" . , ' ' . ... . . . it ro wbbs nor mnrnt Tom rxirrr, states by the roxmrrnoj, sob rBOniBirro by it to the bt atks abb' bbseb ved to tub si ma bepbctivly, ob to tub tnon.-Amjiettotke Constitution, Article X. B AUSTIN & C. F. FISHER, Editor and. Praprietore. SALISBURY, N. C, FEBRUARY 7, 1840. ; XXIV, OF VOL. XX. (Whole o. loa-1.) i '-, J 1 .1 ' TERiiS . or m etebji cAboutiat. The Wesicra Carolinian it Babfurlwd every Fat ' mv, it Two Doilsea per ancuui it, paid m iiltnirt, or To Dollar and FiAy C'j if a( pad before the ex p retuA of three ' ' - , 'o paper will be wntined aniil all innnpi are paid, aalws at thediscretioa of tfa Editor; and a tuture to notify lb Ediinr of a veil to discontinue " t the end of year, be coopered at a e en pijremeet. ; . f, ',. Advertisement will fc t0nfnemoiLh and correctly ianerted, at one aaJiar per fjire (of JUO w, or ri Unn of thu aitt type fx tie rat insertion. and 2j cents fcr each ow.i'jmow. lourtand Judicial " aikertiHeraeet will ba ctrtryH 25 Bf cent emr than ' the above prices. A daduclma c4 3:4 pet cent rm : tbs regular prics H be nwie to J early advertisera. ! Advertisements wnt inm p..:tta,aMtf bavethe eunibr ot tswesmarke't mi then, w liney will be maer tj till forh'd, and cf.sry! f r xxnrdiOtt. ' , ' ' ,:. j Letter addrewswf to (be ti.lnr en ansuiesa mart be : , tWy ni ww e av.'4 ta j r-f ItlsiLK-wonM EGc'g.Clll r 6pliE SnSorriW e&rs lor at 50cer Js pr ttvnnd, a wry lar q-rartit'y vf Fitk-worm ' F.jrcTrfattv'-Taised by trft-'.f and in yi'or'xTT state t prewmww. i - ; MRTI11J), FROSTIS Sa.'iburt, Jan. 17, l" 10. "' ' r DR. (J. D. DOUGLAS 1. IliK' i, lately riipid ?y Dr. U. Auatia. 11a. ix jvur.u killia., UESPECTFULLYoiri.ts piiona!rtes to I Uie aufao of KiliVflfy, arJ the saTotridirg l,, ff.--iiser1y-ypapMe-l. crtrrff?jis '"' Salubury,. C, Ao?o-I :kl, ISft. . tf. ' HAS himrif at Cot, David Ramsey's Oakley Grore, fredell conn t)r,'N.'C artd renwDillv tender hi" crKT tf thr pib'ic in tbe various de- pari nients rf his pmfagic-o ' ' . Jammrr 10. 140, m ; ' r , J Oil SC. PArfEtLhss a not ber octr aujo'r of ipj'd arwl silver ) . Lever Watches. Frrl. dm. roiil ,mm a s p, ,'T!eTit a Ti re XxXZaZXy.S VX. Vbz.m. JtoecUck and ThiaiMrs Stei A m! frh Fc'j Cb o and Keys. ' " Al a very trie and Urge aKwtment of Razurs, pocket and pen-kti'vcs.ij UiP-r- nt Maoo!ac'iirers with other articWn-aUs Ires' bv JeIir.atl of which wi!l lw J.l rrry low r en'y pit moottw credit, af ter which tune, U-f-t ar-J b rharsred. Salisbory. May -i, 1S!X - If ContC and ?rr ! The 8bmber havirz 4nd-a tiwwM.VSiiQjBr.aijJ4fjr matBt4 al. and in ht mn rrn: gmt w nraown, w pre,p. srork.'frpiB the picfirt wiinut y t the fincM ra'io rwt work) The r"''. jinsetqil.tj will be paid to , produce, p'.ank, arJ srtfil! s-Uken jn yiehnre for funutnre. A , fv. M.UJ I 1 . A CAttD Th" ufcwfeej Lavmg , rrHBnf'v "tbaiikfiil fi i'.i- r if ma'j-jriay k, aiJ pmme IhU all weri d-" br rum ewl not h sarprvard ( a wiwk raMi'pKw :-t t .er I'ltttcr. - 1 Jan. 31. 1-K ('. If. DFJ ARXRTT. - riaJa-wmrrtrf READY MADS CLOTHING, A Gentlewii't wear, cb as W, fsafalWw, aiw Vrt ., of food , , ,.,.'.., ., wei; nAe ! fci. !!- afw ?rwrd rtU t asd miVciSi'vir if tarirx fmhitfk'i mi irlU f fyJe, si nmM.-vj t k5?!.r" sa - "stut iOajU.(irest44eisp of tr , IS. & lie ,U e-1' U ersc of Uitir- rtof CiiMir? f "J"TWi'''f"'!y ryy " " w ( ?awa ti Y,iHca.ad ic. in nrv-m from a -ie atteaieJ Jrir brick Mild.BC- IIORSSS FOT BALE. ' TAITI f TOXt: erH! hrrk NORTHERN HORDES, and a SI Si LF NORTflERN TROT- TEH to ' ? " ' ;S.f la .- 40U.. LAUiV. 8b4ry Dec. 13, 165!. ;V - i ' i- f "' ' " " I ' -. Ill .i. . 