1 ,u -. THE WESTERN CAROLINIAN Friday Morning, February 23, 1810. Q3 The article commencing on the last column of' our C pgi Headed "Neglect of Moral Sci Mice," ii from the pea of Washington Irving. Qujr young friend all thould read it attentively. , - ;Vic Try Contested Election. ll will scarce ly be neceesary fur us to point the readr'a alien- - lion to the remark of Mr, Campbell, Chairman of the Committee of Elections, on Ihe New Jersey ' Contested Election, which we publish to-day- Tliat vexed question has consumed to much of the time of Congress, and wiibal involve principloaof tuch momoiitou consequence to the permanen cy of our free institution, that all eyes are directed Id every developemont in regard to it. ' TffTttrow additional tight on tho posture of this question before the Committee, we eopy from the Washington Correspondence of the Richmond En quirer, toe following, dated Feb, 14 x ' " This morning Mr; Rives moved' to suspend the rules order that be might submit a motion to print the journal of the proceedings of tlie Committee of Election; but what was the result 1 By an almost - Tmitt Whig vote, the motion was rejected. " What are men, who stand arraigned before the country for disrespect to the "broad aval of a sover eign Mate, to mint of this 7 - When they seek to obtain evidence of the state of fkcta in regard to the New Jersey election, wlucb must and will show to every unprejudiced mind that it was the Whig who, in fact, vera treading down the Constitution, and not the party accuse, what at the part acted by that immaculate partv 1 Why, they are denied the pryiilepe that our law allow a highway jobber. The evidence as to be suppressed, or such rblod portions "a the accusers please to submit, are to be laid before their trier. r -rimwmmmmi wna'covlJtWrm the investigation by the Committee of Elections, Uiat Go vernor Pennington's broad seal bore testimony to a false hood, palpable and manifest ; and, what is worse than ill, that it was a notorious Act throughout New Jersey, at and eetbre the time of affixing the seal of State, that Dickerson, Yruoaj, die, bad received a majority of the can members of Congress sre denounced by every Whig paper in the land, for having insisted that palp pable truth was of higher and holier import than a batch of wax, t broad seal," betokening Ibat.to be true which thef knew to be lalse." - - - UfcN. HARRISON . IN Of 110. ' '.' We need no better assurance of what a public man ' sympathies and sentiment' are, than to be ' made acquainted with those by whom he is coun idled ami supported. Thia is a pretty unerring fume tor ttie people, m select ins candidates on whom to bestow their suffrage. . Whenever we discover the advocates and apolo. gists of the old federal administration of John Ad ams making themselves busy in promoting the cause of a particular candidate, we may set it down as a pretty sure indication, that that candidate nei- uier cnerisue leeung nor noius principles u nar mony with the Republican of our day. And the same rule holds good in regard to all leading topic Ljlfratjiaia) rWJUV lli We perceive the Harrison paper are publishing with avidity the speech of Judge Burnett, in favor of the claim of Geo.1 Harrison to the Presidency. Judge Iturnelt is a man of taleuls, but it- federalist of the Alien and Sedition law stamp, and JtUS Wl,UCUuUil Ai !.-.. " .t. tv . .J I I , i. i ... .r.. It now appears that tho Abolitionists and Aboli tioa papers in Ohio, Geo. Harrison' own State, are coining out warmly itt bi defence, and advocating tits claims to the Presidency. Now, what ia the inference to be drawn from thi fact !A Why, natu rally and irresistibly, that Geu. Harrison is "a good enough Abofitiotiist " fbfthem. raoig. tea onto stteh. -' As a proof of what is going on in Ohio, we will stato uwi me -lyria AlliuM Aeie Utbon Aurtra Xcait F ret Prtu, all a bull tioa pipera, bava wit . tsw days hoisted tlie lltrrison flag, but omit the of ny Vto Present. They dar not put op 1 Mai lue f,yri Alltu Uim Aew Utbon Aurtra -tlie I thio name Tiler. n go me oieetorai ticket Uiat will vol tor aim. la addition to thia. the Pl.ilanlhrooiat of CincinnalL (inothor Abolition paper,) of the 4tb instant, h more rhsB ibree Coluinna & the burtnm of making General . 