I. r - j . r .. ' SPEDJIl OK Mil-KlNHUt, (u timtntiiiiLli,) f)a It Rivdulum ojfned by Mr, Johnson of Tenn., inttrutiiitg I hi- ( ummitlte of Lltctumt to Hrjxnt furlkwUh lo the ., Air of the (tuimautB fur tlir. Jive t icaol trail from Meio-Jtrtey Am recrivri m mnjvrily of the whut Hum tier of ixMet pnllrd in -. rry ut Ike lute tltctwn J'i,r Rrprttriilulivt to the prrtrtt Cuttgrttt : and alto lo rrvirt errtatn paprn to be jntnlnl. .fc.dtlitrrrJ in (Ac lluate of Kepi tu niattt, r tor uary l-m 'Mb. Fisiirb id : A the gentleman from New York (Mt. Fillmore) decliiMM proceeding with bis remarks, i will uko op the subject and submit foWjbbservatton. And, in the titM pluce, I must express my surprise ut Ibe tfforl that are being made her to (fare off tin question, iitd evade .coining to decistuo ou it tms, lo, l a time when great eouipfai'ita are hesrd from every quar ter against the lardiiw? of our movements, lo the 'ihsi place, I iiiuxi express mjf uiier it-ionish-fiient Hint ihera should be any objoctioo whatever lo the. Committee' reporting Km fact, wtift have received the roaj'irity of vol-, or in the publicn I inn of the paper giving informal ion, on ihe ub ' jert. A re gentlemen unwilling lo rei-eivp toforo-ia-jiriuT If they are unwilling toecene it fur them slvj, eertiMidy fhey ough4u swr it t b sjwesd before; tlie People, lfoltur 1 any Tight Wore the Committee, i i( njrbt tck them op in the comraittco rwmitu hide them uuder a bushel !-e Whv lu.t Lnnir them nut. sari set them on a hill. ,, that ll may sue thorn t 1 think, air, it la Jmo to I tin Hmiae itself, lothe People frj. Jersey aud li tlie whole Ameriiiti i' tofile, Hial all tl iiilor mau' befiiM the Coipinitlb'S.khould be brought out anomada public. ' " . " la .llieret phice, it is duo totlie II hi itself. Why t Tfrie. House rrfuiw to fteVmu the nvc in dividual whfli (Kmc hre with the Gtivenior'e cor tiRustee tj titkeH.'ir auata. rof thw dociaioti iwe . " have Iwbii iiMHtoi 4P th imrt Oiiq wlilied lerina, ' and drniounofl by tlN (joenior of N" Jury an - having been gwilty tf monstroua uaufpation. V Nftw, m-, tfitJ rci oulk,io be mifn public, that ' r - Ilia Amr-nc'ii PiKit(Hv judire wbeih'r thiachartus -keTnpB mt F4UK : 'yrw-tlier ia ihw ll.ioe,or .ih ne irampiun i iiHj Ajrwmiiniim mrwmr -v nifofoiitd thi mmwlroui usurpmlion," i t . i . a .... l I i ' In thf nrtxt CluCe U m ui n peciaj manner " T r aUoulil bo nittilii public; in orilf inat they may wo .s.l-. ''nbV.ll.'v tuvo tvt thfirfjll reoreieiiMtioir on s .v rt . -ri ',...-.'A.:l.Jf4..:.iJ-;i!: ' It MiT . u A lit! TU HIO 1 fl I IUIVIU1I(I!B III3IB t.lUIIIIUI. , J i tli ft vawiul iiuul, id vail.aeftbet aet U )riMt . '. ' i 1ud ie occupy thitiii, J ! J'eopM 'A NoJtTcy of these ciaiiRHnte hvn conie (Kit. and, in adviuvt, ctiargud the wind bUiua on the majority of Ihk Houae. la their (oiler -to the governor of New. Jersey, wrinen, no doulrf for eftfct, Riid.publjaheij s, every whore, thcyxrmmcteraehe jrwMdm ol' lln llmiae a,n ou riuwE n diigrace to re- ' ' . preaeiiiative givernmeot--a a dingract lo the bo . .. (J y iltelf aa the nxerciae of a " lawloaa tod revo lutionary poiyer ;" and they chnrge that tho majo rity diareinrd their "oath to aupnort Ibo Conati tuiicm." Now,' air.lliv) are erava charioa, and the ror li'ild be nmde public, thnt it may bu mn whether thie H nine be Riiiliy, whether thi Iliiuao haa-co'imillmJ (xrj try kiid usurpation in erciHin)' a' power xpruly del(tHled to it or, whu'tlior tlii-iu five cl liirmnt are 'nut the culprit, 'lit IryiiijL lo Uhj ai.ali on tliie flimr, wheiK lhy kMme xlioy bflti jj'rt ti.ctiiveda nmj jruyjjf Jim rote tftbe roople r Nnv.Jrwy ' v . i. There ja yet another r""rt why nmhinir ahmild 'lid kept b.klM nll omdo rtuhlio. The twejoriiy Ht-im lififiatmnt ta JuiwynnBit-fiayj tonga -tp "thia iilijoi:f,Hii(f have pua-tcd b serii.' of KtMi'iln . Jiona, doikjiiiTtTirtf thi lluUne in the iowt unmeawi- , ;' jod terui. Tiicy wete'not cHiterXtn P;n Hi fm iluiiuiif, aiil cirouUie tlinmln No Jersey, bin x they h-re wiit tlirqi to all thd uiIki tJte In tlu --M hiTnrf: tipifliu iiimtinii witIiiiii nit th hi. : r1 5cttn!oaiJ.fapn .Sow, lltTTjiTTirurTaTrnR bled '.o nnl uinlirstttiuliiiiilv on the'aubtect i:i:ficJ,i)ii:..iitt')OC.0)0M:: -Hhn'l thtr..lrtteula.lUta.biJiailii.y- "if ! Virji'iin, limy m iyact tn one-Mited evnk-iy.e line. t IVh ip, lmver, hi Kxoellency nmv not fiavo Iikm iij nesj of lijjlit on the suhjocl ; ho limy . kuo-v all about it by intuiliou. 