IT T , i,iVri,','i .Marx .i.i A I.;! ! . (.wmr -ti utrrrt ttaw lir.fltli, 3'iiKW 1. i. !' . I.. -i lirjfi, l.innriini l',.U(.t., '.rov, llirr Vi' mjlii, Jrt j lirWU, V itrl: '"j - liruikre. (liirwiitui lulintl, Juim ,11. ' lirtlt",' W llilHHI i ltiicj, U. '91. ISii'knr, J 'In. J. JlnrU, 'VW. ' 1-ulieu, 31 Mt. raiuMtiw. Jrtr, Wifu H.lmlli. JilllO 'laWntlmtW ' lir-rwi, itmlliar It. .. Uit vv. ci; '4 i MM ttlU. ir ii.--rv iim. vv.. .Miltrtw;!,.'.. U Wt;.'. iin;rwy;v,Mfi C "C Hhr.. VN. . . Uwav Nty Miiln l'aaO.ll. rWKust , .HI n Jfcury . lf.'jaki.JaraV " . 'Cflthl, IVttlttlOMMt X'lllllll-IUi. WMoJl uW, iiunry 0'tfliTi !l.rrir i M jiTiwil.NjJi ftmH. SUtiaaM.D4. , .tkn"MMKlMnias iluj;'i ' Ifciiil'wa.Jiilih SLuiaaBBvP'awwfcl- , ... ' " ' D..anll. Ili.fT I'Hj tU.Mmt.Mi Margery ' I,iVi(liii, lvi4inut.'V.s iljrr. Cki W' UU . ' 1um, lii .'Ami ' iWMM..ifcttafc iiii;ai;i - Fratev, tOTiunl : F.rrt,ll.v .fiitt'v."Ma- J'orjfiMuu, HI Ham KTaarre- ' ' gtUaahav. WiUww ' ' t44,in Jbwph Bllttml. iSworc ?iifTf.w,'rnr: X KaalMaK, Jlhm "IT niiwaiMa. Iid VV,. i'(tir Jiu ! ,.Ji4, llilmrt ; M4rwttwiHll , K fi 1 - .-awrwioMfl, '4A' iiltt r drum, Hi .liarntti A. ' , U mrn,J HilWn.3uariJlHH Uui.lwit'i.iii. Jotm ii antlMU, ittrjB H rwxtatv, twti -. 'B.'fiinnm . idwrgw-' UolV,'tll. liaiuitrt, w,H(inwJL llar-ia -U iiwm V,iHmih JiwwV W. itaaa.ttihw ;, W..4ffm.TiM4MaV,M Vlary Wj:,WW... U,J''itfl 'iv4ly,3'4liMMMl. WaTra,H'riv Vartl . lvrii.t, TAm Xle-ibiWi WrtHaa Drwt -' r "iutfi.'K.'Hiiimi ' ' " jia an. :n. weHgR; p, m: .Jlffto IlaiitHartll, ' .'Wilum'Luyf' ' UuUy aat" T. J.w4i-WwaHaawWgr" ' Michaitl :unwT, Jluinw tiiwlMturc, Jutm A. i Jaiww A. Sir. Jl'-M'i f.n avll'waMl'Ifl i9aS. tfilartwall; Vikv Yumrawa Mi(a, . ' i.tlM (knilllMwrO,, ii-ni'it7"mlu, (b P'-wcKKk,, M. ilaaimuMaaalUiuM irtU MiiaaaH. JutUipJiuuiaV . --VR:Wiawi'riinwJrt: . 4Mwiiwwn. dwnaaTi iWtraiav. diihnill;itty ilaiaw.Wiras; Aawmb lium, Kenrrf, WtMvwTi, U. , lltainiarnfr,n. Tr r .l ! Aiwi.l irrwit ji"ivfft;;ni mlorra Si lraBJ! aiul cUkiuMWPt,4iM,'ta t"daMi m &utiti,ftm lie l,aa rafNcttftnl iimiai unam. ti'jMi.MiMt. f rf.. ,r. . ,. onAMas, riws. MUIHi: KTLrF.r.H. -ciir.r-Hf. t-v.i:nrtK::. v ini:s, Lii cu: v.,n iii;;.viL. aH.a" the IhmI quiiui,Jiiiil ti .Aims; uifarfiia. ,. . 3i. 11. ."Tan mtmHiti4tttebtmmmim said wv tuw iiir (Uuk. - v -v ... BmmbmmmMm " iff "VJ j ai ai a '" "' We b! -'f T1 'Tl - y: TT " ' . a-'lU'.IJjL wan aw. rlwfTsraw titkt i ' ltrintt MDUev.avill avravwl: ta-4t.a tta Mkaar ib.'' CIT ti silualei! an tw V. iUwiW't.iM. v!!uwri: tam.) 4 aarta araai a' ,! hhit, -rv i P K ' mi 1 ' i in .nil 'mm uw-ii r t.iil U. Urn aju. wryv.i.i aw-lavtiwt,. ' itl iiHIi;;; Seoiiier 3) f?aj. ' s( " . niaimamt.iaa- num' ntiwit tar , ill wiiil .. .' htainai .au:x. Jett f.