srvif. JiAvra.nv, u , h. enoih. tmt Watches, ,-.o EUilbJ and French, d., t"U: - f f - Slid K-V1. bfP I'lUS, j i I'ingt-r Ringstfvr Butter Kniv f """"' - Pencil-. fixi'Tt wl plin,5 Timtb-U-j!Lfll PictM, p, ttiain,peetcle aw. TiiinuW Mr. ' d liitt jt Chain and Key-' . Au verv 6ae ami larsje wrtinot (it Raaots.1 pncke'.and pmi-katveisby UlSen.-nt Manufacture, with 'rrt;c.t fcit by Jweler,aU id" mined wilt Be odd very WjS .., ur only ix mmtili credit, sf trr wTBcSrtmK. mtwt w,ll be charged. ttnjkikifif Eiitkfull and puattiiiiiy. Saiiabory.. May 2. - tf Moras Mullica rr, . FRUIT TREES. 'VHC AWnh inbmiw theyulilic, that he h 1"' j. L ttle, at bta.NunamM m Dnlo Cimntf . W0 ( iraf Xh MailicaulM,(aiwl tloe fcrjfe - w ni mW btvcfa at euuinsra ot th w, ot the cur- ..r. lmwith:Y thro ca tupcfii tocul!ui' with-1 auriai Drtea uf Uie artiek ill the ! " baa Urge atuck uf fruit Tree, einwiating of Jeacfo, Plains Qhc trie, v tAfif trtUn of the k Amencao ami Eitmpean j mtifv alt ih wtucR are praiwo or im.-uil, ut hfalia, fwwui Mditmo- I iiV1tfiitr f reea in g4 conditmn, at any reaami aM awtaVc frjui Lrxmjloo, at. 75 nr KW mi. t aokiutH ui tK'Wr wat fcrtity it.) hr which t will thare til aauai pritsji i4 .uun)f. it wiu ae wen rnr iim waw wish b vhtaiM trwa. to gt the Catalogue ot ' ' iSawrnnv leka picm. Iivd will ae aettt g""l t wit appneaobs the paHtt beta pawl CwaoHimca tu anti be ptwnptVy atU wWd to. iMrert t LrJitugUHt, X C. CHARLES MCKJK. " "Lesinirtim, X. .C, Sppf-fi, isai - - - -"2 Cress &Nlojrer H.TE bo hmd and offer tor wUe the fidlowinj rti eeUiplirehrwo tune ty puhi$toul (Waiera; t ioa rnvxihlf.' (fTeea. Woeaud hjack Cloih; SaltB ntwHr, buer er hanXimiite; - ; Bturk aoJ lUe tor Sumintr anr ; fiver lujnludiy Jeans; "Hal dn. Wa 'IhWtfwrr Leniucav jeans: imott bvi mitii., . rtm1 i 5t) lb. Turkey KeaX: u aea .nana, ,. v. 4 j.nuie mua-Ul Aimllcs; a aroitha' Hcllowe ; I i.CoUi:.4ieJ'J ined Rifte hairehii 3, Vmxi; Reedat fluiailet(wia aiake; ticotchaud ilat nua r'aaff ; 1 boa but catendiah Tol-aeeo ; H uf tint .ukt Buluue Clutha,troia No. 5 toll; aaaurUueal , f Kreaa wj tre Cj, Stir4'ixK. Iufne, French and Champaign llmiv a, vb tora dti&sfest kiiaii ; lluiiand Gin, 4c, a.c. ' 'Mf.-jhV. t.Wi ". BOLTING; Oluliiii coutpriKUU " rMrnnw rtua. tiavd in tail region Ot ciwatry- Where ll trho witi the article caa he if pfimi m i'i'.iititia U sua, purchtst-rn, and on teawjiablr tern. ' . ' .JL.f 'Vae'tiwlirfreMWs!4iterB, e" liTt eonatant- !, go hand. .UAI. ll-NJrI. , rniT or aai mikt. rayettaville. Sfay 17, Hlft tf The llrath Trart. tf ; ? apriE ahove TRACTS MXD advert iri ta nutm 4A part th ppe ran s"rT.x T"mn m rite iituy.'. i YrlP . ipcr, afcc. tS si.bxr' J" reeetved a laire mrt t mm rf e '"d culored WRAPPING paiw; taewher wr Urlf anantity or PASTE BO.RI. which tw-r at boleale or retail. CB.4i.CK. WHEELER. j!nrr.n- - - rr RBbi pppeivinsat their uU Stand, at Surewah'e M:!T, m ribnrtUi, a nesa aad freth tupply of Spring and Kuiamrr CiowdK. - The lihlowmy article are among the laleat arrival - 1 71)0 IU uf Suaar, i,6iw dn. r..a.