-A i Hems cy m nalioii lo dissolution, save ttie teinicncv ol their ciuteti to overlook or disregard (hose great nw.ral prmopW, which are at mi lite Unit), .and bulwark of society. Where tlnrse ire uiiknowu r unapohej, there indeed rotteni!!. will iwoiier or lit er pervade it tructuie, till it totters to it ir- rroanbU; downfall. (. stand upon the s.te of f.sloec or Palmy ra, of Thebes or ol Carthage, an! l II us why dewtiaiion ilf broodiiii; in Linrlits-ss Ujiuil their ruins, li it merely that decity is wr.l tin upon I In! most durable achievement of human Art? Bit iiuny a column null ritfta amid the wreck ol fallen grandeur, which although scathed, a tuay be, by the temjieatcf ages, is yet sufncieut. ly perfect to doinorwtrate, that bad trie care of ruao continued to watch over it, it migi.t for ajr yet to os have bid defiance to the eleuiepts. No it it not to the fact that man and hnr works are perisha ble that we are to attribute the ad catastrophe uf UMitxm. New generations succnenvely spring op. as it were, from the dust of their father, and wu- Mir tti4 fttiuWd Brhii nr ttlllHtrt the labor of thoae 1 Li. I,.JL l-.fi, ihm. If latnmau'a rfIHre. l - c . I.. fc...:Ku r k ... B. .... ... . " 6" "7 ! : . ' T I : .t . - i iihi nature of iu i"P w.ikb cowci mo. ,tn Di.ieIac(1JI1 ,wm thl. wwuv-uitttrr-a- , fellow men and of Ihe maimer IB hiclV he to lta, auie, and taat Ue aamt: ar riiMfli: ier tr ' aiuneer the hih purpoaet of hi enitetice--it in tu ihe Uoune, mud tiw Coroaulw iwvf imm: muumimtbb ihis thtit we are lomacribe the ovtrthio if tm-'l other pafwra aati ilucwmmtn an retauati tw which fofwahorl porVula have iuceewively ted lctioit. Beodiic hdor Uiew, mmm.-t '--a-(lotend on Ue piinmcle of glory. To tki$ mint d p ifmm Cmg"-' - ha attributed, that thfirrrtizenabfcatne th aiave M'- CaararxL vciidaid: itwa tT flfaIuSuie of uheriritiim: and ol tlat uvhH de4of I laiftff vinw. Aod i it at all eiirpriin, iW, I U4 ich a popttluiiun, poltiiral buod ahouU hare cfi rent jiKier, ana their power ana ttJur h.r patrt away forever. In later limea, vea nVkn il.a frem,.rv nf :h i.rmMuil e ration from! th ,Mit eaoie, we bate mm lUo f incipiea ol airiiml K:iiohv act Liiie ami a oitCiim. uiader the 1 witlieririifinfluettueof liifidelity auid Athtisni, si- tittel by UiAiiin i Si rues and c oi.ru Uiou of threatened , - duuwtuiBV - ., ' V. ''. '-' : Cutwlulr w'a lasaent t!i practical materialism -' of t!is'a(;e, aud ifvpoi lu point out ita iaauictous ' . aMayaqiioncea, hrt hs nit drop the trihjVct here. Let m fur a luonuH.r chiiBe our rmud ) Srnl aider brir.ly the reaulbt which would eowie, wer a pn)K-r mioiition, tlin'lnut the enmOiuiniy, be towil tijton moral seioooa. ' t3rp oe, 4ben, that wverf meinber- of society should tuf?y welt hw moral ntitorv, and should attulo a thorough koowl - ,Jg of his worar inierU and f tatronsf-and no--pa that ear men of eoiomADig genius, who . Mould by tbetr wriffiign the eharaiHer of the sge, f W9rlf piHicaw-d of the Spirit exhibited by the , ir fcidnrtri-.h!i'nywiy, ! slinit t;veieny the ,srfciBxWtbiclr:w'.r::' rubor cause, ti I can be numbered among thosw) who hse gir arrtir to -virtue, nod roofirterx to 1 truth"- Aad sopo that slt 'Ui iitatitutionaNf wciUrs uf man, as 2 moral being. Can it be doubt ed that, under ich "cireumstrtoce, ocinty would aHsuwe a more elevafod and a hSr.oier aiiptict f We know, indeed; that nodogree knowledge, and no exterrmt uiC'ience, m of itself authcieut to com- - pnaerlhw teirhsjrwnf tairan pi B'it 1ef' sucb state of things as has been supposed vr la stly ai.4ytnd I bo Wrsrujof I ffsven souU be its stirw attendant. Tbi should we see mairyiaiig . to- the true dinlry of Ms ntiiisf lind imowjiiiil nukire ; and thmwing off that fte.tfR-cttl dignity of whks he now so vainly boit (TliA;-, imttead 'of'mi;jgUi'iC through hfe of unavailing totl,and almost uomttiate l misery, tussd ioeeiswitly on lb) bilpwa uf interests and paaatdh, we should sot hia ittaiuii'g that "priEaof virtue v' . , . Whaaeiithinj esrthly jive or can devtriiy1,' Th mra caho sniwdnne, and the heartfelt joy. ' "Then tow'wouTJ those'huljfn fires' 4Ti(5e out break iii have so bdetf burled 'national existence in . tibliWonv be quin:!ied forever r and ttie poet would tux binder, find uccaaluuj. FjUoii Hiate and buried greates.H f y , And a this a nier linagiiinrf state of nnattaio ablo nerfectioti T No it is what-we ournelve a nulurt " y i" 1 'ii""1 mini". T urn n frra- nkM jrf'MHjid pi, luteal liibrtcs of former eges. - let jjuline pinion on this aolject b" cl Ut iliine liol'i'ira, noV it po'uiil ir, who"'' I ciMinjred t!mW wli'uno aim it is in make sjs aeouainted with -frTeefthwywithhe4r sua1!"