jot tog Mi) pro. -w. ndi- d , ! i in. Gov. Musi tow. Utl Proi pifW iredM ," " luow, had man, rieul MirCa Mart recort pvtd" nffos kaW h. Iki- ii two W laracta iu,(Jit re iuur lidetla 1- i heirts elected ! Senile litmiim husetti, 4 jntl lit ; tnl in mii'it i haiTqj enl ia i Everett raticpat- is any i its raw ueoly & aadJta- i upoi kf rraari art tevxk HWeo ire, arg eru4 i1 I Recall -tft;6ed oflSspf libstwi made K KlbstUt ion of bound iiie aces1 1 roindei I at monliif propajBia; iregowf proceed'"? usinftsti? nhI"M and lb" iDemoer the I refer U iilatarep Ainli. it are-M1 .tive," inocralitr ring tb iliofl PSfT .k hrssclM hiserK O det"' Mr. TJ . Ne ure, vaUl,, jnate. luar lltat the apostate -T'iluada !,. be thu honored (or hitreachcry fo hisold frien ' -. Every effjrt, consistent with, parliamentary rules, wu consequently resorted to by the Democratic members to defeat Mr. . Tallmadge'a eluction, put finding that the whig and abolition majority had decreed that Mi. Tsllmndge must and iWJ 6e elected, Mr. Cbatfiei.d, a Democratic mcmhoi, in order, to ridicule and burlusqaa the dogged de termination, of the whig and abolition majority to elect a polecat apostate, moved to substitute the name of Gemet Smim, for that of Nathamcl P. Tam-xadu. Thie wa done by Mr, Chatfield on Hi own retpiiiibitity, without concert wiib any other member; Ynd, of course, this ao litar mo tion, made in derision of the coalition miiority, . could oot have constituted Mr. Smith "lit candi. date" of the Democratic party. Indeed., auch an implication i prepoaterou I ; Aud more than all U11V Mr. Gerret Smith, like nearly all the prominent Abolitionist in that State, i, and ever has been, an unchanged federal w'jig is, and ever has been, an onhiitigated opponent of the Democratic party ; and used as much influence, i: nd doubtless expended more money, (ban any other - individual in tint State, in furtherance of the elec lion of Mr. ISradith, the avowed Abolitionist whig Lieuloiiant Governor? The Democratic par ty vote for such a politician as GerVet Smith, a blue-light federal whig 1 ' The thing ia fcnpossible ! 'fbe Republicans would sooner have 'Vm their right hands o(T," than to tiave seIectedAini, or any other federal whig abolitionist, as their can didate. ' ' - - . : .: Bui should the EJitor of the " Recorder (r of the Raleigh Register) not have seen the detai proceedings of the New York Legislature in qua tion, we would refer them to the remarks made in Congress On this subject by Mr. Prentiss, who re present the District where Mr. Chat field lives. From these remarks, the Editors must be atified, (unless determined noMo be "convinced against their wilia,") that their charges against the Repub . .1- K 1 .. r f . . . . ' iiciiii punv in me lvew iora legislature are en iireiy g rououles. The Recisler." however, is ion watv to mulia stubs hy inuendoy . Report oh thi Atnmption of the State Ddts. The Report of the Select Committee appointed by - tti Senate under M rr Bentofi ResbJuVions" on the Adsurnption question, appear in the Globe of Feb, The doctrines pLtbis.Jiepwt jnuat,meet-ih cordis) approbation, of every genuine republican j while they hrve received, and will coStinueTb"re ceivo the mnidejiXojipouboo.ronilib& party. The unconstitutionality, inexpediency and rairk injmrtire of this" scheme of the federalists to saddle the whole country with a heayy national debt, the evil consequence of the imprudence of a few of the States, is most conclusively established in the Report. .The Report and Resolutions have lieen sustained in debate by Messrs. Calhoun, Ben ion, Grundy, Wright, Hubbard, Brown, and Clay f Alabama, all Republican; while Messrs. Mer nek, Southard, Critleiiden, fhelps, Henderson and even Prextun of South Carolina, alt trkigt, oppose Tliciq. This shows to what party the People must MNCrioe in w dangerous measure, 1 he Keport con eludes with the following Resolutions. I. Rbiotittd, That the assumption, directly or imli fitve twei). or niT be. conlrtcted bv the Statu tor lo cal objects or State purposes, would bo unjust, both to the tallies and k the people. Ritotvtd, That such anumptirm would be titjjhly inexpedient, and dangerous to the Union of the States.' a Reiolvrd, That such assumption would bo wholly unaiithor-Ked by,indjn y igl ji Uun of,b'ei lonstil ul i""Tr.