'A I- f f ' " ' ' ' ( 4 gtal pthtitul partita -Uyi-f -the vil o il v' Aboliioit l any relent, in urder lo receive their aid irnl.a election i.f n P(resid.i.t. I would !tope a in not ao. Hut when I M-flect upou the muse which operated in nvor of the ll'nrrishurg ttoininatiftri, 1 ml roofr-m that i tmtutl wilbiHil UT doubt.. It in 1 Tart which rant be success. ! fuily denied, thai had it not been f.r U,io inllueitee of the Abolitittiists, another ditinguiIM gentle ian(Mr. Clay) would have be n the, YY tou can ( didale for the next piwidc-iiry, . Lrt.it feni in mind. It t il nefr'U f'trS.itien, thut ((" Ittr. rmon r!kl uo receive a sin-He vn'i.f in th Harries) liyrg Convention from a alavelroiJiiig S'ale J and is it not niarvclnu, that, whtlri eery Souiherii debi. , git in Jho Uirri-dwirg Convention jrped the nosninalKiii of llsrriaon, ihw, when jl fs known hf nommatiuii wa- eflscled by Ihe in(!nc of Aboli tionism, aeniost the will of-lk South, Hie -whole J Southern Federal delegation irit'nngres lire em Ixaced bmi thiir'c8rid'nlitel When the wont lliliw reached New York, what joy pervaded the tank of iba Abolitionist J ,Th F.mw;Ti-'ir could imiI retrain" iirf"ff K'rtg It sorvkd iliw not of triumph in the euro oj it VlispoOy! '.TA ff-irrnhurif ContenHon.-fA, I be agony i .ner,nd I lenr y Cisy in hixttipou $ttdu'K", w jjoiuari if ordinary hitelligcncd cm doubt or deny t,'iil,4i iUie Aati-alavery ftf IWff Hi nrth Ifliieh liadoiMi,iii ctMinection yitfi liiowntV'lit'wd inftfi'.'f s'avery driiionAf!iiw in Oongreas. Praise in Cud fur S crest Anti-shyery victory! A roan of high lulenl. f greit iliKtineijiiii, of Jung jiljtitail crv-, of in'tind r-wtwr)l popdUrity, (. Miwifnly ri-jjcted for the l'r&wlfftry efrm RnpuL-hton aeeouHt ot bis devo- i liort'tn slaW'. . Set spa inoiioment of prorv 'here. ' I.cJ ilia windVtell llif tab. . Let the favblii-rs Iteir the ne. Lei ftr.-ij,! naJSHia Mr it. Jz-l U'Cxmell hf)f il th ?tsf liar it. ' A rUVoht I -tr:urpa -titntwl I'KWthV llW liittitd Ktati. 'Th r.'-m(tlii'fi('ArMy l hii'ninv 'In U.- Tl.! " jcciiiW of lnrji Ckf bjitVv lug CwiVPntiiHi, u'uvo' hi mnniH:iort wrto nil tint circnjiiunc tx ckk of Ii.-;.'t iillt ih faiun4l liVy Jiaa rtftif. 4 i'l tiiMe.nlfy.,, " i, - .t ?v ' , '' v, BacVwa'!!ii 'Tiitg'wj tf i JeaOh AWitifti pipr, jpuHH Iwil I.i hu t iiy jf Nw X"f- Uul i liaviur.orl Cvidi rict'i of fLe w ettararliXhow irij IhO-fcwtfWvr'K wi.H'li II.trtoii lioiHiiPHii.nl gjijrrivod iht Abiditinniaia. ,Ti;e BuibjJ i .i . ....... ..Vi..".i iZ il... ...t,,v;,,,i. 1 i.ti i,iii.iiinin'j irrinon, ruu.e out vriih n iih.lir iitlicle. IJ ;r:r 4m.2Jiml'''n f"-". a-mm, no .anonai s ' VhTg (;olive.tH initaii, iktminattd ViIliiii tl-i,ry llitrruon lir tlieof- .. . finfl W Prwiiiiot el the United ISnte. 'pirtym firkt " . ilarrwun. Ot: itiL.YVtHii.ikl Mcoll. 57. . On ttl-thtrii 1 i.'- .. lit 1 .). .. . ..... .. . r.,.. 'i. .. . w.. 1 f rtmi, I'l. Jill r a. id': r.j.iriinr iujjii ;i v.;. j n.t..pri.ritHg.ftf..tl.e li-a,; tteiWiU4U..te wn..ldtin.k.uhe.llyl,ave '1011 am:nWud.-. )fe hiiii "' ' TiifllIe?t i-r wrieVilifriaw Mi , pntiuUt4thfMiktuiiili4Uitfi. in Iku Hi public" . V;' irf if wr!eerjr"f e.u!d iuiroduc!jti-1 ' . lefHii miiliic'en.r'o'iug f?i a ""tfrtOlWlStratinii J YY'e reconhnend tolhe aitohfimi w(iir AholilMnbre filial Alv.rtlioniVui 2.me tha icorfe nt iSnif lmr" ; ' thu'ti the fulluwuw pnrasrapfirwl'iitl Is a luerlopy thaf Hertry f'M.v wna " Iniij i.pun tiio t.helj," in eon. w ipicf.ro .f A1.lt AtytlilHUi aeyH'(Meil wliirh' ho ' avowed in a ;;cli (faring ftoJii'M immmoii of Con gea.. . ':--sH : .Mr.. So'liTi L n j.iee, ttvtt -vliilkt, i'oal daik fh.ud af AtM.liijiiuiaiii js Iwnjiins nvev tl.a-c.Hiolry, that we have a pilf.t hI Ihe hrtin t.f Stain, trlume vieyi iiro an t.js-xi'lhB aubjcl that lie lm ' 'hei'ti $ ntnitifeij up.m this fl.u.r iyi.il eltm.lirr,- a a l!?mHmth nmii with Soiithern pnni'iplel" , by which! preMiireii irteaulllit bo jaNoitltoru liiLLffciili Ki fi.;'iu.in tiriru-,1.1 , jVT I 1 ,-. I lie iiiaiiiees at me .loiiunciatiniu . - Siryl aoiakatiij.iiauiii4.!L5K,:Jl n,nj an Ah'ilitiui-(l.,'. TUf iwo- temi.a are loinlly iocoo"iHteiit, flHiiUr.'l) da thins of J)nin K tut and FedoialiaU, Ueiiikiuien niiyUpei-itiy n noa!le-ring Alt ditioniat, here itinl. hen) aho Vgi 'iHii'tially co- ;i(iaUiJUbe IsaUirStic ,pory, ttnm lntji r. ses, but all bia priiK'ipIca, feelings, ami symp ttliies incline him inwarda th Oiitxaiilinp. - Moreover, hn-I)einocran, as n.j arly,.'mv repudiated ihe ..i , i ... t ,. a, i 43. , ( Congress I lle ,-H.J.Id of (l.e HultcJ S ntra- lxk at.jhwr sole m (he varionu Nate Lvgi.tbi- uirr. 'Ltiuioi vwir rcwuvea in inrir coiivonn.iitt, I . tv . . . I. I .. . Liiaral of the President. w ht tnnd nledi-ed to veto l their aopiawft. I ....I, k.i.l. ,.r ui, ..,.!.. I TYe lilti.,i tjtwl wllieirprmi iry oieelingt, ami you mil hm! ' V ilTMytidrtTirrtlTtrrir'ft Trfttin n iaerliiii.n YVell did Mr. JWiVaon remaik, thai lh Domo- crai'V of the Norlh ar iha' natural allies of the 1 tiJlh." j, Si r, I mil grodd of that alliance. YVe I'hl in nun ciiin'niHi cnue7and uinlur oie common tanner. .That csu' U ilisf Constitution i4 r'"tt ixaitnty' .That '.tunner ihp ssnje, .wjiieli liaa . .""priHidly vrrvedover the tlpuhlwao party ff.mi the & .foundation ol this Government.