-, ....... .....,.,..., j hhfo ,)l!kM " j 5i hrte4 !lt Wsik, Crrne Bnndy, Dv Stntm. Powder, dtc JUw an ar witich will be auUI bw eah, or to punctual VtrfoajTw. JeB WLSmjFEJL-tai J9 lr aVr?P,li'4f'Hwj tU snay i"ff rTWfay .iut;ibauiU vuvvinrrsi -ApplvnlbiOaiCi. Sotber 2l. l-.Kl. " rf . . - Twm rft r '.'fa Cl tm'&tVWml 4 wnail i)nant)ty nf the William Th.MBi. Sir mrrnerly of Davwhani rmi. - IHt t Salar at thia (US. i. .1 rm i...I..7 ?r - . ; w ,r', ""'"z tC . j- nr-aaa roa . V 11 C a i f- TTilE STOXE IIOL-SE fcrm-rl, ,nim hr as wned .aterTatew Mr. Geav tt7 rTl.-V ' aa ;d in ,tn mvorw toia arami, n.n tuhacrtber deem it etiaary a aay more thn it p advautarn onto fclw and arranj-Ttt nnt inf ,,. ,u er m the pfaew, KI.NCtlEM- ELU(TT Thnae wb are uebted tn the . - " , cc,u"t. r reaictnmr. and orytwtly seaiMfed to call, sod maU piymeot at the eariieat pwiha dar. Kl K. Salisbury, Dsn, 'Jft, lS. . " w r 1 f"""l o III rPITE Sii'i-r!tnr U iii'.'ttmi ut x.suniinii! i. . TuTT. i,"t!iKTirt rl: wfli twin 't' - ml :1m illl-: T a umit,nt .hi wnwtie 'Qim,n!ii ninua- 5-iiiih or siilwliiin nitir f it .'hi ?C.iiuTiKtM frmu. whom iw elite to uoii'v al! imiirn, ijT'i'."? bci gnt, and Hi the ahnnnat hurimi. . Vtillf - - Cir finic al tin- iiwott mum, -, window -mm. mewm aa$.Bi'tti steps,.,, ROUGH HI TUiWC !IfMt KS.t'O'W TOHJES. , R1 VIlLUS. An: -.. iu.. '. J. fl'UlLHHCiry.IIt.Sluiw-Culter.. S;wUurv.'ttoi.i:mi,as:iii. ul A. . HJnhrm fur auviii Mir aifawr ntftwilht: arti cle, directed ton .UliuUMMiiWifl.ito tnuiOtuaily. atr enued to. , - v - HL. Snrnmgf O nUrE uHtuwmw-a rfrnm '3r TS irit ami Pliiiudul ntiia, an exlHiMi"t mimni(t'iff 'J MuwHtfirxm; ii Irw Mick, 3?itiwiW.iriiiwHW, fmeltr-vGKCHraSOS.Ithiiil.-iiiil; .litctiHW, HVV.iilfi. ff'HiKH-iiml! Oil, fllitrtia ittittt litHSfc u(i(llmVaiB 4ba. jB jeI, jj .Bn,,, aihi mwn arUelw nedd by the t'armm TDmiiairiirrtfl' Wtukamatiium of the tornit or emwrn;. . JV. B. Thw will iiiiw Bur hi piinotlial. ilealeraan lmiejar m -wttlaium tiifl'wutuitrx Iftralooa. raeanl.AlacatklHSU. tti . , TAKES it jracffi$nniDw , vans "' - Jail 4 rbaulloai CwnoxSJ 0 the (VhliaoniharIlaiiW!TTi inaiii, who Bulla h i&iiie ' Jim; Iie ie ahmt 8T fi 'uraipit,fi fhfi llf'oir tl ihiafiea-" (ugh, aliiut niailo, haa ilnwn Maiit s lla iar at Kerwa fnat and pant, will (itittlim wiilwti. anattc: mm he- wn pirrdiwrtl in fmuliluitCiiuit'.tX. Cb Dbwiio 4. Vancy.and en,hwySufh,'w3TmailM.m leawe hi JWKrtift., hy -aonie whit innu, allorr auaw day or - n 1.... 1 ?;iZBrZ, ., .vnrrii r. nmrtr n.. w rwiiifWtiHl Hi amine ifowwww, amnw nmjierty p; chaTjjeii, Bnd,JBkc tiini"w.' : . ... W. WWl'.K:it.JWil.. V iMBSI 1 ta"EC?3T:aLLY-4iiiriiirn ltw-friiiiaa ami. 1 nutilic- thai ti. -iiill.rjir3Hiiiiirtm- TAILOR next door in stlte Itniithmiirm 3nrK. En- i Ciiltir rpcmiri ui llie IhuhS Ujimiummnl. ew-lor tit , FASHIONS, and jmi novel) Ho wrmimmodnte- tfi taaie nf .thelluatiimniiileniliilliitinma. 4wHifigi;wiimirmfitfaift;t ttr rrf.mptly ; auti tlie ilultstt R JaiuiiaiUmiidlHd aC aif. ime n mnntary 1m 1 1 1 iwi. nnii) imeWHrtmrn)r.i ewwt mi niittme. ' iiliiOHrviJtim. 