-rTtM'r(.'rr r'...;...i.'. : . n .i l locu and purposes lor Which the Federal Union was - tormed -i- jReseertrist to set apart the ; PuuliC'TanOi, or the revenues arising therefrom, for the before men tioned purposes, would be equally unjust, inexpedient, onij uticouatituljoiiaL.'; PRNNSYLVANIA jJANKS. . ; A hill passed its second rending in the Pennsyl vania House of Representative, on the 28th ult.. - -tTcumpcllirc'SUiMplion dfsnccToy nnlily ilie Ixinka of that Stale. It wa ordered to be Iran- cribed for a third reading; and it waa though1 would become a law : . - . The following ia a brief skotchol the bill a it pAeed Ms second reading, via; ' . , . lhebauluue required iarauro-the- psymenHt guld and silver for all their liabilities, whether notes or dupoailes. on the 15th dsy of February, 1440. - & If they do not do so, any perioo aggrioyed, may make complaint btTore a judge ol the court, aud the judge slisll appoint the tenia judicial day thereafter for a hearing of Uie parties, and it w made the duty of the deputy Attorney General of tha County, to prosecute llieceie. And' it the it charged are subsuniiatod hv competent witaeas . ? wiinenw the judge (ball within two days Inform the governor of the fact, and it tlien becomes thedttty of the govern or on receiving such information forthwith to issue his proclamation, declar ing the charter null and void t.w all purposes except to ' tuthi its contracts previously entered into, and to ena ble the trustees to collect all money due said bauk. ..The fieearwiw Wfefthev- required to erqwrnt three pro per persons (called commissioners) to lake chare ot the bank ao forfeitintr it charter. and tha said commis- sioner are required to make oalh and give autfirient . security before entering upo lb dut les of llietr ofTice. TBe duty of the said commissioners skill be lo collect the debt?) due Jo ths bank; and pay over semi-monthly sra rale amonrat the creditors, all the money tint may cotue into their hands, and they are required to make a Mil settlement at the end of three years. The note holders are lo be nwid fir: the itrn,1fnr aer.mul': thft stockholders last. 3. The Trustees are prohibited either directly or in directly from purchaaing the noteaor obligation of any bank whose arEtirs are in their hand. 4 The pffii-et ana" directora.of Jha backs sis eqttir4. to hind over the buoka and papers lo ihe trustees. 5. The aherilfor coroner is to serve the notice on nana and receive oompenaaboa Uie re tor out w tneeooo- ly treasury. . " ' 9. The judges are liable to impeachment for neglect ol the duties aforesaid and any other pfficer spoken of la the bill, for neirlect or refusal ot duty sub ject to a fine of not les than $-KI0 and not pre iter 4)110, and imprisonment tor .a term not greater o years, and not leal than on muniD, at in aiicr" tion of the court. ... . ' 7. The Act m not to be construed into legalising ne suspenMon by ths banks. . 8. Tbe ttocretsry of Uie commonwealth is to publish the Act in four daily paper in lb city, and two at the seal oi government. f f ABOUTION, AND ROTTEN BANKS. Wherever tbe Republican party baa had t ma jority in a Legislature, abolition and fraudulent banking have found no favor. Tn Ohio, where R 'puUtcin giilncj tiio aynd!ncy, lost year, the , Legiblatura adopted early measure to compel the 1 . Bank of that State, (which had followed ths exam ple oT the mammoth concern at Philadelphia, and other bank in that city and at the oiith of it, in suspending payment in October last,) to comply with their obligations, by redeeming their issues in specie. Thi prompt action of the Republican Legislature, had its desired effect i and nearly all the bank in that Sinto, we learn, either now do, or toon will, pay their note on presentation. And the legislature eemj noway disposed tomuke a half way job of their work of reform : they are now directing their, effort towards breaking up the fraudulent Voit JS'ot system, as will be seen by "the article below. ,. .f T- - It will also be perceived, that tlie Ohio Repub licans are lashing the &1I spirit of abolitionUm in to quiescence, within their, border. Will the Harrison whig Legislature in the non-slavehold- tng States, go and do likewise t " XW know of J no instance, thus