' 'PIT Tj ,11 jilll. Jild a. jiwnn-iiTTD-TK IL TH FOWEM. NOT DEtEdATEO TOTHK fMTrb .TAT. BT THE CON?mTrT,0. HO P.OHrrrD .T IT wt-imTt., ati . TO T mm UTOttt, oa T t orta.- Aavaioieaf. to He Cte, vWrX- B. AUSTIN & C. F. FISHER, Tdifors and Proprietors. NO. XXXV, OF VOL. XX. (Whole .. lOrU.) SALISBURY, N O, FEBRUARY It, 1&I0. : . A 1 y Viio wants belter Kvidrnce? 1 WOULD refer the reading public hi Hie numerous voluntary letters published recently in thi paper a0il in the Good Samaritan, relative to the happy and beneficial effect iif the administration of MOFFAT'S LIFE PILLS FIJEN1X BITTERS. Ttws who have perused the letters above referred to W,I1 observe that in !iivt every case the aui Uie licit that no inconvenience of any aurt attends the la king of these medicine, in ordinary cue, but that Uie patient, withoat fueling their" operalHm, is universally '" left ia stronger aud better tst of health the a wa expurwiiced preffott U being afflicted who diseaise; aud ill ill case, acuta suricrmg, great relief m ok. tamed in few ami rv m J a cure la generally effected iot or three dys In esse of FEVER of every description, and Dj bilioitf detuona, it is Umioeesssry for me to any aught, I i I believe Uie LIFE JtElM'INEii are now nmter-l mllv admitted o be the tiiwt speedy and effectual care1 extant in all disease ut that clans. The liFE MEDICINES are also a most excellent n.ln'f in lfcelion of the Liver a ltd Bowels, aa du been prored in hundred of ehere patienla hare j come lorward and requested tint their experience in taking Uinm might be publtslied fiTthe benetit of other. " In their operation in uch canes, they restore Uie lone of the rHuiaachi atrenpthn the digeive organ, and invigorate the general functiooaof the whole body, and thus become to botli sexes (lor tlicy are perfectly adapted In each) ri invaluable meant of preventing -'Kwar rod resuTinr; tifiatth. ""V; T ' littnlfectimn ol the bead, whether accompanied with . pin and giddiness, or urn r lied by ilia grievous calami ty of impaired mental energy; in palpitations' of the hiwrt, flatulence; Lw of appetite and strength, and the "multiplied symptom of disordered digestion, THE LIFE MEDICINES will be found to noweaa the iost sstnturr efficacy. , CunntitutintM relaxed, weak, or dfcayodTin men'or - wtmieitj- are -under th- immediate tnftnene- of -TH E LIFE MEDICINES. Old cough, antliina, aod coo miiopiivt liahiia are aoon relieved and ipeeddy cured. J'overty of blond, and emaciated limba will ere long meet lite liappieat change; the chill watery fluid, will wiTIiTJei.il, firm aiUl healthy.. . ... '"" N'erviiui diaorderi of, every kind, and from whatever caua earming, fly before the etfectoof THE LIFE I1E DICLNK8, and all Urnt train of ninkings, ansietiea, and ( troniour' which ao dreadlullr affect the weak, the ms tVxied by cheerfulnew, and every presage of health. tor .WMknegft, dehcieocy ot natural strength, and rebiXation of the veinnl, bj too frequent indulgence nfT n tnra meotcnie laT -sarc, cenam, ajw iu vt 1 11 able reinedv. Tl.oxe wlw have long resided in hot climate, and are languid and relaxed in their whole system, may take THK J.1FB MEDICINES with the happiest et. recV; and person removing to the Southern (State or Wi-at indies cannot store a inore important article of health ami lite. , . '(be fsillnwing'vcei! are among 'the roost recen turts cfiiicuK, airH gratefully acknowledged by the jinsons benefitted :- f''it Jacob Ct -Hont, New Windsor, Orange " ohniy, S. V. -A drt,'4(lful tumor destroyed nearly the whole of his fnce, none and jaw. -'Experienced quick i "licl Inuu Uie use of thi Life Medicines, and in lew ;ii :n tlireo month w sh entirely cured, (ise reported, vtiHi a wool engraving in a new (wmphlet now in .re5s.) ,' ; a'Hcteil IS )! with itwell ng Wi In legs was en t.rely curod ly tking-4d pill 111 oweek. Case of Joan Dsulton, Aberdeen, tyhio