; ....f' i 5 iwThH!; C. V.. Vkvcv ?ErrrfcTLLV inform Ins old frit-nils ami IV 1 ttiiMuiuHntt llltit Iih ha periiiutitlitly located vBnnmiUrm-,-iit-Jwra...J.Ut.1 ,H , W per-ema! lulttiiltiiii Ui ui Apothecary bumm-aa, in which he )im lieeu nira;,,'l tor the lam ten yeans.utid, m,it fttHiitl at ui timmi mi her at Uiw residt'ime, or t Siu- where ht will take gn-at pb"""'e in .unii jjioii oil wliu may give luin a call. w- ibiiutl thmiks in UiBir fniMuln awl customer oqiuiiY Phy-eciuw ami M "re hunts tor the wirj Uhwmi patrouns bestowed uplit thew the fa vmr ut uii return lir their kiiidnea and liberal. mM dHtewnined U eif theiu Drug,Medicimt, tkttfaUmeLmwf Wlu!riiop in North Camllnui. Air Physicians and others, whe order air an Dmn, Jltduruies, Puinti, from fhem, wJtrttvritM-price or quality do not perfectly please, nab. ail: times pr-wiey-d ti returnlbem iminetli amiyi ah, tti same price t aa they hold themiwlve - wi!ifpiu4iiiin ' ail !! tw their friends and cos nnam fiith wutliii or every articlu Uiey mil ttlwm. THHwiil npt-n thirvpring btpunwa Uu JfrnHt MKUtptt ittfn this market " all mows Wilis ew wwd anything; ill liieif line, ami- have &mauuhrgim etr, thaU I ttceomiiHxlatcif, s yf auniiti artmiiMift totymir buinei, JtMl physic, mifl Hint anwt u. di( One or both ot' tliem ' ilLC,all,!ttiro ((w theik, pr.iiu attention to the . lumiiifSHfc. Tiwpshim trill' I ..open Mull hmtra lor tthf atnniinntaiun at the Auk, Mr prescription ansifiiitje-inurfe up at hurt'iwi'. ' Mcifictiw niid dWitMiim Vn, in alt. eiHe.Tbe conaufiaticu :mJ! .ibirn OhLuinr. Drv DtWlaaa. and Dr. S'umai w ilf gwwi w lieu ui'iim ryy tind the moil m'mii'.i.u tiiVnitfinr nhtuiiU(t hK aimh mtr at tfiuifrsimp. TlitrWiftliy pnor, without irwueV'.aball I onltwattc'diii UMuttf-nin- m rli tliem vf tliir uf- , v - tiardfsav'f.e.fi! , A LARGE, ArtmMi pi Freak d Genuine G,irv ; cka S2HD9, ut received l'aBm.(lin w ljhanun Sha. -ftrfiw, tgttilniwinanil wmeh can bttwrnt-ttrntrttrirr . JLwh nmf O'vol- Bojc and ttawt 8wifi for Ladtca, Iw8.A " Cat-WIIEELER,-- K, WHEELER. ;tBf:lrr'lSfr'l'40i':" , -KlgaaapgsirwiiiwBtw a r ft tSI" t It.' a jf W" s fitJOe"I'f'";7-:T W H KKLEKS'v Faiiti.iiiv, Jinn, 1940V CflL'tlI'CKJlifi,HeHna anl Snio 1 "Tilm! fcJ.cv : AT VV'HEELERS', i r5'-V Winea, fltid fiiirtt,1ot mwlical Biir(Kie, UifT Win- ov -.-. or t. M. wMEIiCRR. ,SHiini,Feaj;,4il- .... x t tlS-'iffi Ajirinent aUewellery, Kihvm, - ffttiuailK, 5t'iliin TWmblei, can be had msri !lii,Bt,"WHtdiiHltthv elliBi"iittun' ," -. . , V. . .,-1. -mn i rtllmam 2li t!"4tli ypBrirouchc; -im '- . IJI.U'JUJW I..L liAILM V,w.''I' All witlt iLirnesaiid North- r.'..-" huif chi iip, by Mpplvirifl to : I tB-4hW UEkLEttt tfi.iii imwrH relu' it; 140 V 2 s: .r. atyitt: KrSDItF.I t ALLQ.NS ot fra1t cuTor j - c; B. dn C tL W UEELEk. i - I A. V' wtfiwiiw,-wfeahaife-a VrrdL-JTu thiiai who hoiiIv uniueiliatelv. I will) utifa, part of my apleudid j-'p of- ALtrua .miittcTuiiiii mcs, at the vary row uncu.uf kulf a tme by tltt muicomexpi!riMndoia liuTfc.a. Kjii auiiuUy. noid'iubt can remain, to those p wiltb uil exniuiiiav tlie subject uf the pracf iculiilily audi imraenwi pndiiref ttm silk cultiir. Repeated