- . : APPKNpl.X ANO PRV , tLrMr. Stiinly'a rcpfy fu ir. YV'ai'erii,' he read a nulflimiMMt of .Sir. Farmoiter, a O.Mnbrrit- p Kp rtMilivM lr.101 thi Stain nf .YlasMacliiiMifta, wTiurtrtlBthuiig'lt' Conriu'tid him I t the onnaii ni the Altoliiiotiiij. Air. Purnieultir did not know if he understood pre- , eieeiy wttl I'ui geullctiisn trmn rvorlli Larulnia meant hy an bolitattiisL 1 shouU hko U he(r him r-f. r lo . auy ftfutark of.writing ot iniue ou that u'j ct, to any vote 1 have givc:, other, than for 'Jie Kitrcnc to a omnnitten.' ; , 1 v - ' Mr. Stanly said he shouM ike-t.. know whai-the cn ITtiniflf tiimfvlf C;irra:inrr n Abirfitwtfi, ! r-i4 loltor writ vli by Mr. Parmentcr, ia WhwhUe gaVe'liii ,u.inaina on tbo auhhtct ot' AbuhlioM. .. MrrlMntil(tiajfmtt.d.M , setts, it tt,as ranhlial to Ihe qu c! Altolltiooist, -t4tai-be slnrtiljf wwU LUiir m tii.inirfia1i.-ly-.to julopi inoasurea to abolish lv5y in the lUstrirt w'Cuin'ibi and tli Tirrritorite, w.'.U.it any regard lo the ronw .l'ieriets; It wa troa tint he, m tomimei with a tijry larg p.irl;mi of thj vvta of M -n il if lUC U'!iv.!i"i alavery to l a very jftfut ml; .nd yr.Hild bu lid if it man w siniHn nwa iIim i.j Hi ik tr smiI 4......... ..r. ... 1 . . . .. ' .11 11 . II.. WW 1 w ii ,1,., UH..I, Wl 1.11 J l.u'lU Wr. I', ad leil, tliat (be letter road by t't geutlemana, ......... .. T .I-'' iroui Anna Carolina, i inKcn-iaidi-r a to On 1:1 acc-'f-tipeyj with tiie ieva of llm lUdifionit. a.'td ovoij- Mglv-tttav all Mttakl iu a bJy against him. pir f?i!2'v " "n w'"' '" rematk. an-l ap,ik n' a niTintiiir oirrTiiXT'nTuTiTSrii'ur T'ST'FTrETrtTse' party whun he etn'iintinil as ArKiiti,imiv Mr S. load aouia. mfatbC&vtf stl addrc of Mr., Mdrtite;' whose, recent eluvium (kivarmsr of MMnci;uetb. the IfOiiKicralie party hilled is a triumph, loalto v tluit b alan Waaan,Mnn.Hii.(. ' . -k , Mr. 1'arui'iil. r wwhed lo Jnaka one roma"ri lit rt-W l ion lo Mr, Morton, tha Governor elrtt, td' .Msic'u- . aelts. Thegeullemaa had r.l .. eMraeta wbre Ilortiia sis.k his AMttimtHit very atroniriy ajairiM Vfov. aioruin Ins sHMitimn.it very atrongly aainM alavery. Hut tha aentlemaa did not draw l!w disiinc- tion between anii-flivery and AKli4ioniiB.v -The imi wi inrr maiter 01 tiener, wiam tho other a as an in. leutien to carry it o!.j.cu into olr wu hoof any jjaru i me cmeiienc". llewobld BakatiSlur - i w .1 ..hhi piprr prnri at inm m oojiomh thee!ecli.i of tiovermir M-joru and rec.innco.ad o lb Abililiontsla ioFU..i,rrt art.dl.er Candidate. Mf. I'. wUJirf the g"itie.rt-w.iy dehna bta,ideof Ab. nil I um iiMira diu..rllv. . . ' ; L Ti.. 41..I.. , . . . . Mr. Stanly j.d b whcd lb geiiilerojn woulddo. 1 nnehia. - . fir. l'ttf atcr aaid bs would defin what he mao'd.." .. , :. . , ' '" ' - . " "'" ' ..' VieJ to U the Vk- Ofl'i-e Al ticni't. It .io Ilia l toiigref ti-)uld aholuli Uu ry in thu -inct. add in the IVnilnrn , wtllM i.l n rjsrd W njrhls of olUrn, the peMe and trnni.l.t- nf I Urg portmii ofllie coontrjf, and Hi aiMjr ..I lh Union. l addition to Mr. I'ariiieiitei,a rilnii k, 1 would atie tlmt there were four triI in hi . Uinot !"' fure he wi elected. Levi Farwell w.a ihn can. Hidate of Ihe Abolitionists, and Nmlmn llro.knthe VVhij caiididnA. H"fore the ('.airlh trial, Mr. Farwell dc lird in fvord'A1n Hrooka. Vhre. iipon'tl bofitmniKta td a circuit) r t" 'hftir frwmia, urging themio ote in favor of Mr.. Hflinlia. I wjljoio.lliB circular, well m Mr. Furwcli' Id- W. -, to rue ABOLrruonsTS. PaiH? and coupler, we lie'eeh ymi, before J tfu?i8 , throw owajr yourot. Tlie Duitnrt rauirt not, cannot, go nrepreireiit(l. i eapnot cliwxin a eadiJ,B of your own )f course Mr, jlio. kor Mr. 1'armenter wi!l be eventuajly elevlMt, aiul can yft liwilale nn iiwiilfur whichV ici' .J' tn' Mr. I'aruirotcr ta pledired to the miptwrt of Mr. Van fcuren, wlrtt ha thmwn hinuwlf into rue arnio KotHlicir. 4avchol."rv and he in irrevocably pWd to wr Kii)t alwlrtion every wtwre and t all lV M'- I'arqinirter and lua pVrty rente nd alii Tliey f. gard oUditnwi a a Jif .," and eoiiiemptootvly rail H 'twgropMnu. nnd leclaw it in tie "drtuU'lh.w tw Itykfiilw 61" Kmin them tha, poof vtvdif nothing to hope l.ut"arii vid fiilir," and youoUiWig- but anucta. andtliuiO - ,. .i4- - ." . . ' ' Will vn not avenge yonrwlvea hy (fiinu your hib po't & ilr.. Urook, whom v.rfr-g in tlio Senate prate lii.n 'bi bd the lv'a true friend, and ho, h) the mint, iort i.l ti llmi. Htunuel Hour, and the Hon. Levi Kar welt, and mPJ ottiof reapectahln AlJitioniM, M w" thy ot jour entire confidence. . .If, hydnino ao, yok ean -ct m id'SClfiit. vuHild jjoljrour 4itea be "fwifim'i cully tmlt-tfur fcfWrV ", You former