1 El!l-. IMILI-S-'II Ml tftrr- Cimnn SSinirn- ihi Saliittmry. on the 3 'tin uiT JluiiiiirrA.iiiiM pwii likely nsk. gruea, .r , BEN AXO CR.trF. : .iii milumii. attn c nTKKBajlft f CTliynW,. lW.,,Wilxii Bft. frWt at: Just t.K3:nia mm. ,u.s, JTM? hPT W-w ijhi raw. ...t, . - , ' wja.fkiT&iiiajai ta jsjo jus,. Tfl ltaXnuon BhcyiiiR, -ttm. hfiinclie." Senile IRWkli4imL M hep. liaik, Stt h"?Cifr-n, fH Inula. npwt. - JUlUU4a, fitai llw. (irmg tnr?I, TJI pcii;ihrir:T.tii3, - fvlttl hat !HhiHrttr(l, - , att krOimvuieiiianBj, . . - - fH tbk 4t.ile fUeiitrert, IttOkfmWauaiH, .flalishory.'Sfirit. -27,11. JJOtrmCI. m 1 1 WILL iliim, n ftm Cnrrt! 3linwi,irr the- rtima, nf SiilwKirv. im rthe D nff Jlmimm neiau. liie j the term id" nne ainm, iniru Hi ti, ii .lirjprmBt be imsnurtSiietini.l w . C Hinw. dMmam Turnwrnaili iuoiimirrirmi.tri Birm-X ranHroim',3mc. an, bsiih. s t1 HI 1 - y nM'CCTrr-.riwf,arBJr,fi( 1 nw'iiaiiaA-mB tr aarmitmrmir jcotnury. ll mnrm m an. :' nam imciuwiluv I'nrimrlyu-J.imiairw-a-! i - S-'C- .munui. rC. " I 1 Im r....M.l m :f i - n. - . I"r ! " "V . ' " '"""" unraamn, iiukinnwar. , 7 i mr ion; ,M ;iiHwir.atmm r, wfhmr we arw Jprepaml tn maac al! tmianC aai.ui,. aaa sm-rhw i kU mJL , gHS JTT: Stui :ni,!. ,Z Fimnr w.a, jnnanwiai. unm tnoilia nulllee. ueiwitv wade an wwn tbamttwa. VK ar alt. prepawd llw Tam-nr ....i n.l u j ' c , " mi; anw - S,i""!'" ? n'",,a:i,ml buaimwm a lutin! tlart.u tu. .nmnirmd , wn,w .11 - life ,m mtt lrtimwa-uH uu. fcjfsnd iat- b-.ti-..ih,oti v e. te wU, B(1B (mu4n, ,,,,., . .,.. w VZu : "-re Wimlftttuua, IU watnt I IZfZ "'s,m iwm; wnam rtiawKinnerv ia j ! itrt-ti iubh pa. nap m 1 1 i huhh w ... 3 , vw.w.,1HUd,, niuniriGiuk Our IIL!'"- rf "n'-wnwmar IM S.wtU """" "o ' ormyacH :iib,uii JprtmmfVi i.,m Saiubnry, Uj in u;iB. . . wm 7c vr Bargains t.KES srent iilcusiirc, t Hilorm hia menu ami cusimiiit, Slid tit" P"W'C " KeiiTl, lliul h baa rectnved ilircct lrtn Clmrlesioii, . t-., frtih wpplif of Fiuila ami Orocenea, aticM as FiOtf II CRACKERS, CHEESE, OYSTERS, SARDINES, .ORANGEY, LEMONS, RAISINS, MIS, ' UlEsll HONEY, HERRING, : CORDIALS. WI.NE3, L1QU0R3 asi SEGAR8, all of in UBsa uualities, und of the latest importation. N- BwTlw above arltehm con be aotu ery tow for CuaA. Saliahory, No. 29, 183'J. t if. Valuable Eiand 'U1E Subacriber vff:rw for aakl the loiiowtiitf valualio l&nila in Lincoln County : :. ONE TRACT' . . Qontniuing 302 acre, lying o the Catawba Ri A Trant of 132 cree adjoining the tbove. A Tract of S 8 acre adjoining the laat. . A Tract known aa the - otMiiuimuu 709 acre, which will be told in par cela tir auit purt'liaaera. . . Tbtt auhacnuer having determined 19 km, wieae landa may be had on ery liberal terinn, with a owlit of one, two, and three yeart. -Y Any one uVwnnir to purchase and wiahinff to ex amine any of the landa, will be shown them by ap Dlvinir to Dr. S. X.' Johssos who reside in the, neighborhood, and who will inform them of further particuiara in relation to termi. ' - Sa4iT;ury, ?f. C, Nov. ft, 1839. A l.Ueial dwlucuuvj made iu Uaaw auu IT HAVING located himself in the To,r of Salt burw, ntii-ra his prtilessional aervicea to tch J cifiayiwi , ,Ru wanwwl the arljiiining counties. Uo may be Inund at.Uol. Luiio i iiotcl, wnere he hi pramd lo perforin iy and every Eaainniationa made without charge matenala and work warranted in all Saliabury, Nov. 8. 