rheumatism fno year is entirely cured ha nsJ the LIFE ME JtJCWES for W orm in children and. found them a Mvereign remedy. Case of Lewis Aurtin periodical sick haadsche al wava rplievu1 by a small dose no entirely free trom it ' -v)ef-Adow Anre 'itfHivst thveferate unf obtKiHHl dyspeMMj, snd general debility. Case of Adah Adams. Wiodaor. Ohio rheumatimn, Travel, liver atlectiona, and general nervnu debility, r had bum f.imbnsd sevea ytaiw- was fiul Irani 1 MaX hsi Xikiha one box of pills Ittd bolUe;.of taller .l.iotwt fJOrautdinary cure-h o atery-aoaiuiy-. M.;fohuat jaomaaauetca a tcr husoand j5uom Case ot .Mrs. Badger, wile ot Joeepli BaJger nearly similar to arivu result the ssuie. l ie ot tfusan G.KxIarant, a young unmarried wo man jMioject mill health several year a small Course bi Uie. Liiu jliiJicnuj .entirely restored, tier 1 now )ile and healthy, ' cough and symptom ot conumpiion cureo id rour weeks. Her sister cured of a severe attack ot lniuun . matorv rheumatism in onr vnk! :ase of S. Gilvrn cured of a severe atuca ot cr-; let fever in a tew day by the Life Medicine. 1 Case of Harriet Twogood, Salina, N. Y. w in a! very low stale of health vear aud a halt did not ex pect to recover. Mis T. is now able to walk bout ami . rapidly recovering both health and strength. J Case of Bcnjamip J. Tucker evte ca of Fv r ; and pue--cured in a verj hprt apace ofiimc.. Ife, rectiwis (Tillowed sirictiy. I Case of Amos Davis affection (of the liver after ( trymg doctors' reniodie in rin for a long time, wti ccred by the Life Medicine withiut trouble. Extraordinary case ol Lvmso Pratt, who wa afflict- ed with Phthisic 20 year-effected perfect Cure ut nour by the use ot the IJfe Medictne. t Thousands ot persons friicUid in like masnor, have, ! ly a judicious 1 imliciou use of MOFFAfS LIFE PtLLS aad. I'HKNIX BIT I'ERA been restored W IV, enjnymcnt: of til Uie comforts of life. The Jtitten 'j pIomoI to 1- j Mlotllitt'iej Mall, geotfy 'aVtringe f b" brcyoTtb to-1 " iiscii, and give that proper tenuity wnicn a goou oiw tion reiiiiirea. As notimi-j can be better adapted Ul ' neTp and iiou'rieh" The" cWisUlirfwwr lieie""s"pjthWi hsire generally acknowledged to be peculiarly eftc- twm tttlbwaJd'waaUiigi IbV'irulO" at-', uoo, deprewi. of piriU, trembling or stiakipg of u j hands and limb?, obstinate co ighs, shortness ol brwatb, W codMiuipuva habit. . i The Lite Medicine posses wonderful efficacy in all j acrvousdisorJers. fits, headache. WMkuewea, heaviness , .yj!onnriiiilaiiriU,di ofiiHli.coiiriiu-dlooiilil.l tndennrnf iha mtnd. Hmn sihI melancholy, and all kiad of hysteric Complaint are gradually removed by their use. In sickness of the tomsch, flatulencies, or i rttruclions,tbey are sste and powerful, and aaa puri- nnheWood they bavehot thejr etlB tbotvortd! "TorditionsJ'partie Moflstt "Guod SamariUn," a cojy of which eceom-j aatnerthe medicine : a conv can a I way be obtained of' mrei'Afttta who luva the tdiciat fi aabv.-i French, German, and Spanish directions csn beob-j "nod on.applicaiion at tlie office, 375 Broadway. J All DustmiJ luiirawill receive uninwdiale attention I Prepared and ..Id by WILLIAM B. -MOFFAT, 875 "dwa, New York. A liberal dedueiio made to taose who purchase ta rll again. , i Aeenl,The Life Meilicoc may also be badef any j UMava TVVe!"r7JXl1 iJnited State an the Canad.. Ask lor Mofut Lite , Ii . . . . - -av ....-... 