'srrioa what be should be for the support of tlie Abo lilKxiuu, and proving by Ilarrmon' nwa showing that he an Abolitionwt many year ago and belonged to ...a societv a early a tit 18(h year of hig--Ttub-fect of these thinirs cannot be mistaken. Let the friends th Union, therefore, b op and doing in time. I hi quetitcia must be met openly, firmly and without - - - ": VIOLENCE OP PARTIZANS. It is a well-set t!el axiom, that a desperate cause Quires AperataejpeJnt, t0 sustain iu Where the pricipte held.nrj the propoiwd by Prt7i re aouhd and salutary, reason, argument nd moderation, are much better calculated to in- culcato tha one and conciliate friend for tha other, "'.;g",r "Meo Ivy Tieuj4fen!i?i!t Indeed, we can acarcely bave a belief criterion by v hich to estimate the justness of a cause, than the tamper and the mtratt that may bo minifiMted by those who are iu advocate. '-' Uioaetil ifrf m -arrrrro" t bmgf from the both the great Klitical partief thaj are tww pitted!, against each other throughout Ihe oun? Iry t and desiring to advocate those principle and ustain those measure that served a the rallying Point ia the'daye of 4 hose primitive and pure Re. pvhlicant, Thomas Jefferson, George Clinton, and ElbrioVe Gerrv : we have striven to make tbe " wera CaroliniaH,, a republiemnimuliigencer dnweininetor f "faeti for Ihe people, and not partisan vehicle of abuse and misrepresentation . of those who may differ from ua in regard to torn snd measures. " f " ""' ' " J Nor shall we be driven from th propriety of our oore by the violent iiimtives, Ihe ribs Id jests, or the aeurrilou epithet til those prints in thia "e, who advocate the claim of Gen. - Harrison "i nut,ttm"'mW' to the Presidency, and whose Ubit it is to awii iii. The calling d.harth. .-name. i . -braggart argument, aa it i fWli womaii'a defence j it i de t oratory ttMha character of a ! respectable News ppei. We must fang, tfierefore, to dtcline bandy ing hard words with those Editor who are so re gardless of the dignity of their calling, as hubitually to indulge in knguae'so offoiwivo to good taste, to violative of the common "courtea'e of life, and ao repugnant to the moral sense of a!teligiou com munity. When atucked with inch w apons, we must bo permitted to pass by the assailant "on the other aide j"V-we bave'iit the right tort of am munition to exchange shots with tuck enemies ; contest with them would ba it booties one to u$ for a often as wo might prostrate them at our feet, f wo should eoni out of the fiht eovtrtd with mud, : while our antagonists would be but irui lowing in their congenial dement ! . Believing that pen. Ilurriaon docs not combine .' the requiwle qualifications, as well palural asjac 'quired, that he is not sufficiently imbued wiilr thoso cardinal , doctrinei of Republicanism, nor poeeesaed tt those enlarged and liberal views of : national I policy that are all essential to make him either a $at President for the South, or a judu ciorn one for any portion of the Confederacy ,--ha is not oiw choice, hnd, a we vurily believe, is not the choice of the real Republicans of a single State in the South. Nor do we believe, with the prenent lights before us, that he can possibly obtain the electoral vote of any bf tboso States.' Such are our honest convictions, founded ou a careful obser vation of the " movement of the political waters". in the South. - " r". . ' , ;- ; ' And wo moreover suspect, that tho shrewd and ,u knowing ones" amoug the supporters qf Uarri on do not, jn reality, believe themselves that their candidate can be elected. "Arfd as a desperate cause begeu a like spirit in those who may have espoused it, we, in this way, account for the violence of man ner, the perfect recklessness, indeed, with which many of them carry on the contest. We have been really pained to ace thai tome of ihollarriioa partisan do not even atop at a violution of all the proprietief a. fieacful mimy(m'trt tt-thwAl ,ry vhout.4uwb4. oration of the Sabbath day, in their outbreaks of frantic zeatior their Cause and candidate. V Asa apecimen of the clmpiclur.Jf,jreitf of (he, federal supporters of Gun. IWnson, we havcrex-' traded below, a few sentences from an article in !Hhdf Knoxvffle'XIVn'nTJ Ars.'rflftlf liSatanl, giving an account of tho doings of a Convention of Harrisonites, ssstcmblod in that town on Sunday and