lion Wuiii lie Government. Ilarnv.n infused eon :Wr4 V.wt ty tUU act Ud W. disgraced, m -! lit eyes of tho nation, and in a leiter on (lie sub ir , iavrrA vote of th 8efm!8 of the lTrii-I " 1 . , frmit rir Haiivnorr fust;"' TXENTY HK..-0S W It V OKN. ll.MtJtt.SON 7" C.I.NNOT till LUXTO fKWIUb.N .. fe, .. ..m-hed to mv nan e A DI.SCRACK. I. Ims-su tie it not o iiten', lor tho want of W1(C, tm convinced that no time or efforts d fjui-iiB iirali. :iul qialirks-tiona to fill the! mlm ai to abla to efface, and which will cause oiTie. In tiim re-fs-rt' Ins friends claim fir him yf, w rwe Ull0 t,e cheeks of my children. no merit. Hw w.ts vowily eijc!ed on the ground j, There is a canker which lie at the root of, i hi aetulibttiij, and M m cutofcloration of any J nj, 0pln;,,m. , i a Federalist in all kit prtnci jiiliiM:tmi lie pjjurwe-J fr lite station. Mr. I pfc whatever ha may havo assumed to be in in Wiwtfrr nirti'l it-rj.reied Hw general feeling ,.Kr f ii, H denies the right of Ihe Slate (itmrnz ,h ' ! 4t least) towards him, who he t (l) inlern0-B jn (heir sovereign capacity, whenever - id ll.rrw w the miy ofjiis friturls,. tiey ,hlfltl h,.ir ,mt i,nporlairt right are awaited; awf rheVuiB and 4:niim of bus fm. j by tlw General Government.' According to hia J. GntfrrtMi ta the Ahditi. candid tie. la diictriiie, (,ty have no remedy jji hotrQjn hand. aJiiiUutt to V fact of bis receiving the support of ,1,;,, wtlh ,he ?l.,j.rttijljts'ff 'u- that theii on- AinOttum (try and the Abolition party, he ha y jrcs it to appeal to the Federal Judiciary Wn.'ifhe wiWH t lh preint rniel, a member wh0 m,y right ibem, if they see fit though from 1 u AiMiii.Mi ?Viy, and has, moreover, pub- dueorpi, whieh more or fess runs thro ' beiy .led himVlt in favor of placing lh fir- , (jrpariments 0f the Federal Government, it it", piuw rmrtttr 44' tlie Viwiry to the hand of tfieje Ktl(ny 10 evp'wtcd that a Fedurnl Jutle would tkiBiiic for tb pirp.iiVot pirclwiing and liber-. decj,j0 ;grtinrt hia own - In enrryingut the t Uiux ih Ja4 ! ..-iMriiwUarrprtorn. 0. H4jFedralitffjhe "Ilnijrtvof Tnrrr ,Bml., i(ii,,t ihn Mliirhteet modifintion. od , ttunp ; id. when.eitMfgwJ Hv Jovm Randolph with ! itrjt' T (h amhuritatiire expoaition of Gen. Jack being aa open ami lealoua mifwjorter 4 the er-dition ; m ((), ,rm lex, tt( ,n8 ConntitutiiiR, nd Mr.N law mud Iiack!kaiW AdmitMSu-ation of old John j Wrtwter'a apnechoa a the bet exponent 4jf iljt lie lniiliil n. . f Itirincin ea of our UoV(?mmeil. llHrnnon will not receive enougn oi 4 i in tavor 4 Iiifrnal IiWiroveinent by l!ta General GfMrerninent, maintaiinnjf ttmt n gm ptmaenw lh puwer to make rWb and ca nal wrthin thn rnretive Stal'-, and V' vn4d jn tlsmrt m opprwiiioft to every Stat RigW awni berttt'that btxiy. , "" ' , X. He a.ivCTite hih Tariff, protectivXTi WLamt iMr only , but evn to the Uting of ia of the remrie of. Jif.' In IS1" aal y - fe nitHii wite ttautte,,b opjniini all reluctioiV, 2(1. Gen. vote next fall to eloct liim. IV-mc "supported by the Mm meif' who. uportfcd Jnhn Q. Adamr, Henry Clay and other federalist, lie will ahare a hkrt fate. . Fr-n the Peiullrto (S. C.) Mturngtr. , One of the create! oltjecliona 4 the Whij( par. y, with Mr. t'ln y ai their head, to the elevation if , Uen. Jack ton to the Treaidcncy wua, that lua pre- h, r .ir nr,.l ui Jin luai. caiii ih(v fliin.ii iteoition reeled mIv " hi military renown. In 41 hi abanidii mi thf tufct by declaring IhoJ ' tlHs eoncurred with them at the time, and mil " b wUi mr tmt lh teet t Norfolk und- Ihiilk the oltction valid. Mr. Clny, txilorojii r"iiarioi lowered with ", than- coiwent Jo a r . moaiineation or a jrpeiilol' tlm Tariff lawa." ft. ii b i 'fir; f ' Natiimal Hmik, wish " Branche peitetmriitg every part of the country an itMiiititinti utikmiwn t;ih Cftewtiluiion of tb t ruled rt;itii. and, a exprncoce bit proved, dan jprnu Ui the; litiertie' and prrjudicial to in in. til'MB of ttre petf 1. . V-.' "T'-j-i T.. Whan member of the fJHuo legislature, he ' wacl m far if wiling whitrnieo into aervituiie btrdeiit 4 waitfirein eifecl connutr wubiih" .. biarlt xwSailn'' priiwMpleiu The famed blue law tfiate i vfnvrin j Vi remove under tlie plcthal 7" ' 7"ib-cot i fijlailnu, einHainedJ similar provision.. . - K eqwgmk.fcs,th,. piiht, .mt t!nwi - . alkiliah luv? ry.iwL ui ihiivwrttv '-"' . at th mtaveflulding