-'! to,..wssf tesiiuiniir wigaaaiVva abject of our cxiateuce ; in a worJ, tut us feel as we onblthe hnpnrtance of underntnnding and s; " ' o'viair the BriuJiDlc of Moral Science, and we --TOM wtntrhiwr In-rmT-trhrntctrrnnrlv. tion, and prospects, uf which we can now, with dif. lunilty, fria a just cnnceptMn. r He cannot pene Into the future ; but " teriipus omnia reclii'lit." And if ever Ihe time aliaH arrive, w lmn sut h a stanr of thing aa hat been, supposed shall eaUi am on j o, we may then wttrrtruth pply to our selvea the rangtmge of the poet K - - -1 V ' A brsaka on the travrlW fainf and stty " - " TV bright six! thernlmj eff.ilrrace of inorrt, " .. 8odknss and aViubt ars novf rhni(r sway, - Aiht:t waroaia ia eoiijocturs drlnrn, -'J - See trstlu It, an.l owrcy, In triumph dosrending, ' And uatuw stl giuwiny in KJcu'a first bloom. . , On ilis c ill chsua of Joalli, smiles and ruses r - bleiiilin.', ' And bwutv iinmnrtil awakes tYnnt tli bvub. mi .-ui-u- 1 . ..-". 1 1..11 Look Here! ' t - m r nf Presaly Uay hia poawiwions in Ran doloh conniy, iorlh Caroliua, cooaia ' rinof thvit:.X.:-. 'litZ'Z."- C - 1 at fij. STOUE, LA.M)d...XD ALL OTUER . - X PERSONAL PROPEKTV; - Vou'dlJervUy lulirra, lha publio generally, that " they wi'l t(Lr fiY salii, ui li highest " Sidl'tf lYeJnnd-if lit 2.lk March arxi, (if iMt other- wis disposed of be for that day.) ONE Tit ACT OF. LINO, contsining- J fi O Acres, situated - ' abMj fifieen milet vfit of Astiborat.-h, directly -' " I' gt-Ms'P -1 i....r...vrr...,1 H-tir-A 1- Salwbury . N. C on il ts an excellent stand lor store, (with a Vsjt Wi cuHtonert hir cuhiiient la it) and an exejfient stand for a llm-f nf F.o.t- , . taaswnenl, waU (Mid H.hixm, Stabltv, Ae.. About " '$ V3'3 OflWrebf Tnrwd1 tjo mttTrrti tjUj' time will be given for t ie reinautd r. " . ...... mawt those who wish to boy, to rJl a'td examine Ut tbennwlw.. Any peru wishing fur. thtsr mformstioa will plunseea.il on Frntiklin Holli valt, who will, be f.mnd on aiid premiums at anv dav. H AWKINS A; COLTRANE. tTando'ph c., Feb. 2-J, JS40. , 37 ts on. M-A"yr.i: itiij.iw, . 1 ESPECTFULLY otTerahis prof-i,lervic te Au citisvna fif Hilishory. and Ihe surnismdinr country. Ids office is ta Mr. West's new brice.-be.itd-ma, aearly oputw.ta I. sV V. Murphy ' skiro. tsaliAory, N C. Aiif-M Isij. V tf. - MATCIILESr? SANATIVE. "niJIS intalusble -Medicin -is for sale by the subscriber, at Mtlledgeville, Mnnttnwrv eo., N:C. W. E. RI RAGE. , February 21, Kf. - ; .c-J tract l-4uirfcleU XlituUij-u. SltXLCJL. Of Mr. Cample U, of Smtllt troiiu, t tm Iiutm - - bf ll'yretfd'.ailtitu, Titrmy '-.3&'.. ' ". "The J-rtikta inHiiitfsl,'t'at,li Uik 0:iiea m. mitt waa the timUTtuiti r-?Kir!ti' trai, f imi...w ,if Election hv Mr. Camisjell, mtirauui ,aj:r lm- j!Iou I" prmit tiiit Cunmit.lw In prtin- ' nil punt me di.ue;wtnca it deem-it atcaeni ito- taie tue ion-' tg.ititit. u! tu J entry xtsush. .ie- The question W,i;iur, mifm tin Jiswneksai lirit tinder consuk;ralki, .. Uti: auuihsig; 'Xts .tii JnHoaua Ut auMwil tlir propwrtiiait lta iMti-CuwwiUek. bf -tutboriUfie UMt CmiiuitCei Jw tMAa:l 'tar evidence tliry bad culiecteo In reltti b t Urvuau " Ma. CamfsbU. aul, fae aati keen ummxmi a; CoowtiHee tu acrrnt tt prnmotioit ' iie iJiiiaeuiJB frrnn TeitneawRe, ( Wr. Ovc J.iwi.;"" - Mr. Cvt Johmo Uieo oflCTi ip fc3Sflpclt lution a aubstnute tor ok kiriaer wkmimmmiii : Rrmtlmd, That all the waaehaMi(l -awaww ? the Cununittee of LiactjHMi, to -re uun m ttn tv -p ;7 election, be reported to ttnailaaw an-" Iaas waritfc . autoriaint nf I ii itt fair Iflfl rVMtllMl' ! received a majority f all tlw .sow wrpriw t4itm. that tiic. Tewieawie, (Mr.Juhoawi), wtnai he hati fcrii ametiduieiit u the Ueeuioltuu Tepotttti icam 'ft Comotittee of EtwcUofw, aud when tint! BBnalitaani! bad just Wu aennHrd aa ai&MMaItauii Reol Jtion. (luHild IHtwahift in JMWUOli, awe! r t rorsnioBwliou T thie lioaae 4fr.fMeauaaii - ' (saxeottHily dilinrent irwui Mm sum: ihn ami Mtr. preaeuted. nSurelv the geattauafi m auSmut: u pieaaa. i. . liret tuuke a aTopaatusii mat aui ium- paper in the pn''"mii ol Ant-1 iimi l tw . Wi .