I if -thb ruwEit wor trirpiTtD to tu tmrw itjih by tub voatrrrf tio. bob rtoamiTco it rr to tb states, tt iofkib to tub sirr.s auracrtvELv, on ro.'m eton. .4rnJ"Bri tk Coiutifa-rio, Aniclt X.- ' B. AUSTIN & ? lUIilor and C. F, FISIIKU, IVoprietors. , I: NO. XXXIX OF VOL.-XX. (Whole No. lO'lO.) SALISBURY, IV. C, MARCH 13, 1810. i" s - lit,' nee,, Unrt the km cuUd tL 3,-:-' id cm t I Cat rtt .! v - tea ftat . i TEPS, SEV ' A eltk eDrat. ilkt net licorti" I frail WllltB NVEAT. itacheik uaeoftU i ibri- , crtmea it 04at i artful IS. 3 wly of tW rejwB au-- t ia a "" iteHcrf"" thetrreetr !bLi r'-iw- ev andki'. neasiBr rorlui ellbf SFAsa- SIIAVEt of Str 4 - tt Ma DN, itBOtXT. If ill. nd trL Wao ant belter l.ndetuef yVUiJLO refer the reading public lo lite Biinieroua Jt Voluntary letters publish! recently n (hi paper and lb Wood Samaritan, relativt lo Ilia happy ai a b"afiril etieet of the aojiiioiMrationAif ' - lOrKAI-S LIFE FILLS .so FllE.NLV IT?ERS. 'Taos V bo b perused Uie letter abuv referred Ui will otwerre that iu alipaet every case Uiey UeVUie ' fact, thtt noioeonveuience of any tort attends toe la km ol heMnedicintsa, in pediatry cues, but that the t " citieatwitJioa.1 feeling iiieir operation, i universally left lit Mruogvc tad belief Mate f health. Uiea was experienced previous Co bemr alileted Willi disease audio ail case of acuta suffering, great relief is ob tained io a few bout, and a cur is generally tnected "-i id two or three dayaX " . '. '' ..la twii uf f tVLR of every description, ami all btlMi ai't.ttion, H m unnecessary fur me to say aught, a' I Uuliove the LIFE MEUICLNES are now umver ' mlly dimited" be the m? ajtetaiy and cUoctunl cure extant io all diae oj tlut (Haaa, , - ... Tlie lil'S MKLili'l.NtS ie alao a most 'excellent Hwt i - iiWioiieof X)it Liter and' Boweks l -m pnjv'ed in bnnlrc0 uf cawta nhi're pat cnla have yg.vne firwird rd requedted that llieir fxpneoce la 1 um2 them mi'lil be publieheil lor the benefit ut other, j-I;i tb--it operatiuo ie etich eaee, tlmy reature the tone uf the cii, "trontliio tho digtsjive crpaoa, and ' ' ' invigorate Hie grnvni fimctiticw uf tlie whole body, and lltu become to both eexea (fir t)'y -are pertcclly adapt s, to each) an iuvnltiible meaiie ot prevenling 9 tli..'e od rcal.rfiyg ut-allb.' ' . ""-: t- . m ' In aft'ccttoon ut the heil, whether aeeompanied with L P) eHl KHldins or rnvrked by the rrtevdut ahmi- O TH,WESTF.BX CAOLlMiTt. The" Woeterb Carolinian ia publiidied every 41, at Two ljlara por annum il paid it advance or , Two IXillara and Fitly Ccnl if not paid before the ex ' p; rat ion of three montha. Nopafier will be ducoirtiuued until all arreanj- are paid, enleea at tha discretion of the HJiton ; and a lailuretff notify Uie Editors of wtb to diecnatiiiae out Me nth before the eud ut' a year, will be cooHler '. rd aa t new enaeineitt. 1 j , AdvPrtiwmenU will be conepictMUaty and rorreetly inserted, at one dollar per aquare (of 310 mm, or fif- t( linn of thi aiaed ty(je)for tha flrnt mnertion, . Mil ) a Ctr flank MnnlioiiuilOA PaiiH tmtifMiai i vnu i will iwi iuu iiku'ii.' wm mwww wii.wit i i . - . . , advortiewoente will be charged 25 jvr cent more than - . " J,,1, .l1 -T the above nricw., A deduction ot il p, r cent fr, I J L" 2Z!Lt2T IT , the fibular pricea will be made to yearly tdvertwere. pki!ic UaJ. AXjt thK erivame, aad tu cuodoct will be tlie rrae. V bttevrT mipU be ji mlej to theiii, would eubUaetaa ih! anauaut fio a the ana to be ditnbiUJ. Aa aiMrir and rend Jmmr'Mretiun wnu'ul be tbe roeult, MWed by koailefcelmfaeo buifc mien, that mwU aecei-rate the cnstt bHweea lhm ia re ferenre to the public donUin ConBl advancing but mo ft at by tlie natural ennrar of eventa, ar4 wbacb any cne, ia ttw tea 4 f ifVrd arrtb lorvMhl, r. out tve.eooie wl).;n it will, ild eliaae the Luum to line citri-, en lea prevestH by wim aed tioarty roaww.m. IUvri ehnwe tbat the arihrate b a HTvct to ha pie d ulie t it dn4rtbatioa,'tbe aeateawatioa at, na w bom will they bail! I know that there m a great dtverxty ot pptnuw aa to who ta IVct, tt lb dutK oo imports I do a mtewd loMCat lidl VuiqL. , o) the ata-4 Advertuinenia aent in for publication, muat have tbe ' number of time marked on tbeia, or they Will be ioaer ted till forbid, and charged for accordingly. ' -. Letter addreaned to the Editor on buainexe mart be foul paid, or they 'wiU not be attended to ASSUMPTION o STATE PEBTS. f ':-,4 , : - BPEEcii op mr. Calhoun, On Mr. Grundy Ripnrt in re'.atinn lo Auumt- twnl iht lUutt IhWl (A irirral Vmmmtnt, dt ltvrted in the L'mlv4 Matt f ikfmie, ItOruurg St, When, I have heard it averted nil .Mjl kHaiN in thia ll ifnajifin tli.t I Km P.iVirf Hraa It. af jmpaitei-inmtal .eaty4-ia-paitiitaliotie of the r "uncalled for; that there wa no" oue in lavor ot the a. aumptionof State deb', and that the reaolution were mere idle, atwiract oefanvei, ot aoenrt ot iejiportaace; liaart, flatulence, I' w of apKHita and atreiiglli, and the " uiiiltiiilM avinpt.