1 MrtfTCSYlLLn. DAVIF. rUXTT. f T , i - - i 4 fnmi ; - FOSTER fe I 1 l-rer , iU h ww Hi.t eg '' ' .fx ct we. to e T'7jf.7rVfrRTMSir3T '?,k !!KE ! iiilS Hh. remy SZTel 'J cf IS m rn,e i tSf f IT , Utwe Whirk lUr. ,1) rnrweKM Sn the Vrt h- The fUiVeri- key plMreshiw-elf w W nrt 4i r' f! stftrtt.i wh s msy raff ';. -M. B.i .H SMm wM " the beet eoner H 11 r...ry a fi. i hi seyvaats are faith- FKESU AIED1CLVES ' C. B. & C. K. WHEELER IIAVK j.mt recverl a Frenh Supply of (J EX 11 t'lE. MEDICINES aitKMi whicb are lha fotlowingi for the first time ofTered in this market, to which they would particularly invite the atten. riim of PbVviciana, to wit : Tartrate of Iron and Potassa, a mild and excel lent Tonic. y"-;' ."f m-" y . Ilvdrargyrum cum creta, (chalk mcrcurj) an e- eellent preparation fir children. Precipitated Carbmmie of I ron, est wmed a much finer preparalioii than the old mat or carbonate. -Acetate of Putaa(aal diuriticua.) -Liq'tot Putamn ; Extract of Jalap ; E!tcrium,'ve. ry fine, (C'luttorbuvk'a,) "and Modtcim a of all kind geaerally ud in thin country. ' . '; .j -Aio ; ;:;v'-: 1 Dye-stufl', Paints, Oil,' Smiffc.' T.dKirco, SpaoUli . f Cignrn, Candleal Rice, Starch, Siaprrerfutne, - Brush, Inatrntmmts, Pde-hoards fine Letter .- anU Wrapoiiia Paper, Quill, Ink, Drawing Pa ; per and Pmt, madeira, terilf, mnga, port, sherry, champaign,, inucat,aiid claret Wine, - french, peach, and pito llrsiid' , Gift, mnnon v pihala and old Whiskey, jamalca and new-eng-land Hum, Loaf Puar, Varninfitra, Sand Papert ""' Ola-ware," Botftoay lemon and dinner -yrup. Lime? Juice, Tamarinds Jujia, Crk Pocket, Books and Mapv Pipes, iron and t"mMiiiio .Alurtattajttl PcUta,-CawIl-4k, L', IW. Dyoti'a, Anderon', II.Kiper'a, Hcott'iCookV, Shop, Beckwith'n, PHeri', Mofcil'a Brandreth Evans , and Phelpn' PilU, Hmick'a and.gwaim'a Snutf-tioxos, Bpices, Pepper, Sue, Uownnd'aTo. -. mc Mixture, Back-uawmn lvnrd Autches, Balm of Columbia fur bald heads Elixir of Opi- -.. urn, SwQim's Vermifuge? nd a thmm.nii.jbsj:'nicleij)i(ipf o; rneq. tioo, wliich will' bo sii 'Id very lowat flie Apothe enry Store, Salibnry? Noith Carolina. - January 10, 1M0. , .' . p ... . T2lMPt TlMIXEDilXD LLYSEED sHl V .IT. C2 ' V' For a!o by . Saliabury, Jan jaVILA C, K. WHEELER. J 10, mo. . r . " j umber . V" FOR SALE AT,-' - "" WHEELERS.. SalsarHjry.Jan.JO, 180. , . r v Wrapping l'aiier, Ac, rpHE Futwcribers ofler at Wholesale or Retail, 1 120 Reams W rapping raper 120 do. Toolsrap "do. ; 12 do. Lrtter do. ruled and unruled 10 Gnws. Paste-boards ; 6 -oWvRtee Paner-j r- Freticli and colored Paper for Lndies' no. Sahnhury, Jiid. 10, 1840. , Garden ecd. ' A LVRGE .Assortment of ''1&5$ den SEEDS, jwst received jri reso ana ueuuiuc jtxr .iiT,'Sfc.i.sf. from ,he New Leinoi,,. "kr ifsTTctaTi'ciios ofwHicircahTie seen at our store.) Also, nrat Oral Boxes and Hand Swifts for Ladies, Frale bv C. B. & C. K. WHEELER, Jewellery lor' Sale. v THE Sulwcribera offer at wliolesale, a large and leau tiful ntetorimon; of . - ' JM- a-o Ciitleryj. AXD A VARIETY OP FA A C Y - A II TICLE 8. Merchants and dealer in the above are invited to cnll and examine, ns they Rre determined to enl.l vpry cheap. C. r & C. K,' WHEELER Snlisbtiry, Jan. 10, I t4,fW;,. r w 'THE Su'xw-ribers hove jiwt received from the North, aix Family-Carriages Made to order and of the Leal matcriik, which will O Bold rirvxi'!??1JS'tpJ,J5 seyjiiso DiveptLtiantt itje lc W0-wherl I?H?gV With It AR. X ESS for eacft all eompkte. u ;ia?j 4a-w l nrr be pleased la ie-f tbotb in y!ejnd priVn. - - - yr r.nsi - A C. K. WHEELEtt f- SilitUfrr. Jan. 10, IP40. Norlhem Horsci U '-X - itrrti rt"tii in r n VP Ji f t ;J'J . Vorthcrn Horsct for sale. yW ' jln-y