tT!a!a buwr Qui c aftown, that iiiur tbaii the tree . - W4lb aiMd ira im rNaliad the fint yat by making " aiilk thuni tlm lwavM Uiey will prnduuo. As the Seat iui'i;" IbuL uuufliluta. tlwt llie prtcra jf 'fret-e WMili auav.Uti ami, CiMitmue up twr au4tinr t r . wmi,tlirt ijrwimiir may be rvqnrded na'tli moat (a ' " aiinli uiiiiiiMittiity tn porclinwr-., ami the J;rins lluaw titCiifiiC ae tin luwnt we have known. My Tfvm).am uimine and t" sooihI cihiJiIiom ; and In ttlu Uiimiiicuol'lileir "ruwth many who saw thrm !UnujiiiiHr:iiLti-Hiry- 4 - t - Jroiii(iiwimidi'Bt t'tifl place, xir at my plan ;iuo, iu. wt!uiu ci;iiiitv, wilt lw mtcnd.-fl ti. . H. MORRISON. wnwM.HP Ci.ilei, Fefu t4, IS4.'. , ..8w, Vf'WrE The mihHcnoii'r. bayuia'al Fcbnury 'lUmi ti40, 6 RtMait. County Court; quail tiinl ate eiilirn( Ih tout VV.iL ani) Trs.ttiwnl us w uiwrnii a .iuirrsuiiv uimwu, mrOf gives anUinf Oi 4irHitNmiadi.litt)J tosaui h onmPiI aawwaafciBwwiiwHtiaiviaymw . . attmiiss- tinr annio, arr riuin:ii' Ptl:' . jMUCtllmin-lei;iMli v-M4Hi4ja?thia, rd tlmit .if 'jlie f IbKBi, tw payaitiiirv oe lhi nuttctt Wilt be pkad aj a V uBji'njw aWUWBHt " t . , r ' "Rtlji, FLEMING, tit? 1 5FI.-nrTtT") WANTED. Auc L3m mui rviiuitv tu1 iltu, nt'iH iif Ml'."TWu.i H.tl DinlLwiiu Birtnerty liiwd near Princes Anne, Som anwrti n"V. EaHOw-harw, Mirvlan.t, will be alad Ik irwnnejiL - He rawmverf, a bunt 1775, tu Wind. mnL V. t.v awf rhmw murried. in uWenJani Jkaaitaae ,., thevvVft!THl3.i''W mt ieirciuHr Kjuruckw Anv cnrnjiiUtiicAtinii rt r neatUuif tsdthTeiwir"trc. D.;Prinr.a'FieiS6; aiuMnnwv iuii erh, wr., will be gmnlv rvc'iod nd!p;ixim(iily ailuuiW tiw. - 'Feh.i t. The Ihoro' brrtl IIorrr id at fetL Il !ttu.ul tital waaiieiit, Sa'ttaiaMl ar n W arfrtl.lss, s iaiiur eiwiiiHtiiciiur mi uav ana uumy tne Ui ut JVum uext. t r I'etilgms Ac, nee liuid Win.- v- - R. W. LONti. fT FC Vr,,nMiiit firun iTidiHu-M u. ill if. ..I I I .ik,. itiweraXhiiinM,a he wiiluul be reitMiml, under an irTimi"uiui-i-wjs iiiuio in -u.iury du- ""rnir iflii Swueuu." .2Rt.'lVr b )U : '4 IIEADUllIAUTEItM, 8lihi ar, N. C, Feb. 12. l'?. A'enwn. Vftrtrt 6f tftrtith Regiment ! TOU aro cowiuandej lo rtde at lh Court. ' ll.uiie, in the Town of SalwburT, a Thurs day, the I'Jth of March uet,at 10 u'clock, A.M-, with your ubakfifiia, Uli fcide Aruw, tor awiii, "aod, po Friday, the 3(Hb. at V o'clock,' A. will, your rjiective eoniann-, armea ana rqu.p a tfie Uw directs, for review and inppction. . Ev en.Vr of Mulof lieuT. It. M. lAaej, oi mo 4tb biviwon U North CartJifrt Militia. 4" .'-!" B. . IA-U, vol. wuimn-, 1. 1 , 64th Kegimeirt N. C. Militia. , j J. M. Daotr?r. Adj't. - v ;-. -; Attention! S A II S JJ U R Y G U' A It D S fe -, I YOU re tiereny command 1 ed to frade'at th Courti. Houaa id theTownof Seliaburyj on Salordav, the 14th of March net, at 10 o'clotk, A. w the .unifurrn of the Company, for the purpose pf Company Oiiirter. , ; Dy Order of the Captain. ; JOHN II. WEANT, 0.6... Bali Jirv, N. C, Feb. 21, 1S40. 