far, where they have done so WJjat deter theraT Are they afraid of losing the votes of the abolitionists r " "fBOW THB Al.TIMnSB AM SRICAN. Ohm the House ol Roprnienutivea bfOhio, a resolution has been adopted, instructing the Commitlee on Bank, and the Currency to report to the ' House a bill, making it an offence piiiiibblq by con finement in the Penitentiary l anv length of time not , exeeedinj 7, nor less thin 8 years, ft ths diieciors or 4 officers of any banking institution within the State to issue, for circulation, within ths Slate or elsewhere, - post notes or bill, payable en time, The same corn- mi Itce were at ths same time directed to. cuquire iuto . the expediency of making all post notes previously m- sued, payable on demand, in gold and ailver, at the Counters of the banks issuing them. , A resolution stating that slavory is an institution re cognized by the conntitution, wis pi used by a large ma jorrty. Another resolution on the same aubicct decla red the "UnlawhiL unwise, and unconstitutional inter fercneeof the fanmical abolitionists of the North, with me domestic instiiutioM of the boutliern Slates," was igmy criminal. , - , raoa tbc koith caoumah, or rr.a 6. 'o His Excellency Martin Van Buren. Gnl. Wm, II. Harrison, lion. It M. baunders, and John M. Wore head,l'o. : :, ' ' ;; ., i Are you, or are yon not. opposed to the-Abolition Slavery-in ihe Untied Slates, in any and every shape, form or fashion, ?ilJ!lJpl!iL,2il5SJ?J tlSJRl95 .n Jt- emscives, oesire - ' -c - To this question, I. respeetfutiV request, that as soon alter the receipt or this as may suit your convenience. j yon will respectively roturn an answer by letter ad- m ureanca 10 me mis pineo, wiui pennwsiun u) puuilsli : fha Mmff in tliia'nnrmp. ' ---It is drsiTcd thai' your fetter firsrstaWUiiuMtion as above propounded ; and it you answer in the amrma . live, that you wrilcMmmediatoly after the question . '' To tin qtwkltoa 1 snswssv, 1 css w On sbe eontrsryrW yeur answer in the negative, I request that you will write immediately afWth tjuoslion To tins ques tion 1 answer Ao."- t ' -r,i . . . wr.iU v At 'U, .Yourfc&c, -snL - H. IV HOLMES. As ourapolngy for addresmcg the above inquiry, we V beg leave to state, that the eubject is-onsof vital im "portance to slaveholder; and we.desire that there shall be no half-way ground occupied in regard to it, by any . msir Who It a candidate for the'highest offices in tiie Stile or-the' Union. We call on bur subssriber to sustain as with their names and infhionce, in enforcing the enquiry above propiswd. Ws will appose Ihe elec tion of either ot the gentlemen to whomthe above let ter is addressed, provided he shall either, answer the question there propounded in the negative, or unrea sonably evade the enquiry. Wp call on ail Editor in North Carolina to signify their sssent to this Test; . and this we do la save further in It -shed in the. Sooth about abolitionism. ' What say you alt, gentlemen 1 i vour tett most cordially, and hope to see no dodo. ins. VIRGINIA. SENATOR NO ELECTION., In lost week' Carolinian, we briefly ttated tbe fact, that the election of United State Senator had been postponed indefinitely by the Virginia Icgisla- ' u rU n2JLJl2!f dJULllS. -6.!S-b.0toj? 4 papers, jjie otailojhepredingqf thaJwdv jaJheir fruitless attempts lo make choice of a Senator. It I 5Sem tXoy oiiioue3 time fc&lhdurmgiWmf . . . I days, voting twice on the hrst dsy, tour time on the second, and five time on the third, thee. "v'eraTtu1TolingOiaving resulted in no choice, a will be seen by the following' table :- -' '- -' - 1st 2d 3d 4th !Hh 6th ?ih 8th Oth 10th 11th Mason, HHI HI HI 81 8ft 79 80 61 . 