1 hojie, sir, I heat wbit,conliat?d.joiLtti!aiw.bya Unu' l Im Btlofted by tba rl'siw, m the form in whlr.li it h i how b'n premted lo u.' Mr, F. cmitinuml! It iitasi lK'n decided," sir, by ne vote jusi luaen, inui ii is noi in nruer io quoie whut h h buflii dna in the Uommitlee t and yet, . without re:'er,ir2 tr tho proceeJtnyi of 'the ai twite, ii i ili'.ri".ilj toeir!i' things 4ih'y wtijjht to bet Much cefliiM hii been thmwri oti tho Coin , mitteo fi-um-vanoiK iirSer-i, ftiwl, fur oih, ( .wish tint ihp whoto ji'ronediiiga may bi iiiJ public I fir, wl.utever nwy Im t!m result,' t feJ that myx . "kins tto cbar. 1 -do not, however, lelieve that jrmtTjfe-Crfniniitleo Wilt-Wit!cT IflueTr ' light ihi the vut'j-v-t. 1 have no dobbt it will be , c.MiidTJ gie.it literary curinaity f for, in my , opinion, it i rha tii3t extraordinary journal ibtit ever h u bf-ea iicpf since tb keeping of journal lirt bi-nu Sir, diJ you ever read in anciout lit. Me ti an unf riuiiiu wwhl, who wns cmdatnnsd t- ro 1 1 bugu atone up bill all hit life t how, after (nubi-v'. and pulling, and tugging, to'jjftj i( up; i " IhS tiirt'oriire'Tiilf, irwSubi alio froni hi hand i -anJ-f uU-duw4 aiuuilf ou havfua t&f.jpM. .s, ..4nu aJus vf fiiu.Ubota jjf tba, CouuuiHee. . Or, ar, lUl voa ever read io ancient stury the history " of iba fiuihluj l'tiitlope, ho apoid tba (lay hi wra , ,nl ", obi'Hje iUsjit iu wiudmg rt wt .igron ; - If , ierbipt. you may i.irm'aoma aiuii ot'lte la bur ol' the Committer. jiThci ojl of -Penelope was to grtin time f . ., " f Mr. 1 was here caflixf In order fir reforriug to V I lis pruts'iliifiis i if I T ta C'uni.iiiiUs: sn.1, affnp mmm, diMru-riiun ou tba points of order, Jis wos suflofed lo pnii'eed with hi remrk , - If cutiliouod. Sir, it Is not inv-iioriMiM tn an- - -IicmU Hie pblintiiis a ii.a,i., Im.i wjh "dl ibUirClbC pubHo ffHwdoti frepMssr.- No one nn litis) ffpor, or any wlienii ). kt ev. ,J5pme?tdv ma n uy u tlie vote ptijird at tne Mte vzres aioiwl !lectiuo in New-Jerey. N.f tmirit brae asserted her or elsewhere, ihet Idem her did n; . recnive a avyoritj; oujhrt eonfriirj-t it h.tj been. .o adiHtited, heti,therehret-4lM cMiiicate iiteu enne forward and claimed the sua Is, they did so, not on the ground ibat Ihey had received a major ity of :be vole J Un o Uo ground fbat lUy bad jtrceived tlie Governor co. locale. On the other JmieJ, Ih.i Mbsr riva claimed the "seal tin. the 'grounJ tWf they badnivcd k sasjrrfy of Ihe ; .olii.- TH resl and urMti.yiiM.'d tjueetion, then, Ihitt wd in the f rat instance presented ia (h llousa. jind llwl U now before tbe H-tusr, m thia which pet V 1 1 iionnl shall be' admitted to aoa.tsb.treT lnmw havi'ii; the G'rt"Tir's CH-ini'-ates, wi'hout mviu? ren .veda majority of the vots, or. those - bobave rwi certibVntes, but wlio have received a Wfjority.Qif tie iVr I am one of thuae whu will Tiisif i:ji,i.T i!it tfi tiiiLo of Ifiu r0.1e rtiidt t0 " -i:t ttNide by.p UuveriKir or by any . J'"1 mo from circuiiiatancca, it would at-eiii that the live certificate inea iltnmclve did rM -Lflifve altoge ther in the cortiiicatea for, eitliervtJifoiijih I'm want of faith in their certilicritiK, nr with tome other viuw, Ihey Weut Id work laat t all in bunting up illegal vole and behold. they Uy be lore ttiui House a bat oi cf J votes, which i!i?vay are ii' If gul. Tu u(eai reputed to in: likya), ias been eiteniively pnbliahed throij;liitit the country " or . . I ' . . . .... J a.. a a sort or sei on io in majority annmo " have been received at lhefbov.ee of their opponent J aod it. has been done, too,' in such a nuinntr us to make many believe thai two hundred and inrty three illegal vole have actually. been dicowrtd. Now, air, what is the faetl They cannot xshow, by duly authenticated papera, sven mis dozcil bd vute : their owo coiuuctcnt oeocra show U-a than twrlva ilU-gal vote. . " lr. t wa beta aain called o order lr. re ferring to paper in the Commit !, ami after rn.e dincuKsioii on the point of order, the Speaker de cided that ho had a right to reh-r o pspnra that hud teHad m (bit House, though not now in tb MJMMiuii of ihe Hooha." Frorq tbut dVciaion aa apfM-Ml was taken, and the aye and nay a calM for. I ho fcpwiker a deciaiori was sustained by tneinue, md Mr. t. wa tneu pernuueu .u go chi i Mr. F. then proceeded to say i I wish,' sir, to net i he public mind right on another point, Wj turiiiog lit the hat beaded illi gul Vutea, it will be . n that it is Iheru charged thai eij-lit.VVbi votes wkre tak.ni out of the box at Saddle River Town, ahip, and eight Democratic votes were put in, and, f Cfuro, aUerwird counted thus luaking dif frrenoe of an teen vote. Now, sir, what wish to say ia, that 1hia charge ha not been proven. , .'