; v . -l . v- - ., Ukchitwi equal-to u.w nmy impw.l li.f-i.I..u.-ciiiiii, inn when mifWir Litem d the protected sriine limit to enable I ;ireigi manufacturers to meet ptt. hi our nwn'rouotrv, und'T the disadvantage hf paving high addiHwl dolies. liuw then, wtb that r. nill, would it ! xiilln fur nut inanu!'.h.l!ir r- to ni"el liie f-rign f.i!ir s nf the name description nhrond, where there run be im dutv In protirt llx'inj? There can he no answer. The reason i !iTiMvr. '"""A .do ti'it with, in what, 1 hive said, to he ennsid h.tph wages; and ( hat th bigher.'the wagrber in now, lb.t there i hut one hoiien mode of the n'ronacr the evidence of-prosperity ; provided j pitying it debt ; atop nil further increase, vnnd (and that u tin; important .point) they are so rmtu-; impose taxes, to disc'iurge what you Owe. There tutlv, by the rfertirtnr of industry, and wit in ' is not a ynte, evert thn most indebted, with M0 cnnsequeneo of mi inflated currency, or an arlifi J'flrtinltest rf sources, thut has not amply rewwrcrst cial refutation. When I say the efliiclivunes of joiee.t it enjiigcmefiis. fur m e, I pledge mvoelfjf - industry. I mean to comprehend ahatever itcalcu-1 South Carolina li also in debt She baa spent lier l:U ii to niike toe Wtat l one coiiniry rrtor pre. tiie Mmt of one couitrv mow diicfive than that of others. I take injo consider etion 'kill, nctivjty, energy, mvrntionperfection of intronienlH ami rnf aim, niei hunioul and chenit cal ; aliiii.-lnee ol i Hpital, nutur-tl and accjuiredj facility of inierconrne and exchange, internal at'd external,, and, id a worJ. whatever may add to the prndncliViMKM of labor. Ilijjh wages," when at. trihittahle to these, i the certain evidence nf pro. dnc'ivenei, and tw, on that arpount, and that only. Hie evidenre of pt"?prtty . It ieily underMtrjod. Jtiit fwh labor - would coin'raand, when com-! tiireii withlne les'pnKliictive, ert uler iiumlmr -f p an fif oar or; lcat a greater quantity of clothing: ir tod, in Mtp me projwrtjim would itiniir common ewjntey, by refusing 1o redeem her command more fw, that ft, Ugher wage (nfiMghl4 faith, ((which I h'ld intpHMNibte.) deep ilay't work. sLui,fiir here m th tmpofiatrf eon-1 if my devotion to herand tnoth-r an he ti to me, etJeratitm : high wogH from aich rniinGi rryuirt would dnowrt her. - X", " tirt jirvifi'tion no, nut trior than ttie bih wge if a mati nimmt the lw waeit of a buy, of man n(;aintf amimn, or the tkilful and energetic agaiiiNt lt(e awkward and tV-hie, (hi the contrary, the higher e'm;h wajje the le the protection reqoinid. iJlhera mnv -oemamivprotectthn atfamstTTrrnt irl aaaint eitiera. Tno very demand of protection, llien, ia but a eoiifcuwiii of the want 'of e(l c(ive. nei eftnlior (from hiih cnue). on Jhe wdo that jnakca it iJwrt " general fule, it will tuyn out that proteciiisti, in ni'wt enww, ih a. mere luliacy, certainly r w.h'u it -ITw:ta are Vri artificial ex-ytffiifiin'Tif-lfre'eii'ff'iiij. Ho far nm hijh wnpw fioin lihf the tmiettce ;fMX)itMirityr t-iieh-e'-ti,.or, in fin:(, whenever raoed hy tilgH prntee.': mrtrrpit wtM. rir aru!her triinctimfKfr; irfs1 the evnleice.iifhn vcrjjcver?, jtiiLjalwiiji .Intli.. ate eorne thinx wrong, or a tendency to dcruuge. A. tnefit and decayil. -fit-j. '-. ..' HrtMij:,tv4jUnwi' IniHfiwwf Imurd the awrtinn, that in uo'country On earth -I-' it labor, tajtio it all in allv wre XToctiye 'thMn " ifuM ; atid tumittattiiv ia tWJViwthf-rn andKaattfrt portiofi, - What people can fiecl our. Northern nndNew Ilnglaiid brethren ii skill, invention, ac tivity, energy, perseverance, and enterprise? -4o -whut-fttorv nf ihe -Inbe1 Wdt-yon find w pnmtiw more fivorahle to a fr.ee irtprew and egrena, and f J i ility tiriiitercWrae,ettternnl and intfcrnul, through " """Tho irrRadTiTfiTPs of ooFwTdS epreHtT couiit iy pion jpurpa wirMTiy " o'nt"jcr diking ihto cofwiJoratmn ai)nl aml f'.riilttyl , Where' vriH vqh find such ' ' ' . . ,m hundimi supply of natural eapiml, Ihe. gift of hmtf Providence fWhiTs hop, plenty and fet & r,'J weter prner tintimited ; and tiro supply ot f .' rHl,and.lh nit nehd of metal, iron, nlmoxt wifh'wt stmt. ' It, is true, in accumulated capital, the fruits (if pa,t .itMr,'thrJtgb a long succeasinn "V if age, we are not equal to some other countnep, 'i'l l"il wb ,in that,' far':.from beincfiteritiiittLl , whatever' extent ieltcent, would be more thnii t-5 5-inwm 'ltwtBoni nno Ihw lightneaa of Ihe burduti tmpoaed od mh"r, , - fiou(il our ((overnmetiiH, State nnd (tne,rBl, wis. . ly avail tliBni-Ne of Ihe advanUL'Psof our itua tion. If these Views be Buirccl. ihi re is uoe-ima. try where labor, if left tn'itwlf, freWrpm reouie. lion, would lie more effeetive. and where il would command renter ahno.lanee of everv - nfee.ra"'y-5,',1!e PLr?'" 1TridTuimTriflli'''or IiIglieT wage; and where, o llr lilitlier 1 araV'ViVrTTml cfor6, protection is l"' needed Justead iifjin nzsprztia c ' iv os.sfaeftalbe juat wantii offhe-iJovommeutyay poihly ndipit. -We-Jnve' artived'at tile mam . ..V. iiood if our vigors Open the av- remove alt - .', r':etraint8--la1ieirihe svtadrtljng cloth that Ixiunrf tho lioihs of infuncy)J and let the hardy, inlulli . -vT'gi'nt ami eolcrprwing sonn of New England march Alorlh fiarlewly to hkI the world in comnelilioti, "-arntT'She Win prove, m alewyl'afa,,1tTt?l"nIPCl'll'rrf, frrvaiuroht J'.upiand. I tie foreign market once : corimanded, all coiiflieta between the diflereut e!Ct(ijii and industry; of the country would cease. il is wii'-r iur ua aim you, nai our foilou aiioiiiii go out in yarn an-J good, than ;n the. raw mU; ' and wheu th.i!. is done, the interest of all the " parts iA Ihi great Coiift'dnfuev" North, East, f Hith, and Ve-wtfh T-very farie'v of i' pur . suits, would ii fciiritmmzed ; but fti't t.ll thun If iho courso of tili y I advocate be wie.aa an " plied to mnu!auro, hoiv much mure trikinlj , so.rtiust it be whert. fc tin other two great intoreMs of-ihat aeetion, cotiVmerce nnd navigation ?' I pins theiornurr, and shalfyonehido what I intended to f''J. wy on this pimiT7jritf,a few remarks applicable Sew Jo the latter. Navigation (I 'mcan that ciuphiyed "t-7ti oar furpirn tran) iwt utihllf oor ouisido in" ' turesl, exKed loihe opto. .competition id all the , world.' It has met, and met siiceituHy,the com. p'jtion ot the owt wtea, ruH milv without pro il&i&OJU&ju but tot MU.'aliotMtU'er.y. ' v rufctiiuctinnid-JHie 4ihla ve'-.li, lh-iMhee ex , t -cej tfl. If, with wb. oneniis burdenf. it hna rtw'l ; " , f , " W s9ccffiT,.t fivalry" the aqvigMtion rtf'sll other ' woUulri' s, what an impulse ,it woijld Wciva if the l.iad that trwr down it s;i.-ga wire rrHnnved ! erm wnai.immenj aoituions thai increaset 1111 . ! ! mli- twite"' y n ttr TTiiiilr. t..tr u x Itie niesna of t:nlt'nil i;i)hrnce and safety whnre Trmly we can-Is frT9Am me qimrter front ahuV - imiy external unnger 1 to lie apprehended t , nrMvsnurtrrnwTJoui; oKrai what, i xffpfed to iiv, when I ruea to address the Sen 11M0. I hnve limited my remnrks to Ilia prominent V which woHiq lesuli, should U eheiue of nsmp. e-. tqpi be adopted. There ar higher, and still more mportanu conseq.K-e. which I have, not tempted to trace t J moan the eflta, moratlv and pohtically, as resulting from rbo whkh 1 have . , traced, and presented to the Senate. This, I hdjie, . -may be done by some ether Senator in the course ' f the "diicussiori. '' Bm I isvsjif enough to show that the schem which these resoliHiona art in'ended to cmulemn, O'l-ht tobo avoelc d a the ftiowt fats) poiwKi, ami Ihe most dwidly (lestilence, r It is, itr reality, but a acheme d" (riander. iJet Idood bo hipped, arrt the rpetito will be inwHialdo, ' " But the pistes are deepvin dVhT, and it niy be ' vtsked what shall le done I no'w tint they are . s'n debt deeply in d hi, I deplore it, ,Yes, in -sh'ht, I am not nlraiil In assert it, in many ne Msnce, for the most idle projects, got pp nnd pur-' n a Ui .jiat4liijilnfcw ui3i,cr,. Xnjr..rJL ignorant I"1 "'''"I1 pt'cumary 'iii'Mrri'ii.-fii, h?fKer Tif ''HrBtea or tmhvidual, Wont every t :V- -Wgof honest pride', and deaden the eirve of jus- tic;; Imt, I do rui, unit tnere is nt h memiwr w this great and prwl CmMeracy, .thist to .every fi plin rf self-respect nnd sroe injustice, a l de mre to rhir ii tiidividiinl debt on thu common fund of th IJiii'M, nr t impi! ilivni, on the .Jii"jM"r tA i!i more priiili'tit associate or, let me nhl, to dis-hnnor iilf, and tlm n,ix r an American, hy pfcfij'ir)( to pay t,he foreijof what . it mst v owen, ljitt the indehteit Mnrc imma- wfn-itlioiinwndinii wentefol eirvMgtM!en urn m toe.) ! most visionary scheme, that ever entered into trie head rtf a