u. 7 ILIA -THE fOWEHi HOT DT. LEGATED TO THE SITED iTATFS B TH CONTITCTlO!fJ Hp FROUIOITED BY IT TO TBI ITATES, AIR IISKRVED TO TBI it ATM RESPECTIVELY, OR TO THE PIOPIK. ' AfJmnl to the Constitution, ArtifU X- fi. AUSTIN & C. F. FISHER, V loiters and Troprietors. ' I, no. xxxvn, of Vol. xx. SALISBURY, N. C, FEBRUARY 28, 1840. (Whole ItW.) T. r . V Davit, lie Pub. rwB,oi ' lieap', in thia , ' -1 is lea ,-" cox.-' If -Ua ; .i - - - mingu; 1 th tll ' Soulb of ire he k 3 of It. STEPS, trlil arti. wall k fh l,A-..... J nd, Mat. 0,011 the bMa rwy lW" of Rock, ply to tt J.1P9. tf. ; : XT, NTi. from bi , ia public will eoa- ! vVKNT. ached to sn o" the ! Vutwcri TtlOBS, ttl HisTs- : manner ir faith- . .. , . ' ter thss , istructed my mo II as si ere is so lis aesf Ipmdlr. - ,,,T Utir- .laie t exceed Spindle Ims. Fos- Csnnty ; Lincoln; ' f David re kigk between is main is some (ad ap esame, ICIL lVho wants betted Evidence I WOULD refer the renting public to the numerous voluutary letters published recently in this. paper d1 is 'he Good Samaritan, relative to the happy and beneficial effect of the administration of , . ' MOFFAT'S LIFE PILLS ad FIIEXIX BITTERS. Those woo have perused the lettbra above referred to will abserv that io almost every case they attest the ' fact, th no inconvenience aience of any sort attends the la- nes, in ordinarfcai.es, but that the. ing thoir operation, is universally - . . . king of these medicine, ' natient. without feeling left in stronger and belter, etate of health than wag loorieiiced previous lo beinir afflicted withdisease; .., and in all cases of acute suffering, great relief -to ob Mined in j,fggJaiirn,,ind r.urs-aigHieraHyeffected in two or three deya. . - ,-. S . Io cases of. FEVER ef every description, and all bilious a flection, it it anivBcessay fur m to gay aught. a I believe the LIFE MEDICINES are now univer sally admitted to betht must speedy and effectual cure extant ia all diaeasesof that cits. V - The LIFE MEDICINES are alto a moat excellent relief in .affections of the Liver and Bowels, aa haa been proved ia hundreds bf case where patients have come forward and requested that their experience in taking them might be published fur the benefit of oilier. 'in tlicir operatioa io, such ease, they restore the tone ' of die Stomach, atrengthwi the digestive organ, and invigorate the general functions of the whole body, and . thus become lo both exe (for they are perfectly ? adapted to each) an invaluable mean of preventing disease ana restoring health. ", t' i In affection of the head, whether accompanied witli pain and giddjueaa, or marked by the grievous calami ty of impaired "mental energy"; in palpitation of ihe heart, gatuleuce, kw of appetite and atrengtb, and the multiplied symptoms of disordered digestion,, THE LIFE MKDICiNEd will be found to puaew tlie moat etlutorv etTicacv. , v--.',1 " " Constitution rahxelTweaoreiiVeo.' IhliienTIr i womfrt, are under the immediate influence of THE LIFE MEDICINES 01d oueh, aithaoas,and con cuuiDtive habiu areueoon relieved and speedily teured. Poverty of blood, and emaciated limb wilt ere Jong meet the happiest change; the' chill watery fluid wilt H'rwhHwmgrwad with flesh: firm and heaithir." T " Nervous disorder of every kind, and froia batevw ibttis so rising, Hy oetoie ine eiiect oi lilt, urii mi DICIMSS, and all tnat train ot sinmnjfs, anxieties, ana Uemour which so dreadtullv afjet the weak, tlio e- denUry.and the dolicate, wilt in a short time be siid ffi44liyhjifalisja,1ia ery.fegW.heUk For weskivoHB. deficiency ot natural strength, and relaxalioo of the vessels, by too frcnueot indulgence of th passions, tout medicine ia a eate. certain, ana ja 1. " 1.1 i..v-..Tr Mi "-"V- Tbose who tikve long resided in hot climaloa, and are languidand relaxed in their whole ystem,- may take THE. LIFE MEDICINES with the happiest et- frets; and nefsons removins' lo" the Southern States or West Indies caflnot store a more imporUnt article of Jioallh and lite i. - " ' ' The folio iiiir cases are emonir the most recent cure effected, and gratefully acknowledged bj Ihe Case of Joob C. Hunt, New.Windaor, Oranga - Comity, N. Y.