rstnitrrTn. To Th8 iru Ai. foMVMT1 Ua ,4, fWJ?i austi.n w c. f. I-isiii:it, I.ililom anil Proprietors. SALISBURYI. C, JANUARY 21, liUO. xxxil ur uu xx. SBiauiaaeas3 inirwiniiui . i r.i iw int. i.iiiMiMiilK hi TH E COX sriTTTlO.Y. trms or the wr.TBt CARnusi.tx. t,8 Western l"niiinio M published every Fal ' at Twt t'IIr" pr nnirm it paid in sdvamr, or f ljiUr Rod l itty tenia if uul paid btfofti Uie jul.. ri three month. .'.' a paper will Im auconunucu nmu u arreaisge re pawl, aolvw at the discretion of the Editors ; sou tutar U ool'f7 l Editors of wtnti lo dMCuolinu ,1 ths sod of R jen. will be conttUcred aa a new til prnmeaU , . - A,h-rlin' will fee' csnapiconsaly Snd correct ly oe,uJ, . df" lVr sure ail) rata, or -Irra fcf of 1,1 sited HP"-) tl lirvl. insertion, ,nd A t each continuance. . Court and Judicial fuaaaarni wtll b charged U5 P"r crnt more Mian lataVx prices, A tfwhwtion ut 3a per cent from lac repjt" price will tie maJe.lo yuarly ueuira. Jldiertsartnent "it in lor pdbtiraiimi, iiiiihI have ttic pother at time marked oil llx-tn, ih? they will be nutr tij till jrUl, and cliarnl for sccfiliii;lyv . ' Ltttrrt' dilresiwd lo ibe IXiitura cnHtia.ncsR muat be M . Of IT? Will IKK W9 BlHMltlllU ID. SILK WORM EGGS. gpHE SuUyriUef alkra (or Rate.. Rt 53 cct'iiR pot 1 ibiuBi. very quantity of fc'ilkworin T.rk carefully rawed by herself ttnd in a good t ' - . ante of preservation. ' iHAKIII.l t. ruu.U3. mm k V. w r x . . . .. . Sali-bury, Jan. 17, 1810. i'-" "." "" r 55 1 OliN C. rAUJEIl, l.s anothor RJ Dew Rupply of iruld and aitvcr Lercr Watches, ma and jveyi. urran rmn, Kuic,iivcr Butler Knivra, ir k. Prncila, (paU-nt and plain,) loolli Picka, Fob Clmiiid, Swttaclca and rairaWea. U'I and Gill Fob Chain and Keva. " Ala""R ' ami iarge anawlnwnl 4 JUaura, fntkelaoc pen-kniTe, by Uillcrciil Mannlacinrera, Willi oar articles iwnrally kept by Jeweler, Htd whicli wrll ie add rery low lor ttuk, or only aix, tnontlii c rid it, a t kr which t"BB, interoat wilt bfl charged, " 7 ' Work tbae faithfully and ponctunlly, - , feWwt, Jl il&m;,asist Great AVcisteni iStagc Lino, Jty IJiALlVBUR r JO ASUVILLE, X C. .' ATTagcmct tor 1840.- TIIE aWo Uiie ia wiw in fuft nperniion, nhd r nre al.aiMl dprta from Salislmry on fullii Lne S4Jibry Ton MmwIuvh, Tliur;tfly, mdJ 5ftirtUv, at. 5 o'clock, A M. and arrives at ;U-rWAhlli--AImdiyiTlwriKf aVMawt tMlurilatRi at -ft-wVlorh; Ai M.fliritl r- riVe at Salul'ry ntt daya at ft o'chick, P. M. . ' A. HI'ZVVII, . K, W, LON(i. N. B. Prtenym leaving Hiileijih, N. C, for lkabill, 'IWrtiiiee. will find no delxv whatever this route. -. A. U. at K. , L. SalieWy, K." Cm Jm. 3. 1540. 7 tf 'PUEiravellin croa-nnntly aru reapeetfuHy inlorm' X ed that Ute KoWriber m now running hi linedi SUlabory, ia uall iNorthern matie Laac 01 uio nro order; lea v in Knh igh or llotid'y nd Thurvrlay at 111 A..aL,myiiy in fSRitetntry jjixt iiyr at wr.ti. Lnvia; Salioury 'onTamlsyeand Fnrtavli A. M., wrrvai ia Ri'eich next daa at 10 P. M. J Ut aaraa ar gnod, and driviira nartiiriilarly. lad aeeomtnrtlal.ttjf. H , JDEL ,Vcl.r..M raw - - ; ,u . J. R Seal aecored at the Manama Hotel. usucss. Spths SuVcrihcr kfep constantly on hnd, a getter- al aeaurtiuenl of '- - - -:';' READY" MADE CLOTHING, fcr Centlemon's wear.auch a Cos, J'sntaloo, and feat, of ginl Goods, ell matte and fashionable.'' Ho is nUt prepared to cut. tad atare!olliiii2 in the wl fuhtatitt tna sarawr h. and !.rrttted toJt. lie. l. keeps R ffood s Xrtif'ora CCltiai CfdSiuii tf ni VesttnjsotrhcfiW 1 . .