plodcen to scat ter you; viii-;a have been thrice rHleemeil, aiul are no lor.ifer binding on you, Fwilow tlie example ol tlieab olitionxdH in older lowh, who are di-iermuied "nobly fi mmirtin prmcipln," J ct your votea aajiatnol. kin an I boni,yiditiiie, - ' licad the toiloMflnff kltofj ai'hhtD pune, before )ou glviU our vntea flir tUinrytlt , - -iT AJR. i'ARVViXL'S LETTER. -, , "', i7 CiiiMiK, March 0,.JWi9. , ; (;iiri(Biiic9i; Iriiamnch m, your kirnKr ewion,. u iiavoaeeii fa to pronc my name. a mid .of the uan? ' didatoitobs voted lor at the Looj,'refwiual eltction, fi4iJUllijL.ArUL?xru?Li.''e 'rt'lueatiiigUial my iHjii may riot aj'tiTm umTTTJ lTOTpTTrrccr1in"be fuo llwt, 'ohiier no CltconiUCM likely to occur,. fwiMLniidertnlio to nerve the diMricl 111 that eauscily l,,,,! -i.cfhi v. UeaiM.' rrt)intnrloiiBacanaijiiw;awiui th iwltj. J ciint but lt-l tlmt hut aentiiiiclita on tbo ,u, - p.ci jdavtry-ro auch to cutylu film to tho eu- - lltt WifidetKrilK Aiili.il:-.-. 1. t.4i'trittlK.cmirnbndiitt KeiaioL? m .. .. .... .V . . 'i .. - ."i.....-':' .r O I 10 . lMlllOH VOnVCI.l lllIHin J llimOJJ at Vl'lltuiu. Mj. fl(1Wll)(t Br,fci iruni tl.l KbeirttW, Mf I'rimtmt.rUc.U.t upon the AtfltttiWrtlrt'ipiH -wa-Miw iJ,ktJ;rI4 tfu rw.r, Inward Kveroir.Rt IholM" clcclion lor (iovuiLur ol MuaclMifetl!,'" N( 1-. 5" 1 ABOLVl'IONiSTrS ! . , UT tut! wiioir iMiiHiri .1 par ( rui'ii in uiu iai 1 t . 1 i -I 1 i -t t-. wntien.y air. ltrriiu: ' ' EinVARI) KVKllKTT. Tho (loveriiiir of tb.s CommonweaUli has answered uucipuviKally hi Ihe AirntatTivK to tho tpiealions, wheUier ho wiu'few.f of the iii.iueiiiKte AIhj1iik.ii nf .lavery in the it.slrici ei' Columbia, and liw sUve trade Vjt.vwo (ho H'UTiil tstaloa. reward iivertll iiw p ab UiO hin-fuuge of a patriot, Kepiiblicap,and a C'hrittian Yve believe it la liie1ril hmffuajre oi hia ail. YVhen, l few y.ar aince, bo took opposite If n .ii ri.I, bo did violvtico (p bis contiaioiia of right, and 'C'i nilie.i avrntvoua error, we are oisnosea hiviiiii. hiapreaent h.moranloco iro. To r?for indivjdinlly to u.l,i Iim wben jiiblie aentinieirtjivaajlecply cor rupt, w.rftld be aneNortt; to cliHrgroT'n"wiih buihg maiiicere at the-picselit time,.v.oulU bo unjuat ; to ac cuse him of act king popnlarily, would be c)iia!y u:i cWKablo. It is i.o I yet a popular tlnn lur the ajtm f .Mujjiairaletoavnw hiinaelt in tiivurof immciliaieiinan fiiuM, -f rm nt iejirill jrnve recrtant to hia pres ent piolesioiH, it ia to bo talou fi( giaiili-iT ttnt-fity-mpaiiH jiiKt wliat he says. In our opinion, l.e ouht lo rnrnti Hie uii.lividtM impporliH liic sau-aiavuiy vuicia tu t.ay,,Uicy hjvr itl'-Ju . iuuMuuch a he hna doclnred tiuuw'. !-e pratMy.a l U.ii;itttUJJ.'j!). rfrtttTOertf i(-aMf, oilllIHrorl Oca tn .oiiuwii.h unimiuivu .i mi.j.oi -1. , rananiemtmn ,", ,- bv a ofllie jj.usiacliutt Auti-Sl-vtry ft-ird." I - t .. .... ,,,. , 1;.g.,i, l L. . ,11 Mr. Aliord's repcit doe. not weaken Ins snswor, .' ri't'TlllvlHJ1 'l1 that report waa full id Ihe suund- e.t Abolition doctrine. The UiiWfWtrrthmttdrerrtu Uae txifr or" (Sfrir Abolilimthti Sonve, who call Uicin- lae sofr or (Sfry Aboliioitia. bonve, 1 sulvr Such, but v.lHMe In a ru are muie with their par- ; ly Uuu mlllhu alave, tnay stdl g jack to K.I ward r.verctt sum nil.i VL'etjs. 11 in wu uieni una is mumr. In the circiiinatiacus of the case, It ia aliiuM ireacher- djii. Mr. ttonten aietns.r cvori'ii opinions, . im4 la an individual, but a.-, (cpreseoting inu Ahoiitlou- uta gonerally. I he U-iveriior annWfra at aice and up-ei;iivii-ny T it f ttl U.riiro wtinilvand eluirge him with iuMoccri'.yt TtiiS.Wi.ii1d be w from outrage, Why dd we ak Iihii, 4 we ilil not qieaii to jnlge luui by Ins anttver! ' " " . - .' 1 . .. ... Jiidg MiWlun's snl Willii.' Ictltrs ar icry much , alike. 7'' v,g',o i:ifiHnHinm Tkry da aot aa- I .' timjilrnl of u'.t j.e,i(.(. ..wraiienavaa A a " rofbra toe tetter wntti-a Iwf year agn, which, whan yi-ti look at iW isTsa more of a reydy thm Ilia prrenl I'haJ letter cotitained vary baudotii and 3 iing iierHsl atynl ha d;tcstitua of alivery, Ac. ' Il p.-r-naps, aerveditsporpuM! pi-jlly wet in iladay; what would no (of )sil, wtll aul tie tar 1. Theao vagtia pmfetsnnosui' Judge Morlnii atofiunt to' )ll nothing at tt --'ri,ii-i , SiAm m il,ii.i win sit tii.L vimip Hnt.pp . I . nt'. t u t . . .. R . ... ,.1. y r.. m . Ml i m. - Ii (U AbuliiuiiLu aro to" bo tritwried-witk auch- unmeaning generaiwitSt, let at lell yo.i, the politician aiU tjerer give them any thing clao, .. , . M ,' ButnlyTaVffatl 1clto-Mr.