Staler thar m an cohiiitul'umal atneetHm to if. 1 I'The enuae of emuncipatMHi," I - Mid he inr his 4ih of J'lly ortttinn at Cheviot, Olim, fcMlVvaMi4mjejf mmr my nrrr,"-atitf iililci7 thiit by Wfi'jiu uminriukiii of the work by Con- j gwaa, ww'mijjht lvtt fiirward to ,a .dftyv.n,itrj - oisrtniit; rbKen SHth American' ami would not l(t(itiliici tinnn a (Jive.";;, With the eonirnt of the rfavemilifinj; States.! tVi with their emewnt lifooe, all the other State lmulJ be taxed. And there u "no ewaaitulidnal tdijection to thtt"i ' "' " 9. Gnu ml Harrmoo firnt wpiircd nnto'riefy a mwiMam lor uie rreiii?iiey t i im i intcu m by tlie llouite of Keprcat'fitativea in 1 elect aaoigned iiis reason for preltrriiirf Mr. Adam to Gen. JiiHaon, and hi appreheuawaof I ho danger of fleeting military thioAaiu wnn the moat prom inent. In i-, while another election wat end. iiig,he delivVreJa upeeth ' at lialtunore, from which ve makan extract below. , Whother Gen. iackmii adiuiniMruiioo elfecled clmnge in hi opinion on thjt auoject, or wbethe.i the reverial of hn tHiitiment i attrutahl to otner cru, we have iit tndertijod frotn ba aaid publicly. Nobody jprelinda, a Inr aJjJhiive fTftWt Wim: f) Tji'ffi -iwry -iwlifK'rtho1 fir eivily jpiveronient. " llin elniirm to the Presidency red solely on hia militu y -ehiwven mid"iihHmjgh "fafiii,''iWn''uiI" iWe ttptieff f i rtpinied by some tf 7aiher7iuivo. cal, yet hia fm-wU cIhiiii f r him tit Jiatitriion of ; r.i i I u e....n.. i ini; to weaken the forte of ' Mr. Clay' i'iriiw.r 4b - jectiij.,"ty''wyinti, tlint. thjir cauunlate ih not much ol a ueneral.ljero . M..lhe.exjrtc vl C,$:iliiimretv(ii:h it ---N.-.- " Uegurdlena of all iuipntaliona, and prnundof--(ho opportunity of free .and unreal ramml intercourito with all my (ellnw-citizen, if it wer physicnllyX pniihte and cometib(e with my official dune, I ' would viit every Sltito go to every town and bnm. , etf address every mnn in the Union, and rntrrut (hem, by their' love of country, by their love of lib-' erty, f ithe a-ilie of (hcmaelvesjniKl their poaterity I rum ike A'urA Zurtiinian. MIS R. E I'll KJtJT ATI t JTC'Tt ' Rf tlXTf !1 ).'" We karo that the Federal. tthifcT candidutu ..r I the ollice of Governor, at the late meeting in Or I .n.-e. charaed the SJecretary of the Treasury with neglect of duty, in not promptly ioing lRal ?ro cex against Bwartwout and I'rice, who are dolaul- ter to the Ueneral tjovernmeul., iu cuar onlv Drove how iunoraut uome men are, who would lam be thought to be rrar men. , i no lonuwiHg letiHr from IL D. Giluin to the Secretary of the Treawry, dated at iNew York, November 13, nail the falae coin to the counter. We rejoice to have it in our power Ihua pfompt ly w refute thia charge, ami if any of the federal preaae should pronounce thit Utter a forgery, we refer them to Cuogrewional Document No. 13, tet ter No. 14, p. 23. c Nsw Yom, Ndv. 13, 1839. -Sill : Yesterday we received a duly certified tranacript of the account of Mr. Swartwout, a fi nally atated by the accounting ollicer, allowing balance due from him. a late collector of the rev. enue for the port of New Yorkof 1, 374,119 05. In pursuance of the proviaion of the act ol'15ih May. ISiO. 1 forthwith iasued a wasant of di trea apainat the anid Samuel Swartwout, and Brn lamin Birdaull, Charlea I Liviniston, and Man. . .... . . .. .t. .! :l gle!l. yuacKontx!!, tnu, suretie in ins ouicmi bond vf Mr. Swartwout, which waa forwarded from the ollice of the Firal ComiHroller of the I reawi- ry. The warrant of dintrew, with a copy of the a'-ro int. wa delivered to the Marhal witheut do lay, In make i levy on the entaio of Mr. Swartwout and hia nurctieiiti thia dmtrict. . . In order o perfect the lien in the mariner tHe act require, the Marliul liaa already caused the levies be hits made, with the dute,.to be recorded in the hThsb of the clerkof the diatnet court, for thia district, and will continue so to do ai addition al property may be aacerlairiiid. - Although the partie are rnaident in thil dis trict, yot aa the act of Congrewcontenipliite the iaaue of difll-rent warrant wlierelhe eatate In tended to be taken ami nold i tituated in different ilistriclg, I have iaeued onn t'l the Marabal of Ma ryland, and another to the Marahal of New Jer sey, and I nnve unecteu tne mom ngiu sciuiinv io aacerlaift Aie property that can be levied