-THK f-OWegs WOT BLKTrp TO THE TRlTEl) TATl III rriH "frmmo!f,toB esiinimTTo sr rrToWATE, ,.,VED T0 th. ,r .wrvEw, oa to t Wn-.-W,f. to He &jA rtich X, D. AUSTIN & C. F. FISllElt, Editor and Proprietors. SALISBURY, N. O, FEBRUARY . 21,. 1840. NO. XXXVI, XX. 'X. (Whole Wo. lOilO.) .fcrefcev-- ROT-. Wlio want brtlcr Uviitcnrc f IWOL'LD refer the reeling public to lite numerous voluntary letter published recently in ifcm paper and in the Good Samaritan, relative to tlte happy and beneficial tlfrtti of the administration of ,v . liOFFATS LIFf; !ILL8 and FHEXIX BITTCUS. Those who have perused tbe letters above referred b, will obeerre that mi almost evory.ease they aeM the feet, that no inconvenience of auy aort attend Um- u-. king of these medicine, in ordinary cases, but that the patient, without feeling their operation, m un.verselly K'tl in a stronger and better state of health than mat experienced previous to twin afflicted with diseaae ; and in ill ce ot acute u tiering, great relief m ob uined in a few hours, and a cure t generally effected in two or three day. .,, ... In case ot FLVER of every description, and all bilious affection, it it unnecessary fur me to say aught, an I believe the LIFE MKDICINti are soar univer sally admitted 'o be the mutt speedy and cflecuml cure cxtaqt in all diseases of that class. The Lire, Mt.VWIMX are also a moat excellent I liof in affection of ll Liver anaVfiowek, as baa bean proved in Hundreds of cases where patient have eiWe.,tbrwaVd and requested that tlieir experience in Ukmg them might be published fur the benefit ot others. tn their operation in aucb caaea, they feature the tone of Hih Hlomach, strengthen two digestive organs, and invigorate the general function of the whole body, ami Ihui become both- sexes (for thejr are perfectly adaptnd to each" an invaluable weans ot preventing liiseane and rettorinjj, hceltb, in affections of theVad. whether accompanied with iin npd giddiness, or marked by the grivm cahtim ty erf" impaired mental energy ; ,n palpitiUioos of the heart, fiatulance, loaa of apposite and tirencth, and the multiplied symptom of disordered HliBfwtmn, Till; LIFE MEDICINES will be found to p. tin; most . 0uUry efficacy, . - "w. Couututioo relaxed, weak, or delayed, in men or women, ire under the immediate inilsence of THE JLIf E MEDiqjNES,,. Old eoagh; aeoin nnpue uauii are aooo relieved ana speis.ilyUTea. I'jrerty of hlooJ, and emaciated limbs will tire long meet the happiest change; the" chill watery fluta", will injeoma rich and balsamic, and the' limb be cowared With Uh, jirm and healthy. . Nervous disorder of every kmd,-nd from wnatevoK .ns erHnr.tv.i UiLl.M3,and all that train of iukin:rt, anxieties, and itemoura which so dreadtully affoct the weak, the a-ut-nbiry, and tlie delicate," will in a aliort tune be euc- i ewoaJ 'ayeweTlbtBeB;tna (Wj iregc dftteiilfhT" ror weaaiunij, aencieficy ot naturaUtitrength, and cliixation of the veaaela, by too frequent Indulgence of iiie pj.iiioni, thia medicine ia. eafe, certain, and., itt-i vi:iiule remedy. y . 1 i tone who have lonjTwtded. in hot shtniteaand nre languid and relaxed in their whole ayatem, nmy t.ii TilK HFE MEWCLVEH wtth -the.tuppieat t- i cU; and persons removine to tlie Southern blalaa or im Indies canirol store a more importaut article of leillp and lite. w IV following casea arc among Uie moss recent ctimi effected, and grateluljy acknowledged by the j'fHoua heuelitted : ... . 1 sse ot Jacob L Hunt. Near Windsor, Orange t hinly, N. Y. A dreadful tumor destroyed nearly the wijiV of Ins face, Ooae and jaw. Experienced quick r"iet trom the nse of the Lite Medicinua, and in lean i:in three inuntha waa entirety cured. 4Case reported. witti a wool engraving in a -new pamphlet bow id --W-of-Thoa.