-.:.'.-' , . : .L M. V 1. U..l,l fnal'l-. ai'lrrTiio nt linmrit iumi:.n:miiflwH U of woicihe will t'll low for Cash. . X R II. iill nMiti,iiie to teach titer art of CiiHinjf 'tlrnt'eniton IW in.1 aiijitoTC-f ptiarof thetwstTtiloT Sew York snd Plntudelplit. KT Cuttioj for ciututuor done on the lwrret no-fo- an t U. tnuo a" dwtanee atleiidtid to with de-' Um I.mi wiH be Cwiid Iti Mr. Cou'i b-re bnck building. . BEN J. . FR.M.EY. Salabury.-Mayiim. xt " rpiIZ SuUscriber livnti seven miitt, th of SuII- bttry, intend ke'ping con!tnlly 00 band, .Mar- Mnd Granite SUb t-Jip-ceelj Pr ' ' " mmtn t'It tkit b can execute say orJtr in Hi it Lin', on tlie "wieat notice . - - T b reads to evoeute anv work wliMi tnnv n cntled is sit.'CUM UaiNU, STOS E-tyCTTrNll, EN RYIXU, .o ami hs airej th-we who m'f laror '"with their w.xk.lhat unlew well done scenrding ontrc, be bas'sn py. ' " A njDlH larrs linn Trmnrli lot K ut "f Rock, 5 r'no U preserving milk cool. Apply ta the ENOCH E. PHILLIPS. ; I VERY Riiierir holi-laikd Nnrlh. K-'Vem Horse, rrf.!rlltr amindkin-l gAjL-rl f',", single and double uRness, 1 1 - -'h. ""Rnd R fast trRveller, F-raslebT C. II. V HEELER.- Ir-'jary.JanIT, 110. .' r I Wlio better Litdeurel I WOO'LO rol'er die reading public to ibe anwerouA - roluiitary lettet sulihed recently ia tdw paper and in the Good imr.ln, retau tiu mm and avficwl ehVct of Die aduiauraiuo of JuOrFAr S UFK I1LLS am 1'UKMX niTTrcs TtKine wuo btVtt perused tue inter imt rrnmrvd b. Wtli oOatma Utat w aliwat every cae iWy, mlivnt tin fdot, llut no mcrtiveuiciiee of any autt tieia Lie ! kiu; ot Ihwa nieUcinea, in oniteir. cimi. atl XhM the fntient, wilouul teolnij Uieir epertlxav. t ua.remij M in a lroner and belief ui f latitat ibaat mt expurieocMi previoaU being aliUied wilii awae; uui in all umm ut acul aulil riujj, real tvit m vRw Uinod iu a few txwm, aod a cura a pieailj euWrd lu iwa w iure . -, In C4a of FiiVEHof ewra oWnutka. aad a!i biluxia aifeitioui M i uoecry Umetamj a;ht. ; 3TXO the J.i) d OatidMi Courtly, on th 30th of No r believe U,e Lf rfi MUHCI.MU'tR a R.rr.( il amniier W. a Begro ataa who oil hia name JIM. anlly ad unit. -d In! toe ami epeedy aial HuJ cm H aboot 35 yeata of ;, S fm 10 or 11 inchea xtiut in ail djn-anut tlut ckM. ; The LIFE MEDIUMS rlief ir. RffertMiif of ti Ijrer and Bsweln, aa baa twrehad FrRklin.C.nty, X Ci, by DowtiR Ac bi en proved ia Itundred of owe m brit paUuif We j Yaacy.andoabia way South, waa pentuaded to leave tit eonte lurward and rvuetod Uut eAa"riece ia anacr, by ma wlitt man, who aft-r anme day or , takinj UieiiimigUbepuWiUfcuUnmililier!txap9 lo travel, a diflrent direction Inw What lit ll.oir opernttou ia aucb caaea, lej leaturw Ibe tucit Jl II exorli; J,m therefore, hf hiimaod immediate- 4 ..IhR ..StoinRcbj aiuieiijjtbMi lt dit oracl, aadiMy axmeiiderea! hiowett to f white mnv Tho owucr iQi igonne i lie jp nerw iuocKuotui iwtut at, aa4 . thna beoiHoo U bob acxe (i U-rj are awrtecUy adapted lo cb) mm wvatvijsQ Bscana ot twteatio' f dieaeand reatormj. beatla. . h In anccttonatal lite tauad, wbetber Rtcomfajmcal witti" Kpa.Q and gidJiue, ot Kuirfcnl by Um giurtoak calaat. t V uf Itmuirtii utfmi.l MMin in ru 'jwll jk. .4' ihj . i, ' 1 ,rt, flHuleet k W appctde and amf U, aad ine inulliplied yi!ii4uiu of 4mtt4 fiigrKMtu, THE UFu AlEUKXVtUi will be iUiad lo bum Ue BKt aaliitary eflicacy. ..