1 . . mi and Phen s Bitters : and be wire that t tac wmuw , Job Moffat signature is upoa the label ol each but- " Bitter of box of Fill. Tl efrere Jtfedtcinc may be kid of Cren ef Roger, mf thi$ low, A g ett for IAe Proprietor. ,Slwbory,-n.M0. , ; 1 TERMS fit THK kUTgRS caiOLIXIA. ' The Weatera Caroliouw w published every Fa. tl, at Two Udlara per annum if paid in dvaucf, or Two Dollar and Fifty Cent if out paid before toa e pinilioo of tbn nmntb. No paper 1,1 he discontinued omil all arrearage ' r paUl, unit- at theducntjon of the Editor; nd failure ( itify the EJtlor of a w4 to discontinue o otb beiore the end of a year, wiJ be coMbiik. ej a a nt iMiifSjp'ineiiL .;. , Vderiictneau will be eoBif icumw?v and correctly irwerted at one diUr per aiire ( if imi , mt (tt ff. It hv ef thi Hied type) Car the 6ru tuert'wa, and 3- e-iiu (ir each cwitmiMace... Courtand Judicial a.lifertj..rnu will be ehaiged 25 pr cent isura tltaa the abenre priceiu A deductx c4 SSj per cent from tli regular price tit be atade t yearly advertisers. Adiertfeaaeot rnt W asr pubjicaiMw, tau have the nuinfafr el t'eie mirt.ii t wm. n4hr,M . ti til! torbO. and clarad f rr,im ,1. - . Letter aadrewd to the Editor on buxneui cuuK bt fw r"' w iT ui Be atK-a to . For tiral Vrprtiaent. uki osjitt ratal t tfainta aratML. NEVER LOOK SAO. t'"' Never too aJ noUung so bad A getting Guniliar with turn ; Treat hir today in a ca lalier way, ; And he'll et:k o'Jief auarutr to-iaorrow. Long you'd not weep, would you but peep ' Ai the bright ide of every trisl ; Fort une, you'U bed, is often tuost kiml, . IVbea chilling your hope with denial ' iJtWjN 4 ij ci try away , -,t, '," 1 w own lirUe bortlien ol aorra w ; . Or you may mn half of the blm 1 bat come 1a the Up of to-oiorrow. Whin hope i wrecked, pause iaml reduct, .J Jftor OCtamuiifd Irene d'ner? - lt it be to, hereafter voi'll know " "' ;;, ilow to utoer into the bubor of "laJnea. ' THE IJG1JT IN THE BIXN CLE. '';:-. ""';'; , at auw c.B. WaTMaUa. Oh ! dread hot the shadow that Cooiptaa the now. 1 neve u iwv a perwa to sorrow, Thf dsrknen'may hover awhile o'er hj hraw. oncui joy may uwpejue It lo-nivjf row f Thiol, thmk, a ye gaae o'er tba-water of life. . 1 bougn Uie wave mav be troubled and ehuL . Th'nk, think ye can ee,'mid the tux moil and sti.fe, The lighUn the buimele ti!L " ' ; The flower may fade that wenerisFw y thT " And frieaisiiiay forget 'wt were ever, ' Afid heart that we loved for their kmdii arid truth, Have taught every ood liiik' V acver. ' " But flowers ma blossom again froratha earili, ''v - And rapture oar boanms may-hrut, .. ' If we ee 'mid tfi ftbiebond, the fcdiiig and dearth, ' The light in the binnacle stilL s jl. Then dread not Uie clouds, tho' thej gather in oigjt, 80 long as one spark I 1 given, t . Perping forth like sunbeam of beauty and light, evwsw'OBf-the-bright -mal of IreaTCTr.'"'' " But steer b the glimmer, tho' faint it ppeaV, It I meant every heart pulse 10 thrill. ' . Ni darkness apil us, while steady and clear, : 1 ue iigiil a in toe ainnacle stitu N. ASSOCIATIONS. -sTliJveVrliii tWr"1wai'tcl'l,i.1!c7r " B'lt hath aonte little nower To brighten up it solitude, And scent the evening hour. By gnef and sorrow down. "TJiitRjth'airrwTnerVtrVof the pA --- w-Mmr nm twt MJ. trwa. - SQUEEZING. lliiw dilHdent the besnx have grown, In fcet they're perfect churls ; - Boeh shameful coldness Tliey never ieeie the Girlt! I?rntt1e9 ()T6 deriRM) pljn; In I.eu of thee cold elves; Tkey now, (oh, tfitme npoo you own !) With oorvets Mjueeze UewlvCTl HINTS HUSBANDRY. ON THE APPLICATION AND INCREASING QUANTITY OF MANURE. Ii the 8pnn; when the manure w conveyed in conveyed in- to tlie field, it hoild be ploughed in, immediately,, and spread no taster than becime nemwary ,-r plotighing; because at thi season the warmth of the aun produce a rapid fermeutatioa, the most valuable or liquid part of the manure escape ia the Joevojsraat- iaotlen expressed, by evapora- SbouU a bip.