t i .""v JJrA-LV i Li-J V v V rtTf. vaft HKoMvisw r r in if i-'ff.Jt,4X'.f ik eM em. 4r tW' ry rujtfiVwin'. JrWrV A.- x rJiJor aatl Proprietor. !iaVi&)3 VcmaVc Ataichv , .;.(' i . -.4-. ?' 5-; fy frHitfet "f the S itithitrg Vt maTt Aenttrmji , .k'i:,l uiunc. tii.it Mil Institution will Ik 1 i'ink,' M "J" ln" 1 'Ul Gt.i.iU-r neat U u lM6t'Hil III pMU! till StMlHIIUf peril. ajielil -jsl jjocia .iif bi; and ntici.ro will be wanting on tit jart, W renhr it, in every respect, worthy U' the .aliiei'Ce l 'die fi icii.U uf edui-tttoy, innrulily am) rt ,iru,ii f Wvr uiiujrwer a puMMr where in- lii'ciiMl mam cumin; c iiiidii'i, mn ..-.... r. to occiijiy will u-elulne biul dignity, the sphere ,wincli llicy H"y be railed.,-""",'.. , J'fi-y am now i u k i hi; ml siiitablp off irl to -ruri' f TciW-rii'i (Ji-uiiiriiiUti ami Lilly 'uTCIh qtttilibi'. pm Mi'aawbi, 'linj live ii);iigiil &)ik,1-.mx J. ..al fj'jiic'y lr KUt'li k hiiusIiiiii, thry hnve p rlt4 jtLlttHY; BIHl WUU1UU U.U.LTUi Ulllgl.l IHUMfl lt lilt. ! jtlir Spihiii rifs. will 'iilinj a.itin(ctuii. A uia i the rili'-r Teachi'M r uhlnuit il. ilisa itiKKR will a.'iiu ikvutu lierwil txciusivcly to titO miitfiCkl 4enirt .Hllt - ' TI.VS OF TUITION'. ; "jt iM if inTf f rsitm irt" j mimthr, J ,r ii.p hwHirn'm wtth Uranir)i(ir,"Gi'i(;ri ' j,. I and liiolnry, s jw, mtii Hie tuu.licr branclit1 in Li ifimy 0' iiiii-iii, -(i liA 4'iaiMMrf Uttttaf l!il5U ntmjr, ljKi.iieiil Aeeille-worK, ann the rrmkiiiff itwa? By Seder of tlie Trtweaa. -JfllOMAH L iliboryftv ul. 'SI, - COVVAN,Cliairrnrk tf. 1, ijiwisiv-. r Jl ErL'Qi'1U.Y iul'uNua lliu citiiein of Salisbury I and it vicinitv, tliat hirha tnRen .i iittico at tlie jtiwiui Iiitel,.(or tlie purp.1; of jirc,iisinj; Dkjitax mnit. in all its varum bniMii-n, on tin; muni nil-. aA and jjcmiitnie iriu'ipki, n, - Smling,- Plttf ins, tslimiinit, liwrtiiig itrfn on ricot, u- Spng, t'lutf, ij-c. tie a a rejju.ar graituie ol rjcoicinpmia nopos-ny ititaimn and iiwuiility in-tlie lino of In proteBsinii, to :?aiita Jiare of public patnmaee. S, B. Ilo in in pnseiMiiin of a. materia not only miwtrti and easily applied, but Mr ayperioto any iMr it'ever yot ha been dicovred tor Plug-eme, "a ami lootli otnorwiae mucli awensea, arm. wooit alicvltily recoiniiiend it t all befoi baxng llie.r ericle', wliicti'olliHrwuu unylit be aavod by r. n. Ij.lie waited on at their privnle rexuloiicr. lVc. iut, a,2lt, 1!0. 3 11 XT !iU Oin.UT10SS. 1 V 1 Ntr i-.ileJ Inu.-u lt in ilie T i itn nf .S'ni'a. bury, i.tlt-n hi pmhibMKiMj wrvices to h i.M ot Rowan, and the iiilj.iniiig roiiulie. Hi) mav he found at I'ol. Lo.xe's IIotbl, where fu jirepao'd to perlorHi.auv 4;ery DltrO-DrDOlLASr HAVIVti I.shIihI liiuwi'lt in Salmhury, np"ctlully leaders hispmti-wioiial er- ctlo it rilrai-ns, and 1Ihim ol the enrnmnilinij coiin- . il. AHMbHie, where be mny-be- found at all tours "(t whi n alwlit nil nr-.fmuUKIul ll-ilir. rdiury, l iy ', 1KS9. . tf DK. T.Y.X XltixTtLUAA l.y t rfiriM'-ffrl.t.Yo'ie tlie . i:,. vl S liiiury, and 'He Mirr. ll'iiim; '. -. il. ..ITu-ein lii x, 'ct'e ne iricti-tiiiil-iilv (ip..;ii J i W Miirony'a at ire. .,;.;, i' :; jy-i a t, i-:i!i. tf. -7tt.VNKLK I VR m.i ...... I r.... Vm ViVli and I'lnUdel rmn im vnensive asKiiui.i'in oi PltLMl k SlMEIlJOODS Ci-NStsTINO' or JJVliW,; l.,idwaift.Tiiiware,"rocIiK trv.HP.Ol F'tlKS. I)rii'iand Me- M de-n-4H-r-.-Stntfi-; fr Oil, ll-ot nml fhoen, "iiildl. rv , &c, A;c. ttuiU ileir lnyk cr.'fien nlm.-wr ever? Urt'rfe i iii iim l urwr. IJfridiiir. ur tiia t'Mliioiiutite$ oti w ci'Untry. - ., ' - B. lil.-y will toll lo for cash, or o punclua! j',wniiiie;,et iu exchaugu lor c.uiilry l'mdute Uij viith, l-. : . tt a-ir-iM-sii-i' F-lu Snbstr.U'r Will give atcady emplnyment toiwo , SJ1 JutiimiyaieH 4Ueh-niiikersy-wle n oaoe I'll "COiB'uen.li'il f.,r Ubiof md.riely and iialu-try! Isr6aiiii1i will lie to nmkeaiid repair Caciii-, tc , ' hic't.Xjf UK-v suit') be w.ll py bl-rl ?. : 'v jttii.s p. MAuuY. 