-Ptrrce11. vcrfr.: Wmt W aje was ft:rtert In years with awell. nga in his legs was en i. to)Jwd..'tafca4intiaMi.. . naaa " ' "'" ' huae ot Juan Daulton, Aberdeen, Uhio TlieiimaUera. nix yeard is entirely cured hu uaod the 1.11L Alt- KH'l.Nba tor Worrns id children and louna uicui a I siverema)'- remedy. , Cum) ofXewia Anstin periodical sick headache ai- ways relieved by a small dose no entirely tree from n. lane of Adon Amea -cured ot a inoat uvclerate and Use oL Adah Adams, W umIkot, Utun rlteormttmra, I ;rvel, liver attectiona, and general nervous debility, I had been cnu lined seven yearn waa rawed trom bit I tMfw tc'nV-t7iii'S'f 1 1 iTTn -"n il'S a-ii i- -if "liii ii'iiai "T" rmt'extraorditiary ttiW-ilwTs :uow a verylieaTiliyt" h i. I robudl woman attusted by her husband Kiiubol I Ailtm. Caw ot Mr. Btdger, wife of Joseph Badger nearly 'iiDiiir to abovo result the same. Case ol Musan Goodarant, a young unmarried. W0- vm Hiihiecl to ill healihwveral year asniallcoorae f the Life Medicuiea entirely restorW her is bow inle and healthy. ol Miss riioma daughter or fcli 1 liomaa 'ili and symptom ot CiHuumptiofl cured iu luur I toekd. Her sister cured of a severe attack of mflaiit- !' v rhtumaliMii ik one wttk I (ate of 8. Colt in cured of a severe attscV of ecar st tever in a tew day by the Life Medicine Use rf Harriet Twocood. Saline. N. Y. waa in a 'v I., state' of health a year and a halt did nut ex j'ftt to recover. Mies T. is now able to walk about ami rabidly recovering both health and streiiL'th. t'ase of Bciijsmio JfTucker severe case of Fever 'd Ajue cured in very ahort apace of time. ! MUiae fiillowed sirictly. " . Amos iiivii aOection ot the liver alter 7inj doctors' remedies in vain for a Ions tune, was i:red by Uie Life Medicine without trouble. Eilntordittarv ease oi I.vman 1'rati. who wasafilict- H with Phthisic 20 year affected perfect cure tu -i iiour oy uie use ot tbe Lite Meoicinea TiKiusaa.la ol kuiiu .rtliitHd in lika manner, have. Jhy I jadicMua usf M OFF ATS LIFE 4'ILLS ami V Mt.VlX BITTEIW, been reshan.'d to the enjoyroeut i sn ihecon.f irts of life. Jbe Bitter are pleaaani V ' taste and smell, gently astrioge the fibre of theete '.nd give UnL propief tomty -svbwh agwMi-disee-- quires, a eoUiing can newer aoapwo to 'Vud aourisb the eonstiuition. so tlieie is asthmg 1 e generally acknowledged to be peculiarly effioa l m til inwaid waatinga, loss of ppetite, indigea depreasiu of spirit, trembling or sinking of the ' sod limbs, obntmate cuugba, ahorlness ol breath, "nwimptive habit. -x ... 17. ! Lit Medicine oomes wonderful efficacy in all r,foutdiaurdef,i.. heedcheaWMmffltr.m?tt rwiiotiipirita.diiaiieasnlaight.eMiluaedtlioughis, i ZT tliemiod, yaporaand mehinchuly.and all ; w nysteric complaint are gradually removed 6y "'r in sicknemi of the atiHuach. flimlencies. or I Uiihi.hi lii'aml mil ilnl. and ana nuw ' isf lwn1 P"tlc'u1rsnt'thboT medicines, eee rn"l "Good 8tmntan."-a mm of which accom- I .meJidrwr ccHtif can alwiiy be ntitamed of I ' "lflnt Anta who hava the duediciiie for Sale. "rench. German .tut UmhuIi lrtwluin can be ub- d w apolicaitna .1 ih nlfic. ST.'i Broadway. ' AH postpaid letter will receive immediateattention PrPredandaoldby WILLIAM B. MOFFAT,873 IJ,wiy, New Vutk. A libers! deducuoa made to Pi who purchase u ell again. i i h Life Medicine may also be tisa or ny 1 principal Drairmaia in aver tswn tlimurhout the F'ted Stale tod tlie Canada. Ask for Woflafa Life d Pbenii Bitter; and be sure that tec eimilie L T a Moru, xgnsture ts upon toe label oi eaca bo- - "uenoraoxof Pill. iW Mtiicxna nay be KaJtf Crew 4 '?tr of ihif torn, Agentt for tht Propruimr. Btnsoury, jaa, a, Tte T.VMlm. 'CJtmtiman, m OM4rrd' rrory Fai I'av. at I!'wiiiuliim.tnpiiiiuaiii .braatd ia Mvanee, ur 'I'wu Didtim nw T.iHy tCaai;.!! itu mui Ueriira tn ex-prraiwt,ortlrr-r mimtnt. .: Ko piuw r .lsminiiM4:Vnm; at! armaramv re pniii, mi low t ttMntlaamtuw ttNt Billow; acai a 6 tailure to nuii itMriJuiitm o a. wm, to ducoattnoe mtt utmra ltn rim'mtmmr,Ml be oousisWr. ed sw a anwHsiiqtreotiriu. m , .. i;aiemefltoiiilJig. ,mn,mriv and'correetly nmerVI, am Jiolttr aauarn (taf jlU or Jf tem Jmm nf iUi amJ !t-W-fe iba first irtwrtioa, aiid X) iii tiTTBM-n. jnmimikuooL. Cjrttidludicl advertiiiieitu- m ,l. .rtiaripa. 