--.,.;,,.... . CoiiituU.m relaxed, !yfJ, i mca or women, "are ndn lie uu'Uwii.aie luiiMttcc id" TUE euinpiite.lMbiia are auoa iIicid and apnsiily eared. Poverty of blood, and emaciated liaib wiii ere k met llie bsppHwt change ; Ute chill watery Cuai will become rich and Ulmuiic, aod Ue l.iuU be covered with fleah, firm aiVJ boaiUiy. ffll .Il.S Mr.i R.TI fluil IraiRi tJ riinlinvj Rtr&rt ' treuioura wlncuao, drcadlu'lr ativct lo weak, tiie e- m.bimb jt, mwit RAian uvin.a j aa t rir ji wvtt a vi aw- 9 . eawded by cheerful aa, tpd r preaje fcahkvw 1 dentary, aod Uie dflut'iB, ill in a abort bioe be :' Fur weakneaa, &exMcf 01 xuu -a0adir aas n-liixalionol tlie veaaela, by U jjet4 lodaleoce of the pjwioiui, this taedicuie ia cctlaiu, and aa- valuHlile remedy. vjc-eRIt wW;.fc-.iaT Iia4i4;,a:.-M..fcliajilai ad -Rte languid aod rolaled la tura wtMe ayeto, aa take TUB LIFE MEDICINES with the bapox-H et-f-cU; and pvraon reiiKnintr to the Houthefa Ktale or Weal Indie cannot More a auoie iaiporuut ankle of IIUH1UI aiKI III. - ; ....Xlt f iiJo ing easefare aniorj the nK teeenl curea eflectmi, and gralelully acluMalo)1 the pfmmi benrbuadt : . .. - ,. Ce nt Jcub . Hunt, Sew WiwaW, Orange Couuty.N. V.-7A dreadful tuoorderoj'e4h!arfjW 1 wholu of hi fce, uom and jaw. - KUperieaced niick rHirt from tlie eneof toe Ife SkMtcinra, ad ia le , than three months wa entirely cured. Caw rrywrted. Willi a woo-1 ensravm m a new pioipulct aw ia pre? " i:jm: or liioa. I'urctu, aeaxssc yean 01 a;e vrj tiwlv cured br iktriti? 41 uiU in 3 weeka. . Case of Jik( laullouAbdeei,0!iio rhenmalMB Ha year w entirely cured baa aaod Um LIFE ilE-DIClNE-i fur Worm ia chu4m and iUnad U.i a ...auvereign remedy. ...?; Caae of Lewi Autin periodical iek kwiaehe al - way r-liwed by a mm il doae ao entirely fieetroa it '. Caae of Ad'in Ataca catred 01' a ant aaertevata and ' otUnaie dvpepia.aiMl STOt .d-li'yjrIl.Zl ikC0f..Aib rti'.aai. iVmdaucAJUw ibaaaaliaati ffraveU liver aSWclioo. aal fueral ocrraaj acbday. l" bud buna eii i aod fmn .waa raaawl tiraatjef. bed by lakn.g one box of ptil aod a bottle-of kilter r niodt extraordinary cure ah k now a tery heaitby tVse ot !rs rUdgwitenr Joarpi Bx?" ' aimtlir tn a hove - rroolt the same. 1 Caettj .-Susau lirlant. a yojiif .an avTisd sm man uh)'-ci to ill health several yvaea a wiwlleoanr nf lha Life .Mediciuaa entirely restored her is aaw fcRlc RtuJ basltny. - Cass of Uim TbiiiaM, daagntrr of Di Tboma con s h and aymptouM of coonumpiwo cured ia fctw wwk. Her siMer cares or s seters stisca u tt-iMia- uSXfitff' rBnfaTlaHla-tRr wh t f ? " lot fever in tew dvby "r Jdedietoes. . Cate of Harriet f wngood. Salma, N. t. waa ia R very lo suis of twalUi a year and a U'J did sxies poct to recover. - MiaaT. aowsbietovrttbsbjMlsad is rapidly recovering hulk boallHaad r reset b. 1 Case of tk-njamtn J, Toclirr severe ca -nf Tenr and A sue cured ia a very auurt afwca U lia. V rectiotui ftJlowvd wnclly. 'jttv ef Amos l)avi-sllitma of the Leer after trying doctors' remedies ia sain ( a bmjr tiaae, was cured br the Life Medicmee without trnewe. . Estrwdinary caae ot Lymaa Prsti. who wasafll- l with fhtniMC l years effjeted a perti cars ' 21 hour by the use of the Lite Jdediciiies. Thonsan ls ot peer afH-cted ia like , have, bv . iiHlieioo a-of MOFFAT LIFE TILLS ad tHRXiX. Hi f fifiA 5atimai !, tWP .f RlLU be tmter see the tsate and smell, gently srnrge tae ae aw" mach, Rnd five that proper tatwtty wnteas gmm IW Tetrtwew-As mwtkmf aw. atsftad Jo -"tw restimw. help nd nourish the cowutatwn, an inei-e a more ftfcoerally ac8or)edin to be peco;iar?y effica- " eiou in all inwaid wmmr. lo spneiwe, BBtpes- Two, A pfiSSflWt of ipiria; tresnbting or sawkvejr mf tb hand snd limbs, cbaUoita cooffn, .jrur ... ... ...iiiint i lkfthita. " v. v.