe question as to who should vote, must be settled before the q ration a I")" on tlm table can be put. " "Tirr. TlJiAn thtfught tiieimvp to decide en qwestian w-tfmef" Mn R." wehi" Dver and aummed up the yariom rj-ieiiions pre aented to the Chair, aud concluded by moving ihe previous question on ibe appeal tu!;en by Mr. Pe trtkin. f ' Mr. Driggs conten led, that as Ihe q'ir-stinn ponding wa on Ira motion of Mr. MrKay, an) ap peal could nt t taken on any other question . The Chair tlien deciiled that Mr. Petrikin mo. tion could not be entertained. Mr. Petrikin. Then I- apeal from that ded. ion. ' : I Loud erie of order !" order !" "nrrlorrj lr. Johnson tltea s-thed for the reading of his tresolution. . - - '-' '" - Mr. Byanm olijerted l tbi course of piling -wmtinw apoa notion. - If we did not o Vrrartd do"-" at f ltow i i...;...7 Thui a certificate of election aa a member of ihe House--of Represemotivc oMba United Stales, duly made, in conformity with the law of the Stale which the parties profess to represent, and signed by the proper officer undor the great seal of the State, is sulficierit per K to entitle lle person to whom it ia given to be aworn in aa member of the House, provided that no State shall have more Representative than ia al lowed to it by the Constitution and laws of the United Stale. '...' Rctoltxd, That, under the fifth aection of the second article of the Constitution, the House of ueyunu . v.y, - n. y -. return, and qualification, of it own iiieuibera, af ter it ahall have been organized ana aworn. V Mr. Jbhnaon id he offered thi propotiiion a Brtvamendtnent to tbo motion of the gentleman from,North Carolina, becaiwe be felt that tie conia not vote on. the mot in 6f that gentleman, we bee ewornf fcwwAkaWhft: oath of olhce prescribed by the Constitulion of tbe United elates, nnd he could not consent to sea mo House proceed tbe solemn farce or rmckery of volinir the Representative of a whole 8tate out of thi House, when the member or the House were not under the morahfmd religioue obligation re. quired by the Constitution. .- The Chair said he didj not feel authorized to entertain a resolution, the tiffect of which would be to deprive the State of New, Jersey of her repre sentation oo thi floor. It was, not competent for this meeting to pass such a resolution. The reso lution of the gentleman from Nohh Carolina de clared,stn cflect, that the people of (he Slate of New Jersey should not be represenrad on this floor, and tW. Chair could not put llieques'.ion, opon inch a resolution, to the f Iooso. : V Mr. Johnson. Tbeo I will offer my resorajion a a soparaie and distinct proposition. In reply (o . a pioposition which had been mada by some tren i lemon on the flKr, that all the member from 1 New Jersey might vote, provided the result was noTchangedi he wished tosay a few wordiiNew Jersey was entitled to but eix Representatives un der the law apportioning- Representativeand hej held that it would be a monstrous innovation lor the House to permit eleven members from that Siato- to vote, That-Btate wae entitled to- si -Representatives, and she was entitled to no more ; nd the qiieniiorf here wr who "'those sit r?t resHiiiulives should bet litis question was t- tkd fey tlie -ntiti and the law or New Jersey, and it wa incompe. tent for this House to take any question upon that until k wsj fin orgarttiedrAud gentlcuasn had la ken the oath of nflice. Mr. Francis Thomas rose to ask the gentleman from North Carolina Mr. McKay to withdraw hi ornnositinn. in order that another effort miuht ' be made to settle this question. M "t. said he had moved no preliiiiinury proposition, he had of. fered. qo amendmentit to proposition which had been before the- Home not because be-had -not felt deeply interested in the qoetim) not because . be did not feci a deep anxiety to see the House organized in ail orderly manncrj and at sn early day, but because lie believed that ali the pre