thinklnt? fnan. I dare fay tbii even of Iter ; I, who on this floor stood up to defend her almoHt otaitpgninat yioije who tbrcatoned her wi'h lire and ewnrd, but who now are ao iieariiisn alxilit tfute Rightu av to lie shocked m hear it an vtUd that, Ptateia caonhje of extrtvagatit' and wantcnil expetiditu'et. Ve, I plpdge myaelf that ahe -i! py pnnctunlly every dollar nbe owe, should it hike the hurt cent, without inquiring whctliT it it (ent wiey or foolishly. Should I in thi be hy poKihi!ity mitaken should ehe lurnifh her unsullied honor, and bring discredit on ; ; 4 rouncs of the day. Ftmn the North Carolina Standard. , THE ANSWER. The annexed annwer of Jcir"Sai;xi)EB to the it oniric of Mr. Holmmi, Edilor of the North CaroliniHt), cannot tail to be highly aatinfact.ory to the ieople nf North Carolina. T'he Ifederalista had Already liegun to raie an outcry about lire re. flmal of Jndjje SAlOEltt to reply to the queNtinna nromiiitiiled : hut it will be seen that lie took the very itrt oppirtunity lo jierf.irm hit duty inthjs reflect; and lie has done it it) an able .andJucid. Rm.kioh, Marcii 7; TS40. - 7ro II. Ii. fToi.Mr., Esq tfia : My aijnee rro'itk the tali during the last two m'mths, has wuvto anariir r ep!y b fMweil liy you in the ' CarolihTini of the 8th of Febniary and which I had not seen, beforw mf . jioni.. 4 - It required no " apology on jpur'parteo far aa I arn eoucerhri, lor n.akmg the inquiry, aa 1 .gdifill, 1.9j!,fiHt., MtrtiUie.jght -of every., to.... ter to know my opinions on all matters of public lu'crett, particularly ujion a subject nf such vital wqtof Hnee," nd-wHV wdtich-rny--VTew and frrd inge have, been recr-oHy so greatly mierepreewtted '' Tu your question Arc you or are you not. oppotra to ttie Abolition of Slavery in the United titutri, iq O'i end every Aip, form or ftuftmn, except a th owners n' Ihe Slave lhfmetrr$ de iire f"r- answer most dectdedlv, I JL'iV. I am no Abnlitionwt-.nnr am I for the Emancipation of our S'avea, even at the " desire of theirowner" tinb'M it he in the mode and according to th rbn- Yit.ws prew.ritied hy taw "that the that I If ore fKl y$nat lrttdT W m ter wiir re- --ST7rotb-tmf fjrfertmr; ttwtr 4doihr nd f iKitng sold in " baoluto,,alavery. I hate no mortud r')onl)ility or false notion ol bumariity to encounter on this auhjact, but am frank to say, our ta'ufo which forbids the fslavea in the Ktate" fro fx ing net free, and which renders it iinlawhil Cr any freC negro to.tniTalft JiUa thi Slater4.ji l or 11 is a 1art well e. trr.wxy T.,a. y,.t fStii' t fteiblnt UTjT revofuMoTjdeaouitced by Ihe 1'esteral rrrvt, and tb fjnenHs which awept .otf'lhn whiles in the island nf Pt l&"W.iS?J.Sa4 niainljf JbftmcMarflhlwnrJ I 11 M t ill C.tliti ul.all . A Mil A.m. tat Am. mm ..1 Mllh?:,, .ctarBTJi; that iil futed Hand. - And daily experience leaches 01, o lonj; ns slavery e'.isia, a;f preservation and sound .mjIicv ahko, frlml all-aneinpts at partial eouiiicipaiiiin, IT those hii iney be set freo are permitted to retrain amonpit ha. " llnving thus frnnkiy responded to your innuirv. I should deem it uriiieri'ary to add4nore, but for ihaXihtfuatLOJjiluL J4i, lm h .it has hea laigbt lo plaeo nm, in regord to the question of slsvrry, by tiiasc with whom I Uiitor on p.)litical matter, f am charged with being an Aholitionint, denounced a a Traitor to ihe South, and as unworthy of the " countenance Or support of (ho people of the fcttate. When I contented to be a Candidnte, I was pre. pared to have my motives q-iesTioned-, my conduct '; misrepresented, and my acts perverted j but it had oewrTntered inlo-lity conception, lhat arty trrmn turn, however deajierate, or eny Prcssi however reckie, could so far insult tho understanding, ol our pimple, as to charge iipou me the ia of aUili- tjoniein. And though I feel that indignation : which every man proud of his own integrity will feel, when falselv accused, I am admonished, that ' tjj'e moat eflectunl way tu silence calumny anil de. " ldiLriJon,J-rla give the TKixiinL the moaUiniplal detail of rn-rs. This I propoae'sow to do. i, , . In 1624; being a Rupreeiiative in Coogr, tho County of tiiiilfurd comprising in jart my Cfs'r-KVwI. Dwlricl, ! reewtted Iroot Krrhard ItTrlentllW-TrKle'nr'oriTrr nnnr . eiauug ua coiih-iiis as ie required ny Ihe Rule ot the House, and disclaiming