EMI--.- WISCTERH (DAMOEIMA-M, -the pmrki i of i.ELi:cATKn to the rjtirr.o tatt. - the cwmrTloxBoVrHiwTEi t it to tub state, aii beeid to the it itki turecmiLT, o to m riopn AmradW (o lie Conttituiion, Article X. n. AUSTIN & C. F. FISHER, ) f NO. XXVIII OF VOL. XX.;5 '(Whole Aa-VlOIS.). iVt SALISBURY, N. G, DECEMBER 27, 1839. Editor and Proprietor. J3 On LV m oltit lof 23 SaUsWn YcmaVc Ata&cray. 4, vJi n 'st. ii 1 1-1. y ii o it o u c ii . ... OrpiiE Spring Session of Mr. andMrs.Bl'RWELL'S school for Young Ladies, will open oo Monday, the Oih of .January. V; , The course of atuJy em- bract all the branches uf 1 1 i I tf i- ri i 1 i . ,. , j ., . j u ' i 1 " n-irumr cnnjuaiE at ..atwiwwe. ana nope or --"'-"' -"-fnenuon ami Jitnguago- W. A. JJ'l ORniCK, 31. D. IlE.SprXTrUI.LV rof wma'llis citienof Saliabiirv Al and ua vicinity, that be ha taken aa office at the Mansion Hotel, for tb purpoa nf practising Dihtai ikiont, ro all iu various branches, on the moat im proved and scientific prmciples, via. Healing, Plug ging, Exhorting, Interlmg 'i'seta m Jnm(, JoU apnmg, rite, qc Tit Trtdet of the Salisbury Female - Academy INFORM the public, that thia lnatitution will be opened on Monday, the 14th of October next ll tbeir Mention to place Una kininiry on permanent and renpeciable bans; and bo earn will be wanting oa "Ttbeir part, to render it, in every respect, worthy or the confidence of the ft tend of education, morality and re ligioo, who aw fur their daughter a place where in lelleetual and moral culture combined, will prepare tbem to occupy with a-eluluess and dignity, the sphere to which they may be called. They are now making all eiiitable effort to secure Cjf Tescbers, e Getalemaa and Lady of high qualifica- l wo. Meanwhile, 'hey bate engaged Miea Emm J. Bases, a young Lady, io whose literary qualification and capacity fur eucn a aiiuation, they have perlect coofi-leiice ; and' who ht( hitherto taught muaic ill tin, nd other Seminariea, with entire aalufaciion. A non .. the other Teacher are obtained, Miae Bain will asaio devote herself exclusively to the mueical depart. . - . v. I?en ' TERMS OF TUITION. S 00 jeinienM ..I" ilIborou;li. Pareuta and Gunrdiaiie are referred (br particu ., ran to either of the tolloainj genNemcn : lim. V. IS ASH, Dr. JAS. WEBB, JNO. W. NORWOOD, ...... Hon, w. P. MASGL'M. Orance, Re. D. LACY, Raleigh. Rev. F. NASH, Lincolu. r : Hoard can be bed in the rooet reepeclable (ami. liea, and parent wishing to place their daughter ai achool, can bear of boarding houara oa applies ; lion to u. . ' . .;. ., . - Music, Drawing ind' Painting will be laughi hj wll quHlihed aitd experienced teacher. il ex ma as neretofore. ", English studies, Laiin, Freoch, ' Music, asMiHlny in the line of dm orofeaiiog. to receive a ehare