4t a us - Grfat Western Stage Line, . j 5 AtVawjtuienl tot. 8 10, IIIE above line ia now in full operation, and ar ' av nM at. ami deearta frotrr SiliAunr a lbiliwa Leaves SdliahvrV on Mofulava,Tftrday, and . i1. ii .j ... a . .i v- n at " Returning, b-ave Ashy lite on Moudaya, Tlum- days, and Saturdays, at 0;oct6i:6; A." M.l and r rtveai Saliabtiry next-akywat 8 o'cloek, -P. M.- : a-L-::- .'UkvBENCIXI,- ,7: Ri w. long. No H. Paneengers tearing Cloich, N. C. for. Hwrio, T.n , mM fmi tUlay whatever onlhia rCute. A. B. 6i R. W L. - Mimry, N L lfi40. tf , , t : U- i 1. T Hooh Jiindcru. - . J m. W3L llOTER;.ltoek-BiniTe'r I N FORMS the public that he still carries on an - EtfulIihnieiit of the above kind la Charlotte. North Carolina, aw door auuth of the Mint. Having, aa ha cuuceivea, a.lhoruugh knowledge of bia butiuem, tie feet ro Mritlatian in aseuring timer muu may wibi, iu (niruiiiiw linn, Willi Kieir WOrK hn I be done in the vrrv Lct !tla. itiu J!"i!j4!lc2-!ll!15 JnllHiaLa.jiuuaci t lie bounwill be promptly attended to and care fully returned whea done. The public are request ed lo give nio a trial. - ' V CO OnUiir; left at tliaAVestern Carolinian Of. tire will be punctimlly forwarded f.'ILfJ-Hiitilctmn. , ll'AS founJ, about two . " Concord and Mr. N week ioce. between ill PartmV om the main slage R.Midra "POCKET-ROOK, containing aonwJ valuable pJi. The owwr can bava it on an- I pn'ciinon in i ne auiiscrioer; uy aescriLNiig the same, ana paying lor tins flverti.sement. . ... WILLIAM OTR1CH. , Mjcksville, Teb.-7,1640. r r " .dmnfeUaloT8' Sac. "117 ILL be Sold, at the late residence of Mrs. A J .Marcant Iluloer, deead. ea Tkttrtdoi the 5 if March rxl. all thsi pronenv belonaimr to the estate of anid deccdent, aa Lllows; - r. . CTO of BCSB20v, : Seven r eight head of Cattle ; - 6'ig Sheep and,M ixrge Stock of irogt)' ONE WAGON and GF.AUING, ami K X ,t'l, " WIND MlLLi'v 1 4tt a til ii) of Corn, Uheat. Oa(, Hay a utf lotldrr, A URGH'AMgUNTIIOUSCHOLD Aim a virieiv oi uiuer article too nomcrout to nenHo) hewr"r r--r&:-ii - - 'i'mat vfSah Tartve rotfitreatr.'ru"rcbi." ser giving bond aud approved aecurety. - le lu continue Iroru Jy to dny ui til all the sropertv a eiVJ.'i ; . Ji . , DAVID FILLER, : . : .1- . . ISAAC KE1STLER, dmr- J 7."RWail to., I ub. 4, 14JI , -J5-3w XnirK Merchnnl and public in ceticral are iu- KirnieH that (he Lexington- . Mamiiocturin Company have now their Power Looms in aoccaaa 6IIIRTING3 AND SIIEETTNCa o a yerj aupcrior . quality; wliieh they re aelling very low- , , t. u. CAIKASj-Agent,- Lexjngt N. C PirtC 1 4. 13t0. . 3t. . MORI'S Ml'LTICALUS FOIl SALE. IOR.Sale, oa coniniV'ion, between fifteen and twenty thoumnd trenuiue kuds of the Moru. w j. , in i 4 i . . ROUECIIE. Salisbury, Feb, 21, 1940. - 3 Notice. 1 ! sl a A JTHlE SubrenVr bas on hind. Jfc. and for S atj blSlKip,i in SsJiibutf. tintxhiLtr Jiia4 trrn. 1 r 11 , . - - MJsEON H EIJ if -a o li JUST RECEIVED. PftilE ?AUUUV"COFFEC-nOLL at the public gweralty, that lie in now receiving ern J At hi w.lihmenl io SalUhury, imi ooeoutr. dLlendid Aeaortihtul of every thing deairable in his line of buie among' which. wiU be tuuiia Sardines, ' Lemons, ' ' Pine Applei, I llernngis', ioian. llansaiwa. Muclwrpi, , . Malaga Gr&nea, Cht;!", HyooTea, . All kindaof Cracker, auch Powder and wi, liondoo