- tieiea' litt.' K wentb.iT lt.1-3tj. rt , fta ail anolicaata, the awfatrabewg paid. Cuoimutnca- .orus '"Vwlivxi;. Cu;ur.i tiwu p...ptiy attedd tu, ,- t.iy" Aiinl wi tiua SiTltafi. Mttewiber 2: ItCtJ. If. ) I; ' lvu(il!. ' D 0. M-in-d Driici ifi ; ttt - j twi . wrti ; tit biackead euhaird CamSnkk ; , 1st ,snice Kjji.Uicky Jcaiu ; . ! 1 rtsd iJ.BOfi I'Unis' lif ; ! 17 tw i!!eU ami di.tHe ; " 'i r.ce plain, and checked Lm-ys; , 44 hue an-leolnfiii Mcrlnwn ; , i'" 41 - Fancy Print; - " . t" " grey and biue mixed Sittinctta ; I . t Mre ancUuya Seel taps'.V ' t iece lict-Aiikur 12J:n CSuH; 1. ' -AUO- ,. ' Bnma-fin. flat. S'nies, iu;, i llr.l-VVw. Cutlery, 4uet!-VVar',(iUrt-Wr, . T'T'ttirr with (;.orrl AmxIbwuI jf alt fciuda (MKia, wlitcb tl b ar.Ul lower M Hi" kaw im J. i w. aai,Rrii. i..lry, Jan.' 1, 1U)L v ' Jut Received, and for Sale, V Whokmle or Retail, .',75 K-"t Nail, aaoirlei me : - m tmn I ma 1 to 2 inch, a wide ; a" 'Wtater aW; 1 U-VW bar Lead; . . Vt kega Powdar; 21 bocFhefrfegtisarj, m bat-a ',ir.i i ' . Hal ter Whit Lead ; .. 13ci!Rnoe; ' 441 tixe Gla-. " I 1(1; '.; tai . l 1 12; 10 .-. Srolia (jr,rMltince; a i--2:twfl'ia scuttb; ' ' ' Rr ... J. it VV. MURPHY. Mrtmnr, Jan.3.1s t. tr Iruu iVm the Kins' Jlouulaio ! liiON COMI'ANY.v npTIE Stberib h mada arrangemenU dh tLe ! av aiaMrit Cuntny. lh fegnlat aiwly ni SUPERIOR IKON, which weB adapted to VVafno, aa4 Carriaj Wurk, lUxMt tUMMSt;, Wbick will k aold o riennaM v Malwkurf. December 6, Ifcfllt .. . f A'.T5 no hand and o&r fr aafa lle U'uv'.ng tU CI clea Blieap t eaab on tiina Ui pyMrtnl d-a'n ri. t mtrtim msnrTTow ; ..... ' '&ttn teUinpK, figarnd, aery baadsoiDC; . ' Dlea and trh (lata ( Hu'iniot't Wear; r - :.; pirt H-ntvrMf :aaa; 100 do. brown Imtw ; , Ikd. rrkiiea 2.H00 Iba. Spue Cotlmi,S Y. 13 keja aaila,aaaurtd ; : . - 4 jnnoin mouiai-h'de Aatulea; . ' ' ' ' 1 amitha Bdllowa i 1 d.CulW Aseairtfiaiabad iUfl WU; JA W eannir Ueeda, Philadelphia make ; tcotca and Nao eauba ritulT; lbu M carendiah Tirarco; H or 20 Uet Anker (VilUng Clutha, troia Nit. 5 to 9 ; aaavrtoieiil ut actaaa wire. ata. F Sujr, Cuflt-e, Sin French and Cliaiiipamn Bran- it, VV ia vl ditlWent kifWi wllajHlUiin, t,At NEW GOODS. . - TUFT B r.R3 . , VRR naw rwiHfmr' and opemnjf, at tkeir aland at Mtt4 lliltC.brrtia pntyra new and freak aup- j DryHTnfaw Hard-ware. Tin-ware, Cmclery CIro rfTnm Drops and Medicine, Iv-StuU, PainUt, ftiota f W iw, riaddlerfl lata and llubut u, 4, In abort, f iheir atnek emnpriaea almcwt eery article arnalfy k-pt vMa iMawi.iw: an wr-aiim-a Will fc auld luw E' cm, iw fi princtuai dealera on Uin. . VV return mir thank to the Public 6 tbe liberal patmnagw mm haaa racmawt and hopa by Mrict atlen- tisa ta MtatBeaa is niem a enwtmnanee nl the aarnc. I- JA 8 WIXETOFF A; i ll. CabatnaaCawnty, N. CL, Dee. 27. . tf 1 .giigr juat reoeid frrnn New Ynrk aad Pbiladet. pfem,aaetewavaaai;tinmt of rr-"; - Winter G()o1.S-- - 'oniirrio '-'. D: v Gid,TIirHar, Tinware, Crock. ery, GlwOt F.RlK, Druga and Me. , tlictwia, Dya-tntii, Painls and :s Oil. Bonta and Shoee, - -' Saddlery, &e.,Ace.