T J 1 1 JkJ-IL Ox. 4 .J.t. 6. i 0 A,n iATtO 10 1ii tMl ti TATiJl fa Tliit l 6 nTUTI0.1, NOB PEOHIHITED BX IT TO THB STATE-, AMU HESEBVED TO THK IT4TC9 RK PECTIVEHf, 04 TO THE PKOlLt. AmtwlineritM lo (If CortJtf tUUm, - Afftfif jf. ' 'I'd,. AUSTIN & C , 1 .FISUEU, ) Prc;rict. rs. . NO. XXXVIII. OF VOL. (Whole .o. I0'18.) XX, SALISBURY, N. C, MARCH C, 1840. Editor and Tro It 7 article i . puneiiul , ' the tew wink -1.' uler. ; laeibmt' execute an, i lira k ttit' - Buj. . nil tort, r. hot Cm-. ..rsfe-J. ft--..' ... i M et ww-ata ' ". I STE PS, lOAES, Cotter. tC gM. irti cHialli U j.ii a-offta tail, Mf- ne,Mti4 be olid mr tar ;.iccbI LLIP1 rxTT." 1 from fcV i he potu4 s will cos NMK.VC rtocM neflj U lulMCiV ertioot B II.T It RlllW tr fails. icirtVaai.'.' id l P!"t kt'ui PACK? tlieitC! tf 3 -jr:. CIothiT- regwi1 iakf 'caaoe1' cos N, !owrt ii hroU 1 Who want better IM 'eiitel I WOULD refer Urn reading public to ilie nuiiierou voluntary totter published recently in tins papor jbJ Id tbe Good Samaritan, relative to 1 1 o bappy and ltfwficl effdCUof the dminUtrati'm of - " JlOFFAT'S LIFE TILLS and 1'IIENIX BITTEIU?. 'Thos who have pm-used the leUer bove referred to wil observe thai in almost every nm they aileat the fcet, that nd. inconvenience of any aort attend the U king uf UieM modicincs, in orilioary enst-s, but that the pstu'tit, witliout I'celmg their operation, m universally I tt in a utronor and botur state of health than waa etporicuced previoua (0 being alllxteJ with diseaoej ami in U eaeii ot acute stilRjring, great relief is ob. nod in a tew nour, and curt ta generally etiecutf in two or -w ..( ' Io enact of FfcVER of every deacription, and all fcilioiM fleet iona, it ia unn-cnsrjr for me to aay aught, 4 IW.licve tlie LIKE MKUIC'LNKS are now urnver axlly adinitted o bo lite mo-rt speedy aud efl'ccmal cure itan ki lt Jiaeaawi ot that' claaa. v '. " The LIFB MKDICINES are alao a moat eicellent ritlief in alfcctions of the Liver and lkiwela, aa haa '"' been proyed in'Jiundreda of caaee" where patient have come forward and rciiuented thnt their experience in taking: them might be published li.rtlio beueht M other. In their operation id auch eaaea, they restore tlie tone o( tba ytbmach, Mrengthin the dieiv organa, and invigorate the Kenoral fonctiona of the whole body, and ihu become to both acxva (for they are perteetly aJapted to each) an invalusbjo mean ot preventing iseaHeand reetoring health. . ,, . , p In aflectiona ot the head, whothcr accompanied with pain and giddineae, or marked by the grievoua calami tr of impaired mental energy ( in -palpitatiooa of the ' heart, flatulence, Vm of appetite and atrength, and the multiolHid aymptoma. of iiaordeVed digeetion, TUB LIFE MEIMClNCi wil be found to poaeeaa the moat ealutary erbcacy. . ( ',' , " . . -" ' Couatitutiona relaxed, weak, or decayed, (b men or wu'men, arw under the immediate influence of THE LIKE MEDICINES. . Old conghv atrtbaiaa, and con Bttmptivo habits are aoon relieved and speedily cored, l'overty of blood, arid emaciated limb will are long meet the happiest change; the chill watery fluid wiH H become rich and bitwiinic. and the limba be covered JNerrotu U'sonlera or every kind, and from whatever cam earning, fly before the elTecu 1 of THE LIFE ME D1CINES, and all that train of ainkinga, anxieties, and -tremors which ao dreadlully arTuct tne weak, the ae . ..Aenliry,Mtul lhedoIicrc,-wili ia a abort me ,uc "'ceedfd by clieerfuliieiM, and cvcry"prje of health,! ror wcaanedi, arnctency in natural airenem. ami --rtetwm-)f theiveaal, y-luo troaweut wdulizeoce o the pawiona, this medicine ia aula, certain, and in valuable remedy. , i"; i' - n Those who bav long resided ia" hot "cllmatee, arid are laniruid and relaxed in their .whole ayslem, may tile THE LIKE MEDICINES wiUr thd happiear et. fecta;' and perftxie removing to the Southern Bute or Weat Iiulioa cannot ature a more Important article of health and lite. - i , , ; The followincaaee are among the moat recent cure eilbcted, and