4 1 14 1 1 4 KJ iH rOW KM HOt DEUvUATrp T TH PKIVEn STATTS T THE roTITrTlOY ni nnmnn. .. ... " , - '- i -y - : - hi. liu.i, hoi rBORimrKD' ay it to Tna statm, abi Ieskrvkd ToTHSsitrKs u:recrivii.v,o ro rue none. .4c.J.ife rte fmr;'imo. Articlt X, C. JUSTIN & C. F. FISHER, Editors and Proprietor. SALISBURY, N. C, JANUARY 17, 1840. NO, XXXI OF VOI.. XX. ..... ivioic jvo. i&n.y ' ' J fax :v.. v terms ., r., ' lit TH WBaTEBX CABMIMAN. , Tu -Western Carolinian ta pnblu-hed every Fbi r, at Two Dollar per annum il paid in advance, cif ro Dollar and F.fty Cents if not paid before the ex piration uf three monlha. ' ' Mo MPr wiflbe discontinued uniil ill arrearages paid. unless at the diacrtninn of the Editors; and ttilure to notify the'iiditnrt of wbh to discontinue i tv end of je, wall be considered a new en gagement. Advertitemeat will bt ttvipicuously tm) eerrectlv inaarted, at on dollar per wjOi (of 340 rmt, or Jif temiaeeof thiatixed type) for the firtt insertion, - and & ta each Contieuance.N, Court end Judicial adverticcoHMila will ba charged 33 pi, cent more Ilian the, above prices, A deduction of SSjf'-peT cent from Ucil" prices iiHT tie inaieto yt-arly adveriier. Advertisements sent in for publication, must have the number ot timet marked on tlirm, or they will be inser ted till forbid, and chargnd for accordingly. " . letters addressed to the Ed i tori on bustneeB mast lie putt Mii,or they will not be sltended to . N JaUCPAUlCRbaatnotbnr new aupplv of eold and titter i '.. V5" p'sw English snd French, da. gold P l-TK 1 1 Fob Chains and Key. Brest IW ili- HI" FingrT Ktngs,siiver Butter Knives, j 1 t.lrs Pencil, (patent and plain,) Tuoth- nrnawwHinut tinena, rob (.bunt, Hpnctaclet and Thimbles, tJtetjl and Gilt Fob Clinim tnd Key. Alao, very fine and Urge tMirtmetlt ol Ralore, pocket and pen-kniea, by ditierent Manufactiirera, with otberarticleauaually kept by Jewelera,tll of which will be mid rery low for eoaA, at only nx montlia credit, al ter which time, intereat will be cluriied. Work done ftitlifiilly and punctually. ' Haliabqry. May 2, IS19. If Jhf V iUS. ITer Watchea, "n lawlf it '" 'L 1 t , Great Western Stage Line, J Ml a'ALjsBVk Y TO ASHVILLE, X id , "T1IE above line it now in full operation, and ar ' rivm at.aiiJ deiwrta Ironi aliabury at followe : Ie Saltan on Monday, Thuradny a, and aiurday at 0 o'clock,-A. M. ! and arrives at JUhiilwet lv at 8 o'clock, P. M." Retirrnmjr, Inavea Aahvillenn Mthdaya, Thurs day, nnd S iiHfrtiv, or 5 o'clock, A. M. and ar- "riwt al Salisbury next ini al 8 Vclurk, P. M. ; ' . A. BFNCINI, v .. N.U. Faflar leaving Rrtloi jjh,' N. C.,,for ushrillo, Toiuicaiwo, Will find no delay whatever - atthit route, ' 'A.' H. at K. W, L. SmMturji-H;- tV"K"T 1 4r tf rTo-Trarelkrss rrTHE travellins eom nunilv Sre retpectfullv inlorm. A ed Uat the tjubwriber ia running his line di- Trwn Ralefgh by wty rfFittsb6r,w Athboro' wrp.i, requested lo come forward, prove properly, pay Saliaburr. ia small Nortltern made Coachea nf tha nrat order; tcaving lUIeigh oa Moodayi and 'Diorsday'a at It) X M . arnvina in Haliabtwa next daya at 10 V. M. I fcearrtiflfelwboTyiieaytaiid Ftidaira at A."M.? I arnvinir in Ks'eiB nest dataal 1UK. Al. " HtrtiorwHare gpodlijJrJvejcA.tkMlajJy. X B. seals secured at the ftlanaton Hotel. !TIorni Tl!il!iranli. I rtiil Trrca Ac. rMlE SulwcriU-r inlorms the public, that he haa (tr V tale, at hie Nuraerms in Uavidijon iMHinty, 15,(M)() tTHSnftbe Sorut Multicaulia, (and also a large num bet id nnfd la vera or cuUim'i of the saipe, ot tiit cur ' ft'Dl yuar'a growth :) tUeaa are Mioerior to cultinifa with out rouu to pnipita Irmn, Ilia prices sha.ll be the market urica of the