(He wa then again called to order for alluding to papei not before the Uouae, and,' after a const, denble Interruption., was again permitted lo pro ceed. ' ' - a At, sir, I cannot be permitted to refer directly lo the papers, I must either stop altogether, or do so indintlyr 1 will, however, Brat make a predic lion or two. I will then predict, whenever the Iloiras examines the paper on thia charge, they will find it wholy unsupported by pruol a yet laid Jj (ory.the ConimitKHs. The judges and inspectors of the Wis held at bsddle River are reported ii lifuiMi of irfaircli racfer a"any"ih llie'State of Nsw.Jescy. " When this charge sras first made &?XJi'A.JWSiUi ..?J5sLllei"'.i kuj ,ne3f a'd life charge wos rroiFwai VliciilWSSett" and ahiMild be taken notice of by the law.- They lthallegt4 ber afiWisers lo go belure tba graiid jury ami have it inveatigttted. I itey nave not aoo nor have Ihey m.ule good llieciiarge oetorean other trimina whatever. Whv bavs; thevotT It we havfHvery reason to'bvlievo Ihey wuuluT Aud yet, dir. m Saddle ICivcr affair has been held up, iicre and elwhere, 'a an eaiablialitd fact, that (he Itallot boi m rubbed. w'. -'! ""Hiit," sir, ; Id u va'mirMi lli grtvunda on which iriis Unverrmr look on himself the right lo act aside the wilt of the people, nd to give the certificates to those who were rejected by the people. Where lid hn receive this uowerTi Not from the Constl union 'of the United Hiatus, (or that give no such power lo htm, or tu any body else ; nor did he re ceive it from Iho luw of New'Jeraey, for the law 4 New Jersey etpnwsly require lliatthe Uovern. orandl'nvy Council shall ascertain kaee rtctirtd the grcttteri number of. votet from Me whole State, and comtuiaaiuu thuin accordingly. VV'hnre. then, did be got the power and riizliVlo tlirij Wf alt ihu nroterWlled -jiir'SuutlTAtnWyy:- uiil Mdlville, .which gave-aelear mnjoritv ol-4od in lavor oi ino uiiiocnc cuiiuioaics i iiiih Jim i-ici are uruuum iu iiuiu, n win ov iwuuu mm . , . ,. , i. i , , .. ii v., e I .1....- ... . . l It .1. . tkntll.MMMuM. iML..fliafiii', liltt I tililiM Wl n " 11(111. H'.'T V, ""Z- .,HurpH., ,., ,,, ,.., ramp ou ou a 'I'lll tlllllllllli 'I SI uilllli umiHKV tllW SltSW WB) ilui k'"iU'. In j tstilii'ulion "of his Conduct, il is put form ( n-ry where, that lire return ironi Ooutti '1 3JtlTn made in time by the jHifdind- irm t4 ttw j4U 4o 4UtUnlc.x4-UiM cuuuly-t-- yHioH,oiHino,i i wo io sena iiiein oir-w veriior. The f.'ft is otherwise. The return from . livi red-to the tfcrk jwwhw.! iSuulb Auiboy v r ro - Af 'lieTofFrtiii nwsjwradaewi tlsia e'rk, wstS: mil any authority of luw -whatever, undertook to i-t liiinse'l ep asjud!, and actually rejecled Ihe vole, oii pretenru that they were not " returned nurauaiit to la," and refused to inaertthem m the ft"t seir)- bjrhiw;to -Tbe-Gtrverivne.--- NeveftWrosst a full statement of these (rotes was made out, corn- find by the judge and inspector, and delivered to Ihe Governor in dim lime j but be and hi Privy ', Coiiiicir rejected them because they did not come v to hrtn thruugh ihd clerk ;jd iri this way the peo ple wfire deprived f thetr.sucred right by tlie do. mss of ins et"!- on lira on haml, and a partisan (Jovernor on the other. ' And Mr let it be re. iiwuihemd, that, at lha lime Li" tbut tniusaclioo, nut a word watsttid about illed voteM Neither Ihe clerk nor the tiflvernor pretHixled to allege tUul the poll of South Amboy v.i:m tnronri ndojoQ account or illegal votes. No: liio ex.uo of tjie, clerk was, thnt the return were iiut mane "pur-, auatil lo la ; end tlie exruse of, I lis (Juveruor ' whs, tliat they did not come to lum through the -clerks Tl allegation of bad voles waa altogether 4H after aAair, and, without a doubt, gut up lo turn tmblie attention ell from Ine conduct oi the Co, rnor and tba" two clerk.- - -' As ta-lbe- rsln of MdlviUe,4b"era.it. ia .IfUffl that the return were notiuade tolba clerk bv 9 fl'i'ttwtt wtttiTrftry "twtitr,' ar-reqiriTed iry-'tho'' taw of N J-r.-)r, ?m i y, were made fcetwtW 10 and 11 ' 1 -okilw' i a.