-rA dreadful tumor destroyed nearly the whole of his 6ce, . and jaw. Eperieaced quick relict from the use of the Lifu Medicine, ana in lesi ihan tl.rn immihs wn entire v cured. Cse reported with wood aiigravjm in a. new pamphlet now in Case if ThTurcefl", nJ W yrars of age-Was tllicted Vi year with swell ngs in tn leg wa en tTri.lv rutvA bv tnkinor 12 oil U IU 3 Week, i Case of Joan Daultoo, Aberdeen, Ohio-rheumatism five years ia entirely cured-rrhatuaeiLihe 1.1 FE ME- Case of Lewi Aastin periodical sick beadache--al vv?ymUtYeibta.iniaJilQ(!ttta Case of Adon Ames cured of a most inveterate and obolinata dvsueDsia. andeciieraT debility. Case of Aduh Adams Windsorhjcrhe.Tialisn gTavbTTiTeTantioiia, and" general nervous debility. had been couSnad seven earaM. cd rau ner m bytifefcgbnii WofMrinJtctto i-isut cstraowiaary suro- sno io now . mlMMSmimm 3 bcrhuaband Jhubell Adams. .. , ; Case ot Mrs. Badger, wife of Joseph Badger nearly . similar to above-result ihe saute. Case of Susan Guodarent, a young unmarried wo man aubjeel to ill health several year a small course of the Life Medicinos entirely restored lier w now .-liala uVtwUh.- - t- .Thomas. . daughter of Eli Thomas- cough and symptoms of consumption cured in four weeks. Her sister cured of a severe attack of mfkm. r.wtory rheumatism in me tpttkj, : J . Cane of H. Colvin cured of a severe attack ,of. scar let fever in a tew daya by tho Life Medicines: - Case of Harriot Twogood, Salina, N. Y. waa ia a yery low state of health a year and s halt did not ex pect to recovery Miss T. now able to walk about and u rapidjy recovering both health and streagla. Cane of Benjamin JTucker sever ease of Fever snd Ague--cured in a very short space of time. Hi fjf fijllowed strictly. 1 . 1 Caae of Amos Davis affection of the liver after trying doctors remedies in vain for a long time, was cured by the Lite Medicine without trouble. ' - Extraordinary case of Lyman Pratt, who was afflict- . ed with PliUiisic 'JO years affected a perfect cur ui 21 kinwa ku ika noi nl' th I.it'a Medicine. Thousands of' persons afHicted in like by a judicious uaaof MOFFAT'S LIF iilTTElUkeen Kstured to line manner, into, LIFE-PILLS and the enjoyment ' o( all thft.comfortaaHifu.a. TUe.BiUers sre plssssnltoly- gaa his mother and daddy has got adesj tbe taste sad smell, gently astrmg the fibres of del k, du to day, besides picking the mill niach, and give tint proper tensity wtnen a goos uis ion requires, ai nouiinz n """r" -ht jsa jiourL::th . i- -i kAihinn? more renerally actmowledired to D peculiarly niu- twos in sll inwaid wastfhgs, loss of sppetiie.jsdigss tioo, deprumin of spirits, irembling or shaking of the hands and limbs, obstinate coughs, shortness ot breath, or consumptive habit. , r - - '" '. ,. Th Life Madiciaos passes wonderful efficacy in all nei WU8 UlHbl Ut'f It, m,tteliHeB68, wMllBUWe-j, tltwrtness- and lownessof apiriU,dimnssof aight,eonfueed tbouirbu, wandering of tlie mind, yapors and mslaocholy, and all Kinds of bystens comnlaiota are gradually rciuuvcu TftfflTstfr-nrsrciSo'M obstructions, they are sate and powerful, and ass puri fier ot tlie blood, they bare aol lhair Kjual in the world I v For additional particulars of th above med icines, see Mf.ffi.i,..r:.i i.m..,!.!, ' a eoovof which accom panies the medicine ; a copy can always t obtained of ihe different Agentswho have th medicine for ssle. w , a uk Jl.l.iiAni pan b ok. franco, uerman, ana apin"i - 1 Uined oe appJicalioo at the office, 875 Broadway. , All postpaid letter will rciviwinediat.Mttentoii PrspweJand sold by WILLIAM B. MOFFAT, 375 Broadway, New York. . A liberal deduciwu made te those who purchase te sell sgsia. ' . Agenrt-Th Life Msdicncs may slso be had ct sny of tu priocipai Druigisuw every town thrphmiUtH' Unit lit. (inadaa. Ak for Moflat a Life Piilaaad Phenix Bitters; and be wra, MX . ' mllw of John MotlWi's signature m upoa th Ubel of each bot tle of Bitters or box of Pills. : f Tae afwee Mcdidnei mt9 it kwi Crtu Boyrr,V ihi$ town, Agenttfor Proprietor. - . SeliAuryJaa. 