-..-...,-..--- . r-rvouflurocr, n j. m. " , . Bndl..wtpH-lts,dintesol fft.t.5n uw,-bW landerm of llis miud. t.por and awlanchnJy.snd all TiTui)rTi5Tc-coriTp!lim l gTJ'' T '''" VJ their . la sickaa of Ibe stcsnsca, ..hutrucUona, Ihey re ale and sowefful. and s R purl- ficr ot the Uiey nate '' Tor SiTITf,.ill M Li-ri'rst-t' Modal s "Isoau tMaBanun, a rrencLGenB.n,.nd Sai o. C br Jnm.V?Zlmtr.i? Ail mm Mid tettrrR will immrdniRti- x Prepwredandaddlif WI1.1JA.M B. MOFr AT,3J Xr.r,-dw.v.Ne York. A Jibfal dtdwKsa satds thtrn who purchase tn aril again.. , Agmlt -The Life Nedicoe ay ""7" oft m prineipRl DwsrgisistsRvary Mabr nf John M.dratVrgM1nrr - l..r Us of Bitter or box of Fill. - Tktilrr MtJirimn awy e liirf'Cttn V Bestr. tf lhii fors, Agemttfor fir Prmpnt"' S S.IB.Ks7,Jae.3,ls10. - The I..IS Medtenre. i "7 or hkki. snd for 15.S47 d.s DOLTIN(VCL0THS. I AVE m baud, and inf-nd kWpiiig tupp, cf the Anchor Stamp Bolting doth, coma tio; ail tna wuioo No ed in tin region ot owajtry.Win albwho wwn the article can bo atin. piwa m jii;itilwa k autt pureltasera, kud wo rvaaouable term. . . . . , 'auto . oR Kt Screera, Sificm, &e,( kpt eonntant ly-ow-baad. 1ULL at JOII.NSON, ' ' 'WW r BRtajoilRT.'- rayettMilk, May 17, 1839. f TAKEN IT AND COMMITTED. i biti, .'it nude, baa a down look ; had uu heraia m- tvpnni to come lorward. Drove nroDcrtv. Ml charge, and lake him away, i AjrimeioR, . u urcember ft. lsaft tt. SB .yfttpwrhjt end Im i Lift The Newbury- r"''t Hi fdT JX'MUtlwr 21, Ljiuu tW fulloW. my melancholy ;tlet , ,.. J . - ):aeof ill rhM melancWy hipwreck 'which he occurred on this eonat aiitce lha lo. never! yeart iiJ ihm brg f rw, f Sateiri, txt IViiern I'imM, Cap Ann, look pVe on Plum Inland, Mod etwjr arwrntiy,- 83d itm.-" ftof t!v1il, t1 " liiu Hrown,at Im hotel, tli-overed the wreck of a rarl, dmrtated, on a reef Which lie aUnri 130 yard from the beach, Rnd oearK talf R mile enat of th hotel. From lha paner. trunk and fr Catk, which Railed from Cadia the latfar pail of October, for ibis port. ; VVben frt diacovWd. we -h . . . - Ii ,t 1 Bit. 'a t,eo fo rh' laffuo, utiily or quite naked Rnd Rpp real ly dead, Rod two clinging to the howaprii. la Rhort liana, and before the intelligence had reached loan, the weather beina an thick that ro ignnUi frwti rbe fchnil cwild e '''atMii;m'1me''''rriRii;'iD8'. he clinginjr to the bowiprit, ramoiued. The tra mend.Mja sea running, rendered it impnaaibln tget any aaMtataoee to the only aurvivor nf this ill-faled rretr; who maintained hi position foC aotiin hour (havinf It onee and regained it, in aijrhl ofj uaaay people as laa beacn, who had no pnwtr lo relieve bint, antil lie waa Rwept into Utc aur( a ae eood lima, and was area no more. - - V .- When aha came into the bay, and whether Ihoae m hoard knew her position durinc rhe gute 2 wlie. thrr I he majority of litem were awent tiff together, r one by one. beirar overpowered by the intcnoitv oT lha cold and lha violence of the ea will never ba kaowa as wot on U th twelve oe-thtrteetr sls;r3a"d;,1;fe beart-ren-Iinir indeed, that the toil-worn niariner, after bealine about on a atormy const for tunny dsya,,ahouid U wrecked Rnd periah within sight of tne Rtnone Rscenxling irora tit, own heart o Bcekriart.K propositios bos liesn in) rod uc ad