on. f he only account of any In either State that I have been able to obtain, i that embraced in the two mortgagea to the United Btutei, relbrrecrtu in my lat report ; but it is auppoaed there may be other Jf8pcty''r7" feW4TirKfile'miiMe incorpo- rated br uriincorporaled. At all ventj Tnore lull description of that, and all. other will boob- tnitwn -8trd-mbracedin tho'rttnrt' tthd' record of the tisvy, so H to T make the security of the Uni atlf-exposod a" mere hollow disagreeable reverbe ration m the empty stomach of otTicu acekuij."" I he Whips are to reform the Government, in priMil of winch They prim nine hundred and ninety iiil.e version of the battle of Tippecanoe, the greut glo ry of which was,,lha,t Harrison with 1200 men did not get wholly defeated by 4(10 Indians. Now, in fofmer times, bolore tne ua soi uuiul-biioii, . we used to " Uurrall lor Jacnaon, uiers wua in deed a vaht deal of noise, but then what a gener- ous cause there was for it 1 1 here was the coo , cession of nations to hi military genius, and plain histury had rnied hint' to the companionship of mmi ihat never die the Mi place where the few..: of every nation who have done really great things - . f - . L 111 t ..J stand together a spectacle tor ine wormi u when we gathered round the fresh planted u hick- -ory tree" there waa in its turdy and enduring trenglh, covered with the rich and inurrouring foliage, a aentiment full of the might and dignity and sweetness of liberty I , What have the Wbig got? A barrel tj aour cider" on tap" in front ofa log cabin ! They boast .that they have actually ; ' spent nights io drinking the nasty stufl", to prove their enthusiasm I Tin deficiency cf taste runs ' through all the A?higxtaga eflectv Some dyT since, a company of boatinen on the Ohio caught an eagle (nt least they called it so) and determined to make a grand occasion by presenting it to Gen. Ilarrison iu front of the aforesaid cider barrel and. cabin. A concourse was got up; the eagle aa put on a wooden dish and rained on a pole ; speech- es were made and the General apostrophised the eagle as emblematical of Whig predominance, but in the very glorification crisis of the ceremony, the creature took occasion to behave much more like a voona- buzzard than lheMbird of Jove" never was such an ami climax. It may indued be doubt ed whether it was not a real buzzard. The blun iter wat not greater than mistaking Gen. Harrison for a hero. i-. --;'' - '" The Governor of Mississippi tttord 13 of the acts passed by both branches of the Legislature of that State during its lati session. An Impostor! f E most sincerely regret, that case of hypocri v ' sy so often occur among the clerical ranka and we hope the M wolf in sheep'a clothing," named in the following letter, from Mr. Mayhew, will re ceive Iiis just deserts for imposing urton the com. -4iMMtityrP ass-Mivi -along, brw her ' tym;-tlTHfl,h(r inay he held up to universal contempt, and thus save many from becoming his dupes. "Nbw YomV Occembcn7;Ys'39.a,! 8ik : Altbough l arh not "beisonally acquainted t T- taes through rtt (Viti1n:sl ntl Marina of Pennsylvania. Ilti aviKv hiMMll t?olitet Anti-.fliisoo tn thel m (tie name of their venoratrd anceotors, in the e'.,'WJ3JiavriiiLJormd his prrjtulieet i;.ii it maMBiry. for beck a hWcan re(uenib"r.n ; The iht t6jlkhelive44- fh utility of ihir tnsrritut im no ni" qijeltin j. hnf llit attempt U- press-swh liiiibshef into service foT party purpoties and persu- n-d amhiiMinvean n!y .be rrjtnrded' with public i.ti i wnmv t-a -irrsTrTTf . Id. G;n. (lurnsuii i in fnvnr of distrimiting the ir-icoo:ls fnmi tlwf .snlts.-of the .national tlonmiu aimmg thw tnlen, or, in other words, is in trvor of ru.ting liio witnln pnoHe tn pay the debts which li-nf tit Hi )w atatii b is emitrm-U tile iintirwv Itsr w)iutevr bwithdraw from the Tren iry h fliev; pr'fliat- Httwlehnoll ftfuaT hp, HI 4TNHH tne unavtrittable expetKiilures l the iiv4tiinenf. ' JLL.Jil.a4ljMitt4 ting ''p:iH!r cumincv ay-ttein, wlwch hat efl(!jii'if. Uj, ssn e.vtiib isuus'iit, pi'tiucBif ititr'ius"re. W4unw i-trade- rviiIuaMrBXiewlinif to everl nameifthehnmnn fhnvityTdt'rTrtvjnTeresied in the filfilmeiit of the trust committed to their hands by aH the peslc!ory which we have ..won bvall thai fWalfs us as a 'nation if we nre true and faith ful in gratitude to Hun who has hitherto so