sre youhg and well broke -IjJL and warranted) sound and pe - " - fi-etfTTenffe.AW 1 - C.;n. V C. K- WHEELER.. mitP. KuWrlVr livinir seven miles south af Salt A k-rry. mtemU keeping costantly on bandMAr- Ue aud Uraaite Slabs eiprcssly Ii. - ' -,4'; c -, tomb STONKS, . rtlC. A If 05 : Ie rea.ly to exfenfe any work wh CblT.LRI.NC,, STONE-1 -GRAVING. An, and he a-nres tim hm w.tn theif Vork, that ualeai w irh may De raum Cl'TTINfL EN- tlioo who may favor ell dixie according to contract, he boa cm par. A complete Urge Da iry Trough tor sale, eut of Rock, for the purpoae of preservjng aula cool, Aply to the Submrribrr. ENOCH F TlULUPS tf- November IsVlnEk- Who wants better Evidence t I WOULD reWr lite reading public to Ui mimrrous voluntary leitt ra publiHlieil recently in thia papor aud in the Good Samaritan, relative to the happy and beneficial effecta ofthe adminintritinn of MOFKAT'a LIKE VlLLS and PUEMX BITTERS. Thw who hdvo-pttrutied the lettera above referred to will observe that in altuont every cae they attest the ftct, that no inconvenience of any sort attend" the ta king of thesa medicinea, ordinary caoea, but that the patient, without fooling their operation, is universally lett in a stronger and better state of health than wa experienced previous to beihe afflicted with disease ; and in all cases of acute suffering, great relief is ob tained in a few hours, and a cure ia generally effected in two or three days. ' -. , : , In cases of FEVER of every description, and aU bilious aflottions, it is unnecessary fur me to say aught, as I believe the LIFE MEDIClNErf are nnw univer- I sally admitted n be h most speedy and eflectual cure extant in ail dieaot Uiatclasa,' s,1 The LIFE MEDICINES are also a most excellent relief in ail'ectiona of the Liver and Bowels, as has been proved in hundreds of cauea where patients have come forward and requested that their experience- in taking them might be published fur the benefit of others, lo their operation in such caws, they restore the tono of the Stomach, strengthen tlw dijjesiive organs, and invigorate tiie general tunctionsof the whole body, and thus bt'cotne lo biith sexes (for they are perfectly adapted W each) an invaluable means of preventing d isease aud restoring health. ' A ' In affections of the head, whether accompanied with pain and giddiness, or marked bv the irrievoua calami ty of impaired mental energy ; in palpitations of the heart, flatulence, loss of appetite and strcnptli, and the multiplied symptoms of disordered diceslinn,) THE tiPBEDrt'IMlM-iirrtt-Bg-tiuwl' ta'iHsTaeiatlwTiroBt salutary efficacy. '. .. .. ' ' " i'1'- ' ; . . Constitutions relaxed; weak, or decayed, in men or women, sre under the immediate influence of 1 tic. hps iit'iui'ivi,u ru i... -..i ...j sumptr Poverty of blood, and-emaciated limb will ere long meet the happie!. change; the'cliill watery Quid will become rich and balsamic, and the limbs we covered with flesh, firm and healthvr ' ' ' " JNcryous disorders, of ..every kHldBnd.Rnni WhatCTft cans ea rising, ny colore uie aiiucts nt 1 in. i.u r. 01 1 1JIU.NLS, and all that tram otmkine, anxietiea, and tremours which so dreadfully affect the weak, the se dentary, and the delicate, will id a short time be sue eeeded by cheerfulness? and every presage of health; ror weakness, deficiency 01 natural atrength, and relaxation of the vessels, by too freq'icnt indulgence of ilia passions, this medicine ia a safe, certain, and in VDiuaoie remedy. Those who have Ion resided in hot climates, and are languid and relaxed in their whole system, msy take THE LIFE MEI)1CI.LS with the. happiest et feels; snd persons removing to the Southern Mates or West Indies cannoCstore a more' important article of health and life. ' The following casee- are 'among the most recent cure effected, snd gratefully acknowledged bv the persons beneftted: ' -.