-Hii of eiord'red dieeatMo,,TllK . LU'K MKDICI.VW wtf) bo tound lo pnaaea the moat ,JjWuur-.Trieaejff-'3ir' ';"""" .-TTr' T 1 coiKutttUoa ruiaxee, weaR.tN oeejyea, in men or wo ii-U, are unJvr the tinioeiliale iufluenco' of THE LIFE AlBOIt'l.NlX Old roughs, aatbmaH, and eon,, a ImfUlVe Uabua are eooff relievwd and peelily Cured. 1'ovcrlf of WiwJ, aod tnueiatad limbf will ere long lintel the bnpOKut ehn?e: the chill watery fluid w ill ISSWO IK wn jmE jnywtii, au juia .oa -aa, '",f py duttr. r th toad tram which -reoW l4-Em-k ptaee with Tnjfit. Thet t -the ,prmemle; uoi7Mvimuiti.ii wj derived. t aod aa it t rmenttal tit the peace and n tnmrwriWfTrTT With dflah linn ami heefthv."-' : :tl ri"Tv. ;: ijeroa (ldfiniif e ro enrnmg, fly betute the effect of TU LIFE UK JHC1.NES, and all that tram of aiykinj;, an letiee, and lrem"iirA ,i'cb m dreadiuilv allect the weak, the C ilenterv, M toe delicate, will ia a abort time be ue- etaied byheertabeaa, a4 eer preeage o Wealth. rKxatHMi of tlie veeevbs by ioe frequent indulgmice ot tnT paawo:!, thia Biedicine i a aale, ceUu aud in-' '.. la tOrMtidy, . :Vwt. ..( ' ' ' ' Thie who hare loiijj reel Jed in hot cftmatea, and are lannd and relaxed in their whole ay idem, may tike TUB LIFE MEDICINES with the Lappieet et- lect; and peraun renewing to the tioutliern Mate or Went liidma eaiiuol autre aHiore Important article ot heahb endlite.. (, v"- ; , v ' Tav filloam raae are among tlie rnoet recent rares effected, and gratefully, acknowledged by tlie pemon beoehtted : . v ' . . . . - Cams ot Jcob C. Hunt, N;w Windsor,, Orange Ointy, N. Y. A dreadful liiinordBairoyed nearly the whole iT hi face, none end jaw. Ejiperienced quick i-.iiet Ir.i ii the uteol'tlie Life Medicuiea, and in leas I'rui three monllia Waa entirely cured. Cane reported, Willi a wo-xl eugraviug iu a new pumohlet uuw in im"l-I ' . ' r- t'isc uf Thns. Piircell, en'r., 84 years of age wan :,Ui!ctl 1 year with swell ng in bi legs wet en tirclv ..T-'d M. taking ii pills in 3 eeka. """'"Ca'ofTjau Dauiuxi; Aberdeeb.Uliio fueiiinaliBiii Jiv yari in entirely cored baa iwed the LIFE ME DICINES for Worm in children and fciund them jveren rented. Case of LWi AuAin periodical aick heailaclie ! way relieved by aioaJldlse no tutirely treelrwniL KI'naleyiaTair Jubiiity. lAiii'nl Ailih '" n.ini.HmiitH rnvel. liver atKjctiune, and general nervou debility, .Llii lweiLCiK)jieii.i:jn eaw-r-waa. meed JrumJjet " bed "tv 'UaKVe''bo of'Viltt anJ a Bottle of bitlera h-Ti-iTHJstxofJTOlTTfaie!oa heatUiy ..4i4,Xubu.ttuuiau aUuily.-Ul.cilLnei Adam. , ' Use of Mr, ttidger, wife ol Jueeph Badger neatly similar to above reault tlie eame. Ce ol riuaiii (ioujhrant, a young umuarried wo nwo anbjrct to ill health everl year aaoiallcoume " tU the Lto Mediemea entirely lestored her ie bow "Inte-imt-M'irtTrtv: Uaaeof M.aa" Thnaa, tfailghtr of pi Thomse cougb and ryinptonm of counumj'tion cured in fia'r weeK. Her water cunl of a aeiete attack,f luflam- inatnrv rh-umaiiwTi t one trrrh ! r - ': . . Cvm of S. Colun cured of a severe attack of ecar- 1st fever in a ew day by the ljfe Medicine. Cdse of llirriet lWd. Salnia, N. Y. waa in Tsry low a(ate of lif'.b a year and I halt rlid not ex peel to recover. Mm T. W bow able to walk about aua ia ria'dlv rucoterinir hotli health auJ strea 'to. Case of Uaniamin J. Tucker severe case of fever and Airue cured in a ver short aimCB of -Jtlillt. . VI .. TMifJ UJloiijod autcUv, btntea no idle fiction .The euioocif n Tetlite, ind that it il now ia aioton.Jium from ftrery jar- ief, williin and WiUwill tlief walla; 04 (hi aide anB the other aide of the Atlantic; wot, indowO, a dir-et aa umptioni her that would be too atunrd; and barmlea. becauto too thaurd ; but in lorm tar -more planMhle anditngerouavan awypptiori. in rffrctjn diidtug The pr.i eda.of lhevale ol -mb ie lauds feinoag (be Stales, sbairaot ip w Kiow ttul oen own tui tion, under lasliuf cirtuinaUncee, wilt tlie deep in debtedneas bnd embrraament of many of tbStata; B'Wild be in reality, au aseuoipttoa. We.ail kaitw, that willwot such indijutedneM and embarrasBmeut, the scheme at distribution would Dot have tlie least chance for adootion. and. that it would "be perfectly hamrlet. and cause no excitement; but plunged, ee- tlie Stalea, are, in debt, it becomea a queetion truly turunda ble, and on which the future politiea of tbe couulry era destined Lx years to turn. If. then, the acheai should be adopted, it me-4 be by the vote of tlie indebted State, in order to a id l heir credit, and lighten their burden; aaa who i so blind ss not lo see that it would bfl in truth. what I- have aaaerusMt to be n effect, to that ex lent, an assumption of their debt. ' 4lere4 then, we have the real que ion at Issue, which has csused all this excitement and seal a question pregnant with tlie most important consequences, imote- "diafeliVHl'feiiiote.' What