Monday, tho 10th and 17lh instant : " ' "jz. vaoa tub anoxvitta iwiia. -On the Sabbath day preceding the day of the meeting of the Convention, a large party of whigs,who were clothed with ths dignified character of delegatesof the i people, entered th town of Knoxville, with a red Jlan nJ petticoat if ma, a the insignia of their candidate for the Presidency, and paned through the atroeU, whooping and halloinr hk wild tmctiaaats, a if just prneadnr from r rtgbanch, or a if thry were dismissed from the Eleosiniaa myterie. Thi wss done, we say, on the hoW-Sabbathi-n-th -prineioal- town of ast Tennewevb the very eight 6f cliurche dedicated to the worsiiipof the wver-living aim true uod. We ask, and we pec th question with great reliance open the high moral feeling of our countrymen, whether the blessing of the Almighty can follow such party whether theysre the men to wh n to eommitr the t)es tiiiiei'ot thi nation! whether they are the men who ought to be trusted to set an example to the rising gene ration 1 - Whatssys the Cbristisfll what says the lover uf. order! whal,dojhe,.J lanu or JJibtos wiiere to reuiember the houiwlri ua to keep it holy," is a part of Uia law of the land! , J ia an outrage for which the Christian and patriotic pub- lie will boU them solemnly rt-eponsible, antl they-wilhyiim?, to theit 1i0ltrneti6!" aniMbc, with tTie iTTout Ub!i tKlutt tin n' hi o( v'ctory! in th midof defeat. . , of the days of their Convention, the whig delegatea . .. - . . . ' . - Uon. 1 hi is tha spirit of the aristocracy of thi land of the genuine federalism ot 93 which would rule by force if they cannot by popuW auffragc W appeal to the freemen of Tenneesee to every ' lover bf order to every christian to pat these thing down to pas their sentence of condemnation on thia sacrilegious pirty. . Let the followers of Harrison foel and see thia, snd bow. their beads in shame. -CONVINCED AGAINST THEIR WILL." We have in- another place expressed n opinion, that the " knowing one" amqpg tho Harrisonttca do not themselve really believe their candidate can M elected 1 resident 01 tne, imitea mate. . 11 i their polK;y, however, to hold out such an idea to keep up the delusion in order that an organi zation may be preserved among the federalists, by "th application of party trammels. f . Among the numerous evidence that go to us- lata thia opinion, we will now cite a case from the . Cleveland. Herald, a leading whig pnper jo Geri. Harrison's own State : - -- Up te ie, the whlgs had for Weral year held a msjoVity ia Ohio ; the contest in' that year wa a very .animatodone iafitr, with, the hope of adding atrengtn to tneir party, mey rauiea apiuna a " Harrison" banner, (although the General was not a candidate for any oflice) and aciiod upon his nam aa a battle-cry to urge on their follower- ln despite of all these clap trap expedient, how,. ever, the Republican were triumphant throughout the Statehaving elected their Governor, a ma "tiel'tn'rLH'ouM of the Igtslaturo.'1,,, 1 -y Among other causef assigned I by the whig lor . their mortifying defeat was the ' wijiojmforirj of, Gen. om' mw, of which they had made such free use during the election. So wofl"atI T6ed wad IhS Pctetand Herald that this cirewm- tance ih3 had a llighliiig iufluence on their cause, vthat when Gen Harrison name came to be men- tinned in connexion with' the Presidency, that pa I: prrcouted the idea of bringing him forward, and remarked 1 i"--v4 i ' t . v v. , at a 1 "a I,. We do hot beliova bt ran csrrf tlliw, or a 1 tn effect defeattdhere no. Jit name wa lhonly name rpresented or urged.' II ha himself beefi engaged in the campaign, haranguing W ; taritie.' f JYet. hotwitWanding the Iferald thus attributes tb defeat and olsaatar of it party in I83ft, to the paralyzing influence of Gen, jlarriwinV naaio, jd kU own Stat, lb Editor Is now whipped into the tract) by tha nomination at llarnburg,antl is mad to write dowa it tuxnitiee (who only, one year btifore, is accused of being " in nf et ducated Wre now") as t wonderfully popular man, and " marvrll.nnly suitable person for Pnideni of thos? United States! -Hear what the ILrald aotr aays, silica the party shackls have ben clupped upon it " Ju the country around, tlie nomination (of Hsrri r and Tyler) sro well rweived, Ttis farmers know Oon. Ilarruwo