- m : - Ha lliwf; tfiftf Stock eonijrMes aunt! ererr trtirle I w a fn . .it t, 1 - ' . . 1 ... w. h"t win itTw .r inisu. or 10 puBCiuaA !!.rs on Mtnr ; r ia exchange fur conntry Pmdoce. t ijnun, tmm I .in. I4I. - ., , n ) - "t a inn, ouuatriney 1144 00 liaiui. aaalli 1 aad tur Nat, al few JSIkio. ia.'.aa- ia tiaiuaary, Uirva orst rate Aaad H'aeaaa. SiiiliON 11IF.I.ICK. , IWmher fi, l-OX. i . if. L Tt . Jtiurcrvixiei. - rw l-MnLrrr "rT' 3uaw:nber wtH gtva steady empViymMrt to "t wi" XJ' - Mil mafrt--ti0'a'"cUe' well r.-cw.Mlad nit halxU of sot wit and UMtaatrv, Their buMaeat w.II halo make and repair Coaches. &c anj fir ahith. r,f iL..' u.t1 ...UJ .. Uxmsfloo, OcUber 11, 1"). tL - '" ' - - - .. ! TSomw Tluiliraiilia. I'm it Trrra. Ar. V .MT. 1 1 , w r a a aaa, P'antaM ,J!E SuSSriW loTuriua the pbMic, fliat be baa S at bin Noraertea in DavulHia Counts. l-VUII 'A' - t tm!'r '"fu Muit-ui'. (nd alaoa Urra atna- ' ;br-r at rfH layer or CutUu.1 uf Ute aaroa, at IH ear- , ", ru"1 w rw"f"i.' ". f" .l u t ; avarket pneaof the article ia t!ia N-a-ib,knd elaraaam. ' He ! ha a iarja attfk f Fruit Tr.w, ciwg of Peaches, Plumx, Cherries, ttr., , mm . m We -t.'-:rrn . t - , win-; m wiinMa um ari ,-inrnnv anq r.umpimii w, i .,1 .hi. ...11 i.i... ...j aelih, ffnvwmr citi!tti.nv. 1 twill aeiiver Trees ia C's cnnditHie. at an reawav """ ; Wa diatawoe from laiftt'lnn. any 73 ar 100 milea, (if i aaiswot of order w:il faairy it.) p which I will eharra f Uia aanl price nf hauling. Il will be well fiir tansa j wha wia a obtaia tree, In fat the Catakife ef the i Narsetira, whwbcontaias pnee and will he aent eratia I lirrt 10 uxutqipn, .v. U. , i - - CHARLES MOCK. t Lixinc. X. Ci Sept. , 1W. , . . r v. WlHj'Uli ii V-va - , . m V" - UNL MUU INti m ti'i 'f kel, Si tf Fht-JCiafj. : frin?, Lien N i prrcipttawd Cara!e t4 rm, rfinwJ "" ! fiijpf riw lh Ik J '.' c,'Jn',' 1 1 - .... t i' - ..r ull . ktuk geocrai'y sl ia nc:rt. 1U- V mI U raiM Par. Q-.!K !. f p-r wnd', atoVira, hrntl, alsg, port, Uerry, rhansw, awaatal, w-l cUret Wwea, freacli. oach. w! BrWr, utonoo- l:. .-J .JA M k.Arr rumiri and a-eriZ- Cam, Uf Sri ?, PP Jince, Toanaik, Jjrs Owk. Puekel. ftocfc and Mapav Pip, in mat etmrwitio llorUM awd PerfiM.CaaJto.vatk, Lce'av IWa'l, Stp, UockattV. PeW, M At'a BrWreib, Eaaa.'