article in tha North, and elsewhere. Ife alai haa a iarga stock "of Fruit Trecx. coiuitting of Wlpplcsr(arsyr t J - Peaches, Plums, BVan. rt i J . . saassafc r uitcrries, yc, heinf selections of the bet American snd F.iiropifsn ftiiita, all of which are gralted or iuocuUted, tud in beallhy, growin condition. , 1 aulldoUr- frs i seed eofMlilion, at any able distance frout IxiiiiL'ton, say 73 or 100 miles, (if 'Vuawuiit at waVrs wiU justify U.) f"f bicb I will Uiarirc the oaaat price of hauling. It will be well for llioae whs with to obtain trees, to et the Catalogue of the Nuneries, which contains prices, tnd will be sent gratis to ail applicant the Duetage being paid. Coinuiuuica. .... ttona will be promptly sttended to. . .. Direct ( Ltxmelon, N. C. ' ' CHARLES MOCK. VuVAVc NoUtc. Tm Snbarriber, ia eonfiaiity to recent instructions teeemid frwa the North Carolina Gold Mine Coro- Bany.ukes thi method to inlornt Ihose lnuerested, that Retainer iu amm kxind iresptMing upon ine iuiiow- nt; I rieta Land, btrlonging- to saw uwnpsny, siiut -IM-ia HawiJoa County, will be prosecuted socordinj tetbaatrict lottctof the Law. - JOHN WARD, Agent. A-wil 1. an, An, ill 1 - ; LATiS : Tract, Xo l-ronoiininr- 8 acres, lyir g oa the ha . mils branch. . : K v S eonuimng W teres, ry in J oa the w . tofaaf IU Flat Hwawa. . " 3-o-coBtaminf 3.H00 acnw, lyiea M Ijck em-k. l'lsttfwirf'tad sdkiii J5im, . 4-oiMUinia( 1.(WmI, !if oa Flat 8aap ti wniiiuiBf .WU tyiag oa uck .cms. 7 containing l,4l.lytnjon Flat rtwmap. . . B onUMif tMSSiyinf ea I .us creci . tt aontsiauiAT Ivwa on Lick trerk. ' " 1U aonummr 1.MI7 seres, lying oa Lick creek and Flat 8wnnn. f ' f oonUininir. 1.3TA Ivmg oh Licl ereek 12 eaoUioing 117, located on lonr milt Branch snd Jacob creek, adjoining the Lead mine. Wv Police i &H' . ffi TIME SiiWriber has oa hand. fcta. -J,. ' a J. and Kale, at bis Stio in Saliabury three brat rata RmU ItairoiM. lUCIiCK. t-DeermW 0,1830.. y V- , cw jatgaus. IAKKS reat leasure, l if inform Ins friend an.t ....I lk.. ..!!. ! 1.1 .i . ne ns receive I direct Irotn Uisrleston, 8. C, frtih typplg of Fiuifi and Groceries, srcit as "V" ORANOE3, LEMONS, RAISINS, FIGS, FRESH HONEY, FKKSU CRACKERS, CHEESE, OYSTERS, SARDINES,'" HERRING, '.' ' v CORDIALS. WINES, LIQUORS amo SEGABS, all of ibe beat qualitiea, and of the lateat imjxirtatioo. N. U.-.The above articles can be sold tt-ry low for Catk. : . ' "- " . Salisbury, Nov. 29,' 1939. ' tf. ' Xenr Winlrr Fashion for 1 840. no u c aiunia jwuf- RESPECTFULLY iiUlirms Ins frteiios and the publi'rv that h still carries on the T A ILOR. ING BUSINESS at his old stand ion tnainstreei, next door to tye Apothocarjr Store. lie is ever ready to execute the orders of his customers in- a atyle and manner dot aurpasscd by any workman In the western part of t Ue Slate. He ia in the re tular receipt of the latest Londiai and New-York FASHIONS, and prepared to accommodate the tastes of the lashionable at all times. fr Cutting Riirments of alf iiwls altcmtiMl lo promptly ; and (he latest r aaliioiia.rjrninlied at all times to couutry tailor, and instructions ft i von in cutting.. Salisbury, Jahi;t 1840. . rV aWonnv: Wucs Lr..J"H"w. w iiuie nuDscriucr lecpt eooauntiy on hand, a gener. al anortmast rf..-.i :.i ,n , '. READY MADE CLOTHING. 1 V.I ... . CirGentlmaea'a wear, eucn wCvf, PtnUlutxu, t3y t out, or gooq ; . . ii .aiwii i i nn.iii it . .ai W-w wal aaaBamiWM well made and fasliumable. lie w alto prepared to cut, and make clothin? la the atoat fatkionmbU mnd dmrablt rya, and Warranted to fit. Ha, alao, keeps a (rood at- sortment of CkMha, Caaimeree tnd Vestingt ot Uit first qualities, selected by hiineeff ia the New York Market, til of waiea he wil sell low for Cash. ' .,.N. B. lie sull continues-to teaeb the art of Cutting garments on the mmt approved pUnaof ttm beat I'sikx in !jew York snd Philadelphia. ; 03" Cutting for customers done oa the shortest no-tic-i and or Jen from a dwtance attended In with !e- spalh. OO" His shop-Will be found in Mr. Cows n't -Jargt brick bnildmg.