--Waihi, however. Imvi for seriaTtiy-vMi muui M fw jenwy r ii me reiurnins omcer leu si i V t f .1 . . rw f u . ei i r . i : rw . r i fiMir or five hours behind his time, are tlie feopls to bo pflnifched for lii neglect It'tA violas! tho law, Hiniak him ; Itui do not dkifranchie freeii,ep ' lor Ilia lutehw. Who before this ever hesrd ut an liisnnuf jrhvra ilia people hwt their vwtes, aiiep Ihavmit given Ihem to according to law, merely be-k leame the returning nicer did not duhis duly I I I, KTsaiaw lursuiit tat litst .j MirK sa tliinrv aat asv mtmwt0 lolhnfrtra beard : thrte 'the- ira.re baa'nlwava btfn Ihe lurerweyi-. IrW-w twrkUe i 4blite. bouid ia recejyis tbeaajspuriout injiob$' r ace in the year a case occurred in this very '.ownnliip of Millville precisely in point. . In that year, the returning omcer ot lite pons at JHiiivme failnO to deliver the rvluriw to the clerk until 12 -o'cliik at i,iibt, where they ought to have keen delivered by 4 o'cl jck Trie clerk sent on hi re turn to ihe Governor, omitting in vote of Mill-' ville, t ;mi he-did nut receive them ly ftu'etuck. J He, hovr, oii afer mad out! cerlificale tif tlie f-icoH and sent it up. The Governor and Pn y C-Mincil received iliu vote and f ountod tbem, . and, what ia more, lhce voles thca turnnd tlie scale id the election, a ihe votn of the same place now do. vTbis, tort, waa dmie by a Whig Govern or, (SodtWd,) and by a )Vbig Council. But this i not all. A I ihi sauw. election of 1838, a con listed election took place in the county of Cumber-, Und, in "v. hub Millville i situated, ii)d the irrcg. t ularity of thurerurn from Millville came before the present Jegislalureel New icnej. 'The mat- ter win leferrad fo a Cunimitfe, a majority cf wWcfj ' f . - ' . ' . '.''' v-, wa mmpr-s-d d" U'htgr-" -The n..frfttv au4 li". minoritv both ma.le ivonrU. 1 tie nm i" i""" aiipti istr" Itiar ihetna! sued at Ihi! balliit IJcu rViori, decuire, '.'" Ihey w iirnb.Vf b..i-v-4r the oeonle. fairlr eajreiuf box, if ascertainaWf, will I dmrirraei mereiy for Ihe reason that ihe doty of mfcmg the certih - - , i , i , . ... cate of election h been negligently, ignorauuy, or even fiauduhiiilly p!rfrmed, nr omiiied, by any ti the officers upon whom llwl duly u impose. Now is jt not stranije that tins same .nigs m Ihe legislature U New Jersey, in tba course of a r.w inonlha. after adootins these ruat principle, should change about ami deoxwice this House fir ariuiir no ll.eml It otilv shows thai party anini- linn ia slrofiifer with them than either a senaeof cHuwlflncy or the feelina of patriot ism. Mr. F. was here luieirupted for referring to tl actiiHi of the Cuuiniiitee. Mr. F. said. I irn very desirous to pursue hi subject still farther, but it must be apparent to all, from tlie various ioterruption I have received, the call to ordrr, and lha qMsti of order, thai it will be neat td impossible to do so." The moment I refer Uj a paper now before the Committee, I am calbid lo order. The moment I take p a pamph- let lo read, iMuest iin of order w raised, and ra ther than proceed amidst Ibis constant interruption, I will alwndon thtar part of Ihe surnecl lor the'pres- ent, and turn to auoiier, wbere 1 iitki(at ao in. lerruptioiM. ' . . , Mr. F. continued, on ibe comtilutional queation of certificate and seal. I will now, air, proceed to tuke a rapid notice of the argument, which on a former occasion was so much relied on ia this case. I mean the great platform argiiiiient, on which all the speeches frotn one side of tliii I loose have been built. W itbout claiming to possess any, conaiuu tional learning, 1 will endeavor to test this argu ment bv the rule of common aense, and plant rea sonine. And that I may not do injustice lolbia famou argument, I will endeavor lo etate it in tlie. very words of those who have advanced H nere, frurn the very able and .distinguished gentleman from Tennessee, (Mr. Bell,) to the humbler orators .i j-i ... ill una uuimiii " That the House cannot rra bevond the certifi cate of the Governor, to inquire wbo are entitled to the seats ; but that we must take the certificatea in the first instance, as conclusive evidence that they who Bold terp;nreeiititted to- the seal."1 Or, in other word, " that whoever present him self here with the certijeak of election, is thtrtby . ... . . Til . A Now, sir, to test thia proposition, we must, in the mat place, see what power 4ln Constitution ivu tb lloutaoa lhw aubrect-r-'l ne ASDniaof ihe Constitution are a tillow! s" EbcSj. uou-ai hall bs the judge it the election, return, and qual 3.) ''Shall be the judge." Hut if it be true tbi we cannot gu beVond the certificate, to examine ev idence. but must receive it as full and conclusive evidence thai they who hold it are entitled to their seats, then il follow" most cleartv that the Houae ia not lUejwlge. It ia not the judgti because Tf can' exercise no discretionary power whatever it hn ne choice it cannot look. iru facts, or law ; but I it is wholly passive; without Ihe power to chooee or reject. To judge, implies the power (o exam ine testimony to hear both tidesto" make up a judgment and to decide according to evidence ; but if it be true that we cannot look behind trie certificate, thef (he House cannot examine either tacts or, taw, and consequently cannot judge.