81 .iJlirea. K 83 ftm 32 g4 6 - r - fr - - 4 J.J.Allen, . ; - ' (13 76 79 80 80 Scattering, i 3 8 3 3 ' 3 . ' Messrs. IlajJy.Crau'.ird.'aiid Smith of Glouces ter, could not be induced, in any contingency, to Vol lor Mr. Rive, having pledged themselves du ring the election to go (gainst him on the ground oFhhiTjeTng ao " Wbig,,rltiiougb they declared their 'readiness to vote for any really whig candi. , date that might be nominated. Under these cir cumstances, Judge John J. Allen, an, unequivocal Harrison W'hij, wa put in nomination. , But here, again, it was found that there were five Conser vative n more "impracticable " than,' the three refractory Whigs, for they would vote lor no one but Mr. Rives having been erected from Demo cratic counties, and the fesrof their constituents doterring them from otlng" for Whig " tliey contending tbat Mr. Rives was etilf a Democrat L XolniJefinit twmernent of the election cone quently took place, by a vole of 23 to fi in tbe Se nate', and 67 to W iajhejlowas "A. Much crimrnaiion and recrimination was iudul- sed in during the debate, between the " Whig and " Conservatives," as toN' who killed cock ro bin" a to which of the two division of tho Her - rison whig (the vepuM'" nvmrwr were acg - ted of all blame)-waa most culpable in defeating In election, and leaving Virginia with but halfja nmrMeniation in the United States Senate. " -i, fan CsW tbe RM . quirer, nd to iticbmona nig, to enow in ieei- the there irt regard to this most novel at at of par tie in the Leeislature of tlie ''Old Domiuion."- aay Every day developement, however, of public sen . timent, re -assures u that a most decided majority than tliaa of the PeopU of that Commonwealth are thorough ly imbued wilh Jeflnrsooiao Republican principle and are consequently opposed, to Harrison, and of opposed to tbe fraudulent banking ytcm. . v ,. raett tb iicno kKjeiasa, vaa. 1. After speaking of the indefinite postponement of lb election, tits Enquirer remarks r . Tho, for the seeond time, b presented tit extra ordinary spectacl of Virginia's attempting la vain la make Senator. . w wouM avoid an nasty asnuscia tions sll impsMioned dissertations on the es uses which Jiavjose4uyirginia to b siripjied of balf aer rprv tha scnlation in the Senate uf the L. Stati. Th People II demand to know upon ,kse shoulders this reapon ibility rcntsj and the are rutuled Uan aiwer.....Ve. lay Uikt invest ij-ii lion over lua rnoie ftvorablo opportu nity. We mutf tuke li lie tu review the field of Uulo. One proposition seems to ba certs in; Uit if lhoo gen- tiemon who wero elected as I Vl.-jntei of ths Kepub licsn party had thrown their whole force inlolho scale. John V. Mason could bavs been sleeted. As it ws the prediction which we put forth butt week has been veri fied. A!amm or Nobody "and Nobody has carried ie out. " ror one, since the Representatives of the People Would have it so, we are rmut willing to appeal u Cat ser. The election roes berk to Ihe ramie and we riumphantly meet that issue. The Stale is ssvd the burthen of having an oppiwtion Senator fcntened upon her for snyc.iw, and miDrepresenling her wishes and principlec The People must sol these things straight They must settle this matter at their polls. They, we nave, not me smallest doubt, wilt mm right the ship. Ws will meet our opponents there. The People base tha most abiding confidence in the success of our cause. The Deinocrata Will meet the friend of Harrison and bis allies at the polls in April, and at Uie poll in No vemberend we do not entertain doubt of a glorious victory. Two Senstors ot ths U. Suites are to be elec ted next winter. A President and Vice President are to receive our votes in the Fall. Let every Republic can now do bis duty. He will see how his rights have oeen menaced, and the interests ol the Mute betrayed, Will he .have, too, a politician liks W'm. 11. Harrison elected President of the U. Ststes 1. We have receiv ed the most eheehnir accounts' from all Darts ot the State, and w were never more confident of 'carrying uie eiaie in tne nprmg ana in the r ail. X - '4- sbok thb amnaoNB whio. rra. 1. X M At 9 o'clock last meliL the election of Senator was indefinitely postponed, alter a tvialoi three dars. The House, in the first nlsse, proposed to postpone antil It o'clock to-day. Ths Senate amended the resolution by eubniitutinir indefinite DostDonement lh8 House dim- greed ,' the Senate Misled, and the House receded by a vote ol 07 to m. - The vote In both House ws a mixed one sonio ol each party voting for il, under the conviction mat no election could be made, and the mil verpal senw ot wearuies, exhaustion and disgust. X hua is the melencboly and ilworeamxini! specta cle presented to the world lor the second time, of Vir ginia'i boing unable to elect a representative of her sovereignty in lliefodcmlKoiidto of her legislatures being unable to discharge a high