8, 1910. : . TERMS OF THE WESTERN CAROLIIAX. " The Western Carolinian i publiahed every Fai dt, at Two IXJllan per annum if paid in advance, or "Two Dollar and Fifty Cent if not paid before the ex piration of three month. , 5 No paper-will be discontinued until all arrearage are paid, anlese at itiedissreuon 01 ine miiot ; na a to ""t,f? Nitore ef " ton th of ' ' ed " . engement. , x A a Iab4 ..mn-iAnt J mill km MnAIUi the Editor ef a wish to discontinue year, will be consider- Advertisement will be conspicuously and correctly inserted, at one dollar oer square (of 340 cm, or ft- teek linn of thi aised type) for the first insertion, awteeots firacb eontinusnce.-CoiTrrand Judicial adverlieement will be charged 25 per ceM more than ' the above price. A deduction of 33 per cent from the regular price will be mado to yearly advertiser. , Advertisements sent ia for publication, must haveth number of time marked on them, or they will be inser 5 ted till forbid, ni charged for accordingly.' vi ' " Letter addressed to the Lditor on businca musi He oil fMitJ, or they will not be attended to. Poetical Department. HLtaa mtcirr rMU at pndum a-ravm.' BOAT BONO ON LAKE OWASCU ? ' ' v' V i a. a cox. Loose, loose th sail ! a gentle gale (Js blwing from the ehore; - ' And sunset's glow it sheen doth throw Oweeco water oer. ... x-. , ' f Away we glide aye, fur away, i The rippled tide aboon ; ;" . We leave the beach at parting day, ; To aaii beneath the moon. ' And off we sweep the glassy deep If glitt'ring 'nealb our prore; ; ,i And eye as gay aa starlight's . f33 ' Are g'ancing from the alkire. - ' ' Those eyes stiall be our cynosure, "-Uttttt ardSourtittfetkiH T?"?"!? 5 . IZ.For brightly beams their sparkle pure, " --tA: charm awttne-ga)e.T.v . . , Ob, wiftly then we'll hack gi - When gaily o'er the stream, " The soft starlight is dancing bright, Ai.l uliii.oa I fiu nalu tiinnll klVin ' n.i. ,,And what though round us twilight dark , v Be gatli'riog sa we rosm 'uIl When Alary sufiles to bless our bark " The fairy of the foam !" " Owsscn lake; nirAuburnrNevT York. 1s one of the most beautiful of tlie many lake that adore the 'western oountrv : but it is much ncglectud by the traveller, because itdoc not happen to be in bi imoia- diate way. ' . " , -: - M 1 A C E L L A U E O U B . DEACON P1CKU5 PICKLEBY, In the i untlulatihif reirions of Litchfield countf and in (lie town of Torrington, Connecticut, about tea years ago, on Saba-day morning, Deacon Pickle Picklebv was slowly tiding, double-jaded, tii ih meliri house:! rroil distant Irooi his farttt and mill. His spouse being seated on the pillion behind him, and no other being near him, he took uo ihe thread of discourse on family affairs, which had been broken off, when he commenced shaving ifviffifclatuf deyte.stMgjr - kalkilate our son Jabe wont never stay to hum a sinele minmtsrter ne comes w sjfp ; non ot a despot rovin notion ever since he saw that ua thul officer Tooring mannXsfop WMr hlouse, 1lUHtJUia.4;Aa4-au4 1, a :ju,u mJmliak 'tatis auo.iitaikyA. asss " LAW niO I Mr. ricaieoy, nt mn umuuu. Yole )lleir. and make a minister on him." Thst would never a done in the world, was 'IhrfeptyT''! xmildnt- hfford-if withxiuMaJuag looj much toll, end that is wicked, and Ihey would find meouf." - ' 1 -3 " Wal. Mr Pickleby. said the good woman I" the Lord's jsvill be done, and we must pray that every thing shall lum oujhhir Jheoe.,Hiiie Chiid dont turn poUytukun bis soul rosy be saved. "There waa along pause in Ihe conversation, while tbe bid plough nag toiled up a stony pathway oirgod forward now and tbea with aa admonition to this effect " got iip, you old tripe, you. need'ut ba looking back arter your colt, forhe must lam to dew without you, sooner or later." -v y. , I dew ihiuk Deacon Pickleby. resumed the matron, " that this ere mare is louder-footed, and must be shod afore loog." , " - fUriainlv. as suiM aa I can get a blacksmith -T- todewWtak'ryertWpay,,,-i deacon. M Thf time are pesky hard." ' II was onlv I few days after the conversation .k,,. Mrnrtled. that the Dale-visnired youth refer A m in the discourse bet weea Dt-acoo Pickleby and bis wife came into the bouse while the old peo. t. .r mi hreakfaat. with a stuU tu nana, wnico tu. had iint cut in ihe erchard.