. lajlVW P.IU IWl ao4 Si' PasarM, Mw aod AaderaMi'a CaWgb Drop. Siwff Wsea, Spse, P7fr, Sate, Rowwfa TV uo Mutureu rUckaaaaaoar Bara Mrh, . lUla a" ColMJbta fc Ual kaW. EIiiw uf !. wkkk wiil b wl ttrt kr. at ih ApUl-e- J I , Ntta Qan4taa. ry 10, 1840., Fr sale by CB-ACK. H UFX1X.1 SaUOory, Jaa. 10, 11. ' - - Anrabrr Jitv WEFtERS.- r iCtarnhere bVr al VV huieaate of BetaiU 1 2 Rranu Wrapaaeg Paper ; T.t 4a. Fooiicap d.; 1 12 ia. Letter ou. ruL-w and unruled '"" - do. ' Roe Paper ; French and eoLircw Pauer fur LafieV -a. ar wiirt't re iiardra krtda.. ij;v '( 1 A LARGE AMortment of . Fresh and Genuine Car. Lx den SZEDS, juat reo-i.ed froaa Ibe Xew Lrbanort Sha. ker. (cataVteueaofwitKJa raa be area al ear atore.) A fan, "eat Oral Bnie a ad llaaaf swifu M Larftea. . Fr sale by . - C B-AtC K- WHEELER. Jewellery for Sale. . THE Svbarribera ofier at wbna-aa ie, Jar and bcaik. Iihal aaaunaaea: of - ' . a a - . Cutlerjr, . Atn a tamctt or FA XVWAkTlCLES. MrrcWita aad aealera iaa the abta are iariied la ea4 aad aaanaa.'aw-'lhe in aV r nmw. toaeg eery rbeap. GRfcaLH HEELER. Hitliabury, Js 10. lfML ' r -XH& fiaikaa v ik 1 a ha ve ywt rwtJ ion tbe Nortb, ait c. n. iti s i w aaaeak ikm.mwmi-9-r w t.P j -5 -'tMM TER fif Sale by ..' B.1ROVCIIES, . "3 --vaaV-lwaHeraBof the bed natcmla, wbarb aiU be mJ4 Lt Mrf avmleta'e paVtJt, Taey abUve nai and , One Fine twawwheel Hussy t r And aitf al-ejr, WxitUl R XCSS fa eavA aii cwaapfW. Tfcaea setaoM eleaiixaaa t ansartHing beat and cenaWtaUe to n3m pa, caoavut iui la be pleased btab watTleaaiBawr.- .v ' ' CH.dtC.K- WHEELER. ' fcaMjarv, Jaw. Id. 113 ? r Northern Horses. 'TTIREE PAIR f FINE Northern Horses tor sale. Tat? are ynwttg aad well Woke aavd wrni'il aad aai arcl It gaatle. - A boIt w CVL4tC.1L. WHEELER, ksalwlairv, Jaa. 10. - - ' ' r. friIlE.Vikiiiir aas.aa-aaaf riy , i,r , lyfaiffr&TSISs 1 teoetl fnaa the North CWaa GAi Jluat Ca sear, takes this sarta4 a asianw taaaa aWerwtcd. that brrearber a8 sir Aand cm V (Wawa. mg Traetta Laaa. b barvj aaaWt'aaaaav.-swws-ted ia Davkacai CVaar-y. wCI he asaai -M aawg to the atr letter f U. - JOT1X TVA2D. Ajeat. . IHttimm. Asnl 1 ltA Tt : "-" IAXIW: l'l--H'-Tract, No I- cHa g fS acm, Tyiag aa th loot . taie braacb. 11 JUBiU- 1 H S!l! Wiwfc. Umr aa iba wT tare id ia FVal SWaeja. -a- v , 3 uaiiawi XA1 aetaa.rig aa Lick . . ; . crrX. Tit !tite Va k a fLrcf. " . .-c-aig LT't.;jjaa fart Swamp tjuavag I t li Hmf aa Flat Swmap vaaiv mag aa Lick creek Hmt aa La-k rreek. It) eiataiaaag iJttt arrra.Jjmj ta Li week aad Fat Swaak. , ,.'. 12-ewrtwy. LTA, Ivwg aa Lek creek v 1 ! carta -B-ne; L3n, Vid aa kr aik brancH an j Jaeiaj crere, awacax the Lead mt&r. t. JOB rRIXTIStV cr raT itniiriwt, .' , .Veafy aai EiptJitimufj rmemttj ai tl CjSrr. W. A. Tl ( OHTSK 'K, .3. I). 