I hovv propue at, to trace ra pidly and briefly soma ot tbe more prominent wbicb wnild result from this, scheme, should it ever bfcome ' The nmt, snl most immediate, would o lo subtract from the Treasury aum equal to the innuat prceeeda of the sale of the public land I do not intend In ex a 'nine the eonatitutional question whether Congrew has or has nut the right to make the jbstraction, and to divide the proceeds among the Hut, .it is not ne- One 'of Amos l)avi affection 'of the liver after tris" doctor" remedies ' nm long timewa vurwt.by the Life ilediciiie witlwut trouble. ' ExtrfcMilHiary enseof Lymsn Pratt, who wasafflict- ea wita nilnimc 2!l years enectea a peneci euro iu , VI hours by the use of the Life Medicine. Thousands of pcnn afllicted in like manner, hive, IT..,J"rfT'"'" H-'r-V""'" LIFK vlLl ind t TrTlX"lirr'r'tS. been restored lo tlie enjoymant of all the enjifurtiW life T'ha Butet r ploasaut to . iucu,aad gwe that proper tently which a good dig- ti-a requiiei.'-Ai Tnrthtrisr tarrbvibevter- adapUid to liatpaad fHmnsh th eewetrtattoni miete iwm. mjre irenera!! ackaawledired to.be peculiarly effica cious in "all mwaid watinpa, loai of appetite, indige 'on. deiKeetiufi of anirila. treuiblinB or eliaking of the i , fltiata and limb, obatmalo cotigha, ahortnea oi oreoin, j or eooBumptive habits, llf IB pni nilarliil aflif try inU 1840. Mr. Calhoub aaid: teral mieela'nd above all, "why tSe great anxiey to avoid a direct vote oo tho rewduiioil To theae lo quirie 1 could Jlndbut.one solutionv knd that ia, dia- gufsa it aa you inny, there is, in reihty, at tbe bottua deep and agitating question. Yee, there M such a (ton, fir ourtrlia, SMnoat ajaaauwiaaly:1 fraa nd rx penenee. M e know ken raiexssVy high duties tell oa as; bo tbey desolated our ruw. sud evhaasted our ectioa.r' We a La kmm hem randlr we have kera recoveviaf a tiey bar area gwag dt a ape) of all the diScaltaea ot lb tnaea, aad lb distracted and dis ordered state of lb carreary. . It is aow a fixed ul na ith na, :bat there M bit of diSveare, aa hi as we are concerned, ketweea ae f ipurt and na pi hi du'y betweea piywif tali peaurettt, or returaing ia orgoirg down ta market, or romaing back. 1ft tins be true, of which wa bare aa d.bt, si as a pmat of na little -ioiaortaaee la aa cf the Sfaple Kta'et, ta know what part too of the dittar will fell to oar tot lo pay. We lurah about Ibree aoanb el the export, with about twe-BlUaa of tat Wfto" arr-uhltioB. Four 6fh of five mll me it bar miUuna, wbek would be the fneaweaet thecntttrdW.na ; aad two-filth of five milliocMi w twa onllioa, which would be our share of tbe dattribata; that m ta aav, ft every two dollar' we w.tu Id receive ander thai antaMe tebeiwe, we woubl I aow ask, what does a ateooat to, tut makiag toe income of tue SiaU, to the amooat of fife million auauUv, onKoa pnptftyr to be datrtloted among them according to Bonibera.ar snaie such ratio, aiilLout TXi3 whit ai that bat raok ayranaawe agTarwnwm , tiien a dialiiigaished Hiember of lliie buily, t.mk a tcrj active plrt against it; audi welt rutreiiiiier alter iU ptasige, that be eoinwied Inmoelf W.th tile lielh'f that, tlw;; i nptieaaive, it Would be th UiA. Hi expect- , tHM proved a vain aa mine in '1Q rk'fore two yeara .. had passed, are are tf im :siej;ed with lb crv'nf tlie i:iwleiMcy of the protection; and. ia the siimoier ui lt27ka large eimventinn ol munuliif 'urer from ali part wa held at Uarriehurg in I'eimaylvania, to devise a new and more ample sciwrno of protection to be laid before ConyreK at tne next sewiinti. That movement , ended in the adoption of tbe tarill of IJH, which in nr. ' der to make sore work, went tar beyond all it prede eeesnra ro the increase of duiy. The duties were ratiwd na the leading article of eonau upturn fhxn forty lu , 50 per eerrt. 'et former duties, a high a limy were I speak co..j-ctiire!yt without any certain data. In Ins than three ye', evea that ermrmooe riso pruyetf to be lomtE.-ient, aa I shall presently huw, and would certainly hive been llowed by new demands for pro. tectioa, had not the small, but gallant lSut I re pre- - eenfc arrested ita hirther progrese no, that ie nut , itroaff eneesli briHigla tlie system 1$" he grtMind, simtt lb reitanee ol the Administration and Oppo 1 siUan never, I trust, lo' rme again. - r : The hVct disrloaed by thi Brief historiea) aketcb is, , that therd m a cuuetaut tendency to increase in tlie nroteetive svslem: and that every increase of duiv. however high, require periodically, after a Wt inter-p first pert of the next, neerly three year, according va L an edditionaLiacreax' Tbia, as I have Haled: is " not accsjentat, but i th result of auv inherent m the system itself, in the present condition of our coun try . It orizlnite in the tact that every increase of - protection is B-eearily idlowcd by an eianshin .f " the currency, which expanatca inunt continue to en large till lb increased price ot production in conre qutmca, shall become equal to the increased duty, Bud when Oi importation of ilia article prohibited maj peace and nrrmiieilly or l he country that it aJionM be clearly uiideistond, 1 intend , to Bstiibliah it truth beyond douht of civil ; and for tht purpuseihjfl:em with tli terirTof "M, the,'a.l and by far the boldeat of the'aeriee, with the view of il- the leaerefcrfltfjiuait Jaaawtriiail i ruatrBtfajg,"TtrwWSr Bitmnsth Mute J : To dnue the ananal sac urn w aa BTBCk (CTanaaaan W to divide prirrly iterrf; nd K wauld b a BtiKh sa divided inwng taeaty-aix Ktalea, a among tycaty-au iodiialuaj. 