appreciate hi infftmttile honty and unrevirdoti public servioes in the fleM and in the eily government of Mie Weat lie is one from aiiKHU llirina tried, faithful, brave, patriotic, and veuera ble man." - No we should like to know what new light has burst upon the Editor's vision hat latent trait has bacn developed in the character of lien, Har rison since 1833, that induces the llurald to give him so widely different a reputation now from what it did then ! He has undoubtedly grown older and awrt superanuated, which Certainly caonot add to his qualifications for the Presidency. Or can it be, that a nomination by the Conventicle at Harris burg, has operated like a magic wand, to re-invigorate the old gentleman, and invest hinj with new qualities of mind, and secure for him a kind of in tuitive " or impromptu popularity 1s But the plain English of .the matter is, that all these praise of Gen. Harrison which we soe in the federal presses, ia the stalest u jwfling" that was ever bestowed upon a bad actor upon Ihe boards of a theatre. It is a forced business With many of tho whig Editors; Mr.' Clay having been their cftote and their only rtal " cAotce" thay have been " wrung" into the support of old Gen. Harri son much against theit will. Thousands of the rcoi'LB among the Southern whigs, however, can never be forced to swallow the " pill ;" and the con. sequence will, in all likelihood, be, that Geo. liar rison will not obtain the electoral vote of a single Southern State. ' . ' ' GEX. ifARRKSON'S -POPULARITY." , You have doublleaa all heard, gentle readers, of people's " whictling to kuop their courage upr" Well, it is for the same reason that politician, when they may have espoused a bad cauoe, and become dubious ofsustiiining it when jheynreenst down, disheartened, aud bcg'ur to despair of success. re. in order to afford a momentary (although delusive) encouragement 4o their followers td persovere,jut as a blast from Ihe bugle inspire veteran soldier with an enthusiasm that urges them ffito the jaws of disaster and death. : An Editorial scrap m the -RaleigH Rgwter " of the 18th inst., affords as complete an exemplifi cation of the truth of the above remarks,, as we ever recollect to, have met With In speaking of the election of Thomas W. Gilmer (who, we per ceive, is called " a Sfute) Rights Wblgi' NuIUfief ) as Governor of Virginia, which event th Regis. ter attribute to a " Harrison inniience," the bailor bursts forth, with a sepulchral ah out, in this wiao t Tlis tout it Work. rrom North to Bouth, from East to- Wet, the twioinaton ot 0wl Harriaoo J a jrmnnndwi ta wan an eoinusiatiic jmout, wiucn ba made the " welkin ring." . The heart of the peo ple, in unison with thetr voices, welcome bun aa tucir, Choice and their hope." . . - The columns of extract wc have heretofore pub fished froiii " Whig " pacr, in which the nomina tion of Harrison i not only dwsentod from, but r dVif ottd si doMrucri ve irr the whig cauao in the South, is doubtless amply sufiicient to satisfy every one who ia observant of passing events, that the ,ftWiarhurjt .j"Xr5ujptJteJltislnn thing more than a'battle-cry of encouragenient to its follower in a bopoloss cause a mora russe de wo BaHfamnu ntirr trtmcertp. (to them) disastrous nomination of Gen, Harrison ; viae mqiuiiowinq : - - ft WjnG UNANIMITY" A GAIXl raosi tbb aratacnicoLa (rumip) oairrrr. The nomination of Gen. "Harrison by the Omven- (ion at Harriaburg, aa President of the Uoited BMn, teem to be yery coolly rtseeivedbythf Wlilpttirough out the Union.- We greatly dislike Mr, Van Bureo; wc hsv little respect for hi talents; oon lor his ho nasty snd there are a dozen me in the country, whose nomination by th wmgs w wouio nsva osiiea with great pleasure. , Webster, Clay, Rives and a long list of otbeaa, Whose election we wonkl gieatty hsv preferred to thst of Mr. Van Btiren. But, as to sailing under th flag of Granny Harrison never ! ,V shall cut loos from the Whig party and set np for ourselves, if tliey cannot find a betUir ltador than Granny Har rison." J,,' - Fot til WESTKKN CAIOHNUIV. Masaaii. EotToas r The foreiroiitg article, from a u Whig " paper, remind me of tha complainUof th Harrisonftps, that tlie term " Granny " baa boon ap plied to their candidate by the Republicans, ia order to li&nnta his claim to th