1839, tC DR. G. B. DOUGLAS, HAVLVG located himacli ih Saliabury, reepectrully lewlers hia profeaaional er- vlcft tu ita culienal 'and tliose dt'thifurrotihaingcn- tn...,. Htimfliea jaUh,fl JtwiUtimscJl occopjed by fa,. I except wlien abaeptoo prdeaalunal duursT Salmbury, May 2, 14W. pilE Subeefther firing aeverr (plies south of Salii A bury, uitnd keeping conatantly oo band, Mar ble and Granite Slab expressly for TOMB STONES, sa that be can execute any order in that Line, oo the shattom woticfc. ... AW0 7 ' in wiite ny work which may he called flfin SCOLPTURING. TON E-CUTTlNa. EN- l(RAVINti,-aWTand he aaaurea tnvaf"w1rna"ftvof aim wnn inetr wora, mat aaieas well done according to contract, be baa no par. ... TcTimpTmr mrgg Uarry TTiri uf aa ftcufnf Knrj, tDXvUH snruaa iit-pimiviwg milttOOl."1 :oihe fwiianTmrs. ENOCH E. Tlovember X IRJft" . PHILUPS.. -To Owners ot MlUs. 'pHE Subacnber has an. impreJ pmltnt SpiuMt tor Mills, hy which, a mill will do much better thapf with thtf uaoal form of SpimMos. It is so conatrpcledt aaio lump man neoMg or killing the meal in any man- wr- tHv- ruiiwt i -snxonnnen oyme npindia a al waya to pnwrve ita balance, and of .cojirae Inert it no nibbing of the (tunes. . y t think, by this improved Spjirdle, the same water :lt x i . ' L . ... ' w m mm una miiw mura atnrss, ana ue meal of wperior quality. , . Any person wtuhitg- to use one of theae Spindle, may obtain one or more, by making application, (with in e abort time) to the Subscriber at Mockavilie, Iktie I V ( t .1.... .1. L I I . ..u. ... w l uuna uie prootoieoost win not exceed tor the- Patent and Spindle read for aee. Tti following persona hate my latent Mill Spindle u taccRMin opwaiioa : vol. v. r. Aelly, Thna. Fia tec, Juseph Hall and SamA Fnaler of Davie Conoty; Giibreth Dickson and David J. Ramanur uf Lincoln; i'hario Griffith of Rowan; Addiaoa Moore of David, ana, and William Diaeof Snrrv. all of whom arw k,,k. plaaand with its performance. i , ... , . lv-AL-ClLBF.RT- Oclubr2a,l839. tf - JWKSCfMCRlBEa living near Lexington, David- j.u.imnuiiHn wmt trie run. buiUliniri iiMiinge erected ol UrKk, to build Ihem aa cheap, aa ""ble-..4J Xd style u any workman in Uiis tin conntry. Ue will al, mould and burn the Brick, ii wanted. He truMls Uiat bia long experience ia MOULDt.NC AND LAYING BRICK. ail! mil ill. hia, to a ahare et public pairwwge. ", He wmild refer gentlemen wiahing work done ia hi turn of BuamMw, to the Femala Academy and Uie new 8ra patnf Clerk's otfica M Saliabury, aa epeciuians ef 2 rf; :ftmg ROBERT COX. Davidson. April 18, 1830. If Iran from the Kin;'. Mountain IRON COMPANY. pUE SHiawrihera have mail arrangement with the atiuvn Company, lor the reguUr aopply of CUPERIOR IRON, which b wen adapted to, t0J Carriage Work, Hon- Shoeing, He., which will be wdj on r.-oo.bia , . . W. MURPHY. Saliabury, December , V&X Qm V arTanta tot eae Aure. -! . mm wm mi " mum tin no., vuaa.siamaiaa'iMa w--':- -! TUt.tnat.