gratefully acknowledged by the poraon braerittedi , . -- Case of Jacob C. Hunt, New Windsor, Oraoje County, V. A dreadful tuuioc destroyed nearly the whole of bis face, now and jaw. Experienced quick rolict from the uitebf theLifa Modicinca, and irj lota thin three montli was entirely cored. Cate reported. .th a wood engraving in a new pamphlet bow ia preaa. ' Cane or Thos. Purcell, aen'r, 84 yoara of age waa afflicted 18 year with awell nga m bis legs waa en tirely cured by taking VI pill id 8 weeks. " Case of Juan autton, Aberdeen, OWrf--Theumatiam five yearn is entirely cured haa used the LIFE ME- sovereign remedy. Case of Lewi Auitin periodical aick headache l- -waynhTd by a sumIIoW iwiUrely fcooitomtu Case of Adon Amea cured ol a most luveteraie ano obdtinate dveoensia. and reneral debility. Case of Adah Adama. Windsor. Ohio rheumatism, jruaUitvx.JacUooat.4d.oaral!.naraiia dfhtlity,- bad been coonned seven year-waa rawea irom oer bed br Ukii.ff one box of oil la and a bottle of biuers rraar enraontinarr crjrehei ncrwrvy--thf-J and rolniirt .wpantijested by .her huaband Shubel . Case of Vfts. Da7,il7oi Joaepb ?adger nearly similar to above result the same. Case uf Susan Gaodarant young nnmarricd wo-roaii-iubject to ill heailh severs ly ear a amall course or the Lirot Medicmo antireiy restored ner w now bxta and tinatthY."--- r Case of Mia Thomaa, daughter of Eli Thomaa cough and symptom of consuinption ured ia four week. Her at star cured of a severe attack of iulain- aiatory rheumatism i out wttk I- i '. Caae of S. Colvin cured of a severe attack of acar let fever in a tew day by Iho Life Medicine. Caae of Harriet Twood. Salitr. N. Y. waa ia a I very low etata of health a year and a halt did not ex pect to recover. Mia T. ia now able to walk abouTand ia rioullw rMinierinir huth health and atreilirtb. Cams of Ikniaiuin 1. Tucker severe caae of Fever aad Airue cured in a vert abort apace of time. Di-1 rrctjim!, fnllownd atrirtlv. " " t ' Case of Amos Davis affoction of the liver fl,er trying ator.1 remodiea in vain for a long lime, w;u cured by the Life Medicines without trouble. . ' Extraordinary case ot Lyman Pratt, whp watafflict. ed with ntnieJc 30 ye.i.offocted i perfect cure iu H hours by tlu use of tlie Life Medicines. Thousand ot pcrwm afflicted in like manner, havt, by a imheious m of MOFFA TS LIFB PILLS and - PJ1EXIX BITTERS, bee tostowd to the enjoyment of all the comfurta of life. Tbt Btttera are pleaaant to the taste and smell, gently taring the fibre of lb u ' ioaqrj, and give tfit proper tensity which 1 good dige u reouirea." A nouiinp. can oe oeuor suspwu "Itetn'ind ikonrklBaUUott.' to'tnCtfat nothtnf flwre generally ckriowredged to be peculiarly effica ckma in alt inwaid waatiog, lott of appetite, indige liee, depresston of piri!, trembling or sliaking of tbfl iianda ind linilw, obfUnato cdugha, tJorluea of tftcath, or enntumptive habit. . - " . . ; ' " The Life Medicinet ooteea wonderful efficacy in all nervouaditorder, fila, hoadacliea, weaknewiea, he vine andlowneMnfimirila.(1imneMnfifrht.Cniiluedthooght - wawderipgof the mitid. yapora nd melancrmly.and all Eloda of hysteria complaint are gradually reiuoveffbT their use. In tick net of the atomach, tlutulenciea, or obatructiona, they are tato and powerful, and a a pun- Rmm ,1,. M.i'.i,-.K...,,i,in,(mthwofldl - r?n.i,iftn.irti,l.Mrftl,hniiiieiiieBer.--.- r.. .t.. ik.i haa htin tnenl Moflaft " Good Samtriun." a of which accon Paie the medicine ; a copy can always be obtained of the duTereot AgenU who have tbe medicine for tale. . JVeoch, Germ tr and Soartith directiona can be ob Uined on application at the oroce, 3T5 Broadway. Alt post paid letter will reeeivt immediate attention lreivirJ.nrf,Wti. WILLIAM B. MOFFAT, 375 Broadway, New York. A liberal dedactiou made ki tboa who purchase to tell Spain. . . - Agemls The Lift Medicinet may also W had of sny of t .e principal DrupgisU in every town tlironchoiH the United State and the Canadea. Aak Kir-Nonai' Ife Pill and Pheaia Bitters; and