1'Xfiri.ai. Oei lt 1 1. In. . U" Jon IMS I X T 1 7i H , 5 - nr tvr.UV DtSU.KtlTIONp Vf''j -Hj lapnUiioxtly xeun J ei tiis OjKcr 10 0 i 1 - a. X 1 - V.. n till Lr Her i;Uoimf Mfr iiie'reaiiin( jiublic to tlie ouuivnjui vMimUry lent;! pnuliW rtn;t;uUy III III l (wp)f mid lu liioUitnl rMUMr.ttiii, ri-Unve Ut tli wppy unii U'll. ficw.1 ctl'cctr nf IIm liliuiiiinlfiatiiill ,4' ilOFKAT'd Ut'E 1'ILUS and ,1'IIKaIX BITTLUX Tliiww w1iuIm pnnuHjrt Hie letter alxve roferrcd to will ohw-rve tlmt in tlnnb-t every cum thi-y iut tlie fuel, HW nii'irtiimvtMiit iiie nt my .rt atieiHi Iim u kilijf ol UiHM) iiuSiciaiH, ui uriliiiiiry cmi but Unit the pilii-nl, w iliiLKil lWlin Un.'if upcratKMi, ih uii.verlty ii tl in mro.im f m4il teller Vulf itl' lienllti tbna w ep.'riciiceil pri vifiu.i o boiiij niaclnd witn tlivatic; aiiJ hi all cnM'n nl acuta nuiri rni, grunt ri'li.ff i oli umiMl in fow liirtifr.'auiia cura I generally ctftcieil lu two r ihre ilv. '' Kil hmi nllotlicm, ii in taiinimry fir Hit- tii any aui;llt. r I Mieve Uio LIFli ilEUldK.ii are now univer- , K""1. couiiiiiiea to c.ll i.r our wtirnifM grali anlly aduiitUal 'o lie ttt.- "most iceij and tCl-cuial core ludo. Eipecwlly have we rvm to n joke m the exuui' in ir iiif'aw ol H at cltai Tlie LIKE MKLiU'lNKtt ie aiao k.mnt excellent reliHr m. aflittiwi:t: -tint- l.ir mod )oiii, g tn -rn proved in liiimlri'il uf cmfi w liere ftrtirntrlnve" cume torward and r. iim-.tcd that lliejr rnvnenca in ..i .i .. l . I Mnig uieni untiin vh puuiiwiru lorino oen. ni ul otiierM. j In tlicir opernliou in micli c im.'s lin y ronton tii tone I .- f Urti ioiHKeji, airenj;trf-'ltHr-ilifri' invigorate tlie ; iienil lunrtinimol tlie wiiolu bo.ly.'aiid tint brcome to it, tli wX. (iiir tlov are ixr:e"Jv - I.. a.Rtaa, 4 .He bead, wl.eth,r .pa.i with pn and t-Klume-, i.r iiH'rkeU by Uie Criwou cal.mi- ty of impaired u.eiital eneigv ; in palpiUtiona of the heart, flitulence, l.ast of npputitii anl turen'lli, and the multiplied y hinon.a of inmirdi-red diuetiii. Tilt J,li'JiAlrU)l NE!Tntl bo f.iUIid lo pooea tlie inu't .Military eflicacy. . ., - - t"uniitiitiwi relaxed, weak, or.ilccnyed, in men or w.ih':i, Hre nndtir ii) immediate inflneitoa of TUli l.il't ii KUlCI.Nto. Old t "Uli-,, iinlli.iiiuj, and coa miuipliie tm Vita are noon iciu ve.J ami upeeilily cured. fjnveny ot' lii.i-1. iliU emit.ttted liuib will ere lt.ni; im i't llio liuipiett clianirp; tin; tlnll watery fluid will i ni!iiH ru n ano iwiiHticcutt-jmiaiB W"flftirTua?in..TiiUiy: Nvtrti diantder of eu-ry kind, tiirfrom whatever cnus inriui!;, fly betuie the cft'ect of THE I JFK ME- I)(('ltS, and all Hint Jtrain of mi.kiDiM,. anxn-iie, and -reiiHrar wch tv dri-'arttuliy:ffi'ct'lie" weuk.Hlie W- dentary, and tlieeH;ftie,.wiU ina short tune be auc? celled by chenrtiiluesK, and every pre wpe of health, " Jl F.i; jveo kne deficiencjt , jol nalurnL trenj('h,-aid d f rel-.atiin ol tlio vh.'!, by Ir.-q-n-ut linluiL'eoce tlie purloin, tin nnxlicine i safe, certain, aud m- valuable retneily. Tl oh) wlio have long refilled in hut climates, and are languid ami reUxe.) in tlieir w hoje syuteiu,. may -lake THE r.irS MCDICrXS with the Iwppieil'rt.' fecta; and permm removing lo the Southern Htatei or Went lining cannot (.'.ore a more important article uf health and life. Tlie following cases are among the inoM recent cure cllectad, and grateluhy acknowledged by the poisons benplilted : ' , t'ae ol J.icob C. Hunt, iV'W Windtor, Orange Cininty. Ji; V. A dreadful tumor destroyed nearly the whole, of bin face, none and jnw. EAperienced-ipiick vM Mim,m of tlArMmlm id tea than three-eiotr.h was entirely itire. lCaw'ri1xmd, With a woo-l engrhving in a ne pamphlet now in -'e-nrrtii(i. rtircBTi. awfH t years ot age wa sllictcd IS year with awoll ngiiii bis legs wa tuVy cured hy taking 41 pill in 3 weeks. l.e nt i Ki'i Diiilloii, Aberdeen, Ulno rlli'llinuliKni five rX-r is'rtitirely cured -his used lite LUILIUU J ' i,t, .J -j r.. .t....i e. i -I IJIi I.nE-s lor. vorin ui ctiiMren and luiind triuin a g.ivereii'n'ireii.eilv.' tlulBSrDiw'W' AiSffn periolieul sick hea 'ache nl wiy r-rievis'Cj' a uniall if.WiHi .v efilir.