of publie patronage. ' b. ft ne w la possesston ot a material, not only innocent and easily applied, but for superior to anv thing that ever yet haa been discovered for Plugging, particalarly in torn eavitie where the nerve ie ex- pnaed ana lootb otherwise oiuch diseased, tod would particularly recommend it to all beftwe having their teeth extracted, which otbervrsMrihlKbt be Nved br having them plugged. V. a. Ladies viited oa at their private residence. December 2U, 1SU. " , 2t awe. on') lelnt 'Jit VI' carchi AX t . C1BU3. oviam, (ting anaej Pttizaw (- bet leetaa- rveinf' wf the ily di. hall Bt i dioK Bithde. For beginner per eessioa of Or months, fur the Kodiinenta with Gramniar, Geogra- hf and History, " The above, with the higher branches ii Li terary iMipartmeut, Music on the Piano or Gaiter ; r . Drawing and Painting, December 0, 193d, 817 56 10 00 , li 00 25 00 15 00 4U "IODbt 12 00 25 00 I f imimentat Needle-work, and the mkinir of wi fluwet will be also Uught, if desired, at $5 each. ' R. nnler of the Trustee. tt. - Salisbury,' Sept. 27. 1KB). IJJestcnr .i1. s 9 IJ-ftUF. Subset ibera take pTure lr. announcing to the d Public, lht the GREAT WESTERN tri-week. 1 ritsire Line troio Salisburv vie the Catawba Springs, Ijncolntoo, Rutberferdton, to Aahville.N. C. will corn-1 running on (be ard mstsflt;': L3A72SP.. aaww1wDooU, Ac Shoes. THE SKRifeSCRlBERS tlf OULD iuferm the publac, llxt tbey still carry 1 1 the ranatns; liunnra, and in connection with it, the BOOT and 8J10E MAKING at their Tan Yard, on the 2nd ho.ua re, Esat ot the Coart-llouse; where tbey have on hand quantity of excellent Sole-Leather and ttkirtinir. Harness. Bridle, and Upper Leather, Cov- - en tii Leather for Cosch-makor. aod Horse Collar, I Alsft ( Ursa auDDlv ot BUUia, or nrm ana sscona quality; (ivulic ld ewd CMeW SHOES, of a superior qualiiy j and a large atock of coarse Suae, of a suoeriar aualitv. - A we have procured En rale workmen, we bare do hesitation io warrantine our work to be well done as .. jany in the Huie, which we wilt kII low fcr Case, or on time to punctual dealers. . ... -; Order from I dimance punetuaily Bliended to. , Aim. first rale paw f Bool Tree, aod a sett ecood banded Lull fat sale. OliIIE Subscriber bavins; locatea himself in the town I 4 of Cancers', would now offer bia service to the Public, aa aa , - ? -.. , ,( Ornaiurntal and Sign Painter. He Satiera himself that bis long experience in the above Businesa. and the specimen ot work he ha executed in bw line, will be a sufficient recommends tioa. He will also attend to any call made oa him io the HOUSE PAINTING BUSINESS, ' and iaennfident be ess give stlUhslioo to all wlie way employ him , . , ... ill Public w, respectrullf requested to call and en- eoonge him, he I determined to execute all work committed, tot bw w the as eoanble (banner. asr A In, Punuae and 1 nmmine all hind ot Cat rigea,doo with easiness and despatch. J. W. KAIALY. Concord, N. C, March 21, 1S3B. If a06l. ' kimZ. GOLD WATCH, TW KNT Y-Ft XT 1 1' CONGRF5S. ROLL OP MEMBERS,, SENATE The figuree in tbie table iodteate the eiptratioa of tje aeveral terms c eervice, i j ' a:;;.'