-.--BK?(ir r.-rKALET, 8inburf;31ay ;i TAKEN IT AND COMMITTED, 0T1O the jail of 'Davidson County, on (he 30th of No- ' U TeiiitxY laat, i negro man Bo cans bis name JI M. He is about35 yeais of age, 6 feet 10 or 11 inches high, stoat made, has s down look I bad en a Kerais coat and panta, and cot too velvet, vest : says be waa purcbsaed in Franklin County, N. C. bv Ifowtin Si Ysney,and oa bis way South, wss persuaded to leave bte ry by aoma whit v maw, wto-ner aome eay-er two, begsn.to travel a dift!rent direction from what JIM expects ; Jim therefore, left him, and immediate ly surrendered biawcll to a. whita inan. . . i lxt--ower charge, and take bua away. . W. WOMACK, Jailor. -Jiitoti, J. CnJTember I I AVE on bawl, tnd intend keeping a supply of lbs 1 1 best Anchor Rlimn Rdltlnw niotha comprising all tba various Nut. used in tins region ot country Where sll who wit Uie srticle can be sop -plied in quantities to suit purchssers, tnd on fctaonible aw i siioa f M ' t - ., , U Wove Wire for Screens, Sifter, Jce., kept constant ly oo Innd. x HA LL & JOl INSON, , fOOT or WAS MOI ST. - Fayetteville, May 17, 1939. . tf i . 1- .- ' - - ' PI1E SubacriKer llvinr seven miles sooth of Palis- A bury, intends keeping constantly on band, Mar- LI I I . UI.U - - '- C TOMB STONKS, ' that he can execute iuj orrttTBsfliije, on lbs shorh-st notice. : , v ( , . , , '. . ALSO . , .. . He is ready to execute any anrk which mav be called for in SCULPTURING. HToNE-CUTTlNG. E.N- GRAVLN'G, 4U, and as aaturet thncn who tnty favor bint with their work, that unless well done according to contract, lie has no pay. A complete large Uairy I mogh tor sale, cut ot Hoc for the nurnoae of oreacrvinff mok cooL App'J to the Subscriber. "' ENOCH E PHILIJPa November I. 1H9. tf. , , Cotton Ficldnff- WHOSE who with to have their Ce'fea Pickri and 1 PmritJ m thf boat aotMble nisnner, and oa the thortest notice, will do weif IweeUee tha Uabaeriber, who ill bimaelf attend Deraonslly lo the ku.ioeus. ills .nutted on the Wilkeaburu' road, (Howard's Plants- in. 4 milee north weM of Sal.abnrv.-sod is ia rx. cellmt order, for receiting, PICKISO and MCtf- J. COTTO.Y. k ' Plieters and Merchants who will enteost their CoU November 29. 1WL If f ROM tha Subarnber, oo tha 6th inatant, near Greenborough, a large enrrol horse, 13 or 16 hands high, with a white streak in his forehesd, 13 yeara old next Spring, . and has been docked. Said bores vs been work ed regulsr, eonseqoenlly shows lha marka of bar- . neM. Any information eoneeming said horse, di rected to rue at Letinji'w, N. Carolina, or to my houae, S mites Kant of Lexington, will be think- fully received, and Isirly compensate it ikenn LOPP. J PccemnVrJJT. lfW.; ; , 4. 1 ia-.1 4&ldtA CONGRESSIONAL RCVOKTd. SECRET .RY OF THE TREASURY'S REPORT. Thia document is entirely too long for our co lumn, but its importHiice demands that a view as jeomnlelM aa nmuiUfv ha laLun rf itm , ' . 1 . VI'UIUIIIM . . I- . . . . i no expwiouurce oi ine past yenr, and estimates of revenue end expenditure for'tha next, we trans cribe in full. RrtfMtt and intent for ia9, txcUt'at'nf Tiu$l tni ' te PnM OJlct. ; , Tle balance in the Treasury on the 1st of January. 