-'TitHatiia, XJUitJtsacbufellaia,.wbkSarijng opjKwiti,,n In lavry wna cpre!nil.' YVhatlior Mr. YVillinms ia, or it nut, an Attoliiionisl, I know tint." lljf havvU from a source which canmH bo o-ieaiimietl, thai hi whij ijniviil fcr Congreiw 'Nathaniel ii, Uonlen,) wna an nelml imniiiier, 11 not rreai. JI'UI, !! nil Allll l'l ii 1 1 I wii'l w 1 miU Waa aliiiiuiri ted by Gnrrisoa'a Lilx-iuti r, in lloslnn, tlisi,fH'gan id' 1 tin AholitiiMiiit iu that Slate, wllich (ippoitod Mr. YVillmin. and did n4 cWlsuler bint aa coin. rtt tip to'their vi". - Mi.rm.ver, 1 find, hy rufcti v jiia tii-lliH ifiiirn il iif ihw nl aoawi. m of C-'iMiiiress. that Mr. Korderi lotj agiun-tl Jl'rTheiToTrnrer blutrt.s'lliMiig'iil even ajainat ,tltt resolutiiai which dti-Lirr that Cmijrejta has rwposrer lo dni thai indirectly, which il raiinut do ilir- rtlv. Oim ofllie Urg'-a? l)em'Kraiiccotixmi.Mis tver held in th State n O.ihi, w hel l at ('olumbu on t,h h . Jl,n""' Among imIht reaoli. I tnai which were O'laiiinmualy ndnpied, I find the (.illnttiiijt in. ro)iaril to Alsdition, Jhey go full kuiulli iu uiort vf SiMtibeni iifliluliist t tti nlve4, 1 k ia iheoluioaof I his eon rem ton, Coa-' ra - i prewciyht m. wnhout tlconiieiit af the pim! of the fi. Di.lriCU and of Uif ! States fif Virtfi.na anil klrvlsfl.L to . ... s . . . ' . : . almitsn slavery in tiie Uiatrict ol. UolutnMa; and that to ICrts now makio fi that purprae, by arganiawl n?iotiea in rte fre States, are n4i! to Ihe piril of - t!o CousUiuiiotvan-t dv.ircti t the Iwrtaooy nl" tha ,r..:... , 1- tj- . - ij.u.1. ... it RmdttL Tttai lcwsif tT iilii inetilutiM reowrniaed by the rvnirtiiiioB of Ilia Ciul'ed Sute, we, as thirw of fre blte, hat aa "girt to invtrfiir - ... ' - - .' t ' ''.' . . '" - - r . vkh it, and that tho orpntiiw? of anr'n-tiea and awncr Vii.nt in free Wite, iini;iwinoii to tl'.e hiitntionii iter b'l"ti'S while prmiective or no iid, may be the cnwteof much mlifi and . wl.il. nuh ttcntl" tur piilitical purpiwea onjrht to be iliaonntenancM by every luverof pmu-eani oncord, no aoutid Democrat will luve part or lot win ll.eoi. . '. RrtnM, That political Aholitionisul i but ancient Foderaiiwn under a u iut", biwJ Uial- the political aetion of Aiiti-lavery ttxieliea, it only a device for the overthrow of Dfinocracy. ' Ui fore the New Vj.rk electi.ma art 1838. ihe hlui k uliolitiwt (dthe city of few York iVId a inectinjrat Which llajy ad-ipted reuolmiona 'earn, ttdy requeatina llir evlorrd brrthrrit" to vote iii.IVo AVkigl'iu-ktt.n TiiciritrtH-ueilinga are subjoined t J ', '., " " rV ML ME.V ARE kRN FRF.E AXD EQUALf To Hit Culorid citiitnt "f ike City and (Zmnly of N. At a nuiwriHi and riTfctabl nieetinjf of the Cilo. red frwhitldera of Jhia city, belli t Wilbeilorco Mall, Mr. Juhrr l''.irt-wa called tu-tMckair, awl YV'rn. JUm aon waaipjwmiVd Secretary. .Aft the niinuleaof the previn.ia nuit'tiuir weta- real, Mr. 1'url, the chairman, moved that the minntm be to nweiidtd aa lo read "that Ihe colomd cifizetis of New York heearneatly rcquefcU' HuivoloTIIK WIKtLK WIIKa-ICKCT nomina. ted at JliMonk Hall;" which, a!lerenlerablo discua Hion, waaadnpttM. It wan then move atld.adoplrd ! 1. That W, IL 'KKVVAkt havinjf.i.i hKMler to the aliuliliimi), tliowa hitniMllf more friemlljMo the alililinient ol all liirtiririmtia, a far aare)(rlii ('hi)n, than te rsiulidatea of '.he l)wnocrtiui we ajrtV'to give bun our unaniiimna atipnnrL a. That LUTUKll li!AL)i.SH haaalmwn bimaelfthe unipiihfi ;d friend of human rigkta,aiul in oiiteqiicnc, aha II receive UmVite of every colored man in the city, Jl. That th C.Hi(;ref and LrjrUUtive' tickft of tho YY'hif party tdiall lao receive our support, .; The ioliawuiir Kiuikiicu were then ap;ninted a V y l ilance ('ouiuiiitee: r. ' X Thd leua Silav. .An Bonner, Terence Sample, John Rtajie, I'aiker Downinir, tar Moll, Anthony liire, J .hi'h ltlx r, lfWir. Houelsa-, JiaiiuibaJ Allen, C'ttU SinitliAYY in. Johtisou, John Smith. ; ? ; V V; JOHN- FORT, Freaidenf, ' ...Wit. Jbumn x rewy.-:'.Vi - .. Thn Vknlanee Coinnilrtee will tie in attendance at thia ahicti during the three dm of the election. Oiir fnetvU who were nH at the) meeting will plea prtv vide tlicmtelvea with tiekota hy eallinp on th oiein beraof the Colored Whjj Freeliolder, Vigilunce Com- Tlifc fnlktwinc cohfi'lnntial c irculsrvas also sent to Ihe ,V.'Iiif AlHiljiiiMiivtts, by Arthur lapnan, iirevious lo the New York oleel ion in 1833. , ' I)t--fmV'fiiefcisir yusviaaJiatfiho4Micfc tiona-bv thia Socielv. 16 winch: von will plaso d.mct sny of our YVhij friend vho may desire a kmtwhidfr id the truth, ram fr.'BtiGed lhat our, Abolition fri"nd nm to-be f.Himl iu!h) VVhitf side ntliCr than llia lico H!hl lo tfo tojetber., CT l,A OUKrfK.I.VES FI.1MLY ON t'ARTIUS, VVK CAiV GAIN OUR OIUECT. Be careful. I am yoiirn, etc. por Arthur Tapi. In thn-ll.niw of RVprmtitatj"ves of the Kew York Li'ijlature,"!!! 1809, linjiYV'ni party had a majority,;. 3Vy iiitr.idiiced a i preamhlend rea olutiiMia (leuouiK'iii.tlie tiju'iiliitinn of Mr Atiijsk- ro in trie btrfinnust terms ; ami inev pufaea mat Ixidy by a strict pirty vote the YY'hiiji voting Xflir I i ir them, the Democrat aqamst thrfen I hey want U the Senate, whoro the.Iteinocrats had a nmp'rjtv, and wna refer,r"d lo a fcnnimillee, of whichJ"l. Yoi)nv a Ipadioir Democrdi, wiischair mnn. Hnmude an a hie and eloquent report upm the aahject,cconipanjud with a resolution rectirn mending tlioiiNjeclion, whirh roMirt and reaolu tiorf was concnrtfMl in -h Democrat voting iitiiinin.oii.ily in ilie' vfTirnuUivc, ihe Whigs iiTtho" iiegalire.