Presidency. But the know ing ones know very well that thsir "Hero" earned tits sppellatioo lie tinny yean oeior no wa ever dmaowd of fur the PrMidencw il "A!t who are acq us 1 mod with th aireumsttnees of the battle of Tipecanoe, will recollt that the Ameri can trains under Gen. hcnson oa that mmorsblo oc casion, came nr being dtstroyed by the treseherou rtincer the Indiana, owing to a want or wresigni and csutioo on the pt 9 "iin: otttsotL -"Mioaiagty vretendmg that they were anxious 10 make peac and be friendly, the Indians threw Gen. Harrison complete Ij off hia guard . thiy volunteered to point ont to him a gooa location for bis encainpinetrti snd Tie sufrcred. them to conduct him to a spot with a thick wmp on on side, snd not very clear ground on the other; bare it wa thtt Gen. Harrison permitted tbe Indian spies to nx( (um mna ais irnnpe 10 mem 1 aw ne m ui tixlttn had ennotislad thamsalvse ia smbu&h i and, at ilia "duad oTSurTiC ru JicdSuis camp with horrid veils, wieldin? their weapona ot destruetioa with dead ly aim. 80 complete waa the surprise, that many of the officers rallied thoir men ia their night-cloth and M i related tbl oa of the field officers actually rushed on the eevagee without his breoche 1 Htrhsoo tnnwetf, ahhwrgb-wr the mttteet pwiticwwf 1 thetwatps had barely tim to draw his email alotue on. After tfi brave Cot. !JviCT,aodwneethtet r41ieersad men oi the army, had been sacrificed by thi blunder ot their commander, th white succeeded iu driving the'ssvsge back. ' .".Si. . Who th new of this Tippecano " victory " reach ed Ohio, It is related that certain ladle Ot thtt alttte voted tien, Harrison a flannel petticoat, atafTed vvith gtmse-feaiher I" a reward for tbe vsior, mifitary stiff, and great foreeatt displayed by bint tm that orea sioa 1 1 'V bother ot not th General tver received tbt article, this deponent tth not: But this Binohb6 htKi, thst t pctticeet would become, the " Hero of Tipporsrw " much better than th Presidential chair. ' ' . -" - OHIO. Joseph Powell baa beta declared a candidate for Coo- sress in h Greenville District, 8. C Gen, Thompson, tha present meniosr, uucnuns iu-cicitu. ? v na .1 . - J t. - . -. V. rnnM.t1a MnllfiMV' ' not icsrncu wiiav miw v- Lilitorhl Diary. Casualty. Mr. Tlktmss Moore, a youth of about 17 -year nf aj;e; was ttllcd tn 0.M Cotiaty-M 111 evening of ill th tMtant,'undr lite fallowing ctrcumsUnces: Ha, in eonipuny with srveral of hi aeiphbor, wssat a log-rolling, and while ta the act of felling a trw s hoik struck hwsxa with fthich be wascWpm.caawd it to peuctrsl bin buk, ami by U wouwt he died in s short tunc , Rrmuiiwtncet. All know thtt (he Federalists were all for J. U- Adam, antl the Kepubitno for JfHr son in ine eonstuMot irai A,-nesrly evwy po litician, nd every pnm, (if they uk i'ber !) that ' us ported Adam I'.'H, go hw Ihnmm. Tbwfaet ; cannot be denied, and abould weigh much ariUi aid Jackson Republican. , . A'iym. Poulaon' Advertiser. PfubiWlnliM. il Rt. titnore Chronicle, th Colombia Tolnnm. w I nati Republican, and several otker paper ef taws, have been discontinued far wmnitf pmlmnagt fa htm them uh They were all liarrum pnera. WU may the Uarraoo paper thai are Ht beiuad to mora i v the early departure of Uteir friciid, keeoio aoanewhal bomhaaiic in regard to their eaadidate'a prwcta, for every ynif that Calls dowa make Ute baui beavtciv "' The Ute OenJ JUfe.Tbe lb tnL was a treat and oleuio day ia Charleston. On Uiat day. General George MoDume delivered a IJuhigy eo the tile and character ot the late Gen. RosKaT Y. JUv. Ta Omrier of the Utk say lhe civil sad aeditary da ; play was as imposing spectacle-ar eomniunrty ni ting, without distinction of party, ia tbt gratefitl ofbee v of mingling tho cypress and Um tanrslM law tomb of the UmeaUd lUyae." Ourtaf ih peace)) (wiick was immensely jare) minute gutw www firod from the South Bay Battery, the Banks and Storo wore eiowd, and the color of the (hipping in the harbor were dis played at half Bisst" Alter reaching, the church, and the offering up of prayer, the following beautiful an them was euog : . Thou'rt gone to the grave bat we will not depl re thee, 1'liough sorrows and darkneas encnmp Ute tomb. - The tiavinr his pm4 IbrMiirh its ntrtiU before thee. And th lamp of bw kn is Uty gii thru' the glooav Thou'rt gone