-kw wiM enter mte contract a4tb any Peraen, wtV7. - T. v rs, either in Davidaon. Rowan, or UUrrustoun- Jl?!?,T M,d-- I he had . ties, who wumne, BicWneor any other kind of .Tjf."".TTrT "t i V 1 1-1. i.i 1 a v i.1 L I'l ItMX IH I aaiwrliif y:h me ccU-urat.-d l.tjt I'm 4 1 Md, la mrficiofily d-nmoi4ii4 by t&e """- mug demand 6 tttem iu eery Mt ail fecta ex ue inarkable eflicai y which are erry m re . wm Im Uoa 4ci!y (trn0 f ',v are Die mean ot exuKe ami !Biiei atnoiig hia atHtcusd Mlow-ereaturea, titan frnea nitcreat- cociMdcia'iona, lht the rrvprieuit 01 ib neiitiy aoccewtul aiodicioea tirout .eef ccmauntly btfore tli pubic eye. Tbe ' el ef ry ad diUonal box and bt! iaa puaram.-e jMiwr'- be relieved trow a greater or Urn aeree uct ing, and be improved in gewecat health; Waw ca ot eoAVring fro diaeai Uy he ttlea w tain. " . a a a ii 1 a! aw The froprieuir baa never aaowaw ue '""" -- instance 1a whic Uiey have failed la do cd- I the moat obstinate caae ul chn eaeaae ac aa dyaprpsia, torpid liver, Hieomatwa, """ 77" and bilKio br.!-cn, wnin- . p" r - s ty, acrofukata tweUinipi a4 wlcera, acany, aait rnewa and all other chrome affisetwwa ef the orjaa and branea. they eff.-ct core wnfc a raplity and P" cr which tew peraoe wooM tnetaeucauy to wtuch tuousaaoa aave iwi " n j -1 ence. la cold and cwjU, hich, iT aetletteJ, aoper. induoe the mo nui aiaeaw m iw w the viecera in imeraL loeee aaeaioa a " as promote the MeewuWe pewc-aiww, ana the ayatera of fcbrite aclna and fecnhwl eaatroctwaa, aa to phJuce a moat delightful eee of eoeweleeeewre 10 the mornini'; and Ihooph the armptuoie ef a cold ahould partially relara datnnj the day, the repet ttoB of a auitaMe doae at uW near bear of hed-ume will almoHt invanaWy efcet permanent relief wnboM fur ther aid. Their effect a pun fever Of a more acute and violent kind la not leataare aadaaeedy if Ukea m pn purUooabieqoanUiy; and peraMMretirmg to bed with inflammatory aymptoniaof the moat alarmsnj kmd, will awake with the gratifying conactiieiwwwnhat the fierce enemy bat bees overthrow, and caa ely eeeuUned. In the tame way, wceral torfwence. Ugh looj ce Uhliabed. and viaceral mflaaamabima, however critical, will yield-the Cmner to email and the letter to brge duet of the W tilU; and to who hyCTcl Sct Uona 4iypacondriociam, reatleaaaeae, and very many other varietiea of the Neuimtteal claaaof duea.yiehi to the efficacy of tbe I'Arwur BiMera. FaUdirectnne for the use of tbeae mediciae, and atewuig their daw linctive applicability iodiflerecoplaiata,accuapaoy Ihem; a ad they caa beebtamed, wbuieaak aad retail, at 175 Broadway, where HaciM etflifkatea of tbeir unpanlleled eucceai are alaayauoea lo mfjieciwo. X Yut aiidilamal partkalaaaof tbe above medicmee, aea Motat'a " tiooa SaHABiTam" a cfy u auicn accr:- pnoie the medicine; a copy caa aUo be obtained of the different Agent who have the medic 10 for sate. French. OraaaiL and Suau-a. d necuMia caa be ob- ftainH on application at the office, 375 Broadway. . All pom P3d reUer will receive iaaediate a'teaUoa. purchaae to acll again. Areafi The Life Mediciaea mat aire be had of lUe principal