and paraiiiMtnt con stiiutionsl duty. .. Virginia, the taut of whom it could have been expected, is the lint to give Uio example ol metpient anarchy and diKnri!ani7Ation.. '- ' u We repudito the llliberalily ot atlemptiliS to de volve upon the Administration party, the responsibility of detesting an eleclion.JV'otlAeMA.iaJl fault lt them bear the consequences wlm have produced Uiein. MOIlRUWAIMrTY; The Georgia. Joufnat of the 1st instant, remarks a follow; v, -i- '." ' . y t ' ' .The Louisville JiMirnii I use the fiillnwing hngoager Tbe MillodsevUle, (Goo.) Journal ia, ao far as wa knew the only opposutun pa per m llCflion,lUtwsn plainsof the nomination of General Harrison.' How strsnge, yet bow impotent, is the sound of that solitary ' He fcT,a'iMfe'M'kttcW' Mr. Louisville Journal H Then, indeed, all we have to say, is, that upon this sub ject, you know very littles Ths M solitary Aim" was prceededj anti.Teapuaded to, by every oppuuUoa press in Ueorgia, save one. : Casualty. Killed, dn the Gth instant, by the fall of tree, rrrt:a J.vkblv, son of Lbristoplier Lyerly liv ing neiir this place, aired about 1? years. He was on his return trom r ayeltevilie when the accident took place. ' - ' llin company had taken tip camp lor the night near Little River; in Montgomery County, and in the act of fellipg some trees tor firewood, one fell on him and killed him instantly. ' '- - " PROCEEDINGS IN CONGRESS. . " JaJirnnte, Jan. 31, Mr.-GruoJv made a report, from the Committee to which a former report bad been re committed, against the assumption of (he Stale Debts, and concluded witheerteifl Resolutions. -(These Keiwla- tions will be foand in a preceding column.) The Re port and Resolutions were advocated by Mr. Grundy: lo the Haute, the Resolutions introduced h Mr. Blsck of Georgia, under which tbe House elected its Public Printer on yes'crday, were tsken up lor execu tion Tbey areas follower-- , ' i Rrtoloti, Thstthe lioune proceed instsnter to Ihe election of a Printer, and ihaW. apoo.aa.Jiiu.elfic'jott -ifca'f.ii.ii.1;i'.'."t.. '" ........ i .111 iVg IVftlll piaUO, .UllllllUkCQ VI IITO HIVHIII, be eleoted sts-wwrjynh6 TIoUHe,To consider ana in- vostigate tha 'Tf price oue;hl to subicct ol the public printiiiir, and report witina ten-rs aAw.ibe-siectioni-what to b paid as a just and reasonable couien- formed. bAy,mgdugaAyaUeirr tity, quality, and due execution of Uie work. Ketnlved further, l liat ihe fruiter aha II be elected with the express understanding Uiat lie ia to well and truly do and execute all the printing ordered from and after bis election upon the Wins, in Uie matiner,and at - f the ratewand prices wtririrwall be prescribed by thia I loose, n pott the reception of the report of Uie said com mitlee ot Investigation : and thaV siid eommittue be in structed to enquire end report open the propriety and expediency of entirely seperstinir the palrotuire or the Government from tlie newspaper or public press of the country ; and that mid report, when made, ihall be the anecial order of Uie day. and have precedence over all (-ether business until thcwbjoctsbtlt be Dirtily disposed The CommiUoc.',a elected, is cotnivmcd 'of Mr. filick, of Georgia, Mr. Davia, of Indiana, Mr. Prentiss, of New. York, Mr, (jarland.of Louminni, and Evans, of Maine. Tlie House Hjoumed to Mondny. ,' In Senate, Feb. 3, The diy'was taken up in Hie presentation ot Petitions, memorials, &c, and Jho di. euiduin nt the amumption ol the Bute iJews. The Home done no business of consequence but bal loting for a Chaplain, whie h risilied in the election of tbe Rev. Mr "Bites, Preibyiorlah. . . k In Senate. Feb. 4. The dav was occupied in present ing Petitions and Memorials, hearing the Report of Uoipfliitliee. and discussing lh Assumption question. In the Hmu. message wu received trom Uie President, tiwiwmHtmasiatcmentSTrf the Becretsryot the Treasury, in regard to tbe construction put upon certain poriuni of llw Revenue law by Ui Judicwl rrL M'-1 irittunaia. ,- v , r : ... ' , Wrr W. -JhoiiphOC from the Committee en itarv AfTairs. reported a bill to rain 1600 men to serve strains! th Florida Indians: which waa res twice, and on Mr.T'.a motion, referred to Ihe Committee ot the Who' House os the sUtq of Union, and ordered to be nrintnf. w iit1 . . j. ' .. m ... ..I Ternloriea, mad renort in relatioo to the dimcul- lies between ths Bute of Missouri and the Tern lory of Iowa. accemBsmed by a Ulu enUlled "Aa act to es tablish the Northern boundary lmeofihe Stat at U tats ot the Union, aad ordered la be printed. In Nenate, Feb. fx Mr. Benton from tlie committee on Military Affairs, reported, bill providing for the en listment or lXJ med ur Uie deienc w t lorwa ; which was read and ordered to a second reading. The Roeort of the Committee oa the Assumption ot tiis-Kials debts was further diseossed In a able Speech bv Mr. Calhoun, ka favor of Its doctrine, end Uie osu- sl Borrrber, with thirty tbour4 additional copies, or dered lose printed. - - la tbe Uout, it being Petition day, a larg onmiier of oetitiona, memorial, u. wer Dresented ; and a ci II wu made by Mr. Randolph et New Jersey,' upon ths speaker, to know if hs bail sot received certain Reso lutions and remooatrsnc from th Governor aod L gislsture ot New Jersey, protesting (gainst Uie cotrse of th Hoos oa Ui contested leciioa from that Stale. Ths speaker replied, Uitt ba had received such paper from Uie majority or theIgislilur ana me uovernor, but. at it waa directed bun in his individual capacity, and not aa speaker of rJ 1 louse, bo- would not present (t to llio ilouie ; anu that he bad aiso received a apr from the minor Af of the New Jerey IgiiUtiireon the State subject, sdareMied tohim.sshpeskerot the Hatine, which ha would, when he thought propor, laj before it. ' ... ,..... -" The Committee on Election have determined to make no report at present on the New Jersey case. Four members were in 'favor of giving the seats to the returned mcmlr; and fnirto the other claim ants. Mr. Campbell (the Chairman) was opposed to the admission of either set until the whole case wa inventigated.--Kif hmontl Whig of Feb. (K A bill to compel ihe Bnnks to resume specie pay. ment on the 15ih-instant, has passed ihe limine of the Pennsylvania Legislature The cons. quiMices are expected to be diswstrous In the trade of Philadelphia, and quite oppressive on the sfple of the Btate ii. ' . IlftcullM Council. Thta body convened yea- terday, in obodienc to a call from Hi Excellency, the Governor. J'resent, Johiwtnti Husbee, Chair man. Dr. Willie Perry, Isaac T. Avery,,ThnMia McGehee and J, P. Leak. Col. Cadw'd. Jones and C. P, Mallett were re appointed Members ol tne lioard or internal Improvements. 1 he ap pointment of a Judge tioe R. M. Saunders, re signed, will, we understand, bo made to-day. lla. high Rfgitter of Feb. IV , p.. CcW At,' On Tuesday evening last, Resolution, was adopted in the Senate to make MurfreCNborough the Scat of Government of the Slate tf Tennessee ; and on Wednesday the House of Representative concurred therein. Tlx Reso lution wa pawed by a majority of one in each branch of the Legislature. iUMrrresWo1 (Tea.) TUgraph of Ftb. 1. . - ; v i ' T Tariff. --A reduction of duties,' equal to one-tenth of the'excese over 20 per cent, on the value, aa it existed on the 21 of March, 1832, Ux,k place Jan. 1. . Tbi i the fourth similar reduction that has in ken place under the compronYiae Act of 1832, making lour-tenths in all, of tho excess over 20 per cent, on ihe value.'; Of the remaining ". coss," euio-hulf iomesoll oti the 1st Jan. 1842 ; and -the remainder, ix mon'.li Hierafter.TSo that on and after the 1st of July, 1842, should the existing ' Tariff Law remain unaltered, no article of import will boar a higher dutv than twenty percent, on ' th value Raleigh Reenter. t:c;:;tcnjtei:v in wkdijuck tt In this County, on the Oih infant, bf Ihe Ret. J. II. -Mdern)r,-WrTMO,WA-tr ORAHAM W Miss In Davie County.on theflih irrMadt.Tty the Rev. WmJ Air. INKVVIIUIIUY V. I1AI.I. U) Ml UAM1- - LINB CRUMP, daughter of Roland Crump, Euq. "v In Mecklenburg County, on the '2l uliiino, by Cof. John. .Hlomx, Gsav Mv, JUtl M. M A 9.V to- Mist CAROUNE REEO. ' , . " - - : ' la Dsvidnon county, recently, near the Conrad Hill, ;by Philip lIedrick Ei Mr. ROWiRT JJCAttlXTr- lo miss MAKIA M i fctvM, uoiis'itor ol ueorcs Alyers, Ei- All in favor of Internal Iiiiprovement. and Uald Mining. . ., . In CbaKu.cmty, en the Ctb instant, Mr. PETER STIRKH, of Davidson count, to Miss BARN- ' HART, of Cabarru. '.v . " t ' In Oavidwn county, On the