. r Maine. ;f.': Mo Roggles, 1S41 RIVT ,!.,,,' 1343 , , . NEW HAMl'SlURE. - - -r .tz: -ilchrt liubbaidriS U TraulUa fWe7""li43 VERMQMT. . .--'., ' Samuel PrwHiss, 143 Sam! 8. Pbelp. 184 ' i ! MASSACHUSETTS. John D4V. l41 VmX Wetuter, 145 ' . ; RHODE ISLAND. Nehr. R. Knight, 1641 Nathah F. Dixotf,lM5 CONNECTICUT. . Perrj Smith, 1845 Thaddeo Betta. 1845 . NEW YORK. - V -. ; . v Silas Wright, 184S ; VBcWy.) , NEW JERSEY. v , Garrett D. Wall, 18U 8. L Soutbsjd, 1845 PENNSYLVANIA. . ' Jame Buchanan, 1843 - (VaeAiicy. -V - DELAWARE, ; : V Tho. Cleytrw, 1841 " Vacancy. S MARYLAND. ' WnvD. Merrick, 1645 John S.Spuee, 194 VIRGLNIA. -Wm. II. Roane, 1641 Vaciocy. T t -r - NORTH CAROLINA. - , Bedford Crown, 1841 Robert Strange,. 1843 ' - SOUTH "CAROUNL- ,iIaho C CeAhomv H41 W m. C. Trevor, 1S4 3 GEORGIA. Wilson Lumpkin, 1841 Alfred Csthbert, 1843 ALABAMA. Wm. R. King 1841 Clement C. Osy, 1843 , MISSISSIPPI .ZWi. Walker,11- 1841 John HeB4erpOif 45-. G4i. W.Tultanil, Geuruo McCulloli. 1 nartea j. i:ijrerwll, (,b.;ilrtvid tiikiii, x Robert It. Hammond, ar . reward Uavies, , Francis Jaroee, John Edwards, -Joseph Frnaice, John Duvia, ' David D. Wajrener, Peter New hard, George M. Kenn, CHimuel W, Morria. Char lea Ogle, Albert G. MarchaBd, Enoe Hock, Iac Leei. ' ... s 1 Richard IlidJIe, William Iiesliv.- Wjiltam SiaiiMit.iit,. Thornar Homy,"" . Jamee Gerry, 'J, Calbrailh. (V) Mr. Ingerenll ha (he certificate of the rel lorojudre" that be ie elected: but the Hon. C Baylor had a majority of the votes polled io this dinnct. The pidgw rejected the whole nf H. tvote given w the Northern LiWtiee, where Mr. .aywr recmven several hundred majority, on io. eowrt of the fraud committed there. DELAWARE. Tbonjia Robinson. MARYLAND. John DeBnis, . Solomon Hillen.Jr. Phdip F. Thomas William Coat Johnson. T. 11. Worthington, Frsne is Tbnma, Jamee Carroll, , Henry A. W. Joel li..leymao, 1 " Francis E. Rivee, John M. Botte, R. M. T. Hunter, (c) sunn tatiialernv Duiuel Jenifer.'' VIRGINIA. 4 Walter Cole, t Jamee CarlandT (Com.) Jamee L. Coggipe, , William Lcaa, . , U. II. Samuel, Kohert tJrftlg; telucd at sUT&r 4k eve-1 pcrty of the Subscriber, and la-1 ken Com John Mces Hotel in the town of Concord, Cabar roe countv. oa Baturdav. the I V7 . y .TX23rd of Kovemoer, out of the siir' for first ta the ranire of oft- . cee aouth of the HotcL. D-l teriwtitm Cold (see, entirely figured, with unusually I small told bands, near the puinta of which tber are I tin II ronod boles, opens and wind on tb baefev- AiA ."J'r.