ia th-t Senate of AhtbsmR to 1st sit BBcheJofs irt bwi6rat,-nf The nf lenlyfive yenrsTiive dot- bra and hva dollars a yesr tor each and every yv?ar ever thai v.The E.Utof lha.Tasloi,, a FUg of the Union, alluding to ide auhjecl, says This is perfectly right j all luxuries should bn isied, and there is nut vu, a plausihla r "! be rdterrd Wbjr-tmrt of nsrlietnrtsta ' should bn e empsed, t. r. if the taxation should become general thMMgbetifthw t'frtnflrtmTlf iTRhnWd b1Wf Jigl ta Aiahama alon, the rnqlenctt:WmiTiJ bfl to prrvrnt foreign compsiition and f! Ihe sake r law uncle Ladies therefore, oot out own, wo pro test against too n-snur. , ; " . The' k-"'n is l lie bent rut at the prevalent pafl of q iack Doctors showing the otilieartKof sirfwrs of their own eeatruiris, that ws have ever THE EIGHTH WOXDER OF THE WORLD. Tie Pmatm of lAf.- Dr. Colossus lakes Iranairfniaui deliahl m heirNf able at this impor unt jiiocUr in I tin hi.lorv of medicinal ; Rt R cri sis w bra q utcls are prowling and preying over the country, sd'ninistenrg their dclefenous nostrum to lha creduhsia, niblniig lha tgnorsnt Rnd hum. buggtble nf their receipts, Rnd kilting oil poor hu manity avtrersptdly tbas) sword, pestilence, famine or iB'emperance ; he is nwt tmncenrtnuy nap py at such r crisis in snnminci to Ihe sfllicled, III NModerful ttl l.R oJL Jjis pin!.Ml Wmpucl IhR I'tmatvm tf Lift. . . lft Composition. The Pomatum nf Life, or Re- aorsectmn Grra!e" is R cbnipound nf equal parts of tba oVjaue omceniraieti extract 01 buzMin lai ana live reclined qriint essenra of skutta; ml, tntrrmin. gled with highly precipitated decoction of bed bugs' lard, to girt ta R;recab5e perfume of purely vege. table htaire. . It Tirimtt hj Rn onfniting remedy fir rvery . . j . M ,k nsw e"c w. , ..... - - m " , dwease. to spR' will tneel all poniin- .gyScM lTin-JSif ymrw. Orittcnlt. To Dr. Colosswa : Totr Bnsurrec. inn (in-, or .Life PoDialuio, I tried this Hnot- m? oa a sk'Teiim in my office j I gave Ihe frame rrr:;?.-.-r-i-wTr;rftrt'rf-nnmlwm. luied. UlW.a.S Will mOUta-.l.llliWiMVUa tt)fi4. .... bUmkrts.snd hid it nut in the mnntwliitv- iiwfift; --''" - f - r . ' t How t-hr ol to, I- tl.R,. i duW , - pTiWly. ... . TH05IAR BtsAOtla. ( I arts born tt rnle,w R rrw w-hoiil marnt said j sru-n Ii bruoht I hat irWlrtiment down on rDr-jbaca , . - , ,, , , - , . ' . ,. . - I - '". j'-a-"' 6 " the srhtng loota. , . 1 To H which I hereby H nty hsnd Rnd scnl as ttte fellow said when be bunded the ot.ier fellow' eje what told Lira lie was l'tr. CONUHESIOXAL II CPORT5. REPORT OF HE tiECftETART UF W AH. Tin 1 R very RuTe and full Repurt d iW condi tiiMird' the H'sr lnurt(tit.iit. y Tlie h d tb Secretary ore prenmitnd with ck art, and riue that hi oCicutl ujwrviuu baa been dJiriai and iniellitHit. . The army has boeo 0 active aty during tl year, in Florida, and ou Uio IVeatrra, Noruaors, and mar it line frontiers. Great advantage baa ac crued from the ay stem of keeping the troutai oi lected in niaee Irom the caiitp of. tAMructaua at Trenton, and the c(Micen(riu t the rt-fuuewuien some ol'the frontier pots. An increae uf couipa ny officer is renouiimtudod, and raaclineat U irt vent tho enlist inrnt of idtproper rocruit. Aniirotui itiotis are caliod for to tauimac tifyinar the millet of La U Champlam, and storks Bear l orl Covington, black KucJt, and, IMroat ' and to coittplcte other workl now ta brWwsa -1 tho Noriliern frontier. Also, fr cm.piettn? th rlta,'rf l chain of 1 oi