as I did, at the lime, any concurrence in it view except eg far aa it mickl !i ive a tearing on the subject ofthe suppressing of the African Blave trade I preaent. ed it to the Hjiusfi. and had it referred to tho Select tM'llllilf.Ot! I'll tMt Bl.ijiict. '. Thfe he! or my hsv. ing receivecf uch a Vem irial had entirely escaped my rf'-ollectjim, un'il I saw acopy aod the "iispo. Wtftii f -iV rat 4h wweAriH-irwnrh-hw-1 mr-'v ChiimT, Which I most solenm'y aier I mad 4 at" the-limo, may be now qnewj.tn'ed, yet the entries whicTt appear on the Journal eutGeieirl!? (mstain wht .yhns-y(tyi.w,wl nrrtfr a HjUhI the-rrnqswe nf the Federal Pfa to iho fw t of tbe pretmrnt of Ihe Memorial, it 'has 4 ,i has takeiVcaro to suppress the further entry as give to iN rrfiTrnct. H.Mjse JouroHl. Dec. 8,12l llttolorJ, tt to mvrk of the rrvridea Mettmge or rrtatri to fhe tvpnrtMio of the African Slave trade, W re. frrrrd lo a Sfr Commutrtt D e. J.1. Mr. Saunders presented a Memorial of " The Msnnmiin H K-iety for promoting the gradual abolition of Slavery tcAeA mrmorial vai referred to the Committee t,poti the object of the m;pprvitm of tkt Afriewn Stare tradt. " 'Feb. 21. Ordered, That the Committee on the siippresmn of th African Shiva trade, be dis ahargedfrom Hie Mnmrial of tho Manrmiioii 8-icieiv of North Carolina, and that U b hiid ea the hthlr.'' ; " " r .. - . .. Tltr Vi mof.nl :.ie, !! Far ti nV.'.ti.in m Siiivwrv'iu the Ihi4rt.'t tf IV. i intwdi-tion of the ZIn,m'A ' . - .1,1. h!eniMinrr-i Tbe tmlhc to A.rita r a.r a !Wy," . hilch are the nn.ple ffi to reprj n tit mat ter alut which !rh a ha '.w a-K U which I-am dfDcJa a Traitor Aho- lltinairf.- k It who be borne to retnd, tYt mBH tr heeo no evcitetneot rm thiv eic-Ahol-.'iootwn bad not then it fcyCra kd, ar h4 the right of petitim t.ri t'nro ate4. "Ne qpeiao had been rad aa to tberiphl of h'm. ll p titiorw prenetited. The pwlitca i tiiflist had hot tlxw inet at the balk bo- Tav inr the eonal-tbe rr.rrmct to a Sefe-jr. meant, i H Mgaiunw v- j lert Committee r34 ewW ll rrewiect Mee-I aaJer AtfM faith fuUf performed. , -nape, uj a.fflhject oe wmcS CcfTti h4 iU Let the fcol meaa by which Cn. Hnr. riht rtd wsi the, ncJies, r h mt ih.ttxm prop. to discharge the obhationa. In right to act mi xbef Mttrn, with tbetl23 h held the followmn language: V Committee did not Hot h.d nU wrr lejTStaate a Should I be asked if ttiere be no way by h-ch Itbctri'y to act. This k wa tecSaiMcal. bat itb uisntiHl ftiineilo- lit tm Mnm aro i w riw 4r beet it for- irc in It' o.. ti. wi.t.M . tt i.irc in k.m Sfavw. ! ri abolu-hed in la Vrtnct 4 CnhunUa, ike lolfw Keeenw appropriated to that onjoct. the,CommiiifwllwlMtirt.lWiiiol4iw .,'t,? 8!av," , - ! m. iUm mmmam Ia im A-nmafituflmittl nhtrrtinn tfl navr urea ir-ieriru. , a wc- 7 f" r aid fWir iewa .a prWwbi'; 1 traffic m bvI Y . .. ... r , . have been rejerrea.' , iiao n my ppx t1. Ki.M ih,iJ I mx bera rrfrrrrJto u. iu,..m, i.a e,iu Cukte. So. Ifier the di-iarce of the CotrViitte from lb Mena- rial, haA 1 then too-tw itkfortber refcrewee, it j niiht hae 3;rded mt brW pel o charge rial allows tXvmog ibtt acrt, af tbe arnimrnre on . part the neonal aVWee tUubk, ei6rmtlliateist I now For, whilst I I am candid lX aoott, I k4 sr lbcLrd of the : as " lo Emancipation, ohjectioa to ti rwpttoa t sieiai 0 the ; ft mm, give him the p aUdiUon of slaverv, and lbc I hSi.a I snllfaod he will tax the Sou do, the right of peitim as terd, 1 aaMte pre. oared lo admit tlil etco st (Ut ferf, labowrd have Committed myY"d hy lMkg any act which should concede to Crws ihe rli le act ott th niHHitton. Rut it m Vu(jTwt fur SM lo SBT. Hwt what I did is no conrAwKHj ttf jatudtn TV i sUvea, wiihouaorh sanction. r tieo Harrison first peiiuoa'oa tbi ewttrci -r predated toCooxl wiehea to remove att doubt as to his opiniona, let grew wathal in MarcalTW. Tiseawe fmrim anawer ydar inquiryr;If his friends in. the " th toiile called Qinker,w and mm referred lo Sooth he as anxious lo protect their eountry aa a-&ele Coiriwwueww-ti awy jwtisa-tiaf rei-eptiim, and its reference eras voted h by. Jajsib MtvTiwiw tin rcher ewrw-j. wiitef.jBarax her". ' The Report thea srad. says not- a word ganiit receiving 'srtcworub T iiad- P ttie caae U a similar memorial tm tne year nua. In. f m . . , i .tug: jTjeTflsr;-rjt.'TOtej. ty-.iSMBxa...jrw -men, some