Musturd, u better, cweet and gin gr Nut, .. Ancbort, " Fira late Ovatera, Porter, EnKlnth WalnuW, K:ocoa NuU, , Onraiiion, CJiA, Pepper. Fij. , II..U Null. and Wpice, Soani.b Ciffara bent. Albany Ale, ; Newark Cider, Chewtnr and aniokiaj To tiaenca of Cinnamon, bacco, 4 ' Htarch, " " Kuftfl, "' -ir ' Molaiuca, j Brown ami Loaf Sugar, Coffee, ', Kaivma, i - Mint, ' Clovea, ' All kinda et Cordials, All kinds of Winea, All kindi of lJqnore, AII of the beirt qaality and Alinoodn, litest iinporutiona; OrntfOaL IVgetiier with a great VarieJy of othr Groceriee too tedioua to luention. am wnicmie win k ry low for audi, . , " Moni. Rooeche retuma kiathanka for the liberal pntroiiase heretofore received, and aolicits its cotinn a,e.; J Feb. 14, 1840.-25.' NEWOOODS, THE Hubacribar have just r tKcd, and now offer fur ale, f,.. wholesaaerrrtaiMhetoiiowiBg Pm good a: - 737 pieces) amwa'td biew-liwl Domestiea; ' Ifl Apron Checks j j, aO Kcd Ticking ; - 1.1 " - ' blcl and colored Catnbrkk ; : IV) dotcn Cuttoa liandkerchiehi ; f, , ' S piecea KtutiKST Jeans ; ti -red-aaif preen Flsnncts J r- m twilled and duffle Blanket; 5 piece plain amLfhecked Linseya;.' ' ; - rw: " grey and blue mixed &ttinette ' i'57: SS0 Men." and Buy Seal Csps,T . . 9 piece llet-Aoker Baiting Cloths. 4-) 1- -: .' AL0 .'- Atftueu, llau, SUea, 4Vpv SAlleryrPktil.'VVire, , lUtd-Ware. Cutlerv. Uueena-Ware. Glass-Ware,. r TatMSrtav GeariiAaaartiai Uoeita, wbicn will be sold lower tbaa uiey ever nave been. ' , J. 41 W. MURPUY. Sl bury, Jan. 10, 1S40. . 2m Just Received.-and for Sale,' -t?- JVAototote ofBtfoilt'-J 75 Keg Nails, assorted size ; , HA) bare Iron H to 2 inches wide ; ' 2,MI luc Spring tileel ; 5lt blister do,-, . ' IfM " UrLead;1 V , lft keg Powder ; . " '2A hojjiAeads Sugar ; CObagsCoflee; 100 kegs VVhttc.Lead ; 15 coils Rope;' 'M piece Utgging ; 40boxcGliii8xlO; . 20 ".10 a .12;. 40 Nora Scotia Grindstones ; 240 bottles ScottbSuutT, . . ' By ' . J. &. AV. MURPHY. SaluW, Jan. di 1940. ' tf- IrouTruiu lite Kiiis's nionntain XRON-COM PAN Yv -' " ' lHE HubNCrtbrrs have made arrangementa with the 1. above Company, for the regular supply of . SUPERIOit IRON, . which is well adanted to Wagon, aiiAaiaa-Work) terms. - . , 4 HSi w.-aaURPiiy. HAVE on hand and offer for sale the following arti cles cheap turCMh or on time to punctual duak'rs: - "Fino inv iaiUe green, blue and black Cloth; Satin veetmgf-tigtiTOH,- very-handsome ; " , " Blick'and drak Date for 8uinmer wears ' S ptece Kentncky Jeans; 100 do. browaDomeetici; 10 do, Bed-l'kkiiigs; 2,H) IU. Spun Cotton, S.F. 00 lbs. bine cotton Vara ;' 50 lb Turkey Red J - . 15 kegs nails, amorted -: genome moune-hole Antilles; ... . ' iiiittn ueiiows: 1 dtix. CIlla' ' Ax;lS flnehed Rifle barrels; Sdoi. Wearmg Reedis Philadehihta nmke; Scotch and Mac- eaubo t"nuB'; 1 box tret cavendish Tobacco ; 14 or 20 Het Anker Bulling Clothe, troin Na 5 to V; aanorluienl vl'acreaa tre,&c t, - ' " Surar, CoRee, Molasses, French injCuampnigo Bran dy , Wince of diffrrcut kind Holland Gin, AiC ic July 2V 1-H9. . , ; , tf ,,r MOFFAT'S LIFE PILLS &f BITTERS. rpilE LIFE GIVINQ PILLS AND PIKENIX A BUTTERS, so celebrated, and as muco um-d by the ttiiicKM ia every part or ui country, t sow re- etkd au4 tuFale by taebtrtwertbera. - . tutss ft VUUKIL-Asents, Mumt SpaiMot Sl Shamelb, ia Conc.rd.N. Cre awn Aijciu ntr uif saiiK.. , j. P. S. " See aJveriaement April 4, 3& tf 3Tf lthe Snbaenber keep crumUntly oo hand, geaer--41 aTi"ii6BToTT Tr i . ; r i RAU ALUJE CLOTIUNG, ,f for Gentlemen' wear, suck aa Certs, Palaloot, and rfa,ofgu4 '.