5 ;vr cant mons Ua 'tlmabnwjprtBes. .ouui,! 33 ?rr cent from tiie uim pTte ,ili taaTBdtF- nr. rmily admtuero. ArivwrlMBQwu mt iBKnr;uiiceuuiB, jauat hare the nunibwr rr! tnitoi' inw tint.' m !Ua,,.n-iif aral b tomr- i-UHSKirarLa Hiiui bua fM ysW.'sattNiwswU.Miai-aiUinatat '.tat . : aiiiacal 1 ttrtnarnf ' - 'liHic mxiihit m .tiiif- te'aknira araiusa.' 3 Tt5);.,UT ir:llM;.Ti,ilai WVH. v.ji in iik, ttomiH 'wnmir Jv . Jiili u ttr irr.vvr'iiir, tarraSL'' .. .... , , u J,.IJ17U V'keii by iiMi.uuur !Oi!i"tii!m ia!a. ' 'liraeontitr ;m-tiMi.iit!i'ring aam!. mi niiimn. n ji -ii-mra.c: "TuTieg emiwi-rniiul!lrtiiUirla; 'v Anil .when hi l 'tut vivt ,M W J. 4.. .. ... - ...17(i,jiaii wm .m i ! in T Oi mantotaTK.ana vr-iil .i;f 'iii. , ( .AiuJ'rratibiw. tua'. U :xn S-ijl, S3 woiileT ft" tnerri "ixnwi'i bvt ' . T 3ia.'rttfc.lif m uuurtt nymt u llraren,, An irniutuih tujt -wnwr . iS.v dl'mfiu smb. it.uki: i aav . . .jSlik' (lues hu. iiaT'.mjt x ' Ut.tHU. llkl r'tTm. Mil .!! In im.l . w ji.w . " - Ami -Wltett-atwtrra! nr Jislwrne lKltfttt."" V ' A vtrni) f f rauMtKttMrmi man greet,, Andijin)r:,ii!n,f..-namtl . - JarnatruavrHatlsmhuoB 3 wodjer fl !lua''Wr Awwtanaf Jmi ' here want : wmrftina' tti ;Q, vOTh"hn rmiir Uiiiaahara (pveaii. . iLiit'mi knsv ratniu 'iiniliiia JVud dnen anav iuTarmuwl froaa Hearas, , if llaaveiiTOpirrri ataiMherhoat. A Fkiruan7ifc3l0anw K. V orceMier nuiniv, usav.fl eiimmoMtSbUi . be- ahaent- oa a niHMiimum ttout. C)ma- hii m tiroei, havinjf; jul TpluruiaJ .frum um oT tint axcureKia he (cmod has CTnjTerpfttim-i.nuH -rfrrial.iiiMir TnimuTr'fc'nki- BrrfJTw'iin.rrKtiiLvUutui wrnatt wmuksrtuii tbinee he I hii-m.:m 3trrtutul;;mmi;aititm wondens he wid lie iuul aeun ownMRma- great) musuituta an large., tlml mum oT limui woaiiE wnigh si pnumi! The peuih! were 'IwitiisuimiwiueavveJieu. ! Yea,!' cummuttti J'Hrsuu "rTl-iauijniirtivrthT ere oitaa known tu zinihiup uiittnr tnmaod' bawaj." .Jie.itisHAi, aim tf .das ?)!. eillnA mm litm, Itjlliiig himiliart maw off ttre: brethrm were r . . m. much -acetiiUilijMJ m (tin Ittu dne he rnld ilm i.v I - iliae" muisuiiaeah ui Yuri. ate were targe., !tutt rmniwiri! llleroj wmid weirh a onud ! lir rrnmnedj ttla- inimasei; " i do really "tiiink lluU at jajnatt many. utT tttmii would weigh a 'Hlui;', "Uui;roiia1tmieav ttia Deacon, -1'7t-iwend:Tririv wvwiJtfJ aHinBTun cat tlie tree and fawrfc ! " VbVell mnfmm enrwai aa to tlwir cHimbtrrj rrp mrtie-riisi Cttarn jeeai.tbem do that hvnuhw,llauuii!'r,,vJ yaB,w' Wll, how could tiim olinii.'wa ttierrnse end: nor elimb no the Jwrk.1 " Tut Qeaaaiai wn uT eoursa aost. jilueaed. , . - , ,.- The Jlwrriimi Ttmeleibr fiiilamrtg amasdott d the aunMCUBUi ZijpsasjiuTWrr - - - , A ertauinm ijesaHn, winwsevsmityr ba hero State, to roulte irJarflhw iT"tiarrrf: eiearnenep, wiwsn freqireiltty ipo' ti M :0 irteraBiu pim. Jew reiuurk ui a,piwiniiabiuauanrv.aavat: ienglttiie naueeure the-uinatnio, (lia-awn part yw Tis uu r alprlaj toliauTuiUuiiwiih wwkrjrain,n -we a dacaiiBiBT tat mtmrm itiing'Oat! etnamoa and a -no kaa atmatiM etauni ttn ttm f lial MitvujIUf kimltLC MtB (til Mkim. In be a man i . .-.trtl mnti inli.--rn nM r' or jihe..iiat aT du iliuuav efi hewvr ramr1 declared that teenjUJ ia-ili,wswaaf me Bbbbw w,. 4f -the iimUhiiiaui il turn (UfTTrmf ttmrttia- I " 1. t 1.. !. taaaitlaait am 4lui tlVlWvleara' Bail iKa, J atmiir1rreaie-a.-a 1 . f to be a usan dJ wmrmmi sm, lan y-iirr," lhe reply eree tnirjuulaiuIVy ipaarrJi," Mh. speaker, Tdev mand Ibeww anil asawoHitnat irneaUotk t iB'IiIrH, !ftvhTm,Il.! " 1 - -Hiiiihiw tJ' Ttua ejlt'. j TbTZTit. Jur,., 35nnert oTRr.Io. W Turk, - enrrenwr -,! e,f Dana.- W0b.ptt V'lTl.U Tr eter.o'liihsat . ...,.lr lit iiaiipwuTD mnuiai.erTuo. nm as to fracture :Ue ,juw,aint; ftmw i auarnmt. .iiro.iih.eart wJencar"" u 1. 1 the eix . front teethmi rtip- Mdk Wpii ,'iinch of 4ue aeoJiu escil; :if-- I 'meiit avem anperawti amt rliimv,x iun annul an e imr . .iv,-i tlie new iaw jJirar.tiv iBtfiatl Bx Ui oiar.V ex. Little blnod waas iual m litre mnrnrtlnai. 