--"-i--" Come. Jabea, sit dowa ;.we nsve ooeq wamiHr. - You must jump round spry and dtl cnors . .i,. .pm . child, and some oork, ootetorsaud " pickles,' and apple s ifl doacou haa just asked . kl ..... . ... Jk Mother," eaid the young mm, and hi oiee was tremuloua, I shunt do any more chores here. "What on eirihisthe matter wun ir uo7 ro.rt P,rHhv. hviri!? down hi knife sod fork, and raising his spectacle to give his fading vision, unobstructed play upon the now glowing lea Iiim at hia son. ir iw nf -am. fa ther.--W tUS Ttiiuyj going to seek my ta-tune J that stick shall slmg my bundle of clothe ovpr my shoulder with, for I have 'got a loog journey before me, a nd I cut ins ..t.i. r. ,Um .m.t tree I olanlisdj it wtll f SIICS IIMH m "fr ' : . ? t like an old friend." - . ' ' u iin ih hiir' bible here, mamy, i id the ; descoo, -audfot us see if the boy is right. . .u. A ..nU had but one child, it wss L.-i . r.A ,.M. m a black leaf, his birth chronicled dowond it appeared ibal he was j.. . . . .... ..j.,,? nt im: - ' r . u H..rnt vou hotter sts? at home, Jabex, the kindhearlcd olJ mat J r ' y third of the profits of the mill, if you will snd tend tu it." '.." Now child,' said the afFictiooate mother, " hsd'nt ought to leave daddy end bs in our old m -ill wont vou " , . - . "I would do anything in reason ssid Ihe -: -v.; ' i" .,.'.--'. ,' nun, here but there i not enough for all of us. I may get rich twoy west where every body i going." After much and earnest argument pro and con, the old people became reconciled by stero neces sity, ana the careful mother left her tea untamed to fly and sputter about the bouse, to collect the ahirta and darn the stocking of Jabcjr that ha might depart on the following Wroing. It was a sleepless night which the good old folk passed previous lo the morning of the parting. ' Wbeg the wanderer was ready to leave his pa ternal home and had slung his bundle over bis hnnlilnr hit toothur, wipmt sswy-s-fcHtHg-tmr, and compressing her skmny lips gave tutu a part ine kiss. r Deacon Fickleby insisted that he should ride the young horse aa far as the first turnpike gate, and he would accompany him, on the old nag, to bring back the half broken animal referred to. At the great turnpike barricade, the deacon pro nouhced his parting benediction as follows t ' My son, I have endeavored lo breed you up ia the out u re and admonition of the Lord take hoed that you doiit stray into by and forbidden paths ; duw aa you would be done by, eschew evil compa ny, cider, brandy, wickod.wimmin, flip and black strap, and shave ill, never gamblo nor act sinful, and the Lord have mercy on you, . Come back as ouick as ever you got rich, and write your main- my letter jest as oiten aa you can get a cnancei to send it without coding anything. Good by, Ja-1 "" bez, and try and bold up your head, and keep the tarve with human crittern, and folks in gtneral. It would be tedious snd fatiguing to follow Jabet ickleby Ibrouclulliba iinuosif ks of his iourney to the great west j but his arrival in a log vijlage should not be passed over without notice. Having toiled putwurd with pudestrinq independence, utitil within lea miles of tho place of destination, our hero laid aside his worn and soiled garments at a hourtTale'leTlo suifprepared to take passage Bud end hi journey toralle impressions on those be. designed , lo tane r-r . ... . , up hik abode among, in a atrange land. , ' ' v hen tlie stage coacn nrew up in irom i iw story dou.Wa.log aliiuEa4alMiUe, Stjuira Gau. shaw, a colonel ot militia, came out, wnu ui uat lilted a little to Jeeward, and wttlt a domestic ae gar in his mouth, accosted the at range gontleuiau, Mr. Jabea rickieny, it) laminar lerms. - - . Stranger, walk in f let me lake your aiddle bags i this way sir, into the bar room t take a eheer and ait down. Fine seasonable weather, stranger ; tnu are travollina I allow.!.' iiavinv answereu in tire uirnwiiw,ii u.w.