be sure that 1 fa timilie of John Mtlit'itignitu reai upon the Ubel of etxhbo. tl of BiUert or box of Pillt. tat - . -nevbote Nedicinet may. be bad of, Crru JttfjiUAmutritg! f" Freprtrfor. fWlhsmry, Jan,arinw- - ' TERMS , a. . or THS WKSTEB CAaoLISUN. ' The Western Carolinian ia publialied every Fri rT, at Two Dollars per annum if paid in advance, or Two Dollars and Fifty Cents if not paid before tlio ex piration of three months. . - .: No paper will be discontinued until all arrearages are paid, uiiU-hh at the discretion of the Editors; and a failure to notify the illitors of a with to discontinue : Ofic month bclure Uie end of a year, will be eonaidvr ed aa a nev? engagument " , Advprtiacmeni will bo conpicunusly and Mrrectly fnaerted, at one dollar per rauiare (of 3UI em, ot fif teen liaet of llu aired type) fur the firnt insertiuii, and 25 eeuta Sir each continuance. Court and Judicial advertiaomenl will be charged 25 per cent more than the above prices. A deduction ol .'J-MJ per cent from the rngular prices wil be made to yearly advertisers. Advertisements sent in for publication, mtifrt tiavethe number vt time marked on them, or they wilt be insor ted till forbid, and charge! for accordingly. ' Letters addnwd to the Editor on busiucsa mutt bo pott paid, or they will not be attended In M3 , RAIL ROAD ItT)?'1! MEETING." A MEETIN'Q of the cilizona of Rowan county ia renpocttully solicitod, on Tuesday of March Superior Court, at 13 M.. at the Courthouse io Sa t lisbury when several (ildreswe will hi made on the auhject of the " Fayetlevilln and Western K. Road." After which, book of Btibwription Will be opened and an opportunity ollered to every pa lriotic"citizen Is aid in this great enterpriae. . February 21,1640. L ... :.. .3w . ' 111 'W 1 " ' ' CollIC and Kee J The gobsr.riher bavii'g oa band a large supply of Mahogany and other matori ' ala. and in hie employ several rood VV'urkmen, is prepa red to snake to order all knidj of CuLinct and Chair work, from the ulainest walnut job to the fluent niaho- rant work. The u-reaUst punctuality will be paid to alt order for work.. Tricea moderate. i-AU kind of ttmjliartA nTarttf mmi (M.attIinrY tiLii-i in Aslm lrre f,tw furnlljre. - . - K. ELtJuTT. - rinntTi" .1 i iftnvrrni Triii tiitti iTTMmr- nnif . -hi r r -i in r ww,m, fA CARD. The oderaitriird having permanently. established himaelt in. Mr. blliott employ, would be thankful for order fur mahogany work, and promise that all work done by him shall not be surpassed (in workmanabip) by any Kt'timu7'-f''''ZZ Jan. 81. lMio.ft T- ', C. II.. DEJARNETT. , J" OHN C PALMER, haa another new supply of iruld and ailver -Lever,' Watches, plain English and French, do., cold roo Uinns and Keys, lireant fins, . Finger Rings, silver Butter Knives, c ''" Vn fenciir, tparent ana plain,) room- fcriastVVf "tiuUtJ Picka, Fob Chains, Spectacles and Thimble. Steel and Gill Fob CU'uia arid Key. Alao, a very fine and largo assortment ot Raaora, pealrat and penknives, by diflorent Manufacturers, wilb other article uauallv kept by Jeweler,)) of which will be sold very low fbra, or only six month crudit, af- vet wnrcn lime, iiu'thi wiu w vimrcv. Work done taitlifuUy and punctually. Salisbury, May 2, lo30. tf - MORUS MULTICAULIS" FOR SALE. IORSale, on com mission, llelween twentv thousand genuine btide of fifteen and tlio iVloruti t K.JK.OUlSCUlS 8alinbury, Feb. '21, 1640. 3w 4 email quantity of the above SEED, raised by Mr ii William Tbomas, .formerly of Davidpn County, ia left for Bale at Uiia OrLco, at $i 00 per hundred. November 1st, lHJia U. iI.liluenrberW tor Rale, at hia Shoo, in Saluburf . three lirtt rata Rood IVagona. . v-,i Si 34 EON UIRUCK.: December 6, 1830. . - y tf. rpHE SUB.SCRIUER living near Lexington, David- ton County, Ukes thl metliod to inform the Pub- ' lie that he will enter into contract with any Person, or persona, eitlior in Davidson, Rowan, or Cabtrru Coun ties, wbo wish house, factorjea, or any other kind of buildings erected of Brick, to build them