- I im, by the argument oi some gentlemen, me Constitution j nullified, and this (louse is made a mere passive creature, without a single attribute of a judge. . , n . . . u : : ... .ii . r . aW.m -... ..r An..lM i , , v . , , ,. c .u. r........ tt tllttt 13 no, nn ,i imi aiumrui in goniw nioii not only make Id'-nd lett ..i . .- ... - ,l- h.. , : i uri'l not ouiy niaaua B u-im wurr in nit u 1 U'Wi-wilHll UOII9MIUW HUB ll'HIBH IIIW iwioi t ' . . J iakr-ofL. the certifi Mr,Jrpi Ke ol all eiecurjiwTr Conijress.'XIn the present case it make Govern nr r illusion anle and exclusive judge. XNow let iii aee if thi be not the consequence. be adtnitled by all, 1hrbefore Governor Teiinuirrton'uTade'oui-. nia 'rwriaoatifirbe "6ad"be. foreliiminiTiieVeluruaTiJ Aml?y feii.M.JIU IStM3test: JBWJP- .-A'?' J!,.,H.?J,?"r: Il will bo ! admitted, that, w-U. tbeae paper be fire him, he had the power io decide io favor of either party. ' lie did decide ia favor of bis politi cal friemU (lie Whig eaodidules and gave them JuifemfiCTteaNo go beyond ihii certificate, then, U admitting these five men to seala here, we do to, not because Uiey have received a meiority ol votes in New Jersey. but because they nave received the Governor's cer tificate; and thus, to alt Intents and purposes, you constitute the maker of the certificate mAe judge in the case. But, to make thia conclusion more palpable, lei u pursue it a little farther. Suppose Governor fentiingUnj. with ihe paper before him, had giten his certificate (u the other five, a vve contend he nuiht to have done, they having re ceived a minority of the votea, lAen, according to the doctrine ol gentlemen, the oilier nve ' would Inve been lbs member. Why sot Nut because they had received the roajonty of ihe votes, but because they held tho certificate, thus making Go vernor i'enmneloii not only o!e jwlge, but. Ilk wie wde elector, lie had tho power lo, give hi certificate lo cither party and tviioever bold hi eertifWate; are (o be hailed here as the true mem hers. Now(air, drt you think that the Conslitu ribn'evcf mearil'to give fo Ihe Governor of a State WWnrUililoWiyyex ine jotervfJUia oeppJe o) thai Jjlatttla (Hiwer to set aanie tbjs. voles oi th oiajority, and suUttitutChituwu uill in their stead i i.k. w.,..nL a i . wm.. i.. .i i ' ... . i farther. Suppose llie wrnlrtul Gu'vsrnor, by wav of showing what tbe great S"al'iii hi hands cuvld ilo, had put n-i.le buih set of camlid itet, and bad vivQn his certificate Ut five of his Privy Council these five, with certificate in hand, had come on h. winI tokww twnu," siwl, at ihs sunie tivmn 4b other claimants bad come xm, and ninde known t. you (he whole fraud you understand it lollv.Vinl believe it all yet, accenting to the argument of genlkiHwa, ywiean lake so notieeof it, httt you tlie u in seats, act and vols with them, and do all this merely because they bold the Governor cer tifimtt wider tho gat seat of fM SiileJ Tbere ia ihi end to lha absurdities into which Ihi doctrine, that you cinwit go behind the certificate, will ia voleojand gentlemeo seelngthi, have endea vored to extricate themselves by attaching some qualification to it. Let oie amine these. .', . Tliey say, that .although you ennuis? go beyond the certificate is Ihe first irntamre, but must admit the holder of. it to take ts and exrcise all the gtit of rorr.tN?raj yelt afltr i;,y have lakea seats, and becoui invested with membership, fira.fi If 4his argument bo tr ami nw mi in, you saay ume op tne cae;iotilrvnnrt nation beyond in certiiHai,,eHniiu aod judge, turn out the ceiiificata mea, and put in the other. Nuw, lo us look It thia view of tb subject, . If this ar gument bs true, then it must stand upon two pro positions, ; which il necessarily presuppnsea : but if mase two proposition are lalsejhen the argument irlf must bo falde, for,"it rest) on thorn alone-. ' :.fue rsLo(. ihcs ropofitirT.s i. this: that ibo iloue has more powor ador tlie certificate ii't'O - ihieetH - bat imJ M'vi f-4hat is, tho arquiies po'war from the circunistaiice. ol the certificate men taking siuii; lor it is eviiiem, if the House cda tleure that, th" certificute nten are not entitled to seals after we admit them, which wa could not do before admitting them, then, of course, the House ha gained power by the fact of their admission, ince it can do, after they are ad mitted, what jt could not do before. , Now t deny that the Houie acquire any power by the eircum. . stance of the certificate men taking their seats, and disprove it by a direct appeal to the Couilituitou itself. . I disprove it in this way. We meet bare under a trrit'ra Constitutions we derive! our