11 iu eduu&isb the membrrs cf,-ntte, it, they reali j apprehend the Kiirrt of aTirsiavrn a mwcki aa might be mfWred troa thwtreMewi eeckrvtawML not to act the fatal rx ample here ia tfiew legislative capacity, tteoieoiwr there a bet ooe atep betaeeo divalirg the income of the His!-, and rhst of individuaM, and Between a par tial and general daslribnuoa. ftweeedinr a step ktrtberria tiaeing eoiiaeciieiice. notliei cueetauB numU ilelf oa what articles shall the duly 1-taMiK4te fr ortho datiaai amewe t Hhall I hey be bud lor revenue or (or protect ioal I it aot obvKMta tiiat as large aa a mm at aa B aim. eiual ta imn third" cf lis ai sat iuco fran that uuree, and pvobably ant KUcb Ira Umb cm ball weal it will- be at tlie end of two years, caaoot a rawed without rawing frua M alamber the tariff quotina. WHb all itadMractasiaad danger ! Should that, bow ever, not be the case, there at another caaeeqaeqer connected with Una, thai cannot kail to rvuse U, ss shall aow prird lo explain. V ' ' The act of daaribtrimg ibe sale if the poblw kinds amoruy the Mate, 61 Itself, aa well aa Ibe amount lo be.4iUduted,-wi'd b to grmweiuie thrtr emfid. It at tlie deeired result, nd the leading aiotls f"t the Id. Five Bidimcu aooally, (ibmnool aasuiaed.) oa a pWge of 0 public dmiain, wonld of itself be a nf- tkwil1 Wall Ifcti ton ttvtmfnKM;.c-tr& of dollars if enftVieolly .aaanaged BuLii(pw that only one half ahrokt be applied aa the meaua oi nego tiating loan abmd i enle to cmnplet lit of'!, t r In cucainence new, works of Hfiprwement, ae'etii - r , e lecta, I ask what would be the effect na our iiuktij. 4f wegiiiatHHr a loaa in t!orHrid, or elsewhere m Ku wM)t"MtiMaUil power; IBM II now tne PUMIC domain n-t year or imlC MiM. fn-m tkMS Whence, Ihen, tit law lameh!aM? chirj" in rw afairsf." Why this great acarcjty of money ; di pr.f iation in l lie of alt commodities, and of all property ; great eota. merciai dwtreaa, and absolute inpunibilit with many v ' solveul persona todischarge thetr juni dehfa; so speedily and gnevotmly aucceeded the gratifying and protpurooy v -picture which was su lately presemed r" . - " Wluit'i ronflriuatKMi ol lh deduction pf reiroo, both in the swelling lid of prosperity, iiid the turning ebb of a'lve.-sity. The sketch of the hiler Ie not tin auitrd to the present time; good wasous, and produc tive yearaj and-every, uleinent, sppareutlyiof pleuiy ? and prosperity, a ml yet deep and wids spread distress; ' . . UMNig.i, at tiMltime, there n-in neeri no removal ol do- . posi lea, not had thw-Sub-Tn asury benn- beard of, to which gentlemen are nnw disponed" to e,tlributa aU ()' caUaiities which ifflirt thC(Hintry, The author of rtiein'pjrt could giyf no MtiafaiTorf itawer lo hi question, whenceall this sudden and na- ' looked fitrealaitiityi but he ha Tiirowhed na with th means of tracing it clearly uTtlie tiriff af -lJS. It . went into operation bn th tt of ttcptenihcf f tint . year, aarf The next year felt the knelling, but delusive ,'. tide of an expanding currency ; the, exchange turned in oar Mvorf guld and silver, following the uiipulac, flowed in I bank b7n to rofarpe their diacounl and, circulation. It continued to swell with tironger and stronger current, through ill the subsequent year, i4' ' V. V it h no such TOieimerSTjrrernrit a her of tbe Union, is aid of their eontribolion to lb TrMir! -and-that In denatmrwhse thefund. ril 1 but nse th exroiun,) by ditruiating it among I lie Mate for their ae (urate and indivuluai use, would ba a maow ifcstialatiuo of the UiuU I0d,.y,no!jy pajyartnted by, I he Constitution. Pissing, tlien, by the constitutional question, I intend to restrict my inqui7 lo what would be in fiecal and moneyed cfTecl. . . . Thus regarded, (he first effect of ilia subtractina would he to cause an equal deficit in th revenue! I Bned ant alikm4heiulcihUhiri4iot wula et la-the Treaiairy ; that the mo rigid economy will be neces sary to meet the demand on it, during the, current year; that the revenue, so far from being cm theia erease, must be rapidly reduced, under eiting1w, in the next iwo yer ; nd iliat every dollar withdrawn, by subtracting the pMceed of the public Unda, most make I corresponding dehoiL W art tho brought la tlie question, what would be th propabl aaawal amoonl