to the grave we no longer behold thee, Nor tread the rough paths of tho wnrtd by thy side; Uut the wale arm ot mercy are spread to enfold thee, And sinners may Dope sines lb tux hath died. - Tltou'rt gtin to the grave nd it tnam-ion forking, '' Perchance thy weak spirit in umht Iniffo-J kmf : But the Mnshine ot HeavM beaiu'd bright oa Uiy wa- k'nff, " i - ,. And tli sound thoa did st bear was tlie Seraphim' song. Thourtaone t the gntLjbut we aill.autdp!ore ihf, oince uod ws tiiy niwnoi, tny gurdian, thy guale ; 1 llo gave thai, betook thee', and ha will restore lii," nna artunurn-Bo mg Snectiio cviur lih died." The Courier continues: Tba Oral then ms . and prooouncod nobla ad eloquent IJnbvgy oa the Clwraeter, virtue, and serview of the illustriou decea. d,(ubraciag bw kiugraphy, en Iroio hts birth aod boyWb, days, and (hnmL'h bia antuant and unbleiniwhed career of manhood, tn it stiddea and tamented close. , in th JaUhtut aod ;v.! diachariwof ceapoMiW awb- lio duties, snd in tlie highest and plmiet state of hi fama and usefulness, ia aa untimely and a imager JVrir OowTTton-tThe' Ifon. John P. Richardson, the ,Hon. David Jubnsoo, and tha. Uoo. Jams 1L Hammond bava been named in the &mta Carolina pspers for the , office of Governor ol tint State at the next election by the Legislature, . Th popular voice socm to point wt Mr. Riclisrdson, aa the favorite. Tkm 5.creiir..Th Pendleton Messenger saya? " When ao indaeuJual auspenda, or oease to pay hit debts. Uiev draw rotar asHil in twwrocs. and he cape weflif he doe not pay cost also; but when a Bank refuse to redeem it note, the bolder of them. instead of receiving interest, most nbaiit to a discount - irr getting tbem off hi hand." And, rt wav be added, if be dare to com plain of tbi robbery, be 1 forthwith denounced a a " Lorn roco," aa "Agrartsn," a "To-' , ry, orsofit och egly bbW - " k- " The Tuacumbia Xorlk AUJbammn, of the 15lh iost. -?: .?UKnrnoo negro, lellow were told ia ttut place. on Monday lavt,at public mction, as high as trum twttwe to fourteen hundred mailers on credit of one year. Does tliis indicate 'hard or 'soft' time!" Why, w think it "indicates" clearly, that your citiliiens liar wnt isTfl rsMil asll iiwif TW imm "ft jkyinipmmrmrrvmmri Death of th Mexican Ministrt.Tnnewoo Pixare M a rtinea, M ex jca nJM inisterJa tbe United Stale, dtsd t tieorgeiownk u. u, on tne Via iiistant Hamburg Rail Road.'-By the emi-nnqil Report H. C Rait Road, we letrn that ths income trt the sit "inontlis etiftrigont . expenses, ws pYi;EMm w. WASHINGTON CORRESPONDENCL Extract of a letter from a Correspondent at IVatJiuigtoa City, to tha Editor of thia peer, dated February eori8v 7 " I bar occasionally area the" Wtern Carolinian, and. think yoa deserve th thank of every Southern "man, for the spirit and ability with which yoa defend Homhera rights rparlienlariy for yeer vigilance an the subject of Abolition, Unfortunately lor truth, many of the Southern papers do not speak out as flio against the Abolitiooisl tbry eugbt to da- Tit Democratic paper ar too ronch taken up with tbe Sub Treasury, and tbe Whig paper are afraid to y much against the fcnatict, lest they injur Gea. llamson, and ao, between them, th people are kept ia ignmanM of the full extent snd design -ot th Abu.'Uiooms. With all your care iwl stteniwrj 10 tha subject, I are aume Unit yoa do not fully crmiavehend tliat patty. Yoa are right ia eayifljf. that Gen. tUrriaaa art koogbl . out by Aboliiioa inHKhc, and may tbf-n t btea. aidered tlie Abulmoa candidate. But let as aril you, tliat all tlie Ahohuoawts are apt fc lUrrisna, aor are they for V Bum." foe aiest aedorstsad thst there t a divtstoo among the AaoiiuomsM. On pir- -ty-rt torooMinf eiag etmf vma rie utgi, rytsef! it-UAfl rn.Mravioa of B:tlf TJLlIad. n, ti Th coming elect!, and ths by eon-joiat acUua aVftat Van JJurea. Tbe other party ai far trams ep a caa- didata of their owe, and amiegapfor thrw-lies; I they ssy tbev eannot n for Tyler, a Vic IVerjdenCi beji,lav no alave-bolder, at aot wonfay of lite wiwt ee oi) conunta, Feeling are mruaiBf hb awtweew tb two division of the amticavejid nrtd fatefy it wa bt l;eved llttiJieyould all aaiule e Zr?l'XZ: iaatioo seera to be esrryuig every thing jbefie thera. ana 11 m now tny ct no 14 optsioa that the great body ot tha AbolUktiHrta will