-..lV)U131AAial R.ajSicaola, 1641 Alei. Mootow, 1843 ' TENNESSEE.; Hugh L. White, 1841 Felix Gnmdy, 1843 - KENTUCKY. -f Cbarlee F. Mercer, . U. W. Hopk.n. (Corals Lsmi Bauk. Andrew Iheroe, " George C. Dromgoole J, Mnvon," Joha W. Jwv" lew, Siieprod. . JohB T. Illll y ; , r ' (c) Mr. Hooter does m-t profess to belong to . maf pari f. Jl supported, during the last session of Cmgresa, most of the leading measures of ll DenNcratw perty. , One (U ,blt echee in -support of the Independent Treasurv IL.M .mmm.i . 4soade fey hifv Mr. H. d. rU concur with- the W-f w. l ! f ... '""I Prty tn their political r""n "Ppor ot the lending mea-buur. 1843 Wm. Allerg ists JL JJITTEttS, so telebraied, and so mac! used by teg, ftaV. teprioiei kbunt'tk. the Car- ix Cisw e ia tk editioa a t iter ol of Tain The tn- US," on city. tail will te ih,ocU 1 WaSII Ui FOE si Worm desirous af Kirhmitef ioniafCo3 i be so neident a isii'g resort (be Til- sU.v, ta tar! Tpe Hit Si il! puy i rhich I lia ; ii J Te tjjiuiog ll VftTIi-rwill be token IB. exchaeje -iojTHjr IJVifrfai it 5 o'clock, A.--M,, eitf-Aa-iPTii , , 15t . . Leaves Aihle for R.'li.hury, kt S o'cloek. A. M J-MoffatVPills" and BUtCrS. ea Soadaya, Tuesday, 1 huraiiaya, arrive ai rans mf aext day, 8 o'clock, P. M. - ' This Line for SPEED, GOOD DRIVER! TEAMS, nd CQAaULjifliiutbsauipans.l by any Im in The Tsiale. lteoointbthe 4AlEY-4JNBt Balw bury (ur the North, and at Aahville with the line to kinoxville, Tvouessee. . i ' - ' Paasengers leavmf Kalwgti, re. wr lorn w. find this the nearest Route by 20 miles, and decidedly llw cheapestAnd tor fine Iid romsatic scenery, particularly the Gap over the Blue Ridge, K w not ex celled by ny other in N. C 1 pENCINI, V; ; V tt. W. LONG. Salisbury. Nov. 1. . . J ; N B. . Thi Line, intersect the Line t Lincoln- U..iUJGiasiHi"gy- limMtine Sorimrs.- - A. B. At R. W. L . -: 'J ml Ail -,.'-? -A r-v.. ..T7V-""' - - - ----- r r ' -AbavetUtateaV'tw-eveiy yairt 1hffTeWltTy7sypy sl sIa ot)ie wwoseweenb CJtv QL nuubo, ninw Mom Seerto 4V Sbs-bbxi, ia Concord, N. C a P. 8. See advertisement April 4,39. tl TaWoYiug .YusYTvesa., Qrnihe Sdbscriber keep eonMantly oa Aal ilni 'jew'eto the number not recollected. Any per son tadinr id Wstch, end todgins; it at lonosrd. Saliabary, Cbarlotle, Lincotatao, ar any of the neigh boring villages, will be liberally rewarded for the same. , - A. U. CDNEI. J)rDbefJl3W3a, 4t STILjLATERMlOlIiC J. J. Crittenden, 1 841 Henry Clay, .... oma 1843 lUij. Tapfao, S T Ivl . l A t K I -IB1 .W SB :4ej 'WWite, ; 1845 5 . ILUNOia ' J. M. RoUneoo, 1841 R. M. Young, 1943 ' MISSOURI , Lewie P. Linn, -1843 T. H, Beotod, 184 - l 1 r MICHIGAN. John NorveH, 1841 Ytcmacj. -ARrAs;rr. WmTsl Fulton,- 1841 A. IL 8evifr1845. 