-aiauurAt fbi aooaun b covered with earth two feet deep, in a abort period the whole mis of earth would be enriched by tbe Ir a: TtTtvifr fmirrthe fernvnt'd and tha qoaoiiLv . wii!d IheKebj b gatty iccreaseoV,' To uuTneithet frtwh nor rotted ruanure b tbe ae. on of planting potalor i)d corn, at a general nrctice is biudiciou. but hf the. nnantity of frrsh, unfermented manure, id the hill, well mixed in the soil, would l5il probahly more out ri meat than d;wible the q-iaptiry of c! i rrtten mttaare, Manure being the life of t farm, every exer:ioo should be osed lo increase the quantity of all kinds. Gmtpoft, toot, abe, lime, g pie burnt, day, or mA brick, aolveriaed, decotnpnscd rcgctaUe ub- iaocaft,aaaxa U Jcettiajt will all increase ihe quantity of manure, and lend to fortilize the aoil. ' Ne are inorawt, tlw ootl..' Ne are inorawt, t "ucb aTi Uketl IforaTne vb""", 'itn tu t"T je'eJ' - am nuantitv of autnatent to .iilauta. Oa farms it ought never be kt. The yards for twine, ooghl alwayo lo be egcjuiated, er be ia the firm of a be- sin, 00 that thi manure 111 richnes aexi 10 tae raw, j inouu a- DrTed in a "moirt tate. Tbo name "renrh arie lo the barnyard 6 catUe, eacept, he ,rt hafe , and dry tnar . be cattJaoccationany-.VoHS'ra "- , 4 . . ',. . Farmer. ON THE DEPTH DF PLOU0HIXOv - Tisat plmighing deep is of tbe utmost importance to tnake bind- productive, no one (oho ia e"gd fareier) will deny -rYel bow decora ble ia k tot ace ao many of our firmer, in Head otplotifkiog their land, persist in Ihe old rutno'i practice of merely 1 v 4It .tL alarming it. S.ula of t'ue best quality may be very hortly inipiA'erielted by ahallow ploughing : hihr on the other hand, those of an isfenor quality may he matenally improrrd by judicioua ploughM. Why, it may le 4ed, art) ao and bo ao mexhaustiSly i'rtiteaAcr being dfai.trd (hie aim pie reason i, because they are powered of ail of cotiftoVrable Thet) why oot plough k-p, in order to tucrew the depth of Ibe hI of uplaud. LaaJ which vt beeu ptoughed ahal low, on receiving iha firt deep pkwgbmg, wiH generady fail w some meair in producing 4 gvmd crop, in eoosHuenc of lurntog op the clay. Tim ha dwJieartroed anme that bate made trial of it, to a to abandon it immediately again. But the action of Uie sun, aod atinu-plteia) on the upturned clay, will contribute gieatly toVa fertili2ton. Tui being ploughed down, aud ibeY-noer ui fare turned op again, with the addition ""'". wjl give land deep soil and proper ma er it fcr- tile arid productive. But few person are aware of the dentbio which the fibrou root of graa dWend into the Vmurni. It bat been discovered with very few exceptiuna, 'that they reach ta the bottom of ml, however deep; conar nil nlly plant arowinr is a deeoVoil i will be much belter protected agaitwt tha. cTectipf I drought than tho growing in a shallow oil. t j would augest; thereiore, that band in ordinary I i caw1, he ptooghe4 not lea tlian eight incite deep. I Will it not La much better to uilt-r partially, in on crop, and thereby to hat afterward a .mam. I fold increase ; than to be alweys toiling, with very tmpeneci return tor our labor t" . Ltiimel. - hiirrofr wuiyiTmdraVv-TOhoat feur crf suffering aoy las in crops, by an increase of 2 or 3 inchef every annual ploughing, until the srth be slirrwu and pulr nied 10 the depth of 10 or 12 inches. Indian corn planted in such a awa of knserwd earth, waM 'Wc4eer?er?bT"vfd!rf ' 'otoa'W.f'.'MPTiSe"'! sponge, 3 would ah-wb a vast quantity of rain water, and become a reservoir to tp?'y th want of that and of all other pla-ita. .tfi.'Irr, fj. Silk Culturist. , " ., BEE MOTH. Mr. Jaroe Tbaieber7 author of the American Orcbardtstr &tc n 1 eooimosncahoa to the Near, England Fanner, tay t " I will embrace thia opportunity to communicate (or the benefit of the Cultivator, what I believe to be an infallible remedy agaiaat the bee cnotb, wkten- baa proved so destructive to Lee throughout our country of lata year. I be remedy is nmpie and easily p plied. It consMts merely in covering; the 'floor board on wtiicn tne hive Hand, with common earth about aa inch thick. A hive aet on earth will never be infested wtih worm ; fur the bee moth will Dot depneite her egg where the earth will com) in contact. She