-v- ' ,'. . ell made and CiTlinmaule. He is also prepared to rut. and mare clothing id the ao futkitmmHf mtU dtmbie Tfr, lad warr&nu.'d to 6i. He, tlm, kee a good -surtmeDl oi Cloth,CaKiineressnJ VMtin;s ot tiie first - J. oahnes: aeterted hv,htnsrlXialliaiw- Vr Market;' ail ot wliica Be win eiw a casa. - ' ' , N. B. , He tiU Cuniuiue to teach tbj art of Cutting . ,. ,,tat.n1.ini.n.tK k.. i t.. I f"SCka r - KT Cutting lor customer don en the shortert no- UceTand order (rea a dunce attended to wnb de- 0i.tKr HiJK.p will be (bond m Mr.Cswas'a large brick building. : ; Uti. r. r KAI.ti. Cotton Yarns. V - TUE ptibUe re in formed that the sub scriber twve started their Cothm Facto ry, at XilledgttilUiNontgomfrm fmmtv if. Cn where they 'are prepared to oianufucture Cotton Yarn eenat'to an ia the State. , " EDWARD B I' RAGE 6l CO. v tinrTat. tBS Otn : N. B. Cotton will be More Good Thin 1 ira trr - or. im i n in per lb. fait. JOHCril Li:irS en-usremeHU have pre. vpnlod him' from ilikin hi annual iit into this part of the fyaie a erly as iiitcndwl by him. Ilia employer may dnpend on eemg him in a ft Prriiona in llid country Iavin2 writfti order the Oirice of the Charlotte Journal or the Went- Carolinian, or n Ford'a lavero in Ci.ncorU, he viilfd at their reeidencca without addi- tional expense. Camden; reo. i CABINETIVOUL THE PuWrilcr informathe jHiblic that tie continue the CaMnel-TIaLiiiS Ittiohit MM, , IN THE VILUGE OP LEXINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA.; He ia prepared tsf execute all descriptiona of work i in Ilia Hlieoi duiui:mi in a t cry uitnf 'j tarda workmanship and materiala, and certainly on lover termi than i aflorded by any other eatab. t liahment of the kind in thia legion rtl country. . Orderi from a diatance thankfully received and promptly and faithfully executed. 1 Produce, Scautlini; and Plank ta.ken in exchange forworkX " NATHAN C. PARKS. Lexington, Feb. 7, 1840. , t. ' Worim Kultirauliti, Fruit Trees, Ac. r'llHE Subwriber' intormB the public, thai be has for JL' sale, at hi Nuraeriea in Havidsoa County, 15,000 tree of the Morns Multicaulia, (and also a large num- ber ot rooted layer or culling of the same, oi the cur rent year's growth :) these are superior to cutting with out roots to propagate fronu Hi price aiiaJl be the market price uf the article in the North, and elsewhere. He also has a large stock of Fruit Trees, consisting of Cherries, fyc.fi being selections of the beat American and European - fruits, all ot which ar grafted or inoculated, a no. in neaitny, growing conuiuon. , . , .