-ly freetruuiu. Cae of AH A . A uTed-cureil of a must inveterate and obstiiiale dyspi-p-ht. and geueral debility. Cane of A'luli Aiimns. vVintlmr. Ofiio rhee.natinn. gr vef, I iver ifT.xl torts, a rid jewra JL J9.iTjrvuUt).illjr "Dad been CMnliiieii evQ year was rabmd rroia hifT KaJ Lu ..I... l. ..t'..M ...J - k .III. t l..ll...a A lama. t'ase of Mr. ftnl!;ir, wife ot J heph B idier nearly similar to above result the auie. IHie-e" eiivlrlrnnl, a yomif-enmarried wtn man subject to ill health .'Vorj yer-aauill course of tlw I .He Medicuiek entirely n-atoredjier is now hale and Health. Cane ot Mis f lioMi, diiiifbler of Ell Throns cwth- and Fvnuitn.in -ot -Con-u; iiptind--ciireirifi' fiat! wi-eka Il-'r msier enr-d of a nmere attaekof aj$nn nullify rln iitiMtUia m iwie ".' ' I'm of S, Cilun-cured ot' nevere atwck of scar- lei lever in ew days hy lite late Me.lioue. Case uf ilarrmt Twoauud, Salina, N Y. wa in a visjj I-. wlsteof liitltri a year s id a halt -did aex-' p-cl Ui recover. Mw I. I now aide lo walk abuulal t .. r lu r. ..ti.rn.ir lali lien I i ami tlre.l -IB. . i it rsuidlv rii.iveruiL' lsih henlth and slre.i.-lb. . f.- .. .L.ui ....... J I',,. I, jr.etA i& .a Feller .rweii of time. 1 reoln.ii li.lliiiii it i rn-Uy " , ' 4ae of Ahhw Isi art' clam id Ihe liver after tryinu ilisriom' reiiie.tie in vain lor a hmg lime, ws CLr.sl by the ,ife Vleilicme wdlimt liTm;-le, ,, FiXtranrdiuary case ol Lyman I'raii, lm fJ-rt-ed Willi FntniMC &) yeata-tlT clisj a perfect eul , lu "Jl luMin by the use of the Lite Medicines. . Tlmus.in.tsot per i t ill et.'d in like uwnner, have, by 1 jii In ioiw u' ot Mk t . : a U fa Vll-. ami PMPaIX Bl r i'KltJ: been n-hloli tf t.i the I iim-iit ' nf all the co , fitof life, The Hitler are p. .-iil to the Mule and un-ll, utljr artrniie the htireol lheti rwseanrr rmrnmnw . TT tmn remiire A nothing can be belter adapted to Llpand mairisl. the coiu.utu.Hm. ro lhe. nothing fliuru genemlly scXnuwlealged U. U; peculwly effica.. " ciouj in all mwaid waatinga, lot f appi-tiie, uai ge. liiMi, dcpreVsi. n of epirits, trv'-inbUiin or tha'king of ihaj hands' and Imib. oMiiwte coughs, bortui of breath, or-emisuinptive hateilsv r . The Life Mwiiciin-s D.aawss w in ieiful efficary in all nt.-.....i,.r,leptfii.l,ejiliclies.weiliiii;ii!.heini,ii "' .n.llWet,.ltp.r,l,d.,nneiol,,..t.co,.lui-dtl,K.m.., renu.,.,.u """T , h, .r.,,..r,L ,.t,....tM.rtntrin,1II Pfllhr tn fnTPf Jlf Wft''T 1 prftll.nrft In U a ga.. aiu.lt of bystenc t.uuuLtnta ate grudually removed by ! ral eflorl in behalf of popular rights, and which Ihmr use . In taknees of ibesumnch, Ctiuleticie. or ; in some ii.slanees misled a few rf our more inex pbstrnclionmlbey are iafe and pow. rful, and as pari- j)crifnced Cltiiena, h it subsided into'a .ratvooal fler td ihe Ul, they have mil their equal in Ihe world 1 C(4) viot(Q a'rougly imposed It 'all intermeddling For additional pniticukr .TiWabiive medicines, see Jwi(h he i,eriw QMT .Jour wiglibiim.' The Mort;.i,-G...I mrili.n,' a copy .a wu.r . .c -I U" msibnae .,. Sill l-lisy nn Wr:u .. . ..em -d.r.mde Top Ihe ,ree iJ.IIiA1f.aa.hJjaialiW.iiM " ----- - ... i . t. Pr.,1. f :. rman. and ISiMinish direetliMis can oc u tainedu.i sipliciiwiartbeiflice,a75 Unwdyiay. . .ii 1-.