1 1 fTKCT"C LLY informs tlitf Cilm-iiB of Salinry ll and H icuinv,that ho hn Ukun a.l ollice at H. vl.ninn I l.iti !. Kir tli mjrixwi of practismi Disktai. kit, in all it varhHia branrheH, on the hm iiJ 'aciiiutriie iruicii!fC, vn. Siuiiii riiie- F.xlrtuluie, Litrrtunf He ia a wuiar ersdmte of M difiinf, and lipp ty 'aTtpntioo and awniiiity m tbe lino or hia proitwiou, w aliaretT public pntron!je, R. ll U in DoKioa ol' a material, "t only ,nnotnt and wily a.l.d, but Inr ru" to any Hun" thai ever jet Ha boon diacuvt reJ t.r i'i5iAfi partRutarly in Urge Mvuioa miier the nerva n rx- d ...d tuoth ollitrwme much tfirfeaseo, anu w. um Parfieolarly rermnn.end it to all MU. having their teeth cltraete.), hicU otli-riso mifht be anveU tiy P. St Ladie wailed ott al iDeir pnwr r""-' - December 20, 2t. NDR. R. W. U UITINGTOK; HAVING located liimaelf in ilia Torn of Siha iurf, rdTurt li prulttsibual aenricea to lth eitizM of Rowan, and th ndjoininp countiea. U mij M found dA. LoJio't lloTEt, where be u prepared to perform ny oml ery , . N. B. EanMimtia mmm) without charge wiarenala and work warranted io all casea. .ilir. Nn. 8, iea. ) -. . . ; ' tf. ; ; ; iIt. L&l.ADERxKILLIAK, . - X a, s i ESPECTFULI.Y off.(hi profionaraertiwa to li Iha-citiaena of Sdiabory, and tha aurrounding comkry. Ilia office ia ia Mr. Weat'a new brick-kuild-m$, nearly oppoait J. &. W. Mnrphy'a atore, - Saltatory. iM,C Aujtuat k lHaU. ' tf. . . S. P.. SICIIaTSSO - gjwa.av HAS Located himaelf at CoU,, David YTp-Tf Ran'a, Oakley Grove, I redtdl aoiin. . ty, N. C, mid reapeeilully tenuura nit a ri.. in ih nnlilie. in the vurioua lie- part menla pf bt yrwfeaairm-. , : x Jaouary IM840. .. : r Hotel, lately occupied by Dr. U. Austin; . laitoary 17rls4 Valuablo Land rpiiE Subacriher oTTen for aale the tollowmg valuable lauda in Lincoln County : ONE TRACT enntaiain? 302 acreii, lying i the Catjrwbi Rir 7 er ail mile below Batlie' Ford.. A Tract of 132 acrea adjoiuiii the above, A Tract uf 388 acrea adjoioing the last. ' A Tract known a the ' .. . ; .'.'.." . containing 709 acrea, which will be eoid in put' a4a ta-awtt wrechaaera; -..r--' The Subscriber having determined to atll, tliee lamia may be had no very tihcral tcruia, aitb a credit oue, two, aod three? year. - t Any one desiring to purchaae and wiwhing tnei amiue any of tbe laud, will be abown them by ap plying t Dr. S. X. JoviMoif who reeidea in the ; oeighborhTW, and who will inCoriMhjojnJiirthcr particulaVaTn relation lo term. ' " ' " II. vv, condor. ; JSiUbttry, N. C, Nov. P, 1839. if. HORSES FOR BALE. I 'PAIR of YOUNG well broke -iA- NORTHEft V HRSt'S -.,;ri JOHN I. SHAVER. Salisbury, IX-c. 13, 1S39. f. "J TDIIC Subscriber bavins located himaelf ia the town vi of C'nacord, would now offer his services to the