-. landlord of the Painter Inu proceeded lo inquire !.- .1 ..1...I... - llitu lira purutuioi. , You ar from old Vjrginny, I 'allow 1 l1No, .L am Dot," says Jabea, M I came, from down east, uear Hartford, in tho State of ateady habits.". i Well, stranger," wss the reply," you ar not to blnme for being bom in Yankee land ; all sorts of people are. welcome.inour dtfiginstand je?;n lerly like Ihe Yankees, they ar so slick ia a heap of fixent about borsq mills and carding machines. I reckon you have got a leetle sprinkle of patent riirhts : or matt he, vou.mout Jiave. ..rfcw luck -W- - rV W r imingftll , T '?.ii Jbet,I m M"I for school district ( do you want lo hire a master in . . I I. .. . ril,n jn. mv Imnev." mid Snuire Gum sll !' u jTtlJ . "ch, oud or etillachooir g ja the strati- or, " but loud schools are .ekera, in iuty oountry 'guess "Ihey1 Ki'S'ni orf;1o''haveraiy,"theMchiWreo msHCB--etica--a- fuse,- they-caa't- hertheitisetvvjs think." ""TTotf t Mr jhtt tirdo wit ittthe- rrght trait-," W my landlord, " we have finished daubiog the slick est kind of a cabin, 10' by 23 fuel, and ail wa want ia a master ; the Lord kuows we have got a right smart snrinkle of children. Tske a little licker, stTTOger.l'ttlhank-yww tott me-yoUrhihl,ar III introduce you lo my omen. ' Jsbes Pickleby gave Ibo inquisitive landlord hia address, but declined taking any of the long green which was pressed on him with western franxnei and welt. meant hospitality.1 ' . ' You are right, Mr. Fickleby," sail squire uunv thaw. for tlie truck make young people mighty kaotankeroua; but I caoiako ajiower of blue ruing and never fate me." ...' , SfluiraGumshsw availed himself of the voiun. MrthiiigJWbrch the atrival nf-thajuail coa-4 caused in the village, and kindly introduceeHne imnnHf io Iwentv of hut oeiahbore. He sssurea them that although he waa a full blooded Yankee, he had a heap of school master leanung, immai single patent right in his saddlebag. ' Before the village visiters loft Ihe tavcjro, it was agreed that a publio snetttinf should be celled, by sdvertismetit in the Back Wooda Buster,' the weeklv Danerl which was iuedjerrl When little negro girl, in a clean sprou an nounced supper, Squire Gumshaw whispered to Ja- " s Now akin your eye, stranger, for all sorts of chickin fixings, and flour doings, for mr omao rat slow, when she spreads herself on Chnstmss faiitadliuai and the way she mass couee is cruoi, none of your three grain to the gallon truck, but fourth proof, it will bear tip an fgg L , At Ihe town ineeling, which waTCTnea lor in purpose of electing a schoolmaster, a cendidute stood forth, his owa advocate for employment. His acquirements being .inferior t those of Jabea fric'l&by plaver. or shooting dramatis star would observe, he obtained an engigement. Hie competitor mild not acknowledge the propriety of the trans- loos acti-jp, and insisted that bis own band wss made unsteady by the spree he bad just gone through ; and as for cyphering,' said he, Yankess beat all r not creation, any how it can be fixed. was - With the steady and laudable purpose of echiev. ing greatness, Jabez Pickleby entered with spirit bis duties of schoolmaster, and io few .that months gained so much in the estimati of his saw 004 stay employers, '.hat tueir Hearts overnoweu wn gr.- r.,i amniinns. wnue nis miniia ihumiihito m " it was not contont to limit hi exertions lo the i.l,m. where he poveftled the juvenile commu you sge niit He devoted hi leisure hours to the study I of Ihe law j and in k tittle more than two years, in ex-untfy where it is not unusual to find ready. young W ndardu elothin, . .; " ".'