-...1 .n e...'vffl.ii".ie.liaiealteolHiu PreiMre.Iaud-.ldby V ILIJAM a MOPi'AT,373 , and il was natural, llierefore, th il it eh.sild - Broadway, 4'ew : A liberal aMuciiaM llde.l fa awakened- wtrh 'inore fhuii common warmth in Hume wImi purchase lo sell suia V ' - behalf of Iheir rindialeiieighbnisv But does AgriM The Life Allicne- may also bwhsd of "Ij In I.aig Iirtlair character, as a community, In -eft e-pnnctiiat Jjlip?i-t.'l thwaiBlaml I He 1tk-i,m f riHW fe,mg, , rtt which 'plw sire mt:l ! iWirduly a ciiucens, endanger ,h peace if 1 , ffl . aiamr'e tipni, U,c .be ol each 0 -. of the," C-sn-lry, a;,d lend .0 bnng upon ,t lb. slnin tlaefUHtewurtaeiof l'tlbx t ' ' U violated faith , towards foreign naltons. If, , , - - V i. ;.., ir,,i, rt Hrt f U ha.il of Crm k f?.,err.e- rtilr. .4 ztnnfor ,U Ptonrirhr, S.U.ISIHMY, ;:.T, JAMJAR Y t'llE.SIDKXr'.HI M.AUE. On Ttwi luy, thi. 21,li uit., I'r.vi.l.-nt n B ,ren ub 'niii:d tu tartli ll iostiof Conjfri in Atioual Me ijfe, a fiilliinn : ' ' . I ltoiB Ciliitus of lit Semite TQ:7" - and House of Reprrtentmtri'i''''..S 'Tfegrel Ihiii ( ciiiiu.it, on tbioucru.t iiicunrntii lute you lhut Mt year (mi brcn mi (.ruittl hiyuil iir.wiKiril). Tlie mvagea u' lira ajui jiSt-H imve (luuiliilly ufllicled irtlierwiM! U mriliini;Mir itiiu ul uur cimiurjr ; and aeriuu eiiiitarruiiMnit vet ilerane ilia trade of many of our ciini. -B.il, rnrymjfTicWTi Wu tieretofiirn txi I uoifulilullv beMuwed upon u by Ilia Author of all Muoeraiit, imrvet which irava landly rm. peiiw d well tlirecled industry, and .:iwi to it that jorijLitiuljirUlutl u vaiiiry-iiiiiTrlirWwioluVry "l - """" - ;" - ' ew wun..ul pwu liar AMllKlill1.!!. ill. fltM ttOiiti.M.nia r.r.iJtil K. ...... . . ' " u uwi v in" iqi " mo WinetiN tliat jinriug Jx,uiU4ue,4bauy ri-ntvB orjrHiia, and;''ni"'i or l lie liiMUindinau to In hiNMirubli) unr auit. ; No means o mdivtilu il eonifori la more cur- tutu, and no aource of u ti.mnl propentv 4 aure. f" tl.ey al ; and U.a. cheer- 1"' "b"'"luice on wli.cll tl.e liauuiueM if . Vi ry oi o iiiyih dejieiido, m to be looked (or u,j where with aucri nitre reliance u m the iwhMry-tf-tTir aitri. cullttmt ijridTt.e b.iui.111 a ol' the tailli. nil freiii cou-ir.i-., our rclalipia aaUiUl the a me favorable aspect that wb ui"-!iiled in mv laid annual iu;;xay;e. and afjord coulinued proof of tlwi wwJoili of the pie fie, vim, and lorheannif n licy adoplej by Ilia. fiM Ad.ttmistrsUioii of ihu Fu t ileral OoveriiiieHit, ttd hurauHd; 4 U "hgi-ci.SBiiiii. j The exlraordwiary puWuia aeated tu jno In a acti a w I hMitwrsr !,. -ft.iui.lrw ... .... euierirejii - v.eoiwMlerwl no rir r.t.ikiti'.n j i.. thai tho Executive li..ul.l p.xie ample menus in meet (I, Imve pot Ixjch eierieiiiyTuey Imve, iherJ &ri iKsrn attemteil iirV titmfnurfWKiVM 'm by the Cuiifiduiice thua rejtuaed iu nie, thy obliyujlioria to maintain, with leliytoui ex.ictnc.-a, Mb eardiimf pf fnclpeiT htiT m'tu our Jute rcourse with other nation. ."'Happily, in our pending que ti mi with Orei Britain, out or which this unuuul j;rHiit of uulliurity aroee, nothing ha occurred to reqiiire it exertion : and as it i about to return to the Ii jiiniuluru, I trust Ih it no future m-cesoiiv may - II e i.'. -t r i V eall f.r itS Txercieth..,, or ltsdcIogat,ou lot another department nt the government. ' For ihe settlement of our Noitheaxiern IxHinda ry, the propiHMtiou promised by Qreat Brit .in for a Commission of explorulion and survey, hue been received, and a counter project, incliuling aU a provision for the rei imn and fiuul uliustuie'l.t of the limits in dispute, is now before the British Govern. 4IVMtt:4atin1fr MMIlfaW delicate ata e of thi queaiiont iiud a proper reajiect forth" natural impatience of the Stale of .Muue, Aot sW-Uovh a wwttisiharthirrit'i; ;oiia ion Ii been alrendy protnicted longer lha:i ia jrfttdeiit ou the parrol either Uovernuieiilrhave led me to be. heve that the !reeht, fvorablo-uiouu!iaiold on iw-Mioont -be solTeml to -now wirnrsuniutiinit' ibis i . e i ... . . n.. ll.w. fonW.! Pn-l. 1 fi..l ...fi.l..... .1.. , .1.. I,,teii.mi.iit if he ri ,lMS,u. M-,i.:7Faitriic 4 TrHvsnmo-viiew nf this-Tnh;Hcry as Jtjiii: jiSi-j it is governeiT by dt si.es -quail v otp'tig od inn. cere for tl.e amicable teiiiimatiou of the cuniro. verny. JEuOhsu 'UiudiflUiiiiti-4f saueHtinns uf -horrrr dary lines, especially. those des;r'bed in reuioiis ip:tuM(lM'ii Ih imi kmwu-iW:fr$M(!