-wa-tiun to the Nrw Jersey taast, avaetitai rets' '-jt Hot to rt nwsn ta, should be pnti ; anal tm nawr i bis tiroptwittua aeeepMi ly thc.t 'aamnswjsa ai nxMlibcalMm oT tM www llBniotmat, tnati -Jw rmtSmi itr rrport of the usmof these ariift rTeecveekl the greatont Koniber of ftfi, trresweeim f .rrw- gulsittiee in tin.- conduct f ihe wkctaou, sri-JSjiile-gality to' otes. 1 ' ' ' ' Mr. jUtjelt tiiitl the p'aillesBati amiraifltnsaTfaww preaeulixt, caJhi(g for Uie miriwii af ' tiww- .Isaski received the greatest tuiiiitmr oi atek.snai::t! at. cuntbeut upon hiw Briefly toauwa.wiiii'Uw tfmiri) iir.1ii Hihmm Iht' Wfltra: whv 1 toe out! ihh. ere iiim, reporuiu mi um.mm.twmT earns ; and in doiiis ao. be woohl -i4icavi;iicoe wn-vubmni .ma 4Jctan . mc& aacm,JtmaMmi in the puasessiua ul the Uuusc,sm veet:BTriisaTyj tq this eKplanation. " " ' "1' . Pievious to eutoriozr intu an exanfirrwuai' Tt9 1ctliT(rf)f ai1iiiiitled lriHi cuowtietiTutai , fitttee sduptbd certain OTtiain w tax satsaMwl ihj sctiou, which, io hsv judvMevU, iiMaMei; ttas truejirioripieii &. evidence epplicuUr ;to te trcaa of ihhf case. These resoldl itiw wgrt jrsxihWsMe., a fvllWa ; .That tue cred"Biaijt, f LtsAovsPMSE oTNew "Jersey are primafucit -evuieuotrtOSlftamn, who bo',jl)eni are entitled to !heir-ew,vliS'-hrT eorractnvw'ine out Uoum1, uimbi Upjn aiinsiai all (he emes ftolied svere net owuotetl.'ta((, tee wiinltl proceed to iiNuiresrhihsrineeTeil'taT' greatest tiuniberaf votes. ,Tl'hat si! vstartieeet vtti bv suthorixed ofli'wra. actior xi4eaesnsMv lavtnti law, were prim fadtt kgal ; iatt MasjUei that pluralities had bs abiaiwaj M tmiasamasssia. uf illogal xrotna, and itycauibi wsTBerwiiai.l .ssi itm Uallol-hox, the tHumitteesroukl si to tlie truth td these aheautans, anal , ho bad rreeistsj the greali rmmmii ;gyai rules, yoltal iu cssifursuity aviUiar Csxwtisassawwf the United rttates and thelLawe eXJ2frvsri! were,-thereiUre, duly ekrcteii.aud'eaii'itit! hiy. as jufuubenjif One lloust er4ifrwMisw .- " 'iT1 " g mini cs-.iiiu.uic i-em use janwaxiasKk- nai ncwon, were nmen r&aXku4jgm I1!' u,ui. luiietsie sasuiM, on bv the eu'b'rnen fruiuTeniiiiasei to Troet: t'ai (Ui House too tiuiittte ol Uiose vi. Trcik-ui. ai loritv fit in llw mill Mollnfi vrrjfriti s' tilt totf. , A ftoi the adopUon uT lot Hi appearing inconclusive, nuuerisw-trrriiaiMusieai 1 s: the cajw, a to who nei reeeivwd w sausaim-; tat l(Zl mans, ihe (.aimnntiss.U jf the fswiies;-rtgreed --aHtw suidttniual the pmnuremen' of tttstimunv ine time allowed was lungerihssi HciL.iwtt' was mmossiiry lutiyr thai, m a snesaasTw.' :ass Committee, he vraa diiynuiml to raiuha: u raai agreed ttpnn hy a tnejorrrr of Ike lkan-ssei.K. Iispwail Hetohtr wishes ; ami atrhaxri Wntellisiss, -ly tempted as a cbutoe al jitnmau rras.- nan waai 1 a. prelumaary jtsport, to an main imawatiitiwii, ! auch, teat imotiy as) eras wr tbe xwwittvxajT upon aoch waoid nave iaten T"rm: -f.i-m-days, under the power to aeorl 4orMeasat',va pers, he did not, upon thD-wbufoUfcittk x!sjkW fereace in Opinion as to time, aa tiuosBa iau ficauou iur him to abocuW 1h tkuumo midum? had at first taken, to make isn this aubjeci, aud tha .Muairt sMWuki m j sirnfi ff tirltxtum. v Ijouc. hawvesmt-iSai as toe tiaan al I iaw 1 id ' ed whet Iter it was autoh imigwr thawrta cupied in debute by that Ilsase trpai a wrWraaaK ry report made "by a diviiied 5ttsTsTlwteHsit' ' stWI ''Jv timasi inwifTnisiil to asnauiiaii tsae w"iwSLa.wV who imd eotuawd -sjatHirity -el , s)sTtsst; could be eamly ahusrn,) aal sm to wrso rcee xnrrt tuucted. au that, 111 reality , thii arnunes; tins tiun .may b the xnoaas i w,HP4saang; t: final doc ision of tns nubpKt. ii r-wa (eontitruwd Mr. C Ythat bad the xsasm a dtviihsd report, cjyesngHshott al' tar sarm nsl this eUwlioH, we abotltd have wsttwawiiaiainwisa: iT ll 1..1 imaiMi 1 .1 1 im "Ii a inn - t ! hbaranoiw in the ewrry rwrt.oT tiia. not imprubably, after long atalwxeltui tits uhjct waaud again haw vsisjis'i H'U w'tw f Cnimittoe wnb i't svuas wliu.h riiH jtt 'i, if ihe aaaeadrwt .proposed k t- j; ratsaaua jnaw, Tennns wa abauU is artnnt an ibs There was but woaof laai rm 111 ts jssji mtttee to haee wuraued. The one aaas. ' made a prnlimiuary -rrport, as :tsi:ai.