0. Z. m.lnnXAr the above adver- tieement weekly feu-iiior weaand forvrBird ibeVr afcounu to thi Office. 1 ... i Cotton Picking. s a i I nIinsiR hn .Mk to have their Ce'iow -icaee ami I . o.i .. kMt nmiblo manner, and on the! , shortest notice, will do well to cell on the ButwcriDer, bo will bianelf attend personally to w uusmees. m MHinstMi nsTtha Wilkesboro road. (Howard" Planta- tmo.) 4 mile norih west of Salisbury, and -etllent order.'1 for receiving, PCAJ.VO aod I'ACA- i.vo corio.v. - , . P-ntonsnJ Merrtianta who will entrust their Cot ton to hi specml charge, ahall not go awy dussmtitas. 1 November 2D. tf rpHh Siibvcnhejvjngjpurciimthi ' rr-r-riUiXmt 1 ritted it in a atvle t . . "" . ii 1,4 ih .ccouiRindatioa of I raveliera ana Harden, ia now prepared for tbeir recep- tt TAHl,B Will arwajs w'' , a gener- I a mx Intent of tEADY-BIADE tJOTniCV for Gentlemen' wer, , ucb a i Coaf. faefomwdj ---GoooLs, well ma3end (ashirswble. He is also prepared went, nd make clothing in the most ftkihk waWaWk alsla. and warranted to fit. He, also, keeps a good - . ... . i r : Ms)dlciaaa TJ Snuflw, Tobacco, 8p. Starch, Sospa, Per srravaaarra. Paste and Wrapping Piper, Paper odPunu.JU aga, fort, emerry, Li IIOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. ; maine ;t;z"F AsaV.Psinla.tVds, Clgara.CandUa.iUM, fames, Bc-ahes, 1 j Bosbim, Fine Letter Quills, Ink, Drawing! -eerrerTenoriut-, t'bsmpaign, Muscat and Claret Winea, Fiench, Peach and Apple Ibandj. I Cm, MccAThsM sd -etd Whistft; Jmid and 'Si, : E Rom, Loaf Sugar: Varnuia. Sana. Japa.4le Ware, BulUss, Lemoa asd Ginger Bjrup, Lime Jeice, TaoMoni-ka. Jan. Casks. Pocket Books and Mass, Pipe, Iron end CotuposilM Morton, and Peetlas, Candle VVVk. Rkrkinff. Im'l Oesa'a, Droit's. Aaderson'a, HoKOer's, Hootl's, Cook's, Bhop. Beckwitb's, Peters', u.c.i. C B A ,U'. Dk.ln-' Pilla. Ilwk'l w. -- ... ... nuHl . ..ran. . ninirriy . m - - - eortmelol C P.nseea, Moore and AMersoo's Cough qualities, selected by himself m lbs ftevr k ork Market, j. ,; ferpet Hence, RowSnd a 11 of whicb be willsell low for Ush. Tonic Mixture, Back Gamoa Boards. Matches, Balm el N n IU rtiU ecaUooe lo teach Uis art ot Uoltisg . . . u , , .,,,. -oniam. H Drain's garments oa the most spproed plansol the beat Tailws I tTmlfut tmi , tfcoosand other artielae just rece.ved Nthan Clifford, Virgil U. Parris, Allien ouM.fe, - - fl,wh J Apdsnnfv. Beniamin Kanoall, , - -luMiuq a. aawcii. Georce F.thi.i,iii 'MnH Dive NEW HAMPSHIRE. EJmund . Vnrk and Philadelphia. frtr Cutting for customers done ea the borfs ao . .. ..j --. distance attended to with io- iVlri- Hi shoo will be found in Mr.Cowaa uVR brkk building. RENJ. F. FRAU.Y. Saliiury.Msya,18m': Heath Tract nMIK HEATH TR ACT, eootaioing six L hundred Acres of Lod,itosted bont . . k-iat of LexmrtoB, Davidaoa Co. I aMd kasdme tram Lexuiftoa te -.