- . V . . ' : In I'ilS, John Firrild,H.hn a member of Con grt frmHjl8itieLWBs norninah-d na tha Democrat ic ciunliiUle for Governor. iIr Fair ft'lilwaa one id- (hat valiant baud from Ihs hon-slavoholdina Slu.rs, who had nobly suataincilaiul defended the cmati'titiontil right of the South upolt. the quea tion of slavery, lis had soled for the rnsnlutiona . iTTI r ."T5TT0It tjfViTc the ahulitioii of slavery, and annseqimiitly for flu f MrrATiiKBTp, of New Hmp.liiro, upon (hp ZrZ'H " , . i l'r r" " ' K e l i-.: i!. CTHrirtiTTvi rHr; him iu the siaie Unlil, h'KH-st and alraiiihl forward nw liner, which had iJi-tiiugoialied I.i cmrae in Con' ' gres ; Ho wa of c.tirte,luiniunoeJ by lliem and the whole YYhig party, williout any exceptions, mainly and priuciptilty on account of hi vote uiHMU.lv.rf?0ui''ns and his answer to the afore, said inlorrogntoripa. """ " " "I , ' - Mr. Edward Kent was tho candidate of the YVhia pnriy. A kilter similar lo ihaCadilre-owd Id Mr. Fairfield waa sent to Mr. Kcftl bv the same committee, (lis unwer to it- waa mich ss lo con ciliate and command the uprt of the whole An. ti-!nvrf Aholithm ptrty of Maine. In the course of hi anawer he took ocraiin lo denounce in the mod violent manner thoe who had voicd in Con grefor the rswliiiion nf Mr. I'attofu f -The avliulrt-Federal pre in Mairte was parli. culartyjahuKive of Mr. Fairfield, lor hit volea in Congrwaa aeniost Abnlilion peiitinna; but ha was triunipliiinily susuinod and elected by the Demno taey oTTTinjrjSliiTtC'WlTlr'iih iiuderaiaiwltng his opiuioin upon the sulijeet of A hoi il ion, - At the Irial idi-cti'tn In ihe State of New Hump, shirp, held in Mitrch.TSSi), John Page was" the IVmocralie candidate for Governor and Jaine I YViImwi the YYhig candidate. John v vra do. cdeiily opposed lo tl.e Alx-liliiHiHts, whilst James 1 YVil-vnn answered tlwir inlorrnsatorir to their en. " 1 lire aatUfurtinnj and was stinnrtal ia tSesriapnr aa tho randidum of iho Abolitinnisi. Mr. Page ". 1 siaa rT'lerl- hy (tVer-SisJ 4Iobsjh4 ifabjfaft.-ieszs&: I The) IK-inricratic Candiilntes for CongreM at the ksnnw cleciion, were at! "oppoaod1 lo the Abolition, ! is!, and were most iolenlly ahuand anil denounced r;hv Iho Ahnlition taiers--aml yft tliey .-were all jeloclml by attays-rago awjority of ahmitmt thrm-i ( amii.i votes over the combuied lurce of tvriigjory a...t-.1.ftlitinidaiWl- rj-trfc-l (ttimlk Utter nf Jitw WUvm ia reply to ' 1h Ultrre-setarin nftke v4WiiteafV. Cony: resaliaa, in.niy opinion, powet to ibnliah ataVc- ry m tha Uislrtel or lolnmbi and in be Territories d fhealjv Irada titers an I htween the State. ! i-.-i - - -- -" ' ih, m m mmwt wyvy.pjir.. . rua. lit vomer l.r oorry ana titer the luhjerl. t, - : t 4I J , Mft YVilm was als prominent iiietnticr of l!ir mie liarn-irtrj UimvaniKMi. - - s" In August, ll.thediingtiiahed Senator from Ponnajlrouia Mr. Ituehananj made a apoech jil Iincasler, iii lhal Slale, in which he ahovre.1 eon. chtHjvely that Joseph Itttner, lha YY'hii candidate r , ' . 1 ,. . , . vfi.TT-unir, wr. ADouiionisi, arm iirgwd ihe friend of the Wuiouvlo vot akntinst bins, and la fvor of the IWorraiii: candidate., DiviJ R. Por. U-r. Standing, aa Mr. Birr.hanan dnaa, at the head i Ihe KfKiblicnn parly of rwtnaylvania, hianpv, itiaa on tha aohjct t f Aholitin, may he reganled as lha opinks f hit political friends f and on that account, I ml puliica a, short extract from the peech rtjfot ta, u - r - . - - - - .. k L Bhwtl Juan Ritpcr )w aleetaal. llW' Wl(f Sean- Terlvaaw mil have declared, in a voice of thunder, that I FUAida tbail a-jt be admitted into tit Union, becaus '. - ? , ... ' , .4 ' - ''A it will be a tdavehi.ldinjr State; that Ihe qnoom ff aboluihina alaviry in Hie Iii.tnot ot loiou.Bia, otian rain ami ayain be agitaOil t d.aturh the r''K). in the- Uutoaauil tkl liieJi !"f.t"e or A but 1 1 ii m, Irom wnitn tin.'' are but enianation, i-hall be tiiliiihimed, ho niat ter what may bo the fatal f'lii.-entienceii. " Whilst Ina election will be hiHled aa a victory by the AbohttotiiMa every whwfc,X will he felt to tha e.xtreruitiee d' tho Union aa a nwwl piirtrnutuexinen oi its niwoioniin. .1 l.ava tiiilioinlv - aVOidct iwoiloeinir an proof tll.A Joaeph Hitner ta an Abolilinitut, except from hia own uolonia fneit,e tl,e doctrine of which have been re cently reiterated in hia letter to the Autwdavery Soci- ety ot i'ltUburfl'. It m true, i diikih nave cocu i. - foria made by bia political fnenda V oUUin the ball cd Ihe eiIJlur8 aa a p ace ul wet tuil for the Abolition Convention; the cordiality with which; ha received tta uieinbera, and the pint t,hua mhwed into them by hi cotmtenance and conversation ; hia preference for load-, inc Abolitionislu, in making aome ot lua mosl.imporiani appoiii'mcnta ; and oumeronaother circunmtanceii, temt iiij