of Ibe deficit, and how it ia lo ba supplied ! Tlie receipt from the sale of the public lamhvl weald suppose, may be safely eatiinatcd at five million id dollar at leant, on an averape, for tlie next tea or .filtwayrThey. were about til DiillioM the law. v Th Brat three quarter gave wiuiin a iracu r-o fir and a half null ions; making the average of the Y-tva vear but little sliort ol nve million, il wnn these data, w eaeour eye back on the last ten or fif teen years, we shall come to Uie conclusion, taking ta- to conauleralioo our great increase oi popunimn nu wealth, and the vast quantity of public land held by the Government, that the average I have estimated w penenot! tit all know the proces. Very little eotd w silver I ever' s-?i in thee 6t2'it;a5.iin.A cnJU f abtaiwsd -ad-lv,r ylaeed- ia Bewlr-abereywr with wealthy Banker.- B iiare-TfTwroir-tfritiram try, nd then sold to merclaaata."' Tbwe art IraiMmit- f4a i.'sruf aad- ia pnmeisd eetnrasd - aw roll,' swelling tne tide of iin porta ia f roportiua b tlie amount The craeh of oor rmnutactorera foiiow, aod that ia lam, by den icialioas afamat over-importing and over tia ding, ie wfuch Ibos who hi beet) awet ecu id 1 eiUreat the-tieoato to t-iee m it tiel attenlbittr Tbe nrincinle. well.undernlnid. Witt jUifid a. .fluul oi ""'i'ghfuB the pn aiidpresi tit d .uicullw-s of jfie couiitty, ud guxie u m eatctt in our tiitnre course, -To give -clear ronecpTion qflriB"bperallohif the tar (T of 11 it wilb tieeessary to premise thet it -CumpreJMide4,iLliildiBg rticleatrf-jBwiTWi thel could be manufactured iu our country ( aiDotinlm ia value tu not much lea than one-half uf th whole of . .tba luipona; that th dulie on those article- were In creased enoriuously. aa ha been stated say Dot I than forty or fatty per cent.; that Ibe average domestic exports at tbe time was not much short of sixty niillioqn uf dollars, and the import br consumption abjut the isme; thai the revenue from the importa waa about half that aum; and that of tho exports, about thiee. bwrthe coojuetwl of tlie gyeat pgnculttini' staple of th South. What, Ihen, with these facia, mutt have been it nseeseary operstion bo the currency of the minntartunag Hutest Wt export to import,' It ie impmibl to cnmitme to export for any cmsilersble leoijib f tune, without a Corresponding return of im porta. It would be to giveaway our labor ftir nothing. Our export, then, continuing al an average 0. sidy mUlhNM, in w hut, under the operatMW of Ihe thrill ot 1"3. must the corresponding, import to I tie mint tmpafit retiin !, '.i.N.o.ee.ttinlyj.1u. the mtuo f.xte.iL a before it r,''e, in tlie rticl- on which it linn so greatly increased tltedutie? llsobjoct in rsisiup tliOHi, wvtr giwp o;ir jnnUfctnM tbe houio ruarket, by ex- li it l.uied in that, ll tailed in hrcoinplKliing any E'k. r:.w!jtty aadl kciB aa i.iii.-d evil, without bnm' - ht 11 anyone. Therelnrn, then.of i,)i ,rt. must Iihvp been prinripnlly io articles 'in wlmii the do-nn wn But ranted, I far a tlie cunsumplion of nuiiy NrfHild warrant, and the Inlance, after poymj v,,,i d, m ajrsl.t ami silver. Ibe urat. .eirciui'u. fivor; turnout iiiinorUnt imw iiienee cinnic:ied Willi th ineraaae ef gold and river m relation to l i. enrren- rr.- rne-Ttfljre-nrasr nave n-firn !?r'mr tpurrtmic exentn-ret tiin more trmz'f tzVlrvW rso'entare, aoil iu lavor of ih miaubu luring. v Totttniorxtaiidthi to the kteiial aeriod,.beo it begaa to ebband- tle hdiowed Die revelee tcone, au, feelingly described by t " . " ' -the author, and which to him appeared o Wxperte. .. . ; V ' and unaccountable, rlt waa at thi point, had notlht t. . iJl niovement In the South irrestrd the flirther prere r ' - ' of the sjaienf, that there woubl-hate been another ' clamor a adrlitional dotie. 'Tna s) ibtrewn, a eanal, j , l $ . would have been attributed lo over-imporiatioa, and :aJT ' Uiat to Hi want of adoquata protection, and in 'Vf "" (th usual period ot four ycira uaviiig iuturianeti,) Br.- it-'"-' r-'T oi ho protectit la i in would nve been innicted, to b :r , Mwwed by die eame mm "I oiieuuence?,nd with -; tj, si. eqitar diatppninlment to its kiilluaa, . ..'..Ai.r Now. air, to shew that the fluitig Rr.nf tlie prceifju iw4Sr-" metsla, in cotisequeueeof the tariff of "Vt.tsnot iiiere , " wfrffltflbhTT1i4xllffoiiTihe lor Uie yr hjzh aim litr, w tmisirt inn exponsorr; :fr : ..... gold and silver, winch I huh! n my tiawd, f J he tmrrl3rfi,iTi5fcT7 t '' '"' WW 7,4iCl,Cr2, end Ihe exixirl l,:ill,lM, ma. ', ' king aa xeeei of import yer Baportb of fAiHT,,47ty ; V nd-for 1311, ts,lf6.l)4 agtinit ftt.Sn.Oit miking I ." aa excess oi imports or sii.uia,!?; maxintf, hi uie ' . And raa it be onobted. that with the increase of the cause, tbe claex ft protect iea will mcrease, watil ith united voice, tlie friend oi the system would demand it renewai- If to tbw w adl, that, toiler the com peoKiie act lite tar J aiissl be revived and rerrmfclled, whs can la4atwcha coucamtire of w-r!'ul Cau aeawMbnat ereiRf that it w.ii-1 be slmml H"P"-itd lo prevent the revival of the protective yi"--.. v old th echeta of dwtnkwtioa be adopted ? I bsx .r.l noth ing ia asseclirie that th renewal woaW eerumiy toi bw : and a ll.w would b owe of the avM p-iuteni nd Lttll'll us iin is if lhal whsinr I pt-fm. iar wwuler it fel'y, a wa asaaf ortM kearmj,. - One of the most 4rik:g fetore of the rym e ita w-odV-ncy to i-rfr, l-t it !e toe rec-,'n fd, ad let the aot e.