existence. and all our Dowers from it. and. from no other', source whatever. These powers, thus derived, are expressly laid down in, tbe Constitution, and cannot be idrreased or dimnithed by any law.cua. torn, or usage whatever ; for this plain reason, that whatever mudinea, that la, increases or lessens ine nower derived from the Constitution, must be" greater than the Constitution, andmay entirely change or destroy it. But af-vbare la, no power greater (ban the Constitution, except the i $tate in , convention, then it is clear if this House acquires . power by the fact referred to, it must be so in con- ....mnAa nC .nmnl ti in A .tHIWHIul fit itVintinit III tlM ' Constilulton. INpw I challenge gentlemen to show -. any thing of tbe sort in the Constitution. II Ihey cannot show it, then it will be because1 it i not there; and if not there, their assumption 1 false,, and fall to tlie ground. t , s The ibcond proposition that gentlemen must show to be true before their argument can stand, is this : That a man may be a legitimate member of thi House before he take a seat, who i not so afler he lakes it, or, in other words, that to-day you are bound to admit him because he ia a legiti mate member, and t-morrov you are bound to . turn him out because he i not a legitimate member. riii proposition. i not only necessarily presup posed by the argument of gentlemen, but it has been expiraasly laid down by several speaker. The gentlorhan from New York, whole reputed to be an able lawyer, actually asserted it as a sort of political axiom.V bis speech delivered on the New Jersey case iaveral weeks ago. lie then id:" - t Vv . Whatever. eventualt J 1 may..bir' th(i reiulLtha; certificate in' tho first instance, and for the time be. ing;irry-anfl absolutely invests him-h Wds 4t - with the right of membership. . Now let ua see if ihiapropoeition ili bear the teit, Wo' hiakes"roeiBbera "-of Congreasl By Uhe CohautQtion, the people of the several Stat&acboose their member of Congress. Whoever receive a uiajoWty"oT(h the rule of law, thereby becomes the member. Mark it it ia not tbe certificate of t,hj GoVernorVy but Ihe totee of the people, that roka members. , - Whenever, therefore, a man presents himself here, eitber wlth or without a certificate, thi may 1 be said of him t true that he is either a member or bs is not member; lie cannot .be a' member r and not a memher at the same time; he must be 4 one .or ihe other. .a II he is a member, then all ad mit that the House cannot rightfully divest him of hi membership. If he i not a member, then it is equally clear that the House cannot make him one. 1 be House cannot add to. or take wav. in the smallest degree, ihe rights of membership, for lo say that it can do so, would be to av that il can modify the power given by the Constitution, and consequently must be greater than tbe Constitu tioii, I'ud ii'iay "change or destroy 'It at will." Now, pply this argument to the five certificate men from "New Jersey they are either members or they ara not. If they are member, Ihey were msde so by the voles of the people; but suppose eerTihcale empower you lo do wtiat the Constilu- lof Congrossf . and cum eipieitlly, the-eertificate is " greater ima laa UMwtiiuiiui! ;.. and Uiua, yptijee the wb61e"argunieiif, -so niuch relied" on by gentle men, runs itself into a political absurdity, and falls to Ihe ground wilb the false prop thai held it up. v Tbe sum of the whole matter is this: If this fa- roouaargumeiit.ao much robed -on be -troe. fben tbe Conaiitution ii a dend letter; but aa the Con.' titutlon ia in force, and paramount to these poten tial certificate, then the argument itself is a po- lilic.il absurdity. - ' AM r. t. continued. I will take thia occasion briefly to notice another most extraordinary argu ment that has been gravely advanced on tbi flir, aod that has len aeited on and acted-on by the Governor of-New Jersey and his party in tZe Le. gitlature." The argument is this : " That the Con. grew of the United States is made up of members . ftMJhaJgffJistWfUtbatif any State ia not- represented here, it cannot be a Congress, andrtif courw, cannot do business. But you hava exclu ded the certificate men from New Jeray," efo; you nave no JL-ongre, and can-do no busmeas. Tbi ia certainly a new argument, and the ditin' guislied gentlemen from Miichueit and I'snn sylvama Mr. Adams and Mn Sergeant) are enti-1 tied lo the honor of the first discovery. rI0i".rJf,?m,'I!Lbl ruetbeo Ihe. tli!clioaof A lha 1st article nf the Constitution niusl be inopera- ' Xive.jJbr.jC aUberiLsitQ, by-.axeuauu Jba. ouwe ibsre granted, exclude a single meitiber from ei. i. 