to eslablHi the aama fict. huvf tl)ufht tt; beet, bowever, to confino niyBoll to hia own official leclra nona. That he in siuceretv an AliolitioniKt, I do ol doubt; and hadeaervca the merit of firmly atherinif . hia opinion, which would have been a greai yiriuo hi a good cauae. , ' ' ' ' - I might here, al, proceed t illustrate the elTccta of the triumph d thi docirine; What would be your itoatinn. tellnw eitizena, it neirroea were admitted to , an eniulity of political and aocial riohta with white men and wtnte wonirn I iou nave; aireaoy nan a ioro taste bl it, in the aceiire which were exhibited at I'enp- ' aylvania Hall. , The aubj ct i too difjUBting', and I re coil (Voni it- i" . , (to. then, to the ik.II. and by yemr votea m liehair of ihe Deinocraiid candidate, Ihivid R. Porter, declare to your mstcr Htntca, and to tho world, that t'ennaytvania will be again, at alia had ever been before Governor. RitncrV election, the atrijn gjut and firnieat pillar vi the Union, .'V 1 In eotmfecjion with .Mr. B'uchnnan'a apeech, I would call attention to the, following r"-lutioua, which wore unahimotiMly adopted at a Democratic convention, bold ntvUeadinfr, PontiaylVauia, Sep!. Id, ana ;oinposca oi more uiau inree inou aaud dc7fgntt;' Wrrfrrean Ihe Whig pnitrt lo reeolution against aboUtiiittwhicb baa oyer 'been passed in any of their convention J ' wmW sdd, t that Ryatrinj? is in Berks county ttrtineiit De ninerjtie county in the United Staff i. ' . i ' y' 9. Keowd, That the conotitutiouol vblicaliona due. hy iha'Don-alaveholdiny W the Southern titalca, iinpe rwualy require the most tipld abatlnence from any and every interfeienco with their doinc4ie inttilutimia ; . Uiat flie'sujiicTo and ought to be a jitate.i but by theinAMyea, , 10. lletolved, That t'ie agitation in tho free States of the question of abolithin'r jdavory, ta an Hojrtitieiit. ma jrtctiefT tmerterettc-wrtii w aimuiuXumJMm4 ol our brethren nl tiie nouui; it is one which cannut by any poeeihi'ity lead to gMod,ahd but too well calcu jatcd (and we tour intended to work miechicf ; that We have vet to leara in what manrrethe -alavoholdiuff -4 - Tu; w ';5-i.'.ti'.-.' uo spirit of forbearance 'whick is entitled to p.-'culiaW conimemistion, but pursuing merely mat line oi strict dujy, to Wjilcll every conidetali(Mi of propriety, of rev pect fy l feel national character and the common welfare, callaoa us to adhero. , 11. Reiotntd, That, the abolition of slavery in the Diaiftet of Coliiiatrarw.biclr forms; the jri-eat-present i- lort'of tlm Aboliiiouiiits to accomplish, we believe to be regarded by (hem as an enlt rtng ufdge, through whoso inatiuinentality they hope to bo enabled to atrike berc after, more easily and etl'ectually at the tranquility of the'iSouthein Suites, thereby leading lo the horrors of civil and servile wara, too arraying ol one sec Hon ot ihm L'o.ifodorai'y in umbillered hostility against the other, ami ihe ultimate, incViiqble, and iucOablu wretch: ednt'sa of disunion. 12. KentlvrJ, U'hat it would be highly inexpedient and dangerous to abolish alavery in the Diatrict of Co lumbia, without the consent of Virginia an.! Maryland inasmuch aa it would hot servo to convert the said Dis trict into a city of refuge, to which iugilive slaves JkkflJkiyoJbaa. mam leinpiuiiuna vo aeea iia ajiitumr) u wooiu also furmah a convenient central magazine, wherein Ihe aealotav and . ioceudiariua of Abolit.on would ruiab- liah theinaolvea to perpetually annoy and distract the deliberationa of Congresa; to lire their trajna upon tho aurroumling Confederacies; and hurl their firebrands with sure ami tcrnhla aim. 13.- kemivtd-, That, auppoeiingressto pomess ; pdliiiuiua tlUiejAitoboheh alavery in the'DisiricroPtroTuin.; bia, ita exercise wouIiToevurlheles be, so hmga"th- mslitutMHi exiata in the Ctanmonwealthaof Virguiiaand Maryland, a Vross snd ukmisUoms abuse of power, and ' Hiwt-4 hat Ltii MUi District having been ceded to the nation by two alasclwldrng-rwrs.-Jt Btwt tteeefiv-tive beep, with 'Uraj undorstandiilg thatlts peoji le -WTajirf be' per- in.Ued to Remain in tho unmolested enjoyment of those right of propetty which, aa citizens of Virginia or Maryland, they would havu relaiued. Ik tstdiK'dirhal the -manly and patriotic aland taken by the President of the Unite.) Stales upon Ihe pieslHtn of Abolition, 111 hia liiaucural addiea; iu VKicIi,"inx-r rele?fThgtiJ'StjpTO must go into tho presidential. cb,ir the inflexible and moompronii'iiig opponent bit every attempt on the part of Congress lo abolish alavory in the District ot Co lumbia, agHnst the wishes of tlla klavlioltiing Stales; and, also wth a (ieterminalion eipia j decide.!, to re sist the slightest inltrt'eroDce v.ithit in the States where it exists;" ho add: that "no -bill conflicting withlherNj viewa can evor receive hia constilulional , aanetion," cotmaaiids our cordial and umjnalined ap probate mi. v.v 15., liri'drrd, That as Pennaylysnians, we rerel to . be cotiijielled to contrast with tiie bearing of President Y'an Duien, rctorred to in ihe preceding resolution, ihe temper and irit ol that distinguished local tunciiooa- v ry who haa not scorned to prostitute the influence of -bis high : office to'aid" itTfanntTiglnto r dsynrrnng-ftatne thrt vi passion of the disciples of the Thompson snd (iarrison school; and who Has stooped to vilely traduce the charactar of the glorious Keystone Sute, becsuae ' her Sunalor nd a maj.iiy of her R.