alotyj the U esbrra tVusHaar, Wm. ' -r'lrf arwur; ruv ituj i.iotm iniponattl daily from the leawsai hiitUer " "" f" faUtautw, wuai' anemia "ol theSemiiwiesRisiCiitroket " ' Jswsw fa!wssjtw8r--- The defences of the maritime frooiier Isie hr" ' a r'- l 'blt Senaia : clostly eiaitiined, and Anmd yery iustk-quatc. Sr !tilw nns hs navv vard and chief nltrwirc .1 -TLm " ""T1. srhe ssmftirw ntttrt aat flunila. oflloston will be sccuird by the capk.i sf tW, TmU aVwn witli Wffrinl f works iigtrognsw tltersi. An addition to iWe artr' 1 f"1 "' m awtUont b Newjmrl ts racowmanihiiiV-. PurtauMiwUs fauMatee-l W Khmsaml nw k, New Ynrk. PbiladelphtR, nalliewsw, Charles -wsiaruiwsswraa arrow wbtsstmlt sv ton, Bavamuh, and the port of Ibe Gulf r aUl'1 W5Jf'Jiiwnwmiuv iiiiutTicienlly protected. Full details will be rtsra" m ktai-j Ttmm- w-wv ia a pmpMi Us ill a rrporl ordered fey the ti.nta. Tb Policy f!,m ftU axl n wkm or myr tilenk .- orKRiuiing ut the ricinity of the lurta a ulut-rr j 1" p W mV " '-f rrrttdv,KWird-OT--inrnier wpcrtavw -35a .!?. ! EiW .. ' and plan is submitted for Ibe .wgaaisatioa 4 tbt-l w- l ot militia t the United Pistes. Ut otiote bt tt'T"7 "-pnf nr to lanmiags .if the Report on this subject, . W mm " R-- it ! (ft " MoriJa alLUrai : - . ' ' , iswsaf tto wnsnra tfaamer ismiins is"irprw -nrht Ruiktarv Mtriet.ftd to Vanaskia.' in each d.inct. ao a. lo bave a bods ul tslsrl'T SR-sw. m rmnt mttiummd ihimsand Uv hundred mea in acuta smic, and , Riiothrr pf ,qui uiumw .as ITils aisalil stvn Rrutod uulilt foit of lw bawueed lito. sand men, so drilled and stslianed as ta be ready to take their blaces in tlie rst.ka u defeaca of tba -TepeHt tnoVf;Tht tf f rrxfutt Vfcfsf?" be from twenty to thirty seven. The wliuie arm uT' of setvice ta ba eigll yesrs, ttaur jears ft the first 'T' class and lour in lbs reserve. Ooa fuarUi fart, twenty.five thonssna men, to leave tfee sen tee ewe-: ry year, jtsasing, at lha cncluon of tba rt term, .iiito the rnaerve, aiMTexeuiid lr-m rdiua ry militia duty slloether at lba and oftba amubd. lo this manner twenty 6va llxiuMud anra w ill be , dicharged from aliilitta duly rvery jeer, and ly ftve tlou-nd freib wrrai.R be rrre,ed r.t. 037 TzT -J7,,-,f '"' Rervica. It will be'w.flkiem for r sWut iwr. j T-"" , poses thai lha of Ibe milit aUrr. TTTr4 W"'M't,tW ro,hd sjncHLf'JJiHsffl HyWvaV;flfl lA )t M7m3iyetmff tiwataiaairiy ib frbawat ssstU of thn militia will pass through Ktt brat and satousid 1 , , classes, and bs either aieitiher of the arttva cons. j N or ot the reserve, or coentcd among tba rfcesnpts, whu Will be tiabki to be railed wpo) tsMy a fiiry md of invasion or eminent nnriL 11m rnaunrr sf w roliDent, the number of days nf aervva, assi ibe rale of ronipenaaiion ought to be fixed by law : W .huhe -details bad bstir b left atrbyart tn Mulaiii, t plan of which I am preps rod to ax. bout ta yuat. Jtra bsvin expressed adewre that ss 'teiript snouldle niads'io 'te'fmiiiaia't'ne '' , Florida bv pacific mesnures. and ar4trrairiaed a r-JafW-W jn!!l-'y JVtJluu iwrpoae, Uiw.JJiyarlaisait, ariy w Ibe gyring. oVarWtf beTjd comb lo 0111 R commatucatHaR with tba lodtatn and, f amiMtbset treat wrtkt tbeitt"-! suciaa-d ed with difficulty in obtaining aa interview w-ufc some of lbs chief and bead turn, and snadr as srTaiueineot which it was hoped snigbt pat a swap 10 this hmg protrdctM war. - Ita only n-auH. hews ever baa been, the kiss of mst.r swloable lives. Ou-paUtnll a saenCeetw their rtsifuietaic ia ha