signal. J&$icd uifc leuiplnie the precipice whleh yawns w lure ual If, indeed, wc havo incurred the Divine displeasure, . and it bn necessary (d chastise this people with the iron rod of .'vengeance, I would humbly prostrate . myself before Hun, and implore Ilia mercy tn vis..: fvoreW4 -wHnWJlUrWilh-i'n LKNCE, with FAMlNE wtth-nny SCOURGE. " other than military rule, or a blmq and heedless t hi w i a ted Siates more compile than under the w.rlgsge. '" ou 1 f a y w, prcetv. jne oojeci m n. iw. aA h ih Mhi .. my leiter, you will excuse the liberty I take in ad- eaosini the m.t careful carck.liwlss.aAx.luf.l Hie psen,fd,Kovenrig whether "there are any bal . bv ne Mieof fcno L. l-enw.ckiow moneya or stocks belonging to Mr. Swartwout of ' this nty, (former a Baptist preacher, and fa- ubicUjai Lave not been Urctnfow informed.--So whulf known to the cttizenaol Monroe County far it doc not appear that there are j and the gen- he " Rnemi Importer, u manufaclunng a eral impression seems to be,' that he is hot posses- 'medicine and selling u Ux tnnMatchless Bimattve, ed of any such property. the most f perceive, you areMhe geuernl Agent, remarkable circunstancea in this case, that so 1iU "av? every ren,un o beltqve, ,r, that Mr. Fen- il .l..u,M .,.. mm I u rnmnln. nut nf irh .! wick is an onppiictpled man, as h was, not. long ,. rl 1 . , . ... , , . . . . . - umunl of money. . . i aince, oeposen irom me ministry, ror taamg m y The return of Mr Swartwout by the Steamship warrantable libcrtie with member of hi church,. stiU l.s.ked Tor. She has Dot yet arrived, but nereiure, in. enemy w imvery,ieriausii. i hourly expected. ; that, he should be speedily exposed Jest many of WW rerwrt; Mirotf-To-yoii the circurri- my e0WCll,s', h0",d 08 elrttded by him cut stances which rendered it a work of extreme difii- wl ",0,r " V'l,".D,,:,:'Ji.,orI,' - I'1 , ,'-.-,, . r'. An V i . . . " Vrl Jay Worulnjg, '. A pi ifa; 1 8 10. Candidate for Sheriff, in JWuT ' COL K. VV..L0NU,1 JOHN II. HAKDl; fttr We are authorises) to "aiiiiwiac CotrViio." M. SMITH a candidate for re-election to (lis offio,f Sherjtf df Jkvidson counts. r...;v---Ti . I deem iljllrf..consct8utrou duty" f every man, tn expei " villainy and vice, wherever and whenever he meeis at IliMirlas ' mi t rnt rtaf AnnaiLieal trr mitA numULmMmmtovm w nVlVnuimfnexf week I have a daughter, who, thank God, has been raised from a waiting skeleton to perfect healths-and system by which the honey was abstracted, and l,,m, lo. Dv ,ne "nPle 'w,,ns 01 UH,nR one ' a" Ika JnRi- nliouM till lu.n .lu.l.i al.l.,1 I B IIUII Ol 1116 Till I C 1 1 1 S OnilHIIVC, WHICH lOOUUIIl ir. 1U,. w irid fmm ,, inr.,rmH.,n nr Mr. 2.VJ Broadway, of C. 8. Francis, your airent lhi jmjierfcjwrjw Oudenand Mr. rhilipe. coiifiVnied bv theMajmoa-a- ' Aboltiimitst of Miissachuaotts, in connection with iltTnrorThrrnipmitoraiid portion ofTTiiuWhij,' party" there, "were using cully and dHny to trace the details of tbia long con. tinned defilchtwn. Since the return ot Mr. Under wood vesterdavVand his ability f now that the slate- incjiLof.lUa.acc'iait is BnmplyieiltiMtovote hiat- lent urn exclusively to this branched the case, con- lers hie progress bus been inane. 1 he general ctateheotrvw-which-ha wrinduced- me tn art-." ever, feel wtisfied that we shalfba able to trace out drM voa thx unceremoniously, and hoping that . j . It lias been gravely swrled t)iaj'jhejeoj)rjrn(j ibcl3ath1?ahtS niort thin the BanTorirww tfir-penp)e, rfnd a." ilut c-'i''tijf, iid. Mi'jiiI 'tU rl-n ff the ' U Hi vote while ajnwnber of Congress show turn. tuv'istv favored every prnrlijtiit!-exs-iiihiure of the politic money, and to have oppeied every .wJlultiai ii itft i mi' atai m-tt t-tUfm Mve vupjtnrtnt the eonndidatHMi uf power iq Congress at the sac nflceof the nchl of thw States, " t'l. Ilia i m favor of that attribute of monarchvv mnntraaing stamlinir'army faial whilst a'me:ii'. . ... V lieirnf tcrt-r giv his vole f, r a staiidlhg army f twirot ihonsiirHf nirn. " "" "' y .3 LL. Ha evuMted tithsa)ar wf every tj'i-ilifica. rum it -tti! and a diplomatist during lu :jiiuwhhi to t'oMtmiii.i, by his letter to itnlivar, die. vfjiin" fti him the emife ihiii r In tm pursued wrhnr aJinimajraJU'ii ul the (vwmnient an interference w!krn, lwn aittnptinl by fleuet in our Govern- menaauaed hnn lo bt wairned from the Count rv. and' whtnltv