'JT.'y aiach ftuvon dissolve Cnngress, and 1 f4ef41 tle wKHmvtaulwmtl. Awwnfing w3 thi new Brirument there can be no Contra un less ferry State il fully represented. If this be not ihe meaning, the argument doea not apply id New Jersey, since New Jerseylia now one, rep. resentative on this floor, and two in the Senate: I ir : I- . . - . ' nauu., anpnn in , .. jarauy, llioi. a wmst equally apply ts every other Slate. Now, let tit look at the absurdities into which thn eont ruction of tbe Cotmnu' too will involve us.' . Several States in this Union haver taif a nnnli I IJepreseMtaiive in this jlmts. Now, if oA any act count whatever, eiih'jr of theisepeiirif4ve nouia be excluded from this Houne, ll i such ex oiuiimi. acfa" a aias umi is uoue mnt nocesaanly xbo unconstitutional. But it ia even worse tball tbi:' for. if laa ei. etude even tingle one of the fbrtvi memlwra rt New York, lha same revolt takes place. If this. doctrine be true, theji I dti tt v. briber' there ever ; na been real corwtitutiontit Congress since the Cootrtiiuiiun waa adoptH; for I jloultl.wltetheV, tliereavcr.hs bwn a --e- i .u'wimn every State In' in vrnoo) was iuhv r i.ri-eiilwl. ' ruc,tlieiit!iatoctionoftliel vhich MVS'' tiinmrilu , X i. ... - - . J J ech. House shall eorwutuie a quorum to d.i huiinesa mean just nothing at all. . If this doctrine be Inie then it is in the power of any member io dissolve Coogress si bit-will and pleasure. Ho has noth.' ing to do but t, .-.ign bis nst, pur bit his hat, walk out, and Congress Is at an eod . Will be con.. le-ded lhat our wist Bnccstora in framing the Cor. $ - ----- -. - - I I llllll. Mdt HIT llin .HI.. ..I Ih. 1... ... . I . . ' 1 1 r "" Ti IH ion, tTr"i"v. ..n in.. ,.k..,i m..,i , ,, . ,-. ,l then by what auihority i. it that you adnut tne, ,inclrit. favor, - We cann-Vsoe how nii a. member, t - Why, according lo the argument o,her(rlM, from .j, wllo reflcc. of gentlemen, by auihority of .he GovehM'. cer- 0eep oubUcUimport a tuiesin. t tins, ttrerr, n miiwww inar tnpf orernor StltollMII, I'M T IM.'-' absurd to au'p.f-. l mhji n thin as thn j; And jd, let It U k but im liiuicua ui'vcriir vi s -r . jerv e 1 1 I-..- i ' ' r of , unuri, iliant majority in the Legislature, with t! . , H. pftntion ol .drowning .men, have i-aul.i t t;,n .' Hooting straw, and t it l.nb in silinti 'reMutkma, i and sent them o all the Stales in ihi Uuioa ivi. ting action on lliem ; iol only so, but sent them la you, and lo ibis II une, in a way and niaimer, in. ' 1 suiting to ootn. iui, sir, mi is not the first turn ! ihi game wa played nfT in this -country. We 't read, trial ounnginn uevoiuiiuiiary ar, one gf i the Uritiih cornniunders attempted the snme thin. V with (jeneral .Wasliiiiglon. In followinv the ample of WHsliington you did well, sir. He re. i lurid the package lo ihe UritiMi ollicer. Yrm n." turned ihe paM)r to Governor I'eniiington," There' i let it rest witn me arjniuA'iii tnni brouent ii furi. "Mr. F, in continuing bis remarks, said, titers ia one other aubjwt comiccted with this queation on, which 1 wish lo miike a few remarks. All of u.' who have refused to lot the certificate men4a( , their seats, have Wo charged nh violating Slate Wmi.t TV.illf- .IIP 1 Bin a Mllltfl Kink . . - ' ,iij;n iivotni,.,!-. --ir e'K111 nun, Ind I .1 . .1 . A . ...I.. 11. 1.1 . . J repet mo pnsrgB wnuiiy uniouuueu - particular. Iv a coming from those who never, until a howed any zeal for Slate Rights. What ara Suta IlightsT I will tell you :.lhe federal Government ' is a Government of delegated powers, that Is, it " t hai no powers but what are given to it in the Ci tituiion.' All oowers not civeh lo it bv ihrv. '' . I dlituliort are expressly renerved to -jlitf States, snd " .1.2' 1.. ie il- mil -j:. ..r .1. . T I mets .Tbeaev reservecj (xiwers. are, the atf' Rights. xTbe only way, then, in which this Hottse, or thia Government can encroach on State Eighia, v. " ' i to asume and exercise power not granted in th l Conaiitution, Nuw.did th) House assume an 6u.vf k delegated power in "Inking cognizance of ihii cme," and excluding the certificate men from thi floor! - f Certainly not, if there be "any meaning in lha words i of the CoBslifulioi'.' KacRxHouee shall be tba j judge of the elections, imurnsVajitf qualifications of its own niembers.tind a niajorityof tach (luui Xk shall constitule a quorum lo do business.'' From f ' ihi it iperfectly clear, thnt in acting On this) ' question, o lar from assuming a doubtlul power, we were only doing'what the Constiiutioo inade it our especial duty to do, and what no other tribunal '' haa a right td id. How, then, have we' invade j State Rights f - So far fronr trespaashig oft Suia"1- Rights, this House, on the present occasion, batdw -1 fended State Rights aod the rioht of ihe peopU f f . 