as cheap, aa " durable, aad in a good atylt U any workman in this tounuy. ' ' ; - "" . ' - Ho will alao, mould and burn the Brick, if wanted. Ho truaU that hia long experience in MOULDING AND MY1NU BRICK, - Vtll entitle him to a altare of public patronafc-e. - He would rafut gentlemen wishing work dooe in hi line of Buioes, to tlie Femal Academy and the new Mtoffic, in ..bury.a ecimenaot ''kZX.k. ' n I m nll W N. B. TIk-o wwh.ng JS" f word at the office of the Wester Carolinian, and it shall be puneigally attended to. R0BEli, C0J. Davidson, AprU 18, 1J - v . tf' . k lot of Indian migrated from Ohio to Canada, to lire in the nnjoyment of Britieh sympathy." When they arnved, they hearn mat tney were uu- iMineui oa i' SuOawKiitarind forth. with they packed op their dd" and caiut back. " " jCfea't Hand A ntterrntyiS -MM an intirhaw friend, who soemed, a far a hand ,w,mmerl. to hold the Mshoirwtan doctrine of ablution in aupreine poutempt, taid to him; wth a countenance " more in aorrow, than in anger, 'you would tovt I : - 1. . "j ,i. M.rMf , ,rjCi 1 -;i m.erba everv Wl of land unoo .l. ltu I arill . .l : - . riiiiiitteiiviii 1 iisuisa child in an altiie that kin,;i and queena would be proud Ts I build a cr.lrrte .po, kill tide and in every valley over the whole habi table earth ; I will ripply that tchool-lK.uto with competent teacher I will build an academy in every town, and endow it I a college in every ' .... . .1 ii. I will ernwn glate, and nil it wun ao ,-r -, - yy fl '' "'' , f- ' : I ilZ"r " I evert hill itvi a r .1 .. I - C mmm . rnmgauon m ...c . r - " fc -,h,t UJ be i, twl dayt. earlier at ha in- inat on evrv her around be ng informed of the obtervationt that had been Lrawr and tUgof prai'se, th,!d taeend like p-nd operatim- Cr ten day he complied, and ZniS: Jnredbi.cro. Arwr.- , roetieal Depart meiit. 'Lit orient raaaua at iAinrM araeM.' . roa tb waaraan caaouaiAH. Once 1 loved, but now Oh ! never, Can I auch a one believe; One who said she'd love forever. When my heart alie would dewive. Oft I told her Uw'l loved her, - Oft ahe aaid she toted again ; But those pledges now are over, All those vow were made in rain. Yen, 'tie done, the tie i broken, The tender cord of mutual love ; That which bring a lasting token, . ' " Of its tniaaiuri from above Ye, the hope that bound me to thee, - Now no more reflocta ray; 1 Love, the meaaenger I aent thee, Uurenewed, waa-sent away. Fare tliee well then, now forever, Hope the morning star has set Still I linger Kill forever Can 1 m much love forget. II. A FOB Tilt 4 west aaa caaouMAH. On Iht Dfnth of Mait El.iiiarrn, ijant a'aufcfer of Mnj. IVm. F. and Eliia Steeli, f SlalttiUU. tO THE PARENTS. Ijament not thus 'tie selfish to repine ' Wltun tiod recall ilia treasure he hath given t Rather rejoice, tliat one tweet babe of thine Now triumphs with the glorious bust of llearea. , Gently, robat gentlyj the ajflicting rod . . f Is laid upon the. Thow wilt shortly aee ' ' And hombly owrr,thiit fraciouiGod,"1 " l vvua nam is loving xiiHinxaa enastenoa mee. For what he 'doth, altlwugh thou Enow'at not. I- raa- i v lib holy reauiiaUHl learn to I And own hi dealing merciful and just He hath but called thy happy infant soul - From a bleak world, where atn and sorrow reign ; Where strongly templstiona' atrong billow loll, llevood the trial) of this wintry dime, ' " 7 Ere yet life's stormy pallia her ieet have trod, llcrioy oof aprrit ."yet trrnrarrned brcri Ia borne to triumph to the throne of God. ' And would'sl thou, Die sweet aerapVa flight restrain . r 10m those pure realms of never failing bliax, Where God the Fattier Ood the Saviour reign 1 To bind her down to auch world aa ibia. Of sflch Christ forma hi Kingdom oh, believe , The bloated truth hi hallowed lip declared 7 Ear batb not heard, nor hath the heart conceived . . What jUod tor those be bveth bath prepared t Then yield tubmiamve to the aovereign will ' Of llun who cannot err and kit tbt rod. Commune with thine own spirit and be still, 1 And know that ha a God i faithful God." Aye bend in gratitude to lleeven'e beheet, ' For not e'en in the joyful hour when thou Did'ar. clasp her to tby maternal breast, 4 . ', Iladst llioo auch causa for thankfulneaa is now. Then with Unwavering faith to Eirth entruet, The faded relicaof tliia luvelv flower. 