(l?, ,f uijuux cuauUst ha.,smbtaiKu (jnvi riiuieut is inaile the ftrgarof negotiatingt'llid deciding upon Ihe particular intereiesJ iha Stales on vhnwfiwitieHThlfVlihes are lo be traced. To avoid another controversy in which' a 8ate (ioV nriimeut nii'hi righifully claim to have her wishe consulted, previ 'ulv lo the coocl isioii of conven Initial arraneement eonperniiiij her rThis ofjuiis dii-liiMi or lef ril.-ry, I have thHight il -e.Ty- to all the alleoll Hi id' Ihe Government ol Great Brl tain lo uiMiiher portion of our, conterminous douu- jiion, of which the. divisi'Hi still remain to I ad i -ied. I refer lo Ihe line frmq the eulrjuca U' l , ;j lu,,rl. t ttie .mo-tt northwestern point .d , k ie W(M( uU,m. f, ,v , . v.- . - .- J . .. - im-iii oKwhich are lo be f .iiii'l in lh seveutti ar- tirtf of tfrt! treat V appii1 r.o uirk i niai arin ie ov ibt i u ni-ni oie..ts hsvuiij S)itl -red i i their ..mui .11, n I- ae. iaia!e rep .rts, avenr lmj lo i' ti siU'm.s, am Ihe jhhiiIs ' diairern'Ul. and lh"e diff reiiee me now to be nob-iilKed t-t I he aiUtra'nui id wi.iie fiieiMllv sovi reiirn t SHi'e. TJwdisrviie.) p.'i' sli-Mil.1 lie Mtlled, and lleVlme dr.-.,g 1 ted, b f ie :he Terntoiial G r'i:nenof whic'i it is -aie iif "ihe h..i.tilari''.".ta4lla ilfa.ln llwi I. iwon-sva-a;- j-'ale j ami 1 rely up.al Ihe drih,l ci opp-r tl of Bril;h l,'w'r""ri!.l'J!.t!vX,Jh.!.I'!i''J! Thete i. Vvery re.. W fcef.-Ve that flltorb ' we, like ihoa which lately A hfl neigh- b..uu Pritiah P.ovi.a-e will m.1 agam p .ve Ihe sHiri-e tf bordeic??".!"""". -ft Jnterp-se ub-U, c, (l ihe coitliiiuancn of lhat jriai) Mndera'auding whHh ,1 ia (he mutu iiileresi,jjf Jireat. Britain a)ll m Uiuled Sila'Ss lo preserve jiud maintain. ... . . pw;1M, ii,-...i iA...n,i i . , . ' -.- . 1 1 r.. k i.i - Untied. Sialic TceLis-it.Wdi t-t- .-I- i II uloi am rt at 1 ial Si I U iAH1.'atHiiri til in 111 lfwi lira . o. an v , - Urn pobtii alc.Niili.ilm Ijimnkind. This gettermi leelmil they cherish toward lh- m-H distant - ' xealona lu cetifer b m ht on oilier, they appear fi.r a moment lo l.e aitflil of Ihe permanent obit. igvUm.iuipduMVjVmc.. From all the information I have :', IK10. .7 .wWwlaBrBa.wt ril"i.l, c i.ifir.ii.-.Klj t r, by Kl ,,b . rv.itos I jiu m tlial mi uiw mii uo tt,,pe to eiijmte in m:h nmrpi iw unii.wt uuciiuiHeniig piiblM! iiiiligimliiMViu jiUJiimo to lliu fver.'t j. ualtw ot' ili law. - ' v li -ceiit iiitlirnmliim tilto Ivh1 mn tt hop? Ili.it tlia emiiraiiM fruui hnr M.ijtij' ProniukK, wlm liars miij;(il trtig iguliin our ununiiarie, are tit p.med .i h"c'" fxiaeiiablo riwiilema, auii-tu ati alain (rim all ktleinit in eu.l.iiier tun pctcu uf tliat country, winch ha atHirdtid tbein an anyluui. t)n a mriiiw of the occurrence on both aiUita ul l ln line, it i aittislaciory lu it-flert, that in a I moil rrory flnmlaint a?anit our ? ' Ullit, JJ tL-feUi: k 1 , i . : . wh have aouiflil relume Here. In suuie inxtauce t hicl they were aided b -'cititeua of the United, Stateii, the acta of theaemguided tin were in it j only -ui direct cimtraveuiitMi o' the law and well i knowiiwiliee. jf 4hmriiwi Governs with lhe..d4)ctdirtiTrrobatTDii of Tlie people uf j the United tuiea. I regret state the anpenrance oft difjcretil I spirit auiun M.j..y aubjeel -da7T1io seiiii.Vieiiia ol h.tibt in our p-plu and j inntililiiuiiH, winch have been in frequiiiy ex preimea mere, aiKi ne UMrejjnra ol our jrirlits whicli hive been iihiihU Hied ou some occaaiou, have, 1 am sorry to aaV, beeu applauded und u ciHiraifiHl