of there the takmg the ground that they voted m lite grwnrk(ft tfee pinion bad re fefoee to the Africa F!a trade, ai w!l- aa to the liolitSi of Slavery g-rr5y."' ffbe" 'fcet :''Ksfr'TtitjJr Swe' yotedfjtrit f wlrOTewj twrenty that this question of r5repxi rA raraesl and ericttalv dsiud ontil r4e br Mr. CVhcsst ia March, 1SSB; and evra then it OA ac pfvail ; the qtiestion of iwcpioaJegsnperp'leiJ hy.tbe motion to lie on the taste.' N as lo Ihe me atonal pre armed " lionr JnBjrTSjlrpaew'187; Mr. fi?nrfr pwsei tH a pHivwwf the Board ff Manairersff the .Man ami in Socaetvef North Carolina, praying tbat U iaierml rrartc ia Staves may be prohibited ty law, tkmt frvrwonwtay bt made for tie rtmorml if tlate ri may a emanrtputrd, to flirrt ri!hnt tke Vmtei State : Ihxlrrrd, Tost I tie raid pelitma be referred lo the Committee f IFaji mud Mm.9 The remarks as to the reference of the first jV-UU- o, apply with qttal or attll grewter force to tht. A 'rrftrynet to tfii V1'''ftBrhews nst 5t did M clam M Br-iraa-gaCs-saa-asaraciWL - VS - Tjig tSiriwairtTii jmwwr to I5jM":SS'ery ' anf wh'iSt 1 deny ibat longreM b penrer to prohibit .the " internal traffic in 'sves," bow fir they might aid in the removal aa might heVaoaoci- patert, is another .matter, which- Jgrantpdiurii-t MrrviitymttmM niwsi. 1 Such are the facta' and circwoucaacn attending nd rtrmoriere of Henrv Clav and William II. UitrriarjncJiatfeii which Ihey fH instjf "aTuefieiTo 1 ,k.t. .i . . :.;tT'f"ir.'-r-:ji" duct, opoa ihe ebouldera of others, b ont a matter of surprise. And thewr effft tbir charge! may have upon ant, 'I rVjnice Far tbe coon try that Uiese partucans, in their ha-'y xral, taiw commit- ted their owe party -against tbe support of a ay one whosw aeeling and optniooa oo the qoesttoo ulavery are-swlhwe te'eVsibl- mean to boM there o iKn adasHsfia, and tf any one even doubt my tntegrry ea this omMkm. I trust he will not thmk of voting fat sac. Thu being a matter el" deep rm'Jie concern, ha which tbe people rf North Carolina late so mock at stake, I shall now rrard to rxannne, and see bow my pilittcal oppucu. ad tm tb subject. If I convict thetn of dorg uvt ssrpeorting what j they Have mht-4 fix waxr asje, lUsa I aubnul that rtey stand ccsvoed mtt nfthnr own enouhs. I tliall Jol in forij ard home traths, rf a3 others the ntnaf dtflictdt to answer, f ' v , House Journalist Coogreesi, lw'ge : ' Mr. ("here do principle ie involved, and the dispute is Angastitie If. Sbepperd presewied a petitioa'af thef as to the const ruction ol old documents and Maiittmiesioa Socey of Xorsh C,-Lta, pea ing! the accoracy of old survey, and the South is culled Congress to iske ' aasmre ror tbe ef ira Ahulitaw I op to sustain the Federal Government at the of Slatery wiihjt the DittrUtof C-!rxkU ii4, alao, for euppresing the traffic i Sve briveeni the Mid hufnrf sntd ri fkiflrri whirh peiitiitn was referred to the Cufr fir lie IH. eeaaat w Gmtreetis, .Vrted at Ik friradot C. "JaxSwioturtsrd M'hig, aod w.thjhe tart nf hi having presented Ihui tnesaortal, wa svsuioed by Mr. Morehead, aod voted L bx the si;re Whig party in the Diotrtn. Hmt Ctox. has, all oc casion. awHained the rtSt of the AtnttrionrMs la have their petitisa twceivd, smJ at this aery ses .Kmbwaelf prt .He , rf, .. Q u. ker, and be nt a corasitaertU' gai much it their petitK, end th rtgt of vmg them prsrmed. Ia wy ttWjsaInry..hs.vijff prcer.id and refc-rred to C-sntx'.t oa aobj-eul upon which Cirews had the r'l to act. I am mm a, Tory and Ab4iloritt. Mr.ltaf sad Mr.She?. prrd present aod hare Ihes nrrH to the C.j.-n- mlfTer "tV'Tt'.'siV tfTof r."4'ir TW geo tlemen ai Whig and patnotik - i.r ' Let as bow nee bow arxnd Sr. V,, Boreand Geo. Harrison am this qaestMsw Mr. Vaa Careo, in a letter ia artawer to rate a-Urewrd to him by certain gentlemew, a part of wboea am then op posed his electioo, ocs tbe lUtewiog cooclwirv language: ' . . , H r ; ; " I recognize, n tV fjlM rxieot. h pmwrtery of ihtaAtare on ytwr part, h kwaw kit epuuon. and alttHweh there i eothieg hi xoor letter king the vel necessary, I prefer thu em omv you, but all the peoj-V of lh i'wed &ttL UU now understand that, ifiSs dessre t-f that snrti of ti.em wniea ra tvorab to any eirtraliow to the Chief Ma?itrary V, be gr.t.hVd, I aaa( go in to the Presidential chair the anflexible and oacoro- rr!!m'n " (r?lr.ffr7 ,,T 'he part af . , ; . . .i t . . .. . r torsreae to aboimtt sievery mine jwirrci m y-j -i'wtheihjmbwriB-he-;wrt'e-l--irW aenrtis tat; and, also, with the determination, tquaiig Jtei&'t. ti ri:iU !im uliahMtblerlerence wittttht! njl.ject id the States where itexiata." ', . To Ibis ph"le, thus candidly given, he still d- I Ge- !Iarrioe, in lS, when candidate for 'Cocress hi aildrew to the public, unci the fol- inwimr Unffuaces l I amaccujedof leing friendly to elavery. From" my erht youth totlie present moment, ( have Urn the ardent friend of human liberty. At tit mg tiftighttm I bream ntmhr of an Abo- litiem Society, tttuMuked in Richmond, Virginia ; the object of which, wa to ameliorate, the cohdi- tioa 4 awvet, and procure their treeaom oy every th General loveniment can aia tne cauw oi Kataoeipauool I ana we Sfavw-fobieet near Aeori to otaeet near mw irart. lo aee the whole of the kr immim. v., - v '" "ir - -; -- v tr - . it. being applied, embracing not only the coloniza- .: .i .k... ... ,jk,;u CraaJ l.nt th tio nl ihoee that nw be otherwise freed, but the Mirchaie of the freedom of others. By a zealous proeeeution of a pbm formed upon thia baaia, we rnigh look torwara to a day not lar aistant w nen the North American Sun would not look down up.'4 By thia pmpoaition, an dear to Gen. Harmon . heart, be claims for Congresa the power of Appro,, j pete ting uthe whole of the ntrphu National Rrve- power be asks for Congreaa - Sooth to raise a "revenue, and thea apply it to emancipate their slaves. As to the sanclion of the States"? their consent can., cwfrr no power on Congress, not already granted by the Coruitituttoa. Concede Ibis power and a majority of Congress will soon be found to free our they e fatie firfthesoeceea or therr-parfy, let- .iherAn upon him to answer. . - - ; ,.AJewl iQJtuUrtiejKis ana supporters. fo can- l aid wtaA eaa deny the fact that he owes his nomi nation 'to -the influence of the Abolition party. " n Congrese, at its present session, 00 the proposition to einwk Abjditiniin tended to he so worded by the Whigs as to driver from its support the Democratic members from the North only oaewnpporter of Harrison from a non. saves Democrata were found in its support, and to t aem are we indebted for its pasjage, aa the vote stood 114 tor, and 118 against. - j Lo1 .rlila nicts and circumstances involved Hi ihiis matter, from whieff are to le deduced the, loftowinff-conrrusioni : nrrnanhe memorials lTaflhemeraorTals' preawned hy was-, were- from the Soriety of lua ker, in principle and religion opposed to slavery embracing matters on which Congress was t hen Pacting. 2. The special reference to Committee,- not having cognizance of the Abolition of Slavery, wa no admission, on my part, of the power of Coo press to act on that question, nnd a negative of any fair inference of my concurrence in the w ishe of the aneroorialiat. 3. Tbe presentment nf a me-' mortal from the. seme.. Society . by.. my jucceasor, anits jffrreneM UieXa - v. i.rl-"lJrji,'t:l,riJirj.''' ."''" is '"Ii."'-: j oT CoHimbiaTind Ilia support by Mr. Morehead and the Whig party, with a knowledge ofthe fact; ( is a full answer to their present outcry against me. 4. That Martin. Tan Bureu is pledged to veto any thai msTbo - easwd hv (joneressi whereas. rrison ha not given, and refuses to giv, any Ach pledge. Justly, The votet ofthe Whig MiaAMw-Uisgve, frofavbav. HWavtatoldtng - Slate, establishes the alarnung fact, of what they would do had they tltf majority. - - - tHrTHIk lUcjywujM-tbjJae.heJbw them. I have no temAUU Jhat to people orgt ate wttt-do TnsrlrB wthetfjrlmirrdJohe coarury pent ol faction may hisa around the altar, the pa- triolic devotion of our people will preserve inviolate I the Constitution and I'nioo of our Vloved country ; wbilat the cause of Liberty and Ifcrnncraey .shall triumphant, so long as we enjoy the high pri- ef( vrtejrw of a representative Government W Tthr9iiR.eie lenpotl, yuur'ottedieitt ert?rnT; R. M. SAUNDERS. IVma the Chattttlan Mtreury.' TFTB OXLY REASOS f"OR WAR, - Whv ia it that while we are threatened with war aod all its evils, in Ihe settlement of our land case," m which Ihe matter In dispute is no more than a , few gramte boutdera and stunted firs, a terrrtory f worth altogether not as much as one county of ' Alabama, or one parish