18.1'J, which could be OQnsitleoed available for eene- ral purjioies, wsa The receipts from customs, the drat three anartenv aa appearing on the : Rcfieter's books, are . ' , ... $193,599 50 This includes about two millions snd ...... ? thrce-fimrtlis, collected last year in , , . , Treaaury Notes, but not carried on , '' .: his hooka till 18JJ9. From ttus causa .? ! . the sctutl receipts ia this year, will,- " '. ': to that extent, appear larger llith Receipts from Isnds the first three quarters, including alao torrie coll , tied laat year ia Treasury Notes f 7 Miaccllsiieous receipts, 1 Estimated receipts b the fourth quar ter from sll those sources . " Receipts on some ot the rVbts sgainat Banks not avtilirble oa 1st Jsnutfy, 1KI9, but since psid, Frwn the third issue of Treasury , Nole binder the act of March 9, i63&v : 5,4I7.2S(1 31 V V-:... 5,700,000 001 K J ij2,m oo 3,W70 21 tfeff(217"8lT75 Ag-jrejule means, Expenditure, for l$39, rxrhuivt of ike Port Office Civil, foreign, snd miscellaiieous,- Military, for the first three qusrters, Naval, tor l lie firtt three quarteia, : Estimate for alU durmir the fourth 10,781.709 21 4,713,701 57 quarter. &,GOO,(00 0(1 unded debt for year, . r '. , 4 . 14,0oS IH 24.709 007 09 lUatawesjeAeTwaes brat tbiee aUartera. interest as we II as principal, , , 9,M,7j9 83 I lin includes two millioni and three fourtlis paid in for duties snd )snda laat year, but not earned on the Register t books till lecJ9. From tb caiiae the expenditure on that accoont will e fvmr larger by that amount Dun tbey actually have been within those quar ter. .. . Entimalnd amount of notes rodcci in Uie fourth qusrter,' . Ilii0,Oi"J 00 , ...Agirreirste payments; v. . , ,001,421 t2 . -i'i Leaving an available baUnee of money in ibe Treasury en tne amor ink ceuibcr, 1339, o( ?..-.-..t.,"..,r r lM34 93 tZianfiliqo EtlimaUvf the Recfiptt mni Etpeniituut for 1640. For reasons hereafter lo Be explained, the re ceipts into the Treasury, the ensuing year, cannot b estimated so higtr at in ledlf. From the best inrbrmition posaeseod by this Do partment, it is eomjiutcd iha,!, .j.Jie frBKfiT8?.,a,-o'. Ilieni, avaiinoio lur puuiic purpoaea, will uoi excecu i p,uuu,uvu, via v-irom- - . r" Cuatoms, ; . , ,.'' ''tX $i5,ono,ooo 00 lands, , s,rm,m oo M mewl la neons, lm'.00O""Ofl Add to these the bsliinwBvtinalilBintr" a'nhticable'U)"oihpr''Dori")i:s. wtiich avill-W m lb Trea ... -eury owHie brat of January,-tew, Ii0,w -tw The eflicient means in that year will then amount in thje aggregate, to IfCongreaashould makaappropnations 20,130,3!aDO , to the extent deaired by tlie diflerent i liepartmenta, tba expenditures for, . : 1S40, independent ot the redemption -' of Treasury Notes, sre etunet st 20,000,000 00 Incloding sll the Treasury Notes lobe ' -redeemed, the aggregate expendi ture would be about 22,750,000 00 - This would leave s deficit ia the Trea sury at tha clots of tba year, amounting to But there will be due from the United Ktates Bank in September next, oa ita fourth bond, aboart - The principal now due on the Trea surer's d-'pnailea in other Beaks, 2,533,015 00 2jyj0,fi78 00 wJiich suspended .specie pay in l37, la Shmild all Ibesa claim be collected ia 140, they would preveat t ieficien. cy, tnd Wave aa available kaltnca in tba Tratury of nearly 1,119,904 00 It ia not, however,' considered prudent la Hy exclusively on tha collection of thews debts. , " Oiie mode, llien7of HSviaifng any difuculiy frm that rirctimstsnce, will be lo reduce the sggrreate yyppfjjjpy poaipoouig some and leteening others, so that the meant probably avad able, will be sufficient lo meet atl callt upon the Trexaury, and leave ia it an average balance (A about two millions. ft is believed, 41 ir 'ressons ertmie ra jd heeeaftir, thai such a reduction