'f L AguredthaA a n tluf purwutble ditr I Now sown in weaknem, shall be rail rairn-d in power. In thia, the Chrittiaa't bleated hope; reaign To Uod the tfeaaure by bit mercy glvenj -4 JituX bleat his name, that ooe aweet babe of thine' la now a glorioua habitant of heaven." ' . - ' . - W. D. D. 'A a b nnrimj irccr FARM UK "-PiefIap" to no-ornn -Of cltst tuf -merr it the - vaftw of observtiion to great aa lo the farmer. Ilia bu ainent ia princiiwlly with natural obiecU. . Hit oc ctipaiion lead him in many thing 10 imitate or follow nature. Uut the rawa of nature are learn cAiUu,Jby..tchjng.the ailerUroceett and Ihej ilenl opeiationa which are going on, and thuai tacerlaining the caunet which produce the effect j which we tee taking pi see around ua. I be man ho walcht cwet who wffrra ik change lo lake place without looking into the ctote who, in bue, obtervee toe nioat ana treasure up tne moat in hi memory, becomes most arquianted with Ihe lawa before epokeri of, and by consequence i ihe beat farmer. Although the observation which have been made and recorded by other, havt be-' come a large fund of valuable informaliori.there ia yet a vast deal more to (earn, facta are yet in the dark which can only be elicited by obter vation. .,. " ( . It would be interesting lo have! history ef ma ny of the useful improvementa that have been niudV from slight ohicrvatioris, which first give the hint lo s"t tlie experiment 00 foot. - Mr. Child givet a pleasing atateutent of the value of obter vaucn in one nwtaneej- A farmer oot fifty oulea from fiottoo, taya he, i quite lamoue tor ihe im prove men t be haa made in tha wild grnpe. lie found a vine in the wood which doxena of hit neigh bra pwed every': we k, a wdl u be; but be V trrrcjd thit where the oxen ted upon Ihe vine the grapet were tweeteut. . He look tha hint. The vine -lftpUM4ed and cloIy Broued. Tint pro duced the tame effort aa browning had done ; the nouriahment, that in a wild elate supported a great weight of vine and tendrils, went entirely to the body of the grip' Hit neighbora woufd have U !Bt nc. it innr ner inougni ibout it; but I bey did not obetne. It it by tiu observing, that wa are enabled to in I phiW experience.bnd experience guidca to future in I "':. Tueubsof valloiU laarMvr'beTir made ! in rcgd to tbe grainworm or rfwl, Is the jnect n a. iineti met caiien. lea inanv larmert w tow 1 - - their wheat late. Hy ao doing; they have aaved llicir Crops. . It bat beet) obearved that toe uiaeci came out at a certain lime in the tumnvr and mained active a certain number of dayt. 1 Hence by towing the wheat later ao that it would not bo headed out, it would escape the ravage of lite in- teot in nuedion. Tbit baa succeeded well with - . , . . nroUWv hnn AGRICULTURE, y The season lint arrived when plunter are pre pariuj for another crop, and it mwy not ho anus to make a few mig jeationt upon this i'lipurtaiit tub First of all, the himlnnduian should tee that lii fence are in good order that' thoae poti and raila that are, decayed be supplied with new ones, nd e,very security beaflordeil agttintt the rjepre dationt of unruly cattle, Aic. T t J id. Let the ground U well prepared ;" dead trece and under bush rvinuved or Uirno.d, and tli toil mellowed thoroughly by tbt plough and hoe. We apprehend that many linitM the crop ia greatly re tarded by only bait' prepareing 1he ground, it thould be firrowed tullicientiy deep to enable the root, by (.a otrating far' into 4tio tiurlti, to aluud tlie drwiKUI.. .;;. 