druggbiU ui every , town throegbont the Lni-M lea cuiet ana toe vanaaas. am put jaw mmv Pilis and Fhenw Brttera: and be ear that a fac eMail of John Moffat mgnatnre la a paw the label of each bot- U of iwaets, or. ana C jiivwatw-i .nri-u vii ar:i'P Tri UV rifirVIW IV l THE WEST, and -rueolariy tboae .who have need the Llt E MED1U.ES treatment of F- E AS U AG IE. r (t is but a very abort tune eioce theae Vcdxiar hare -been introduced laiotbe Fer and Agae ltnct,and the proprietor Batters bimaelf that darurg that aenud, wbrvcr they bare beeaj pad according to the irec-u. two, they bare dew meae aawauls aneimiaatmg the it iiaan Ilia a ill other .rtaaaeaUe and areaarmt a i , : - Utionera, when specinc are nuMacea, last loey caa- not cure disease which peuple are la the habit of ceo ndering incurable.,,, Medical eipcrieaca i rontianslli doffig away a part of the bat tf the lacarahl dmian, and Air. IdufUt baa the bapoaoeaa of caafafaaAi an anwncmgjUiUeaer aaat ilajst avwow to he SiJd to- the number of complamts waicb modem akiJ baa coe- aoeied. , la r ever an) Ague tne utft Mt aictaca sni eoiy give m, enect a yti ' r-"1" - onlvordinar--,""' waaaladny tohsrsaeai. viue Qpua the first symptaaa ol temiewcy to a at at. toak. it may always aa warded cat Toeacape one chill would be or tow.l, , n.,,, .aLI ttw swnVr. er than the value of toe retwewy to reaaov the diMt 'peramamlIjr"roiaif naMTk'ssM 'lawa wkath cannot be eetimated by any earthly alawdaiw. That ,K-ft r"Ttnnrn -rill rffirt ahtt u brra iiliild i thein, the priyrteUa baa the teatmwitij ait en wiln Uuum and Ititir sjt Imalwri paw e.ra the i'wr-r ver aad Ague; end his object aa now iiitiwiti km friend al the Wtd ia to request theea ibl tbey apare no pain in eommmticatiiig their eiprrmto-, aa4 d. aeiuioatmg llu "highly MlerctCiRg inkaiuauaH, aow Uiat the seaaoa ( Fever aad Agae fas amvedL It M oot for the ntrre wurpuw T dwnun a t btfhdred packages ef Ue Lito tltmaia. that Ue pro. prietor makes thai spaeaL The demand be ha. V cuies is already greater tfaaa he caa enattmmUy aop. pljf Land ttea.wctnit inauaotetil to aJad hrm hnaN net, he would conceive bimarlf supremely aef&h, d his pleaaure was nut greater at lbs eencat conferred upon the au Bering part of Urn omaiKf by aa mcrraae . m hia sales, than at hi owa pecwuary mmU. TheLitoMedaea,BrprtPeriyksadpefsmtd m,recuQwiend rtieamtltta ; still rt is aecwmaiy thai the puU ahoald know that ewchmrdicexw,a-da.a the propriety of advmtimig then. It is hoped, th-ra-lure, Uiat to prpr.rtor will aol be acciMed rramm wbea be myt that toere ia no xdiciat or oute ol Uvat. ineotuuaufor fever aadagwe.aaaP7R1inaie.UMmh and posiuve ia its happy etfact an J--" Ufr fZu ana tkewxx Baftn. . For further patticulara of the above mediem see Mont's Gooo Saaaairaa. fy of wlurh aceompa. aiee the aaedictae. A copy miy ahotaahtaiaerfot the different Ageota who have tfca awdicmt, ta- sak. 03 Fteaca. Germaa, awd Sfaai, dtrctms caa be obuined ea applicatao at the eSce1375 Braadway. fO All fowl fmU kUeea wiU receivw immediate alieoUua. ........ wnoiemie and reuil by WILLIA V 11 MOP- at" the l"" 'f Ah he iuAC, Uw PUl t PlT!r,i.B,u'"J . a !. suuleof a Mofiat a Mgaatare ia apoo Ibc label al each hottta of bwtera, nr brot of pill. ; . 14U'VER AND AGUE PUSITIVELY CLRED.-. .. Fever i4AtmaaoMw d., ;n dmary mode of cure, so aa to bWae very dlrL. to the peram, and by Urn extreme wbh III dmeaaa iudaeae. it ettea .m t-wlaZTZ. plamuv M.rmu - uau..:wr 1 . - M,.f" r-hyenf.a w;T .Z J a vuv ot et uuna .wmvw aihrki a itll fkah Sonnliti. B a t la . .77 "00 ina fTcaa SMat alher t-ira- "f'TT1; ,od d, be pe,a, afceted ant laWete a frea tch a. ... m m mf to effect a permit rare F-err .! ., toJ", to reiere the patient ft the time kk utvAjway i 1 .my come kmrard to wmarm U, it ... ., .T irdicar. are the !, medmea Oat w.'4 OmJrk!. eflbct a removal of th . . , 7 d - - - - - - a.gTrcibie TLR3 have to. 0v,r fc:, ..4 ipetritaeaad vWtrW w of Feaer aod aL ii dreda of ho fclU.,: . VT, Am ." ',' Otlif-r who have emipratnl lo that rirh IIH , niyr pyUnn iJT nut C'iiilry-ii-n kIio -ii,h , hope, and OHifhlent f winriiinr a ciiii-lviu.e J lomiriance iA t)ie .l ; or whiirarrud'lo liie w ta of our avltlt-ment the mercantile or inei --a,lK., J rietice wo in the crowiird ernes ami tnwmj ! er SiaWa. he eit?i-r reiurnej with sliatti-rul Ctmtv nd.d.'prew.l apiriln, or theXremuio.ia.uW)t tvHiwj, lim-.'iiig iut a wrury tile ; at hat, u ,1 . i ilr eonie dw K which thVy are prethM B, i!"" tMrurot' the Went, the Ft net ami Air 11 T1....A " re bU!ted tlieil bonineiia ein'riii-a dratni.j P Urt) liecome a deprt, nttt tlie Wurd, niaiuTionl ear, m bn'ki-n to the hope. " To theae iadivKluals. Mr. Muffit woul, Riy the Lift AWieia, and you will yet anticipate t,l muat mnjrtiine eapectatioii, lor they i ceiti,i. I atore ton to health." , , ' w l ever ano rtgue 1a a comoiim wnicn rriiairea ta 1 met at it hrt approach, and eombatted at every a, ' i!u fatal of, it re-lucee the ttrenolh-irJ F- lir the futirtkine of the i;anis rotliat up,n tl featatkm of diseee. Nature w unable, unsasuiiprf, aivt the inmid. Th Lite Medicine, wbea'lakea'.- ly todirectioiia will cure it, rd.1 give n S weak.aad trembling Mun ef diaeae,new hc-tltu and atrengiu. ' For folr particular of tlie mode of tmtnoni .1.' reader w rxh rred to tlie Oim.b SanABitan,! emw j tamed of the irtlerent ageaU who have the bml.;.. UtmXc. "V " : mam' French, German, end Sptni-di direcliona can k, j. Uine4 ea appiicattoa at ti e nffice, Brwdwtt. AU puat paid tetter will receive Immediate SoU wboleaale and retail hy Willi ra I M(1fl,t A Broad way, .N. Y, A liberahdeduction made lo tw who pnrctiafe 16 well again. ; Agmlt The Life Medicine rnay also be had of ttie principal Drapgid in eery town ttuougliout the fni. ted State and the Canada. . Ak for Muttil Lb P;n . and Phenix Bilter; and he Wire tint 'a fc limiW jiion Mooat ijjnaiure uptn uie laoei of Bitter, or boa of Pill. ; " The abora Medictnei may be hi KXessn. Creaa it Boger, la thU Town, wno are Agenu ior ine same. . Salisbury, N. C July 20. 