by the people, aed eveu t.y on.e of the auhoitimaie IikiiI auihoritha of the Province. The "sJiiii uiuiii w-tTnnia ioriuoe""y unvo 1101 enter lamed the ranut feelinjf, and Have probbhly pre vented eceae that must have been tutul lu the jieace of the two count riea.. V I look fiirwaril anxioiiHly to a 'period when all the IrtiiiMie.iii.ii which have grown out of this con dttinti id'-.ur uhiravidvbiihavebwtir Kiiuj xui oi cuitipimiii hiio remoiiMiruiico oy-jie two -tiovernmentil reHieciiv.i-tv. ahull be lull v ex iiUmeil SAinwaiiajiiai aiiBMiii aaiiwJMUiim- given wnere u u Uua Irom mther. aider .- r ,ly with which mniiy ,r the Stales ere apparently Noihiiitf ha occurred to disturb the harmony oilapn'roiiehiiig lo thin condition, admonishes us of our our intermMirM with Austria, Bidjiium, lXiiiiimrk, own duties, tU a nnii.i;r too iinjirer.ivo lo lie diie. 'J(CiNjnhM, Pitcluji dan.. The mternai atate of Wiiam has seretiblv iui ide. P.-der,.! i:nurmi.iii xlu.v. . n...wi.i;.... . . pioved, and a well gnaiwled hope exist that lh IdiHcharae, with ease and .sifefJUlhiglieH. Junc- 1 . --- Jaaaal ( aiWsai'aaaaarii lar -ara il rtT'4--v -'"- - -V" :' f 'U " ' " i . country their formei prosMtrity,. und eunble the Government to fulfil all it obligations at hoi'ne and abroad. The Goveruinvut of 1'ortug il, l'havo the Nqtisfii-lioujii and last inslaliiieul due lo our citiaeua for Ihe claim euiliiACi'd in Ihe-iiettleiticiit made with it i)u ,ie third of March, 1837, , . . , I lay before vou treaties of commerce negotia ted Willi ihe Kmy "f Snrdliua and tfie Nether lands, the rntifictttiona of which -have been ex.4 changed since tho adjouriiment of duigrees. The lilieml principle nf these I rent us will recoiniiiend Iheui.lo your approbulion.- 1 hat with bardiiua :ahe firatrfi; j .44 "'ojufr kA 'dooiluiid'it'wvll.lCTiu.stunswer the expectation,!!!' the pnient rivereiuii, by aiding the development (he fMtwrprtee-bf biVrteopie'.'-Thal with the Net h- 'titerprtee ot bireop!i rrlanils happily terininiie a. long existing-subject of di.spule' mid feflrofejI.fmOT ftur . future ccMtnuer cial Htleretmrso alt apprehension of emliarrasHiiieni. " ,,,D ''l. 1 he King of ihe Wetherlaiifeji)-)), m t,.iih for, jusiico, and of hi mHdi-VoiniKMisuli.in for an American Vessel can. lured in by a French priv.iieer,,and carried into' Curacna,. where Ihe proceed werusappropriA- led to ihe use p Ihe eoluiiy. the'i, vnd ' a rhurl lime after, under tlie doiuimou of lluJIaod.X jy. " PPf !l'ded . Mi awter. lienuUsiit- h teeeherf- Jofr-i ianiiKiple, and I have received assurance from flie piRehi Rulej lTiatllie i.hiiga44M ly, and those uf friendship, wilt be fulhlled by hi 111 elf in the s-iim) spirit llial actuate'! hi illustrious fat I regret ! be obliged lojiiform yiw thiit no con;Jn'U."?.i.!Lir'.d Jli '"Teliii-m "Ririlie" sp'ii'Min,nl of Ihe rlnim of our citiz-'us upon Mexico his yet- boon ratified by tne (j,iveruuiei4 . Inil country. Ihe hrsr rnnven ' lion firmed for that purpaie wis in preseiitod by the President id Mexico fir the approbation of i; t'nngre, from a belief lil t Ilea King of Pruasi, Ihe artnlraior in ca- id disagreement in Ihe joint riiiiimitHt to be itppolirted hy tlie United SS ale and M' xi.-.i, would m l Cousm.h) 10 lake iiinhi rum- g-tf 'nil frieiii'tylfti;ejA.liUuu4h hoi iiir4v4'H 4w-Leluiuru rei Ihe power ami t!uty Uf sail, tie 1 wiin tie CiMirse pirie f by Mexico, I Ml no h.-aiiition in rttvivniK in I lie m conciliatory ant th- ex .Umti .11 nhNrMl, and also clunrlulU rtmented 1 1 a new convention, in order to arrange ihe psy loents propowd lo be iimite lo mir cuilteiiM, 111 man ier a turll, wlide equally just . lliem, w:is -leeined les ouenius and inconvenient in the Mi-xk-ii G .v.-rn neiit. KeKnu cmifiJeiitly upon Hie iuleullons..ol4nat,U.eriMH4,- lt bitie was directed to repair lo Mexico, ami diplomatic iitereire ha been resumed belweenlhe Iwojqdealmjjeieh ".""Tl'-.'"" '"""T1!. !l'S'V.TiT."