- wm mi. - - nffinvd for Sale. there are about lt)0jre improved, and 500 k Wood and Timber. " r The Tract located verT nd thr ! .Asm si Issi Anotheesrv ejisrv. br r n 1 e r iu Va o. w aw ... ... tf XstlsadMew ttUBk-ear -"-""' Iri -K: rW0T Jred W. W.IIiame. Charles O. Alhertoo, v . ' CQSNttTnCUT. V'. 7. Joseph Trumbull, , , Thoe. B. Oioioi, Wm. U Starre, .. Tnimsa Bmitb, . Thos. W.W ilUsms, j John 11 JBruckmj. , .VERMONT. HilsndHsIl, : JobaSaailb, 1 William Slede, ,i Isaac Fletcher. ,v Horace) Everett, A MASSACHUEETTS. proposa toe thenea bf H G.wM.im-ni. I. these essential partv dieerimiiuiim-i 1 u. I II. Jbflcrs from the W bigs, the majoiity of his Coo- ...v..,. mprvc wim mm. for irwaa reasons we demgnaie Mr. IL a fctMtu , Tr Jf'fih Je A. Bynura, John HiU, , . . , , - Cbarie Faiber, C h ule 8t.en.rd ' . Henry W. t'-owior. ' . James MebTs Jamee Graham, : V Um T. Haekiu. LewM n illiame, . . , - BOUTH CAROLINA. ' FTIIlme, JJhuBBmiM U: f.,utf--" WryTbu,.nm K. . PlckeM, TAR. BarnwvU.JtUn N Joba Cmpbeli, aMfoha K. Crlffitw-- - - CAiiWd, iw. iiiur.um: Edward J. Black. (d)i T.U Kiu. w. t. cotamit, f i n ,-vjb-j. Nesbjcrdr JUMk-.ijplCTr 1,11 . i ... u - ' W. C Dnwaon, V Vf T ; id) These Ceir raibY A wbsfi saaeisf rale, m Dropoeed cendi-lates of the N - ALABAMA. R- IL Cbapmea, Dixon II Hand Hubbard, James DiUei Ueprge W. Crabb, present to eitlwe of the ni Whig,. Sal'isbery, Jane 7, t I-- . ' -sMWaS: Wltb ilia Vii the marirjei can !.. 1 1 bis BJkR-wUle-tfn '1 J3L ef -eiv-tof . . 1 .- k.t- a . as aa jbsV . 1 psBnsV dbisti jjnsaiisn.iHt ssfisaaVRtr w a$fntV' 1aVeM..a.aeeiiaw gold j;rji BEDS shall always be kept in fin vde' ,, ki Su I ble (which are very extewive) are well ,Pf'!" " I rmvender of the' Brst quality, ano aiwu j i aadbithful hostler. ' .V . ' He hopes, by strict attentioe to the Busines, m per , b..Miuri. m sit who mav few him with i - : . ,i ...i ..i .i .auf iw""" i- ' 7ISMEW CALDCLEUGll. .JArti. Lexit Lumgton, N. C, Feb. 2U 18U9. , have already beB opened, and wm very rl er ex- Ti-TckW OoU Mi-e, v. "tawted . few u.IrL south of it ; and aeeordrng to the ds tion of the Vein of that Mme, they pass through a part ot y a ,r.ly YuAt oUtc, A A.l THE Suhnber, ia eonfiirmity to recent Irwtracttoni leceived from the North Carolina Gold M in Com pany, lake tbie method to inform those interested, that neveaher all persons found trespassing a poo the follow ing Trscto of Lend, belonging to mis Company, wtu. ted in Davidsnn Cbnnty, will be prceecuted acaording to the strict letter of lh L w. , , JOHN WARD, Agent ttividmo, April 18, 13M. U LANDS : .... Tract, No 1 containiag 9) acres, lying oa the fow mile aranca. 