-7 I will deliver Trees in good condition, at any reason-. able distance from Lexington, wy 75 or 100 miles, (if ' amount of ordej-g will jiwuly it,; fur which I will chare the usual price of hauling. It will be well for those . who wixh to obtain trees, to get the Catalogue of the Nnrsenes, which contains prices, and will be sent gratis Brsenes, whicn contains prices, and will oe sent gratia all.ajipltouiJitttW'agatyyfl lions will be proinotlv attended to. DWtct'ioXtxingu.ti, N. (X'l' . t'fS, v l- , CHARLES MOCK. w Lexington, N; Sept B, 1S39. 8m;, r fltllE Subiberjia m ia latAJ loe aula, by wbicn, a mm wui do much belter than with the usual form of Spindle. It Ja so constructed us to keep from heating or killing the meal in any man ner. The runner ia ao confined ky the Spindlo as al wsy to preserve ita tula nee, and of courwe there is no rubbing of the stone. i - f -, I think, by this improved Spindle, tbo name wstsr will do at least one-third more business, and the meal of superior quality. . . " , ,. f y . Any person wishibg to use one of. these 8pindks mmj omain one or more, uy maaing appjicaiicni wnn in a short tinie) to the Subscriber at Mockaville. Davie yu.st. i. i uiiuk ins prooaoie cost will no exceed. Hi tor me ratent and KiNddle ready for uee. . : The following persona base my Patent Mill Spindle in uccessful operation: Col. W. F. Kelly, Thos. Foe ter, Joseph Hall and Sam'L Foster of Davie County ; Gilbreib Dickson and David J. Ranuour of Lincoln ; Charles Griffith of Rowsn ;'Addiun Moore of David son, and William Dos of Surry, all of whom are aiaa ty pleased with it perfbrmaoce. .C4.-v-- Lr Mr GILBERT. - October 25, 1830. -if THE SuWibeu inLConformityio recent instructions -jeceived from the North Carolina Gold M me Com pany, takes thia method to inform those interested, that hereafter all persons found trespassing upon "the follow, inir Tract of Land, belonffinr tn saia I'mnnnnF itna. . 1 , t . "T. .. muviirinn . . jwiLvti-aiiK! Agent.' . Wvidsoa, AptU 18, 1S39. Tract, No. 1 conuioing 688 acre, lying on the four, , inne oraticn. . - f containing wi acres, lying on me wa- ( -tersof the Flat Swamp. " 3 eonteininir 3,H0 acres, Ivingj en Lick r-7feCkiiirsiSjtlia-tam R,voir v 4 containing 1,850, lying on Flat Swamp " . .. 6 containing 697, lymg on Lick creek. " .7 containing 1.4 12, lying oil Flat Swmap. 8 containing 600, lying on Lick creek. 0 containing 001. lying on Lick creek. " 10 containing 1,897 acre, lying on Lick , creek and Flat Swamp, - - -M ;12 conuining, l&A, lying on Lick crek. " 12 conUinint: 1,317. located on four mile branch and Jacob creek, adjoining the Lead mine. To Journeymen CoachTlaLers. rpHE SiibecribeT will give ateady employment to two good Journeymea Coach-maker, who can come well recommended Tor ha wl of sobriety and industry. Their business will be to make and repair Coaches, ic,. for which, (if tliey suit) be will pay liberal wage. i ' ' ' " JOm P. MABKY. Lexington, October 1 1, 1839. " ' 5 , tf jpicttnoATiiaiiaaQi--. pHE- Snbocriber havingnmcbased this f fjj (4 a LublmlimeDt and bttld 1 in a style J -It tfld ccommodatioa of Travellers and 4w2i Boarders, is now prepared b their receo- tiqit Hia.TABLE vrilt adwajl be fumialii.il " ... ..T With tl8 bct the market can afford ; LirflAR witha 4roodl tupply jf.r,hnir J jijnora; his BEDS shall always be krpt in fine order ; and his Sta- bit (which are very extennve) are well aupplied with Provender of the first quality, and attendudbygood and faithful ho&ller. - J ' He hopes, by strict sttentina to the buoincee, in per i to iw mlisfaetion tt all who may firi- i,t. ni.