good fsiih snd piouuxw of tba la-bsaa, m! were cniritpprd atid murdered sua all llie o stancrw id crtx lly and irescbery winch dimu1i . IJ t n i . . ft. .. ... . . . ' - inaian waiiare. vompnana,aa ine rtonos loaisas s re of lite remits ill of iiibes that bave tske r fuge there nd acknowledging ii cnmmrw head, mm treaty stipulations that Rre M mnucU nmi ty t tl Rnd rvery Iribeean be regsrded as bwtdmg ; vrit Ihe government consider the con itry pac.bed anv lil there has been a general sobtrai of all Ibe chief of the vsHoua tribes of lWiaae wVlMi..g ; rBrmml)maltyum, 1ttr Stnrg am tt.tli.n.rtta n 1 the pemtwul. Thm eTpertenra of lbs kw 9ar ,1 iy mmi Bs nt nlt bringa with it llie psinloL corrvtcti-a tltst tb war 1MM lym .. Cmrmm mm Htm manner af must be prosecuted until Florida is freed frota linear 1 efadarfv-g mrntm wu :, ruthleas aavRgea, lite hie trflvtrossi and eia' iu tltgU swryvsaf TcmpW ' conduct is loo generally known In reootre a Tj,,! r.ii in an T1s 11 hum h qui um , " "-""'S o men Rt is CRTcnuiea ta ot-privs Tbem U ll .) n,-sn.y of lha hum no, Rnd lo convince lbs most prwceav bla otLHa tarxesw'y taf.subdui.ui iJue by Ww,,,,,., aSebwai st? immmrc W Hh this view tne regular forces bave been ag. 41, te autiprw sT Co rrrtm and f pHav mcnted in Florida BR much as lbs cirromatfsnres asrsss, ase qietl wavauwiai :i4wsnMctu of Ihs crwniry will permil, and orders buve Wsj fteewwi rtnvasriRttitwwiaf Jt aiiajira given lo chsnge,Tbr Ihe prrwnl lbs ilieatr H' vat ,! mrmmtmtrme as t twe .wmwatty afaoniw ration. Tba frequent murders 'commuted ra fw ,e.a-irf :lt an... u. !Vest and Middle Florid, show that there arc small bands of indutna lurking tUere, ad t astbe ,U. Jsaunw ta ttte jMiiklit aw Ba-tlin- army rsv delerminstHm nf the Iqwrtmerit, wtheCna fdar,l1wf. 1hM thw duamc lar Imhw wiiti a Bit la delnyr lo drive thcin from that portnm of lie tritrt l.p.,..,.. rvwn-svnryf jnvswwnt. entr get tf) ' 1K6 fWe Tia acmemrarTio-tt W cntarMs mm mwmmat. at m nmnw lo lha mean- time, the post on the itlsntw and Gulf Will bd owintiined, ia order to prutect passing IraJe, ia which rflort it is exported i : ' .' , , . , . Ulllieno rmnioyeq nn itki nm uavtr ana uimcp -fed to tua .D;p4ripcut...,. ,. 4 namwtewd ttuR swvbws mir tiw ntw direct tna ... , Until the operation of Ihe rampaipn wee ininrf rwntta vwti! br jnwwrm, !.irlt. mas- b ruple.d in the attempt to negoeisto 0 rib the tndtaan, Trstti-d es as to): rutuit smnicua 'i. i.i.u liiiivi nod , , thsy were eondurlsd with vigor and ability emdrr ra neratrw, assi tiisrt s Miip. auananu ha anjmtiitiuL that Roahsis and Indefatignble ftlTiw, Cngdi J Prom the T'ir: t -turn CimmiaauuwE uf fm , General Taylor, who accomplished all that could arnna, at apf ' munisac ttlf mvah.i pen be stpeot-d with lha very li suited enean at bat "was wis imityii' me nismwp 'I. dnnvnr thw command, spread out asthey were over aa rtee- Um i j earn. ltNivtfnli!fr.t'4:J.r. '.hs number of sive a hVId ofoperatinws. Thmogbnut rhe wbolr rtnralid mvnnets wa 7 KX. now vmmtnia t of this dissstrous war the officers Rod mes wred 43& Tin nwsvwt-w 't i.iiw anninstmLtn grene ' in it bsve en tiired faligua and privatioos, airknesa . wteawawt. x lbs faB&.'mra ant taes to wincit tU . S!)J suflfring. without a rmirnsar sT emp!tt. and tmop, Wsb nf lite w-tv mf'w.IiitnvaWsa bMt c. hsve, on all occRaionR, rxhihitcd the qutlrties if pn-d t5tmittiwrainrn;'-" f 'ninv" T"is num. kti-sve Rnl gnml soldiers. With untiring tasraeve- ratlCR Ihey bRVR opened rosds tbroagb lbs aaramps itt pursuit of lha enemy, tod whenetwr they ohJ u. WiK ttwc lm.ten.,t,,e and Mfwtin ; 'wa ,(,.5i-.t, ,v,n e htm im, Cf tW tMUKtNi ,1UH li.. llwue i l..i3"niiiwii.n , HnP '3,,,, aad Teffiiw - gtwfftsiiti-, ii nim womuwe autd aai-.jf mmn. ' VtUer. a a rjru. tar atanvror iluw t.m nunc, Q, ulgf &t tiane, ta ttrmm. 