in the preMVit disastrous results, Gi Uitmsoifc, baruly CHped snssmation-.the; lute nxta.u.ntit merrlin.iis sr pWed t rrarfut risqTm.rel States Jliink has a morlgspe of his whole therefore the Infer have no riht 4o coinplaiu if lie Janka do not redeem theirpmmies to pay. -Whal ' do nor renders ay fo lhi, I anphod to hemelvea V4MMU44-nf 1 p.shr f f lW'-fWrrre'"6r the rii' plead guilty In $he charge of owing the banks what they cannot piy, or indeed if owing tho .banks nt all f A very snail nuititier we are qnije certain. and we hsve nraiMajshetheranj. who nwpnip muss sue.u mrse a mourns, are gener ally either the director uf those institutions men in 'olTif to whose inlWnce the banks look for mm. port tn the stand tbey have taken against payinj thcif .debts or, ruckles sperulainrs, wh,-with large possessions, and the appearance of wealth, ' mortgage every, tiling to tlie banks, jnd ultiinalely., Iiave tl i r honest but lex cunping ererhiors in the lurrb. An Instance of the latter kind occurred lately in the person of aMr. 8teJnlrBerjfVir-: ginia, a cattle speculator, whTTTiaa been ensrnjred in a very exiensivetrade, in Baltimore and I'lnlu-' delphi'v " Sometime last year his' aeent or clerk dimppeared very atrsneetv, but nobody seemed to' have any suspicion of his employer, - A hort timn since M r.jSnhrger wspt Vc(Zt.ft.i4 it ccuialhe, tration of the actual' amount of sense there is in nave tn none on tneir sine, saiu one nt incnito us the other day "they are the movement parly they will certainly triumph. It strikes us that hey have always, had the noise 4m their side and andthtt'ivencti!. r ' . "... .4 U. .... ..I : t . ' 1 . . . .". monrttna uie vuuei cv.nes su'ijeeieti m iiiHinm.-ut li'iaanh. Timetyiiiterfereuce prt-yentcd moi so Ciuiavwuissimve.' -. ' - ration fi.r thu olfice nfl'remil-Dt of this Keooblic, amf anninri't that his diiirs will b tHipplied by the Tttlrmreotrh men Who will b caJled uito his coon. . cils; or, in other wiwds, that the olBre of Pri(leniJ of the tnitrd States will toarwd out, Ge. Hir Uiir nxMiev. -, We see an article a! froth a Lou isiana naner, stating that thij a;-nt recently passed pn,trtjs JeJU44th-a veirr-et. tin niahJT' ol the ptopi have been benehttej hy the bank C, enmmndation to this mnnt The following artielefrom, the Vkkiihurn Seiili nrt, shows how matters are managed in Alabama and Miatiasinni, and is quite to the point : ., " Ae tki Prot U skis yi. and tre riW n? the novin2 tti nonor. an I ioohiuum.Is, ami I Peonle. M TUe is another armimrnf which bank lumry mvKr wnoww twn moi wirewd V Uin-ct Idireetor impiidentlv advance when they are en . lit iiiilM-ciUiy- will I hw ihe President tiiAcl.; Jt Ui krwttM for fihhin-v rci-itry " f! ii Ti appmrn nii.s pi'iiuop's' ihwt ii i mm numu i.!Tic ol i fr0Wi a'l their acts, that have yet seen the light, tlerlt of tiamilton Cuwoty t'.sirt. , j , thai it is h. few. eoni(lhrativelv speaking, who oh. lft. TJie election of Gen. Harrison would civ aicwsslewry trvpei.ripiesi.t war J"toVVH r HWttt inr 0L 4M4. jmvemmftn priar.iolrs r. piuj.UtMl at Us or4aniaitnw, and which Jrfkiwnsv, wud. tiwr wnrthf coniriafrii hay wg, -- . ...... . hw it "4ft-. -sltfSW- "SVt4'i41 ISSi' w .Trjiaie-.iiTy' wntMno-U . w- . A" IT. Tha udke in every department of the Giv ' wemmeut would be filfttd with prod ste p4iiicians and deuiHinH(u, now ImmiiuI ttigetber as UmJer nf a psrtvv bv no other tit thsn their ambitiosi for puwwr part? numbering, to be sure, many men tif worth, but eh'huly mal us of tlw variou fie. tin: ol tii eoumry Federalists, A hflhiiisWs, . .. a.ti"iales Am M Mons. tisrk-j"Wersi, ejieeulators, and disamonntwd politicians, 4j ... ( Xi. t..utrM itself tuts pronounced the men pa vn-y sr Gwu ILrrr-w. WHn a resolution was opposition In the protectiv policy a policy -M toiirw lb- SiMsstwe Hinted State, dirertin sesms to us to be the only true policy of iht ii. a ft.-- " war , 1 u ... .... . . ' tsined sc-rommfxlmiatuJitnm themtn tliewliole snsshil to bat struck in hNior of Gen. H irriann and ainsv Shelby, a motint t ttrilct eta tbtt nam ofl Jsv Harrison waa d'-cvdVI in th aflirmslive sitwnsuM ln onsspii vocal to ha mistaken, that his assrvicw wsm n4 entitled to this maik of appro!. . .. ...".