Public, as aa . ' ",i -j . . : Orn.1u1cnt.1l and Sign Painter. He flatiera himself thai bis long experience in the above BuMnem, and the speciinen of work ha haa executed. ia hia lm, will be a eumcieut reeommeiidatina, , , lie will also- attend to a ay call made oo him in tha HOUSE PAINTING BUSINESS, ' sad ia coofidont be can give aatifactioa to hi wl may tmftj hjra ',. , . The PahJic ie respecifully reqnrated to call and ea-.. coange hws aa be w determinud to cxrcuie all work toniitiled to him ia the best possible manner. Alw Painting and Trimming all kinds of Cat riages,doae with lualuess and despatch. i - . J. VV. RAISEY, Concord, N. C March 21, 110. if . . 'filB SuWriheir having purchised thia I a 1 1 abliameBt aud fitted it in at vie j 1 2 ? v "r we accrxunnwaiioo or Xravellcra and - fmJ Koarilera, now prepared fi their rocep Ilia l'ABLii. will always be furnished---' With the best the market can aflbrd; hia BAR with good supply of chiuca Liquors: hie O CTVJ it - 1 . a . a f x . BixwaoaH aiways oe aeot m nne order ; and bis Sla Wee (which are very etenive) are well supplied wi'h Proaeader of the first quality, and attended by Food ... iwmiii iiuciitrr lie hema, by all let ittGllUon 10 ilia buoiness. ia nfw son, ta give satisfacikia to all who may favor him with tberr patronage. And he only aka a call and trial. . . ANDREW CALDCLEl'UII. Lexington, N. C. Feb. 2L 1&S0. j CaLFnerVVork. 4 ""T II E Subscriber informs the Public. that ha haa remo. ed hie Shop to the Ilnnae on main street, nearly opposite tha Hank of Tana he will cnotimw tn proaecute the Cabinet Business' m fte vr,H, branches. SidtboirU, StcrttarieM iJareaaav B,tbtruJ$, Tabiei, Vc ,.,.de to order' aa atvle and durability not excelled by ny work executed in this place orvicirrty. A portion nf the public patronage is respectfully aoliciled. ' Plank,, and produra taken in f xehanM (or work. VVARRF.V nnpi-v sesi-'Sa , ..... ""TM fwmmmmrmmp- 1 my oblaiifofio or luoie, (v ma King application, (Wlt I . 1 1 AS removed hi UlBce. to 40. I , jn a ahort liiiiej to the Suuacrwer al Mocksville, Dttia " of ha Office Row of the Maiiaiou Co. N, C I think the probable coat will not eicwa Hi 711: , , -d J; t r I .1 7t Trvttees Me Saliibiiry Female Aead,m INFORM the public, that thia Inetilmio,, 1 opened on Monday, tho 1 tih of OctotK-r net h v uieir ii.u uiKia m,jv iiiiii.ij ,hi B permin?t,i and roieciabl( twain; and no ear will be wantm? , Choir part, to rendir H. in every respect, aorihy tf u" cuifidvnce of the fiienJa of education, morality imj Ilgion, win wrca i"i Tfu;iiiBi puce Wucra ik, lellcctual and moral cultut combined, will p,,. them to occupy with Bfulni-i ant) dignity, the .X,. . ...i . I..... 1 ..111 V ' rM,ia UI WHICH IHI-J