-'suai'..wK-eupy the contesled neat anul twe eketsat, as s" cided on lis wmnta; tna sitwwr .-whwv report until after full oad Uavvai4nvvaa(jaiaX. or auch facts onokl lie iasl awsawe .toe 'liiaaw a would enable rt lucume toaswUriusrk swi1 isssl eonclosirm upon the eWhsu. Had thecnswrMriwasursssjsatastxiaua view limited tn CJ.Ilerlinji retoTwa, tttc: sM'-wa-'smon CiHinieJ "by Ibe tiovwntur smsU JTm ifjawstii.ts. the t-Wnig -atp aod reporting wrsm im vitavsit ai majority of votes m mm.mtim -sir hi i isia , j iwm abort lima, swrhsfw a tangle eWy.wraahl 1faav4 need ; but ach avwrr wwlisi fassstmlsktvs. Uaa prevQit csaleet, he cueaww,sjasjgi aveaa' bsx jp- ( 'ru 44 t-ived the inquiry of who, emler the ! CatwiU of th Lulled -jutes and the ! of ' W .Ld-sv,JssMt. !U.duL. idixted. jw1'!!, t , . VI ' V.. ...U 1118 IfJUt! No'ipratieiuan not even the g vMi---UMtL tour wtwiauved t!,ii atuetidwent' ' .1 ..? s uf qooliiiml voter only, eipreaseo i t coiity iiti law, that commute an elecfioo- , tf Ite rned by the coiumUtee m , ide I iaR4 ro fBBt wub I bo .imjrooaliuo ol toe House, mm Vrj a foil aitare of that dwapprobaHoo .mm re uhi iwto When tha c imuiittee waa . .i.-. .1. ...L,iui ;b ngutaA, it stood eight to one in favor oft ; tmmktaumry report a true iude of th IIoum by 'j ntrtt it haai tfen createdfour geotlemen mem- Iwrv-u tb eooMBUtt, bsui ta Uvor of a report ' ,iauo it creueouak, tuch bad already, by no ve- j fV t itvai expretwiaa uf opinioa oa the part of i !M Uwaaev bee ivpuimrea, lour being apoaeq ft rrtmet uaoa tha csaxainaiioa of tli tetimoay I'Mur , wow had racetved majority of otea. Ciaww. id ail to raenitKtra of tb committee, was tiaawd tlrooa tha fin t go into lb merila of the naetitm: mot whether tut roi. or lor evil, tu : laiterr uuuna ha at laat received the amiictioa of that nmaovrty, and ta that which baa beea adopted. Hub the- eonuuliM deternuued upon a preliminary reourt the- ahttracf, which U night easily have rnutiav JP woaM hava ieaored to good iaith to imm covrrcd uatita tew Aod although I did ia :tet ittvwlf eailed o in, committee to eipresa arf. n7taav' th baata oa which auch report w ....... - -r. . K&ouldr b iaade, if natla at alt, I do nut heanate tfraav- that hail a nrdiminanr report been deter tsawrni iwav aod it hwal been left t me to decide iMtmn aiioeiKurXbsi tiovernor's credentials and us- i3wty of voteavae uidicated by the poll book, L mmi no havw bewiatad a moment to have pre ttrmi thw ttutsn But tu deeiduig, not on a que. .tSMKif retnma-ual, but of election, who esa doubt . - ' f '1 ! 1 ... (.. ,k.. tDBti it is tn Vfaee-ot quuuaeu Toiers ouiy iu hftawWi bar rsaaaetedr It could never have baen thw. ixsasnsaMi id ibast JJuuse to hiott the power of tbw'Jatnuttee of Elections to the collection of re-tssnsv-t thw. asttw. adding up of he voles. .To liaem ts tht cneasstttee lb right iy inquire into irrepilirittcs, or frauwV or illegitlitws,"wouId be in tidbeti t deprive thw lloust of its eoovtitutionaJ ;ne't) juiuf 'itswiectias) of ita SAembers, and to jxroatrate the- efecttve franchise at the (uetstool 4 ssery pity and. uu principled manager of an Wliao that enannitten was first ecgraized, he , et5M.nu ui was of its nsambera wra fa vrtrtte to a wwhhmhi w icfjiwi, c WW u ll'n. .nnf xiiieuce, 'uii'reiiait by iba exciusum of rive-sixta of the . 