8d Lu. 111H too much ground I planted. Mi ny greatly err in thi. I hey jaeeifl to jinngliic mat ineir tuccea wii) uepena upon mo, nuniucr 01 acre they pluiit, rather than the anmunt of atteii tiod tbey o-jhiow and their field are overrun with gaaaa, whilst only here and there ii aeon thrifty stalk .of cotton or crn. luistend ut' neat, fcjoan farina, benpeaktntf the akitl of tbu huaouiidmarvAlie paaser-by ia ready lo put him down e a tduptiii Jj or " oau uuiiiagi:r, aim wnen in aeaaon closes, he ia turprised to find that bit neighbor, who plant ed much lea, ha the most bale. , 4th.' Du not plant too early We know that in Ihit ection it ia contended, " the earlier the but ler," but phiitert of! en lute time and labor by W inf in advunce of the leasnn. Bcsidot, plant of all kind thut come up too toon, though tbey may not be killed by the fronts, are, from exposure to bleak wind, olteo retarded iu their growth, and lookakkly and puiiyand,. ia matiy iiutoiires, re. planting muat al last be retorted to. Uu the con trary, teed cast into the ground at a proper aeaaon, when the audit warm, and refrcnln.d by slioweri, liprut'upaud grow with gi&rti&(Mjs:-r : r .' In tha fith place, the crop thould be rmiltiliiri. ouiT The whole attention thould not be Tjccttnicd with cotton, but corn, naU, polatoe, peat, turnip. - artichokes, Ate, for the benefit of tockr should oc :"epy a 'Uuriion-ot ilie "toil ami !aTior,: " Fro: Ihe iocreaaed amount of cotton that, ia liknly to I " made hereafter nt the South, and In Tca,thu """price bfinit "itii'plar nuf ber' luwerilian'ln him gone by. Heavy trticles or consumption, winch every planter must hove to enable him lo carry on bit operation, from the expenwe of truwmor latioui must ever be high. 1leTted It "w ill fie to hit ultimate interest to raiae hit pork and txwf, nd in fact every other article in hit power. It i lael, discreditable to the people in thete parti, that few do this we have ti import our butter, or go without it J whee by very little care, we might bnyt tlie greatest abundance Qutney (Ho MISCELLANEOUS. 77" I' O E T R Y. O F T ii DDI B L B. The Knickerbocker award the Jiiglieat pmise to a recent work by the Kev. Jir. spring, ol Nejv York, upon the '! Obligutipnt of the world Iq the Y BibwH1 W4v argerf (snyf tWi Uif ifhr) wlf ft Ur. Spring, in iheae page and olewhnro; tbut (he Scripture ire infiiuloly tupenor to any other known composition, for all llioe qualities. , In ill hittorictl, didncttc, trgumetrtalive, and eoinjwra' live features, we are tliown.that ilm HiOlo it with out peer or eaual. The noetrv of tlio Sucrod Wri ... i . . . .. " One of the moat eininenrcriiws '.devotional poetry cannot pleiae.' Tia tuBib!e Tearfici the diAiiiii If it bo to, then Miunion of poetry 111I0 ... region that are inaccessible to worldly ambitioo.' , Tt baa"' c rotted; the enchanted circle and by the beauty, boldness, and originality of itt Conceptions, -Jiae given to devotional poetry Rmvr. trTichnest, 'a leudenieta, in vain touglit for in Sbtkspcare or Millon, in Scott or Byron. Where it there pooiry that can bo compared witn the tonir of Mow ti hit victory over I'liaroah ; wuhTtna Psalma oTPa-t vid with the Song of Solomon, and with the rropheciet of laaiab T . M Where ia there an elegiac odt to be compared with Ihe eor.g of David upon the death of Saul end Jonathan, or the Lamenlaliona of Jeremiah I Where, in ancient or modern poetry, it there a paaii;o like Ihiat " In thought from the vitiou of the night, when deep sleep fa I let h op men, fear came u;vn me and trembling, which made all my bones to klitike. Then a apirit passed before my facet I'." Imirof my (Jeeh etood up. Il eltrnd still, but I could not diicern tbe form thereof . An im age wat before mine ayea. There was ailence. And I beard a voice taying, Shall mortal man be more just than God; thall a mao be intra pure than hit Maker T Behold he potleth no lmt in hi servant, and hit angel be chargeth with folly. How much teat in them that dwell 10 nnnaet of elay, whose foundation ia in the dust, and wbo era framed before the moth!