- of the State was loaned to mm gamltcrs. In this P'a'n the rejiort nf the Cotnmfssioners shows that in 2a WU whieh veey rtsmmeft.TTT "birnliirec. tors were hiflrbted nearly five mi'lions, much more than the circulation of the same bank. ' This ex. animation did not even embrace the Union bank, the PI inter's bank or branches, thw Urandon bank, the Agrictiltursl bank, which are well known to have been eonduetcd in the fmilesl manner." ft, ' Tribute of na Oiprsirnj The Bostoa Cowrirr snyi:'1 Tlie journal which Support the AHniinistra- twn, so mr as we are acquainted with them, we be. line, without a single exception, are decidedlv in hich nflhe coon- try. 0 at delighted to hear such praise of our (riends, the Democrats, from so honest and well informed a Federalist at the Courier, Inng may the Administration jnurnabj cotitiuue io vo rHind a falih.-rrAneJrstn Miirrury. ..... i. . IK wieiwr "i iiiinwiiuiiuuiis uCflu OQ K fourth page, will be found a cnpiial article for thug. hard tunes, entitled " creditor and debtor." Tne reader la'alsn referred to our first ptije fqr ome 1 interesting items, under the lie) of ' aeleetiwai: ;v .- : e ..-'.;.. .'f ..; ': ' J011M M. MOUEIIEAD '----f-ry . Thi gniitleman, we understand, in a speech b fore the .freomeo of Davidson county on Tuesday last, travelled out of bis way to assail and viltify this paper and its Senior Editor in a most leurri. ' loiia aud wanton irt'inncr, Mr. Morehead'i reaaoni " for this attuck ou us are best known it himself- but we ar not conscious of ever having dune bim V a personul injury, and since' he Im been io tlw 1 ! Geld, tho federal candidate for Governor, w bavt ' (rented hirn willithi, utmost courtesy, as our col. umns will bear teitiinony a eourtesy'which.if seems, he ia ho) : cajwbJe. of upprechitiiie. H l tre understand Mr. nlorehead accused ai. ;n connection with the whole llepublicah press of ' the State, ol 'having Assailed Aim, .and as haW ing accused him of being an AbolitioniitJ lMtL Moroheud hat certainly .not read (ho Western Car. ' olinian, or he would have been compelled, lirsz.V fucedaa he is,to Imv bluBheion ntakieg uh(' to sucti a charge against air. .Mure head Hitht inost distant manner nor havo wf, as et, ktld Ujt 4 puWio aoraHhy the ieadittg "ffiiittreal rif fi oeri alisin which ar iinricttirns in Mr.' MiffehraiT " political creed.'Wtjede had intended lo'btv remained nasstveiy iilent. in thfl contest bBtsms Mr inorenenrj -BtitrjiKigir fraunners, through per sonal motives; merely expressing our preferenc for the layer, who is tjie jepublicah xandidate--; - J But w cannot, and will not, remain silent and rtif.' fer Mr..Morehesd to rtmjf trttr-npnn tii, i and (sir press, hia scurrilous imputations and falae iccuia. ' lions. Having himself (bus become the assailant, ' j Mr. Morehead cannot complain if wc hereafter it- lend ourselves and our cause with such arguments and facts as we have at hand, regardless of the frowusjoi" rjnso jrenj.. a..mau.Jui. i-idetly fancies himself (o lie. P.J?. Siijce the above waa in type, we have re4-' ceived Irom a Irienrrin Dovidson.a cotninunicatiun on the subject of Mr. Morehcad's speech, wbirh . ... .... n-. JMWviiMl-J!'tS'ggV:'l", i limes, amounts, ana miMit's, in wnirn. me various l - i - - - r . . i. , , . sums of monev were rosnectivelv taken. M ' S'WOT rf pctfu . T . t J. PMAYHEWj , 1 cation ot anmMincing.tliaftliese .e..vrtioiM ".r.vw"" , , -llD GILPIN. IDDavwlllndj : - ' icism and fuder.ilism, have triumphed e Hon. Levi Woodbury, Secretary of the Treasury Boston, Maasj ' Jk J?aMv Jouicsthtvhearery why Wnbtsit to start for your city, will hand you this letier, and, if you desire, he will give you -a mote detailed ac- ihi mnf nf fori lll 1 Irinn ll lrsllt,l Ka SVmastai Ixlas inm ma Weare waiting patiently lor the. practical ill" tJoop,,. : J. I. M. x ABOLITIONISM TRIUMPHANT ! Our remlers will recollect, that in a leiter from . correspondontal Washington city, published in great exertions for (he repeal of the Inw of that WIIITU Knwrlfle1 i.uf uuial-. "fymrtTif XXtirTeilnn SirreHry. WHIG VICTORIES, AND SO FORTH. !Kr REVi:itE.u i uros rou ! i . LOOKOUT! Lx)k ouill.hmk out for an IN. FAMOUS KN AVE, by the name of ENOS L." FEN WICK, "I New York, who waa formerlv a that the misfortune to. them waa, that their noise BAPTIST PREACHER, and belter known' to was that of an infinite number of blunderbusses th citizens of Monroe Lountv as the REVER- going off inw midair, with neither target nor bul- END IMTOSTOlt "the soulless VILLI AN, who lets remarkable, be,ide the smoke, for only one was dismissed from the pulpit, sometime since, for effect, that they are very apt to "kick the owners improper conduct, is now rendering himself still over, mere arejiojvjraiwpiringa-ma local ttieciiJuore lnimnousDy.JwiCKeaiyjiueuinung 4 imposo lions which by no mean indicate the triumphant not merely upon the Church, but upon the WHOLE march of llarrisonism. , I be Male eduction in iN. I CUvlML.M II.