- -ve dutie be la d lor proteetsia; but put Uiey-m nm),an4 ti enon wool ! be nward, oeaard, by j invest hie nr i" a I 'all presently abew, fr"it sn exoeierce ; a4 hence ibe oeceaairy af eig inri-e, and dvtorw;i'd rwMiaoce to portion t the ojeriiurvJiwat aiep. tbatthe - - , y 1 1 ' ... , ... ... . .i . k . . . .. Uliji CI Of UN ISVIU wu Hi en. Wl. Ill IFPt-li njnn'U Ml the Cireiga articles, in order that they should be sup plied by our own manufacture The neeeury eonso q ienc of thi mail have been lo diminish lh demand abroad, and to inereaat it in Ibe amnuiaciurmg wie, caueing it are sore lo jmo, bat while they take prti Ljttt-W1t-tfwro to Uiat ear to 'www TWtTW1Bisr BlTdsioS To Th real arce p nt, w arder to porohiee tlie upp!ie Ihere, which we whewee rt flowa Ib-j tiM ihe caw t ibimoieTt ! - been m tbe habit uf obtain ng from abroad.; These -rmttoehig -Assuming, then, tlwtftiedeftertwtwld be erery eouree oi p-i.y wai may ay 10 five mill) . the next iuquiryilK)wsisiiiitneonpMMj4 n rco;FS k-i y-xm j mm. """' m.--e -TJ.-WH 'rmT on : a corresmndinL' leneJUsliHJ eiiWmjaiklfMH.afi. niapsiasi wrn-nsi m rlurure to be BVortWe: loi witen iwjtw., Jiir' ttswvBiivaT- wo tiey aoorfi liimnced neerf ty tbel,tbatwwfy taftC U prr I" . lirnJwneetatiomi tif V twit-cte.l r ,ui ....... k..i ih Prist ffffica. Noon would think' 4M terfirw ho rri'.?T ftiraiBlri it friend m th xaciMBeBc. flow ijl, Hid ex -'.': tea, - 1 .'.....-,1,. .m'ni la iMwdiI I ,urM'llu n rwlpd. :! K V- c '. I Miot-l J.ar& Thi imlal ..hvkiHa. that It WM 1 .Vini. II m .IIHIa IN M. , a IB. . t.u b.,wuu w ' " ' w- . -- 1 - wwr- - ... ... - - . - , SrviudiaorJera,Hta,li.daches,weiknee, heaviness , aanowoeufspiriU,dimnesaof ight,eoiifuedtliougbt, waodermgof the mind, yaporeand melancholy, end all " kmds of hysteric comolaiula are undualll removed by heir usel la sicklies of the stomach, flatulencies, or obstructions, they are sale sud powerful, mt a pun er of thr blood, they hare not their equal in the world 1 r ur additional paiUculanuT Ui above ttteuicuie, set MoflaliGoodismriurl,,' a copy of which accom Pies the medicine; a copy can always be obtained of the difiVent Agent who have the medicine for aale. -French, German, and ftpanwh direr Hon. ca-li ob-, tiioed on ppliction at Hi office, 875 Br.wilway. All pt paid letters will receive immediate attention Prejsire-Jandeoldby WILLIAM B MOFFAT.875 Brtwdway. New York. A liberal dedwliou.made to those win purchase to sell agiio. v ,m. 0 ' itgeafs The Life jjedicme may also be Inn oi iny rft principal Dru?ietsiB every town throurhom. the tai'.i Stite kad the Canada. Atk ft Moffat' Life Pdl and Phmia Kitten; and be sure that a ra timtlie Jhn Moffal'a aignature ia opou Uie libel of each bot ' tit of Bitter or box of Fill. ... , ; He cime'' .VrJicine mnj It had of Crtu 4f f f&i to?, Agtnli for the Proprietor. !-r--: - Saliebury, Jan. 8, . ivinir , r. .. . .. ... . ... u e - Inxe. ITie renilt, then, liiu rar, wouia ne io wiw draw from Llie Treasury five million of Ilia proceed of the Mle of the public lnd to he distributed among the Bute, ind to impose tn eqnal amooat of doty on import, lo make good Ui deScit. Now I would !i, what ii the difference, remrded at 6cl fj-'neictioii. Bi'mwu williiliianil! Hi'l iiimuui M dii'r.f .'ttTrd-'the rail, after h.fl? inlemK f a d.-i t..t kr another tariff with inert' dot.n, lo a?-l t",e fi-retm vainly aatripled IrosatU peeJ.e-. . Such hubeee the rerall UirwagMOt, frosa 1-ldtol!", when ibe first sol .hut protectm lanSi were laid, which f pro- pnseji.w to ebw by very fcn.f hstor .Uaketcbof Utr is. im.tn.mi, s similar smoant of duties on the .imports; tn eupp'y iu plce, and that of leaving the proceeds of I'-c u.f!l.. Und in th Treasury, and iiniini u . , i. '""1 Bf iuli't t)l Jitrt.'''l.L '-'-..".i u f'i tut-ti ..u4Jht4jsOetjaiye4. lJI.W.tnaButaor the win Ibme. m rfti-ci, lo retain Ihe proceeoa ef the jtnrir. ?vich era the Oase raat led lo th system. " nublllnil in thefTremiiry and to iaipoee Oi dulie j Afli-r lU tereaiaataaa at law war, these wv . the . ' J:.l..,.,I..UMuuUI..i,4 Hum. f l'i n n.,. inJ tti. nniinlrt ftklfuted lilcna' The late war. With the em hams od otW restsie. tiv aieBaiirea that preceded K, nTmo expelledVaor cmiimere leoss us waa, """"m IL ii;..rihiitinni or to dirfrihtit the proceed and there by fhrce Th iwpnertirm of rherfotfe lpey the pWe. ; i. .1..., in mhn asrhematoiinWKefire nulliofisi