- '; - Case of Jacob C. Hunt; Now Windsor, Orange County,,!. Y A dreadful tiinrtr destroyed nearly the wholo of his face, nose and iaw.' Experienced route k relict from the nse of tbe ll'e Medicines, snd in Ipsa than three monlli waa entirely cured. jCase reported, witlra wWd eng" raviiig"ni' a T)cwip'nipli1cT"now Tn atllictcd w years with swejl ngs in Jii legs was en tirely cured By takin? Vi pills in a weeks. Csaef Joan Ihiulton, Aberdeen, Ohio rheumatism five years is entirely cured haa used the LIFE ME DICINES for Worms in children ami found them epvereiirn remedy." ! " " Case of Lewis Austin periodical sick boailichc al ways relieved bv a small doee now entirely freelroumi. 7'Cie'cT'XJbtrXmesureT6TaTi Obstinate dyxprwia. and general debility. .- Case of Adah Adams, Windsor, Ohio rheomat ism fV&Jisej,jffeclippand had been, conflued ewa yrw rawed -firsw her bed by Ukir.g one box or pilla and! brtlT or hitters--' a mont extraordinary cure she is now a very healthy and robust woman at tested, by her husbsnd Bbubel Adsim. ' . ' ' Case of Mrs. Badger, wife of Joseph Badger neatly similar to above. result the same. , : Case of Hunan Goodarant,' a young unmarried wo- I man aubiect to ill health several year s small course oi in iiiu meuicinoa entirely reaiorau iter w uuw halo and healthy. Case of. Miss Tliomaa, daughter of Eli Thomaa cough and symptoma of consumption cared in f!ur wooks. Her sister cured of a severe attack of inflam matory rheumatism ia one tcrtk! ' t- Case of 8. Colvin cored of I severe attack of scar let fever in a few days by the Life Medicines. Case of Harriet Tvmortod. Saline, N. Y.wis in a very low stste of health a year and a halt did not ex, pert to recover. .Mis T. is now able to walk about and is rapidllccoveringtoth health and-atreiigth. . Case of Benjamin J. Tucker severe esse of Fever and Amie cured in a very short space of tune. ' lh- ructions followed strictly. " - " r ? ,' Case of Amos Dsvw abjection of the liver after trying doctors' remedies in vain for a long time, was cured by the Lil's Medicines without trouble." Extraordinary rae of Lyman Pratt, who wasafflict ed with-Phtnisnr2tryearf cffected-i perfocrcure Ilk 24 hour by the use of the Life Medicine, : Thousands of persons afflicted in like manner ( have, hy a jiidicmna use of MOFFATS LIFE PILIJ3 and P11ENIX BITTERS, been resuired to the enjoyment of at1'theOTrrfb!W'of ttftr-The Birtertateplewismt-to the taste "and smell, jjenrjr srtfihge the fibres of thesto mach, and giva that proper tensity which good diges tion require: As nothing rsn be better adapted to help and nourub Ihe coflstilinrM,'sb'TheiT'af nothing more gnnnrally acknowledged to be peculiarly effica cious in all inwaid watting, toss of appetite, indiges tion, depreesion of spirits, trembling or "baking bf the handa and limbs, obstinate coughs, slturtness of breath, ! or eon? umu'ivs hlMti The Life Medicines posseaa wonderful euVw.y in all nervouadiordors, fits, hoad aches, weak noea, heaviness and !uwneaf SDirits.dimnemof inrht.confuiied thou if lit. hfindcring of the mind, vapors and melancholy, and all j k lists nf fivtu.'t eiaiiiilaints ate msdiislli innnii I'll Ut I their use.. In sickness of the stomach, flatulencies, or obstructions, they are safe and powerful, and ssa puri fier et Ihe blood, they have not their equal in the world I For additional narticutarsof the above medicines, see Moffat' "Good fMtnariUo.l