llin m 'They are now mailing all aiiuuiile eflbrta to ati, for Teachera, a Oeiiilcinan and ljidyl'bijrh outl, tiona Meanwhile, ihey have ei'pi!Cd ,Mir , Baku, a young Lady, in wboae liiorary unalificaim,,, and capacity fi auth a aiiuation, ihey have pptW emifidence ; and who baa hitborlo taught nnh in Uim and other Setninariea, with entire aalwfaction. Ai a Uie other Tcachera are outaiued, kluw 4iAia wtti again devote heraulf exclusively to the muaicul dtpti, , TERMS OF TUITION. x For brgihnera per aewnon or 0 modiht, , (jg1 For ilia Riidimonia aith Urauunai, lioogrv phy and History, 10 00 The above, with the higher branchea iq Li- ' terary DeparUuent, ; , 12 flo Music on the Piano or Guitar . . 25 m Painting. " " 1(1 (H) Ornnfienlal-,'; iM tliff Wakliiar bf ''" flowera will be alau taught, if dcairod, at 93 each. ' ' liy order of Hie I rualeea. THOMAS L. COWAN, CUairmB. &.liabiiry, Sept. 27, IX. . ., V if. 7 - To OwncTS MVUa. 'I111K Hubacriber baa an imjnrntti patent Spindlr for - k Mill, by which, mill will do much hotter tin with the iiaual form of Hpindlea. It ia an coaatrueita a tbketp from henling or killing the meal in any ,. ner. The runner ia an Confined by the tSpindle u i. waya lo'preacrve ila balance, and of course there ii no rubbing ol the etonea. 1 r-n a-.-r- " " 1. 1 think, by thia improved Spindle, th. name Wi'jr will do ai leaat one-tliird mote bnaiueaa, and the mctl of aupcrior quality. iiad!t,' ".. probable! lt0 lor the Patent and Spimlla ready for one, 1 - The following persflna have my Patent- Mill 8pind!e ia aoctaiafHj operation -t 1. VV, F. K5Hfi TVa. F a ter, Joaepli liall and Sam'h.Foater of Davie County; (jilbreth Dickson and David J. Rauuiour of Linrnln: Charlea Griflith of Rowan; A'Wiain Jiloore of JiivJ. 4-tHrwmai1ba uf whoia an kigk. (y pleased wlib t pedormance. . v. U M..UH.BCRT. October 25, 1830. tf rrtHE SUB.SCRinF.R living near JLxuigUin, Datid."! "oh County, lakea thia method to i;ifonn the Pub. lie that be will enter into contract with any 1'erMm, or pernios, ojrttrerin Davidaon.'Rowan, or Cabarrea tooii. Ilea, who wmh houses, factories, nr any other kind of buildings erected of Urkk, to iuild them atclmD,u durable, and in a good style as any workman in thia , country. . , .-. llu will aim, mould and burn tlid Brick, if vandd. IlejruKla Jbat. ilia Jung.Jtpcrie nee ia - r . -AJOULDING AND LAYING CRICK, v . will entitle him to a ahre of pnblic patronigu. "" He would refer gentlemen wishing work eW in his Line of Buainnaa, to the Feinah Academy and the new fire proof Clerk' ollice jp tiibr,aa hiawoik. " ; ' r " - 7. . . r N. B. " Those wishing work' dono, will please, leave word ar the office f Uie WcaWrn Carolinian. aud it. sbalfhe pwnctuilly aucuded ta . " ; RO0CKT to.v . Davidson, April IS, l5pi tf - I rpiIE Siiliaciilier tnkeg this rrtqUiod of Jnfiirniiiii iha . .