of addi'ional dutieton the unpnrtationeof Die counwy. j reet ihe evpeerwwef (ievernmewuaid to pay Ihe eub- mrt ef Omrree aad lb coaotry. the kindest fc-elmg trrsnrrtf -e wWiamtiBiiiigTeTrir-irtotnpaftiMtf a simi der so t en the i tteeenWde to . k- j:i,tnf smnn'v Ihe Ktatee; anil I w"w ek where ia the Senator who will openly avow hi.naell aa tdvnrate of eiich ft ethem!'1 I put the q.ieetir home, wilemnly, to these on the tmrwette de, do y not be Trove that ich a sei.eme wimld he ononostitutional, en- equal, nnjnet, and ilinrT"'"1 mam 4n thai in t-r .ft tv in ' donedtrecth, anu'.J be ciinrly IiU t erery onejuftey tidirb fie deb' eta if&rd thrta aapie e?oteeikv Tbe Mnafvctarer erere eonsolled, and the ett-'l-w modelled Ibew Tbey renkd M M tBord- ing eufficsenl n f rneeol ptmtrctaw, tna I, to my tliea 1iltoleX.i: i cause Combined. Biust har had Ihe effect ol adding greatly to the capaciiy uf, the bank in that quarter lo extend their diK-iun'i tnifictvimmoflatiotis, ud With it If circulation i.f their note, Wnh a growing wipply ol specie, and tlie exchnnv Ctvorsble in every direc tion, aa most kveV a ue case, thare it no limit to the biimess of haiiK, iKr ire they alow to perceive or lo ael or teli fav.iraoie circuuMrtauce. Nor must we overlook sumlmr p.i.'.t-1'.il caiiMi in operation, (lie fiscal ee.Inu ef the V .v-r..etit, tlirouih Ihe opertimrLof ubich t'. i ' "i ii collected ntider such. .i'iLiuliejk was Imiii. .'ii ii l ' l ie wiiiie quarter, to be apuiieu in dtscWge of the public debt, and disbursed oa Uie mnu- Bsrrablu object of expeoditui there. ; ;!. Under the opevatioa of such powerful causes, there could aot but be a vast ind sud lco expiivion oi Uie cur rvsjev where they were iu such Freatscliylly, and with that- expansion t corresponding increai of price audi the o4 of prmiQctioB. Wor couiu tins siajo or minja tMi till the Inct eased cost ol prtvluclion became eqml - ttB duty imposed k protection At thai point, knd ns'4n nuld imo -only ivrken to attemtit to make it mora clear. Wnh Uie aura of tlie tide,lh bauka must eorttnet, and peconriry rratryiirnerxT and distress follow. Much, under the nuluin fill. MUUS .miTMIli. BlllSt BO th mutt. ht rw which s(ear to me irrermiui. hot, sir, I do r fee. tn li so imiwrtsnl s rnMellerefire ef rsiiitnt, however clear a. hi certain. bbbii' ta 'tarn i iiiipW"trfr,WB,10 ' Bf? turning to the report already titnd. ii aill he seen Uiat, .; ; UiBVesiimtied k mount of peci in' tit Country on Iht v , first uf Jauuary, tu but aW').lXl.lHKI, of Which ' 5,0iKMKIV weie it circulation, awd'tXKMHO m li r A .Zi ' autlaot'lbd banbt; to Irit th artdilion to Hi specie; s . ;( -in- Uie two year wtt totty per cent-err Hi wboje - - . -mount- ,.-w t ;' - ' ' . . f, il iK remain to be thowo what wa Ihe egret of thi great proporliontl iqcreas ot' specie, aod Uie'fh- ' - . vora'bla atat of the exchange which it indicate, had t - . on tbe hank in themanufsoiurirlg Htate. Th report , will furnish tht inf ntiiiion, oottilly, but enough to1' satiMly every reasonable man, - It give the following etateinent of the eui'Minl of bank tmlea in cuculation id ISoO and 133J, respectively, to , the State of Massa . m chuseus, Rliodo Island; Niw York, jid I'ynnsylvauia, .'. , including Ui Bank of Ibe Uuintl Stales, winch will , thciw- lb yi it merest in the short space, of two years. ' Here Mr. Calhoun read fotfuwinfr ttemenL'' i ..4st3uV-,.;.j l3a -Kel, incresw - J'.-j? ' ' oreirculsiinu-'. . ""Vi ' 'two yeara..- -' MaeiiehBctt,'r.jaft,tKW T,7OO,O0t itf per cent &rtmnmiMtM9m aos m inn-,- ..Viln' Jf Jtk--40.UOU,Ot)0-'4.ttkMHItf J- r I'emiHvlvri iio ' 7,3JMt,0Hl , c,7fMrHI,!i(l ." a -v .. - - - - - .. ah.. ,uui a.-, . , n Ann . meu . .. Theae' arefit will bib borne in wiind. the nrincinal ,iHliriua3iiim iilaOiL J.u liio pexkMl of t r'AJVi 4- "8' Tirar IfTeiniiuk &?cuTiliod,iSen To the aggregate, ex panded Iroin Unity eight to lilty x and i hall million ot4olJar,-nskin an im!ree oteixtern apd a h?t: millions ol dollars, eqiial to lutly-biui percfnt Hut (In taiiM ur anon ut uie acuiai iiicrrat.ii, 4114 year i.u . R;jLuiCWJ4'--toa- iseaw-eai-- fe . .n . tl.A imniift C a,i , t m tl , H K r nu I I J ' raiinii, tm ,,,if.i,vi . ,,v pna.ij t.bi.uy. exxrb; which, with the livomhlo, state of Uie ct i change iinptteeVrnuHt-haye greatly increased tlie boai. 4' nea of the banks and the circulation of their note . . The reverse nuirt have been the ease in IttL', which 1 wcl;V w kmrw-tryltlrT'lipViri iTjiolr,' Uiat ymrT and- the Nuer part of ihe preceding, waa t period of f severe contraction. If a return could be bad ol MX), "f "(30, and the early part of '31, 1 venture nothing iu as- . aerling th( w sluld find the comparison, compared with IfH, jlie yearo' tht UruX fa greater in propor. - -lino. '. "" l.'