3 -containing 003 acres, lying oa lbs 'Zl ters of the Flat Swamp. 3 cootainint . 8J aias,JfBt wm,'r' ereek. Fist SwsmB.aad Yadkin River. v-,vw.-:-4 ii weasiBiwf 1 .KW, rymg on fbt Swamp 1 conUimnt W7, lying on IJCl creea-j - ycontiltitlig 1.412. lying mi Flat Swmap. B coouining msi, lying on ica h" O mnisimns fltll. Ivinff OB Lick creek.. lAU-eonUmine 1.H.7 acre, Iviof oa Lkk - m.1 snd Plat San mo. . Ilemitammr. UVS3. Ivttur BB Lick Creek, U-eonUiomg 117, btcaied on mur miie Abbott Lawrence, ; Leverett SaUonetall, Caleb Cuahinan, Willmm Parroenter, Levi Lincoln, - n Vacancy, George N. Briggs, , Waa. B. Cslbown, Wm. B. Ilsstinge, Henry H illiame, Joba Reed, . John Quiney Adams. RHODE ISLAND. CAeera by Gtntrmt TidH. Joseeh L. TilUnehest, Robert B. Crawvston. NEW Thorn B. Jackson, ft Jame de la Montayne, Ocdeo HoUm! Edward Curtis , Moae H.Gnooell, LOUISIANA. Edward D. While, Rice Garland. Edward Cbinq,.. . MISSISSIPPL Cleawai by Central Ttelttt. k. G. Browa, JolsaUdler, A - - YORJL Joha G. Floyd, David P. Brewster, Joba fL PreatisB, Jadaim Alma, - Jamiet Mtwrne.'" John C. Clark, (a) Goveneor Kemlde,,. 8. B.JcrBV"'-'t CTiarlee JotMwmt, f - A mm Dana, Nadnniel Jones, Esrwerd RocerB, Wm. B. Carter, J Abraham McClellan, Joseph L. Williams, Julio W. Blackwell, Hopkio L Tnrwey, Wa.timtelC Joba Bell, 12 M1W. ESTAUUSlI.IIKNTe her of Caav IBIS." , igton city. i fvor vrhk'k nlitled to - rnmicoos (ctive pap' l of ShP iwillbeeiv Ut "RevrA ngA::- T mitioa isbing to view the piiM j ?ct a ummuui will call til Ktliilii"- " aJ- UnOW uc-tx-i i--". ---- - . - . - c . ia Lexington, who will give the dewreo mfor "or anv P wishing to contract for the -me. ri AsAia. tW-hury ; or via re-a Letter - Any persua- - KaiTtM--jjg .mmi BS . Feb. 2U 1830. -r- IN M0CKSV1LLE, DAVIE roiNU. TH0MAF0STER Ivrnouj k. -...i.i k.i Um Ka rrmovrct from hit 1" a vrcHno aM set ui v , fitrnaer aund. tn hm new buildincs en the pul-liC uare, in tb Town of Mof Vaville. where he will eon. j iaoe to keep a HOUSE OF ENTERTAINMENT , Hi tljww i rnnmy nd Comowawis , '-"-; " which era su comfortable Oflke for gentlemen of the Bar, all coBeaieot t it Court House. The subsen her pledges himself to lb most diligent exertions, to five satietBCtioa In such aa may call on bim.. HiaTa.j We, Bar and Stable era provided in the best wai ute eonnlry will afford, nd in aeivams i U I .tf- Waasb and JsrsergjLjrtinininir lh letd mimv io jonrarymen .