ttirrifiety nwthmrniwTV'iricorTtopwtpoiw lta large majority or the member of the House had mude up ilnlr liilndtf ai to hnw they would rote on !hi.Qua9UiaJtny.hflfftwUich Then lot ii be the effort of every gentleman to bring the lloiine to action. What wa the course - best calculated to do so ? Wu it beet for u to be chasing shsdowa nnd discussing questions which may never arise! We would have difficulties enough, by pursuing -straight-forward cotirse, - without stepping aside to raise difficulties which were not in our way. He knew that there were ' member here who hold the opinion that four of llieso New Jersey member could vote upon the right Ol the nnrrToTaSe hi seat. TTiiwa "noT bisBMUdarV4MU-M waMSsaidaviliat iNat-'n otter wlr qoestWwsiTW'Laiisp !f we wwH'M a lo-diMctus tlieaB.ras.wa bad sUmcy wa mtghl b - wrtboat rrvins at wuy praciicai resiuu Kim course, inen, wnicn-na iiileoded to pursue was, not lo moot preliminary questions unnecessarily. Let the vote be taken. It wa poMihlo, when it waa taken, that the cose would stand it etood to day. It may be that ilia ote ol- the five dialed- members from--New - Jersey would not chonge the- result, whether counted or not. : When tha vote wuv taken this morning, it appeared that four of (he disputed New Jersey n.e-nbei bad voted, but their yolea could not change tha result, therefore no objection had been mule from any quarter to their voting.. By thjs course, the House may avoid deciding on these Vexed preliminary questions, and bethought every grntkmian ought lo endeavor to avoid them if pHsible Ihe public interest required this ; but if they were to be decided on, let I hem be decidod un when the necessity for it arises. It will be lime enough, then, to decido on Ihem. With regard to llie proposition of Ihe gentleman from North Carolina, it, in hi opinion, decided no. thing. That proposition, as stated verbally, is, in effect, that ihe member from New Jersey ahall not vote until the House decides that they shall vote. Well, suppose thi proposition (hould be adopted ty the House, it "would be' a mereabslrac- Hon. riTeiToiiso must then go a step further, and "tasy wfcwW -tbejrahalh f or itot.-r ltr'wii bww .coinjwlenr,; then, Tor gentlemen to say that he (Mr. T.) should not vote uniiV the I lmje decided that he should vole.' The tame objection might be raised lo any other gentleman's right to vote, and day after day would be spent in I hew prelim imnyTjneitions, and no good would result fraro ir. Then let u meet the question to-day, and come up to the question which I best calculated to avoid solution of the gentleman from Virginia on the table, or to reject it : and if the vole of the dispu ted members from New Jersey ! not change the result, hit (lie decision of llie House be pro. nounend without raising tlieso preliminary que.' Ttwrorfi lical purjoo. i Ins course bail pcen. stggCledLby Ihe lhair some day ago a tha proper course lo be pursued, and he hoped the House would take up this suggestion and act opon it now. la urging Ihii course upon the House, he would state that hi sole object was to bring th House to action and avoid those difficult'? in which the Hxise hi been long involved, to the injury of the public tea-vice, and at the risk of it own dignity and ca (neity fr future ow-fulnesj, Mr. Wise would suggest a course by which the Hotito might arrive at a needy termination of thi question. . Let the gentleman from Maryland withdraw hi propm.il ion. Lei the gentleman from , iNorih "Carolina wiihdraW'hia resolution; a.nd let jhe gontleman from Smth Carolina withdraw the BKRiofTto ttr?eioIutiraubrot'i(ad byimT7 1 ..,..''.,.'. '.,..".... A . ',. "a : . 