-." . , Hampshire ha iust taken place. The result shows A few months ago, this Scoundrel wrote to the the Democratic party more powerful than ever. subscriber at Boston, and wished to be appointed Tha eitv of Concord, which has heretofore been an agent for the sale of the Match!? Sanative. stionclv Vhiguavo. A-CuumleritU niitrqy fir j.Tlia.Generid.AgenVJint knowing, hw-. depraved f the Dcmocratio GovermrTheWhii Juilwsd character, gave iuro. an agency, andurwarded - pretended (hat tlioy made no serious effort; but I him a quantity oT the medicine. This lie soon they had a regularly nominated candidate, and it sold, aud remitted the money, and ordered Hnot Il ls poor evidence nf their reliance on t heir own braes, er Jot, which was sent jbuut uoe..niimth4riicv-H i n ma ui -omm ciauinni antes uic numinailiNi ill I i v byuiu any susnicnai as to mo arugn ol his an ti.: :4 .:.i i:.i. . . . i- .. . rin.ii pimuTTiiii.i ..uiiuioaio, mry uiu uo ultra la ipiymv ir iwocy, or iu conceal niS " H0ta I bring to the test their pretensions to "rrreat iraini."J FooLZ lia made- a Bartiaf-remhtsneni tf Tt.i "iil-a'M every where their ' all the world going for jM of tha last .lot,, only ten days ago.' Yesterday, Tip "and the universal H enthusiasm oftlie Whigs.? with utter AsroiijAmest, the General Agent learnt Id tha very first battle according to their own ac I that this Rererend Deceiver is now impiously man counts, they run like dastards. Call you this whig ufneturirg with his own unkoly kandi a worthies enthusisifiB T : 1 h have also shewed more of the medicine, a tnvriovi Sanative, which hn is rm. same kind of nniumtiim ioflthel ptacea. -Tb char. I idovieg swindlinn nedlflr Io Hklin sm-n llm mililii f1 lereleetinn nf ilia city br 1'eli'oit Ima just taken j as the Genuine Original.' . . " place. 1 he v big candidate for Mayor was elec- MtO" V the people ot America will only bear ed by 4ijoeiir.;"A7!ar agoh had a nvajotity Airf,in mind, there ta not even 1 putmhtftty of their of mom than 50t. this tmia.chWringmdi. Iieinj d.iped, by this unprineijdeei rilhnn - The " ORtiliafar HaniswfttTh iocs) elect inns in the fact is this : Q3r SiPtdltr or Iruielting ApenV Stat of New York also Indicate, as far a we have ever bren trnfl'trd in thit country ta $eti the '".rl!.Vns.wrne..suigular asMwiftff .sjr p tn$ irvUk"luiigper$imioUon the"Wfiitf to ris two feet in haudbill and go commit(m.-jr ' Again, every Agent of tha 4nt) - down three at the poll.. Satiativn, is appoint by Hm Oenent Agent, and But the worst sign we have nhservid that the rcei,"w the medicine directly from (As Deposit. Whig have got np a Convention of Young Men, rj i Boiton. , . "; to meet in Baltimore., We consider thi as a eon- " buy' the Sanative, (and alinoct firmed ay inborn (of desperation a death rattle every body doea buy it ) remember the above fartt, the last vehement effort of a dving candle to blaze. Kn' ,nev ",,T ,ur obtaiuing lh Genuine Or. Fbey had just uch a Convention in 1S3'J, and there iginal VompoumL , " r were as many change for Clay then atbrire teJ-N. IL EveryA gent nf the Mstchle. San. trrllirrisonnow. Philosophically spesking, there ative, is eornrttly desired to' give n immediate Siay be something in this doctrine of the great- atr, by having this article inserted one month st noise for the greatest number." but the niaiska in all the naner ill their loam. kmt ,!,.. ik. 1 of Ihe Whigs i to huve supposed that it meant the General Agent may be rtrfoiii that the public are fi. . t """ui omning ai ail. pm on tne roos; uui toy tne impost, he Will kind- Within three months there have been written (Jair !v thank all his Agents" to forward him a ropy of vrr lbs sober at'nso of the Legislature iuCJLiaacliiitsUl Ilie last IVtersburg Sttthtutnn s!v s ' " The Legislsture ot Msssachusi tla has. hv a wits . of 16 to 104, permitted tho intefmarriitg.; of