-mt:-.iiasa-ia. rTMIE Subscriber willfive eteady smphwmem to two A JdBTwevmefl Cch-Mkers, who can come .ii ' - far bebrtx "of fcWWli and industry. i Tbr beemssB will be to awke end rens ir taaenea, c, for which. (bT Uiff auil) be will pay linerai wsfea, v. - . I 1 1 V . BUI1.I I . HAfiltl. .. UxiBgtoe, OctAer ll. lK ... If , Rafu Psleo, Aaron Vsnderpoel, John Ely, Hiram P. Unfit,,, Daniel D. Barnard. . Aasoa Brown, -DavToTtus Nebemieh 11. Eari, Cb.ristopb.er Mogaa, -- Tneroa R. Strong, -Francis P. Granger, Meredith MitVory, TlwOtWHi KfyywHtt?tg rBtthMrGetoe, Augratu C Hand, John Fine, i Peter J. WBAToner Andrew W. Dotg, Laitber C Peck, - Richard P. Marvin, nlW4FirrmnvT?;---r: Cbaile F. Mitchell, J. Thompson. MISSOURI. by General Tick, " Joba Jameson. ARKANSAS. Edwsrd Crosa. . TENNESSEE. ' L Meredith P. Gentrr. Hsrvey M. Waitereun, Aaron V. Brown, , Cave Johnson, John W. Crockett i. . ' -S " ..,J... .. . XEnalopn. II. William, LtnnBovd, Pbalba) TripJett,-3"' " Joseph Underwood, rrod W,U.an, SiwHsnn W. Anderson. WUlis Green, John rope, Alexander Duncan, KENTUCKYw''v.i--TOw-,'' ' William J. Grave. IM WW: Ricbrd Haw, - L. W, Andrew, Grret Devid, -William C Bullet." Pstnek G. Goode, Tbosaa tVirwin, William rVsinf, . I William Bond, omo. Iaeae Parih, , r JimathatrTlVtoTr T. P. Lnadbeiter, (norg Sweeny, .11 mm -ie n . Allen, Joehtm R. Giddinga, John lUstinira, fa) Mr. CUrk walect4 ee a iwmwaiivw;i- r-f,V..U "-'.-"v-.-.,-!. . .. .. . ..--i i,v-'?r--.iiWdlTani Meuin. Hennr Sweariniren. S ALE . . j r t... loin UTILE b sold, on " "J ' A ih- Store ot Thomas L J. Cowao. Wood Grove, Row.Beoomy, three aegroea, one old ' ,Yl AN. AND WOMAN, , ' A- . k-toisloir to the heir rwXrvo;; diuiSutKmg "'..l. . t .. ihed.v of Sale. lelo- -- -" - r - .r Coardiaa. MAI I I1AT'. jfj.tr. j-, . , --vs JTIIIE Sobseribsr has en hand, r-tfi A end tor 8le,.al hie Bhop.1 ia Salubary, three tret rat Road Wagon. . . , . SIMEON HIEUCK. Dacembtr 8, l39l tt . IIORSE3 FOR BALE. ' k PAIR of YOUNG well broke NORTHERN HORSES, and ' FINGLF NORTHERN TR0T- TER lor Sale by . JOHN L BIIAVER-- .-artbarwifl. party for time wabiosly a any of its enember. ' . NEW JERSET. Elected by the People, and returned and ertified by the Jmlgee of the Election anil the Secretary of State. :; . A .. . Philemon pickerson, Jnmh Ki!k, , Daniel B. Ryall, Peter D. Vrm, Wm. R Cooper J JoTb t. Kw-t-dph. -Minority Whig ticket eonmiamoned by the Go. , ernor of New Jerey. ' John B. Aycngg, ' Joeepb F. Randolph, John P. B. Maxwell, Charles C St ration. -Wm. Ilaletead, Tliomaa Jooes Yorke. 7 - PENNSYLVANIA. Gorge IL Profit, John Davis, Jobn Carr, Thomas Smith, . MICHIGAN. , ; Isaac E. Crary, . ID1ANA.. James Rariden,-, Wm. W.Wick, T. A. Howard. ILLINOIS. JobaT Stuart, ()- John Reynolds, ZadoCt assy, ; ' (a) Mr. Stuart has the Governor's certificate of bis election, and Stephen E. Douglass, Democrat, ha a majority of the votes of iba people of the lh strict Leiruwl Pajrnter, John Sergeant, Jame Cooper,-r" ' Wm. S. Ramaa', h '".'A.:'-"- " -R tbft Bute choose their Members by Dii ! trkt, except those otherwise designated thpry. iri"iJi r..r.A.,i- - 1 - TT- . ''!""' riwWi' A -I- DceembrrlI3- 4?U ..n. .... -