'Mr. WN. on the tank. Then 1.1 the Clerk go on aiKl can ine run, cohhb , from New Jeney, who had precnled the legal formal certificates, according to tne miiu and the law of New Jersey. Then we will be prejmrrd to Vote ; and whenwe come to vote u(i 7ir il." i,.i:r7J"lTie"New-JnrseT A-rm will nut chunwe the reul!r nothing neo he said about their v.t ng J but if it does, then the teller can report the fact to llie Hhj and the Houmo cm then act uimn the queUon. He thought thi would lie the niot satisfactory mmle of get ting over all difikulty in relation to tin question, and hnocd I'eiillmneii would ceasB pursuing shad ows, and unite upon some practical proposition ol this kind. Mi. McKav.aflor a few remarks, which in eon equence of the noise and disorder prevailing, with related call to order, were not nearo, saiu ni he had before e Dressed the ooinion, which he rn- ie;iled that neither parly should be permitted to vole. The oucaiion has been submitted to. tbe Chair, but Hie Chair refused to put H. until it should be decided by rhe Hon whohould" vote members Irom tbe Slats of New Jersey. Tbe House bad already decided that the five New Jer soy toot lumen who held the certificates of ihe Gov ernor should not vote, and the. Chair .jofuaca-aow to put any quesjion 10 llie House, lor ine rcaaoii that it must hrt decide who are to vote a mere ber front New Jersey, while there i no protMMi tinn in rineirfa that noiiit. either in Ihe allinnaiive or nenative before the House. This he consid ered to bo ft nioiittrou asrumption of authority by Ihe Chuir. -The House has decided that live ol the claimant shall not vole, and a member then submit a motion that the other five also shall be prevented from voting until the controversy decided. The Chairman then declare that, while heoccuoies that chair, he never would permit a sovereign Stale to be disfranchised, by prohibiting her Representatives from voting on any question before that House; and therefore he dec lures that he would not put tbo question. Did not Ihe Chair man himself at the lost session, submit a resolu lion to tha House, that no member whose seal wa contested should be entitled to vote upon any question before the House, until hie right to a seat hould be first investigated and decided upon Now if it wu constitutional for the Chairman him self to present that resolu ion a a member of Ihe 'Hi'lrtiresl!B'ai'livea;,wavit nut 'eontTtitao- tional for bun a a, member of Hie House of Representatives, to otfer a iioilar imposition tIf however, the House was willing to proceed at once to a vtrti be would be willing to withdraw bn pronouition. i Mr. Craig asked if the House was now about fo tfecTdelhe New . Jersey I He aked. hi t he .language of the eloquent geti'leman from. Georgia, who addressed them the other day t how was the House to enforce ed in Ihe other day, the Clerk, deciding that he could not put a question, a Chairman wa appoint ed, who would have the power to put questions. Now, what did the Chair lull this House just now T TTnKmg aT sovereign (State to be disfranchised by excluding the voiea of her members on any question before tha HouseJir, said-Mr C wJao. never get along unless we alioek difficulties one at a lima. The first difficulty waa lhal produced by the Chuir itself, in declaring that be would not put a question ; bia refusal to regisW tbo edict of the Houae The. Jlouse.uad del.ermined.that the n.eniber wbc . . l. .... . n p'nr : 1a5Bsrflw?ri 4tvui:tui(Jje y$ Jersey shall not ldt permitted lo .oie. Let' us, ihen Ysaid Mr. C.) dismiss all quibbles lot us feel 'jdjiglJi niCfl,'id considcrhia.janlaniouutiaaJlieforeiUicuUo decision that neither party shall vote until Ihe con Iroversy is set I led. So much lioise and confusion prevailed while Mr. Craig was speaking, that tbe Reporter heard him very imperfectly; and, in the concluding part of hia remarks, hi voice waa com pletely drowned by the crie of " order, order I" " go on, go on I" die Mt- Klieit, in reply to tome word from Mr. Wise, mil heard, declined to withdraw hia motion lo lay . that gentleman's resolution on the table. ThrtiTiestriiTrhe-sardr tonectileihe-itt-of thar-re to . .