4-Mw Jereyrfcomjne of -the boldssV assaults upoe . - mem, tpai ever nus oeon perpeiraiea in tbi Ks. fca (Hjuiic, an sssauii wmon, i crowneu wtig HCCew. h wiu miu iiuninv I uv ntn. i cu Tigiiwvi Ug qiCClTVS; ' franchise in the oust, and leave tberri to ba trs " ij . . i . j-, . . 1 pieu on oy every peuy purusan uovertior Tmty happen-to bare in ttw keepinj ihegreat f ' of a' Stale. rT: Mr, F. said there, aero varinu other extraordi .. nary argument resorted tii on former occasion! to juirytbe cobduct of lh LGovernor,bf Han Jflry,.t which it would be out or time now to ceniidr,-r. . Indeed, he' would not now have taken up the ebosli. totionaCqueslioo at all, but for two'tonsideritionti ; the first wa, that on a former occasion be wis cut oh by the previous question from saying a word on that question ; etid tluj next was, that on tbis ocea. ' sfon bo w prevented, by constant interruption, from pursuing the course of remarks he intended, when he took the floor. V " From the Philadelphia Saturday Courier. NON.IMPRISONMENTx.FOR DEBT. . A few week aince, we called the attention of our reader to the moveiueuts,' in various parts of lbs . country, io favor of the immediate passage of a uniform bankrupt (aw a measure of humanity, aud not of tmrtizaii8hip. il afford us sincere irtalifi- cation to obssive, that there appears to be but oMj too thai abuuU eiilisl tuu kindliostooiiogsaf avsry -friend of humanity. - .. ' of a free, government. lavii a cruua to ba ftyul.. ia ssweemwiai lieeuuse be haa met misforbBar!W in hi path f ' Certainly not, every body replies. Then, why imprisou him because be canuot pay his debt ! . Perhaps, we are told, lie may ba' property, which he will not 3ur render, and if there should exliT nota 4 to Tuipriws)liim7 Tie Would oeVtT" disclose. There can bo but ono answer lo all aba aaiumo ihis.view of ihe subject. It is this: Let Jaws be enacted with tho strongest pemtltie against ' irauiiuieney. - II iliore can be proved saquesiraliea of properly, the prison should lock up iheditbouett ' debtor.. But in all cases, where a debtor bat (kith. fully and' hoiiesily surrendered all his property, : there should exist no human law which should ftr to a callou hearted creditor the control ol lb p? r- sou ot one upon wbom Ihe ficiastludes of ii nwrt - faUen.wiih a crualiing power. 1 , -J hiitttrehwrara-relattonTo ' exist in many of our Slates, leud directly to di . ' houeity, none can doubt who will look correctly ut tbeir operations.' Suppose a poor man ioa lb verge of bonkruptry.' He looks opoo bit aSiint, ' and buhold nothing but ruin lha I can, enaus.t U , gaze ujxai til iauuly. There i hi wile and her iit'le one, wholly dependent upon hi toil for op port. 1 lie moment il is known he is a banirup', lie feels sere the sheriff" will seite Tti pefsoSaw T 'ake htm to prison. He knows ba cannot pay DM ( debt,- and-rm krmwriirrt.erefoTe; when n-air-" no released again J or ir be almuld be. He an res mm tuear sutoe other creditor will sgiiu Lrorutn. Vim w the prison be ha just leftr bat, k a77 hintscir, in tbe anguieh of his heart, will bt ntmtij lot flow can Ihev live I Must they be tamed into the street to beg T He cannot think of IbMH lor il i almost distract km to bis soul nd beat Ihe arutica uf transfer of some little property, io proviue 10' ;ne waul of lliomt ienorarss deur as his owo life. , We re Deal, il is in this 1 J, and through similar practice, that Ibe law of iav prisohinent operate md.ffereut Slatesof Un vww, corrupting the moral of lit Uufortunate.indoAea - k acrilkin that self-respect wliich can alone aopj Tmaqll&iinM ISrrelit of ficrwiodraial- misfortune. tf 'there were no irtsonenet3rP'r'lf I dishonest, how would men strive to kerpout of i son T The unfortunate debtor would say to kia self, I am looked upon byheweW Mae mau. 1 am only poor, but it ia no disgrace to poor, aod thank God I have my liberty to fr"!! diligent and retrieve my fortune. Mv family l be provided for, for I cap toil, and if industry lo il? wiU vet pay every nian to whom I . dolited.' Thus Would tlie best inlerests of all corwulted. The morals, character, and feeling. the debtor would be properly protected bit brailjj would be provided for and hi creditors weals :and a far better chance ultimately to J pay, flian if Ihey had resorted to that Vj bansto which allow tho nan wbo bath awca" this world's treasure, to imprison him who ba la stripped of every thing by those viciasilude may, soxjner or ntnr, eome auto n Hjr-;