is poaubla vhout eenlial injury lo any useful libject, and that thia balance is tba smallest wbitJt is adequate to secure prompti tude and good faith in public payments, so heavy in amount as ours, ao unexpected at times in tba a'aA or ttiera, ami to oo.pm.ea . territory, Jf ibe appropriations are oof ihus re- duced, it will be wiae to provide teasonalily in soma other wsy for lbs) amounts of Ibe conlingent doft- cC0Cy , aud of such a balance. V ' " " " partmenis, at to the sums of money proper for each, and which constitute the oasis ol tne eeii. mates submitted to Congress, the new appropria- tima required f r the next year wilt equal the sum of $19,290,000 S3 Vn i . - , Civd foreign iutorcourse and miaeet- . 4 tsaeous . $4,MIA44 19 Military services, pen- . aiona,iC, . 8,213,fUO 74 Naval temoe, .... 3,0bi.6l3 01 Beside fbese, the permanent appropriations, which, by existing laws and llie modification of them recommended, first become r.hargsabbv on the .Treaaury In 1840 ; amount lo fl,56 0O0. iTb'y jare, in the War 11,236,000 j in the Navy, 8310 000; and puUio il-U,10,tl(l ). The pri'iciul on Treaaury note f-iUing dje mill be about $,700,000 more. Tn apjir-tiaiimis already ma le and chsrg-al.le, Inch will remain uncalled for at Ibe end Of the ,re.iit jcar, are eitimated, by flip di;1rem departments, tl Ihu fur tlicr stun of f 11,87,371, t'uwgh that is conHt r ed by the undersigned as likely la be tbiui two millions loo small. Of these, they confute I'ni nearly $9,270,793 will be lequimd, ia or ler to ac complish the o!ij'cla rooteippbited I f tliem. t i proposed to apply-S3.OI4.7U to tba services of the ensuing year without re appropriation, and tin residue of about $S41,8u3,not bring required tn LjMi;t Ja..attttflin ia4o.4btjIWiIri Ota y etentW there, nrto n?rt; tn ti he: ' surplus fund. iMberefore lUlws, if all the neW rwd of peacr, to llie spemlihriH snd atiicitl.iT ooliev I . .-it . J r.- .M ak. .1.. . .1. t -r.ir... .. .... . " ' 1 1 j ' JI ' J"" IHir.l. I Vl IWI .1" , WfC W II l.tTT charge upon the Treasury in 1840 eiclueive of the Treasury notes outstanding, will amount at leatt to :i 1,1 52,1 08. of which, as previously ubserve4, it is computed tliat. tJ-'O.OOO.UOti will be extended within lint year dr ordinary purpMes, or Iwo millions and three fnirihs moro, including ibe 're demption of Tiwry ooie. Fimo these s"t meats, it mut be perceived Ibal our coadtiinn. in relation lo the oVpwie nf aw tner instalmenl ttl public money with the Sta'ea, remains much the same aa at the rbwo of Ibe year 163!. Crnstv queiuly, the views then expresaed by the Depart ment have continued to govern il enorsa. .' Tlie ex p-wis during lbs year, ending 8epL 30, 1S3U, sre computed to bava Hoen.. . ... , aViVUOa.Oftl ImporU, r"i 7 lj;A"vM T.iei furmir are greater lima those n IS 19, bv 89,872,30; the latter exceed lite iup.rts 4" thai lime by li92,350. From theae lartt the See retary draws tine very aouul coocl!ii.m ia reler ence lo I he caunti of Ibe comaierrial eiubarraa- entsnrftbe-rimetmtsmrrg-imirt aimi IWWI' ttHIWtWlnt 1'roin lb" same cause tos in part, be aminit.- tlie constuVralile reduciiori n the amount nf duties lor the year 1640, which isviMereuble on tlie fa ble above, period oi exrtaistve 'importation aid cim'cqueof prMS'irebnng; pieuy eruo to be fuL lowed by a roreesp-aiding dniiiuuiiio vt imp-irt, and Ibis he illustrates by reference la.eerl pe rtoda m 4at iuatiitTw promise Act will also diminish the duties about $300,000.. . , , ,. . - - . ... & conaiderabie reduction ia ine 'amount ol fe-1 ceipts from Ibe Public .Lands js alo atiticipited. The scarcity of money, the aiiraciioa of aa iat rnense amounl of labnr