Bth. instant, by J. Cosa, Esq., Mr. PETER HEDRICK, Jr., to Mi SUSAN HATCHER, . " - In Montiramdrv ehuntv.e.t the residence of Weslev Uflm. by J. M. VVorih; Ej , Mr. JOHN HALL, Jr., tuMiss REBECCA HARKISO.V, of Davidson county. . DEPARTED THIS LIFE, ' ' ' In this County, on the 8th ulu, Mr. WILLIAM F. ANDERSON, . In Mecklenburg County, on the ifOth ultimo, Mr. ELAM MOORK, In the 4llth year of hia age. - In this County, on the 7th iiuUnL Mrs. HARfiA. RET THOM ASON, wife of William Thomsson, aged about US-years." Alra J hnrpaann was formany year llonslMteiit' member of the Presbyterian Church, worthy member of society, and died deeply lamented by an airectioniiteJiuibanil mil five uns. anil a wide rSc rrf 1riehda-T Comm. - V - - In Montgomery County, on the 3rd initaot, Mr. FRANKLIN EDWARDS, aged 50 yean. In Davidson County, on the 7th inatant, Mrs. CAR RICK, aged about 80 year. - - - ' ; t' iii,ai)-olarii:e:. 'SIlhiu t, N, C, Ff.b. 12, 1640. i4ffentton. Officer ef the 64l Rrgimcnt f- "rOU are commanded to parade at the Court- -Aiiiio ihffowinr's - A-.. .t.i." i nrirur u.t. J.i.i, i tf liny, IIIV IUIIIUI ITiqiVH urAQU UHWI,-A.TCi aubiTlernsrWilh Side Arm, for Drill., and, on hnday, ihe ZOthat o'clock, A. M., with your respective companies, armed and equip! at the law directs, tor review and imwectionv By order of Mujo Unn'l. B. M. I Jiiey, of the dlbjlj vision of North-Carolina-Miliiiair R. W. LONG, Col. Comdl., -. .; 64th Regiment N. C. Militia. J. M, Brow, Adj't. ? . - X3:ttzot?.t. :V. JflSKI'll I.l-.I. S anirnfHmnnta hmr nrA. rented him from making his annual vi,it intoM thi part of the Si.ito as early a intended llV him. . ' ' Hi employer may depend on seeing liitn in I few Person in the country leaving written order t the Ollice of the Charlotte Journal or lh West, em Carolinian, or at Ford' Tavern in Concord, will bo viited nt their residence without addi tional eipense.; - Camden, Feb. 1-3 w More- Good-TliinKS-i fc JUST RECEIVED A JE SALISBURY COFFEE-HOUSK j -"nESPECTFULLY Inform trta customer and - Alr4h Bsjbli genallyi that-be- r twsr rwwiTrrTg and opening, at hia establishment in Salisbury,. 8plendid Assortment of every tblng desirable m his line Of buaioess-Mimong which will be found Fardmcs, Herrings, lltoons, v '. $1 ji'ine ippies, r I !ffnnrnnst. .MackareL Malaga Ura pea, Chsess, ' - Hyson Tea. All kind of Cracker, web Powder and Shot, . as butler, sweet ana gin- inuoa mumuru, Ancbois, " . . Rnglish Walnut, First rate Oysters, 1 f-ocoalut Ciaeernna, Ckrves, Frpper. Figs, illaalc Kills, V Hnaaish Cigsis-best. Albany Ale, , .. diewing and smoking To Newark Uider. fesence of Cinnamon,' bacco, t. Surcb, v ' Rnsp, -i : . ' Molaasea, . , ltrowa and Loaf Sugar, roflbe, -J - J Kawna,..y-; , Almonds, ' . .. ,j "- : llranirM. . . Mint, ... m 1 r'i... . Alt khuil i CiwAitlm. I All bind of Wines, ' All kind of Liqiiora, V lAll of th beet qsalily nd latest tmporUlMioii iTogrther with a great variety of other Groceries ATTI toe tedious to mention, ana which nv wm wu w trylov foreaah. . 1 ; Moos. Roueche return Li thank for ill liberal "patronage heretofore received, and aolicittitocotinu. : ance..---, Feb. 14, 1840.-25. V- ' . . . . - V V - - " ?pilF. Merchant and public in general art ifi iormed that the Lexington'... Manufacturing CiimiMtuy have now their Power Loom in auccess- ( ful oiierqiino, and are nuiking ' " SHIRTINGS AND EnCETINCS of a very aurior quality, which they are sellings very low. J. U. lAIKftS, Agent.. LexiiiKion, N.CEeb. 14, 1940. 3t. VOTICH. To Ihose who apply immediately, 1 will sell a part of my splendid crop of Morn Mullicauli Trnes, at the very low price of kalfa cenl by the bud. Froni experiments made in all part of the country, no doubt can remain, to those who will examine the auhject, of the practicability and immense profits of the silk culture. Repeated trial have fairly shown, that more than the tree! will cost can be realised the first year by making silk from the leaves they will produce. As the best judge (ex confident that the prices of Tree will rise thie spring, and continue up for another a year, the present may be regarded a the most fa. . vorcd opportunity to purchaser, and the term i her tide red a the lowest we have known. My tree are genuine and in sound condition ; arid lit