- Mn who hove fih the power of poetry when they hive marked lb deep working pension of Dante,' and observed the rlevnttowof Milton, ae be f cowbjined with image, in lofty gradation,' hare thought that they ditoovered Ihe indebtednett of those writers lo the poetry-of the Old- Testaments Bat bow tmich more sublime it Isaiah than Milton I Ilowmueh more enkindling than Dante ia David j How much more picturesque than Homer It Solomon or Job I Like the rapid, glowing argumentations of raul, aand timet, and yet have all the frethneet and glow of the first perusal. Where, in the eomrmtt of hu.mut language, ia there a paragraph which, for P'brrldrww and ariey oCotafuotrdulkacy...aBd majesty of thought, strength and invention,1 ele eance and refinement, equate the pottage in which God answer Job out of tbe whirlwind I" What km rely bunua imagination, in Ihe ewtural progiwa of a tingle diarourae, and apparently without an effort, ever thut went down to the foundation of the earth : etood at ! tha door of the ocean, v mi- ted ' the plica where tha day-epring Irom 00 high takea hold of the uttermost parte of pie earth,' entered into the treasures of the enow and hail, traced tbe path of the thunderbolt and, penetra ting the retired chamber of nature, demanded, Hath the mm rather Jot who batb begotten the dmpe of the dew I' And how bold itt flight, how inexpressively striking and beautiful itt antithesoa, when, from the warm and sweet Tleiados, it wan ders to the Sterner Orion, and in its rapid course, ' ( . . . r heart the 'young lions crying unto God for luck of meat tec ihe war horse pawing in the valley descries , the eagle on the crag ol the rock and, in all that la vast and minute, dreadful end beauti ful, diacovera and proclaim the glory of Him who i excellent in l ouuwl and wondorful In working i 'i'bo atylu of UoUrew pootry i every where forci- . lie aud Hgiirative, bxymid example. 'The book of Job ttanibj not lono iu tbit aeiiteptiout, 11 riled ad ' energetic form and umtiner. Il prevnil through. ' eut tlit piH.il jiirtiirilic Scriplurca '; ond they Unu coiueMiudiy id antjot eminent exampictto ue ( found t f the truly tuhli'iie and beautiful."- ' The followini V loquetit pewazti, detcribhig lti profrc of Cvhrialiattijy throughout theworlJ, wt'l be rtad with iiitettf tbit featal tcatun.: -4. - Chkk-i ianitv luirsplf move iii edtauce of M owit civiliMtiorn'uiid iloet notTwait tbo tardy ope ration of philosophical cause, Con urn of In r power over universal man, and tlmt the holila tlo wmld'a destifty in ber linnibs " bat' uinltiiukon, a a tjieciW object, ond ber 6wn pnisr woiK, ' Ihe rochiiiiatioiiHHt of prufaicei, or ol continent!",' but of all tiaiinni; ell' the) million c-f .huinniiiiy. VwaeeW by tin august idea on idea inlluilcly-. iirpaaiflg in lite gruimeur ru it conception, every. project ol muition, every cream 01 universal iu) pire,- tlie hu turveyed the chternrUe from (11 tit nomta. Sha hot ma mod out with an aatonitliing iKildnctr'1 and piecimon, her plun of operations, and move to naexccuvion wun a iixeu aim ateony eyej wttn , boondlota Energy, and unxiinguuhable fuith. Al. ready the lain occupation of the teats of power in every di vision of the globe, and amaks to its awarm nig inuKitude in. two hundred languages o Ihq maiiy-tongued earth.-' In AlVice, the hea (Hkoii up-. her line r posit tout from t upo ralmat lo t ort Natal; nnd' in Asia, from Conxtantioople to (Vy kin; hk) throws a Mi ,.f moral lii'lit like t gHlaxy ever eiilmr. ciaiiiiuiul. liw ims louuiou tne iiiti sceptre W Brnlima and MnfVujncd, and they crum-.' k We frtim thr-tf tiandt like asue. " bub pinery Tict scho-4 on the Acropoli of Attieua, and work bcr - printing pmaar under Ihe aliadow f Ihe Pyrnmidt. , She hat kinulnn her hght among tlie wmimUuI ihe u lattliern and f acme oceaiw; and tlie roiynctito anrnbnl comet running Irom hit native wood, ana sit at lier fnet clothed, iiiJ iu hit f igiit mind, catt hor ancrnment, aim worship at her altera, c ' And wherever ahe move ever ilie world, aha enrrint with her all the fruit of llitt civilitution,. w Inch lb hat aprwtd ovtr tha fact of Chriateudotfi, - it liberty and