naturally resorts to a diy board a tier element. . I he remedy ha been em ployed by a numlier of persona in thia vicinity fir everal year, with the most complete success. sCLPHuk a ?e VatTveTfrou insects Sulphur' is recommended by Dr. Mease, in the Domewtie Encyclopedia, a a preservative from in ectjLTbejriHmeriditoi t endorjed by tlie Editor of the Cultivator in bit last number. He , dated that dusted upon grape, m the grape-house, mctttcacHni in toe Apcn groood, tm the sulphur is washed or blown off. v I-or many ycart, we have lost noat of our early Labbagea by a maggot; ?wsJ!fiP xaa-alwt awnor rraBo.lty mixing wlphur with the groat in which the root of the plant- are'dipped" b1bre pahlTn'g',"tne' eviT f wwy preieutcq'rt'nl ir laC tiUuU are plunged deep in the grout, ao as to enal the base or toe icx reniyTneyefe- prwwteo vrewyao.' If scattered upon toe row, ia young L-aubagr and Etadisbe; before or after they re taken tip, it pro bably would be etneaciou ia protecting both tile top and root. Sne England Farmer - r - Tram tie Vnrgn nF. r 1 - ECONOMY. TonomT ta in tne mmriR ol everv one. 11 preached by all, aad prct""d by mr, we were going to y, hot we will change the expreaaion, and ay, that it r practised by only a few of the at onirutode. sow encg!d in the active purauiu of life. The mrrchant who bat soffered by indis cnnuoAtjeJy crediimg - t-Two, lHtkv a4-Hrry, hi ware aad roerchan'Jie, meet bins where yoo may, complain of the extravagaoee of hi neigh bors, and their want of what he r ltsrmineor in future to nracttse. a proper, nay rigid c ojr. - pju, a 1 HjJ be beo tesoestrtvaganl himself in tbe dacpotitioo of hi mercbandixe. bad he been content wuh the eetling of fewer good, and been aatMified with a certain though "a maller profit on tbe aamei ret rent hroeot in hi household probably vnud bare been necjessaryT" and the" practice nf o rigid eoenomy- would wot bare been pew? by him at tbe corner of the street. At it a, by hi extravagant exrcsi to do bhcx, he baa ta rtun tEcmsslret, aod w dawxao, has well nigh rw'ae" hinweir, JToaoch 1 aa individ 04 wo would say , that by the eaercite of rcoaosay, ui.ited with persevering industry, fortune, notwtth ttnding the barbie of Ibejimea, ia jet witbia your reach. IWpond not, bet practise what yon preach, and a kind Providence will certainly amile lesaoa for your good. lie wise and protit by it. Tbe Pajntrr also talks abnul rrwwiay. 'He ha veritored largelT in parchasmg opoo ertdit, bind tod oegroee. - ofeiMent with eamvatmj t Hsw of iolrkW'frnrn' lbrty to fifty bands, he most venture into speculation, and mpm trimwlfo Joad. of fclwjmHyJnto. I T .f wbioh bouid have frig bter-d him from hi purpose; but be ha bono roe tired of thriving in a mail may ; ia not content with Ihe appellation of a thriving farmer ; and imM need gratify his amhi- tion to botume flatter, lie ventures, and w etf. The costly rhte, tho arsiririfig hock, th rich ma deira, united with rashvnnable furoitore, fine borer, splendid ceachea, "Jfrat rate ererteso," nd bad crop, have made htm a preacher. He is ruined, and lecture opnti rtmomy. e nope that ne will practise it. If oot enervated loo much by kixuri- ou Imnr, he, m its rtercne, ma yet attaio eorottencT. Let him not b4 beyond thi, for true bappioesa ia seldom .found tlie coaipanico of those w bo mdre tban a competency puaoeaa. . The MotJiaoit cnrf,Pflxl. Jle. wo, talk of tli b.irJ n-as of the tunes, and recommend rnww aay- Well, Isulv ha lie bwn hardly used f The world to bun hilli ever been tuikinj I HrJ kiitcks from hi bwtt when an apprentice, low wages when a journey aaan carpenter, blnckmiitih, or bricklayer, be yet contrived (o navo a little fro fa hi hard earning, anJ wm'oo. the road to pKjTtty ; but he bos advanced on the ladder of tunooe'cveii yv a step higher, aud i now a nmstur workman. A builder of house iun-ir, with hi dpenVut