7 reeneeMtMM at w Jennr rrrfnts natt,aniiit cefTfentsjJt 'z&df DerhaDt" ofotracted tnvwit ! t . r tfcasb ww l il, ha rt in our power tn lay betore jm HTussarah Garui aa would snaula it toeasae to t, laait iav a iuAj utoWteo. j Srj, (ai dr. CL, I admit to ite fullest ex . rent thwsxeslndeot' this injustiew mjiHtice thai j i.naniit ba mmtggpnAett by any hagoage in which Weeaa oKitiufeaCaat iniustice thai I would must t''aiFiiijfy swiiit; Oiow'Hr the exclusii'eH irwteaf of I bsB 3xKSbhrtwakaost an entire State tor weeks I itaai naaeahs, wcrw applicable only to a single dis trict twrasiD'e- huur. But is it not manifest to j ivry ymlgiisin, that, with tha difiereaee of enin i isw :ta4 souia us thw Huuss, if the committee had isnst a utvidad refmrt opos the qtmatina of r-tnrns j isjir, th weissi whtch have already taken place in j MkM-haUt wunid liave beea acted over again; that issoa Uuesatae tsstunoay, with very immaterial ad Mat una. jitueS tha llusw hasalreadw bad before it. tm mmm ohasgs wuuld have ben rung, and per- laew- taw Haaus hase- ipm Seelioew to make any seiai as l wfto-wsjw tutHled to seeis f In the iaawsi.tiau tut invesftigittiua of the election would iiawet beets mpsnded,. and the final decision upon lUvraattUdehnetL ' 1 lathy tepveasuua; araa when they am not so, thev 1 H,. J- privireces. But true .mti .is.ir.wn nrrun im toMtiOMmilei : ,trtr, zm U. woui k whether the advantages i!iJsVavrirw jwitjidU ! tluaetitexKwifanchkaw, can be preservea by adaut- ' i - -f:f nifi tn mmq r in thiM IfiuliMt- srkn claim faXthssTU Bseci, out of doubtful rtaimaiits, iS-tW iwa-pipjer' OlTstialTir : i-mtOJiecseff tw t hi onnstirst tonal nghl oi deciding ; sna 1 aaspenpie nave eieeiewi . inswi mei wouw lae.iemriu.iMs of hbwrry, ssbversive of the Consti aeauav ou A eii, M hniat as grest as toe exclo- i .s ar pisnvw oe. ln Ktpiejentattvew iroor a j tTKts-tasiJ s rrajswabW dottbt iw removed as to . 'snaiWav taay wvrsvJuly eloetsdV Better it ia thai iaw iw tbepenelwof any part aenbtr part of this I TT.iaMiamuit be a4eest&r a short tin ia this ha tMiaitfiM it should b9 falsely renveted by those wnmanui thew cbaan fepreseutaiivee. ! Uiium th prmcipb here advanced, and which i tsaw asMor tw hw aotuewu.tl startling, this iiouss Maiakasce)t: ia Us orj-Hiizatior; invariably acted. . TLav piiswi m is ttuai wuea jut election is involved j tat. ft sauna hie duwbt except ur case of a sitting 1 1 as. nam, aujSrpmt investigation to remove the ! ibiirhri ananli preewdw the) nght uf membershio. j iu til. hawthaa prnsetpto basw cajriad, that iohtaav csw-afw laiassriias us or ease, ot contested elec tMesK wtten, it bemg fuuod impracticable to decide uh) oisHttyw certars)y.waa.wa. uuly. sioctod, ths st has) basaidachuwd vacant, aad so remained 00- tu .siwirauswwsejctisa.. No bwger ago than the ! las Cavxresst taw iJtata of Mississippi waa- wit hoot ;triUBWriiarvefbrBrjry' ia 1 i-nojwiyiansa ut a ovctMua aeclann tn seats- n-asaW. TTs cam valuer cwawle ration ia a very aoav ttnsa-iriwettao, isva peeislv parallel to tf. - The 1 esat Letenet and Moore, m thw Twenty -third j tisTess4)wiesaaisrwr to it, in all us futures, j thaw asty osttar, and aiSrd a prweedent directly aa ! pmaa ast thacoorsw pwrsaee) by the exinuntttee. ' r Mtwv rtnttiwt sritmi imnerfrf t .nAniL lr; Iwtaftsrupow tbsr WMjority of vwtaa, as indca j to .asttta-pnil bBoksw Neither of thsa geatlefnea ; w3daaiodto a sent in the orgsjusaUon of the .llniH.;Mid tha subject aa teferccd to tb Cw. I'-avrtrs-.s K'eetw.s. The urajoi i1"! smrf Lartetsrr eftmed a seal was clear aod nndta- puaeti. ajrSwwarieilr-U iw tbe first paraijrapb of Ihe 'v'1 cr"Mee ; sad yet, instead of being as as n tea to as swat an ansa as nut tact was Ver liiisil. thw ctaauruttee) paasad a. resolution post nas tbs trial, and allowing time tn obtain addi rtawal ttsttaasay to try the election on its merits. (.Hn Chsea mad frwna. a vniuava en contested l inetaaau.), Tlmsvw-e see thai notwuhstarshng Mr. Lsechwr cbwsisW dswtinetry an the groand of an ae towbrdsd ssapivTty uf votes, tast cnmmiliee, ia- t .k 1 . L . 1 . .. mtram . isuxbm iiuiqx losvnw aw aotnMted to a set, taawaxht 4 bewt apoa tbem ta mvestiJtbat had rakeo !.vr previous Io the reference of 0N ths ballot bn Pis result of the trial h It temoald io not ad nutting either bnt as sWutrmg tb seat vacant, and sswnt thw election, bnck to the people. , Mr. Camai ii wwaki be uneandid m aim not to as "!