a copy of which sccom psnie the medicine ; a copy pan always beobisined of the different Agents who have the medicine for sale. , French, German, and Spanish directions csn be ob taincd oo application at tbe office, 375 Broad, ay. ' All post paid letters will receive immediate attention Prepared and sold by WILLIAM B. "MOFFAT, 875 Broadway, New York. A liberal deduction mad to those wlio porchsse to eell again. ; Ajertts The Life Medicines may aim be had of any of I e principal Dnnrjrista in every town tlironelimittb t nited Ntiiles and the Canada.' Aik for Motlal's Life IM and Phenix Ijit'.ers; andbesurelhatsfscsimilie nf John MofTitt's signstnre is apoa the label of each bot tle of Bitters or box of Pill. ' I. TX s mK0 HTrJisiitrt mnu lit kaA nf Crmi A' (m n. ...... .... Jt. . .1 ' -f n m . . . .... i. . .i ! n Mger,J (MM'mrn, Agrniliori i rvfrriniir.' u - ' - - . - SilsJiufj.Jau.sV.lStO THE LNDITESDENT TRE.VKCRY BILL. ;A BILL to provide fi the Collcrtion,, Safo-keeping, Transfer, and Dinburneuienl of the Public Revenue, , Be it enacted by the Senate and Hovte of Rep resentative $ of the United Statet of America in Congrrts a tumbled, That, there ahnll be prepared and provided, within the. new Treasury building nnw erecting at the Beat of Government, amiable and convenient rooms for the use of the Treasurer of the Uniled States, his assistant and clerks ( and sufucient and secure fireproof vault and safes, for the keeping of the public moneys in the posse union , and unoer the immediate control of the said Trea surer ; which said rooms, vaults, and safes, are hereby constituted and declared to be, the Trea-' 1 sury of the United States. And the said Treasu rer of the Vu',"l State shall keep all the public ' moneys which shall come to hia hands in the Trea sury of the Uniled Statea, a hereby constituted, I --until ho same are- drawn therefrom according to , Sue. 2. And be it further enacted, That thei Mint of the United State, in the city of Philadol phia, in the Siale of Pennsylvania, and the Brunch Mint, in tbe City of New Orleans, irt Ihe Stale "of Louisiana, and the vault and safe thereof, respec tively, ahull he place of deposite and safe keeping of tiie public moneys at those point respectively; find Uie Treasurer of the said Mint and Branch Mint respectively, for the time being, 'shall have " the custody and care of all public moneys depoii ted within the same, and shall perform all the dti ties"rcqm r eoce to the receipt, safo keeping, transfer and dis bursements) ol ail aucn moneys, according to tne nrovi rovisinns hereinafter contained. shall be prepared ana prnviuea, wnnin trie cusioin housoa now erecting in the city of New York, in the State of JNew York, and in the citv of Boston, in the State of Massachuantta, suitable and convenient nma ft trwTii of tlvritverageneral tf pub lie moneys, hereinafter directed to be appofnted, at those places, respectively) and sufficient and secure fireproof vault and safes for the keeping of """llie "puTilic money r" callcclcd" and "6epriaited with' them, respectively ; ana receivers general oi pun lie money, from lime to tinie, appointed at those .poiiitsshnll live i the custody and care of the said rooms, vaulis, Vn3 aFesVresjwitTveTyVaM : the oublic monevs deposited within the same ; and "shall perfbrnf all the duties required; tor be per formed by them, in reference (o the receipl, safe kiteninir. transfer, and disbursement of all eueh moneva, accordingto the proviions,of this act. Sec- 4. And be it further tnacted,' That fhere shall be erected, ore pa red, and provided, a! I he ox penso of the United States, at the city of Charlea . ton, in the Stale of South Carolina, and at the city of St. Louis, in,the Stste of Missouri offices, with suitable and convenient rooms for the qse of the ,Bmvergor.aJ,of.puUw reeled to lie appointed at the places above gamed ; for the keeping of the publjQ money collected and "deposited at those point respectively and the said ; receivera-iteneral, from time to time appointed at nnq HUti:iiit sovuiv iiruvi i.wii. n, ... those' places, shall have the custody and care of the said offices, vault, and safes, so 10 be erected, prepared, and provided, and of all ihe public mnneye deposited within the same ; and shnil per-. "hn,m'atftie"dtrt--Te them, in reference to ihe recept, safe keeping, Ytransfer, and disbursement of all atich moneys, ac i . .cording to-the proyiQjia..bere toBj5tlM-. ' wr'fr cted,."lt Ihe President shall nominate, asd,y and witntna aa , vice and consent of Ihe Senate, appoint four offi cers', to be denominated " receirera-general of pub. lie monee," which said officer shall hold their re spective offices (Vir 'he term or four years, unless sooner removed therefrom J one of which shall bo - located ai -tho.cily oIlNewlYorkv in. thfl tauUjOl' New York ; one.othcr of which shall be located at the city of Boston, in the Slate of Massachu setts ; one other of which shall he located at the city of CharlcHion.'in the Stale of South Carolina ; and the remaining ono of which shall be located at Ihe city of St. Louis, in the. Slate of Missouri f and 'all of which said officers shall give bonds to the Uniled States, with ecuritiea, according to the provisions hereinafter contained, for the faithful discharge of the rhilie of their respective otlices. , Sko. 6. Ad be it further emitted, Thst the Treasurer of Ihe United States, the Treasurer of Ihe Mint of Ihe United States, the Treasurers aner those acting as such, of the varioua Branch Mints, all ollector of the customs, all aorieyori I of the customs aclinir also a collectors, all receivers-ge- I hcral nf nublic moiievaalLrcceiyeja-of-puhlic-nio- neysat the several land luces, ana an posinias-j . a - 2. k.Mi,i.r,u. n..lirnl..lu np,vifiwl. F lers, except mm huidhwi,.., '""""T. ..r he, and thev are hereby, required" to keep aalely. without loaning nr using, all Ihe public money col , nuiim,. n -r . ' . 4ec 4y. tkeo pvii heir nos9sion and euetodyi-ttll theamet order ed by the proper Department or officer of the Go vernment to be transferred or paid out J and wherrr tucb orders lor transier or psymeni r nsrviTmi, faithfuUw and prompily to make the same as direct ed, and "to do and perform all other duliea as fi-ieal agent of tbe Government, which may be itnjmeed by this or anTQ'her welw C.mgre-, or hy-auy regtilation of the Treasury Department, -made in eonlnrmiiv to law : and also to do and perlorm all mrim mnA duties rcouired by iaw, or hy direction of r F.xecntive Departmrnta of the Govern. . -, -., . -V. ., . .. nnv other disbursements which either of the Head of those Department may be required by law lo make, and -which are nf a character to ue mane by the depositaries hereby constituted, consiilenlly wiih the oihf r omctsi ootte imtiosea upon incm Skc. T.. And be it furihir enacted, That flie Treasurer of Ihe United Slates, the Treasurer of the Mint -of the U. States,, the 1 rea surer of tiie Branch Mint at New Orleans, and the receivers cene.ral of tbe puhlie money hereiiihefnre directed lo be appointed, shall, respectfully, give bonds to the United Stales in such 'form, and for such amounts, a shall be directed by the Secretary of the Treasury, hy and wr h the advice and consent of the President, with sureties to lha Mti.ducUun.nf