go tor sunrng a cjdl.t of Uieirowu. A tew dirt ago, a very large eonventtoa fif tbesg peoplfl from various; Counties, in thi ffillf of New York, waa held at Areade, at wtiirh Uier pawed ' Resolutions denouncing Vsa Burea, and also liamane. and bars called a general Convention, to he held at Al bany about tbe first of April, far th ezprem farfm - etf nominating Vandidatr nf their a far th nett Presidency and !' .PrVsieWw. Jf this mnr b, preUy generally'imdcd to, a I liiink "mill, "tiiy Marrisoa will be drooped bet ween two stnds; snd will " ptand no eliarme of getUnf even to Suit ia tb " Uaioa. Hn only chsnc of carrying, tbe nne-slate bold ins- States waa by a anion between the Abolition. let and th Whir sad tt the Abolitionist now do. ert th Whig, and aet up their own man, terrible will a to detent ot to ftigt- for be it known, that the Abolitionist beast that they can mooter at lt 100,000 voto of t)ielr own party. Now take then ewyrot llamaon, tad be will be everwbelaMd eve ry where. Wait the until tbe general Convention of -AholitiooU takes placesl Albany.aod ifthey tbea start their own candidate, yoa will bear but Utile ator of 1 Isrrison; even tb Whig of th North will drop him. . and perhaps rally 00 tbe Abolition maa whoever b , may be. A to the Whig of the twoth, they will hardly de it, perhaps they will rally en Gen. ftcott, a tIirappearwUtaanlikmgfbrllnoae"ef Isle. , I with the peupl of tb 8owib erwld bnt nnderstand : v . the dnignt god porpote of the AbuhrJonuns. It not merely, to tura the slaves lotjp lj.i ilic Cuuutrj, but, Uy lo nmwt fhat-lhry-wh)! ;W -Wl " fU4ut tue whit in eve.y pirt.cu.r iilt vote, oe i:.jJ hef'Witui hws ag1ifflS'vvrhtt nnwi, rv on wsf, W' elected to utficm, aud to Ui Li k'ilator and Conreur, and uttrrmmrry wuh (J,e wlmw I have now lying be fore u.e, while I am writing this letter, the pr.MJ mn of a lirge AUlitkia biIiii?. held in tlm Ktlt H.iue ia fkwum, on Janunry 't.. the L'k-n'.hir! hav ing granted the me ot the IIkII for ti.e mninj. I wuJ give you is extract or two, from tlie speech ot "Mi of th Waders that you ow o!T:tMi liie matter. I will Merely oborrve, that tt.ecc u an uid law ia 11 achuwtta, as in North Csrolina, htch pr..ib.u tlie in brratarriag of the what with the Markt. Tiie Abe huonhu ar determined to Uie lliia law ri-pealii, tn that Uaek aad white mty intprinarry at (Jeam. (iarrHUft, on of the leader, speaking of ht thry k ol the Lv-V.stura, ssys: bTbcy(tii Aholitiiiu) a.k that the aati-wpb!irsa, snd anti-Chrwaa mar " h, wbkh turn disgraces oit sstu batik, may wf awy.TVf ask, U the repeal of the WUs fcy which aaew art tg itatixed and ianultol on cc"t (fttircompicaica . -1 ney (.tts-Awwnw i demand that those Isw shall be rr'pesled which mj to ana dare n select a companion to life, tJ tbadn f wki c!iflm varies from your own, tjr ww will yuan yoa 6 doiag a" ; TVy asjf. bt thus m love with each otbet. ak ear Mker' mmeetA to unit their destiaie ha wed lk," Vc- Bot few of Ihe SiMitiiera people know Uie eaUrol of iba'AMtUoeM. h was stated ia to tneet inf at BwtM abova referred to, thai, titer are now i thmumnd Abolition Societies to the noo-slavehoidiag State, that ther bat least Iwtthmndred ihnatnd tmtm era ia tins sorteties and it stUd ia tlwr plaee, that titer re at least mne kumdrrd ikmmul atui i ttoo voter. . Now, it wa evalently with lb view of retting these vote, that the high wiiirdd a ad talented Henry Clay waa shoved aside, asl thai wora-out w4 eaaj,Gtt, Hurrisoo, wal brought Ibrward.. That tJt whigt at th North bould go into tbw rrngeriN(. wa aatnral enougb, fn mt te4 thai thy are aciii,; with the AbitiUouisu (a ether matters be-tic this; bul that th Southern Whigs should b willing to fall u, n co-ope rtie witn a et at mem woo am eonsiaw.V' abasing th Soatb, and a ho go Dw rcttiRg Snath era sight and liMittatwaa, w cms as a mIwi of an little aurpriae. 1 believe no mtelligant maa hers pr tend to ttiiak that Gea. Itarriaoa can, m say evcut, get the votesof a atf !utlierB State; ity,thiet, sbuaEd th Southern whig be sailing thenaelw with the motly crew at Ihe North, and thus weaktnw.gr thev own post tioa without eve lit hope t aucee, J low aiocb wiser bava tha Whigs of Alabataa and G.reia acted 1 They wash their hands of the sen o. auud and say wt have Co part or lot ut this afkir. J -- - - .;- " : ' iriaT The St. Loo is Eschangw, with ita ma,;nin emMoaasffiweast write, one maa of ruins. Tha fire brte out this " . 