yvhitew. t ' and black - The vole waa very n.sirlv fwrtv ime- j '. .iedf.dliis34iWwtn . . ject, and nearly all the Democrat ajuinst.jl." . i- H Thw Asithern people may here see the tend. cy and ultimtitutn of Aboliti.s., aided by (he v Northern Whigs f Ts'this the party which, bti cauie they .iil umler ihe veueralOil Mine of Wbii, ' the Southern people are to itoalesce with, in sup-,. port ofa candidate for the Prcsilcnry t Well di, i the patriotic Editor ot the Potnrshurg StatesmaB exclaim:," , " ' " ' " . enwrTylharohrctrd so strcnTlrm 1 die iKsninatHNi ot Mr Varf Buren, becuo he was a ' luliaUiUiu of a non slaveholding State. This istb ei parly, that showed so much Isjly horror al ths btrt mention of a northern 1'iet.ident. To be born north of ' tho t'ototnac, was then a crime that could not be atoneJ,- "I S.l'lojipeiit wsdvocatinjr tlw purest dootrisfsw- IK;uiocracy. We are conrideut tliat in the. southera. Slates there ire no Abolitionists ; and would it bt pro lent for the South (o unit witb the Northern anliei for the purpose of elevating to the Presidency s msa " whw i -nof-ohly an" inhabitaot of a Free State, but whose nomination wis boasted f es-svtrirtmpli over - the slaveholder!. The Southern Whigspretend tom',.3. bghtnf the nlcdga of "Mr. Van Buren. to veto an bill that might pass, for tha abolition of slavery ia the I'- .ni " ..n a ? h ' i.. ui vviuiiiuia. ovj prricr B Hian woo win - 3 pIcdlT himself to use the Veto to protect our rights agsjnst any invasion that a majority of Congress nnf . see fit tn make upon them. ..... "Orrittress i laid by some of Ihe Whi r psyvs '-- mi, llnrrmm't Di'llii? t Vii.'miaii aa if tliat CutlU . atone for iinbsciliiy-or woiijj .fifliiMa his is?P"rtr"""T in. atpib- t "Wintfiess. Is not this an objection, rather than a recmieiMlsii, . IUs not the tjen"' i in getting "rid .of Vsiriiu polities and Vtrsriais a-' - ffur,,, given us gtuuod to nuepcct at ia -UiatJmu -f heart waa not with us. j !lTbi5..Ma5aciiUsetUall4ii-'v hoeo 4 icea-i- loyetlier the discordant materials of the federal party. , Tbey play" a strong game old Tip keep dark hi friends in the north legalise AiualgamatNM ; his friends in ine ssoum cry oul against abolition.- Where na tional Bank is popular, aching is cssicr than to prove, that the Gen. is in favor of a Bank--,On the etbef -hsnd, wherda Batjk is unpopular, it is full as easy U prove him lobe iu greatest for. With the Interna! Improvement men he shows himself an Internal bn pmvement man- with the oppose of them, who m"' Violently opposed W Internal Improvement lhan.0t ' , Tip! "In short, he is all thing to all men, that by Hyt-. weans he may gi m snme votes." Vai Pavidsi chargei rest, he btcail struck ber of i the l" the exo ihed I mm on that th Now, ii such a like bin to prc should hie mei fc But, I ;r Exu the Re Ut Got Judge these j might t Lie a y But ticlewi si tempi (lis H i Moreht sing tin ligence are dot Edited grosses per wh lilion C designs )Vsliii ling be used rtimi," all.4ivei , tlie peo tiint Mi ''ling fiii This by the the St ii that in. sent it i . author. North means ' (hem k Dsaa circular trcDs, f.i ul l0llti siul of CtNVE 1 reqmrrd wish-to" iitiral tr , tllltCHU ( V.ifisor rjmprtlt H e I. till' CDUI tu'iil ge ik 1 1 em Tm; ta mollis o li:l It mi t rsp" be Niippl i . e son -sfttieTt vlioso I br cl lull..! . tl.miijli "ris. frestly biwysnl resulu. We sr tneins petuate to do hi upon Ui P!c's 'nil the Ficaie i r"ifh! tutacri The Kiesi Hepubl C. Ri, of hw -Biitsin t'mfesi ; lives T of Harrison, with an indefinite prospect of mm n nam been said, Harrison has a many lives as a cat." and t her im amie . v. a n .l . i " . . on mi t a taisa aoi4, a trick i worthies foor I . :.. J . ..." racu ppcr soTOriwn in, soon) n$ paunble. -.. w. ..! S. ROW LAND, -General Americsn Agent, Depository N. 1B9, IkxviO, 1339.- , "- Wuhington St., Boston. Death of (;ternor Wolf The Eaton (Ps.) Si-n-inel statca, that Gov. Wolf died very suddenly on his way to the Custom Hnuso. II fell a M he reached the Custom-IIouse door, sod ""l f" few inoTtienta-after H i-aid to hv ben fr fcetly well when be left his boarding bouwe. , ! ' Ml Willi f interns lag.w Rives. Wesle Ja. wvan-i aseuib. warn) f"tiot l a, 'veil i Men, il NiUc Th iaPei wit John, Stite Re Xk Tl Vio li siijj -scM -4 y w . .

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