4w -iiliMrjpaeimia HtaTainMcc. Ued a (apni. ur. taB anil. av'Wf diifieult, tu caicat iiaat f, (He r!nwMe 4 antuiunui tbcia bnau4 u itoi.iau it,' liar iHttau at'if!uKt.iBi bod a a ul imt Jtmuam i a,-.. Imit Ran 4m i.mmett R ws k ana. and aaa imfcmM trMinarlwa tn"l,m nal, a-y,md iK, resnoe taew, t Hum rnmit snrri aa tliaa are, a aai a, 4ry-4w thowiwi J ,u,e wn"W- stiMinHtuu; tr pn,iM.m "" WbaitiaWiail! a auiiuMta, bmit ' ' an.. ))rmrmm,c i "T' Jb-rn r", ' f ai.a. f ittw 'T .va.w'as.".""! wan iiiiiisnissaR imt a ltrmuie'r u) utHnifMni' in, Mur atwin'n f 1 brr m-Bitimrm, awd tt slur mwHUallr MutHig: . !" ."mimu wnc " lcspwrjasaiaisad jaiaRih j4axs amd eBMtmap icnuiwa lav and - - Iwiws ave ntaiiMw)ia nauf mm swtt dwitms' ' Mtf sanr fautbm aastttUytw Heme arnTnmd bw war frlkm eMmm m HtnB raHsBt..fc. anntrars. - e aar jtast iwnriaiaa. ma mww whiv hnva , soaqtut-niiupa. BU anaamairt, mi smr Cmtral Btakaa abaaud Oinaaslliiaa awstwsB saw arfa at" viu Vflaoe wwoa tar piivaaaataar gsnnanrw sf aw Ttae. 1 ' aat jaetaas i awana,. (sssntnada i !br,w do w ' . . 1 - iij .an nw nfliaA.s it. -,n,. .- - - HaewrwR ww-Ttm, Tar 'mop i 'mm m flar 5unaaC ftncfrw rfio i'-sv : " twllessrw ssf Raw nai Wenw ajMitMturwdUlur nV eawiaao! snttw ifcasiauaaer sT swwmwmis. His- BaensX' ail of 4 swliaaid.wasnss)awew wrT yinpnmlnr smt V. af MSKic aOwass sa swam aw .inaw rvsehsr atunt h' SBvadtr sat aaJtpoHr auai ed)intw ttw anpenvsmumt of tba ariaaaiw ssaanrttaaaSUswiimsraatitw Rwluns; is vaaTf-iEviFtvand sasnnwasiii 111 an U afitia plmy of ntr Wnha ia HkhSi Bis? Imwtttarwf at tt)w iarKM callltte '.' ,llfc SaaitWiaHH'. jBgBfc4 Wsatttrti iitamw sefltrtj'thir' ('anftatrBiiv;.iit . .-'.That IJ nsrHiwasasiiaV Sfcisaiffwtsiis tw if!rnT7' inaiiiu d,--RTinJ'TBniWTint, jriintil"li'itJr'uiii,riiT(r 1st SBHrattmM-e 4a tiiaawftua havst Ww rartT-d aajaunili., Tae feaftiiera sweusw -4 "niat awuitsri auad. fawes ttst 1 tsttsr B.ian.iLwrr-v I B mile hn besw swastfiMnais Aansttur osublur atet.11 at Tl mtihrn, rum Ttmt Lnwaasrwnrnv Ms Vimawds C; arte, and WMunaWima mAim-)mm u iu ttur wnr SufVnof R'W.'H ,i ,m Wnw. jOtig rmiJryd. Rm(; , t'vauy ftla''i'.'iwai'iia ajtm. mraaiK to aw Rnna rsx aia mm tbr Ayvuni. araah. . TTi rout I fVaia Test fcnrliing mm t-ovs Lsavamwtrdi ftiw hews 'VPBswasjRJll sstsTlRjtJJ SlWfJl jJI"W(J,tn'I IVfltWnEMK satty tasat Rue nas oiaaiia Mia sttmni ta itnukuti He twjvar traj awijs-wtMse m7wriain impmvsv aetata a w tm tuasanm v-pvjlwwnr, and grrtie Ibe aanriiral atafl saT atw swtnt. Tlba aaaAnftftftSSMBMA T SImmt mrt rTifttft-t.-ft- - ', - - - , ,,, '. . w.-n, .n 'Ute fjeeaessi etmilUK tier atf jtanXotima Taaww mmmvfmSumm rftmin mVm, Drw j t ", ,m -.,, ,. r.... a.nirv - t,s wt mm amc iwnwrttot tnlhs- rvuitt. aid a m iiwirf Wdwi t the tJUot eono r- ine Tntf,w dfei-itimw Ibe', arertem.1iwoil out, mmtr.iu-Anr .. .. f.-. ...rtu.y l wt, tmmJtV 'ir...f.,,- - - t ""it . c um J a'g Jilltvi ber aaT swim'ia nwrw i tm. n Hi uiulur thw an csf HJavcb 1"'. I4-" .i.e- "t.nwiUitionanr aer varea, ts tvZmV-t dfetcvnrv f Sinc sjMMt jo.nno .:... tSneraji il Beyi".wiS. " -wiy

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