- t lliuir pulrouage. AimS be only auks a call and trial v . -r . ANDREW CALDCLEUGlf. -Tixinglon. N. C, Feb. 21, Itta - i , rpHE SUB-CRIBER living near Lexington, David- ... voiiiuy, ukcs uiistneinoo nrnnkirei ine rut- 1 nawre ifiu it Kir m Ik vi.' . ,i lr s&- , i . lu...... I v. . IT"? V ' y"'"- llil"?? u' fw"T 'i k,nd 0? ' 'w'f" f them aa cheap, aa , ? J ' , - tie will i.-o, mould ana burn the Brick, if wanted. J lie mints Hut his long experience in , " : . MOULDING .AND LAY1NU BRICK , win euiiue mm v a aMre or puone patronage. , i ., H would refer gentleiacn wishing work done in hia lineof Bitsmipsa, to Pie Female ACademv and ilio nMw fire proof Chirk" ia Salisbury, aa specimens Ot bia work. -i. "v -.-r .,- ,, N.R - Those wihinjr workioneill'WMse1fi m,A ''-ggTihe S est ern Caroimiin, and it - chilli h m.n-l! llnJJ I,. V . - -i 'ItllK tMW!iif t-iimiHintT are in ; mv , ,"" a" A cd tlint the ISiiUfcnber i now rimi.iiH. rwt Irotn IlitleiL'h Uf wstof PituSom' ,f ., U.i;l...r i.. ..,,,,11 N!,.rll ..I., f.. , ' ?.)! oriler; Iftvnig Kaleih oo Mondavi a I i Ulh.. 10 A. M , arnvmff in haJmbury mm dv ti lo u' Leaving Salisbury on TuesilayiiJ Frtdaf s t J a i 4 arriving hi lut'irign u i aay at xu r. fti I lie homes are good, and driven particuUrl? p, (" and aceomni.Kltmj. , , JOEL alcLF'.v' ' . Feb. 12, , r '. . . .. , ' n N. B. ex am aecured at the Mansion Hotel " SPRINGS RANKLE - HAVE juat received from New York and HjuV, phia, an extensive aasortuient of . 4 v 'cossimno or - Dry Goods, Hardware, Tinware, Crock! , ery, GROCERIES, Drug and M.7 , dicinea, Dye-Stufl, Paiiifa and . " - t ; ; Oil, Boots -and Shoes, J .....vC.. 1': ?- Saddlery, &c, Ate. i.-4' Iu short, their Stock comprbe almost every irti-u needed by the formtr, Mechanic, ot the Foioum, of the town or country. t " v -Tw, ft. ft.' lliey will eli low-for cash. or ta m......! dealer on time j or in exchange for couutrv vtt " Concord, Jan. 17th, 1340. ;. ? , : i?ixaytaa'ayi(i QrpHE Subscriber baring located himself ia thsten iX of GmeorV, would now ofter bia aervice te U ' ruont, u am.. ,. ,. :. , , j j, -. . ,. f , Ornauieutal and ' Sisn Paiuttr. He Batter bimaelf that hia long experienca ia Ike ibovr ' jiusiaew, anu. ma iiciinen or worx ne nil execulei ta his line, will be a aufficient recommendation. , , lie will also attend to any call made oo him fc IIOUSE. PAINTING BU6LNES1 , and ia confident he can give au0fuclion to ill M'mr employ biui. - ,..., ,. -- ,1, - The Public is raspectfully requested to caS mg -iourao him, s lie m determlnud to execut ill tai, comtiiitted to him in the beat possible manner. ' OCT Also, fainting and J rimming all kinds i. C. f ,)imn Vit ttilHu fUlffi Bjl)IRwV'hi n"i vnuPM'i l --'TS. AV; RAIVFT. j fJoricord.N. C, Maacl4l,'183ftA---rl( sT" To the Pitblic. nPHE Subscr&lakea tlVis method of luforniwiii ' X Public, that he still continues