? . . , . .. . ' ' . ' slop. hop, he entered upon the practice of his profession with eminent aucce,. ' .. ; One other bold and efficient measure Jabm Pic kloby contrived to adopt, and that waa the prrta Iratim ot matrimony. In the compass of three year after his arrival in Paintervillo, ho was joined in the holy bonds of wedlock with-Mis. Fawn Greenbrier, and a plantation of seventeen negroes. After his marriage, the adventurer aerved two aeamon in th legislature, and auboquehtly made long stride into Congress. : Whco old Deacon I'ickleby wa advised of thi aatTr)tfiTmef1lirTOrt and ottored a prayer f thanksgiving with fervent and pious emotion) alter which h oevotea an en lira day hi inditing the following letter to Iheauc cesaful asniraut. Hi wife sat 'at hia aU all Ihe lime, knitting with spasmodic Torea on a pair of blue lumbe wool stockings whicttflia designed aa a present for the; Congreaemnn.' , ,. . To th Ipaoralk Jabe Pickkbj. ; - Dirrtrut Son i By the blessio nf providence, you be despotly proere in the world. You,- piior old daddy, when he was a boy had but little skulin, but good moral instruction was oiutcil out lo him. I was tnuffht to "train un a child in tlie?. way he ahoold I goT.nd did it, but 1 never expected to eee ' . r. i 1 1 ' i i j..s "f i the Federal kongresa. Jabea.niy eoii.doul d and tilled up, fi there Vdo knowing him in be proud and lilted up, wnat you may come ,.lu,i I om have near a mi 01 Aaron Burr and Benedict Arnold. Your mother's rumtty patns are Better aim i nnve pui a www .er whuol into tlie mill. Soth riiels has msriled Nabby Doblis; he had too dew it to avoid costv There ha beeer fine crop pf gardon sass inj buckwheat this year, I nnwl udmonish you agin temptation in tlie Fa derirl city. They dew tell that it is a Babvhttof i.Ure. and that koncretta-inea never mind pains strao. or somethin stronger, every oay.oi nwir lives, ,at)l-go.ia:.tbenre,riS.:i l)w for me rev's sake. Jauez. esciicw evil compa ny. I bought a new eclskin queue ae soon aa 1 heard you was married'and guine tu kongren, for I ttalkiUted vou would brio? vour rich mauin hum W-"WlMU6tirtlm'tef 'new curtains to the spare bed m jhe parlour anJ aauirmed ribbins. all around among' 'em, She has cot tew strinirs of blue and while birds' eggs hang- -ing under the luking glass, tnd the brnas: andiron akowered uo o that vou can see your face in urn. When tou ait tu thVFederal cityi'de" fry r fti give eometiia tu the widders and orhna of soldiers and sailors, that foul again the Brit tons. , I have got your grandfather's .three cornered scraper, blue ensi and bull facing, and hia tew edged sword, and vtm can have 'em tu wear In kongresa- Your mother has darned up all. Ihe moth holes .in the coat, so that she Ihinka it look jest aa new aa it did when leftenant Pickleby wore it f tt the battle of white Plaina. . ' I shall send you by male, a oevrir of blu mixed stockings, ana a pair of knit "euspendere thatare kindar easy for oollv-tisbin tu sfltiinri about io. Your mother would send you a riot of picklos and a cheese but tbe stage driver says it is agin the Iaw. . , "' - Read your bible, Jabez, sttirlrthe !nws of Moawi; f and don't w pee l-Tmy-w 'w 1 1rrifl-thehft-rcmr. mnndments tu, and Ihe 'leventu lisewise ; ana aom Sell the birtb riirhl of ihs'ysnkee nation for a Dies of pottage t end Ihe day may ktttn-ivh?tr you-wili liniatccaf .1 vtojtepJift S nimrt n nmrfl nnv ,jaaw..'M'n-. New York session, wishma to be excused serving , op. ajury,.ouarcd. si aa .eju:ua,.iui nmw - see wiibout glasses five yards from his owa. nose, and as there was oo' law to cornel him to wear sldsses: he considered he had a sufficiont excuse, as he could not five an enlightened verdict without seeing tne tsoos ana ooserrrrrg me maniwt m . i l . I witnesses. Ine court thought mis excuse entirely invalid, as the gentleman then had hie spectacles on. and without inconvenience could keep them on during ibe several trials and k to there being do law to compel him to wear spectacles in court, it might also with equal propriety be urged that there, was no law lo compel a juror to wear his clothes in court. Being compelled to aorve, he put hia gluBtca in his pocket, and sat during the trial Without thum, and then attempted to raise an objection Jo Ihe verdict Jiecatise bs xould not-eee The court, however, rebuked him for depriving himself of the means of discharging his duly satis factorily aa he huq sworn to do, and the gentleman aat down .bashed. Phil. Ledger, , A MixippfehcntioH. 