-. ... . tsyiMirnTritnrtiTrrtr T.Tg.nyjoUtcjjtay; Mr. Jrtbus.Mlar.ylaiid.tiieua to withdraw In motion-, wheraupwo, Mr. Wise-moved ihe previous question on it. Mr. Rhett I hen asked if that resolution of Mr. Johnson's was before ihe House. The Chuir answered, lhal no queation could be before the House, until it ahould decide who should te as--members froro-t-he- State of - New Jerseyr Mr Khett stated tha question, aa he understood it. It first arose on his (Mi. U's) motion lo lay the resolution pT lho' gentleman from Virgiuia Mr. Wise on Ihe table ; next on the resolution of the gent Ionian from Marylsnd, as a substitute; and (hen came Ihe decision of ihe Chair, that no ques tion could be put until the House decides who shall vote aa member from New Jersey., Now he moved to lay the question raised by the Chair on the table. Mr. Wise informed the gentleman from South Carolina Mr. Rheti thai no motion could be put on that question until the preliminary one of who wa entitled to vole ahould be first decided. Mr- SIRde desired to know the question that was before tha House. , . , Tha Chair said that the main question waa for tlie moeiing to determine who was entitled to vote from the State of New Jersey. The House liny Trig" dcU-rniined, by "reversing the decision of the Chair, that the members, holding ihe certificates of I be sWerno of New-Jweyrhuld ili'Tote; it waa now necessary that Ihlf nioeliiig should ey wliui was enlilled to vote, inasniucli "a lliey would not deprive a sovereign Stat of it representation on thi floor. . ' Mr. Slade understood the gftnllemin from Mary. land tMr. Johnson had offered a proposition here, which he wa disposed to keep before Ihe House, unless the gentlemaa irom South Carolina would wilhJeaw his axsiim is Uy ihe rewnluHon of ihe gentleman from Virginia 1M it Wise 1 on Ihe table. Mr. Johnson of Maryland said he would modify his resolution by withdrawing the second clause of iu - 1 ne nrst clause contained a distinct proposi lion, and Ihe House, by taking Ihe ques:ion on ii. would tf(iitivi-rmiWTOT 'i;.t . . 1 . f Ul, II. . , . Mr. Slade then rose and made aoma remark. which will be reported in full hereafter. , ' Mr-Uraham of North Carolina rose to a Que. lion ol order, aeveral members trying to obtain Ihe floor, aad speaking at the tame time. The Chair again staled the question. The Hmie must first decide who (hall vole a memlmr 6f New Jersey, and I hen the question on the mot ion or the gentleman from South Carolina could be put. The Chair would, however, ui'sest a sub stitute for hi decision, which he would adopt, if il mm who me concurrence of ihe House. This was the course of arnredura he eu treated on Sit- urday last, and which had been already adopted on taking two or three auestieni: that igJthe Chair woultf ptl Ilia ntiestion, and tha teller! would, on counting Ihe votes, report the rrsuh to Ihe Huune ; id.uheiher any of the niemhera wim sea s ere coiilfisM:d voted on the mine, and should it be Oajnd any such voting would change the result ll would be for the House to determine nciocr iirh votes should be counted. -Mrr Black a.k4 hCkik-4a4lhe.JCwlU... ion, and it was read as follows: Rrtoletd: That the actiiiir Clerk be directed to call the member of the House, including, in such cell, the mcmbe r from New Jersey, who Iwve ihe certificates of Ihe uovernor ol inai tstate, mai they are elected as Representatives of the Twen- ty-siKthCwgre... - , . Mr. Blode oe ana coriienueu ior ins ngoi i go on wilh hi rotnark. The Cl.air wid that the question wa, wjio hould vte from thexSute o New Jerey. . ' Mr. Wise. The question i on the motion ol. Ihe gentleman from South. Carolina to lay my pro position on the able; and increiore, me geuuoumu from Vermont wa speaking'out oT order. We are come now, said Mr. W. to the direct question, and he begged gentlemen lo let it be taken. The Chair did not consider the gentleman from Vermont to.be out oT order. ThevreHson aa signed by the Chair, for hi decisioii,ere not heard bv the Renortcr. ' ' v . - "1W rr MaaV Midrw-wOTy aoxiou for him to yield theuor he would do so to accommodate them. . Mr. Rtvea rose, and attempted to address the Chair, to make some suggestion aa to the mode of proceeding, when . - . 