lo carrv on Iht koi aineaa oi . . , , 7:..,;,CDTTINGIST0NE:l a uiuai, at hi Granite Q nary, seven mile Soiitk ef Salisbury, near the -.'Id Chatlueton road, whoM-kt a able to mtpply all orde.r fJ.r MILL-STONES of da beat grit, and on the shortest notice. ...I , - '";, I . ; iio-;;, 1 ?f , ;, , for Sale, at the lowest prices, WINPOWSILLS, DOOR 'SILIJ4. DOOB STEPS, ROUGH BUILDING ROCKS, TOMB STONES, - - OOLD GRINDERS, die. to. ic. r - , J. HOULSHOUSER, Sujoe-Cotttf. Salisbury, Oct 25tb, 1H!. ... t N. tt Orders fof any of the boT wreoght trt'n ele, directed to meat Salisbury, wilTbepnnilli it. ended ta J.- il ttVonis YaiigraVmg. ' IIIE Subseriher living aeven mil?s-,th of !. A bury, intends keeping conounlly oa band, Uts TOMIft STONES, so that he can execute aoyorder bnhat Line, til snoriesi notice. ' - - also ' ' r He is readv to execute anv work whuth mtv alA iw in ouL,riuitiAtj for in SCULPTJLLBiXCLTrMHIYTl ) assure those who mif aw wiin meir woraina a,t ung-well dnneicconla; tocontnict, be W mvpavv ii mr fuiuusv oi preaerviug uni cool, nppiy vp Sidwcriber.' . .. . , ... . ENOCH E. PHILL1P1 iMovemoer 1st, )!V.s&.; - -tf. -v- 1 IN MOCKSVILLE, DAVIE COU.NTT. THOjKs FOSTER I N FORMS the public that he ha rerouved from tir . former stand, to bia new buildings oe tbe W square, in the Town ofMocksville, whore lie wilt toa- Unue to keep a HOUSE OF E.NTfcKTAI.Yar- til House i roomy aud commodious; aitacM which are six comfortable Offices for gentlemen J UK Bdr, sll convenient to the Court House. The luWrv ber pledge himself to the most diligent exertion give satisfaction to such a may call oo him. Hit T lie, Bar and Stables are provided in the best MiKiet that the country will alTord, and bis servant in tt'"1 ful and prompt ' " ' ' ' . ieb. M, IW. v 71 U , Cotton Picking. rflHOSE who wish to hare their Cb'fo PkUd trt -MS "Pmrkrd in th best "liihW"iiiajiiii!f . "and VP .'T sliorteM notice, will do well to call on tbe.SuSicribefi who will bimaelf attend peraonally to the busiaui. .'-'U G;fi ia aitnated oo the Wilkeiboro road, (Howard! Pjaeta lion,) 4 milea north west of Salisbury, and MU f- celli-nt order, for receiving, PICKIMG and "Ca- i.VUtUJIUiY, , A'' Planter and Merchant who will eetrrn tbeit c- ton to 8!S ipetyU charge, aliall nol go away di.;'" November 29. 1W0. ' ' tf , i . -BotTfiYtiTcnrrir nAVK hand.-and mtend keeping a supp'f rf A ,bet Anchor StarnD Bolting Clots. comprising all the varum No, used in this t$m country.--Whee ill who wish lit article caa -r plied in quantilie to suit purchaser, and Aa rc11 term. a wo ;, - Wove Wire for Screen, Sifters, ie. kept cos ly on hand. " HALL& JOHNSON, J . I - rooT of itavw-J Fkyetteville; May 17, 1839. ' r "HORSES FOR BALE. . PAIR nf TOU NO well hfA KnoTlirnv linKSES.aaa. SINGLE NORTHERJiJH- TEttfbfSalel Li 3 ..i i an k Jl w ft e f J V riiMiniaiev1 " TVrehf K. I J2it- February 7, 1S10, f Oavidwn, AprTHlC!----, tf ry, Dec 13, 1839.. l ii t i ' -- -, .- -- - - . ir . 1fc.,Mo.('"",:"1,M," '-Jj'l: I . A - ' ' ' vm?" , t- ' f - V r .-.-,- - i . .- ... v-. -a .-.Sf i ;. - v-" :.-'-- ..".."' : , - f :."'. .:. "

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