jmir tiey men, 'apprentice, cVc. -- Eiger to monopolize' the buHine of the town, he ha made mnhy un fortunate contrnct. lie has lost money in putting up the Jail, fie ha been worsted in t-recttngNihe Uuurt tluuje. llie wgea(ol journeymen nave . increased. Brick, mortae, I11110, and other nmtev of a new eountrr. YVe Jkav Irtojwsusiy toemer rial have uhtrpeHedly also increnned in price, sxiccation alladed to tWinect.asWevwiraiornd to "Every thing ha taken a bad turn.' RiMidorod de. check thi specie U tHntgratmaa kt, extviih perate he venture further still. ' W hat is the eon- atanding thcae ctWl we bebeva'lb aamorr of eipienret, lie iuined, and with the Merchant eroigraiitaof tbts tl now rowtaetly arm tog, ia and Planter, he baa uecome a preacher of Econo j greatk-r thaa it ba beea at any ptevKK periuX my. ; Truly do we pity hi situation, and wish him To thie foung vaem who bate a'reajdy arrived u every surcese, in hi exertion to rise again. Let our euurttr aad are nil vueapkvL we wuutd him take heed to practio what he preadiet, and all will yet be well with htrn Not only doth tlie Merchant, the Tlanter, and the Mechanic limdly prata about economy in our ttreets, but the Lawyer, the Physician, the specu lator. Ihn Bunker, the Nuln Shaver. Iha Retailer. Ktha Gambler, gentlemen of eery profewion and failing, ana gentlemen 01 nc proiusaion or caning ill, all, all, appear to be rlotermmed to Veniliip at the shrine of economy, alone, iu the future. Ne-; ver have we whneed an unBiiimou a feeling pre vailing before in any coroinuuiiy, upon any tubject. iaj-wpaatluu ae-bM4oti..iaecetetltx. caT. every nuvn exercising rigto economy, appear to oe acquiesced. In by all. It is iu truth the only hope. , Nothing else can, (Ave many from absolute nun. extravagancejind practise economy. It will be well Tor ua, and fitter lor those who are to supply our plare when we have all quit thi Binge of. ac. " lion. -The talent Hiat has been ronimittod to our .terv-are atturf inroyo, or the afrWlotin-f wtt dune thou good and ruitlilul ervatilM will not be appliod unto ua at the Vreat, the accounting dar. Economy in future thall dm our wBtch-wnrdjVv vnii practise economy, vqwiu preaco economy. Economy i a virtue. It may m ko a man to be rich ; it can never make a man to be poor. , miscellaneous; ' Tram lh New York Journal oKCommerce, ItcideiUMof the Lexington. -The olloaing ato ncs show on "how small a circumstance our live orne time depend : V ' When the PhiladeTpbia morning boat arrived on Monday, the 13th, one of the gnllemert passen ger called a hack, and 11 greed with the driver to take him to Eighth street.: Another gentleman being about loget in, the former, admonished Win driver that he mimt not rJg tag about the eity, btvt f-grrutreenfW'EmriTrc'eTr driver, H I will take you first ; it will not be out of the way f or thi gentleman." r When the hack had gone 00 tome distance, the two gentlemen fell into a conversation, and the accond one stated tbnt he was oa hit wry to IV, ml on, and wa then going to the Providence boat. 1 0 th?.rrovidcnce boat. from the .very next pier to th Providence butt, and here thi rascal of hack man ia taking you i jour pe .oLthree miletvaiid vou will eerramlr be tow -,4ate.,y8wh wat the faetvbut Hie gemleniitr tmH .Wdupof!.. ysVJM PlJcdl.ba!ifl.Could.Dol.Mlp pay for-fr irxr, -and- be-made-1oo-lata- tew deaitor the Lexington hid gone when the hack returned, " tlid llie iiiiiiv life was iiaveir. --Tojaory ibowi the advantage ot being cheated, and ia calculated, not to make ua approve of fraud, but to rejoice that thore-ia a Providence which can bring ao mush good out of so vexation ao eviL - Ouaoi. ur eitiamw who wiw-wy-micrrm to' go- to Boston in the Boat of Monday evening, wa, by a aerie of apparently untoward circumststire, prevented from finiahifig hi buaineaa at-i'biladnb phia in lime lo return here on 8tiurray, and aa be could not einscitiiiely travel on Bumfar, he re mained at IhiMelphia until Monday. Hi Boa- tun trip was accordingly deferred, and thua his life wa saved. 