froia aen"' ," Pbi the moli-Jo or State lmprivemrnts,and tha fact, tljat a conaiJaralile mrtion of .the sales of the past year are to be attributed to the leinporsry' ell.r.t ot Ihq graduation law, are given at tlie ressoq uf llie low estimate of the reveuue froiiKtbis qusrter. The operation f Ibe Slate debts, demanding an f - annual paTtnent nut tsf'th countnr nt 19 or 13 millions for interest, and ibe stste improvements .1 (' employing armies of laburauia in coMMuiiiiig tatbar Jhm raiwug.cjnsjre.4K)jiej not asBMufbrr. and powerful cause of the anticipnted decTioe in intporta. Efdtmatum vf tke ttltmatrt s le e-rprnJuitrtt mnd of km Jvrther rtductum tm Meat, -Tha estimstee of expenditure' for ordinary pur poses in 1649 are in tlie aztfregajeaboul five mil lions' lees tfino wbst it is romputed will ba spent ia 1839. This great reduction has been pmpoard. . altboucU Uie.oxpjeoaesjrf lS31- wiil be wuiia it millions less than those of 1839, and those of ie.H - were somewliaj less than the expenses of the pre vious year. i,Doubl is exprested irf lbs "rPTl JrJ?,(!ef. Tm'si. .irr;duftitoa.migbtJiol well go oa aiid lb wiHmrT'wxBrTrdiTnres '(trifle tJrt miniahed to 10 or 17 mtoVnia. ' A tax of t dollar 1 ood quarter Aheadl U Jtwt indrr.d it great burtbiVa compared with Ibe amount paid in other count rant. put the people in this couutry are bestdes oblignd to support their State Govcmrre rH, and finally is not a question with them how much taxation ;they ran. bear, but with how little- all tjiejw and valuable enda of a rrpublicaa G-emmTit can be attained. , The expeodiiuree of 17 or 19 niilliod a year would oot o .w be greater ia pniiiion lo the population sni wealth f Ihecn-mtry, iban that of Ibe first right yeara of I he Cnufedoracy, but even this, it ia well observed, is no teat, unit as it can ba shown from the items themselves that aucb expenditure is neceaaary. The increase in the el penset of the G ivernmenl from its origin, haa been very unequal, sometiiSKe remaioing nearly alaliow sry fir several yesri, and then sud lenly branching out to new objects or aa increaacd ou'Jay on old The expenditures nominally Connected with for Sign intercourse have increawd l.'aat. Tlie civil and miscellaneous c liar res continue comparatively moderate. But aeveral uf our bnavirst burdens. aucb u tha a .ry, the pensions, Indian disburse ments, and a class constating of light bouara, forii- ficatioaa, road end Joifteoaw oK-wi m (mrboes and rivers have aagaMHi'd vert brgeiy iie llie first eight yeava e twiia'iw'iilrjniiiefn have increased mora I ban 61 y folj. The arguments by which these several branches of expenditure were Mstified at their origta or mm larifement, are briefly reeuuutrd and comparisons are made jof their. relative increase at diuermt limes, from whence tba Secretary proceeds lo toe projier aubjects for the exercie of er.iony and the opportunities which will oecur Fr '"niiingx "pense. Ws q xila the paaage at iertjjih I ' "But ainre the laat date, thai elsa of expendi - AfcAA AaJAM, dflSxBbAaaAaWiBtajaBaBHMBWBSaBKsWSBiatabdBtBtBai ytwjsr -mMfwjiw I VI f s,'e a sisi j nai iuj a i not over five millions and a half in either 1437. 