!Jir'irr!JU-.. j-fcUl Ut,lMMMUIwkllP,tlMU.lMl tlVWl.; ' I o cvu..lritmo. 4 Um ii)W.iiHtulil .ha, lie- atnurms us, been recently aubniitled by the .Preaidenl of thai 1100X111110 lo its I'lmgress, under cirruilviiauce whictipnMnnw a speedy ratficiioti ; a resuli which I cannot allow myself 10 doubt. Instructions have been giveu lo the dun nivion er'of the Uniled States under our ("onventtiM with -Texas, fir the deniarea-t.AVof the line which aep ara'ea u fmni thai Ilepublic. The emniiiissioo. erj of both Goveemneois met m New Orleans tn Au-'iwt list, lire foint c.mimtwmtn was organ Tlwi ixed, aiid adjuonwd lo convene at the same plvte on Ihe iwellth of Oelokv-r. Il i presumed be now in the performance of Us dunes. The new Goveni.uenl of Texas has shown its .Jc3irA.tu-eiau prompt reparslmn w.r iiijurie-CMnpUmed of in Ihe 1 ciseof t.f yrfswtrrrfheTlllid St ite"; - V,th Gei.1 ral Africa a e.mvenlinn hp. been ..JfletirthenewiH-iufiirnierlre. .t II.. . J C.t. This was not ratted before ,hed.prt,.r..r.ir late Charge d'Allaire. Iron, ...rf itu. e;.nV... hp hi l.v h.m . . a k.f k- ..1; .a iL wa-tie l r-ceivrl b rre the aitjournmeni ut Ihe Senate at tt lat wrHwtu mm In Ihw mean hi : :.l l.....fwil fi.p tl.M etrhni,... tit pnltfir.tifma ! . . . 1 .. having expired, 1 ceemeo 11 expenien', in Tonso. eueie of ihe death r the Charge d'Afil.irr to Und a .real agent 10 Central .America, lo close ,T,e.n.r.,d-our mission there, and lo arrange With the Government an exten.i.m of the t.mc for rheexchaiig-trat.fica.Ka,.. ' -,",- : - , .- NO. XXIX ur VOL. XX, Vhu!c 1019.) Tho fiiain iiil op.jr.it.)uof the .J iveruuient du.' ring the preet jeur have, I mn happy to any, betni very awe. Mu. The dillieultiea under w Inch the Tre sury Department la luljored from known defects hi ilie eiini( law relative to the aula keepiuj -of tho public iimueya, ajjj;rav ited by tho ii"M-itniiiii ol pei-it payment by ae.veial of the banli holdiyy public d. poile, or iudebtcJ to pilb. ' he olli'-era (or bote received in pnyniei.t of public ' dui" have been aurinouuicj tea very pnuilyin exienl. The l irge curreiileXjH;tidituruliavebi u punctually met, and the fiytli of the" Government . in all il peeumary'cimccrti ha bvon acmpulously ' The nineteen million of rreamirv imiea anthnp..' izd by the act of Conirresa of 137. and the mod. locution therof, with a view the indulgetico of luerclmni on tlitr djiy '-bond, andof the d.po.tto f bank in the vin!ut of (Mjblic money held b a to leave letliau the original leu hjiltion outstanding ' Jjal any one ituw, und the whole aiiVotiut unredeeineJ ' , now lulla short of. three H)JlpC4lei4W. all(j lna ' ; whole ould have been already e jtinguixhed CoulJ " the I rensury have realized I lie naviiient duo In it frOiii the baiiiln. If those due Iroin them during . . . . . . , " the item year shall be puncliially made, and if Con gre ahnll keep the np)irnpriiiiiont witiim ilie i nii, " mate, there i every reas iu to believe ihiil all tlmx- LiijliitttiidHla'RraWrv nolo. can'toreeineilJwnrf Ilia ordinary xpense defrayed, wtthmh iitipnWiii on th people any additional burden, ei'lier of loans or increawd laxen. - To avoid i Inn, and lo keep the exrx'nditure with in reasonable bounds, is a duty, acuond only in iin portoiice lo tlie prepcrvaliou of iiur.iiiiliiawlc.bar-- in llimr fcjvit aifil political uglim. Tne cieaiton in time of t a ..1,,in li..i..lt..,t.l.ilM niwwnP-rrr' evil lor wliielt l ierew noeoiiiva out. Tho rani.li.' fiiiiTil fcli.uiTiI llieir exercise be rcauircd bv anv sud. , 1 j den ciiiijiiiifluie uf public alliirs a condilion (o which we nrenlwaya expowd' and which may oc- ' cur when iHsfe il1i1i'ipiiX1ei riuV . Tla tinuuees ahould bo unlraui-iiH-lleil, and it resTiutcea, a I'ur