1 his show the ttdvantay of kueping Ihe Sabbetltf : . Another gentleman had innde hi arrangement on the Hiturdny prcvio-ui, to take the boat on M.m diy for Stonington. But learning that a creditor who held a demand against him, wnf watching hi omtortnnity to catch him, and reflecting that tha boat was tbe plae at which he would be aura to bo found, he dctermiucd on taking the Net Haven route, and ao hi life was saved. 1 his ahow Ihe advantage nf being in debt. Iet Do maq complain of hi fnt m thia respcer- Dnubtlrss there ire ma -ny 4nor.eaae ia which omo,. Jiltle -Jcuxrenci, aeeminglt nnmeaning, prevented perann from be ing oh board. Oh i that it had pk ased'the gNd "B"mi; wbr guidee mir dttny,toha ve -nrmed all fcet away from the Lexington, .00 that dayy From the Text TtUgraph. " Among tbe thousand of emigrant that are bow constantly arriving in our eonnry, we amice with reirret too larre Dortum of vounir lawver. nhv. riou nntversitie of the United rotate. These young men come lo our shores lured by Ihe bnght est prospect and burning with high hope. 'They have heard Txm described at an .El Doraoo, vrfiete wtg1pnVirw venturer who ha li! to eek her fertile proine, gjqilLJlraJioghljuaihioo of iinimrwwiptod prosperity. But a la I whal bitter disapp'imtmerrt oflen await them! ihey here lnl indeed a country unurpised for beauty and fertility, and abounding in tgricultural wealth; but. all Uu aOifd tbem no encptiragemeri. llicy wander uronu -.-- 1 ""J maun nno:r amid tne reniie nmoa ot uostien. hat 1 14 the ftrmer a paradise, i to them a. oVacrt. The oc cupation which afford, them the mean oftttpport, are here either neglected or ire already overbur thened tod rendered eterite by compel itioo. Often have we eeen young "men of thi claas, who have been Ditrtured in the lap of luxury, aad, who, pre. t vioos to the period of their (emigration, had never . known the ating of want, but had been constantly fhterd inrl tjstaincd by wmtthy ami indulgent pn- rents, here bosrad by dmpHntnm4, B&hng ua ' der the nw myvt poverty, eaabtttered leoLid by the recollection f f rttarr aod bngkter day rf hap pines ud if ca. tkur cwintry s )tire too -new and it popui'atica toa srorse awd widely if. fused to aflurd many ay ansa to 10J4 vi'Im tt of iSij , deacripti.io. The anptilaUno anal retttired ia Tea a at present, t that dVnved from H lanain diaw trict of the l:aed ratra, aud But frusn the rittea . and larger town. Those wblstauote and public 1 tertu re thert f we, that tettl to Kg e v-rgraau frotn the large citio of , that enaalrt, V injury, iy t. fifing to our vHorr, a cfam C audivvduiaE laal era wholly usdattsd aitbe by bUt ar dopnaitioii, to encounter and CAJur the mvttw and kaidshino say, rtKo lima ia idle exvcutkm, anc luiter any longer' tw rer toas: r fcaseeo at owe to lrm u l,pperutry " ' ilia Wwe. friing; lraiapr in laal tee tion will noiitta wtfh cttwVr,elhi3wvt -irkaome bay be (bcbaneio thkaww orcwpatioa, it wilt rttaara a e)vtr aod awdkape be th mean ul eemnng U aiesvaca to atSsmce. A ftir urf lmt$ty Tung JLVavIiwWry Mbut'ittkt ake (raiesa'tt be regar. good, ia gained W viiag ry-t fent atarts. -Ter otd ibe C iraMtxsa of kaaV..of irregitaii:y, ea. deavor to r WT0" fited idmreataaMr fta,' r. frreoce bota to yotrr eedwary aiWwtiuM aad your arvertora a hm piui ym thw bsi aWw Sat yoar self, add tbe virtwe fa rsstaa'itt. 