'Mr. Wise, and several nlher gentlemen, called him to order. Great noise and cmifusion prevail ed at the time, and repealed cries of goon, go on were also heard. - Mr. Rivea again attempted to obtain the floor, when " '-."." """" Mr. Wise again interrupted him with call to order,. W bether the question waa on the motion submitted by the gentleman from - South Carolina In lay his resolution, or the resolution of the gen tleman from Maryland, on the table, alill the mo., tion wa not debatable, and hi hoped (he Chair would order the gentleman to tike bis aeal. The' Chair wa unwilling to arrest any gentle." man on a point or order, who thought he had any new proposition to present to the meeting. Mr. Rives said it was nnl hi intention to throw any obstacle irtheTwayIIedesiredio cnniela some conclusion, and thercfore he proposed I to' gentlemen to permit tbe gentleman from South Carolina Mr. Rheti to offer hia resolution a an amendment to the resolution of hi Colleague, Mr. Wise, and let the House come to a decisive vole. Mr. Briirrs made a few remarks, showing the ficcessily of etiforcing The poinf oT order, and pre serving decorum in Ihe House, "11 f. "Pfbffit ''e'ndeatdrea fo ob'sin the floor;and at " the. same time giving hi opinion that -the motion wa dib.twtaU.mt..he..waiM.ed tftJiavsJiiisjdjarf. of it. Mr. P. waa culled to order by several gentlemen, and he took his scat., The Chair then put the question on Mr. Rhett's motion,; and directed the teller to report the ramea or those member voting whose seal were con tested ; and also to report how the vote would be without the votes of "those gentlemen- whose- seeta were contested, and how n would be with the vole or those gentlemen. N.Mr.. Holleman denied that auch wa the que, tion before Ihe House. ' He also denied that the question, waa ever presented fer jho House to de cilMted'inM Cbairll to whojahpuld, vote aa member frbrhTSlew Jersey ,"tifioug1 the" Chair wished to make it ao, - To eonatituta a question and a negative, or how could ihe House decide it. How cmjld it doci.'n the quHtion a to who ahould" vote aa member from New Jersey, when, having already decided lhal "one set of the claimants (hould not vole, the Chair jefue to put the ques tion aa to the right of the other to vole -Hie de nied that the Chair had a rightto make any auch decision. Tin waa putting the (louse in a posi tion in which it could neither advance nor recede. Some dayl ago, when the (louse was in a similar eondilton.-in- consequence -ef Me-Clei1i--oWmins' i ..... - . . .. himseir incompetent to put question to the House, Ihe eem mm rf -iveeti hvlo )'ihw'aSie',ThH,iMvM' eliei lliemaelvea from tha. embarrassment in hich the J - r , , j i , , v urvisimi m me nera uau piacrn uiem, uy remo - ving the Clerk, and putting some one in bis place. This appeal had been followed up bvlhe motion of the gentleman fro in South Carolina, which placed the gentleman himself in ihe Chair. Il was then mtpiwaed; thttrihe HoW difficulties in which the decision of the Clerk plaoed them. But really, from the deciaion of the Chair jutt made, it appeared lo him thnt it would become necessary for ihe House to remove him from Ihe Chair, and put some one in hit place who wa willing lo put a question. Mr. II. afler a few remark, made during much noise and confusion. appealed from the decision of the Chair, and asked fer the previous question on the appeal. Mr. Brigg said ir the gentleman from Vermont would withdraw hiathjectiorx, he would submit the proposition of ihe . Chair lo the House for il decision in the form of a motion. , Mr. B. then Mibmitted the following, which he read I Reiolved, That on the motion r Mr. Rhelt to lay Mr. Wise's motion on Ihe