it literature t itt art aud it provi-. aiont: it commerce, agriculture, knowledge, nnd jilnlotophy. Thut she it commingling and aatim lulling an ma rntn 1 iin-n , iiiu ujr nuiiog 111 urn founinin of all aocial iinnrovemrht. on the inicriur and tiwirnl life of infill, sbo it building up a now or- der f tnctoty, and acruring it on dp and imper ithnble fnunriationii. t The Hprritnf llim who aatrl M Lo there bo Light," it moving over the face of tlie moral chaos, and it will not return void. 1 It" will bring lieht mt of darkness, and order -cut of. Coufiision. i It willatimmon into being a now world, more boauiilul and glorious man that ovor winct) nmlu nnd lhf miiirriii lnr alifiitlirl no ihn lovo; whore huinauity will hold followahip with heaven ( in which the spirit ofJTrutli 1 will pWtidtTJT' lo guide into all truth, nnd ovor winch it will rcigo , With t uninp and holy d.miiiliin furevnr.y , -Sleighing Time America Courtship.--Th!e u. mu-rt be in evrrltniii' fine country, beyond all doubt, . ; and. tnlk, politice. In the winter, when the groynr it covered with mow, what grand timet ihey havQ' : -I .-:.. ii.&. ..I. ii. 1 playin' ball on tlie "iceVor going to q iiltih' frriliti' of nice long winter evenings and then a driving , ' ' home lift" mail by -moHiltghtrJ-Naiur-mac'e thnt -Vr season on purpose for courtiu'. - A little .tidy .j" . . scrumptious lookin' tlty, a real clipper of a horse,' ' "l ' a siring of bolls at long at a siring of iulons rounj .-'' In neck, and a sprig on nil Lack, liKiknr forall the - , world like a Imneh of apple broke off al a gather in! lime, and a aweeihcsrt alnngajde, all mulHcd bp . f but her eyoa and lip (he one lookin right into ' you, and tne other latkin right at you i een amoet enough lo drive one ravm', taring dinlrtclen mad with pleasure, aint.it 1 And then the clear -criltera aay Ihe belle make such a din titers 't no ' , heariii' one self spunk I so they put their pretty , , little mugt up. dote to vour fare, and talk. tslk, tnlk, till one can't help lookin' right al them hi- dead of the hortea, and then whup you both gov enpaised into a snow-drift togeltir.r,ktn,cusliiiiii,.JV"r nd all. w And Ihca loeee tlie little critter ahake herself when she grtt up, like a duck landtu' from,' a pood, chatlerin' away nil ihe time like a canary' turn, and you a mwhawm; with plentute, it fun alive you may depend. In lhi way fuller not" led on to ofler himself aa a lover alore ho-know1 - I . . c. m.' .i : ' wiicm 110 ucoa. oani our. J A a R A R I A N I 8 M . l!i!a', Dill, yoa loafer bo do youTinj your. aelf these bard .timet r-r.--.-vfry..,w,... Artonishin' poor look at tbeso here pateliof. ind thoae rodeo alioes. Jim, I ihii.k we are relict." What do you find to eat rmw-a-Lkyir7. " Parched corn and cabdaire tenven-Sv Mosri V " Ha, ba I good I You furgot the way lo Mr. J.'e kitchen." -.' Wclj,, yoH, Jim, people la'nt generou; look in my. way of thinking, than you or I, who ia worth hia thousand, and rat roast pig and turkey every day, while we live in rg and poverty." -jt4-a.iiuukuog m JJne tatrw4liiiig!..er,.itillt. I've ah idea 1 dua'l tea why Iho devil lie thouid'ut be at poor at wo are. 1 jiold to an equality1 of i rights.. Every man it at good a another mao, and no man ought le. bava nwirt ibatt bu MiUbur them'a my aontiment.'' . . .The remark of thit iifle, hard frecched loafer putt me in mind of a complaint 1 betrd a little fru. ml thtver make to hia play-mate Ihe other day. They had been away with their hoops and kites, -Sam with leave, Joe without. Joe, on bit return homegot a flagging for hia presumption and tret--, past. Tha next lime he mot Sam, he hailed biuv- flam, did your father lick foU"Vcaierday-TI - --."Pbo.noli s . m- - v ' -Did'nt he! . Well, my Cither licked me, and , .fcn'i a-te-why you ain't as much right lo a lickuig " at 1 havaj" lie gave him one. ' ' t V-1. .; , " . VtV v . ; ( - y , ; (H ' ' b jsr ' - V - - ;i . '- - . : - . - . T .. ' - ......

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