-1, --m .wHwuniuiiwiiuiiiHi 10 uarry on inc ai' aiuciia U" - ' CUTTING-STONE as usual, at hi Grauila Q'tary, seven tniles So'itk of . .SahAnryrnear theH"Ct)aTleUMrraMrrwhere he it ahle 4-applr elf-orfTrLtli'ol laf" boat grit, and on Hie ahorlent notice. 'o-auio ' ? " for Sale), at the lowest prices, WINDOW S1I.1A DOOR SILLS, DOOR STKPS, UOL'GII BUILDING ROCKS, TOMBSTONES, ' GOLD GRINDERS, &o. &.c. Ac. 1 : , J. HOUIXHOUSER, Stone-Cutter. . SaliUwry, Oct 23th, luitt. ; . if. ' "Nrfl Ordcra Sir any of tho above i wrought arti cles, directed to m at Salinhury, will be tHinctuallv it- lenaea 10. . . ... 1 H- NKW. KSTAI1L1SII.1IEXT, A 1 1 IN MOCKSVILLE, DAVIE COUNTY. THOMAS FOSTE I NFORMS the public that he haa removed from kit .- firmer aland, to bia now buililinrm on the Public aquMCrM the Town of Moclnv illej wTiira he will eia" tinue to keep t JIOUSK OF NTERTA IN ii ENT. ' Hi House is roomy and commodious ; attached to which are at coriiforuble OOiree for geatlemrar of tha " Bar, all convenient lo the Court House, f The auburn. -ber pledgees himself in Iho tiioit ddigenl exertaia, to" give satisfaction lo ruch as may rail on bim. II Ta bio, Bar and Keblff ire provide in the beat nurmer tint the country jKiilaflU4rod hfeserwots ere faith ful and prompt. ., f ' , . , Feb. 14, luw. ;.,.74,.tf :, , IVILL Im given Sir any infurnmliofl that 'ill lead to the epprehenaion of a rw pro by named AMOS. Wmiaing- to Mr. Mary Steele of Roai eaHy,- ,N. C. '"This boy a a ar jrttK(Lna.a StataVXf aeerwt; in Merkhrnlmiy cufl"" ty, on the 23rd of Noveoiber lat, when I bt.ratpe bia bail, and a abort tut sAer he absconded, aiota which titoa I kava been- vjrmbh tn- nbmin ariv in- formatiori of him. THO. J. HOLTON. Charlotte, J-n. , IP40. St. Moffat's Fills and Hittcrl rpilK LIFE GIVING PILLS AND prifENlX -a- BlTTERit, an celebrated, and an much used fcy the afBicied in every pert of -the country, is now re ceived and for sale by the Subscriber ' CRESi) tt ROGER,' Agents. Meaara fVaians St Sbawkli, in Concurd, N. Cr Isn Agents fiir the aarm.' See advertiement.--April 4, '.10. ' ' ; YatraYVU tor sio cte. B A , Tha 1 a, ' Two Do wration No p trtpaal Itilure I at Ike e rigemei ... Advei inserted urn lit and 24 tdvertis tlteab the regt Advei number ihI till I -Itt (mftF - W Maaw U thf ititeol Sali Mtwo tkaoai proved Spring Ue Ii ttentic receive iaoocei thing I particu pnaMl 1 (JttlCt) teetn 1 having P.t Dec W .11 cuunn iiif. n 8al T ait ail an rul ai f av-a PD ia 3. ia "ft C Saliabory, January 10, lr 10. I. .V- '.-,' . " . . ' - . , ' , ;

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