aspiaclicalile, uu---incunibereJ. No circumstance could present grmil er obsincles In Ihe tirciihiphahmeiil of lhee vitally iiiiMiriiint nliject, than the Creation of an oi,erou 1 niittoiiiil debt. Oar own experience, and also (hut - of other iisinMm;' bene tiemotisrr.irrd the oniivoida. hie and fearlijl mjiidity with which a public dell u lui-rensed, wtifii llio tiovermueiii h,m once surreii. iriJuMul,lai - Hrtalhe riKtt'tfi wciK lwiVh5TiSTta, - i ieiwiie sthi'ggTe, Ihereiore, on iiiir pari, lo tie uci eil'il, jnusi lie made at the threshold. To make ojij; .eflojioiliic,.. TiveTie vere eciaiomy is necessnry. This U I be;.' surest provision fur Hie national welfare; and it h, at tlie aatme lime, Ihe best preservative of the prill, eijilea on which Jurj insiiiuiioiut rcst- Simplicity ' aiio ecofimny in ine cin iirs 01 Male have never Jails. rftFjniWican pnrici pies, while these huve been ay surely auhver ted. bv text it may have been introduced ir fuatere-l These cotisitlerati'Mis cannot be liwt upon a peri, pie who hnve never been inattentive to the eilect uf ilwr-.-ooligy up.11 ihe Ht4iiiulina4hiiy4a.ve-;r JJ!iar.JiiuiiW ivn Iheil fiiM,i"lrffn'fmefiTeJ neeensity whiclj K imbitMiK wmw niwn rinposc. 1 nil cuecK laie- ly given triimpiirtiitiuiis of Hrticles subject to du He, the deniiigenieuls in tho operatiais of inter. takmfilee tn our li.rirl nf duties, all lend tnttvri ally to h;en our receipts 5 inde ed it is probable tliat the duiiiiiuaioii rewjllinu from I he lust enuisei in the year as the final reduction uf all du ties lo twenty perN cemT 'then" lakea rlt'-ct. The -whole revenue theiVnceriiing from Ihecuatums.and Irnui lb H-iles of Mjlitic lands, if not more, will on ilmihiedlv be wanted lo defray the; necessary e-' punsea of Ihe G iveriiiiieot iinder Ihe most prudent administration of it alCiir. These are circuni. ' stiiiM'es thai iinK)e (lie nececv of rigid ecmMmiy', sud require its proinpt und cinVaiit exercise. ' ,i adjust iog ihe public expenditure ah, In promoie .1., ..J - U.. ..I' it... I ..v.v..... :. me,. iiy iiim pioviiooa . 1110 WOOSI.IIO, l - is mil v inconsequence of appropriations Nnndn hy ' r law, lhat miHiey can be 1lrhw.nfr.1m the Treaeury J. nu instance has occurred inc the elahlishineh4if - Ihe (Jovem iienl in which the Exocuiive.lli iugh? C iniporienl part of Ihe Legislative power, has in. lerpowa an oi.jnriiou 10 an ppriipnaiii-iiit -on aoeaoh a;eoetid if ttsrxtTtivaganca-"" Ilia duty iif I his rvHpect has been coiistde.rcd fulfilled by re- va'.ii WrewsnaWyexrsted to' trouire.'Tii I lie present eHrnesI direction of the public mind lo -' wards ibis siiljecl, both tlw KxeciiiiveMud the Lft.""" gislaiive have evidence of the strict rejpiiusibiliiy 10 which Ihey will be held and wiulo I am con sriou of my own nnxi .us rlluli t. pcrfunn wiiii 11 leliiy this purtiiui of mv public functions, it is it paiHactitMi in me lo be able to count ou a cordial co-nperation from you. . , 1 . .. . 1 . . . . . j- , - - in in? wml I emerrfl yp my pru.,. -in' , ( Trrorninar oisnurainients, without including those on accounl of ihe public debl, the port tiflice, and j me irost funis in charge nf the GovermM'ni- bed jlieen largely increaeed by appropriating W "he- j "'mnviii m me innians, 1 repi-uing imiuu no i Itrear ooi 01 an overtlowtnj .,i.sii.ryj,nti t' - ur.flK redeinptHW xilllit) puldic debt and If lists, l,u'T 37.. l i7 V "W - ..7-.... ... ,.u ..m "fv" E" "H fJ lU"n Mch, caused l expemltiure to r b 10 tne rise to the very large amount of thirty three million. i- u the" " " - --- "'K 7"' ' """" alamling the ciaitiuuance ot out Indnn emtmrMs menis. aoniewbal lo reducn ih; aiinriiiil f and that - - , - ; P"7 1 8" ; ' " f rlbil- ' ""lis-or m. hoiM. Ic,e a" ,e"," U i:h ''"'"""H.iia, ao fr f lh' ' I U Sld'rce,0,, M ,8W . t0 . '. V-- ' ' ' ' - ' Y v 1J; ( : in 11 w iiMaaawsifW 1 WfKn y r