1639, or prubibly 1939, while our pmulation has advanced eij;h(y-ifir per cent or tnoro than double j thst rale. All can thus peeeaiv) where, wheit,; and in what, iji greatM"! ..inr.re.aset Lvi .uccurxad, lbs i hrTiicViife reaaoris, bother suifieienl or wber - wise, aseigned fr several of them, and the ample j united ; Bud eilhr is mora llisn threefold ns great opporttimty wbeth etH tr ftrteer retrench -fa ly enllertora and recetTWt, and smeral millions merits, i far as ihe public interests are snppoeed j more than by them, not only from 1789 to 1837, by Con grei lo require them, in any or all of these j but (Kim 1749 down lo llie present moment, large bunlent on lle publie Treavory. . j a s s a -a . As some encouragement to hope for a eoniinoed J On a careful review of tbes data it mut be obvi reduction ia several of ihem without injury lo any ous that in the absence of any pensl prchibition lo of the imimrtant estaMiaho-eots of the country, il -nae Ihe ptiblie money for piivaie purfmee, and of niay be observed that portHMis of Ihese iierns of e-, other al-ite securities agsitiat miacomluct, the pense, and several smaller ones, mut cease forev-, increased bes during some of the terms mentioned er with the temporary ceaon for them, sivl oth-j must have happened mora from Ilia strong lempta. era will not, when once comph-ied require raoenral ii-sis lo iniause the money, combined Willi ihe cs toon, if ever, 8orh are mtneroua spncul dona- lamiiiea iiicident In war, extraordinary expanainnB tines and grants, durable public huiyinga uf all snd coolracli-ma ia the currency, and great apecu kimls.dy docKt, improvetnotitf at navy yarJ. f-rts latmoi and couvuImoos in trade, tlmn frotq any pe- ar-wnaU mwl arms, rouila ami harbors Cfiiistrurted,' lvtructiuM in nvers rinovbJ.'ihn t.anufrfriure of wetijhis ,m?nire!. the amvey f ih6 const, much oft fie removal of.ibe loJinis, the i-xlinKuih. miit ol Indian , ri.i moj nt m ex(sm;, sinns, . It.it uplej.sut .s is the tsk of redul'tion, it mi) n't Ihhsj.hw myeasiry logy f.iritier, anil di. miiiHii a jrnnral rftvru'a w.ile r wiierwiae, the roniH.'niiioii in nil tifliocra, imiiI and military, enecmive, j n!n ii and levHilivo. It j, n-ly much belter to do tlii, ui f.ir'a llie oi!lic exiLi-n cms may require and juaiice sauojicm, limn lo rt- poee the J rrasory In binkrnpiry, by Coniimiitig to mike approorinliomi beyond llie enrtiiin'meana urn. nf efftling xierivsnenl loans lo defray oriliiiaro et- penditues. Peaee is the lime tn pay lather th-ui incur itebia, and it woulJ be aise for uny imti m even In hoar. I during pence rather than in borrow largely, and thus encuniber Will mora those e ner- T -bv gies4nd resnttrces which are imlurally crippled war. but wtiose vigor Is so conducive to its nurrpu." biet4ediseaiswidr permanent aalegirsrd under fluciualiooa in receipts and eipeiMlilurea," Tlie el complained of ariaea I "Mil the great inequalities in the receipts of dilll-r. ant years and ili(I-renl portions of I he veer, from fluctuate ma in trade, I he iij,lcn expnnsitms and con. t recti ins f ill.currriicyM'iilure uf crops, Ae, Ths eipeitditurea loo by reaaoo nf unfoiseen cm Hiigenciee are frequently thrown in very uneiiquuj. aitHii fa on dtOl'reut prrioda nf (lie year, adling ia ii iiwiainHneiiu ui iua otner rua. i u sti. tain itself against tltese complicated difTu-ultiiis the Treasury baa ao r source, and the Legislation of Congress ia earnestly invoked for that objoct. The remedy propused by llie Secretary mky be seen in ine i '?l'"'n3 i means lo make prompt payment, under all con. . ' ; lingenrii, and Ihua pmbicing the yery violitlioH of good faith en much to be depiecisied, will not lie -. ,;,;''. ,', ; iieresKsry toaaaken ilsgiisriiianslotheiirgeiiliin.. , . portanre of some sucb remcdisl proviaions; a pica- ' ufirHlntt: wbichi w.-tbw shsps of sw 'tweainwrit ' or larjie blaoea on hand, or authority given to, poslpiMie eertiim claea if aptiroiirialiim, when (ho revenue piovck inaulTicienf (or flie whole, or some power to borrow money, or iue,in interest, when 1 oecex4ry,drafitnrexciiequi bills, no financisl svir en many riuimeneoctMiniry nis oein.or canbe, . - . long aduiiiiMered with anfely and liorn " t " " int-wi vari'niv u3g'.nuuiia,a provinent mno lo be formed wbea any occasional or nccnlentul - surplus happens lo be in the Trt-ssury sen ma Hint to which .Mr. nmnHMiry m t inclines. -,. 