. - . " - . '. - That there li no mistake in attributing Ibit grett expauxioii to tht lanS, might be farther, almwn, if id d.lKMNil proof waa neceawiry, alter such conclusive evj. y dene, rwn the fuel that 11 impossible to assig-n iny , - . ullicr adoquata cause. Aa far ss can he seen, there waa no otiiercao in oorntsHv poiuioal ar commer. cial. that could have pnsiuced ihe'reeulla. Il was - e a 10 th aalure ef tht seatem. . 1 - . . luHurf f J.J . J UA M IV A mU llflff Ann ess, .-h o,. 7" r :',. cM il- .l . .t I Jll . Rest reet , wnica, n Ml il attiic aeroiw awesiry io reacm ute cmie-, inn n rw, -'i 1 V f estate sppnw;itvi jresoiyj kicsi s.iw:s.roiHfif.ii-. w. I iiitrn.l It . k. unntesihh snihniitv of documents, soch wa, in lkrt,)pictly ihe reeuli. 1 intend to plac Ihe prtncmle hid down, a I bay said, beyond doubt or The first authority 1 shall adduce, 1 rrow uie- report of a Committee of th other House, mad in February, IKrj, by Ciinpbcll f. White, the chairman, Ihen a n,lier ftmn Tiff evidently drawn with great ear, and by one hmiliarj With Ihe sntiject -r tnd lilt the tovintag m oei oo another Mcl, (th currency,) wiUsmt any relerenc tariff or proteeiivtiyatem, tno evidently wits, out toy knowleilge of ita operation. Heat, then, what ih report ys; ; . V ' -The roeent Ixnorl of sncci ha wptwiy flit dIoivcolorinfr fiveo to Uie kctnal result id prortitC' parmd-rtTrotbond prac ln4he tkpofll and import , oi Uiecouulry aloady to in unusual uegre. . Should doubt, however, Hill remain in the mind ef any one after til this accumulation of evidence, I will. next call Uie allenlioii of the rienete tot, tact which must be conclusive wnh til diFrxiocd to reeeiv tho ' t uulh." By turning to the table sitowing the extent of tank circuittuxi ip',10 tod a.', in Uie four Bute alrot. ' dy relwd in il will be aeen Uiat Ui expansion wat ' gtealer of lew, J'wt it the iJwtet respectively wcio-.- nwre ot Ji.i.uiinulacturinj.j.. jy wui.f not n ou)wat; ilia i iJi fflle isTtii'iri the iiKt ws'ii'ifiieliiring of liiO lm . f.rfir aitd e toCordinirW find" Ihoro tfie' great expan- irto " tmt that for tht impl ret"", that ther Ih - r cnW -;i j n H rn i ir h vo beerf tn th statu of tilt grc'"vr.i auuvi'yc lief bunk eircul ijion doublaj ia th slwrt Vmc of two years, ta tp;Hiart by the ttble. Met III " it tb pet, and W find her' ia the ' , ' nxwnilisl, b-iog lOiiy-fiye per cent, New York I ft'il lex ws tnl hwt'.t it but forty per cent jnd Peon. t aylvsnia. the least uf too Hmr, had, e.xclydiqglhe lltnk ,J to ilsisse Mates, iimnasid uwly twiiiiiy pel tenl. -'tint! Twoy of the pubiM debu- Vam expeei cas, regarded aa1t4sdarer. wieas cir M,0i of .view, that teetinw; and to eaert t i sale rif t,K Isnds , U-d, from lime to lime. htd aot passed tway befbre tlie mi ever ftarwiditKeMl ?o- eir wisis, sew dutie were wi'b tbe ! result; but lb tlmeaotijrctii.iis! ' I have m il S'jcll i-M , flsrjil lranclioii. In a pulit.cal 1 . 1 . ..,,1 , IK. mIm Ulttriantinn m i.w ,.""-" " , . . " " ,. ' .,1 . l.L iti. the frrfToi thai ynuld bo the rt ol till! two. - It WOUifl CWltooppq; cm- ' , . . .. S lU.,- r.'.c!..m. botweeo the rtd d nei year passed, fV."' if rl SutetinrelereiKeir.thepuUicdotTW H-rel. pK and tna eslered. tke that of l.fi ' fbnduct of I he r, .vernmerit ha, Sv p di.linpuH. Lljuetmeot oi the It wws ander lb irrfrea- tbe eonduct ot in it n o ; k J jth tra-iicaeW f retoeuntly) the va- ZZW'Z fr . . j - - t ... , - r . . . . V . -. - .. I hrard-of prie; ware-house tnd dwelling were im proved and embellished, l rid -money was eu aounoam, that it enald readily be ah'ained to any ttaounl, upjn promissory e. I In chi"g'd the onnes aspect of thing within a fw months! All wir Wdid profe. 'Kinatud means oi industry remain, land continues ,t be equally productive, laliof is rocranpensed, with lis tieitl rewtrd Uie teaein he not beet unfriend'y. "iVsrtnwelTririfijiecf PeYrerrrta'liytit. . ; ..tt , -. - - e.-, a. ; , - - . ,.. - . . - ' irihe alulemeat had extended tti!! lather South, and Ukeii in'tht ttnple State, I venture little irt an king r Hie aaaertionthat inied of expsnsiou, their bank Ctr " eulaiHiti wimjIiI, inr the ism period, ha v been hmnd . ih t hw -opp-wtte ti ?j'-tbr -the- verso -rrsMSsi,- - will bo teen the Jtank of the Unites) State hid. panded six't-teyin per eetlt Tint great incrrtse corn. paJ-CJi totuikhxallianaaot j cutisyuiBii, wt piooa-.. blv be tttrihnied partly to b"ris negotiated farUier lsi. au.l riiiUiij-niihably'beeauii her tceommo-Uliona were somewhat ertrrfral,. Iroin euse eonnecee who oer effort, at thatiioe, lo obuio renewal ol her charter, , x.. -. 1 ' ' ji..ssi'';! ai. . ii.S". ;u''ihx i i. . ta. .fin: tg. H. DOUGLAS removed hit Oilir to J O. 1 , Oioce How of tht Mantioa IIimti, lately "occupied bj pr..K Auttin . ; January 17, ivw. 2TT V W ST Jt . i -I ' 1 1 AS J jL 11 of th lFi?l?KCTFULLY olTertVit pnrfl ssiej'alrvK'ea lo I I it,, riliiena of H.lialiiir. and the r II a oliice I in Mr. Wesi's new icarlv o' Haliury, N. C, Atljutt Sn, ing, nrnriy oiainiio ." " i K, imlinp litiv..-buil(i- , r. ? . ,