of Sourb. Carolina a ter Intorr lying ea the barren border of Maine, and sncrifice ol her comtneccial and agricjjJtual iIf.si-. es ahotkd hostilities commence whv is it that the woote l moo is apaliietic, and ttie Administration rmtagy passrve under an insolent outrage which aJIrtjwitviarisvuric. the mnet valuable -portion of Ue-XTninThe r asMimptionof the British. Colonial AuthoriUea in 4 Berrouda to siexe and dispose of the property of Aaaertean citiiena, an assumption stubbornly u. laiaed by Lord PLxatSTon, in the face of rea soa and precedent, ia a violation of thn law of f. nation, and a contumely toward these TTuuited Prtfcsr. Whicfi 'f toteesterf, mut A,.g-.a tt,r r....r-.. fed racy fbrever. Ve grieve to perceive that Adminitrntioo pa- rattoej of Southern ulaves by Briuh authority, as t ...a . - .. "... " tented, and Mf factory settled, because coinperuia. Iron w moaer has been made, in the casea of the Gomet and Lmpnrjiiisv-wluieb -vwrygrsund -on which compensation, ia made in those esses, ncwi the caae ot tiiQ Enterprise excepted, is a denial of ihe rtght of the people of the South to hold slaves, and oefeod them as property against foreign en. . croaebment. The British Minister in spite of the appeal of our Minister ao appeal impregrnilile in He reaoaiB, pMTiist ia yefueing redress for the seizure of &ilher property on board of lha En terpruie, on Ihe arrogant ground that such seizure was made afkr the pass); Of the English Emnn.,; riaatHto B!l thus in elTuct claiming k,r the. Brit ih Parliament tbe right, at pleasure, to rtu'Jify the -Lawn of Nations. ..:;.," aV -have frequently broiighf this matter to the', attention of our readers; have bestow- 4 (we fear, ' wasted,) murh labor on tin Subject; rh.I notieipa ted is this paper. Ihe ground and atnhnnues on'; wbieh Me, Forsyth ha utterly pur down, so' far. at truth and justice go, the rrt-epostermis and inao."- lent claim of the British to nT.-ct hy thir ,w ieiiore Of pmperly in tin oi,f.)(lerey, 'j-'1"1 f-en.-rally hua givon no yi..u.tt.,t,c' rV,K, " p,t the Oavertinicm m.rma to.jii ed to 'bo n!iii,(f 'i they are diHgracefully -aiihiiii'itiiif. to an i,ufi, or rather, they aeem to ho cmshugor t '"J' or,and only dedirooa of concealing n j( ' i not oow inmst on redrest, they are treucw 5 th South and the Constitution.- They nt,"' pect tie to po cordially with them into a tm,7 the pine wilderness on the kirt of Main if l! wmction England, and Maine, and Ne , p their disregard of the Americah COrg.ii.util.U thn Tiehta whirh it ' aer.iima. in il..... nil mternntional law and juaiice, in tlii. Vn h, ,i k.. r.i.ii., ...j i ""WMdoi; . -i . iw viaretniKi u llio iiiiio ui nuinJij nuu BOIIICUerale (ljV(.f( If weaubmit to the- claim of Etii;land to de Southern men of their property. becan pT"t recogniies no auch "property within Imr Iwjl we muat auhinit to thd sume claim at icnil up for New York by her (jovernor. w feiibinit to both, the decision what ahall orilMl1 bejropert7 in Georgia, Virginia.or g.tih Croliw In auch aubiniasion we phice.Me enfir primJ!'' Ae wry etittenct vf the 8ovtk,at thtmrJT:' tixlrahemttpovtr Destroy the institution 0t J ri, and you render worthless the entire Drown, -r the South-YOU DES TROY .TUB SoVtii, . V k. M on it righta I reunite from ill 1 wsi uur, wiiiMD bvmiuii iiicMirt! in roused ij il Let our COUi mumtv mia : respite from its imaiediate and preying mooeu,, troubles, 'lo consider a question which u ante day, but which involves our very exiateneeu piihhca. If we suflor hngland and the noml.- holding Stateis to set our laws at defiance, md L Uent Southern property as no property flt all, ever they can find or (inveigle it out of cnir li,,,, whether on seaor land-rfor that ia the clirtt Hm acrt-lwe may as well decide the question u 01 ananuoning eiuier iiievinsiiiuiioQ of lUrery Of our connexion with the non-slaveho!riih Si.