-' , !aa; k fcU votaw apprvbcnsion of a iinular reo!t in the prosit and this cum'kI eraiKO hd ncb weight with him to ttie Afocv of tie pjtiiiiiet of Una cua fr ad.h- tiuoai.UMMiiuony. JThat ihs 4eiJile of Xuw Jersey hid,' ma W i 1 uUumiallr in coutrmitr with law, be r 4 - had do doubt ; aod no honorable wan, no patriot, .Lxttmiii tS Mijwr Drincinle. would ndeavor r r rf , . . hi , JOlic uu r- - in makin? tlte election: and if either tot of claimaoia, for ael&sh, base, or uoworthy purposes. Mild atilk the voice of that people, "airly eipreased, iImjv moat be regarded aa traitor to Ihe Cooatitu. tion a eoemK to toe noerue ot inw pwuiw recreant to the principle of honor. Conduct to base could not fail to be unmasked; aod they who, for j elfih purpoaea, would attempt it, mt amk abash ed aod. coof.iunded noder the indignant acorn of that people wboae liberties they woo Id have tio. luted, aod whose right they would aacnfice.1. He bad beard it sugSeeted thai such aa attempt might be anade; but he believed it not; for eurvly geotlemea aslected ai candidates by the rival par tie of that gallant old State, aa individual to repre sent them in the national councils, cannot con template a desigw so flagrant o contemptible. The Uood of the RevoluHoo, o freely shed upon her battle Selds, would rise io judgment agaiiiat such a prostitution on the part of thus) who have been selected, H as the instruments to tear down,' ... . . . . ,. i.,...:. mku-h - P-- -F - ZT.- it made, its accompluthmeot is rendered difficult, if not impossible, from the followmgomnrteratioo. It is well known that parties in that State are tho roughly organized so much so, that it is known to what party almost every individual belongs; and for one, I repudiate the idea that the mere fact of proving an illegal vote, should be allowed to operate in favor of the part to which the indi vidual giving it, belong, la other words, the mere proving that an illegal voter voted, must ; leave a presumption that be voted for the party to which he belongs. However much, in tome res pects, ao overweening devotion to party is to be deprecated, the spirit of pirty has, in many, res pects, a beneficial tendency and among them that k excites wstcbfuloeas, and acta aa a guard against attempted frands, should soch be attempted, in the conducting of an election. V : He bad heard U staled as an objection, that lb ejrecrastinatwn of thTvtnaloitrhetartt)f the43omr- ttittee of Elections, would be, indeed, that it was, wwvwv;i pi -tyxmi4 IrUta Vt7 WaPC.. , sf-f W ajpwmrtw aaav poonWity of suc'i a : result, an far aa ha waa con-i .vs.4 knasl a k,w ka awBkl R.at ffV. StMAt4 lhs cenau, ba scoou take ir upon Maualf4a say, that there wai-evidence before the committee, received by it, a eoenpetent. though its sufficiency ha not A e passed upon, showing thai lbs) Cavenor jeredentials were based oa imperfect returns, and, that the geotlemsa who claim, in opposition to these credentials, received a majority of the votes polled. If the cumtuiuee had supposed that its duties were limited to the mere act of correcting the retanr, tar to tlw adding up of vote polled, and reporting who bad received a majority, without in quiring into illegalities or iVregularities, that duty might have been performed, perloips, in a single day. But that this was not the in'jentioo of the House, be thought was manifest from the following consKMratiun, to wnicn be would call toe attention of gfttilemesi generally, and particolariy the alters , tioo of the gentleman from Tennessee, who bad of fered lbs' amendment. It b this: wmuTtaneoosly with the reference of the papers on this eubiect. there, waa referred, by the House, to the commit tee a mas of deposilioov uxpeoraiaF the valuliJw of! (kf tUclio fuld ai Mrtoia UmjAipmi Ike Ufality tf swswroaj rvtet thai had ben rtetivrtt Will any gentleman say that it waa not the duty - of the committee to have examined these deposi tions, tbna referred; previous tf makinff" their" re- noTTi i TiereTy scr or TfnKininio inese aepoot- lions impeaching the legality of votes, waa in its self the etmmemctmimt of s iasesrigartssi tale lie asV wauld it not. feet mockery to nave aaade a partial, and stopped short of a thorough, investigation? The very ref- rtj votes, produced a necessity of examination before fOuorlwg.aod was -swiisl !" 