I Ihe Solicitor of the Trea Miry ; and shall, from time to time, renew, strengthen, and increase ihmr tilTi cial bonds,! the Secretary ol the fasury, wiih lh conen! ol the President, may direct ; any law in reference to any of Ihe oITicmI Uirwls of any of ihe 3id oflicer o I he contrary niiitwithalanoiiij Sue. 8. A11! be it further tnavttd, Tiiat it sIihII bo the duty of the Secretary of the 'Treasury, at as early a7 do y a possitilo niter the pnssngori f this act, lo requir from the several depositune hereby constituted, and whose official bonds are not here- inbefore provided for, to execute, bonds new and suitable in their terms to meet the new and i'nereus. ed duties imposed pon them rospectively by this art; and with aunties, and in sums tiuch as shall seem reasonable andsafn lo the Solicitor of the, Treasury, and from tiiho to lime, to require such bonds"to be renewed and incroused in amount and strenglbened by new sureties, to meet any increns ing resprinsibility which nmy grow out of accuinu bilious of money in the handof the depositary, or out of any other duty or responsibility arising un der this or any other law of Congress. 'w f , Skc 9. "And be it (urthrf enaitcd. That all col lectors and receivers of public. money,' of every Hia racier and description,' within the District of Columbia, Bhalf; at frequpntfjrbi llrt:y1iiy' '"be "tri-" reeled hy the ecrntary ol. the Irensury, or the' Poslmaptcr General, to do, pay- over to the Treasurer of the U Stales at the Treasury there of, ad public moneys collected by them, or in I heir hnmla; tltftl H -such oltctor and j-ecctvera ok public moneys within the cities ol Philadolphia and New OrlcaiM, shall, Upon the an me direction, pay ovor to the Treasurers of Iho Minis in theirfcsjiec live cities, at the said Mints, all' public moneys collecied by them, or in llieir liauds; and" that all aucn collector and receivers of public nioorv with- - . .. . ...... . - in tliecitic ol Iew inrk, liostoo, Charleston and St, Louis, Blmlimfui Iht wiijArelilloViTpay ov?r to the receivers-general of public money in their respective cities, at. (Iieirnnicea respectively, all , hands, to be safely kepi hy I he. said u'Hicctivo de. poaitarics, until otherwise disposed of according to " law; and it aholl bo the duty , of the said Secroinry. And Postmaater.Gencrai to jlirx-ct-sucb, paymeuts by the said collectors and receivers, at alt the said jdawfartertaf s and as much more frequently, in all .cases, aa they, in their discretion, inay think "proper. vv ;'-r - . Six, 10. 4iwf be it fuiiher enarfed, ,' Thai it "analfte lawful foflWeiieiary'of iho'Treoiury"? to translcr the moneys in tbe hands of any depos. itary hereby constituted to the Treasury of the. Uoitej 8tateef to -the Mint at PhilBdeipbia'f to Ihe : Branch Mint at New Orleans ; or to the otlices of . titherof the receivera-generel of public moneys, v by this act directed to he apjioiotedi to be thcrtf'T" safely kept, according to the provision of Jhis act, und also to- 'transfer , moneys in the hand of any one depositary constituted by thia act to any oth er depositary constituted by the sanm, at his dis- -creliou," and ns the safety of the public moneys, and the convenience, of the public service shall -seem to him to require; which authority to trnns for the taioney beinnging Ho Iho. Post'Ofuce Do. partrnent is nlo hereby conferred upon Iho Post .. 