'n' tw.i arte. l. .M !!.,! i Mall mwvm, .-Mumi .iw lilt, i - " . ..i - i t . . - .- t vn . ? . , t" . ., Li . r m-T. i -tegumenta ee at Jmaync ttf"?iBr auil 3nrre or , .earvea delorrmte. a ham'tfcr mrwum.nt ;he lied ' Journal, lurve fflmai ,tt imn,,,: - - T: ' I a "VMI mknlii iimm i.i 11 ml ill 'T.vr tt.'nf n.m.9 m ... . . r "i',iiii ssMfsssyJiwnniRip""" wmunwij liIndmrlle..ffaan.tn it edula act be axercid witrKHitL Jantmry, Iw a arrjre stntmni- fat. Sltdnmam, Iteannj eVwa the Uitest fabric thai human fidom CONGRIXSIOXAL O r b a I U ' ' . . OlU ioa. ITy M Wafteraaa, f TVeaesare, m tie ihjtci nf Almlitim Prtitim, MitrtJ ia tht ; Htm st of RitprtmmlmMet, j4nary 1ft, 1S10lx Mb. Spukm : Dilenng I do from por. twai of my ool league upon thiaauhject, 1 feel that it w my duty to au mm of the reaaow which iurliHe my coura, I did hope, that oa the ewnting and iuipwtant queatu no 'ttnder con. aaderatwo. it wouk ba my good (urtuitt to battle, arm to arm and atoulder to shouliter, with all the Hepreaentatives trom Tenneeeeav it ia to ma a pourca of dep tiortiricauoo that any Koutivero man eboutd bewtate a moment ia regard to the proper dwpomiioa of Abolition petitions, much baa J Mk uig iWO the banda of ihoae anierfht. r.n.,i! DUiawiniuniiBWk in . I TUa reaolutiona otKired by a gentle (nan from Lot. """ L-w'- uattfji.j propowiig to receiva and r tor to a eommrttee all nie morula and petitiutia re. laiing to the abolition of alavery in thia District, in tba Territories, or in the Statae, concede every thing that Abolitionist are coolenoiug for at this time, and 1 must be permitted to eipraae my Kreat aMoniabment at tlie source from which itori g'nateA. Cormug a hn doea from aria of Ibe htrgfiat aUv holding State in the L'moa, I regard tlie move aa extremely anioriunaie i but not more 1 a Ibafl rba aeakaia ud able support which it hu reowyea trom. otne of my colktagiiea end other at lh earn political party, who hail from lh SutitFu. Sir. arc nut that votes nf a.Hr 11 J.ii.. rat m the Uooae-recorded upon the jourmil in 6or of au-porMting Omi rule 0 the parpuM a.hmtmg it ! Did akrt th dutmgdiaiieor geiii Miwi. chusetta, Vfr. AaiAK when a atmilar propowtion wa4-iug,iwlby oneU'my colleague, (Mr Bxt,"j arise to hi place and declare that tr rai allied urtd! Weltvdo the Abotitiomete know that the ob oy OTgraea-inai the rampart of the Consti tution cannot be torn dqw ia day nor a week ; and that if iJiey can gnu a single point at a lime, tti. nmy 1 hrinbic'ced WWailicBiwI'aiaye.' 7 JJ .P.r,c of Cofrtmbw aloe, but in ine several atal and at the aavme lirue sunder fthe eWda that btntl tfrether thw cloriooa Union. In . . ' ' s. " mrL would rattier theae coonpiratora againat the perpetuity of tin Republic, and the nta aqd iraocjuiuiy o h citizen should prate about griey. ancea, whieb, if they exist at ll, camra eflbct them, to tbe end of time, than to acknowledge, by my vote, that 1 am bound to receive, refer, and treat wilft common reaped their petition, which sse me to violate the LnatitiUioa of my country which I have solemnly a worn to aopport. If we are ti have peace upon auch terra ooly, I, for one, am against peaeav Cut save we ao aooa forgotten the past 1 . Due not every gentleman upon this floor recollect, that. the same argument waa used ioo, m invor oi io reierence ot tneee peti ttxaia to a wnmittee iftafc Ihenv a now, it 'was contended that atirh reference would J taamoati"!? " . L . izin tbe public mind and stay inr air further agitatioa of tha aubject on iiie pan ot' the Abolitiooiau 1 . Dndor thia delueive hope, auca a committee, waa raiataj, en the motion of a distinguished gentleman from South Carolina, 1r, riuckney.j I bat committee went to work. and made aa able report against the prayer of the petitionera, and what waa tbe effect I VVa-the voice or AuoJilioe' huhedT Did ifiey rinaullnig aiKi wiiameu peutiooa cease