7c mdaatr of kfwg the Public Money, rii " Ihi proprr guards again kisses.- A " , . . ; During the j)r'eiit year, the jwlilie money Jaa --- been kept in ttitv following manner.' Wlu-ro aiiiin. i .. ble lUnlts cliuld Isi iiblaltied, in cotif. rnniy In the l v act of June 23, ItiftfJ, il lis boen placed in Ilium.' ia general drpoaite. 'iVhcn swh could mil be nb '' laiued mm! the- aoiounls were likely- tc be -peima"""" nantly large, or were Dot anllerted by any public officer, tha money haa bfeapUced in Banks, in siecial depiMite, eitlier in the modified firm, as ex. plained la year, or nmfer pariihulsr stipulstiona in writing." In oilier juuaa. altera was smn'.l in smvmiit, or likely In be watiiml ymnVHiately for public use. it hat remained wil Jhnacliiig.-. rt ffllrawn fir." Only two banks sre nowamnloy. ed a general depositories, under the ncl of June, isaa , ' " "' - ' ' Thia system, which has been pursued. Is consid. frrdHN-bet, which i prnciiisiile'uiiit!,r..fxjiiiii2N , ... . lnw fwrt. -mthmit fiirrhe tetiidiitiniC'lil.tAlkin.Mu(. - Miiner tnia nor any other system can lie snre. lo V regard to s-ifety he) greatest, ilsnger is in the m9,KMaaa.L- ! tvue Khm puWie mneey for prrvatwpqrposes, " aa apprara from the fact thai the great loanes have happened at times alien thwleumtsiui'i wss crest. et. Tho only wsy lo avoid this danger is Id nnrkn Banks the rtrluai) agents isT tho Government in. -! Cil1itiH(;' Itee ping,' ond diNUutiii(:, il puliT.c iiioii. ey, with of course, the privilege uf umngil silh out real rami, and I bua pulling the Government in abcdule depenlaica on ibe good Conduct of llie-M maiitiitioo. To llus plan Ihsrs are iuiirsble objVctioos, mid it only remains, by efP-ctive legts. ., ialMMi, to ei.forre ihe safe keeping of llie publio mmiey by imlividual agents Ol ibe rnmpsrstive " aalely uf llie diflerMiit clusaes uf sgenls heretofore employed, and ihe vsrinus sources of low lo tho Government, the following interesting statistics sre Kivea: -. . . ,,... ' JThe largest amount of bw from each class, witb- in ine per kmi aescriDno, has b-en ny o'ptiiie odi- cers, eonwating of banks and inclu linj, as Ihe res olution requires, Ibe depreciation on wwh of Ibeir -notes as were taken for public dues. The lot by Ibis clsas, al Ibe lowest estimate, has exceeded six millions and a bslf of dollars; and adopting a com. putation made by a Committee nf the H-MJeof Rep. resentatrTea, in 1932,' would fqost Ibirij five mil."" liooa.' The next Urget amount uf los, as aarer fawrd and coii.putcd by the "proer "bureaus, bss"" been by disbursing officers, snd lit been a little under five lutlliooa. Arid the least luea his been by collecting officers, not mnch pxeMliiig two mil. bonaTbe aggregate of all lliese lus-e, Inking the loweal eatimste fr Itatiki, Issboul thirteen mil- lion-, tod a half. Il; in connexion with this tulijocf, were roosidoind the kmes in Collecting Ihe revenue lbyjhru'-pnyment of bood fur dulicauo-wliklt credit was given to merchants, something over scv. -' J eo snd a half millions of dollars ifitiH lie id;d in. million. The proportionate bwms by thorn rla ea have been thus: Thosa by tbe Banks snd by" the duty boml ammint lo more than two thirds of lha hobs. Tne linsea, either by the Banks stons i orjha liiavaaiils hotwleebme h 7 re riei 'n TffH rty s S 1 ffreat aa by both disbursing nnd colleelinir nllicers X ... -J .'-

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