-preyentative in Cniigreai would not - lae!y bow th kntt," to tho mud all'l dark druigna of the Aboiitmnista, - 10. IlrtulvtJ, That it is deeply nrlifying lo tho nrida of every PennaylVaDien, having ught of regard for Ihr Iwnorf n iexloe of Us uu4tton. of Uie CooimonwealUi, that the leader of tl.e Abolitionists, and tHj4-n4 fcrart-t" l. .1.. ' r . . .1 . . . . v.o vicrmr oi una oiaie ; i.nt 11 le eviuences ol bis approval ot", and alhoion to, tha dangeroua creed of.- that achirnl hav kevu ti lavishly ftirnwlrwl, and are ol loo grorwly odinus a character, to sfnmMt the cleventli biair deniala of bia alarmed aatellites to iiup-e upn tlio tt'.elligence of a justly incensed pnt.ple. - On tha 8lb of July, 1S39, ihe Ireinocnitic mem. Isiss iifriiium.1 1..II.I.1'..,. aililiiisi'lotliii Inutile nf lha L tilted Sinles, in which ihcv set forth their pnti.ti'cal jirfhciplcy; Tiie part which relates to Abolition in thi-sd words 1 7" ,h . " Tl( au'ij. ct'uf Abolition baa ataunied a character so , CTm"!aMe in its appearance, and so destructive in lis 1 Pnff. nittw- jytrr ta ;i ftft I5f ivt erwrtrirm llie fx-i-tmg relation uf master and elava hetween U10 lwu.isci.a jjiUbilMig Uta Sontheta portion Ihe Union, existed when tha Consttlutrnu waa Mined, and 1 s'fvcv;jni'd iu llm aporUoiiiiin.l of member in Ihe Jlirtt- ol Representative, ss well ss ta the imposition d direct t'.n,and tit clauae guaraatying tl.e delive ry up of pprsou held, lo ervic or labor in one Slate 'id escaping into another, ";,'.." . '' It i maniiet that the piiwer over thii aulijeot is no 4 llaiee not delegate,!, to III General Governiiieat, ami. of tourse, i,me of the reserved iwwera; aa Atch, it is Slider lac cMir coutn.l of the respectiva States, witiiia whose limit the institution may eaisi.'alrd With in hicti peiiher thia Goveronwrtt, a.if that oT the oth er(j, nor Uieir ettiioi", have ny nv,a right to in lerf. ia, dirxtly or indirectly, than wilh the esialcnce . f". f ,JUl, "T otl'er firt-eign country, ' ' From li.hi il (ollow tint ap auch interfereoce on ftte pail of thia Government, would be without I uihor ity, and a rnahitoit tkreacb of llm Constitution. It would, ia Uutb, be more than simple breach at that ;,t ; it HoulJ be destructive of the piimnry (,K. y. !i'.Ji(liC tloVfliio.enl y,h nutiluu.,! 'jjiiiu i .... i. . .. ... . i. n.etic ico and lrui)uiliity of tho btater.'aij u,'.,, ' It ali folloAa, thJt such interf;r.pre oa tha p-ttt of' othrr tate, or their citiat-in, V.ou!J te in Vh.!,, t( ' tho national oniiact, .which .tl.cy luuiualjy pi,.i,.l(j 'riuK into the t'l.ion. " It alno bdlowi, thiit ttje f)Mt(,-iwnaTOrc!y ri3 ' y'iduilly, here, slavery exisln, arc alone r.'H'oni.'ije it, either fof'jfood ofevil ;aud ihe wnprcsoii that a :T oilier State nr its citiwiw are reyponsiub'., in any mv for its existence, origmatea in the fruKand inneli,, mm FiHlerat coiiceplKtn, tli.it oora la great ni,iMi ' eonBolidteJ. tiovonnnenT, where tho while w r,iui bl ior the yrta, just aa Uie Ntntea are S.r coaotita, m. atcad tit a Feiieml Rt'pnblic, compoetHl ot Mn-rn, ,, - - ..... j.ljiu nn ..... n.n, . f . - . IV. . tKVlf Ultl '"' ..-.. , "... . ... ..J. f ' Such, and so forniKlabl.i, afe the barnera ajainst, iuierlerence with Una daiijreroua auhjeot, wubia lb liinitaot theriatea.N Nor will t!wae eauut au iwe,. terencs by the (Jeneral (jQvcrnuieot, in any manner to this Uiatrict, be found ksa formidable, whea tiuly tl nidered. ' " ' 1 ' - ':., , , w. YVe hold, in the first place, thato attempt u ' likJi alavery in thia Dial net, aa aa inlermediaie ales la ' aboludiiiifr it in the Sute tliemaelvca, by thi. iimrr, mentor lite tirtnlaveloldiii(r States, or their iuibl " would be aa clearly and inamfeatly liable lo all Jiwub. joctiona, in their full force, to' wbicu a direct attempt ui abolish it in tho Staea tliemaelve would be.-. It C the vMivt and ubircl intended, and not Iht nitaui.il., determine iM vkaractn of ll net. Tliore u wieudi ' . of irmrals which jualifioa the doing of that indirittlr ...i . ..i-M.I ... 