to peer uUo thia House JVese the ngr jd fingr of the flwllh n w mow mpeaeffT-Lei your Joufnal Tfor fhtfTist mree years anewer. Seseioa alter eeasioe) are w called upon to repel to, ir assault againel our do meatier institution, our heme, and our fireeidca. Instead of allaying, aa it waa alleged would be (he casavitba iiKre ther exerteav- rihalt -we tlien, resort to an expenroent, which had already e signally-failed T To do ao would be nothing hut dowortsht madness. Better, far better, le at ami firm like menend give way oa oa part of tbe gmeno. ii wo once commence retreating, they will nerer cease their demand, until they have accomplished their unhallowed purposes. But the Abolitionists and their a;x!)iiia contend that to refuse acting on these petu ii is a notation of that article ia tbe Constitution, which prohibits Congress fiom paaatag any law abridging the "right of tbe people peaceably to assemble, and to petition tbe Wove rn incut for a redresi of griev amses. Tlia I deny. - Have we passed any (aw, or are we called upoe to pea any law, abridging this ru;ht Surely 4oU Tbe people are at liber ty tor " peaceably assemble at any time, and t ueiuioa Dues an swbiect i hot when it i ereaented l here by aa honorable member, by the rules of the 1 It t L 1.1. . . . aumml WIicn WJ aaopiau lor our governmeoi, someul, are we not prepared to ay whether It fl ould juetify -a ia rftct. "4T t ooeer By way of lUuetrauoe, anppne temef . Mesaatdwraaaa, er any ether bute, at lataa aaiJrBaTaanmaka atrwi as in raAMfina suie aaiaaaraaai le ' " ,j V vim i wr tuiwii. vj m giTw unio, wimiu ll aw. m demai of the right of petiuea sot ia receive and reter them F Agnin : aoppoaa the hotheaded South toe eeeerahle ex-Preeident, I" sarnaa tha way, ""S- "P ,b tee4.rf V .uuW him ia mum. mU- mt - "."" : " , . wvwjui nr. itw gemiemaa aimeeii aanut, mat mis w au aoaee ot ine nni oi petitioa ; Of in Ota rr that ww weald not be bwrnd to receive tend coeHier it T Gentlewien declare if we will only receive and refer Abolition petitions it is all thee wish ; the Home eta then pot lh broad seal," of condemnation upon them a soon as they I piav Seen 6eelartino resolve themselves uv that la .efue te receive and refer their . - ,, , . , . ."I'LJSl f;.w,,,w j una wnzfc "i wur n . i ine .obTecta they have .0 view, by a prompt and oeci aire vote at the threshold. Let u ear to them . . . I - - ... I . i. . .1. . . I ', erer rt!,nr1' " spreading havoc and ruin, whore there is now peace and prvperitja,., : Mr. flpeaker, by refusing to rocoive these pr-ti-tioha allerwe have heard ttieir contents stated by the miroducer, or by raying them on the tnblu withouKany further action upon ihem, we avoid debate eii tii distracting suhjoct. Sir, every de. bate here ittay kindle the fiies of insurrection tu the Siutlu. Let me aak how caa debate be pre , vented, f we receive aud refe ihem to a Commit, toe t The moment that rofureoce i .inndo, "a tnembelr rie in hi place, hold up a'resolutiwi in hi hinds, and demand it adoption. ' What it t. Il ia a resolution intruding the committee lo it. port in favor W Ihe prafer of tbeAboIitionikt. , He ha the Jloor; bo other "member ciin geriiin order to move the previous question t and ho pro coed for hours, if not days to plead tlie'CHuw of theae incendiaries. Every word lie utters, Ihrouh the secret agency of the Abolitionists, finds itn wuy to the ears of the alaye popul.itkm of the South,; end may excite them to reMlion and inaasucre. But. air, auppote you succeed in applying Hie pre. viod question at the cloao of this speech Cajinol . , tnotlier membclf, and another, and ao on, until the whole number is exhausted; bring forward reeolo. . lions of tbe like kind, and in Ibat way keep up an everlating debate in thia llmic, and an everlast. ;ing "disturbance out of it . Thi must ,be the in: , evitable result of reeeteinr end rtferrittg such pa- ty per to a committee. Unlike my two colleagues, .Ueirs.GR?