'i tie lljase,'tkdt UeXaUat boitt Aomtd tircsli- Ui. i. " f - But it may be said that the parties should have been ready fur trial. This be admitted, was a strong argument, and in most cases where due no tice of oonteet had been given, would be regarded by htm asrondoww. (hit this was btotj uuutir- at case.' Neither party admit that they are the eontrstnrs; and all know that neither was the sit-, mg members. This was an obstacle to timely preparation; and the gentlemen who aked an ex tension of time for the procurement of additional testimony, alledged that it waa not practicable for tbem to be prepared when Ibis case was token up. Taking this circumstance in eonnectmn with (he fact that there ia no regulation on tho pari of Con. " rest for taking testimony in contested eloctiuns, and that there waa no law in Now Jersey at that lime applicable to this case, the committee deter mined to postpone the decision of the question of altuaato right aolil a day certain;, the parties em ploying tho interval in the preparation of Ibeir tes timony, aad lbs corawuttee expressly reserving the right to report the beta, with its opintorrv thereon, k an.invrattgation into the ballot box was, at-all times, an unpleasant and ungrateful task ; and he was m surprised that high spirited gentlemen sheafd object twtisveisuig the cutnitty to aeirrch out illegal votes. But tho importance of preserv ing pumy in elections, oyendes all private eonsid erstiwoa. -The ballot-bor hes at the-t ndatioo of our nvsttutle. Preserve it jxire, sod you pre. serve the Government itself. Ii nsuff r the para tpirit if American liberty which is breathed throughout the ballot bos to becootamiosted Ly an annlgnriMtewv with preign pnncipi-a. ' Du nut ai. . MH liwswj sjrTJ So Uof ackuowleje our UMlitu- twos, but who owe their allegianoe to other Gov. ernment, ta corrupt the sources of our own hws at the very tuundatit.n. He dd wot wish to be an- derstood af making any allusion to either of the patties 111 thw praWin taserfbratthoojlT tttT htr Vf these had, to tha beet ot his recollection, node al legation of tMegsl votes, yet in thin; an- in most ; other easee ol hiebrv excited elect ioo. it is not im-,' ..-J.M fki .1 k... k : j r ' hOt,. . rT - V - ' He eaaUJ ewimerato many evils sjtenrhnt on the iavestigalrn of tb ballot box, especially when the balbn ie by secret Voting ; but all these objections sink int insignirVanen, when compared with tb kick and svrnianeiit imporlanc of preserving our elections pur; , -. , ...-t.; -Ha woakl her morale allude lu a rin-nmainr. ran rase, ae wdKativ of tbe sense of the House aUhat time, a to what should be the cmine of tb committee. T Ihe vwanlutio proposing the re. t fence, ther waa ta arneodoaent offered instruct, ing tha comnuue, in substance, to make a report at to who should occupy seats until ihe eUclioa I w (leciiU d on its merits. The m(nr ,.f ,t i . "I llif! fakf. - ' me mend 'I lilt n as a niiHiiin:if on. ins iiouediiJ n mibil Ka rikiutlilliikll rtn!rl a i' I 'fcwr it lusiructuig tJie .eomtuitiKe to innniie i1(f ho were " entitled to 'cupy it fiieihU-rjof',, 1 Uoute, the five contested eat." Ohaerving by the cluck that the thne i. eipired, allowed by the rule for the cons1d,.u,K1': ol reports irora committee, he would no' del,; . the House longer than to expren hi that,U L the attention with which he had been heard .Jtf. exprea bit conviction thai they whose claim,, founded in juntice, have but little to atmiJ! iuim e " iiKoouj-niiun oa inie aubinct bi will ultimately take their acat in lliia Hull ik.' . challenged Representative of the freemen of n ' CURRENT rRICES OF PRODUCE; 1 : SALISBURY, FEBRUARY 2S, w. Cotton, per lb. 7i Flaxseed. 657I 35J7" ' . 3- 43 tM rheoa. 