1... J... .1....,., tf:. l .1 f WHICH IB IIHUIUUCII IU W uviiw uuvrvt.J. II ( DC UlllaW hi I lo burn our neighbor i bouse, it wotMd be tqiiallt unlawful to fir another, or even our own, with tm i. tentionof burning ms. if there be a dillcrMM-n i.j. latter, oy adding crau 10 guui, ia oi a ueeper dia, . YVe also hold that, uoverWy be the individual 'd opinions oi public men aa to the character ot in fc. t mestic institutions or trie siavrnoiumg stitct, they bar 1 nd right, when acting, in public- atatbas iMler lb S'ederal Government, by any of their acta, todiacr.oii ato between their ina'.itutions and Ihose of the nttiet Suto. It mud I uuT' i mind that our U Fcdeni Kenublic, aa his been already stated, formed bv au. reign and indeaVndent States for their hiutuiil security t and happmeasa and that they instituted this (Jover. '-. aicnt, and clothed U who powers to carry-snta efket1 ' these important objects. Such being the characters!) olgectof our 'system, it ia clear that thi i;mnm't can havCTto nhy whateae to give a pnlureuee to lbs ' 'sliyyju'.'S ol.;"? PprtHn ot toe union over tlioss of ' nt'ttlier, or to use iu powTr bi aboTiidi'eneruiil5" Ihe oilier J and to at aj be tiie prettxt what h tny, ' would be Virectlv aubvertdv of tbw object pi wbk ffT was cstablwhwl.y destroying that which it w tcwiW' W'ptrst.4adtcaprw tii . -, iraiirpiiinv, K.wouia oecmue an -inuruui'ii.i lu tin haiuls ol the stronger portion ot tha Union, for ssraitii;''', he institution of the veaKt and jengetiderin; Hit, p by tho billcrctifT'ttirita ot h(ti!itf, whtchi in t inaj. stsaiisl ifustiay VutmmiitytJ, -KoxRng ou these broad! end Jiiconlrovcrtible'priaa. . ple.-?we hold ilHo bo clear, beywiuf dispute, 'that Cta gn!aM has nn right to abolish slavey iu Hit. Dintnet, u)A,aic.w;(iboU else any ot its powers with tLat iuteiii.ou. t. Kor L wt tleaimt material, ia coming to thia conclusion, ta isi quiro what i the exteutof iu powers over this Diss" i net i be they wb.it they-uiay,.ihey are all cooierred lat special purposes, to be excicimsj, like all auch poft, in subordination to tho known object! frr whicb tney wore grautcd. To perveit Uieni 10 any otai-r purpnse thconsiKtent with the -'object of trie grant, would bt a v44tK.u rf the Cimrfituiui, not tha tea dugertav: bet.iuju not eaprcsf,ly Ibi bidden. ' '' . Thus regarding the powers of the (invernnirnt, it it aullicieut toctiKtain the conclusion at ttliiib sV 'birs arrived tlmt Ibu Government Ima no right le aWJi. or interfi le with alavciy in the States, 'or lo Ui its powera to give a preference to thu eculir inliltion . of one portion of the Union oucr those of anoliWii ; ibia ndmitted, and the. conclHxion fidlows aa'a maUer of course. It is on Ihiatmud and deep foundation that we bottom the courw wincb we thiuk ouu.'.l to be but- sbe44iy-hMf.iernment'Bii"liiS agitanngijddai;eb oua q.iCflion. Mure atw Uiere only, cau a suud m niido lo nrrert iik prngrcsts give peace and quiet to the country, aud poroMuoucy to ihe Cniou .il Lha bcs- rt'iiilenxl, ou no oilier ground can a xlaud be made; lot1 wu ca!l on all who love llio country, and vali e peace, harmony, and uiihhi, to take their stand on it, rt'0nii lose of all minor diiforencea. la addition to what w have aaid, we should reraiad rxojinirXJlQhinlu'hted the Slates of Virginia and MarTTatttT. ol lh aicraT" riglita of property porecssed by the inhahitaata of llsi . . iiifiririi. aiitiu mny w.rc turi-eiiti.tted.by , t'm si' 1 to me prutecuon 01 congress.- we wmild alsuMH I atientive conriiderati1.11 to that (state of anarchy id .i. wwwiaiyHfaMiH.H 4U.iJflf.-4Jt. .feali J.tH".. J.iveriifii'-nt, when this District sin 1 1 becoma UK - cepUcle of llio fugitive slaves I'riMii all tha neigbtariof, ntttes. fiouiu of us have witne.ai.-d, aud o'.iivrs atw heird, with neep regret, th deteriorated couditinaf the slaves, produced by tin dhiturbing ipwalioa j aol in 1110 name 01 me union, we ask our ii-lhiw-ciusra Uo.-latiiaJurJit.agiuuioo. CURRENT TKICES OF FUODt'CE. SALISBURY, FEBRUARY 21, 1S10. Cotton, per lb. Riflon, Feather, lilies wax, Coll'ee, Sugar, I nin, lird, Rotter, a." 35 a 40 V!l) 1117 111 s l'i 4Ja C 8 10 a 121 Ha JO Fkxs.ed, OS a 7$ Oat, YVheat. '' Flour, ucr bid. . J ' uraiHiy, sppie. do tn-acli. 40 ft YY'hiskey, -Mo4as. 3Uli t'hickeitfvper dot "t Fga, (!.i 8 s IJ Sait,Krbodiel, t.l Nails, Corn, per buslicl, 40 a 4." 4 FAVETTEVII.LE, FEBRUARY V 14 BranJ peach, 45 5d - Flaxseed, 1 a 1 f j.. apple. S7 t 42 Lard, IU Bncon, 10 23 a 25 17 a 22 , 12 a.i:ii T. a Hj ffilan-V Mackerel, Molaicaer, flats, Sucar, -v , .1 tt 1 8il B.evvai, Uutter, Colfee, Cotton, Corn, Salt,-bjhri Hill WCii,yii2.a2jJ: mour,- 425-a $525 Tallow.. i oathors, alii 4 Whiskey. W1" I V " -rf' ni r.n a itT a r vvnn n n vl-LlStA t " - Itoef, A a 7 Iril, Molaase Oat. A r Racon, 1 a 12 ltnttet, 15 a 25 U.-ewax, 20 a at lA.fliv 124 a 15 TTntrr; ; n3i 9- Fea titer, 45 50 4sq WaM Snmir. tH tsalt,(wnfc)a)3 . . a: i .i a j, Tallow, Attention! -lMLIf V UtTARH" Oil are hereby eon"- 1n parade at Ihe, M.itiseiiithaTownof''1J on Saturday, rho 14th af next, at 10 nVIk.A. r.tr ihe purpose of ntiitsr. ; Dy Order bf the Captain. ,1 ft& S.ilislHirT.'K. Ch Feb. 21, 140. Mfini'S MI'TTIf! Al'IJS FOU-SAl TJvOR Sale, oo comminston, betweca jjj 1 ni ihniMui nnuin bud of Hie I . er, Kulticaulia terms very low. Apt-I !?..rIic Salihrjr, Fb. 21, 149, ins-iifi j. i.i..iaiiA ll -7

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