(TK and fcrtL, 1 neyer can content to such a recoplion and reference. It must land to interminable diacuwuim ; and diecuseion here,f 1 learl Will leaa lO the miwt direful FiHiaelmenei.. The gutleinnn from the city of New Yoik, Mr. .LpaitwJ ha dBcUrcdthal; thahatileof Abidttimr.- im must be fought at the North. Must hefiiught at tbe Nortbi audi by wlionvif L- The political party (Whig) to which be is attached? If to, have solemn apprehension" that our rights will be P?" !l "t . hfl i Jv - 1 4HJ'v.'yy-y'i.. . ; If Sir, wer tlicy 'flailing thq battle of the8outh", ' when they were suppponing a notorious Abolition, it Mr Bradish for Lieutenant Governor of New Yrk, whee.tbey gweM snnd votca in'ths city, and near one hundred and fiAy thousand in Iho Stutet. Were they ngliling the battles of the gguili, jvlicn they were rallying around the black standard of an Abolitionist Tor Governor of Pennsylvania in 1831 1 ' I mean Jn. epb. Kitnen who received lhe full Whie yote in that State and will any member present denv it 1 ir i. i ' . i , hi iiirq speak, i Hold in tny hand a tne v sage which he delivered to the Legislature. f)n. T!-.-..! a 0 I te a a . iojo, ana wouia asK leave to read a short exVact from it. After speaking of the base bow- ing otjhe kneo to the dark spirit of slavery ,M he Midi - ' ; ' IJpnonlKMI to lbs ailmuwion into the tlninn nf nnur lav boldingSUU) and opposition to sJawre i'm Mr "" ' iHnmei. in vry Dearth and abode of the national honor, nav ever been and are tha rliri.lJ i doCtrjnesof eny slate. Mxrt us, lei low cilixenn, stand by - .and ntanuin them eastirurlrinrlr sndfOrteslv.,, "" is or you f;; But sir, the roicejf the ballot boxes in tones of thunder declared; that ihi message con. tnined (oul slandor upon the sound Republican principles ol . Pennsylvania. Ritnsrmm and Abol. ttionism were overthrown, and the banoer of lh mocracy again waved ita broad fold over that an cient Commonwealth,. . . Were tbey firhting the battles of the South at j iHvmv-nirrnninrg vonvcntror'wiiert they noun . naled a candidate for the Preaidency who is in fa i??: :-Pff?rnf .e- wrphit revenue io7ihe - evweneipetioa'Tit etmirtWIy" MH'f liim : "8ho"',' ' tiur is no wy by which (hs , uu.nuiini ca .mi in Canaan emeoi ' Horn, I answer, that it ha Inns- been an nhixi n y www ui awwuf rtetnue appro. Were they fishtinj the battles of the South whan tney elected abolitionists Governor and Lieutenant '.Governor of Vermont! 8ir. 1 recret to sev. that I have seen the snes of these men trumpeted even in my ewa state, by the Whig newspapers, as a whig victory. " Vermont erect I " ," Vermont ev er true to hef principle I and like joyful excla awtione have frequently graced thoir column, on hearing of a whig abolition triumph in that State. ileaveu em Democracy from all such triumphal a ine nniu oi umo, t unuorsisnu, there was line of sholitiauit from the Ohio River lo the -k HiJfhojidrd. the !a ve ofKentuck y lpescape Into Canada. So fr iweiit were the eompleintt on thia score, that tho Legislature of Kentucky sent commiasioners to the Lejiskiure of Ohio, asking toem topee a iaw punishing in future all such kid' nappe r. Accordingly, such a law was promptly enacted, in conformity with the wiahe of Kentuc ky and tbe principles of emmon hone!. I be. lieve it was termed the Fieilive Act."- But mark yot in the House of Representative' thcre' wfirt twety-jlhree votes against the bil, all of whom icen ef7good and true.". In the Senate, fourteen jrotea wreest eMtrwf-rt, rand not A Democrat va$ of fki umbtr.' Now; f would ask if these thirty.' eeven whigf were fighting, tha. battlesef thoSoutitt Were the Whig party fighting the battle el tlie a . l. 1 i i Kiuutn, wircn miy were paawnir;, and endeavoring w pas, Aooiition reeoiutioru in the Lerialslnre avr M a a m M " ot rxew lora, Massachusetts, ronntylvania, Ver mont, Connecticut, and several other State T f ' rLiiihiSTmoLJlUiMai cut fighting the battles nf the Home, when in hi very brat massage he thundered his denunciations