8a ' 3540 . a i4 sir HUl2f 4)t U 8 10 8 a 10 Oat. Wheat, Flour, per bbl. Braudy, apple, do poach, Whiakey, Molaaaea, ' Feathers, Beeswax. Colfee, Sugar, Iron, Lard, 50 1 70 ( Butler, Chicken, per do. m I Natl, do ii Salt, per bushel," 1J7I Corn, per buahel, 40 a FAYETTEVILLE, FKDEUARY 19. iat Brandy, peach, 4S a 50 r laxseed, , - j ia do apple, n . mt i j If -i 8a 9 a25 Lard, II) Bacon, ' Mackerel, Molasses, Oat, ; Salt, bushel. Beeswax, Butter, 33t3v 719 60 tW 17 a 22 Coffee, . -i Cotton, .12 a 131 6a 6065 a$5j . - 40 Corn, Flour, Feathers, Tslbw, , n, Whiskey, . 30J5 CIIERAW, 8 C. FEBRUARY 21, l?4tt ' A Cotton, , Aa 8 Lard, , .-. . 1 ,151 1 1 a 12 Molasses, 40 1 M ' 10 a 12J Oats, V 60M ' 5Wa2 Rice, (1(10 Ibt,) ' $5! ' 12 1 15 Suijarr yt- 10 H $175a 5; Salt, (aek) $3 25 a 3 M Bacon, Butter, Beeswax, Coflee, Flour,, ... , Feathers, -. ) 1 tallow, - 17 Salisbury FcnialFAcatieniy , pilE Trustees uf the Salisbury Female Acaiieny ihfbrrnlhe Public, thai this (iMtitutiou it o under Jthe ca re OIiU t-Mn A, J. B a ea, y iw, ladyn wfioe IiterR r 1 - .1.. 1 ' r . . . T , wr iukii a snuation luey nave perioci conhuraef r and who has hitherto taught M usio ia this imI otk- v er sriuiuarina wnn entire satisiactiAn. ' Tern of Tuition. For beginners, per ewica 1 '. of five months, ' ' Z ' . ' t : IS Do tor the Kudimenls, with urammarGepL-, i " ."rgiphT,To3 Hiatott,. y f 'v. 10 00 The above, with the higher fprancbet irj hS literary ditpartrneiit, s 50 Music, on the Piano and Guitar, 2580 Painting, v- a ,. .. , ... ' 10 00 V Oruaroental Needlework, and the makinr Wii 1 Flowers will also be tnuaht. if desired, at t5 each. N. It. Tbe French Language it also taucbl, to those who desire it, by a gentleman who is 1 on- tive of Franco. By Order of tho Trustee. r T. L. COWAN, Cbairmap. February 29, 1840. . 27 r . RAIL ROAD MEETING, 4 MEETING of the citizens of Rowan coun'y is reHpectfully' solicited: 011 Tuesday of March ISuDcrior Court, at 13 M.. at the Courthonia8. itiefunjoci 01 ine ray.etieviue and n eaters a. Rnady After which, books of subscription will 1 oe opened ana an opportunity ottered u "ejjsi rrofic fnlT"n It Hlfl In til IB TCQI CIHOrpriOOt FebruaVy 21, 1640. - 3w . -t ... 1. , . -a "Boyarilolelr ? Buck Corner oj jiing f CeorgtJH. CH AULESTON; S. CAROLINA."", TUE Proprietor of t be above HCV TKL, (fornierty of ihe Cbarlotullih .leLN.C.,) . iDformJiisfiieiH.ins.' others, that he ie fullv ore pared loa commodate all who may call opmi him, awl will oo nis Deal 10 pieaae tnein. Jk it. BUI Charleston, Feb. 28, 1 840. . 27-3 wDR:Gi B. DOUGLAS If AS removed his Office to 1XV ! -11 of tha Otfic Row of the Maiuioa j Hotel, lately occupied by Dr. B. Aus1in.v. ' rattuary 1, 1940." V ; S HSSSM .. - MaTWs svi . a s aJsiMat m)U H AS Located himaelf at Col. David Ramsey's, Oakley Grove, Iredell cout-F , ly, N. C, and respectfully tenders br" sen raet to the public in the varioui dt-1 l""" HJL. CoiAie and CC ! The Subscriber htrirf on band a Urge supply of Mahogany aad other waterf . sis, sad in bis eaiplny aeveral guod Vrkmea,lt prrpt-, red irnrmke-to-TDrdoralt kinds of Csfiinrt nd fUir work, from the plainest walnut job to the finest sans I pan work. Tha iis nuiM-nuliis will hs Dw) 1 (all orders Sir work.- Prices moderate.: All t'f I produce, plank, and scantling bken in exchange I furaitnre. K. ELLIOTT. A CARD The undersigned having pertnaneatlr I esta Wished himself tn Mr. Elliott s employ, wouw thankfbl for orders for inabngany work, and prumsss tosi sii wnra none w Mm vhtll not ee swrpasw - wwsiiisiiMi.p; j sny oincr wnatevcr. Jan. 8L lia ft C. IL DEJARNETT. Lerer Watchee, plam English and French, so, fi Fob Cbsins and Keys. Breast Pat, Finger Rings, silver Butter Muws W Pencils, (patent aad plsm,)io Picks, Fob Chains, Bpeclaclei tst Thimbles. Steel and Rilt Fob Chaina and Keva Alsoy a verv ine and larirs awortoient of Riaora pocket and pen-knives, by different Manufacturer, wilt . other articles oauallv kept bv Jewelers, all of wbietvnu be sold very low for csslt, or only six months credit, ti ter which tiatejnierest will be chanted. work done faithfully end punctually. - Saliaborv, May a. 1:. tf Twin CoUon BccA. A small quantity of lbs above FEED, raised hj M William Thomas, formerly of Davidson Coniity.f ' left for Hale at Una Office, at $2 00 per hundred. - nnhH yS. "I OlUi jCJPAtM ErU'i? n''l i ..i . . flovanjbeff Itt, ISM. ,. s f.