4 masterrenerav. ao tar arrtta exercitf J' hlinliiay' be coiisisfeiit with Ihe provifrions of existinir laws; '. ' arm nny ucnr?iiAij luholiiurju uy una Bti feiimi keep his account of the money paid to or rlepomtod . with bim, belonging to the Post office department efiarate and distinct from the account kepi by him nf other public money so paid or deposited. And for the purpose of payments on (he public account, it shall be lawful lor the Treasurer of ihe United Stales to drave-nporr any of thtratfid deiKisilarieS s-he rrtay Ihmk Ahanrt eiidtoie 4e4h smbhe- interests, or the convenience of the public credit ors, or Ijcth. Jim)m.lhAaa moneys. itt the hands, care, and custody, of any of he depositaries 'constituted byrthi Vcrrshitlrtff considered and held as deposited to tho credit of . theTreasuror of the United States, and shall be, at all times suhject to his druftj whether' mndo" for transfer or disbunamenl, in l(0 sanie. manner as though the said moneys were actually in the Trea. - sury of- lhe--lV-Sttes--imI-ench drpnsitnTy-shafl make returns lo" the .Treasury and . Post-OtT.ee lepartments of all money received and paid by him, at such lime, and in such form, a shall lie directed by the Secretary of the Treasury, or the Postmaster-General. . - . . " Sec, 12. And In it further enacted, That ti.a " Secretary of he Treasury shall be, and he is here. by, authorized to cause exnminaiiim to lo made, of tbe books, accounts, and money on hand, of Ihe several depositaries constituted by ihisaclj. andjgr that purpise to appoint special agents, a occasion may require, with such compensation as he may think reasonable, lo he fixed and declared at the time of each nppointment. The agent selected to make thene examinations shall be instructed to ex amine is sell the, books, accounts, and returns of. the officer, aa the, money on hand, and Ihe manner V of its being kept, to the end (hat uniformity and accuracy jn.the accounts, well as safety, lo lh puhliq moneys, may be secured thereby. Jr i -T--.- ..j-...,-. , . ... Skc. 13. And bt tt further enacted. That in Inst preceding nection; and as a further guard over Ihe puhud moneys, it shall be the duty of each na val officer and aurteyor, a a check epoir the-je- cqiver general of phblic moneys, or collector of the custmnj, of their respective districts ; of each reg. istor of a land office, as a check upon, the receiver of his land ollice ; and ol the director and stipor- mtenrtent of each .Mint anrl Krnnrh Mint mtuui an. prateffices, aa a check upon the TreaftirrrS, ro- " spoetivfly, of the said Mints, or the persons acting as such, at the .close of etch quarter of ihe year. and as much more frequently they shall be di. recico wy llio oecreiarj ill i.ue Aimiiiiry 10 uo so, to examine the books, accounts, returns, and money on hand, of the receivers general of public money,, collPCiors," receivers of land'oITiceii, ireasurers, and persons acting a such, and to make a full,accu rata, and faithful return to Iho Treasury Depart -ment of I hrlr condition. T. . Six. 14 And bt it further enacted. That the said officers respectively whoe duly1 it it made by this act to receive, keep and dishuriw the public moneys, as the fiscal sgsnt tjf the Government, msy be allowed any neressfiry adHrtnmil expenses foe. clerks, fireproof chests, or i snlis, or other ne- cessary expenses of safe keeping1, transferring and diaimrsing saia moneys; in S'irhcxpenw nf every character (o be first rxpre-atv aiiliionzod by lh Secretary of lha Treasury, hoso directions upon all Ihe above subjects, by way of regulalion and otherwise, so far as authorised hy law, are to fie Mriclly followed by all the ad officers! t'rotided, i nat me wnoie numner oi cierhs to ue appointed by virtue of this seciioa ol Hue act, shall rK ci ! I I - airaVr-j'.'r v. y t i - t r 4 V. -J. ' . e

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