against bout hern institution! f . Wt hit Whig Excellonoy, Goveraeyrleward. ef- 'Yet;'ftgmvg- the-hetttci oTlfh rSwlii when he recently refused tbe demand of the Rov emor of Virginia for three foj-itive from iuetice. -charred with- havinf "stolen -and carried away from tha State of V irgmi a negro stave, the pro nerty ef a eitiienjf the borough nf Norlolk I Waa he afraid of eflending hit Abolition friends, who published a circular immediately before the New York election, In 1839, lo the Ami-slavery electors "of thaj State, urging; them to cast their votes for hint and against Governor Msrey, Ihe Democratic candidate I Here it is. Let the South make tbetr own comments. . . "CIRCULAR . , To Ik AnlitOnery Elttiort of tht Slat of X York. W ssk the privileire of brethren to set ath brieflirr but frankly, tht reona which constrains to cast ourj votee Kir man u. iMwars lor tinvernor. . u. Bwant ia the eiJuL.. r il. w f l .nfnooVol mTiJ bin right of petition, and u nohly aserts the freedom a I l . . . . . a atitucnu. x , - - k ' in aeanie; pi ine psrtyraleo, that mstain Julm Q. Adv -am aad illiam .Sl.de; w a, psr,y whwe fiwt lrc liboral and tolerant. 7 . - .v. Nr. wtrd a th candidate of the narty whirb. : in purlaat Lerislitiire, passed reeilutions i agmimt tho aduueiion o( feM into the Union; apaint PaRuu'a gg reHution in fiyor of the right of pot itwn ; and a rttm oC rtii'g tnal by jury to persoiu claimed a fugiiiyeaUvo. Instead ot tlie denunciations and re. ' vjltjigi i with wluchour petitions wer treated M year fi'l- u,r''nC with pensl onactmimu, lAeWAg. received nd tsealod peiubn and remon. trance with tiiat repeat and conutv due i ik . - a Wr. Seward iafliefandufsteof tlie paity ih.tjn.'1 ' peset tha re-oNiciiooofa Preeideuf --who .i.,l. nui.li to yeto i any; bill abolikjiu; sl.vry In, tl J),trir of . ' Columbia. U -f - - . :. ' V . s , wr. eward ii the caodidatenprHaro' hjGovertior aiarcy.who, in bia mesaipes in rh. lj.ai.ui,. i... ' ' msnilestsd, io rentimenl and aympithy, tho bitterest hoatility to our Ci use: tint ui .a il, ,.n-- . ' of a public meeting, whila he .. r...... i ...i. .Btate, rocommendnd tbe passage of laws authoruinj a violation of Uie mails, and inflictini.Biiii.aiid neMltiea truth " - oisBcniineiing inieigeatp and .The re-election of Gov." Marct would oVervftr towards the re-elecUon nf Martm Van BitTen,' '-Jim ' measure tod policy ara ao Wtil i, n, .... . r t.. . j Ann, Dually, because our knowledge of Mr Kevy ird load lis to condide in the general soiindiiem and iutcirri. ' ta n Ilia rtrinatnlna t.' - : . I yr.i. ' p . "u T,BW Weg"!t qutkaot - . . Sub-1 ran miry, a National Bank, or tT.o currency, ol mi- - ' -: - ' k eorjmporhince,coiaiiared with the ermtt ai.l.i.t r i. ' . ream fAerl end believing that Uk Wewerd, and the defostnf Goyerhdf Warcy, v, ill fcn . '. " i ii "wvcsoseoi ntTial emanputm,y,a 3' shall vote fiir huh ouraelve, and recommend our AMU ,. V.'.1 uun inemis to ao tne same. .:-...' . Weeiy'reterdW . JEFFEIlHt). MAVELI, - ' -. . V ' ' Pret Albany Young MeuVAntivwyAicietv- .'-",'" ;--'.; r.r. PALVIM PEPPER, Jrf ; JOHN WI1.H(,m- ---- j "TV''f "7tK.i:y..l7r1:l?-7"r'" 3 i -;Ht.: first Vic President.- . . ' J : -- WILLIAM l.insfW T'.'1'- 4 One a tire Etecefiw Cgnnbitte' Yj,- . - ",Trt 'teny nti-Kivery Hbcioiy. -.v . ' i".L . - e , ;.NOHMA.rRANaV-.r''VT-vi'- e - Cbatrtnta of the Executive Committee of Vdan ' ' ' I Wen' AltanfAot'i :laery H.ichT(v; TZ ' r ! V .J !""" "ai " , , Cri.a ri Bi a nvi, - V : ; ' ' "1 J. MotMiaa.- - ' tlvin Uiin. - Jahim E. i usvici DiLisvriL e. r. i(i-. it.. - . ... . . Mcu.uaii, y, v. K..WtTeo!t., como-now, ,Tie, rjpeaker; lo the journal of the nouse or. Reprcaentntives foMlie Inst seseimi.of1 Congress, sjtd wilt show by the yeas and nnj how certain members yotcd upon a rewilutimi, ag.iintl lM right ef Congress to abolish slavery in the District of Columbia andjn Ihe Territortrsf with ajvfet.tii it abolition in the States. , Duthefore I proceed, I would make a aiiigle remnrk'in regard ' '!' thw.t JheaevitjsesNitmrad- f Mrr-iHitt omiouncea by the gentlemsn from NowYotkV (MrGatftoitirJ wlidrgrniiiir7i"th being in. fltieiioed alone y the strong tie of pany and parly drill. 