4 morning at I) o'clock, in tit fifth atory, from tie . park escaping through a cracked cbiawy. Tba , 1 keeper of the Hotel bad been ahbwa this (Uw'in tlie chimney ,'it is said, aoma daya'agr. - - - ' . ha bra m Mill raging the surrounding bwtld- mga kave catighr, md tbw ur no tetlitijj Wrw tt ' " ' ftaanea will bo arrested. Particulars hereafter.-- 4 LYckv Orlntu Trv American, tf fth. 1 f. ; T J 'Horrid Catastrophe. Oa Friday nicht the 2 tib - el January, about 7 o'clock, the dwelling wousa of" Maa ratty Ward, near Windsor, Bertie Count,, wa consumed by fire, together with all it inuial", consisting of aa eldtwiiLWMhf, Mis Ward herself. Th fire waa not doowered until it hmd frvgirraaed o ftr aa to render the forta made to extinguish it, or ve tha iobabrtaat, unavailing. Two aon of the aUeriy lady raclr4 the een only tn time toee their raily fwrvwt W ried beneath the mass of buflatn j tiiuUr. No r on Uvd nearer than a qusrter of a tnil-nf the acenevand pooe arrived in tin to bear arwaecr cry of distrea frost lb burning junkie. . After the fire had burnd out, the coruatmed bone, aue- oacd to be of Mr. Ward and three children, were found among the'ashes 'coog'regatee "Vogether "It "'" waa indeed an awful tight cro awful, f hop never to witness again! Tit who! cnattor ta .aMomtmm vtB-iOBtujatdU otia of th iuroate ehould have escaped eml, taorw than all, that they abould'not have been arut by th ILmea ; for, froia the pitwo la whicis iWlr as he were found after tha fire, tbry must eitlicc bave penahed while sleeping, or have fpeea cun- saipicioi, daily faiamg grMid,ii eaterU in th community, that he bouse was aeton tire, end4b.:iiimite?t Ot wwft in by violence by an Incendiary, to prrvrtut the pot- eibtlity of detecttoai.oVlo StntintL . '- .-! . - . t UNITED, IN WEDLOCK, . , . In Caharras County, ea Thnrwtay, Ik sntb uint. eVtbemjaiiiee'E: Uorlr."IACIO'KlfUl' BKRINtiER, of tin Coanty, to Mm MARY. ANN It'RR, daughter of tit lain John Purr, Eso of Ca barroa Coanty. " la this County, on tlie 13th irmtsni, by the Km, A. Y. Lockridge, Mr. JOHN MtNF.KLY, of Missouri, t Mw JAMS MILLER, of thi Ontinty. ' : la tha) County, on lb 13lh iooUnt, bv Jba Kfav7rt Esq. Mr. ISAAC MILLER to Mm TEAJPY RUSH, ot ItavidirNiCoantyt , - '- In Iredell county, no the 20th iivst, by the Rev. II Arey. Mr HL'GII i'LVLER to Miss CATHAUUE BKRR1NCER. . .. DEPARTED THIS UFEi 1 rtutmille, N. C , oa the aaorewg of tbe l(3-k mr , MARY CUZABGTH, kafant daagkter of Ma. Will aim F. and Elm Steele. . . Tb lioca aceompMying tbe above aliajl appew is oer xt ptprr.) , la Bastrop Countf, Ten, oa the 5th nf fleoL. tie Countr, Pi, t, aired 24 fear. Mr. Iladea wa raised ia tlie adjoiittnc Cotratv of Davie, and waa ktri y esteemed by all who knew bint, He has loft a gd father tad several brothers and sisters ta nun Lm ear. Hadita fell I yictitu te.disesiu af.tu., d.-uitt lar.4 stranger snv-fij trtf'Ti. ', s 1 u aimi.jnjsiiii u mj. 11. , Ljm . " TRWLSCAP, iMmmhtVtnjiVmi: ' ' V T - k - C B. dt C. Ii AVHEELER. . Februaiy 29, 1840. r XTOW. Ttr.eh... if. . ai..t.:... ; V . . j , ' ""'"" 1 II . -r. J-'eb. 28,IS40 II HI! i UtU.hL,t-lii'. T!330LUTION-Tbe firm of Jtcob W inectdl . -1 & Co, it thi day d'wsolvad Iv mujuaJ cnusesit. It ia aamesflt requested, thtf aR tnoaa indVUed fvi tbe fir nw by book, accounia will make settlemeot bv.. cash or note, before tba firat day of April orvi, s It ta eeetraMe tiave a epewrfy a close a nowise " of all the acconnta. - Jacob WineeofT is fulfy ai thorired to grant diachargs for the firm. Mill Hill, Calrra eo foblltlA------ N tVTU boeines will be eontiooed at the old stnnd by the undersigned, under the firm of J. A R. WmtcofT, who aoltcit a con;inutnce 0 the pat- -roneg an liberally extended to tba former concern they will mdevor to merit iaror by etrirt attention la Ibeir buNnes and low nriee. i JACOn WlNECOFr. ' r RANSOM WIXE(X)FF. w Febroary 28, 140. " ' 27 -w-vtfWhamai.. '..; IROM 75.(100 to 100,000 of U, Mnrwa MnHiMehb . Colling. ApT.lv 1 . , TuisgrriCB- , lea. -t - 4 - ' 1 -- ' - v--, 1 . t t : f-r-- --, ) Ti-hiiWi'l'twiT'iiffiiiifnay'fl-V,"tf 4l-" '-. '. i v " -,v , .... v .... - - s- . " '

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