table, or on Mr. Wiee'a resolution itself, Ihe teller shall count all the persons who may pass between them; and if any pass whose right lo vote i disputed, the teller rhall report their name o inn Chair, flnr tha number of VDte on both tide are resorted, fer tha derimon flf the lnit,''nm Mr, Holleman declined withdrawing hi proposi lion, and insisted on taking an anneal from the de cision of the Chair. " . The ChaU aked what decision the gentleman from Virginia demanded an anneal from. Mr. Holleman said that bit anneal was from iKa decision of the Chair, ibat no question could be put until the House derided who should vote aa The Ctmir said. I withdraw thnt nW..,no Much laughter. . The question was then taken on Mr. BriggV motion, and it wa carried without a division; " i ne cnair iheq staled Ihe question on Mr. ihgrib" report'ff any' mnii, tested, voted uina the Unmia nf il,i nnl,,i;nn just adopted on Ihe motion oT Mr. Brigs. The House having seconded the call lor llie pre vious question. f r X ' Tha question wn then taken, ahall the main question, now be putt and was decided in tha af Urinative without a division. The msin mmlim tn l It W i..1. ;m" - - --. m ivsumiion on the table was then put Messrs. Dromgoola and foiT, iiaTing mn sppoiniea tellers. v . On countino the remilt. the llbr inrtJ !.. there were 115 votes in Ihe affirmative, andll 14 in Ihe negative; Mr. Naylor from P. unsytvania, whose aeat wa contested, voting with the nav. " - nr i nair atinwnced thi decision of ib Houw to in 115 in the affirmatiya and 115 in the ocga live, (the Chair voting with the nay,) so that t! ; t in ing a tie, the mntiou was lot.- .Mr. SiniSji of Main denied that the nioiioo, lwt, and uf aled from the decision of tw (j lie umh-rsioi d the tellers a having rerxirtcd it"' Mr. Navlor, whose seat wa fixitested, oteJ the jmyglle lituu'dlhciigbt of Mrayhy. -vote, and ohjertt d to it being counted. Mr JNav or ol,-rvel lhal ihw urmiii.. Maine, Mr. Smiih ImJ challengeo hi rin,. J .I.IIIBII I. vole. Now, hei-hhlienged the right of Ihe g,,,, man himself lo vole. Here are my credeutiilii' wid Mr. N. holding them in hi band, " Mr. Smith of Maine, J turn Ihe mn,.. over lo Mr. Ingersoll, who ha the certificaijf lie juugr? ui curciitfii, Hiiti lira I cruiicnie Ol tltcfj vernor, under, Ihe bioad scut of the Slate of Pet sylvama. Mr. Wise moved that the vole of Ihe eentlrn.. from Pennsylvania be counted, and on that ritoti,-. he called for the previous question. Mr. Reynolds, amidst much noise and disorder moved an aiitiairnment a number of aontleii,. ' tbe floor. .. Mr. Wise ond other opposed the adjoummrf . w: .".:. i ji. i: J1. "UKmi (..,,. .v.. mn v tatiuio llgnt. The Chni r WB proceeding lo nut the muni;,.. aUHttm't resjilulion, wliich be said wa the Mr. Reynold insisted or. his motion Tor merit, and demanded lhal the question be'takenonit! .. The Chair said that a motion to adjriurn H not in order, while a question wa pending. Mr. Smith and several member here ontendF' that the question of Mr. Rhett' motion was i decided. and that il yet depended on the decitius . i u . w. .:i., . Ul 111. A.djrwil l ,UID, Mr. Weller again moved Ihe adjournment, ' Mr. Wise restated hi motion that Mr. Naylor'i vote be counted, and also his motion fur tlw previ. ou question on it. , - e-n -t a a . i . ' . i ne vnatr snia no opuersinoa me drcitiaa of the House, in the motion ol the gentlemaa froaj Massachusetts, (Mr. Brigg,) to refer only to tb contested teats from New Jersey,, and that tb gentleman from Pennsylvania (Mr. NayW) did nnl come wiiliin the decision of the IIouk. The Question, therefore, tha Chair eoniil.a,u joe tin the resolulion of the gentleman from Virginit, iu r. iriggs suiu tuai mi inouon wa gftoertl it application, and applied to all (he getiilsmei whow seats were contested- At Mr. L'i reques; the resolution waa read by the Clerk, amidst nod noise and confusion, ' Thn ('hair said that ho had announced