'Ou aatf of ihpe Mple ya aoeei aa Kav aaaceWae idea er lias impmlauat nauee. ! bar a pv lorm iiteir pan very tNM.tr. lentxwd or.twwj ponrtual, IbeT care m4 Is9r tlr Leey tbe tv . .gagemca.t, atsi jCbe psjasciwi get wbswd of ji them. Many ceanfta thai ibtr are prevented from being punctual by ibe sshtptsctty ef IbeiVj -engagemcttte. Bat lb, in atwal icataa:, ia a oVluMoa all aei may be nrtts fo tbe. talent whrcb t tweeswary te gaaa tkem a rrpuUtt-xi fur -teprrilfisiy-s "t It i aatcmttniftg wbal a aa wmt V ia the way of alndy aad sKctiptttMi, il "..fce proceed according to tnt thod, and Awe M mHam katself to b over come by the oral apaweee al eat ao wakb in-. doieooa ta opt t agtTa. TV wosUl gmrralty eateem aad pay ceatrt to tore of real tjaabrvtating punctuality oaut wtegrrfy A J at love to fan upon aueb ndinoutls, wall kwowtog tbey are sal ia doing ao- Roswe mea area to be afraid of erWt ihing the babitof pcoctoadity, k . Wd bo thoucBl'ta'or&f'Bri'irfiil'il'a Tucy carxwdcr it Wssntib Ibe eieoitat of a great ' "! nnn, or c ooe wb ifemL he kat a ru"-l la do t be 'pk-aaea, to be pamdwaL Ta laoro great - weakueaa-id" crarler 4ii'eere tf tmf and - L 7 r- oaerweewng aeJf-eseoa. It euy be rcaoatked, .1... .11 lJeteeo, have beeo Wanvttied be tbttr oe -toilrt v. " W Miiogtoa wo a 'Macfial bat t so in r. ' lllackstooe, x V bra tbn bm4 sewstfi uid.iwiuaL- - - - - 1 a -e. a 0 . a a, m ' omveroa ct ceicmteo teciirea, 00 wae never iiowtrri tSTi mmutti. aoA lie could ooaot-iauV-BosI tnrone I iMfM oattirnsiiiia. dusotin t saths Tvrtow. Punctoatity ia payipg debr. settling account, 'imisHroW'-v aloe, - If perr4e oo-aVi "art see aad jotry oader- aland how JugUy tbesrebwractera tre ratacd ia tvs ciety by nonrtoahfy sa tbes wattrrsw tie auukf X- exert every focohy and (trace, every asm lo be PL ' .!??L,S!B!1L overelimeDy pert etrwseo to iboir ceoecsioccfc . - Make punctoaliTy a babst; U tcruU ia every ' lliHig. If yoo orentuao to im ot a cettaua hour, be oa the Aoor at tb vrvy eawwoi: f yoo de- ' ' lermiaeto do any partscsdor tkstg betr yeor brek!at,oe aure t do iu If je bve to meet -a circle of fntwd er 0 nciety, be tbero ot the ap- ' ' poirrted ttftw.' Some aaea a apt la be very hardy - iiatteding aaawbega atoticssasr, e peeailry rf" they btv any thsftg to da, l!v-y ibrik there at ," great dignity to Wwg wojted ,, kst it a a reryv mistakea rdeo ; for afcaKsagb aa asaambfy will bo . j.gl'id lo ae ywo after baaiaag oadad 0000 lies for yon, they wo 14 asv bees arsarb asoro pteasad ta lave eeea yoo ot year past at iha appesatoa time. - Indiwtry, peneveranre, rmarttsiUty aad ioregrify are all greatly advanced ly a habit of early rv aing A yoong araa away lrra rjoy otjscci ft '" utiguagco tscroly by rnakwz a proper ate at tho . iJo. lrwwof Hyfit aa o tm r ,aoo.r mui rowig 1 pethap ay o-two n.ionoa; rvu a ve ry vulgar babst - Ihm-two at at tWg wed enro'li for. otc1ic aJ laKitye, hi ..be .aa .aau to be. adopted feytti fctjW clause of aociety. Bu4 thos -srbo rtwnk-or stljpv; IW EotAteg aT tho biographic rt emtoent aaroj or btvo petwacd tbofa with iitile atteetioa. It n ttshsfsjtabio that fcr men ever lived to a great sA tVwor un rvr bee tie diM(goibe rt tlteir ahalrisnt, vtha ware i4 0 lite- thM ef enT'T""y. ' If yiwfMi ,f ot cnurse yoo caaoot get oknact year boacnes b3 a late bow, oad tbeo ory aasf, gwo wreojt'Wruegh-' out tbe day. Or. Fra'aJse ty, tau be aaa rise late, toay tnsi tU iSjt, ' I 0 2 au ivate or- avers, u that he nrver kj-w a la cae to ' grcotae aod tuasnt tva by a be4 of a aaornv ti-g. : Inured, iVwisy "lo cw-Jiise'Iy 5.i, tbajt ' ho who i i tne atferi of aauty twog ia bat youth, will be nrncfc vjmwo UWv t l.o to old og. more likely to be a ditiagtat aad ooefal asaa a to. ciety, aad more hke'j to pas a pirasaat and fafJ5iew. fu hfe, lhaa be who ake a prarasrw of ryme ia tjed tlU B lilt avonr 61 U 1 . .51. Crm7. Cot Oaooa iato tbua teeo; betweaa and over titea pot arowa wat r. W bra tw aoar dissolved, a laspogasul of syrup ai3 ptWueo al most wrtanUooou relief. ' Tbaa timpia aad &c lual rrmedy lor thi tUstreaamg ataLady taouU bo known to all hivirg tbe core of oi rhiTJr. m 'J. i - - if, v ' i ' if

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