the luxuriance of their growth many who saw them last somnierMn testify. , l" , -Application made at tbis place, or at my plan- ion ui Lincoln couniy, win lie attemied in. K. H. MORRISON. ' , Itavidson College, Feb. 14, lMtk Sw NOTICE The uhscriber having, at February A ' Term, 1840, of Rowan, County Court, quali fied a Executor 6f the last Will and Testament of William F. Anderson, deceased, hereby give notice to all person indebted to said doceasedVea late, to mnke immediate payment ; and those hold? . ing claim against the artme, are required to pre- V sent them, legally vouched within the limit of the, , law, lor payment, or thi notice will be plqad a oar in ineir recovery. - . . ... ; RO. N. FLEMING, Etr. February 14, 140,- ; 23-8 TNFORMATIOM AVANTED. Any lhfiirma. ? r - r tion relative to the heir of Mr. Thoma BaL , ' lard, who formerly lived near Prince Anne, Bom- , , - erset co'y., Eastern-shore, Maryland, will be glad- . : ly received, lie removed, about 1775, to Wind- " , or, N..C, intl there married. Hi descendant I ' wriwiiving-tnthr- rn''that 8tate, Sot Caroliiw,-if-- f Oecfgieyor Kentucky. Anv comu.tintcatiori res- ' r lims; trHMnrarMre-1 'Cf D rtcktown, Calvert co., Md., will be glmlly received ' i 4 aad promptly atlendod to. IFebrH. VAS oreivvrf.-rtwwibswiba " the night of tho 8tb inatant, a bay MARE, T t one man SADDLE, and two BRIDLES one a . teoaffle tirt the other eurV with to iingaXfTlie'' thier i Iwlieved lo have gone in the flirsctioo of Statesville. .The mare stolen j about 14 hands high, 4 or 15 Veara old, Lend more than i com- mon in her piitcr-joiuts, and trot and paced fine-' ly under the tnddle. 1 hs sttrrup of lh' saddle are bras plated. I will give a handsome reward for the apprehension of the thief and the dull very of taid mare, aadilln and bridles to me, or for any in formation that will, enable me lo ret 'my property . again. - v HIRAM T.; SLOAN. Mount Mourne,. Iredoll, co., ) ,.. "' ,'r, 1 Fb. 14, 1840. U i " v- ITTILL' be Sold, at the late residence of Mr. Margaret Butnor deceaad, en Thursday the 6th of r March next, all th property belonging to the estalq of .anjd deRed, Seven or eight head of Cattle : . - " ' a' Some Siee, and a large Stock qf llogt ; m ONE WAGON and (3KARING; and A ' . . WIND MILL 1 4 --i- VAlVMlNCJTOOlsSTr A quantitf of orn, Wlirnf. Oti; "'-'Z- 7j-iVUsi jr and rodder ; : And. a variety of other ailiclu loo numeroue to mention here"., ' ' . " r- j- ' 1' Term- qf Sale -Twelve month credit, purcba, er giving bond and approved securely. '. Rale to conlinuo from daV to day until all the nropcrtw4 eold. - . DAVID MILLER, .1 Admr. ' . , ISAAC KEISTLER, Rowan CO., Feb. 4. 1840. 28-8w HJ" S 1 LK - WO RMJQGB . C3 !"'' anbscribcr oner lor ie, at ou cenia per i iiiouHHim, Tory lurun uuuiiiiij ui tinn-wv i I t i-..n I i ir i i . 1 Eggs, carefully raised by herself and in a good stale of preservation. MARTHA I, FRONTIS. Salisbury, Jan. 17, 1840. r r,'- - s ' f DR. G. B. DOUGLAS If AS removed his OiTice to iMo.'l, 4 of the Office Row of the Mansion Hotel, lately occupied by" Dr. B. Austin. r , January IT, 1840.- ' . " int. m:jmilh aIixia., ESrCC fTTLLY ofTursni profeaskwal services to xm, ths citixenv e S Jrtrtiary, an th surrounding eoumry. Jlis omc m in Mr. West new brick-buil. mg, nearly opposite J. . t. Murphy'a store. , , haiisbnry, rj. U., August an, IN, ; tr. s"M' HAS Located himself at Cl. Datid V 'fjf Rmey'a, Oakley Urov, Iredell coun- jt N; C., andreiipeclfMltxJtcttdMCJusl """"'sorvioe tol he "public in the various ds- publii paiimenta of hi profeation. 'January 10, 1840. v TfOHN C. PALMER, hnother v new supply or rd ana uvr Lcrer Watchei, . lain English and French, da, gold 'ob Chain and Keys, B rra at pins. Finger Rings, silver Butter Knives, Pencils, (pslent and plain,) Tooth. Pick, Fob Chains, Spectacle aad Thimblee, Blcol and Gill Fob Chain and Keys. Alio, a very fine and large assortment of Rsaors, pocket and pen-knives, by diltrrent Manufkctiirers, with other articles osually kept by Jewelers, all of winch will be sold very low tor eA, or only six months srsdit, al ter which time, interest will bs tlnrred. Work done faithfully and punclually. : , ' -Faliibory, May 2, IrSJJK 1 1 i ft u nm imi i - . V-

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