'o recollect once being ver7 much amused at the relation of the following 'aincduie. from the line of a very amiable, and .withal a verr modest widow, lady in New Jvrsey Boon alter e ausoana pata ine oi o h loavinc her hia solo legatee, a claim was brought .' ... .i a. l. -e -against the estate by hi brother, and a'procm wss served upon -bar by ihe shoriff of the county, "who happened to be a widower, of midille age. Being unused at that time to tlie forme of law though ia Ihe protracted law sun wnicn louoweo she had ample opportunity of acquiring experi ence he was much alarmed and meeting, just lr ih derMrtiire-of ihe etteritl, with a ffmsle friend, she exclaimed with much sgitsiion VV bal do you think t Sheriff Princo has been aftar me 1" Well," said the considerate Isdy, with perfect with leoolness, " be is a very fine tnnti." " Hut he says Well, I hsve long suspected he wss attached to you, my dear. M lsut,you dont understand he aavs I must go lo court " " Oh," lhafa quite an other afltir, my child : don't you go so far as that ; it is bis place to come to court you 1 - Wa do not know who writ" the following pa rody, but ha evidently writes with " considerable feeling jT , - Full many a bead of brightest gloss serene, Tbe clear transparent waves of whiskey bear ; Full many a m. i lie drunk unseen, - ' And wastes his vigor ia Uia eiiduight air ' :" " Can you ten me, my sont what a jury, of Jn. -attest lit L "'"'" ' '. ''- ' I A jury of inquest are a body of men what sots Anwn en a dead man to find out whether he are dead fur sartin,urara only plsyiog jKWttm. -4 - -..r---v- . ON THE NEULECT OF MORAL SCIENCE. It Is the boast of the present age, that it ia dnio. guished beyond any that has preceded, aa aege of scieuti fic iinproveme.it. 1 adeed, might wee rvd- it the self-compUcent exultations whick are break ing forth around us from almost every organ of publio sentiineol, we imist be led to the eooehmoa that we r'lly want hut little of having reached the utmW limit if liiuuaa knowleJje; and that at so distant period, wolull be able lo.sit dowa aalis fied.aiMl " - : X."'" ' NoWllMC I'naniiousTif eurselvta, and enty wsab, . ,, ' As dutiou sons, our fikr$ were mora ' It i uadouUedly true, that io certain depart mcQts of science, whose importance to fuciety can- not be denied, great proucMiiey has actually been made. But it is equally certain, lhal,otbr brun ches of at least equal importanca, have been, and ;' still are, most eurpruNpgly neglected. - ,1 here u a stroni tendency ia the publio snind to t an a (klse sUodard of utility ; 10 regard nothing as truly valuable, which does not tend directly to repknish the store bouse, or tiis cofUr". - And, shaine oo the spirit of the agel llii trst haa been spplied to so-' ence. Whatevet bat an immediata bearing upon ' Hie etternal circumMftiiccs ine pnystcai ctxidiiiou J'Tn mankind, is studied with an ' n iV- cantheerfullT, an iuleo4y of interest, " Labour all dieir Jays, and labour bard,- " . ' .And dyin, sigh how liul they have daee." j v But all beyond llii ia retarded as of little worth. ' The study of the powers of nwo more especially , , ofhi moral- powers-oT ttie reisiioriswhich 19 suf'.Biii in tlie universe of being; in a word, of the t nature, tlie eiHlowment's, and the dtttiny of the an, seen niind, hi nrgtccted, as of no praclical impor . -tanee. ilow sArange, bow passing strsnje, tuatv:'.T": suflkient to defect their tkllacy It would seem but, reawMMUle toxfct fat uwtv, wedet sstch tamp cutrntances, would rvseuwea grueiiing oevoiion to mere physical pursuits and pleasures 5 and promp ted by the H thirst, of htsmmorUl nature, would pinoss to stuay trie nature ; , i inw, sno m su mire her loveliness' to study jM. reUl.ofi of hia being, and lo cultivate a wnepoodtng character. But the pievailing Deflect of moral science, aside from its irrationality, is fraught with the nvnst per- nicious consequenres. Quote ut its stieucam etiis r. , . .