183a 'IUE travelling cnmoiunity ar renpecifullj uIq,,. M. rd that the tUiU-cnbcr 1a now running kit Iim A. reel from Raleigh hy way of Pittiboro aad AnhWi SMtiuwury, in (man ivtrmern miue vxacnrt ol Uk fr rder luavipg Raleigh ua Monday and Thurtdtnit rTnuti., arriving in Raeiub next daya at IU H. M. Ila horses are good, and drivers particulirli earvliil reik. ij, iouU. : u R B.' Seata seenred at tlie Sfiwion Hotel, . I'lW'iHnSIWM.Jk.. or THB REPORTER AND MORNING DAILY 0KX1BUS FROM anJ after tW lof December pmim, w'tll be published in Waalungtriii city, a dailt ,h rc, under the above title j ntr.rdnig in I he' People al large, tba firnl opportunity ofl! red f oUiiiiibj frvwa Washmjlon a report f (he hmj farcical doings transacted beroTihiTlo Ihe titiaa The character of the pnper shall lie Inli idt. I yoW, (mitandtlwait,)- in the-twrwr-entendrd wr of the term t the editor being convinced that it it independence a!onewhich can eecure to.lhe sm paper pre, the prmiil station it ihouMereroccs. py, arid that without it, can never subatm wj tefulend.' ' ' - -.U Rerrmt,- poliitca, and the nuMeineiil of political men, will be boldly d Cuswd i and in point of variety, humor, and iionipt neaa in newa milter, the "Ossjwsj-inntt vr: be imrpnaed by aor otticrpaper of equal dimeai patch, and in a pleasing style, "The device onaint. and folliea rver ncaiW. TRHIJoii eii'etliirrw-Itibeu." iih such swift varitV (tm and wwMlt'rfut'wJrnJ.' " VB' The - Ueruarra ano (hijiiBire " will be rented i the neatest style, upou gwxl pier, about the weu-laiaeol penny papers, and sold by tlie Cm iiera ai Ota CKTr tingle copy, or 8u Cum rrrJr. Prim of the daily lor uuo year (tin "iWn) Fiv Don as. t . &y For the? accomm.wl.Tii.Hi ,f fmt'.lhij., riinrry, who prrfei if, a Tfti-waKtLr ediia ef Vho pnper, contsu.irtg all the reading inalier at iht uify, may be bud at the very low price of TW IXoXab per aamini, mailed to order. The tlf weekly pel aaoaih, filly cenfe. Addre, (postage paidj , . , ' V REPORTER AND OMNIrW V U'asHiiigtna eily. B. Na orrr fir the pnper by mail i!l b at ten-ted ht, unless accompanied by the cash, or M eouitaletii. V " ' - ' " , -., r unpauAllelkdi A TRI-WEEKLY PAPER FROM WASH INGTON CITY, FOCU AIONTIU FOi ONE DOLLAR 1 1 The publishers of fi Rt porta and Jtanf tWK&j-U il Mopie atlargn, an nppnrtttmty af reccttirtf during Ilia appniat-bing srmiun of U -rraa a Cimgresa hich proiniars lo be to P pfetw with important ano-interestihs incidents- I correct aa well raiemig tmLtwmtiAflL pw-wiinga; a ai,o t ucilitaie Ihecirrte btkm ot a truly iuJrptndrnt paper, olR-r tit T WEEKtr Reporter and Omnibus," a bovf,l nPTtccJ3,e to1w P" of DoilrtT t THf tliw a wtth, Ux lour nranihs, at One IhlUr! (KT Alwan a in advant e. jQ tflf Cenli I mnoth. fO-'jfVa I).j:.irm ..!. ...... .J .11 u. Cif V " . - I Z - " a ini ti r in rranra uur 13 neyamay bo. remitted by member of .d Krc. or by niaif, (hiij paid) to - REPORTER AND OMNIBUS," - V Waliintoo city. IWoler 6, I fiSO. . , Fdilors eeiierul'v will em.fer a favor whkk wul be g'aflly reciprocated, nu t be rnti'k-d to etrhang, by giving the above a few cis.wcuo Bur-nxai and forwarding ilicir respective pupe' ante A 1 or 200 Head of Sheer r which lair priwe will be 03 Ap,ly ot tit iiitri.' jiiury, Srpl. C, lSJy. ,r v -tf Via