ihtai. cition of Ihe House, that " the resolution wm lut, and did not hear the report of thn teller that i I rn.mli., u V- raa mnaA u-.. u .Atitarinn l. ., -I .1 air. JJrouignole rose and staled- that, a oo ; the tellors, be distinctly stated to the Chair, vIm lie aniTouiiced" the Vote7 tKat ' Mr."' Nay1,'oo! the gentlemen whose sent wa contested, baa i. tertIo hthi stateflient, MrJ).mmatm4if Mr. Davie, Ihe other teller, y Mr. Smith 'i Maine, and several other gentlemen. The Chuir said lhar"lha"o4ueati6nleriira"'tN' House, wa ihe previous question on Ihe reaolutiot of Thrjrenttcman from V irginnr. Mr. Turncv appealed from the decision of thi Chair, as he considered that the first question w be deciJed was, whether MrVNaylor's vole ihoua be counted , Mr. Welter mo ed an adjournment, nd t question wa taken; Messrs. Grave and Tumi were appointed teller and on counVin'g ihe vote, tbey reported that there were. for the .I'lwtm. W and Ryall, member from New Jersey, wImm seal are contested; voting in rhe affirmniiv, aa MTlalsted, Arerigg," end -Yerke; siaHki- silueted, voting in the negative The Chair then stated lhal the volei t to members whose seat were disputed, hot unm the result, it wa decided in the affirmative, ami that . . ,". "?.: . ""The House adjournedr""'7'."'' " HOUSE OP REPRESENTATIVES. Wedaetdug, December 11. TUe-qiwstion bsfer-4li8 Mouse, efler- tbs-Hwsi- mg of Ihe ournal, wa Ihe right of Mr. Navkr to. 4 viamiii.lllsiiUTa,iaMl y&UMik&m rcsoiuiion upon llie table. Tlm coiirused nriwecSinirs nf' ve'steritivledls'l I . . . c- i . i i correction ol llie journal. The Clerk omille I Xstate " that .Ifr. Naylor challonced Ihe riirhl Wr.'Sir.ith to vote.'' Mr. Smith having bef clmHnged the rig hi of Jlf r. N. The journal vmeriHcrd.jw.heD Jlie .PteviouaQuestionwatputf. on ihe appeal from Mr. Adam' decision, tliat 4 Navlor hud a right to vote. "the nieyirHiaquejiion was put and serooH and teller wert demanded ujton ihe vote, wht the derision of ilia. Chair abould (land a the jo-intent of tha IIUiiw.The vote wa a felluwi: Ayes 112, Noes ll8. , So Mr. Adams' decision wa lost. Mr. Inrt- soil, Mr. Naylor and a port of the New Jens? members commissioned member and dtiwn" voted. " Mr. Johnson said that it was an oufrsssnpa the Constitution not to count the vote of lb aa- ber from Prniisylvania. , . Mr. Adams said lo the House ihu tih, hV busmen becoming confused, lhal il each (IwaiH would keep hia seat there would be hope of mg order. - -: ' : ,' - ".'' Mr, Wise moved flint thn House proceed to cide upon the right ol' Mr, Naylor of Penntj 10 vote, Mr, Ingersoll made an attempt to speak, k ra called lo orae'r7llo ad.rreea't'Ke Chiireer w twfei tut" yhin liol fereiftd yrwtedV Mr, Curtis here moved an adjournment, wl waa not put bv Jfr. Adams. Mr. Turney, of Tenn. made the remark (hit toouer wa get mlo-a row the better. - Mr. Stanley of N. C. interrupted him hy y ifit ia coiirfi to this lhat the House w made bt-tter hr nettinr into a row. - be enow If ihe gentleman from Tenm, that if there wttJ1 a row, be was sine.' eveinir Jar. lurnej' The scene of confusion wu here ao crest if Mr. Curlia moved an adjournment of the H110' AAer much disorder, the Previtai Quetioe witand secondfld, upm Mr. Adam decisw1"" The question again come upon Mr. N'T""! ..." lliu m lli!HI IV ,''..' rial, I t l. NT. ..I... I.;. .rlihCUlK rii,. . .wo. j,ir, inyHr ikiu iii election read. While this document wa re1 Ihe Assembly for the first time were quiet. Mr. Navlor asked the attention of the ll tha Prnrtn from Go11' Porter. Nine days before the Assembly aw"'0 vernor r. issued a eerlifirate or election, '" cing the return of Mr. Ingersoll. i Mr. Naylor rose and begged a hearing, M not suffered lo proceed the House beiny Wf and the confeei.m yery great. Tbe reading law nf Pennsylvania wa railed fer. Mr. ltiVMMlli r. ik. r.rfi,lrr of nil l'le wwnyTrreletiliofr kw--Peonsylvaoil then' rend, when tht vote waa put to tbe llu r