8ir, judging l,i motives from In acts, he was governed fv-e imicli-higher-conniderirtion a doaire lo stand fast teethe (JutiHliiulion, though lio V might fall in Ihe eonlliol. -Instead of meritiii llt censure, he deaorvo lhe?irratiiuile of ihnh,,l f niturylu lua uvius, aad..Iehalf.f a 11I11.M a.. 1.. . 1. : .. . 1. .. . Bfx TbL&ngrwaJiia'noight-ted4W J direCUV Wllieh ll riniuj Ai A. ,1- . ..J .L-. .1 - anu III. I ins IKIf - - ihi 01 Miaauiijeci or slavery in the District ot Uili . umhis, or ihe Territories a a mean, anil woh . "' ef disturbing or overthrowing aht insiitution in the. several oiaies, is sgainst the true spirit sud meaningT of thn Constitution, an inlringcrmml of the rights of the Ktates irr.ied, and a breach of the public faith upon, which they entered l ito a eonfofleraty. ' -Roi4 lamere, Thst all a'temDis on the n.rt f Congress to tholib Slavery in the District of Colum- bia, or Uie Territories, or lo prohibit the removal of. . slave from But to Bute, or lo discriminate between " Ihe institution of one portion of the coi.lederacy tnd 1 ' anotlier, wilk tkt njoi tfurnmij, are In vwlation of v the Constitution, destructive nf tha fim.'a nent.l nrin. N . wuuor nun my nearttiit thnnk. ..... .-... Would la Iluvea we hnd rrmre ucn ''nPu'frTuniria rZZ I find, upon examination, thnt fiflv two Hepre. ' ' 'I scntauvea voted against the second of Iho follow. ' ing- reeolmion.- J shall read them Both, hecauw " - " tbe latter refer lo the first r ;- ' . ... . v , , Ti Ctpte on-v.1ltch The-oWiofThrS Htaiei rost,Tiiid t. ' ''' yood the jurisdiction of .Omgrees., ir.l. f. ut of the nay-two vote that wre riven araintt . the last resolution, forty-eigh were Whigs, em. . '" bracing nearly the entire Whig strength Tr-ra the nnn-slaveholdinir Statet in thia House at ih.i ilm. ( give their oames, and the States which they . speclively represented : j - " .JfsBaVAaVkTMe 'Atf JV.hw OomeV Adm -Wai - thsniel B. ftmirn, Gg..rge N. Hnja, Williim Jl ,(UU ' , . honn, CIeb.Cunliiiig, Bichtrd Fletcher, Geiyjre Grin. iT nell.ir.WiIliraSlUM(inp.li IjnenlnrJi and lywtrrlltm)sti!t':::. :.:'5ts-JK -iirA.;?' eiaiiwlif It'Airi. Wward Dtrlinirtnn. Rdtvant fl. i A. .I'hnin.a Ml.... 41 m ll-f . . Charles Nayloi, and Divid Potts. Ir. ' c rVrasnnl lV'ai-s. IleinVn Allen. lh..r. Evnii Uiland flail, and William Blsrie. Aeie York Wiy.-John Edwards, (Con. MiTKH' riimore, iienry A roster. (t;oo.l Abrshim P. Cr.nl (Con.) Kiehard P. Marvin. Charlna FvMndieHf ,rrther 4'r Peek, lvid Ruaejll. Mtik 11.' Kifil lV. llllant ha? Pubis, and Harvey Putnam. , Ohio Wklgi.Ume Alesander. jr, JWiiia R. OiJ. dings, Patrick 0. Good, Btinpaoe Mssnn, and Calvary Morn. i ' ' . ... .J..W.,ttiM llalted, John P. B. il well, and Charles U. Miration. Indian lVairs. George If, Dijno. Willani Herod, imj Jsme Ruriden. s ,''.'-' -Mattif; Waga. Oearg e TEvanivf Joseph" a NoresT and Ml ward Robinson, s k, ' KhoJo hind H'ait. Robert D. Cranston, and Jo sepi L.,Tillinghst. . .. : y ; , Might I not, Mr. Speaker, again ask the jpntle. man from New York, if these Whig leader were fighting the battles of the South, when they were declaringby their votes I I have shown, that tbey believe Congress bat the power to Icsialsta on the subject of slavery in the District and iu the Territories, to the end that it my be overthrown in the several Statea ? Sir, should ever the nrac tieal administration 0 jhe Government imfurtu. nately jpl Into the hand of men holdin? to ruch principles, I awfully fear tftat tbe days nf (bis Re. puMic are oumhered. Mr. 8peaker, il is "certainly an alarming sinta of afiaira, if it has bfcom oceceaa.ry for one of the 4 ,4 1, . M .- - . J s V 1 . .. ... 1- at-1 .V. .- v . . V u ' - " ''.'' ' V . . ' ,5

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