- We cannoiijfi'nrojrselyea be Involvarf jn t , with toreign powers to protect northern prupKr-. ' if the North tot only refuse to join us ia dfact j of ours, but become invaders themselves. ' . J In the negotta,tion, otr government has tonj umphant in argrttnent, while Lord Palni"ri fc , pertinaciously denie4;ur rights to redrensin (,t case of the Enterprise, dontumeliously stnuliii, argonicnt oq that claiai-v-fartlifer7 tie sic tof i his government. ThVnirgotiation having termtna. ! ted wiy rraiitt-ttie lreaidenrjiresetttt rftlilnf. tious unadjusted diflicutty fdlUieatteniiiwftf (Va. reoa and 'hepeepje T "Why slur it in bis fciw aiid"d"weinn the uim'iirety comparison, of (he Maine boundary? ' J .We care not for the rttlres,f other ijrewtg I iftihMWaiegtacttsl "au, '. State of Maine i nothing compared to thuqioj, and we cannot strain at Ihe gnat, the punlii ty of government is ready to swallow this bim-l. 1 Ware laFo' aow, the dlowini1 ri?tr vonf tlie proceedings of Congressthtl one dim ' delegation nas called attention lo tbe euhjeeu! regret that the neglect ofthe Presidew r : . .the call neceraarV. . . "' ! M'r."Rheit ol'fefed'tto f' towin'g resututwti1"ilii4 lies ovei : TfHfifver;! Unotdt Tint the CWimittee 00 Foreim 00 inquire mo me circuriiHtancee .ny l"li jv t Americn. 'p1 Et'terprise ws. dnvefl .rinw weather, in the year letft, into the port of J!iU, in the Island of Hcrmmla, and the sliver tliereia am j liberated by the authorities oi that island, tnd, do it j port thereon to the House. We confidently. hope, now that this qifflimm forced upon their attention, that the admtnwf tion will vindicate their claim to Sou'liera toot (ueneo aureiy-iflev -win noi shnnn ana water "T ..." .. . .. . citing on a quntition en infinitely etxiva ll part' isan coAsiilcrgtionii as this, under ap assault iht! ; strike at the very foundation of the Union, aid republicanism 1 s v.-' i, '- . " Rend "the-article in'our selection to iy aVm (Oping the alvilition movement of the Wbigs- illark what Mr. Adams, the whig elumpitriost avwry trmtto in, and of, the very marrow of this I'flioh- Mhar it ha come to' ihiav that either TfJE D' ., 10N MUST- FA LLkJIEF0RE.,1T, JOS IT - fM ItST; TK kt'TREFf f wwer thw-Ti I tenmtive thtm thrced tipnrr -wfat answer with one voice, and say, if that h thn W jlternntive-"LET-THE UNION FALL!" On the 6tb inatant, Mr. Calhocn, aUyiBKV ful of the rights of the South', introduced Iht ti lowing Resolutions Into the V. S. Senate: ?r - ffextrf vrif, Tnsr rshTpriMTon"llieriiirRv mne oi peace, engaged rn a lawtul voyge,n.cm ing to the laws of nation, under the exeliwtj"- diction of thettuite to which her fl.ig belonji, i so as if cotiMtjiuting a pari of ita own domm.-' -r Rnalvttl, That if sncb ship or vessel aTKw!d It forced, by stress of westhcr or other ananliH(,''t into tho porlol a friendly power, she wnW. same laws, lose none of the rights sppertaininra on the high seaa, but on the contrary, he ami sff the rights belonping to their personal relation tahlmheii h ilia r Ik. Kl. in mhieh lltrv llong would be under the protection which ihe naimrt extend to the unfortqnato under twa er stances J- , . ... . ; eso),,. That the brig. Enterprise, which, forcod unoj-oidably hy stress nl weatlier imi Hamilton, llarmmls Islsnd," while oa a lawful wj'f on the hiph ws Irom one nsrt nf the Un oe to SO" comes within the principlo embraced fri thi! fcrt resolutions; snd that tho seixure snd I'eteotioe . nero on bosrd M the local antlioritHw oi the U waa.an act ia viols tion ol the laws of ntuooA'. fytrrjoet toimr CiriZdWttftatf thtoa: U-1-..J i . Died, near Sulinlintv: en the 2n(i inntjnt, servant nf Mr: Wm H M.. i lflSreira & - ." "."'"j'jj was a faithful and favorite sei-vinto! the late Macay, nursed and assisted iq raising his f""h chihlrem soma of wliom are rsw advanced P T" and was greatly esteemed by the family f t" and iiprigbtnesa. Knnawnr. rson'M n j ' v n '1 ,k. .mninr f 1 ri Taitor by trade, lie has rather a sly l.s propensity of an abatiatilutor who loves W small debts and runaway without payiru? ThH l-.A - . : A im AP" iixijcr, oi rne aoove name, was wtMy . county, ft. I., and this m io apprize w r " his true character. The citixens of Contort not heroafter nermit such loafer to leave ihe. noticed. " A ClTIZb March 20, IS40. r-, .k NOTICE,-Propals will be received w5 15th of April next, for building 0,BoK'. BtlLDINfiS,- Tor Ihe'use of the rZ county The one to I forty feet long by eiv rm.1 in it.. rU.mr- th. ,jk he nllV-IWO M - i. .:. .k...-j I Ii . l,'li,K fat'"' " tTJsu,,,vl1 in me cienr, our vuji j "i, iher particulars of plan and condition, W Daniel II. Cress and John Coughenour.coolf" for the Hoard of Warden of the Pi -nr. - .-.Salmbury, March , I MO : "

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