- . ... li is proposeu IO IHHKV. , , . V'j , And io tbe brat place, w tnaintaiu tnat ex erts a most degrading infvtjtet peaorify,7 f-l. ... J C.i;. . .S Hi.nL ... i.iiIJax become asnmilated lo llieir pursuit- n hat tnea must thq. character of that community become, wnere ine vaiue oi every . pursuii is sneasurea , the paltry standard of mereenary interest !, where the highest wisdom tsto know the road to wealth,"" and the moat perfect rectitude to walk in-it with undeviatinir step : where mae neglecta the study of bis ttoblest powers seeks oof to anderstand the , nature and the claims of yirtue-bs( oo eye to die- " cera and oo taste to relish the besuty of moral truth. Who does not see Ibst under such circum stance, society must oeceewarity degenerate that ' it must UKimalely sssome a ehararter ofcotrt, ear chlatmgfbaf ro-nimJtu stTfiiJiiit-.' If Ts'aJied would you mke every member of society mad 4 with metaphysica.'and bewildered with echolastio specuhrtrons f-N orborwe would have every masr JllJMCo.m.iniiniijt perfectly his'TanlnT'Triej scaw ot rK'tn aiu aniious mainly to act worthy of himself. W ith a society .whoa twessdsw ymiifidi tne weal aiate c riato couiu uear no cominrmun. CurarrpproxiraitToo lo stich jK-rrciloo" is aosu lutcly hupckasr-whihi the opiik AtL lL f rsssnl age prevails. . , ; .yl .J . m' : The degradation of society-, howeser, is net the grextett evil attendant on .toe neglect of moral ' science. It causes almost aa iocs leu la we sfisuaav - , tto f-ili )ipjtxec- For,- aVr slf, Treamvn t eT denied, that lie whose views sever rsve above mens physical pursuits and pleasures, caa rstver be a truly happy ma a. . He know otily thef poor eoV joy merits of a sordid earthly mind; and society. composed of men or such a character, is tA only - based , but must unavoidably be wretched. 11m wise of other limes, on this subject, at least seen to have apprehensions far more just thaa those which prevail at the present day. , Toe pbiloeo- ; pliers of the Academic srhoul, for xsnrt4e, svidVot- - x ly regarded the study d oserst screoce s of aft1-; ; pursuits the moat exalting lo haniaa karwtcr, and " - the most eoodociv id husnso hapftw-s. Tbey 1 ."" saw the great mass of mankind totally irwnot of . the. true relations of their bring. 1 bey saw - them blinded, by this ignorance, mistaking the 1 true nature ot uappine, ana tne mean oi i ai tainment, and under Ihe chafing liifliinf 4 hrtlincss, and enslaved oy ocoaain passiotM, aisg- : ging out t . miserable ejrjHtoncav dnokinjr only at the .unsatisfying . strrsn ol seasual pksasurs They saw further, tliat ootLing could oSevate theei fom such degradation, but a ftoewiee-ge ot tbe ; principle and oWicatinoa of yirlue, oi their tjwo- ' 1 il '.'- 4J" 1 '.v .-;.- : " r'.i ' r- sptriiu&j naturw, bikj too oigu caauiiiuus m incir eXMteace Hence they applied themselve with Ibe roost laodaWe devotion to the study of these interesting topics. With only the aid of reason, tt was indeed aa u one ehmihl attempt to scan the - heavens wun unasautea vismjb. i sa irwtr attain. menis were suITtctoui fully to doruooMmleTLe cor. rectness of their views of the diguiy and utility of lite " Divina Philosophia." lis rauck, then, of the real welfare of society is sacrificed at the . present' day-by wtatTosy, perhapr arrH3trrfjcn- lr, be deioiiiia&ted the Btaieruilisai ol the age - How much might the tide of human happiness be augmented f, with the assistance of thai moral telescope with which heaven haa furnished us, tho doctrines of moral science were folly dVvelopcd, and understood and applied throughout society. . From what haa oW been said, it will be seen hat the prevailinydispositioa to woJerralue mor al science, so far aa respects ourselves, throws a shade over the future prospects of our country. ' We love- to think or our national existence and prosperity aa perpetuaU, Other nations have done the same, and yet where are they t And here w may discover the worm which has sapped the foundations of many a political fabric, and laid " their pride- and honor ru tho dost. , Here we may sue what Is the c&u.-, which those who. are igno rant of its nature are wont to dVoormnate the " ten. deucy of nations to oV-ny." There is DO Iin. 1 . . .. " ' '' '"' 'I ' " V -' " . -it: T 1 v i j x- ' - - -v- i , 4 TT